THE DAILY BEE-OMAHA , SAIUSDAY , MAKClx" 15 < 1884y THE OMAHA BEE. Omnlin O/ncc / , No. O10 Fftrnixm St. Council niMffii omco.JJNo. 7 Pearl Street , Ncnr Broadway. Now York omcetloomO5Trlbuno : Building. Tobllnhsd ererr ir < > rnlnf ( , ' exocpt SuniUj' Th enl ) MondAy morning dully. IRUS BT MXIU Onl Ye t . $10.00 I Thrta Months . | 3.00 SUUonUia . B.MjOtio Month . ,1.00 Per Week , 25 Cents. ntl WBIKtiT Bit , FUBLIiniO JIVT1BT WHDHMDAT. nRMl rOSTTAtD. On Year. . { ZOO I Three Months . I CO Sit Months. . 1.00 I Cno Month. „ . 20 American News Oomjixajr , SoU Agentt N w do l. en la th United SUtes , A Communications rohllng to News and Editorial mitten ihould lx ) adilroavxl to the KDITOB or Tna Bit BCSIXMJ MnXM. All Hinlnwi Iiotton and IlomltUncci should 1)0 ddroueJ to TOR nil ronusin.ta OoxrMT , QHAIIA- Drifts , Chock * and 1'ojtolDeo orders to b m Jo p jr ftbla to the order of the company. THE BEE PUBLISHING CO , , PROPS , H. &OSBWATBR , BdltpT. A. H. FIteh. M n jor Dally ClrcuUtlon , P. O. Box 483 Om&ha Neb. WHEN Bismarck opened his mouth ho put hia foot in it. WE haven't hoard anything about Frank James lately. Has ho boon Onally disposed of ? Ouu twelve city detectives must hurry up and got in their work as their thirty days engagement will soon ozpiro. OMAHA'S boom this year , particularly in buildings , promises to exceed that of any previous season in the history of the city. MOUSMAH , of the Pacific ox- proas , cave Mr. Tailor a good breakfast and cordial reception upon hia arrival in St. Louis. THE Iowa senate , by a vote of 20 to 24 , has agreed to submit the woman euf' frago constitution amendment to the pooplo. Iho probability , however , is that the bill will not pass the house. THE fast mail may bo a blessing in dis guise , but it is all disguise so far aa the Omaha newspapers are concerned. Our Chicago exchanges continue to roaoh ua as usual by the slow mail , about thirty hours after publications. F IT is high time for the registrars to pre pare for their work. 1C they intend to comply with the law , there is no time to bo lost in ( living public uotico of the days' upon which they will sit and the places where they will open their books. If the postmaster of Omaha cannot keep the postoffico open during the night , because the appropriation for lighting the building has run out , wo move that a contribution bo rained among the busi ness men of Omaha to pay for tallow candles from now until the 1st of July. We'll pay for ono box of tallow-dips. THE woman suffragists are beginning to appreciate the fact that money is a power ia politics , and that if they wish to "catch on" they must put money into their campaigns. At the last mooting of the Massachusetts Woman Suffrage asso ciation , it was decided tit raise a cosh fond of $10,000 with which to push the suffrage work in Massachusetts thin com ing year. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE doctor factories of St. Louis and Chicago have just turned loose upon a Buffering community about ono hundred and fifty young men with diplomas , entitling - titling them to practice medicine. Wo have too many doctors , such as they are , and wo have too many medical colleges. If nine-tenths of the young men who aim to bo doctors would seek some other oc cupation or learn some useful mechanical trade they would find a more profitable field , and the publid would bo greatly bonofittod thereby. Many of the medi cal colleges of this country are frauds , .and are responsible for the largo number ofwould-bo doctors that are annually turned out , the majority of whom are no "bettor than 'quacks. ' " NOTWITUHTANDINO the wonderful progress - gross that has boon made within thodaal few years in the application of electricity , Edison , the inventor , predicts that with in fifty years electricity will propel th < can of the etroot and elevated railroad : in Now York , light the city within am without its buildings , furnish power fo all purposes , work telephones and bur glar alarms , deliver the opjra , conve ; parcels , detect and signal fires , oporat fire engines , and possibly displace animt locomotion for vehicles. Thia prodictio of Edison is not ao very romarkabl when ono considers that within ton yeai nearly all the important and wonderf i electric inventions have been made tl telephone , the electric pen , the mien phone.tho electric light , and many othei which If predicted fifteen < twenty years ago , would ha\ boon regarded as among tl impossibilities , and simply the dreams an occemrio person possessed with a f e tile and clastic imagination , The fact that Jtbo field of electric ecionoo has jt begun tobo explored. No one doul . that U yet affords the most wocderl and the most profitable eppwtunities f inventor * . It eemi strange , tberefoi that there are BO few practical eleotrldai With uch aa open field for renown a , X < . * fortune , we are it low to undent * why thf re r so many young men w are i eViuK to crowd themselves into i ranki of Ib * already overcrowded p : * feMioaa of swdioine , law , literature " ' 'other o-eaHed jeuned occupations , wbih ia niuty-w CUM out of a lit ' dr d they eoapelled to paw throe H " period" of from 1 y M , aad is mmy itutacw A wh > noirrsr JOHN TAFFK. The death of Hon. John Taflb removes from the sphere of activity another man who had taken ft very prominent part in the history of this state. Fen men in public life have cnjjycd a bolter reputa tion for strict integrity and unselfish patriotism. Coming from li's ' native state , Indiana , where ho had boon roared and educated as a lawyer , to Nebraska in 1850 , when the territory was only two years old , Mr. Taflb at once took rank among the early Bottlers as n man of ability nnd character. Two years after ho located in Nebraska ho was elected from Hurt county to the lower house of the territorial legisla ture , and in 1800 ho was elected - od to the territorial council as a republican , and was chosen president of that body. At the outbreak of the war Mr. Taflb volunteered his service * and was commissioned as major of the Second Nebraska cavalry , and served for fifteen months with that regiment. Returning - turning from the army , Major Taffo loca ted in Omaha and became associated with the late Col. E. B. Taylor as editor of the Omaha JtcvuMican. When Nebraska was admitted as n state of the union , in 1807 , Honest John Taffo , as ho was then called , was elected as her first representative In the lower house of congress , which position ho filled with signal ability and orodit to the state for throe terms. Alter retiring from congress Major Taffo resumed the editorship of the JRcpitblloan , and con tinued in that position for nearly two years. In 1877 ho woa appointed receiver of the United States land office at North I'latto , which oflico ho hold until his death. During his congressional career Major Taffo was largely instrumental in secur- the appropriations for the Omaha post- office building and the Omaha bar racks , now known as Fort Omaha. To his oflorts also was duo in a great measure the location of the army head quarters in Omahu , Politically , from the earliest times , Major Taffo was an unflinching republican , and while ho al ways adhered to the principles of that party ho was in full sympathy with the efforts to purify it and divorce it from the monopoly domination. Ho was ono of the few congressmen , who , after six years of service , came out poorer than ho wont in. His death will bo sincerely mourned by a largo circle of personal friends all over the state. ' IT is an agreeable surprise , remarks the Chicago Current to road in the reported proceedings of Congress that n proposi tion has boon made to have the funeral orations delivered on the occasion of the death of a congressman printed in Iho Record without delivery. It i well to make a beginning of reform in this mel ancholy direction. As a matter of taste it would bo bettor to have only ono eulogy delivered by a congressman desig nated by the speaker , or if a asuator is dead , lot ono eulogy bo delivered by a specially appointed senator. An other needed reform is as to tkc matter of funeral expenses of deceased members of congress. The ordinary coat of trans portation of a dead body from the > Atlan tic coast to , aay , a point in the Missis- sisaippi valley Is from thirty to forty dollars lars by express. The transportation of the dead body of a congressman to ouch a point from Washington costs from &L,500 to $2,000 , and sometimes more. The ex cessive cost is duo to the fact that a largo party of living congressmen accompany the corpse in a tylo _ and at a lavish expenditure penditure- the public money whichiaro far from being warranted either by abso- Ititoly correct taste or by the oolomn character of the occasion. THF. extent to which the dressed beef industrjHias grown is shown , by the fact that of the 1,183)000 ) cattle slaughtered in Chicago during the peat twelve months , 700,000 wore required for the dressed beef interest. Establishments fyr the dressing of beef fo shipment in refrigerator cars have so far proved I very profitable , and Omaha will reap a great benefit from the enterprise which will bo in full operation near this uty t early this season. The Omaha establish ment will staztwith n slaughtering oa. pacity of 500ihoad of cattle per day.and the capacity will bo increased as sooniai possible to 1,000 per day. All the ar < rangemontn have boon perfected fc * the Omaha slaughtering and packinghouses r- and their construction will begin na BOOI as the weather permits , to the talk about Tildeugoei in much further there ought to le mittoo appointed to investigate and report ra ul port en hia actual ooadltion. Ii seems t be otherwise imposublo to get tostimoii ; 10 upon which an opixion can bo leased.V nominate Dr. George L. Miller as on c the medical examiners , or TUB democratic Ohio legislature hi redeemed ita reputation ia part by pasi ing a civil rights bill } hat prohibits dii * . crimination on account of race or cole in all place * ot public resort , iucludirj " eating-houses , restaurants , saloons an . barbor.ihops. fir re. AKOIHEU good St. Louts man has got ni. wrong. This time it ia a bank tollerwl ind carried off $30,000 of other people rod money. If the big thieves keep on thi rho will soon get away with all the row the cash in St. Louis. iro- iromd OAUFOUNIA is bound to boat the. wor in in everything. They have just lad i un opera house riot in San Francuwo. ugh ten JOUOK McOiiAUv'H shoo * wro still i iole cant , although there are a score of M who think that the aHoea would fit thi as perfectly a > * tn ° y were ma ° to ori or for them. IT ia not alwnyo tu' ° early candidate for the city council that catches the vote. will bo the A KEW moro editorial letter death of the Omaha Republican- OTHER LANDS THAN OVII& The stormy scenes in the Gornuvn roiohstag over the Laskor resolution hna culminated in an angry , but powerful speech by Bismarck , in dcfenso of his arbitrary course in refusing to transmit the resolutions of condolence of the United States house of representatives From the autocratic standpoint which Bismarck occupies as the chancellor of the Gorman empire , his resentment at being expected to act as postman , as ho calls it , for a foreign legislature is very natural. That the iron duke should con descend to make a personal explanation in solf-dcfonso to the Gorman commons , affords very striking evidence of an im pending political crisis in Germany. Bismarck never would have taken the trouble to justify hin own conduct in the Laakor mud dle were it not for the fact that a po werful combination has boon formed in the reichstag among the factions that op pose his policy. The now coalition between - twoon those elements of opposition threatens very seriously to procipitnto a crisiswhich weald compel a dissolution of the roichatag and an nppoal to the people in a now election. In this pre sent frame of mind the Gorman people , aa a mass , are not in sympathy with Bia- marck and his administration. While they cherish the most cordial and friend ly sentiment towards America the indi- cent assaults of tho-official newspapers of Berlin upon Minister Sargent indicate but too plainly that the rolationo of the United States and Germany have reach ed an extremely disagreeable phase. When an arbitrary or captious govern ment wants a quarrel with a friendly na tion an occasion for it can bo readily found. For speaking in complimentary terms of the congress of the _ United States a member of the opposition was rebuked by the president of the parlia ment from departing from , "tho ordora of the day. " There have boon many times that need not now bo recalled when a > friendly men tion of the government and'peoplo of this country in the Gorman parliament would have boon greeted with hearty applaueo from all parties , and the president would not have performed the ungracious task of enforcing the orders of the-day. . But now the United States cannot be men tioned in the Gorman parliament'except ' in the language of protest and denuncia tion. Though the Sargent and the > Laskor affairs are wholly unconnected , ' in their origin , they have become blended to gether , and are treated in Berlin-as sep arate parts of ono transaction. Minister Sargont had brought down upon * himself the displeasure ot the Gorman chancellor long before the Tom Ochiltroe-repolution reached Berlin. Taking their < hint from the government , the official organs ao- cuaod our minister of improper interfer ence with the pork quoation , and they wont so far as to charge that ho had provided the arguments and statistics for the speeches in- parliament condemning the nation-of the government in prohibiting the importa tion of pork. The transmission of the- Laakor resolution of congress to Chan cellor Bismarck furnished a now < oppor * tunity to the government organs for de nouncing the American minister. For this proper act they accused him of gross ignorance of diplomatic observances--and loudly insisted that this government ought to put in his place some one pos sessing acquaintance with the duties of the position. The organs of 'Bismarck ' have now entered upon a systematic warfare upon Minister Sargent , ' with the evident design of compelling hinitto re sign his poet or of cons trailing his .gQV ornment to call him homo. The assurance of Bismarck- that ho ' entertains the moat friendly feelings for this country may bo taken for what it is worth. Tho. effect of his grjoat speech upon the reichstag will bo watched with intore&t on both sides of tlio Atlantic.- . The-oocoad battle , fought on Tuesday , between the British fortesunder .Gen eral Graham and the rebel Arabs undo : Omnau Digma , near Tamur WclU , > twelve iniloa from Suakitn , has proved if any thing more disastrous to the rebels than their signal defeat two weeks .aso-.noar Triukitat. Full particulars of .this .batt tlo havu not , as yet , boon received , but 'enough ' ia known to warrant the state- raont that the British campaituv in the Soudan is virtually ended. There ia ovidtmtly no intention on the parti pi f Croat j ritnln to chan&o the pplioy an < nouuced by the oppnmg.ol iparliamoBt. The jwrotectosate. ovoi Egypt will only oxtand to the , second cataract of thu Nilc and as unattool 'precaution ' British troops aodivareiup : , will occupy the raostj important ( .pprkwin , the Red Boa coast. The proppotds.non very fair that the otfbrt to make rzoioa- arrangements with the vttious ribj tliab team about aid occup7Ytho csuntrj between the Rod Sea ana the soiuoe .ol the Nile will b succosalul. ' U non Ohineso Gordon.still roraiiaa at lUur toum boktod horn the- rest of ; thi o i Btitiah forces , bttt now tjvat toJagrAjhl I coBxmuuicatior.i is restored , lletwcoi y 1 Khartoum ani Cairo ha.will , doubles bo able to pracuro the ueceainiy ! saoan for his roturc > now thatttho. < aaballion i virtually u The campaign for saveraiwaib in pai liament , wiioh is nc * in progress , ha 88 - developed the policy whichtfcliA conserve 8 > tivos promote to punqo in.thair effort i or got coairol of ttu gpv uuueut. Tl : : marquxsi of Salisbury , , ia ono of h ' declared tliatr t&a consorvath id o was to < appeal to the pooj ' on yublio buainca , .o na Ully on in . uro * like the froachiao bill , which BAOI fioed England ajuLScobhuid forlreUn [ no a fac * which forl Qdttdmrly appeal. ho vrg d a ditsoltition S prtiunont.befo any change was milo in the f&nchi tyatem. Ho declared the Kovornmen oy policy had aggravated and parpetuAi the doprenupn m industry anoi trade , : oauied th - law wages of the wwki classes f ho Irish land mwkot ww pi alyzed , and no capital cwild b inti rid duced into Ireland. The. hippiug iut < an. est wu attacked on faataatio grouni and i auio and confuio thrown into t interests upon which tike country dopcu Radical attacks upon property would i troy tlio workingweira w ana of liv ion hood. Tlio Egyptian ditactera wet * em to indooision arUiug from divided cg < Bcla in the cabinet. Ho was opprtod to the surrender of Khartoum , which ho declared wuuld bo surrendering to bar barism what civilization had won. It remains to bo soon whether the people of Great Britain can bo gulled into a revolt against the present ministry by such sorohcnd appeals. The combined ndvanco of the French upon Bacnlnh , under the command of General Millet lias boon successful. Cable advices from Tonquin report that the fortress at Uatminh has fallen into tiio lianda of the FrRiich , with but very little Joss. The victoiy was duo mainly to an adroit flank movement , which was entirely unexpected 077 the part of the Chineso. No report Ina ynt boon re ceived aa to the number slain on cither aide , or the fnto of the ircrn'aun , which consisted of 7,000 Anaciito soldiero. Unless the French have ulterior designs they will now rest on their liiurols , but there is a strong probability that n war with China will follow , reparations for WOT on a largo acalo are gc'ng on at the Chinese capital. The inrpcnchmont of the minii.t\jrs of the king of Norway before the special court provided by the constitution of 1814 , has proceeded so far that on the I27th ult. the prime minister was firand guilty , was sentenced to pay a heavy fine , and was declared to have forfeited his place in the royal councils. His of- fonao woa that ho had advised the king to refuse to acknowledge the validity of the law to amend the national constitu' tion , although this had boon passed by the national parliament the number of times required by the conatitution itself. Aa King Oacar heartily as sented to the * views < of the con servative ministry , if , indeed , ho did not originate them , the * decision may bo said , to bo the condemnation of the monarch rather than of the minister. A a the court was constituted with aa much of a loaning toward the royal authority as was possible , it may bo assumed that its de cision ia a finality. If King ; Oscar is a man of good sonao and does not wish to drive hia very independent Nbrwegiana into something like a revolt , ho- will ac- quicaco in this decision from thto * highest tribunal known to the law , and1 will ac cept the amendments to the constitution as valid. Unhappily ho has not'jhown much good sense throughout the- whole affair , and it is quite possible that'lto will renew the struggle at the first , opportu nity. _ It ia quite certain that some kind'of an agreement has boon reached bet ° peen Germany , Austria-Hungary and Rwsaia which ia expected to insure permanent peace among the empires , and to enable them to disponaa with armaments onthe long frontier which divides the Teuton 'from ' the Slav. Aa Russia and not the 'Teutonic ' ompiiea might have boon ex pected to act as th aggresser in caso-of war , it ia not unnatural to suppoao that this now move is dictated by her inter ests in the Eutr and is welcomed by th * ether two powers aa a release from the necessity of military prepara tions * undw which their rev aourcos are staggering. The , 'allianco ' moana no peed to England in any case ; but the Gorman newspapers probably are but practising upon her fe&n when they represent it s meant to- resist ; her commercial supremacy in tho. whole eastern hemisphere. Russia evi dently ia quite ready to toke advantage of England s embarrassments in the Sou- | dan to carry out in Central Asia plans .which . would have boon too dangerous in .othcp circumstaneea > So she tore up the jtroatyi of Paris in 1870j when Franco \roa in the death-grip with Germany , and' ' - England was too anxious about the out- i > nmo of the war to send a fleet into the BlaoU.Sea. Mexico hasno political conventions The newapaperado the nominating. The > papers begin a > discussion of candidates about- year previous to the presidential election. Nozt they "postulate" oa- nominate cortaiait oandrdates. At thu head-of the paper- will appear , "Wo pea - plato" so and soy naming the journal i choice- . Then , .on. election day , the votes * jusetnblo at the polling , places , and eaci deposits a wriitenn ballot for olcctorn. Wbo > are to conatituio-ih electoral boaxJ Of the state. The law. stipulates that tkta ballft must -writtonand a table , wife paporand writrogi utooails , is proviso ! boaido the ballbt-boA , . and the ballot muii bo writtsn and' immediately itodmndor the inappotioa of the aupemi- bor. Sometime * tho.votera of the i jontvpartioa will moot a r w hours previous undiagroo upon < aome oandidato , but-UBa- 'ally- each votwJiaa B8d a choice of : oaa- diuatps without any pressure from rjnaty machinery. . , . i mu * * ' fright an. Now York Politics. , A.IBANY , March 14l lloosovoltf oltnr- pun of the appoiol aesombly coEccniltoo jnvostigatinaino-denartmonts of tio-local governments of-New-liork city , prisoakod I to-day a voluminous-report. Tbacom - mittco forod. . maay abuses due. to. mon- JQxecution 09 > vioUtion of good lawe * . The bommittoo agreed ) to- report niao bills. j\vhich , if ndoptedwould ) obviate Uia evils 'and ' aavo th'oicitjv$200,000 annually. In jail departments- they found uacum [ bents generally , eifclior dishoncafc o * inof- ificiont. IlidoJj. tta whole ( j vawimont aoomed iobo in.a. condition absolutely appallinf { < The dbaJa by whic&nun Lave obtained ppaitieoniao. dovolopc-Lb-y tlio in- vostigaiZsja casts-a carious Bid % > liht ; upon Now Yprk. olikica. It shows with Btartlingdiati&atuuathat under the prei , out ayatun , mon who ncaiir.i lly hold oflico wxv notttho ouna wk > really ciao tLe $ owurv tat the latter cannot be held ooRonaiblo for their -Jocds. 0 EUUa 10 WieiJittHECW , March liL The b ast conunittoikon postuilicoj'Aml peat r-jods invoetigaAiu certain charge * against JVsp. resontatvn * Ellis , of ijovusiaua , twani moutly ad ptoa the following rosolciiou. ItczalwiH , That , aft rrtbe ezamlfcAtior ol aMi witnesaea produced bolon rtho - committee , pro and coc < and & fall invostigvliDo of the olargw reiliuuDg uK > n Hcn.t Joe Ellis , rpflresca toBtatiw > fromLouslM a. in conn - " " ° io j tha Star routa f nudi recently I that comnutteo of > opinion tJbat vo llckugea are uttarly. Rmundleea , andun 'lo I supporUd by ovudeaoo. tBt I The chairnuo. was authored , io draf rir Idud report to , Uiijhouso a roaohi n em d , ( bodying the oubstanco of titofiowgoimj le | \ GAlO til HARBWUBO , HisMisoh 14 , Th lotailsol tha- damage by tbp tornad which ffiosud over a parkofi Saline couu ! laat Thisday , are juat taiug learned. 1st farm hou&a were ciiroly destro e < soveml others unrooftd , badly dan ge and a down or mot * barns and othi outbuildings torn to , pieces. Tiviro wi . c&omuoh damage to fencea , ' jiba ai uthorfann propwly , d l ( Volluica i > r HieVeek , f > i-1 NKW YOIIK , March 14. Fuilurea of t ] "uo nast week 816 , against 272 the preoce 1Kb I ing TAXES OH SCHOQi LANDS. The cst on Back Dues , The JLam * .Set Aside by Treasurers , i tlio Ilcfjucflt orCommlsslofJw ICon- A Storm Brewing Corrospondonitr o t TUB DEI. LINCOLN , 2fob'.f March 1U. The rca. ' estate men of tlu'tr city are greatly agf ted over somi- peculiar developments * which have lately coiuo to light ia tin matter of paying taxes on school land and inasmuch aa' ILaod Commissioner Kendall has got hia itidcff finger at least , if not hia whole hncd [ on the pie , the politico ! atmosphere h'liaul'eto ' bo tainted with molmilos that Imvo-a direct bearing on the proper management oSf the public funtlai Strange to say , tho'ctittao ' of edu cation-has brevrcd conaidcrablo-iroublo to the Nebraska otlicora of aitsio oTor siixo the days of Dbli-vid , the Pawnee-jovoru- or , and if1 the1 people do not1 talfn more- intimate charge of those thoiuavoat sacred intoroats , tlioro will bo an orposUM ono of thoso'd.-vya-tliR&vrill make some oil the ringatora wiiln thsry never ware" Uwrn. The nature of j TPIMSWT 1 > AUK Sl'OT on the horizon- here now , whUih'1 usn- 'doubtodly portends tvoiorm , is aKOut' ra ftllows : It ia provided in Socticn 10) ) , Article 1 , Chapter 801 , Eovisod Stnttrtos , , which makes general provisions for scli'ool lands and achooL1 fund , that in thorro-- dornption of schociilnnd' interest must bo paid on the accrued misreat up to th dat of rodomptrcn } , Jfc leaves no alternative - native withtho cocnty trwjiuror. Ho bha to icaist on the p,7inont of this intoroot upofintoroat. Now it so" happens tliab Hon.-E. E. Brownono - of the well * known senatorial Brownsy 3sns consider * " bio school land , and-ion'tha ' unpaid put > chase anonoy there woainteeat on intoi- cst duvto the amounb'ofi some ono hundred - - drod dcUars. The ether * day be appeared ! before Coynty Treasurer ( Draham and tendered-n certain amount ) in cancella tion of' thia indebtedness to the state , less the interest on the accrued interest. Treasurer-Graham , withis - sne of the most capable men that' ever held said oQbo in this err 0117 ether county , and who is & < > a man who knows hiorighta and darcr maintain them , inaiatod en'tho ' full payraont required by law. Hon. Brown rafosed , and in justification thereof presented a request which putook very muh > off an order from Laad Commissiocaci Ifendall to Treasurer Gtalmm , that 'the additional interest bo-ovorlooked in-'Bio-wa'a case. The official1 in the plain brisk- , capital of the county ' refused to atknowledgo any right in the- official in t-i * ornamental atone capitol of the slate to--interferein the matter. HON.1UKOVi'N WAXED W U.aOTT , and it ia understood ho will-cndsaror to Ijavo the attorney general aid-'him in , do- .aiding their- the treasurer- ' accept the amount tendered. The great i questions are "Why should Commisoionor J ondall interfere in iheae matters ? V/hy alexnld lie-bo mixedAvp in thorn fvb > all < and at tempt to actras drill mostcso'wen county ireaaurers , bfrthey veterans' or > MTT re- crudts. " ' Eato he boon practicing th bus- n < aa to toy great extesty nnd < iJ cote what extent-nnd whence luBxcomponsa- { ion , if any there bo for saeh'ezt ? olfi- cial duty ? " . ' GJho general opinion , ia that hohaa dirc-aied many of the-trea jureis throughout the state to omit the collec tion-of thia interest , although'the law ox- preeely - commands it. Real estate men here , who have land interests oQ over Nebraska , aay they n < ivor were called up- on-to-complf * with tlio psoviaioEi of the statute.except in Cedar county. Hon. Brown exp urahia ; poaitcni. by stating that a Mr.iSitoldon , of this -cityIioa been relieved f-tho pay me nt of-this compound interest on. ohool lands , w-hioh he owna in anothepiioouaty , and all'Uhrouch ' the kindness' o > Mr. Kendall/ and he ( Brown ) cansittercd that he should enjoy the same i > rivil go aa hiafriend'Sheldon. . Certainly &e- should . but it i may bo an unJortunaio thing 'Jov Hojidall that he over attempted to dc > this interest busi ness up a3 'Btown" saya he did. 1 In an event it will cauae qu t a little commotion i among the county-.treasurors of the atate , and the esuLis not reached tsrday.\byy aay moana. . The--taxpayers should have a too zoalrea > tregxd for the school , fuad , to allow this , manner of de pletion.of the educational treasury , and 1 the time Ires arrived It'sLand1 Cornmis sionoc Kendall TO KIHK AND ZXpI/ATiCb ) nejiS < aango little straw. ia > thia con necticuii'vtho fact that The Journal , the "boat republican paper in. the-state , " baa riaid.i no7or a word adout tha-matt or , BO far. aahpaid from , n "though i ii has been thcu du'af "topic cf-.tho.-tiiaoa" among Drominant citizens hero forva day or so and. ] lAiih the othoi pappra-havo noticed { t. It stay bo , however , thai to bo the j'bost republican state" ro- qiirp3.tho ) suppreaajon of juat such news , as tliioy which so directly afibcts the ita _ Jujiuo. TEt.EOItAI'Jl NOTES. Th&quoea congratulated. Gkaham on ate victory. 1 /A convention of invoataiB.'twill ' be L/inoinnaU , March iiOth. j mo Illon ( N. ! < ; ) pUUwtJalm tha bww > Diteing tha tirst4 > * i > ar lu.UtoCCUD" ' " - - ' \jf \ ejectrfcity. Yellow fever l rafrfi . Calico. John b yeri , thot American tractor 1s B nng tboidoanl. Jnusual r tivUy , praraili amoa tbo e ilaos at'Farxo , UtKhitx It waslearned t a commitVPO MX gpoa to Manitoba , and moy rep > rt that Jlvaly Urea will bo eoa in f , few weeks. The IfonJana have 1-JUO breaci loading riQ a.wilkbiia. oV > rt dUtacja of t'49 frontier. Tlio wtstvn woollg wera in omventloc at Denver utapted mancotlal to cot roas aaj Bft the wooiujilpBtiKwaagioaUy iijuredby iba reJuoticft.of tha.tariff of 1883 , and atrc gly nan before con gress uJiUI ) aims. oi further nJuctloo. a uniexm ille Alatnunk. H. & Ueu v d Mrs. Joba.TidtQCBawtnt . killed ; olKen wore eerl- uu4y iuivrad. About Ui'jty houfA4 warn btawnto atouos. TLe ttona left fte earth rrfter dexisialiog nearly na inlloa. At 7 aBlooV Thundkv i ht the gaa In lur- noco U , oi Kdgar Thomjeon's twl vorky. at lo Kraddfck , P * . , exploded aud Irwtantly killed * Wta. McQall , lenotulj Injuries two cx iera. IX The coacuwlon wan tpnlble , rsudlnK Us fur- d. DM a under and Bc&Ueitng tha doUrb in all directions. Theboiycf Mc all waa ma > hot ! to a Jelly. or The Fltz John Sorter btU from the ien U ua committee WM mauudod y Btrlklug out th < nd provUlou for tbo restoration of IXirtor "to ol the rlgu'a. tltjsa and prh liege * i , { the rwil bold by him. at the time of hia dUmUaa ) Iron tha army. * * ThU U the amendment whlc ! necosalulos the return of tha bill to the UOUIA ho According to the Unuso bid Portar Mould bi id- entitled to souie $70 000 , or full pay from th i STEELE , JOHNSON& CO. , Wholesale . . . CJ - - - - * Vf .uv tn \ tj < * JAVt O1 > UI\UAO 1(1 UiUAWO Il.4il.U J stock. Prices and soinplea furnished on application. Open .orders intrusted tous _ shall receive our careful attention Guaranteed. AffSNTS FOR BENWOQDMILS AND LAFLIN & * HAND POWDER . . . . , . a 11 i. ii i i i.i. mmiIMIH \ i iijitttm \ m wyu.lirifcTPa "THEBESTTHREAD FOR SEWING MACHINES Wit limnntic Spool ] Cotton is entirely the product of Homo Industry , njzd fw\oronounced by exports to be tbe best sewing ninchine thread in the wcrW. , FULL ASSORTMENT CONSTANTLY ON HAND , and forWe by HENLEY , HAYNES & VAN ARSDEL , in&n Omnha. Neb. IMPORTERS OP WM * A " % 'T1 J& TikT A T 3 * M Vff * & HAVANA CIGARS ! JOBBERS OF DOMESTIC PROPRIETORS OF THIT i CELEBRATED BRANDS : Vlotoms , Esjeciales , SosetJ in 7 Sizes from $6 to $120 per 1000. OLIXi'W G IEADING FITE CENT OIGABS : , GrapeSj Progress , Nebraska , Wyoming and * Brigands. I LICATS EASTERN PEI0ES Jffllira > FOR PRIGS LIST AND SAMPLES. Dr , CONN AUCHTON , lO BRABT ST. , , DAV3NPORT , IOWA > U. 8. A. Established1878Oatarrh , Deaf noam Hong ai id NerToua Diseases Speedily and Permanently Cured. Patient * Oured'at 3teno. "Writo-for "THE MEDIOAI-MIBSIONAKY , " for ths People , Ifr'ce. Oonsnltotion and Correspondence Gratia. P.O. Box 292. Telephone No. 22G. EPONi 3II > WAB ' .D RU38ELL , Postmaster , Davenport , Bays : "Phyaician-of ea'ADlilsy ana M arked Saccess. " CONGRESSMAN MURPHY } Davenport ; "l w : "An tiono rnblo M n. Fine Success. Wonderful Curos. " Houro. fl tn 5" THE LEADING CARRIAGE FACTORY 1409 14' Dodtic Si. I * & < & * ? ? } OMAHA. NEB HENRY LEHMANN JOBBER OF EASTEM- PRICED DUPLICATED ] M8 FAHNAM STREET. - - OMAFA NV.B Double and Single Acting Pouter and Hand ? EngjcA.Trinmings , Mining buMnory. . ! Boltiag. Hose , Bne&and Iro- Fittings * team. Pocking -wholesale ud retail. jaEAJlRADAY WIN > MILLSOHUROH' AJtTO SOHOQ& BELLS. Corner lOti'-Faxnam StM Omaha Neb. C. * GOODMAN , . Wholesale Druggist I AND DEM2SR ] IN OMA'M , NEBRASKA. A. WAKEFKLD , AXD IUCTAIL I. . is , Fie SASH , DOOP BLINDS , MQEDINGS.UME . , CEIUIT , PU3TEB , iC- STATE AXJENT ; VOR MILWAUX3CE OBMKMT COMPANY. Union Pacific Mepot , - SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growera of Live Stock and Others. ' WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO Our Ground Oil Cake. ItUUu bout and cheap * * * teed va ( took ol any Utid. Co * pound I * qnal to thro pouadl of core Block t a with Orounil Oil Cake la tfc * ITaJI aaii iVlnwt , iiuiom o ( lonnlnsr down , will iucreaM In weight and b < to good multcUblo oob < UUot In tfa inrtoz. tteliymmi , M rfell M otb n , who UM II can twttly t4 ° | lUmrit * Try H and J dr f-Ji lourulvtt Priw ft.wn .atiooh mior ck . - - - - * I W001MV4 U.18BHD Wi 4 _ _ _ . . J& ilLull 1fctt.jff.ftfcimagTJ'r vilrTjiifc-