fV , ' THE DAILY BEE-WEDNESDAY , MARCH 12 , 188 * . S , W. Cor , 15th and Doitelas , Offer for snle the inosb desirable lots 011 the market , nud can prove it. it.Our Our lisb embraces property in all quarters of the par.2 o the city proper , as well 119 all additions. WHY PAYRENT RENT ? We will build you a house cheaper than you can buy the material nnd contract for the labor , and sell house and lot on MONTHLY PAYMENTS , No more than equal to rent. DON'T ' WAlJJ Prices are steadily advancing , and a small payment will secure ti bar gain. gain.1OOOOO 1OOOOO Acres Farm Lands throughout the State. I. N. WAITE , ffl. D. Physician & Siirpii , ( Formerly of Mercy Hospital , Chicago ) MM For tbo treatment of NenoiH Diseases , Clironio aa Surgical Diseases , and Diseases of tno Ejo anil liar. Conxultation and examination free. OFFICE-Odd Fellow a Block , N. W. cor. Hthan o dee Sts , Omaha , Neb. Oftlcohoura o to 12 a. m" n i ml 7 / < ft p. m Suni'a\a 10 to VI a m - - - - - Pioneer Drug Store ! B. E. CXR. 13TII AND JONES STS. DR. F. S. LEWIS , - Prop'r , AOF.NT FOR Ohio Oil Co.'s Wuat Virdnia , Cylinder and other Oils constantly on hand. UncoAgenl REPRESENTS I . Phoonlx ABenranco Co. . ot Condon , Cash eswhcstor. N T. , Capital . 000,000.0 / > o jJercliants , of No - . ? < . N. J. , Capital 1,476,000.00 Oirard Fire. PulUct ! ) ll > , CaylUI . 1,200,000.05 Firemen's Fund , Cai tal , . 1,239,216.03 FlCrf'-IU.a. 1U , Omauatlutlou * ) la tc Uulld T epbmi No. S7f _ ( WHOISUNACQ.UAINT U WITH THC Ol OQRAPHV OF t MIS COUN- 7nr wi't Sit or rxAMiNiND IMH MAP THAT THC CHICAGO , ROCK ISLANDS PACIFIC R'Y Ily the central poeltiou of it line , conneota the aat nud the Wtfft by the chorteot route , ami oar- rica i 3 cnccra. Mithout clmnco of cars , hctween Chicago mid Kun n City , Council BluUa , Leaven- worth. Alcht 9n , Mlnnuapolla anrt Bt. ,1'aul. It cnnnoatB in Untoa UopotBvlth all the principal lines of road brtnccn the Atlantic ! and Ilia I'aoitlo Occam , lla equiiiracnt > < unriVHlod and magulH. cent , belntt composed of Moit Comlortnblo and Brnutllul Day Coacaos , Macnincent Itortou llo- rlinlnB Clmlr Cars. I'ulliuan'ii l'rcltle t 1'alaco fileppinrr Ccn , and tlio IJcut Line of Dining Can In the wor d. Thrca Train * but ween ClilotKO and Ulusourl Uivcr I'Dlntr. Two Trains betwrouChl- ctcoaud Minocopolii and t t. Paulvia thol'amom "ALBERT LEA ROUTE. " A Ncwaud Direct Lino. vlaSeneea anrt Kanka- kce. ha rrocotly been opened between lllchtnond , Nortolk , Newport Ncwi , Chuttanoosa , Allan ta.Au- . . , > Ciiiatnnatl ndlanapolli and Lafayette , nnd.Omaha , tlluncap- olu nnd Bt. Paul and Intermediate points. _ A1I Throuch ransecgcr * Travel on i'ast Ejprcw Trains. Tioktu far e lf at all principal Ticket Omoei In the United HUleo ind Canada. B CBace cheoUed through and rates of fare al ways a > low as competitors tliat otter U advau- twes. tor detailed mforniatlonEft tbeiltpi and Fold- " ' 'GREAT ROCX istAtVo ROUTE .t your nearcct Ticket OlUoe. or addreu C. R.RABLC , C. 8T.JOHM , ' ' John D. Peabody , M. D , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON OFJjtK IIOOIIS , Sand OlMi FAIWAW lil'innlTU DoiivlnMlrMt DE , ANNA BENSON , I AND CHILDREN. e ? IO North 18th Street. RctldeouKou r 00 litre ctrceU SKINHUMOR My IMiy tlx month ) oM broke out Ith om kin t > l i\f \ humor , and alttr belnit troa'cd flto mouths iy my f inllv jihlMcton , wn * niton up to 'lie. 'ilw drtiifEisttcconmianucd S\v lt'a | i lflo , nj thucftoct WMMRr < ttfl > ir It \ tiilraculoui. My clilM toonRttwu , nil tracM * ( the di c e li pone , ami loll S tilt M * | > lg , .1 J KtrVhnd , Mlndcn , lUiik Uotikty Tom. I rue suffered for iruny j cars from ulcers on mv cars , otttn very Ur.oum ) ivilntul , tlurlnK which tune I m-d iiltnost e\fritlilnfj to effect euro , buttn > AII I took 8 l t ( H'oclfl i by aihlcoof a Irletul , ft ml In a .lint . time M uuc I K\im1 and well , Kdwlii J , Miller , lloMimcmt , Tc\a . I haxc been mllictcd wl'li ScrotilK for twol'o JCIM il ho hid 'ores on u.o & Urge as a niMi't livid or tint length of tlm * . I ivit ijinmcr I wm m > bul off thut 1 c tiM not wojr chllilne. 1 hiul t | < ett him- tmlsof doliM In thorfToit t > > bacnrcil but nil to iotitirpr > on < l had Injured inclflth Mercury nd 1'otMli. YourSulltiiSpco flacm < sltn timiintlv and lierniMiciillj , mul 1 hope rtoiy like miffor r will taKfllt. H. U HUtti , . l-nkmil , Atk. Our trcutlto on Wood ntiil skin Dlsomei nmllcil 'reo ' to . . , icnntt. icnntt.TIIKSWIKTHPr.CmO CO. , Dnner 3 , Atlanta ( la. T. Om < x . lV.2Jd ! SU. botnevii Oth and Tin - % f > Trio ute ot the term " Hhoi Mnc" In connection with tbi corjwrate narno of a Rreatroad I cotncjH an Idea of ust uhtt roqulroil by the traicllng imb- lie a Short Line , CJuick Tlmt and tbo best of accotntuodi tlons All of nhlch are fine- shed by the greatest railway In America. CHICAGO , f ILWAIIKEE And St. Paul. It owns and operates t or 4,500 mlloaof Northern Illinois , Wlwnntln , Minnesota , Iowa ) akota ; and an ta main lines , branches and oonnec- loin roach all the ureat business centres of the Northwobtand Far West , It naturally answers th ( escrhition of Short Line , nnd Dost Ilouto botwooo Chicago , Mllnaukoo , St I'auland Minneapolis Chicago , Milwaukee , La Create and Wlnona. Chicago , Mllwaukoo , Aberdeen and EHondala Chicago , Mlhraukoo , Eau aalro and Stlllwater- " ChloaRO , Mllnaukco , Wamau and Merrill. Chicago , Miluaukco , IJcMcr Dam and Oshkosh. Chicago , Milwaukee , Waukcsha and Oconomowoo Chicago , Mllnaukco , Madison and Prairlodu Chlou Chicago , Milwaukee , Onatonna and Falrlbault. Chicago , Bclolt Jancs\l'loand ' MlneroU'olnt. Chicago , Klrfn , Hockford and Dubuque Chicago , Clinton , Uock Island and Cedar lUplds Chicago , Council Blufls and Omaha. Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Falls and Yankton Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain. Rook Island , Dubuque , St 1'aul and Minneapolis Davenport , Calmar , St. Paul and Minneapolis. Pullman Sleepers and the Finest Dining Can In world are run on the mainlines of the CHICAGO MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY and every attention Is paid to passengers by courts ous emploj cs of the company. A V II T-T Oen'l Manager. Use' IVam. Apial .J. r. rtitfi. OKO II. UfcAFFOUD. a DR. FELIX Lh BRUN'V G PREVENTIVE AND CUKE. FOR EITHER SEX , The remedy being Injected directly to the Beat of ho disease , requires no change of diet or nauseous , mercurial or poisonous medicine * to bo taken Inter nally. When U'cd as a prexentho by cither sex , Ills mposslblo tj contract -my prhato disease ; but In the coso of the o alrcadyunfortunat ly afflicted no guar ntee tineo boxes to euro , or wo will refund thomon- ) . Price by mail , postage paid$2. per box or tbrcu boxes for ? 5. 5.WRITTEN WRITTEN GUARANTEES sauod by all authorised agents. Dr Felix LeBrun&Co. SOLE PROPRIETORS. 0 , F. Goodman , Druggist , Solo A cnt , for Omahi Neb > wlv Dii E. C. WKSI'H NERTE AND llnAix TDEAT. UENl.nguarnntooil Eppciiio for JIjBtcnn , JJizzi. noes , t/'onvulaions , Vila , Nervous Neurnltjin , HondachoNervous Prontrntioncauacd bythouso utnluohol ortobnccii. Wnknfulness , Jlcntiil llo- prOHBion , Boftoninn of tlio Jirain rcBUlting in in sanity and loading to misery , decay nnd death , t'rematuro Old ARO , barrenness , LOBS of power in either BOX , Involuntary Losses nnd Bpormat- orrliocncauBod byovor-oxortion of ( hobraineolf- obusoor ovor-indulRonco. Knch box contnine ono month's treatment. $1.00 n bor.or BIX boxes for$3.00Eontbymiul propaidon receipt of prico. WE UUAKAXTEE IX JIOXIIS To euro any case. With each order received by us for six boxes , accompanied \vith 55.00 , wo wu ! eond the purcliascr our written guarantee to refund - fund the money if the treatment does not oHoct a euro. Quarautoes leeuedonLycy 0. F , OOOnilAN SoeA ! ent , Omaha Nob. DUFHENE& MENDELSOHN. AEG KITE GTS /iTRKMOVED TO OMAHA NATIONAL I1ANK IIUlhDINO. MANUFACTURER OF GALWZED IRON , OOR5\38CES \ , WINDOW CAPS , FINALS , ETC. -4 t < 3 iOtlx. CBtx-oot , OtTAUA . NKFIIUSKA S. H. ATWOOD , Plattsmouth Neb , - - - - ERUDKROl' T1IOKOUUIIBRBD AND IIIQII 01UPB HEREFORD AHO JERSEY CATILE AND DUROO OB JlUiany RRD 8VIHB rVYnuntr utook for wlo. Oorrf'pondenfe oHolt ril DR. WHITTIEE , 617 St. Char/os St. , St , Louis , Mo. A REGULAR ORADUATEof two medical collegee J\ has been eataiod longer In the treatment ol CHUONIO , NERVOU8 , HK1N AND BLOOD Dluoaivt than other phalclan In ( it. I < oui9a9citypaperabov and all old residents know. Consultation free Invited. When It tslncornonlcnt to tlult the city treatment , mediclnea cm bo sent by mall or exprei everywhere. Curablecasca KU > ranteodwhoredou ; eiliU it Is frankly stated. Call or write. Nervoxu Prostration , Debility , Mental and 1'hytlct. WeakneM , Mercurial and other afflictions of Thrott Ing , Skip Agcctloni , Old Sorea and Uloora. menta to marriage , Itheuniatlam , 1'lleB. Bpeoial at teutlontocaiHJifrouiovornorkod brain. BUKUIOAL OAHK3 reoehe upocul attention. Dineasei arhlnir from Imprudance , Kxoo u , Indnli-eiioaa. G-TJHD23. marry.whoraaynot wliy.causoi , oonaequencei and cure. Utlltd ( or 25r MANHOOD RESTORED. A victim of early Imprudence , canning nervou * OeUllty , premature dctay. etc. , Iiarlnutrletl lu rtln orcrr known remedy , has illtooirmd n elninlu nieana of fulf-curu , whkf ; h will tend VRKttto Ul9fellovir- rrr . Adcltonj. J. H. UKKVVH. < i'h lh.m fit. . N.'r V.rlf A < D/\CTIHTTTTril5urt'w'tlloutratld ' A. r . IJOA A A V HI - tdne. Patented ' Or- toberlfl7d. Oni box No. 1 will en re any cone In f our da > i or leu No J will cure the uiott obntuiaU cow no uuttcr of ho * long lUndlrig. Allan's Soluble Medicated Bougies No niuseout ilocei cl lubobi , coriabli , or oil of Ban dilwixxl , ttatar o-.uln to produce dyn | > niU \ > \ dcutrojlnir thacuatlngiof the ttomacb. I'rloo tl.Ct Hold l > all drujceltt mailed - ' y * , or cu rxcelpt of For liirtlior cartlculari n&il for ( JrruUr P. 0 UQI lt , 5 J.C. ALLAN CO. , M John titled , Htw York. COUNCIL BLUFFS ADD 1T10NAL LOOAL NEWS. Tlio Sinironio Court , The supreme court inoola here next 'Monday though business will notprob- .bly coininonco in earnest until the fol- owing d y. The following cases nro on ho docket from this county : John Wntson vs. Wnbash St. L. * P. rnilwny. Ilonry lloooroft vs. City of Council UulFs. Chris lUainusaen , ndministrator , vs. 0. 11. P. Ry. * E. A. Minor nnd Fremont Bonjnmiii a. M. J. Davis , nnd Joshuit Davis. M. Forchoimor t Co. vs. J. T. Stuart. Huns Brandt vs. Win. Plummor. Oporgo R. Trover va. Frank Phinn , nd- ninistrntor. J. N. C. sady vs. W. F. Sapp. It J. Knipp va. S. C. & P. Ily. Co. Ernest Ki > Uov vs. Liura B. Kolsoy. .1. M. Phillips vs. City of Council Blull'i. COMMKHOIAt. , COD.VCIL 11LUFFH MA1IKKT. Wheat No. 2 Bprltig , 70c ; No. 3 , COo ; ro- octod , fie ( ) ; uod iloumiul. Corn boalurs ivro p.ij ing 3 , " > o for old corn nntl lSc ! for ifw. Oats In Rood tloinanil nt 22c. liny 1 00@0 00 per tonj 50o per balo. Uyo 4045o. Corn Monl 1 i3 ! per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; prices nt yards , C 00@ 00. 00.Coal Coal Delivered , hard , 11 CO per ton ; soft , 00 per ton Lard KalrlmiikV , wholesaling nt lie. Flour City Hour , 1 0@t ! 3D. Brooms 2 U5@3 00 per doz. LIVK STOCK. Cattle 3 00@3 TX ) ; calves , 5 00@7 60. HORS Local inckora nro buying now nntl here Is n good demand for nil grades ; choice lacking , (120 ( ; mixed , 5 " , " > . rnoiifCK. Quotations by J. M. St. John & CD-I com- illusion inorchaubi , H3S I3road\vay. Butter Plenty nnd In fair duinand nt 1C ® Oc : creamery , 3ic. ! J gRR 17o no-do7on. 1'oultry lioady Balochickoii9dros ; od , 12ic ; ivo , .Sc ; turkeys , droisod , 15c ; live , lie ; neks , drcssoil , 1-ic ; li\o , 8c. rnuns. Oranges 1 00@1 25 i > orbo\- . Lemons I 00 per box. Bananas 3 fi1@4 00 per bunch Vegetables Potatoes , 40 ; onlona , 40o ; cab' ago , nona in the market ; apples , ready Halo 13 i5@ ! 1 00 for prime stock. IOWA ITEMS. W. S. Alexander , n painter of Mt. Ayr , uicided there Sunday morning between r and 7 o'clock. Family troubles tlio cause. There is n move among coal workers to rrango [ for a meeting of delegates of the minors of Iowa at DCS Moines soon , the object being to urge operators to put < wholesale prices of coal at such a iiguro as rill enable thorn to pay 5 cents a bushel or mining. Louise Dillon , the divorced wife of John Dillon , the Irish comudian , was married to Mi. Charles Frohman ahout , wo weeks ago. Mrs. Frohman was for a long time a resident of Dos Moiiies and made her debut there. Burlington elected a republican mayor by 032 majnrity in a vote of over 3,000 notwithstanding prohibitmn. The other republican candidates had much smaller majoritioj. The Chicago & Northwestern road an nounces that it will transport , free of charge , until Juno 1 , between any of ils stations in the utato , corn for seeding purposes. "Mcnonaua iucorporo Ratio. " ' "A Round mind in n nouiiil body" is tlio trndo mark of Allen's limin Food , nnd wo oiwtiro our readers that , if dissatisfied with either weakness or Brain or bodily powerH , this remedy will per manently fitroiiKthon both. $1. At drug- giflts. IDAHO'S NEW GOVEUNOH. Tlio I/ato JutlRo Btinu Talks of Ills Plans in lllfl AVcstoru Home. riilladclphln I'rejB. The announcement of the honor con f erred'upon Judge Bunn did not surprise , although it delighted his many friends in Philadelphia. The news has been await ed for several weeks. An acquaintance mooting Idaho'a now Governor in Coun selor Hovorin's oflico , brought him the lirst information of his elevation , and caused a delicate pink flush to rush across the editor's alabaster brow by saluting him as "Gov. " Clad in faultlessly fitting attire , n. Fedora hat on his light locks , with boyish face and slim , though woll- knit frame , ho clid not appear as though intended to tread the rugged hills of Idaho and wrestle with its blix/.ardi. As Mr. Uuvorin'fl Adonis-liko partner remarked marked with envious accents , as ho gazed cm the latest addition to the gubernator ial galaxy , vrith a now interest in hit eye : "Why , they'll call you the dude guv'nor. " "Well , you bet your lifo , " exclaimed Idaho's now chief , suddenly abandoning a statuoacjuo pose , "that before thirty days they'll find I'm Governor. A gov ernor should govern ; that is what they want mo for , 1 suppose , and that is what I'll do. " "What will your policy bo , Governor , " asked a friend , thinking to poao the lledgling chief executive. Quick as n ( lash of Idaho lightning came the answer : "I will have no policy but to bo a credit to the | Nationol Ad ministration. I will know no faction of feuds , although the contrary has boon stated. Why , I don't know moro than four men in the entire territory , but I am willing to 1mow ovoryorio if they will lot mo. 1 am going there to stayif it auita my family , i have always had a desire to go to ono of the territories , If I can make my administration satisfactory to the people ple and everything ia congenial I will make Idaho my permanent homo. You inunt romo'nbor , also , that I have largo mining interests there that may render my stay raoro profitable than the salary the position commands. I really have an idea that I can make a pretty good sorl of a governor , and to do that I want to keep close to the people all the time. J will never suppose that I own thu terri tory ; it will own mo. But then wo can do nothing unices wo arc animated by nature. No man can talk wisely unless ho knows what ho ia talking about , and as I know nothing as yet about the terri tory , I talk no more. Good byo. " "But wmt H minute , governor. Jt is true that you propoio issuing an Idaho edition of The Sunday Transcript ? " 'Tho Transcript w'll pursue its on ware career with Mr Thomun M. Jackson us editor. If I did issue an Idaho edition I don't think tha people of the territory would find fault. Jlailroads and news- papers are the great clvilizara. 1 believe , n both. " Oorornor Bunu will not start west for three or four weeks , tiovEiisoii IIVN.N'S UAUKKU. Mr. Bunn was born on Third street , above 1'oplar , January 1 , 18112. Hia father was a cotton spinner , and Mr. Bunn alternately worked in the factory xnd wont to school , llo received part of liis education at Havana , N. Y. , where lie lived with an unslo. When ho was 17 lie was apprenticed in the wood-engrav ing trade. Ho made hia entrance into local politics in 18GO. In 180" ho wa nominated for common council in the Sixteenth ward , but John Hay defeated liinu In 1803 ho was nominated for the state leg'slaturo , but according to the returns waa defeated by Daniel William. Mr. Bunn contested the election and waa awarded Hie seat. The nc\t year ho was re-elected. lie soon after made a strong fight for a scat in the state aonato , 'jut vras defeated. Ho was then iiomi- mtcd for the olllco of register of wills , and waa elected by a majority of 4095. [ n 187f > he wns elected a guardian of the ; ioor , and in 1878 waa re-elected. Dur- ng the war ho served gallantly under Captain Isaac McBride in Cnmpaiiy I , 72d Regiment Pennsylvania volunteers. tU Savage Station , Va. , ho waa severely rounded while fighting in advance of his iompany. Ho was taken prisoner and ; ept at Richmond for many months. Since 1877 ho haa boon editor-in cbtof of L'ho Sunday Transcript , and is now pra- rioter of that publication , CotigratiiUitliiK tl o AVronjr I'arly. J.cli'lalnl IVnnj PICM. Ono of the best known charactora at the Jnion depot is .George Vosburg , a line ippcaring , elderly coloted man with > uahy gray hair , whoso principal duties consist of assisting pasaongors to find the iiimorous lunch countera and crevices in and about the depot , and acting as a gen eral bureau of information , regarding rain time and the thousand and one juoations such aa only people who travel "or the first time can ask. Yesterday af- .crnoon a well-known citizen , accom- laniod by hia vrifo , called at the depot. L'hoy were informed that the train waa mlf an hour lato. The gentleman said 10 would go down and got the baggage chocked , nnd naked that hia wife bo ca- : ortcd to the ladiea1 waiting room. Vos- > urg immediately took the lady in tow and seated her in the waiting room in the nest courteous manner imaginable. The ady suddenly noticed that she had for iomo reason become the central object of ittraction to a largo number of ladies on .ho other side of the room , who seemed o bo holding a lively caucus. They fin ally came over in a body , amilling and simpering like school-girls' "Wo all want to congratulate jou'on your mar riage , " spoke up ono. Then , as if antici pating the answer , she added : "Yes , wo < now it is somewhat late , but wo never md the pleasure of mooting you before , , -on know. " "I think your husband ia juat splendid , " with unnecessary vohom- ; nco , "and I think it was jnat horrid for ? elks to make such a fuss about your mar rying him. " "Gueaa the matter was overdrawn in the nowspapora anyhow , " suggested another. By this time the thunderstruck lady recovered sufficiently ; o say that she had been married over 20 years and this waa the first time she had leard that anyone was making a fuss xbout it. "Ain't you Mm , Frederick Douglas , and ain't that colored gentleman you came in with Mr. Douglats ? " asked doyen shrill % oices in chorous. The lady Instated that she wasn't and the congratu latory committee looked daggers at the woman who firat suggested the move , and went out and stood on the platform in the biting cold till train time. I To I'liiycil 1'olcor iV few yoara ago McKcan Buchanan , or "old Buck , " as ho waslfamiliarly .called , met Couldock. The night waa disagree able ; the meeting merry. After a few glasses a game of poker waa proposed. Couldock was not an export ; Buchanan waa not that ho was ever known to cheat , but ho always won. In a abort time Cquldock waa "cleaned out , " and the party went to bed. Next morning "Buck" wet Charley and said : "I am going out west for a little - tlo ahooting recreation , but would like to act while out there as well. Do you know the manager at Cheyenne ? " "I do , " said the man. Well , " aid "Buck , " "I wiah you ild give mo a line toJhim. " "Certainly , " said Couldock , and he immediately wrote the letter. It ran thus : OAHIO , 111. , December 7 , 1877. Mr. Ituakin : This will bo handed to you'by my friend , McKoan Buchanan , an actor of much merit. Ho cornea to your town on profesaional business. Ho playa Vir- uiniiis , lllcheliu , Hamlet , Richard H. , Shylock and poker. He plava poker beut. Your obedient servant , 0. W. COULDOOK. Ulttoru , tlio world renowned nppctl/or and inUgonitor , Unod now over the whole dIliod world. Try It , but beware of imitations. ABC ! your grocer or dmgglnt fo the gemiliio article , prepared by Dr . . ) , O. B Kamnla Deceit. ( 'nn Franclloo Chronlcu. ! All women deceivn , and mainly in the matter of hair. Falno taoth do not amount to much , A man of any aonso always knows that a woman's iiguro is padded. Ho wouldn't marry most of them if they were not. llo oxpoctn to lip disillusionized to some extent in that direction withou * losing his regard for her or ruining his love dream , lint the hair always kills him. Ho can not stand even a false front , though ho sometimes put that on himself , without being an * noyod. 1 once loved a girl whom 1 first met with her hat on. She wai ingenious in the matter of head-dresses , and aho had tlio richest brown hair I ever saw. Wo parted. I squeezed her rings into her hard when I said " " lingers so "Good-by" that she laid her head down on my shoul der and wept in agony. I thought then it was emotion , the uuU'oring uf parting , and 1 enjoyed twenty-four hours' blissful misery before I found out that she had really been in physical 'pain. This wai told bo by a friend of hers to whom nho had confided it , and , who further asked mo if I did not admire the wig which I had unsuccessfully bogged for a lock of. I have never forgotten the cruel discov ery. Even with all her luxuriant hair grown out again , I doubt if she could move mo as she once did. I despiro a woman who can't bo honest with a fol low , oven il IIO'H only a trillo gone. Drunk. Monthly. \V. Mattieu Williams oays that he once witnessed a display ot drunkoniiosa amonc JJOD pigs , which had boon given a barrel of spoiled elderberry wino all at oiice with their awill. "Their behavior waa intensely human , exhibiting all the usirn manifestations of jolly good-fellowship , including that advanced stage vrhoro t group wcro rolling ever each other ant grunting ail'cctionatoly in tones that wore distinctly expressive of ssvcarlnc ( jood- fellowship all around. Their reeling and ataggorim ? and the oxpro-uinn of their features all indicated that ! oohol had the pamo olfoct on piqs as on men : that under Us ii.tluonco both stood procholy on the name zoological lovol.1 Ho qttotos nl.io MM. Bujardin BuaumotssandAudogo's ac count to the French Academy of Sciences of their experiments during J0io three years on the effect of alcoholic diet on pigs. "Eighteen of Ihoso animals wcro treated sumptuously , according to the old-fashioned notions of hospitality , by mixing utrioua alcohols with their food , in proportions about corresponding to a modest half-pint of wino at dinner. The alcohols that wo drink in wino , malt liquors , whisky , Hollands , brandy , etc. , invariably produced sleep , prostration , and uenural lassitude , while abjiutho ( in cluded in another variety of alcohol ) pro duced an excitation reaomblintr epilepsy. Some of tlio animals diott from the ell'octs of alcoholic poison. The survivors wcro killed and subjected to a post-mortem ex amination. All were found to bo injured , but tlio nmchiof wns greater when crude cplrits were used , loss when it waa caro- hilly redistilled and purified. AUTIIUU'K IIOMANC1C. llo\v MIsN Itoauli AVon u Hl\-l''oot Surotlicnrt A Coiirtnlnii anil nu it Cor , New York Journal , Nothing has caused moro talk in Wash- ngton society than the engagement of oung Allan Arthur to Mian Katie Beach. H first the report was not behoved. Al an waa considered too young to outer nto Hiich a contract. There is no longer my doubt about the engagement. Allan ma asked Miaa Beach if she would have lim and she bluahinuly answered "You. " The comment on tlio onuagemont is in- creating. In ono sense society ia ahncKod ; n another it ia pleased to have something o talk about. The story of the meeting and engage- nont of the couple has a lingo of romance about it. When Mr. Arthur was out woat viewing the sights of the Yollow- tone his son wits putting in his time at ho soaahoro. Ho received a sick leave rom the college physician. Ho first vent to Long Branch. Finding it dull .hero , ho joined a party on a trip to Nar- ragansott Pier. During his first evening it Narragansptt Pier ho mot Miss Beach. .t was late in the evening. Allan watt walking along over thoamoothsand of the here smoking a cigarette and wondering low long ho could postpone going back to Mntoton. A young lady passed him : arrying a small basket of flowers. Allan a near-sighted. Ho mistook her for a lower-girl , nnd said : "Oomo hero , my jood girl ; I may purcliaao aomo of your lowers , " quitn like a real prince. Miaa Beach laughed. As her silvery lotos rang out on the evening air , Allan realized his mistake. For a moment ho itood spooflhloss. and then , falling on his cncps , ho made a graceful apology. While ho waa brushing the sand from us trousers Miss Beach ran away without naking any reply. Allan started in pur- luit and got a mutual friend to introduce lim. The rest followed as a matter of course. Allan baa boon very devoted o his sweetheart. llo has sacrificed it's studies and his future to bo at her side , even to the time Miss Beach had .ho measles. Mrs. Beach , however , interfered when Allan waa over hero last. She told him 10 could not exp ct to marry her daugh ter before he had graduated from cnlletjo mil had Bottled in some profession or mainoas. The prospect was not inviting , jut since then Allan has remained appar ently close to his bouka , evidently dotor- nined to go to work in earnest His changing nature has been the nourco of ; reat .worriment to Mr. Arthur. llo las lectured hifi sou repeatedly on Ilia : aroloaa ways and habits , all to no effect. Mrs. Beach aeoms to have had moro niluonco. How long it will last ia another matter. Allan is in hia junior year at college , and still has another year before gradu ating. Ho never could bo called hand some. He is scarcely 20 years old. Ho stands six foot two inches in bin atock- ngs , and does no weigh over ono hun dred and forty pounds. His face ia long ind narrow. Ho ban coal-black oycs , eng dark hair , nnd rciy large hands and 'cot. In many respects ho rosomblea thu typical slim. Mr. Arthur does not oppose the match. Ho thinks Allan should have his own way so long BH ho keeps within a proper limit. "I don't ' suppose riiy ocm will want to marry , " said Mr. Arthur , "for n couple of years yot. There will bo time enough before that time to decide thu riattor. " Some of Allan's chums are inclined fo up skeptical , and say ho ia not sincere in Ilia engagement to Miss Katlo. They point to hia alleged engagement with Miaa Maud Crowley and eovcrnl other young ladies since he entered col lego. "All the blooda at college , " they say , "aro cngu at least once a year. " Allan has followed their example , llo wishes to bo consid ered a leader in everything. Before the end of the year you will hear that hia present engagement baa been broken oil , ind that the young man has lost his heart to another fairy. " The Beach family are highly reaped- able people. It conuiata of Mrs. Beach , Misa Katie , and Misa Agn'ea Hoach. Mr. Beach , the head ( if the houaehold , died a few woaks ago , leaving his lifo and child ren in comfortable circumatnnccH , lie was a brigadier general in the union army during the war. llo waa a native of New Ytirk state , The family are of early English slock. They have lived hoie ainco the war. They have a largo , old- fashioned house on Farragut square. It U covered with moas and ivy , and is a very homelike-looking place. Mrs. Beach has never favored young Arthur's suit , but not caring to offend the president , slid gave her consent with the conditions mentioned above. The family move in the boat society. Mies Beach ia a very small blonde , with bright , sparkling blue eyes , and a liandaomo mouth , She is not remarkably pretty or fascinating in con- voraaslon , but has many little airs that are considered attractive. Miaa Beach is inclined to bo romantic. It' is probable that the circumstance ? attending her mooting with young Arthur had more to do with Jior attachment to him than any inherent charm ho may poaaees. It ia young Allan's hope to have the wedding come off before his father goes out ol ofllcu. Whether ho will bo able to accom plish his if hia father ia not ro elected ia an opun question. The young uooplo write daily to each other. MICH Hoach ties hera in a little bundle with pink ribbons , and keeps them ! u a perfumed box , It ia said that Allan entered on tha engagement at first in fun , and ninco has hecomo deeply at tached to hia Bwoolhearl. Meantime so ciety continues to talk , Mueller on M in street sells not only the lowest , but gives a proaent with each purchase of ono dollar. CIo and see him first. THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY i T ii n J T TJllRKE TONE'S ' ! , One of the Best and largest Stocks in the United States to select from , NO STAIRS TO CLIMB , ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR , ii m i OF or BTIUOTLY i ! TWO WHEEL CARTS. 1310 and ISM lUrnoy Street and 403 B. 18th Street , ) fTM A . CT A . l ' * * -.C * * Illilitnted Catalniriin fiirnWiMl fr < - lump imll > - ' < - 1024 North Eighteenth Street , Oninlin , on Street Car Line. WIIOI.ESALK AND UETAIT. LnBilieUie/Lafli , Doors JMois , Etc. Grad s nnd iiricos as eond and Inw w nny 'i .ho nif.v.PSi9o fry mn DEALERS IN FIRE AND BUEGLAR PROOF 0. M. LEIQHTON. H. T. OLARJIK. 1EIGHTON & CLAEKE , BUCCF.ssona TO KENNARD BOOS , t co. ) I -DEALERSIN- Paints. Oil < 5. IT1METRIED AND FIRE TESTED. ; with , an tee of feeing -fch@ Finest aaid jMCost Perfect ( ffioods of t-Iteir. land Ever Made. LANGE & FOITIOK , ; 318-320 S. 13th St , , near FarnamJ ' 'Manufactured by tbo Mlomgen Stove Oo , , Detroit and CMc sv.