THFfAliY ) BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS , > VEDNEbBAY , MAllCIl 12,1884. DAIIA BEE. OOUNCIL BLUFFS. Wednesday Morning , March , 12 , HATES : } njr Cutrior - 20 ccnti | Br II il - - $1000 per Year OFFICE ! No. 7 Foarl Street , Near Broadway. MINOE MENTION , Additional local on sovonlh page. JEChonp tickota over all roads nt No. 4 1'onrl street. ' Now spring goods just received nt J. .Roller's , Iho tailor , 310 Broadway. The Old Settlors' oocioly has just adopted resolutions of respect to the me mory of Oapt. D. W. Price. Who is going to bo on the police force ? That is the query which is interesting a largo number of aspirants. Yesterday morning the row between Ad. Davis and Wm. Wagner was adjust. od in the police court Davis being fined and Wagner being discharged. The Choutauqua circle had a pleasant time last evening at the residence of L. W. Tulloys , the programme being n varied one and the entertainment de lightful. Permits to wed wore granted yesterday to Edward W. Fleming , of Philadelphia , nnd Alice Biorco , of Austin , Minn. ; nlso to J. II. 0. Stuho and Abel Lisnow , both of Pleasant township , T. N. Bray , of Atlantic , is preparing to open a largo boot and' shoo establish ment here in the Main street store of Burnham , Tulloys & Co. 'a block. Ho lias the reputation of being an energetic and ropousiblo business man. A number of visitors are expected from Omaha , Dunlap nnd other places to at tend the grand ball to bo given by the Ancient Order of Hibernians at Bloom & Nixon's hall on the evening of the 17th. An extra good time is expected. A practical showing of appreciation of the services of the veterans can bo made by a liberal purchase of tickets for the ball to bo given by the G. A. 11 , , on the 20th inst. , the proceeds of which are to RO to the relief of the widows nnd or phans nnd veterans. ( ! rent preparations are being made for the masquerade to be given at the roller * , ideating rink Thursday evening. Some xf * p" very unique and some very elegant cos tumes are being prepared , and the sight will bo n novel one , while these who per- ticipato will nave a still merrier time. Attorney Bears wont to Ore.scunt the other day to defend a man who had boon sued and succeeded in getting judgment in favor of hia client. Now on reaching homo ho learns that a fresh suit has boon atnrtod on the same matter by the same plaintiff. The ways of justice are past finding out. An unmually largo crowd'gatliercd at the roller skating rink last night , the oc casion being the second contest for the the gold watch to bo awarded to the most graceful nnd skillful lady skater. Mies Palmer was awarded the watch by a vote of those present. Miss Palmer received 105 , Miss Tostovin 92 , Miss Whitney 80 , Misa Nason 74. The case of Nniarinus , charged withnn indecent assault upon a little daughter of Max Mohn , was to have come up for a hearing yesterday , but by agreement of nil parties concerned was continued. A brother of the accused is expected hero from the east , and it is understood that a vigorous defense will bo made of the horrible - riblo chargo. The other day one of Council "Bluffs' young men got out a marriage license , intending to soon claim as his own a fait young lady , but before he could got the preacher to tie the knot the girl's fathoi had learned what was going on am balked the plan by taking the girl out of town. It ia now reported that the lovoi has won Lu the contest , the .young man ascertaining whore the qirl was having gouo there and taken her with him , their trip being eastward. A number of the wholesale liquoi houses of the city are preparing to move in view of the passage oft the prohibl tory law. The law will not affect tbi retailers so much , but the wholesaler ! Bay their trade h&i boon bad onougl to handle under the old way , and now i will bo no much worse , that thuy canno ntand it. A number of them feel in cltned to try Omaha , but if all shoulc come in there the fear is that the bust nes will be overcrowded there. lionet there b uorne hesitancy aa to what to do Marshal Eli MoOrackon , of Cleveland Iowa , was here Yesterday having in charg a darkey , Joseph James , whom ho ar rented In Omaha and WAS tnkinj baolc 01 a charge of assault and battery nm threatening to vhoot. It appears tha James , who ii a minor , had some rev Kith a white workman , and when Mo Cncken tried to arrest him he pulled hi Mvolyer on the officer. James got away sd as McCracken had never had a pris oe r wcape him , ho took special pride ii ' getting Jamea back , not because of tin hflaouaneM of the offense , but from per oaal pride , James had boon in Omahi ' , two woeli , and having got a job , hac neat for his wife , and McOracken follow ing the woman , wi at the depot am iwbbod JUIUM as ho greeted hia wife W. II. Foster , the Jloriit , Harriso t , has the l rgeet and bent supply 01 planta in the went , Materiel of every kind a 'ii , ptxt door io povtofilee. PRICE IN THE BLUFFS. How the Slayer of Nugent was Ar- rtstcd Here , The Baino HovoUcr wllli AVIilcli Mo Did tlio Shooting Oh on Uncle tolllni. f- The killing of James Nugent by Price has caused no little atir on thla side of the river nud the tragedy CIXUSCH the re viving of the recollection that n few months ngo Price , in company with a 'pal ' , " was arrested by Ofllcor Morao nt the transfer , on suspicion of being the parlies wanted at Denver for n heavy robbery committed there. Price mid his companion wore taken to the city jail and there kept looked up , while the wires were sot working for further par ticulars and a fuller description of the men. There was much difllcnlty in getting nt the needed facia to satisfy the ninds of the oflicials ns to whether they 'oally ' were the ones needed or not. In ho meantime Price nnd hia comrade bo- lame very uneasy nnd in order to mid them the charge was preferred gainst them of carrying concealed weapons , each being armed witli a rovol- or. The weapons wore , of course , kept i the charge of the oflicors pending the ispoqilion of the case. The officers nally decided that on the charge of rob- > ory they could not hold them , and BO isohargod them and lot the charge car rying concealed weapons drop also. Price vent to Mayor Bowman nnd represented .hat ho nnd his comrade had boon arrest ed hero under a malicious charge , and ns hey wore dimply traveling through hero nid happened to have revolvers with hem , they ought to got their weapons mck. Mayor Bowman not knowing the iharactor of Price , or his record , pnvo nti > rdor on the police to turn over the re volvers , which they did. The same re volver which was thus fjiven back .0 Price was the one with which ho fired .ho fatal shot Sunday night , it having icon recognized by oflicora hero who re member the weapon and the incident well. HAED ON HAEDING , Irn. Ilr. Harding IJroiiK'it ' to Iho Front Tor Not Having a Ijluonno to Practice Mcdlolno. Mrs. Dr. Eli/a J. Harding , wlio for so eng resided here and had BO extensive a tractico , eooms to have got into trouble with the authorities at Denver , to which ilaco oho wont with her husband last our , in the hope of battering his health iy a climate change. The details of the flair will bo road with interest here by icr many old patients and acquaintances nd nro as follows as given by the Rocky rlountixin News of the 7th inst. : "Tho case of Dr. Elizabeth J. Harding , pharg- d with practicing medicine without a iconso , was tried in the criminal court yesterday and attracted n much larger rowd than usual. Among those present were nearly a do/.on ladies who came vol untarily to toitify in behalf of the treat ment of the defendant in the casu. Thcso were not allowed to testify , however , the issue tried being not whether she is a competent olcctrio healer , but whether iho ia practicing medicine without hold- ng a certificate from the state board of xaminora. A largo number of prominent doctors were present also to testify as to whether .ho . use of electricity was a part of the ractico of medicine. Among others were Dr. H. A. Lemon , Dr. Parker , Dr. J. 0. Davis and Dr. Wheeler. It was shown quite conclusively by the testimony of the gentlemen that the use of electricity for healing purposes is part of the pntctico of modiciuo , and that the good or ill results to follow from its use depends largely upon the skill and knowledge of the person by whom it ia applied. It could not bo used indiscrim inately for all disease : and must bo used properly in order to accomplish any good n any. Dr. Parker tcsilied that the defend ant presented the court with a certificate showing that she was qualified to admin ister olcctrio treatment , but that the board had' decided by resolution that proof of this would not bo suQlciont to entitle an applicant to receive a cortift- cato. Ho also claimed that she admitted to him that aho had uovor mndoaotuuj of physiology , anatomy or obstetrics. There waa no oviuenco introduced tc show that any of the defendant's patient * had boon injured by her treatment , 01 that oho hud ventured outside of the field of electric tioatmont in her prao. tico. tico.Tho The defendant was present throughout the trial , quito elegantly attired , and con ducted herself in an easy and lady-like manner , The ladies who had appeared tc testify in her behalf appeared to takp amore moro active interest in the proceedings than nho , and it. would bo difficult at flrsl glance to determine which waa the do fondant. As the case was tried it was very clear ! } against Mrs. Harding , there being notlr tug to provo but that uho waa practicing medicine without a license. And yol there did not appear to bo any strong popular feeling manifested oy the crowd in attendance. Indeed , it would not bo far frotr Iho fact to state the sympathies of the crowd wore rather with Mrs. Harding , Thii fcoliug wai rather encouraged by the address of Colonel Montgomery , wlu claimed that the action of the 'board wat the result of a desire on the p rt of the regular schools of medicine to presorvu i monopoly of "living on human blood. " Judge Roger * charged the jury that , il it iras found that the defendant wet practicing modioino without a license , they should find her guilty , and that il they wore of the opinion that the uiu ol nlootricity as a healing agent was not ° f the practice of mcuicino , ttio jurj should acquit. The jury , after being out one hour , brought in u verdict of guilty. An up peal to the supreme court will botakenii tilt * cane. Vivo Senator Oarson , of this city , Intro duccd an act requiring that all publl buildings , theaters , hotel * , boarding " j houses , and other buildings of a groatoi | height than two stories , wherein poopli ; aueuujo , uhall bo provided with luQl { citnt tmfo and couvcnUut fire escapes and that owners failing to thus provide oscnpos shall bo fined not ICRS than $25 nor moro than $100. The bill provides atao that the trustees of all state institu tions shall provide such of the public buildings of the fltalo with fire escapes , as the executive council may direct. In Council DlulTs tlioro is especially Bomo need for action which will force the owners of largo buildings and halls to provide suitable tire escapes. Thcro is also need for some measure by which buildings may bo ofiicinlly inspected , no that their safety , their proper mode of construction , their freedom from extra rinks of fire , and their modes of ingress and cgrotn , may bo carefully seen to and the public given assurance of safety , or warning of danger , as the facta may warrant. THE FAST MAIL Itcnclied Council BliiiTu on Time ImM Hvonlng. There was much interest manifested hero lait evening in the arrival of the fast mail from Chicago. It waa brought in on the regular 0. , B. & Q. No. ! l , nrriv- g hero on time nt 7 p. m , This trnin 'avos ' Chicago about 10 p. in. , but leaving i usual on Monday night it took no ail. The fast mail train from Now ork arrived in Chicago n little after 11 ! n Tuesday morning , nnd n little after 3 . m. the fast mail for this section started ut and How over the road until it over- ook the regular train , which loft nt 10 ho night before , nt Ottumwa. The fast rain consisted of a mail and baggage car , no passenger coach nnd Vice President 'otter's private car. This car was left at Burlington , nnd on reaching Ottumwn ho other coach was dropped nnd the mggngo nnd mail cars were attached to cgular train No. It and brought to this ity. One car was taken oil nt Pacific unction nnd sent thence by Plattsmouth , nd the train which arrived hero had the sumo make-up ns usual. _ Arrangements lave bccm made by which No. 3 will cave Chicago at 10 p. m. as usual nnd ho fast mail next morning at 3 a. m. , > vcrtaking it at Ottumwa if possible , but f not it will continue on until it does. The run was made yesterday from Chicago cage to Ottumwn , n distance of 281 miles , 'n 7 hours mid 0 minutes including stop ? , > no of 30 minutes nt Burlington. The distance from Chicago to Aurora , 38 miles , was gone over in 41 minutes ; to Oalcsburg , 103 miles , in 3 hours , includ- 'ng 5 stops , and from Burlington to Ot- tttmva , 75 mile ? , in 2 hours and 5 min- uten including stops in delivering and re ceiving mails. WINDOW SIIAUKH at costl at BKAHD'B iVall Paper Store. FEHSONAb. > T. If. Uurrouf-hs , who la seeking health by \ sojourn at Los Vegas , ia reported as quite II. J. M. llyilcnnd J. M. Harris , representing .hoAhin .Toslin company , are nt the Offilou. Mr. Horacu Shears , mall clerk of the C. , B. Q. , In now a happy father. John 1' . Organ , of Xcoln , WAD in the city cstordny. W. 0. HuilBon and ( J. C. Brings , of Win- .onot , wore in the city yesterday , and at the Pacific. . l > . Snndfurd , of A\ocn , was In the city yesterday. Andrew 1'Vanco , of Sheuaudoah , wait nt Bcchtolo'a yesterday. C. J. Cuttlur , f Modalo , Iowa , UAH In the city yesterday. The Old Settlers society , at their last meeting , adopted the following resolu tions : WHKUEAH , The Hon. D. W. Price de parted this life , at his residence in this city , on the morning of February 17 , fS-i , after a short illness. WHKUBAS , The deceased was distin guished for many marked and noted traits of character , among which wo may mention his genial spirit ; his persuasive manner ; hia logical mind ; his fascinating eloquence ; hia devotion to literature , and his love for the beautiful ; qualities which made his presence , alike at the bar , in public gatherings or in the quiet course of social life to boat nil time equally sought for , and united in winning to himself the love of his intimate friends and the rcopect of the community , feel ings which deepened in intensity aa the years rolled on towards his final depart ure. And , WIIKHKAH , The deceased had been n resident of this 'county for upwards of thirty years , nnd was therefore , at the time of his death , one of the oldest settlers tlors ; therefore , Jicboli'ed ' , That wo , the old settlers of the county , heartily bear this testimony to Hon. D. W. Price , and while wo ex tend our sympathies and condolence to his mourning family , vre desire to or- prcns our deep regret that ho could not have boon spared to this community , nnd also to mingle with us in the now society wo have formed , composed ns it is of those who had personally known and loved him during his entire residence in this county. Jtcsolvcd , That those resolution's bo entered at length upon our minutes nnd published. D. 0. BLOOMKK , . WM A. AlvNbTKii , A. V. LAUIMKU , Committee. Real Karate Transfer * The following deodw were filed for re cord in the recorder's office , March 11 , reported for TUB BED by P. J. Mo- Molion , real estate agent : 0 , , R. 1. & P. n. U. Co. to Wm. Hos- ler , n } so * 31 , 75 , 40 , $720. Wm. II. Mullano to John Ro no , part lota 11 and 12 , block 23 , Noola , $800. , Maria Nicholu to Mary Farrell , lots 7 , 8 and 0 , block 2 , Arnold's addition to Oakland , $10. Wm. Trail to J. II. Griffith , s\ \ awl 21 , 77 , 38 , § 2,323 Total eaU-s , $3,853. JACOU filMB. E. I > . OADWKLL 8IM8& CADWELL , Attorneys - - „ . . . , COUNCIL MLurra , IOWA Office , Uatn Btroet. Koomi 1 and Uhugart * Uc < Uahoti'i Ul ck. Will praotloa In Btata and l" ' otnrt * N. SCHURZ ! Justice of the Peace , OFHOK OVCll AUKKIOAK KM'UEBi COUNCIL I LUPFS , - 10 VA , BB HHHB HfliiiMM H H HH HRHHi HHHl W WE ARE RECEIVING SOME VERY FJNE Shoes and Slippers. Gentlemen OUR FINE BOOTS AND SHOES For Sprin Wear are arriving daily. Please call and see our New Stock. Z. T. LINDSEY & CO. . 418 Broadway , Council Blull's , ) West Side Square , Clnnndn , f MAYNE & PALMER , . DKAT.KK3IN Hard and Soft Goal , AND WOOD , ULK . 'AND BAUKEIi LIME , LOUISVILLE AND PORTLAND CEMENT , WCUIQAN PLASTKB , HAIR AND SEWER POM JO , 039 Broaaway , - . . . C00WCIL BLOTPB , IOWA. SMITH & TOLiTjEIt. Soring Goods LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS , Just Received , 7 nnd 0 Main street , CoONOILBtUKFS , - - . - IOWA. uropean Hotel. The only Hotel in this City on the European plan of "PAY ONLY FOR WHAT YOU GET. " New Building Hew Furnishings. ALL MODERN IMPROVfMENTS CENTKA.LLY LOCATED. Fine Sample Rooms-Elegant Restaurant , PETER BECHTELE , PROPRIETOR , Nos ! 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. Merchant Tailoring , REPAIRING NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DONE. 805 South Main Street , - - COUNCIL J3LUFFS. M. GALLAGHER. Now Store , Fresh Goods , Low Prices and Polite Attendants. First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , } LIVE TO EAT. EAT TO LIVE. ' RESTAURANT AND CAFE , to Kd. O luon 1 401 Broadway , f Moil * at all Hours. . Choi d'cuUlno f Council ItlufTa. \ 1'artlea a Specialty. COAL GIVEN AWAY ! Every one who buvs a ton of the celebrated Centervillo coal of Platte Ovi'iton , tflico 601 First avenue , yard 804 : Main street , Council BlufFs ia L'litiflod to a rhince in the drawing for one ton of coal , to be given a\vi v March loth. You mt y thus act A Ton of Coal for Nothing. DEALER IN ALL THE LATEST DESIGNS OF f ALL PAPER Al I110I Interior Decorations. IS S. Pearl Street and 20 N. Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. HEATING STOVES AT COST FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY. ABU Grauito and Tinware. Latest Novelties in Fancy Hardware. A large line of extiaordinary Fine Carvers. DeVOL & WRIGHT , 504 POSITIVELY THE LARGEST AND CHOICEST STOCK Ever shown west of Chicago , now being received by GASADY , ORGUTT & FRENCH , Carpets from 25o to $3,50 per Yard , Also TURCOMAN , MADRAS , LACE AND SILK CURTAINS Xxx Ox-oxvt 502 Broadway , Council Blulft. | CASADY , OitCUTT & FIIENCH. ( OPPOSITE COURT BOUSE , ) TO LOAN ON ML ESTATE ! Complete Abstracts of Title to nil Lots and Lauds in the County. SmpkieHardrareOj H 109 nnd 111 S. Mnln Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN1 HATS , CAPS BUCK GLOVES , 342 nnd 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. All klmla of / CT. 3QC. ffirtf. l 3S8B ROOM 6 , NEW OPERA HOUSE , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , ito. , etc. \ All Orders by Mail Promptly Attended To. WHY DON'T YOU dKTSDMEOF FITCH BROTHERS' ' CUSTOM SHIRTS ? < W. Potfcct Fitting , Best and CheapestEUno I.lnen Collars I'j No. 715 Fourth Street Council Bluffs , Iowa. UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER ! Metalic Caskets and Woodin Coffins of all Kinds. TELEGRAPH ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO. OPEN DAY AND NIGUT t. , Oo-u.aa.oll RESTON HOUSE 0 EVERYTHINO FIIISTCLASS. Nos. 217 and 219 S. Main St. , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. Railway Time Table. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following are the times ot the ftrrhal enil de parture of trains by central etandaril time , kt the local depots. Trains lca transfer depot ten mln- earlier t > nd arrli o ten rulnutes later. CHICAGO , BCBUKOrOX AND QUIVCT. LKAVK ARRlVlt. 6:20 : pm Council Bluff , Express , O.SO a m 6:40 : p m Chicago Exprcda o.40am 9.45 a m Mall. 7iWpir KAN8A9 CUT , ST. JOS AND COUtiCIL HLUFKH. 10:10 : a m Mall and Express , 6 45 p m 835 p m Pacific Express , 6.35 p m CHICAGO , MILWADKXB AND HT. PADI. p m Express , 0:40 : a m 9.45 a m Express , 6 : 5 p tu CHICAGO , ROCK tSLAXD AND PACIFIC. C.SOpm AtUntlc Exprcts , 0.40nm 9.50 a m Day Express , 8.DO p m 7lSam : Do Helms Aoc-mmodatlon , 4:10 : pm At local dtpot only. "WABA3H , 8T. LOCI3 A > D > ACinC. D.55 a m Mall , 4:45 : p m 4.Mpm Cannon Pall , 11:15am : At Trantferonly. CHICAGO and houTuwiMTKiu < . D:30 : p m Express 6 50 p m 0.45am 1'acifllc Express , 0:45 : am 8IODX CITT AND PACIKIC. 7:40 : psm St. Paul Express , O.noam 7:20 a ru Accommodation , 6.50 p m UNION PACIFIC. 7:50 p m Western Express , 8 SO a m 11:44 : a m Pacific Exprers , 4 34 p m 7:49 : a m Local Express , 8 64 a m 12:14 a in , Lincoln Express , "At TramJer only. IlCMVY TIIUNS TOOMAIU. Leave 84-0.24-10-24-Jl:24 : : a. m. l:24-2:2t-S : : St- 4:21-5:24-fl.24-7-4 : : and 11:04 : p , m Surday , 8.44- 10.24 a. m. ] -3r4-5:24-7Ol : : : : and 11:04 : p. m. Ar rive Su mlnutea before lea > ln ) ( tlmo. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE The undersigned will oiler for sale on March 15 , 10 O'Clock A. M , AT PUBUG OUTCRY IN Fottawattamie Co. , Iowa , 140 Steers , 11 Horses , COWS , HOGS , CORN , OATS , AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS. TERMS Ten months' time , at ten per cent interest , with n proved spcurity on nil sums over ten dollars All sums of t-n dollars or under , cah. Five per Cr-nt di-c unt tor cash QU all RHUH over ten dollars. CAROLINE E. RAND , Administratrix. R. Rice M. D. or other tumors removed without UN knlfo or drawing ol blood , CHRONIC Over thirty yean practical ezperlenoa Offloa No 6 Pearl Btreet , Council Dlulli OTOoniultatlon ( rm At the woll-known Establishment OH J. P. FILBERT , 209 Upper Brotmway , the PIONEER GASH 01 Couccll Dliinj. Kotlcu our reduced 1'rlce U t. W Ki\i > 16 pounds KitmO Sugar ( or . , , $1 00 11 poundi ( Iranulatod Hunr . . , . . , , , , , . 100 ! > tpounil Choice O.Unoil . , . . , , , . 1 00 S4 pounds Na y licjni. . . . , , . , , I CO SO pound * B" t Bulk Starch . . . . . . . ICO 12 | iouua Curi'llrm ' Klco . . . . . . . . . . . . . too IS pouodt Clioica 1'runn . , . 1 ou ibar > Bi.flalo Soap . . . , , , 1 00 hxtrnljikuTruut , jr i > ound. . . . . . . . . , , . to Choice Mlcc-i Meat , per pound. . . , , . . , 10 1 dozuo llackcrcl . , . , 16 Culorudo Flour , Winter , p r CM t. . . , . S 00 T. T. T. All cradM , according to quality , I5o to SCo { mr pound We also carry a full line ot ilen'i , ladles' and C Idreu'f flue blicuand lieu' * Hre lloota at very low i > rlctM , M o lull line ol Tinware and geneial murchaiidlte. ( .ull on IK and kecotitluct < dtijt ) you on * te uoiiey bdvullni ; ulth u . Uood * dtlhcrcd ( rbj Inonv { arti < ( tl > iit > . lu . . word , ri am txiund ta tll and. challenge M ! lauJuL-U coui ciltluu lu thu count ) . J. T. FILBEUT I , I Cm n Pu ! SILOAM MINERAL SPRINGS. We irua antco the cute of the following named db- Bcases , or no paj : Hheimmtlsni , Sen tula , Ulcer * , Catarrh , al Itlnod and skin dlseaies , lv pepala , Liver Complaint , Kidney and Bladder Disease * . Oout , Neu ralgia anJ Asthma , Thes ! Sprlngaaro the fa\orita reeort of the tired an.l debllltatod , and are the KEEliLi : LADHS BEST FRIEND , Good hotel , livery and bathing accomodation both winter and summer. Locality hielilj plcturcsqua and healthy. Accessible by Wabseh rallnay , t EvmiaorC.B. & Q. , at Allmn ) . Corrcfi onaeno BOlicitod , REV. M. M. THOMPSON. \ Manager. Album , Slloam Spring ! , [ Gentry Co. , Mo. ANALYSIS. Specific Onuity 1.002 Reaction Keutra Carbonic Acid f ns ! 6 In. per gallon Carbonate Calcium 35,021 Uralni , Carbonate Iron 7r41 S'j fl Sulpliato Mafrncsla 368 " Sulphate Calci m 1,148 " Chloride Sodium 7,280 Slllica 1 68 " % Alumuia . . . .0,018 / O Organicand Volatile matter and loss . . . .1,460 " Totalecllda per gallon 87,174 " WIUOUT& MKKRILL , ChemUts THE DOOM OF THE UNSAVED ! "Tho wicked almll bo turned into hell , and the nations that forgot God. And the same shall drink of the vrino of the . t-v H > - wrath ef God , which s poured out with out mixture into the cup of indignation , and ho shall bo tormented with fire and brimstone in the presences of the holy anguls and in the presence ot the Lamb. BIHLK. W. R. VAUCHAN. Justice of the Peace. Uiuafta ana Council Jilutfr. lleal efcttte collec ton agcm O1-1 Fe'liv .lo Oicrp&vinsri hsiiV TUOU. omna , n. n. rcur. OFFICER & PUSEY BACKERS. Council BluOj . . ] . Esiabnsnea - - 7856 Dealers In Knrelirii uuil on istle KXLbaneo and CORNER PEARL ST , AND FIFTH AVK , , Open l < : ' 0a. m.,2 ; Op. m nnd730p. ; m. , Hon G \Vctlneada ) and Friday e > culi ga exclusively the lydiiplc Club. jtarMiiaio on Tuesday anil Thurkday ctcnlngs. ADUISSIOK , 26 CENTS. No objocttouabla clutracten will be admitted. CUATHAN & MAUTEN8. PROl'RIETORS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special advertlieinenU , uch aa Lost , Found , To Loan. For Sale , To Kent , Wants , Board. lu etc. , will be Inserted In Oil * column at the low nta ol TEN CENTS PER LINK ( or the first Insertion and FIVE CENTS PER LINK ( or each nibaequeut n- wrtlon , _ Leave adt ertlsementg at our office , No. Pearl Street , near Br Old way WANTS. WANTKU AlUnboywIth | > ony t > i cam route ( < r lln- Oil at Council Itluflu lien offlc-e. \TrANTEU-E erj'bociym Countll DluI to take VV TuicltBK. Delivered by carrier at only twenty oenu a week. OU ) PAI'EnS Kor Bale at BBS otlioo at 2i eenta a hundred. FOUlKNT-ElfK ( tlyurnMii'd aupartments In hou.ovlth jrii.te ( n ly ) lU > ( eience ( ex. changed. Address U , W. J. Ilee offlra. AOKKTS-Tadlci and Kcctlemen can make flrnt clutt uaifft by Mlllug the "Champion Ihom btrtdlier and Iroulne UatrJ. " 1UUIU kt SI 00. Any lady cauuoupk fine dilrt Kithoui K wriatle ami glosi I u nicelyaj hut tlaundrii can.Addnu ( orpa'tkuUrsO. ' B. tf. & L Uo. , lux oUlce , ( or one month- Mrs , H , J , Hilton , M , D , PHYSICIAN & SURHEON. 223 Mlrtdlo BritT v. Oonnotl BluflR EDWIN J , ABBOTT ! Justice of lie Peace. 4W1H'O.U\VAY , - COUNCIL