' " * * * t - - r- -r § DAILY BEE-OMAHA , WEDNESDAY , MAKOH n 5 DR. THOMAS' [ electric Oil ! WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD ! A Medicine with curative pro perties as impossible to counter feit as the PYRAMIDS OF EGYPT and which is now having an en ormous sale throughout the Uni ted States and Ganadas , VA. LOWEtt. , MABS , the pant two I was li\Jk allllctcil > oar < Ilu\i3 Htil ! Ilronchllis ami nn of Dr. Thomas' Hdi-ctrli- nffcrtlon of the throat Oil for tprolrp , brui < u < , Ir Th.vna ' Rclrrirlc OH ciitd. bums , nml Illicit ourcJ mo OIlTtr J Do lo nnllcs. It klwivn C\HP \ * . Isle , 23 K t Mvrt luiao t St. M. U IlKlr , AM. Klith \Vanl , Nov. 0 , 18 < 3. QUAYMI.U : , iu.s. DAVENTOUT , IOWA. In canes til Croup lliom As n romoily for Catarrh ns' Kolictllo Oil nuvcr Or. IhntnaV Kclnctilcllll falhtocvro. Hc'jrcilmu t.mlsntthf Ui. | U euro I ot & very bail Utccrntnl mo , nml I bcllc\ \ \ 111 cure Horc Throat C. U. Hall , Kdxv.H. llottlcj 'c , Illr. IU W. th Strcut. SOTjl ) IIY tVI..Ti S , . , T.f Ujd Arup , fcixt fc n cftbi Ii'nlln ' Omm. A f drop" lirr tl d.llclou i > < o cluiet cb..nfvn , . .il u > ll luniiu.r drlol. Trr II. u Wvrnr * rfcouate-Vlti. Alk Tour rte r ti ini l.l for U l Ml WUcK , tuoufxtunJ b1IU. . J O. D. Bl 0tnr 4 BOMi. J. W. VTUrrEEltAlIlT , COLS AOE1TT , Cl UKOAUWAY. N. X. lho want of n n- laWo dlructlc which while ndliit ; as n stimulant of thukld- 110 } B , ncltliercxcltca nor lrrltatt.8 them , uas long liico np. piled by Itostctter's htorancli Blttero. IhU line mcdlclno cxertn thn rennHto degree ofatlmulatt n : upcn these onjnns , uithout producing Irritation , and U , thertforu , far bettor adapted for the pur. IIOKO than unmedl cated excitants olt en resorted to. lj s pcpula , fu\cr and aeno and kindred _ i\se cinro nil cured y It. For Balu by all druggists and ucakrs gcnar- lii- . CHEAT ENGLISH REMEDY. CllfGS PHYSICAL & 1 . UUICOa siIAI.LOS3' OF MANLY ViaOHSpermatorr a , etc. , when nil other rcine. fi fall A cure guaranteed. ! V1.DO a bottle , largo bottle , foul times the quantity. $5. By ex- props to any addrcsa. So'd b } alldrugglatB. ENGLISH MEDI OAT , INSTITUTE , Proprietors , 718 OIlvo Street , St T.onla.llo. "I hrxvo sold Sir Astloy Cooper's Vital nestorativc ot > e rs. Every customer speaks highly of It I DriKealUtlcglycndorsoitaaaremody of true merit "C. F. QOODMAK , Drug gU 188B v18mtoeod -70. L REGULAR MONTHJj Y DRAW- I Li ! ing will take place in Covington , Ky. , Thursday , March 27th , 1884. A Lawful Lottory& Fair Drawings , chartered by the Icsrlalatnro of Ky. , and twice ileuar. ed legal by the highest court In txo Btato Boml .ghen lo Ilenry Cuiiutv in the sum of # 100,000 for the 'prompt pajment nf all irlzon sold. March Scliome. 1 Prlia . Ef.OOU 1 Prize , . . . . 10,000 1 Priru , . D.OOC S Prizes , } 2,500oach . B , X1 5 Prizes , l.dmtiacli . 6,000 20 Prizes , DOOeach . 10,0011 100 Prizes , 100 each . 10,000 SOO Prizes , GO each . 10,000 00 Prizes , 20 each . 10.01H1 1000 Prizes , IU each . 10,000 0 Prizes , iloo oath Approximation Prizes i , , 2,700 B PrUes , MO " I.SOC 8 P < lws , 100 each " IX * 1,876 PM/rs. tllO,4O , ( Whole Tickets , $ a. Half Tlekete , 81 , 27 Tlokats. SOD. 00 TicketB , $100. Bomit iqouoy or Postnl Note Bank llraJl in Letter ! or ( end bj Express. Orders of 85 and upward In .express , ran ba ecnt at oui exien o. Address al orders to J. J , DOIMI.AS. Oovlnpton , Ky d-wvd 1st yncm-w 2d w cm. BED STAE LINE Boynl and U S , Mall Btcamen SAILING EVERY SATURDAY , BETWEEN NEV/ YORK AND ANTWERP , ThcIUdM , flernviny , Italy , Btoerapo Outward , fJO ; Prepaid from Antwerp , JI21 lEiCilrsloil , { 10 , lnehidlhhijil.lln | < r , etc , M Col. In , $16 Kx'.ursion , tflOO ; 8Ali n Iruui ? 5oto 00 ; Kxcurmoi 4110 to tlOU. jQTPutor Wright & Sum , QCII. AKiirits. 65 Kioad wny N. Y. I Caldwell. Hamilton & Co , , Omaha. P. Ii Olod iinaD&Ci ) . , 208 N , Iflth Street , Oinuha ; U. K Kim ball , OmahaAccntx. n < A erd-lv ALONG THE LINE OF TUB ) Chicago. . St. . Paul , Minneapolis am OMAHA RAILWAY. The nicy extension of this line from Wat.udeld U ] i the BEAUTIFUL VALLEY of the GAU through Concord and Colcrldgu 'TO 1S3CjSL3l.miXrG1'O3Xr , jteachcs tha test portion of the Btatu. Special ex curslon ra'oa for land lueker * over till' line t' Wayni , Norfolk and Ilattlngtou , and \la lllalr to al principal po'i.ts on the SIOUX OITY & PACIFIC RAILROAE Trilos o\or tbt C. . at. P. if. & O. Itailway tn Cov Injrton , HIoux Llty , Ponca , tllartlngtoo , Wayne anc Norfolk , Forrrcmont , Oakdale , NolUb , and through to Vfcl entlne. XSTl'oT rate * anil nil Information rail on K 11. WilllNEV. General Ag Dt , 6tr : i ; * Dulldlitr , Oar , 10th and Farnam htJ , Omaha , Ktb LAII no secured at depot , coiner Htl > .aUr Btrettn I CURE FITS ! VlicnfcKv euro i uc in ( iuean unroiytoctoptuouiTur J tfuiititellioni rnurn mrtlii. I rce n ana.- ral euro. I tiava ; imda Ihn tll lO of Kilt ! . E r riLLINOHICKNKBSalllo lnm [ udy. ( virtutUV rtmedy to cor * U worst cuut. llic ui othnt h v dli no ruuton jtir in t now receiving a car * , i fur ft trutUw anil a Kroo Uolllo cf pr mi - Give IfiijTMH anil Tiwt Olllc * . H tt * f r trltl , ! I wlllrur * yi . 11. U. 1UOT. mruar CHICAGO SCALE CQ I ' . run uiLuv LTJI.K , xu. nutiu. . ii T.in UlU ) . lira ul ll-jx llifluilpd 240 "AKMCR'a COALE , 8 , TJiB "Uu. . I Hiw.tTv V'M " ' to-.ttib.fc ( OIKirilKUHIZCH. lUimttt > KllK LlSTiHU FORGES , TOOLS. &o , ST rOIUK MiDK fllH LIOIIT WUU , tli fuoati ui * nmt = s saw THE BISING EIVER , A lllsc nt Oinnlia nml Polr R Abo\r A Ulfi Flood K\t | trd. The Miisour river niw risen about four oct at Omaha dur'.ng the last thirty-six lours. The ic'j , however , still holds , 'ho ' river is raing nil the wnys up , nnd uilo n heavy tiso is expected when the onornl break-up ocours. ATHIOUV rtrv. The rit-or nt this oi v wni n foot highrr ast oening tlimi on Saturday. The ice till holds lirni , nnd n few teams rrcsiod. humorous foot pnsscngora went ever , jut not entirely dry shod. The winter riduo wan crossed by trains of the No- rnska division during the day , and holds nn. It is not likely to bo weakened ntil the ice inovea out. .lint how long t will bo K'foro the ice goes is what poole - lo want to know. With the thaw of rstcrday , the rain of hxat night nnd the tundy riiiim of the river , thu ice cannot omain in place much longer. wiiusur. conns DISASTKH. Captain Oraut Mitr h sajR that it is n listakon idea that the disastrous high ater of three years ngo was madoby the nulling of the snows in the few hundred nilcs of tlio river immediately above lioiix Oity. That rise came from thoup- or river , and the snotr hereabout did not molt until most of the dmimuo had been one by the ice gorges. The damage , if from the will de- ny , present break-up - end on the amount of wntor that the ppor river sends down , rather than on 10 water coming into the stream below iismarck. AT IIUNMN'O WATI'.U. Captain Joe Leach , master of the teamcr M.nudo , came in yesterday from lunning Water. Ho informs n reporter ' : iat the river tnoro is several feet higher inn nt this city. Tlio ice in the main ihannol for the distance ot n milo wont ut several days ngo. From the color of lie water Captain Leach thinks that the followstono rise has passed Weeping Water. The ice in the Niobrnro has one out. AT YANK1OX. A gentleman from Yank ton says that ; ho river there is yet mostly covered by co , but that the ice' ' is Hooded , and thu Ivor raising. No immediate break-up is ixpectod. AT ( JHAMIinULAIN. , D. T. , March 10. The ivor ' is ( juiot. In the channel some parts ire' yet frozen over. No , break-up is ookcd for at present. It has boon .hawing all day nnd the snow is nearly all gono. AT niSMAUOK. Bismarck Tribune , G : Indications at .ho river now arc that thn ilood caused by the break-up of the Yellowstone nnd Tongue rivers has reached this point. The \\ntor has risen nearly seven feet luring the last forty-eight hours , and is ( lowing on top of the ice. The sun is high enough with favorable winds to cause n speedy break-up nt almost any time , but n decided change in the tern > eraturo nnd n few days of chinook breezes must first occur. The -liorniomoter last night wus ton below zero. "HOUGH ON BATS. " Clears out rats , mien , roaches , flies , ants , bedbugs , skunks , chipmunks , ophera. 15c. Drucrirists PKKSONALi. UftvidGratf , Orleans , Y. T. Lewis , Oak land , nro gueuts of the Millard. W. H. Dickenson , Wahno , John B. Horn met , "Lincoln , nru at the Millard. J. 1" . Kilter , Plattsmouth , and C. W. Thomas mas , Grand Inland , are registered at the Mil lard. lard.II. II. O. Stewart , of Klveraton , Xeb. , IK re gistered at the Metropolitan. K. B. Carson and H. S. lleinos , of Chicago are registered at the Metrojwlitin. J. W. King , ofOgulalla , la at the Metro poll tan. Jos. 1' . Townloy , of Terre J Ian to , Ind. , 1 rcxislstored at the Metropolitan. William Kurfcs and Miss Sophia Anderson of OOUOBOO , Ilia. , are K'uoita of thoMotro- poliun , Ji E. Larhart and wife , St. Paul , Minn , are stopping nt the Metropolitan. Mahlon Hasten nnd wife , Chicago , are a the Metropolitan. Mi < m iTennio Montugnn and sister , of 1)c Moincw are at the M.otroHilitan. | 'C. Jl. Swoduni , Oil City , I'oun. , is Bto ] > pin at the Metropolitan. J. H. Butrmn , K"ck Island , Ills. , G. C Briggu , mid \V. C. Hudson , WInstereet , lo. J. 8. Uthorly , Sherman , Wyo. , and H. M lirotson aad two daugHtira , Chicago , nr stopping at the Motropulitun. On ID tlio M.irill OI-IIH Carnival. The lOMh tJrand ilonthly Drawing of Th Louisiana State Lottery took place the HOC end Tuesday of February , at Now Orleans Ln. Gun'lx (7. ( T. Jinauregnrd , of La. , am Jubsl A. U.uly , of Vu. , supervised it. Tiok ot > 'o. 71 , I2 drew Vlrat Capital of S7fi,000i ; wan Hold m FructionH of fittlia at 81 each , uni Mr. dloracajf. Hatch , a plumber of No. 1S < West JJroadway , South iioxton , Afasa. , go 315/00 ; another portion ucitt to Merfiiv La/.jrd Freren , of Sun FranciHOO , Cal. , wel known banker there ; another to Frank Fi tlollo , JucUhonvlllo , Fh. No. 09,873 dra the Hecond I'rizo of $25.000 , nl o old In fifth ono to II , It. Kicks , of Morgantown , Jtrook Co. , y. 0. , collected through Bank of Ashu vllle , .N..O , , and elHowliero. No. HO-1'J8 dion the Third Cui.ital Price of $10.000. sold i VVakhlngton City , D. 0 , , and olsowhoio Kvory where , everytlmo , ovnryono haa it chani to win n fortune for a trifle. Any. informu tion can ! > o hod of M. A. DaupUn , Net Orleans , La. , before April 8th , the not drawing. _ _ _ Copper County Correapondeuce of Tin BK ? . GOSI-EU COUNTV , Neb. , March , 1884 Having bia a reader of Tun BKB fo four years , and never seeing anything i it foam this , county , C will give a few items that may be of interest to you many readers. Gosper county is situated on the divid botwcon tlio I'latfo and Kepublicanrivcrs nnd has a territory of 4G8 t/uaro miles and is nccMsiblo bjr the Uuion Pacifi railroad on the north nnd Burlington Missouri lUv r railroad on the south , a Arapahoe , and Plum Creek , on ( ho Unto PaciBc. Wheat , oatt ) , corn , barley , rye , ilnz and broomcorn grow in abundance. Crop n this township , 7 , northrniiio ! 21 , west iveragcd in 1883 ; Wheat , 25 bushels pc icro ; natfl , 40 ; corn , 40 to 40 ; barley , D 'o GO ; broomcorn , about 1 ton to 4 acres most all of the latter on sod. Water is obtained iu abundance , an as pure and good as in nny country , th opln to it varying according to locality , > omg on the low lands nbout 20 to 40 cot , and on the high lands from 150 to 00 , but these deep wells nro easily made with well nugors , the cost being nbout 'GO ' to § 70 nil complete. It is suitable or raising stock of nil kinds which nl- rnys finds n sale nt good prices. There i some government land yet for homo- tends nnd pre-emption , but the most of iq good land is taktn. There is n good < | UAiitity of railroad lands for , snlo nt low > riccs , from § 4 to 87 per ncre , nnd on nsy terms. Any one wanting further informntion an call nt my residence , fifteen miles outhcnst of Plum Crook , or address mo t that placo. JOHN A. Uoiir.uts Post Ollico ClmiiK' ' , n Nebraska nnd Iowa , during the week ndino ; March 8 , 1831 , furnished by Win. ran Vleck , of the post ollico department : Nl'.IIKASKA. Established Concord , Dixon county , livid 0. l.cnmer , postmaster ; Dnrnall , Jrown county , Daniel II. Darnnll , post- lastor ; Pickroll. Oago county , Joseph V Chandler , poVmastor ; Shubortltich- rdson county , Frank Al. King , post lamer ; TJiatcher , Cherry county , Loran < \ Lewis , postmaster. . Postmnstcra appointed Ayr , ' Adams ounty , II. A. Howe ; Camden , Sownrd ounty , 1C. Kinney ; Stowo , Frontier ) unty , llownrd AI. llenton. IOWA. ' Established Gresham , Black Hawk > unty. Alfred W. Daniels , postmaster ; [ all , Davis county , Edward C. Hull post- lastor. Nntnn changed Stottpolis , Iowa conn- ' to Williamsburg. Postmasters appointed Baldwin , Jnck- on county , George Sokol ; Dayton , Web er county , J. A. Ltndborg ; Lytlo City , ow.- county , Ilnttiu M. Tiornan. THK TVUANTS OF THI-J TitAGIC. ho Knot cm Trunk Idno llopoitcd * HOIK : to I'll'COM TlirotiHlH irom Oltlcn o ( o Mexico. pocial Dispatch to Tn K BKH. Ciiiiuiio , March 11. According to n umor on the board of trade to-day the astern Trunk line pool has gone to nccos , intluoncod by extensive rate cut- ng on the difleront roads. A call on Commissioner Alooro was productive of : io information that no such disruption .ad occurred , nor was it likely to take lace. Recent advices from Cotnmis- ionor 'link were to the effect that no rate cutting that ho know was being .ono. Alooro wns of the opinion that the 'runk line pool was just ns solid and ns Ikcly to stand as it ever was. Special Dispatch to The Boe. WASHINGTON , March 12 Information caches hero that through trains from the ity of Mexico to Chicago , will bo put m in a very short time on the through incs completed. The time between Chicago cage and the City of Mexico , will be , it s said , between three and four days. THK Olil > WOULD. A CUIS1S Al'l'lWMCUES AT HUAKIM. SUAKIM , March 11 , 8 p. in. Firing ins begun nt Zariba. General Graham , Colonel S tovrr.tr. and the whole force has gone thither , including the guard di > - jiiled for the forts hero , which consisted of 730 British and 000 Egyptian troops. SUAKIM , March 12 , Morning. Tlio Highlanders working on the intrenched fort at Xariha woio attacked by Osman Digna'd advance at ( ! o'clock last opening. Only 422 marines now defend thu forta of iSuakim. Scouts from the direction of Tamanieb report that Osman with 7,000 men is moving toward Zariba , in the hope of destroying the British stores of water in a series ot night attacks. Osman retains as adherents the great tribe of Huddri- amas. The Shiitkh has urged that night assaults were the best kind of strategy against England's arms of precision. TIAirUNd AT IlACNINir. , March 11. A report is cur rent nt Hong Kong that G onornl Millet opened a cannonade upon Uacninh Mon. day. At Canton are nil the signs of c prolonged war. There is no hostility tc foreigners , however. DYNAMITK FOR DB TA11IS. PAIUH , March 11. A box addressed t ( Compto do Paris , seized in Lyons , con tainrd dynamite suflicient to kill manj persons. DIHMAUCK li.MII.Y RATTI.BI ) . Br.iu.iN , March 11. Bismarck is auf fering from n severe attack of gout. Tin Linker incident has severely excited hin and every frpnh phase of the dispute i , quickening his irritation , ITo is mucl Qmucintod , having lost over forty pound i in a short thri" KltANOE AND KK7H 1'OIUC. PAIUH , Mnicli 11 , Tlio committee o the chamber of deputies , to which th question of the importation of America pork had been referred , have decided rtubject to the approval of the govern mum , to consult the consul generals i the various departments upon the nml lor. Meanv/liilu Lnnessan , n member c the committee , has rcaolvod t < > reques thu government to suspend the omb.irn on pork until the committee shall hav come to n final decision , A ( IKKAT C'OVtfUMKNT. BEULIN , March 11. The North Gorma Gazette considers it noteworthy that a article should have appeared in Th Journal Den Debats , Paris , which exproi scd approval of Bismark's action in rcgar to the Laskor resolution. It is unoxpocte that a French journal should judge Bii marck favorably. AKFAIUH IN TO OTK. P ms , March 11. Tonauju advices n port a French column advancing upo llaoninh from Hnidzeiong and hai had uiccebBful engagement with the onemj Vdmiral Couibet hus taken nn ironclad t Quinton and declared that part of th juast blockaded. Wlmleaiilo bluuuiuur tif Train Jtol SILVEII CJT - , X. M. , March 11. hi formation has been received from th -icono 'of the conflict with the escape Darning train robbers. Frank TVggat tnd Miku Leo were hanged to a tree b ho poeso. Tlio negro Washington hai his head shot oil" . Mexican Charley wa diet dead. Joseph Lt/l'nr / , ono of th ( Misso , wns killed by Kit Jay ; the Jat'o 1 acapeil , headed for Gil.i river , but wil 1 t-erlainly ba taken dead or alive witlii unhoun. Mike Leo confessed to kill 1 ng Kiiginoer Wi bitnr SuloIdcH llccuiib i.r . it liitlier'H IU Sr. PAUL , Much 11 This morninc Harry , the 12 year old son of Edward H i Turner , becoming angered at a reproc ) 7y his mother , snatched up n rorolv * himself through the heart , t UNFETTERED FLAMES , A Fire in East St , Louis Inflicts $500,000 , Loss , An r.lcvatnr , llnllwny FrclBht onico mid t to Ours Destroyed. Sr Louis , March ll. There was n most destructive II ro in Kiiat St. Louis to-night. The ihmca cauht in a small harbor shop in n rovr of old frftino buildings - ings on the river front. Tlicro is no lire department in tlio plnco , nml the sur rounding property was nt the mercy of the flames , which spread with great rap idity , soon consumed the row of frames , spread to the i-onsfor company's stabloa in the roar , and then advanced to Eleva tor A. The entire property was destroy ed. The olovntor is said to Imvo con- tnincd botwcon 200,1)00 ) and 000,000 bushels of corn , 50,000 bushels of oats , and 10.CCO bushels of wheat. ' Loading west from this elevator was iInng conveyer voyor connecting with Elevator U on tlio river bank , belonging to the simo com pany. Part of this conveyor was burned , but the remainder was torn down nml the elevator. was saved. Extending northward , the tire tprciul to the freight ollico of the Chicago < t Alton road , and to the cars in the yards of that company. The freight office was totally destroyed , and a largo number of empty nnd laden cars burned. One tr.iin of six burning cars was pulled out of tlio yards to Cone station , near the stock yards , nnd the llames communirutcd to long lines of cars , 7i > to 80 of which wore burned. A mimborof other cara also burned , making the number about 1-10 , ono- third of wliioh were laden with grain. Tlio hiss is in the neighborhood of § 500,000. On elevator building , § 150,000 ; grain , § 200,000 ; cars and freight , § 75,000 ; railroad buildings , § 50,000 ; smaller losses , § 25,000 ; insur ance not ascertained. WIIEKIC W1NUU WHISTLE. < V Sovcro Ull//nril KnRlni ; hi Minnesota seta mul Dakota AJOyclonoln MINNEAPOLIS , March 11. The most severe blizzard of the season is raging. Travel of all kinds is suspended. Spec ials from various points in Minnesota and Dakota stutp the storm is severe every where. Trains on the vnriou * rail roads are cither many hours Into or abandoned. In the neighborhood of St. Vincent in some places the snow lia drifted twenty foot deep. No disaster reported yet , iitAND FOUKH , D. T. , March 11. A blizzard is raging hero , the air is filled with snow , driving before the high north wind , the temperature ranging from 10 above to ! )5 ) below this afternoon. All the roads except the Northern Pacific are blockaded. Former reports of a severe blizzard east are exaggerated. Men. and women were out three days and nights without ajiol or , nnd no physical injury was sustained. Not exceeding 12 per sons have been lost to date in Dakota and the neighboring regions of Minneso ta and Canada. ST. PAUL , March 11. A peculiar Mix- zard lias been blowing northwest for the lust three days. The weather has _ not been cold but the exceedingly high winds caused snow diifts twenty to thirty feet deep in places. Most trains Imvo sus pended. Duluth is the only town reported whore the weather is mild. In St. Paul to-night it is growing rapidly colder. _ A strong wind is blowing enow so that it is impossible to BOO across the street. , JACKSON , Miss , March 11. A cyclone struck the Agricultural col logo at Shark- villo this afternoon. Captain Lucas ivun slighly wounded. All the buildings are more or less damaged. Slock sull'ored greatly ; farm implements , fences and grain wore blown uway. At other pointn there was severe wind. Lightning struck the state house horo. WAVKULY , Miss. , March 11. At fou < o'clock this afternoon every cabin and gin house on Major Young'a plantation wore wrecked by a torrilio storm. The rain poured in torrents for two hours , t accompanied by hail and wind. Tlu elements are still at war and worse i : expected. THIS CATTLE CONTAGION. KanBUH Slock Men Fearful of the lie null Tlio Convention nt Kaunas City "Worse DevelopmentH. KANHAH CITY , March 11. ThoJournal' Neosha Falls ( Kansas ) dispatch says Thu situation is becoming more serious The examinations to-day show that th diittaso appeared in the herd of on is Piivcau. Tills is the Vutos Contur cast the first report of which was contradict ei. A well developed case has also bee discovered in Jmnes 0. Toles' herd , i Lyon county , t > nmo miles south of Empc riu. Tliu cattle men assembled here ur fearful of the remit t , but still hppo fc the beat. The mooting in this cit to-day brought stock men from n purta of the slnto , there bring COO i attendance. They organized by the ulei tion of Lioutcnant-povonior Kiiinoy i president and L Foil aa errrotnry. Fii noy stated that thus far only BtouK cattl uro being affected ; corn-fed cuttlo Jim o not yet been touched by the disease. Tl exports then made a report of their o ; umiimtion , Dr. Ilulcom , army 8urvoy < in nt , Fort Leavonworth , stating that after clone investigation ho was convinced tin lt. the malady is the foot and mouth discos * ( ] In I'onr of u Flood. VTJMA , Ariz. , March 11. The Gi river is risinir rapidly , being now six fo < higher than at the time of the grei flood of 1802. The citizens are coi utructing a levee , but this will not pr vent the lower part of the townfroi _ being swept away if the river continue ; to rise. The people are excited an ifraid w go to bed. The Colorado eported as rifting rapidly. Null It mo to Oiiiaiitt llediicert. Cmc'AOo , March 11. Commiuioni Viuing , of the Western Trunk Line assi ciation , yesterday ordered a reduction i the nail rate between Chicago and Omah from 28 to 2 cents , Thin was done t meet the river competition. The Soutl vestcrn Itailway association linns mac 'lie same reduction from Chicago and S Louia to Kansuy Oity March 1. ( WostcrnVUJH antl ! BAN FiuNciMX ) , March 11. The Ohr aide's Los Ang&los special a yo panaui ers by the dofayod train from'tlio ca irrived to-day. TJiey catno by rail as fi is Pomona , thence by team and on foi 'tern. Thov n-port fully thousand fin grants and first class paasor.gors at CVIk and vicinity. ; T ITho.v , March 11. The Blar'a Bilyi f City special says : The Doming train re r > en broke jail last night. They wt : overtaken by the sheriire posse , tv killed , ono wounded nnd tlio rest cap tured. MiNXBArotH , Minn. , Mnrch 11. The Tribune's upcciat from Pottimid , Oregon , ftnys : The men reported lost in the Occur d'Alono mountains turned up nt Front Crook.nttor H days woeful experience - once in the deep snow and forests. Tlio party was utterly worn out. MOSCH Montclloro'N Memorial , LKVKtANt ) , 0. , March 11. The sit- promo ledge of the Hebrew order of Korahpr Shel Barzol , now holding n quin- quonnial session liuro , to-day endowed n homo for aged nnd infirm Isralitcs located in tliM city , commomorattvo of the 100th aunhunary of Sir Moses Mrntolioro. The value of the endowment is § 75,000. This ii the first inumotml founded in honor of the great Jouish philanthropist , and was adopted with great onlliujiivmi. Itillrontl UoRulatlon In Mexico. MKXK-O , March 11. The Mexican government demands a reduction of the tariff on the Mexico tfcVoraCru7.mil- road under the tcrmi of the ponct'ssion sti.ulnting [ the tarill' rates must be re duced as soon as the earnings of the com pany permit payment of 8 per cent divi dend on common stock. The first , through train ov r the Mexican Control from the United States is expected here Saturday. A Small Job. S. 0. , March 11. The republican convention of the Seventh congressional district nominated Robert Small , colored , for congress to ouccood Muckoy , deceased. There was little opposition to Small's nomination. It is considered equivalent to an election , the majority of negro voters in the district being overwhelming. Scottish Klto MIIHONH. LYONS , In. , March 10. Tlio fourteenth annual conclave of the Scottish Uito Ma- sunn was opunod last night nt the hall of DoMolny Consistory. Members are com ing hi from nil parts of the state. There are about twouty-fivo candidates for tlio degree to bo granted. The mooting closes Fiiday evening with a grand ball nnd banquet More Murders In a Vurloty Tlicntor. SAN ANTOMO , March 11. Ben Thomp son and King Fisher are both lying doud in tlio Vaudeville theatre ; bc.th were shot in the loft eye. .loo Fester who at tempted to separate them wan shot in the leg nnd will probably die. The tragedy occurod to-night. Destructive 1'ralrlo Flro. KANSAS CITY , March 11. A destruct ive prairie ( ire started by n locomotive spark yesterday afternoon near Kinsley , Kai. , is burning n number of ranches , dwellings and ether property. Mrs. Goo. W. Mathony was burned to death in an endeavor to save her homo. Missouri Kcpulilluans Fall to Kitso. Sr. Loui.s , March 11. The republican state committees of both Filloy and anti- Filloy factions of the party met here to day. They failed to unito. The anti- Filloy party sot the date for their state convention on April flth. Tt is thought that the Filloy party will to-morrow issue a call for n eeparato convention. 11V TlOLiKOUU'H. Cowan & Co , , merchants of Glasgow , hiw failed for JMOO.OOO , Oiford university has dcclilod to grant wo men tlio aamn oxnnilii.itloii im pl\cn men , Van ( .irnfeelaml Sons , lard and imp iimnti- fncttirorB , of St. Louta , Imvo nssiKiiod. Ancti" . Sli.'t.aOJ , liabilities nutBtatod. Anotlior bill liaa p.v > od the iniliiunont of QnouiiHlantl , Australia , roetiietln ; ; Chlncsa initnlgnition , TlioKovornorof Dolitwnra has rcupltod Lowos I. Lint , undnr Bcntonco to IIIIDK FriiUy , until thu Kocnnd Krlilny of March 1000. Tliu gonu- ral bollefvn that thosoiitoiicclof murder wiui unwarranted by tliu ovicJoneo. liuhop Wognor of 1'uttorann , N. .T. . hftB ro- ftiHOil to allow the funorul of Win. llnydqn and wife to take plnco from the church 1m- C&UBO the IlaydoiiB dtsobnycd the ordnr of tlm bishop two yearn ao prohibiting the irnlo of liquor on Sunday. Kd. Ray nnd W. A. Anderson , rovomio odicorH. who recently klllod throa inon In M Itclioll county , North Carolina , have ciir- ramlerod and uro now in j.iH at Ashoxilld. Nourly 85,000 reward bus boon olTorod for tlioir capturo. The Northwestern , Sloiix City nud Onmha roads hnvo i sncd n joint through freight tarill on lumbar , lath , flhiriRlpp , codnr po ta , tanbark - bark and teloprrnph poleR , t lilnB cilf ct on Monday , between Clilcu o * MilwauUco , Ha. cine , llaclno .liinctlon , or Ivonohlm , uud Nebraska - braska pointa. A train on the Michigan Contra ! road , due at JlulTulo ycHtcrduy inorninf ; , i-truck nbrolioi : rail about ono liunclrod nillos from tlutt city , which completely overturned thn flcopor , aiu fifteen pansongerH aboard , Including Currit Swain , the uctrcss. Nearly all were bndlj brtiisod , but nouo Horioualy'iujurod , The Mlchfgan Central passenger ( lapirlnion has taken muaBiiroa to do away with the note runner unlaanco at NI Kara Kall0. Horuaftoi ouch hotel will liillmltud to but ono runner a each of the two dopota , nnd they muat Htan < outndo ! the cnrblnj , ' . If they coma iucido tin compuny'H xroimdii the hotolH will bo hhut ol from oven thoM ) Hmlloil prlvllenoa- IB UNFAILING ARI > ISl'AI.MIILB IK cuiumi Epileptic Pitt , 'Spatnt ' , Fill ling _ _ _ filcl.iicsR , Convul sions , St. VltUu Dance , Alcoholism , Opium Eating , Seminal VfenUnreo , Im- | Ktcncy , Syphilis , Bcrofula , and nil Norvouo and Blood Dlooaooo. | 5y To Clergymen , Lawyers , Literary Men , Merchants , Hauliers , Liidlen and ull whose BCdentury employment cauect Nervous Pros tration , IrrrKiilantlCB of Ilio blood. eUmmcli , bowels or kidiicyH , or who require a nerve la Ionic , appetlzoi'oi btliiuleiit/Viimariui ( Jfcr- ot elm h Invaluable. At t-tyThonflantls II- proclulm It the most IIU ' " * U- wonderful L'lgor- ins Uin ed ant a that elnltlnfr ever nuRtaln- BVRtcni. CHEnVE | | | | | | ) s ( l.CO , ut Urngb'lfits. id rhaDR.8.A.niCHMOND is MEDICAL CO. , Solo Hro- St. < otcph , Mo. _ Rtnulenhnnrli to Oo . A o i.P _ _ or WeakNervousMen WboiJi delilllly. < iKl > uu ll uud | > romtturu devuy aiocauivU by oiM-HMiii , errors of yuuth , etc tra.perfiM-tl ) > restored.or iliii > t - ylporoiK inunliooil liy THE MA XOLU8. n > Um > cll amrrlnx. TliUinmtunni lj\vi-vi > i | > I lilllly tint I'll. > ill-ill Drciiy aoifonnly ci'ooou > ful IICOAIIHH nari-u on v" ' < u > uiii t > , ne\viiiiil JlrrL't niclliiMKan MUM * llHir uiihne B. he&ted 'IrfitUfl Kff. "USTON nEMP YC0..40W.MI' Ww * on - ITotioe to Cattle Mon n- nnt 1IO ( ) OATTLB FOR 8ALK. nr 110 Head ol Htotn Tlirto Ve w Old. 01 20J * < ' ' * Two " ii. 201 " " HclhW , Two " IM " ' rtocn , Olio " % 20 " M IKKt-r * . Ooo " Tbe l ne dww.'ll ) d oattlo 010 ill Ht'll brut ) low > ttle , ktrnlL'ht and unooth llima cultlu willl er nld In luU to i ult i uichi er , and nt rtasnmb iirlcw. Tor lur'.bi r i.artl.u' ' r , " " ; " " re Waverly , llnju.irOu , owa. TO I' , B. A'liyou gjradjdbulla , niTOmo-Stwl \ fiitiniTsi Is Li , LJAJ ULJLCi PMESREIKSKINGURES 1 Positive Cure for livery form of % / > and Jilood Diseases , from J'implct to Scrofula. Blood Purifiers and Skin BoautiHers. DIRKimmiXCI llinions , Hohlnff unit Ilurnlnff Torluro , I'Alnlul Krnptlon * , S lt Ilhciini or Ke/cma , I'noiUili * , SoMd lloul , Intuntllo or Illrtli llumom.MHl o\cn furin nt Itch iu , SoAly , Plmiily , oriiiloii ( 1 Inhir led t'onlAjloiir , And Copj cr-d lor- c.1 DNrmritol the Illood , Shin Mil Soslp , lth I.cni < > ( lUlr. nrn pn.lthcly rurcd by Oiitloum Ciillcuri lto * > Ucnt , the iiowl)1oo < tiirinor.cliuiiMi | tlio liloinl nnd | M'rplmtloii ot Ininirlllci | Ami polnnn ini flonicnt , MKI tlun return ca the rAino , wli'lo ' ( 'tlltdliA , the Ktp.it Skin ftiro , liisUntly tllMd Itch- Injjninl Ii tUtnmittlnn , rloan the Skill Anil Scnlj , lioili the t'Kcrn Kinl Borr , nnd UM ointho llnlr Soap , mi CTiuMte Rkln llcauttnor nnd Tollvt llc < | til < Ur , ] > rrn\rrtl | Irnni Cutlcurn , Ii IndH- IMMIMMO 111 trrnthift skill Dlsoi'oi , D.-vliy lltimnrt , hkln tllcsiWic * . Miillloiii5h , ; liipio | < l , i Oily Hkln. Cutlcutft ItomHIcn ro nlHoliitoiy | mic , mult no only rrMlllowl IMnlla laiulSKln llriivlHciK. u- ChS .lIo slilohT > < ilvycr'J3StRtoiitrct ( , lion I'm , ro | > flrt < cnno nl Htlt Uliciim tiiitlcr hln ol or- vatlou for ten jcurn.litcli oncrcxl tlio | > ntlcnt'i Ixxly nml llnili , nml t ulildi nil knoun mcthn.ln ol trcMnu < nt IIM ) been | iilliil | ulthout lioncHt , uhlrh wanconiplotcly cMrcil oUlv by the CuUcur * Homo , tile * , IctvliiR n cJi.in mul healthy nklii , 1If. . Ir Vo , U ij , I'otrolt Mlch.nullcrnl nut Mil torlnrrn from a km tI < onililrh Kpx | < nrr.l 01. his h ml , hrftl MiiKnca , Mil nearly ilf < troyiMllimi > c . wlter thonimt caroliilib torlnc nml a cim iltulon ill | ihjdlrl nn lullcil tci rcllcMi liliii , he u < pil the IM tlcnmHcmcillos , ml was tn.cil , nml hit * icniilnol i to ihto. Chan. lv yro lllnlo Jorspy City HelRht" , N , .T , , n il ot liji-irn , ho , for clslit jcniii , M ona n i nl SiVxIw nml Humor * , ( iml nion ( . wlio.ix nil Kni ji ronuilu ! < nmt rrMirJ \ tilcil In \ \\ancoinilcto- | - ly rum ! l > y Cutlciita Ilcmcillos. HoW by nil ttmiKltU. Ciitlrurn , f-0 cents ; Rrnol. vent , 31 ; Moni | , 2lronU' 1'orrnu Unuu AKD CIIBMI. CAI.UO. , llojton , .Mans. Soiul lor'How to Oiro Skin Wscancn- " CAPITAL PRIZE , $76,00 . nly $ fl. Slmron In'l'ropottluii'O'J LonisMa Slate Lotlcry Company , "H'c do hcrtby ecrtiju that IM supervise the or- rangenuiit * for all the Monthly arut Stmi-Anntial Drawings of the f.ouiiann Mate tottery < A > m. ami in jxrson manage and control the Dramnt > i themselves , ami that the laniearecon- thietal irith hanaty , fairatsi , and in good faith tomxnl all ] > artiti , anil t atithoi-iie the company to me this certificate , tcit/i fiic-simila of our tiff \iatartiattachol \ , in its aJifrtisemcjiti. y COMMISIIQKlcnS. Inoorpratod In 1SC8 for S3 yearn by the les'lhturo for oducntloiml and charltablo | .uri "e with r cap ital ot 91,000.000 to which a reserve fund nl oici $ . ' ,50,000 , has flnee been added. Dy an o\crwhclmlnc poiular TOte IU fronchltt wan nuiio a part i f the present itato constitution adopted DccomberSM , A. 1) . 1871) . The only Lottery over voted on and on- dorsad by the people of nny Suite , It no\ emetics or pontpouoi. Itn gennd nint'lo number druwingB take plnco monthly. A Rplondld opportunity to win a Portnno. Timrttl OrnnU lirnwhiK CliwB 1) , In tlio Acad emy of Millie , Now Orlaans , Tuesday , April tt , 1881 ll)7tli Afinithly OAPITAL-PKIZK , § 75,000. JUf I IlZCd , BIUUUIIVIII n . * , . . . . . . . . , .wtw , vw Aprllcatlon forratns to clubs should bo made rail } to tlio ollico of tlio Company In NowUrkaui. For further Inlormatlimrlto clearly uMiiJ full address. Malic P. O. Money Ordorj pajaulo and address UoirUtcrcd Letters tn NEW OHLEANH NATIONAL HANK , New Orleans , La. Postal Notes an 1 ordinary letters by Still or Ex press ( all ouma ol (5 and upwards by Exprv'u at our oPensoto ) Jr. A. DAUPHIN , or if. A. DAUPHIN , New Orlcaun , La. 007 Betonth St. , Washliigtou , II. 0. ron run crmn o ? ALL DISEASDI 01 ? roit TWENTY VI1A1IS Iluninltrcvii' Iloiuoo. tiillilo Vi-li-rlnnrv HiirclllCH have Ix on iijca by rnriiicrH , hliirli Ilrri-i crx. I.lvi rv hlnlilnaiul Tiirliiii'ii. Iliimt ! llnllnmila. Jtlniiiirac-tiirrrd , 1 , Hli iniiri'et uuci'i-xn. llii'iililiri-\N' Wfrrlnnry ninnnnl , t lit fi INJ | jy mull on u crifit of iirlw. W cfniii tl/Tiiimililfli ml frro ouflMillcnUiiu HCMIMinBVHIIOJIKtU'ATIIICMItU.COi 1'J I'ullou Hlruct , A'uw Vuru. f Vltr.l Wrnkncm nnd IVoi- trillion from over work vt , . . . llrKI' Vlftl I'i | MfTI4ll * lll J P.-.I If | lvnv I n ! la t'linof iirlf * KiMiuihrryii1llmiimi. Dfrd.l.'o , nJiutcitnio ; uu Uuc. ) 1UU Pulton bl. . N , \ . , HE.MNBIMPROVED IMPROVED SOFT ELASTIC SECTION II warruitnd to wear lonpnr , U itba form ncufir , anil ( the u u * than ny oilier t'mt. Hturactlon , or pilco pnM * l rvfumled , TliolniluiurocnUi ClileiKu'n b t iitiyjlrlaiii , nwon price. n t C t < i n Jnuii , fwtti ! rU youruitnhantfurtbtc * /IIMKIMI , fi < te. iii , UiU xbtvitwuiuivLiiw. DR. IDYES ( u > . 7LEOTIIO-VOLTAIO IlKLT nnd < Mr HutctBio ii Arriiiscts tire rent on uu Vaya' Trial IU EN ONLY. VOUNQ OU OLD , who are dutTcr. a from Niavoua UimiuTr. LOST vrT urr , iBTiso WKAKNESIM , and all tno o dlicates of a I'tiutoKAi , NXTUIIK. nuliluK , from ABDBK * and OTUCU UAUSKS. Hpeedy relief anil cnmplcto riMtoratloii lo HRALTU , Vinoii and. H miooi ; ( IviiuNTKiD. lieinl at ouco for llliuUatcxl r&mphlQifrue. Addrcu YPI.TAIO IIKI.T CO. . Mnr.hnll. Mlcli. tie H - * , : * , - - . The bent CTldrcco In IhsworM nf the rnrltr nil ciwilcnco of Il ckwcH > llnll Durham Smoking Tobacco I * foutiil In tlio fact th t UiO time of thin tobacco IncrcnM * from year to year. Thin ronM not IM thn cwo If It Trcro merely " ( rotten up to U , " orhxil anjr ilnblotin or dinircroui ) Inirro. illfjiLi In It Among millions of urcnof nil niUomlltlon , Mircly rome ono xvouhl flml nnt If It were Imrnro , Injnrlotm or unptlnUblo. ForlSynniUilstoluccobiii Ixtn icknctvlctlirci ] to bo tlio bat tn tA < trotltl , anil orcry rear the Hull Durhim brtncl KTowfl morfi popular , the ilc niaml for It wliler , ml Fmokcni ilrlldon.s nttnral flavor. Aftk yonr ilcaler for It. thn jttmilno tndo. mttk of tbo Bull. Tlw-rolnnomtw-hlrfilonenhero Dull Durham BjEOtlllff TolUOCO 1 > UPClt. 2BBTH EDITION , PRICE $1.00 1JY J1A1L POSTPAID. KHOW THYSELF/ A GHKAT MKOIOAIi WOHK Rihamtcd Vitality , NerTOun and Physical DjblLtr rmnnttiro Decline In Jinn , K.roreot Youth , an h itnld mimics resulting from lortkcrotlonii or ex. won. A book ( or every man , > ounir , mlddlo-agod id old. It contains 125 pn'crlptlona ( or all ncut nd chronic dlscMios each one ol which In Inraluabl o found by the Author , whose experience ( Or ears I ) gunh asprobably no\cr bctoru Icll to the lo any phytldan SCO pages , hound In boautllu Yench muslin oraooiaodcovcrs , ( nil gllt.guanntcedi bo a finer worn OTory tenM , mechanical , lit * r ry and professional , thin any other work ol 1 In ill country ( or 12.60 , or the money will bo ref mideil oTerylntUr.ee. Price only Jl.oO by rnall , pout * aid. Illustrative sample ftoonts. Bend now. Ookl cdal awarded the author by the National Uodlca nioclatlon , to the officers ot which ha refers. This book should bo read by tr > o younj ( or Imtruo on , and by the allllatcd for rcIUt. U "III benefit ! . I/ondon Lancet. There la no member of society to whom thli book II not ho iifflfnl , whether youth , parent , gcardtou , Btructoror olorK\-man. Arconaut. Addrces thu Pcabody Medical iDUtltute , or Dr. Yr . . 1'srkrr , No. 4 Dulflnch Street , Uoston Haw. , who ay bo ooniult d on all disease ) requiring ( kill and peilcnca. Chronlo andob tlnatodl oa8c thi t have fflcd tin .kill of all other phys- fliicclolty. b'uch treated Bncuesi-l tnout an instano tlluroi * f Patent Dried Fruit Lifter. ASUSEFDIi NO DEALER IM n * GROCERY Grocer i STOBI3 CAN loim JIB A Without It COUIiTLlt SCALES. W.C.CLARK , SOLE PROPRIETOR. OJ&AUA , Nebraska Cornice -AND- MANOTAOTUnKIlfl OP GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES- DOoxrxxx FINIALS , WINDOW GAPS , TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOFING , PATENT UETALIO 8KYUOHT , Iron Fencing ! CrostlniiB , nnluatrndea , Verandas , Office and Uork lUUlngo , Window and CclUrOunrdg , Kto. OOU. O. ANDttO BTlUiBTi' , tIKCOWJ NIU1. OAI8CH. &fana < rer. DRJORKE'S ELECTRIC BELT Will euro , wjfr uinb.iffn.lllii'UiiiiUlMM , Pur- B Sfazu lytlK , .Ni iiralcln , Klatli-a , litnry , Nnlnii nml l.lnr fCTy.Q.BSBaafcui / ; . . „ . , , , , . . imtl n. riji'lpclui. C tnrili , //f\ - \'ttri. \ Kplli-iwy , Imjioli-nrj , IJuintiB M. I'li'lipum Utvil.rtr. tinly K-lciirtilnW - i" ) Uoinn Xincrlin Uut w.'mlVitlaM'.li'Ctflilly i l milf iftl m through ilio body , unil can hu revliargi'd In an In * Uut by Hi i rmUiitl. . _ I SI.OOO WouldNotBu" ! It. Ua. Huuxn-I was a lotod with rheumatism an I uroil by uilii.7 a belt. To any ono allllctcil wltli thit ilUunso , t nould v , buy Ilorno'a Elcctrlo Deli Any ono cjn confer with mo by wrltlnffor calling at my ttoro , HJu Douglas street , Omalia Nob. \VIIlIAit LYONS. MAIN OKFJCH Oppoalto pottoitlco , room 4 Frcn- tor block. f JTFor rule ftt C , F , Oootlman's Otnahx Imported Beer IN BOTTLES. Erlungor , . , . Bavaria. Culnibaoutir , . Bavaria. Pilsuor . . . . . , , Bohemian. Kaiser . . .k .Bromeu. DOMESTIC. Bwlweiser . St , Louis. Anlinueor , . St. Louis. Sclilitz-Pilsiior . Milwaukee. ICruz'ri . . . . . . .Omaha. Ale , Porter. D-mostio and Rhino Wiue. ED. MAUH.BK EUROPE ! ! COOK'S dUANnnXCUIlSIONS * ea\o Nu-v York In April , May Mid Jims , 1KSI. PASHAOK TICKUT8 by a I ATI ASTIU STKAUE11S. gr clM Uellltles for Itscurlnx UOOD UKKTUd TOUltlHT 'UCKEiy for travel-rn In KUHOl'J ! , bv ft'l routai , at roducoj rates , COOK'S HXCUUSIOMST , wltll inapt ) and ( tilt par- tlouhrs. by null lOoruts. A'Miou , M. y. OPIUM ItVJORPHIKEKAIIT 1. II. KIKE , tf | b T ruro bltu tf iul Llf