THE DAILlr BEE-OMAHA , WEDNESDAY , MARCH J2 , 1884. Council Bluffs Loan and Trust Company. Ttrat Mortgage LOMIJ NcRotiMoJ. Oommorcla Piper ami itll Uoixl Securities dealt In. 89 Tear ttroet , and COO Hrnt Mcnue , Council Ulufls. FINANCE AND COMMERCE , FINA-NOIAIi NswYomt , March U. Money Kasy at 1J@2 per cent. Prime Paper l@5i per cent. Kxchnngo Dills Hardy steady nt 4 87 ; do mand. 4 89i' . Governments 3''irm. ' Stocks Thn stock market to-day was one of lluctuatlous , weakness nnd decline ) , being duo to n call for a meeting of trunk line pros ! dents to consider an alleged cutting of rates. As omp.irod with last night's closing , prices are | to 8 per cent higher for Central Pacific , New York Central ind Omaha preferred , and A to V per cent lower for Northwestern , St. Paul , Missouri Pacific , Kansas & Toxrw , Northern Pacific , Union Paclfio , Wabash preferred and \V ostorn Union. UOOPONB 3' 101 4J' Coupons 113J 4'a 123 < Pacific 6'u of ' 05 129 BTOOK8 AND BONDS , American Kxpress 08 Hurl. , Cedar Rapids & Noi thorn 70 Central Pacific f > 7Z Chicago & Alton 131 } do do pfd 145 Chi. , Burl. & Quincy 1231 Krio ' . ' 4 do pfd ' < ! 0 Fort Woyno & Chicago 134 Hannibal & St. Joseph . \ . . . 3S\ do do do pfd 88X Illinois Central 13uJ Ind. , Bloom , & Western. . . . Ifi Kansas & Texas , IfiU'2 ' Lake Shore & Michigan So. . , $ Michigan Central , Minneapolis & St. Louis. . . . ® do do do pfd Missouri Pacific 801 Northern Padlio ! Wj do do pfd 40i Nirthwostow , H7S dn pfd 140 $ New York Central , 117i Oolo Si Mississippi , > 'M do do pfd 1)0"S ) Pcorla Decatur i Kvnuavllle " , * "S J.UU4li /UbitbUl KW * * I rtiWJTlHU * * ' Rock Inland 120 8t. Pan A Milwaukee DOJ do . ? o do pfd , llti St. Paul Minn. & Manitoba 1131 St. Paul ft ; Omaha 29 ] do do pfd 'J2J Texas Pacific - . 106 "Union Pacific 77 \Vabftsb , St. L. & Pacific Ifil do do do pfd 25j | Wixtdrn Uiiiou Telegraph 74 j OUAINANU f ICO VISIONS. CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHICAGO , March 11. Flour Quiet and Hteady ; some brands higher : good to choice spring wheat flour , 5 00@5 85 ; soft spring wheat , 4 00 ® 4 50 ; Minnesota baker's , 4 r > 0@ 5 25. 25.Wheat Wheat Kefrjular wheat nctUo and lower early but decidedly stronger later ; opened i@\c \ lower ; advanced Ifjcabovo inside figuces ruled strong , finally closed about : , 'o higher than yoitordoy : cash , 91J@)2Zc ! ) : March , Klic ; April , itlgc ; May , Ofigo ; July , 'Me ; winter , wheat , dull ; weaker ; U7c@l 00 ; spring linn , rn Active ; opened i@4c lower , ad- Tranced l@lic , closed Jo higher than yester day ; c.iHh , 5IJal53.\c ( ; March , 51 Ic ; April , G2Jc , May , 50i@5Cfc ; June , 57i@57jc ; rejected - ed , 4 Ic. Oats Steady ; opened c lower , afterwards advanced JOjc , ruled steady and dull at close ; cash , S'2u ; March , lilc : April. 31S@31jc ; May , 3ig@3icj year , 2 4c. Kyo dtoady at 5"c. Barley Qnlat at Olc. Timothy Hosier ; prime need Closed , 1 27 ; good to choice , 1 iG\@l ! \ 82. Flax Seed 1 5S on track ; 1 59 delivered. PotkModerately : active ; opened easier , 12J@lf > 3 lower ; under good demand from shorts , prices advanced 40@50c ; later re ceded , 10@15c ; closed quiet ; cash , 17 70 ® 17 75 : March , 17 70@17 72 $ ; April , 17 8U | @ 1782J ; May , 1790@1702J. Lanl Moderate tradingoasior : early in day declining 2J@5c ; later fooling firmer ; price * rallied , 10@15c ; closed utoady ; cosh and March , ! l 30@9 321 ; April , 9 37A@9 40 ; May , 9 15@9 474 ; July. 9 C0@9 62j ; shoulders , 7 - ' . ' ; short rib , 9 a5 : short clear , 985. Butter Easier : choice creameries , 33@3c ( ! ; fancy dairiec , 2G@2Sc ; rolls common to choice , 12i03. Cheese Firm ; choice full cream chcddara , 14 @ 15c ; choice full cream Hats , l-H@15c ; good pait skim cheddarg and flats , 8@luc. Eggs-Weak ; 19@20c. Tallow Steady ; unchanged ; No , 1 , coun try , 7c ; cake , 7c. Hides Steady ; green salt cured bull und damaged , G c ; green salt calf , 12@12Jc ; dry calf ; ICc. WhlHky 1 17. CAW , BoAnn. Wheat April , ic higher , Juno , Jo lower. Sales , l',3CO,00J ( bushels. Corn May , Jo higher ; June , { c higher' Sale * , 180,000 bushels. Oata Juno , 4o lower. Sales , 50,000 bush els. els.Pork Pork Mny. 2Jc higher ; July , 2lc lower. Sales , 5,750 bbls. J.ard Pure , 2Jc higher. Sales , 1,000 tcs. CItfRIKNATI. niKaiWNJkTi. March 11. Wheat Quiet and firm ; No. 2 , 1 00. Corn Firm ; mixed. 50@51c. Oats Steady : No 2 , 3iAc. ( ] ! ye Firm ; No. 2 , C5c. Pork Quiet and steady ; mesH , 17 50@ 17 75. Lard Dull and nominal ; prime Htoam ; 920. Bulk Meats Quiet and firm. Whisky Steady at 1 15. MltWADKXK. MILWAUKEE , March 11. Wheat Dull ; No. 2 , 93c ; March , 99ic ; April , 'Jljc , ; Bray , 9Jc ( ! ; June , tlSic. Corn Inactive ; No. 2 , 53s. Oate-Dull ; No. 2,32c. llye-tjuiet ; No. 2 574o 35arley Ffrmer ; No. 2 , (52@C2c. ( | WLHDO. TOLKDO , March 11. Wheat Mai ket milet and Qrm ; No. 2 red cash , 81 OJ l 01J , Corn Active and firm ; high mixed , Clc ; No. 2 awli and March , fi c. Oatu Quiet and steady ; No. 2 cash , SO © SOJc. NEW OELKiNS. NEW OBLEAKB , March 11. Corn Good de- juantl but scarce ; mixed , higher at C5@COc. t.Oata (3ood demand ; higher at 45@4Co. Cora Meal Scarce ; firm at 3 10@3 15. Pork Steady in good demand at § 18 37 i @ 1850. Jjnni Steady ; tierce , refined , § 960 ; koz , $10 00. Bulk MoaU Steady : In fair demand , WhUky Steady und unchanged. NEW TOliK. NEW YOBK , March 11. Wheat Options opened jtftgo lower , advanced ! f@lc , closing strong : ungraded red , 80Jc@l 20 ; No. 4 rod , 02c ; No. S rod , 1 0-U ; No. 2 red 1 03 ® 1 13 } . < bm Cash a shade lower ; options opened i@o } lower , advanced J@Jo , cloilog firm ; un. graded , 5 02ciJNo. 2 , li2 0 ifo. Oata Weak ; mixed western , 39\41o ; white , 43 < 846c. ! I Western fresh , lower and heavy at Pork Active and firm ; new mess , 17 f 0@ 1775. Lard r'lrm ; wettern steam , U CO for cash. Butter Firm and fairly active. lur/rtMoiie. BALTIUOBB , Marcli 11. Wheat Western , easier und active , closing dull ; No , 2 winter cftsh , 1 083@1 08J Urn We4tern about stsaly and actlyo , clotiog very dull ; mixed , cjah and March , Me bid. OatiQuiet and steady ; western white , 43 @llc ; mixed , 42t443 ( % lye-Firm ! at 73(5(740. ( ( K/Ki Ixm-ur and rjuiet at " ! ( % $ . i IJuttcr-Steudyj . western packed , 10@23c ; . . duamcry.vsr.MQi. Whisky-Quiet and steady ntl ! ' @ 1PJ. urxnroou LtVKRroot , , March 12 Wheat Market steady ; winter , 8s HdgSi MMitim - , 7s 10 < i Corn Dull ; now , 4s 10 1 ; old , fa'-'ld , KANSAS C1TV. KANSAS Cur. March 11. Wheat-Steady Sf.Jo for cash ; 87o bid for April ; 81 > c bid for May. Corn Weaker : 4Wo ( for cash ; 42o bid for April ; 43Jc for May. Oats Stronger at 1WJ.C. rnont'CK. PKOHIA , March 11. Corn Dull MII' lower ; now mixed , in@4rija ; rejected , 4' @l3c. .Oats Dull and lower ; No. 2 whlto , 3.11(5 ( ' Jtyo Quiet : PS@CJc. WWsky-1 17. HT. LOUIS rnonucK. ST. JxJUis , March ll. riour-Markot uu changed. Wheat Quiet and steady except for year options , which wa < active ; No. 2 , rod , SI 01 > Z © I 101 for cash ; 81 10 for March ; Sl 10i bid for April ; 81 lli@t HJ fur May ; § 1 Oitj ® 1 10J for .fttuo ; closing , -Jl ( Wi'@l 0 , for the year. Corn Higher and nctlv o for May ; 484 ® ' J for cash and March : 4Sj@IO.lo for April ; 5u @ 5djo ( for May ; fill@fi2o for June , OotH J owcr and slow ; 82J@3I for cash ; 35@35 o for May. : yo-Quiotj 57i@5i5c ! ankod. Barley-Steady ; S. SOc. Butter Better ; creamery , 30@35c : dairy 2230c. J'-gga Lower at 10@lCic. Flax seed At SI 50. Hay Higher ; prairie , U 00@10 60 { timothy 1100@1050. Lran Unchanged. Corn Moal-At $2 50. WhUky-Stoudy ; 1 Hi Provisions Firm , dull and slow , only job- ilug trade. Cl.oai.vo Bo\ltl-Whoat Lower ; 1 10J for May ; 1 W { for June ; 1 lOifor July ; OSio for the year. Cy'oru Lower ; -ISJc for March ; 50J < s for May ; 51j'o for June ; 53i@53to for July. Oati Firmer ; H2u for March ; 3. > i@35jo or May. LIVE 8XOOK. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. CUICACO , March 11. The Dnnon1 Jotu-- nal roDortf thi-i afternoon iu follows : How Weak and lower ; rough packing , i 35 ( G 80 ; parking and shipping , C. 85@7 4 $ ; ight , 0 ( J0@li 70. Cattle Strong and firmer ; good to choice hipping , 590 ( 0 00 ; common to medium , 525@5M ) ; inferior to fair cows , 2 40 ® 1 OU ; medium to good , 4 10@l 50 ; Htoqkers , 3 3D @ 4 25 ; feeders , 4 85@5 30 , Sheep Market weak and active at 15e oor ; inferior to fair , 3 00(3)4 ( ) 25 per cwt ; nedluin to good , 4 00a)5 ( ) 00 ; choice to extra , 5 00@ ( ) 00 ; lambs , per head , 5 00@C. 50. BT. LOUIS LIVE STOCK. ST. Louis , March 11. Cattle Finn and vctho lit full price ; exporters , G50@700 ; jood to choice shipping , 5 S0 ® ( ! 40 ; common .o medium , 5 00&5 75 ; stackers and feeders , 400@525 ; corn fed Texans , 5 00@i ( 00. d Sheep Scarce and firmer ; common to air , 3 003 50 ; medium to good , 3 75S1 ( 1 50 ; choice to fancy , 4 75 5 50 ; Texans , 2 75 ® 4 75. KANSAS 01TV LIVE STOCK. KANSAS Cnr , March 10. The Dally In- llcator reports : Cattlu Light , steady ; others , cany and of- o-iiigs largo ; natives , 522 @C 10 ; stoskers and feeders , 4 05@5 10 ; cows , 3 75@4 50. Weaker and 50c lower at 0 SO ® 070. 070.Sheep - Steady : natives , 125. TRAFFIC. FLOUR AND GRAIN , CniOAOO , March 11. Receipts and ship menta of flour and grain for the past 21 hours iavo been as follows : n Receipts. Ship'ts. flour , bbls 23,000 25,000 3 Vhoat , bushels . 3/.000 17,000 Corn , buahola . 200,000 170,000 Oats , bushels . 97,000 72,000 Rye , bushels . 5,000 0,000 Barley , bushels . 20.000 20,000 YOBK , March 11. Receipts and hipmentaofflourand grain f or the past 24 hours lave been aa follows : Receipts Shlp'ts. Wheat , bushels . ' .OUO 81,000 Corn , bushels . 28,0"0 86.000 Gate , bushels . 2t,000 . . . . LITE STOCK. CHICAGO , March 11. Receipts and ship ments of lUoRtock for the past 24 hours have wen aa follows : Receipts. Bhlp'tn. battle . . . 4,200 . . . . Hogs . 13,000 4 Shoou . 0,000 . . . . KANSAS Cur , March 11. Receipts and hipments of live stock for the past 21 houra lave beeu aa follows : Receipts. Sblp'ts. Cattle . 2,000 Hogs . 2,709 . . . . Sheep . 520 ST. Louis , March 11. Receipts and ship mouts of live etouk for the post 24 hours have jeen as follows : Receipts , Ship'ts. Cattle . 1,000 850 IO D . ; . . . . . . . Sheep . COO 700 BUY GOODS MAUKEr. NEW YOIIK , March 11. Reports of domes- lo cotton goodii , exports and domestic cot- ons for the past weokaro 2,11 ! ) package- * ! iu jo the first of January 20,09rt packaues , Cieneral demand quiet yet fair and jobbers doing bettor. I Ii i OMAHA MARKETS. * .1 "Wholesale 1'rlcos. j [ OFFICE OF THE OMAHA BKB. Tuesday Evening , March 11 , f ] [ The following prlcea are charged retailers > y jobbers , wholesalers and commission uior- chants , with the exception of grain , which is [ noted at the prices furnished by the elevators and other local buyem : drain. WHEAT Cash No. 2 , 70J@73o. BABLKT Cash No. 2 , 45@50c. RtE Cash No. 3 , 43Jc , Cous No. 2 , 86io. OATO-Dull ; No. 2 , 28@OJu. UTO Btoolc. KAT BTEEBS 4 50B 25. v Cows a 00 ( 4 00 , Iloas 0 00@C 25. BUKEV 3 60@4 50. OAI.VKB C 00@0 50. Flour and MilUtufl * . WHEAT Boat quality , p tontt 82340. . RFOOND QtJALirr 2 76@3 25. HPBINO WHKAT Beat quality , patent , Sp5340. MEOOND QOAUTT 2 tX > @ 3 25 BBAN 70o per cwt. Ciioppro KKKD 1'er 100 lb , 80c , COILS MEAL 100@110 per cwt. -65@76op rent General I'rodnce. Ucrr B 1'ancy creamery , 33@35c ; r ld atorage creamery , 25@27c ; choice dairy , W I © 2lcj best country , solid packed , 12lDc ; country , roll , lC@18c ; inferior grades. Hooeipta are BmalT l aiid the d'ornund good , MICAIH Hams , 13Jc ; breakfast bacon , 12c ; clear fide bacon , sliort , lljjc : clear eldo bacon , long , lie ; dry salt short , lOjcj dry salt long , 10gc : nhouldorg , 8o ; iWod beef , 14ic ; lard , re fined , IOc. K ns Market unsettled ; Haled to-day at 17 < 4lB : ; receipts good. Al'l'LES Jtaiiuy Ben Duvii , 83 ( UX2-1 00 fancy Jenet , 83 00@3 Wj ) fancy WlUowtwig " " ,3 , 76. Demand good. 80 11) half Mil , $1 00 ! tripe , 16 Ib kiln , 81 1C ; tripe , -tO Ib iir U > 1 , Pi 25j tri-io , 80 ll > UMf bbl , $4 00 ; plni touguos , 15 Ib kits , * - ' M ; pig * tongiiM , -10 Ib or bbl , $0 00. hanilw' tonpHM , 15 Ib kit , $2 Kit -10 ib qr bbl , § 0 ' . ' 5. MI.VCK MIAT : AtinoreV , 1Mb buckets ( bucket * 2 : o ) IV ; 371b bucket * ( bucket 40c ) , 9o.l lOOlb kocra , Oc ; Imlf bMroln , Sic. AsaouTKl > .lKUY 2-lb fttoue jara : 12 In cao , per doz , $2 25 ; tumbler , per dor. , SI TOi nchoonor , | > or dozen , ? 3 10 ; 1-lb tin can * , -I dnz. in CASO , $1 40 ; 1-11) ! tlu cans , 2 doz In case , SIM ) . , BULK .TKLUK3 Currftnt. SO-lb wood mil" , nor Hi , Tfcj utrawberry , 80-lb wood palls i > or Ib , fie ; riuplxMTV. wood p ih licr Ib , 7Jc ! blackberry. 80-lb wooil pailn per Ib , crab npplo , 30-lb wood t nil * POT Ib , 7Jc. Arn.K BuTTEn 3Mb wcwvlan i 1 , per Ib , 8c ; Mb wooden jialls , G In CMKI i > or case , llUTTRK 2n-lb wooden palls per Ib , $11 00 ; Mb wooden pain , G in case , per case , L'liKSBitvKi ( In 20-lb wooden palls ) : berry , ICc ; strawberry , quince , 14c ; 14e ; chorry. 14c ; tomatoe * , Mos plum , 14c ; assorted , Mb wooden buckets , G in ao , per case , Sl'fij Aborted , 2-lb tin cans , 2 dozlu case , per case , $0 CO rout/mr Ll\o chicken ) , per doz , 175 ® 200 ; fulldroMedchtckenKtporlb , lK3 12e ; tur keys , per 1U , 15@17c ; duckg , 10@12 ; goose , LKMONS Kxtrn fancy bar lemon * , (000 ; tanoy Moanlna lemons , per boi , 55 25 ; 5 box lota , MoiMnit lemons , 85 00 ; 10 box lots do. , $4 75 ; Mnlagn lemons , fancy , $4 50 ; do 5 box lots , $4 25. OIUXOKS Valencia , G 50 ; Mo whins , 375. DA NAN AS Nono. CiUNUKniUKS Hell and miglo * , $12 00 ; bell and cborry , 89 50@10 50. Above quotations for cholro. NKDIIAHKA Com llosur 2-lb frames , 2Mb cases , per Ib , 18c. HAT Haled , 800@1000 per ton ; In bulk , 6 00@7 00 per ton , Groocrn List. CANNED Goona Oysters ( Standardpcr ) case , 3 85(3)3 ( ) 00 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 00 ® 2 10 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 00 ; Bartlett lenrg , per case , 210 ; whortleberries , per case , I 00 ; egg pluocfl , 2 Ib , per case , 2 00 ; green fagos , 2 Ib , per case , 2 00 ; pine apples , 2 Ib > or case. 4 80@5 50. ROFK Sisal 4 inch and larger , < )4'e ) , g inch , 101-c ; J Inch , lOJc. DANDLIM Boxes , 40 Ibs , 1C , IBJo ; 8s , IBJc ; raxes 40 Ibs , 10 ot. , Gs , lEJo. MATCHES 1'cr caddie , S5c ; round , cones , 2 5o ; square coses , 1 70. SnoAns Powdered , Oc ; cut loaf , 9c ; rranulatod , 8Jc ; confectioners' A , 80 ; Stand- ird extra 0 , 7Jc ; extra C , 7cj medium yol * ow , 7c ; dork yellow , GJc. COPKBES Ordinary grades , 12@12Jc ; fair IS § 13c ; good , 14o ; prime , 15@15jic ; choice. .6@17c ; fancy green nmlyolUnvlj@l ( > icohl ; ; ovornmont Java , 20@2Gc ; Lovorhig's roasted , 8c ; Arbucklo's roahtod , 18Jc ; Mol-iaughlln'i' XXXX roasted , 18Jc : notation Java , 1C } RICK Louisiana pnmo to choice , 7c ; fair > Jc ; Patma , Oj'c. FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brls. , 8 50 ; No. . mackerel , .tits , 1 15 ; family mackerel , half jrls. , 7 00 ; family mackerel , kits. 95c ; No. 1 white fish , half brla. , 8 75 ; No. 1 kits. 1 IB. SYKCP Standard Com. , 32c , bols ; Standard lo , 4J gallon kega 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon kops 150 SODA In lt > papers , 3 SO per coso ; kept per Ib , 2Jc. PICKLES Medium , in barrels , 7 50 ; do n half barrels , 4 25 ; small , in barrels , 8 60 ; do n half barrels. 4 75 ; gherkins ? in barrels , 0 50 ; do in half barrels. 5 25. TEAS Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; choice CO 5J75c ; good Imperial , 40@4Sc ; choice , GO@G5c ; foung Hyson , good , S6@50c ; choice , ! 5c@l 00 ; Japan , natural leaf , S5c ; Japan , choice , 60@75c ; Oolong , good , 35@40c ; Oolong , choice , 40@55c ; Souchong , good , 35@40Bj choice , S5@45c. WooDENWAna Two hoop pails , 1 85 ; throe hoop pails , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pioneer neer wasnboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ; Wellbuckots. 3 85. SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 8 45 ; Kirk's atlnot , 3 GO ; Kirk'n standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's white Russian , 525 ; Kirk's outoca , 215 ; Kirk's Prnirio Queen , (100 ( cakeg. ) 40o ; Kirk's magnolia , doz. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case , in case , ar ; Babbitts ball 2 doz. in case , 1 00 ; Anchor mil , 2 doz. in COBO , 1 50. CANDT French mixed , in 30 Ib. pails , 17o ; American mixed , in 30 Ib pails , 13c ; Brilliant mixed , in 80 Ib palls , IL'ic ; Nobby mixed , in 30 b pails , 13c : Competition mixed , in 30 Ib nails , Hjc ! ; Kxcoldior stick , 30 Ib pails , lie ; double refined , 30 Ib paila , 12c ; Crystal mixed 30 Ib palls , 15c ; Old Time , mixed , 30 Ib nails , 14c ; Tip Top , mixed , 30 ib pails , 13c ; Flirt mixed , 30 Ib pails , lljc ; Flirt , stick , SO Ib pails , llic ; TIP Top , stick , 30 Ib palls , 12c. VINEQAB New York apple ICc ; Ohio ap ple , ISc. SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 1 80 ; Aahton , in sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy GO , 5s , 3 30. STABCH Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver Gloss , 9c ; Com Unrch , Oc ; Kicolaior Gloss , Tie ; Corn , 80. SPIOBS Pepper , 17c ; nllspico , 15c ; clever , 25o ; cassia ICc. LTK American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 3 40 ; Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' lye , G5 ; Jewell lye , 2 75 Dry Goods. BIIOWN SllKCTiS'OH Atlantic A , 8c ; Allan- .ic P , ( ic ; Atlantic LL ; 5 Jo ; llrunawick , 7Je ; Beaver Tlam Ijlj , Gc ; Lawrence LL , fie ; Paci fic H , 7'c ; Uoyal Standard , 80. Fixr. BitottN SHKETINHH Argyle , 74c ; Pep- paroll JJ , fa \ ; Salisbury 11. Gc. BI.KACIIKD COTTONHBallon 4-4 , file : Bal- on 7-8 , ! ic ; ; Cumberland 4-4. 8n ; Davoll ] ) D , 8o ; Fulnnount , 4Jc ; Fruit ot the Loom 4-4 , 8c ; Glory of the West , 8 " c ; Golden ( into , KJc ; Hill 7-8 , 8c ; Hill 4-4. He ; "Lonsdalo , 8c ; Now York Mills , lllc : Wnmmitta , lljc. DL'CKH ( Colored ) Boston , 8 olljc ; Boson - ; on , 10 oz. , HJo ; Boston , ! ) o/ . , lie ; Fall lliver , 8Jc. DUCKH ( Gray ) West Point , 8 olie ; West Point , Ho/ . , lie ; Boston Boar , 8 o/ . , lie. TICKINOH AmoskeaR , 14e ; Continental Fancy , ! l/c / ; Cordis , lljjc ; Pearl Itiver , 14Jc ; York , I''ic ; llamloton AwninxH , 12 c. DKKIMR Amoskoog , lie ; lioavor AA , 12c ; Beaver BB. lloj Beaver CO. 10 ; HaymnkBrs , 8c ; Jaffrey D k T , 12Vc ; Jaffroy XXX. 12c ; Pearl Klvor , lie ; Warren AXA ( brown ) , 124c ; Warren BB ( brown ) , lljc ; Wftrrou CO brown ) , lOie.1 CAMIIHICII'Fifth avenue glove finish , 5Jc ; Coyukma glove finish , 5lo. COIWKT JKANH Amoi-y , 7Ao ; Ha.icocV , 8c ; Cuarsayer , 8jc ; Ilockport , Tic. PHINTH Allnns , Gc ; Amoriuan , Gc ; Arnolds , file : Cochoco , G\c \ : Harmony , 5c ; Indigo , 81c ; Indigo 7-8 , lljc ; Indigo 4-4 , 12Jc. PHINTH SIIKKTIWIH American , 6c ; Cocheco , 5c ; Gloucester , 5c8outhbridge ; , Gc ; Waverly * , -Amoskeag i tales ; , 8c ; Bates staples , 8\o ; Lancaster stoplon , He ; Plmikot plaldx , 10c ; Hudson checks , 7Jc. DIIKHI QOODH Atlantic alpacca , l > lc ; Per- alaue cashmor , Zit\c \ ; Hamleton cashmere , lUlc ; Ilatnleton Fancus , llic ; Hamleton brocades - cades , 15c. Iiumoer. W110LE8ALE. Wo quote lumber , lath and ahlngle on o&n at Omaha at the following pricoai JOIST AND SOANTUNO 10 ft. aud under 22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 GO. TIMBERS 10 feet and under , 22 00. TIUBKB AND JOIST 18 ft , 23 60 ; 20 ft , 23 CO ; 22 ft , 20 GOj 24 ft , 20 60. ' FJCNCINO No. 1 , 4 and 0 In. , 24 00 ; No. 2 , 2200. SHKKTINO No. 1 ( Zd'common boards ) , 20 00 No. 2,18 00. f STOCK BOAIIDH-A , 45 00:11,40 00 ; C , 35 00. lYooniNU No. 1,40 00 ; No. 2 , 35 00 ; No. 3.2500 SIDING , clear-27 00 ; No. 2 , 25 00 ; No. 3 2000. OEILINO-J ! , 37 00 ; 8.2500. SniNows , best 4 DO ; atandard , 3 CO. LATIl-325perM. LIUB Per barrel , 125 ; bulk per bushel , 85c cement , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 60 ; hair per bu. 50c ; T rred felt , 100 foa , 3 50 ; utrnw board , 8 60 , Tobaccoi Ptno ToBAOOO Olimax , COct Bullion 60c Horaeshoe , 60c : Star , 60c ; Uuudy , 45c ; Her Boy'a , 40c ; Black , 88 ® IOc. IflNa Cox Common , 20@80c ; good , 45 COc ; Iloso Leaf , 70c ; Premium , 6Co ; Diamond Crown , 65c ; Sweet Sixteen , 47c. SMOKINQ O. B. , 22oj Meomcliuum , 30c ; Dur ham , 8 oz. , 65c ; Durham , 4 oz. . 67o ; Durhau 2 oz. , 65c ; Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz. , 65c Seal of North Carolina , 4 oz. . 67c ; Seal North Carolina , 2 oz. , COc ; O. K Durham , Ciir.raR Now York State full crcwn , late Soiitcmbcr make , 14r : Now Y rk 8l ti > full crwim , 10 hoop lotn , 13Jo ; do full cream , f 0 hooploK UUcVI ; con in , full cream , In box , 1 Ic ; Voung AmericAs , strictly full cream , l.V full cream , 12c ; full cream 10 hoop lot.1 , IHc- full cream flato , 12 c ; full cream HaU , lljc ; laney brick choono , 100 Ibc.vtw , lf > Jc ; Limburger - burger 13c ; genuine old SWM ! , 1'Jo I'IITAWTO llocelpts small ami price. , KiKid. Con lgnmenti of strictly choice , lanjo olzcd. straight | > otatoes nro ollliii | from 45 to 4fc ; m od car * 40 to 42o and Hglit demand ; poachblowi ! , 50o. SWKKT VOTATOKS Clioica yellow , none. demand ; "nalc' * , 00 to 75c. BEANS-Haml picked natives , e225@'W ; band picked mo < tlums , 9175@2 00 , Ito- coiptn more. OAStK-Huctw , Mallard , per doit , 2 ( X 2 50 ; n\lxo < l , $1 50 to 2 IK ) . Bo careful that your gajno comes to market iu nice condition , FRESH O\BTEIW SolocU , 40c standards , S5c ; modlumt , liiic. CKLKnV 55c. DATKS Black Arabian , | > er Ib , , 8@0c ; quarter crates , lOc. Fins-25 Ib. kegs , per IK , 12r ; 10 Ib. box , nyor , per Ib. , lOc ; small ovals i > er Ib. , 18c. COCOANUTH Kxtrn fine , i > or 100 , 8 00. ClDRll Pnro * woot cider , 22 gal keg , $0 00 ; M. & P. clarified , 1C gal keg , $4 75 ; M. & P. clarified , 32 gal keg , $8 00. Pins FKFT , Tim-H , KTC. Pig * foot , 15 Ib kits , 8115 ; plgH 40 Ib qr bbl. $2 25 ; pigs foot , or , , 2So ; O. 1C Dntham , 2 oz. , # 0c ; Uncle Nwl , j's 25o ; Tom and Jerry , K3c. PAlntR.Olln \arnluliOB. . Olta 110 ° carlxin , t > er gallon , ISJc ; 150 ° loadltght , per gallon , lljc ; 1756 headlight , > or gallon , ISc ; 150 ° water white , 17e ; lln iced , raw , ; pr galloi < .55c ; linseed , boiled , per rallon , 58oLard , winter str'd , per gallon , 85o : S'o. 1 , 75cNo. ; 2 , CMC ; castor , XXA. per galen - on , 1 GO ; No. 3 , 1 40 : nwoot , p r gallon. 1 00 siwnn W.B. , per gallon , 1 GO ; fish , W. B. , lorgallon , G5c ; noatsfinit extra , oor gallon , OOc ; ? To. 1 , 75c : lubricating , zero , per gallon , SOo ; lummer , 15o ; golden machine , No. 1 , per galen - on , 35c ; No. 2 , 25c ; BIMHII , signal , jicr gallon , iOc ; turiKiiitlno , per gallon , 48c ; naptha 74 ° , > or gallon , IGc. PAINTS IN OIL White load , Omnlm P. P. ' Gc ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , GJc ; Maruoillcvi froou 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c ; Frondi zinc , green cal , 12c ; Fronuh , rod seal , lie ; French zinc , in varnish aunt , "Oc : Fionch In oil east , 15c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans , IOc ; MW nnd burnt Sienna , lOo ; Vandyke brown. 3c ; relined lampblack , 12c ; coach block , and very black , IGo ; drop black , IGc ; 1'niFslim ilno , 30c ; ultramarine blue , 18r ; cliromo green j. M. & D. . IGc ; blind and shutter green , L I. & D. , IGc ; Paris green , 18c ; Indian rod , 5e ; Venetian rod , Oc ; Timcan rod , 22c ; Anicrl- can Vennillton. I. & P. . 18c ; clinnno yellow L. M. , O , & D. O. , 18c ; yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , IGc , patent dryer , 8c ; graining colors , light oak , dark oak , walnut , ch > taut and anh l5c , llonvy Hnnlwarc Lint. Iron , rates , 2 50 ; plow stool spccis ! cast , Go. crucible , 7c ; special or Gorman , r > c ; cast lee ; do , 15@20 ; wagon spokes , set , 2 25@3 00 ; hubs > or Bet , 1 25 ; follnoa sawed ilry , 1 40 ; tongues , och , 70@S5c ; axles each , 75o ; Bquoro uutn per i , 7@llc ; washers or Ib , So)18c ( ) ; rivoti , per b , lie ; coil chili D , per tt > , G@12o ; malleable , 80 ron wedges , Gc ; crowbars. Gc ; barrow tooth c ; spring tool , 7@8o | Burden's horscliooi , 4 70 Jurdon'a muloshooa 5 70 , BABBED WIIIE In car lots , 4''c ' ' per 100. NAILS Rates. 10 to CO , 2 90. SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 ; oriental powder , kegs , G 40 ; do. , half kegs , 348 ; do. , quarter kegs , 1 88 ; blasting , kega , 3 35 ; fuse , per 100 feet 50c. LEAD Bar , 1 05. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor is run Blossburg , 10 00 ; Whltebroast lump ; i 00 ; Whltobreost nut , 6 00 ; lown lump , 5 00 Iowa nut , 5 01) ) ; llock Spring , 7 00 ; Authra ito , 1125@il 50 ; Canon City , 7 00 , per ton Leather. Oak dole , 38c@42e ; hemlock solo 28c@35c ; iu i lock kin , SOo to 1 00 ; runner G5o to 80e ; lemlock calf , 85c to 100 ; hemlock upper , 22o o 24c ; oak upper , 24c ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 CO ; calf kid , 32@r. : ( ; Grnlseu kid , 2 60 to 2 75 ; oak kip , 80o to 1 00 ; oak calf , 120 to 130 ; French kip , 110 to 155 ; French calf , 125 to 2 00 ; ros- . . . jt IIA.VAU\.UC , Utnj DU11U1J. V yu KU a W. s No. 1 utar oak , 38c ; No 2 do , 5c : No. 1 Ohio oak. Stic ; No. 2 do , 8Ho ; No. MilwankBo Sfin : No 2 do 88r . No. I Tilts oak bar , S8o ; No. J5 1'itli oak mr , Iljo. Dry Pit nts. Whlto load , 8c ; French ' zinc , IOc ; Paris whiting , "ic ; whiting glldora , lc ; whltliig m'l lc ; lampblack , Cionnantown , 1-lc ; ampblack , orditmry , IOc ; 1'ruHslan blue , G5c ; iltrauuiriuo , 18c ; vnudyko , brnwu , 80 ; umber , mrntJc ; umber , rnwlo ; eionim , burnt , -Icj lonna , iu-i' , 4c ; 1'ariH green , genuine.2.r > c ; 'aria green , common , 20c ; chrome peon , N.Y. , Oc ; chrome green , K. , 12c ; vermilllnn , Kng. , Oc ; vermilllon , American , 18c ; Indian rod , Oc ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian rod , OooluonV , ! Vc ; Venetian red , American , IJc ; rod load , 'Jo ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yol- ow , K. , 12coclire , rochello.Sej ochre , French , : ? c ; ochre , American , 2c ; Wlntor'u mineral , lie ; lolilth ; brown , 2Jc ; ijpaniah brown , 2Jc ; rlnco't ) mineral , 3c. VAIINISHES Borrola. per gallon : Furnl lire , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , $1 ; coach , extra , $1 40 : coach , No. 1 , $1 20 ; Damar , extra , @ 1 7fi ; Japan , 70omphidtum ; , extra , 85c ; hollac , $3 DO ; hard oil finish , 61 CO , Bides. Steady ; green butcliois , CffiOic ; grctm alted 7J @ 7ic ; dry flint , 12l c ; dry salt , .Ofrflllc ; damiurnd liidw , two-thlrda prfuo. TALLOW C@lie1 ( BHJSEP I'jtLTU 26c@l 00. Iilquors. . ALCOHOL 188 proof , 2 2fi per wine gallon extra California nplrlts , 188 proof , 12U per iroof gallon ; triple refined Bnlrlta , 187 nroof , . 25 per proof gallon ; ro-utatllled whiskies lOOfelW ) ; fine blended , 150@250 : Kentucky - tucky bourbons , 200@700 : Kentucky end , 2 00@7 00. . 140iOO. OINH Imported , 4 C0@0 00 ; domoitio , 1 40 3 00. KUMO Imported , 4 50@G 00 ; Now England , i 00@4 00 ; doii.o tic , 1 C0@3 60. PEACH AND AITLB BIIANDI 1 75 ® ! 00. CltAJil'AON'UH Imported tier case , 28 00 © M 00 ; Arao'lcanpnr ; ciwn. 12 fXVa)16 ) 00. DENVUlt MAUKHrr. COBED MKATS AND IJAIU > In tierces lOo n palls lie. HauiB. 14Jo ; breakfast bacon I3@15jc ; smoked sides , Ul@10c ; gait Hides , GBE'KN I'nutr Artn PBODUOH Potatoes , 65@ C5o per 100 pounds ; onions , t > or 100 pounds , 41 50@2 00 ; turnlpM , per 100 Ib , 00@80o ; Col orado cabbage , new , per 100 , 8Cc@lOO ; live chickens , old , per doz , $4 ( We ) 425 ; fproirio chickens per doz , $3 75@400 ; uggi , iresh , per doz , 32@35c ; butter , fair qual ity creamery , finest per Ib , 38@42 ; creamery , ( food , per Ib , 28@31c ; Kauitas and Nebraska dairy , i > er Ib , 37ffi5c ( ) ; cooking , 12@15c ; choose , full cream , per Ib , 10@17c ; npplea per bbl , eantern , $5 00@0 CO ; grapen. per Ib , 7mlOc ; California peara per lt > , 7@10o : ife 3liia lemons , extra per ox. 9700 ( cha 00 ; orange * , 912 00 ® 13 00 ; Colorado < vhoat , per 100 Ib , 81 S0@l 88 ; flour , fair quality , 810 00@10 CO per barrel flour , Graham , per 100 Ib $2 002 CO ; flour , I 'M ; corn chop , irar 100 Ilia , 9130@1 33 ; liow oat , Itor 100 Ibn , $1 U5@l 45 ; oato , Nebraska , mixed , per 100 Ib , 8183@1 35 ; wheat , per 100 Ibs , SI 35145 ; barley , per 100 Ibs , 81 CO" ( ail 75 } mixed chop , per (100 Ibn , $1 3.iv I 40 ; bran , per ton , 817 00@li ) 00 ; hay , per ton 612 00(3)10 ( ) 00 ; baled uocoud bottom , Jl 000012 00 ; baled upland , $14 Oflfall ? 00 itraw. n r ton. < VW ( V J , K. CAMlMIKMy. I 8.8. OAMl'JIKUj , Campbell & Co. . , rnovisioNH , ntuiTS , arc. 10i South UttiHlrect , l < t ecn Daiiglm and Dodge OKA1IA , Nfll. lUdionoctVirnt Nt-tioiml lUnk , Btec1 , Joliunon t Co. , Onula ; Iliuk of CUM Oouniy , I'UiUuiautb Kcib. COK8IQNUENT3 BOLIClTfU. nKTirilNJ fA Railway Time Table. - * V. 1MI R.JIAIN LINK MATH. n iv < Vlfla K vro. ' .12W : > p m AtUntlo K prcM * : 8 rr Wentcrn Kxj * i 8.00 pm "iVc'tortiRxprew. S.COn m 0. ! lAmlP Ji3.4SOp : m n. " ! lW : m Unooln Kj.13SOp : In n.tilnouln Kt DUJ1MT THAlKS-KlllDOK DIVISION , < > AVO Om tm : 7:10 , 8:00,11.00 : , 10:00 : , 11:00 : W m.,18 m : KX ) , 8 00 , S:00 , 4 00 , BW , 8.00 , 10:10 : u m. On Sun- Ujs : 7io,0o : : IIKW * . m ; zoo , 4x\8oo : ( , 10:10 : p , u. Anl o i\tlrnn l rilcwt | 20 mlnutnlMer ; UroM * wivy dfpot , Council IlliilTs. SO minutes IMer. I vo Council Hindu , Hrnvlniw depot , 8'00 , 9.00 , o.-oo , itoo : . m. ; l m.ioo ; : , Sro : , s.oo.i o.S.w.Bi oiop.m : On BIIII.U ) : 8-co. 10:110 : . ; mjS'i , 60 , 0,40 , 10:40 : 1m. . Arrlvo Trnnstcr d | < ot , 10 mln itm later. tantn Council IUulT Tr ni > fer ilrixit ! S:2S : , 0 ; 0tslits : : vin.l2 ; mlS5 ; : , 5:25,3. : " % 4ss : , iS : , ess , . * C > f 10.S5l\ . Arrho OniAliiv 0 mlnutct later. L itt UMAIH. I.KAVH OOUKC1L Ktltrrs. Pm No. S , . . ,7f5 : m PRO * , No. p. . . 7B : am 11 No. 10 . 6:45 : n m No. H. . . , ll : 6 m " No. t . 8Mim : | " No : ' " No.8 . SW : m " No. 61. . . .7:16 : p m " No. 1. " No. 60..0:50 : m | . tlma l < SI minutes fit r lliMi lee 1 ttmo. U. & H. llAtUlOAl ) TIMB TARI.K CKNT. TIME. I > KM KR KXI'IIRM. HOI Mi. K BT IkltAD. ARIIUK. Onnlin. . . T.ti : ) | iin B:40 : MII ( ! : - | , m 0:40 : urn . 0:54 : jiin Hill MII Lincoln,10r : < 0 urn 12..M MII 8.00 put 1:49 : nm Prcto lli.Wpm lMlpm : S:17 : | > in 1:40 : MII llni'tlrpi. . 5ir : nm fioopm : llttJnm 1 ! 1 Clotlil. SuO : nm 0 51 pin 10.0 n > n 8:00 : i in JleCook..lOMm : 10-Sripm : i:40nm : Akron. . . . .IMSpm 3 : VI urn Olsffuim 11:40 : | im Demcr. . . . 7 : > utim iKi.'mm , nn 7.Vi : mn MISSOU1U I'AUIl'lO-STANOAHU TIME , IIKIMRT. I Animx. " . 00nm IV4 , " pin K. 0. . HT JOB A 0. II. B. HTANDAIU ) TIUK. tfklUUIly HMSainl Kxrin" ' , lUlly Kxprrtki , daily I except Mem- oiropl MAtnr : I ilafn. OiSAnin daj 7:45 : p in I Hall , ( Ull.v : 0. , Bt. P. . ft 0. STANDA1U ) TIME. ( Depot 14th and Wotmtir htn. Xo. 2 mUtil 7:45 : MII Ko. IniUoil. . . . 5SO : p m Krollit | , , ? : Mpin Krolght , ll4.'i ; ft in AtUntloKXII..n'Dpui ; Atlantlo Ksp. . . 11.15 Mil AtlinttcilMI..7:4inm : ! Atliuitlo MMI. . . 7.0pm Ku < ry May. ( Tmnsfor Depot , Council llluttn. ) WA11A81I&ST. LOUIS. T.ravu 7M : in I Arrive 10:55 : Mn Ua\u 11:50 : p in | ArrUo , . . , , , , . . 4:05 : pin . a , B & o n. n.-sTANDAini TIHK UMl * 5:60 : m IKxtiruas 10:00am : -8:60pm : | JIM1 * 7'J5iiru i rxccptdl. 0. , II. I' & 1' . II. K STANDAKI ) T1MK. 1UI1 * 7:50am : I Kxnrom. " 10-00pm Kiprow 8'60pm Uall * T'J4 ru " ' l cxci-jitctl. C. , 1 ! . t St. I'-HTANlUUtl TIMK. ItA\K AllUHIl , . . . . > I tlMitto Ex * . . . .3:60 : p in | Mall & Kx * . 7:00 it m Snnla\a cxcoto < ( . 0. & N. W. K. n. SFAXDAnii T1JIK. nil * . 7:60 : Mn I KxiiroM , , . 10:00 : MU iprw . S:60 : p m | KM * . 7t5im Sunilav i cvcuptwl. 8. O. & P. IU K.-STANDAUD TOIl . lull' . O.-OO km I Kinross . lO.ftlnm xvroiw . 8.-00 p m | Mall" . 7S5lim ted. opening ana Closing of Holla. totm. orw. * .m. p.m. .m. .m , 0 &N. W.,0.,11. I.ftP.,0. . & Q. , Ht 1'aul & Sioux City. 11:00 : 0.00 6:40 : 8:16 : C.M.8.1'.8 U. ft 1' . In Io a 0.00 C43 ; Waliuh Kxprces 12.SO \\Vttshoral. ! . 0.00 6iO : K. a , St. JootO. 0:00 : 0:00 : 6:40 : 0bO : Missouri FarJfla 7:30 : MO 0. , Ht p. M. i 0 5.00 7i'0 : Union I'aolllc , o' , ciUnii S.OO il fi Unlim 1'acinc , Denver Kx. . . 4:00 : 7:80 Ulloimbllcnn Valley. . . 1:30 : 11:35 : U. & M. Kxprois 7:00 : 7M : II. & M. for rhUumonth , B. Uonil , Ashland and I icoln.11:00 : 7:30 Olllto open Sindnjs from 1-J:00 : in. to 1:00 : p. m. O. K OOUTANT. PostniMter. Western Cornice-Works , IKON AND SLATK. HOOFING. C. SPECHT , PROP , llllDaugluBL Oinilm , Neb. UANUPAOTUnER OF Galvamzea Iron Cornices /CWDornier Wltiilown , FlnUli , Tin. Iron uiil Blntc ooflnK , Bpcclit'a imtoiit MeUlllo Skjllrlit , Patent juetod lUtcliot Ua and Itnckot BSolvlDf. I un Kononl ai/ant tor tno n&avo line 01 coo.n. Iron clni ; , ( 'riutiniii , lialustrmlos , Vornnilai , Iran Hut VI , Window Hllnds , Cellar OnarJn : lsi eenoi < inri"in * HIM Kt nt In.M * Klln < l Inr In mailB eijireiwly for the euro ot clutuigomciits ottlio KcncratUu orif'ns , Th' ru In no mUtako about lhlx Inotrunicnt. tlio con- tlnuoits ntrcain of KI.KO- ) , ' tliu parts mutt tea Jlliruii'li to linnlthy action Do not cnnfnnnil thin with KltctiKi Holts admtlsc'il to nire nil Illn Iruinliuail 11 too. It In far the ONK npuo llic purpiso. 1'or clrcnhru HlnK full Information , adin' ) * Chuo\ur Eloctrla Jlelt C'o. , 103 Wnahlngtun St. , Chicago III. . GrOXDNTGr PEINCIPAL LINE I I10M ; iriCAi0rE01 | II V WAY 111 * OMAHA AIID LINCOLN TO DENVER , ' OH VtA KANSAS CITY AND ATOBISON to DENVER Joiiin.'ctliitf In Union Depots lit KIIIIBIIN ( , 'lty ' , Oiimluvand Dnnvrrwltli tliiuiiKhtnilnsliir Ami all points Injlm Oicat Wt'ht , , ' ( jniiectlng in ( liiiud Union liopotut with tliruujtli tnilpi Tor jvj-ir YoitK , n on TON , And nil KiiMtiirnOlllou. Atl'iiorln wltli tliiouuli tmltmlorlmlluiii ollH , UIicliinutlC'uluiiibUN | , , und nil jnliilH fn .liuboutli-Kiiiit. At M. J-oiilH with throtiul tinliiH for nil ] M > lntH Hontli. Ooacsliui , I'm lor Cnrd , with Hi- clliilii OliiilrnHoatM ( lice ) , Hiiiokliiu Cfirw wit ! Huvolvlni , ' UlmliK , I'ulliiinn 1'iilucu Hlupnln. C'urx nml tliu rumoiiH O. II. K.I ) . Dlnlim t'ni mn ilnlly tounil from ClilviiK" mid KunuaaOlty ( } | ilciiKunml Cuimcll llliilliii C'lilciiKo mid l > < Multius , UlllraiKd , St. Jntepll , Atvlihon KIK ' 1'oiielui wltliout vliunu'ii. only tliroiiKli Hi' ' luiinlng tlmlr mvn tniliiH Ixitwi n ChleiiKii Lincoln and Denver , und ChlcuKOi KIUIMII Olty niicl llcnvcr. Tluoimli nn uotweui Indliuiupollti iiiul Council llliitrd , via 1'eoria ( KINf ! NOKT1I ANUHOUTII. Solid Tmlri1 * of iiimniit : invy COIU-IICH tin I'liUiimn I'liliicdHlcuiilnit CuiHuiurunilnlly t nnil from 81. J.ouU ; via lliuinllml ; ( { ulncy KuokiiUyJIuilliDitoii , f'c < lnr linpklminil Allici I.rciloHt. I'iinl iintl MlniitiiiMillH ; I'niliii-Cni with llix-lluliiK Cliuliu lo und fi-oiu M. l/ou mill 1'oorln. OiilyiiiioclmiiKoofriinilM'tnfj1 St. I.onlHUtKlDc-H Jlolnm , In u , I.lmoln , .N linixkuami Denver'oloiiulo. U Is nlMo tli only TlinniHli M" " bet" fi-n DT , LOUIS , MIUNBAPOLIS and BT , PAUL It la kuo\Mi uo llm KK' t 'J'llllOlHilI OA M.NJ : of Ainurluu , nud In milvcittully uiliul 'I'll tl ) I'O till ) Finest Equipped Railroad in the "World fcr all classes of Travel. Thronuh Yluh-ciH viu tills line ior wupiit nl It. II. roiiiNtu tlctet ylllccs In the UiilleU Stiitus T.'J. ' , IMIKOBVAJ SAFE INVESTMENTS Otnnlui Heal Estnto is n safe investment for both local nnd foreign cap ital , nnil there is no property , in or around the city , but what will bring purchasers good returns in the near future. Wo Imvo property for sale it Ail prats f the city , nud also Surrounding tlio city , nil of wluchwogladly | ? show to partias who feel interested. Wo uro often asked which is the best part , of the city for nn invest ment" ? "VVonlwnys advise patrons 16 buy what ia called Inside By this ia meant property not more than ono nnd n half miles from , the I'oatofltcs , and the nearer the center the bettor the investment. While outside property will steadily ndvanco in price , inside property will ad- vauco much greater ia'proportion. The now addition to the city known as HAWTHORNE ! { allocated on a inilo from the postoffico , west , only nine blocks from the High School , and these lots are boingCeold at less than .half the price askud or lots same distance in any other direction , and NOW IS THE TK TO BUY , As these lota will , iu n short time , boadvnuced to correspond to prices lots surrounding llawthorue. The contrnctlluis been let for grading Davenport street through this addition. Work has been commenced and will bo finished early in the summer. Purchasers of lots iu Hawthorne will not have to bear any expense for the grading. This is a decided advantcge. Prices for regular - lar fii/o lots lotsS35O TO 8575 , Wo luivo also some iloublo lots iu tlm addition nt from $600 to ? G50. This part/of / the city JH leing built up with the Lest class of residences Near business , near High School , nndidoairable in every particular. \ ( Wo liavo a icw'.iiCtliia addition , wliich wo will 'sell at lowec ticesthim can bo had'iu surrouudiiiK adilHiniis. The lots are beautiful ly locat'd nndJnrgorJJmn thau5tho8piiCadjoiningtadditions ; and -will be sold on terms to siutjnirchaserfl. Business Proprtj ! IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. in1 IM : Donglns County and all parts of & State/ A.fluolriuil of Inndtlimi and one-lulf miles from Omahn at $10 per rti. Also a tract four miles from the bity at $80 per acre. Lots in this addition will bo sold on monthlypayments ; 10 per ceu cash imdl5perjcent , per mouth , s : o "R IT ES i Of all the lots wo have forfcale , we think this is the most desirable either for n home or tor investment , na it is near business nicely located 'in ' the market , and first andjat present prices is the cheapest ) property buyers have choice o BEDFORD & SOUER. 213 South X4th Street , between Farnam and Douglw -