Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 12, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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Homo ItrniB
"All y 'i own Uull
If roil rtro in sick nlioio you can
U t bop bitter lh l no\er Kail.
The wcaVost woman , smallest child ,
nnd sickest invalid can use hop bitten
with safety nnd great good.
Old men tottering around from
Rhoumatittn. kidney trouble or nny
weakness will bo almost now by using
lion bitters
My wlfo nnd daughter yrcro inado
healthy by the use of hop bitters and I
recommended them to my people. Meth
IV' , odist Clergyman.
Ask ny ( f < "J doctor If hop
Bitter * ro not thu Iw.t f mlly mctllclna
On tilth.
Malarial Cover , Ague and Biliousness -
ness , will leave every _ neighborhood as
* soon as hop bitters arrive.
ji "My mother drove the paralysis and
neuralgia all out of her system with hop
bitters. " Ed. Oswcgo Sun.
Keep the kidneys healthy with hop
bitters and you need not fear sickness.
Ice water is rendered harmless nnd
moro refreshing and reviving with hop
billow in each draughr. .
The vigor of youth for tlio aged and
infirm in hop bitters !
'At tlio rhaiiffo Of Itfo nothing ctinult
llopbitttrsto ftlUy U troublcilocliUnt
Thtroto. "
* 'Tho best periodical for ladies to
take monthly nnd from vrhich they will
receive the greatest benefit is hop bit-
tors. "
Mothers with sickly , fretful , nursing
children , will cure the children and bene
fit themselves by taking hop bitters doi
Thousands die annually from noino
form of kidney disease that might have
been prevented by n timely use of hop
Indigestion , woalc stomach , irregu
larities of the bowels , cannot exist when
hop bitters are used.
A timely . % . ' . " . moot hop
' Blttcre will keep a wJmlo fmnlly
In rebuilt health a scar nt a llttlo coit.
To produce real genuine sloop _ and
child-liko rcposo all night , take a little
hop bitters on retiring.
That indigestion or stomach gas at
night , preventing rest and sloop , will dis
appear by using Imp bitters.
Paralytic , nervous , tremulous old
ladies are made perfectly quiet nnd
sprightly by using hop bittors.
And your work is done for all Him
to time to come.
The Worl
g > x
to produce a moro durable inateria
for street pavement than the
Sioux Falls Granite.
filled promptly. Samples sent an
estimates given upon application
_ Sioux Falls. Duknta
rang KIWI ipn t\ HHfl A ITO
EYE . & EA1
J , T. ARMSTRONG , M. D. ,
OotxliMrt : .A.oa.X'lfSi
Until onicca are repaired Irani result ol flru , uil
with Dr. VarLor , Hooa 6 , ( InlJrlitou IJlock U
* ng
Graham Paper Co
tU tfad 219 North ilaln Bt , St. LouU.
VCoab oild for nun of nil
Chartered byUicStatcofll
nols furtheexpicssnurpi
ofclvIngtromedUte rellel
ail throntc.urmary sod p
vato dlteaui. Qooorrho
Qleet andSy philla In all tto
complicated form * , olio
dlieaaei of the bkla o
Ulood promptly relieved a
per maneotly cured by ten
dic , U tcdlnorirlV ( < i
V/ealcn - . t-Tirln Loustsby Dream * , I'lmplei
theiraceLo9tMnhoodi'u < t > r < i/riirr < I.27i
it no exptrliutHtlnu * Tiio appropriate remc
I' Q list once used In each c > e. ContulUitloRi , n <
M > na | of bv letter , tacrcdly confidential , Me
ielne * neat by Mall mid Cxpreu. No marks i
package to ladicato coatcut * or tender. Addic
Stove Eepair Work ;
I0y Sbuth 14th St.
nd rtpt
Hw cMtnt vt * H M MripUoa. wool ttOTM , dmngod
, JM I * J , w i , mi U k , diwpw . to , ouUcl.
our c4op'pi ttttlrtw k
Siill Being Used To Pierce the TIM
Hide of Bismarck ,
Official Letters , Telegrams and
Talk on tlio Matter ,
Spicy Conversation Between Tre-
linghuysen and Elondeokor ,
A Final Official Shaft to Sargent
From the Secretary of State ,
"ABlatter nl'JtrKift , lint Not of Con
cern" to tlio American ConjrcfiK.
WAHiitNorojr , March 10. Accompany
ing tlio president's message to the Jiouso
on the Laskor resolutions , were a num
ber of official lottora and telegrams bo-
twcon Secretary Frelinghuyson nnd Min-
iatur Sargent , and between Sargent and
tlio Gorman imperial secretary , which
were purely of a routine character. Fol
lowing those was a memorandum of the
conversation of March 7 between Score-
tary Frolinghuysoii and Herr Eisondcck-
or , which opens with the formal presen
tation of the dispatch from Prince Bis
marck , seine points of which have already
been published , but never oflicinlly.
It is ns follows :
FuKiimicimumiE , February Oth , 1881.
[ Translation. ] Tlio envoy of the United
States of America has communicated ,
with a note dated the 1st inslanttho text
of a resolution of the American house of
representativesdated the Oth of January ,
in which the houoo expresses
ita rcgrcat r.t the death of Dr. Edward
Liskor. Every appreciation which the
personal qualities of a Gorman receive in
a foreign country cannot but bo pleasing
to our national feelings , especially when
ominating from auch an important bed ;
as tlio American house of representatives.
1 should therefore have gratefully re-
coivcd Sargent's communication , and
should have naked his majesty , the em-
pnror , to empower hno to proaont it tc
the reichstag , if the resolution of tlio 'M
of January did not at the same time con <
tain an opinion on the direction nnd of
fccts of the political actions of llopro
aontaliyo Laakor , which is opposed to mj
convictions. In the resolution it is said
in relation to the deceased that "hii
firm and constant exposition o
free and liberal ideas have materially
torially advanced the social , politica
and economic condition of these people , '
From my knowledge of the courao of th <
political and economic dovolopmpnt the
Gorman people has taken I cannot'rogarc
this opinion as ono in accordance will
the facia I have witnessed. I would not
venture to oppose my judgment to thai
of an illustrious assembly like the hous <
of representatives of the United State ;
if I had not gained during an active par
ticipation in Gorman internal politics o
more than thirty yoara , _ an oxporiouci
which encourages mo to attach also t <
my opinion a certain competency vrithii
thcso limits. I cannot make up my mini
to ask his majesty , the emperor , for th
necessary aulhomatioii to conunuiiicat
the resolution of the house of roprcson
tativos of the United States to the Gei
man reichslag , because I should there
with have to officially endorse myno'l ' an
also to endorse with his majesty , th
emperor , nil opinion which I am uimbl
to recognize as just.
( Siirnod ) VON BISMAUOK. "
After rending and presenting to Seen
tary Frolinijhuyaoii the above letter Mil
istor Von Eisondockor added : "I am fui
thor innlructod to express to you , Mi
Secretary , Prince Bismarck's regrets thr
ho found himself unable to comply wit
the wish formulated by Sargent , an
also to leave with you , if you dcairu i
the engrossed copy of Iho rtrjolutio
which , in my deference to its high origii
I inny add my upvornmont cannot on it
own responsibility fool at liberty t
The secretary of state said : . "M :
Minister , inresponse to your oiler to n
turn the ongrusjod copy of ( ho rcsoh
tion , lot mo say the president cannot k
supposed to have any wish in rospoi
to what the Gorman government nia
do in regard to the dispositio
of the copy of ( ho resolution of house t
representatives after it has decided * tin
it cannot bo transmitted to'tho body fi
which it was courteously intended. "
The ministoV replied : "Youi1 answo ;
Mr. Secretary , expresses no wiah , nn
consequently relieves my { [ ovornmoi
from thu obligation it 1ms full to rotui
the resolution which was entrusted to
for tr Dismission. "
The last document of the series is
letter from Frolin huyson to Minist <
SargoSit , written to-day , and is as follow
"WAHUIMUUN , Huron 10 , 1881. Su
I enclose a copy of a note , of which
copy has boon handed mo by the Go
man minister , nnd whiuh alalo th
Prince Bismarck declines to bo tl
medium of communication between tl
house of representatives of the Unite
States and the roichatag of the rosolutic
on the subject of the death of M
Laskor. Tlio resolution wus passed I
the house with the moat courtcoi
motives , for the ainclo puposo of o
pressing sympathy with u correspond ! )
branch of the government of a tnund
nation in the lots of onu of its disti
guished members , who died within tl
national jurisdiction of congress. If ai
other purpose has been surmised , tl
indisposition of this republicas , proven 1
the history of n century , to obtru
upon other nations the sound politic
principles upon which our own prosper !
Is fouudud , should have counteract
that surmise. In the cuttomary order
transmission the resolution oamo into t !
possession of his excellency , who
pleased to explain the ombarassmont u
lo dor which ho conceives ho would labor I
il. forwarding it to ita dostinatio
In ia This position , and the person
I- conviction to which ho allude
Ift are matters directing hisoxcollonoyulou
and thorn it is
ill upon not becoming that
id inako any remark further than to say
id does not occur to mo how the trummi
f\ \ aiou of a resolution would have invoivi
al an endorsement of the political views
inTO Mr. Laskor. My duty of courtesy to tl
house of representatives ended with fo
warding thu resolution throuuh tlio prop
channel to Ih6 hands of an ollloor ohargi
with the administration of foreign ullai
of Germany. This govcrumunt is n
disposed to inquire into tha rol
tions existing between the , dilforo
branched of another. The sonlimeii
of tlio resolutions are now general
known ; their merits or demerits can 1
judged , and ita moro trausmispion ol
wally , as it was intended and claimed <
ils face to be of friendly intent , while
matter of regret , it not ono of concern
tither branch pf the government of tl
United States. You will either forwsi
a copy of this instruction to thy uiinUt
f foreign aflhfrii , or rend it to him nnd
cnvo him tv copy , as you ascertain ho
refers. 1 am , itc. ,
IiCtlcr from l > r. Hcrro.
18 WEST 35m STIIEET , \
NEW YOIIK , JUNK 1 , 1883. )
I have been n sufferer in the paat with
Talnria , which finally became Chills and
'over. Treatment by my physician failed
o help mo. I used BitAMOitBTii'H Pitts
nd was cured. Thirteen months have
lapsed since then , and I have * had no
ccurronco , Other members of my fami
f used them for the same troublu , with
: io same good result.
I cheerfully endorse them for that ill-
csi , and also as a pleasant laxative or
mrgativo , according to the number taken.
'hoy are now n household remedy with
no , and I am never without them. 1
ould gladly give the details of the fore-
oing to any who inMit choose to call
pan mo for thorn.
J. ESEllRE. Dcnht.
Tlio Cnttlu
TOTEKA , Ks. , Jlarch 10. Governor
Hick , In reply to the rcnolulioii adopted
t the meeting of the Osaifo county
kinon , hold last week , says : "I do
ot think the public would justify the
ailing of the legislature together. It
corns to mo that the 8ockmen of your
ounty have started out in the right di-
ection by calling a public meeting. The
ounty's board should meet and make nn
ppropriation for the purpose pf buying
nd destroying any animals disenscu in
ny locality in your county. Tlio legla
aturo has appropriated no means nor
uthorizod any ofiicora to act in sudi mat
ers , and all 1 can do is only advising.
n case the disease should make its ap-
oaranco the animals should bo at
nco killed and buried and
11 straw , and ovoiything on
ho premises that was exposed , should
jo burned , and cattle liable to bo infect-
d should bo properly quarantined.
Should the disease break out there should
10 a competent committee with a yotori-
lary surgeon appointed to appraise the
iroporty , pay a fair value for it , and ro-
uiro the owner to disinfect his premises.
have no doubt the legislature would
irovido for the reimbursement of coun-
ica that adopt such measures to atamji
lut the disease. Many surgeons through-
nit the country are sending remedies
hey warrant as being a sure and effect
ual euro. " The governor nnd several
ithor parties will leave for the diseased
[ is trie ts on n special train to-morrow.
AOnsoNot Beyond Help ,
Dr. M. H. Illnedalo , Konnwco , Ill.nlvlsO ( !
us of a rcmarknblo cure of consumption. He
ays : "A nolzhbour'a wlfo wan attnckod Itl
'inlont lunif dlaoano , and pronounced boyoiu
iclp from Quick Consupmtlon. AH a lix t ro
ort the family was persuaded to try Dfl.WM
fo the astonishment of all , by the tlmo nhc
md used ono half dozen bottles ho was aboul
ha liouuo doing her own work. I HAW her nl
lor worst and had no Idea oho could rcco\cr. '
Tills IB ono of the boat remedies for Neural
gla ever Invented. It is not a Hnlmont. but li
i modlcino to bo taken intorniilly , nnd curoi
> y going light to the root of the dlsouso.
'ndy who triad many other things , without re
lof , trlod Neuralgia Kliiff , nnd wns imniadl
atoly cured. Wo gunrantco it In all caeca u hoi
nsocl according to ( Urni-tlnim
iN IIY Ti3raouAi ii.
GlndHtona Ii ( tudoring from catarrh and con
flnod to hU room.
Tlio French poitolllco reports that tlin nil :
berlos for the i > ast week amlnmt to 100,00
MTH. KIiboth ! Keating , ego 8 , burned t
douth at I'hIIndalphia , yojtercl ly , during u lit
In her houso.
A fund b boIiiR raised In Jandin ( ( or tli
benefit f the family of Towfik 15oy , LOU
mandor of the 111-fatud Slnkat gaiiison.
James Itughoi. who shot ntul wounded Oil
cor Welch , hi Clinton , Iowa , lust Oitoba.
WOH sentenced to ton yoara In tlio ponitoi
At BoHtou ycatorduy the iirnt suitwia ; brgn
against the Suvunnnh Stuiunihlp Lxinpnny I
rocoor ilnmagoa for loss of Ufa on the steam *
City of Columbus ,
Carl SchutJonoph Jl. Choato and H nun
bor of otlinr Kcntleinoii have been added t
the Now York Independent republican execi
tivo comiultteo.
The wont-bound oxtiro.ia on the TOXAR & Si
Louta road W.IH doniilod Iho miloa of Coi
> > IcanaIu tHiinday.n1ght. Two gentlemen an
ono lady \\eeo Borldiialy hurt'
The Berlin no\vninpern are absorbed in < ! !
cnsslnR the rise of u now political part }
formed since Luakor's douth , hy the union u
the eccasalunisU and pro resBista.
Commlsnlonor ] ' 'inlc donloa the truth of th
report In Now Yurie of a cut In rat -fri'ii '
Chicago anil St. Loulx , nnd says no raductloi
of rates Is contemplutoil by him.
A Montreal dispatch of yostordiymyt
The snow storm of the pant two duy < < liaa bee
the most sotlous of the winter. Trains ur
ulinply cancel | ud. Thu snow Is 8 foot high ,
Fran Afatorua and Ha. ion Wlnkolnmir
nnd Scarln leave Vlnnna on the 21th of Marc' '
anil Llterpnol the 2'Jth ' for thu United Stitof
to take p irt in the Wanner concerts nude
tho.direction of Theodora Ulout1 ,
In tlio Now York losUlaturo Inquiry Int
the management of the J.udlow utieot jiii
tontlmony w H given to the ollocttlmt whiako.
nnd lewd women weie Intrixhicod Intj th
jail for prisoners who had money ,
At KIgIn , 111. , yoatorday morninc , Clmile
Kostor , an omplovo of the Klein Avutch coir
pany , was found dead III bed from tlio ull > ( , t
of coal gnti , and hU wlfo and two Uilltfron nr
In a tirtcurloiw condition from tlio SHUIOCHUHC
The Colorado dIUslouof the Southern 1'u
rlfio U badly washed jor BIX inllon west i
Uairgott. Ono break IH IHUO font long , nn
two others 81)0. ) On the nortliorn division
number of bridges uro g < mo , and U in imposs
bio for p.HsungurH to bo truntfoiTed.
Carl Hiith.iusou , ngod 1 ! > , a nopliow of lie
llutlmuscu Cemi > loplor. of thu Duchy i
Brunswick , Germany , was arrested at Noi
Yorkjesterday , on the arrival of the etetui
t > hlp Amsterdam , for onterlng hU undo
house mauko'l ' and rpblitng him of S2GOO o
tlio nlylit of February 16th.
Tim Northern I'rtcIHa and iU Chlcipro cot
uoctions aunounco a reduction In the rate o
eailgrunt movuablejof uboufJO per tout IN
twocn Chlcauo nnd ull ixint west. Thu Ch
cage lines will tUU week iwiio throuRh frelgl
tivrllfH in couuocliou with the Norther
Pacific ,
The republicans conlod i of 7 wards In Uat
gor , Maluu , yeatordty. No cholco for inajoi
Ilimiphrey , the republican , lacking 77 > otem
a majority. In Aucustu , also , tliure was 11
cholco for mayor. Tlio lepubllcani electe
three aldomnou and the "citizens" and denii
craU electoil four at IHddofonl , the democral
oloctoJ the mayor and cairled li of the
Ronators Morgan , Ulbson and Blair , of tl
public lands committee of the senate , lm\
submitted a minority report to accompany tl ;
bill to declare the forfeiture of lands granto
tould In construction of Texas 1'jclftco io.ii
They oxprivs the opinion that the judlcli
power of tin United Kutot cannot Do exe
cieod elthur to doclara the forfeiture or to r
lio\o agaluit it in the existing state of ui
A Monroe ( La ) upocial says : On Thurida
night .loha Itudvura and wire , n od 73 and Ct
vveru murdered , it It eiipinwud , bvlolni Mill
can and John C'lark. The budJeu were IK
found until Baturday , when a posse started I
nunult of the murdcron * . Tha men had take
lodging for the nltflit at Hodden' lioiu
The old couple. Kitting bv the flru , were shi
ami Instantly killed. Tha ulacu wa * rai
saiLed but the murdereru fulled to got tl
luonoy which wan concealed In u nmttro.
Tliu inurdert-TB torniwd on utolon horses.
Ilood'u Sarsaimnlln is an ostnict of tl :
best remedies of the vogutablo kingdo :
known aa Alteratives , nud Blood-Pur
Cliciis Agents on Tlirlr Mettle.
"IJaa Forcpaugh n white olophfttil ? "
said the gentlemanly Aimnias'of the Bar-
hum show , repealing the reporters ques
tion , and scornfully adding : "Why don't
you ask mo if John O'Brien has otic ? "
"Has he ? "
"Who ? John O'Brien ? Why , great
Eaypt , no unless ho has whitewashed
his old African elephant. You'ro twen
ty-olio , ain't you ? Well , don't lot any of
those Foropatigh guys close your eye on
thia subject. I'm tolling you straight
when 1 nay Bntnum is thu only showman
that has a white elephant. Of courao
ho's while , " continued the agent , refer
ring to the pachyderm "that is , as
wlulo aa sacred elephants go. I don't
ay ho's aa white aa snow , but he's white
i patches. A sort of a calico elephant ,
o tn speak. You'vo seen n calico hess ? "
"Yes. "
"Well , just try and picture to yourself
n elephant that looks like that. "
While the reporter was endeavoring to
raw a mind-picturu of a bay elephant ,
ccorated wilh pink and white patches ,
10 awful untruthfulncps of Mr Foro-
augh's emissaries Hashed through Iho
rain of Mr. Barnum'a agent , and. with
frown on his face , ho inquired : "Now ,
pu don't for a moment believe that his
iscuits" by that remarkable titlu ho
leant Mr. Foropaiigh "up Chestnut
, reot could buy a while elephant ! No ,
f course you don't know. That's
ust the point. Ho knows you don't '
nd so ho Bonds guys around to swell your
oad. "
"When ho heard that Mr. Barnum had
white elephant his Philadelphia bia-
uits Bays if 1 can't got ono I'll make 'cm
liink I have. 1 tell you it tikes bijj
nonoy to got a sacred elephant : and
vliiit'o more , there was only ono for aalo ,
nd as soon aa Mr. Barnum heard of il
10 at once dispatched twelve agents tc
Jurinnh. That was eight yeara ago. The
gonta labored pcycu years and spent
§ 1117,000 , but were unable lo aecuro the
irizo. Not wisning to return empty-
landed they , in 1882 , bought an olophanl
with white foot , a white trunk and c
while tail , but it was not sacred. The
> cute was shipped to thia country , bul
when Mr. Barnum learned that it was
icithor pure white nor sacred ho oaid tc
Mr. Baily and Mr. Uutchinsou , 'I will
never consent to deceive the people oi
ny native country by palming oil or
.hem a curiosity that is not gonuinb.
Chat's the governor's style , you know--
ilraight up and down aa a center polo. '
Hero the agent broke his narrative ,
md holding up two finpera of bis right
land said to the bar keeper : "Whiskj
sours. " Turning to his companion lu
? aid : "Tho governor won't hove a drink
ng man with the show ; and the instant
10 hears that ono of his employes hai
; ukon a drink , off goes the drinker's head
I'm taking big chances when lorder aoun
n a public place like this. Then return
ing to the matter ho was moat interests
11 ho aaid : "Say old man , don't yo i bo
ievo that nny ono except Mr. Bar/nun /
will exhibit a white elephant in tbi
country next summer. Oh , yea tha
spurious while elephant. VYoll , Hutcl
and Baily , they said : 'What will wed
with it ? ' and the governor , ho said : 'Ivil
it and get one that is genuine or none n
all.1 So it waa poisoned. "
"And another force of agonla wont t
Burinah wilh § 30,000 worth of present
( coating at least 85,000) ) for the king an
at last succeeded in securing at Doan
DAIIIOO the largest , whitest and moat 11
telltgcnt sncred olophanl in the work
and , mind you it is the only ono that ov <
loft the country. It coat § 200,000 nn
its golden bath tub and feeding troug
cost § 75,000 more , and , by the way , tli
trappings were only leased at that. Tli
priests that , wait upon the elephant ai
paid § 5,000 a month. Millions of m
tivea gathered on the Salweon to see tli
lord of white elephants leave homi
What do Iho nalivea think of Mr. Bn
iiuin , do you say ? Why , they worshi
him , Old Swam , who was over thei
lolls mo they have images of the govorr
or in all thu temples now. There's th
bill of sale of our elephant published i
The Rangoon Cassette , " ho addedunfold
cd a dirty-looking little newspaper : tn
pointing out a column article on Toun
fiilomif * , the apottod proboscidian thu
Mr. Barnum ia now exhibiting in Eii
An hour or so lalor the reporter mo
ono of the picturesque story-toller
employed to do part of the Munchau
son business for Mr. Foropaugh's nggre
T , K kt that ! " ho said , holding u
thia cablegram :
' WniiA ) Uoplmnt- will teach Philadol
Eliia in April. Expert naturalists say h
i tht ) only pure Albino elephant in th
world. All othon are leprous. "
"That knocks Birnum higher than
kilo. "rmiiHiked Iho agent , gleefully
"I tell you the Main Guy ( Mr. Fore
tiyli'a u onta , m refuning to thuir fin
plnyor , frequently give him llmt uniqu
title ) "has the only white elephant tint
over loft the east. What ? Call thn
measly little beaut of Barnum's } with
few dirty gray patchqj on his trunk
white ? Why , it's bosh , and when it come
down to the sacred business wit havu al
the bust of it. On thu quiet , I'll tell yo
that that scaly elephant of Barnum'a wa
never called sacred by any ono oxcop
circus agents , while the Mam Guy'a whit
monarch lived for twenty ye.irs in u loin
pip and was worahiped by millions upoi
millions of people. When it _ bocam
known lhat ho was to le.ivo hfa nativ
land the natives bought single hairs frnn
hia body for a rupee apieco. Tlio priest
who have charge of him inado abou
$12OCO selling hairs. That little olopban
in London cost about $10,000 , whilu our
cost $250,000 before ho loft hia temple
and his diamond-studded trappings cos
$75,000 , Now , I am giving you facia.
Then there waa u long pauso.
"Oh , you saw ono of these chumps c
Iho Barnum show , did you ? Filled yo
up , didn't lie ? I hope ho told you al
about thuoarting of Professor Doremout
of New York , down to Bridgport to try t
turn an ordinary elephant white , U
didn't , eh ? Yes , ita true , Old Doromu
went down there and doctored and paint
ed and fooled with a black elephant ati
just when the operators thought the boaa
was becoming a shade pohir it died , At
some of these jays about it ; but aaydpn' '
you let 'om pull your loj ; and convinc
you that that aick olephaut they got i
Burinah is white or tacrod , for it isn't
" " t boar in mind all the time you'r
wlkin to thorn guya that Mr. Forqmug
has the only Jegitmato white olephan
and we've got the documents to prov
' h < | conversation waa interrupted b
Mr. Opr , ouo of the imaginative agent
of John IJ. Doris' ' allow , "Say , fellahs ,
bosau Mr. Cox , "did you hoar abou
"No. '
"He's just bought a sacred white olo-
ibatit. The only legitimate ono that will
> o oxibitcd in America thia year , " do-
lorod Mr. Doris * representative , un-
> lushingly. The agents locked horns at
nco on the white elephant question and
10 reporter ( led.
HorMord's Acltl Phosphate.
Bpcciflo Virtues In Dyspopsla.
Dn. A. JENKINS , Great Falls , N. H. ,
iya : "I can testify to its seemingly
Imost spccilio virtues in cases of dys-
) opsia , nervousness and morbid vigilance
ir wakefulncss. "
Tlio Itcsult of
mill 3Iur < lcrcr0 ,
inclnnixtt Kncjulrcr.
On Thursday night the family of Mr.
il , T. Vandovoort , of the firm of Morrcll
Vandovoort & Co. , had quite nil exciting
vunt at their residence , near the Prtsby-
orian church in Lovcland. A hdy visitor
nd relative of the family arose in her
Ipep , jumped from her bed-chamber
dndow , and waa found walking down the
incinnati , Washington and Baltimore
.ulroad track. Thu lady is a widow and
ighly connected , and has never had any
imilur experience before , although she
ai reached nearly the ago of 50. She
eela considerably embarrassed at her
rout : , and at her urgent request her name
n withhold. Thu family had several
r'oung people as callera during the cvcn-
ng , nnd considerable Conversation con-
erning thu many recent murdnrs waa in-
lulued in. About 11 o'clock the cullers
oft for homo , and the family retired.
L'ho lady v , ho was the central figure in
ho after excitumunt occupied a chamber
laving n window opening out onto .thu
o ran da.
About midnight some of the family
were awakened by voices of men and the
vailing of a female voico. Mr. Court
Vandovoort , the oldest son , appeared at
ho window , revolver in hand , and saw
.wo men and a woman in the street.
When they caught sight of the weapon
hey retreated , maVitig some remark
ibout ono of the murderers. Nothing
urlhor was heard , and the supposition
icing that the parties wore some belated
nobriatcs , the family again wont to sleep.
M about half an hour the son was again
iwakcnod , and found a young army about
, ho houso. Alarmed at the strange sight ,
10 ran down stairs revolver in hand , and
bund some of the parties trying to force
open Iho dining-room door , while at the
lame time the trent dgor-boli was violont-
y ringing. The son ran from ono door
a another , determined to keep the mur
derous roobers out. Up to this time not
a word had been spoken. Mr . "Vande-
voort , sen. , was awakened by the noise ,
and mouircd what was up. A voice
: rom outside answered that the family
were murdered , and a woman had jumped
from the upper window. Mr. Vandovoort
immediately imagined a foul scheme.
Opening the door ho found a crowd ,
lioaded by Oflicor Martin. Mr. Vande-
voort informed them that his family wore
all alive and well , and used aomo violent
language against Iho intruders , at the
same lime inquiring whore the woman
was. Ho was escorted to the residence
of Col. Nash , and there found his guest ,
who was Buppotc'd to ba found asleep ,
and the f.nfuly using caution to prevent
her rest being broken by the noise. Ex
planations were in order , and were givei
ii9 follows : The crew of an eastern-bonne
freight on thu Cincinnati , Washingtor
and Baltimore railroad were taking nntoi
and receiving orders when Ibey saw i
while object coming down the tracl
toward Ilium. As it drew nearer Ihe ;
discovered n woman in her night-dros
nnd btirefooled waiving ever Iho frozze :
ground , through1 the freezing wind
They asked her wluit was Iho matter
She said , Iho Vandovoort family were al
murdered , and aho had escaped by jump
ing from the window. When aske
where the house was , she led them towan
the Vandovoort residence , making atmtig
and pitiful noises all thu time. Aa the
neared the house they saw young Vando
voort .it the window , and mistook hii
for ono of the murderers. Alarmed , the ;
iled , and after tukinir the lady to Coi
Nash's h'ouso they raised a crowd , inclucl
ing Officer Martin , and proceeded agaii
to thu house , determined to captur
thu murdorora , with the icsults ahead ;
The lady has no recollection of anytliin ;
that occurred until Mr. Vandovoort spoki
to her at Col. Nush's. Up to that timi
dho had persisted that the family were al
murdered. . Whcii awakened she a an
wont to bed , and yesterday did not seen
to bo aufl'ering from any very bad result !
of her lemurkiiblo night's cxporicnci ;
Although weighing over 200 pounds alu
escaped without a visible injury 01
The * only known specific remedy foi
epileptic fits ia t > amarlan Jfervlno.
"I had epileptic fitn for 1C years , '
wri'cs John Kwthly , of Principio , Md.
"Samaritan Ncrvlna cured mo. " $1.5 (
at Druggists.
mysterious Testimony as tu I'll/ . Join
I'oi tor.
BOSTON , March 10. The Herald sayj
in an aiticlo on the Fitz John Porloi
case : "Evidence of an important cliarac
lor bearing on Iho disputed dispatches o :
August 29th has been discovered and tha1
imich-ndvortised-for and moat prominent
dispatch bearer at the balllo of Bull Run ,
who convoyed impoitanl orders fron
General Popu lo General Porlor , has
been discovered. " Thu article claim :
that through the instrumentality of Logai
now evidence which , it is chimed , wil
throw much light upon tlio question oi
Portor'a guilt or innocence , ban been ob
tained. Logan will present the now evi
dence when the bill is called up in the
l/idlox should reflet tu ell before using on
preparation that la applied to HO dcllcata u bia
nco as the ekln. Awj coamotto will at fire
iniKirt a beautifying effect and not apparent
y Injure tlm skin , but In aery short tinu
Jttlo blotches and decelerations appear oi
thofaco uhlcli conclusively show thokison ]
om drup * in their composition. It urn bi
safely n > ul that moro tlum two-tltintt of tin
face powders contain these Injurious ingredl
eiitn , 1'ozzonl'i ) medicated complexion puude
U not only alMolutcly free from all tleleteriou
matter , but it-s jniiicijial ingredient ia ai
rtcth o curati\ for all dUcase.t of the vUn. I
lias stood the tout of yearn. Hold by al
druggisU. _
Ilouvy Snow iu Minnesota mill Da
OIIIUAUO , March 11. A severe wint
storm , accompanied by snow , ban boot
raging sinco&undav night ever a consid
orallo portion of Minnesota and Dakota
Thu snow is drifting badly in places , de
laying trains , mid in ono or two instance
causing freight trains to bo abandoned.
Tlio liouor MluMMJlmil Ovctllo\v.
VioKsnuuo , Bfarch 11. The crovoss
at llughea is ( ! 00 feet wido.and the watc
20 foot deep , ( lowing through and inun
dating all the rich bottoms , doing mori
damage than last year.
The largest Stock in Omaha , and Makes the Lowest Prices.
ur nit uref
Just received an assortment far surpassing anything in this market , comprising
lie latest and moat tasty designs manufactured for thin spring's trade and covering
range of prices from the Cheapest to thu most Expensive.
Parlor Goods ies.
ready for tlio inspection of cus Complete stock of all the latest
tomers , the newest novelti 8 in styles iu Turcoman , Madras and
Suits nnd Odd Pieces. Lnco Curtains , Etc. , Etc.
1 .
Eloeant Passenger Elevator to all Floors. 4. V *
1200,1208 nnd 1310 Inninm ? Street , - OMAHA , NEB.
Henley , i-Saynes & Van Arsdel ,
1106 Farnam Street , - - - OMAHA , KLB.
Heating and Backing
TB only attained by using
Stoves and Ranges ,
Fci sale by
Wholesale Clothiers !
7307 AND 1303 FARNAM STREE1 CQfl. 1STH
Proprietors.1 Superintendne
'P '
ill and Brain [ Elevator Machinery
Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brand Dufour Bolting Clotty
tr *
"Wo are prepared to furnish plans and estimates , and will contract for i
the erection of Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for chungi ing
Flouring Mills , fremStono to the Roller System.
( JST'Eepocial attention fjivea to furnishing Power Plants for any pur
pose , and estimates made for same , General machinery repairs attended
to promptly. Ad'lrpsi
Ms I Ian VI
oorUnUf filled llb A lelcollitoti. JUnt W ikr Mb < p ( anattod.
Office facia W. Corner Jtilh and < ini'i Jnsus Qviitia fieb