Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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Tuesday Morning , ' March 11 ,
Now crop clover and timothy seed for sale
Bhngart , Wnlto & Wlos , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
No buxlneos WM done by the board o !
Undo lnt night , as no quorum wan present.
The board of managers of the Nebraska
SUta Board of Agriculture , moots at Iho Pax
ton to-day , March 11 , at 8 p. m.
The Saturday paper * of Washington ,
I ) . C. , note the arrival in that dty of Martin
Dunham and W. L. Baker , of Omaha.
Forty per cent is what the assigned nlo ] c
of poods of II. G. Klcbtor will pay on tlio del
Inr , as 'calculated by Connty Judge McCul
H. Montfoldt , clerk In K. Foaron'a clfrar
fttoro , was presented , by his wife , with a fine
12 pound boy Sunday morning. Mother
and son are doing well.
Complaint * were filed yesterday against
Tom Callan , C. 8. Illggins , < T. G. Nugent and
Frit * and MIna Wlrth , for keeping open
flaloon.i on last Sunday.
The fmcH and llcontos paid Into the school
treasury , according to Secretary ( Jonnoyor'a
annual report to boioadnt the noxtrocpilar
mooting of the board , amounts to $101,221 ,
Tour disturbs of the peace were before
Judge Bcnoko yesterday. They all pleaded
Utility and were fined J3 andcortfl. Ono of
the number paid a fine , while the other three
m > ra committed to jail.
Wm. 13. Colvor was in pollca court this
morning , charged with creating a disturbance
In n house of ill-rcputo at the corner of Tenth
and Ifarnoy Btroota Sunday night , Iltscasawaa
continued. By tbo way that Is ono of the
hardest places In this city.
Kd. Burcli , n/islstant pressman at The
Herald office , was made happy 1'rlday
morning by the appearance of A young son and
heir. K < L passed around the clgam among his
A. A. Gecko , of Ft , Wayne. Ind. , upon
being notified of the death of his brother , Ber
nard Oocko , made arrangements with McCar
thy & Burkoand ga\o him a respectable burial
allloly Sopulchro comotory. The fuuoral
took place at 10 o'clock a , m. to-day.
Joseph Van DoFord was presented with n
nine pound boy on Saturday night. Mr. Van
DoFord is a member of the fire department ,
being a plpoman of No. It , and also a member
of the J. M. Thurxton hose company , being
the coupler of the Thurston team.
A charge of murder in the second dcgroo
was preferred against John ICoyos and his
bond fixed at $3,000 , but being unable to
furnish the satro was taken to the county j nil ,
The bonds of the twelve or fifteen witnesses
u era fixed at 8300. Most of thorn gave the
required bond and were released.
Josslo F. Donahoy has boon appointed to
t ka the school census of the Sixth ward , 0.
J. nyan of the Fifth , Kd. Walsh of the Third
nnd Fourth , and Henry IChringport of the
First. When Secretary Connoycr came to
ma Ice tlio appointment for thu Second ward ,
blanks could not bo furnished and action in
tbo matter won deferred.
A unit wns Instituted ycttordny In the
district court by Anton Grant nor against the
Omaha Bolt railway company , to recover
$10,200 alleged damages resulting to parts of
lot * 7 nnd S , in block 7 , from imperfect
( Iralnngo caused by an embankment thrown
up for the road bed , and from eraoko escaping
( ram e ngtnoa and pausing through tbo houson
on the abe > o promises ,
Hannorah Corrigan , administratrix of
tbo citato of Jamoj J. Connell , deceacod bo-
Ran a suit ID the district court of this county
yoaterday against tbo Chicago A St. 1'anl ,
'Minneapolis k Omaha railway company to
recover ? 5,000 damages caused . by' the
( loath of her von James J , Connell , from an
accident at Lyons In Burt county on the first
day of January last. The plaintiff ullcgos bo
wan killed by the wrongful net neglect and
default of the company.
, T K. Carroll , formerly of BulTalo , N. Y.
him iccured a situation In the hoadnuartors of
tlio U. 1' . railway In the oflico of the auditor
of pasfcnger accounts. This gentleman will
( UubtlosB bo remembered by all lovorj of the
national game In this city , when It Is sold ho
played left field for the 1'ort ITurons last sea-
jvsu. Hehauboan induced by Manager Ixml
to coma to this city and will play In tlio
Omaha nine this corning season , but lib pobl
tlou has net yet boon determined.
AIIIUH amenta.
, A largo audioiico gathered at the opera
house last evening IT witness William
Curlton's comedy entitled "Irish Aris
tocracy , " M portrayed by Barry & Fay ,
the inimitable ! Irish comedians. From
the time of their first appearance upon
the stage until the curtain dropped at
the oloso of the last act , the audieuco
was kept in a roar ot laughter , and shout
after shout made the aomo of the theatre
to echo and re-echo as it has not done
for many a long day. Barry & Fay are
Twth improving in their respective roles
-of "Michaol Mulcahy" and "Michael
Muldoon , " and the play is ono which ,
handled by those pleasing artists , will
vroar well and will bo a drawing card for
many seasons yet to come
* Ouo thing was noticeable last night ,
as it always is when the house is in any
way crowded , and that is the occupying
of the aisles by the patrons of tlio thoa
ire. The management of the house
"has no business to allow cliairs to be
placed in-tho aisles , or oven to allow pee
jile to sit upon the stops in the aisles , and
yet they do it time and time againwhen
ever a few dollars are to be gained
List night the lower portion of the
house was clotod long before the people
had gotten out of the balcony , onacoount
pf the cramped and narrow stairway
down which those who occupy that portion
tion of tlio house are obliged to go ,
Again on the sidewalk m front of the
opera bouse , at the close of last night's
entertainment , a crowd of men gathered
for no other purpose than to Blare into
'the face of every lady who stopped from
the doom into tbo street , and each lady
vra > obliged to crowd ana push her way
through the rblle. where are the
police that they do nat at li t keep P ° ° -
pie moving , one way or the other , ut such
timw if they cannot clear the walk ?
Cau any ouo Uio ? us a caae of Klducy ot
I4v r Complaint tuut lilootriu IlilUr * will not
? We Bay tbey cauuot on thousand * o |
already pvnuuntly ovruJ and who nn
* '
oW JJIecUo LUr , ' * Ul proir ,
abet fa , We
Price still at large , While Keyes i
Hold for Mnrfler ,
Tlio Coroncr'n Iiupicst Tlio Clinrnu
tor of tlio To Mon
Ilio ShootIIIR.
The Sunday night tragedy created r
great deal of comment yesterday on al
sides , and many were the conjectures as
to who really did the killing. Up to n
Into hour , however , nothing had definite
ly developed as to who is the responsible
and criminal party.
Sheriff Miller and Coroner Kent made
a thorough search through all the public
places and bawdy houses in Council
Blufls yesterday. They were assisted
by the Council Blufls' police department ,
who did all in tlioir pen or to help find the
man Price. The search , however , was
without avail , and the sheriff and coroner
returned to this city about nine o'clock.
A message was sent to the warden of the
state penitentiary at Lincoln , asking for
a full description of Price , which was
immediately furnished , and in turn tele
graphed to the sheriffs at Papillion , Fre
mont , and in all neighboring counties. A
message was aho nont to the governor
asking in regard to the $200 reward usu
ally offered in such cases for the capture
of such criminals , but up to the hour of
going to press no answer was received.
Harry Lucas is a partner with Jack Nu
gent in the Theatre Comiquo and Sunday
night ho was engaged in soiling tickets
from the ticket oflico which was located
in one corner of the bar-room. Ho cashed
a chock of $15 for the man Stout only a
few minutes previous to the shooting.
Ho snys that Stout and Price entered the
place together , and Lucas sayH ho called
Jack Nugent to the ticket window and
told him that ho did not
and wanted to close the house for the
night , but Nutront told him that ho
( Lucas ) was an old granny and that every
thing was all right. It was not fifteen
minutes after this conversation until the
shooting took placo.
All day long there was a largo
crowd in front of Dro ul & Maul's under
taking rooms , where the body of the
dead man was lying , and where the
inquest was hold.
Shortly after 0 o'clock a. in. yesterday ,
the Coroner began the inquest. The jury
was'composod of Fred Scnroodor , L. Mas-
torson , Will Argyle , E. S. Martin , Ed.
Miller and Jerry Bono. The testi
mony of
was first hoard. IIo had made a post
mortem examination and had found the
bullet , flattened on two sides , in the
back of the dead man's head. Ho said
that the pistol used in the shooting must
have been hold nearly on a level with
Nugont's head , as the course of the
ball was nearly directly through the
head. Thorp were two severe bruises
upon the. right side of the head , just
above the temple , which might have
boon received in falling.
The testimony of the _ other witnesses
was so complicated that it was almost im
possible to make anything out of it , and
it was almost an impossibility to say.
Keyos admits that ho fired two shots
from behind the bar. One of those bul
lets is accounted tor , having lodged in
the wall on the opposite side of iho room ,
but the nocond , which loft u heavy mark
upon the bar , is not accounted for and
cannot bo found , unless that is the ouo
which was taken from the brain of the
dead 'man. The inquest is still in progress -
gross , and it is difficult to surmise what
will bo the finding of the jury.
TOM ruitx.
Those who know Tom Price best say
ho ia a lawless follow , and one who would
stop at nothing. Ho has boon hanging
around this city for several months , and
has claimed to bo a f ambler. The gam
blers , however , deny that ho was a gam
bler , and say that ho icnow nothing at
all about cards , and did not win or ioso
? i > a mouth gambling. Ho was a thor
oughbred crook , and one of the hardest
ones in the country , and will die game if
ho is cornered rather than' bo captured.
It was reported that ho vvaa accreted in a
notorious house of prostitution in this
city from tlio time of the shooting until
about 11 o'clock yesterday , when ho wo
taken in a hack and spirited away.
JOHN KKvr.-i.
John Koyos , the man who is now in
jail for complicity in the crime , is ono of
the hardest men in Nebraska , and has a
record , which , if hung up to the public
ga/o , would cause the citizens of Omaha
to demand his removal from this city. A
few years einco ho killed the
prosecuting attorney of a. Texas county ,
nnd after having kept away for four yoaw
ho returned and stood trial , having boon
assured that ho would bo acquitted and
ho was. IIo then wont up into northern
Nebraska , and was elected sheriff of
Cherry county. While sheriff of that
county ho was implicated in the miurdcr
of a man and for which ho is now under
indictment and is at largo on bail. After
.luit ho aaain wont to Texas where ho
jommittod some deviltry and was. obliged
to skip out. Ho then came to Omaha
and engaged as a bartender for Nugent
it Lucas , whet oho remained until Sunday
night , when ho was lodged iu jail to
await the investigation of the coroner's
James Nugent , the young man who so
suddenly and in such a tragic manner
mot his death Sunday night , was abouj
twenty-two years of age , and was a hari
drinker , having boon on a protracted
spree of several months duration , A fair
weeks since , in talking with the coroner ,
ho said that no expected ho
would end up by someone's killing
him , How strangely and awfully true
were his imaginations. Sad indeed musj
bo the lifo of a young man , who IIM
scarcely attained his majority , Vhoso
brightest thought was that his career
would bo brought to a cloeo by the mur
derous-hand of another. Such are tin
uncertainties of lifo and the certainty ol
the destroyer , death.
The coroner's jury yesterday afternoon
found a verdict to the effect that Jamci
Nugrntcatuo to his death by a pwto
shut , but by whom the shot was filed tin
jurr was unable to determine.
IVroner Kent swore out warrants fo
both Tom Prfpo and John Keyen , clmrg
lug thorn with
and Koycs who is wow in custody ,
havu hi * examination on Weuncsda
i afternoon at 2 o'clock. Ho looks th
'hardened ' criminal , and apparently is no
* in the least , ill at vase becauie of the pro-
dlcamont in which the tragedy ha
placed him , On the witness stand ho
said that ho had fired two
ohotfl , and furthermore stated tha
ho did not know whether ho kiljot
Nugent or not , and from the expression
of his hardened foftturo one might infer
that ho aidn't caro.
The excitement is dying down , ant
soon public opinion wilt bo back in the
old rut again , careless of the causes ol
crime , and only awakened from lethargy
by an occasional incident such aa that o !
Sunday night.
FAY it Co. , formerly of Minneapolis ,
Minn. , trill open a wholesale confection *
ory , cigar and fruit business , in a few
weeks , at the old stand of Piorcoy &
Bradford on Farnam street. Gm&otf
C. .1. Duff , Nebraska City , la at the I'nx
O. 8. Games , of Chicago , In at the Metro
Edward Dronnnn , Newark , O. , I at the
J. DHss , of Schuyler , Is registered at the
] ' . llondonun and wife , Chicago , are at tlio
C. W. Gray , Now York City , 1 at the
Tobias OiwtorVIIbnr , and Chariot Peter-
on , Ogallalla , are at the 1'axton.
W. II. Dorgan , Columbui , and O. A. Krols ,
button , are roglstorod at the 1'ar.ton.
Danlol Bray and wife , of Syraciuo , Nob. ,
are In the city , at the Metropolitan.
J' . M. 1' . Tcfliuiy , Davrson county , and W.
[ . 1) . Stout , Lincoln , are at the MlllarJ.
lid. A. Church , Lincoln , and O. N. Nelson ,
S'obraaka City , are stopping at the Mlllard.
II. l'\ James , 1'lum Crook , and J. II. Mac-
/all , Unwaoit county , are gue.sta of the Mil-
B. Bush and wlfo , Morrison , la. , and E.
ialdwin , ] 5utlmoll , 111. , are at tho.Metro. . .
G. A. lltnory , of Choyonao , and W. .7.
argent , Sllicthn , ICons. , are at the Metro-
Prank I' . Lawrence , Itadno , WIs. , nnd
Itophon J. Tulley , Denver , are guests of the
I ) , A. IIoltnoH , Oakland , L Llpsis , Lin
coln , nnd It. II. Wallace , 1'alrbury , are guests
of the Paxton.
( . ? . 1 > . Mcoklojolm , one of l-'iillorton'H rising
'ouiig nttornoyx , and II. 0. Mogoon , county
udgo of Nanco county , are at the 1'axton.
C. Heritage and wife , Jennie Storry , Agnes
: rl and Mm Frlldln * , of Now York City ,
of liarry It Fay comedy , were atopplng at tlio
iletro poll tan ,
Mrs. C. L. Hawklnson was Sunday called
o Chicago to nttond the funeral of her
irothor , 1'rank H. Molgs , who died suddenly
u Saturday last.
Mr. I * . II. Swift , mo of the engineers of
lie cyclone train on the B. & M ! . , came up
rein I'lattiinoutli Sunday evening and return-
d on the "Q" yesterday afternoon.
B. S. Barker , of Niagara Folia , N w York.
B In the city. Thin gentleman lit coraioctod
with the Wngnor sleeping car company , and
s now en route froirv San 1'rancUoc- hU
loma 5n the east , and , while In Omaha , Is the
uestof J. M. Williams , of the U. IK head-
uurtera. *
Uucklcii's Arnica Salvo.
The ftreatost medical wonder of tha world.
Vnrranted to speedily euro Burns , Cut * Ul-
JM , Malt Rheum , 1'ovor Sores. Cancers ; Silos ,
Ihillblalne , Corns , Totter , Chapped' hands.
n < l nil akin eruption , garantuod to citro in
very Instance , or money refunded. 25 oante
Hon. Joel : ! . GrlUlru
At two o'clock Sunday morning , 3bn.
eel T. Grifllu died at/ his rosidanoo ,
IViirviow farm , after an illness of scroral
Mr. Oril3n was about sixty-live oars
I njje. Bo came to Kobrtaka- from
Michigan in 185G , and located throe
nilea aouthwost of Omaha , where ho took
p U20 aore > of land under the homestead
nd pre-emption laws. Ho cultivated
: iis land , nnd unpaged quito Oxtonsively
n market gardening , and in time added
o his occupation the business of raising
nd dealing in line cattlo. llts also
: arriod on for some time the business of
tree-planting. Mr. Griffin bocanwquito
wealthy , and about the year 1870 1m was
lonsidorod ouo of our most solid and in-
uontial citizens. The- Griffin farai had
frown to be a valuable property.
Mr. Grifiln at one tin o was quite prom
nont in politics , and was quito active in
very republican convention andi cam-
> ign. Ha served two. tor ma in the No-
> rnsku lo iilaturo , and was appointed
oatmattoa of Ouinha on 1871 by. Presi-
ent Grant. Ho hold the oilico fcr about
yearn and thou > resigned.
Mr. GrHlin unfortuuatuly ondoMed con-
idorablo-papor for some of his friends ,
nd whou they failed. to moot tl-cir obli-
ixtions , ho was called on to inaku good
10 demands. This caused hit financial
nun , and ho was obliged to pari with his
valuable farm , undi other property , with
lie exception of viClat was nliowod him.
> y Un us a homeatsad.
The recent doati of his soa. Jay Grir -
in , who was accidentally killed on tbo
Utah & Northocai railway , on which ho
was conductor , greatly dci/roajod him ,
and no doubt luwtoned his , death. Ho
raa in poor health at the tuauo , and was
aVon sick shoatly after hu son's doath.
Sr. Griflin wa a kind-heutod and lib-
ojftl m n. and was widely known ia this
eity and coimty , and his death will bo
deeply mourned by a largo nurcbou of
Iriends ,
_ _
'Kouan ON BATS. "
Clean out rats , mice , roaches Glot ,
anU , bedbugs , skunks , chipmunks ,
crophora. IDo. Druenisti
8arutc > | { u , Utorury anil
The literary entertainment , g'tviu by
the above society on Batiuday lut , wuv
i good ouo. The debate was postponed
in consequence ol the loading dbpuUnta
being absent. The attendauco was very
; ; ood. The subject to bo discussed next
Saturday ia Resolved , "That the Indian
has received morn harsh treatment at the
bands of the white puoplo than the no
Rro. " G. It 11.
A Iiawyoi'H Opinion or lutcreut to All
> 1. II. Tnwney , V.6ta \ leading attorney o
Wluona , Minn.vrltiMi "After using U fo
more than three yean , I take great pleuuro
iu Rtntlug that 1 rc | [ nl Dr. King' * h ° w Ul
oovei-y for Ceamiuii'Ucm , uathe bent remedy tit
the world for Cutirflik and Cold * . U hu core
failed to cure the iuo t to * ere cold * I h&v
had , nnd ln ori hly rell \ e the palu In th
Trial liottle * for thlt sure cure for kllThroa
{ anil l.uug lI ) otu M may be bed Fr e ut O. V
I Uoodumu'j Drugstore. Large f lie , ? 1,00 ,
Again a Subject of Discussion fry iti
Board of Education Last Night ,
Tlio t'lnns of Dutrcno nnd Mendel
Bslioti Adopted for ( lie Now
Kcliool Hnnso on Thir
tieth and Douglas
An ( uljournod regular meotinft of the
board of education was hold Inst evening
President Long in the chair. Roll cal
found all the members of the board prcs
An amendment to the revised rules waa
proposed by Mr. Oonnoyor , providingfor
an auditing committee. Referred.
A communication from W. W. Ixmo
stating that a judgment against Knoa
Lowe , in favor of school district No. 1 ,
lad boon settled and cancelled , was re
The report of the special commit too
appointed at last mooting to investigate
ho matter of license of wholesale liquor
lealors , and consult attorneys in the
iromisos , was road and approved.
The following ia tlio report in full :
? n the Ilonorabla Board of Kdutatton :
Your committee , to whom was referred
ho matter of securing legal advice in ro-
; ard to the licensing of wholesale liquor
loalors , would respectfully report that
.hoy . have consulted GrofT and Montgom
ery ; that in the opinion of those gentle
men the license law applies equally to the
wholesale and retail dealers ; that whole-
.ale . dealers can bo compelled to pay a
ioonso , but that no back license can bo
iolloctod. Grpff and.Montgomory advise ,
n order to bring the matter to a speedy
ssuo , that a writ of mandamus bo pro
cured to compel the city marshal to por-
orm his duty , which is to enter com
plaint against all parties selling liquors
without license.
W. E. Coi'ELANI ) ,
A. A. PAllKKlt ,
The report was adopted , and a motion
carried that a committuo of three bo ap-
lointed to employ attorneys and bring
suit at. onco. Messrs. Hall , Connoyor
and Livosoy were appointed.
The business of selecting plans for the
new school house on Thirtieth and'Doug '
las otroots , was next called up.
A motion was made and carried that
; ho architects exhibiting plans bo ro-
juostod to withdraw from the room , and
; hnt they bo called in singly to explain
ifcoir model * to the board.
The board , after examining the plans
of Architects Smith , McPhorsonf and
OuJrono & Mendelssohn , adopted the
models of the last two gentlemen. .
A committee of chroo , consisting of
Hesars. Gibbon , Parker and Liveaoy ,
were appointed to secure two lots one
olock south' ' of the present school house
site on Thirtieth and Douglas streets :
The board then adjourned.
Iiicht to lx ) Turned Oil'
Postolllco Building After
Tho- following circular was received
yesterday by John Campbell , Esq. , cus
todian of the United States government
building in this city :
WAUIliNaw DC. . , March , 1 $ H )
As the apprsprlation for fuel , light , water ,
and miscellaneous items for public buildings
for the current fiscal year is not Nudiclent to
meet tha requirement * ! of the public cervioo
for gas , oloctrio light , or water beyond March
15,1881 ; the attention of custodians of public
buildings under the treasury department
called to th provisions of section , &J'Jld- ! )
\Isod Htntuteui vis. :
'No department of tbo government shall
ox pond in any one fiuznl year any sum In ox.
cess of tlio > appropriation madu by congress for
that fiscal year or involve the govornjiiont in
ationu.fiitnlsliln ( pis , electric light , nr water ,
> ald from the aforeaoid appropriation , that
his ilopnrtraont will have no moans available
or payment ofiwich. uervlco iioyond1 the dale
bovespocitied. CIIVH. J. 1'ati.Klt ,
Mtr. Campbellt thinks , without doubt , ,
hn' ' aomo moans will bo provided by ,
rhiiiii the nosto 5co building can h&r
iyhtod for the three and a half months-
; o I'lapo ' after- the iOth of Maach tothe
nu of tbo 6 oul year , July 1st , although
10 Approprktioa for that poricil i of tirac
lan been made by congross.
A Youiifj Ittan Iu Held up by
I'ncls.V1M > are llowardod
au Kmpiy Pookot
Book ,
Botuooni W > an 11 o'clock SuudajVJjTjjht
hmos.W : Uuthorford , a clerk at ? Leo ,
Fried , andi Cs > 'a. was hold ) up by t n . foot
> ads. at the corner of Eighteenth And
Jaso strootA , luckily eteaping injury in
addition , to. robbery.AS ho ptwed the
omenof the atroete. a powonfol man
luaw hi * anus around lluthorfoal whoso
lauds WHO in his ovcecoat poclwta , and
another seized him by the tlutoat with
QUO baud to provontau outcry and with
ilia other took f n > m his poc > eta a piece
of toVacoo , a buttcuor and aij old pocket
book. EiclUminQv aa ho did BO "All ,
light , pard , I'va got the boodlo" and
hea starting off sa a run. 1 ho one , who.
lad held lluthotfprd then lilted him uo
jodily , throw \im on th aide walk BOU
licked ad him , viciously , tie second tj/ne
littiog him ou the shoulder after whi i ,
ike his cowwdly pal , h nui awa . It
10 happened that the ycng nuui tlii not
invo his w ioli on , andi the pocket book ,
.he , robber * took contained notlij ; "but
U lining. In the baeast pockatvn his
ovccoatwiwevor was one contauuj\guite
a little avun of monej which tb footpads
did not , disco vor. The younjt man will
go "fixed" for aueh an omcrgouoy here <
after ,
Au Klcfftuit
_ There are a few peraoui who have ar
ri > ud at the di nifiod ago when shavipg ia
a necessity , who do not have n choice us
to where tbiiy go to have it done , and by
whom ttio muor b weildod , Ouo of the
most popular ot'aUishmenU iu the city
is that in the Milbrd hotel , of which
Adam Horrell is proprietor , and hero in
Onuh are tu > oplu tn whoso faces
hU artiaU applied the bnuh and removed .
the hinsuto supoilluitiea when he pro-1
mcd over the tong rial pntlora of the |
Hotul Windsor , Now York. Mr. Mor
rell has made a now departure , owing to
his growing business , nnd removed hi
establishment to the second store on UN
right of the Douglas street entrance to
the Millard , which is larger and has boon
elegantly decorated by Margoll & Iloson
wcig. This communicates with the hole
office , as did the ether , and containi
eight chairs , and at each ho has placet
a tint-class workman. The fittings o :
the room are of poliahod black walnut ,
with nnmorous olognntplato glass mirrors
adorning the walls.
But Mr. Morroll haa not rested with
ihis improvement. Uo has fitted up now
and elegant bath-rooms in the basement.
Dcaconding the stairs to this department
wo find n wide hallway extending the entire -
tire length of the appartmonfc , nicely car-
poled , and opening out of it six bath
rooms , each with a spacioia carpeted
dressing room. The rooms in which the
tubs are placed ara cement bottomed , the
tubs are iron , porcelain lined , rmd each
lias an over head ahpwor attachment.
The attendance in this department is
first-class and ono can find no better , if
as finely appointed an establishment , east
of Chicago. The oxpericnco of the pto-
iriotor , gained in aomoof the very but
establishment * in the country , is visible
it every stop in passing througn his now-
y appointed parlors , and ono who wisho *
L first-class shave , or any work in iho
lair dressing line , or a refreshing bath ,
tan always obtain satisfaction at Adam
Jorroll's Millard Hotel tonsorial parlors.
Tlio Hoard or Commlssloncm front
Omaha In Denver.
) om or Tribune , March 8.
There arrived in the city yciterday
morning a party of gentlemen' from
) maha , consisting of Chairman B. P ,
inight and Commissioners II. O'Koofo
and F. W. Corliso , composing the beard
of county commissioners of Douglas
ounty , Nebraska , -Commissioaor
' 'rcdorik Drcxol and John F. Coots ) , a
irominont contractor of Omaha. Tie
object of the visit is to carefully cxaminn
ho county court housoand uoto the man ?
meritorious details of tlwt building. The
; ontlomon wore met in the course of the
afternoon by a representative of the
tribune , to whom they stated their mis-
ion. ' Their county is jsst about com
pleting a $ 001000 court - house
lituated at Seventeenth and Farnam
treots in Omaha , Iho building
s now roadj * to bo roofed
and built of sandstone , thoroughly tire
> roof in every respectAnd iho only wood
rork are the doors and window frames.
t is expected that it will' ' bo completed
> y the 1st of October. AH1 the visitors
rere delighted with Arapal > oo's court
louse and its appointments ! To-day they
vill also visit the city hall and the opera
The gentlemen otato that ? liieioia now a
wonderful property booman Omaha , and
omo 800 acres have been purchased to bo
used as a stock yard , ' where 500 head of
cattle can bo shipped dcPy. County
mancL'8 are in excellent condition , war
rants selling at par , and all'.tho ' bonds at
a premium. The 8 per cents * will expire
n 1887 , and can be replaced ? at 5 per
CAliriXTEU-3n : this i Ity MarcU.0 } 188-1 , at
31 ] > . in , Mr. It M. Carpenter , aged 30
years and 2 months ,
jfunoral to-day it 'i p. , m. , from ! s reel
donee , No. 012 Ncffth'ShteonthV.trcoB.
VALKKU At FJoronce March Sy im , at
UJI5 : a. m. , Lfcmo A. , dauput < r of K. H.
and IHIzaboth MTulker , ' agsd lit years and
2 montlis.
Die funnralDl take jfftco. Thursday ,
Birch 11 ,
Holy commutaon will bo cnlobotutcd in
? Ktiity Cathodial Thurcday\ morning at
il o'clock. The funeral procoaeion of
pisTiop Olarksoa will 111070 fron > the late
eaitlonco of tha deceased-at 1 o'clock p.
n. , services in < the Cathadral at 3o'clock
) „ m. Tno body of the bishop will bo
nvriod in the /'atliodral yard.
Absolutely Pure-
Tilspowaer never VMIM , > A marvelr of purlt
tranfh and whblesomenw * More conomlcaftbat
aa Odloary klrtte , and c o lx sold in oomnetuar ) !
wtu tbemultllJilo of low i. short wetutt aJuin or
U ( ihat powders. Sold uuvlaons. llojia Uak-
t Powdr On. . 104 W llr.i ( w w VnrV.
TO LOA3 Mon v.
owest ratat o ! inUrcst
UthftDoc | lai
MOIOYTpIpAN.lasum > of(3 . 'and upward.
O. V. Davis ajU Co. , lleat XU aai Loaa
AgenU , 1606 FaruaoSt. 80J-O
T f ANTEO-l iUoR room AUo a nuivt lrl
VF 1016 llarnr ttreet.
W ANTED . * first cltu Uubcr , 214 U Wtu 8k ,
T V Omaha , KU U , HTK1X ol 10V.
TirAKlEU-Ibrte per cii to liutrutt In book-
TV , keeptc * Uituatioa turul.lioj 1510 Uouzlas Ut ,
753 H5 Jll.tMiriI.
WAKTtW-Boy ot Utol an bule , Idlt wu'h
laib itrtnt , next to bUtkimlth hop. 70J-1Q )
WA TBlAtlur e8lrl Apply Slil orth ' . h
treoi , bctitc.u Uaieoiwrt and chlcara etrvcU.
IM ti
QUEEN lady agniits ( or UiU new rubferundergar
mvut ( or luilts. Addros with slauip * . Ladles' Uu-
dergarmcut Uo. , 0 south Way Bt , ' " '
. . - in all Unas ot
. . UUne , a th'.OO ' | r unk and Ixiaru. WU1
s\\u \ t > aoy oui | > lo\ciert. Add e > 4 U L , WAI.I AUK ,
Ki ruiJN u
-VtrANTriJ-u.r. : ISth kui Uo * id , u engineer t
whoU fUTKtorpdKc hlmU ( Kcutnliy uwl
( al. bosw J
for Infants and Children.
Cnttorlnpromotcs Dlpostlon WhatKlTM our ChR > lrra roar cftwlt * ,
W/ist ciin'3 tlielr form , iuakUitm ut
nnd overcomes l < ltitnloncy , ( Jomupa- 'T/t
tion Sour Stomach Dinrrhocn nnd
, , ,
ilN frrt end err ' 'J * turn * ,
Fcveriehncss. It insures health and Wint mren their colic , Wls their rorms ,
imturnl sloop , without morphine.
What mtekly cur < " Coustl } itlon ,
Sour BtomoUi , Coldii , IndJffrrtlon ,
" Castori.1 * V no well adopted t Chlltticn that
I recommend U ns superior to npy preocripUon
known to me. " II. A. ARClixit , M. ! > - , Fixrewelf ttlen t Morphine nuif Sjrrups ,
Castor O/f nnd rurocorie ,
82 Vbrtland Avo. , UrooHyn , W. Y.
CENTAUR LINIMENT nu absolute cnro for IJlioniun-
tisni , Sprains , Burns , Gnlte- & .
trnting PnlD-rcltovitig and' ' Healing Remedy known to Mnn.
TT/ 'ANTKD A good fit ! for general housework In
T V n famllj of two. 'lh t ry best of wage ) jiald
fte-uly otn | > l } ini-ntr. Inquire at Kdholtn &
'n , opposite postlfllce. SOJUO"
WANTKP OooJl'l ( t employment bureau S17
N. IfllhSt l'l cojR ! 8nfrte. 783-11 * '
YVANrKD-Olrlfor ( tawroJ house rk at 2COS
\ ? California ht. 784-lOf
WANTED-lmmcJIatel ) , . K&rl to ilo Kcner l
Nni'c ork. Small fatullV , Jjwd WUROS. Apply
at 1G1CKarnam Street. 7&D If
: / XXTLKA good girl forjciiernl hou owork In
JM 1I } of two No. 1017 CRHS St. 774-105
\TrAtrrED-Agltl or mlddlo vvcil women at 1103
VV Fwmm St. Inquire at t' store. 7BZ-U
W ANTKD-A girl for ( , 'flieraO hoawn ork. N. N.
BDWAUD3,1111 Fortiaro SK 760 tf
TTtTANTED A pantry girl at the' Kiwnet homo.
VV MtuffUgoodtabloualttr. 7S01i ! |
'ANTED--Machine hands at HOT Parnnm St.
7S-tt : !
\Tl7ANTZD-01rl3ino want 1Ctlrlsfor ( general
V > hous-work , to apply at once to Cannon Bio's
nd Co. Opposite 1' . O. No clmrjr " 41 tf
WANTKD Girl for general horse writ. Apply
N. K. corner 14th and JacKaon Bt. J44-II
d girl to Io
German nraicncd , at iSl&VTllffltBrstreet.
AN'IED D dle or young nien"to tnlio ulce
. plea ant'wo k at their own h iti ; ? 2'S' $5a
Jay , eaellv maiM : work sent b mall ; no canvaoln ; ; .
F. UlddV * Co. , box 167 DubuiyiB'Ibw. .
"J 7'ANThU-i-E < S ; < Sorun crrsnils. Ailip s Ictiern
VV and dog c roioflloowork. Ado1roBa11U.'Zee
VRco In own nan I writing. 630'tl
One hundred tcama and xirs < hundred
WANTKD forr iTrood work. HcCOV\WlOIWjN ! ,
CznfielJ House , Nlotta and Farnam S'.s , Ctrabo.
n ADIES Oil VOHNa JItN In city or iuntry to
[ Ji. tuko nlre , lghfc ! > MvJ pleasant work uiMtheir'O'vn
ionics ; 12 to § 5 a day eium and iUletl | > irjuJe1 ; m k
entbymall , no cmu fng ; no ta np1ut' reply.
Ploiee address llclIaWo MaarCo.l'hllatr ! htol > 3.t
rower IT.
HSTANTED A German dining room kltcinn glri.
VV Dcsso and Iloppa , 118 S. 13th St. , betwroa
lanMV and IIo \ ard. 60S tf
AXTMiTEll A flrstolMs l dy writer wodJ like a
r T situation as topvvst or assistant booX'ko io ) ;
iddr-i "A. D.'H ' 5a oSlce. 737.11 ! ?
A N exfcrlcnced book-ktcper desire ) a cituatton ,
/VbeBt of reference gii ea. 111 work up old account j
nd ct3alfhteii ; up bc < 4 < 3 gwicrallj if desrnl ! < l Ail-
reas "O. F. " tain u3ht > i JEW
/ Hf ED A rcll-Alu young man wauta
towork , board and so to school. "S , " A.Y.
Bee oKice . OSS-tl
kjeying. Itont caodsrotc. Address ' u.
Dee ofl'oi.
Tnrerit * or three rooms r'smaU
WAMTED houpc/ieplnf , ' . Must tie In rcs < 4ctabe !
ocalltj anU roa nuablt jrlca Address "U. . Kt."TJe
( lice. 732 II J
ATITASTED Uy UosanUemen , board a.-xlUoom
VV lm > prU'ato fairly , whiro there are no-other
. Address "W. . F. " enru Bee. 7WU ) |
WASWI ) Stock , r ! Dry lioodfl , etc. , to tte !
naiount of $8,000 to $10,000. Will glt A good
00 acrs-Wlaconsln film in txihange. Audrcs & > r
> attlc liurs , lloblnsonaae of Bee ottlce
TTrANIED Itnom.wUh board by a gcntlxnan nxd
VV wlJo , In prhatot'iunll } preferred. AOditss " 11 , "
Bee cl&ce. .
WANTED To room logentltcmui and
wlfo with boukl 1911 WcbUor St 63 > tl
WANTED 3,000 yards'ol dltt , at ovtn arene
block nest cfi'io Convent on He Mary's ave
nue. S. IU .IGIIUliOK ,
6&1 tf i of Static , Johnson , i , uo.
WANTKD 500 rplryttiilts. . sinks nnd ccsapoola
to clean wltj sanitary cleaner , rxtl faction
guaantcod. J. N. BJ11TU.
Lock boc > 122,0nuha.
FOR KHhT liouaeB ana iota.
FOIt llENTr .V furutshcd rooin'fronllivtc > outh
and eaat bay ulaow , hot and ooi ! water - < Hb use
of bath rcom adjoining. Suitable for lidy.tnil gen-
tlaman , tr two Qectlimon , with ca witliout board.
Alsa smUlcr rocm udjulnlng , 2514 Douglosstireet.
T7IOK KENT Nicely furnbhed rooms with or with-
Jc out board. Table hoarders nccommod&tod 1016
Dodge St. 7 ° 8UI
FOH UINX : A farm for rent , good * Icotlon. In
iiulre ( or. lotormttiou HcccnJ dorc from the
co buuo l&tband Nicholas. TTJ-llt
FOU UE r-Se eral small tlwelllngs with brick
otllaraulhjdrant water. K. Katihwok' 1UI8
ChlcagjSt. 772-U !
FOK HEUT Fnriikhcd ream sultable or 2 gent'e-
men. inquire east Ida.lSthBt. between Dodge
and Douglti , 782-.I
1UOT Furnished room 16i7 UhJcago.
O IlESTT Two nicely JurnlihcJ rooms 021 S. 10th
T St. 7I3-11I
FOR. KXNT-Double otoio tor Iflih and Capitol
am IllEV & MO'aiT.H. 780 tf
[ 7011. RENT Store uruer lilth and Jackson.
b I81-t IBB3f * S101TER.
FOitHEXr FuroUacd rooms , 1017 Dodgu Ktrtei
611 tf
tOil UKNT Mcely furnished ruonu , IBob Farnra
Unxt. M > 3-tS
LEASK-9 tBSintss lots latb street , etw u
Datoniioranl.Capltolaven2 , cut side , ( or a
enuofjrars. AMES ,
480-U 1537 Farnam strut
) KENT Dvublo itote jooro and basoxieot.
' Ono of toe b M location ! lathe city ( or ary good *
r ( anoy groceiles. MtOAQ U , opp. pontottlii ) .
FOR RENT -Oorner stcjc * on Dodge cue block
from 1'oa office. MrtJAaUE , opposite 1O. .
UEST A few guatlomen can bo Muomodated
with UnUb6d roooa. Apply IBl&l'arniuu St.
4UO-t (
OU JUSNT tor oem with baeumei t ISO
F les , 1511 Famajs BU I'AULSUiH CO. , 15O >
. _ SSt U
RENT Koosa 1st Ntbraeia Nation * Ilaafc
FOA , Hw deriratto oJloei In the ci i
dui\i \ > U l with tudraullc tie-ate * and beaUJ b
Apply at Bmk. flyt-tl
ITNOK 11KMT fuiuuheU IXIOUM ou tn nonuwa
V ear. UlhaDdOapltolavenoa , formerly OtUtmton
1UUN1SUXD room beattd 22i M. inn.
976 tf
T/OIl SAI.K AT A UAltOAIN-Half a block lair St.
L' Uary'i aicuue , tire block * from Uuuit
lou.e , lliuu Iful roldent lots or suitable ( or tm-
anthouits. \ > ill sub ditIde , Addrvw TOMK1NU ,
U. Faruau ttreet TiO If
ITlOll aALK-Hmukferlng outnt. Inquire with-
'latbi d yttiSi.V. l m street , TIH-liI
SALE Oae Dlukhavt k Cultlv a.lor , 1 Uollne
'btUriuit ria , } llKrtuw iid Kvtucr All new ,
> nfjij ti/nw , at j ufunuvr' ' . !
' K. KUWAHD- . , }
Foil SALE 1 ? pan mutrt , and 1 work horso. Jn '
nulro HoVe > 'j black smith shop , Douzlos St. ,
near 12th. 793-111
MAX .MEYER ft DUO , Mo. 1021 Faroam street ,
olTcr low or prfiiM anil vaster terms than any
lotber denier In PUnOS-atidi OllQANS Hdo a cnt *
for Iho uorld rcn nc < l Chlc icrlng and Knabo I'lan-
os.Wjidos tiany other will k3 * n mak s. 80011
SALE Ono aero1 let vUh 5 loom hcnso on
Hurt St. , $2.600 SWO canb , balance J20 p r mo.
IBAIHSEIl&JIAINE , N. 12 , oonwr 18th and Varnam.
j 7t 12
llrslilome , " ST W ) will huy t levant
rcsWcnco 20th uml C i.- SOddS &IIILV
nil tALE Two scatil Snrry > w < m nearly iw ,
alsont dounlolmrncssYor : ab cheap , C'allJ916
Webster 8Cf
7,011 SAIK Fresh mtlcll > cow at inllltarj ' rid7 *
? orCusalnsrSt. rennya WllliliirraSt. "BO 119
BUSlNKSrt KOIt SALE Oreccry rtoro , finest loc. -
lion In Onnna , doing au annmt'bceincsa ofi. / . .
W ) . Lonc-leatc and chtan rent to tb purcnaser. '
Stock wilUu > olcu J7.000 to ? S ; IO , AVUrc s"lrocer , " '
78 ? tf
FOnyAfllT Two second HJld breira * rhcap. In.
iU-'re- | Kdl'-olni A. Erlcksoi.- 70 ( ! IS
F01) sUH1 6.\itO : feet uirChpltolt Uill , must bo
Bold oou. Mo CAC1UE , critoalto j'&bS Ofllce
8ALH Let 00 feet Iront'on south lath St.
rrico 5f POO. NcCAGUE , onjpulte- 1 olflcc.
780 tf'
T.1F11 SAIB Odt of the largest And JIT. * taiproud
I , ( arms in Doup'os rountj. Any. > erson
In Karujlnj i a mrne-s , or in
Biook rataln ? , will ronsult their 'attrc ln.l > y cullini ;
orvvritlnK for full lorticulrrs con rning : thUm t-
tir' HtUASVE , Oyp. ptatMttku. 7tf
A Small siook o ( Bru s and D a mstS' Fnturcs
f or nalojrt'ie Svo town \\V..triooJRibra ka.
A coed opunhi 'Jn a till ) slclan. Address Jl B. HIL-
VEK , Elkhora Station , Jvcb. 739 tf
17011 SALE FltaTnto ono block ffjm WrJt : avenue ,
JL1 SI76 to 860"
IIou o and hti-halt block from ICUi treet > 32 SOO
Easy terms.
Two story hou3utl lot , Shlnn's niUIItlon. J3,700.
Homo and lo-Shln ' % s addition , 51(70" ( . liH.thlj
Lots In Lcaveiiworth Terrace , ? 250 to SOO
oacriflce. -
768 10 S. W. Cor. 16th and KAmom.
If Oil SALE A > ji > Ci e Ubh h .d Etr l'aciilns bus-
' Ineas. 1'nciTJltn ) fur packlnK a > il pickling CO to
100,000 dozens wrlto ( or ( ull parllciHats. A ldrc a
" 0. F.C. , Gtoaha , Neb. 7C ! > tf
SALE Ib4nUch ! > cow , 2Jth Mid OVU rnia
Streets. FHEEUAfi 1-l'ENNT.
707 10J
FOK SALE loMsi ul C roou/s , i Of ei'tr 5Joc.k
from street csro 81,500.
Hmiso and ( ull fet 81,300.
Hou u and J lotf 1)2&0. )
House anil lut , mont' ly pajmout' , * l 7,0i'
House and i loi.-Oxiif block from tt rot tears , fJ JSO
Lot 4 , block J , hhlnn'H addlthin , Snoo.
Lot on Charles street , cnr S unJuri > , 81C90i
Lot on Saundera btcect , $1,600.
Corner lot , ArrcBtraru'a addition , Sl.COC.
Lots In HI . ' 1'law .
j o a.'swV , $ W.
UeautKul cast frontage , in Hunscoit. ilacg , JOOO
Four lots. 3 IrdkiliiL' on Karnam Blr ct ihreo
houses JS.OOa * MtOAOBTK.
051-tf Opp. ftMtolflee.
FOIISALU L tU2\iion ; south ISiksticet with
ROOIi \ [ irovements , at 82DIM , Thin li c l | > open
for 30 dajs Ca'llyM.JtiCAUUE , O ] > pot.'i postoSicu.
IpOHSALK-Ix > b 182x330 , south ISth ItrtvjJ , house
1 t o rooms , b rm trees. Price $1,700. tttie th'rd
cash. Call and n MaCAOUK , opj > . I1. \ > . . 719 t (
REAL ESTATE 'on palo b } Joint L. ITcOagne , real
estate a euty puyodlto pnitotllcc. Wl'tf
IOIl SALE Phio leeldence lCtvuaHlpc and
F Karnam. Cr.Uaiv JIcCAOUK , opjwctto Y. O.
F Dcdeu street ,
down etalja , Ojpositu | r. O.
TjlOK HAIjK 1S2 fcetKquaiu on corcu. . Kebldence
JP Properti Jlalli.H. W. of Tent ottie > acCAOUB ,
opposite 1' . O. ess tf
FOU SALKt-Full lot on Harney Btrett. OOxlB2 at
S.DOO. iloCAaUK , opposite 1' . On
FOR RALO-Lots In west Ruining nl UTTA. to J2EO ,
each , euy teriro mcnthly IAIIIKUU. JOHN L.
McCAQUE , sj.poslt . P.O. 004-t
F nnd lot on CapltnttMlll ntSMOO
iliCAOUK , ouiwa.tu P. O. Ml U
FOR SALn Ileautlful residencel * wi 1'arkavti
conic * JOu lict flouting last , \ ilinhlik
3lcOAUE ! , opposili' P. 0. 063-tt
poll RAU-Loi In lUwthorno. Jlition. 1350
1 tofrfU. mch , Emvttirns.
Hlte 1 * . II. Call at olllcn for I'Ut
ITMJISHALK AtreInta In Uonfkl < rmlj $160 to I20U.
_ L' j acro. MuL'AdlFE , oupualto , ) . 0. 080 t (
FOll MAT.h T.ats In Denlse K ajilitlon on , aund r .
and 22d S'Teet * . Only t o\a \ blocks from Bt.
car. $ 'K > . to { 700. each. Ilargaln. JltCAOUK ,
posi > P. O.douii > taliF. 037-tl
REAL KHT AT \ouarulnUreetol In realicT.
tate it will ( .ay jou to witch this column ( or/tb
ofTtnnt'S of JloCAOUK. nnpufcltt 1' . I ) . 655-a
I ? 0ll HALK larne b r
Jl ( rent , lei/cneap. MoCAaOJi : , ( .pposlte 1' . O
TjWK hALS I'osltutlj tht bent paying vaxerr
J1 busincoa ia Omaha. BatU ctor } leuonsiirlven
for selling. Address Look UOK Kv. S07 , Omaha. Mo.
"CVJIl SALI-A flret-cla a.Vc e & * on Piano , at a.
f bargain. Inquire Edbo'Jn&KiicksonV. , 62JM
TtOUj 8AIE Two o n second liiJ
ry W1ia > " ' Chep'
8M South 16th.iit.
K-A amalt Moder , MUhman &Ca.Ur
proof safr.aVmat new , at UjftolBco. t (
flOH BALE Ola nu rtpap n Iu Uuve aal
qnantltlc atthlsotAe r
Mrs. 8CllKOpEUtliea xBrtlcJital iluiraurnt
tdaiidU beillng t tick at 16il nttenDoii
St. , b U en 10th and I7tt Bt. * 760 ? mo\ \
* \ . wrlencednoodlo-vonuuu , haitv d
_ ued room * °
teach any work In htr line. She lira - ' - - v !
ot nutertal * on huuVi. Ladloa tir *
I conimtiircd
1 7
. , u
CAbU PAID For stxronThand cloihw , order l V
leltors or iioatalt prouotly atteniW i iT
dMMllr. or llii , UrodlrldT Wuuo&U , Om
_ _ 400-liaoj .1
. mtn U. aid of iruardlio
M ) oc glaaoooiiD
cenair co-dluon