THE DAILtf BEE-OMAHA , TUESDAY , MAttCHtt , 1884. Patent Dried Frait Lifter. AS UF < EPUIl GROCERY STORK AS A rxin os COf.MKK SCALES. W.C.CLARK. SOLE PROPRIETOR. I Nebraska Cornice -AND- GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES FINIALS , WINDOW GAPS , TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOFING , PATENT METAL10 SKTLIQUT , Bron Fencine l CrC8tlrc < , ISalustrailes , Vcrandaa , Office and D rl lUllUge , Window and Cellar Guards , Eta. I tl. O. ANDCtu STOEE" , LINCOLN NEU. OATRRU. Manaeer. DR. FELIX Lh BRUN'V PKEVENTIVE AND CURB. FOR EITHER SEX. The remedy being Injected directly to the seat ol the disease , requires ni chance of diet or nausooug , mercurial or poisonous medicine * to bo taken Inter- Dully. When used 03 a pretenthoby cither sex , It Is Impossible t J contract any prhato d Incase ; Imt In the casoot those alrc-vily unfortunately alllloted o piar- Tuitoo thiee boxes to care , or e will rcluml the man. ry. Price by mall , postage raid , $2. ] icr box or three boxes lor $5. WRITTEN GUARANTEES by & 11 autliorlzed agents. Dr Felix LeBrun&Co. SOLE PllOPKIETCRS. G , F. Goodman , DruggiEt , Sole Agent , for Omahi Sel ) . i wlv UR U. 0. Wi-sr's NEUVK AM ) UKAIN THEAT. aENi , a Buarnntoed epocibo for Hysteria , Dizzi- noes , ConvuIsionB , 1MB , Norrous Neuralgia , Heauacho , Nervous Prostration cnusstl bytliousc "of alcohol or tobacco , Wnkofulnees , Mental ilo- iprossiou , SoCtonuiff oc tlio Itrain resulting in in sanity nnd lending to misery , decay aim death I'reranluro Old ABO , Unrrcnnoss , Loss of power in cither BOX , Involuntary Jxwsrs mid Byormnt- > orrhcca caused byover-oxortion of tnobrnm , eqlf- tobneo or ovor-indulgonco. liach box contains one month's treatment. § 1.0(1 ( n bcr , or BIX boxes for $5.00 , Bout by mail prepaid on receipt of price , To euro nny caao. With each order received by us for BIZ boxes , accompanied with f&JOQ , wo wiu Fondthopurchabor our written Buarantoo to ro. "fond the money if the treatment dooa not offocl a euro. Guarantees iE8ueuoni7D7 C. F.'OOOD AN Solo A cut , Omaha Neh. ALONG TIIE LINE OF THEJ Chicago , St , Paul , Minneapolis and OMAHA RAILWAY. The new extension of thia hue from Wakeficld up the OJEAUTIFDL VALLEY of the GAN through Concord and Coleridge be-t portion nt'ttio State. S [ > ecial ex cursion raVn for InnJ icekers over this line to Wayne , Norfolk and Hartlngton , and \ la Blair to all principal points on the SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC RAILROAD Trilns over tht C. . tit. P. M. & O. lUllnay to Cov inirton. Sioux Cltj , Ponca , llattlngtov , Wnjne and Norfolk , For Fremont , Oakdale , Ncllub , and through to Val * tntlnc. f f-iTFor rates ami all Information call on F. B. WIinMBV , General Asont , ) * irfc Diilldiri ; . Cor. loth and rarnam Sti. , umaha , Neb. > n no sccurt.t at depot , corner 14th \7bcnl Bay turo i or iiutmean merely to btoplliera lor atlmaandiuf uliAtothviu return again , I mean arixt.- ralcuro I fPtro road * tba dlieaso of KITS. EPILEPSY nr FAU.INQ HICKN ESS a life long 'udy. I wurwtcav ttnicdy to cure tlio wont ctuea. Ik causa other * btva f ll d ( iioreiaJn fur not now receiving a car * . * it ac& cmaa for a trtutUa ana a Kree Houlecf my imm < tvioear. ( lira ixprei and loit Offlca. It COM * jw * * Hituluirfor atrlcl. nnJ I will cure yr.u. ildrfiUi'I > r. II KOOT llll'erint V.rt-- WHAT IS BYSTOIA ? Among the ninny symptoms of Dyspepsia or indigestion the most , prominent nre : Variable nppotilc ; Cnint , gnawing feeling nt pit of the stomach , with umntisfied craving torfoodjheartbuniyfeuling of weight nnd wind in the stomach , bnd breath jad taste in the luouth. low spirits jeneral prostration , headache and constipation. ' 1 here is no form of disease more prevalent than dyspc ] > - si , and none so peculiar to the high- ivin and rapid-eating American people. Alchohol and tobacco pro duce Dysticpsia ; also , bad air , rapid eating , etc. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS will cure the worst case , by regulating the bowels and toning up the digestive organs. Sold every where. Notice to Cattle Men 1 900 CATTLE l01l SALE. IfO Head of Stctra Tlirce Years OH. BOO ' " Two " 20 v" " Hclfcri , Two " 150 " ' Heirs , One " 920 " " Hcltcrs , One " Tbo abo\o described cuttle nto nil ill bred lima onttlo. straight and miooth Those rattle \ \ \ \ \ lie noM in lots to lull wirchMCD , nnd at reasonable privet. Kor furthtr particulars , call tni oraddicss II. F. I'ATTO.V. Wnxorlv , Drcincr Co , lima. I1. 8 Also \ oung graded bull * , in" * line-am It LOXd AM ) FAAOUABLY KNOWN As AN IV VALUAI1LK FAMILY HEM CUT SELTZE FOIl CONSTIPATION , DYSl'Kl'SIA , IHIIUJMATIO AND (1OUTY AFF1.CTIONS. DURING rOLl ) WKAT1IF.11 IT MAY BE TAKKN IN HOT WATKK OJfK HOUR ItKFOKi : Mi : VL8 WITH -MOST BUN- KFICIAI. RESULTS. APERIENT. 266TH EDITION , PRICE $1.00 BY MAIL POSTPAID. KNOW THYSELF , , A GREAT MEDICAL \VOKK ON MANHOOD Exhauoted Vitality , Nervous and Physical Debility Premature Decline In Han , Eirorsof Youth , an h untold miseries resulting from Indiscretions or ox. cesses. A book for every man , young , middle aged nnd old. It contains 125 prescriptions for all acut and chronic diseases each one of which Is Imaluabl So found by the Author , nhoeo experience for years la such as probably net cr before fell to the lo of any physician 800 paged , bound In bcautlfu French muslin era jossfdcmcrs , full gilt , guaranteed to be a finer w a * * n every sense , mechanical , lit erary and professional , than any other tt ork sold In this country for 92.10 , or the money will bo refunded In e\cry Instance. Prlcoonly 1.00 by mall , pobt- paid. IllU3tratl\o sample 6 cents. Rend now. Hold modal awirdcd the author by the National llcdlca Association , to the officers nf r.htch ho refers. This took should bo rend by the j oung for Instrnn lion , and by the afflicted for relief. H will bencCI all. London Lancet. There la no member of society to whom this book nlllnot Le useful , whether joulh , parent , guardian , Instructoror clergman. . Argonaut. Address the I'eabody Medical Institute , or Dr. W , II. Parser , Ho. 4 Bulfinch Street , Boston Mauo. , who may be consulted on all diseases requiring skill ami experience. ChroulorvndobrtlnxtotlltoaBestbat hue" 'bafflfl ' tlo skill of.11 otlicrphjs-ljrft I clans t , specialty , cuch treated success IICnl. fully wlthont an Inetaoo allure , DR.HORNE'S ELEOT IO BELT Ktcliuj , Hphm nnd Klvor tllHlSIHlDUt.Htlllim.llH1lt imticn/Kr liKlnrt.'Oitiuiii , uaiiiuaKuu i iuiuir > iii rtorl.rtc. Onlv MUntiI1ul * tu * n ie Ileltln A merit a Jnt ft mint lie I'liLtiklty ami innp ni tUm throu li tlicliodj , wid iaub leUmrutxi Inuu In ttajitbj the patient , SI.OOO WouldlNof.BuvMt. Dn. HORNK I was a Icted with rhoumitlsra and cured by using a belt. To any one aflllctctl with that dlseaso , I would y , buy Homo's Electric Delt Any one can confer with mo by writing or calllu ? at my store , 1120 Douglas street. Omaha Neb. WILLIAM LYONS. MAIN OFFICE Opposite poatoffleo , room < Kren M > r block , jtJTI'or rale atC. F. Goodman's Dnig'etoroUIO [ Omaha. IN HOTTLKS. Bilanger , Bavaria. Gulnibuch'-r Bavntia Pilsmer Cohemini ) . Kaiser. - - . .Bremen. -t DOMES'l'IC. Budwcisor St. Louis. Anhauscr _ St. Louis Bes : s MiK'nuke * * . Schlitz-Pilsner . , . . . .Milwaukee. Knic's , Omiiha. Ale. Porter D'mystic and Rhine Wine. ED. MAUltBR W-I. HI 11 uLAlliii yiBiiK lAHll. North Eighteenth Street , Oninlm , on Street Car Line. AND UETAIT , Tuifnhpp TiniP Tsth Unnrc Wi LUiUUuL LllUu , LQlll , ilUUiD. trl * / f f anfl yrion as goorl and low t < t any "n .lie city , try me. Dr. CONWAUCHTON , 1 103 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A , Eoiiblialied 1878 Catarrh , JDuafneae , Lung and Nervous Diseases Sjteedily and Pormwiently Cured. Pationtf [ Cured at Home.Vrito for "TiiK MtwoAL-Mifasiosfjuaf , ' " for the People , Free. I' ' onsultation und Correspondettcu Gralif. P. O , JMi JJ92. Telephone Ko. 220 HON. ED * VARD RUSSELL , Postmtstor , Davenport , aya : "Phyet ian ol tvta Miny ana Marked Succew. " ' COK-GRESSMAN MU11PHT , Dav iport , "An iionorabta lifan. Kino Huo.oots. Wonderful Cures. " lionr * . P * > B % .SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. „ * WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO ftV V Our Ground Oi : Cake , Itiitlie bet aad ebeapest food tor atock nt any klnJ. One pound li qnal to thre pounit of corn Block tea tnth around Oil Cake la the Fall ana 4Tlut r , Itutead of ruunlnx down , will incrcaM la wcljbt ted bi la good marketable oomUtioo In the iprioz. Pabymeo , M < rell u btben , who UM It can UtUfy t" Itameriti. Trj U and Jo < ) f f JT youraalvn. Prto Ki.ou per ( j : no chanre lor f vaclu. Address D Off , 0H"HY Ooubj Vtfo WASHINGTONJSOSSIP. ODD , Logan's ' Cbiefest Champion for no Presidency , } robabloProsidouts Artkur , His Clothes nud Giiisinot Mrs. Liogfin'H T c ( niul Tactics. pedal Corra jH > mlonco of TllK ] kr. WASHIXOTON , March ( > . If it wore Mrs. Login , instead of licr husband the Senator , whoso nnmo in to bo presented 0 the Chicago convention , the result text Juno would bo much easier to do- rmino. Wherever Mrs. Logan is knoun ho is immensely popular , much more so , t least in this city , than her husband. lor beaming face is seen every whore ; ior sharp eyes eyes that never fail to ccogni/e a jierson once mot arc always vido-nwnko , although they aeo moro of his gy world than any oilier pair at ho capital. When alio appears at any lublic gathering oho is Immediately lommcd in by si circle of admirers , and ho circle is never so largo than she can- lot entertain all in it. As t Logan himself , if ho doesn't take some means to prevent any further pub- ication of campaign wood-cuts of himself hat are circulating in the country IIQWB- inpors , their very monstrousnoas will bo ho ruin of his ciuso. The caricatures hat Puck and other laboriously funny > apors servo up are bad enough , but hose bonn-Cde portraits are worse. If some enterprising manager of a. iomic weekly could only secure a sketch if Logan as ho takes his regular after [ inner nap in the cloak room of the eon- ate , it would cap the climax. Never a lay but what this possible president , whoso correspondence in so enormous hat ho employs three clerks and a accro- ary , ) throws himself on one of the deep 'added ' lounges in the republican cloak "ooni , and dozes and snores until a vote s taken. It is a picture , but not so public x ono as Itolford makes , over in the ipuse , coiled up asleep on a sofa in full riow of everybody , just behind the rail- g. I'UE-NOMINATIO.Vh. Washington is the hatching place of residential booms. The last rumor has t that Air. Justice Miller would not ro use to listen to a proposition looking to ho white house. Ono of the Sunday lapers nominates Hon. Levi P Morton , ho American minister to Franco , and an- lounces that it has authority for doing BO. Sherman the senator , nor the is still mentioned every now and then. The general is reported to hare said , dur- ng a late visit to Washington , "I would > o a fool to give up a future of case , which I have littod myself to enjoy by a ife of hard work , for four years of mis ery I" Just like the old warrior. Sen ator Harrison , and in the house , Slocum are prominent. Little is heard of Blaine , and hinbcom [ islioro looked upon as entire- y artificial. Of all the men whoaro'beforo .ho people , though , the ono moat o.irncat- y and most warmly talked about in iVashington is Arthur. He is lo.iing no itrongth and ho is making no mistakes. lo is the , and his carriage is such thai muny are reminded > t the descriptions of President Wash. 'ngton , whoso manner always cncoura od juitkncss , but forbade .intimacy. tKTUUIl's \IMENT. . Although it ha ? no bearing on this dis cussion , 1 cannot refrain from announc ng a discovery I have made as to the president's wardrobe. 1 ran across his tailor last week , a busy man who takes orders for a largo Now York house. Ho Informed mo that last year ho made thir ty coats nnd vasts for Arthur and thirty eight pair of pants. Thirty full suits of clothes. ' 'The prcsidennt is very partic ular , " ho explained , "and will have his clothes fresh and now. His frock coats must always sot so that the lapels , opened , started out n little from the breast while the coat is tightly buttoned around the waist. " Ono of his suits is Tor riding. The president is n good horseman and attracts much attention when out in the morning from his grace in the saddle and his perfect cos tume. I will add , hnwovcr , thai 1 don't 'take any in that yarn aboui tile thirty euita of cluthrs. Arthur npendd his money freely , hnv. c-vcr , and is giving dinners. The complaint , is th At ho does nut ( servo ro fri'shmiiiits at his rccop ioni , and inuin are the references to the tables uinm A the HnyoV recoptimit. Arthur puift'rn to put what hidou.i tuuud into his Imgo dinners. II had a limpio of the tiblti a H'jt , for the dinner iiu.t Tucxdny evening the fini-st yet given in the While Hnustj Tho.ciiiitor of the t.iblo was a long inirrn boats Bailing its turf. ice ; here and tlioro on the inanjin pyramids of Pa risiau Jnvorc , pold JO.IVCH m cliariot for.-n drawn by t > itver y < wtH , miiiiatuio ivory pianos and nil manner ot quaint and coat iy conceits. At the plalu next the jircsi dent's was the card , ' 'Almo. Niluaoa " Senator M'andorxou'a illnosD.froni whia ho is .just rocovorinij , prevented hia prcs enco at this dinner. Iln pout the prusi dent a superb boqnct of 'tho newly im ported rose , 'Vniii : IIKNNKIT" ( vhich ho had.junt received item Phila 4olphib. An enterprising young floris there , 'his .nephew , Mr. Cha iff. Evans bought the roao for the Unitod.-Statos a a est of . ( OCO rom Mr. Eonnott , o London , who after many yean of unauc cesaful ex ] > oriinentrcaroda bu < . ocuallin | I/he jacqueminot in color , having the fro Branca of the ton rose and , above al being a perpetual 'bloomer. "Under ai American sun , " oaitl the eenator , in hi uoto accon panying the gift , "the Englis itruigor ia evidently much at homo ant I hope -ita iucroaso will shortly allow a tf > enjoy ita fragrance a'nd beauty. " CMfMKHT OlTAhf. DISTEIOT OOUET , Furilu't-Call of tlio Criminal Dut.'lc 'Week. In the dutrict court thin morning be fore Judge Wukoley the case of lion tgainst Edgortoa was on trial during th whole day. The jury in the case of Denzou ngains the B. & M , in Nebraska , whojein th plaintiff brought suit for $10,000 dam agea , returned & verdict iu favor of Bon zoii for $ 2.4 ; , Before Judge Neville the crimint docket ww palled , but owin to ilckow n the fnmilr of .Tudpo Cowin , who will lofond Snoll nnd whoso oiso was to bo the first ono for trial yostordny , the call of the crimiiml oxlondnr wn i postpoiiod tntil next Mondny morning , when it ia robnblo District Attorney Godwin will o able to npncar for the state. The following is the imignmotit of \sc3 for to-day nnd is nil thnt remains ot ho first -100 which were called the bcginn- ng of the term : llKKOlin .It'DllB WAKKLKY. Knufmnnn vs. lUllou ct nl. Millnrd ot nl. vs Soxnuor ot nl. Thurber ct nl. vs , bnmo. Cookp vs. lloso. Wilkio vs. Mover. Poster vs. Doiiockon. Cuniiinghnin vs. Kennedy ot nl. Clapp ot nl. vs. Miller. . nncoiti : .IUDUR NKVIU.I : , Cuniiinghnin vs. Kennedy ot nl , Dexter vs. Vostnor , ot nl , 'link vs. Funk. Rathburn vs. Wyiunn , Singer ot nl , va. Bornstoin. Knowlcs vs. Price ot nl , Schroeder vj. Wnllens ot nl. McMurray vn. Sauuders. Wilson vs. U. P. railroad compnny. "Wei llo.Moycr. It la now undlBputod that AVol Do Bloj- . r'H Gntnrrli Cure U tlio only treatment lat will nbsulutnly euro Catarrh frcsli or iminlc , "Very oflioacioiu , Sainl. Ooulil , Vconlng Water , Nob. " Ono box cured inn , Irs. Mary Konyon , ] ) Uinnrk , Dakota. " "It o&tnrodmo to thn mil nit , 1'ov. fioa I ) , Itcls , Coblo\llloN. Y. " "Ono box radically cured 19 , Jtov. C. II. Tajlor , 110 Noble iitrcot , Irooklyii. " "A jwrfoct euro after HO yean ulTorit'g .r. D. MoDoimlcl , 710 llrondway , N. V. , kc. , &c. Thous.iiulH of toithnonlalfl are received from all inrti of the world. Doliv rod , 51.00. Dr. Wei Do Sloyor's llliiHtrn- oil I'rcnt \\iilmtutomoiita by the cures nailoil froo. D. U. Dewey * Co. , 182 Vultou treat , N , Y tuoH A GOODWOEK , loport of Hie "Women's Christ Inn Aid Association , . The Women's Cliristinu Aid asaocin- : on ncknowlodgoa all donations rccoivod uring the mouth of Fobriinry , not pro- iously printed : Irs. .Tamos Uoyil ? 20 00 Ira.Collins 500 Iw. O. KUaus 1000 Ir. MjCftguo fi 00 [ r. Donovan 1 00 Ir. K. W. Nash 1000 Jialtinch 500 Ir. Gray 5 00 \ > otlo , t Maul 500 I.T.Clark 150 Ir. .TohnT , loll 10 00 Cash 000 "rom the i > oor In part payment for coal , . 1200 Ir. 1'undt 1 75 Mr. 1'roston , two Racks of Hour ; Mr. W. ] J. "alconor , tliroo pairs of blankets ; groceries nd cofToo pot from Mr. L. 11. Bennett ! gm- orlos from Mr. Biillott : cash from the North ieslon school ; ono sack of buck whont Hour , Ira. J. liell ; colToo , Mrs. Charltou ; colToo nill. Vhau & , Co. ; Mr. Wolshona , Hour , corn meal and ont meal ; Mrs. L. V. lirown , Hour nd groceries to the amount of5.00 { ; clothing rom the M. K. church , Mrs. L. M' Bennett , Mrs. Nottio Schull , Mrs. 1) . L. Soars , Mrs. Jattis. Mra. Monoll , Mrs. 1' . ] . J'onino Mrs. ) . F. Da\Ia ; n larjjo and \ory UMofiil blind lo f clothing from Mrs. Laniard , Mrs. General ) andy , Mrs. Wood , Mrs. .T. A. llainos , Mrs , VIIHain 3 ! . Itodlck. Mrs. C llnrtinau nnd Miss Stonchil Inno , Mrs Laniard , Mrs. Wood nnd Mrs. S. A. Haines , repaired nil the garments nd made now for cliildrou from thoao ,00 much worn for use ns they woro. /ould all iho clotliiii ' sent to our rooms o repaired nnd made ready for use , it rould bo of much grantor service to the ) opr. There are BO many -who have icithcr the timomaterial nor ability for pairing tlio clothing. Our matron does all nho can to mend the clothes , but her mnds linvo boon moro than full the last liroo _ months , nnd ns yet wo have no owing room where poor girls can como and work , but wo hope the day .is not ar distant when wo shall havo. If you lave not the time to mend the clothes do not allow the nbovo remarks to prevent you from sending thorn just as they are , oven though they may seem very poor to 'ou , wo can make great use of thorn. Wo lucd moro infants' clothing and shoots and bedding , as wo hnvo Bovornl caaos of aovoro aicknoss. Wo thank the schools 'or their liberal contributions. You cannot realize the real help they have jnon to us. Wo need Hour ; wo can fill ; he baskets with vegetables , small pack ages of rico , corn and oat meal , but so often wo are asked for n little flour. The [ > oor also need a little moil , and the as- iociation would bo very L'nxtoful to the butchers of the city , if ou Tuesday nnd Fridays of each week , they would send some ef the cheaper moats to our rooms , corner of 10th and Farnham , some suita- llo for soups. Co < dd some of our citizens now living in tkoir comfortable homes , with well filled-collars and larders , go with some of our ward committees and witness poverty in < Mury shnpo and form , an appeal to tlmm for imistanc > would never bo made in rain. Allow mu to take you to ono or two hoiinm in our committee roportn. A jiuoc wulnw woman of three moutliH , with four clmdrontho young est twins , : i''od , ' .velvo motiths. Five weekn ago she Imd \ cancer cut out. In nil Hint tirno she 'tis ' battled with the moat appalling pov rty. Three days af ter tlio operation blu had to go out to nook broad for horsoU and a .trviti' chil dren. Two days after this she wm found by ono of the neighbors fainting on the floor , and not a human hand to roach her a drop f water. Mr. John Rush , the county treasurer , can toll you all about ihu cneo , for ho has visited the homuand kindly given nid. The association lias sent them ooal and groceries. To ono more homo oiily will I take you , where the father has boon nick all winter. Tlio mother gooa out washing a few days every week. Last week sickness come to the youngett.child , and in that homo ( hero were no facilities for arresting the prog ress of tie diaoaso , Last Saturday ono of our committee , in answer to a sum * tnons , called , and saw at once that death had laid iU hand on the dear little ono its beautiful white face , largo blue eyes , and golden hair all told that the Father wanted it in His homo above. The little -elu'ld presented a strange contrast to ita surroundings , lying on the dark and cheerless bod. A small hand ful of Cre iu tlieetoyo struggling to burn , filling the dark , dingy room with smoke , dlio frott fparkling on tlio walls , Witli warm wrappings the committee ahivered in the room , and to the mother nho said : "Why don't you keep up the firot" Slit rt'pU'od : < * 1 dare not use up all my coal , for I fear I can get up moro and shall have nothing to burn. _ rho child died the aejtt day and was laid away on the poorhouao farm , for no money had they , Only two of the many poor homes in thii city have I described to you , but I could tell you of suffering that would make your hearts achu and oyen ( ill with tcard , Wo are doing nil in our power ia relieve < liovo this fluttering , Many b hungry family has been fed , warmed and clothed by ui through your wsiistanco. Twenty , live and one-half tons of good coal hiu boon distributed ninco December llth , 1833 Moro inonoy haa boon saved for the poor than appears In the Luctui report , m Bovoral sums hivvo booniuc ( n for par ticular cases which TTOS luniithod by inoinbcn of the association Mid others , Ourwoikhas crown steadily nnd as it incronaos , wo Tool the great need for moro room. Wo want ao much n homo. Where shall "this komo bo , nnd where slmll it bo built , are questions wo want all the citizens of Omalrn to think nbout and help us to nnswor very soon. Do not forgot our intelligence olllcos , for alroodj it has nidcd us in our enrnosl de sires to help the pi or , the poor to help thonurlvoi.Vo wish to thank all who Imvo nulcd us thus far in our work. Wo nro yory grntoful to the physicians who have denoted medical services , especially to Mrs , Dr. Anna Bonnon nnd Mrs. Dr , Pngfllson. Tim next mooting will bo especially for the board and ward coinmittoos , March 18th , ntiilOp ! : , m , , in association rooms. Mus , ELLGKA 11 HAINKS. Socrotary. THFASUHKH'S urroin. Itecohoil fclnro the ( ir niil/atton of Uiolng ioclnttonDoccmlicrlt. 1883 , for membership , fcoi ami In ilonation . , . . $ : ! U9.-tO i\peuics : . , . 185.10 Balance . 8-VWO * Miis. / . n. KNUIHT , _ _ Treasurer , Til'H'l'KHH liomalnlng In the Omaha iwfttofllco tmclatmod for the ueok ending March 8 , 188 1 : OKNTIKMKN. Adams Wind Mill AmottA Aiulorson A Akam1 * C IJowor S llyera W Baldwin H Ilal B ouolkuu J , Jtnrmvoll H W allingor M lllamclt 12 A irounl Bock A ; ox T Cain .1 liirklll ) Dunnott.TW latiolflon W Dnnloxv.l .1 lavliCl' KMuAV , liornV I1 Kogarty P 'omithoW ' KrnyS 'radorlokson 0 I ' . 1'ttcli O A rant Jj Horton V C lullL HellJ [ oganJ Harris SI ) lawkina 1' A Harborg < 1 llko W lhigha < A iiatncss 1) T .loncn i" ohanson 3 Imkclt C ordan A Krtumo ,1 loBO C Kraughl' onnott r B Karllnh S Innoy L J King T Journnco S L l-oraoul' .arson N I.nraon II , ibby A < T 1/omoii B loonoy til I ) Mulliuan J J Iotouald ) J McDonald ,1 IcKosion O 1 Muroa T 1' IcClouco S Marloy M llnskl A MelCeo A ' loMannls Mr Mntnoy W 1 lorrlman K Minor F 'olRon , T McNonloi V 'owcomb 1) W Newman II , T I ! 'LynuB O'llrion G A 'lorcy ' J I ) 1'ayno J V 'ottlgrovo ' K Reynolds J ichards ( ! K Koo 1' eitorval M Klchardnon L V obidon.TO Soidol H ihatror 1) Smith ,1 W loau.r StillinsJ C ! 1330H JN StlorT iclmali A Stranchon J 'hrall ' ( ! A TalHafono 1) 2 iilmntos J Truolbon T ' _ ' 'humpaon I' P Ihomas K 'oabnrgh II Wagner C /allnco J W Wnrron .1 1) Vild S Webber T illlams I'll Whitmarfch W W Vianckoll Wilson \V Valton V Wou/ol F LADIFH. Vndorson Mrs Anderson II Miss * ' \rncH MTH Alop Minn K 1 ! Ulisnn Mm N Briinor Mlsn Ji Senoist Miss S Brouti Mls K Hack Mrs A M Carr Mrs A L Junior Mm ,1 Chapman Mrs K M Milll Mra .1 Carbon Mist ) M Jonloy MiHs M A Jaioi JHss N Clliott Misi M Kraniis Mia .1 iillmrt Mm C lloanna .T Inrris Mrs C Uoury Mrn K A luntor K Lachlan M * olcor Mrs H ] ! Ltournnci ) Mrs II iloultou Mm ,1 I * .Moimgli.-xn M C 1m ton M Ian M McConnolAL TcClam Mrs A Monroe Mhs M L lillorMr N Miller Miss G B iliCoy Mini M O Mnrriollo Mius IcKon/la Miss L MiuiHfiold Miss 1' ' i : si'ilHon Mixg C NOWIIIOH Mrs B O'DollMrsMK Ohon MH ! ? C ' Mrs Af I'ottarson 0 . ) uurln Mra M Kiigon MlfiH B itlgby MB ! D ItuynolJu Mm H lloso Mra D S Shorrar Miss 13 M juhoor MUs L SWoy Mr M Slaughter Mrs H .Schreier Minn A SmniiKO AliH J H TomplliiMrri ,7'L ToiIdMrsH Tnylor 1 Tomson Mrw T Willlaini B 1OUIITII OI.ASH KATTEII. V I'aco K King J T UoMIlt C. K. COUTANT , VoHtmantcr. J'ino ItltlKO Agency. Spuclal Dispatch to the ( jlobo-Deinocrat. WAHIIINOIOK , D. 0. , March 8. Dr. T. \ . McGilIicuddy , ngont of the Sioux [ ndiftiia nt Pinu llidgo Agency , is horo. [ Iu comes to secure , 'if ' possible , increased tcliool accomodations ut the agency , nnd xi make arrangements whereby the In dians may have the privilege of contract ing for the hauling of the freight of the whites from the terminus of the Sioux Oily nnd Pacific rnilrond across the ro. nervation , wliicn the whites thonmolvoo are forbidden by law to freight over. The agent reports everything ijuiot upon the reservation , but anticipates n fight bo. twoon the whiten nnd the Crow Indians in Iho near future , from the fact , that the wliitu Peltiers are fast encroaching upon the Crows. The latter , lie says , claim that they have always been friendly to the whites , and Imvo never been nt war with them , and have novr killed ft white except in self- dofonoo. Tlio Mt. 1'uiiiHkl Triple Murder. CHICAGO , March 10. The Journal's Lincoln (111 ( , ) special says : William Iloag- laud wua arrested at Maroa last night , and lodged in jail hero this morning upon the theory that ho was concerned with Hall in the Mt. Pulaski triple murder. A letter received by Hoagland from n supposed accomplice nnd lost by Hoag land is the clue upon which the dotoctivea worked. Ulu/ea. Sr. LOUIB , March 10 , Nine stores and oflicea at Vandalia , Mo , , burned Saturday night. Loss nbout $20,000 , partly insured , KAXBAB CITY , March 10. A fire nt Pittsburg , Kas. , last nlijht , bomnning in tlio front row on the east side of Broad way , destroyed eight buildings. Total loss $30,000 , insurance light. Tlio 'lrlvowcll" WAHiiixaroK. March 10. The supreme court has domed a number of casot known M the "drive well" cases whicli involve the validity of tlio "drivo well' patent , and are of Interest to several hundred thousand owners of driven woUs in the M extern states. Allllllon i r Jli Homw , March 10 Reports from the leading clearing houses of the United States , for the week ending March 8th , fjivu total clearances of 81,120,028,003 , being an increwo of 11 6 per cent , com. pared with | ho corre pondi { j weak ol f 1883 A DULL DAY FOR DEALERS , A Drop in Prices in Chicago on teals , Provisions ana" Cattle , Transactions Only Moderate--Tho Shipping Movement Slo * The Short Interest Endeavoring to Further Depress Prices , Nearly Two Million Bushels of Wheat Sells at l-8o Decline , Kasfcrn MnrltctH linvo n 1'tattly nnil li lees n Slnulo OIltOAGO'S J\tVUKHTS. \ Loniu : I'uioES or.xr.iut.LY Special Dispatch to Tile UF.K. Ciuotoo , March 10. The market ragged to-day until townnl the close , hen n drop in prices brought on some ctivity , nnd during the last half hour of lie sessions the transactions were mod- nitoly Inrgo. As n result of the day's railing , values generally show n decline , lie shipping movement is slow , nnd ending something definite regarding last-bound freight rates , matters nro ox- luclcd to roiuain in n measure dormant. U-gnrding the ixllogcd cutting of freight atcs , nothing dotmito is stated V quiet fooling pervaded the whont mar- ot early , with n somowlmt bettor trnding nto in the day , nnd prices ruled lower. ) utaido orders were limited nnd nt the nnio time local oporatpra manifested loss losiro to trndo. Foreign ndvices nuotcd nipt , steady mnrkots , and with only a mitol : demand from any source. The nhort" interest ondo.worcd to BEl'KKSS riUOES ndor fair spoculntivo otlorings. The inrkot opened easier and Inter declined \c \ , lluctuatcd and finally closed lAc indor the closing prices of Saturday , 'orn was weaker to day , influenced par- inlty by the oasinr fooling in whont. In revisions , the demand from local 'shorts" ' wns loss urgent , nnd with this oinand lacking , and not many outside rdors , the market ruled quiet. The ro- : oipts were larger , and 18 par cent ruled lontracts. The market opened jc lower , luctuated somowlmt , but finally declined o n point Jciilo under Saturday's cloning , ind closed at the inside figures. Trnding n moss pork was rather light , nnd prices hewed very little alteration , declining .Otfjlfia on the vrholo ranga. Trading ivaa confined to Mny nnd Juno deliver- ics. Very little wna doing in the lard nurkut , prices showing little change. ON CAl.I. IIOAItn. , ! )00,000 ) bushels of whont sold nt a do- ilino of Jc. The cnttlo market general- y was rather quipt , There was little or 10 iti'iuiry for shipping cattle mid none ivhalovor on export account. The quil- ty of cattle wiis only fnir. Thcro wan icarcoly n do/.en loads of such na would aiBwor for export ulono ; yet nmong tha 'posh ' receipts were n good percentage of ight and medium \voight.i. The cuslorn narkots were reported ns plentifully sup- ) licd nnd prices n ahudo lower in Now fork , lit 10 mid 1000 Iba.export giades , 1010 to 7 00,1'oofl to choice shipping , 200 and 1050 lbn. . 55 80 tel ( 00 ; com- nun to medium 1000 and 1200 Iba. , 55 15 .o 5 75. TllK UUITIHII ( IHAIN TItADK. tegular Prcas Dlupatckoj. LONDOX , March 10. The Murk Lane BxprosB , in its weekly review of the British grain trndo , B.iys : "Pino quali- , ies of white wheat are firm in uoino irovinccp OJ to Is dearer. Flour in dull , The foreign wheat trade is rather vforso ( owing to moro prossnro to Eoll. A few California cargoes oil * coast were taken at nn advance of Od. Sixteen cargocu ar rived , Bovon sold , oni ) withdrawn , nnd nine remained , including eight of No. 1 California. Sales of English whont for the week were 51,505 quarters ut 37s 7d pur quarter , against -17,497 quarters tit l-'a Od for tiio cotrosponding week last year. " OUU C'OUN AND WIIKAT l.'UOl' . WASIIINOION , March 10 The report of the consumption nnd distribution of corn tml wheat in the United State , from the returns to the department of agriculture to March 1st , will show that about fiixty.Bovon per cunt of the coin crop has gene into consumption , leaving thirty-throo per cent still remaining on liiind against thirty-six pur cent of the ciopof 1882 on March lot , 188t. : Tin's ahuws a reduction of about 70OUO- 000 bushels. In Michigan , Wisconsin , and Minnesota , Iho stock is but a million bushels , ngaiust twenty four million ) nnt Murch. In the bult includim/ Ohio , In diana , Illinoid , and Town producing 558- , 000,000 busliels- the stock in only 152- 000,000 , which in Ices by 'MUOO,0JO ( than tlio stock on March lit , J88J. The pro portion of morohntablo corn is eixty per cent , or ! )3S,000,0)0 ) ( ( ) bushels. In ayorngo yearo it it 80 per cent , Five- sixths of all unmuruhantablo corn , or moro than 500,000,000 buahols , is found north of the Ohio river and Moat of Pennsylvania , The average of merchant able corn is placed at about 51 cents per bushel , or $180,000,000. Unmerchanta ble corn makes ait average of 27 cents per bushel , and value of $107,000,000 , Hovon per cent of the crop is yet in the fields unharvustcd , The wheat of 1883 , remaining on hand is returned ns 110 , . 000,000 bushels or 28 per cent of the crop. On March 1 , 1883 , the quantity on hand aggregated 11 1,000,000 bushels. The report will give the result of inves tigation and the comparative quality of the crop of 1883. KTJUCKKN STOCK. TUB ArruoTBi ) DibTJiiirr IN KANHAH. KANHAH CITY , March 10. Top oka ad vices statn that Major Sims roUirnodyos- torday from the district infottcd by the foot and mouth disease. Tlio district , 3d miles in area , is now rigidly quarantined , and every effort will bo made to Btamj : out the disease , Dr. Ilocomb ] visited Ohase county upon the report that the disease had appeared there , and uftor a careful nxamination of the herd in ques < lion pronounced it free front disease. A public ] meeting wUl bo hold at Neoshu Falls to-morrow , when a systematic movement will bo at once inaugurated , It is proposed to buy all the infected cattle , kill them and burn the bodies , The railroads of the district have given insurance of their co-operation in the .work of preventing the spread of tin disease , Reports from the northern western and southern parts of the state indicatocattlo nndshoopingoodcondition , .j WYOUINO ALAHMKD. } OIILVBNNB , March 10. The appear j unco of the foot aiid mouth disease ir Inino nnd Kansas creates great alarm the cnttlo men of the west. Tlio Vyoming Stock-growers' association has ken iinmodiato stops to quarantine o territory nnd exterminate the Ulictod cattle should the dis < iso nppcar. The association lins leo _ dispatched the governors of xd- oining states nnd territories urging the nforcomont of quarantine nnd the oxtor- lination ot the diaoaso by the dostrue- on of nlToctod animals , flovornor llnlo ill Imvo full loral nnlhoritj to protect lie territory ngnmst the disease , KANSAS RVOOK nuowr.ns' CONVENTION. UOIWK OITV , March 10. Tlio Western nnsoa Stock Oroworn" association , rep- iscnting 250,000 head of cattle , worth 8,000,000 , will moot here on the 2d of pril , and remain in session three days , joading stock mon from nil over the nuntry will bo horo. It is expected to o the largest and most important of the ind oor hold in the stale. THE MEROHAHTS OOP Vuthorizcd Capital , - $1,000,000 "aid-up Capital , - - 100,000. urplus Fund , - - - 70,000. BANKING OFF1C1 ! I ' . IK Cor , Farnam ana 13th St. OFF1CFU3 : lAHKMmniT , resident. I SAM tE. Roams , V-rros. M. 11. WOOD , Caxhlor. | LVTIIKR DUK , A. Cash. ntuncnoi3 : Frank Murphy , Samuel K. llojors , Ben. B. Wood , liailos 0. IIouscl , All. D. Jones , Luther Drake. Traniact a Qcniril Hanking Business. All who M o any Hanking Imslncmj t * trannact nro lnIU J to > ll. No mutter bow lame or small the transaction , \\lll rccolro ourcarclul attention , and wo riromlto u aj s courteous treatment. " jBpixrtlcular attention to Imslncaa lor paitlca ilnR outnlilo the city. Kxhano ; on all the prln * palclllci oltlio United Stairs \crylottC8tratcs. . Aconunt * ol Banka and received on favoi- > 1e terms. IssucuCcrUflcato ol Dcroelt bearing 6 per cent tcrcnt. Buyiiuid noils Foreign Eichanpo , County , City nd Uo\crnrrcnt Mourltlni XJNITED STATES OF OMAHA. Capital , - - $100,000.00 . W. HAMILTON , Proo't. 8. 3. OALDWELL , V. Pros't. M. T. BARLOW. Cashier. D1REOTOKS : ! . S. CALDWELL , B. F. SMITH , ' . W. HAMILTON , M . T. BAIILOW , 0. WILL HAMILTON. Accounts solicited and kept sub oot to night chock. Cortlflcntoo of Deposit \aauc \ < ( pay bio In 3,6 and IS months , OoarinR ntorost , oren domnn < ! without In- oroot. Advnncoa made to cuatomoni on npprovocl securities at mnrkot ruto oflntoroot. The IntoroBla f Cwstomors nro olosoly guarded and every facility compatible with pi-lnclploa of eound banlclng froqly oxtondod. Drnw slfjhtdrafto'on Englnndlro- nnd , Scotland , and nil parts cft-u- opo. Soil European Casa fi Tickets R Promptly Maoe. H , K , BUKKET FUIEUL OieECTOR 111 North 18th Street rtxmhi E. VOLEMEYEB , THE PIONEER MEAT DEALER OF OMAHA. Illn many friend * are invlttd to rnll at MA new tut nurkut , 013 OumlnK St. * lib to tbuv wl'l Und. < > ' t rn , all tr e choice cuM n liocf , JlutUm auil rf ut nv 1 ip rW f tirl c. V. 80HBUBKMANNM D nKOULAH OE11MA Homeopathic Physician. SI'hCIAMfiT OP WOMT.N , OIIILUnRN d CHIIONIO D1S11AS13. Hour -At IU M < nco , No. J < 8 , Itlthatreyt , 10 n. in. , utid oftir 3 p. in. Hours Al ollloo , l > n. and ] OA 8. IMh lit , Hoom 7.from 1U a. 13. , toll v N. B. Tbo Tape Worm will tu lomc.veil. h i " rlanv r , In Hmn of from l ! to U linur . F. GHOSH & CO. . uS 0 ill.NKTWOKKB , flUOH AS COUNTfiUS , BARS , IOE BOXfiS LIBIIAIUES , anil till lilnils ot ofHoo w rk a fii > cchlty Call or atf- drtm ItUl . ' rk oii ht > - " I.AHD AGENCY 0. F. OAViS & GO. , DAVIH 1MI6 KA1UVAM T , OMAHA. lUve lei ula 200,000 MIM ciictnlly noloctoJ Undt Iu Kaetoru Wcbrasia , at low price and on eajy torma. Impiovoa tarma ( or tulo in Oougtu , Dodge , Oolf i , I'utte , Curl , Cuiulnc. Bon > y , YVaahln ton , Herict , Baundera , and Itutler Oounlic * . TAxeg paid la all parts ol tbo State. Uonoy lo uixl on Improved firm * . KlUry lubUoAlw r * In ott'o ' * . Oomiono < ) wci > .4 .4E. E. A. KELLEY , M , D. -AND- C. A , WILSON , M. D. , Physicians and Surgeons ! OPR * urn Dr. . Amelia Burroughs , OFFICE AND KliSIDUKOFj' 617 D edge St , - Omaba , T