Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1884, Image 3

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Council Bluffs Loan and
Trust Company.
First Mortgage Loans Negotiated. Commcrcli
r i > or and ll Good Securities dealt In. 89 1'oatl
Itrcet , ami 09 tint avenue , Council IHnO * .
NEW YOBK , March 10.
Money Kiwy at 1 J@2 per cent.
I'rims Paper 4@5i per cent.
Exchange Uills Steady nt 4 8" ; demand ,
4 00.
HGoteruments Firm.
Tlio stock market was tame to-day. Union
Pacific was the feature of the early trading ,
and advanced. The stock was In good bor
rowing demand ; J to 3 per cent per dlora was
paid for the u o of share * .
At ompirod with Saturday's closing , prices
arc J to J per cent lower for the general lint.
S'i , 101
4Va Coupon * . 113 }
Pflclllotsof ' 95. 129
American Kxpross US
UtuL , Cedar Rapids & Northern. . . . . 70
Central Pacific 59 }
Chicago & Alton 18)
do do pfd 145
Chi. , Burl. & Qulncy 123
Erie ' . ' 15
do pM * (51
Fort Wayno& Chicago 13J
Hannibal & St. Joseph 3SJ
do do do pfd * KHJ
Illinois Control 130
Ind. , Bloom1. & Western Ill
Kansas & Texas lltf
Lftko Shore k Michigan So 102 $
Minneapolis it St. Louis . . . . .
do do do pfd
Missouri Pacific
Northern Pacllio
do do pfd .
I ? nth western
do pfd
New York Central
Oolo k Mississippi
do do pfd
Fooriu , Decatur i Evanavilla
Rock- Inland
St. Po-i k Milwaukee
do So do pfd
St. rVml Minn , k Manitoba
Bt. FaulA : Omaha
* do do pfd
Union Pftclflo
IVabaaL , St. L. & Pacific
do do do pfd it Uaiou Telegraph
Asked. Ex-div. t
CHICAGO , March 10. Flour Quiet and
steady ; some brands higher : Rood to choice
ipring wheat flour , 5 00@5 85 ; soft spring
wheat , 4 00@4 ! > 0 ; Minnesota baker's. 4 bO@
5 2. . .
Wheat Regular wheat irulet and lower :
opened easier , later declined IJc , fluctuated
slightly , nnd finally closed about IJc lower
than Saturday's close ; cash. ! )03@Uc ) ! } : March
OOJc ; April , 9lc ; May , 95J@jX3c ; July , ! > 8S@
OSj'c ' : winter wheat , 9Sc@l CO ; spring easier ,
Cora Weaker : quiet ; opened } c lower ,
fluctuated , declined l@lc below Saturday's
close ; finally closed at inside ; prices reached ,
cash. til\52c ; ; March , 514c : May , CG@5Gic ;
Julv , .r.8l@58gc' rejected , 43@41c.
Oata Quiet ; easier ; decline imluencod by
other markets ; cash , 32c ; March , 8lc ; May , ; year , 294c.
llye Steady at 58ic.
Barley Quiet at Clc.
Timothy Prime to choice , 130@1 32 ; com-
teen to good gradps , 1 U."i@l 27J.
Flax Seed 1 58 on track ; 1 59 for choice.
. . , . .
u.uiuu xi u'v nntf iiiujr. J-i I V LI '
I > anl Litllo doinrj ; trading chielly May
contracts ; cash and Rlarch , 0 30@U 32 ; May ,
V 10@i ) 42)1 ) ; July. 0 50@9 HI.
Boxed Meats Shoulders , 7 25 ; short ribs ,
9 15 ; short clear , 9 80.
Butter Choice creameries , 31@3G ; fancy
dairiea , 2G@28o.
Choose Choice full cream cheddars , ll@
15c : cluiice full cream flats , ( c ; good
part ukim rheddars and flats , 8@10Jc.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , country , 7c ;
cake , 7ic.
Hides Green salt cured bull aud
damaged , G c ; green salt calf , 12@12 c ; dry
calf : ICc.
Whisky 117.
GAIL BOARD , Wheat March , April , May
? < * and Juno , Jc lower. Sales , 1,900,000 bush
Corn Juno Jo lower : July Ic higher. Sales ,
050,000 bushels.
Oats Juno , | c lower. Sales , 455,000 bush
Pork May , 24o lower ; Juno , 2Jo higher ;
Sales , 18,250 bbls.
Lard May and Juno , 2Jo higher. Sales ,
2,500 tcs.
FNKW YORK , March 10. Wheat Options
declined ' /Ic / at the opening , cloning barely
dtoady ; ungraded red , ! ) Uql ) 17 ; No. 3 red ,
10i. No. 2rodl07i@113i.
Cjrn Cash , l@1o and options ? @lc lower ,
closing weak ; ungraded , fil@G2cNo. ; 2 , OUc.
Oats 4o , dull and lower ; mixed \\estorn ,
S941c / ( ; white , 43@46o.
I llggs Western Iresh , dull and lower at
1'orlc Dull and weak ; new mess , 17 50@
17 C2J
Lard Steady , prime steam , 9 55.
0) ) Butter Unchanged ; firm and in good de
liIviBPOOL March 10 Wheat Quiet and
steady ; winter , Sa 3d@Gd ; wurinc , 7s lOd
Com Dull ; new , 4s lid ; old , 5a 3d.
KANSAS OITT , March 10 Wheat Quiet ;
8B@80io for cash ; 87c bid for April ; 89Jo
bid for May.
Corn -Quiet ; 41@Uc for cash ; 42o for
April ; 43Ro bid for May.
Oata Dull and nominal at 29o bid.
BALTIMOM , March 10. Wh at Western.
drill ; No. 2 winter red. cash. 1 03i'@l ' 01)
' Cnrn Western , fairly active ; mixed , cub ,
r' CScbid.
Data Steady and quiet ; western white , 43
© 41c ; mixed , 42@13o.
Rye Scarce and firm at 72@74o ,
liutter-Steady ; western packed , 10@23c ;
cruamsry , 25 i38c.
Kw Lower and quiet at 18@19c.
Whisky-Quiet and steady at 1 19@1 19J.
ST. Locis. March 10.Wheat I/owor and
Hlow : No. 'A red. 81 10@1 10 } for cub ; 81 10J
for March ; 8111i@l 11 J , closing at Inside
for May. 81 10 for June : No. 3 red. 1 111.
Corn Lower ; 48g@48Jo lor cash ; 48 0 for
March ; 49(349jo ( for April ; 605lc , cloning
atSOJcfor May.
Oato Lower and slow ; 3333c for cash ;
S3o for April ; 35Ja for May.
Rye - Quiet ; C9o aske .
Barley Steady ; o559c.
Butter Better : creamery , 30@35c ; dairy ,
Jifgs Lower at 27c.
yiax seed-At 91 60.
Hay-Unchanged : prairie , (8 C010 CO.
Corn Moal-At 82 M.
CwaiNO BOAHD Wheat Lower ; 1'lOj for
April : 1 lli@l lljfor May ; 1 101or June ;
1 llg for July.
G'orn KaMor ; xlow : 503@0i ° 'or May )
Cljjc for June ; C3a for July.
r ; dull ; 33 o for May.
T. March 10 Wheat Firm ;
No. 2 red , 1 03 J elevator ; IfOS'ai ( Mi on track.
Corn Strom ; ; No , 3 mixed , 49 50c.
OaU Uood demand No , 2 mixed , 30J@37c.
Jye ! Flnner ; No. 2 , C5o.
Porlc-Kuler ; meM. 817 fX17 ) 75.
Lard-Dull at S 15@9 20.
Bulk Meats- Quiet
Whbky Active ; urm at 1 1C.
Niw OOIJUNB , March 10. OaU Good de-
mand ; higher ; mixed , at CV ; white. Ci7cQ
Oats ( Jood ilemand : higher at 4. > fitOc.
Corn Mnal- Scarce ; linn nt 3 10@3 It" ,
Pnrk Steady In good demand at 918 fl'J
J ni Steady ; ttcrce , refined , § ! ) oO ; keg ,
Bulk MniUSteady : In fnir demand ,
Whisky Steady and unchanged ,
uibwAuitKr. March 10. Wheat Hosier ;
No. 2. U2lc@'Je ! ) ! foi'March , S lt"Cj " for April
MI'O ' ; for May D.V/e / : for Juno 97J.
Corn Firmer ; No. 2 , 53c. |
Oats Steady : No. 2 , S2c.
Ityo Quiet ; Finn ; No 2 57jo
Barley Firm ; No. 2 , cash , Gl c.
ToLKix > , Mrch 10. Wheat Market active
and lower ; No , 2 rod cash nnd March , SI OH ,
Corn Dull ! higher , mixeO , CIJc ; No. B ,
ish and March , 53o naked
Oata ( Julot and steady ; No. 2 cah,3Gc. {
PROHIA , March 10. Corn Actlva and
steady ; now mixed , 45J@4Gc ; rejected , 43 }
Oats-No. 2 white , 35
Rye-Quiet ; 58@68c.
Whlsky-1 17.
noun AND QUA IN.
OniCAOO , March 10. Receipts and ship-
monta of flour and grain for the post 24 hours
lave boon as follows :
Receipts. Bhlp'to.
Flour , bbl 13,000 10,000
Wheat , bushels 24.000 0,000
Corn , bushel * 179,000 141,000
Oats , bushels S5.000 55,000
: lye , bushels 7,000 G.OOO
Barley , bushels 25,000 11,000
YORK , March 10. Receipts and
fihlpinontsof flour and grain for the past 24 hours
lave boon as follows )
Receipts Bhip'ts.
Wheat , bushels 30,00l ) 81.CDO
! orn , bushels 133,000 40.000
i , bushels 51,000
OaiOAOO , March 10. Receipts and ship ,
monts of li\o stock for the past 24 hours have
> eon as follows :
Receipts. Shlp'ts.
Oattlo 5,200
Hogs ll.OOO
Sheep 2,000 . . . .
IAS OITT , March 10 , Receipts and
hipmonts of live stock for the post 21 hours
lave been ns fallows :
Receipts. Bhip'ts.
Cattle. . , 7fO
Hogs 2,300
Sheep 310
ST. Louis , March 8. Receipts and ship
monta of live stock for the past 24 hours have
icon us follows :
Receipts. Bhtp'U
Oattlo 3,300 1,200
Hogs 2GIW 2,130
Bhoop 100 1,000
CHIOAOO , March 10. The Drovers' Jour
nal rnnoita thU afternoon us follows :
HOSTS The general market is unchanged :
rough packing , G 15EG ! )0 ) ; heavy parking and
shipping. G 95(5)7 ( ) 00 ; light grades , G 25@G 85 ;
skips , 5 OOfaG 20.
Cattle Steady : export grades , C 40@7 00 ;
food to choice shipping , fi 8Si ( ) ( ( (0 ( ; common
a medium , 5 1D(5)5 ( ) 75 ; inferior to fair cown ,
2 G0@3 SO ; medium to choice , 4 00@5 00 ;
stockers , 3 80fo > 4 80 , feodnrs , } UOfeo 4(1. (
Sheep Market slow and unchanged ; infe
rior to fair , 2 75@l 00 per cwt ; medium to
good , 4 23@5 00 ; choice to extra , 5 25@G 00.
ST. Louis , March 10 C.ittlo Firm and
active ; exporters , G50@700 : good to choice ,
" 80@C 40 ; common to medium , 5 00@5 75 ;
stockers and feeders , 4 50@5 25 ; corn fed
IVxans , 5 00@0 00.
Sheep-Scarce and firm ; common to fair ,
3 C3@3 50 ; medium to good , 3 75 4 75 ; choice
to funcy , 5 00to5 50 ; Teums , 2 75 ® t 75
Hogs Active ai.d strong ; light , G G5@G GO ;
packing , G 35@G 90 ; heavy , G 90(2)7 ( ) 23.
KANSAS CITV , March 10. The Daily Indicator -
dicator reports :
Cattle Quiet and steady ; natives , 535 ®
5 70 ; Htoskers and feeders , 4 G5@5 10 ; cows ,
llrgs Slow at G 30@G 50.
Sheep- Steady : natives , 3 50@4 75.
Wlioleonlo I'ricos ,
Monday Evening , Match 10. |
The following prices are charged retailers
y Jobbers , wholesalers and commission mer
chants , with the exception of grain , which is
inoted at the price ? furnished by the elevators
and other local buyers :
WHEAT Cash No. 2 , 7H@73a.
BARLBI Cash No. 2 , 45@50c.
UYK Cash No. 3 , 431c.
CORN No. 2 , 37c ,
OATS Dull ; No. 2. 28@0ic.
hive Stock.
FAT STBKEB 1 5irS)5 ) 23.
VAT Cows 3 00it4 00.
noos c on < 3G ! s\
SIIBKP 3 W fA 50.
CALVES 0 00@ 50.
Flnnr and
WINTER WurAT Best quality , patent , 'at
82 340.
SOONU OcAtmr 2 75ygB 25.
Bruiwo WHEAT Best quality , patent.
BRAN 70o per cwt.
CHOPPED FKED Per 100 Ibs. 80e ,
CORN MEAL 1 00@1 10 per owt.
ScilEBKlvaC5@75e per owt
General Produce.
BDTTER Fancy creamery. 33@S5c ; cold
storage creamery , 25@27c ; choice dairy , 20
g24c ; best country , solid packed , 12@15c ;
Dost country , roll , 16@18c ; inferior grades.
I0@14c. Receipts ore small and the demand
{ ood.MKATS
MKATS Hams , 13Jc ; breakfast bacon , 12Jo ;
clear nlda bacon , short , 11 jo ; clear side bacon ,
long , lie ; dry salt short. lOtfc ; dry salt long ,
lOjjc : shouldon , 8jo ; dried beef , 14jc ; lard , re
fined , lOo.
Keas Market firm ; salea to-day at 20
@ 22c ; receipts good
AFFI.KS Fancy Jonathans , (4 60@5 00 ;
fanuy Ben Davis , 83 60 < 4 00 ; fancy Jenet ,
83 00@3 50 ; fancy Wlllowtwlg , 83 26@3 76.
Demand good.
OIIKB8E New York Btato full creun , late
Beotember make , 14c ; New York Btat * fnll
cream , 10 hoop lota , 18Jo ; do full cream , 60
aoop lots , 18Jc ; Wiscowln. full cream , Inbox ,
Ho ; Young Americas , strictly full cream , IGo ;
full cream , 12c ; full cream 10 hoop lots , 114o-
full cream flats , 12o ; full cream flats , lljo ;
lancy brick cheese , 100 Ib cases , 15Jo ; Llm-
burger 13Jc ; genuine old Swiss , 19c.
POTATOKH Receipt * email and prices
eood. Consignments of strictly choice ,
largo aired , straight potatoes ore selling
from 45 to 48c ; mved cars 40 to 42o and
light demand ; peachblows , 60o.
SWSITT POTATOES Choica yellow , none.
OnioKS No demand : market overstocked.
BRANS Hand picked natives , 82 25@2 CO ;
hand picked mediums , 8176200. Re
ceipts large.
OAUB L'rairie chickens , per dot. , 83 00 to
3 26 ; snipe. 81 M to 1 75 ; ducks , Mallard , per
doz , 2 00@2 60 ; mixed , 81 CO to 2 00. lie
careful that your game comes to market in
nice condition.
F-JEHII OVHTKBU Selects , 40o standards ,
36c : moilluins , ioc ,
DATES Black Arabian , per Ib , , 8@9o ;
quarter crates , lOc.
Flos-25 Ib. kegs , per Ib. , 12Jc ; 10 Ib. box ,
ayer , per Ib. , 16c ; small ovals nor Ib , , 18o.
COOOANUTH Kxtra fine , per 100 , B 00.
OIDKR Pure sweet dder , 22 gal keg , 88 00 ;
M. k P. clarified , 10 gal keg , 84 75) ) % , & P.
clarified , 82 gal keg , 88 00.
I PJGB Ferr , fiate. ETC. Pigs feet , IB Ib
Iklto , 115plgs401bqrbbl225 ; ; plg feet ,
SO lb half bbl , SI 00 : tripe , 15 lb Vit , SI 15 ,
tripe , 10 lb qr bbl , $2 25 ; tvipo , 80 lb Inlf Mil
5IOO { pigs toiiffuw , 15 lb kits , $ JM > ; pig.
tongues , 40 lb qr bbl , SG 00. liimlw' lonjm < * <
15 Hi kits , ? 2 Go : 40 ib qr bbl , ? d 26.
MINOR MEAT AtmoreX 181b buckets
( buckets 25c ) J > o ; 371b bucket * ( bucket 40c ) ,
Oo. : lOOlh kcj , 9c ; half barrels , 8Jo. '
ASSORTED .JKLLY 2-lb stone J rs ! 12 In case ,
t > or dot , ? 2 25 ; tumbler , per doz , 91 95 :
schooner , per doron , $3 10 ; l lb tin cnm , 4
do * , in case , $1 40 ; 2-lb tin cans , 2 dot In case ,
BULK JELLIES Currant. 30-lb wood liallt ,
per 11) , 7Jc ; strawberry , 30-lb wood palls | wr
Ib , 7jfc ; raspberry. 30-lb wood palls per lb ,
7i'c ! blackberry. 80-lb wood pails per lb , 7Jc !
crab npplo , 30-lb wood rMU iwir lb. 7i'o.
Arpi.B BtJTTEn 35-lb woodan li Is , per lb ,
Re ; 5-lb wooden palls , 0 In cwm per case ,
PKAOH BCTTKR 2llb wooden polls per lb ,
$11 00 ; 5-lb wooden nnii , G In case , per case ,
PRESERVES ( In 20-lb wooden palls ) R * p <
berry , 15c ; utravvborry , quince , 14o ; poacn ,
14c ; cherry , 14c ; tomatoes , lie : plum , lie ;
assorted , 5-lb wooden buckets , G In caso. ] > or
case , $4 75 ; assorted , 2-lb tin cans , 2 doz In
cose , per case , $ G 50
POULTRY Llxo chickens , per doz , 175 ®
200 ; f ull droaiodchlckonsporlb , 10(5)120) ( ) ) tur
keys , per Ib. , 15@17o ; ducks , 10@12 ; goose ,
LEMONS Extra fancy bar lemons , $ G 00 ;
Fancy Mos.ilnn lemons , per box , $5 25 ; 5 box
lots , Messina lemons , $5 00 ; 10 box lots do , ,
54 75 ; Malaga lemons , fancy , St 50 ; do 5 box
lots , $4 25.
ORANOEH Valencia * , G 60 ; Moislnas , 3 76.
CRANBERRIES Boll and ougloA , $12 00 ; bell
Mid cherry , $9 50@10 50 , Abov o quotations
for cholco.
NEBRASKA COMB HONEY 2-lb frames , 2Mb
cases , per lb , 18c.
HAY Baled , 8 00@10 00 per ton ; In bulk ,
6 00@7 00 per ton.
Grocers Her.
OANNFD Goons Oysters ( ijtandardporcaso ) ,
3 85@3 90 ; gtravvborrlos , 2 lb , per case , 2 00 ®
2 10 ; raspberries , 2 lb , nor cose , 2 90 ; Bartlett
poaru , per cose , 2 40 ; whortleberries , per case ,
4 00 ; egg phuns , 2 lb , per case , 2 vQ ; green
gages , 2 lb , per case , 2 90 ; plno npples , 2 lb
per caso. 4 805 60.
ROPE Sisal 4 inch and larger , Oj'c ' , g Inch ,
lOlc ; J inch , lO c.
CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs. IGs , 15Jc ; 8 , 16Jc ;
boxes 40 Ibs , 10 oz. , Gs , 15ic.
MATCHES Per caddie , 35c ; round , cases ,
2 55 ; square cases , 1 70.
SUOARS Powdered , 9c ; cut loaf. 9o ;
granulated , 8o ; confectioners' A , 8c ; Stand
ard extra O , 7Jc ; extra C , 7c ; medium yel
low , 7c : dark yellow , Gic.
COFFEES Ordinary grades , 12@12ic ; fair 13
ffilSJo ; good , 14c ; prlmo , 15@15tc ; cliolce.
lG@17c ; fancy green andyollowliailGicoln ( ;
government Java , 20@2Gc ; Lovoring's roasted.
18c ; Arbucklo's roabtod , lSc ; McLangUlnV
XXXX roosted , ISic ; mitatton Java , 1CJ
RICB Loui ) > iaua prune to cholco , 7o ; fair
! Jc ; Patmn , djc.
FISH No 1 mackerel , half brls. , SCO ; No.
L mackerel , < cits , 1 15 ; family mackerel , half
iris. , 7 00 ; family mackerel , kits , 95c ; No. 1
white fish , half Ms. , 8 75 ; No. Iktts. 1 15.
STRUT Standard Com. , 82c , bols ; Standard
do , 4J gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon
core 150
SODA In Ib papers , 3 30 per case ; keg per Ib ,
PICKLES Medium , In barrels , . 7 50 ; do
n half barrels , 4 25 ; small , in barrels , 8 1.0 ; do
n half barrels , 4 75 ; gherkins in barrels , 9 50 ;
do in half barrels. 5 25.
TBAB Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ( cholco GO
f75c ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , GO@G5c ;
oung Hyson , good , 3C@50c ; cholco ,
65c@l 00 ; Japan , natural leaf , 35c ; Japan ,
choice , G0@75c ; Oolong , good , 35@40c ; Oolong ,
choice , -1055c ; Souchong , good , 35@40o ;
choice , 35@45c.
WOODENVVAIIE Two hoop palla , 1 85 ;
throe hoop palls. 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pioneer
neer washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ;
Wollbuckots. 3 85.
SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Kirk's
satinet , 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's
white Russian , 5 25 ; Kirk's eutoca , 2 15 ;
Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; Kirk's
mngnolin. doz.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case , In case ,
3 35 ; Babbltt.8 ball 2 doz. in case , 1 90 ; Anchor
jail , 2 dor. in cose , 1 60.
CANDY French mixed , in SO Ib. palla , 17c ;
American mixed , in 30 Ib palls , 13c : Brilliant
mixed , in 30 Ib palls , 124c ; Nobby mixed , in 30
lb pails , 13c ; Competition mixed , in 30 Ib
pails , IL'ic ; Bicolsior stick , 30 lb palls , lie ;
loublo refined , 30 lb pnlla , 12c ; Crystal mixed
30 lb pails , 15c ; Old Time , mixed , 30 lb pnils ,
14c ; Tip Top , mixed , SO lb pails , 13o ; Flirt
mixed , 30 lb pails , 11 Jc ; Flirt , stick , 30 lb
pails , lljo ; Tip Ton , stick , 30 lb pails , 12c.
VINKCIAR Now YorJc apple IGc ; Ohio ap
ple , 13c.
SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 1 80 ; Ashtou , In
sockH , 3 50 ; bbls dairy 60 , 5s , 3 30.
STARCH Pearl , 4ic ; Silver Gloss , 9c ; Com
Starch , 9c ; Excelsior Gloss , 7ic ; Corn , 80.
SPICES Pepper , 17c ; allspice , 15o ; clove * ,
25o ; cassia luc.
LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 3 40 ;
Western , ' 2 76 ; North Stur , 200 ; Lewis' lye ,
4 65 ; Jewell lye , 2 75
Drr Goods.
Atlantic A , 8c ; Atlan
tic P , Gc ; Atlantic LL ; 5Jc ; Brunswick , 7ic ;
Beaver Dam LL , Gc ; Lawrence LL , Gc ; Paci
fic II , 7i'c ' ; Royal Standard , 8c.
FINE Bno\\.v SIIKKTINOS Argyle , 74c ; Poj-
peroll R , file ; Salisbury R , Go.
Bl.KACllhlConoNSBallon 4-4 , GJc : Bal
Hill 7-S , 8c ; Hill < -4. 9o ; "Lonsdalo , 8 0 ; Now
York Mills. 114c : Wamsutta , life.
DUCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , 11 Jc ; BOH-
ton , 10-oz , , 14Jc ; Boston , ! l 07. , 1/lc ; Fall
River , 8Jc.
DICKH ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , lie ;
West Point , 11 o ? . , 14c ; Boston Bear , 8 o/ . ,
He.TICKIST.S Amoskoag , 14 to : Continental
Fancy , 9/c / ; Cordis , 1'ijc ; IMarl River , 14 c ;
York , 1'j'o ' ; Hiimloton Awiiings , 12jc.
DP.NISIH Amoskeag , lie : lioaverAA. 12c ;
Beaver BB , He ; Keaver CO , 10 ; Haymakers ,
8c ; Jaffrey D & T , 12 0 ; Jafftoy XXX , 12 c ;
Pearl River , 14o ; Warren AXA , ( brown ) ,
12jc ; Warren BB ( brown ) , llic ; Warren CO
; brown ) , lOJcl
CAMIIIUC.S 'Fifth avenue glove finish , CJc ;
Keystone glove finish , 6Je.
COHSICT JKANH-Amor y , Tic ; Hancock , 8c ;
Koawayer , 81o ; Rockixirt , lie.
PIIINTH Aliens , Gc ; American , Go ; Arnolds ,
Uc ; Cocheco , Oio : Harmony , flu ; Indigo , 81c ;
Indigo 7-8 , lljo ; Indigo 4-4 , 12JC.
PRINTH SilKETiNOH American , 6c : Cochoco ,
5c ; Gloucester , Go ; Southbrldge , Co ; Waverlys ,
4 c.
GINCHAMHAmoskoag staples , 8jo : Bates
staples , 8jc : Lancaster staples , 8c ; Planket
plaldn , lOc ; Hudson chocks , 7&c.
DUESH GOODS Atlantic nlpucca , OJc ; Per-
stano cashmer , 2ijc ; Hamleton caahmere ,
IGic ; Hamleton Fancus , HJc ; Hamleton bro
cades , ICc.
We quote lumber , lath and shingles' , on oan
at Omaha at the following prices *
JOIST AND SOANTUNO 16 ( t. And under
22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 60.
TUIBEUS 16 feet and under , 22 00.
TIHBEII AND JOIST 18 ft , 23 60 ; 20 ft , 28 CO ;
22 ft , 20 60 ; 24 ft , 26 50.
FENCING No. 1 , 4 and 6 in. , 24 00 ; No. 2 ,
BHEXTIKO No. l(2d'common ( boards ) , 20 00 ;
No. 2,18 00.
HTOCK BOARDH A , 45 00 ; B.40 00 ; 0 , 35 00 ,
FLOORING No. 1,40 00 ; No. 2 , 35 00 ; No.
'SIIIINO , clear 2700 ; No. 2,2500 ; No , 3 ,
UCILINOI , 87 00 ; J. 25 00.
HiiihaLES , best 4 60 ; standard , 3 60.
LATH 3 25 per M.
LIUB Per burrel , 125 ; bulk per bushel , S5cj
cement , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 60) ) hair
per bu. 60c ; Terred felt , 100 tbi , 8 50) ) tr w
boar J , 8 60 ,
Ptno TOBAOOO Climax , 60o ; Bullion 60c ;
Horseshoe , 60o : Star , 60c ; Ruddy , 45c ; Her
tev'i , 40ot Black , 88@40a
FINB Cor Common , 20@3 < V : oed , 45 ®
GOc ; Rose Leaf , 70c ; Premium , 660 ; Diamond
Crown , 65c { Bweet Sixteen , 47 *
BMOKINO O. B. , 22o ; Meerbcuuum , SOcj Dur
ham , 8 oz. , 65c ; Durham , 4 oz. . 67O Dnrharr
2 oz. , 65o : Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz. , 65c
Seal of North Carolina. 4 or. . 67c ; Seal of
North Carolina , 2 oz. , COo ; 0,1C Durham , 4
> . , 2Sc ; O. K Putlnm , 2 or , r 0c ; Unclfl
Nnd , i > 2r > c,1 Tom nnd Jerry , : Uo ,
110 3 carlwn , per gallon , ISJo ; 150 °
headlight , per gillon , lljc ; 1766 headlight ,
per gallon , 18c ; ISO0 water white , 17o ; llu
< oed , raw , ; pr gnllci'.Wc ; linseed , boiled , per
gallon , CSoLnnl , winter str'd , per gallon , gfic
No. 1 , 7f > cjNo. 2 , CTic ; castor , XXX. per pl
Ion , 1 GO ; No. 8 , 1 40 : nvvcot , V"r gnllm 1 00
iporm W B. , i r gi.lldn , 100 ; tish , W. U. ,
pergnllon , tJTic } noaUfoot extra , per gallon , OOcj
pot gallon , lOc.
PAINTS IN Oity-Whlto lead , Omshn P. P. "
Go ; hlto load , St. Louis , pure , GicMnrcoillo ; < i
green 1 to 5 lt > cans , 20c : Froiicli r\nc \ , green
eal , 12o : French rino , rod teal. He ) French
tine , In vnrnlsh nut , 20c : Fionch tine. In oil
asst , 15c ; raw and burnt timber , 1 Hi cans , 10c ;
raw nnd burnt Sienna , lOc ; Vandyke brown ,
13c ; refined lampblack , 12c ; conch blnck , nml
Ivory blnck , IGc ; drop bleak , ICcj IVitssla
blue , SOc : ultramarine blue , 18e ; chrome green
L. M. & D , . IGc ; blind and shutter green , L
M. ft D. , IGc ; Paris Rjocn , 18c : Indian red ,
16c ; Vonotlnn rod. 9c ; TUBCAU rod , 22o ; Aiucri-
can Vonuilhon , I. k P. . 18o ; chrome yellow
L. M. , O. & D. O , , 18c ; yellow ochre , PC ;
golden ochre , IGc , patent dryer , 8c ; graining
colors , light oak , dark oak , walnut , chr tnnt
and ash ICe ,
JloavT IlnrdWAro Iilnt.
Iron , rates , 2 50 ; plow stool special cast , Go.
cniclblo , 7c ; si > oclnlor Gorman , c : cost too ;
do , 15@20 ; wagon spokes , not , 2 25Q&3 00 ; hubs
per sot , 1 25 ; folloos sawed dry , 1 40 ; tonguen ,
each , 70@S5c ; uxlos oneh , 76o ; square nuts | > or
lb , 7llc ; washers or lb. 8@18c ; rivets , per
lb , lie ; cell chain , per Ib , ( > @ 12c ; mallonblo , 80
Iron wedges , Gc ; crowbars , Oc ; hnrrow tooth
4c ; spring tool , 7@8o ; Burden's horsohoos , 1 70
Burclou's inulcshoM 0 70.
BAHIIKD WHIR In car lota , 4Jo i r 100.
NAILS Rates , 10 to GO , 2 90.
SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 ; oriental
powder , kegs , 6 40 ; do. , half kegs , 348 ; do. ,
quarter kegs , 1 S3 ; blunting , kpga , 3 35 ; fuse ,
tier 100 foot KOc.
LEAD Bar , 1 G5.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith. 10 00 ; Mor
ris run Blossburg , 10 00 ; Whltebronst lump ;
5 00 ; Whltobreast nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 CO
Iowa nut , 5 00 ; Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Antlirn
cite , 11 25@ll CO ; Canon City , 7 00 , per ton
Oak solo , 38c@42c ; homi. > ck > iolo2 < ! c@Sr c ;
liujlock kip , 80o tel 00 ; rumor G5o to 80c ;
liemlock cilf , 85c to 1 00 ; hemlock upper , 22o
to 2 Ic ; oak upper , 2lc ; iUli < ator , 4 00 to 1560 ;
calf kid , 32@3.r > ; Groiscm kit ) , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak
Up , 80a to 1 00 : oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French
kip , 1 10 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 t < i a 00 ; ros-
sots , 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , G 00 to 8 50 ; toppings -
pings , 9 00 to 10 60 ; B. L. Morocco , 30o to U5c ;
pebble O. D. Morocco , 33c ; nlmoii. 2 50 to 3 00.
HARNESS No. 1 stnr oak , 3So ; No 2 do ,
85c ; No. 1 Ohio oak. 86c ; No. 2 do , Me ; No.
1 Milwaukee 85o : No 2 do S3o .
No. 1 Pitts oak bar , 38c ; No. B Pitts oak
liar , 35u.
Drr Pftlm * .
White load , 8c ; French zinc , lOc ; Paris
whiting , 2Jo ; whiting gildorx , IJo ; whiting
x > m'l lie ; lampblack , Gcrmanlown , lie ;
lampblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , 55c ;
ultramarine , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , 8c ; umber ,
Qurnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c ;
ilonna , ru'r , 4c ; Ports green , genuine , 25c ;
Paris green , common. 20c ; chrome green , N.Y. ,
iOc ; chrome green. K , , 12c ; vormlllion , Eng. ,
'Oc ; vonnillion , American , 18c ; Indian rod ,
lOc ; rose pink , lie ; Vuuotinn rod , CooksonV ,
tic ; Venetian rod , American , IJc : rod load ,
Tic ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yel
low , K. , 12c : ochre , rochollo,3oocliro ; , French ,
ic ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winter's mineral ,
2Jc ; lohigh brown. 2Jo ; Spanish brown , 2Jc ;
Prince's mineral , 3c.
VARNISHES Barrels , per gallon : Furnl
turo , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81 ; coach ,
extra , 81 40 : coach , No. 1 , 81 20Dainnr ; ,
extra , 81 75.lnpaii ; , 70cospluiltuin ; , extra , BDc ;
shellac , $3 50 ; hard oil finish , 81 50.
Steady ; green butchers , 6a ( < G&c & ; green
silted 74 © 7ic ; dry flint , 12@lKc ; dry salt ,
lOWllc ; ilamnged hides , two-thirds price.
PJSLTS 25c@l 00.
ALCOHOL 188 proof , 2 2G per wine gallon
extra California spirits , 188 proof , 1 2G per
proof gallon ; triple refined spirits , 187 proof ,
L 25 per proof gallon ; re-distilled whiskies
1 00S)1 [ ) 50 ; fine blended , 1 50@2 50 : Ken-
tuck'y bourbons , 200700 : Kentucky and
Pennsylvania ryes , 2 03@7 00.
BRANDlES-ImportodGOO@1600 ; domestic
1 40o00. .
GINS Imported , 4 50@G 00 ; domoatlc , 1 40
RUMS Imported , 4 50@G 00 ; Now England ,
2 00 ( 4 00 ; domestic , 1 50@3 50.
CHAMPAONES Imported per case , 2800 ©
31 00 ; Amorican"por case , 12 C0@10 00.
iu palls lie. Hams , llic ; breakfast bacon
13@15ic ; emokod sides , UjfoJlOc : rait sides ,
G5c per 100 pounds ; onions , per 100 pounds ,
8160@2 00 ; turnips , per 100 lb , GO@fcOc ; Col
orado cabbage , now , per 100 , 85c@100 ;
live chickens , old , per doz , SI 00(3 ( }
425) ( pralrio clilckons per dor , $3 75@400 ;
eggi , trouli , per doz , 3i.t5c ! ; butter , fair qual
ity creamery , finest per Ib , 38@42 ; croatuory ,
( food , per lb , 2S@34c ; Kauii.-ui and Nobraaka
: lalry , per lb , 37 © luc ; cooking , 12 © ] DC ; choose ,
full cream , per lb , ll17c ; apples per bbl ,
eastern , fc.5 . 01@0 60 ; { ( rapes , per lb ,
7 ( 10o ; California peers per lb , 7 < < ? 10c ;
MoH iim lomoua , extra per ox , S7 00
( 8 00 ; orahpros , 812 00r 113 00 ; Colorado
A-hoat , per 100 lb , $13i'@l ' 88 ; flour , fair
quality , 810 00@1 ( ) CO per barrel flour.
Graham , per 100 lb S2 00@2 CO ; flour ,
rye , pnr 100 lb , ? 2 00@2 70 ; flour , buckwheat ,
per III } , 810 0010 CO ; corn fmoal per
100 Ibs , 91 r.Q@l 85 ; corn , per 100 Iba , 81 30 ©
1 31 ; corn chop , per 100 Ibi. 81 80@1 33 ; now
oat * , nor 100 Iba , $1 3.r > @l V ; oixtn , Nobronka ,
mixed , per 100 lb , 81 33@1 35 ; wheat , per 100
Ibs , $1 S5@l 4D ; barley , per 100 la \ , 81 M ©
@ 1 75 ; mixed chop , per )1 ) < X ) lbn , 81 33@
1 40 ; bran , per ton , 817 00019 00 ; hay ,
per ton 12 00@1G 00 ; baled socoml bottom ,
$1000@1200 ; baled upland , CM 00@17 00 ;
straw , per ton , 88 00@'J 00.
J. K , GAMI'llELL. | 8. B. OAJIl'DKLL.
Campbell & Co. .
102 South Kth Street , Iwtwccti Douglw and Uodge ,
Htfi.ieiico Klrnt N tl ml Bink , Ktoole , Jobnioa
ft Co. , Orniha ; lUnlc o ( Ouu County , fUtUoiauth ,
Offlcu Ho , 210 N , Sixteenlh Street
nouns , 9 TO 12 A. sr.
11 ouldoncoCor , Centre and 17 th
Physician & Surgeon ,
Ikildonco not North ISth street
Cor. ol .
OlHc Hours- to 10 a. m. , 1 to 3 n , uu and i to
p. m.
Railway Time Table.
ti. r. n n ,
tSolflo Iipte i.l,0 ! ) p M
Wrdtem K * JWM S 00 p ra \Cf MrniiproM :
} . IflnmU'ais , . . . sop in p. I l. , l r . l
Unooln Et t.ltiev\9 Kx . . . .12:65pin :
< vo Oinarw : 7:10 : , S'OO.P'OO , tiTOO , lee ; m.,12 in !
l-oo , s oo , sw , 4 0.1 , n-oo , OD , toio : P. m. on sun
Uy ! 7lO ! , 9X > MXO ft. ra j 3-00 , 4 Oi600 , 10.10 11.
n. Anl ttr mror < tq t20 lulnmrtJkUr ; llroail *
ny dpiHit.Cotmril IllnlTs , SO minuter Utar ,
I Mo Council Hindu , ! ! ro il R ) dcixit , 900 , 0-00 ,
o.-w , 110R.m ; 12 m.l.oo. ; S.oo , s-oo.4 40 ,
0M : j > . in On Snml j : , s 00.10-00 . m. ; n m ; B-00 ,
6DO,0 40,10.40fill.irUo'rnn lot ilei < oC , tOtnln-
Utp Ktcr.
I < -MO Council lUuCT * Trarntsr ilcpot : S.I
0.25,11S8 ! R.IH.J1S lnlS5 ; : , 2.2S,3.l ( , 4:25 : , t.A\Q 26 ,
:05,10 : 65p. m. ArrUo Omihn SO tnlnutraInter.
rss No. s. . . .7J&aro : P . No. B. . . 7.SJ * m
" No. 10 B > 4ftnm " No. lB.Jl:4Sm :
" No. I SMprn " No S.UfO : m
, " No. 8..8'Wmm " No. BI..7:16 : pm
" N . fl-IRam " No. 1. . . 156pm
11 No. W ) . . . . 0.60 mill
SUmUril tlmo li 21 minutes ( Mter limn Iocs !
. fc M. HA1.UOA1 ! > TIMK TAnt.l' CUNT. TIMK
nitsr inn in.
Omalm. . , . 7..10mi | rVIOftm A 30 | im 0.40 nm
AMiUml. . . 021pm 11:11 : am 4.i.Si ) > n 7:15 : urn
Lincoln. 10 60 am 12.M | tin S M | < lll lUBmn
Crete..llfiO : pm rMpm 8.17 | im 7.40 nm
lla tlr > K . . f > : l&Mii 500pm 10..10 | uu
1U-.I Clniul. s ( X > Kin 0 M imi 1001 am a oo iiin
.McGook..10 6am 10 r. imi MM imi : i > 4o tun
Akron , . . , 3.tSnn | 35nin :
Dotucr. . , 7t6 : | nii nnam 0.25pm 7Uam :
l Kr ir. I AiiniVK.
7.00am | 0.4r > | im
f ll ilftlly.n.l5 m I Kip- , il-illj
Kiprcs * . Unll > I \rcit Moii-
oicopt Satur : I iUC 0'2'i.Mn
ditvs 7:4B : p m | Mall , ilally 05' . pin
0. , St. 1 * . M. * O. STANDARD ' 11MB.
( Depot nth and WtMer 8tn.
io. SmUrd 7Ham : No. linhdtl , B 30 p hi
„ . . . . . , . " " ll4rtniu ;
AtUntln l.\p . . II,4oiiin Atiantla Kin" . lURftiu
Atlantic Mall . . 7:4,1 : nm Atlniitlo Mall , . . 7Upm
K vry ilay. ( Ti n fer Depot , Council IllulTs. )
t/ci\o . . . . , 7'iO : inn I Arrho lO'CRam
IAAMI n.Mpni | Arrho . . . . . , 4.05pin
C. , n 4 Q R. n.-8TANIAHD TIMK
Uall > 7M > m I KnproHj 10.00111
Eirrom > SMpm : | Uall * 7:23 : put
0. , K. P & P. K. R. STAN'DAKU 11MB.
Ull' 7:60 : am I Kinross. . . . . .in 00pm
860pmMall | > 7SA m
0. , M. & Ht. r.-STANIUllD TIMK.
. . .800am 1 1'aclflo Kx . B.M a m
itlantloKx > . . . .S&Oum JMall&Kx * . 7:00 pm
Snnilajs excojitcu.
O , It N. W. R. R. RTANDAnit TIMli
Hall * . 7.60am I Kii.rcw , . 1000am
Kxprors . 3.60pm | Mall' . 7:13 pui
' .Suudivi a oxoeptud.
Ml * . 800am ! Kiprou . 1000am
> prcim . ,0.00pm ( Mail * . 726pm :
Opening and Oloalng or Uolia.
Mori. oru. OUMI.
a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m.
AN. W.,0.U.I.&P.,0. O.
& Q.t St. Paul ft Sioux City. 11:00 D 00 5iO : 8:16 :
. , M. &S.1' . S C. & r. In Iowa B 00 6:40 :
'ub&uh KxprcM . „ . . . 12.30 0:16 :
Vn'iuhloral . D.OO 8:40 :
. C. , St. Joo&C. . 9.00 0.00 6:40 : O.b0
laaourl PicJflo . 7U0 ! 6:10 :
. , Ht I1. M. 40 . 6.00 7.10
nlon I'aclllc , ( I'.cilani. . 8-oa
nlon I'uclllc , lon\or K.I. . . . 4:00 : 7:80 :
. k Itopiibllian Valley. . . 1:30 : ti:3is :
I. &M. Exprena . 7:00 : 7:40
U. & jr. ( or PluUsimmth , S.
Uriiil , Aohlnnil jtnil Lincoln , 11:00 :
iitllco open Hunda\8 from 12.00 m. to 1:00 : p. m
_ U. K COUl'ANT. Po tina tcr
. , ,
1111 Douglu Bt Onuhi , Noli.
Calvamzea Iron Cornices
i Window * , Flntals. Tin , Iron mil Slut *
uotlnn , Spoclit'a mtout Motullla Hkllpht , Fatcnl
Jiicloii [ latcnot Bar nd llrackot HnfivlnI am
Kcnornl airont far tna ftbovo line ui io'jl ; . Iron
clnKi Orottiii s , llnlimtrndti , VcrctiiUi , Imn ftwii
1 tfii , Window Illlnclu , CdUr Oimnls : alii ron > i'
< Hill ' 'nt In. 1. 1wilnH
i THIS ni'.LTorntKincra-
tor In iimlo cs | > ruwly lor
the euro of dcrnnguiicntfl
of tlio Ke" < mtho onriim.
Th-ro la no mlttalce about
this Instrument , the con-
llnuoiia Btroam of Kl.l'.C-
HlllUITY iMJimcfttiriK-
tliriiiuh tlio iiarifi nnwt rtn-
tore them to lioallhy action
Do not ( onfmiml thli with
emu ull Ilia ( romhuail la lou. It IB/or tlioONK pco-
Illo | iirpnuo. I'orclruiluiH Khlnt ; lull Information ,
atltlrciM Uhcotor Electric licit Co. , 103 Wa lilngton
St. , CIlltORO 1 I.
iiv WAV oi
lt VIA
'omirrtliiK In Union DnpotH lit KnnmtHOIIy ,
Oiiiului nnd Honvoi with tlinnigli Inilnn lor
And ull points In tlio Great Went ,
CoiiiioctliiK i 0 mini Union Depot at CIlluiB1
\vltli tlirougli tmlim Tor
And ull ICiistuni'Itlei. .
Atl'rorla with tliroiiKli trulnu tor Iiiillunnit
oils , Clnclnniitl , OohiiiiliiiB , mid nil jmlntH li
tlMiHoutll-Knst. At Ht. J.DlllH with tlliouul
twins for ull points Houtli
Uk'guntDuy Ciuchui , Tailor Curs , with Ho
cllnliiKClmlruxi-atu ( ticuSinoklnif ) CIII-H will
Hovolvlntt OlinliT , I'lillniiin 1'iiluni Nlueiilni
( Jam und thu fumoiiH U. Jl. A ( { . DlnliiK < - ' r
run dally toand from CIC | | KO and Kunnnn ( Jlty
Chicago and Council Jllulln ! Ohlciitjo und He
Molnen , OhlenKO , bt. JoHeh | , AU-hlaon am
Topckft without cliaiiKC. Only throiiKh lln
riinnlnB thulr own traliin between Ulilcuuc
Lincoln und Donvvi. and OhlciiKU , Kaima
Olty and Danwr. Tliiou h cais liolMooi. .
IiilluniiwllB | und C'oiincll ] lluirn , via I'uorlu.
< ; OIN nroiiTii AMI SOUTH.
Bolld TrulnH of Kliu nt Day C'oiiclica am
Pullman TalacuSlccjiliiB Cum ro rnu dully ti
und from bt. LouU ; via Iliinnlbal ; } Jn ncy
KtoUiik , lliirllnKtou , CtdarltunlcUund
htatobi. 1'iiul and MlnnuiiKUU ; 1'urlorCurt
with IticllnlnK ( 'halm to and fiom Ht. J < enl
und rooiln. Only oiio tlmnifo of cars In t m
tit. l.oiiUund | ) c Molm i , lowu , Lincoln , NL
It luuUo tlui only ThiiiuKh Li
ItU UnoHii iiu III" Kmtt UA
LINK of Amiiliu , and In unl > fit > ully udmt
I < > | | | ( ) I HI till )
Finest Equipped Railroad in the World for
all classes of Travel ,
ThrtMiah Tlcttm vmthUUne IOT wxle atrt5'-
II. It. toii | in tlckc't olllcea In the UnituaStutci
' ' -
Omaha Ilonl Rstnto is a safe invesfcmcutfor both local and foreign cnp-
tnl , nud there is no property , in or around the city , Lufc wlmf. will bring
nirclinsers good returns in the near future. Wo have property for gale
r. ' r-il pMts f the city , nnd also
Surrounding the city , all of wlnchBwcJglndly show to partias who feel
Wo are often aalced which is the best part of the city for an in vest
ment ? Wo always advise patrons to buy whab is called
Inside Property
Jy this is meant property not inoro than one and a half miles from the
Iostoflice , and the nearer the center the bettor the investment. While
ulsido property will steadily advance in price , inside property will ad
vance much greater in'proportion. The now addition to the city kuown aa
1 LH
s located ono mile from the postoffice , west , only nine blocks from the
High School , and these lots are being | > old at less than half the price
sked Cor lots same distance in any other direction , and
i.s thcso lots will , ill a short time , bo'advanced to correspond to pricea
ots surrounding Hawthorne.
The contracthas [ been lot for grading Davenport street through this
addition. Work has been commenced and will bo finished early in the
ummer. Purchasers of lots in Hawthorne will not have to bear any
xponso for tlitfgrading. This is n decided ndvantcge. Priori for regu-
" *
835O ' TO 8575 ,
Wo have also some double lots in this addition at from $ GOO to § 050.
Tliia part of the city is being built up with the best class of residences
Near business , near High School , anditesirable in every particular.
\Yo have a Sow loU.leftliiftliiB addition , which wo will sell at lowec
iriccsthan can be had in surrounding addition" . Tholo's are beautiful-
y located and.largor.thau than thosp in adjoining additions , und will be
snld on terms to"suitBpurchaserB.
OaJLa * _ BlMiMMM MflJ H , CMlMaVr-MMMi
In Dotiglns County and all iinrts ot t > < > State.
A. iino tract of Innd three and one-h .If miles from Omaha at $40 per
JKJJU. AlKo a tract four miles from the bily at $ UO per acre.
Lots in this addition will bo sold on monthlypaymcmtB ; 10 i r o = mi
cash and-5 'percent , per montft. t
Of all the lots wo have for Bale , we think 'his is the most desirable
either for a home or tor investment , as it is near business nicely located
andjit probent prices is the cheapest property in the market , and first
buyers have choice of lots , _
213 South Uth Street , between Farnam and Douglas