Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE bAIL ? BJEE-OMAHA , FRIDAY , MARCH 7 , 1884.
* *
\T h T8 Rxmtorcr $100.000.00 Indffcnfllnu
rmr tiirht fo the nurbim Iluli Mour tnd < vn rk ,
UncloubUxllr ha ! to-rt y thj mo t T lu blo Jliill
In the woria. Now It tlnAf to non th t w
couldn't RffoM to ' u
'rotfft,1lmKJ1110JXlfhlif , | {
trncro , ofhlch ho Is thn wrrwcnWUTfl. wm't
tlio UliST Wmoliluu Tobacco ever innilc.
Tha ftie * of BlMkwrtl's Unll Durhun BrnoVIn *
Tobicco f r eirwxJ UiOM of ny other brandI In
thaworld , rimrljr lc u o It bMliern , ! . anil will
be , the brut thU can l miwin. All dcler h v It.
Look foi trtdo-matk of tha IJull on crerjr i > ckieo.
In wnmuilcil to wrur Inngi-r. til
Ltbo form iicator , witl Klvo b nr
'fatlnfactlon than nnyother ( r .
In tlio mnrlost , or jirlco pnlil wll
bo rcrundr < l TlioliidarrcmcntHui
Chlcaho' * l"-it phyglclani , nrcuni
-jny ouch Corrct. Prlro , Zlrnt Haiern Jpott Poatayr
ircpold , 81 , HI Alk your tnirrhiint forfiicLi *
WMtnioctuixn , UiU tt 34 J Itoadulpu Sk. , t/Mc& : o.
Will ctirn Nmoimn fi ,
I.tlnlmfnlthmuntUm I'nr
nlynl0 , Murnltfla , hilntlca
j Kidney , Hplnu nwl Mrcr
I < H rn aflout.A tlilnnllritrt
Illlunpp , lljMicpfllL , Coni * l
iintlon , PrfrfM.lii | * . Cnlari/i / ,
J'lU' JpluinT. IinnntfiKj ,
Dumb Ann ) , ITnlHpmiii Uteri , etc. Only nrlinlllir I lit-
nlclMtln AinerliathAtiirniH the Kli-ctrlrltjr mill nine
nctliim UirmiKli thn body , and can to rwlmrKfil In an In-
tlont by the patient.
SI.OOO WouldNotBu ] : it.
DR. TIoaxH I a Ictoil with rheumatism &n I
cured liy uilnR a bolt. To any ono allllctod with
that dlsOASO , I would V , buy Ilorno'M Eloctrlo Holt
Any ono can confer with mo by writing or calling ;
at my store , 1420 Douglas street. Omaha Nob.
MAIN OFFICK Opposite poatoinco , room 4 Fron-
scr black.
flTr'or ralo atC. V. Qooiltnan'a J > ruu etoro , ,1110
Fmam St. , Omaha.
n * < \rn nll H o O D
, ; ros IVAUUI HCAIK , * ui. STUV , .
| 4 Ton ( tm > , llruiii Jlux lllrluclcd
24O lit. . nAKMER'8 SCALE. 50 * .
The "ifr.L lotcctlvi''rM ) 07. t fffit. * 1
* CIO OTIl til KIWI , nnlnrrd 1 Illl K LI3T .
„ FORGES , TOOLS , &c ,
S B ST IWHIK HADK Tl > n I'l.lllXiOS , * *
i l ii. A 11 uuil jult iirt'ooU. Mia
And your work is douo for all time
to time to come.
The World
to produce a moro durable material
for street pnvo merit tlum the
' Sioux Fulls Grauite.
filled promptly. Samples sent and
estimates given upon application.
Sioux Falls.
J , T. ARMSTRONG , M. D. ,
OoU.Xi.Mt ! MXl.c3i
Until offlcei are rtpUrod from remit o ! lire , ofll
with Dr. TMlrer. Uvco { , ddgbtun Ulock Ifth
Mm Pouitut * mrccu.
Graham Paper Go , ,
17 and 413 North Uiln Bt , Bt. Louis.
y < ' > h f l'l Inr U g til all _
t3a"t without inM
. On
box No. 1 will cow any cue ID four dayi or loia Mo
S will oure MM wort oWtluaUi txuie no matter ol bow
iidlur. (
Allan's Soluble Medicated Bougies
Xo nauMHMd M ct tubebi , oopabU , or oil cl un
cb ) wood , te tM n % iIuto produce dypjiM b
dUoyiuir tj Citing * ol tlig atoumoJj , i'rloj | 1.6
JMd by all dnwrwU , or niul d cu receipt ol pn
jf&t farUiw uutiouUn u'l for ( JrraUr.
Tlio Hcsson'B Cntch.
'arowcll to the gfty ball ontrnnclng ,
Oood-by to the Iancor nn finoj
'or the proxont adieu to all ilnncing ,
No moro M the hello can I fthino
During I/cnt ,
lie wnltz and cotillon muit uliu
The grand Saratoga can rest ,
nil the partners I hnd without number
Mny leave mo to oolltmlo blmt
' Tni Ing Lent.
.hi the bran tint nrn niching and dreaming
Who called mo ft frivolous flirt
Vlion uncmiKcloay ! nmlllnR nnd boamlng
I gnvo them the planco * that hurt
JJoforo Lontl
'ot still thcro Is ono youth dollghtod ,
And I am ai happy nho ;
0 won \vhcro the others were slighted
When popped ho the question to mo
lioforo Lent ,
nil my love ho can dance like n fairy ,
HoV going to waltz mo through life ;
Cu wonder his step's light and airy ,
Ho's taking the belle for his wife
After Lent.
lioro'd ono thing , howo\or , that's jolly ,
Though Imp-year. I didn't ask him.
uRald , "Will you marry mo , Molly ? "
1 answered , "Iguws I will , Join ,
After Lent ,
rs. Stovlnn , of Auburn , Ky , , has a scrap
ullt m do of 11,285 pieces.
At n rpcont ball In Tendon a lady were a
ross studded with dead robins
Vassitr girls have n fire comtiany , but it does
ot follow that they use gum lie o.
Some silly Now York plrli part tholr hair at
10 side and their name * In the mldillo ,
A Now York lady wrltcH to The Sun to nay
mt her hiiftband annoys her very much by
loring , and wants to know what she can do
bout It.
Dr. Dooms Insists thatklsblng Is an Amcrl *
an woaknoftH , hut \v o reckon the doctor never
M noticed married men in this country ,
'lackland CJa/otto.
A IlntTaln woman will not answer n tola-
liono call until she hax fixed her hair , washed
or hands and brushed her teeth , Blio must
o employed at the exchange ,
rinltod and killed skirts remain in vo uo
nd the polonalso Is usually onon In front with
10 two edges trimmed with bauds of fur , a
ir cape and mult taking the place of a wrap.
A Cincinnati woman iravo her seal skin
xqiiotobo sold for the bonolit of the Hood
illororn. Her husband Is a briito if ho does
ot buy her n now ono , Possibly the lady had
n eye to that ,
Black Kgptlanlaco I * extensively used In
HJoront wldtluiover draporloa imd flounces
f satin , The finer black lace , tulle and notre
ro arranged In graceful draperies over both
lie nnd satin toilets.
In the Btaloof JIaryland marrlaga Is legally
Indlngnnly as long a ) the contracting portion
ro satUnail with aach other. This arrange-
iont Is said to bo a great safeguard against
jur bread. [ Burlington Kroo 1'ross.H
A Chicago book agent claims that his wlfo
will not llvo with him on account of his buai-
ess , Wo don't blnmo her. When she rniacks
tin In the face his cheek Is so hard that It
.early . , breaks her fiiigora. [ Chicago Sun.
llandkorchtofii for doml-tollot are of the fin
stand whitest of cambric , and have border *
f humming birds , embroidered In brilliant
uos or goomotilcat hemstitched denlgnu , with
: nets of bright-tinted flowers embroidered
pan them.
All this talk about the girls botng cra/y for
no dress Is not truo. Give them tholr clioico
lotwuon n $300 soalskln Haciiuo and n plain 510
ngagomont ring , and ulno out of avery tan
iris und a majority of wldowa will cheese the
ing , Kays an old bachelor.
Dowaro of the women with premature gray
.ilr , sayaa Wushington mun. It Is estimated
hat in that city thuro are five thousand lailiot
vlth snowy bangs und curls , und the whiter-
loaded a woman is the naughtier and moro
dangerous shu Is In that locality ,
1'crelan shawls with nn elaborate silk design
n a novel ground are cut up Into \initcn , and
liclr line coloring produces an eire < .tl\o wrap
or the carriage and for evening woar. Chan-
lo of all tlio colors In tlio pattern makes an
pproprlato trimming of fringe.
A Swiss glrdlo of velvet pointed above and
olow , bohlnd and In front , Is worn with a
olnted yoke , and pointed cuffs to match , on
glit cashmere and surah drosson. Young
Iris wuar a full gathered skirt with such a
ross , and put bands of the velvet straight
round the skirt.
A Jloxbury doctor , who detests curl mpors ,
ualntly says that ho not or could BOO why any
, 'oinnn should find it plo saiit to look like the
ovll in the morning ( having iu mind the pa-
or horns projootlng ever the forehead ) for tha
ako of resembling n noeross iu the afternoon.
{ Boston Transciipt.
A Japaueso woman dresses her hair once in
jvory four days. The luxury of hearing one's
wifo. with the ends of her hair in her tooth ,
and her mouth full of halr-pius , talking about
ho kitchen boiler in the morning before the
nlrror , is never oujoyed bv the Japanese hus
land moro than twlco a week. [ I'uck ,
The thief who stele a looking-glass from i
louse in this city the other day might have
cnonn that It would bo the first thing missed
> y the women. If ho had been sharp ho
vould hav o stolen the kitchen utovo or tlio
nop something that they wouldn't raise BO
mlcli fuaa about , *
Lilllo Davoreux Blake has carried her
woman's tights Ideas do far as to wrlto a lava
story In width the girl proposes to the man
andmarilos him , To carry out the Idea , slui
diould have the girl got Urunk , boat the man ,
nurdor him und finally ha hanged for the
tloody act. It would servo as n warning to
muicullne girls.
It is stated that dark hatred women are
) roferrwl to blondes by marrying men , To
iphold this theory , a Chicago physician has
ocontly published Htatlatics showing that In
ho area covered by Ida researches blendes are
rcnerally admired by poott nnd p ( Inters , but
irunottort moro frequently capture the wed
ling ring than do tholr light haired sisters.
Street milts are made qulto short for this
nouth , but llttlo trimmed. These u ho are
devout teuton followers usually dross In black
undo Dovoioly plain , with plain llnon collar
uid oulfs ; a cruss and chain the only orn-
nents ; tha capote is plain , with perhaps a few
mall jmmpon * on ; tlio black kid gloves , the
isual black or dark wrap , and a prayer book
loldomlald nslilo.
A pretty fuslnoii U to announce n birth by
sending to friends handiomo Illuminated cards ,
iroporly Intcrlbod , In 1'arls the color of the
: : ird denotes the BOX , n palo blue card , em
ilazouodith dark blue and elUor lottors.
> olng for A boy , and palo pink with rose am
IUer for a girl. Iu the loft corner are tha
'ather'd cout-of-arma und a monogram , and the
particular f > lgn of tbo zodiac dominant at tha
.itno of the child's birth.
Jewelry npporM [ to run moro than over iu
.ho line of bangles. Tha ilander pert bon
tour o ( plain gold , however , Is now roplacot ;
jy narrow bands ot arouad the outer hall
with gems of.Rome dorcrlptton , small dia-
nuuds being the most i > opular , Or else one
largo diamond is sunk into the solid band , or
sometimes a do\lco Iu jewels , such as abut-
iorcup , n daisy , a lizard , or a loaf , takes the
| ) l ce of the tlnglo stone , A ycry pretty set
lately presented as a birthday Rift , cansUtot
of % pair of bangle bracelets with hoop ear
rings and slender finger ring to match , all set
round with tiny diamonds , rubles and omer
aids , the genii representing Uio inttlali uf the
young lady's name.
It is strange , for Instance , what c/reglous
HS M men nd women will make of theinieUad
Iu dancing the figures of the germon. The
young people who uro Delected n loaders op
pour to cudgel thtir brains to lnut ordls
cu\er flgurei that are olmoht Idiotic. Hero Ii
something observed at a largo and fashionable
genuauouo night last week. The dancers
u era harnessed together in silken ribbon * , it
groups of three abroad ; on tha ildo three
Indian driven by a man , and on the other throe
men driven by a lady. In thin form , to polka
uiuulo , they danced from ono end of the ball
room to other One can liinglno how utterly
absurd they looked , And yet the figure wo
considered \try ton , and wa nudentand wl !
ho used a great deal during the Kantcr fcsthl
-NewYorkStar. | .
"Sal" Ie4 a young girl , looking out of the
upi r tory of eiaall grocery and addnwulng
another girl who vrua triny to enter at the
front door , "we've nil been to camp-moating ;
and been converted , no when you want miljc
Sundays now you'll ha\o to como In the back
way. "
In a certain fashionable ) London church
( idles bring their dogi to dlvlno s r\lco. They
ind them no much moro appreciative nd well
whavcdllitonetti than their husband , [ Bur-
mgton Frno 1'rcfls.
A Hov Mr. Klrkland , ot 'loxas , Is paid jo
loorly by his comrrfgallon that ho worked in
a saw mill during the week. A few who ha\e
icard him preach wish that ho would work In
ho saw mill Sunday.
"Arn you golrg to tha funeral this after
noon , Mrs. Filpr Mkodono lady of another ,
in llroadway. "Well , JM- ! rather guess I
will If mv huiband don't bring mo hgnio sotno
matlnco tickets , " replloil the latter.
A colored olddr wai fined $5 in Washington
on Monday for throwing a girl out of the
church nrid anil down a pair of stairs at n re
vlv l. The girl teotlfied that she I.ecamo In
terested In the sorxlcosand began to shout
A good old man up In Kpplng , X , II. , wont
to prayer-mooting the other night , nnd un
wittingly fell asleep. Ho won called up to
offer prayer , and , being dutifully uunchod by
ds bettor half , bellowed otiti "Uol-darn it ,
Uotsy , klndlo it yoursnlf. "
Hov. Charles H. Uaton , of Now York ,
reaching on gambling said : "To put down
gambling It will be necessary bo stop milling
n church fairs , and forladlos to give tin offer-
ng small odds on races in yonder park. No
ninleter who could justify those as a harmless
orm of gambling In In no condition to cry out
against gambling siloons. These llttlo things
ftro the devil's kindling wood , "
A Mothodst preacher in Now York recently
asked his congregation : "When hall Chris
tians love ono anothorl" This Is about OB hard
a conundrum as could bo propounded , ror-
laps ono Important stop In that direction would
jo for ono young lady Christian not to wear
a moro expensive soalikln sacnuo than her sister -
ter Christian ; and the male Christian should
not make a prayer half an hour long and thnn
ell his follow Christian a pound ot moat or
Hitter two ounces short.
A Uc-auty'H Two Ucau\ .
' 1'vo ' got two beaux , " she eald , "twoboaux"
( Hlio warbled In the choir )
'Tho tenor and the homo both
Yours tr ly do admire.
'I alternate ! when fears are scarce
AH truths in Bcicods of Vonnor ,
And stripling volcei fit the day ,
I patrom/o the tonor. " ,
'But whim 'tis night , and horrors throat
My timid soul to lasso ,
. ' crave a volto that frights the foe ,
And utilize the basso. "
Yonkcra uojotto.
Chicago is making propaatlons for the con
ventions. All the lamp-posts are boiug firm
ly reset.
A rare early spring day , served up cold , w ill
DO n ploasunt roinomboranco when we are in
the midst of the well-cooked days of mid
summer ,
A San irrancisto man was recently found
dead with a liottlo of water clutched In his
norvolrss hand. The jury rendered the vor
diet , "Death by drowning. "
The word iliulo has different meanings in
different localities. Iu Now York they call
a policeman a dude who won't club a man to
douth when ho geti ft chance.
The following curlouily worded advertisement
mont uppoxrcd In a recent Issue of u St , Louis
paper : "Wanted A comfortable room for
joung man tour feet by ton. "
With Tom Ochiltroo making faces atl'unco
Bismarck and John Finorty gratiug his tootl
at Gladstuno , this country piosont a terrible
ojstorn front , [ Atlanta Constitution.
Our court has taken active steps toward the
punishment of crime , mid wo bdpe that after
awhile oven killing a man will ho regarded as
n misdemeanor and punlsnablo by a fine.
[ Arkansaw Whoop.
Wo do not believe the report that Keolytays
his motor will bo running when it duinocratic
president is dotted. Kecly would not sjy
anything that would send the stock down to
forty degrees below zero.
With her senators falling out of tholr clnirs
her governors kissing prime donno , and hoi
ministers getting up bogus Interviews , it
would Boom that poor old Miwouri Is becomIng
Ing giddily sensational in her old ago.
" I'vvo hours to the noTt train out ! " ojacu
.atcd the mun who had got left. "How Ii
thunder shall I bo able to kill the time uuti
thouj" Hut ho readily accomplished this by
entering a bnrbor shop and waiting his turn to
bo shaved. [ LowellUitl/on.
With Yellow Calf and tbo revolutionary
Manltobansut Wlnnlpec , Kl Mahdl kicking
up dido in 1'gypt , the Canadians trying to
crawl out of the cracks , and the Irish climbing
out at the top , wo think that Mrs. Victoria
should stop writing books and go to meudliig
her imperial shoo ,
President Arthur eays that the bapples
hours of his llfororo spent in the school room
The unhupplost hours of some boys' lives won
also spent In a schoolroom ; but the period the
president rotors to is when bo wielded the
rod , and when ho felt its power AS a correctiv o
element. [ Norrlstovv n Herald.
A Frenchman writes to the Now York Star
"Mr. Utsmurck will affront the United States
Very good. So shall wo then take him Into
the hands and play on him the hose now
When that ho cannot luvo the hog American
then hall ho defend from the powerful K gl
American his bald head. Bismarck , buhl"
"Mr. Ryan , " said a Chicago commissioner
ti nn applicant for the renewal of his liquor
HCHUBO , 'I thought yon had resolved to qul
tha business and devote yourself to the work
of temperance reform. " "It'n thruo , every
wurrod yor sayln' , " returned Mr. Kyan ; " 1m1
that was befoor I know the convlnshuii was t *
mate hero.- [ lira > klyii 1'oglo.
She was mad. "Yes , " she cried , "yoiimado
a fool of yourself at Brown's last night , yoi
uiado ik fool of yourself on tha street-car , com
Ing homo , and'you are making a fool of your
self now. " Then ho Boomed to relent , "bu
no , " she added. "I out-lit not to say that jot
make a fool of yomuolf. In my anger I an
foigcttlng that jou are a born fool. " Later
Ho U now drunk. [ Cincinnati Saturday
Don't expectorate on the floor ; It soils the
Brussels , mid nukes tha wearing of overshoe ,
necessary. Try the celling or squirt ever tin
transom. Wipe your feet on the mat , if > oi
have to bring ono with you. Heavy men vvll
not idt down too abruptly lathe raw sllkhund
painted cushion urm clrurn ; it wetkons the
springs. If you must put your feet on tbo
marble top tablet , have a sponguroudy tovvipa
up the Htidn * . Do nut smoke ; nothing is moro
offensive to thoroporto/s than the odor of a
cigar a poor ono. Or oven a good one.unless
you have Its mate. Acumipauy all religioiu
notices with tha tegular advertising prices
Not as a matter of business , but on a ' 'guaran
lee of good fidtlu" [ Bradford Sunday Mall
1'rauk Gregory , of Great Bend , Kan. , soli
his wife for 4 > 75.
A young woman of Mouudsv Ille , W. Va.
has eloped with u tramp.
Carrie Wllcox , of Bradford , Pa. , lias renounced
nounced her religion to marry her Hebroi
lover ,
A fifteen-year-old Denver girl , who elopei
to meet her lover , took on olght-moutlui-old
brother with her ,
It Is rumored at Victoria , British Columbia
that a Chinaman worth SliOO.OOO Ii about t
lead to the altar a whltu girl , with tlio con
sent of tlio lattr' p reiits.
The weddlnjr which ban attracted the mo *
attention at Ionia , Iowa , of any for nemo tlm
past was that which unltod | n matrimony Lee
Fou , the Chinese luundrjman , and bylvl
Owens , a joung colored woman.
Two women were married to oath other I
Virginia recently. It may bo nl right fo
the present , but aft r ft while-think of It
the children will each have two mother * anne
no father -Kentucky [ State Journal.
Louis HarrUon and his llttlo California sot
brette , Mies Kmuia Bhultr , who is playing !
"Skipped by the Light of the Moon , " wer
married the day before their departure froi
Han Francisco , much ta the surprise of every
Lieutenant Danenhowor. who narrowly es
coped being frozen tn death In tbo Arctioro
jdonn. U to bo msrrlod at Ogwrgo. N. \ . , o
the V.'th ln t. It U tmggested that hl u
roundingn may bo tropical enough forever
| thereafter.
' A young man eendi the following adv ertUo
ont to the Boston Globe"Wanted , by
landromo , virtuous young man In easy clr-
im tancos , of brilliant talents , refined tantos
nd loving deposition , situation on son-in-law
n n wealthy family. "
A Georgia couple devoted tholr honeymoon
o killing n luimlro 1 rabbitR % nd salting down
10 moat for future lisa. This may not bo as
loasant ft w y of spending the honeymoon as
trip to Nlag ru , lint It will keep the wolf
way from the door for some tlino.
When a man marrloi n naturally shrewd wo-
nan his SUCCOKS In life is more than assured ,
'ho six weeks1 bride ( if n struggling young
ihystdati In ttiln city Imi more than donblod
ler husbAnd's ( iractlco by occasionally Inviting
10 neighbors' children Into thn house and
ceding thom on mince pie. [ Chlcngo Tele-
ram ,
Mr , nnd Mrs. Isaao Danlstor , of I'ldltidol-
ihla. celebrated the ( list anniversary of their
narriago , at tholr house In Chestnut street ,
n Wednesday evening. There woio present
11 the surviving children , with grandchildren
nd great grandchildren , and a largo number
f relations and friends. The couple were
tarried at Mount Hope , near Mlddlotovvn ,
N. Y , , on February B7J823.
Tlio 1)ll/.znril.
Boreas , ugly and old ,
Some five or six agon ago ,
Found the North I'olo too frigidly cold ,
And started south nn n blow.
Ho mot , In the coureo of his tour ,
Miss Cyclone , old Tompof > t's pot child ;
Tlio vbon mode love to tlio boor ,
And they wedded , this couple so wild ,
A conkury or 10 rolled away ,
When n son to thin pair fortune sent ;
The Hurricane taught him to play ,
The Whirlwind its aid to him font.
Tbo Blizzard for so ho.vvas named
Waxed proalor as time fjisd away ;
For his sharpness bo soon Locarno fainod ,
And is famed for it down to this day ,
[ Boston Globe.
Savannah has the oldest opera house in the
United States.
Mlnnln Palmer will return to America after
nothur provincial tour.
Lottn is playing to moderate houses at the
) pora Comlquo , London.
Kdwln Booth will next season travel under
ho management of 11 , M , Field.
Levy , the cornotost , is now play ing In a beer
oloon Ono by ono the roses fall ,
The daughter of Ole Bull nppoare to have
nheritecl some of her father's genius for play <
ng the violin.
Miss Oder , an American prima donna , will
nako her debut in 1'arix at the Opera Com-
: | ue , In Gounod's "Mlrvlllo. "
Londoi. Truth says Mary Anderson Is _ no
> ottcr player than many au actress earning
it a week in a stock company.
Mr. Thoodero Thomas' orchestra will assist
it the public examination of the students of
.ho Now York Colllogo of Music at Steinway
lall on HUt inst.
Mr. Carl Kosn is about to establish an opera
louse in Liverpool , nnd for that purpose II-.B
Hirchasod the Royal Court Theatre thorepay-
ng about iMU.OOO for It.
Mmo. Modjesko's husband , the Count Bo
'enta , muds her a present of a pair of SOOOC
diamond earrings tlio ether day , from the ro-
suit of a sale of some prize cattle on his Call-
ornia ranch ,
Mary Anderson has decided to play in Ger-
nany. That is right , Mary , and when old
liisniarck comes out of his box and asks for an
ntroduution just say a good word for the
American hi g.
Mrs. Laiigtry's sooson in Now York has
) eon a complete success. Her next engage
nent will begin at Niblo's CJarden oii'Apri
. ' 8 , wheu she ulll appear as Galatea in "J'yg
inallou und Galatea. "
The latest attempt at theatrical manage
ment In New York was made by Mr. McGi\-
ley , ox-hack driver , undertaker , and saloon
cooper. Ho backed Miss Blackburn in Salmi
Morse's "On the Yellowstone , ' which is one
if the PikeVpojk-i.r-burst sort of plays. Me
jiivoy is now busted and Johu Station is with
out a rival.
Speaking of the complaint against tlio high
trices charged bv opera mtnagers , the Chicago
Jurront says : "Tho question is , how can the
iricon bo roducnd ? If thoto were a multitude
of I'uttls nnd Nilssons , their competition for
public favor would bring about the desired'ro-
luctloii. This same result would be reached ,
n a great measure , also , if the public were
: iroperly educated up to the appreciation , ol
music for its own sake and would attend the
) porn , not no much because of curious interest
n the performers , personally , ns , because ol
the adequate rendering of the music in hand. "
The papers have indulged in a good deal ol
ot ubout the alleged beauty of Mine , Morcella
Sombrlch , the prima donni. If they , were to
; ell the truth , they would say that Mmo.
Sombrich is a stout , -short , round-faced , near-
lighted , red-cheeked , short-nosod , full-busted
lady , with a pleasant and intelligent expres
sion , but with no handsome features asida irom
v low , broad brow , and very white , oven teeth.
If Mmo. Sembrich were not Mine. Sembrich
if she were not the great singer eho is , she
would never bo ti.ontloned as being moro than
passably good-looking. There aio precious
W haudsoino women in grand opera now.
1'attl holds her own better than any of her
contemporaries. Nilsjon'is massivo. robust ,
and cold as a Swedish snow-drift. ' GorHtor IE
8 < iuat and Dutch } * , Scalchi was never accused
) f personal beauty , and MInuio HauK , never
landsomo , has grown obese. Tilings have , in
ihort , como to such npass that he who is blind
lotos nothing at a poitormanro of grand opera.
[ Chicago News.
Tlio Skeleton at the Konst ,
Ojsters on the half-shell
See the bill of faro
Toiidetloln steak too.
Juicy , rich and rare.
Butter on the sldo dish ,
Crackers on the plate :
1'rizzlod sweet potatoes ,
Bettor novur uto.
Canvas back preparing ;
Celery in stow ;
Churlotlco russo to follow ;
Almonds just a few ,
Ono email cup of colfoo ,
Then a ulirarotto ;
Caesar ! what a banquet !
Teeth hdglu tovhut. .
Wont there bo a sUughtor
On the food to night ?
A cockroach In the water !
Gono'a my nppotito.
Tha negroox of Jamaica taar off the husk ol
the cocoanut with thtlr teeth ,
Tha champion well behaved baby Is In i
museum1 at Dallas , Texas. It Is petrified ,
A lady In Wllllmautlo , Conn. , dodged th
iiioaslns for eighty-four yean ) , but was uaugh
last week.
Mrs. JamcJ , of Brockton. Mass. , now 31) )
WAS married wlioiv , she was 16 , and has hue
twenty-seven children ,
Now Orleans has just had a baby showwitl ,
ninety-nine infanta on exhibition , The firs
prize was won byaBovon-montha-oldbaby thn' '
weighed thirty-one pounds.
A cane made from a rail said to have been
tpllt by Abraham Lincoln in 1800 was among
the relics dlsplajod ut the recent celobratloi
of a golden wedding In Chicago.
A cow > elonglng to Joseph Abbott , of Met-
amore , 111. , recently gave birth to five calves
one of which U the common size. Tha four
smaller ono * died shortly after birth.
A cow-horn measuring four feet plover
Inches In length , and eighteen Inches around1
the base , | on exhibition at Monticollo , Fla
and U supposed to be the largest covv-horn ii
the world.
A catamount four and a half foot long , that
has been engaged for gome time past in the
darkey's occupation of stealing lions and goesi
from tlm familloa In tha neighborhood ol
Ackloy , Iowa , was recently captured iu a trai
The Boston bird show embrace * nearly 2.50 <
eutrles. It contains a frazlllan macaw that
can repeal the tint thirty Hues of the Oocla-
ration of Indeoeiidenco and a canary that
whittles "Yankee Doodle. " We hardly kuow
what the world would do without Boston.
A Portland man put a large spider on a
floating chip InaiKmd. After walking all
about the rides of the chip the spider began
.0 cost a web f or the shorn. Ho throw it as
ar as tiosstblo in the air and with the wind.
It caught on Koine blades of grass. Then
.timing hlmnel ! about the spider began to
laul the chip toward shore.
During the burning of n London mu lo hall
a cat exhibited remaikablo pluck and dovo-
, lon. Her kittens were behind the scones on
, ho stage. She was repeatedly driven back by
, ho smoke , but succeeded In roscuelng throe
( Ittcns. She hurried back for the fourth , but
returned no more. After the fire the charred
remains of cat and kitten wore found lying
ildo by side ,
Mrs. Sleight , of Now York , has for pots a
ilnck-and-tan pup and n young alligator. Tlio
, ' * o haxo a great liking lor each ether and are
together nil the tlrnn. The dog has left his
soft cushion to sleep on the hard floor with his
jlond. When the dng is called to the dining ,
room to bo fed the alligator crnop ? after it tu
toring peculiar guttoral sounds , showing its
displeasure at being left alone. Ono of these
Uys the alligator will swallow the dog.
BALTIMOKE , Md. . February 29. - [ Special.- ]
Laura La Ynrnio , known in all museums and
drcusosaa the tattopd woman , gave birth
Thursday night In this city to a boy baby ,
who boars uion his body all the marks pos.
Bossed by his mother. The boy is a bouncing
ittlo follow , and both ho and hU mother are
doing well. Dr. A. Trego Sholtrer , of this
city , attndod the woman in her confinement ,
nud \orymuch surprised when ho found
.lio babe's skin marked as if with India ink ,
Upon it are designs of flowers , loaves , an an
chor nnd chain , an eagle , nnd ether figures. A
number of doctors ( if the city have boon called
n to see the babe , and nil have expressed stir-
, iriso at the curious reproduction of the marks
on the mother's skin.
Tlio Dlniplo cm Hrr Clicck ,
Within ft nest of roses ,
Half hidden from the sight ,
Until a smllo discloses
Its loveliness aright ,
Behold the work of Cupid ,
* Who wroucht it in n freak.
The witching llttlo dimple
The dimple on her cncok !
The ( ( irons' lays and glances
To lure the sailor night ;
The perilous romances
Of fabled Lorolie ,
And all the spells of Circo
Are roft of charm and weak ,
Beside the dainty dlmplo
The dlmplo on her cheekl
Were those the golden ages
Of knights and troubadours ,
Who brighten olden pages
With tourneys and amours ,
What lances would bo brokon-
' What silver lutes would speak ,
In honor of the dimple -
The dimples on her cheek !
Samuel Miuturn Peck , In the Manhattan ,
Kastcr Sunday occurs on April 13.
There ore 200,000 Catholics in London.
Charlotte , S , C , , has a colored salvation
Now York City has ono church to every
fi,000 inhabitants.
Pero Hyacintho , accompanied by his family
has arrived at Los Angelas , Cul. Ho goes
from there to San Francisco.
There are 020,000 Campbollites in the
United States. They have 5,000 churches
and 3,700 preachers. They are strongest h
Ohio nud Indiana.
A file has been seurod at Luttorworth , in
Knpland , for the monument of John Wychllo
which , it is intended , shall bo 80 : up to cum-
momor.tto the five hundredth anniversary ol
his death.
'Among the stained glass windows that have
arrived from Vranco for St. John's church , m
tlio City of Washington , is ouo ordered by
1'rctidont Arthur , as iv memorial to hU do
coated wlfo.
An American church is soon to be built in
Dresden , the nora 3ary funds having been
raised at a series of private theatricals recent
ly pivon under the auspices of the American
colony iu that city.
There are about 00,000 Friends in the
United States and o'U mooting-houses. The
Quaker meeting-house in Bai'eyvilln ' , Mo. , will
shortly hnvo u bell , which will bo the Ii rat over
used by the Friends In America.
The Baptists of Detroit uro making prepara
tions for a national meeting to be hold in that
city iu May. The anniversary meetings will
begin May 20th aul continue sev en da } s ; from
nix hundred to a thousand delegates are ex
Montreal has a far bettor right to the title
of "Oity of Churchoi" than Brooklyn. Itnot
ouly supports hixty 1'rencli Catholic churches ,
but the French Cathodrul situated thcro is the
largest church building on this continent. It
is built of limestone , und 15,000 people have
often been assembled under its roof.
A number of Moravians ot Bethlehem , Pa. ,
as also tivo of the students in the graduating
class of the Theological seminary , have v olun-
toorod to go as missionaries to Alaska. It is
probable that a missionary , who undeistands
the Ksimiuiaux language , .will bo transferred
from Labrador or Greenland to Alaska , as
preacher , as soon us the new mission is es-
tablisod ,
Among the adherents of the Mormon church
In Utah ure 50,000 of Scandinavian and Lu
theran stock. A special effort is being made
to restore thorn to Christianity The 1'resby.
teriuuB are working through Norwegian evtu
golista. The Methodists have appointed a
Norwegian missionary to Salt Lake , where he
has erected a church edifice and opened a
school. The Swedish Lutherans have sent a
minister , who has gathered a congregation ,
And a Danitdi Lutheran clergyman will soon
commence operations.
The latest revised statistics giv o the lloman
Catholic population of the United States as
(1.0.28,170 ( this year against 0,390,851 last jour.
There ure K ! archbishops , 57 bishops , dSi" , :
priests , 1,051 ecclesiastical students , I ! 013
churches , 1,150 chuios | ! , 1,170 stations , 2i ec
clesiastical seminaries , 87 colleges , tt)3 ) r.cado
mics , 2,532 parochial schools , 481.831 pupils
attending the parochial schools , 201 asylums
aud 131) ) hospital' ' . Thoaii figure * show an in
crease of ' 'S'J priests , 217 ecclesiastical stu
dents , 372 churches , ( i colleges , 20 acadumlos ,
11 parochial schools and 10 asylums , but a do-
crousu of ! l ecclesiastical seminaries.
There are eighty American studnnts attend
Ing the University of Berlin this year.
New York state hai 1,075,100 children ol
school ago , but only about 1,000,000 nttood
school. %
Thn Massachusetts house has pateed a bill
furnishing free school books to all pupils of the
public school.
At the recent examination of law students
in Toklo only seventeen out of 1,017 candidates
satisfied the prescribed tests.
One of the best Greek scholars in this conn
tiy , during a recent lecture on the benefits o
a classical education , stated that thuro does
not exists a graduate of an American college
who can properly affix the accents to a page o *
printed Greek ,
Iluuior 111 tlio Htoinnuli.
'Much of the distress and sickness at
tributed to dyspepsia , chronic diarrhoea
and othur causes is occasioned by huinoi
in the stomach. _ Several cases , with nl
the characteristics of these complaints ,
have boon cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Other cui us oflected by this medicine are
so wonderful that the simplest statement
of them affords tlio best proof that it com.
bines rare curative amenta and when once
used secures the confidence of the people.
A Michigan fattier objects to hU sou taking
up the study of phj Biology , which Is Iu the
ri'gular course of tlio schools. The authorities
iiiniBt. The parent thinks he can select what
studios ho chooses for his boy , and t\lll take
the matter into court.
Hothrortl'ti Acid I'liospliuto.
Specific Virtues in Dyspepsia ,
Du. A. JKNKINH , Great Falls , N. . ,
saya : "I oan testify to its seemingly
almost specific virtues in coses of dya-
pupaia , nervousness and morbid vigilance
or wakefulneas. "
A now peat of the Grand Army hoi
been organized at Ottumwa.
Has the Largest Stools in Omaha and Makes tt
Juat received nn aasortmont fur surpassing anything in this market , comprising
the latest and most tasty designs manufactured for thin spring's trade and covering
a range of prices from the Cheapest to the most Expensive. '
Parlor Goods
Now ready for the inspection o cus
tomers , tlio newesb novelti's in
Suits nud Odd Pieces.
Draperies. | | i
Complete stock of nil the Intest , frr
styles iu Turcoman. Madras and *
Lnce Curtains , Etc. , Etc. , ' \
1206 , 1208 rnd 1210 FnrnntnS * .
To All Floors. OMAHA , NEB.
Henley , Haynes & Van Arsdel ,
1106 Farnam Street , - . - OMAHA , NEB ,
Proprietors. Superinteudne
Omaha Iron Works
ill and Grain [ Elevator Machinery
Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth ] '
\Vo arc prepared to furnish plans and estimates , and will contract for
the erection o Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for changing.
Flouring Mills , fromStone to the Roller System.
USgr'iJvpecial attention given to furnishing Power Plants for any pur
pose , and estimates made for same. General machinery repairs attended
to pronytiy. Ad'lr sq
Heating and Baking
In only attained by uaiuj ;
Stoves and Ranges ,
Fct sale by
' . .
Wholesale Druists !
Paints. Oils. Brusno * *
OMAttA < '