T TTT ? - < - YAtft ; O A A tr Ac * vtTr tl THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. THIRTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. SATURDAY MORNING , MARCH 8 , 1884. NO. 223 , THE NATIONAL CAPITAL Spencer Telling the Story of the Stai Route Investigation , He Ignored a Subpoena on Oonk- ling's ' Advice. The Atlantic & Pacific Grant tc bo Forfeited , Tko Bill for Dividing Up the Sioin Lands In Dakota , Tholloturn of tlio ImHkor KcHolutlov and Mr. Bismarck's "Itcjrrot. " FUOBX WASHINGTON. Sl'KXUEU ON THE HTAll ROUTE CASKS. "NYAsmNOTON , March 7. Ex-Sonntoi Spencer , of Alabama , now a resident oi Nevada , was examined to-day by UK Springer comtuittoo concerning the siai route invoatigation. Early January , 1881 , ho said , I wont from Nevada tc Now York on business. Ono day , while walking on Broadway , 1 mot Mr. James , them postmaster at Now York , who asked mo to accompany him to his oflico. I did ao , and when at the oflico ho told mo he wanted to go into Gar field's cabinet at postmaster general , and asked mo to aic him. I said I would assist him. After wards Irondorcd what aid I could. When ho had boon appointed postmaster genera I said to him that ho had the opportunity few men had in a lifetime to make a grca reputation. Ho asked hovr. I roplicc that ho could make the postollico depart iiiont self-sustaining the first year , ant the next year could reduce postage totw < cents. How' ? ho again asked. By break' ing up the star route ring , I replied. ] took u pledge from him that what I saic should bo strictly confidential , oa sovora men connected with the ring lived in tin west and were almost neighbors of mine 1 desired that my name should not go t < the public as an informer. Afterwards . wont to General Garfield , and received i pledge from him that what I would say ti the postmaster general should bo contl dontial. Ho gave mo the same ossuranci that James had given that my informa tiou should bo a secret. It was at m ; suggestion that Woodward was sclocto < to take general charge of the invcstiga tion Spencer continued : While in NOT York 1 frequently mot A. M. Gibson Ho told mo what ho know , and after wards .showed me a table of the ninety three routed ha had prepared. Wo mo in Washington and together wont ti Woodward's room , -where ho was madi acquainted with Gibson's information I remained in Washington about thro months , most of thotimo getting up evidence donco for tno star route cases. I remained mained in Washington until Garfield wa shot I made up my mind that boyoni saving the government two or three mil lion dollars a year , the invcstigatioi would bo a failure. Receiving no pa ; for what I was doing , I paid little attoii tion to the subject , and in the latte part of March , 1882 , went to Nevada am remained until June. Spencer then gave an account of hi return to New York , hia being subpw uaed to appear in Washington , of hi coming hero , remaining two weeks , am of his efforts alone and with Secrotar Chandler to secure an interview wit ) George Bliss. Wile sitting in one of thi hotels with' Secretary Chandler , Blis came to the latter ono day. They wen put and talked two or three hours. ' interrupted them several times , but Blis aaid ho didn't want to see mo. Ho toll Secretary Chandler ho desired not to soi mo until I went on the stand , and , if , did not swear to what ho expected , h would cross-examine mo. I romainei here till the court adjourned , and won to Now York and showed Senator Conk lia my nubpuina. Ho said it was not ii lepjal form , and advised mo to go and at tend to my business. I asked1 if ro ; staying in Washington had not waive * my rights to leave. Ho said no , and followed his advico. I want to state , said the witness , tha of , my own knowledge I know _ no mate rial fact that would bo admitted as ovi deuce that would tend to convict , am through Secretary Chandler this wa stated to Bliss. Witness referred to th testimony of ex-Postmaster Genera James , in which lie said Spencer toll him that Doraey had gone to Senate Spencer's room and said "See how I di business , " whereupon ho placed $5,001 or $0,000 in an envelope , put it on th table , and Brady came in , took the envelope velopo and money and loft. I did no say I had seen Brady and Dorsoy in i room together. I never saw Dorsoy pa ; Brady any money. James was mis taken. Wo have talked BO much on th star route investigations that ho ma1 have got things mixed. If I made sue ! a statement 1 must have been drunk , nni I am not in the habit of getting drunk Witness then said in regard to the sta route prosecutions that he always fol that the government took the most com plicated coses when there were some no complicated. Ho thought nobody wa prosecuted except the Dorsoy combine tion which hold about 15 per cent ot ei edited routes. Witness stated tha § ocond Assistant Postmaster Genert Elmer told him of an agreement bein made to compromise with the large contractors by arbitration , that Elmc would bo the man selected on the pai of the government and Ingorsoll on th part of the contractors and George Blis would bo the third. The arbitrator ! however , never mot , such action boin illegal , It was an open secret , witnee continued , that the contractor * had t nay thirty thr o and one-third per center tor expediting and increasing the service It was supposed to gototho second ossii tant poatmaiter genera ] , but witness w not in the secret and did not know pos ; lively. . A. M. Gibbon is expected to appei to-morrow THE SIOUX HILL. Mr. Dawcs reported to the senate t < day , from the select committee appoin ed to examine into the condition of tli Sioux Indians in Dakota , an original bite to provide for a division of a portion < the reservation of the Sioux Indians i that territory into a separate reservatio and to secure relinquishment by the Ii diana of title to the remainder. In coi sideration of tab relinquishment , tli seventh article of the treaty of 18G8 securing to thorn the benefits of oxccu ion , shall continue in force twenty year , 'rom date of passage of the act , and tin secretary of tno interior shall purchas ( and supply them with milch cows nol exceeding 25,000 , and bulls nnt exceed ing 10,000. and $100,000. shall ho sol ipart as the permanent fund for thoii lonoGt , to boar interest at the rate oi ivo per cent per annum , one-half of sucl ntorcst to bo applied to thi iromolion of industrial and othoi iducation. THK LASKEK UKSOI.UT1OX. Herr Von Eisondockor , Gorman minis or , said to-day that ho had just rocoivoc rom the Gorman government the rose ution of condolence passed by thi American congress on the death of Hori Jaskor and would forward it , as wol as the accompanying letter transmitted 'rom ' Prince .Bismarck , to the depart men ! of state in a few days. Ho added thai 10 had had no communication or under standing whatever with the foreign af < 'airs committee in regard to the matter , lo proposed to deal entirely with the department of state. The loiter ol . 'rinco Bismarck returning the tosolu .ion , ho said , had already boon publish' cd in substance but in addition it OX' pressed Bismarck's regret at being com > ollod , under the circumstances , to ro urn the resolutions. COMMITTEE WORK. The senate committee on torritorioshai agreed to give the name "Lincoln" to thi low territory which it is proposed tc nako out of the northern portion of Da tola. It was also decided to call on the exec ilivo department and governor of Nov Mexico for information in regard to thi recent alleged irregularities in the organ ! zation of its legislature. The governor n a dispatch to Senator Harrison , say the organization of the legislating i strictly regular and according to law. The joint committee of the two house o-day decided to call on loading journal sts and newspaper proprietors to giv their views on the pending nowspape copyright bill at an eaily day. I.AK1) FORFEITURE. The house committee on public land ; o-day decided unanimously to recommend mend forfeiture of the land granted thi Atlantic & Pacific railroad lying cant o the junction of that road with the Atchi son , Topeka it Santa Fo railroad am lying west of Mojave , Cal. , and whicl lias not been patented to the road. Mr. Anderson moved that the ontir grant to the road be forfeited , but UK proposition * received but two votes these of himself and Shaw. The landi amount to about 40,000,000 acres. Thi road has earned about 10,000,000 acres MAIL CONTRACTS. The house committee on postollico has agreed on a provision governing mai contracts. It requires that bonds of con tractors bo approved by postmasters alon the proposed route , that the postmasto general shall not be bound to consido the proposal of any person who has ai tempted to defraud the postofiico depart ment and that hereafter no sub-lotting c transfer of any mail contracts shall b permitted unless the annual componss tion under the contract for the seryic shall exceed 81,000 and in no case with out the consent in writing of the posl master general. IMl'ORTATIOX OF CATTLE. The treasury department , in view ( the foot and mouth disease in Ores Britain , has called upon collectors o customs at loading seaboard cities fc their views as to the propriety of prohit iting the importation of cattle. I'KOl'OSALS WANTED. Proposals are invited , for the purchas } f the vessels Bonicia and Cijano n Mare island , appraised value $140,00 and $120,000 respectively. A Greet Cattle Scheme. ST. PAUL , March 7. Morton Free man , of England , owner of 25,000 cattl at the head of Powder river , in Montana in a published letter this evening oul lines a scheme for the shipment of cattl via. Duluth and Canada to the soaboar and Europe on the hoof to bo fed thor for market. Ho says the English go\ ornrnont is introducing a bill for th purpose of making easy shipment of feeders for that countr by tray of Canada and th Lakes. Ho believes the Northern PC cific will have almost a monopoly of th western carrying trade , and Chicagc "as far as our western shipments ari concerned , is doomed. England , " h said , "could take 11,000,000 head of cattl annually if the western United State could supply the boasts. " The lotto lias created an excitement among th dressed beef men. More .Scared Thau Hurt. FAIKIO , Dakota , March 7. The agon of the Dominion government hero claim to have discovered that a mooting we hold hnre last night by secessionist agitt tors , and that fiery speeches were mad by M. I. McGtiiro , of Chicago , an Harry O'Neal of Fargo. Several wage loads of arms were yesterday unloadoi at the Fenian headquarters , and it i oven stated that a detachment of troop bos started for the border , but this is nc generally bolioved. Holinkcn's Absent Collector , IJoiioKKH , N. J. , March 7. The al Bonce of .City Tax Collector McMahor excites surprise. There is some appr < hension. though no other reason tha his unexplained absence , for suspoctir irregularity in his accounts. Ho pai into the treasury the full proportional amount duo from him. His bondame and relatives expect him to turn up sooi His books bavo not yet boon oxaminoi The Knowlcs WOIICKSTKR , Mass. , March 7. TI will of Hon. L. J. Knowlea , in addittc to largo bequests to public institutioi in New England , gives 810,000 to Cai ton college , Northfield , Minn. , $2,000 < the American board of foreiim mission After the death of his widow $5,000 goi to the Doano college , Nobraskn , ar. $5,000 to Washburno college , Topoka. Itorcuiie Iteform , WATEUVIM.E , Maine , March 7 , TI resolutions accompanying the democrat state committee call for a state convei tion to denounce the present tariff ay U-m , approves the action of the ways at means committee of congress , which i : idicatos a determination to pUce the dot ocracy of Maine on a platform of rovoni > reform , THE EVIL DOERS , The Safe of the Q Paymaster Crackci $27,000 , Worth , Trank Rand's ' Bloody Career Ends In Suicide , Juilty of Thirteen Murders ant Other Orimos , 1'ho Results of a Rush to See th < Orouoh Butchers , Tlio St. Ijouls Hnfo lloblicr lo bo Onpturoil. OIUtl- : AND OUlMlNAIiS. nOIUIEUY OP TIIE "lj" PAYMAHTKK. CHICAGO , March 7. Last Saturday , bout 1 o'clock in the afternoon-paymas or 0. S. Bartlett , of the Chicago , Bur ington & Quincy railroid , loft his oilici or lunch without taking the procautioi o close the combination of the safe it _ which the moneys were kept for paymonl > f employees , was deposited. On loav ng the room ho did so without waitinj ho return of the other attaches of the of ice who had gone to lunch. Before hi oturn , the safe was robbed of al ts contents -with the exception o ono package of nickels am mall charge , the total amount disappear ng as near as the company oflicials cat ostimalo being § 27,000. On faols bo. : oming known and investigation boitij nstitutod paymaster Bartlett was dis charged from the service of the compan ; or iiogligonco and the matter placed ii .ho hand of detectives. An effort wai made to keep the adair secret in the hopi ; hat the detectives would bo facilitate ! n their work , but the affair bocominj mown and in the belief that exaggerate ! statement would bo published concornini ; ho robbery , the oflicials showed i willingness that the exact facts bo furn nishod the public. The theory adyancoi jy the troaaurer of the company is tha .ho robbery was accomplished by a snoal ; hiof. Two doors led into the cashier' office from the vacant room , ono of whicl was found ajar on the paymaster's return The paymaster's room is located in th ; onoral offices of the company , on th iccond floor of the building and was con structed specially with a view t guard against intrusion or theft Mit in this instance the most ordinar precautions appear to have boon ignored The explanation given by the paymai ; or is that it .was supposed the vacan : oem adjoining his oflico was always kef ocked but in this casa it was proved otr. crwiso. This door was close to and ac joining the vault in which the safe wn ocatod. When the paymaster loft th room , the cashier of the company and a assistant who occupy practically th same room , but sit at desk somewhat removed from th vault , * and in the anglo which pai tially conceals the entrance to the vaull so that any one entering from the vacan room could have accomplished the rol bery without their lyiowledgo. Th paymaster assumes the robbery must hav boon committed by some one having con ploto knowledge of the roo'm and habil of its occupants. Doteptives have advanced a now thoor to the effect that the robbery did nc actually occur as stated * by certain err ployeos , but that some trusted employe is a defaulter and selected the "robber ; method" for covering his shortage. A BLOOD IIIIIUTY VILLAIN. CinuAao , March 7. A telephone mcf sago to The Daily News states Fran Rando , the desperado who made tli attempt upon the lifp of Deputy Mi Donald last Saturday night , at Joliet , an who was placed in solitary confinement mccocdcd in ending his career by hanf ing himself last night. Rando's ro : name was Charles 0. Scott. Ho killoi no less than five men i 1877 , and is supposed to have mui dorecl thirteen persons in Indiant Illinois and Missouri , Ho was original ly sentenced to the Iowa ponitonthry fc burglary , ho escaped , and fearing arrei became a tramp. Ho was afterward sen to the Michigan City prison for burglar jndor another name and left there in ' 7 < Elo robbed a farmer near Gibson , 111.an being pursued by a party of six , ho kille two and wounded throe others. U committed almost a similar robber near St. Elmo , 111. , and , being followe by a party of citizens , killed three of th latter and escaped. Ho was finally caf turod in St. Louis , after a desporat struggle with the officers , and , on h : trial for the Gibson tragedy , escape with a life sentence. His pris'on life he boon marked with throe or four acts c desperation similar to that of last Satui day night. Ho used his under clothes t oflectjiis death , and his lifeless bed was discovered on the Opening of the sol itary this morning. THE UUOUUII MUKDEU JACKUON , Mich. , March 7. Thismori ing the examination of Jud Crouch an Dan S , Halcomb , charged with the ft mous quadruple murder of the Croud family , on November iilat , began in th presence of n largo crowd of poopl which thronged every available space ( the court houso. The forenoon was cot surnod in the examination of three wi noBsos , Roardon , Parks and Hutchim The two former testified as to fmdir the bodies , and the other to well know facts. Hutchins told of the conduct i Holcomb and Jud Crouch after tl murder was mode .known , and then sta od that the astod unconcerned. Judd wi not affected by the news as lie ahoul have boon. After adjournment , as Ho comb and Crouch were led back to jai the crowd pressed forward to got a goo look at them. The cruth was foarfu several women fainted and were wif difficulty saved from being tramped death. All portions of the country wo. represented and the interest was intone THE LONO IHLANII BUTOHEll , NKW YOUK , March 7. Two indie nionts for murder , throe for assault wil intent to kill and ono each for robbo and burglary , have boon found again Charles A Rugg , the colored assassin Lang Island. A UUKDEUED 1'EDDLEK. ST. Louw , March O. The skull of peddler murdered near Cahokia , llli several days ago , which has been imsMi eiuce the remains were discovered , w discovered this afternoon in n hut ncai , ho place where the murdered body wju bund , A negro named Brown lived it ho hut and no and his wife wore arrest od. A bloody ax was found in the hnl and other evidences of murder. AN AU.Rir.l ( > TKLLKlt. WICHITA , Kas. , March 7. A mar who is claimed to bo Teller , the St. xmis express robber , wai arrested here his afternoon and turned over to the horiff , 1IIK U11IUVI1T. MUIUIF.UK1U LAKE PIIOMDENCH , Li. , March 7. Noali Jackson , a negro , was hanged o-day for the murder of his fifteen yean old wife in July last The execution was witnessed by,000 people. Jealous } was the cause. . A .susrKxm-.n coi.Lr.CTOH. BUFFALO , March 7. William liuclv lor , collector of customs nt Fort Erit , Janada , has boon suspended -ponding at nvcstigation on a charge of embezzle' ' nont of $500 of trust funds. OVKH IN IOWA. A NKWSAAl'Ell IX TUOUI1LK. ( racial Ulsptnch to TIIK BKK. DAVBxroiiT , March 7. The financial roubles which have boon hanging ovei 'ho Davenport Gazette for some Unit mvo taken several now turns during the ast twenty-four hours. The Molint 'apor company swore out an attachment 'ostorday for $1,075 on the engine and nd folders. Later the Davenport Na ioual batik followed with attachment : ovoring the Associated Press franchise ypo and personal property to sccurt il,20 ] of past duo notes. Other crod- tors attached the print paper , and thi herilf remained in charge of the oflici uring the day and night. At i ) o'olocl his morning a compromino was made b ] which the paper 'was allowed to go ti iross.nud during the daynotwithstandiii [ other attachments , it was arranged tc lave the paper issued till Saturdaywhei a full mooting of the stockholders wil lotcrmino for the future. The occu mnts of The Gazette block , which in Judos the iiostoflico , have alii boon gar niahood and ordered to make up/payment o the company. At last accounts tin > usinc8B manager was declaring that hi would put an attachment on the Electric "light company to Bocuro n bill agains hat corporation. Besides the claims fo which attachments have boon nude and other current accounts , the real ottato is nortgaged for 818,000. There an rumors of still more complicated litiga ; ion. LEOIHLVTIVE I'llOCEEDINQS. ilofrular Press Dhpatclioa. DBS MOINES , la. , March 7. In tin loueo this morning the Boltor school bit was referred back to the school commit .00 with instructions to report Monday Bills passed : To amend that portioi of the code limiting the liability of rail road companies to two-thirds the amoun of capital stock by permitting the issui > f location , equipment and constructipi ponds to the amount cf $10,000 per miller : or broad gauge and $8,000 for narrov ; augo roads regardless of such limitation The bill is understood to bo for the ben efit of the B. , 0. R. & N. road ; also ti divide the Sixth judicial district cour nto two judicial circuits ; to allow a town ship having a town or city within its lim U of 1500 population to form jxu ndc > i ; ional township from the lerritory'out side the city or town ; to enable the slate ; o bo represented at the national educa : ional exposition at Madison , Wis. In the Eonato the following bills pass ad ; To tax shares of saving Dank atocl to stockholders instead of capital stocl to the bank , to provide for payin ; taxes in semi-annual installmontisjto prn vide for a more liberal and practica course of sludy in the agricultural col lego.The The resolution adopted yesterday t adjourn on the 28th was reconsidered. A TEHUIBLK ACI.'IDKXT. DEH MoiM',3 , la. , March 7. The Reg star's Perry , Iowa , special gives ai account of a terrible accident on th llucago , Milwaukee & St. Paul raihva ; near Astor this afternoon , by which tli migincor and fireman were instant ! ; tilled and ono brakeman fatally injured laving his skull crushed and both log cut off. The accident was caused by thi xoaking of ono of the drive wheels u .ho engine and throwing it into the ditcli Toot and Mouth DIsniiBO in Kansas EsiroKiA , Ks. , March 7. Gov. Glick state Veterinary Inspector Holcomb an William Sims , secretary ot tlio stat Doard of agriculture , accompanied by i delegation of loading stockmen of Empc riftvisited the locality in Woodeon count yesterday , infected by the cattle plague near Noosha Falls. They rolurne shortly before midnight mid report the found the disorder to bo what in know : aa ' 'foot and mouth disease. " It is con [ inod to throe herds and most ] to young cattle and the nurnbc affected is something over ono hundred A public mooting was hold at Neoali Falls at which measures wore taken fo marantining the infected herd , am every precaution will bo taken for th prompt suppression of the contagioi The locality named is the only section i the state in which the disease has mad ts appearance. The affection is quit contagoous. From the investigation i Booms to bo of spontaneous or gin _ The foot and logs < the victim of the malady slough off an the mouth ; throat and alimentary cam become inlUmed and ulcerated. Mossri Sims and Holcomb remained at Noosli Falls and will employ every effort t prevent the infection from spreading Should it become necessary the goyorno will call an extra session of the logic laturo to enact a law for protection of tli stock interests of state. A special from Strong City , Ohai county , to The Republican says Dr. V N. D. Bird , accompanied by Dr. , Scroggins , visited Borornl stock fani this morning where the foot and moul disease was reported and say there a no symptoms whatever of the discas Much alarm has boon felt ainco the fir cotes wore reported from Chase counl out there is now very little oxcitomer MlnnrH on u Htrlko. CLEVELAND , Ohio , Maroh 7. Ti hundred minors of Guernsey county ha struck against a reduction , ROADS AND RATES , AComorationTliatlsTooRiclitoPa ! I's ' Jnst Debts , Another Caustic Review of thi U , P , AnuuaL ! ho Action the People Expoo Regarding the Road , flo Prospect of Raising Ooloradi Rates at Present , loncHt Oovcrmont Directors TJC mumloil YnrlouM NOICH. ' MATTK11S. 80Ut > FACTS FOKUO.V.SIIU'.IUTIOX. potlixl Dispatch to TUB Bun. CiucAiio , March 7. The Tribune con nues to find food for editorial common i the Union Pacific's annual report. 1 ovotod n column to it this morning am ays : "Tho report just made by Crcdi [ obilior Dillon to the shareholders o 10 Union Pacific watered stock display mt company in the comfortable , if anarch cal attitude of n corporation too rich ti iay its debts or taxes. " After going-over the figures In dotai nd showing how the earnings of thi oad are $11,000 a mile , nearly twice a inch as the Northwestern or Burling on , which penetrate the bout regions o in west , the artiolo concludes : "It dops not take a great head fo rUhmotic to BOO through the finance liat can pay big salaries , big couimia ions on purchases cf stock sold by it wn directors , big prices for worthies ailroads loaded on it by Jay Gould , bi ; oos to lobbyists , big profits to icoundroll ; rotiit mobilior directors , big interests ti A own bondholders and big dividends t a own stockholders , but cannot pay i ont on what it owes the nation in niter st , taxes or reductions oi charges Micro ought to bono paltering in thi ottlomont with these unprincipled cor norants. The country demands that tin 'resident ' appoint as government direc ors some western men next time win rill toll the truth about the relations o ! io road and government , and the poole > lo call upon congress to force the roai 0 provide at once for the payment of it ntcrott debt to the government or sub lit to foreclosure forthwith. " C01.0UADA RATES , pedal Dispatch to TilK BKK. OmuAcio , May 7. The Western Trun ! .lino association is making most stronuou flbrts to bring about a restoration o Colorado rates , having found that a mi ako was made in reducing the rates s argoly. In these efforts the Wostori 'runkLino association is backed up byth t. Louis & San Francisco railroad , whic s unable to compote at the reduced ratoE tammissianor Vining , it is learned , ha cqucstod the Burlington and Alto flicors to join in a mooting for the pui lose of advancing rates , The oflicials olio lie latter roadc notified him that the were ready to moot the officers of th western trunk line roads aa individual ) mt they would not admit the claii f Commissioner Vining that ho ha lower to act for the wester runk line roads , consequently nothin ould bo done in the matter , and there i lojirospoct that Colorado rates will BOO ) o advanced. The Burlington and Alto odds Boom to bo well satisfied with th iresont rates , and will not consent to at unco unless it is done at n mooting c 11 the roads in interest , and without rol sronco to the desires of the Wester 'runk Line association. Active ofiorl ro going on looking to a settlement c ho diflicuHics , the general freight agon f the St. Paul and Vining being close ! d together discussing ways and meant 'ho commissioner is handicapped by th act that the lines ho represents disa [ trove of his ill-considered course , an lomo of them are inclined to lot him < c jut of his entanglement as best ho maj r.XjmilTINfl TJIANNFKU I10OKH. 1 ogular 1'rosn DinputchoH. NEW YORK , March 7 , Argument wo icard in the supreme court this af ternoo ipon two motions of a similar charade n proceedings brought by Harvey Ken ledy against the Chicagc , Hock Islan fc Pacific railroad. Application wa nude by Kennedy , as a stockholder , c ho company , it being a foreign corpon ionfor peremptory mandamus to compi Trancls II. Lowe , the transfer a ont o ho company in this city , to exhibit t im the transfer book oftho compan within this city during reasonable houn and also to give a list of the stookholdoi o Kennedy. Lowe declared that Ket nody did , not make these demands in hi own behalf , but in the interest of th Chicago it Northwestern railroad con ) any , n rival corporation , to enable ttioi o gain the controlling power in the Hoc "aland company. THEY UOUUIN'T root. CHIUAUO , March 7. The general mai igors of the northwestern roads formiti , iio Central Iowa and Northwester Traffic association hold a mooting to-dn n an endeavor to organize ouo pool i place of the old associations but it wi Uncovered that any uniformity of actio was not possible , To add to the diflicu ties of the situation the ropresontatu of the Chicago Northwestern > ou failed to attend the conference and i consequence an adjournment was take without date , The Central Iowa ass ciation remains in' force until April ur the Northwestern until March IDtl Whether another effort will bo made i organise a pool is a matter of doubt. VININU'H AITKAU Oiutao ) , March ? . OommlasionorVi ing to-day addressed a communication the Chicago , Burlington te Quinoy , 01 cage & Alton , Atclmon , Topeka & San Fo , and St. Louis < V Sun Francisco ra ways , stating that "there soema to bo disposition on the part of all the linen restore Colorado rates , " and that would be willing to participate in t inference , provided the above line : liould call n mooting fet the purpose 'ho general freight ogonta of the west tni Trunk Line association hold a moot nn this afternoon in Mr. Vining's oflico t is believed they agreed upon calling feint oint conference at nn early day botwoot heir lines and the four above lines ti nally consider n restoration ot Colorad < ales. CUiNKUAti roitlSIQN NKW8. tlAMIIMNO CONSULS t.V A 110\V. VAUXA , March 7. During a publii nil hero last night card playing tool lUco in an adjacent room. The GrooV lonsul participated in the games. Tin Bulgarian protect of police stopped tin > lay un the gromui that games of ehanci n public places were illegal. A quivrro nsnod , and the Austrian vice conau oinod the Greek consul in insulting tin irefcct. The Bulgarian government ha : skcd the Austrian government for satis action , and lias promised to punish tin refect if it shall bo found that ho ox coded his powers. AMJAUCK1X HAUKAV. HALIFAX , March 7. Lioutonan overnor lUchorhas received noticofron , ) ttawa that the dynamiters nro oxpcctoi .o renew the attempt to injure govern lent properly hero. A number o tocinl constables have been sworn ii nd extra precautions will bo takoi ay and night. The provincial building and residonci f the lieutenant-governor have spccin ; uards and POiitinols and the navy yari a instructed to use extraordinary vigi aucu , owing to information received o lovemonts of the dynamiters. AFPAIUS IN KOYIT. SAUKIM , March 7. Two ehiofs of th Vinara tribe with 1-0 men-10 camels hav rrivod. They report the losses e 10 rebels at Tob amounts to 1-tO illod. General Gordon has requested the firs nstnllmont of ( JOB Indian troops bo die mtchod to form the nucleus of an arm ; t Khartoum. Mahmond Ali , loadin loikh , who has boon regarded friondl o the English , has stopped Admlni lowitt'a proclamition to the tribes , 01 10 ground that if pardon bo offered be ere thf rolml.i ask it , more trouble wil ertainly follow. THK I'AK.VKLLITi : 1'LAN. LONDO.N' , March 7. The Parnollitos ar rritatod at the refusal of the govornmon o re-open the Irish land question &ni itond to begin forthwith n great agitn on in Ireland , to make strong appeal o the Irish to demand an amendment c 10 act , and open subscriptions to a ape ial fund for agitation purposes. Michac ) avitt's sorvrcoa will bo secured. A cor oronco of the loaders will bo hold t Castor to discuss the program. TUB AUHTIUAN' DYNAMITKUH. ViKN.NA.'March 7. A quantity of dyi mite and nitro glycerine has boon dii pvorod in a house in the suburb opp < ito the mansion of Baron Rothschflc 'ho supposition is that it was intonde ) blow up the mansion through tli ewers. A MJNATIU INFOUMRll. LONPOX , March 7. Nollis , the Irisl man win surrendered to the Groonoc lolico recently and professed to give th lamoa of the murderers of the Earl c joitrim , has boon adjudged insane anent ont o the mad houso. A JKANETTE VIUTIM. QKKKNHTOWN , March 7. The remain f Jerome Collins will bo escorted t Jerk by a guard of honor , consisting c fty blue jackets , ton odlcera and > tw linnaccs. A modal of the Jeannette ic ound was landed with the eoflin , th alter wrapped in the American flag. OrfMAN's T1UMES WAVEUINO. SUAKI.M , Maroh 7. A deputation < ho tribes which fought against the Bri sh at Teh , is now hero. They ropoi hat' the tribes under Osman Dign raver in allegiance as the nowa of tl iritish victory beoomos more widol mown. ( 'AIlINAI ) , J'lETltO DKAII. ROMK , March 7. Tlio death of l-'afd ial Ciunillo di Piotru is announced. II was cardinal bishop and dean of tli facrod college. Ho was born in Ron n 1800 and created a cardinal in Docon jor , 1853. DYNAMITE LEGISLATION. ROMK , March 7. The Intnlian on aBeador is instructed to confer with tl towers in regard to the proposed Kur > eun demand upon the United Stat ipvornrnentto legislate against dynamite : IIIIINA'H DISKIANUK. SIJAKIM , March 7. The rebel , Osma ) ignu , refuses to negotiate. Ho ignori ho flags of truce sent out from Suakin Graham is already buglnning to advanc n Osman. aniNn KOU HAUIIENT. Bi'.iu.i.vMaroh 7. Tlio Deutsche Togi ilatt Dublisliea iin array of comments ui ogutory to Minister Sargent made L ortuiu American newspajiera at the tin : f that goiitloinan's appointment. I'JIINOK VIOTOlt. I.ONHO.V , March 7. Prince Victor oming to England to visit , Emprei Cugeno. Ho is Booking permission i Jonoral Camponon , secretary of the wa o take service in a foreign army. IOM. HK.VDIIIUKK , PAUIS , March 7. Thomaa A. Hoi Iricka returned ill plowed with his trite to southern Europe. lie coniidors Ital unhealthful for American to visit th imo of the year. A HOTKL nUKHTUOUIIKI ) , PAKIH , March 7 Augustus Harris wi robbed at the Hotel Continental Mt aay of a chock for 1,000 and a qimnti of uank notes and diamonds , , IIOTII WOUNDKD. PAHIH , March 7. In a duel witli p : , ols at Grovillo to-day , between Lonolli or , a journaliat , and Mardot , a violinii joth were uoveioly wounded. AN KtiyiKSAIIY 0V FOUU , PAUIH , March 7. A short liai writer for A firm of engineers is pr nouncod an ommiasary of Patrick For of Now York. HELD IN BUHI'ENSli. . ST. TIIOUAH , March 7. At the foroi ; consultato at Jiicmol , 280 refuge awuit the president's decision for oxeo tiou or pardon. OONCBUTKH ACTION. LONDON , March 7. The Moscow ( xotto urges common European acti Hgainst aiiarchistn , IT WILL NOT DOWN , The Lasker Resolution Creates an Uproar In the Reichstag , Riokort Proceeds to Thank Con gress Per It. A Little Criticism of Bismarck Is Injected , And the Debate Stopped bnvAo- count of It , Blflmnrck'n lloprcsontntivo Objects to Criticism of His MaKtcr. IN TIIK HKIC119TAG. CRITICISING 1I18MARCK. Br.ui.m , March 7. In the Iloichstag to-day after the president had boon reelected - elected , that functionary announced the death of Laskor and other members dur ing the rocoss. The deputies remained standing while the announcement was being mado. llickort , independent , speaking as ho explained in the ardor of the day ex pressed thanks in the name of Loskor'a friends for the many tokens of sympathy reooivod. Ho was particularly grateful to the American congress for the action of the house of rcprontativos. The president informed ( tickcrt that ho was departing from the order of the day. Hammorstoin in behalf of the conserv atives protested against the action of llickort and against the course pflrsucd by the American congress. Haencl , progressist , admitted that Riokort had passed outside the order of tlio day but pointed out that this only ihowod the defect in the usages of the oueo. Ho referred to Rickort'a praise the American congress , whereupon ho president reminded him that ho too was departing from the order of the day , ' ut ho continued to apeak. Ho said head ad perhaps broken the rules but ho con- idorod ho was justified and pleaded ox > onualing circumstances. ' 'When a : ody like congress , " ho said , "adopts altering resolutions wo should pay as nuch regard to them aa is consonant with larliamontary usages. " Baron von Maltzahn contended that ho ruloa of the house offered no grounder or a statement like Ilickorts' , or for any pforonco to a resolution of a foreign par- iamont not olllcially communicated to .ho rolchstag. Ho insisted that the richts if the house should bo upheld. There ras no defect in the rules of the house , us was clearly proved by the fact that the loft had attempted to cry down Ham-- morstoin's protest. llickort explained that the loft had ntorruptod Hammorstoin because , con- Tary to the rules of the house , ho had oad his statement. The loft , ho do- ilarod , cared as little for Hammorstoin'a irotost aa they did for the unjustifiable ntorforonco of Bismarck. This declaration was followodby a great uproar. As soon as order was restored ron Botticher , imperial secretary of the interior and representative of the chan- ollor , said ho know absolutely nothing if any interference on the part of Bis * narck. If the latter was requested to inform the roichstng of the resolution * .doptod by the American congress und 'id ' wliat ho doomed "right in the matter is action was not a subject of criticism. Ho concluded by protesting against any riticiam of Biumarch. Dr. Brar.r stated that the rules of the oiohstag were based upon these of the Prussian landtag , in wnich a eulogistic pooch on the occasion of the death of ilickard Cobden was ruled out of order. Itcchtor , replying to Von Bottichor , maintained that the deputies have a per fect right to critici o thn oflicial acts of the chancellor. Dr. Mollcr , progressist , began a speech by iliiccting attention lo the banner hanging in the hall , which had * > can presented to the reichstag by Gorman-Americans , but ho was at once called to order by the president and the discussion cloned. Tlio Winnipeg Convention. March 7. To-day the armcrj' convention appointed a comtnit- , ee to prepare a statement of demands ind place n. copy in the hands of ovorv nombcrof the legislature ; aito to watch , ho proceedings of the legislatu > ' " 'l report - port any show of treason ti 1 .r .aiv > n that body. The convention u , journud , o awuit the action of the logif laturo. TT.UVA , March 7. It is reported that Sir John Mau 'onald ' is convinced that ho agitation in the northwest in prompt- d by u few adventurers who wish to blackmail the government into giving horn positions , and thai , clio government knows their price but du-M not fool liku buying just now. \ImitobaroprO' lOtitativea urn urging tht > government to oncedo the just demand of the province ire it is too late. Ilnlil for IA > riil > lo Kittrjr. I'ini.ADi'.U'liiA , March 7. William G. one * , usaintant superintendent of the Biiltimore & Ohio Telegraph company ; Thomas J. Fahny , telegraph operator , and i harles L flowcll , a stock broker , were hold for trial to-day upon the charge f forcibly entering the office claimed by the Western Union company. HOOD'S ' gARSAPARILU Ii a carerulljr prepare * ! txJmct * f the ot tlio vctclttbln Klntidoia known to weJlcal id- cnco M Allcnitlit .UlooJ Iurtflen , IKurvUu onj' Toulc , niUitt fiirtiiorlUo. Yellow Dock , BUUlacU. Dandelion , Juniper lletiku , UaudroL , 'WIU Churr llirUnndullicrwltilwl roots , larU uxl herU. A. Inedlclne ! llku unortlilni ; bw , can U > fixlily Judstd culr lr ; lu reuiilu.Vo point > rlUtiatUacUou to Uia llorloui record Ilood'i Bnnui > arUU baa entered lor lUtlf upou the liuitUof lh iu.indi ot Jicofio la Kcir llevodot Urrlblj tilled Ureai-b. liy criwcwi I A u bollles lli > od' < | NuunorilCi ami u f evr Cotik 1-ooVa tor ubirlLuUoii. Your pit ijaraUpn ha " - > In tuu cuso ol my.vitt , who las l > n ti-oiitl t with nit , 1. li ul. Jia mid lilUousuew ( or nuil tuw nU l < ci > RO well ( or th a Tvun HI now- . HIM luiiiul ilul wulilii uv tuk tu tur tAUntiH tl > a If It vunr tuucli U'lUr. uuU it noxr entirely f . " > ( rom tbota w > MTU hv.iiu > 'fic * . bu IIAJ uot jfteft ( tnyot anyao- - . i Miriiur , und \v ent . l.iirol wo it have tlio luiuio. our * uuir.iioMt.il ii.