Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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Thursday Morning , Mnioh d
Now crop clo\or and timothy ootl for solo ,
Shngart , Wftlto & Wlo , Council Bluff * , Iowa.
fS'lm ,
BWiop Clatkson , nt 2 o'clock this morning -
ing , was reported TW resting very easy , and his
condition about tin same ,
several B&loon-kecp'
Ths cases against the &
crs for keeping open on Sunday , will bo tried
this morning ftt 10 o'clock.
Thocaso agfttnst Mr. wid Mrs. Gl\cns
for assftiiHIng Lewis Johnson Monday night ,
WAS continued by Judge Honoko yesterday
morning for two Week * .
. A fmo fat bay pony strayed Into 0. W ,
Hoinau's stftblo Tuesday morning. The pony
Lad o soddlo on , and the owner can have him
by colling at the nbovo named place.
The break of sixty-seven feet In the o *
tension of the North Omaha sewer will bo
completely repaired to-day and the street bo
put ( n such condition that it will bo passable.
The ladles of the South Omaha M. 35.
&urch will give u supper this evening
from C to 0 o'clock * t Mrs. Murrlo's , oil Plcrco
otroot , between 7 nd 8. All MO cordially ln >
vlted ,
Nwaeroiis rttncnrdr , otlorlug 95,000 for tin
nrrcstof I'rcnUs.i Tiller , of Bt. Louis , were
posted ( n conaplcuons placon yoetordny in till
city. Tiller , -on tha Xd day of March , stole i
large amount of in-inoy , soiao placing it a
5rr\000 , frnn the I'acific Egress company ,
A United States postal car , the propett ,
of the CWcago , Burlington & Qulncy railway
was burned In Council Blutfa yesterday. The
fire originated from Uio etovo and when first
discovered had gained ucl > headway that It
could not bo choskod. All the mall matter ,
with tl > o exception ofaiow pipers wan tiavod.
-It was rumored on filio street ycntordny
that Uio chorcad romaZru' f a couple of human
beings bad been found in the Brown building.
.Investigation proved ttnt a physician who
fills a chair ( n Uio Omaha medical Institute ,
happened , ( Then the bniMInp burned , to have
sorno dissouilncc mntorial in his oflitco , which
\VM found l > y the laborers who were making
( repairs yostorday.
The wcial at the Knit M. E. church , on
Thursday evening , March Cth , promises
K a time of real pleasure. The entertainment
will bo eccial , literary and musical. The loo-
turo by Kov. Mr. JJatUs , with the attractive
subject , "Tho man In the moon , " will bo an
interesting feature. The lunch will bo nerved
by the young ladies , for which ton cents will
bo charged. Ono dlmo at the door will admit
big and little.
The county commlsclonorH , 1'rod Drcxol
And Contractor Coots will start on the over
land train at noon to-day for Denver , Col.
The object of the oomrabslonors is to'tioo the
now court house recently erected in that city
and luspoct and examine its furniture , finish
F and its steam heating apparatus. The party
I . before it returns , will probably visit Fort Col
lins , where are located the Colorado saud-stano
quarries. Thooo gentlemen will return the
fore part of next week.
A younjr man entered the coroner's office
3'oitorday and in a subdued tone aslccd to
eo the coroner. Ho was informed that that
officialwas , not in and was asked what ho
-wished. Ho stated that a friend of hlv had
been elected coroner in the northern part of
thostato , and that the dead body of "Kid"
"Wado had been found and that an Inqucwt
was to bo hold and that tliora was no one in
that part of the country who knew anything
about how to proceed with an inquest , and ho
wanted to borrow a few blanks from the cor
oner of Douglas county to send to his friend
that ho might bo enabled to go ahead and sit
on the dead body of the "Kid" according to
aw. Ho was furnished with the blanks and
took Ills doporturn
Fi \ I'EUSONAfc.
l , Wahoo , and M. S. Ijtudsfly
and wife , Tullorton , nro gusats of the Mil-
.Jphn Hamlln , Kcbraaka City , and E. A.
llyder and ? v'f ' ° ; Qroonwooil , are stopping at
the MilUrd.
If. Nftgol , I'lattsmouth , nnd Frank V/ilrrou
and wlfo , Nobroslw City , are ( juosts f the
1'oxton ,
K. It. Togg , Beatrice , nnd Chnrlou 1'
Jlatthovraoi ) , Norfolk , uro rogistoroil nt tlio
Paxton ,
D. May and wlfo nnd J. C. MoUrldo , Lin-
coin , we at the Paxton ,
lion. AJcx.Hamsoy.ox-UnUoJ Statoa Hcnator
TrttriCfl A. Bporry , Noliraakn City , William
0. Ho'iJ , Gllddon , Iowa , and 0. A. lUrd
North Platte , are utopphiR at the MotropolN
tan ,
, T. W. Hitchcock , Hnrdtngton , anil. I. F.
I'altorson , Wahqo , nro regiatorod nt tlio
John Print enburg andifo , North Platte
and W. P. Sloas , Stuart , ' are guests of lie
J , W. Cordon , W68hnjlon ! ; , lawn , aud J.
Utuort , Dunlap , Iowa , nro at the Motropoll
tan ,
Chief Clerk A. W. CSriffin , loft yesterdoj
for Clilcujjo. Ho will return the fora jiart o
next week. v
II , It. Gould la expected on this morning'
tralu from Ohio , where ho has boon on ,
pleasure trip tohU old home.
Postmaster MoBrlde , of Lincoln , was In thl
city yesterday.
Chief Kngluoer Bllckennderfe of the Unlo
Pacific railway , returned from a trip oyer the
Oregon Bhort Line jeeterduy morning ,
The overland train from the wett Ventprda
Iiad onboard Count and Countess Torque ,
viUe. The count Is junt returning from Chin
j nd they are on their way to France , there t
remain. The countess has been in Ban Prai
cUco for some time.
Iloul Katato Trauarora.
The following deoda were filed for
record In the county clerk's office Hare
fi } reported for Tun BEE by Ames1 cal
estate agency :
Robert 'Ai Gutton and wife to Ina ;
Street , vr d awl of BOOS 4 , 10 , 11. ,
4,800 ,
George B. Ilathburu and wife iza-
Leth Hamlin , w d ei " of 1 4 , b I ) ,
add. $1,000.
Jamoa J. Brown to Oharloa N. I'atriol
w d wJ of 1 0 , b lOOJ , in Oiuaha. 815- -
n Lewie E. Itobiu ou and wife to Dav
J3 Uey , w d , pt n iof sw bahig lot
Cl.OW , r
J , A. Obwe and wife to Win. Schuk
w d , lot 2 block 1 in Bikhorn ,
Gdorge Content Flees the City With
$301 of His Employer's '
Money ,
Only a Two Hours' Starr , but Suc
ceeds In Keeping Out of ilia
Tolln of tlio Im\v.
Mr. J. 0. Wcimors , who keeps a
grocery atoru on the corner of Eighteenth
and Chicago streets , in this city , wns
made the onsy victim of hii clerk yester
day.1 On Tuesday forenoon Mr. Woi-
mors1 wife gave Ocorgo Oontant , a clor'g
in the store , § 180 to deposit in the b'M
The book ho did not return , as *
needed nt the bank for the pi\rr no Of
chocking off. Yesterday , llo
was given $127.65 tnoro by hig ctnployor
to have deposited in the .
( j , jj0 ro.
urnod to the ntor'J ( Rflor javjng boon
gone long enough'm the bank ) ftnd
complained tha * , jlo Trna , , ot fconng won.
Io eaid ho vouW not work any moro ,
and wont out
After , lie had boon gone n coiiplo ot
liounj tit ) < jfd not rotuni , which aro-usod
the suspicions of Mr. Woimora.
Ho wont to the bank aud
was nmn'/.ecl to letrn that no
doponita had boon made by him yosler-
day or day boforo. Tim matter was im-
mcdi&toly given to iho police who went _
to the various ticket cflicos in the city
where they learned , that a man answering -
ing his discription 'had boon pricing
tickets , both yesterday and the day bo
foro. None was purthasod by him how
ever , lie wanted n ticket for Qrinnoll ,
In. , but for notno reason did net buy
ono. Late yesterday afternoon Mr.
Woimors and Oflicor TTurnbull wont over
. to the It luffs but did not snccood in
getting any trace of Win
Content had boon at work for his
. last employer only two weeks. Prior to'
that ho h&d boon at work for William
Gentleman five weeks , by whom ho was
considered n perfectly reliable and hon
est man. Mr. Woimora employed him
upon the cccomtncn ation of a oalesnmn
for Poycko Brothers , of this city.
Con taut-camo to Omaha from. Mau-
kato. Minx. , nnd it is thought by some
that ho is now on his return to that city.
Tlio Authority of That Tribunal to
Kovivo Dormant JtulgomontM
to be Decided by tlio
District Court.
In Uio district court yesterday before
Judge \vakolojjr the case of Bonzon
agunst the B. & M. railway in Nebraska
wat on trial all day. This action is
, brought to rocovfic § 15,000 damagoa alleged
leged to have boon sustained by the
plaintiff from the acts of tlio defendant.
Bonzon is the lessee of lots 3 and 4 , in
block 125 , on which ho had constructed a
largo building which was filled with ico.
The defendant owns loti adjoining the
ones leased by Bunzon and erected a
barrier in such a manner , as plaintifl
alleges , that the surface water overflowed ,
to the depth of several foot , the leased
Iota , thereby destroying and damaging
the ice and ice house to the amount
above named. The case is being tried tea
a jury and will probably consume the
remainder of the wo ok.
Bcforo the Judge Neville the caao of
Donnia against the Omaha National bank
occupied the attention of the court.
This action was instituted to recover the
value of an alleged homestead which
plaintiff claims wnn gxcmpt under the
statue. The judgment by vfrluo of which
it was sold was rendered in the county
court and was revived in that tribunal ,
having become dormant. Tu this caao.
will coiiio up for aiciaton iho much moot
ed * question - ? _ _ * among ! % . _ lawyers I - . . . M . to the .
jurisdiction of the county court to revive
. a judgment when once it haa bcpomo
Tlio following-ia the assignment of CA-
cs for to-day.
Omaha Barb Wire compony vs. City of
Omaha ,
, Bonfcoh vs. Burllugtolt ttMicsotiri river
railroad company in Nebraska.
I'iold ot al. VB. Oottriolmor ,
Merchants'National bahk of Dead wood
vs. McHugll.
KaufnianA vs. Ddllou.
Stcplo ot al. Va. Mount ot al.
BavkW vt , vlorgonson.
Junfl61r ! i Va. Douglas county.
' ( jlasliii , Jr. , va. North.
Gaslin , Jr. , vs. Bartlott.
Goldman vs. Brown.
Brash vs Millet.
Dennis ct til. vs. the Omaha National
Bramford vs. Omaha.
, Manning vs. Omaha ,
Forbes va. Brown ot al.
Irving vs. Pago.
. , HosQwator vs. the Tribune 'Printing
. company.
buokloii'H Azalea Hn.lvr > >
Of The greatest modlcal Vender of tlia Vorld ,
Warrautoil to apoedlly cilro Bums , Outs , Ul
cers , Holt llhoum , 1'ovor Soros. Cancers , rlloa
Ohlllbloins , Coruo. Tottar , Chnnpod luuidi
; an < t nil akin eruption , gMautood to euro In
tvory Inntiuico , or money refunded. 25 conU
* ln < c
: Yesterday a satchel was brought ink
the transfer by the 0 , , B. it Q. trail
from the east. When u few miles cast o
Council Bluffs , the eatohol was accident
- ally dropped by ono of the baggagomci
to on the train , and immediately followiii ;
the fall came the report of a iorolvoraiu
the ball entered the bnggagomnn's log , in
Uioting quite a severe wound.
The Eatchol was brought 'to this city
and found to contain throe revolvers
all of which wore loaded , only ono chamber
bor having boon emptied , and that int
the log of the baggageman , Tlio owno
of Uio catchol called for it last oyonluj
aao but Mr Hanoy refused to deliver it Wit
o. bo had made an investigation.
- Army Orders.
Leave of absonou'for ono (1) ( ) mouth 1
, granted Captain G , B , Carpenter , Foui
. tecnth Infantry.
ivid Leave of absence for ono (1) ( ) month
granted Surgeon 'j. H , Bill , Unite
, States army.
Private 'Juntos O'Neil , ro-oaliatod an
Recruit Alois Herman , enlisted at Fort
Omaha. Nob. , t > ro assigned as follows :
Private O'Noll to the Fourth Infanf
and Hocruit Ilorman to troop D. F
llocruit Ilorman will bo s ,
"fivlftS 'SU V-Orx Wniiam Stephenson
n Unlto
son , altAm wu , occod to
uoiara , Neb , , and report to the
6ominnnding ofllij0r of that post for torn-
poraryduty , on.oomHlotionof which ho
trill return to. his station , Fort Omaha ,
The trav ol dtrccted is necessary for the
public so
Annual Mootlnjr ofllio Jo l < ts Conn.
I ty Agricultural Society.
The Annual mooting of the Douglas
county agricultural erocioty wnn held in
this city , Saturday , ' Kobrunry 23. Prcs
dent Crawford vraa in the chair. The
members proaout were : Bicko , Freeman ,
[ lyan , Allen , McArdlo , Paulson , Bolln ,
Stivers , Solomon , Matthias , Trooman ,
Troitschkc , J. McArdlo , Brown , Shivers ,
Wm. E. Brown , Van Dorn , and John
Bautner ,
The Mooting being called to order by
the president , the annual reports of the
secretary and treasurer were read. The
report of the treasurer showed that dur
ing the your 1883 SG1G.85 hac
boon expended and that $1,037.1)5 )
had boon received , still leaving a balance
anco in the hands of the treasurer o :
The secretary's report showed tin
ntombomhip of the society to bo eighty
five , and that all the moinbnrs had paic
their annual fees. The annual fair o
1883 was hold from September 10th t
i5th , inclusive , in connection witli the
Nobrmltn State Fair.
The cash premiums offered by1 th
directors of the board of manager
amounted to 31,230.25 , and that th
| total amount of premiums paid tva
§ 278.25 , aud in addition thereto a number
' bor of diplomas wcro given.
The reports of both secretary atu
trotujurpr were referred to A committc
consisting of Elijah Alton , J. McArdl
and Jacob Shivers.
The officers for the ensuing year wor
tbeti elected by acclamation , And are a
- follows :
J. F. Paulson , president ; Honr ;
Eicko , vice president ; J. Baumer , secretary
tary ; Henry Bolln , treasurer.
The board of managers for the cnsuin
year is composed of the following name
gentlemen : N. I. D. Solomon , P. He
Ardlo , A. Trooman , Jacob Shivers am
Elijdli Allon. The board nominatoc
Jacob Shivers as chairman and his nomi
nation was'ratiflcd by the association.
Tlio board of managers will hold an
other mooting the 22d of March atvrhiol
tlmo the reports of committees will bi
bo hoard.
On motion the following resolution !
were adopted :
Jtfisolvcd , That it is the sense of this
society to erect a building on the grounds
of the driving park association for tin
. use of the Douglas county agriculture
society's exhibit , and that the board o
managers bo instructed to carry the resolution
elution into effect if they can make satis
factory arrangements with the driving
park association.
Jtesolvcd , That the sincere and heart ,
thanks of the Douglas county Agricul
tural society are duo , and are hcrob ;
tendered to our retiring president , Gco
A. Crawford , Esq. , and retiring trcas
urer , James J. Brown , Esq. , for thei
earnest untiring and olliciont services in
the interests of this society.
Oa motion board adjourned.
rOWJ4HS In tub city March 5th , nt 3
o'clock , p. in. , JSdwerd Powers , aged GO
Funeral notlco will bo glvon tutreaftor.
FOLEY In this city. March , Jr84 ! , nt .
o'clock li , > . , Patrick I ? , Foley , aged 37
years , a
Funeral will take place Thursday , March
; h , at 0 o'clock , a. m , , from the residence ,
orner Twelfth and Mari ! < | streets ,
IJOtfENBY In this city. March , 1884 , nt
7:30 p. in. , Allco M. Lockonby , aged 21
years , 1) ) montlin and IB days , of consump-
lion ,
The deceased was a sister of Mrs. L. S. Ln-
irop , nnd thu remains will bo tnkou to GIon <
oed , Iowa , her former homo , for burial on
'Hlirsdny next.
[ Nebraska City papers pleaio copy. ]
5I2E At her home , north of this city , thU
forenoon nt 11:45 , Airs. ICuto Dea.
Funeral will take place Friday , March 7th ,
18 o'clock a , in , , from her lats residence.
Thu Pool TuUloa.
The recent order issued by the Marshal
o the effect that nil keopora of billiards
\nd pbol tables in this city must pay a
iconoD on the sumo , has stirred up tlio
aloon-heopors considerably , and the
uarshal is besieged daily by keopora of
ablcs who endeavor to have the order
withdrawn , but iho marshal is firm nnd
leclarcs that .it is n state law and mint
bo enforced. Ho says that ho has boon
altogether 'too ' lenient with the saloon
non , nnd that they have taken advantage
of it , and grossly abused the privileges
; ranted them. That is , a number of
hem luwo done this , until it has become
n stern necessity to tif&tr tha reins upon
them all.
A Onrtl of Thanlcs.
The unddrYignod desires to express her
, sincere a'tiS lieartfolt thanks to Messrs.
, Dewey & Stone aud their employes , for
the innuy acts of kindness shown herself
and hmband during his recent illness and
death , aud for the substantial aid given
at a time when it was most needed. The
above persons will always bo hold in fund
and grateful remembrance by
Tpmpcrunco Gall.
All members of the W. 0. T. U. , are
personally requested to moot at the Y ,
II , 0. A , rooms Thursday , March Cth , at
2:30 : p. m. , mid invite all they can to join
ua. Tlio most important business , concerning -
corning every member , is to bo consid
ered regarding "practical work. " Don'i
fail to bo picsout , ns thuro is strength in
By order of the president ,
Mus. L G. OHAW.TON , Secy ,
Never Give Up
ordered blood , weak constitution , Iieauaciio , or
any dUeose of n billoiu nature , by all means
procure n bottle of Klootrio Bittern. You
will be urprised to wo the rapid improvement
tlmt Mill follow ) you will beimnlrod with now
life ; strength and nctlvity will return ; pain
na luluiry will coano , and hencoftirtn you \\lll
rejoice In tlio in tlio jiralw of Kloctdo Bitten.
Sold at fifty ooiiU bottla l > y 0. Y. Good-
'Moves ' Enter the Honso of Mr , Ayres
on Thirteenth Street ,
\ Booty of $18(1 Secured DyTliom
No CItio ( o tlio Kofobcrs.
A very daring and successful robbery
was committed in this city on laat Tues-
lay night , the thiovcs carrying off n largo
> ooty. Dfr , J. B. Ayrcs , a veterinary
gcon , who lives on Thirteenth street
> otwocn Howard and Jackson , had boon
> usy all day Tuesday collecting his bills
of last month. Wlion ho wont to bed
Tuesday evening ho placed his pants ,
containing his pocketbook in which was
§ 180 , under his pillew. Some tiino dur
ing the night thieves entered by the rear
door of the house , and , stealing silently
into his room , made away with pants ,
pocketbook and all. Mr. Ayres did not
know of his loss until hot arose in tr-
morning. In the back yard ho frjliui (
every thing stolen but the money. .
The burglars undoubtedly -wore ac
quainted with the promises and the habits
of Mr. Ayres. To gal'a admittance to
his room , by the rear way the robbers
had to pass through the kitchen , and the
sleeping r p rtmonts of the housokoopor.
Upon retiring ho locked the roar door
and loft the key in it which was unlocked
from the outaido by the means of some
sharp instruments used in turning back
the koy. Mr. Ayres , being subject to
calls at nil our hours , wakes very easily ,
but hoard nothing at all of the burglars.
Upon waking in the morning ho had a
slight feeling of sicknena and thinks it
extremely probably that chloroform or
aoino anaesthetic was administered to
him to enable the burglars to moro effect
ually do their work.
Nothing at all was disturbed in the
room to indicate that it had boon in-
yadod"by robbers , their manifest'inten
tion being to secure what they got. Mr.
Ayres says that to his knowledge only
tvro or three kiiow ho had this amount
nf money. The affair has boon given to
the police who , it in said , as yet have no
A Great DUcovory.
That is dally bringing joy to the homes of
thousands by saving many of their dear ones
from nn oirly grave. Truly is Dr. King's
Now Discovery for Consumption , Coughs ,
Colds , Aitthma , Bronchitis , liny ] ? ever , Loss
of Voice , Tickling In the Throat , Pain in Side
and Chest , or any disease of tlio Throat and
Lunfjg , a positive euro. Guaranteed. Trial
Iottien ! free at 0.1" . Goodman's Drug Store.
Larva size SI. 00
German Press Association tit Ne
A of tho'above
mooting above association was
hold in this city for the purpose of dis
cussing a number of important question ? .
Toward the close of the meeting the fol
lowing resolution was offered by Hy
Garn , of The Grand Island Ilurald :
Jicsolvcd , That wo , the representa
tives of the Gorman press of the state of
Nebraska , hereby pledge ourselves to
work in unison during the coming cam
paign and to take suclf measures which
are most instrumental in promoting the
interest of the German-Americans of this
atatp , irrespective of our former party
_ After an interesting debate the resolu
tion passed without a dissenting vote.
The following newspapers were repre
sented at the meeting :
Omaha Post and Telegraph , Grand Is
land Herald , Button fioio Presso , Nor
folk Democrat , West Point Volksblatt ,
Nebraska City Staats-Zoitung , and Falls
City Independent.
Before the adjournment of the moot
ing the members complimented the ofll-
cors ( Charles Bankes president , mid Hy.
Garn secretary ) upon the efliclont man
ner in which the affairs of the associa
tion have been kept.MIIHI
Cnrtl ol' Thanks.
The parents of tli6 victims of. the re
cent powder house explosion desire to
return thanks to thfair many frionda for
the efforts to lighten their great afllictlon
and particularly to the tcachtrs of the
South Bchoul , in permitting the children
the playmates and schoolmates of
Johnny Stills and Wi'lio ' Mallus to at
tend the funeral services.
Hit. AND JIna. MAMAJh1 ,
"llOUOlToN BATS. "
Clears out rats , mice , roaches , flies ,
ants , bedbugs , skunks , chipmunks ,
gophers , luc. Druggists
Tlio Glvons Trouble.
The man Givonsand lib wife were in po
lice court Monday morning , and their case
continued for two weeks. The fol-
Owing communication may add uomo in-
orest to the case :
OMAIIA , Neb. , March 4th , 188-1.
EDITOII BEK ; I have been slandered ,
abused and insulted in the A. M. E.
church , of this city , by Uio older and
others , for the purposes which will bo ox-
ilainod in the police court as soon as Mr.
Tohnson recovers his wounds received at
ho hands of ono { 3ivonaaml his mistress.
It is reported that I am not a member
of that church , and never was , and Mon-
Uy night the members of the church noi
jouig satisfied with the conduct of the
elder of that church , mot for a eatisfao-
tory aattlomont of the difficulties. I
with others met in the church , when I
was ordered to leave tht church , at the
mnio time informing mo I was no mem
ber of that church , 'that I had never been
received as such. In order to show my
respectable connootion to that church ,
and to establish for myself a good peaceable -
able Christian character , I ask you to
publum'Uio ' following :
Wlicn I loft Leavonworth , Kansas , I
prcc'urod a letter from Elder Ilordo show
ii ! mo to bo a member in good standing
in the A. M , E , church of that place , of
Which he wai pastor at that time. I
brought that letter to Omaha when I
came hero to reside. As soon as convon <
iont I gave my letter toElderBurl Mitch
oil , who was pastor of the A. M. E. ,
hero , who in duo time read my letter to
the church , and I was received ns a mem
ber , and was assigned a class , where I
have been over since , paying my class
fees and quarterage.
Soon after I c&mo hero I found the man
Givens , who is now in jail , who is to-day
my lawful husband , having boon lawfully
married and never divorced , living with
another woman. I felt that it was bad
treatment enough to mo to desert niF |
without taking another woman and liyo
with her before my sight , BO I com
menced suit against him in court. As
soon as T did this I was summoned
to appear in the A. M. E. Church
before the church boatd , when I was
told by the peers and sainted
older , that I must not prosecute the man
Givens. If I did I would bo turned from
the church for disturbing the pcaco of
the members. So I dropped the prose
cution for pcaco , and thought I was a
member of the church , and acted as such
until Monday nicht , when I nns treated as
stated abovo. Now , all I want is a judg
ment according to the above facts , which
I stand able to provo by moro than fifl-
membora of said church. /
A Lmrfro Wltolcmito n .
urConfcutlnnc4tU . ? , Stol' °
T " * "
o Do Or
.t Hm Sircot.
? . ° . xiHrhio wnich promises to eclipse
* n ' > ng of its kind in Omaha is about
. * io started. Fay & Co. , of Minneapo
lis have rented the largo store ot No.
1211 Farnam street , formerly occupied
by Picrcy & Bradford , nnd will put in
ono of iho largest wholesale stocks of
confectionery in Omaha , or the west.
Besides this line of goods they trill do n
jobbing trade in cigars and fruits and
intend to keep on hand always a supply
of goods which , in quality , cannot
bo surpassed and in price cannot bo
These men have nivoxtonaivo knowl
edge nnd a long experience in their
business , and will keep on hand all
kinds of goods in their lino. In connec
tion with their wholesale ) business they
intend to build up n retail trade , so that
they will bo able to furnish their custom
ers with good of the best quality in any
quantity. There is no better place in the
city for a business of this kind. It is
just midway of the principal otroot in the
city. In n short time only , this street
will have moro travel and do moro busi
ness than any two streets lying parallel
with it in thia city. No better street or
place could have boon selected for a store
of this kind. This firm undoubtedly
odly will have the largest and
finest retail store of its kind
in Omaha or Nebraska. Candies , fruits
and cigars are the goods which these
gentlemen intend to deal most largely in
and no pains will be spared to servo their
customers with anything in that lino.
This firm will open its store in a few
days where they will bo pleased to have
all those wishing goodsinthoirlino to call ,
and examine prices and goods. It has
been the principle of Omaha and its
people from its beginning to welcome
hero any now business or enterprise of
whatever kind , and with such a fooling
existing , for these gentleman wo bespeak
success , a good custom and a liberal pat
How is It , Dee ? "
Can there bo no remedy for the evi
dently inadequate facilities for the sur
veying of lots and tracts of land needed
For farming ?
To illustrate the difficulty : A man re
cently bought fourteen acres of brush land
at Florence , which ho wished to have
cleared and put in cultivation this season ,
But without surveying , there is no such
thing as coming any whore near a certainty
as to the lines , surrounded as it is on all
sides with similar land.
Ho writes a letter to tlio county sur
veyor enclosing postage and receives no
mswer. Ho writes again ; no answer.
Bo then calh upon him at his office and
iho man of right angles and triangles
looks un from hig maps long enough to
say ho Is very busy and that is all the.
satisfaction received.
Ono docs not wip.h to run the riskof
going b&youa1 the proper boundary and
? ay about $7 per ucro for clearing off
some ono clses land.
For want of a surveyor must one lose
ho UEO of land that ho wants put under
cultivation now ? la there no remedy ?
INK ? .
IIIVINGTON , Nob. , March 3.
Tlio Sunday llulo.
The saloon men of Uila city wefo talk
ing yesterday about the action of the
city council in granting the Stadt theater
permission lo keep open 'Sunday even
ings , and many Were lo'nd ' in their de
nunciations of such a.'course. They ono
and nil claim that if tlio Stadt theater has
a right t6 run on Sunday night that they
should bo-granted the same privilege , as
the lavis no respecter of persons. There
promises to bo some fun in regard to the
saloon matter before the business is satis
factorily arranged.
Absolutely Pure.
Thli powder oarer rartti.QJL marulfof purli
ttreogh and wholciomeotii. wore conomlcal that
the cJluary klodi , and ctxaot t > e eoU in coinpoluop
witu theroultltuda ol low leet , ihoit wclu-l t alum or
pbJ.uhat powdcrf. Bold only IP ons. Itoja ll k
ug Powder Co. , 103 Wallrtel Naw York.
TO LOAN la umi ol $100 and upward )
MOKEY r annum , ci Douplu count ) ( arms. Ad
dress lUli Patterwu & Co. , Vtil Faniam fat.SPOlm.
TO LOAN Th lowest ratei ot lat ros
MONEY ' Loan Aifcooy , Uth it DoigUi ut U
TO LOAN In lama ol 1300. and upward
MONEY D > ls and Co. , Real EaUte and Loan
AgenU , JWt rarnataBt. 88JM
A German girl to vialt on the tab !
WANTED tt Hcnr ) Cuop' * , 215 faoutb 12th vtretr
7t36) )
. _ for'
; ' afants and Children
.jVlthtmt Morphina or Tfarootlno ,
1 3XlCTt KIres o r Children rosy chccki ,
\Wtnt cures their fce , iimkes them sleeps
S > "TU Cmtorln ,
jTTicn Bnlilcs fret , and cry by turni ,
, Wliat cures Uiclr colic , kflls their worn .
f. lint Cmtorln.
' \VTiat riutckly euros Constlpnllon ,
Sour Stomach , Colds , Indlgretlon s
, lint Cfntnrln ,
Fnrowoll then to Morphine Syrups ,
Castor Oil and rarcRorfc , anil
Contour Liniment. Annir-
Holuto euro for Rltonmntism ,
Sprain * , Burns , Galls , &o. , and an
Instantauoons Pain-rollover.
TX7 ANTI'.D A Rood girl to da general housovork
V V Clormsn | iroericil , at No. ISIS Webster it'eU
7W-118 !
WANTED Good blacksmith on bungle ) , sptlni
wagon liorto thoelnK and general blacksmith
Ing. Apply Oeo. 1 * . MuMoon's shop , corner 11th
ana Lcaxcnnarth. 731-8J
WANTED Olr ( or general haunework In final
family. ApplyUOlHowatdHt. i28-71
| 7ANTED Twcnty-tUo teamsters for railron
> work. Amily 11. MANNWBlLLKlt , SB7 llth
etrect 733-&D
TX7ANTED Olrl forhoufowoik. lira. Hammond
T T back uf hcnil ol St. Marj's mcnuc. 713 0
"V\fANTCD : A girl for L'cncial homework. Vt' ec
V > $4.00 per * cck , ftt 803 N. 17th St. 704-55
r7ANTK0rs ! ! at the BUTon Hotel , 10th street
\ V near U. P. R. U. 708-71
l/ANTED IinnieJUtcly , n dishwasher at thi
> Boston llcstaurant H14 Douglas street. 705-C
\T7ANTED-Two plrlg lor ( reucral housework
Vl Good a'os ( Mill bo paid. CHrtS. FLECK , Eagl
tlouio , south 13th street. 700 o §
TT7"ANTED Alew persona to Instruct In book-keep
V t Ing , as thcro (3 ( a demand ( or compttent book
keepers. I n 111 learn a lew and n alt ( or liaKotpay
until situations am lurnlsricd. J. B. SMITH , 151
Douglas St. 032-0
TTTAKTED airl ( or generalhoaso work In smal
IV family. Gooduages. Inquire at EDUOLSI &
EEUCKSON'S Jewelry store. CJ1- &
W ANTED-OIrl. Impure ai 2444 Chicneo K.
Mrs. N. J. Edholm. 633-7
WANTED Ladles or young men to take nice
pleasant work at their own home ; (2 to $5 a
day. easily made : work scut bv mail ; no can > a8lrjg
Address F. Rldd & , Co. , box 157 Duliuquc lowx
TXTANTED Boy to run errands. Address letter
VV and do general otllco work. Address''IVBco
Olllco In own hap < l writing. 8301 (
/ \UEEN PROTECTOR-Unnrcccdontcdlnduccments
VyJ offered lady agents ( or this new rubberundcrgar
muit ( or ladles. Address with stamps , Undergar
ment Co. , 0 sonth MaySt , Chicago. 180-lim
WANTED-One hundred teams and ono hundrci
laborers ( or Railroad work. HcCOY & 110RAN ,
CunfleM House , Ninth and Farnain Kts , Omaha.
< 03-lm
ADIE3 OR YOUNG MhXIncltyor country to
Uko nice , light and pleasant work at their own
: iomes ; 2 to $6 a day easily and quietly made ; w ork
sent by mall , no canvassing ; no stamp ( or repH.
l'lca.30 address Reliable llanC'g Co.I'hlladeIphla f'a. ,
drawer TT. 897-lmt
WANTED A Oorman dining room kitchen girl.
UPSW and Hoppe , 418 8. 13th St. , between
Harncy and Howard. G05-tl
- > ra'oiuon
best of reference given. Mill wotkup old accounts
and straighten up books generally II desired. Ad
drcts "O. F. " this oiflcu. 72 lit
WANTED By a young man , tny Hnd o ( work In
cltvoronlarm. Will work ttnt month ( or
board. Address "II. 0 , " Bee olllco. 724-6 §
VXTANTED Situation by n young married man o-
f f steidy habits position In grocery store or com
mission house , preferred. Would take cara ol her
es. Aildreb3 "A. 1) . T. II. " Bee office. 701-68
TX7"ANTKD Situation by young man , had two
TT j cars orpcrienca lathe dry goods busings ,
ail COaio ell recommended , Address "J. K. " 0 > k-
* nil 14. 720 C §
OTKNOUUAl'Utll-Servlctsor alad ) , short hand
J and type-wrltor , may be had by addressing "C.
S. R " No. 20i23t. Stan's avenue. 70S-6 §
WANTED Light work and eentng In prUato
( ainU'cs , AddrecaiCa north 16th street , up
talrs. C99-8S
WANTED By a Voung lady , a position as copy
ist , or to vt rite In au ollice. Can operate the
.5 po-wrlterj has had experience n Ith legal papers.
Good references gl\en. Address "Mlas C , " 6Bfl Fairview -
view Street , City. U23-7t
TXTANTED Arcllahle jounginau wants a place
VV to work , board and goto school. "S. A. W. "
Boo office 388 tf
TX7ANTED A correspondent. A Christian lady ol
VV culture and refinement between the ages ol
. \\enty-fhoamlCfty , without children who would
uulto with a genial Christian husband to make hit
ilcolioine In Omaha , ono ol happiness and gcncal
prosperity. Thin Is In good ( althand deemed a prop
er method of Introduction. Address undtr assumed
name If preferred. OTIS tlYHTLE Jun. , Omaha
Nob. 721-65
WANTED Drug store that will bear ln\ostlga-
tlon. Oho particulars as to stock , slzo of town
and avenge sale ] per da > . Addrcsi
WANTED To rent , ono room to gentleman and
wife with board 1911 Webster St. 632 tf
WANTED 3,000 J arils | of dlit , at or near one
block wcctol the Consent on St. Mark's Me
mo. 8. R. JOHNSON ,
CSl-tf ol Steele , Johnson A.Co.
WAKTEU (0) pilvy vaults , sinks and cesspools
to ( .lean with einltary cleaner. Satisfaction
guaranteed. J. M. KMIT1I ,
EDO , line ! Lock box 422,0maho.
VOK JtKKl1 uouBpa ana lots.
T7IOH RENT A sto'o , oirncr loth and Jones. Ap-
l1 ply to lira. Kennedy , 1D23 Jackson. 721-75 ;
FOR RENT Furnished rooms at 1610 Farnam.
: \ RENT Two room kitcheu and closet up.
E\01l 1 1131 Sherman .
, avenue. 03)-7f
riOR RENT Two ( unilshtd rouuu , suitable lor
1 gentlemen , 110 N. 14thstreet. 702 & |
TTIOU RENT Two dunUhed room ! only lorgcn-
JD tlomaa 71 south 10th. 727-1 i
[ 7011 RENT Three rooms up stain lor man and
L1 wlfo at 2307 Callturnla Kt , . 725 Cj
OR RKNT Furntihed rocui , 172J DougUs , 8J.OO
> OR RENT Siiuny room with board to two fc'
' tleracn , 822 8.16lhltteet , corner o ( Ilaruuv.
RENT An office suitable ( or Heal Kitti
FOR . Iiuiulru 1COO Farnam , back room , up-
atalra 716-M
FOR RENT FurnliheJ rojmi , 1017 Dodge Mrcet ,
RENT Nlco'y furnished rooms. 1W3 Fariuu
LEASR-0 buslniss lota 16th street , between
Davuiiport aud Capitol avenue , a t ilde , lor
term ot y at > . AMES.
( JO tf 15" Farnim fctreeL
T7 0il RENT Nioelr ( urnl hod rooms with or with
JL1 cut bourd 11)16 ) IKxUo St. 07181
null KENT Puniuhed roomi , 105 North 13th
FOR RKKT-A beautilul > outh and cut Iron
roam. Bay window , lurnlihed suitable lor on
or two gentlemen , also imaller room adjourning
Apply 2iU LougUs. 69S.ll
FOR RENT Corner toro on Dodge ono block
from Pout Otllco. McGAOUE , oplK > lto P. O.
RErT Home alx rooms corner ktu an <
vDodK , UcCAOUK , opposite P. Ov 634-tl
ITtOIl IlENT A few gentlemen can be aocomoiUtoc
1 ? with lurnUltctl TOOUW. Af | > ly 1818 r'Armm St
RENT Store room with baxomeat IM
FOR , 1611 Farnam St. PAUL8EN & CO . 1WW
qmam Street. tS4-tt
RENT S era Rood houMSjJso ono 9 room
FOR lurnUhtd house. John E. Edwards , 1111
Farnam St 35S-U
UENT Furnished room with or without
FOR . Finest locallsn In Iho city. Al o lew
table boarJcrt wantfd.N. W. cor. 18th and Famam.
RKNT Room * In Nebrank * Natlona Bank
FOR . Most dctlratla offlces In tba city
Suptlltd with hjdraulla elotor ana heated b
itcSm. Apply at Bank. U
RBNT-Vurnlshed rooms en thd nortuwa
FOR . lE'.handCapltoUve , lormerty Cretentoel
Homo. -
UllNISHKD room heated 22J N. Wh.
F 7St (
roil DALB.
HAT.E A Boo < l c tabb h d Tfg 1'acklnc bus-
1 < Inera. Kacllltlosfor packlntr Ml pickling 60 to
luO.COO iloreiu. Wilto lor full | rtlcu'.V8. ' Address
"O. FU. " Ilco Olllcc , On-ahft , Kcb. 723 tt
HAI.K $2,800 Ukei houno and lot , furnltnre
1 and | iUno , If olil thla week , HOS touth 12th
6ticeT'te't ccn racllicand I'lcrco. 7140 ]
< OK SALE Frcah milch cow , SUh and Culltornlix
Ir 1 itreetjT FHKEHAN k I'ENNY.
W-19J f
, ) SALE OH KXOHANQK Weekly newipapcr
1MIl ' t o story house'ln flrotcUn Iowa
town ; tlio 10 ncrcfl land to exchange fur Omaha
property. I1ELU : SH11IVKR. 67a7
FOH SAtn Furniture and fixtures ready lot
boarding houio. Inquire at 210 S. 10th stireL
678 8 |
T01l SALR Cheap , t tcnm of ponies and new f ol cl
J ? harness for 104. Inquire C. T. Smllh , 23rd and
1'aclnoSt. CbS-PI
FDIlSAL-aRi\TIlAliaAIN ! : , two adjoining lota
one a corner , the choicest lots In Slilnns' tint ,
addition at a bargain , apply to J. It. CLAnhl- .
M7-8 !
TJ10R SAtn House of B roois , i ot , ono bl.ct
JD from street cara-l,600.
Jlouto and full lot $1,300.
House and i lot , 81IM.
House and lot , monfly pjjmcnti , $1,7CO.
Houto and i lot , ho f block from direct car * , $1,050. .
Lot 4 , block3Shhm'd addition , $900.
Lot un Charlid street , near S majors , il00.
Lot on SannJcrS Street , $ lriOO.
Corner lot , Armstroiu'a addition , $1,000.
Lit In III z.ebaugb'4 Place , f GW.
Beautiful cost frontage , In Uunsojm 1'iaa , JOO'W1
each.Four lot" . 3 ( ront'ng on Farnam etrect three
liousi.s-JS.COO. WcOAOUi : .
651-tf Opp. 1'ostolllce.
FOUSALK-Lot 132x132 on south 13thsticct with
good lirpro\etnenl , at ? 2,0u ( . IhU it onlj open
for 80 clajs Call on Jk-CAOUK , rpposltu postolllco.
FOll SALE Lot 132x330 , south 18th street , liouto
tuo roonii" , liirn , trees. Price SI00. One th'rd
cash. Cull and co McCAQUE , opp. 1 * . t > . 719 tf
FOU SALE A 'number of flue lots In Hanscom
1'Iacc , nlthln one block of Btrctt car , S fi to
3350 each. Hnyterins. lUEV i. , S. W.
Cor. 16tb and Farnam. 694 tf
HAL ESTATE Jor tale by John I , . JtcCajue , real
li estate agent , opposite postolllcc. 031-tf
FOll BALE Fine residence between Dodge and.
Karnaiii. Gallon McCAQUE , oppoblto P. 0.
F "OR SALE Lot on Uodgo strctt. McCAOUE ,
down stairs , opposite P. O.
SALE 132 ( ect squvo on corner. Residence
JJ Property } mile N. W. c ( Pest offlce ; JIcCAGUE ,
opposite P. 0. 6381 (
F I OR SALE Full lot on lUrncy street. 00x132 at
$ S.BCO. JIcCAQ OE , opposite P. O. 037 tt
ell SALK blx splendid lot In Haiiscom place at
a bargain. BELL & SIIUIVER. 071-7
FOR SALE. Lots in wcstCumingatdm to$250 ,
eacb o.'sy terms , moothly pijments. JOHN L.
JIcCAOUE , opposlto P. O. 664 t
F - and lot on Capitol Hill at$5100
JIcCAGUE , opposlto P. 0. 002 tl
FOR SALE Beautiful residence lot on I'ifis. a\e. ,
corner 200 feet cast fronting well rth Ide.
McCAGUB , opposlteiP. O. 6C3-t (
, iOR SALE Lots In Hawthorne addition. 8350.
_ " to050. rajch Eas terms. McClGUE , oppa-
site P. O. Call at office ( or Plat 665 t (
T710RSALE A'relots in Banfleld only $180. to 8200
JL1 per acre. McCAGUE , opposite P. 0. 686 tl
TT'OR bALK Ix > ts In Denlse s addition on Saundcrs
JJ street and 22d St > i. Only Four blocks Irom St.
car , 3500 to S7CO. each. Bargain. UcCAGUE , op
posite P. O. , downstairs. 007-tt
CTRAYED OR STOLEN A sraii bay mnc , white
O star In forehead , blanket , siddlo and bridle on at
tlmo of disappearance. Parties peeing or In posses
sion , address or call on "F. " 1117 Harney street.
732 58
REAL ESTATE 1(3 ( ou are Interesto I In real es
tate It will pay jou to witch this column ( or the
offerings ol lIcCAQUE. opposite P. O. 055-tf
fOR SALE Large house near Haneeom P.ijrk , S
Jj Iront , very cheap. lIcCAGUE , opjiOBitti P. 0
r7\OR SALE Grocery bualnesa calablUhLd 10 jeirg
_ L ? doing annuil tract ot over 875.000. Location
Incit In the city of Omaha , Btonk anil fixtures will
n voice ahout 17.000. Liberal terms on stock and
leaceon buildings to responsible parties. Address
"Grocer' this olllco. COJ tl
Fi SALE Splendid bargain 10 aero , house.
bam , shade and ( ruit trees.
Ranch on Flatto River.
Stock and Ranch on Republican River.
FOR SALE Three good houses and late In Rhlnn'a
lit addition , $200 and S3Jii conn , balance $20 per
montlu Near struct card. Rare bargain.
Flno house and lot near 22d and Davenport Sts. ,
CiooJ 0 room house in lUnsolm PKce. neir street
cnr. at a bargain. IREY& MOllElt , b. W. c.riiir .
16th fcnd Farnam. 60D-tl
FOR SALE Positively the liifit pacing grocery
buamces In Oinatii. Satisfactory rcasjns given
( or selling. .Address Loch Box No. 807 , Omaha , Ne
braska. / 580-10
' < 7 > OK BALE 5 room cottage , hall lot wll locate
near town , otinthlnir in good shajx } . Prio
I1.D50 II nold soon , J. W. LOTOSBURY , 1B14 Doug
as. f > 35 tl
F I OR HALU f'noh milch LOWS. Henry Heal ,
ncrllth and Dodge Sis. 6314
F 10R SALE A ( Irst-clasJ Vose li POB Piano , at a
bargain. Inquire Ednolm Kricknon'f. C21 tl
FORHALE lour t > how oa oery chtaji. Inquire
at Edholm & Krlcks'ii. 609 tl
[ 7IOR SALE OR TRADE A ( ; ooJ epaii ol mules ,
L1 harness and wagon. Aniily to Aiex O. Churl ton ,
at ilcCttgua Bros. QjQ-tl
TTIOR HALE Form S miles Irom city. Inquire ot
J ? Mrs. Meyer , over Holder's Drug store , Id and
Webster. KT2-U
tOR SALE Two largo Normanttalllons Ad
O. D. nlrdsall. Walnut.'Iovia.
FOR SALE A Rood two ttory store property In
Wayne , Wayne count } , Nek Address0.1 > . Hlrd-
B U , Walnut , Io a. ISi-lmt
FOR SALE Two open neconil-hand bugpica and
one delivery wagou , clump , at 1811' Ilarmy fat.
830 tl
OR SALEColorado coal. Tills coal 1 u free Irom
JD soot and as clean as Rock Sprlnir.
834 tl JEKF. W. BEDFOJin.
BALE Two portable boilers , 10 horsooowa
8fl8.fl 218 South 16th St.
FOR HALE A email Hosier , lUhman A Co. , fire
prool si ( > , almost new , at thla offlce. tf
ITtoa SALE Ola oewipaperi m luge and iraull
J ? qnantltlos at thU office. tl
1j OR KXCUANOE Good residence lot lor a team
JL1 INI.7 I1KM , A. SIirtlVEll.
T 03T Kob chain with Knight Tcmpltr charm.
_ 1J Under will bo liberally reworded by Ka\lnp at
Rurllngton olllco Hth aud Farram. D05-OJ
T OST An alligator pocket book in Eaunilcra street
.Lj car No. 17. Finder will be rewarded by return-
In same to 1011 Utrd street. 710-6) ) j )
FAMILY Rill at H. Ruier'.n ilardi Oth Itai. Uenta
ticket * 81 00 , ladlei free. ( S3 71
A KT NEEDLKWORK-Miis Ella Qraham , an ex.
XX perlcnced nccdlc-woinau , hai opened rooms to
teach any work In hir ( Inc. She bas also a supply
ol materUIi on hands. Ladies are invited to call
and ECO her display ol commenced pieces. Hoeing
at 1813 Dodge street. 655-tl
- | > 7 SPECIALTIES lor those out ft emplojment to
1 I make money with. Call on U. L. Bmlth , 200
N , ICtli ktreet , and see samples. 433-lm
/ 1ASIIPAIDFor cecond hand clothes , orders by
\J Mien or poitila promptly attended to Ad
dress llr. or Mrs , UroUcricbeiBsouth 10thBt Omaha.
AUBT. B03 Tenth street , between Farauu and Bar *
aey , will , with the aid ol guardian iplrlta. obtaining-
aoj ooe gianoo 01 u put and prctcal. % ad tbo
oerUlo condition ila th * luture. uvtta tat
cider , Perloct ntUiactlo