Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1884, Page 7, Image 7

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    rillfi .DAILY BEE THURSDAY. MARCH 6 , J88-I.
Dr. Wagner's Kcmovnl ,
I > r. Wagner VIM removed lili ofllco ftom N'o. SIS
t&rlmcr to No. 313 T.irlmer , where ho will bo plc s i )
to co hi ] trlonila. The Doctor Is to bo coiigrntulntcJ
on the comi > loUn u and elegance of his now bnllil-
rig. U p < > no ol tlio host In the city. [ Denver Ho-
, puUkftn , JMU Mli 1SS ) .
'ffliy you should try the colobralod Dr. H. Wagner1
.methods o ( euro :
1. "Dr. II. Wognor Is n natural physician. "
The Greatest Living I'brcnologiat.
"Fow can oxoo j ou as a doctor. " ,
The World's Greatest TrmilofrnoniUt.
"You wo wonderfully proDclent liijour knowl
edge ot disease and medicines. "
DR. J. MArmivs.
4. "Tno afflicted flnd ready relict In jour pret
ence. " DR. J. SIMMS.
6. "Dr. II. Wagner la a rogtlar graduate Item
Bcllomo Hospital , New York city ; lmstmd\cry ox-
tensho honpllal practice , nnd It thoroughly posted on
all branches ot hla beloved science , especially on
chronic diseases. "
0. "Dr. II , Wajrnor has Immortalized hlmsoll by
hla wonderful dlscaery ot snoclfla remedies tor pri-
rate and eoxuil diseases. " vlrglnh City Chronlclo.
7. "Thousands ol linallda tlock to see him. " Sin
Francisco Chronlclo.
8. "Tho Doctor's long experience as a specialist
ehould render him very successful. " Hocky Moun
tain News.
Plain Facts Plainly Spoken ,
At one time a discussion of the secret vice naa on.
tlroly avoided by the profession , and medical wor 1(6
but a tow j ears ago would hardly mention It.
To-day the ph > elclau U ot a different opinion ; ho It
nwaro that It Is his duty disagreeable though It
may bo to handle thla inittcr without glo\osand
cpoak plainly about It : and Intelligent parents and
guardians w ill thank him ( or dohig BO.
The results attending this dcstructho vice ivcro or
wllUiigly Ignored.
The habit Is generally contracted by the young
while attending school ; older companions through
their example , may In responsible tor It , or It ma ) ' bo
acquired through accident. The excitement once ex-
penoncod , the practice will bo repeated again and
again , until at last the habit becomes flrrn aud com
plotcly enslaves the victim. Mental and ncrt out at
motions are usually the primary results ol Kelt-abuse.
Among the Injurious effects may bo mentioned lassl-
udc , dejection or Irrasclblhty ot temper and general
doblllt } . The boy seeks seclusion , and rarely joins
In the sports ot his companions. It ho bo a young
man he will bo llttlo found In company with the other
sex , and Is troubled with exceeding and anne ) ing
basnfulncss In their presence. Lascivious dreams ,
emissions and eruptions on the tace , etc. , are also
prominent symptoms
It the practice Is violently persisted In , rroro Berlous
disturbances take place. Urcat palpitation ot the
heart , or epileptic convulsions , are experienced , and
the BtiderVr may fall into a complete state ol idiocy bo
lero , finally , death relieves him. ,
To all those engaged in this dangerous , practice , I
would say , first ol all , stop It at once ; trnko o cry
possible effort to do so ; but if you fail , if ) our nen ous
system Is already too much shattered , , ami consequently
quently , your will-power broken , take eomo none
tonic to aid you in your effort. IIaing freed J ouruelf
from the habit , I would further counsel > ou to go
through a regular course of treatment , for It Is a great
mistake to supnosn that any one may , for some time ,
be t e\ cry so lltt' e gl\o himself up to this fascinating
but dangerous exJtemeni without suffering from iti
evil consequences at some future time. The numDor
of young men who are Incapaciatcd to fill the duties
enjoined by u odlock is alarmingly lar o , and In most
ol such cases this unfortunate condition of things can
be traced to the practice ot self-abuse , which had been
abandoned yeira ago. Indeed , a few months' practice
ot this habit Is sullldent to Induce spcrmatorrhon ]
later joarsand I h-uo many ot auch cases under treat ;
men at the present day.
Young Men
Who may bo suffering from the effects of youlhlul
folliea or indiscretions will do well to mall themsehca
of this , the greatest boon eet laid at the altar of euf-
ering humanity. DR. Winxitn will guarantee to tor-
oil $500 for c\ery case of seminal weakness or private
disease" of any kind and character .which ho under-
takeo to olid falla to cure
Middle Aged Men.
There are many at the ago of SO to 60 who are
troubled with too frequent e\acuatlons of the blad
der , often accompanied by a slight smarting or burn
ing sensation , and a weakening of the system hi a
manner the patient cannot account for. On examin
ing the urinary deposits a ropy sediment u 111 often be
found , and sometimes small paitides of albumen will
appear , or the color will bo of thin mllklsh line , again
changing to a dark and torpid appcaranco. Thcro are
many , many mon who die of this dllllculty.lgnoraut ol
the cause , which Is the Hccond stage of seminal-weak.
ness. Dr. W. will guarantee a perfect cure in all caset
and a healthy restoration of the genito-urlnary or
Consultation free. Thorough examination and ad.
rice , ? 5.
All communications should bo addressed , Dr. Hour ;
Henry Wagimr , 1' . O. 2SS9 , Dent er , Colorado.
The Young Man's I'ockot Companion , by Dr. n
Wagner , Is worth its weight ingo'd tojoung men
1'rlo a 81,26. Bout by mail to any address. _ . „
Ono Who ia Nooclod and Nobly Filla.his
Denver Is moro fortunate than she knows Ia the
posses * on of the talents and energies of a man who
has given Mi time aud thought not merely to the
perfection ot Ida skill as a practitioner ot Ills pro
fession of medicine , hut to the ttudy of these pro
found things of sclcnro and nature which tend to the
inoro complete understanding of the problem of lite
undo ! the lawd ot nt'.uro and the means ot gaining
the grottcst practical goods to mankind from the Information -
formation that In the abstract. Such a
man is Dr. II. Wagner , ho It located at 343 Larimer
street. Dr. Wagner devoted m < ny jours to the ac
quisition of the knowledge nocceesary to. hla profes-
ion In a number of the luadhu medical schools ol
the most eminent and profound teachers , such
names as Dr , Orosa and Ir , I'ancoast appearing
among his preceptors Nordlj Ills studies ind hero.
They continued In the field of the practicing family
phlslclan nnd In the experiences ot a man of exten
sive tmel. He haiulted every section ol the Uni
ted Stated paying studious attention to the different
characteristics ol thuvarloui portions ot the country ,
particularly with regard to their effect , cllmatlo and
otherwise upon Health and the different forma nfdH-
cases. Witn the combined power * ot cltaa study , ax
tcmUonbicnat on and almos * , nnllm ltd practice ,
Dr. Wagner came to Domcr thrco jcars aoenuip
IKK ! as few have the right to claim tJ battle tl u lee
of mankind , the dro dul enemy , dlseaie. In order to
render the greatest good to noiJety , Dr. rVngnur deci
tied 15 lay ttjldo tlru general branches of practice and
Drlngallhs4 t vt kn iwlcdgn aud pnmcr to hear up
on tht ) foe which among the army of Im'nlu'ia
ieath agents In tno crcatctt. Hlj Kldooxpeilcnco
had taii.'hthl < n what weapons to me and uhich to
discard , und alter equipping himself ai lit * trained
judgment w s so well able to ad\l o him lie com-
incnood boldly and conHdcntly his attack. In esti
mating the rusulta and success achieved , it U enl
necessary toknow the doctor's petition and Rtandm
to-dat. While located In this city , hli practice In i
no uuans contlned to Its llmlti nor this nection ol
country. Ills corrcipondcnco and oxpreM books tes
tify In black and white to his w csi n of a field ot
pi act ice bounded only by the lines which bound the
ength and breaoth ot the country , and uhlch hai
Uccd him where a man of hh skill and Intellectual
attalnmouU deserves to be , and thould to bo eafiblu
him to reach the hUhcst ephoro of usefulness ti ) Bill
fering huminlty the plane of financial IndcjHjii
denco. Dr. Wagner has contributed of hU proiyerl-
ty to the substantial Improvement of Denver in the
erection of a fine block ou Larimer street , opposite
hi * present offlo J , Ho , Sli. It will be ready for occu
puncy lin low weeki , and It an evidence that tht
doctor U to bo numbered among the permanent and
.solid cltlitni of th metropolis ot the plains. [ Dun-
verTrlbuuo. " - -
DR. H , WAGNER & CO , ,
8 .LnrirnoCSt. Address
Tlio cxcrlcnoo | In the trcntmctit of Canrer with
Swlit' Spe3inoS. ( S S. ) otiM rcm to nrt < int in
In < M ing that It III euro thl < nuicn ilru\ilotlsr iirc.
Persons nnilrtoJ ar linltoil to oorre i > omllthiis. .
Ibollc\oSnltl' S icolrt'luioil my life. I hixl
\ Irtnallly lo t tlio mo ot tlic u > | or | mt ct my Inxly
anil ray arnn tram tha | olwiioxu cITpctn cl nhrfp
cnni-cr on my neck , lrf0i ch I h il nufffrJ ( or so
jc.ars. H. H. S I M relieve,1 niuot Ml eorencu , unit
the polsim l < liclng foictd o.a I my tjrttcm. Inlll
loon bo \ \ oil.
W. K. Honnov , Duhlioro , On.
T\ro inontln K inyMtciillcn w CAltal to the
eve ol n Moinnn nlliktol lth n i nccr nn hnr ghoul
dcr nt lca t Iholnihciln c'rcumtcrcnco ' < vnprj , luxln
ful , and uhlnir Ilio | tlcnt no test tiny or mult Inr
( Ix months , I obtained i | > plv of H lt's ( pcclflo
tur for her. She has taken li\o hottlo , and tha liter
In entirely hc.iM up , only aoiy tniall 6 b rcmilri-
lug ami her limit h Is better that ) tur fi\o } catu \ \
scciua to lie tieilocllv cured.
Ur.v. JES.I ) K OAMI nrl i > , Coumb\i ! , na.
I lui\o seen rcmnrkahlo results from use ot S wilt's
SiecflBon | ! ncancnr Aoing nun hero Inn been
alllicteJ flvo ) ears ulth the most nnirry looking cat-
Itigcnncrrsl o\crs ' and wast oirlj doul Ihrdist
hottlo mailouondcrfiil chnnir , ami alter ft\o' > ot-
tics cro taken , ho la nearly or quito ell. It Is tnily
Mondcrlul ,
> f. F. CKUVLKY , if. D. , Ojlctliorpc , Oa.
Our treatise on Dlood and Skin Diso cs mailed
tree to-jvt.ititj.
Draw er3 , Atlanta Oa.
V. omco. 1M1W.EM St. . hotnccni nth nnd 7lh * v .
The ueo ot the term " Hhot
Lino" In connection \\lththi
corporate narao ol a front rosd ,
conveys nn Idea of list what
required bv the traveling imb-
llc-a Short Mno , Quick Tlmi
and the best ot accommodt
tlons all ot which are lurn-
Ishod by the greatest railway In America.
And St. Paul.
It owns and operates ever 4,600 mtlra of
Northern Illinois , Wisconsin , Minnesota , Ion *
Dal oU ; and as ts main lines , branches and connec
tion a reach all the crcat business centres of the
Korthvv est and KarWest , It ntturally ansnors the
description of Short Uric , and licit llouto between
Chicago , Mllnaukcc , St. Paul and Kllnncapollg.
Chicago , Milwaukee , La Crosse and Wlnona.
Chicago , Mllnaukco , Aberdeen and WlctuUU
Chicago , Mllnaukco , Kau Cl.ilro nnd Stlllnatcr'
Chicago , Slllvaukco , Wauiau aud Merrill.
Chicago , Mllnaukco , Denver Dam nnd Oahkocb.
Chicago , Mllnaukco , Waukoslia and Oconnmowoo.
Chicago , Mllnaukco , Madison nml I'ralrlodu Chlen
Chicago , Mllnaukco , Ovvatonnn and Falrlbaul $ .
Chicago , Dclolt JanosvlMe nnd Mineral Point.
Chicago , Klgln , Kockfordnnd Dubuquo.
Chicago , Clinton , Hnck Island and Cedar IVtpldt
Chicago , Council Binds and Omalm.
Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Falls and Yank ton
Chicago , Mlhvaiikco , Mitchell and Chamberlain ,
Rock Island , Dubuque , St. Paul and Minneapolis
Davenport , Calraar , St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Pullman Sleepers nnd the Finest Dining Cars In
world are run on the mainlines o ! the CHICAGO
and every attention Is paid to passengers by court !
oua emplovoa of the company.
s. a. aiEHRn.T , , A. V. H. OAKPSXTEB ,
_ < Jen'l Manager. Ucn' ll'ws. A
. * i OKO II. IltAFFOUD ,
Patent Dried Finiit Lifter ,
12) A
GROCERY Groceries
Without It.
, NEB.
Nebraska Co 6-nice
Crcstiii'i ) , Balnstradcs , Verandas , OTIco and liaol
Ilalllngs , Window and Ocllar Guards , Eta
nott. 0. ANDCtu STl'.nL- ' , LINCOLN NKI ) .
OAI3KU. Uaunuer.
J. :
PJattsmouth , - . . . Noli
Ann DUHOO oa jtusiir RBD BWINB
for silo. Correspondence colIdUid ,
itx-oot ,
Chicago , St , Paul , Minneapolis and
Tbenowextonalonot thin line from WdkeBoU up
through Conooid and ColerlilfO
IloacbcK tha bcjt porUan of the Btato. Speclil ox-
ciiralon ri'm for Un > l teekeri over thl line to
Wayne , Norfolk and Uartlngton , and la llklr to all
I > rlnclpal i > ol/ta on the
Tttlns o or tht 0. . Ht. I' . M , ts. 0. lUllwar tn Civ
Inzto-j. 8Ioux tlty , I'onco , Hartln ton , Wajno ana
CJoaa.aa.oot ot 33X .lx-
For IVomont , Oakdale , KMifb , and through to Ya ! <
tSTfor ratei n > l all Intoniutlon call on
F II WJII1NKV , General Agent ,
btr\ ; t DiilHItK , Cat , 10th and Farnam Hti ,
Omir , Kelt.
nn Desocurvd at depot , comer Ktb
U1- " "
i HVIDlloni > , uii < r
iim if qli [ . t , r Ultimo.
VAl Clayton win In the ctty yesterday.
Frank 1 Uoll , of OttiWA , III. , U at the
Mr. Ooorgo Gates loft joslonUy for Sluirt ,
Ia. , on aWt ,
, T. W. Drultt , o ! Chicago , jvrthod at Hcch
tolo's yostorday.
Win. Xoocklor , of Doailvvood , arrlvoil nt the
Pacific ycslordixy.
T. 51. Akors , of Denver , Col. , was nt the
Pacific yea lord ay ,
Ooorgo Sanderson nnd vvlfo , of Odobolt ,
wore unions those nt the Oftdoti yoatonlay.
Sirs. 0. / , Green and daughter , of Decatur -
tur , 111 , , nro visiting Mra. Green's brother ,
S. T. Kronch nnd family.
Scott Williams , who has boon for thrco
years or so In AlUona , rntnrnod liomo n few
dayg ago. Ho look1 ? honrty nnd has many In
teresting experiences to imrrato to his friends
here , of the lips and downs of lifo nmoiif ; the
mlnoi ,
William Farrell U expected to nrrho this
morning from Galoelmrg , 111 , , nnd will \tslt
Ar. II , Tinloy nnd other friends , Ifo Is Rolng
to California to moot Mrs , Dan Far roll , his
brother's wlfo , who Is on her way homo from
Japan , where her husband 1s stationed ns as-
Blatant paymaster In the Unltod Statoa navy.
Tlrcil of Greek.
There nro n number of college gradu
ates here , a larger number probably than
ia generally supposed. Among those are
n goodly number of graduates from the
state university at Iowa Oity , and many
moro that have taken a partial course
thoro. At present there is among thorn
quito nn interest manifest in the discus
sion concealing the study of Greek , ns
laid down in the course , nnd it seems
that a largo majority of the "college
bred" mon of this city favor the position
taken by Charles Francis Adams , Jr. It
ia not unlikely that their feelings ih re
gard to the study of Greek may result in
a formal expression by petition or otherwise
wise- with a view of getting Iowa's uni
versity to make the study of Greek no
longer a requisite , but leave it as optional
in the course. It would bo well if a
meeting could bp called of all college
graduates in thiscityandvicinity andaonio
action by which their exact views on this
question could bo ascertained. It is pre
dicted that such n mooting would result
in showing that a largo majority of all
graduates are in favor of making Greek
limply optional. Few graduates , who
lave taken a classical course , find any
practical help from the amattoiing of
jrcek ! , nnd n smattering is all that most
of thorn have loft by which to remember
: heir collcgo lifo. On the other ham'
.hoy do feel the need of much informa
tion which they might hnvo gained in
the hours spent on Greek. The world
} f thought and of action is so much
larger than years ngo , when Greek \\ns
liold so sacred to scholarship , that n real
student , aiming for success in lifo , and
socking the best helps to gain that suc
cess , must needs uao his time and exert
his energies to the best possible advant
age. The man of to-day , with the
rapid strides of scientific thought , cannot
ailbrd to spend time preparing to dwell
with the ancients , but must equip him
self so ns best to keep pace with the mod
ern. Those who have the management
of the colleges and universities seem
timid about making nt least the experi
ment of having Greek placed among the
optional studios. It is a concession on
their part that the classes inGrook would
dwindle down to a very few students a
concession that the demand is for n mod
ernized system of education. Conceding
that such Is the demand , why not meet
it ? It would bo interesting if all college
graduates here , from whatever institu
tion , could gather some evening and give
expression to their own views. They nro
in bettor condition to judge than stu
dents just entering , upon a course , for
they have had experience in the world na
well as the school room. Such a formal
expression would be of interest nnd ol
Wnbash IJnsrenKo Car Fhp.
Yesterday morning , shortly after the
Wabnsli train arrived at the transfer pre
vious to departure for the south the bag
gage cir nttached to the trcin VMS dis-
covf rod to bo on fire. Thr-ro wns no bag
gage in the car but a couple of mail pou
ches which wcro savod. The fire h supposed -
posed to have originated from an over
heated btovo and badly damaged the car.
I'm SlcotoJioH ol tlio City Olllcors .Jtiht
Clioson Tlicro.
Corrouponrlonco of THE BEB.
CiiBSTOtr , Iowa , March 4. Your corre
spondent lias a few words to any uftor the
battle on Monday , the 3d of this month.
The city election Ima resulted in the
choice of the following oflicera for the ensuing -
suing year :
Mayor Charles 0. Pifihor.
Oity Attornny W. A. Spurrier ,
Treasurer Phillip Darr.
Asacsscr Lyman Waterman.
Mr. Fiahor wa until cjuito recently aa
engineer ou the "Q , " but by some moans
was asked to resign f so the boys thought
that as ho was auch a good man , and had
been no long such a good enginoorand got
his uncalled for g. b. , they would compli
ment Mr. Fisher by placing him at the
head of the ticket and elect him mayor ,
if possible. The result was that a ma
jority of 147 votes told the delightful
stery. Wo are not personally acquainted
with the umyor-oloot , but are cordially
informed that ho is in every respect a
high-toned and respectable gentleman ,
and will without doubt fill the ofllco with
dignity and to the best interest ! of our
rapidly growing city ,
Mr. F. S. Taylor , the present incum
bent , has acquited himself nobly and
has done very much for the city a good
so ho retires with the satisfaction that he
has done the best ho could.
MrV. . A. Spuieior , the now city at
torney , ia an excellent clioice , and ho
feels justly proud having defeated two
opponents , one of them especially an able
lawyer and high toned gentleman , Mr. J.
( } . Bull.
Mr. Phil. Dorr , the now city tre.iiurer ,
is of the firm Dorr Uroa. , one of the
leading dry goods hgusos iu th's city.
Sir. Dur is comparrtlivcljCn younp man ,
nnd an excellent accountant , and judging
from his long residence in the city of
Ctosion nnd the host oCgood , aubjtnnt al
friotids\ho \ ttill civo entire satisfaction ,
Mr. Lymiuifitonnmt , sr. , ia ono of
Oroalon's most cubstantial nnd honored
citiKons , nnd nill till the assessor's posi
tion in nn honontblo nnd substantial
minucr. Mr. Wnlornmn had no oppo
sition , lionco ho received the full veto of
the city 1-lJlO.
Our friund S. A. Dnnstor , of The
Duly Advertiser , wus defeated for conn-
cilmtn in the Second ward , but boars op
under the disaator of Monday with
Christian grace and fortitude. Stnu
brings out his paper this evening with nil
invented ho ehirkon , nnd consoles himself -
self with the fact that there wcro over
200 voters who wanted him foi their
Mr.V. . II. Uobb , of The Independent
.Vmerican , was the winner by about 1)3 )
majority. Wo presume ho will fill the
oflleo well.
The election paused oft' nicely and
quietly and nil seemed jubilant , nnd
nothing , that wo learned of , happened to
distract voters from voting , nor was
there nnyono that had the legitimate
riijht to the elective franchise but what
they could exercise it fully.
AHor Klfthlccn Your1 * of Bo
tlio 'I'll lot' 1'nnon to lo a
AVcaltliy Coloi-nilo llauoti
Kinsns City 1 lines.
"I have just found a for man whom 1
liavo boon looking 18 yeara"declared Do-
tcctivo George \Y. Cole of St. Louis to n
Times representative yesterday.
"What the of this
are particulars ex
traordinary caso'i" win naked at once.
"Well , in October , 1850 , Hugh Cross ,
president of the First National bank of
Jerseyvillu , 111. , lost two very valuable
horses. They wore thoroughbreds and
very fastnnd one was worth about $5,000 ,
the other being valued at $1,500. The
lioraos nero evidently stnlen , and circum
stances mndo it very probable that two
mon , well-known hard cases in tlio coin-
inuuity , had committed the theft. The
liorscs were hoard from again , but one of
the suspected men afterwards returned to
Jeraoyvillo. As there was not nnUiciont
evidence against him ho was not arrested.
Two years ago I located the other sus
pected man iu Colorado. About that
; imo nn old negro woman died in Jersey-
villo , and just before her death she de
clared that a negro who had been a serv
ant in the Cross family could tell all
about the robbery. Wlmt had become of
this negro no ono know , and ho disap- from the neighborhood just about
; ho tune thu horses wore lost. Until yos-
.onlay it was impossible for mo to locatu
his negro , but at last my labors have
icon 10warded. I found the colored
man at Atchison , nnd proves such an ex
cellent witness that I will at once cause
the arrest of the long suspected horse-
thief. "
"How did you discover your wit
ness ? "
"Oh , I stumbled upon n clew , and
when I found him it was not long until I
ind the whole story from him. Ho said
.ho thieves had tlueatonod to kill him if
10 ever breathed n word of the matter ,
so ho quietly disappeared as they vroro
inown to bo desperate men. "
"How did ho happen to bo a wit
ness ? "
"Ho cays he was going past the barn when
lie saw the mon lot down the bars and
load the horses out of a lot. Ho knew
the mon and recognized both , and ho
gives a verjr clear account of the niTiir. "
" \Vhcro \ is your other manl"
"Well , sir'that is another chapter of
this strange romance. After a youth of
thu wildest and most lawless nature , ho
married ai'd went west , and is now a
wealthy ranchman iu Colorado. YosBir ,
ho has plenty of wealth , and poaiton ,
and a nice family , too.1' '
"What do you intend to do with
him ? "
"Arrest him of course. I am on my
way now to the governor of Illinois for a
requisition , and as soon as that is ob
tained I nill go west and got my man.
It : a ft very icmarkablo case , more BO
than any 1 have ever had , except , per
haps , that of Mrs. Kate Tobloy , a sane
woman , whom I readied from the O.ja-
watomio , Kaa. , Insane asylum , after she
had been confined n great many yearn
through the efforts of relatives who were
living oft * her estate. "
A Consli , Cold , or Sore Tliront should
not lie neglected. lil'.OUN'ri UllONL'IIIAb
TliocilA1 } nra n Hlinplo rutnoily , and give
jno7)jjt lellef.5 eta. a box.
A Hnlilmoro I/ndy Conjured Ouljol
JU'r JJonov l > y a
( 'Most.
f-jie 111 Illrpcttli to ih
15AI/JIMOUE , Md. February 28 , The
police ( hare are looking for a wizard nnd
a gh"st , who have been playing dwindling
pr.\nko in this section. Mrs. Caroline
Jontoner appeared buforo a mngistrato
and chawed ElizibothVobor with con
spiring with others to defraud her , The
mother of Mrs. Jontonor died u short
time ninco , and Mrs. Jentonor biliovos
she loft 84,000 , which , however , cannot
bo found , Mrs. Jontonor confided in a
Mrs. Weber , and promised her $200 if
she would find the money. Mrs. Webur
consulted a wizird , who agreed to find the
concealed wealth by his mystic power.
Ho was to call up tlio spirit of Mra , Jon-
tenor's mother , who would bring the
money. At midnight last Monday night ,
according to appointment , Mrs. Jontnur
nnd her husband wont to an old oak
tree in n clump of woods on the outukirta
of the city , where they wore mot by the
wizard. After 891110 conjuring words.tho
wizard called up the alleged spirit , nnd u
ghostly figure robed in black with n white
veil over its head , appeared from the
tree. It reached out a tin box , which
the wi/ard took on his bonded kneoa , and
giving it to Mrs. Jontoner , said : "Your
money ia in this box. you must not open
it till you get homo , " The ghoatdlsap-
poard , antl the trembling couple hurried
into tlio city , and opening the box found
it full of rubbish. The wizard was paid
a handsomefoe. . Mrs , Weber , whom
Mra. Jontoner had arrested , explained tc
the police magistrate that slio really
thought the man was a wizard , could call
up the spirits , and could get Mrs , Jon-
tenor's money for her. She had no intention -
tention to defraud Mrs , Jontoner ,
FlrHt IteIvod and Then Cared.
"Was troubled for n year with torpid liver
mid Indigestion , and alter trying everything
Iinn ltmbla used llurdock JllooJ JIUteit. The
flrtt Mtlt rolloed me nuc } the ie cmd curel me
( ntlrtlv , J , 8 , Willlamiou , Jtoclieetcr , N , Y
The shipment of ore mid concentrations
fro.n the Livko Vrtlloy mines for tha month n
m"ouute' * to swnethluif like
I'jXlraortlltiarv HlHtm Kocnrnocl i\l
ilio Now York Utiirau of
Vital .Statistic * .
YctlcVotM. .
The burcvii of vilnl slntialio ? ia n plnco
of record of perhaps inoro extraordinary
lucurrouccs in tlio matter of lifo mul
lenth tluiu ovun the irtomoira of such a
lialinguishcd porsmmgo r.a M , Lucoc < ] ,
ho French detective , inadu famous by
io\olists. On the books of tlio bureau
nro registered nil births nnd dcntlii.
iicing over the pages of the record *
mo finds here nnd there n mention of
rirths Hint , \voro it not tlmt the parent of
ho child or children \\oro nverso to pub-
icily , their otVspring would furnish lead-
ng nttrnctiuna to inusouim. In the Hat
> f extraordinary birthn como twins , hip-
ots doublo-hendod nnd four-
, quintlota , - , -
egged ohildron ,
< * f these the first mentioned nro the
nero common. Triplets , though rare ,
nro not suflkiontly BO to call for inoro
.him pnasing notice , \vhilo four children
) r inoro nt n birth nre mentioned ua occur-
ng but n half dozen times during the
, -onr. The others mentioned nro rightly
culled inonstrositieB , nnd nro caused by
nccidont or fright to the mother. They
nro exceedingly raro. Two cases of chil-
Iron born with doublohonds nro recorded ,
mil but ono of them survived. The other
s now on exhibition at n dime museum
n this city.
Ono birch is registered of n child with
'our legs , nnd the parents of tlmt
child hnvo allowed it to bo placed on
exhibition in ix traveling show for n con-
sidorntion ,
Another birth is registered of n child
vith two bodioa nnd but ono head ,
nnd it died almost immediately alter
Instances Imvo boon recorded where
children hnvo boon born with the honds
or bodies of domestic animals , but only
ono cnao id known where such n moiiBtro-
nity lived. A few years ngo'a Gorman
; irl , n domoatie employed by n Long
aland farmer , gave birth to a child whoao
load resembled tlmt of n Newfoundland
log nnd whoso body was covered nt birth
vith long black hair. It is assorted that
n the intoroata of humanity the being allowed to die within twenty-four
lours of its birth.
In England a marvelous caoo of n wo-
nan giving birth to n child , with nil the
attributes of n monkey , oven to a tail ,
s said to bo recorded , but careful
enrch by some of our eminent physicians
oiled to discover any evidence of the
cneo.Tlio Germans nro said to bo more pro-
itic than any nation except the Chinese ,
and among thorn a multiple birth ia of
iommoii occurrence. In this country ,
lowovor , cases of numerous progeny nt n
> irth nro rare. Physicians ImVo made
r.any attempts to roar unexceptionally
nro monstrosities in the interest of
cionco , but in every 'case have been un-
A noted physician attached to ono of
ho hospitals some time ago assisted at
ho biith of a child with'wobbod ' toes and
ngors , such as are necessary to aquatic
owl , but the child died in two hours and
was plaoad on u dissecting table , where it
vna found that its interior formation wna
honamoas n water-fowl. The circumstnn-
cs nnd evidences of the fact caused
nuch comment in medical circles nt the
rime , although the afl'uir was not really
nado public.
In convoranlion with nphysician of high
repute n World reporter elicited the fact
.hat . nearly every tale of extraordinary
) irtli3 had n Blight foundation on which
as buildod a fabric of fiction. Ho said :
'A physician becomes elated nt having
sainted at the birth of a child of.atrango
brmntion , nnd iininod lately ntarta n tale
of unusual atrangonoas merely to pique
lis fellow-practitioners. Muny of the
-ales of monkoy-fucod children are fables ,
nid most of the cases might bo taken by
a modern JKiop to point n moral but
never to adorn n tale , "
Ail I0\i > lunatlon.
No ono moillcino will euro everything , but It
H nn Incoutasttbla fact that Thonuu f.clcctric
Oil will euro a upraln or a bruho , n blto , or nil
aclio , and ia nlso nn actlvo and pronounced
euro fur neuralgia and rhoimmtlsin.
Adnjitutlon of ilio Vine to Out-ol'-tlic-
AVay Corners.
The wild grapevine may ho found grow
ing nhnoBt everywhere except in swampy
places , and perhaps on sterile , sandy
ridges. In the thickest woods , along
old fence-rows , clinging to the tallest
trees , or eoveiing a thicket of under
brush , fotiuing the most bountiful of
rustic bower ) , it seems everywhere at
homo. Its peculiar habits servo ns an
admirable illustration of the divine fore
thought of the Greater.
Living , as it dot-H , upon the waste of
tlio moro rugged denizens of the wood ,
its dulicato rootlets feeding close to the
surface , the tendrils clinging to their
giant tuinku for fiuoport , it beautifully
oxompliicsthfl"AUpromefltiiCfls ( [ of things"
in nature. Wherever 'wo go wo find
fresh evidence that "flod liven , " nnd
that lie works with a purpose in viow.
This habit of the grapovir J ; in common
with other plants , of feeding near the
surface , upon docaynig vegetable matter ,
brings to mind the injunction' our
blessed Saviour "Gather the
, up frag
ments , that nothing bo lost , " and which
should ho bourne in mind by tillers of the
soil. Wo find everywhere BO ninny noolcs
and corners of promises , both in towns
and country , given ever to weeds , that
might nnd ahould by nil means bo made
to bring forth fruit by the growth of
vines , or some other kind of fruits , How
ens or vegotabloa. Aa the country bo
cornoB filled with a denser population it
becomes the duty , ns it will after a while
become necessary , for all who are fortun
ate enough to own a piece of laud to put
it to it * utmost productive capacity.
This can only bo done by putting to good
use every epol nnd corner , allowing no
waste plucoi about the farm or lot , ns the
case may bo. Fortunately the urapevino
will grow and form an object of beauty
in many placeo where nothing else will ,
such as a narrow opaco botweou the fence
and a house , or under the corner of an
out-house , and by being trained up under
the cave it finds a homo admirably suited
to it ) wants. It may ulso bo BO trained
as to produce an abundant shade , or , if
that is not wanted , it may bo ao trained
on the wall as to produce but little or no
uhado at nil. Au'HA.
GLUTON , Greene county , 0.
HUMAN HLOOD , On the purity and vi
tixlity of the blood depend the vigor and
health o the whole system , Disease of
various kinds is often only the aign that
nature is trying to remove the disturbing
cause , A remedy that gives lifo and
vigor to the blood , eradicates scrofula
and other impuiitios from it , na Hood'a '
Sarsaparilla undoubtedly does , must bo
the means of preventing many diseases
that Houl1 occur without its use. Bold
by dealers
One of the Best aud largest Stocks in the United States
to select from.
j ! { bW . IN
1 ;
Sllr Heating and , Baking
TJI only attained by using
ffi Sas ; | rj OAK
mwfc m V is& stoves and Hangos ,
103 BRADY ST. , DAVENP011T , IOWA , U. S. A. Eatnblished 1878 Catarrh ,
Doafnosa , Lung and Nervous Diseases Speedily and Permanently Cured. Patient *
0tired at Ilomo. Write for "TiiE MEDiOAL-JIissioNAitY , " for the People , Free.
Consultation nnd Correspondence Gratis. P. 0. Box SJ92. Telephone No. 220.
HON. EDWARD RUSSELL , Postmaster , Davenport , says : "Physician of
uoa ADluty nnu IMarkod Success. " CONORESSBIAN MURPHY , Davenport ,
--U ! : "An Jionorablo Fine Sucronn , Wonderful CuroB.1 Homo. R < " 5
. & . .
liiiies : i
OMtnntly filled with inlectlttoclc. Bent Wortmimlilp inun&tciid.
UtTtra fnrrrji W. Unmet * 76Vnnii Rnnv1 * ' luomia i } < ni/ia Neb'
PaintsOils. . B
" 4 5 04
Proprietora. Superintendue
n GI % HI
! il ! and Grain * Elevator Machinery
Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth1
. .aa
"We are prepared to t'ltrniflli plans ami oalmiates , nudyill contract for
tlio erection of Flouring Mills imil Grain Elovutors , , or for changing
Flouring Mills , fromStono to the Itnllor J3 st m.
( "fispeoinl ( itttmtion ivu ta furnisinng Power Plants for any pur
pose , and estimates mndo tor samo. General machinery repairs attended
opro t ) . '
jjk' jjg & CLAEKB , Omaha , K K