Wf " T * * w - T < > * , - * / * * * ' 'TH.pW'W * * * , "WTP P rw B3i ? , * % - . rilK DATLY Riyrc-TiruRsnAv { MA unit & . . i u . , . , . - . XHJU JDAJLbV JJEB-OMAHA , THURSDAY , Al Attend , 1881. Bilious t symptoms invnnnbly nnso from indigestion , such as furred tongue , vomiting of bile , giddiness , sick hcndacho , irregular bowels. The liver secretes the bile aud acts like a filter or sieve , to cleanse impurities of UIQ blood. By irregularity in its action or suspensions of its functions the bile is liable to overflow into the blood , causing jaundice , sallow com- ploxiou ycllowoyes nliousdiarrhma , a languidweary feeling and many other distressing symptoms. Hil- iousness may be properly termed an affection of the liver , and can bo thoroughly cured by the grand reg ulator of the liver and biliary organs BURDOCK BLOOD BllTERS. Act upon the stomach , bowels and liver , making healthy bile and pure blood , and npens the culverts and sluiceways for the outlet of disease. Sold every whore and guaranteed to cure. 74. L REGULAR MONTHLY DRAW- ' LI , I ing will take place in Covington , Ky. , Thursday , March 27th , 1884. A Lawful Lottery & Fair Drawings , chartered by the legislature of Ky. , and twlco douar- cd legal by the highest court In tro Mnto Bond ghcn to Henry County In the sum ot 8100,000 for the prompt jmjmcnt ot all prizes gold. March Scheme. 1 Prlzo 8 CO ,000 1 Prize 10,000 1 ITlzo 6,000 2 Prizes , 82,500 each fi.OOO 5 Prizes , 1,000 ouch 5,000 SO Frizes , KJOeach 10,000 100 Prizes , 100 each 10,000 200 Prizes , 50 each 10,000 BOO Prizes , 20 each 10,000 1000 Prizes , 10 each 10,000 9 I'rbca , SOO eacbApproximntlon frizes , 2,700 9 Prlwe , 200 " " 1,800 0 Pilzcs , 100 each " " 800 1,875 Pilzca. $110,400 Whole Tlctota , S3. Half Tlckota , SI. 27 TlcHetB , $00. 65 TlcHota , $100. Kemlt money or Postal Nolo Uaak Draft In Letters or Bend b ) Express. Orders ot $5 and upward b\ express , can be tent at our expense. Address all orders to J. J. DOUOIAS. Covinjfton , Ky d-wcd 1st 3ttem-w 2d w cm. ni i n uii 1111 ( ni i ui.i i rn i ui i n t-11111,1 , Wo hare spent orer S100.000.0O la dcfondlni ? our liuht to the Durham Hull as our trade-mark Undoubtedly ho Is to day the most Milunblo Hull In the world. Now it stands to roaaon that wo rouldn't afford to protect him to thoroughly If HIACIIWIM'S inn.i , inntiiAiii TO. tiacrn , of which ho is the reprcucntatU o , wasn't thu UUbT HuiokliiB Tobacco ever iimdc. The sales of Bluekwell's Bull Durham Smoking lobacco far cicecd those of any other brand in the world , elmply because It haa ixscn , la , and will bo , the beat that can lie made. All dealers Im o it. Look for trade-mark of Uio Dull on every pacLaexx DR. FELIX Lh BRUN' i PREVENTIVE AND CUKE. FOE EITHER SEX , The remedy being injected directly to the seat of the disease , requires no change , of diet or nauseous , mercurial or poisonout medicines to bo taken Inter nally. When uf ed as a preventive by cither BOX , Ills impossible to contract any private disease ; but In the case of these already unfortunaUly aflllcted wo guar antee thleo boxes to euro , or wo will rotund the mon ey. Price by mail , postage paid , 82. per box or three boxes for { J. J.WRITTEN WRITTEN GUARANTEES esued by ail authorized agents. BrEelixLeBrun&Co. SOLE pnopniETons. r O. F. Goodman , Druggltt , Solu Agent , for Omaha Ileb o-wly Dn K. 0. Wesi'n NEEVK AND HUAIN MENl , n Bunranteod enecilio for Hysteria , Uizzi. noes. Convulsions , Kits , Nerrouu Neuralgia , Jloaaacho.NervouB Prontrnton ! causoa by the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wnkofiilnees , Jlcntnl lie- prossiou , Boftoninn of the llrnin resulting In In- rantty and lonclim ; to mieory , decay nnd death , rromnturo Old ABO , HniTcnnLBS , Loss of power in cither BOX , Involuntary losses mid Hrmnrmt. orrucca cousod byovor-oxortidii of thouram , self- nbusour ovcr-Indtileonco. Euch tax contains ono month's treatment , $1.00 a bor , or nix boxet forfS.OO.eontbymoil propaidon receipt of prlco. > VE UA AXTJI : MIX jsoxr.s To euro nny coso. WiUi cnch order rocoiyed byn for six boxes , nccompunied with $50 , xo will Bond the purchaser our written uuarantco to ro- fundtho money > f the treatment does not oilecl uoum , ( iiiaranteea iRKuen onlyn7 a F , GOODMAN Bolo A ent , Ornih * Nob. GOLD HEDAL , PAKIS , 1873 , BAKER'S Warranted abiflnttly Coeoa , from which tbo eicc < o Ollluubcenrcmotcd. ItliaiMr llmef thi ttrtngth of Cocoa mixed with Blarcu , Arrowroot or Sugar , and l therefore la moro cconpul cat. It'is dullcloui , nourishing : , IrcDgtliralnjf , caally dlgntcd , am ] admirably nduptcd for Invalids ai well iu for ptrooni la health. Sold Of Grocer * ererjnhtrr , y. BAKER & CO. . DoiiBstGr. Mass. DISEASES OF THE EYE & EAR J , T. ARMSTRONG , M. D. , : < vxxc3L j3L.xi.rlrat. Until otQccs are repaired from result Of fire , offl with Dr. Parker , Room 6 , Crelgtitoa Block 1MI ij Poujlas tix = U. PACIFIC WILBDAD LANDS , Bill to Compel Jhc Roads lo Talc Out Pali nls for lads Granted in 1862 anA 1864 , 'ho ' T \ Slilrlccrfl AVIU rinnlly Do Forced to Pay Taxes Mko Other I'mpctiy Ow IICTS. lloprosontntivo Hftuback , of Kansas , vho h a , member of the commlttco on 'floifio roads , mnkoa tlio following slnto- icnt in regard to the nnttor of compoll- tig the Fnciflc railroads to pay fooa for urvoying and convoying their Innds : "Tho question has boon fully discussed icforo the committee The committee a not divided in opinion us to the nocoa- ily for the passngo of a law compelling 110 ronda to take out patents on lands ranted them in the nets of 18G2 and 804. _ By direction of a majority of thn ommitteo , Mr. Crisp , of Georgia , re- lortod a bill to the house , Mondaywhich irovidos that it shall bo the duty of ho railroads , within ninety days , o tile their certificates of selections of anda granted them , in the land ollice , nd pay the cost of surveying mid con veying said lands , horutoforo advanced "iy the government. The bill further irovidcs that in case of default on the > art of the company to do so , then it hall become the duty of the secretary if the interior to notify the attorney ; cnoral of the Unite i States , whoso duty t shall bo to inunodiitoly cause suits to > o brought against the defaulting roada or recovery of money advanced by the jovprnment in the surveying and con- 'eying ' of the lands. I objected to the bill n thatshopo for the reason that under the aw's delays , at least ilvo years go by bo- ere the question could bo settled ns to vhat amount was duo by the railroads to ho government. Of course the jjrcat > bject in view by this legislation is to lave the lands placed for taxation so as .0 . relieve the burden that rests on the houldcrs of the pioneers who ixro making ho west an assured success. If the 111 of the majority should prevail and ho railroad companies refuse to pay the cos , the secretary of the interior would jo by operation of law prevented from asuing patents and thereby convoying itlo to the companies , the cil'cct of winch vould bo to inako the lands taxable. , 'ho first step in default in the compv lioi would bo for the attorney general to ommcnco suit in some circuit court in ho Unitud States through which the road Lofnulting runs. The railroad company vould immediately interpose a demurrer 0 any bill on the ground that the lauds were not subject to patent nntil they vero acquired bjr the company under the .wenty-lirst section of the act of 'G4. This iuvolvcs a question of law which would necessitate carrying tlio case to , ho supreme court for settlement , The suit for the recovery of the money duo remaining in abeyance until thu decision of the supreme court was made. Out side thnro are many delays which would je'easily brought about.Tlio final question would be as to what amount was duo the United States. This would give the com pany defendant an opportunity to sot up 1 counter claim , and the question would so one of fact to bo tried by jury. As the amount involved in the U. P. 11. 11. is in ; ho neighborhood of § 500,000 , itisprobat y that the same trouble would arise to arrive at a unanimous verdict. I opposed ; his delay. 1 want these lands patented .o the companies and subjected to taxa tion , the same as other proparty is. 1 jolievo it the wisest and boat course for ; ho Kansas Pacific and Union Pacific to lursuo anyhow. I know it would bo jest for the states of Kaunas and No- jraska. So I have in conjunction with Mr. Wjlnon , of Iowa , filed a mi nority report , accompanied by a bill which provides that it ihall bo the duty of the secretary of the ntorior to issue patents and cause theme : o bo recorded in the general land ollico of all the lands granted the Pacific rail roads under the acts of 18G2 and 1801 That when the patents are issued and recorded , ho is to notify the roads that lie is ready to deliver them on payment of the foes duo from said roads to the ovtrnmont. In case of default on the part of the roads to pay the sums ccrti- ticd by the secretary to bo duo , then it is made the duty of the attorney general to cause suits to bo brought for the amount of money duo. That the lion which the government has on the lands shall not bo discharged by reason of such patents and tranofur of titles to the roads. The difference between the two ills , is this : The sues to recover the amount duo before issuance of pat ents subject to the law's doluy. The other issues pa ten M whereby the lands become immediately taxable und cause suit to thorof tor bo brought for the re covery of what amount is duo by the railroads to the government. I believe that the report of the minority will bo adopted. It is certainly right. Because the government can far bettor aflbrd to wait for any sum duo it from the railroads - roads than the people can mTord to boar ulono the burden of taxation that has boon imposed on them by reason of failure of the land giant road to take out patents as they should have done long ago. I think there ought to bo an addi tional provision , and believe there will be , that in sections of the county where a largo portion of railroad grants nro sit uated , from the west line of Kansas through hundreds of miles , the lands should bo divided up in largo bodies , ton to twenty miles , alternating , ono to the road , ono to the government , und by this moans the question of immigration and putting these lands into pasturage might bo far moro easily solved than it would bo with the subdivisions so small as thov now are. An I said , the luncUj would immediately become taxable on the issuance and recording of the patents by the secretary of the in terior , and I need only call your atten tion to a decision of the oupremo court in the case of the railroad vs. HcShauo , 22 Wallace 144 , whore it is oxprcesly provided by the court thtt the issuance by the secretary and recording your protest to lands granted to the Pacific road , immediately divests the United States of all patent and of course miid lands at once become subject to taxation , " Corporation Politic * ) . To the Editor ol Till lint. BKLLF.VH.LK , Hatch 5. Again my shal low enthusiasm oozes out when contcnv plating about the future prospects of the anti-monopoly party. I observe thai Borne of the over sanguine mud slingcn of the republican , seem to think anc imagine that the anti-monopoly party ai an organization is a thing of the past ' This is a prcsidcntal year , and wo will I I' all bo united again They say , there ii nothing to keep it together as long as th republican van.v wlicols nround , and whips itself into" its tfjd traces , and nsks the support of nil unsuspecting independ ent men , who believe there M yofc remain ing some redeeming quilitira about such persons aa the smnttoror Nyt > wd the lickspittle Quo inclusive of the corporate attorneys and mounto banks and the whole mob of plundnrora who essay to ilo.'ond and guard the charter of our liberties the cartil of our rights , when in realty thov are the willing katy dids of the railro.idsf who carry blank passes in tlipir long posKota to distribute M their imperial judgment may deem best , done so ns tt > enforce man to recognize men instead of measures , to support party and abandon principle , n virtual soil out to the rail roads , and the capital steal ring at Lin coln , nil of which proves dutrimontnl to the rights of the people. Them is no question biit uhnt the railroads have stood hand in hand with 'ho manipulators of the republican parly , during thorocont _ mooting of the state central committee at the Millard hotel. 1 am informed that the Union Pacific was represented by John M. Tliurston nnd Frank Walters whoso presence wua essential to the suc cess and harmony of the railroad session , while Church Howe and Charles II. Ooro loomed up for cauao nnd otloct. Is it any wonder the republican party has fallen so low in the estimation of the people ? Is it any wonder the managers of the republican party have shown so much contempt , where the vital interests of the people have boon concerned ? Is it any surprise why the republican legis lators refused to support a bill , requiring the railroads to pay u just proportion of taxes upon their road-bed , rolling-stock , depot grounds nnd other improvements. The scribe thinks they have the least possible intention of so doing. They observe no obligation to contribute to wards the support of stuto institutions , whenever they can evade the construc tion of the law. Yet the state protects their property and maintains the same relation towards them that it does to wards n private citizen , still rnilroads are corporations exorcising public powers , existing by virtue of delegation by sovereign eign powers of government , like that of any domain , hence , in my judgment , they should bo allowed no moro than the federal government itself bo allowed ; to know the difference between a rich man or poor man , a big shipper or small ono. AGRARIAN Goinii.i : . Attention ! Members 12. 31. A. Every member of the Emmet Monument ment association is instructed to report at their hall with badges , 1308 Douglas street , this ( Thursday ) morning , at 8 o'clock prompt , to nttond the funeral of their deceased fellow member , Patrick Foloy. A full attendance is desired. By irdor of the oflicors. The Manitoba Convention WINNIPEG , March 15. The interim- ional convention concluded to-night at ijtnerson , Manitoba. Tlio following is a .ummary . of the resolutions unanimously arricd : The immediate construction of a railroad from the head of navigation at iako Winnigog to Ft. Churchill on Hudson's Bay. An abundinco of trallic H already assured. The road ia of vital mportanco to the Red lliver valley , is a latural highway for the trade of the val- oy , and 25 cents n bushel will bo added : o the value of wheat grown in the valley. All indusbual interests of the lorthwest will bo stimulated. tVhilo the Manitobiqns do not desire a lolitical union with the United States , : lese commercial union anduntrammolod itercourso is absolutely necessary. The Rod river channel should bo improved "or steamship use by-congress and par- lamont. A committee was appointed to roparo an act to bo submitted to the rlanitoba legislature , and to provide for carrying out the resolutions. Strange Birds In Klioile ( eland , rovIJcnce Journal. The past month has exhibited a pocu tar fauna , a combination of mildness and ovorlty. On the ono hand , the moro outhorn species wintering in greater lumbers than usual ; and on tlio other .ho exceptionally rare visitors from ; ho extreme north. Late in December a Brunnichs guillemot or murro , Lomvia arra brunichi , was killed , and during the past month I have learned of about a dozen others. Ono or moro articles have appeared regarding the curious looking birds. They sit erect like penguins , are , bout a foot highhavo pure white breasts : ind black heads and backs. Like their cousins , the little auks , they are unable ' .o fly from the ground , but are peifectly it homo in the water , and help ihem- lelves to take flight by their feet. They are abundant in thu Arct'o regions , and their ej * nro said to be excellent oating. They nest in vast communities und aiu : nuch persecuted by the cggora. Their eggs aio not less remaikablo than them elves ; they are very large tor the BIHO o : ho birds , nro abruptly pointed , nnd thu color vnrirs from white to n deep eoa jreon , some being heavily marked , while others nro unspotted. Besides our usual winter bay birds , the black-edged gull , alee called coffin carrier Larus minimus , has beenmoro numerous linn usual , and n very rare bird. A king cider duck , Lomntoria upoctabillis , wus 'filled at Nnyatt Point about the first of January , by Mr. Frank Toboy. This is only the second specimen from our bay , hat lias come to my knowledge. During ; ho last of December and the first of Jan uary two nights horonsor quacks , I ictia- idon grissea navca , wore shot at Bristol , It would seem us if the ice and cold tvcathor would have intorforored with their fishing , us they got their living by wading and catching fish. Hundreds of people have wondered nt the strange birds , about the size ot rob- binswhioh have appeared inbothoity | nnd country. They ore pine goosbouks , and "iavo boon very rare for eleven years , and may bo for many moro. The rod linnota , carpodacus , boon have about all winter , and sometimes in largo flocks. They appear as much at homo as if they staid with UB every winter. They do winter very sparingly at periods several years apart , but the present ia a remarka ble exception. Some of the spring birds'soom to have made a mistake of about a month. Blue birds appear quite early in the month and have been reported common from va rious sections. Robins are not rare , while the most beautiful of all our birds , the cedar birds or cherry birds , have come to got a few cedar berries before the northern visitors take them all. ItH Equal Yet to Hour From , The movemcntH of a tnulo's hind leg * arc very variable and uncertain , but Dr. 2/tomai Iclcdric Oil takes but ono courao It hoaUani : truree. Its equal for twthuia , diphtheria , ca tarrli , cold and voro throat hus never yet boot sold. _ _ _ The London police claim to have ovldonci \ \ hlchwill soon lead to the capture of tin dynamiter * . Six men from America ori , j known to be concerned lu the plots. The ; landed ntSoutliampton Feb. 20. 'Xhoyupi > carei | to lie "gentlemen of leUuro" but curried vn o ! 1109 as heavy aa lead , IlKKIt roll TIIH 1UMK. One of I lie llcorcntlotiH Popular nt Hot Sprln/ti / , Ark. nilioll ! > liU Time" . A street car panics , drawn by n molnii cholly looking mule. On tlio car hangs the placard : AND Wiu. UKSTU : To-l\\ ) AT CASTI.K I'AIIK. I board the car and am carried through nn entirely now pirt of thu ton u , northward - ward of nnil above tlio Arlington. The valley widens ngnin. Wo pass thu Joie- phinu cottage , the Avenue hotel , and n. nuinbor of very pretty private residences. Those become rater aftitr a while , and at last the JMiilo is trudging botwcon thu tracks over a cotmiry road. 'Jho strains of mnrtinl nuisio nasail my can , nnd I dinscver a kind playing furiously in ono , corner of. a little two-acru incloauro. A man at tno gate relieves mo of quarter and 1 am frou of the ] > hcu. There is n cottage iu the rear occupied by n Frenchman aa n restaurant. In ono coiner , chained to n trcu , liea n gigantic boar the biggest black boar 1 o\or saw. A notice is posted on the tree : ; lUKit > oa TIIK Scattered about in the park nro 100 erse so of spectators. I do not hko to show ignornnco by inquiring the moaning of the placard , but quietly wait. Presently a young man , evidently . .not a member of a rod-ribbon society , gently approaches the bear , who looks nt him lazily nnd blinks his oycs , The young man displays a bottle of boor. The big boasttho bear , 1 mean , ) rises on his haunches nnd licks his jaws in token of approval. The biped , after ono or two feints , rolls the bottle ever to bruin , who soi/os it , un corks it with his teeth nnd tnkos a tremendous pull. After n rest ho takes another. This time ho hn emptied it , nnd letting it roll to a distance gazes at it with nn expression half melancholy nnd half comical. "Treating the boar" is n daily amusement with the visitors hero. His powers are great. Iln has been known to make away with twenty-five bottles , at a sitting , or rnthor a squatting , without hanging out any signal of distress or be having himself otherwise than ns n per fect boar. Whether ho hnd a hcndacho the next day or not no ono knows. "Time" is called for the wrestling bjut nnd a negro in n ragged suit of clothes stops forward and prepares for battle. This , it seems , is Dan. The bear at first scorns disinclined to move , but ia prodded into activity by the blowa nnd insults heaped upon him. Ho shows considera ble skill , nnd does not lose his temper. Occasionally ho handles Dan pretty roughly. In the first round Dan pulled a hat of some tough material down over his oycs , nnd made n daih at bruin. The latter dodged , and , clutching Dan , who had slipped and fallen backwards into the boar s hug , laid hold of his arm with his tooth , pinching it severely , aa was evident from the expression of Dan's face. The negro finally freed his other arm and struck bruin n terrific blow on the snout , at the same time shouting : "What's do matter wid yo1 , b'ar ? " The boar loosened his hold and Dan hauled off. for repairs. After pausing to regain his wind , Dan , evidently n little dishunrt- oncd , made another ruah , but the bear stooped , caught him nimbly , and , falling backward , ilung him blooding nnd half sonsolosa into n pile of rubbish twenty foot nwny. Poor Dan picked himself up nnd retreated toward the house , turning from time to time to bestow u fnrowell curse upon his late ndvoraarywhoso eyes shone with n merry twinkle as they fol lowed the vanquished darkey. "Tho show" was ended , and the croud made n tush for the bob-tnil cais. Unison Tor Shilling Uio Control or tlio Pipe Lanc&sttr Intilllgcnce ; . The proposed merger of the United ipo lines in the Mational Transit com- iany , which is simply n transfer by the Standard Oil company from onn pocket 0 another , excites attention bccauHO it ia wondered that the Standard is driving 1 in the apparently objectless transfer ; .ud several probable theories are ad- anccd to account for the performance , rhich is understood by common consent o point ut u steal of Dome kind. Ono ixplanation is that the United Pipe linoa iavo never declared a dividend yet , bo i.uiso it would have carried u heavy divi oud tax to thostato , and that now n trans- cr of the whole concern as it stands to .ho National transit , which is nnid to bo foreign corporation , will enable the United 1'ipo lines to bo carried out of the tuto for division. That would bo a very rutty tichemo , and would account for the liggor in the wood pipe , if the nuts are us stated. Then , again , ii aaid that the Standard people are mking nhund to n time in the near future ivhen the Pennsylvania oil fields will bo- some exhausted tind their pipe lines bo ivithout oil to c irry , and therefore value < ess. Contemplating this contingency , hey think it prudent to take out n per , ioii , nt least , of thiir stukcs ; und they mvo therefore dotci mined to wntor their ipo line stock , which now pays BO to 100 or cent , so that it will still pay 10 per ; ont , for a while , and bo sufficiently tttractivo to secure buyers. In other ivords , the Standard proposes to neil loarly dry orange before its skin becomes > visibly shrunken ns to betray Hi con dition to the deluded purchaser. 'flint explanation will do , too , if tin 'nets bo as stated. Meanwhile , lot it K .lotcd that nil the explanations oftored an unanimous in their descriptions of the Standard as n band of thieves. A AVIckcil AVolf. Xnver Hewn. lion , Horace Bench , United States Artesian well commissioner , arrived in Denver from Cncyonno Wells on Friday , Ho brought with n'm " ' ° 8''n ' ' ° * tt targe gray wolf , which ho killed some two wouka ago , The animal which has boon stuffed and sot up by Mr. Allen , taxider mist , on Eleventh Btreat , was one of the finest and probably the moat ferocious of his species , and measured six feet from the tip of his tail to the end of Ilia nose. Ho weighed nearly 100 pounds when killed. Mr. Beach says : "Ono morning about two weeks ago I wout out as 1 usually do every day , to examine some traps I had sot for some smaller animals and when I had gone perhaps a little ever a mile I noticed on the trail ever the snoyr some foot prints , evidently those of a largo animals. Following those up I found they led to ono of my traps- an ordinary No. 2 , which I'had sot the day before. Thinking I might find some , thing in the trap. I hastened my foot steps , and upon coming in eight of the trap discovered a largo gray wolf , caughl by the toea of ono foot. A sopn tu the brute caught Bi ht of in6 h < plunged nnd snapped in a desneratt attempt to escape ; In fact , I wai fearful every moment that ho would broil J loose from the frail contrivance intondet for much smaller nnimnl * , Considering it wiao to ho a little cmitit ui , I wen nround to the ( tide oppoiittu whore ' first made the discovery , nnd where 1 would hnvo n bettor chance in o lie made his escape , nnd fired four Units nl him from n IW-calibor pistol which I car ried , but owing to his review movomenta 1 did not hit him once , nlthomjh generally - ly ft pretty good shot. Matters now ba- canto fiwnonlmt serious , ns 1 hnd but one load loft , nnd if I missed the fifth timu xnd the boast go loose , I could imagine Ihoro would be trouble in store for mo , as ho was by this time very furious nnd savage. Approaching him , I u ait ml my opportunity am ? nt the moment when he miide Another lunge , standing upon his hind paws , I firoA , thia time the ball pcnotrnthig his heart nnd passing length wise nlinoitt entirely through his body. Ho made ono feariul lean into the air and foil dead , 1 packed JIM body ncrosa my shoulders , nnd , although it was rv weary tank , succeeded eventually in pot- tb him into the cninp. 1 nm terribly glad to hnvo captured him nnd will send him to my homo in the cast when com plolely mounted. " ON15 OP NATUKlfi'S 1WKAKH. A IMillndoIpIifanVliiHO Heart IH on Illn ItlKlU Slito. The phenomenal peculiarity of n mis placed heart has boon brought to public light ns existing in the body of n man who hna boon n resident of the St. Cloud liotel for tno past six years. Do ia n major in the United States army und n rotative of the late Judge Packer , tie tlrcada the notoriety which his- malforma tion would entail upon him wore his name given publicity. The discovery that the major a heart yrns located on the right side of his body , instead of the loft , w.ia made by Dr. Hampton in 1881 , while fie former was undergoing n diagnosis for lung trouble. Dr. Hampton discovered that the heart wns located four inches out of place , on the right-hand sido. The b jating could ho felt throe inches directly below the pit of the right arm. It was . found that the inside organs were cor respondingly displaced. As the major hid _ never suffered from severe pneu monia or pleurisy it was concluded that the malformation congenital. The heart bent nbnormally fast , nnd an undue appetite was develop od in the patient. To remedy this latter symptom nnd the slight lung trouble Dr. Uninpton ndviaod him to go to Europe. Ho was told that the misplacement of the heart wns not inconsistent with perfect health , nnd thnt ho would probnbly live ns long ns if the organ were in its proper placo. " A OIINO Not llojontl llolp. Dr. M. H. Illnadalo , Kotmuoo , lll.nilvlHna us of n romnrkablo euro of consumption. Ho pays : "A neighbour's wlfo wan nttnckod with violent lung disease , and pronounced beyond liol | from Quick CunsupuUlun. AM n ) nat resort - sort tlio family wns nersimtlod to try DJI.WM. KAIilVS BALSAM l-'Oll THE LUNGS. To the astonishment of nil , by the time nho hnd used ono Imlf do7on bottles she won nbout the house doing her own work. I nrv\v her at her worat nnd had no idea HIO could rcemor. " Nciirnlnln Klnj ; , This Ia ono of tlio boat remedies for Nournl- gin ever inanted. . It is not n liniment , but in n inodlcino to bo tixkon Internally , ami turen by going right to the root of the dlaoaso. A lady who tried mnny other things , without re lief , tried Nournlgln King , and was immedi ately cured. Wo gimrnntoo It In ullcoscH when used according to directions. Ilia Living JLcglllniiUoly. W nil Street Now . There is much in the present bull mar ket to remind ono of the man down in Indiana who was the only man in his vil lage having any loose cash capital. Ho was one day explaining to mi eastern man : "Tho only stock afloat in our neigh borhood nro five shares of an old saw mill which hasn't paid those last ton years. On Monday mornings I circulate thn re port that a syndicate has bought the mill , and will at once put it in repair. This sends the shares up to 25 , nud I sell out. " "That's legitimate. " "On Wednesday I lot it bo understood that tlio syndicate is 'buatod , and that nothing will bo done to the mill. This sends the stock back to 10 and I load up. " "And what do you do on Saturdays ? " "Oh , those are my regular days for working up a feeling in the county that I ought to bo paid a bcniis for converting the sawmill into a distillery. " Who wmt glossy , Inxarlnnf ; nnd wivytrosses of abundant , beautiful 11 air timst tiso ICON'S KATIIAIRON. TJiia elegant , cheap article always makes the HiJr crow freely and fast , keeps it from fulling ont , arreats aud cures gray- niias , removes dandruff and Aching , mnkos the Hair fifTOiig , giving it a curling tendency aud keeping it in any desired position. Beautiful - tiful , healthy Hair ia the sure result of using Kuthuirou * I. M. D . N. WAITE , . Mi & ] = , " ( Formtrly ot Mercy Hoejiltal , Clilcago ) For the treatment ol Nervous Diseases , Chronlo an Uurgioal Dlteascs , and DUeasei ol tne F.yo and tar. Coniultatlon and ciamlnatlou fr . OFFICE Odd Fellow s Block , N. W , cor. Ulhtrjj o.lge Bts. . Omaha , Neb. Ollkohours 0 to It t. ta o and 7 to 8 p. m. Buni'ayn 10 to 1Z . m. only" , Pioneer Drug Store ! H , E. COR. laTlI AND JONES BTS. DR. F. S LEWIS , - Prop'r , AUENT FOIt Ohio Oil Co.'s West Virginia , Oylindor and other Oils , constantly ou hand. DR , M. EMILY PAGELSEN , Dice No , 210 N , Sixteenth Street , JIOUKS , 0 TO 12 A. M , Io l < I < * iice Cor Centre and ITtli , NEB. ' NEBRASKA LAND AGENC ) Q. F. DAVIS & CO. , ISUCOFHSOItfl TO DAVI8 Ii BNTDEB. ) { Oonci * ! ,1WS FARHAU SF , . . OMAHA. lUvt tot fjJn 500,000 tctt * carefully nlectal Vindi n luptern Itc-lnWin , at low pilco uml av OMJ tmrui. impraroa t nu for tmlt In BouolM , Dodm > , Coital , littn , Hurt , Runlng , Barpr , W shln * > n , Herfe * . Sniinclpw , ami Rutlor Gauntlet. Taxes JAM In ill i > vU o ( ll 8Ut . l en Improved I funn. Notary 1'iibllo Alw > In oftc * . Comtpon < ' * rrr ollcl M ] r. . India Burroughs , OFJMOK AND UKSIDHNOi : , 1617 Dodge St. , - Omaba , IKUJMIONKNo 141. Olfrx > Hours From & to 10 a. tu. an < * ,3 to 6 ) < . m- JAM.L8 Practical 3orsc Sheer n uporWty cf KoAdntcru and Itn4orlont hoi > Shop , Iiutltp ntictt btUceii llth ami IStb , ollKO. . A. F , GEOSS & CO. , 0 illNSTWOUK8SUCUA3 COUNTERS , BAKS , ICE BOXES , LIBRARIES , * \ml all kbd J of otllco w ork n specialty Call or ad .Irusa 1301 .Inckmm St. o .fc M. . DRSXEL & MAUL , succKsaoiig TO JOHN o. JACOBS ) UNDERTAKERS , at the oM iitnnil 1417 Parnam ptrott. Onto by to ) , cirauli olfcltiii ttn'l ( irouutly attended to. San or d's Radical G i iho Or cat llalsamlo Rlntllhtlon ol Witch Ilazol , American I'lnc , Canmlhn 1'lr , Marigold Clo\cr DloBsom Etc. , 1'or the Immcillato Rcllif and ISsnimnent Cure ot cAcry form of caUrrh , from a Simple Head Cold or Inllucnratii the Lena n ( mnoll , liuto , nml Hoatlntt , joutih , liromhltln , and Incipient UonmunpUon. Ho- llt.1 in ll > o mitiutuii In any and ex cry case. Nothing Ilkolt. nraUtul , fragrant , uholoeonu. Cure be- Rlns ( rom lira application , ami la rapid , ladlcal , per manent , anil timer [ ailing , One bottle Radical Cure , ono box Citarrbal Sol vent nnd SaMnrd'a Inlmler , all In nne Package , for- inlPK aconiilcto ] treatment , ot nil druitglstn for fl. Aids for Buidfonl'n KadlcilUurr. Totter Dnij ? and "hemlcnl Co. , liobton. , Colllnn1 Vollalo Electric Planter Instantly affects the Nervous "jhtetu and banishes l' ' A erlcct Kloctrlo lUttcry com- I1'011 ' w"h a I'orolll 1'laaUr I0r TU > Till , CHl 26centu Uannihilate * I'alu. or a vltallzdiWoak and Worn ( lot .VMS tIEIVt I'nrts - ' , utrciu-tlion 'Jircd tin- [ log , prevent ilvlecagn , and ' 11 n'unr In one-hall tn < tlmo than aur other i > lm Inoworld. Mold whom 1'roposals 1'or Army TraiiBportittlon HKArxjUAIlTFRS UKIUnTMKM 0V THE I'LATTr1 , orncr.oKOiiirrtH'ARTKtuAHTrit , OUAIU NKB. , March 1,1834 , . , : rilOrOHALS. hi triplicate , eubjoct to the Sr.AIi:0 condition * wilt bo rotchoil at thla olllro until VI o'clock , noun , Tuesday , the 1st dal of April , 1881 , orat BHino hour , ( allonfn ) ; 'or d ffcrence In tln ) , ) at the clllcca nf the Aulaunt Quartermasters at Chejenno Depot , Wjouiln , and Ofden , Utah , at which tlma and \ > lncc they w III booiromd In proa enuo of bidders fur wa/ou traimportatlcn on Uio fol lowlnR deHcrlbeilr ntni , during the fiscal jear vom menc nj July lit , 1381 : 1. Hot con Sidney , Neb , , and 1'ort Robinson , N-li. 2. llLlwovii Chejenno DujiU , W , T , and 1'orM amle and lIcKlnncy , W , T. 3 llctwo-n Hook Cr ok Htatlon , U. I' . Ry. and F itilcKlmioy. W. T. IlglwoenRawllinBtalloii. U. 1' . Ry. and 1'ort WiiBliaUo , W. T. ( i. Ilelwcei Oil tor Station , (1 ( , V. Ry. nnd Fort fns HrldKcr , W. T. G , Ilunuui Cuater Slatlun , Northern I' , Ry , and 1'ort McKltincy , W. T. 7. IletwoenOiralia Driiot or ony pcli't lu Omaha City tu 1'ort Omiih t Noli. B. Hct een any points within Omalit Cltvllnd'.p. 0 Iletw in Valentine ht tlon , S. U. und I'tiiillo It. 1L nuil Fort Nlolirarji , Nb. . 10. Ilctwe i'hrciiuo tit ) anl Cliojcimo Dip"I ami f rtD.A. ilumil' , W.T. 11. Uolwcsn KaltLake Clly and fort Douxlas , Utah. T/ifl ( io\cr"iiu'n , rc tm the right to leJ'Ct an ) or all prupoeals. Illauk prooul | > , lornnot continH * and prlntol circulars fnl K full lulurma'lou ' in to manner ot tldrtlni ; , tennn f contract and pajmont , will be fur- nUhod on uppllcatlon to this olllcu or to the olllcui t the AMI taut Cjuariermaitcrii at Clirjcniiu and O ikn. Knvclonoloontalnlnjr rrouoHai ! ehould bo marked "Propo-uli forMairoii Tiaiinpottatlou batvtct'ii and- . " 0.11 DAN1 > V. march I-m tOt Chief ( Juartoimaiter , PROPOSALS FOR ITRESH BEEP. IlKAIKjUAKimilDKTAKTVIl.TOI'Tlle I'LATTH. ) Offlco Chlif Commuuiarnf Sub IstoiiLu. r OMAHA , Nn , , Februiry 26. 1684. ) i UK Acting Commlisar/ of Hiil > jl toin'u at each of JL tils following Posts , viz : i-'urts lindKiir , 1 oug- lu. I.Bramlo.MtKlnney. Nlobrara , Omaht , Hobln- on , 1) . A. Rusnell , fililnoy , Frud Bteelu , Woshakiu , 'hiyenru Depot and Omaha Depot , will if ( elm lenlod propnuala until 12 M.tho21ut ilay of Apill 1S64 , at which time they 111 t-o opened in thu pret iioool Udders Irr the furnU'iliii ' ; d 'l\cry c fresh Ocof from the block , for Irsue , and choice- cuts 'or ' sales to olllrerf , that may be required by the Sub- ilct'lico Ucparlmeiit , U , B. Army , at thtlr reeixctltro iost durli.i'tlio II r l jc-ir uiinmcncliuJiilj 1,1844 , Jllank | > i lo a and u truUlnns to bidders fMn inlormatlon en to uxidlllotm to o'neneil ' by bidders , toriul of contract i nd | aviiuiit , vtlll bu on ippllcatlon to thin oHIcuurto I lie Uiuntuliiiailci at .h poitt named. PropotaU 111 not be cnmlilerrri uuleiis bocouipanled by the "Inntriictloiii tu bidders" , bova referred to. 'lligrlirht In re .rveJ to inject .nyorall blJi. JU1IN P. 1IAWIUK8. mar 0 incOt elt Chlol 0 a 1'ropoHtiln 1'or KubHlat-ciicc ) 8tor 'B. IlKAHQVARTXItN DrrAKTMKIT Or TIIK 1'LATTK,1) ) OrmK ClIIHI' C'OMMIHKAKr Of SUIIHINTKSCK , V Omaha , Nub. , Ktibruary 16th. 1831. ) Healed propoials In dupllcatt , marked "Proposals lor HubslitencaBtoriX , " aud nldrt uj to the under- slifiicd , will bo reccKcd , subject tutlie usual con- il tloni , at tills olllcu until 12 o'clock noon , March 10. 1B3I , at which time and place they will be opened In th presence ol bidden lor lurnlnhliiit and delivery at the Sut'ulitcuco Btoreliouie or such other pl : u In the city ol Omaha as may bo designated. 180 llarrcls Pork , lUht mess. Illank proposals tnJ Information ia to the manner ol bidding and terms ot i avmont , will bi furclshed on application to thU ollico , Thu light U reserved to reject any or all bids. JOHN P. IIAWKIN3 , mil l 3t ilnjf r and O. 8. NOTICE. Notloa it hereby h'lren that tlio partnership bore- tolorookUtlm ; totwi'tu William F. Mamiuie and Oco. II. Hew. undur the firm r.nino ol Jlinnlni ; & Howl , U Ihl * day dUiolved. lliU It to ghc ( urthur notice that I will not be r - tpoiulule for any debtj contracted by my | rtcn In our late firm name , nur will I pay r uy attornoy'i fees or co U to tarry on any litigation ol any t'e ' .nri.tinn Against any ol the creditor * ol the latu Cm < ! llannin g A llewi. Mid the use of my name \a currj h lltiKatlon buntuthorliolbv me. WILUAU P. MANKIND. Ouuhi , Neb , Feb. , IS , iKi. Feb. j3-t ( IOU.VY ' 8 TRADE unfailing eire for Semlnkl Wo knew - new , Spennatorr * hcna , Impotenoy , and all Dltoura thit follow M a Roquenco of S U * Abuse ; aa loin of' _ . . . . . Memory , Unlvor. . . , . TAKIBa , HWtudop in AFTin TAKIBB , In the n > e. VWrancM of yiion , rternaturp Old XKt ' 'lerdlseasus that lead and jitinv o to Insanity orOon * sumption an. . ' Tronvituro Orax o. IlntrAnn of a , trertlromonta to refund money , when drngituta from \ * hem the modldno Is bought do not refiinl , but rrfci fott to the manufacturer * , and the requirement r * . ' 'oh that they are itldmi , If etxr. compllc.1 with. Ht their written ( ruarAnteo A trial of ono ln le jx ckaire ' O y Hpoclflo will ccnrinoo the most skortlcal of IU ' 1 wcriW. OnacconnioJeCTiiiUi.olltMiWe haTondopitd th Yelfiw Wrapper ; the onlj penulno. jWFull partlcnlara bi on T jwmphlet , which wed * . lire to end free by mall loe.-t'y one. firTho-Spo. cine UetllalM n Bold bj all drVi"1" " ' * > P" P ! . ago , cr eU pnckajes for ftv , cr wi ' 1 bo ncnt freer fcy mall on the receipt ot the money , V wnronlnif TIIK GUAYMKDICISECO. , Buffalo , N. Y. Sold to Omaha bj r % , * , n. Jy IBmJko ALL IKK 0001) KFFEOIS Of iTHK Tin'-HMAL 8PRIN03 MAY HE ODTAINI'I BV TAK1NO Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient- HOT WATER. iD COKKKCTB 10-- ARINMI II1OJ A MKOtDKHFJI KTOKALK , \rjion mrnri * . IT IH ISVIIUAHI.K it IIMP.I-IIATISM , OK AHY IXJXMTIOV W TIIH ATiKIU WIICBK AN ( KCEhH OIT ACID IS 266TH EDITION , PRICE $1.00 BY MAIL POSTPAID. KNOW THYSELFdPi A OIIKAT STEDIO.VIj WORK I ' ! Eihautted Vitality , Ncivons and Physical Dtbllltr Prerraturo Decline In Man. Kironol Youth , andth.1 untold miseries resulting from indlirrotlons or ox , cesses. A book for ovorj man , young , mlddla aged and old. It contains 125.prcscrlptlcm fbr All acut and chronic diseases each ono ot which Is Inraluabl Bo found by the Author , whoso experience for yean U such an probably never before fell to the to ol any physician SOO pages , bound In bcautlfu French muslin em jotucdcovcrs , full giH.Rnaranteed tohoaflnorworx n ovtry sense , mechanical , lit erary and profoaalonal , than any other work sold In this country for 82.60 , or the money will tie refunded In every Initanco. Prlcianly $1.00 by mail , poet- ( old. llhutratlt a saraplt B cents. Bond now. Golit modM awarded the author by the NatlcuM Mcdlca Arnoctatlon , to the olflcini of which ho refers. This bonk should bo road by the young for Inntrno- tlon.anJ by the aflllctcd for relict. It will benefit all. London Lancet. Thcro Is no member of eoolety to whom thU book n 111 not bo UBctnl , whcthor ) outh , parent , guardian. Instructor derm man. Argonaut. Addrcui the 1'oabody Jfcdlcal Institute , or Dr. W. II. Parker , No. 4 Dulflnch Street , Boston Mass..who may bo consulted on all dhitoaes requiring skill and expotlonco , Ohronloandobstlnatodlsaatesthat have ballltd the eklll of all other phB.IIr III claoa a RicoUHyi ] Such treated BUCcoas-llCHL fully without an Instono allure , THYSELF DR.HQRHE'S EL OIR1G BELT Will cnrc Ncnousnowi. I.iimtaffn.Hheuiuatlnu. Par ntitls. Minnltfla , Sctntlra. Kidney , Hplnt * and Liter lUxciwOmit.AsthmaHi nrt ( IlKOntii1 , U > H > ipi < lt\t Ci > nf > M > pntlon ri > ffiil | H , Cnlurin , rile * . hlllcptY. lintintpncy , DuinlittiL. . l'iol.iiHn | Uteri , etc. Only H-kntlllcHu tn < t Ilelt lit AlmTlc-it tlmt fvml tllp TJwmrlty nnd nmi- nctl m I hrouidi tint toilj. nnd can bo recharged In an In- tlaiitbytliupatltnu SI.OOO Would NotBu : it. Dn. HORSK I was a Ictodvtlth rheumatism and cured by iuliif ( n belt. To any ona aflllctcd with that dlaoaso , 1 u ould y , buy Homo's Electric Holt Any ono can confer with mo by writlnjr or calling at my store , 1420 Douglas street. Omnho Neb , WILLIAM LYONS. XtAIN Ori'lCU Opposite poatollloo , room 4 Fron- zer Mock. fir for rale at C. F. Goodman's r"mimmHt. , Omaha. r > < "lAr ftllml n n n ( irricit. ) I7LKCTUO-VOLTAIO BELT nnd other KLBCnuo lit Arn IASCES nro cent on 8U Days' Trial TO IlUN ONLY. YOUNO OK OLD , who are Buffer- Inn from Nciivous DBDIIJTY. LOOT VITAIJTT , WIBTIHOVRAKNEASER , niul all tnoso dlioates of a I'EIIEONAI , NiTDitK. ri'Siiltlnn from Anunrai and Ornin CiusKK. Bpcedy relief and complete mtoratlon to ItriLTH , Viaon nnd lUxiioon OuinAKTKKD. Bend at once for Illustrated Pamphlet free. Address VOLTAIC HKI.T RO. . Mnr linll. Midi. James Mcallnslitiilg Chartered by theStateof Illi nois for thecxprcsspurposa of 0ivlnclmmedlate rcllclln all chronicunimrynnd prl- , vate diseases. Oonorrhocn , OlectondSyphilia in all their complicated forms , nleo all diseases of the Skin and L'looc ! promptly relieved and permanentlycured by reme- dies.testedln -Korn/lVnrd .t > l > fclalI'rattlce. Seminal Weakness , NlKlit Lessee by DreamsPimples on ; heI'aceUost Manhood , ntiocjcicrltnrntlt l' The appropriate remedy _ : at once used In each case. Consultations , per sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med icines Bent by Mall nnd Express. No marks on package to Indicate contents or sender. Address Dn.JAr/IES.No. / 20nVashlnfjlon Sl.Clilcanoljj. OMAHA Stove Repair Works , 10'J South 14th St. Uak uocluty of turnUhlntr cutlniii and repair ing Btovm ol all description , wood ntovoa , chanced to burn ooil , i'r to , tlrotocl ; , dampers , &o coiuUntijr > n hand , Try otia o our Btovo | > 'ii i ' l"ed uad 2 < IOi . . Thn 'I.ii. Drtlucliv , 'Uiu t * > | T > IA , Im in I1KK M71 * . trA IIIUK U8II UK ? OB&BSf TOOLS. &r. r. run EUROPE ! ! COOK'H QHAND FJCOURSIONS leave New York In April. May and June , 1884. PA8HAUU 11CICETS by al ATLANTIU BTCAMtCRS. Special facilities for securing GOOD BE11TII3 TOURIST TICKETS for travelrrsln EUROPE , by a'l routes , at reduced rateu , COOK'S EXCUUSIONIST , with maps and full part tloulars , by mall 10 cents. A' < droi , COOK & SON , 201 Broadway , N. Y , l&w-z-t a-w.w&f. Imported Beer IN BOTTLES. Erlnnger , , . , . . . , : , , Bavaria. Culmbaouor , Bavaria. Pilsner ? . . . , Boheiniau > Kaiser , .Bremen. DOMESTIC. Budwoiser , St , Louis. AuliaiiBor , St. Louia. Boas s „ , . , . .Milwaukee. Schlitz-Pilsnor , .Llilwsukoe. Krua's Omalin. Ale , Porter. D mpstio and llhiue Wine. 13D. HAU11ER