Council Bluffs Loan ana Trust Company. First Mottsaco Txnns Negotiated. Commercial Paper inl nil Oood Securities dealt In. 89 1'oarl Ittoot , and SOO Mrst a\cnuo , Council Dliidt. FINANCE AND COMMERCE , FINtVNOIAIi XEW Vons , March 5. Monor Unchaiiged at 1J@2 per cent. Prime Paper l@5j | per cent. Uxdunga Blllj-Stoady nt 1 89 ; demand , 4 M ? . Government ? Firm. The not result of to-day'a trailing In stocks AVM that out of 25actl\o Stocks 10 closed lower than last iiight though only two of these nhow a decline ns groit as 1 per cent. .Tust bcfora the close there was a rally .of | par cent. Market clo od firm. 3 * 101 4 i' Coupon * . Pacific 6 of ' 95. 129 UTOl/KS i.SO American 1'xpros.i. . ! Ci Burl. , Cedar Uaplds & Northocn . 71 Central Pacific . OOj Chicago & Alton . 1341 do do pfd . 145' qhL , Burl. feQulncy. . . . . 124 ; 24i do pfd . G3 ; Fort Wayuo & Ch'f.a ' o . 134 Hannibal & St. Jnieph . 38 do do do pfd . * 88 Illmoii Central . 12fl Ind. , Bloom. & Western. . . 1G Kansas & Toxos . 20 Lake Shora & Michigan So . 103 Michigan Control . ! R ! Mlnnc&uolis h St. Louis . 10J do" do do pfd . 33 Northern Pacillc . 21 do do pfd . 4G : Northwestern . 119 , do pfd . 144 Now York Central . 1171 Oniok Mississippi . 22J do do pfd . 90 Poorin , Decatur & Kvrnio villa . . 14 Hock Inland . 121 St. Pan i : Milwaukee . 92 do Jo do pfd . 11C . Paul Minn. & Manitoba . 91 ft. t. Fault Omaha . 30 do do pfd . 1 . 93 Toxaa Pacific . . . . : 19 Union Pacific . . 81 \V abash , St. L. & Pacific . 115 do do do pfd . fc'2C W tutorn Union Telegraph . 74 j * Asked. . GKA1NAN1) IMtOVlSIONS. OUICAOO PBODUOK. CllICAno , March 5. Flour Voy quiet ; good to choice spring wheat flour. 5 00 ( < g5 85 ; oft spring wheat , 4 00@4 50 ; Minnesota ba ker's , 4 50@5 25. Wheat Kegular , active and unsettled ; opened i@Sc higher , later declined S@i'c ' , ral lied about ic ; closed easier and . } c lower than yesterday ; cash , 91i@92Jc : March , 91ic ; May , ? @ % j ; July , 9'Jgc. Winter wheat , cpiiot at OUctgl 01. Spring wheat , steady nf , 91' @ 92fc , closed at ! CJJc. Corn Irregular and unsettled ; opened i higher , declined about Jc , rallied pc , aud fiim- ly closed Jo lower than yesterday ) cash , 51s | 52Jc ; March. 51gc ; May , 5G3c ; July , CSJ. . 58jSc ; rejected. 42S)43c. ( ) Oats Trading light ; fluctuations followed wheat and corn ; pricoa ranged | @ { o lower aud closed steady ; cash , 3l5f@3Jtt" March Sip : May , 3533,1Yc : year , 2D @ 29ic. ilye Steady at GSJc. Barley Firm at G3i@G4c. Timothy Choice to fancy , 1 32@1 34 ; fair to good. 1 2G@1 27. Flax Seed Firm ; 1 57 on track. . Pork Trading chiefly in May and Juno delivery livery ; opened steadier and improved 2\5c , " settled back 1520c and closed tame ; cash and March , 17 50@17 C5 ; May , 17 7217 75 ; June , 17 82i@17 83. Lard Demand light and but little change in prices ; cash and March , 9 374@9 40 ; May , 0 50@U 52J : Juno , 9 57J@9 CO. Bulk Moats Shoulders , 7 2o ; short ribs , 0 15 ; short clear , 9 80. Butter Firm ; choice creamery quoted al 35c , but 36@37c was obtained for some of the best brands ; fancy dairies , 3G@28c ; choice rolls , 1718c. Cheese Firm ; no quotable change ; stocki ight ; choice full cream Cheddars , 14c ; ful' cream flats , 14gl-Hc ( ; good part skim died' dars and flats , 8@lUc. Fggs Steady ; 21@22c. Hides Unchanged ; green salt cured bull and damaged , G c ; green calf , 12@l''Jc. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , country , 7c : cake , 7-e. } Whiaky-1 17. CALL BOAIID. Wheat April , | o lower , May and June , ic lower. ' Sales , 1,500,001 bushels. Corn April and July , Jo lower ; May am June , Jc lower. Sales , 2,000.000 bushels. Oats April , May and June , Jc lower Sales , 55IUO , ( bushels. Pork May aud Juno , 2Jo lower. Sales 10,000 bbls. Lard July 2\Q \ higher ; others unchanged Sales , 3,750 tierces. BT. LOUI8 PRODUCE , ST. Locus , March 5. Flour Market un changed Wheat -Higher ; No. 2 red. 1 09jj@l 10 for cash ; 1 10 , for March ) 1 liy@l 12 , closing at inside prices for May ; 1 10J@1 10JJ fo June. Corn Not noticeably changed ; 48JS)49.f ( ) for cash ; 43jjc for March ) 49JcOl94o ( for April fiOJ@51c , closing at50gofor May ; G13@51i for Juno. Oats-Bettor ; 31@31Jc for cash ; 31iJc fo ; April ) 35rf@35Jo for May. Butter Unchanged ; creamery , 30@31c : dairy. 20@27c. Kggs Quiet nt 19c , Flux Seed ( i Iet nt 1 50. Hay 1'rairiu , 1) ) 00@10 50 ; timothy , 11 00 ® 1(1 ( 5'J. Bran Unchanged. Corn Muni Quiet at 2 50. ' Whisky-Steady at 1 1C. ProUafons Only small job trade. CJ.OIINO BoAi'.D Wheat Lower and weak IHJforMay ; 1 10J for June ; 97 o for tin year. year.Corn Inactive and lower : fo ; March ; 50o } for May ; 51J@51jo [ for Juno 52jio for July. Oils Kaiilor ; nothing done. CINCINNATI , CINCINNATI , March 5. Wheat Marke quiet ) No. 2 red , 1 CG@1 07. Corn Good demand ; mixed , 60a Oats-Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , 30jc. Kyo-Quiet and firm ; No. 2 , Gr@GGo. Barley Fair demand and unchanged , Pork Qulbt ; moss , 1775@I800. Lard Quiet ; prime steam , 0 25. Bulk Meats Kwlr demand at 7 00@9 00. Whisky 1 15. TOLEDO. TOLKDO , March G. Wheat Market dull No. 2 red cosh , 1 OOfl 05. Corn Market dull and lower ; No. 2 cas ! and March , 53c. Oats Quiet and steady ; No. 2 cash an ilnrch , 3GJc. NEW OnLKANH. NKW OBLEANH , March 5. Corn Scarce and firm ; mixol and white , G5c. Oats GooJ ilomand but lower. Corn Meal Demand fair ; higher am .scarce at 3 106J8 15. Pork Good demand but lower at 18 25. L-rU : Weak ; tierce refined , JGO@9G2j &e , 10 12J. Bulk Mnoti In fair demaml but hwer. WbJ ky-.Steody and unchanged at 1 10. UILWADEEE. MILWAUKEE March G.Vheat Marko weaker ; No. 2 , 92c { ; March , SO c ; April , Ulc Hay , 9Gc : Juno , 07c , Corn -Quiet and unchanged ; No. 2 , 53Jc rejected , 45 ® J7o delivered. OaU Scare and linn ; No. 2 , 82c. Kye Hizher at 59Jc. Barlflv Firm ; No ? , cash atWJe. NEW YORK , March 5 , Wheat Cash lota unchanged ; options opened J@lo higher , de tlined Jc , recovcre-1 i@c , and closed dul ungraded red , SOcOl 19 ; No. 4 red , 91cNo. : ! rad. 1 03@1 03jf ; No. 2 red , 1 03@i 13. Corn Cash , i@Jcj dull and lower ; option rnte umrrVitcd i" , f-7fS03o ; Xo. 2 , iWftGSo. O\ts Mhrkot dull ; mixed western , 40 ® 12 : whlta , @lGc. KJJJJY t rn frosli firm anil in ROOU do- 1'ork ntiflt now IIIPM , 1" 75. I.ttnl Weak ; prlmo stoim. 0 01 J. Uuttor I'Mtmer ' and In f.Ur domiuul. KAXSAI CITY. KAS'SAS CITY. Jtnrch ri. NVherit Sto.vly : -o Mil for auli ; S7o bid for April } SOJo bid ° Corn Stovly : 41@IUo for cwhj I2o for Vprll13'q : for Mny. IIAI.rtMOllE. lUtTiMOBB , March -Wlioftt-lJiiU and isyj No. 2 winter rod , cash , 1 OSJ1 03 , ' . Corn I' ier but active , closing dull ; ntlxo' . , , MbatQalot ; white , 43 ® Ho ; mixodj 3c. llyo-Qulct at G7@C9Jc. Kgg3-lleherat20@21c. ! IjivsiiPOOL , March -WhesV Dull } win- r.Sj 4d8iGd ; sur' ' OP , 7 lOxi S . Com3ior ] ; now , oi 2d ; fild , Ga 4d. ntonucK. PEOHIA , March 5. Corn Active ; now nlxod , 4Gffi4Glc ( ; now roloctod , 13i@ IGJc. Oats Firm nt 3M@3l > . Ilyo-Qulct at r > SKB8\o. \ Whisky Firm at 81 17. STOCK. U1IICAOO LIVC STOCK , CHICAGO March 4. The Dro\ora' Jour- n l rnoorts this uflornoon its follows : 4 50gG ( 00. Cattle Best firm ; general market lOo low- in exports , G 50@7 25 ; good to choice steers i 90ff5G 40 ; common to medium , 5 2505 SO ; nfcrior to fair cows. 2 504 15 ; medium to good , 4 505 00 ; stackers , 3 601 90 ; feed- orn. 4 7555 40. Sheep Best strong : commam lower ; info- lor to fair , 35al60 per cwt. ; modtunl to good , 4 75@5 00 ; cholco to extra , 5 00 ® ' 00. ST. LOUIS LIVK HTOCK. ST Louis , March 5. Cattle Active and irices maintaiuod ; c.\iiort8 , G 507 00 ; geode , o cholco shipping 5 SO@G 40 ; common to nodlum 5 00@5 75 ; stackers and feeders trong , 4 00@5 25 ; corn fed Texans , 6 00 © i 75. Sheep Lower ; decline of 25 to iO cents since last week ; common to fair , 3 00@3 75 ; nedlum , , 400@1 iO ; good to choice , 4 50@ 5 235fancy ; , 5 30@5 50 ; Texans , 2 75@4 75. KANSAS CITV LIVK STOBK. KANSAS CITT , March 4. The Daily In dicator reports : Cattle Markoffirinor and higher ; natives , 5 35@G G5 ; stackers and feeders , 4 G5@5 10 ; cowa , 3 GO50. . Hogs Weak nud lower at G 10@G 75. Sheep- Natives , 3 35i 90. TRAKF1O. TLOOn AND DRAIN. OHIOAQO , March 5. Kocolpts and ehip- menta of flour and grain for the past 24 hours lave bean as follows : llocoipta. Bhlp'ta. Flour , bbls 21,000 13,000 Wheat , bushels 31,000 7,000 Corn , bushels 239,000 144,000 Oats , bushels 10J.OOO 53,000 KyebuaholB 4,000 2,000 Barley , bushels 26,000 12,000 EW YOHK , March 5. Receipts and Dipmentaof flour and grain for the past 24 hours lave been as follows : Receipts Ship'ts. Wheat , bushels 5,500 19,000 Corn , bushels 18,000 05,000 Oats , bushels 27,000 385 LIVE STOCK. OBIOAQO , March 5. Receipts and ship ments of live stock for the past 21 hours have xxin as follows : Receipts. Ship'ts. Oattlo GOO Jogs 10,000 Sheep 5,000 . . . . KANSAS CITT , March 5. Receipts and shipments of live stock for the past 21 hours lave been as follows : Receipts. Ship'ts. Cattle 330 Hogs 3,200 . . . . Sheep 1,700 . . . . Sr. Lotns , March 5. Receipts and shipments monts of live stock for the past 21 hours have ieen as follows : Receipts. Bhin'ts. Cattle 22,001) ) 850 flogs . . . . Sheep 2,000 900 OMAHA MARKETS. Wholesale 1'rlcos , OFFICE OP THE OMAHA BEB , I Tuesday Evening , March 4 , J The following prices are charged retailers by jobbers , wholesalers and commission merchants - chants , with the exception of strain , which is ijuoted at the prices furnished by the olovatora and other local buyers : Grain. WHEAT Cosh No. 2 , 71i@73jc. BABLEV Cash No. 2 , 45@60c. RYE Cash No. 3 , 42c. CORN No. 2 , 37c. OATS Dull ; No. 2. JOc. tilvo SrocK. FAT SiEEin 1 5n5 25 , VAT Cows 3 00 , 1 00. Hoes G 00@G 25. SHEEP 3 50@4 50. OALVKS G 00@B 60. Flonr and Mlllstnfln. WINTEB WHEAT Beat qualitj- , patent ' at 325@340. . SECOND ODALITT 2 75 < g3 25 , BPRINO WHEAT Boat quality , , " patsnt , SECOND QOALITT 2 50@3 25 , BruN 70o per cwt. CHOPPED FEED Per 100 Iba. 80c. CORN MEAL 100@110 per cwt. SCUEENINO C5@75o per cwt ' Qoneral 1'rodace. BCTTEH Fancy creamery. 83@35c ; cold storage creamery , 25@27o ; cholco dairy , 20 @ 21o ; boat country , solla packed , 1215o ; boat country , roll , 10@18e ; inferior grades , 10@14c. Rocolpta are Binall and the demand good , MEATS Hams , IS c ; breakfast bacon , 121cj clear side bacon , short , lljjo ; clear side bacon , long , lie : dry salt short , 10ja ; dry salt long , lOJc ; shoulders , 8Jc ; dried beef , 140 ; lard , refined - fined , lOe. Kooa M arkot finn ; sales to-day at 20 @ 22cj rocolpta good APPLES Fancy Jonathans , $4 605 00 ; fancy Bon Davis , 3 G0@4 00 ; fancy Jonet. 83 00@3 50 ; fancy Willowtwlg , $3 25@3 7fi ! Demand good , CHEESE Now York State full cream , late September make , 14c ; Now York SUt full peam , 10 hoop lot } , 13Jo ; do full cream , 50 hoop lots , 131cWIsoon8ln. ; full cream , Inbox , Up ; Young Americas , stifctly full croatn , 15o ; full cream , 12c ; full cream 10 hoop lota , lljo' full cream flats , 12Jo ) full cream flats , lljc fancy brick cheese , 100 Ib cases , 154c ; Llui burger 13Jc ; genuine old Swiss , 19c. PoTATOES-RccoIpta Bmall and prices good. Consignments of strictly choice , larga elred , straight potatoes are selling from 45 to 48c ; tnlred care 40 to 42o and light demand ; peachblowa , COc. 8wErr POTATOES Choice yellow , none. OtijONa No demand ; market ovomtockod. BEANS Hand picked natives , $225@250 ; hand picked meaium , $175@200. Re- celpta large , GAMie-Prairio chickens , per doz. , ? 3 00 to 3 25 ; snlpo , 81 60 to 175 ; ducks. Mallard , per doz , 2 00@260 ; mixed , $1 5 < Jto2 00. Bo careful that your game comes to market in nice condition , FiUEaii OvBTKES-BolocU. 40o Btandards 85c : mediiung , toe. CBLEBY 55c. DATES Black Arabian , per Ib , , 8@9ci qntrtcr crates , lOc. Fjoa 25 Jb. keg , per Ib. , 12Jc ; 10 Ib. box , yer , per Jb. , IGo ; small ovals pe Ib. , IBc. COCOANOTS Extra fine , Tier 100 , 8 00. OJDEU Pure iweot dd r , 22 gal keg , 56 OQ ; w ar E-"T11URSDAV. MAUCirr > . S400 ; vOtl ( Til Of i * iv in iir iuj \i 15 Ib kit" , $2 fllis 40 ib u , oi nv . J. ' "HmlhSL 'n-fciokebifliiteVot 40o ) . . . ' - , Co. ! iOOlbkoCT.Oe j f ! ! ) JiCi AssonTKnJisi . .j.jt , gtoneJi i 12 hi cn o , per do * , 52 twttWWi i > c'r Jo , , gi15 - ; schooner , p , , o c,3 1 ( ) . j.Ib Un 4 ailrn C * " 3 $1 402-lb ; till CMM , 2 ( Utt 111 W 0 , " ? l.TstAMtfl - Currant , no-Ill woodtiatli , 7 ; r ' > > , 7fc ; utrawborrv , fXMl. wood palls per ll ) , 7c ; mspberry. SO-lb vood pnlli Per Ib , ii'c ' ; blackberry. SO-lb wood palli porlb , 7J/CJ / crab npplo , 30-lb wood j Ml * pflr Hi. "Jo. Arris BCTTER 8Mb womlou j > U , jwr Ib , He ; G-H ) vroodon prills , G in ch o per case , 1'KAcn WOTTSII 2ill ; wooden palls per Ib , LI CHI ; G-lb wooden palid , G in cose , per case , $425. PnKsnnvKg ( In CO-lb wooden jialli ) R ni- berry , IGo ; strawberry , qnlnco , lie ; poach , 14c ; cherry , lie ; tomatoox , lie ; plum , 14o ; Aborted , fi-lb wooden buckolfl , 6 In C.IRO , per case , $4 75 ; assorted , 2lb tin cans , 2 doz In caso. i > or case , ? G 60 POULTRY T..l\o chicken * , per doz , 175 © 200 ; full dressed chlckons.por Hi , 1012c ; tur keys , per Ib. , lC@17c ; ducks , 10@12 ; gooao , ll@13c. IJKMONS Extra fnucy bnr lemons , ? (5 ( 00 ; fancy Mossinn lemons , per box , 55 25 ; 5 box lota , Messina lemons , $5 00 ; 10 box lotn do. , $4 7C ; JlalnRa lemons , fancy , 54 BO ; do 5 box lota , $4 25. OliANOKrt VoleucloR , C 50 ; Moisluna , 3 75. BANANAS Kouo. CiiANnKiir.tKs JJoll and ouprlei , § 12 00 ; bell and cherry , 59 5010 50. Above quotations tor choico. NKDIIASKA Cosm HONEY 2-lb frames , 24-lb CMOI , per Ib , 18c. HAY Bated , 8 00@10 00 per ton ; In bulk , G 00@7 03 per ton. Grocers Iilnt. OANNFO Goona Oystora ( Slandardpor ) case , 3 85@3 00 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 00 ® 210 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , par case , 2 90 ; Bartlett wars , per case , 2 40 ; wnortloborrios , per case , 4 00 ; egg plums , 2 Ib , per COBO , 2 UO ; prroen gages' , 2 Ib , per cane , 2 00 ; pine npjiloa , 2 Ib per caie. 4 805 50. HOPE Sieal i iiich and larger , Ojc , g inch , lOlc ; 1 inch , 10c. CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , 16s , 15ic ; 8s , IFicj boxoa 40 Iba , 1C oz. , Ca , IGic. MAYOUES Per caddlo , 85c ; round , cases , 2 55 ; equaro cases , 1 70. SCQARS Powdered , 9o ; cut loaf. 9c ; rranulatod , Sjc ; confectioners' A , 8c : Stand- ird extra 0 , 71c ; extra O , 7ic ; medium yol- "ow , 7c ; dark yellow , GJc. COFFBK3 Ordinary grades , 12@12ic ; falrlS glSic ; good , 14c ; priino , 15@injc ; cholco. Lt3@17c ; fancygroon andyollow.C@lGjcold ] ; rovernmont Java , 202Cc ; Lovorhip's roasted. L8c ; Arbucklo'a roasted , IS c ; McLaughlinV XX XX : roasted , 18ic ; inltatlon Java , Itii KIOE Louisiana prime to choice , 7c ; fair GJc ; Patma , Gfc , FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brls. , 8 GO ; No. L mackerel , itits , 115 ; family mackerel , half jrls. , 700 ; family mackerel , kits , 95c ; No. 1 white fish , half brls. , 8 75 ; No. 1 kite , 115. SYHOP Standard Com. , 32c , bols ; Stuidard do , ' 1J gallon kegs 1 83 ; Standard do , 4 gallon koro 150 Hon AIn Ib papers , 3 SO per capo ; keg per Ib , } < x PICKLES Medium , in barrels , 7 50 ; do n half barrels , 4 25 ; small , In barrels , 8 60 ; do n half barrels , 4 75 ; phorkiusJ in barrels , 9 50 ; do in half barrels. 5 25. TEAS Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; cholco GO @ 75c ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , G0@65c ; Young Hyson , good , SG@50c ; choice , )5c@l ) 00 ; Japnn , natural leaf , 35c ; Japan , choice , G0@75c ; Oolong , goo'd , 3G@JOc ; Oolong , choice , 40@55c ; Souchong , good , S5@10c ; choice , 35@45c. WoonENWAnK Two hoop pails , 185 ; throe hoop pails , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pioneer neer washboards , 185 ; Double Crown 2 90 ; Wellbuckoto , 3 85. SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Kirk's satinet , 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's white Russian , 525 ; Kirk's outoca , 215 ; Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; Klrk'g magnolia , doz. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case , In case , 3 35 ; Babbltt.s ball 2 doz. in cose , 190 ; Anchor ball , 2 doz. in case , 150 , OANDT French mixed , in SO Ib. palls , 17o ; American mixed , in 30 Ib nails , 13c ; Brilliant mixed , in 30 Ib pails , 12Jcj Nobby mixed , in SO Ib pails , 13c : Competition mixed , in 30 Ib pails , 12Jc ; Excolslor stick , SO Ib palls , lie ; double refined , 30 Ib pails , 12e ; Crystal mixed , 30 Ib pails. 15c ; Old Time , mixed , 30 Ib pails , 14c ; Tip Top , mixed , 30 Jb palls , 13c ; Flirt mixed , 30 Ib pails , lljc ; Flirt , stick , 80 Ib pails , lljc ; Tin Top , stick , 30 Ib pails , 12c. VINEOAB Nowxorlcapplo IGo ; Ohio ap ple , ISc , SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 180 ; Ash ton , lit Backs , 3 50 ; bbls dairy GO , 5s , 3 30. STARCH Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver Gloss , 9c ; Com Starch , 9c ; Excelsior Gloss. 7ic ; Corn , 8c. SPICES Pepper , 17c ; allspice , 15o ; cloves , 25o ; cassia IGc. LYE American , 3 40) ) Greenwich , 3 40 ; Western , 2 75 ; North Stur , 2 00 ; Lowla' lye , 4 05 ; Jewell lye , 2 75 Dry Goodo. BROWN SIIKKTINOH Atlantic A , 8c ; Atlan tic P , Gc ; Atlantic LL ; 5Jc ; Brunswick , 7ic ; Beaver Uain LL , Gc ; Lawrence LL , Gc ; 1'aci- fie II , 7Jc ; Koyal Standard , 80. FINE BUO\\N SHKETINOH Argyle , l\t \ ; Pop- peroll K , Gjc ; Salisbury U. Go. Br.KACiiKi ) CorrosHlUllon 4-4. GJc : Bal lon 7-8 , E.JC . ; Cumberland 4-4 , So ; Davoll 1)1) , York Mills , 11 } c ; Wamsutta , i , . DUCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 olljo ; Boston - ton , 10 oz. , lljc ; Boston , 'J oz. , lie ; Fall Jtiver , 8Jj. DUCKH ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , lie ; West Point , 11 iu. , 14c ; Boston Bear , 8 oz. , lie. lie.TICKISOH TICKISOH Amoakeaff , 1 l.Jo ; Continental Fancy , ! ) fc ; Cordis , IC o ; Pearl ] tlvor , 14Jc ; Yurk , 12&c ; Ilainlaton AwnliiRH , l"ic. DKNI.MH Ainoskong , lie ; BeaverAA. 12c ; Beaver 1J1J , lie ; Beaver CO , 10 ; Haymakers , 80 ; Jairroy J ) & T , 12o ; .Tnffroy XXX. I' ' o ; Pearl Itivor , lie ; Warrou AX A ( brown ) , 12Jc ; Warren BB ( brown ) , lljo ; Warren CO ( brown ) , lOJo CAMinacH Fifth nvonuo love finish , 5Jc ; Koyutoiio glove finish , /Uc. / COHSKT il KAN.S Amoi y , 7io ; IIu.icooV , So ; Koareuyer , 8Ju ; lloclcjiort , 74o. I'JUNTS Aliens , fie ; American , firf ; Arnolds , OJo : Coclieco , GJe : Harmony , 5o ; liuligo , 81c ; Imligo 7-8. Jiic ; TndlBo 4-1 , 12 > c. PlitNTrt SIH-LTINOH American , Do ; Cochoco , 5c ; Gloucester , 5oSoutlihrIdgo ; , 5c ; Waverlys , ( jlNQHAMS-Amoskoag staples , 8 0 ; Bates Btaplea , 8jc ; Lancaster ata'plon , 80 ; Plunkot plaldri , lOu ; Hudson chocks , TJo. DIIKHS GOODH Atlantic alpacca , OJc ; Per- tlauo cashmer , t'Jtc ; Hainloton cashmere , IGlc ; Hainloton Fancus , HJc ; Hamleton bro- los , 15c. Immber , WI10I.KBALE. We qnoto lunibor. lath aud shingles' ) on oars at Omaha at the following prices : JOIST AND SOANTLINO 1C ft. nud under 22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 60. TIMBERS 10 foot and under , 22 00. TIIIBER AND JOIST 18 ft , 23 60 ; 20 ft , 23 50 ; 22 ft , 20 50 ; 24 ft , 20 50. FENOINQ No , 1 , 4 and 0 in. , 24 OOj No. 2 , SHEWING No. l(2d'common ( boards ) , 20 00 ; No. 2,18 00. STOCK BOAIIIW A , 45 00 ; B,40 00s 0 , 35 00. FLOOIUNO No. 1 , 40 00 ; No. 2 , 35 00 ; No. t'i 2ii 00 , cloar-2700 ; No. 2 , 2500 ; Pfo. 3 , 2000. CEILING-j $ , 37 00 ; S , 25 00. SHINGLES , bost-4 50 ; standard , 3 50. LATH 3 25 per M. LlME-Per barrel , 125 ; bulk ixsr bushel , 35o ; cement , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 50 ; hair per Int. COc ; Toned felt , k00 ll , 8 50 ; board , 8 60. TobttccoB PLUO TOBAOOO-ClImar , 60o : Bullion 60cj Honjeehoo , 50o : Star , 50o ; lluddy , 45c ; Hor- ' eey'g , 40cj Bldclc , 38@40c. Xwp Omr Common , 20@80oj good , 45 ® GOo ; llosa Leaf , 70c : Premium , 65c ; Diamond Grown , 55cj Sweet Blitoen , 47o. SuoxiKO-0. B , , 22o ; Meorechaum , 30c ; Dor 2 on. , .W ; bcal ot Morth Uantlinn , t > of. , , flrv Seal of North Carolina , 4 oz. , f)7c ; Seal ol North Cimillit ; , 1 ! oGOc ; 0. 1C l urhiyn , 4 or. , Wi'j ( i. K l > iiiinin , 2 oz. , SIX : ; Uticlo Ned , i'n 2"ic ! Tom and Jerry , V-fe , Plnlfl. . Olln nutl 1 nrnlnlion. l.q 110 ° carbon , per pAllott , 13J' ; lriO ° lio.tiight ) ) , porp/illon , 14)e ) ; 175 ° honilllglit : , per ir.ulon , IScj ISO0 water v.-hito , 17c ; llu seed , raw , ; pr KalUM'-PGc ; lltuood , boiloil , pfr gallon , fiSalMdHntor tr'd , per gallon , hfios No. 1 , 7f > cNo. ; 2 , iV o : cwtor , XXX , per pal Ion , 1 0 ' ; NH. 3,1 40 : sweet , I < T R.illi , . 1 00 Rp6nn W 1K r gallon , 1 fa ; fish , W. B. , srgaUon , G.VJ tUMtMootAxtr.i , Dor gallon , POc ; 'o. 1 , 75c : liiiric tliift , roni , per gallon , SOo ; unninor , lf > c ; golden inaclilno , No. 1 , per pal- Ion , 35c ; No. 2 , 25o ; * penn , signal , jwr gallon , 0c ; turpentine , jior gallon , 4Sc ; uaplhn 74 ° , [ iot gallon , Itic. PAINTO IN On , Whlto lo-wl , Omaha P. IV Gohlto ; lead , St. Ixnils. pure , GlcjMr.woillM green 1 to Mb cans , 2601 Frciieli zinc , grwn neal , 12c : I'Vfnch nine , red seal , lie ; I'mnch zinc , lit varnish nist , SOc : Fioncli r.lnc. In oil nsst , 15c ; raw and burnt iimlmr , 1 Ib cans , lOc ; raw and burnt Slemm , lOo ; vandyke brown , ISc ; rotinod lampblack , 12c ; coach black , turn ivory black , ICc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian ilno , SOo ; ultramr.riuo Muo , ISc ; cliromo green li. At , & D. , IGc : blind and nlmttcr crcoti , It M. & D. , ICc ; Paris peon , IBc : Indian rod , 15c ; Venetian rod , 9o ; Tuscan red , 22c ; Amort * cau VoimHlloii. I. & P. , 18s ; chromo yellow L. M. , O. k 1) . O. , 18c ; yellow ochre , S > c ; golden ochre , ICe , patent dryer , 8c ; graining colon , light oak , dork oak , walnut , cut" taint and ash 15o , Jlo.avy Hanlvrnro Iilnt. Iron , rates , 2 50 ; plow Rtool npccial cast , Gc. cniclhlo , 7c ; special or German , f > c : cast too ; do , 15@0 ; wagon s ken , pot , 2 255 ( 00 ; hubs [ > er sot , 1 2. ; felloes sawed dry , 1 40 ; tongiw , sach , 7085c ; txlos each , 75o ; Hquaro nuts per It ) , 7@llc : washers or Ib , SijfllSc ; ilvels , per Ib , lie ; coil clinlr , per Ib , G@12o ; malleable , 80 iron wedges , t' c ; crowbars , Oc ; harrow teeth 4c ; spring tool , 7@Sc ; Burden's horoohoos , 1 70 Ihudou'a mulcshoea 5 70. BAnnp.n Wilts In car lotn , 4Jo t > or 100. NAlLS-Kutufl , 10 to CO , 2 90. SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 : oriental [ lewder , kegs , G 40 ; dp. , half kegs , Jt 48 ; do. , puirtor Icogs , 1 SS ; blasting , kcgii , 3 S5 ; fuse , per 100 foot 50c. LKAD Bar , 1 GS. CoAl -Cumborlaud blacksmith , 10 00 : Mor ris run BKwsburg , 10 00 ; WhitebroaH lump ; 5 00 ; Whitobroast nut , G 00 ; lown lump , 5 00 Iowa nut , 5 00 ; Hook Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra clto , 1125@il GO ; Canon City , 7 00 , per tou tiontlicr. Oak dele , 38c@l2c ; IicmlocUBolo2Sc@35e ; ) i lock kip , SOo to 1 00 ; runner GGo to 80u ; icmlock calf , 85c to 100 ; hemlock upper , 22c to24coak ; upper , 2 Ic ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 50 ; calf kid , 82@3 , ) : Groison kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , SOo to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 SO ; French kip , 110 to 155 ; French calf , 125 to 2 00 ; ros- Bets , 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , G 00 to 8 50 ; top. pings , 9 00 to 10 GO ; B. li. Morocco , SOo tu S.'ic ; pebble 0. D. Morocco , 35c ; elmon , 2 GO ty 3 00. IlAnNEsa No. 1 star o.ik , 38c ; No 2 do , , c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 30c ; No. 2 do , S3o ; No. 1 Mllwaukoo 35c : No 2 do 83c . No. 1 Pitts oak liar , Zic ; No. B Pitts oal. : iar , 35c. Dry 1'nlnru. Wilto lead , 8c ; French fine , lOc ; 1'arls whiting , 2Jc ; whiting gildore , IJc ; whltine m'l lie ; lamiiblack , Gorinantov/n , 14e ; iampblack , ordinnry , lOc ; Pmssian blue , f > 5c ; -iHr.iin.irino , ISc ; vaudyko , brov/n , 8c ; umber , auriit , 4c ; umbor. raw , 'lc ; Bioiinn , burnt , 4c ; Biouna , iw , 4c ; Paris green , goiiuino , 25r ; Paris preen , common , 20c ; cliromo preen , N.Y. , 20c ; chrome green , It. , 12c ; vonnillion , Bug. , "Oc ; vcunilliun , American , ISc : Indian rod , LOc ; rose pink , lie ; Venetian rod , Cooknon's , Jc ; Venetian roil , American , IJc ; red load , Tjc ; chroma yellow , genuine , 20c ; cliromo yol- ow , K. , 12cochro ; , rochollo,3cochreFrench ; , JJc ; ochre , American , 2c ; Wintor'a mineral , 'ic ; lohlgh brown , 2Jc ; Spauluh brown , 2 c ; Prince's mineral , oo. VAIINISIIES Barrels , per gallon : Furnl turo , extra , SI 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , SI ; coach , extra , SI 40 ; coach , No. 1 , § 1 20 ; Damar , extra , $1 7GJapan ; , 70canphaltum ; , extra , 85c ; shellac , $3 50 ; bard oil finish , 8150. Steady ; green butchers , G5Glc ; gro&n ealtod 74 © 7Jc ; dry flint , 12@13o ; dry siUt , L0llc ; damngnd hides , two-thirds prico. TAI.LOW G@C ic SilKEl1 PZLTH L'5c@l 00. Iilquora. Atoonot 188 proof , 2 20 per \v1uo gallon extra California spirits , 188 proof , 12f ( per > roof gallon ; triple refined snlrits , 187 riroof , L 25 per proof gallon ; ro-distllled whlHkles L 00@150 ; fmo blended , 1 G0@2 GO ; . Ken- nicky bourbons , 2 00@7 00 ; Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryoa , 2 00@7 00. BRANDIES Imported , G 00@1GOO ; domoatlcl 1 40 ® 1 00. GIHS Imported , 4 50@G 00 ; domostio , 140 @ 300. " HUMS Imported , 4 50@6 00 ; NowEnglnnd , 2 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 50@3 50. PisAoii AND APPLE BitANny 175@4 00. CllAJU'AaNEH Imported per case , 2800 © 31 00 ; Aiaorlcani ; > or case , 12 00@10 00. CORED MEATS AND LABD In tierces lOo In palls lie. Hams. 1-IJc ; breakfast bacon lo15lc ; smoked Bides , 9i@10e ; salt oldoH , 3uEiN : FnniT AND PBODUOK Potatoes , 55@ G5c per 100 pound.- ] ; onions , per 100 pounds , 81 50@2 00 ; turnips , per 100 Ib , G0@80o ; Col orado cabbage , now , per 100 , 85c@100 ; live chickens , .old , per doz , SI 00 © 4 25 ; Bpratiio chickens per doz , $3 75(2)100 ( ) ; eggr. , fresh , per doz , 32@35c ; butter , fair qual ity creamery , fmoat per Ib , 38 © 12 ; creamery , good , per Ib , 28@31c ; Knimaa and Nebraska dairy , per Ib , 37@45c ; cooking , 1215oj ohoaso , full cream , pur Ib , lG@17c ; apploa per bbl , eastern , $5 00@G 50 ; grnpos , jior Ib , 7@10c ; California pears per Ib , 710c ; Mouina lemon1) , extra tier or , t > 7 00 @ 3 00 ; oranges , $12 0013 00 ; Colorndo * heat , per 100 Ib , 813J@1 38 ; flour , fair finality , 810 00@10.GO per barrel flour. Graham , per 100 Ib $2 00@2 50 : flour , rye , pnr 100 Ib , S2 G0@2 70 ; Hour , buclrwhoat , per tbl , S10 00@10 50 ; corn gmcul per 100 Ibi , SI C5@l 85 ; rorn , per 100 Ibi , 81 30 ( & 1 33 ; corn chop , per lOOllw , 8130(5(133 ( ( ; now oata , per 100 Ibs , § 135@l 45 ; oats , NobiuHka. mixed , per 100 Ib , 91 3i@l : 33 ; wheat , per 100 Ibs , SI 85@1 45 ; barley , per 100 Ibs , 81 50 © ( tl 75 ; mixed chop , per | 100 Ibu , 31 33@ 1 40 ; bran , per Inn , 817 00@1U 00 ; hay , nor ton 812 00@1G 00 ; baled Bocond bottom , 810 00@12 00 ; baled upland , 814 00@17 00 ; straw , nor tun. K8 O'lrtilll nn , T. 11. OAMPlllUJ. . | S. B. OAMl'HEU , , Campbell & Co. , rrnooucn , rnovisioNH , DIUITB. nro. lOiHimtti Htlifitrott , beUccn IouIas ; onj Dodge , OMAHA , NBJl Kclc-ienocs Kind Nnttoiml Il&nk , titcolc , Jolmnnn li Co. , Oinaha ; llauk ol Cast Oojuty , riatUmoiith , Neb. CONSIONMKNTS BOI.ICITKD. 11CTOUN8 MADE rilOMlTI.V. GANNON JONKS tt UO. CK IN KHKNZKK BLOCK , Ol'l' , V , 0. IUnt lieu eu , 1(0 luroUliod or uulurnUho < I roouu OLtalu boarJtrnaud turnislitirkt cwt ] doinutlcs. Dr nir I nr ll kuirU nf rv > nu. DR , ANNA BENSON , AND CHILDREN. Office S10 North 18Hi Street. JUsldoncs South 17 Mil Centre ttiwti U. V. It , MAIN T.1XKnu nu vii. w Atifcn klm | , i)7 : nrr Wafttorn Kx ; f..OO ptil \VMtctnr.Tirew. ) SSOii to 0. liUnJPa o. iMuxri'ftTi. 11:10 : ft n Lincoln Kx irirXJpm Mnootti Ix ! . miMur TiiAiss-imiuoK DIVISION. l fv Onnih * : 7:10 : , < ! M,0:0i ) : ( , wvf , Il'00nuii2m : ; I .CO. 100 , S'W , 4'00 , B.OO , CM , 10:10 : p. in. On Xnn. iljs : 7iii,0:0 : li-'K ) ft. m ; 8.00 , .onO.M , 10.10 . m. Arrhn st transfer iI ] M > t80 tnlimtcaUtcr ; Unvvr way depot , Cimndl lllnll30 minute * , Uter. Ixnuo Council IiliitT < , lrniih\iy ) ilcput , S.W , R. c\l , 10.00,11:00 : iv in.j I ! iu.lon. ; : 2co , See : , 4.jof > : uo,0 : o , : On timidity * : R.00,10.00 ft. in. ; IS mjK.OO , 6:00 : , 0:10,10:1 : : > ) p.tu. ArilroTtanilct ilojKit , luiiiin- iitcn Uter , Council lltiilt * Tnnsfct S.J , Oflr , . , 4:25 : , f. . : , OSS , 7:05 : , 10:6D : p. m. Anho Omntin 'JO inliuitn ) littr. t.1 \ OUillA. L-UVR couxat , m.nrrt. r s" No. s. . . .7:55 : ra No. B. . 7S5 & III " No. 10 AMD p in No. U. . 11 : ) am " No. 4 , . No S. . it.On. m i" No. 8. . . 8M : m " No.'Pi. ' . 7il6 | im " Nr. . . . . HH6 Mil " No. 1. . 7 ( J p in " No. 60. . flMnm : | Tlmo.JBT StiuuUnl ttma In 4 minutes lister Dun local lino. B. & M. lUlt.KO.Ml TIXIK TAM.1 : CKST. TlMli ' It0t'.in. KA T ItOL'VD , AllRIMI. OmMm. . 7RO | < m BUOnm G.Sfl ] nu n.40 nm Afhlniul. . . 0:54 : | im 11:11 : mil 4S : jim 7Hnm : .Incoln. IH.N ) jim I''ir.t inn 8.00 ( 'in l49nm ! 'roto Il'i0inn : iDi : < iii 5:17 : inn V:40 : nm lifllncs. . 5lfinm : ritx : ) | > m .Il.i0ani : lOMOl'in till Clniul. 8w : ) itin O.r pin 10.03 a'n ' 8.XI ( | , ni MiConk lO S nm 10 35 | un fiJQ : inn n.tojmi nusrumi 11:40 : I.IH Dcmcr . , 7:4S : jmi nXiuui D.2.'ipm 7:35 : nm M1S300H1 PACiriC-STANDAItU T1MK. M.I'AIIT. I ARKIV K. 7.00 Mil | a 4. ' . pill K. 0. . J.T JOK A C. lt.-U.-STANOAUn T1MK. M ll dally , n:13ln : I Buinw , ihlly Kiirc8 | , ilnlly I except Jton- oTcqit Satnr : I ilafs fl:2.'i : ! m dajs 7:15i : | m I Mall , dally . . . .0:5511 : in O. , tit. P. M. & 0.-8TANUAM ) TWA. ( Dojuit lllh nnil Wclistcr Rte. s'o. Snitxtil.7:41 : n in Nn. luiUotl. . . r > :30p : in "rcllit | . . lWpin ! : . 11:15 : urn \thntlo i\ii : n40iim ; AtUntlo ixp : . . 11:15 : am Atlantic Mall 7:4riam : Atlantla Mall. . . impm i\cry : ilny. ( Trntiiifor Depot , Council BlulU ) WAIIASII.VST. 1,01)13. ) , o.i\o . 7M ; am I Arrlxo . 10Sr nm itnxo . n.r > 0pm I Arrho. . . . 4:06pm : O. , n &Q 11. U. RFANDAUI ) TIMK tall * . lbOam : I lixiiros . 100ikin : KinrcM5:60 : pin | Moll" . I:3pm Suiulaj § * cxcciitcil. 0. , U. K & 1 * . K. U.-STANDA1U ) TIME. ilall * . , . . ' . , 7:60 : a m I Kiiircos.- . 10 CO pin Kinross . 8:60 : pm | Mall * . 7-Jaam Sunilijs o\cciitcil. C. , St. & St. P. 8TAN1UUD TUIK. . Wall A Ex" . . .8:00 : am IPnclflaKx . 0:20 : Mn MlantloKi" . . , ,8EO : I ) tu | Mall & Kx' . 7:00 : p m 'Suiulaja oxccjitoJ , 0. & N. W. U. . STANOAHI ) IIStK. tall' . . r:60om I KiiircM . 10.00am Girrora . 3:60 : pm iMall' . . . . .TliSpm ' .Sund&xs cxcrpttnl. 8. 0. & 1 . U. II.-STANDAUD TIMK. IM * . 0.00 1 > in I Kxnrosa . 10.00 am 0:00 : p in | M ll' . 7:25 : | un ted. Oponlng and Cloelnc of Klallo. ROUTE. OriN. OIXMI. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. C1 & N. W. . C. , U. 1. & P.C. U. k ( J. , St. Paul & Sioux Clty.ll.-OO 0.00 fiio : 0:16 : C. , M. &S.I'.fl. 0. & 1 * . ill Io\\a 0.00 6:10 : Valiash r.xpreua 12,0 : t&di ) loc A ! * 0,09 cio : K. C. , St. Joe & 0. V. . . . . . . . 0:00 : 0:00 : 6 : o 0:50 : Mlwourl 1'adflo 7:30 : 6:10 : C. , HL 1' . If. 0 0.00 7rs : Union Pacific , ( ncilim ; u.UO 11:36 : Union 1'aclllo , Doruer Kx. . , . 4:00 : 7:30 : O. . Hcpuhllcan Valley. . . l:3u : Il:36 : 7oo : 7io : U.&Jt. for PlatUmouth , 8. llenil , ABhlaiul and Lincoln.11:00 : 7HO : Ulllco open Sundius from 12:00 : in. to 1:00 : p , in , w 0. K COUTANT , FottuiMtrr. IKON AND SLATE HOOFINO. r. 1111 Douglas St. . Omab * , Nob. IIAKUFACTOHKH 07 Galvanized Iron Cornices jtari > ormcr Windows , Flnlale , Tin , Iron and SUte oolljiK , Bnooht'a tutcnt Motalllo Bkll'lit ) , I'ntcnt I Jujtoil lutonct liar and Jlrtckct JUJlUUJW.VUIll.bUUl Will * JJ.MUKUb OlilllVIUIf. I km wl general agent tor tno above Una 01 toou . Irua accliiK , Orcatlnga , Ualuotrailca , Veranilaa , Iron luck n " 9 , Window llllmlfl , Cellar UuarJH : lso ( ; onut . oorsonSs II1U ftt nt Innldn Hllnd 1tii * > ni-l.l/t K.f.-n.-ra. . lor 1 tiii.iii * vim siy fur S&i. . iirmti < > f itt'i iiiutUKnti tuSfll ] * * . . f . 'llicrc tt un t bout UUrt InViin itnl , Ilin con- TiWiTV11111 ' 'W0" 11 : i u n i , ruii ii K Ihroiuli tin * tkirtA tr.'tt imloie 11 p , in n , lioaltlif uilion lu not ffitilniinl Kin ivllh Klcctili' liiiitu < iil > rrtlmltn < un < ull tin Iniin lii-nii HI lnu Hl lur _ IhuUNK flu I'lln * niirnOHM , A't.l-Vl.ri > .ll'lWB.l'"f.'l.ln''i''i ' | ' ' " ! ! ' ! ' ' < l ! 'i' , 'l'lww.ii ' . . . < 1 ' -r JV-lt Co , 114 W i Bl..l'lil ( , , . i PEKTCIPAL LIBTB ruoM CHICAGO , PEOKTA &ST. LOUIS , nr WAV or OMAHA AND LINCOL1I TO DENVER , on VIA KANSAS CITY AMD ATOIIISOH to DENVER. In Union Ihtpotx at ICunwitiClly , OnmliiumU Denver with tliiouiilitruliiH tor polntH In tliuGicat Wrst. Conneotlnt ; In ( liiiml Union Uopotia \\ltb llnoiigli tiiilimlgr NUW YOJtK , It OK TON , And ull ICautcrn Oltlr . At 1'corla with llnoimli tmlim lor Indlnnnii. nllH , Oineliinutl , Columbua , anil nil jxilntB in tlioBiiuIli.Ktist. At hi , IxniU with tluouuh tiuliiH fur nil polnta Boutli , lilegiuitD.iy ( 'o.iolitH , I'm lor Cum , with lt . rllnlni ; CluiliH ( Mcata tieo ) , bmoklntf C'aiti with Kovolvln * , ' ( JlmliH , I'lillnmn 1'alacu Hlvopln OIIIH mid tliu fauioiiH O. It , &Q. JXnliiK t'iu-i run dally toniul front OlilciiKo mill KIIIIBUI Oily OlilfUKo mul Council Jiluita : Clilcucti iiml Dcx Moliuw , ( Jlilcago , HI , JoHupli , AlvlilBon mid Topeka without clmiiKo. Only tluoiiKli Itiii runnliiK tlinir own tmiiin bcincon Clilnihii J.lncolu itud Denver , mid OlilcnKO , KIIIIHUI Oily anil Dcnvur. TInoiiL'li aim Ixitnuon InillamijiollH und Council Jlliillij , via J'uoilu noixo ivouTir AMI SOUTH. Solid Truing ot KIcKiuit Jl.iy ( Jouuhca mill I'lillmim I'lUacuSloopliiKC'nrNuioiiin dully to umlHUH Ht. Louis ; vlit lliuinllml ; ( jtilncy , Kcokulc , lliiillnytDii , ( ; < Mlar ItupUlH und J.cjitoHt. 1'util mid .MIiiiiiaiKlls ] ) ; I'mlurCuin with UocllnliiK C'liulrs to mid liom Kt. I.ntiU und 1'uorJu. Onlyonocliuiidoof < 'iii-n Iji'twion Bt. LoulHiind DCH Moliiiw , Jo Mil , Lincoln , .No. bniskuiiiul Denvi.T , Colorado. HlHiiUo tlioonly 'I'liiouHlil.Ino liutwcon ST. LOUIS , MINNEArOLIS and ST. PAUL. Ills known an tliu TllltOUCII OAK I.lNi ; < if America , und i nnlvciwlly udmlt. lull t < l lie till ) Tinest Eauippsd Ilallroad In the World for an classes of Travel. Throuuh TlcloU via tills line lor nalu at nil It. it. couwiii ] tkkc ( utllccg In tlio United States und CiumUu. T. J. I'OTTKH , 1'KKOKVA Vl . | 'Ki.liO u. > Ui' C r. Utn Oniiilm Real Estate is n safe investment for botb local and foreign cap ital , aud tlicro is no property , in or around the city , but \vhafc will bring purchasers good returns in the near future. We have property for sale it r.i'l pr.ils f tlio city , and also Surrounding tlio city , nil of wlncl wcfgladly show to pnrtiss Avho feel interested. We are often asked which is the best part of the city for an invest ment ? We always advise patrons to buy what is called I3y this is meant property not more than one and a half miles from the Posloflice , and the nearer the center the better the investment. While outside property will steadily advance in price , inside property will ad vance much greater in'proportion. The now addition to the city known as is'locatcd one milo from the postollice , west , only nine blocks from the High School , and those lots are being sold at lesa than half the price asked for lots same distance in nny other diiection. and As these lots will , in a short time , be advanced to correspond to prices lota surrounding Hawthorne. The contract has been lot for grading Davenport street through this addition. Work bus been commenced and will be finished early in the' summer. Purchasers of lots in Hawthorne will not have to bear any espouse for the grading. Vrhis is a decidedjidvnntcgc. Prices for regu lar size lots lotsS35O TO 8575 , We have also some double lots in this addition at fromjGOO to 5050. This part of the city is being built up with the best class o residences Near business , near High School , nnddesirablo in every particular. We Imvc ajjow lols.loffc.iu this addition , which woi \ \ . soil at lowe.- priccotlina cnn bo had in surrounding additions. Thelois are beiiuliful- ly located andilargor than tlmnthcfr in adjohiiug"at1ditions , nnd will be sold on terms to suittpnrchiiscrs. miotiti Diinnortir | rn Douglns'LCountyanil nil pnrtsol tl'p State. * * * * * * * mff- > 1W"T * "H/ ' 1 * "T"ft ffy. TUT ] B TT .ara. JfcS „ & & trncfc o , 'lonlllireo nud ouo-hall' inilca from Oiualm nt $10 pen ncro.J jAlso ; n tract four milcBjfrom Ihu lily nl $80 jior ncrc , f < ols ih Diis ndditioji willJbo'Eold on molnhly imymrnts ; 10 per cent. cnsh nd.5 por'cent , pt'r month. E : -A _ "V\T6T EC O "B 2ST J23 ! Of nil tlso loin wo Jinvo for Fiil \ wo tiiiuk t-his io ilie nicst desirable either for a homo or lor investment , as it is near busines ? nicely located and nb prcteiit pricei is tlio clic-ap3:3t : proporsv in the market , and first buyers liavo choice of ] o\r \ , 213 South UtU Street , between Farnam j-andDouglas