Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1884, Image 1

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Bombastes Fnrioso Logan Loading Up
For Auditor Fnsilaftc ,
Fitz John Porter Again tlio
joot of His Spooobi
The Bill Per Retiring the High
Privates of the
Mr , James' ' Stater nt of the Star
Garllcld's Dot semination to Cut Oui
tlf J XJloor Olcnn.
pUTDlt atch t Tun HUE.
v < MfeuwaTON , March 5. The senati
cr yrjimitteo on military affairs IIAS report
fdl'foverably on the resolution to romov
tho'in nnetion. of secrecy froui the mom
'bora ' of tlio ccort mnrtisl that tried Fit
ffdlm Porter nnd it will bo .paasad bofor
'the Porter till is tatarn up lor conaidorr
'tion. ' The court tc which this applie
'was composed of Major General Davi
VTJuntor , who prodded , Major Gonon
E. A. Ifitchcock , * nd Brigadier General
Rufua > iving , B. El. Prontiss , Jamoa I
Rickotc , Silaa Cecoy , James A. Garfiolc
Nathan Buford'cnd J. P. Slough. Get
Joseph Holt Acted na Judge Advocat
General. Of this * board only thr *
'Hunter , Rickoita Pnd Holt are noxr IM
ing , and they all are iu Washington
present. Tire resolution is said to h&v
'boon dlforod-nt their request , as they're !
( that the potaago of a bill restoring Porte
vrill bo accopto d as a condemnation <
' their action. They want to give 'thoi
' reasons for his c tonviction. It is acid ' b
Logan's friends , that ho has obtained no'
nnd convincing , evidence against 3ortoi
which ho will use in a spooih when tl :
bill conies up. . It la supposed that th
consists of statements made by 'Hoi I
'Hunter ' and Hickotta regarding the orig
nal cojrt martial.
Ths house committon on military afiai
'has rjportod favorably upon the bill
provide a retired liat for privates and f (
non-commissioned odicers of tno am
who have aorved faithfully fcr 30 yea
or ctore. The same committee haa r
ported another bill authorizing the pros
i dent to confer brevet rank upon ollico
of the army who shall distinguish then
selves in Indian wars.
General Horatio G. Wright , chief i
engineers , will bo retired from the arn
ihia week , after forty yeara of active so
vice , and will bo succeeded by Goner
JTowton , who has had charge of the He
Gate impiovemonts at Now 'York.
-i.Ttegular Press Dispatches.
WASHINGTON , March 6. Ex-Postmn
tor General James and ox-Attorney Go
oral MacVeagh were examined to-day 1
itho Springer committee relative to e
ponditurca in the department of justi
.in the prosecution of the atar aoutocasc
James said his attention wcs firstspocie
ly called to star route matters by o
United States Senator George E. Spe
cor , of Alabama , nnd ether well informi
jreiitlemon. It was their belief that m :
liona of dollars hod been wasted in u
necessary "star" service , ouch of whii
, never had been performed , nnd waa pr
i -cured by improper measures. It waa all
maintained that an honest , thorough i
vestigation would render praitic
great retrenchments without dot
ment to the mail service , win
could not only make the posteflicod
ipartraont aolfaustaining but would yie
, respectable rovdnuo to the trcaaur
Continuing James aaid : "That I ente
tainod such views was more or less wi
known. The publicity given thorn added
the fact that while postmaster at Nt
i Tork when asked by Stephen W. Dors
to certify in my official capacity to a lar
number of papers connected with t
the contract ollico of the peat ollico d
partmont I refused to do so , which mi
account for the bitter opposition to r
appointment to a cabinet petition whl
developed in certain quarters I wont
Washington on the night of the !
of March 1881 in answer to > v telegrapl :
dispatch from Whitelaw lloid whicli
uudoi stood to represent Gaifiold'a dosii
On the third I called on him
company with Reid. The latter said
substance addressing General iGarlio
that ho had asked mo to cocuo n aa li
General Garfield , had desired , .and h
told ao it was in reference to the san
auggeetion of my name -for poatmastc
general , that I had said that if the trot
ury department waa likely to come
Now York I did not want to be in tl
way and that ho , Reid , had acaured t
that that was now Battled. General G :
field addressing mo said : "That is abc
lutoly act fed , The treasury departmo
cannot go to Now York. " Re
continuing said ho had tome
, mo General Garfield ozpoct
to got pn satisfactorily and without fr
i tion with boUi factions in New York u
i honed my appointment , if made , wou
hejp to that < gnd , but wished to km
.whether in .czao a controverey should
forced upon him ho could bo sure if
wore made poetmaster general that r
national afliliatipca in New York wou
not interfere with my hearty support
hia administration. General Gar He
said"Ye9. that i * tbout it , " und I th
replied , "Such a contingency in i :
judgmout , will not anise , but it it shoul
if I accept your nomic&tion , 1 must , a <
gcutlemac , either bo loyal to the pro
dent or r&iign , " General Garfield sai
"TliatisBaiisfactory. "
The conversation thoii .turned to t
work of the poatofiico department. Ge
oral Gaafield &iid lie "was afraid there ti
something very wrong in the dcpartmc
itaolf , and thought , if eo , he expected i
to find it out and then plow in to t
beam , ind after that subsoil it Dora
waa not jireaent nt this interview , car i
Jamea BOO him ; neither did ho call on
pieet Senator Gonkling or Vice Preside
On ( ho Otli , lit , Jamce hayi
meantime been appointed postmaster
general , the president sent for him and
brought up ( no aubjoct of the ntar route
jorvico. Ho aaid ho was satisfied there
had bo < ux n wilful wnsto of publio money
ani gro35 corruption. That while ho did
I uqt wish to have mail facilities necessary
tothowolfato of any community cur
tailed , all unnecessary and extravagant
aarvico must bo rclontlosaly cut off. That
the proposed investigation must bo aimed
atthoaystom , not at men ; but that if
the inquiry ahould disclose the fact that
any poraon or persons have been guilty
of corruption or fraud , that the poraon
or persona must bo handed over to tr 4 ,
department of justice. Ho gave matnlo
tiona to pursue this invoatigation
' '
there were no moro facts
All sources of information w
available and the invostigat'p.n ' pushed it
every way. The state oE Pjfaira rovcaloi
was truly appalling. I \ the early par
of April "Woodward ar d mj-solf called 01
Garfield and cxhih'ited n comparativi
statement of the. r.iost corruptly manipulated
latod routes. Eo displayed great sur
prise , asked IE the figures were vorifioc
by the records and also added that n
hod boon pro vidontially'savcd from fallinj
into a trixo sot for him. Ho scorned to b
contemplating some peril which ho hai
escaped. Ho naked whotlwr the paper
had been shown the nttoruoy gen
oral. I replied * o. Ho re
quoatcd me to call with tha
ollicial next day. Wo called , nnd
lengthy consultation ensued. In nnswo
to my question whether \yould not b
wiser to institute civil suits for the recovery
covory of the money obtained throng ]
dishonest contracts rather than com
mcnco criminal proceedings against par
ties , ho aaid "No. " The attorney general
oral interrupted him and asked him fc
ToRoct before deciding that proceeding
might strike men in high places , migh
give the democrats a majority in the sou
ttto , might effect persona claimin
the president was under political obliga
iipna , especially to ono who claimed the
without hia services 'Garfiold _ could no
have boon elected , and asked him to lee !
thoao thinga squarely in the face bofor
t deciding , aa ho ( the attorney general ) an
postmaster general would -know noithc
friend nor fee in the proaeoution. Th
f president reflected a moment , and tlio
said : "No ; I have aworn to execute th
lawa. Go ahead , regardless of whore c
whom you hit. I disoct you both nc
only to probe this ulcer > to the botton
but to cut it out. " TItis closed the cot
veraation ,
The preparation made" for invpatiga'
ing the atar routes were deacribod t
length. "Very soon , " said the witnea :
'Doraoy began actively to ongngp in e
forts to shield himself -and to bring tli
investigation to nought by disturbing tli
relations of the president and cabiuo
The most brazen effrontery and rccklei
prevarication were indulged in. " Th
history of the Doraey star route combin :
tion was given in detail. On the la
Wednesday in Jimo , the witness contii
ued , ho called at the Whii
House with Attorneys Cook an
Woodward. Doraey and Ingorso !
were there. Jaices and the attorney
wont into the red room. When Garfiel
entered ho waa introduced to Cook , ar
it waa obviously the first time they hi
mot. Cook explained what ho and Gil
son had done. * ( iarfield ! suggested thi
they were too slow , they should b"b mo :
earnest , should have the accused partii
indicted and tried.
Ex-Attorney General MacVeagh test
fled at length , corroborating the test
money of Mr. James in ita main feature
In the M
Boynton-Keifor case to-day
Keif or was placed upon the stand at
subjected to a rigid crosa-oxaininatic
by Boynton'a counsel. He swoi
positively that ho was mot in Goner ;
Boynton'a office on the night of March
1883 , nor on the night of March 2 , 188
and did not think ho .had been in tl
oflico or hold any conversation wil
Boynton on the.27tli or.28th of Febru
ry. Ho had not spoken to Boynton aft
the interview iu his. ( Keifor's ) oflico ,
which the improper proposition had boi
mad'i to him by Boynton. Aftorfurth
unimportant testimony , adjourned.
Secretary Folgor has written a lott
to Mr. Morrison , chairman of t
ways and means committee , auggoatii
several amendments to the Potter bi
and aaying : "Tlio language of the aix
section of the bill is not quite clear , ai
I am inclined to doubt whether the no
plo would'approve ita provisions. It
certainly open to the charge of boit
partial to the banks , and its effectwhet
cr intended or not , would aoom to bo
defer calling in security bonds until am
time aa the bonds not mod aa a basia f
circulation shall liavo. been called. I i
; iot think it wine policy thua to discriti
natp in favor of banking associations ai
against all ether holders of bonda of t
government. "
Tuo Pennsylvania , hooul Cclolirltl
Multo AVrcolcs of Kucli Other.
Special Dispatch to Tile JEK ,
DANVILLE , Pa. , March 5 , A pri
fight with hard gloves took place hero
a late hour last night bntwoen Tc
10r Jones and William T. Bpeiaor , two lo <
Dit pugilists. The ring wao constructed
it id an unused building , and ( fifty men w
Id nosaod the battle which waa according
id the rules of the London .prize rit
o-f Both fighters were middle weights. F
| j teen rounds were fought aoid the oxhi
( ion was moat brutal , botfc men bei
dreadfully punished. Their jfaces w <
horribly disfigured and their bodies tc
anil bruised. In the fifteenth round ai
last , the men wore hardly aulo to wt
to the scratch. Jones waa xtrongi
however , and led , planting hist loft
Spoiaor's mouth. A clinch ensued a
then tlio men hammered each other a :
finally .foil together io a heap , Jon
claimed that Spoiscr struck him a fc
and a general fight seemed immtuci
The referee , , however , decided that
foul had boon committed and call
tirao for the nixteonth round. Jones c
not go to the acratoh and Spoisor \ *
declared the winner. The fight last
ono hour and twenty minutes.
I'rauk Langitoa , a on of thn UiiltcJ fita
minister to Haytl , in a ttreet fight botwi
whl tea and blocki In Wftihlugtou , Tuest
or night , shot and killad Jatnei Ktxmcer auJ
tit rloiuly wounded Job ) ) 8 , WlUlatoa , two in
_ _ _ _ '
The U , P.'s ' Alif4 RcltoGiit From
to Divy Witli tlio
d Grant Forfeiture Bills to
Bo Reported Favorably ,
The Union Pacific's ' Earnings ,
Expenses and Losses ,
'lio Aiiminl Itejtort HIiulo to the
Dispatch to Tun BKK.
CHICAOO , March 5. On February G
lie announcamout was made that verbal
iotico of withdrawal from the Transcon-
inontal nsaociation was given by the
) nion Pacifio road ninety days prior to
liat time , and had boon considered final
y that line , and that it icCuscd to to
ound by the rules of the association
ftor that day. The road claimed -that
ts notice given at Topeka waa sufficient ,
hilo the commissioner -claimed that
licro was no such notice on record. It
ooma that the Union Pacific waa con-
incod that its notice did not hold good
) ocause it did not cease to bo a party to
ho association , and is still reporting to
t. It did , however , give written notice
> f withdrawal on February 4 , which
vill expire May 24.
G. Goddard , general traflie manage )
if the Atohtoon , Topeka fc Santa Po rail ,
oad , arrived in the city yeaterday , anc
luring the day hold a lengthy conference
with Commissioner Midgoly , of tin
Southwestern Railway association. A
> lan wa * agreed to providing for an arrangement
rangoment for the division of througl
ratca on competitive business betwcoi
ho Atcliison , Topeka & Santa Fo roac
and its competitors in southern Konoa ;
south of tha main lino. The Southwestern
orn Uiilway association agrees to maki
.hrough rates wi h the Atchison , Topokt
& Santa Fe railroad , which will bi
diyidod proportionately between the tw <
whonvor the latter haa to meet any ratoa
made by its competitors. When a rcstora
: ion ife madn the Southwestern aaaocia
; ion will make the west bound rate
while the Santa It'o road will make tin
east bound rate. The report that an arrangement
rangomont waa to bo effected botweot
; heso two organizations similar to tha
jstween the roads in the Wcston
Trunk Line association at Council BlufV
was announced. Now through ratei
and divisions will go into effect in a fov
days. There will bo no system o
through billing as might bo imagined.
Regular Press Dispatches.
BOSTON , March 5. The stockholder )
of the Union Pacifio railway hold thoii
annual meeting to-day. The old boarc
of directors was re-elected oxceptin ;
August Scholl and Solon Humphries
Hugh Riddle , of Chicago , and James A
Ilumrill , Springfield , were elected to fil
their places. The annual report to th
stockholders gives the length nf thread
road as 1,820 miles ; gross earnings fo
the year § 21,022,541 ; operating expense
including taxes § 103G5,540 ; surplu
earnings $10,048,001 ; interest and dividends
donds collected on invested socuritio
§ 2,080,082 , making n total of surplu
earnings of $12,714,083 ; total payment
§ 11,452,80 ! ) , showing a surplus for th
year of § 1,201,773. The funded deb
table shows a balance outstanding o
884,1505,332. Compared with the yea
previous there waa u dccroaao in earning
of § 1,821,342. The aggregate amount c
passenger and freight traflie for 188
exceeded the amount for the proviou
year , but the diminished earnings ar
caused by a reduction of rates. The totr
number of pasaongera carried waa 1,185 ,
084 , an excess of 21 per cent , and of ton
of freight carried 2,583,385 , , an excess o
24 per cent over 1882.
The business depression in Colorad
for < the greater part of the year , togothc
with the division of Montana traffic wit
the Northern Pacific railroad and tli
entire division from our lines after Soj
tombor 15 of the paasongqr business b <
twoen Oregon and Washington toriitot
and the cast caused a largo loss in pai
senger itmsineaa on tho' Union Pacif
But for a reduction of ratoa in Colorac
and Utah arising from competition wif
rival liuca and the failure to agree upc
ratea the grosa earnings ofthe compan
for the past year would have been legal !
in OXCCMJ of the year previous. The later
tor of these causes has nowboen romodic
and with a maintenance of the preset
ratea and continued increase of trafl
the gros * and not earoingafor 18 !
ahould shw very favorably Jivhon cor
pared with the past year.
Sales of vtho companyVilandaiin 18 {
amounted to a larger aunt thamfor ar
previous year since the sales commence
and exceededitho sales of Jazt ( year by tl
sum oj 82,30 ,839. The total number
asroa sold during the year was 1,100,31
for the groaa ,3um of § 1,081 ( IJ'3. Tl
niiKiborof pureuBorawas3,814whoboug ]
at on average price of § 3.DO per acre. A
landc granted the company luvo bet
sold 'for a distauco of 200 miles west i
the Missouri rivor.
The Deport then qpeaks of thotriparti
agreement , and of the differences poiii
ing between the road and thegovornmci
in regard to compeocation for carryii
the mails. .
During &o coming year , and under tl
the now bosard of director * , the oporatit
of the road ic , it is stated ongoodautho
ity , to bo divided into four department
Amos La to have charge of ono , Clark
another , and tko heads of f ho ether tv
ara not yet named. The old oflicora we
re-elected , and the usual quarterly dh
deud of If per cent declared.
10 A . WiBHiKoroir , March 5. The ton *
( committee on public lands this ovenii
[ ordeud favorable rep jrt upon JJOUBO bi
ioclarinu the forfeiture of lands granted
the Texas Pacific Railroad conii-nnj
Now Mexico , Arinoim and Coloriulo ,
nd restoring thorn to the public domain.
i ho house committee on public lands
igrcod to report favorably the house bill
'oclairing forfeited the Ontonntjon nud
Irulo river Railroad company's lauds.
'ho grant WHS stripped of the section
iroviding for confirmation of the acts of
ho department of the interior in per
nitting entries upon those lands. Strik-
ng out this section the bill was agreed
, o by a majority of ono vote in the com
nittoo and the minority will bring in *
oport recommending an amomlmeut to
, ho bill in the house by a reinsertion
) f thn section. The land qrant forfeit-
ires which is recommended by the com-
aittoo amounts to about 120 soctiona eland
and and entries upon these lands which
ho bill sought to confirm , an aggregate
if between 300,000 and 400,000 acres ,
L'ho committee also agreed to report fav-
irably.a bill to declare forfeited the un.
larnod laud grant of the California A
) rcgon railroad company , amounting to
, bout 1,000,000 acres.
WASHINGTON , March 5. The judiciary
ommitteo reported favorably n bill foi
io collection of statistica touching mar
iago and divorce.
The bill extending tholimitsof Yellow
tone Park passed ; also the bill authoriz
UK the postmaster general to lease build
! ngs for postoflicos of the first , second nm
"nrd class , for terms not to exceed toi
ours. ;
Mr. Pondloton'sdom. , Ohio ) bill pro' '
iding for the exorcise of jurisdictioi
onforrod open the United States ii
ilaocs outside their dominion waa thoi
akon up.
Pending debate Mr. Sherman ( rep.
3hio ) , by consent , presented a mcssngi
: rom the house announcing its agrcomotii
a the joint resolution to appropriat |
10,000 for the senate contingent fund
; ith a proviso that the money bo usei
or no ether investigation than such n
lavoalroady boon ordered. This auso ;
ibjoction to immcdiatoconsidorationntu
t wont over. .
Mr. Cockrell ( dom. , Mo. ) introducedi
ll to amend the revised statutes so as t
ivo processes of the United State
iourts [ the same force in all states tha
ho processes of the several states hav
n their respective states.
After debate on the Pondloton bill , al
ixocutivo session was hold , and the son
ito adjourned.
HOU.SI : .
On motion of Mr. Blanohard ( dom ,
a. ) a bill passed making an approprit
, ion of § 8,100 to supply the deficiency i
io amount requir"d for expenditures t
ascertain the depth of water and widtlu
ihannol in the South Pass of the Missii
ippi river , and gauge the waters of th
tlississippi river nnd tributaries. *
Mr. Randall ( dom , Pa. ) , from tli
committee on appropriations , roporto
back the senate joint resolution for th
addition 01 § 10,000 to the contingon
fund of the senate for witness fees in th
Danville investigation , with an amendment
mont providing that the sum shall enl
bo available for expenses in iuvestign
tions heretofore ordered. The amendment
mont was adopted and the joint rcsolu
tion passed .
Mr. Robertson ( dom. , Ky. ) , from tli
committee on elections , reported a rest
lution unseating T. Luna , a delogat
from Now Mexico , and seating in hi
place Manzanoros , who appeared at th
bar of the house and took the oath.
Mr. Lewis ( dom. , La. ) , from the committee
mittoo on public lands , reported a bill t
repeal section 22 of the act incorporatini
the Texas Pacific railway company , ante
to declare the forfeiture of the land gran
therein mado. Calendared.
The following bills were reported an
referred to the committee of the whole
Providing for the removal of obstrw
lions to free navigation of navigable vi ;
tors of the United States. Committee c
the whole.
Establishing a uniform system ofban !
ruptcy throughout the United States ,
The house then wont into committee ;
the whole , Mr. Converse ( dam. , Ohio ) i
tlio chair , on the naval appropriatian bil
the pending amendment being that i
Mr. MoMilfon ( dom. , Tonn. ) rcducii
the number of captains to 30 and of cor
manderu to 50. The amendment w
Mr. Calkins ( dom. , Ind. ) moved i
strike out the provisions prohibiting pn
motion in the various grades of the ni\
until such grades are reduced to the nun
bora fixed by the naval act of 1882 , ill
the amendment adopted yesterday r
diicing the staff corps. Agreed to.
Mr. Calkins raised a point of ord
against the parngiaph ronpportioning fi
the use of the bureau of steam onginac
ing the unexpended balance of abo1
§ 170,000 of the appropriation in the li
bill for engines and machinery for doub
turreted monitors. Overruled by tl
Messrs. Glasscock ( dom , , Gal. ) , Sui
nur ( dom. , Cnl. ) and Budd ( dom , , On
upoko of the defenseless condition of tl
coast , and the latter moved to strike o
the paragraph against which Mr , Culki
had raised the point of order Lost.
Mr. alkins' amendment , uniting u
dor ono head the bureaus of steam ni
Hearing and construction and repair , w
The committee rose and the house n
journod ,
Tlio Puhllo loll.
WASHINGTON , D. 0. , March 5. Socr
tary Folgor , in replying to the Juiu
resolution as to how much money is u <
in the treasury that can bo applied
liquidation of the public debt withe
ombarroKsing the department , caya tl ;
after making all deductions , for spec
funds , ots. , and providing for the reset
fund , there remains us the final rest
§ 7,031,281 , which may bo applied to
government purpose , and that the bi
answer as to what ho conceives may
done in the way of liquidating withe
embarrassment , 13 porhapi what he ,
tha use of his best judgment , did on t
21st of February last , when he called i
the redemption of § 10,000,000 of a j
per cent bondapayablo ( May let , 18 !
Iinpcu-liuit M'tcatorn XomlimtloiiH
\VABHINOTON \ , JIarch C. The folk
ing nominations hai-o been made : W , ,
Dunn , Pennsylvania , /ovoruor { of Idal
J. C. Perry , Now York , chief just
of the supreme court ol Wyoming ,
Norman Buck of Idaho , uesociato j
tlcoof the supreme court of .Idaho ,
W , F. Fjtzgerald of Misiuaippi , no
dates justice of the. supreme court
Some Slartliug Doyclociiiciils Coming
In the Croncli Case ,
The Evidence Against tlio Throe
Perpetrators ,
Judd Orouoli's ' Attempt to Mur
der a Dotootivo ,
A Wife Boater Oomraits a Murder
and Suicides ,
Tlio Vocillol ( iT llio Corouor'H Jury
on the WlmiotUn llntcliory.
Epeclnl Dhpatch to Tim UKK
JAUKBON , Midi. , March 5. Important
and authuulio information of n startling
character rolntivo to the Crouch tragedy
was to-day developed. A complete nnd
seemingly conclusive ohnin of circum
stantial evidence is in the hands of the
oflicials which scorns unaccountable on
Any other theory than thnt Dim Hoi-
combo , Judd Orounso and Jas. Fey wore
the actual perpetrators of the crimo.
Only a portion of this evidence can nt
present bo made public. It will go to
ahow that the crime wna carefully and
deliberately planned fully two months
before its actual commission and that the
chief conspirator was Dan Holuomb.
Jlolcomb was largely indebted to Jacol
Crounso and had tried hard to borrow
more money from him about two months
before the murder , but failed. Tlio old
nun used bitter words regarding Uol
Comb's mismanagement as a farmer nnci
tlio result was that the two wore bare ) )
on speaking terms for a good while before
fore tlio murder was committed. It is
believed Holcomb and Judd would botli
bo practically disinherited in favor ol
llonry Whito'u child , which would
have been born had its unfor
tunate mother boon permitted tc
live one or two woolcs longer. The
prosecution will aim to prove that a spe
cial motive for the murders existed twe
mouths before their commission , thai
the'docd was then carefully plauncdthat
the murder and robbery of Polly was one
of the prearranged blinds ; and that Fej
was an actual participant. Judd WUE
examined to-day on a charge of shooting
Detective Brown and the latter bore n
rigid examination of over two hours , do
ailed the shooting and events connected
lorowith and calmly told the story. He
lought Judd Crouch wan the ma/i whc
lot him but did not think the other man
as McCullum. The two rode away aftoi
10 shooting. Judd's ' counsel alluded to
im as the "poor boy" when the crowi
rooted the expression with jeers , anc
histlcs and an adjournment was had.
OLKVULAND , 0. , March C. Williait
[ cMillan , living near Huron , wont harm
runk last night and abused his wife wlu
iroatoncd to call on the neighbors foi
elp. McMillan swore ho would kill tin
rst man who came to the houao. G oorgi
hompson , aged 19 , came having ai
rrand and being ignorant of the trouble
[ cMillan mistaking him for anothe
prson fired and killed him , and thoi
iscovoring hia error trind to shoot him
elf , but only inflicted a flesh wound
[ o waa arrested , jailed and found deai
n the cell this morning , a suicide fion
at poison which ho found.
CHIOAOOMarch G. The coroner's jur ;
o-day concluded the investigation of th
Vinnotka murder. The verdict find
lint Mr , and Mrs , Willuon came to thoi
oaths by violent moans at the hands of
lorsonor persons unknown , "but woth
uiy , believe the evidence casts suspicio
upon Neil MoKoaguo. " The verdict i
to way alters the status of the case , tw
ndictmonts for murder having bee
ound against McKoaguo prior tothocoi
tier's investigation.
iKoi.srATivr iT.oaiKniNOH.
DKS MOINKH , Iowa , March 5. In th
ionato the bill to provide for a unifori
lystoin of text books in schools occupie
ho entire session. No vote was rcaclio
on the main bill. An amendment wt
carried striking out the clause oxomptin
IQ districts of one thousand dr more chile
ron from the use of such books as ma
jo adopted as standard. On a motion I
strike out tho'enacting clauto of the bi
ho vote stooU yeas 21 , nays 21.
In the house Mr. Ilussol arose to
question of privilege and wished the r
lolutions pending concornini ; his inoliy
bility bo disposed of. After conaidorab
debate the resolutions and all inotioi
in relation to the matter as well athoi
ctncorning Mossra , Clayton and lit
presented two weeks ago wore on motiu
of Mr. Bolter indefinitely postponed.
The railroad committee ropoitod favc
ably on the bill authorizing actioi
against railroad companies to bo broug !
in the name of the _ state on the rocoi
mondution of the railroad commissionoi
iw also authorizing the railway commissio
ors to decide cases brought before the
on complaints against railroad companii
The school committee reported fuvoi
bly a bill for the relief of Dubuque cou
ty , relative to the school fund.
Tlio committee on military affairs i
ported favorably on the bill to proi i
Cor the erection of monuments to < i
ceased union soldiers. '
The committee on judicial districts i
parted favorably on the bill to divi
tlve Sixth judicial district into two c
Bilk worn passed to enable the M.
church at Iowa city to sell certain rualt
to legalize the incorporation of the tov
of Fonda ; to provide for the erection ai
maintenance of station houses at poin
of interaction or crossings of two"
moro railroads. This bill provides tu
00 days' iiotico by Uio railroad oomm
aionora shall bo given to coi
nanioH for the erootion of such stiilii
houses when drcmod necessary , and fix
a penalty of 25 fur each day such rn
road company shall neglect or refuse
with Biidi domitud , Jt it nim
the duty of the prosecuting attorney to
prosecute such cases , llio money to go to
the school fund ; also passed the bill to
prohibit tralllo in diseased hogs.
The c.ill for the republican atato con
vention , to bo hold in Dos Moines , April
30 , was issued to-day. The call says the
convention will bo charged with the duty
of selecting four Delegates and four al
ternates to tlio national convention. It
says the districts hnvo the option to elect
delegates by convention or by diatrict
sub-divisions at the state convention ,
and recommends the latter plan to the
cud that the state convention may bo
moro largely attended , and to got a ful
ler party convention for conference nnd
counsel. The atatb convention will bo
composed of 017 delegates.
Sioux CITV , March G. A anew plow
on the St. Paul road struck a sled con
taining a f armor named Flak , hia son
aged li ) , a married daughter and two
small children , nt Slbloy , Oacoola county ,
this state , to day. The son waa instantly
killed , the father fatally injured , and the
others slightly injured.
STIIOCK on , .
VINTO.V , Iowa , March 5. Workmen
who have boon boring hero for petroleum
for the past month , struck oil to-day in
paying quantities. It causes much ex
The Western Kxport association hiw ductile < 1
to reiluuo tlio production of whlskoy 10 per
cent , nftor May 1.
iTtulga llarr YCKtorday qnnilioil tlio Itullct-
incmt agnluat Douglas , mnmiRer uf tha llonry
countyICy , , lottery , utul 1ms caused tlio nrroat
of the postal Inspector whom ho sues for
$10,000 tlnmngos.
Spurnoon , tlio ISnntlat preacher of London ,
has fallen tioir tu n Itir o fortuuo loft him by
Joseph Tool , of Leicester.
An Imtnonso crowd of fnrmcni will attend
tlio convention at Winnopog to-day. General
uunnlinlty prevails.
The Massachusetts prohibitionists moot In
state convention Jlny 7 ,
An extra so.islou of tlio legislature of Cali
fornia la called for the iiltlit
M. O. Van Float , treasurer of Huron coun
ty , O. , In u dofaultur to the tuuo of from S50-
000 to SGO.OOO.
J. W. Dunlotto has boon confirmed na col
lector of internal revenue of the IfouHli lowi
The llodoutns of JoiWuh Imvn rooiled. .
The ontlro clerical force of the CCMHUF
bureau , 105 In miinbor , Imvn boou RUnpoiidotl
from the 10th itntant , owing to the exhaustion
of the appropriation for the maintenance ol
tlio bui-aun.
Tlio governor of South Carolina nlfors n re
ward of ? 500 for the nfroat of W. 11. Cash
who shot Town Marshal lilclmids nt Che
The Louisiana republican xtuto coavontloi
mot yesterday , Kellogg , I'lnclibiclc , liadgoi
anil Uumonl were ulioHon delegates to the na'
tloual convention. A full utnto ticket will IK
nominated to-day.
Dr. Trombon Is to Immodlatnly Investlgati
the cattle dlsoano at Nooaha 1'nllu , JCa.
Au Irish Iinmtgratlon company , with a cap
Itnl of 1:250,000 : , has boon formed In Dublin
Pnrooll heads It.
Brigadier General McKenzie , boln Insane
will bo placed on tlio retired list.
The house committee will report adverse ) ;
on tlio 925,000 appropriation for neeiln for tin
tlood snlferorH.
The name of John W. Mason , of West "Vir
glnia. Is mentioned as the [ irobablo succoiHm
of John O. Now for assistant ( lacrotary of the
The committee of the Union league con
slderod yojtorday the matter of alleged mis
rule In the nouth and will report to tlio loagiu
which meets In Washington to-day.
President McCoili Joniea that the faculty o
1'rlncoton employ sploii.
A font mall train IB to bo put on between
Now York and Chicago. It will make th
run In 27 hours.
Princeton students waut'tho college facult
Investigated because they employ spios.
The water Is two foot over thn now levee c
Arkansas' City and doing gioatdamago.
The Hlxteonth nnnuul convention of tli
Woman 8ulfraitsta han opened In Woxhlngtoi
gang of comitorfoltorH han boon nrrosta
In Now JIavon , Conn , , and Hovoral rnorchanl
are implicated.
Gordon bollovoa the slavery < iuonton ! I
ICgypt will bo settled within a year by tli
rlilng of the Rlavon.
Workmen In the Pullman shops at Pul
man , 111 , , have ntruclc against a reduction <
wages from Sl.JiO to Sl.30.
The Irish Informer who proposed to give tl
n.imtn of the murderers of Lord Loltrlm ,
now bolloi cd to bo a lunatic.
The Novelty Iron worlcn at Cleveland ha\ \
anKlCiiod , Liabllltteg $50,000 ; tufioU doub
that amount but not available.
Los Am'clen fa again dojirlvod of commun
cation with Ban Francisco , thn ropalrx to tl
railroad having been washed away.
Knglish dotcctlvcH In Now York ha\n bee
provided with portraits of sunpcctrd ilyimml
art , ThopoHco bellovothodyniinltousod wi
made In 1'ranco.
LopeMnrtahln , editor of a trl-wookly p
per issued lit Laredo , Texas , wa killed Mo :
day , Inja duel with the editor of The Cronlnt
pnlillnhcd at Jlatamoras ,
The only cliango made In tlio rules by tl
National IUKU ball league HinltH the [ iltchor
HY ballu Instead of seven. Western clu
ujion the ooanon In the case.
Kxtia"rdlnary proautlonB are being taken
Insure the tmfuty of liuckliiglmin paluco. Tl
movomouta f all persons found lurking abe
the neighborhood are closuly watched ,
Tlio American conmil nt Dundee Ins unki
eaptilnHof vliallog vesseU to kijoi a looko
fur Lluntenant Oruelv In Dallln'a llay , in vie
of thn possibility of liln drifting from Hmltl
Bound on an ito floe ,
Paul do Caxiognac , a lionapartlsts , writ
in Lo Matin , uruing tbat the Donaparlg
and royalists thoutd unlto with \Iowtoi
foctlni ; thn downfall of the republic. T
Nnpolcnniatu and Orleanlnts , ho fays , uia on
is different labels for the same Dart of cordli
The Prlnccs.f , Marie Anne , returned to Hi
lln Tne ( tiiv , nnd rcjulneil her husband , l"rc *
crick ChuiioH , the red ptlnco , who mother
the railway utition. ] < ator In tha day thn w
in rcccUod by the emperor nnd empress. Tithe
the illlllciiitliM between husband and w !
which not nil Germany 0303 have been ami :
bly Arranged ,
Bulta for criminal libel hivvo been ent'-r
ntj'nlimt tha editor of The Uiiloutown ( I'o
JtopubHcan-Standard , l > y H. A. Acklln a :
Lawrence ICnnttg , member * of tha jury whl
acquitted Viikoa. The alleged llbol appear
In the Usuca of JI arch la t , and ccmulU
great part of head Hue * of the articles wrltt
on the Hiiujoct of Dulto.V acquittal , Uamac
nulls will uUu bo brought by tUo naino pai-tl
A slinotlnc ; acrapo osccurred at Topel
KUII. , last Tueuilay iil > rht am n tha color
iiopulatloii in which ( ieorfo lilackmau n
killed end 1'etor Dlooilsou 11101 tally wouiidc
lelah JitcClnry In tliu inurdor , Tlio two v
Urns , It Booms , had boon intimate with A !
Clary'u wife mid they went to his houeo and
urdered them awny , and , they refusing to i
ha fired.
Tlio tecoml eoctluu c f ooet hound freight
tlo Northern 1'ocitla ndlnmd , with a BUI
plow In front , while KjInRthlityinlloianhoi
ran Into the fint tocilon of the train while t
latter wan halted ut Jackemont , without d
I'jaylng the sgna li ht. Tha cabuoso In whl
nlno men were nlfuiilug. WUK k | > lit from cud
end , throwing the men In c\ery direction ,
Ioj \\cre hurt.
The Battling of the Bulls and Bears
on Wednesday ,
Wheat Fluotuatos Moderately and
Closes Lower ,
Trading Tame and Limited and
"Shorts" Covering ,
Oorn Follows the Load of the
Wheat Transactions ,
Tlio Cattle Market Shows no Mate
rial OliaiiKO in Prices.
Special Dispatch to THE BKR.
CHIUAOO , March 5. Tlio markets dis
played ft fair degree of activity early in
the day , and prices were firmer all round ,
but trading grow moro tame nnd limited
toward the close nnd there ensued n pro
portionate depression in prices , A good
business was transacted in wheat , chiefly
on local account , nnd the fooling wna
sor.iowhat unsettled , with fluctuations
within a moderate range. TForoign nd
vic\.B quoted wheat quiet , but firmer for
cargoes nfT coast , llcccipta continue
small. The market opened strong and
} to go higher , but later under rather
free speculative oflerings , declined ( J to
Jc , then rallied about lo under a better
demand , with * "shorts" covering , and
finally closed easier nnd jo lower tlmn.
the closing figures on 'change yesteaday.
Com mien irregular and the fooling
is unsettled. A moderate business was
transacted but at times the market ruled
quiot. Receipt a were smaller , and
about 28 percent inapocttvl contract corn.
The market opened J higher , and de
clined under free ollorings about j , ral
lied ( | , and finally closed about under
the prices of yostoiday.
Trading in moss pork was only fair ,
and ehiolly in contracts , for May and
Juno deliveries.
The cattle market was moderately ac
tive. The boat grades show no material
change from yesterday but othura are
fi to lOc lower. Good to choice shipping-
steers , 1,200 to 1,350 Ibs. , § ! ) 50 ; 1,200
Ibs. , ? 5.15 ! to § 5 80 ; cotn fedlVxant' ,
700 to 1,050 Iba , $5JO to $0.00
Tlin rOUTK S Al'l'KAI , ,
LONDON , March C , The porto lias
boon Bounding the powers regarding the
Soudan. Germany replied that she will
not intervene , and suggests that Turkey
arrange the matter directly With Eng
land. The other powers made similar
replica. In view of this Mnsuras Pasha ,
Turkish ombassador ; tt London , lias re
quested Earl Granville to use the sultan'a
influence in seeking to conciliate the Sou
PAIIIS , March 5. The majority of the
parliamentary committee who have bean
examining the question of importation of ,
salt moats are in favor of the government
proposal to appoint officers to inspect the
imports on their arrival in Franco. M.
Paul Bert in in favor of a convention
with America tor the regular inspection
of pork in America by officers empow
ered to issue certificates , which nhall
then bo vised by the French consul at
the port from which the pork is shipped.
When the pork arrives in Franco it
would only bo necessary then to sco
whether the French consul had propovly
vised the certificates or had endorsed un
objection upon them.
LONDON , March fi. Gen. Graham is
making preparations at Suakim to ad-
vanuo upon Tamantob. The sheiks of
several tribes have "sent envoys offering
to desert Osninn Digma nnd assist the
English if pniJ for their services. Two
thoiisand'and uovcn hundred bodies have
been buried at , Tcb including Egyptians
killed in the figH between Baker Pasha's
troops and the rebels. Gen. Gordon
asks further supplies of money nnd the
trooBuror at Cairo haa cent him 4,000.
and a number of decorations.
Southern Kiitorpi U < v
BALTIMOUE , March 5. The Mnnufao-
turci's Record publishes a statement/
showing that during January and Febru-
ury thu cajiital invested in southern
manufacturing and mining enterprises
increased § 28,200,000. Kontucly aloutf-
the largest aggregate , $ G,8C1,000.
Tlio Kuiibnu C'atllo llt-ouni ) .
Esii'oitiA , KP.S , , March n. Largo num
bers uf our promintout cattle men hold a-
public meeting this evening to take stops' '
for the suppression of the cut IK- plague *
which exiata in a malignant form at
Kuosho Falls. Sovcral largo cattle own-
era wliM returned from Nouslio Falln yes-
toiday report thnt many cattle have the
disease in a very virulent form. Some 1
have their hoofs otT and legs oil , some
have rotted oil'as far up M the second
joint The disciuto resembles and is
communicated exactly lilto emall-pox.
pmin"m BLOOD.
rplll' marvelous result * of Hood' * Bonapartlla
a- upon all human nnd low conditions of tha blood
proro It Uio but DLOOI ) iUUJICINIi. Such ha *
bconthe ucccMof tUU urtWoat homo-
Hut neatly every family ( n wholo-
nelchborhooiU liavo bcsn tafcjng U at
llio tame time. It rcm rta , vlblbcir
and cnrichci tlio blood ,
tla , UllousncM , ani\\ ] of
the itoriiclicauscUliy Impure tlood or
a ileUUUtwl conJI- ' tloa of Uio nervoiw
( yitcm occa > lone4 by ciccsslvu mental
or pliytJaxl care . It
cnullcateiScrof uU and ull f pul bamon ,
and restores and rcBovotea Uio whole
erilcm. A peculiar point In HooJ'a
, . ' * * * * " " n ap
petite ami/ > / Lullds np aud > tr ijgthen < the
Vfftcnianiliro 'c'ilnvalUAbloaj ' ft protection from
( lu&vxta that orlirlnuto In chances of. Uu2 BCOSOUJ *
of cUiaitaonJ of llle.
M ( r .O.I.Hood & Co.t Gentleman-It affonl *
lie . . . Inaltliia U'fnmcU that fortouia yeaniautr
tecnolillistxl to ttkon tonla of
lutre noino Una In Mia
Is.Ji ' ' , ami IM\U never IpuniJ aiiytUlnn dial hit iny