OMAHA DAILY BEE THIRTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , ISEB. SATURDAY MORNING , MARCH 1,188-1. NO. 217 , THE NATIONAL CAPITAL The Beprl of the Civil Service Com mission Summarized , The Presidont'a ' Views and Action Commanded , OfHoial Intimidation by a West ern Senator. A Commission In the Intor-Stato Commerce Bill , AVhllo niul lliihCtiriuiH AIHIHO Kncli Oilier la the House. WASHINGTON' . THB CIVIL SKllVlCt : . WASHINGTON , February I ! ! ) . The president - idont sent a. measapo to congress to-day transmitting the first annual report of the civil Horvico commission , together with communications from the heads of several executive departments respecting thu practical working of the l.iw. 1 ho fe president says : "Upon the good results which-that law has already accomplished I congratulate congress and the pooplc , and I avow my conviction that it will henceforth prove to bo of still more sig nal benefit to the public service. " Ho commends the zeal of the commission and recommends an adequate appropria tion. The report occupies sixty-seven closely printed pages. The commission understands the more direct objects of the law to bo the putting a atop to ollicial coercion of political action , to levying political assessments , to selec tion of government employes by ollicial favor and partisan influence and a res toration of the independence of the leg islative and executive departments. The report says there Imvo been several trifling political assessments which ceased when public attention was called to thorn. The amount collected was not more than a half or fourth as much as formerly. The evils of the spoils system are set forth at great length and the benefits of competitive examinations fully set forth. The opinion is expressed that a salu tary effect would follow the selection of chiefs of bureaus , postmasters and col lectors at largo otliccs from among subordinates , who would bring busi ness experience rather than partisan activity to those positions. The report says other things being equal disabled soldiers and sailors are given the preference - once and no favor or advantage is allow ed by reason of sex. The commission held that the power f removal for just roasuns are essential to both discipline and ofliciency. "It ia still possible , " says the report , "to promise the spoils to 100,000 oflicers as rewards of party vic tory. It is still possible to remove every person in the classified ser rice once in four years or once in four months , but vacancies can only bo filled by those who , irrespective of party , demonstrate their superiority in a free , open competition of character and capacity. " It is she n that 05 per cent of those admitted under the-law , were educated in'tho common schools' alone. Tim re port gives extracts from a large number of letters from postmasters and collectors showing that great benefit has accrued to the public service by the enforcement of the civil service rules. It is suggested that a party test be no longer applied in tlio selection of collectors and postmast ers and that every corrupt exercise of power in the nomination , promotion , transfer or confirmation , oven though corrupt consideration may not be "a thing of value , " should bo an offense under the bribery laws. The commission declare the civil service act a success and a most ilillicult post. They acknowledge that through every stage they have had the constant unwavering support of Pres ident Arthur. THE POSTAL HIM. . The postoflico appropriation bill as prepared by the committee appropriates . ? 10,500,000 for pay of postmasters , the maximum salary being $4,000. In it tlio postmaster general ia directed to readjust the compensation , after July 1st next , of railroads for carrying the mails by a re duction of G per cent from present rates on a basis of average weight. Railroads aided by land grants on condition they transport the mails at such prices as con gress may direct , are to receive only CO per cent of thu compensation allowed other roads for corresponding service. The use of official envelopes is extended to all officers of the United States , not including members of congress. This does not apply to pension amenta or other oflicdra who receive fixed allowances as compensation for service" , including ex penses of pontage . The aggregate up- priation recommended by the bill is $45- 201,800 The estimates for 1885 were 950,062 , 18 ! . , WATOOJJ'H rKNfiOK HILL. Representative Watson has prepared a report accompanying his bill for the in crease of pensions of soldiers widows and dependent relatives from -$8 to $12 per month , He estimates the total number of pensions whose rates will bo increased by the bill at 124,3:13 : , and the aggregate annual increase of pensions at $5U80t- 000. Owing to the age of those to bo benefited , it is believed that the list will rapidly decrease. flllR HIS NAMK. A gentleman who called upon the pres- idrnt yesterday said certain subordinate tilHcero of the poatofiico department in a west rn state expressed a fear of removal in case they advocated his rcnomiuation , because a senator from that state is him self a candidate for the presidency , and .churned their allegiance. The president aid ho was surprised and hoped the statement was nut true. Ollicial position , lie slid , did not deprive a citizen of the right to pxprm Ins political preferences uud work for t'io nomination of his favor ite , it it did not interfere with his duties. lie furthered that every employe o ! the government should be protected in the exercise of thu widest political lib erty. A COMMISSION IN IT. The home committee on commeicu ha * agreed to report Representative Htowtrt'd bill to inter-state regulate - com merce and prpvido for the appointment of a commission. A * agreed to the bill provides that in tliff transportation of property the charges " hall be rea in ttblo for such service , that Uicro shall bo no discrimination in transportation of freight , that there shall bo no unlawful allowance or any rebate and that uooling under any circumstances shall bo unlaw ful" . The bill alio provides for the ap pointment of a commission to consist of throe members to investigate complaints. If satisfied tliu act has been violated the commission in required to notify the com pany to ccaso violation , If the company Kills to comply with the decision of the commission within six days it is required to show cause why it should not bo en joined and restrained from continuance of ouch violation. " NOTES. Paul Stroback , deputy marshal of Akb nun , before the Springer cointmttoo t i-day testified in regard to the adminis tration of his oflicp that the prosecution was prompted entirely by malice , that ho was in ollico only five or six weeks and the total alleged discrepancy in his ac counts wax only ? ! tT > or § 10. Tlio secretary of war Imi still on hand 840,000 of the $500,000 appropriated for the relief of thu flood sufferers , which will bo used in the purchase of necessary additional supplies , The secretary of the treasury has given notice that ho will redeem bonds in the 120th call prior to maturity ( May 1) ) , with interest to date of presentation. Representative Nicholls has been in structed by the house committee on mili tary affairs to mike an adverse report on the bill providing for the perpetuation of tlio offices of general and lieutenant gen eral of the army. The remains of General Ord arrived in Washington this morning , and were buried at Oak Hill cemetery with mili tary honors. It is estimated that the reduction of the public debt during February is about $2,000,000. FOIITV-KIGHTH CUNGKKS9. SENATE. WASHINGTON , D. 0. , February 2i ) . Mr. Plumb ( rep. Ks. ) offered a resolution which WOD agreed to , calling on the sec retary of state to furnish the senate all information in his department derived from foreign representatives or the United States or otherwise , regarding thu amount of wheat , rye , corn and cot ton produced and consumed in foreign countries for the period covering several years back , and especially whether polit ical or other complications are likely to occur in the near future calculated to influence the market value of American products or their cost. Mr. Harrison ( rep. Ind. ) from the committee on territories , reported favor ably tlio original bill providing for tlio admission oLtho territory of Dakota. Ordered printed and recommitted. Mr. llansom ( dem. N. 0. ) from the committee on appropriations , reported back adversely the joint resolution in troduced by him last Monday and re ferred to that committee , providing for an appropriation to aid the sufferers by the great storms in the southern states. In reporting it back Mr. Ransom stated that the committee had given the matter careful consideration , that in presenting the resolution ho had boon actuated by n becoming impulse. It was proper now that the county should know at the earliest moment that congress would not take stops for relief in this instance. He said this in order that private local char ity may not bo suspended. The military academy blll was re- parted favorably and placed on the cal endar. < The senate resumed consideration of the bill for the construction of stool cruisers. Mr. Sowall's ( rop. N. .1. ) amendment for building ships at the government navy yards , and Mr. Jones' ( dem. Fla. ) amendment that the building bo appor tioned among the different navy yards being before the body for action , both were rejected. Mr. Morgan ( dom. Ala. ) withdrew his objection to vessels being built by pri vate contract. By consent of Mr. Halo ( rep. Mo. ) the substance of the acts of 1882 and 188 ! ) on the question were embodied in the bill , together with a proviso that bids may bo received from those who are able to sat isfy the secretary or the navy that they can , in three months after making u con tract , bo ready to build the vessel * . The bill then passed 38 to K ! . Adjourned till Monday. JIOU8K. The committee on education reported back the resolution of inquiry yito the management of institutions using funds appropriated for the benefit of agricul tural colleges. Adopted. The house went into committee of thu whole on the private calendar , taking up the bill to retire Alfred Pleasantson as major general. It caused considerable discussion , during which there was a wordy encounter between Mr. White ( rep. , Ky. ) and Mr. Roaocrans ( dom. , ( Jal. ) , the former accusing thu latter of having unjustly got n thousand ncroa of California land which belonged to sol diers , and Mr. Koseorans casting doubt upon Mr. White's ntantal ability to cast an intelligent vote on the pending meas ure. ure.Tho amendment by Mr , Cutchoon ( rpp. Mich. ) , that Ploasanton bo retired with iho rank of colonel was adopted. The committee rose and in considera tion of the bill by the house proper sev eral dilatory motions were made and the roll call consumed the time till 5 o'clock. Tiio postoflico appropriation bill was reported by Mr. Townshond.dom. . . 111. ) and referred to the cominittoo of the whole. A recess was taken till 710 : ! the evening - ? ing session to bo for the consideration ol pension bills. At the evening seimion the 'house passed about twenty pension bills ant adjourned until to-morrow. Treasurer 1'olk'B Hucldrn Deatli. NAHiirji.i.i : , February 2. ' ) . Intelli gence ia rucuived of the death of Marsha T. Polk , defaulting ox-etato treasurer , ii East Nashville. He had been ill sumo days , but his deatli wai unexpected. Ho WUH lying on the bed talking nt usual t < the family , having been up and down ul day. Even the family hardly knew when ho died. Physicians prounouucui heart disease the cause. Beautiful liultorliio. YOIIK , February 21) ) . The committee mitteo of thu state eunato to investigate ( the public health OH affected by fcoi adulterations met to-day. 0. Tf. Robin I eon , a buttorine manufacturer of Chi. icago , stated that the product is made jchictly from Jard oil from which all im mrities are eliminated. About half the iroduct manufactured by him is shipped o Now York. The firm manufactured another'product called "Juno,1 which contained a larger proportion of laid ban buttorine. It cost 20J ccntt to namifacturo it and sold wholosolo in the city at ! 50II5. ! Witness t id ho nl- vajM used it in his own family mid pro- erred it to the best creamery butter. CUIMI'J AND OltlMlXAtiH. UBV. HrUllUU'K'H CONDUCT. ( JBNFMIO , III. , February 2 ! ) . Tlio church trial of the Rev. M. Spurlock , clnrgcd with falsehood , immorality nnd undue intimacy with Mrs. George , until recently a teacher in the Methodist Sun day-school , wns brought to a eloso this norning. After being out fifteen min- itcri , the committee returned with a ver- lict of guilty. This suspends Spurlock rom the ministry. INDICTING M'KKUIUK. OIIIUAUO , February 20. The grand ury this afternoon found a second indict- nont for murder against Neil Molvoaguo. L'his is for the murder ot Mrs. Willson , of Winnotka. Tlio other was for thn mirder of her husband. It is understood bat no now evidence hag been elicited since the first indictment. OAltl'KNTr.H's Tltl.VU LINCOLN , 111. , February 2 ! ) . Orriu A. Jarpentor wns to-day removed from the county jil in Lincoln to Potorsburft , ill. , rhoro ho will be tried during the March orm on the chargn of killing Sar.ih Burns. SIVIUAL : : NEW OULEANS , February 21) ) . A Franklin special snys : William Moore ( colored ) was hanged to-day for the mur der of Lee Amen , a Chinaman , last spring. After Moore Ind boon hanging half a minute it was discovered that the rope was too long aud the foot of the cul prit rested on the lloor. He was raised to the platform , the rope shortened and the trap again sprung. Ho died of stran gulation. JACKSON , O. , February 2l. ! Gieat crowds wcro present to witness the hang ing of the brothers , Luke and William Jonesfor the murder of Andrew Lickoy , a year ago. The trap full shoitly after 10 o'clock. The brothers were hanged on a einglo piece of ropnono at each end , the middle patt of the rope was wrapped around she beam. The double trap vorked perfectly. They blcpt soundly hist niuht , praying 'or an hour before retiiinjj. This morning .hoyoanzund pra > eel constantly wlnlopro- iraing ( or the gallows. Luko's nock as mtantly broken , William utruggled and .witclifd honihly ufier the drop , draw- ng his legs nji R > aa to touch his brother. CHICAGO , February 29. A Daily Slows llaluigh , ( N. C. , ) special says : Jon Gillman , colored , was hanged at 3ay Itoro , North Carolina , at noon to day , for wife murder. FOUND MUnilEIlEU. . Miss. , Fobruaty 29. Two .ramps . yesterday found a woman and child named Has tor murdered in a honso near Colton. They had been dead two weeks. A (1OOI ) NAME AND HAD IIOV. LOUIHYILLK , Ky. , February 29. Thos. Drittonden , son of ox-United States Mar shal Crittendon , and grandson of John Crittendon , the noted Kentucky states man , alao a relative of Governor Critton- Itm of Missouri , was to-day sentenced to ; hreo years in the penitentiary for killing the negro boy , Hose Mosoby , at Anchorage ago , Ky. A RASlIIKll's fiTKAI , . NEW YOUK , Fob. 29. It is reported ; hat tlm cashier of G. A. Bennett iV ; Co. , stock brokers , is a defaulter to the amount of $30,000. TIIIS F1IIK KKCOHD. HEVKRAL UKAVY I.OSSKS. PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , February 29. Fivp fires occurred during the night. Owing to the violence of the wind and the great distance between the various ilarms the firemen found much trouble in keeping the flames under control. The most disastrous was at the chemical works of 1'owera tfc Wightmaun , the largest of thn kind in the country , which were to tally destroyed. The loss on this place will be over 81,000,000. The lire first discovered about 1 o'clock , but the alarm was not responded to because the only three engines in the lira district wore already engaged in combatting a similar fire in the wool mills at Second and Lehigh avenue. Ono of the two en gines which answered the iirat call came a distance of nearly two miles. The store of Coon Bros. , & Co. , produce commis sion merchants , No. 29 South Waterst. , was damaged $10,000. About the same time the Echo carpet mill at Lohigh ave nue and Piilothorpo street and thrco or four dwellings adjoining were destroyed , involving a loss of $200,000. The other tires were not so serious , but frequent alarms served to distract thu firemen and tax the department. The building with all tta contents waa destroyed. Up to 5 o'clock the Humus steadily triumphed over all opposition lighting up the entire city , while neigh boring streets were blocked with panic stricken residents removing goods to | > lacea of safety From five until noon us progress was confined to burning in- flamablo matter within the confines al ready described. There was no fear of its spreading. Some neighboring houses had their ronfs and fronts damaged , but drenching with water durinc the night prevented total destruction. It ia impos- ruble HO far to obtain any idea of the value of the machinery or stocki Estimates vary from a million to a million and a half of dollars. The insurancu is estimated at half a million of which 215,01.0 is in this city. On , CUT , February 2U The fpcra houid wui hurnod to-nightj loss § 50,000. Adjoining property was badly damaged. I'm/APEU'iiiA , February 29. Fire this uvuiimg in Uodgers' oil and crockery Htoro on South Second street ia said to have l > ooii CHuaed by an explosion of coal oil. The flame * spread ho rapidly that 1'hilip Kelly and wife , who occupied the third lloor , wore cut oil' from escape , and jiimpud from a window to the pavomoiit. AI Kelly had her skull fractured and her husband an itnlclo fractured. Aiinsmmv , Mass. , Feb. 21) ) . Union block and two adjoining building * wort burned to-day , Loss § 40,000. A General BtriKo , PirmiuKO , February 29. A general strike of river coal miners is regarded aa the probable outcome of ousting troublei among third pool operators , FROM FOREIGN LANDS , THe uoylne of Hostile Armies In Egypt anil Tonquiu , Gordon Issues a Now and Soii- eatiouol Proclamation , General Graham's ' Useless De mand of the Rohols , tfurder In a Oonveut By n Dis charged Gardener , nl'lho SUiinllnii In l' IColicllloiiH Conduct ) . UKNKUAIi KOKUIGN NKWH. IJOIUION'S rUOOLVMATION. OAIUO , February 2 ! ) . General Oor- OU'H proclamation to Soudan issued 'uesday ia ns follows : Since my arrival I have given you sound advice. Every thing hns been done to insure quietness and atop bloodshed. My advice has not > cen followed. I urn therefore forced against my \ > ill to enmmon llrilish loops They will arrive in a few days when I shall severely punish all who do not change their conduct. You well enow that I know everything that ia joing on. It has caused sonnation here. No omand for the dUpatch of troops _ to Chartoum has reached the authorities lore. It is generally believed that either jonernl Gordon's object is to frighten ho natives into submission or that thu ologram 1ms been mutilated in traiismis * ion. * CO I.I ) ULOOIIKII MIMlpKK , PAUIS , February 2H.A gardener amod Ulmro , employed at a convent tear Marseilles vras recently dismissed or la/.inosn , To-day while iho sisters ore walking in the grounds Oh are ap- ) eared and tlio L-\dy Superior naked him : ho had found work. Chare without oplying drew a revolver and discharged ix barrels , killing the Lady Superior iitl mortally wounding ono'of her coin- laninii" . Mho other sisters fled. A lumber of peasants gathered but Chare eloadod the revolver and kept thorn at iay. The s-ondarmos arrived and Ohure red nt them twice. Chare was Hlipt , in , ho car and in hia dying agony inflicted ipon himself a third niortil wound with us own revolver. CLAIMS ON Rl'AIM. MAUKIII , February 29 The United I Status government is pressing its claim \gainst Spain for $303,000 as the balance ) f the award duo on account of American OE8C3 during the rebellion in Cuba , and also for $ (1,000,000 ( for estates embargoed geed during the same period and not ro- , torcd to their American owners. The ; ovcrnment , at the request of Minister 'ostor , allows the transfer by sea of ho > ody of Mr. Partridge , formerly United States minister to Peru. A UNIUXHH * LA < ] OF LONDON , March 1. The government ms a telegram f rom Suakim , dated March . , 1 a. in. , eaying : Suakiiu ia quiet and hero has boon ho appearance , of tl'e'ono- my nor any news of any engagement. 'icnoral Graham sent a flag of truce to ; ho rebels , aa instructed by the govern- uont , warning them to disperse. It is generally believed at Cairo that the rob- ils will not bo this proceed- ng , and that the British advance will ako place to-day. KiailtINO NEAR IIACNINIC. LONDON , February 20 Advicoa from Haiphong state that the French gunboats with 1,000 men have occupied the cx- remo post of the rebels in Tong Koi river , tun miles below Bacninh. The 3hincso skiamishers were firing from neighboring heights and burning sur rounding villages , and the gunboats re .urning . the firo. Thirty thousand Chi- lose have returned to Bacninh. TUB HOLD niiiii.s. : : TUINKITAT , February 29. The enemy were very bold yesterday and kept up a continual firing on Fort Baker. None of , ho garrison were hit. Spies report the rebels feasting and rejoicing because , hey have racaivod largo ronforcemonta ind that the rebels are erecting earth works. A squadron of English cavalry will act to-day aa scouts , with orders to retire to the main body when they touch the rebels , A VICrORV CLAIMED. SUAKIM , Fobiuiry 2' ) . The friendly tribes which participated in thu fi ht Wednesday claim to have won a victory , and captured forty rebels and camels. CAIKO , February 21) ) . Information re ceived from Kassalia states that the garrison risen in ado a sortie on the 12th , and to tally defeated the rubols. MKKKIVO IIYNAMITEKH , LONDON , February 20 , Orders have been cabled by the government to Eng lish detectives in Now York to inquire into the character and intenodonta of all portions sailing from Now York and Bos ton for English ports ainco the 1st of February. IIITTJ5K NWXKT. LONDON , February 29. Martin Turnci & Co. , merchants of Glugow , engaged in the East India trade , have failed , lia bilities between four and five hundred thousand pounds. The failure ia duo fa heavy losses in sugar. HJWOUH UlIItlHTIANB. February 29. Th ( porto ban appointed If alii Pasha , a Turk , governor of Crete. The Christians an furious. CHIOS AOAIK NHAKKN. ATIIK.NH , February 29-rTho island o Chios and thu towns Choaanio and Yourla upon the main land of Aaia Minor , havi been VIM ted by an earthquake , A UlVVKOVt ADVANCK. LONDON , February 29. General Gro ham telegraphs { hat the difliculty of ud vancing IB so great that a forward move went is postponed till to-morrow , whoi ho oxpocta to nuke u rapid march. IIISMAKOK AND I. AX 1C Kit. BKKLIN , February 2 ! ) . The Nutiona Gazette hopes thu succcaaioniuts will no propose in thu ruiolutug a roiolutioi thankiiu. ' the United Htatoi homo of ic prosontativos for its resolution of condc lonce OH the death of Laaker , unlusi it ! previously ascertained whether it can bo adopted. The Uormnnin doubts whether such resolutions would find a majority. The roichatag is not competent to rejily to a resolution of condolence of which they have received no otlicial cognirnncc. The Politischo Nachriohtou atlributon holf the blame to Minister Sargent and asserts that ho ia lacking in political fiict and BO failed to keep the authorities at Wasliington informed uf the true atate of allaira in Germany. The Cologne Gazette says : "Bismarck might porhapa have forwarded the resolu tion to the reichatng , if Minister Sargent had not , from easily explained reasons rendered liiiuaolf obnoxious.Vu liopo tliis unfurtunato incident will not disturb thu harmony of the two imtioimlioso intorettn have been closely bound togcth- or many yoara. " Till' fllAM'lIlSU INKNOIAND , LONDON , February 21) ) . Gladstone in proposing the bill for extension of the franchise in the house of commons made a great speech in support of thu bill , urg ing thn impracticability of separate bills for England , Ireland , and Scotland. Ho Raid the oasftngp of the meaMiro would in- croasu thu voting power of the United Kinodoni two million votes. The torys are strongly opposing the bill , and the ParnellitvH and Scotch members support ing thu mcasuru. MOHK DYNAMITK. Information was ledged with the po lice that an attempt to blow up thu law court with dynamite waa imminent. They arrested throe men , sei/od a large quantity of dynamitu discovered in a bouse nt ClaroMarkutnuarStrand. In the valise eontaiirng dynamitu found at Charing Cross station , with infernal clock * , waa nlso found a copy of Tl o New York Sun , of February Oth. Thu latest advices from Trinkitat state firing began ut noon to-day. A Stop Tut to Tliolr UhO In tlio Munn- fncturcitt Clii'ap .lo\\olry. , t BOSTON , February 27 , Major Mull- rath , chief of the secret service for New England ) has made a timely discovery of tlio gilding of the now five-cent nickel by manufacturers of cheap jewelry , which if allowed to contiouo , would have proved a fruitful source of defrauding tlio public in the purchase of pinchbeck jewelry. The nickel mi one aide looks veiy much liku thu diu of a $5 gold piece , and the manufacturers , by gilding it and placing this aide to view on crosses , pina , and other designs of jewelry , madu them look as though ornamented with the $5 gold piece , and they could have been readily sold to the general public for this purpose , Severn ! Attleboro jewelers have bacn engaged in thin busi ness , and have sent samples of jewelry so manufactured to different parts of thu west , a considerable quantity being found in Cincinnati and other western cities. The manufacturers allege ignorance of the law bearing on counterfeiting , and have frcoly given up all treated coins in their possession. It is not likely prose cutions will follotv at present. Tlio Atlantic Const Storm. NK\V YOUK , February 2 ! ) . The storm which swept the Atlantic coast last night and to-day was severe along the Now England coast. Many of the smaller crafts were driven ashore , but the crows wore rescued as far as known. In thu interior of the state it interfered with the running of trains. In Newport har bor the steam tug Cohaasott , attached to the United States training ship Now Hampshire , struck on a rook not known to exist. The accident was cauaod by the water being blown out of the harbor. Montreal , Quebec and St. John , N. B. , report fierce enow storms and the block- nto of trains and country roads. A Now Pool , CiiiuAiioFebruary 211. Commissioner Fink to-day telegraphed Joint Agent Moore that the miiiagors of Peoria eastbound - bound roads have agreed to maintain freight rates and unite at an early day in forming a pool on all east-bound business from Poorm. The following roads will bo parties to such pool : llock Island , Wtibash , J nuiaimpoliB , Blooinlngton & Western , Illinois Midland , Peoria , Decatur - catur it Evansvillc , Chicago , Pokin & Southwestern. UncoiiHtltutioiml NAHIIVII.I.K , February 29. The federal court to-day granted the railroad com panies of the Bt A to an injunction to re strain the state railroad commission from interfering vrith their businoas under the act of the legislature giving the commis sion supervision of railroad operations in Tennessee. The court holds thu act creating thu commission in contraven tion of the state constitution and of the fourteenth amendment to thu constitu tion of the United States. A Plul Jlldo. KKAIIINO , Pa. , February 29 : .Io'0 < miah Van llox , aged 08 , and worth $10 < > - 000 , left homo in Amity township , lf > miles below Reading , early this morning to drive to the city in a buggy. Thu lung drive cjiillod him , and when the carriage arrived at the hotel , he failed to inovo , and waa lifted from the carriage and diud in a few hours. Killed HID JACKHON , Mlaa. , February 28. A pas. songur train on the Illinois Central rail way ran into a freight at Tonguloo utu tion , this mornini ; , killing Engineer Fret Fielder. No ono olsu was injured. The engine and a number of box cars wor < wrecked. Dimlilo Desertion. BUFI'ALO , February 19. Miohaol Mann , ono of thu five dymunitu "cue peclh" who cauie to this city hat summer waa supposed to bo a deserter from tin British army. Ho enlisted in tint Unitc ( Status regular army and nhortly ufterwaa deserted. Hour Mini. , Fobruuy 29.- The national armory to-day iMUbluhci the oigut hour uystomiu the works. Not a Suiufilit. NKW YORK , February 29. The in county Sheriff Hittrauor and n party of fiionds went deer alajking. A young man mialook the ahonir for a door and shot him dcnd. JVATl'UI'VH ' A Mutt OOJHOIl'rniril During tlio Klood SilllMRill > liiK ItoliohlorR. Wiiir.MNi : ( . Va. , Fobnmry 29. The Powlmtan mud puynor still remains a mystery. The disclmrgo of matter from the oritlco , which ia about two foot in inmotor and smoothly drillnd in a solid rock , line ceased , but the evi dences of phenomenal action re main. All ullbrts to meniuro the dutha | of the nhaft have fixilod because of thu force cf thu gnsoous dischargo. lleavy timber dropped end wise into the apurturo , after descending below the surface , is hurled into the air with tprriflo forco. About the orifice is a conaidorablu mound of mud , atones and coal thrown out by thogasoousdischargo , and , as thu nonroat coal vein is sixty fcut below the surface , the well must bu at least that deep. All c Hot U to tire tlio invisible discharge force have failed , nnd the water thrown out ia us cold as hv. thus making it certain that heat anil tmtural gas have nothing to do with the in ) atcry. It AVtll. CON.VKI.I.SMM.K , Pa. , Fobrinry 29. The coke syndic to was completed to day , including practically all the coke evens of tins rogion. It is oxjioctcd that the pricu will bu raised at once. OIT the UallH. Mo.vriiKAi , , February 29. A broken rail caused thu through train from Bos ton to leave thu track near Inquois. Three first-class cars were turned com- plotply over. A panaongor iiaiuoil Werner - nor is serioualy hurt. Others were badly bruised. An JMItor'a AVItb. QuiNOY , 111. , February 29. Lydia A. Ilynoa , wifu ot 0. J. tiynes , editor and proprietor of The Herald , died in this city to-day. ConmTNNlonal Convention. DCUATUU , February 29. The republi can congressional convention will bu hold as Clinton April ! ) . Uttston Iititor | LIcyiihcH. BOSTON , February 29. Thu polieu commissioners have incnmod thu pricu of liquor licenses in all gr.idcs except those icauud to druggists. raid's Parrot. Denver Nous. 0. II. Dittniai. , the good-looking ad vance agent of the Palti troupu , arrived in Denver yesterday. "Yes , sir , " ho said to a News report , or , "Patti is a wonderful woman the greatest singer alive to duy. " "No doubt , but $7 dooh scum a good deal of money to pay to hear a woman sing. Is it a fact that aho gets 5,000 a night ? " ' 'Yea , and I'll ' toll you how it came about. Last March , Maplcson made a contract with her , 'or ut least draw up a coritraot-with Patti cngagirf-herffoi1 ono year at $4,000 per night. This ugrco- mont was made on Friday , but having suporatitiona Patti could not sign it on that day , so the signing waa put over until Saturday. Now , on Saturday morning Abbey bad an interview with with Patti's husband , vyhon ho offered her 85,000 pur night to sing Well , when the hour came for igning the contract thu husband if thu great singer told Maploaon that 'atti had 01 pressed a wish to sing with n'm during the season , but could not I lord to do ao at a loss to hurnolf , giving ho terms offered by Abbny § 0,000 per ight. , Maplcson had noth- tig to do but pay the price , which ho hen ngrcod to do , and the contract for 15,000 per night wus signed. This delay if a few hours in signing that contract out Mapleson 930,000. " "Then shu really gets $5,000 per night , 0 is shcl" "Yes , indeed , every cent of it , and bo- ore the curtain goes up , too. I'll toll on- fine they've got this thing down. It 1 the habit of Maploson to como into 'atti's room buforo the performance be- ins to count her out her night's salary. -Veil - , Pattt ban a parrot , a beautiful litd , which waa presented to her by the impcror of Brazil. The great singer al ways baa this bird in her dressing room , and through sheer force of habit ho hns 'earned to cry out , aa noon as Mapjoson ntora , 'Cash cash cash. " This is the nly word in the English language Unit parrot knows. " " \Yhttt does Patti do with her money. " "Sho lives expensively. It costs her about # 100 per day to exist. Then aho has a largo estate and a castle in Wales , on which wlio has employed several hun dred families , and it costs her about $200,000 a year to keep that up. " "Sho will certainly sing at the matinee on Saturday' ! " ' 'No doubt about it. Accompanied bj her husband nho will arrive in Denver to < morrow morning over the Julesbiiru Short line at 8:10. : " "How much do you pay Uerstori" "Onty 82,1500 per night. Gerster it a great singer also. Why. Madame Gor stur has u ooautiful girl baby that wil not cry for less than $500. " "Does thu dear little creature trave with her'/ / " "Oh , no , It Jus paUUul apirtmunl in Now York , The maduinu receive three toU-graniB yvcry day from tlio b.i hy'tf maid , nnti lifter breakfast , dinne and auppjr. " IJo IIrt BWOCIIII'HM , It httving bonnreliably repotted to in that a Mr , F , II , Unnt , of luwa , has bee and now in , selling in our state as nur honey a muturo of uhich honey ia small part only , dealers nnd consume ! are requested to bo on their guard , n the iiuiclo as repotted is not a lit urtid of food , Stops will bu immediately taltu to have the same analysed , of which a rt port will bo at oncu published. Any on having auch in possession ia reqUuate to send eamplca nither to mo or 31 , 1 Trnator , aociotary Nebraska State BE Keepers Association , .Lincoln Neb. T. L. Vo.sDoiiN , Prca , N. S. B , K oss'ii , 820 S. Avenue , Omaha , Neb , State papers pleaao copy. PUSHING PROHIBITION. The Iowa House of Reproscnlatiycs Read ? to Pass the Senate Bill , All Ainondmonts Offered Speedily Voted Down , The Majority For Engrossing the Bill Only Three , Its Passage Even With This Margin Predicted , Tlio niVoits Mnilo Ycstcrdny to li- font or AVoukou tno Mcaimro. TUB IOWA TUP. ruoiuniTioN IIILI , . la. , February 29. The homo this morning reaumod considera tion of the prohibition bill , similar to that paused by the fconatc , known as the Dontian bill. Kennedy , author of the house bill , got thu floor and began speak ing in favor of the measure , bub yielded tlio lloor at the instance of Smyth , who moved the previous question. This was vigorously resisted by the democrats and the greonbackors , but waa carried by a votu of 52 to 40 , two members , Curtis ( rup. ) and Wherry ( dem. ) , not being present. The main question was then ordered by a vote ot B2 to 47 , Babb ( dem. ) voting with the republicans. Itabnoy'a amendment prohibiting exe cutive pardon was then voted down Oil to 40. The roll waa then celled on an amendment otlerod by Merrill , it being a low licouso bill , and it waa de feated by a vote of DO to 49. The ques tion then came up on Clayton's aubsti- tuto for the original bill , and this too was defeated by a vote of f 0 to 45) ) . The bill waa ordered engrossed by a strict party vote of Til to 48. The greenback- era all voted with the democrats at each votoj so that tlio republicans uru not ex pecting much if any aid fiom them when thu votu comes on the passage of the bill. It will bo passed without thorn. In the aftoriioon the house considered tj'o bill to compel railroads to erect sta tion houscu at crossings , but no action waa reached upon it. In thu soimto the democratic liccnau bill came up and was ordered not en grossed by fl to 10. Bills passed requir ing passenger depots constructed at mil- roiul crossings and intersections and to divide the sixth district into two circuits. A joint resolution paused mom- orali/.ing congress to p.m a Hw for the suppression of pleura pneumonia. Bills were introduced to provide for inspec tion , and to regulate thu tale ofetro - leum and to establish a female reforma tory and prison. Adjourned. OHflANIKINtl A HdflX. DAVENVour , la. , February 29. When the news reached hero that the prohibi tory law was placed on its final passage the saloon keepers of Dixon , this county , f imnicdi telyBturtfid _ a subscription paper for an organized fight. It reads : DIXON , Ia. , February 2 . In the name of * personal liberty wiyV the undersigned , saloo" keepers ana citi- * 6 6 ddtt co inty nd * lIieml .afo c said , do hereby agioo to subscribe thu amount opposite our names for the pur pose of raioijifj u fund to investigate the : onstitutionality of the Dnnnan prohibi tory law passed to-day by the legislature of Iowa. To this nix naloou keepers uubccribcd $1,000 within a few minutes. They say they will raiao 55,000 in tlio town and inducu other placet ) to follow their ex- umplo. An Old KcBiiltinMJono. DUIIUQ.UK , Ia. , February 29. Absolam Cain , a well-known citizen < f Dubuque , dud suddenly ut hia zcaidonco thin even ing of npopluxy. Ho was a native of Virginia , 70 years of , and had resided huru lor moro than forty ycors. I'uulu In a Ctiurcli , ST. LouiH , February 29. A steam hcfitiuL' pipe burst in St. Patrick's Catholic church to-night. The church was crowded and a panic ensued. Ono woman fainted nnd was badly trampled. Flno Imported H ook. BOSTON , February 29. The steamship "Boston City" from London brought 90 head of choice Holstein cattle for breed ing purposes. Vurbfgu Touosio , February 20. The city council fins pAiwcd a law abolishing gro- cera' 1 quur lioonaes. ROMK , Tebnirry -Cardinal Ilaa- noun , putriaich ot Ciliuiu , id dead. HOMI : , February 21) ) . Tno Italian cab' lias resigned. ia Ajmolios. A. T. , Februaiy 29. ft is reported that Lieutenant Davis is en rou to to Sun Carlos from Clovoidale , " accompanied by Chief ( Jeronim and thirty.suvon Apaches. I5ro\vu's SAN FIUNTIKCO , February 2 ! ) . Mrs. Mary Bio n , widow of John Hi own , of Harper's Ferry notoriol ; , died Lure to- day. IARSAPARILIA Is urartfiilly prepared citnut of I'.io U of tJie \ ctuUiMa kingdom knomi to medical ed ema ui AlteiullxM , Illood I'uriflcn. Ulurttlcs nml Toidoi , nicli us BurtuporUla , Yellow DotU.BIUUngU. DaiiJtllon , Juniper llcrriei , Jlamlralo , Wild C'Uciry JlurU unil oilier bcloctnl roots , bark's and herbs. A luodlrtnn , 1.1.0 niillilug list , ta a la fairly J < ul 4 ciily 1 > 7 iii iuulli. Wo poliil wltli MtUfactlon to Iho ( rloiloufl feoorU Hootl'c f > Anai > urUli luia critcrtU for lUtflf upon Ilio I u in U of tlioni-uijj of rxuplc la Se\r JlmoJof U'trlLlo mllcrinc IJ-'U alt otuer r niotlU.s ( oiled ( oruicli. , , ro.i.GcnU-riMH lend ma Mljremt two llood' NirnapartUa aud a f ew Cooklook ) . for Jtrlbutlua. i our i > reiuirotlou hu worked vou " < 11 ttiH ut a of . „ , . " "le.vbo bu Uvu troul" u illi rick lnytUi bo uud InutoesM for " ? olconv-uair triupoonf ul t u Uow. Uvo yearn a > uovr , ' ' _ . . _ \swKuftcrlj-ljuItJia fill . _ - Ui U'tu r. uuil UDuir entirely f rte Iromlliow no- vrro bfiidai | u . Blie tuu not lukeii any or ivar BO * > luui tut f prlnp , aud wtuit llllla tlio lu ' El otlitf < Rwtlf.Hiid w | uu l. Jui\i ) . U.l