Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 29, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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    , - . , , , _
Friday Morning , Fobi 28 ,
The WotUlier.
For the Missouri valley : Warmer air
weather , lownr barometer and winds
shifting to southerly.
Now crop clover tvnd timothy Htsod for sftlo.
SluiRMt , Walto k Wlon , Council Bluffs , low * .
A now rcgl'tcr WM opened ot the Mtllard
yesterday morning.
A number of oUoiwlvo cattle dealers are
in this city.
A homo on wheels was movtnR up Sixteenth
toonth street yoatrrday ,
--SIcwt of the politicians have returned to
Ihcr homes throtighout the state.
An emigrant train of evcn wapons pnurot
p Ifarnntn street yesterday morning , west
ward bound.
Lawrence Barrett and his party arrived
In this city yortorday morning , by special train
from Kansas City.
On Sunday next an election for pastor will
l > o hold by the KtiRliflh Lutheran church In
Doyd's opera house. All members of the con
Krcgatlim are requested to bo present.
Two car loads of soldiers fifty-six in all ,
passed through this city yostorday. They
wnro in charge of Lieutenant Payne , aud wore
on their way from Columbus , Ohio , to Salt
Lake City , Utah.
It Is reported that Patrick Foley , u Is.
tant superintendent of the gw works , who has
Ixxm very ill for several days past , is Imttcr ,
and strong hopes nro entertained for Ills tiltt
niftto recovery.
The fire bell tapped about 2 o'clock yea
tarday , caueing n RonernM atampodo nmonf
the people In the neighborhood < A tbo ouglno
hoiifto. It ivafl not n fire aUrm , and was
cauBtxl by the breaking of n wire.
Hobble Brothers yoitorday received a
telegraph dispatch announcing the end news
of tho.dnathof their l tor , Mrs. A , I' . Potter
tor , of Syracuio , N. Y. Her mother and ouo
brother , who loft hero Bovoral days ago , wore
with her when aho died.
Thojury in the caaoof thoStato vs. Georgia
filnclalr was empanelled yoitorday f oronoon. In
ttid afternoon it was impoulblo to obtain
standing room In tbo court room , BO great was
the crowd of men to hoar the testimony which
promised to bo of an unsavory nature.
The annual mooting of the State Toach-
n ' association will bo held March 25 , 2G and
17 ! , in Lincoln. Hotel rates for these in at *
tendance will bo reduced and the railroads
will charge ono and one-fourth faro for the
round trip.
The Hpecial cximmlttoo , consisting of Liv
c oy , Parker aud Gibbon , of the board of education >
cation , to clioojo pUns for the school house to
bo crcctod on Thirtieth and Douglas , has
made ita selection , which It will recommend
for adoption at the next regular mooting.
The remalno of .Tack Stltts , Willie Hal
his , Chris. Maclaon and Willie Abnoy will bo
burled IhU nftornoon. Tharo will bo only ono
funeral , which will take place from the corner
of Sixth ami Pierce street ! thU afternoon at 2
p. in. The remains will bojplaced In two cof <
tins and buried in ono grnvf.
The special commission appointed by the
county court , to arxesa damage * on real cstalo
for right of vfAy for tlio I > aU road , has irmdo
the following niprnisotncnt | on the following
poudomnod lotH : Lot 4 In block JODJ , tUJ
| lot 3 in block 1 71 , S7Co ; lots 3 and 4 in
oek ll 8i , 57r,00 ; K\ \ lots ! 1 and 2 in block
1I8J ! , $3,1100'
The htdloK Huonor , or later ncknowl-
odgu that I'o7.7onl'rt rnodlcatod complexion
iKiwder is the only cosmotio made that will not
injure the hldn. for unlii by all dniggi tv.
J.auranco Barrett IN at the 1'aiton.
V. ( ioorgo and vile , Clarks , nro at the Pax
The Birrutt company ara At the Motropoll
V. M. Cajtellar , Blair , is registered at the
( ! . W. Lnmblng , 'Weeping Water , Is aUho
Dan Uopkluc , Central City , ii n ptostol
* \Vllllam StvJolman , Lincoln , It n guest ol
the Paxton ,
J. II. Digner aad J. U. Keas , Lincoln , are
At the MilUrd.
HisH Luna L. landy , VMi City , is a ( tuoit
Vf the Paiton.
Giu G. Boechor aud son , Columbus , ara
criiosU of the Paxton.
Thos. Bwobo , of the Mlllard hotel , rotnruoi
from Chicago ymtirJay morning.
ITonry Wiloox , Alm& , and D , L. McLnurh-
lln , Tekamah , are at the Paxton ,
' 3 , V . Luas , Central City , and / . Thorn
won , O allala , are at the Paxton. '
| John Keith , North Platta , aad J , J. Trom
IKSQ , Iltckman , are at the MilUrd.
i ( ioorge W. Ball&ntlno , Lincoln , and Kd' '
\vard ' Btewett , Fremont , are at the Paxtou.
. L. D. Seaman , ( } . 11. Black and 8. W
Powers , Kearney , ore regUtered at th Pax >
ton.K \ y Williams , 0 rlnnollf , and I. A. Dud
Keen , Ar pahoo , nro ttoppbg at the Mil
J. H. Nedblt , West Point , and W , 0
Burycr , Chicago , are Htopplnir at the Mil
Jay K , Adams and wife , Central City , anil
G. L. Ford , Stromiburg , are stopping At the
PAX ton.
Louis James and wife , andtwolvo othe :
K.orabcr of the Barrett company are at the
L. 8. Ilako , Wayne , 0.1 * . Adams , Lincoln
Ii. Burke and W. . ' . Phelpa , Wahoo , are a
tbe Metrupoltmu.
George V , Johnion and wife , Howard anil
21. B. Clvoi and wlfo , Nebrask * City , are
fetopplug tit the HoUojiolIt in.
0. B. Fox and wife , Hallof , Idaho ) A.
Tohniou , ValparaUoi W ( lUley , I'roimmt
and BjTon II. Smith , Cre'ttu , Iowa , are
guMti of the JletrojwllUu.
Olpara nut rate , mice , roachca , flies ,
ant * , bedbug * , uliiiuk * , chipmunka ,
gopher * . ICo. Druggiits
Wr. G , S. Blodcett. of Wshoo , Nebr. ,
l ) ' frewi 'J CCO to 4,0(0 ku > hel selected
porn from 18 a whjcjj ho will sell La parf
good C < MM ooru. ' (20-Utm
The tl tlnttiit licl TrnKcdlnn nnil
HIM Klounnt Coinpnny In tlio
Honilor Drntilix of "Krnn.
OURCA da Illinlnl. "
At lioyd's opera house last evening
.lioro nsaomblod the muni largo , critical
and intelligent nudionco nnnuaily drawn
together on the occasions of the visits to
thin city of Mr. B irrott. The fact that
the now , or remodeled , tragedy , "Fran-
ccacA dft lUmini , " was to bo presented
liad doubtlonj much to do with the size
of the attendance. The historic though
somewhat legendary atory is doubtless
familiar to many readers , hut n resume ol
the plot of Bokor'u play may not bo oul
of place hero :
L'or the purpose of bringing to a close the
bloody wars of the Guolphs and Uhlbollns , It
U proposed that Lanclntto , of the house ol
Kiinlnl , wed Frunccsca , the fair dntighter uf
Havona. Laucli tto is a hunch-bock , nil
Piuilft , his bruthar , of brilliant l > aiuty , It sent
to do the wooing. Instant love It the result of
tbo mooting of I'uolo and Fruncotca , but the
former is true to his errand , nnd HODS only
forhlsbmthtr. I'mncu-CA being porsuadud
by har father that I.nnciotto is the counter-
p < trt of Pitolit , conseiiM to the marriage with
the huuch-back , Ihourh loathing the
union. Lanelntto is called from
Urn very nuptial nltar to gird on the armour
of battle , mid leave * his noW'inado brldo In
the care of the Imndsotnn Paula , What ought
to have been the nuult , Is ono thlnv ; whnt
wni the ruinous and tmliappv outcome , his
tory , legend , song , art and iiokor'n play por.
tr y to the fullest extent of haitrtrondlug do-
tut IH , Youth nnd beauty , love nnd passion
ovorrodn all B-iim of duty , and the uouplo
foil guilty \ictluis cf tliulr own irresistible
charms. A love scvno between Paolo nnd
Krnnccsc t it ovenreii and overheard by Pope ,
thououit jester , who , hating Lane-lotto for
fancied Injurlo' , luntom to tbo camp to Htub
him to the heart with the cruel Intelligence.
Lanclotti ) takes linr-o for his dosolutod homo ,
surptitos the guilty levers , Implores them to
ilonv their sin , but con clonco-ntrickm and
hapless , and overcome by th > > enormity of
their olfonHd , they nook I'outh rather tnau toll
the untruth. Lanclotto slays th in both i\ii' '
enim the cruel climax ntltho tragedy by mil
cido.Of courao Lanciotto , personated by Mr.
Barrett , is thu central liguro of tlio play ,
and it ia peculiarly suited to that trage
dian's abilities. Within the crooked
body ia a heart as tender na a woman's ,
with touching love for faithloaa wife nnd
betraying brother , while fiery outbursts
succeed the most pathetic BCOIIOS in a
manner ouch nn only a great artist like
Mr. Barrett could portray. Of this
eminent actor's talents it is unneces
sary to apeak to Omalm theater
ttoors. In tlio mechanical part
of hia art ho ia well nigh
pnrfoct ; in pnso nnd gesture , in quick
perception of the thrilling olfoct of con
trast , in the melody and power of proper
elocution , in gracefulness of manner , in
fertility of resources , in keenness of in
telligence , in careful observation of de
tail , in self-restraint , in strength of
voice , in that peculiar chromatic quality
necessary for the portrayal of the pa
thetic , in alt the qualities , in short ,
which in combination make the polished
and accomplished nrliit , ho is
Fully equal to the best , if not
beyond , any actor over soon in this city.
His most po wet fill scone last ovonini ;
was probably toward tlio tratjio climax ,
where , struggling between the duty of
avenging an outraged husband's wronga
and the love for wife nnd brother , he
implored them to tell him that the jester
tor a story was but a crunl joke ; althougli
all through the play ho chained the at
tention of the auditors at uvery appear
ance. Miss Marie Wainwright , as the
unhappy Francimcn , also won the hearty
sympathy of all by her beautiful nnd pa
thotio portrayal of the frail and faithless
wife ; while Mr. F. 0. Mosoloy , though
taking the part of Paola on a few hours'
notice , excelled his usual clever imper
sonations. It was regretted by many
that Mr. Otis Skinner was unable to per-
sonata this character , as it has boon regarded -
gardod by many as his best. The difli-
suit role of Pope , the jester , by Mr.
L mis James , while an additional feather
in the cap of that Pine notor'a versatility ,
gave but little chance to judge of hit
metal. His admirers will awatl
with impatience the opportunity
to BOO his magnificent Brutus on
Saturday evening. Tlio other char
acters-were fiiirly well sustained. Of the
play it cannot bo s id that it is as pure in
its atory or nuig 8tivonosa as might bo
wished , nnd ni'iny admirers of Mr. Bar-
rott think it rather a singular coinci
doncoto _ say the least , thut of the now
tragedies which ho has Uken up of late
years , all bear on the unfaithfulness ol
the wifo. Wo mty say that it is worse
than moro unfaithfulness , nj the crime
m oaoh oiso partakes of the nature o |
incest This is so with "Yorick's Love,1
whorevi the wife is untrue witli a foster
son , 'Auo somewhat the same in "Pon-
dragoM in the case of Q loon Quinover
and Lancelot , nnd now ugain { n ' 'Fruu.
cosca.'l v It is true her nurriago with
Lanciotto was not completed , inasmuch
as ho ras called from her nidu at the
conclusion of the altar cororaony , bui
thisfaol and the whole trend of the play
ara used as an apt logy for tht- crime com' |
mitt d. There is one soono , oapucially"
that is very Biiggostivo where Paolt
roads to Francusca thu story of tin
guilty lovoi of King Arthur's wife and
nor paramour , and where the faithless
daughter of lUvena and the onamoroc
son of Rimin not out the atory till it
comes to the recital of the crowning
crimo. Paola , loss impulsive than Fran-
cetca , throwi down thu book and refuses
to finish the story , but Francesca pioki
it up and urges him to follow the tale t <
its finish , No man since Adam was
tempted with the apple , nor since Adonis
repelled the amorous advances of Yunus
omld resist the soduotivo manner it
which Fraucosca urged sin in this soeno
Dut morals are not always consulted ii
the mime ,
Mini Wainwright alaiont divided the honon
with the star.
Wo fallod to aee the nupcnuimor.vioa no
the madrigal buya.
It WM a magnificent audience of which ol
Oinatm might bo proud.
Bnkcr' * play would lay a long time on the
dheU were it not for Barrett.
Both B nett and his leading tup'port , Louli
tuoo , wno In the wr for the union.
Kir , Uirrctt loavrs tar London In a month ,
v.h"io ho open * lu Irrlug'd Lyceum Theater
lu"V..iiwU'nLo > e"
TJio hutrothal re'no betwoan Lnnclot o am
Frame citMr ( Barrett and MUx Ualuwil > ; hl
callu.l nut louJ miplitiuo.
ir ny think Mr. Barrett's Lauclntto like
hit ll'clmnl ill too much dignity tu plij
aliy ilelliioato the dufHrinltlu .
- - , ) - ,
' . wem thu Ita iun prouuuclatlou * thai
struck the oaracf umlltoru lu uufiuulliar uo
ci'iitt Jut evening ,
Sir. llrutnlry , win hax been Mr. Barrett's
Guano ul u out for yflurs , lit nut with thu com
piny having gone tu Ungluud to arrange fur
.Mr. Harictv'd t | > ltihun > .
Air , Mi > bet"y , In till mJdcn as < utnptl n o
rolil t uveiilnjr , foi-gnt that the word * n
th i'Uy cidloii fur a lilouilu. Mr. il eUouk
jiMvido hluiiveK with a WK for suck emeiKeu
clfti.Tliero U lo s dlnlpjvtlon uuionK the lUrrett
t/iipu than uny travuliug. In tact the Udlit ,
have gone go far unscathed from scandal In
their perilous profcwlon , and the gentleman
are gentlemen in moro than the mere muni
significance of the torm.
"Mis * " Matlo Wntnwrlght is Mm. Louis
James. James U always wull pleMod when
Uarrott ptiti on ' The Merchant of Vonlco"or
"Julius Crosnr , " for then ho pets n chance to
mukolote tit his own wlfo. In thn former the
couple roprcsttt D/iManlo anil 1'ortla , nnd in
the Utter Brutus nnd 1'ortla.
The tragedian of l t evening is the father-
in-law of n birnn , hid daughter li \ln becoino
HaronoM von Iiod r In Gormnuy lait July.
Unlike the usual canoof titled gentlemen wod-
illng Amcrloan plrln , Von Kinler is oulto
wealthy and hamlrnmo. The young lady \
mid to have boon the heroine of Miss Ho-
urd'n novel , "Aunt Soronn. "
A Snrtlln/c ( Discovery.
MrVra , Johnaon , of Huron. Dale , writes
that his wife had boon troubled with ncilto
llronchltU for many yearn , nnd th it nil totno-
dlca tried gave no ( Kirmanont relief , until ho
proemod a bottle of Dr. Ktng't Now Discov
ery for Conaumptton. Coughs , nnd Colds ,
which had n mnglcal effect , nnd prodncod n
iiormationt euro. , It Is guaranteed to euro all
DmoMon of Throat , ljungH , or llronchUI
Trial bottlcH Free nt C. V. Coodmnn's Dnig
Store. Loiyo izo 81.00.
Tlio Union Tompcranco llnnd Korniod
1'or tlio 1'urposo of Their Pro *
motion LmHt
The Union Temperance band mot at
; ho City Mission hall last evening , and
adopted the following constitution :
AltTICI.E 1.
Section 1. The asiociatton rhall bo known
as the Union Temperance band ,
Sec.Tho object of the hand shall bo to
mnnoto the c uno of temperance , good mor
tis and Christianity in the coummunity.
Alinci.K' ' .
Sec. 1. The ofllcora nh ill bo president , vice
proiilont , Bccrotary and treasurer , chosen an
nually by ballot.
Sec , 2 , Tthhall bo the duty of the projl-
dent to prcalilo at the moutings of tha band
anil countarslKii the warrants for the payment
of money out of the treasury.
See. 3. The duty of the vice-president
( ilmll bo to perform nil the duties of the presi
dent In his absence.
SQJ. ) . The Rocrot.vy shall recolvo all thom
m nioy and do all the collecting for tha band
and enter the same on the bonkn of the band
and pay all money thus received over to thn
troamror. Ho shall keep a correct record of
all btiilnr-Ki trannuctions by the band ouch
month , which shall bo road nnd panted up n
at the tlmo appointed , and when approved
elmll bo entered upun his book of permanent
Sue. 5. It nhill bo the duty of tha troas
iitor to report at each quarterly mooting n
written statement of all business transacted
by him for the band during the quarter , and
aldo at the nnium ! meeting maka l > i like man
ner an annual report of all money rocolvcd
nnd paid out during the Tha treasurer
shall keep a book in which ho nhull record all
buelncss transacted for the band in Mich a
form ni to bo suitable for reference and In
Sec. 1. As our object la to promote the
cause of temperance in the community , all
persons of thi ago of 14 years and upward * ) ,
on their promise by the help of God , to nb-
nUlii from all intotlcntjng liquors ax a beverage -
ago and are willing to vigil tlio constitution ,
shall 'jo cougldorecl ollniblo-for mnmborahip.
Mr. K. W Memll presided over the
meeting , and J. Nichols acted as secre
tary. The following gentleman com-
poaod the committee on constitution :
\V. \ McAllister , F. 8. Hunn and J. B.
TJiuro was a fair attendance , and the
proceedings wore of nn interesting char-
* The board have great hopes of the f n-
turo , and intend nt no distant day to
open a largo cofloo house , similar to these
established in the east with so great sue
coas , on ouo of the principal strouta of
thin city.
An Kml to Bono Hcrnplng.
Kdward Shepherd , of Harrliburg , III. , says :
"Having received so much bonolit from Klec-
trio Bitters , I feel it my duty to lot suffering
humanity know it Have had a running noreen
on my log for eight years ; my doctors told mo
I would have tu have the bona scraped or log
amputated. I unod , Instead , three bottles of
Klectrlo Kitten and &evun boxes of Bucklon'x
Arnica Salvo , and my leg is now sound and
Kloctric Bitters nro gold nt fifty cents a bnt
ties , and Bucklon's Arnica Salvo at 25c. per
box by 0. F. Goodman.
An Adjournment TnlciMi Until 1O n.
in. To-Day , at AVlilcli Tlnio
City Altornny Oonnoll
" \VII1 Instruct the
Tlio inquoat which yesterday forenoon
was adjourned until 4 p. m. was resumed
at tlut time. Mr. S. K. Johnson , of
the firm of Steele , Johnson & Co. , was
the first witness called on the xtand
ilis testimony showed simply that the
magazine was the property of Lnllin ,
Kind & Co. , for whom tlio firm of which
ho was a member was agent. Uo know
nothing of the construction of the build
ing never having soon it.
Mr. S. W. Spratlin , a member of the
firm of Steele , Johnson & Co. , testified
that between six and seven tons of rilio
and blasting powder was stored in the
building , but could not toll the condi
tion of the building not having soon it
since last coring.
W. F. Kfrllogg , a clerk in tfco store ,
who had charge of the powder house ,
testified that the building was built of
brick , with an iron door , and in the
foundation was a hole largo enough to
almost admit thu body of a small man ,
and uittdu for the purpose of vnntilation
Nothing as to the immediate cause ol
tha accident could bo learned.
The inquest was ndj turned until 10
a. m to day , at which time City Attor
ney Connell will bo present and instruct
the jury on the law applicable to this
IJuoklon's Arnica Halve.
Tlio greatest medical wonder of the world.
Warranted to tpooillly euro Uurm , Cuts , Ul-
con ) . Malt Itueum , Fever Soros. Cancan , Piles.
Obillbluius , Corns. Tetter , Chaupod hands ,
ait rtll ikln eruption , garantoed to cure in
kvtry ln tnnco , or money refunded. 26 cent *
< t HJlordii us much pleasure to call the
attention of uur readers to the publica
tion of thu SUtu .Auditor's Cortthcatu of
Vuthurity to the Nebraska & Iowa In.
stiraiKO Company , u purely homo insti
tution , a Nebraska onttrjiriao that his
achieved moro euooosa aiucd its organize ,
lion than is recorded in the history of
western underwriting
It is the iirnt and only Fire Insurance
Company over organized in this State.
It has pud all ita torsos promptly and in
full , it issues u policy unsurpassed in
hbrullty and fairnusi of contract. It
in managed by mun , of influence and
wuulth , iU tendency ia to koup Nubraala
eipiul in Nobrasku , to trans tot a legtii-
mutu and honordblu buunoes und build
up the material intercuts of our State ,
V Few 1'neli ltd ft live to tlio Ncbrns-
kft Kxit > Hltlon.
The state boarJof ngriculturo ia making
every oQbrttoBocuro noxtfallthograndest
exhibition of the produce of the state
over gathered together. As an induce *
mont to farmers to compote for prizes
the following special premiums are
offered :
Corn , ton acres , eighty bushels per
aero , 9100.
Fml wheat , ton acres , thirty buahols
per aero , $75.
Spring wheat , twenty-five bushels per
aero , $50.
Oats , eighty bushels per ncro , $00.
Bitrloy , turty bushels per acre , 50.
llyo , thirty bushels per acre , 850.
For best collection grains and vegetables -
bles grown and exhibited by ono farmer ,
one-half bushel each , at tair , not loss
than twenty varieties in all 850.
Dost yield per aero , Irish potatoes ,
forty bushels per ncn % SIC.
Best tivo acres tiax , $10.
At least ono half bushel of each of the
above crops must bo on exhibition , and
the successfully competing bushel , each ,
become the pronorty of the state board ,
to bo disposed of as next prccocding stip
Competitors on premiums for crops are
required to furnish a statement under
oath , and to have ground and its produce
actually measured by not loss than two
disinterested persons , whoso statements
shall bo verified by an aflidavit.
A statement of the kind and condition
of the soil , the variety and quality of
the seed planted and sown , and the mode
and expense of cultivation , must bo pre
sented in writing bofcro the premium is
The otato board of ngriculturo has de
cided that to bocoino a competitor for
"Arbor Day" premiums , the planting
must bo done on the third Wednesday ol
April , 1881. Following are the pre
miums :
For the greatest number of trees plant
ed , to include fruit , fort-pt , evergreens
and all varieties , $50.
Second best , $25.
Greatest number of hard wood , $25.
Greatest number of cuttings , $10.
For the greatest number of trees'
planted by ono person during the month
of April , 1884 , labor to bo performed by
competitor , $30
Statements in relation to planting on
"Arbor Day" must bo made under oath ,
with the attestation of two disinterested
For the largest number of forest trees
sot out or planted ( exceeding 0,000) ) in
the place they are to grow , and not less
than four , nor more than twelyo foot
apart each .way , and put out during the
year 1884 , $30.
KKDIHNO'H RtiHsm Salvo ban gunuino merit
nfll who IHU It will totttify. 1'rice 25c.
Try it.
The Ijcttor CnrrlerH of thlw City Ask
for Thirty Days' Absoiico
Each Year.
The letter carriers of Omaha have ad
dressed the following petition under date
of February 4 to the Hon. 0. H. Van
Wyok and C. ! < " . Mandoraon , United
States senators , nnd E. K. Valentino ,
James Laird and A. J. Weaver , United
States roprc.sontaivca of Nebraska :
"We , the letter carriers of this city , in
conjunction with the carriars of other
cities , would most respectfully solicit
your intluenco to aid in securing the passage -
sago of a bill that will nllpvr us thirty
days' leave of absence during the year ,
with pay. The work nf n letter
carrier is arduous. In order to pre
vent delay in the dulivory of mail *
i hey are compelled to bo at the ollice ,
during the winter season of the year ,
long before , und oftentimes , long after ,
day Nn clasa of men in public or pri
vate lifo are more exposed than wo are.
Wo dare not dolny , notwithstanding the
inclomenoy of thu wunthor , though it bo
over so flovoro , carrying ftoavy loads in
and put of office , climbing up stairs , and
waning nt the doors , in rain or o > ld , for
tardy servants. The employe. ! of the
government department ) ai Washington
and else where work only eight ho lira per
day , nnd have all of Sunday and national
h > liduyi to themselves. They are ullovv-
od thirty dajs1 vacation , sixty days for
B aluiis * , and aside from this , these hold
i u positions away irom homoaronmitleil
to troiu ton to lifteon days' leave to go
hiuiio to vote.
Their salaries in every case go on , this hard-worked class , known an
luttur-carriors , must report for duty 3G5
days in the year. They .havo no Sunday it
or holidays without paying for them ,
Now , wlut they ask congress te do is to
simply put them on an equality with
other employes of the government. Wo
would further aak congress to do away
with class distinctions of the frno deliv
ery cities , so far as it applies to letter
cirriora. Wn think it unjust to pay car
riers in first-class cities $150 moro per
annum than in second-class cities , when
our duties are the same , expenses equally
as high , if not higher , and responsibilities
just aa great.
Ituapcctfully , your obedient servants ,
B R Overall , A. Peterson , Goo. L.
Oroon , JHS Y < tbleohnock Goo. HolTman ,
John A. TobbuiiB , Boni. P Trapp , 0. H.
King. Joseph Miohul , T. 0. Parkins ,
Bum Fulton , L S1 Mole. "
'HVo commend the foregoing petition an
having substantial morit. Carriers work
early and late , have hard work nnd are
i equitably entitled to vacationx aa any
employes of the government. Expanses
of living , in this uit especially , are uuch
as to make a hardship uf the inequality
of salary between our carriers and these
of cities of first class.
JAUUJ I WooDAiiD , Asst P.
GUAM. K. BIIUNKH , Supt , Carriers.
Irldh MiiBlout lbeKiunictOilebrntlo
The eQ'ortof the Emmot Monument
association of our city to bring our citi
zens into moro intimate acquaintance )
with the production of the classic com
posers of Irish birth deserves oncourago-
ment. The lyrics of a people are a true
standard of their tastes , and to n great
extent may bo accepted as an index to
the degree of civilization they enjoy.
The simple , yet perfect beauty of the
lyrics of Irolaud is tiuly echoed by the
melody of the gems that have made im
mortal so many of the grand oneraa of
these eminent Irish composers , Wallace
and Uilfo. The nationality of tlto
title of an OJora la justly Hint
ot ita composer , in disregard of that !
wsto which claims thu nationality
of the language in which ita libretto may t
firnt bo produced. According to { ho first
nnd certainly the most correct slandwd
the opcrna of the great Irish composer
M. W. Balfo , "I Kivali , t'naocrtimento.
Pittoro o Ducca , Enrico Guarto on II
Tftlismnno , " nro Irish not Itnlinn ; "Left
outrca Ills Aymon , Lo Ptiits 1'umotir ,
Lu'otoilo do Seville , " nro Irish not
French , and the following , which em
braces also nome of the urcat works ol
\V , V. Wallaco-Siogo of Rochelle , Maid
of Artoin , Joan of Arc , Failstaff , Koo-
Inntho , The Dohcminn Girl , The Bond
man , The Maid of Honor , The Kciciliiui
Bride , The Koao of Caatilo , Blanche de
NUVCM , Tlio Ptiritan'rt Daughter.
The Armorer of .Nantes , Daughter
of St. Mark , Margaret of Anjou ,
Satnnolla , The Enchantress , Amelia
or the Love Test , Maritana
Matilda of Hungary , Lurlino , The Amber -
bor Witch , Love's Triumphs , The lc ort
Flower , Maid of Zurich , Gulnaro , Olga ,
and Estrollo , are Irish operas nnd not
English , as they are often erroneously
alylod. Certainly the E. M. A. has a
vast field of melody to select from , but
the mass oi literary matter to bo pre
sented on the evening of March -llh , will ,
of necessity , limit the selection to some
of the most choiro of Mooro's melodies ,
and a few brilliant gems from the fore
going Irish operas. Our citizens should
not allow this occasion to pass uncnjoyed.
Jolly Sport In Full Mitsciuci-ndo Cos-
tuincH ,
The skating rink was the scene of unu
sual morrimunt last night , all the parti
cipants in thn roller skating art appear
ing in fall masquerade costumo. The
floor was filled nt nn early hour by skat
ers , and very few soata reserved for
spectators remained unoccupied by nine
o'clock. As the band in attendance bo-
jan discoursing music the masquorndors
tiled out upon the iloor and began exe
cuting graceful gyrations so easy to the
experienced but fatal to the
novice. Keeping time with the musi
cians in the movement of foct nnd arms ,
and the gcntlo nwayiug of thu body to
and fro.
Only these of long experience were
ushered upon the iloor during the early
part of the evening. Lookers on who
occupied chairs on either side , and above
the lUor , of ton expressing surprise and
admiration 03 some unusually difficult
liguro was executed. The grotesque cos
lumen , together with the false- faces illu
tninatod by the electric light , and the
constantly moving bodies of the wearers
Hitting hither and thither as if Heating
upou unseen wings presented a picture at
once as beautiful as it was novel.
But the real sport of the evening , at
least for the spectators , began after the
masks were removed and the 11 ior was
thrown open free to all comers. Thu
crowd that surged to and fro at this stage
of the entertainment loft voiy little space
for professional skaters to show off fine
bgures. Grace gave way to awkward
ness , and thuso two opposites vied each
other nntil the hour for closing arrived
Thoru wtro a number of instances wlu ro
an ulfort was made to stand on the heaH
uad feet at the snmo time ; to execute thu
sproad-eaglo on all fours ; dive head fore
most and spin around on the elbow , or to
sit down BO short that thu feet locked
arms with the back of the neck ; but such
little trivial changes in the regular rout
ine acted only as an incentive for greatnr
poraervunco. A few of the actors in last
night's rink entertainment wont home
wiser if not sadder beings , having learned
a piinful lesson.
The Vrocoedln H nf Yontorduy in that
In the district court yesterduy be'oro
Judge Wukeloy , the case of Eitabrook
against Thomas , which was tried to thu
court , was submitted and taken under
Before Judge Neville the court room
was filled to its utmoat seating und stand
ins capacity by these who came to hear
the testimony in the case of the state
against Sinclair. Her little daughter
and aged mother wore seated beside the
defendant , who seemed to ti\ko but little
interest in the procoudingo.
When court adjourned Jessie Taylor ,
the daughturof the complaining witness ,
and against whom the alleged offense was
committed , vrus on the stand.
The judges will to-day probably give
their decision on the application of Dis
triot Attorney Godwin for a now grand
The following in the assignment of
cases for day :
Borsick vs. Swoboda.
Page vs. Steolo.
Finn vs. Manning.
Mersny vs. Borsek.
Estubrook vs. Dnhle : on trial.
Dolan nt al vs. Whitmoro.
Brngman vs. Miller.
Kuhlmun vs. P ycko ot nl.
Baswitz vs B. & M , U. K. Co.
Lucas vs. Kypiueki.
Trovot vs. McCarthy ot al.
The criminal docket.
Absolutely Pure.
l l > owl i nxci tankL A narttl of m
< hau4 hJ ouioc M Ur * I'Otnli-al U
. .lnarlud , fcnd cifuctb loldincoiii | * > ii. .
v lhcma\.lludoollo \ > , M t , ihuri * Klt luia
- * * * ! " * . Bclil oulyla ctns. ltp)4l ) li.k-
rif rgwdir Ol , 1M "iVti'Mol ' N v Vvtk.
' lor *
Infants and Children
Without Morphtno or Narcottno.
" \Vhftt KTM ! our Children rosy checks ,
Whnt euros their fevers , nmkM thtm l > p5
'TlH I'imtorla.
When Dnblcs fret , and err by tnrni ,
Whnt cures their colic , kuln t heir worms.
Hut Crtitoria.
Wlmt quickly euros Constipation ,
Sour Stomach , Colds , Indigestion :
Hut rmforliw
Farewell then to Morphine- Syrups ,
CoatorOll and rnregoric , and
Contour Liniment. Annii-
elate euro for Rhonmatiaxa ,
SprnitiB , Barns , Gnlls , &o. , and an
Inatantanooru Faln-roUovor.
MTSpoolalu will Ponltlvolynot bo Inserted
unless paid in advance.
TO LOAIl-Monov.
TO LOAN In sumt ol $600 and upwanlg
MONKY annum , en DouuUs rounty famia. Ad
dress 1UC. r ttr on & Co. , 1221 Kftrtiam S .
TO LOAN The loweit rates ol Interest
MOKEY t * n Agency. th te Poaglta 284-tf
TO LOAN liioumn ol ' 300. auu utiward.
MONEY Davis ttnil Co. , Heal Lstito and LOAD
, 1005 Farnam St. 393-tl
Y\7Aimi : > TttOKlrlantl'fto'lla ' llouae , Itth and
VV '
- la'iorort. ' Amilv from B to 8
WAKTBD-Filtecii . . , : ! 07 llth St.
WANTKD An * pcrlcnrcdClnr fiftlcsmnn. In
iiulio nt GurrahraLt Cole's , 13U7 rartiam Ht.
1ITANTKI lilrl for it" ural hounowork. 1721
> > Webster .t eet , cw. N. ISlh. 013 29J
LiilUs or > oung rarn la tnku nice
( ilcataiit none nt tlalr own lioino ; ic'Jto . * . ft
day , cosily matte : work sent bv n nil ; mi ;
Adilrt-ss K. Itidcl & Co. , bo157 Utlbuquo lou t.
50 ; line ]
WANTED An experienced laundry girl Inmed'
lately nt St. Charles Hotel. 691-23
WANMED A nocxlirirl for general housework
i-mall fu'i Ity. Inquire at 841A Uatcntmrt St
Hw. 0. S. Krlchson. 698 29
WANTE' > Olrl 'or ( renoia1 lu 1190 work. Mrs , If
S. Smith , S. W. corner IHh ami Charles St , 8
Omaha , 1 block cist uf red Imn , ou luth St.
/ ANTED A K od girl tor Kenernl hoixc-wnrl
2510St. Mar'sa > o. EB5273
WANTED Girl at 1018 Chicago St. lira. Usta
brook. 633-iS *
\\rANTEU-A ! ? oed woman cook at the Emmcti
V llou-c. No tuau need apply. S71-t ?
WAvlTJD DrP'eraakcT't ) approi tlcc. Ono hn 1
would tsslsi In liouncwork for hurtoanl. pr
( orrod. Vra. Corbet , IB13 H" ardftreet. 673-1 *
V\7ANTED A ( ji'odwaahcrattho Itoston Laund
ry , 107 North 13th street 57d-tl
WANTKD-A girl to attend n baby 1015 Har
neyot. ' W5 tf
QUEEJ ( lady oRO-ta for th'a ' new ruhl-crundcrga
mu t for laulea. Aildrc-s nlth'eiamixi , Un.lergar
ment Co. , 0 south Mar St. , Chicago 189-lin ?
\irANTED-Oni" hundred teams nnd ono humrui
V > laboiers for Hiiiroad work. MlCOY & MOHAN
Canfleld lloubo , Ninth and Karnain Hta , Oirsha.
403 1m
LADIES OH YoU > 0 ilhNlncltyor country to
take nl-e , light anil ) > ku8 it work at their own
homes ; $2 to ? > a day caitly and quletl ) made ; work
sent by mall , no cunvasjini ; ; no stamp t , r reply
Pkabo uldrcsa Hcllablo Manl"g Co. , Philadelphia I'a.
drawer IT. 397-lmt
WANTED A German dining rC'Ora kitchen girl
Ucsso and Hoppo , 418 S. 13th St. , between
llarncv anil Ilouiurd. 60S tf
WA TED-Sltiutl n for preiicmlhousework by nn
Ameikaiiglrl Ap , ly to 8i7i S. 18.h Mrcet.
007-21 }
WANTKD-A ultintlon l > y a practical tinner
i ountrj Job pru'errt.d. AddruaD Itox. 81 , Blal
Nolraskn. 6,31 !
) Situation hy an actltv , willing imn in
grocery stoiu. Address "O. u. " te i oitlce.
WANTEu A aituat'on ' as baker , fight jcaraox
jjcritnco. Sat tf.ctlui ) guaranteed. Addren-
N. AjbLOOM , Tawnce City , Net ) . B92-W
WANTKI ) feltuatt nhya ffrotcrycl rk. Fir-l
rla a refeiunux 217 .N. lOih bt- f.S.S
WANTI'.D-Situati < n in cilj or mljolnini ; )
man and wile , who can do tirut-cli cooking Ii
hotel or restaurant AiUlress " ( I. L. N. " Ben oltlce
60 J 28-
WAN'E1 rcliai'lo youii | { man Maul8 a pUra
to work , board and go tusoliool. "S. A. W. '
Dee otllco 3S8-t (
WANTS Two un'iirrtlih d roo" a for dr
inaklnir , "y Murch 10th. T.ocat on between lltli
air1 lf > hand l'arna < u audlUveiip.rt. Aildrest < Y
S. n"io | kOiHiu 011-1 $
WANTED A t'cntleimnUailnsc shortly for Lon
ilmi > nd 1'arU will known in capiulwis ni
financier In b ith clt ex , w.m'U ' like lu c rrcspoi , <
dlrcrc with parties hav rer la KB rauchis ortratUn
Umlitn a \ lew t a ialo nf name Adilresn Europe
1 * U. bx 34 , lirooklyn , N. Y.
WANTFD A partner with thro : hundied dollan
tuu9'a'la < a p > > dpaviii bu lno > u Ca 1 ti
I'Untcn 'Intnl ( om 1011 It , anil 2 to 4 f.Oi'h |
WAN'lKl-awn janld ol dlit , at or ii'uroii
block west if thu Convent on He Mor'a uvo
nut ) . H. U JOHNSON ,
CHl-tf of Htfl le , Juhuson A. wo.
WA IKO 600 piliy van ta. Blnks and ctiwpoo'
to clean with uuiltary cl aner. Ha'Ufa tion
guaran eo < l. J. M. BMI1II ,
600.lino5 Lock box 4i''uiatia. '
FOK ttk > M'r--Uuub6u auu ! xt
u fnw d
0163 *
FOR RKNT Furnlthed lo ms , warmed. 17J
Do"giM ntr > et , 9 .Ou. 017-tf
FOK RKNT-Suit of rooms , nlc ly furnl.hed. In
qutr 1U16 L'awi street. 6.0-li
FOR HEN'f Furiiithed roomn , 1017 Id-c ( street
rOR RF.OT furnlahed roou.B , 1SIO LiodguSt
FOR RENT-La-KiJ room H Ith board aad fire , 32
H. 16thand Hani yttree'a. ' 0 C8 |
riOR ItKNT-Wlth Iward , nlea'ant nom
1 fvr two Keutlemcn a 1612 Dudro St. 6
OH HKNT Two uufuruUhad room * for light
houto keeping 1017 Chicago Ht. 66911
FOR IlKNT-FuruUhuO room , at 1010 Farnam.
K IlKNT-Wiih board , fr > nt room Lay window
crick house , U 3 north 17th > tre t. ' 45 .24 ]
KENT Mccl f rnlthud rooms with or with
out beard 1616 Dods St. 150 11
T ? 0ll ItKNT Nlc lj furn'shtd rooiui , 2210 Doilue
I1 utreet. C7j-l i
171011 RKNT Furiibhud roomt , ] nT > North mil
ITAOltRKNT-NrwCofage , S ro-nn thrto U > ck
' from ttrect carr. Ilaaiu-oui PI r , M 1IAKKEH
&U\\tiK N K.cor 18lh auu ifarnaui. t.aO . tl
I'OH KFNT Nlco'y furnUbod room * , 1D03 Fain m
trtxt. lOj-tf
F OK HEKr 1'uruUlud ruora 16il Capitol ave.
FOU LE\-K-0 bu ln M loll IBth street , bctwien
L > > nnporv nd O pltol avtuiie , e * i. IJo , lor a
Inrinuf > ta , . AMiCS.
1G 7 F&rutuiMrcet
I pOU KK.VT A few ttuntleroen can he apcotn&dated *
Apply tSUFuMn. Bt. !
4lfltl f
BENT Store room Hh bdoemeft If )
FOB , 1511 Karnam St. PAULiKM & CO.
100R KKNr Scti > g odhouwnal i ono Broom
r nntly furnlshwl hws . John E. Mtrards. 1111
Farnara st S"R > 11
7011 UENT-Futntihed room with or without
17 hoard. Finest location in the city. > lo few
able boarders wanted , N. W. cor. IBth aad 1'arnam.
OIl ItKN'f FurnUnod rivram on th northwei
F ror. IS'handCupitclareiitU ) , formerly Cryujnlon
hcalwl S2i N. IWn ,
KKNT KOOIM Iti Nebraska Mvtloua Baas
IPOli . Most derirallo OIDCM In the city
lutiplleil with h > drau\le \ rlo-ator id heated b
Apply > lUn > _
- .
I 1 fur > liurf. AiMnin lit * . "A. II. o. " I'wtotHcc.
Oil It
SAl.K- Splendid barifaln 10 acre" ,
rpOR 1 , nlmle and fitilt trees.
Bti K anu llauch on llopubllcan Ithcr.
SAt.l ! Three ROfd hrueos ami Ms In 8hlnn'
Fit addition , 20i ) and $31 cosh , balance 20 | > er
nontli. Jvcurstreot car * . Iluo barium.
Finn lioiuuRiiJ lot near I2d and L > a\ooport Sts. ,
( looil 0 room home in Hinseom 1'lico. nntr ttrect
r , at ft arnan. IIUY&11O TKlt , B. W. o-rnor
lUiJinndFarnnm. f99-tf
> Ort HALB I'lwlmely the beet pa ) Ing grocery
F bnmiictm In Omah . Hnhiitastory n > inni ! given
'or ' soiling. AudrettS Lock lljx Ko. i07 , Douha , Ne
braska. M.-W
rjVM UALK-NUo ncro lot un south 18th utrcot ,
L1 fl,000-on long tuna. ItAllKKIt \ MAY.VK.
SkLKUKAT ! HAUOAIN T enty acre
FOP of Untl , KOitllmproixii ciitu And \lcnty of
fruUtrco- . Three ivione-q nrtcrirllro from poet-
ollice. Will dl\ldo Into Slur tncro lute , near Bo't
llailroad Hue and project * it ntti-tt car line Apply
10 T. 0. Itruntr or L. V. Moreo , cor. 16th anil Capitol
avenue. ( CO-1J
poll 8VU : F r jl.dOO , ft rcnldcncc property on
I 1 nouth 15th Htrctt that will rent for Stt.OO pur
FOU FAIjK Nice 4 room huuso , good batn , full
lot , uKUth lth fctrcet$1 Dot Kafiy tcriiH.
House & rooms , largo lot , Imn , etc.north Omaha ,
$ l,0ol )
T o room liuusc , quarter acto ground. Hurt Ht ,
&OU. Monthly pimento. liAllUKtt & . MAYNK ,
N. I' , cor. and Fainam. 563 tf
FOU SAIiK 1 i acre ph'CO ' In Wc l Omaha at SliOO :
on lone ttmu. Tiiin It a rare rhanco for MMH.U-
latl n. DAKK Ut & MAYNK.
F nu SALE -FIcKimt cottaso on Convent Htroet.
( load harn. tta. Iot TK > 15f. 3-iuO. $7iH caah ,
balance In monthly i nunenlH.
S \LK-2Jacn B rf beautiful g-ound , north
Omaha , mil" tf l.tOO. UAiiKHIl & lIAYNtf. N n.
cor. 13th and Faruatn. 051-t (
Foil S\ti : S ncra lot on California street , l\
nil,08 fri m postuttlro , 4 room IIOUHO , barn , \ > ell ,
cistern , etc , $1, ) down , bolauco J15 00 per
Also , nlro , now f > room cottauo , lull lot , clstorn ,
cillar , kanti > , clobets , bay uindow and evcothluK
In ( ; ooii order , li n I CD from | xistoIUo ! , $1,660 3 00
down , Lalancu § i6cr | month IIAUKHH illAVNi : ,
N. K.Cor 13th aud I a.uam. 60. tf
1J1OHSAL.U 6 room cottage , half lot w 11 1 oca to
near town , o\cr\thliur lu g'Oil shapo. Pric
Jl.trKJ tf sold noon. J. W. LOU.NHHUltY , 1514 Doui ;
Ij'Oll 8\LE An Apalrv contKIngof 170 colorles
P < f llcea. A'KO lu hhm wti tiofl , lumber ,
and icry.l ing uo-O'tary lor liiu kc tlxg. Onnor
Intcndi uiu Inv to t In tin spilng. lnuiro | ol Jos.
llilrd , llednoud Apiiry , 3)14 Uuburii Ht , Omaha. f
Nub. S-J8-t9S
F SALK Fr.Bh milch co llcury Bcal , cor-
J ncrllthand DoJgehU. C314J
[ / UK SALK Anitt-cUai Vote A "on Hans , at u
t ? liar uln. Inqu'ru ' hduolniK KrlckwnV. 621 tf
F'OIl SALP. lelejjatit residence lot- opposite the
I'oor l lalio ioinrnt on lit n nud Charliit
ntrcets. If > ou wa.t a K'lt ' due bullalni ; site , go
und eu thuji. $ C5o.OO < ucli.
_ 01-U \RKEE k MAYNE.
fJiOR HA LK four show cnsea > ery cieui ! > . Inquire
Jj at KdholmA irtil.B'n. : 609-tf
Jj Oll SALE Oil riiADi : A good epnn of mules ,
f1 harnoxi ) and wagon Apply to Alex O. Charlton ,
at McUaitullros. . OSO-tf
OK HALb turn , y imiua Irotu clt > . Inquire ot
lira Jlojer , oxer Ilouler'a Drue kton' , 10 and
Webster. W2-U
Fi 1 OK SALE Two counters an' fitly ( tet of Rood
shelling , chop , at 1508 Ixxluo St. 168-tl
IOR SALK luolarctt NormuiiitAllloni. Addrom
F :
O. D. Blrdaall. Walnut , Ion a. IM-lm"
FOK SALE A good t o story etf ta ] rep rty In
Wayne , Wayne county , Neb. Address 0.1) . Bird-
Bull , Walnut , lena 165-lmt
F OR SALE Two oin Kwcnd-lmiiil bugles and
onu de.hery wagon. clie p , at iai3 llarncy tit.
ORSALE-CVlor do coal. Thla coal U aa free from
? soot and as clean a Hock Hprlnif.
934-tf JK * ? W. KEDFORn
( j OK 8ALK T-WII jjorwblu boilora , 10 horse jane
? Apply t U. FITZl'A CRICK.
CdS-t ! tin South 16th 8 < > .
F I OK BALK A mnall Monlur , l ) bina iCcs.Crs
proof Batfihwijt now , ai thlx office. tf
TflOHBMiB My two story Ulck roslJence , 19th
J1 and St. Marj'navwtue. Larx * biro , out-homo ,
water WOT.B , will arranged. Lot 60x200. Piled
J7.6CKX De9 < Bargain | D omfthu Oall at M. Tcft'g
I'ouple'ii lUnli. 277-1
] 7 < OIt BALK Oln cinepajiur' lu Ur o and anull
* quantities t tbi o.-floe.
cu hunmeui property , thru * let
J ? a-'t. tSaundera and Clurlci ) Stroit. It will pay ycu
to InvmtlKate this ofler. Oil at Pooule's Bank.
( .tun MALI ! luipiu\wl pri/ixircy , wnlch will pay
r the buyer 20 pur cent ou the Investment. IUnta
for $1,920 per jfar All < x pled by tint clvo ton-
anU. Will sell for < lu , v , if Bold soon. All or one-
half , balance , ono to dve jcara The above la-
vcatruout la worth In violation , call at the People
On 14th stmet hctnecn Karnam ami
1 llarnev , l' h 17th. pair of K | ttclen in rate ,
fail at 1HI5 Davenport stitet after D p. m.
FAMILY Ball at II. Un er'.s llarch Oib I SSI. ( lent *
tlcUta $1 uo , ladio > fruo. 6SO-73
A , TNFKnLMVOIIK-illH hllatlr ham an e\-
\ . pcnenccd nccille-womaii ha oprnul rooms u >
ttach uiiy work In her line , hho lias ale a supply
of materials on liuiidu. Lailifla are Invited to call
and tot h"r di'play of piiucs. lonu *
at lllHlHHtfff bttuul. 'iSr.-tf
' - - f ecnplnjment to
I make inonuy with. Call ou M. I. . Smith , Cu8
N. 16th ttrtet , and tea nampies. 433 1m
/1A8H PAID For second h nd rlotho. orders by
L leiteraor postal * promptly attended to Ad
dress Mr. or Mrs , UrodenclieiBitouinlOUiHt Omaha.
A LIST. SOS Tenth > tre t , b twe n Farnam and Har-
DBT , will , with the aid of guardian aplrltn , obUlolnj
an ) ono gimcv vt it past and prenot , % od tht
cerUln condltlonR In thn futon. iv > t * and > ho i
main nrrior i > -tutlxfadtlo
Notice U hereby ghen that t' > e rartumhtii IHTO-
toloroi-xl | ( { rwUe n William F. Jla'.ni g and
Ueo. II. lien under il.o firm iiamo ol jUntilnK i :
HIH , Ii thin ilny illin.hid .
Thi I * to vlvt funh , r notice that I will not be ru.
| on lbleforany debtcontracted by ny person In
nurlato nnnarav , nor ull | I i y uny attorney * ! !
fe < m ur Cmtii t carry , n any UUt : > U"it of any da-
nvlptlnn agalnit a'.y ol the crod t n < of the lata Brra
of UannliiK v Ikw , and thu u > e of my name to carry
on any mi h lltiKatlun liiii.authoiluil by me.
lima . cll. P b , 18,1834.
Ffl. \Viu.uuV n v.(1.
Orncn ACPII H or I'rtLic Atrou.\ni. )
LIXXILV , KKD. t , ! Si4 , j
It I hrrtby rertiflidtha the Kibr > ka and Iru
. mance Company of Omaha , 1 , the Stale tf Ne ,
ti a k. , n cvtuu lot xtlth n.ii Iniunt o Liw of this
Bint-.aid l Ihoiizdv liaiKctthe builii o (
Flr > I suiincoliit I * bi.-o fortti rurrrnt jour
flmtts in ) Imiiu an < Ui tea' ' i f ho Aud tm of 1'uh
Uo ACCUUUK the d jr u I yi ar al o > e vtiltUn.
Jou.x niLUui. Audit r , I' , A.
Pluttsmouth , - . . . Neh
AUD ctitoa OB ; IU IT uo rwiss
rJVcuij itcct lei n'.o , Oorrc rt a