THE DAILY BEE-OMAHA , FRIDAY , FEBRUARYS 9 TIMES OUT OF 11 Dr. Thomas1 Eoleclric Oil CUHKS Rheumatism and Neuralgia. 99 TIMES OUT OF 101 Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil CUUES A Cold or a Uoiracnees. 19 TIMES OUT OF 21 Dr. Thouins' Eclectric Oil Asthma and Diphtheria. 49 TIMES OOT OF 51 Dr. Thomas1 Eclectric Oil Croup and A ( lections of the Throat. 13 Oo < vaxcl lJl SOLD EVKHYWIIEIIE. Am ftrvlWt ftrpHlilBctoiil * eftilvlilt * filter T AoU v ld. turrt l > MI"1tfe Pikrrhvt. l T.r tk4 Afw. ktt4 JlMrdm of tbf lkr tl ( i Orrnl. A few 4rot Inrut driklovi fl A t lui of chlmwii * , ftal l kit uuw.r driDki Tr ; It , * fc T -f connW Vlu , A. k Tour powf r drurfftfor Ui * ltl Hni i , / 1 1 elIlERIbOM ) . J. W. WCFPEHUAim , COLS AQEHT , & Kl j KfMirxr. if. Y. . > rim ousehold riaodlt . and . t these HoBtotter Stomacn Bitten I i ? thechleflnmlrltan tlio most populai Irrigularity of th etomtch and bowel imUrlal fc\crtllv < complaint , debllltj rheumatism a n minor ailments , ai thoroughly conque cdbythlalncomp n blofnmlh restorath and medicinal eafi cuard.andltlsjus | KnmKK * IZ ! ) fe ly icgardcd aa tl : In cP wR % * f Iinrc8t a"d m ° 8t c * ' Up Pf-rtW prchonsho reined sf its claea.Ta 1 For silo by < lru6glsta and dealc : iponcralry. GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. \ OF MANI.Y VIOOB , Spcrmator Jhoco , etc. , when all other ran idles fall. A cure guarantee * ' 41. DO a bottle , large bottle , lot times the quantity. 85. Dy e : prow to any addrona. Sold t _ I1 dtugglstiu ENGLISH MED CAL INSTITUTE , Froprlotora , 718 Olive Street , 8 Louis , Me. "I have cold Sir Artloy Cooporo Vital Heatoratn or years , f.vcry LU U.U I elw ui i. , nly ot It. luinciitatlnsljcndonottasa remedy uf true mi.rl "C. F. QOODMAN , Druggist. "imiha Fnti 1SSS vl .mJic-OJIy ! James Moallnstitut f Chartered by thcStateof 111 : ' i'nois for theexpresapurpoE fofgivincimmediatCTelicll .fall chronlc.unnarynnd pri 'j.vate diseases. Gonorrhcci . Gleet ondSyphills In all the : complicated forms , nlso a diseases of the Skin an Elood promptly relieved an r ermanentlycured by reme . dlcsUstcdlnn'oylVii . . . . \ Special 1'rarttcc. faemini Weakness , N mlu Losses by Dreams , Pimples o the FaceLost Manhood , tmnlttvclu aired. Tlter lanocrprrtmrtittiiii * The appropriate remed i : at once used In each case. Consultations , per Eonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med iclncs sent by Mall and Express. No marks o : package to indicate contents or sender. Addres I > H. JAMES.No. 204Washington r t.Ciiicagoll DR.HORNE'S ELEOTR80 BEL' Will > 'irnlKia. ' hitatk KhliH ) , Hplim nnd Ll\ tlibt ah * HOout , AKtluiiu.llta < tlM OM , I j hjn jihlil. Con- * „ „ „ . rioIapxiiH Utorl.ttr Otilv K itntlllr 1 1 < tnclttltln AinerUii'lint henclittho Klecliltity nnd nir neiiriin through tht ) > Ldjiind tun berecliargid In unJ riant by the putlenU 9I.OOO Would Not BuIt. . Dn. HoiUiK I was a Icted with rheumttlsm an cured by mlng a belt To any one afflicted 1 that disease , I would y , buy Ilorno'H Electric Be Any one can confer with mo by writing or cailh at my store , 1420 Douglas street. Omaha Nob. VVRLIAM LYONS. MAIN OFFICE Opposite postoffico , room 4 Frc Ml block. jtJTForrale atC. F. Ooodman'a , DrugQ < toie , | ll Farnam fit. . Omnhv ' Order" tilled O O D. Imported Bee ] fe INijBOTTLES. Ik * , If Erlanger. . . . . . . Bavarii Culmbacher , - . .Bavarii Pilsner Bohomiai Kaiser Bretnei DOMESTIC. Budweieer St. Louii Anhausor. . . . St. Louii Bos : s. . . . Milwaukei r Schlitz-Pilsner Milwaukei Kruc's .0 nmb i Ale , Porter. Dtmpstic and Rhin Wine. ED. MAUUEll , 1211Farunra. . The ma of the term " Hb ( Una" In connection with tl SHORT : corporate name of a great rot conveys an Idea of tut what required by the traveling pu I I lu L llo-a Short Line , Quick" Till I and the best of accommod * ! tlons-all of which are lor lahed by the great nt railway In America. And St. Paul. II owna and operates over 4,600 miloa of Northern llllnoli , WlKoniln , Mlnne ota , Iowa Dakota ; and M ta main line , branches and oonne tloni reach all the irreat builneiu centrei of tt Northweitand FarWert , It naturally am * era tt description of Short Line , and Uuit IlouU between Chicago , Milwaukee , St. I'aul and Mlnneapolla , Chicago , Milwaukee , La Crossc and Wlnona. Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and KllondaU Chicago , Milwaukee , Kiu ( ,1alro and fitlllwtter / Chicago , Ullwauket , Wauuu and Merrill. Chicago , Mtlwaukeo , ISeater Him and OdhLMb. Chicago , UllwaukMi , Waiikonha and Ooonomowoe Chicago , Mllwmkee , Madtaon and I'ralrledu Chle Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonna and Falrlhault. Oilcago , Ileloll Jane vl'la ' and Mineral i'olnt. ' Chicago , Klirln , IU > ckford and Duhuque. f Chicago , Clinton , Hock Ulind anil Cedar lUplJl Chicago , Conndl niuffi and Omaha. Chicago , Blotix City , Rlnux Fall * and Vwikton Chicago , Mllwvikiw , Mitchell and CharalierUIn. lloct ItUnd , Dubuqiia , 8t Paul and MlnneapoU * 4 > > cuiwrt , Calms r , Bt. Paul and lllnncapnlla. Pullman Sleepera and the Klnokt DlnlnirCart In world are run on the mnlnlln&i of the OHIO AO ( WJILWAUKER A. BT. PAUL RAILWA and every attention U paid to puwnger * by court ou * employe * ol the company. A. Y. U. OAKPK KH , Otul Uaaager , OEO kuu MARDI GR&S. Tnesftay's ' Day and NigM Pageant i New The Display Ono of the Finoc Ever Made in the Oity , Pcsci liitlmiH of the Spoctil to Uio St. IionU , NK\V OIILKANM , La. , Folmiary 20 - Todaytas the day of tlio carniva and from morning until night , and fii into tlio night , the city has been th BCOIIO nf extraordinary buetlo and activ ity. Canal street wns particularly rcsorl cd to , and it waa linally crowded wit people of all sorts , colors and condition' from curb to curb nnd from wall to wal of the entire 1225 foot of its width. Th balconies that line both sides of th street , rising on tiers one above the ether or almost to the roofa of the houses , wcr loaded with people , many of them ladio in brilliant toilets. The weather wa superb , the sky bright and the air a warm and balmy as in May in th Middle states , the thormomoto standing at 70 ° at ii o'clock in th afternoon. It is not in exaggeration t say that from ono of the lady-ladun bal conies that overlooked Canal street thor wore in the range of vision 50,000 pee plo. About 11 o'clock the fantastical ) ; ' costumed outriders of Ilex heralded th' approach of the grout procession , which assembling tno combined strength of fou associations , ith their moving seonc and panoramic views of tlmir subjecte sacred , heroic , romantic nnd liumoroue extended for miles in length , mustorin 100 cars of scenic illustrations , fiOi horses and i',000 men. There wore full a score ot brass bands dispersed at inter vals in the mnvinv column. THE rACS K AST. First in the procession came the ps geantof Ilex , in which ho monarch c mummery and mims appears poraonatin Solomon , the sago of the oasti Israel' ' greatest king appeared in royal slat seated on an eloratpd thronu borne on car of great magnificence. The car am the support to the throne were docoratci with gold work and painted panels cm boftsod with gems. Beneath a canopy n gay design was seated the king , in a chai inlaid with gold and ivory , and cushionc with crimson cloth. The royal attir was as rich as that of Solomon in all hi glory. His roho was of brocaded silk richly embroidered with gold ; his ampl cloak , of moire antique , with golden boi derand tassels ; his stockings and glovn of ailk , his shoes of gold ololh ; his girdl woven of gold thread ; his glittorin crown was studded with the richest gem and around his nock was a necklace r pearls and sparkling jewels. A lie crouched at the monarch's feet. A seric of ancient lamps or censers on slendc pillars ran around the oval periphery c the car , with festoons of flowers betwoer Two harpers and horn blowers holdin those instruments and dressed in th picturesque Jewish garb , occupied th space in front of the throne , and bahin were stationed three Israelite soldiers , i martial array and armed with long spoai and broad bucklers. The car was draw by six horses , and at the sides , in fron and rnar , walked thirty slaves in part colored tunics and horned helmets an caps after the Egyptian fashion. Borne on a gaily decorated car an preceding the king , was the giganti "Biuuf Gras , " A superb specimen of th bovine species. This lordly bull wr decked with garlands and attended b four Egyptian slaughterers in the cus tumo of that country. rOrLHYINO TUB KttO. In the train of the king were twen ) cars , gorgeously hued nnd profuaol gilded , bearing artistic tableauxrepreson ing the history of the Semitic races , ii eluding Phu'nicians , Hebrews , Arabian Asiatics , and inhabitants of ci rtain po : lions of Africa. Komarkablo events < scenes in the history of these poop were enosen for illustrations , and th wealth of the royal treasury was draw upon to provide the most costly co tumos and appointments for the pagean The first scene presented Nimrod , U mighty hunter against the Lord. No : appeared the astrological Ttmplo i Ashur , dedicated to thn uses of astroni my and divination. Queen Semiram folio wed , with her suite. Ninyas , t't Oriental voluptuary , surrounded by h harem of beautiful women , camo. Tl burning of Sardan Apalus in his palac with his drunken lords and wanton boai ties , made a fine scone. Nebuchadne/zor in his slory , ordorin the adoration of his golden I'mnge , an the great , king oitin gems with tl beasts of the 'full in his humiliatioi mailo three line ttbleuiiT , The fall of Biliylnn , the swallowing u of the hohts of Pliaroiih in the lied so ; Samson overthrowing the palnco of h I'hiliatinci masters , King David recoivin tribute from the vas l nations , Suli moil's grand teinplo. the Phoenician on onlsts in England , Hannibal crossing th Alps with his army nnd elephants , H Fire Worshipers , Mahomet nnd his fu lowers , the Caliph Horoun Al Haolnd . - Bagdad , the Arabs in Spam and the pa udido of Mahomet made up the great i lustrations of tlio Semitic races. THE IIKIUB OF HEX. The gentle and lovely young girl whoi Ilex had chosen for his queen was Mi : Annie Howard , daughter of Mr. Charh T. Howard , the Louisiana lottery kinj The young queen's manner was very gn cious and dignified , and charmed all b < holders. The cos tumo worn by the quec was exceedingly rich and beautiful , bi of n magnificence not inappropriate I the youthfulness of the wearer. Tli dress was made of white duchess sat ! with a rounded train of not oxtravngat length. Into the center of the train wn set a largo fan pleating of white satii The train WAS finiaho'l around the cdj ; with Natalie ruching of heavy white gri grain silk pink d out at the od oi The flido breadths of the skirt wei made in lengthwise plaitings < the Matin , finished at the bo tota of the eUrt in a narrow rufllini The front of the ekirt was covered wit deep llouncus of uat'n ' , over which wet laid llounocs of exquisite hund-nmdu lac < richly and elaborately embroidered i gold thread. The "Nttaha" cowage wii square in the nock , short of sleeve , tin richly trimmed in fichu shape , with gel embroidered laco. A ruff of white salii lined with point d'Alencon , was faatono upon the nock , and reached to the poir of the corsaj-o in front. Over this nu dress of yellow gold and white satin w i worn a court train , or court mantle , white bronido , the wide lips -f the lill in the design being outlined wit gold threads. This mantle wi hnod with matalos satin m oriouti designs , and silver white and pal rose in color. This court train was fm enod in W < tttoau plaiU upon the uhou dera wuh ht-avy gold cordu and tassel A heavy cord with tassels was also tie Btoranchor.fftshion ncross ho front of tl dress. The corset ( rain , which vri rounded , was of sufficient loitcth to t just _ within the creamy shell of tl ruching on the satin sVirt. This trail which w a edged with n gold cord , had fan of white satin inserted in the middl the fan being laced with ilno gold cord The young queen \voro a crown upon hi brows nnd the necklace of black pen shaped pearls , diamonds , rubies ni : omoralds.jt j ) 1I110I.I , FA111IIITIO.SS. Scarcely hnd this vision of remain passed out of sight ulien the order i the Mystic Merry Belliona prcscnti Vanity Fair , n dream of fair and unfn women , in sixteen humorous tableau : They uero gotten tip with much art , an besides being beautiful wt > ro very fnnn ; Women in nil sorts nnd styles of co tumo , nnd no costume , were presented nnd the wit and Barcnsm expressed woi hailed with plaudit * . The Phunny Phorty Phollows proseni cd a charactoriatical funny set of illustri tions. Ono of the most striking scene was the national colors composed of a army of boys nttirod ns girls nnd niarol iiiK in alternate columns , ono d re sac wholly in red nnd the other in whit with n group in blue. There were 15 mnko-boliovo girls altogether , nnd one girl cirried n uarnsol of her specific hue This _ wft3 intended to impersonate a American flag Next ct mo the possession of Wrocl > and llidiculous , burlesques on the grcii Rex , with n long train of funny tableau travestying n variety of popular oxtravn nances. It was about 5 o'clock who this procession got out ot the way for th grand pageant of the Mistick Krowo c Comua. T11K NKillT IIISI'LAY. About 8 o'clock in the evening th streets were again filled with people an the great thoroughfares blazed with n the brilliance that numerous oloctri lights and gas jots innumerable could in part , while n vision was presented of m ciont Ireland , exhibited on twoiity-on cars and presenting vivid and bonutifi scones from the history of Ancient Erii The details arc beyond { numeration , bt the ensemble was magnificent. After tli processions had loft the struct the gran ball of Ilex , nt Artillery hall , was th Mecca of every pilgrim fortunate onoug ! to possess the requisite bit of gik cd pasteboard. Tno vast hall , ; > 0 foot deep and 120 feet wide , and wa soon filled with guests , wiio numbcro thousands. The throne-room at the fui ther end was fitted up to represent ix sy , von glade. Its flowers and shrubs wor nature's own products , arranged withnrl istic skill and luminous with the glow c incandrtscont electric lamps. H-ro BH the royal pair holding their court. I the great hall the decorations were vor fine. Over the musicians' gallery hung n immense shield of Cincinnatus made i white , and with a plow picked out i blue upon a satin ground. Hugo basket of flowers , full twelve feet in circumfui once , swung from the ceiling at each en of the ball room. From those dopende hundreds of green and yellow ribbon gathered into a glittering ball of colore glass. There were llowors every whoi in the room , and the richness nnd beau I of the decorations excited universal IK miration from the thousands present. Opinion of Dr. Motr , luito Go\cn incut. GlicmiM , on Alloock'a Por- oiih Piaster. My investigation of ALLCOCK'.H Ponoi PLASTER shows it to contain valuab and essential ingredients not present i any other Plaster. These ingredien are so perfectly proportioned that tl ALLOOCK'S Pouous PLANTER will m cause Jilistera or Excessive Trritatloi and I find it miporior to and moro cQicioi than any other Plaster. HENRY A. MOTT , Ju. , Ph. D , F. C. S Professor ot ChouiUtrv , N. Y. Mecl. College , etc , Do not waste your money buying i : forior articles. Toll your Druggist yc want ALLCOCK'S POKOUS Pi.bTEiw , aide do not take others made to sell on the r putation uf the genuine article. AUIXONA Tlio Uanncr Mormon Connly nf tl Torrltoryttio Sconoof Constant Turmoil. Special to the Denver Tribune. ALitUQOKUyuE , February 23. A pi vato dispatch trom Apnchu county , Ai zona , has this to say of that country : Tl condition nf n flairs generally in Apacl county is anything but screno. Cot boys and renegade Mexicans. Merinos and fiijntil'js combine to make local i , fuirn a seething cauldron , in which in lignant hatred , bigoted i nor/incu / and u tuuraiic law-lct-sueM o\erpowor t ! better inlluunco ut vork in the commu ity. D.iruig the lat tiiriu of court i tonao teelintr > Mis occjuionud by the tri and virtual uiXUtttaU { by u Mormon jur of ono of the Greur brothers , on ii charge , f assault with intuit to kill Mexican , although all the cirimmstunc in the case went to prcovo concluHivoly mont cowardly attempt at agMsinatio ImiuedinU'ly before ttio trial , with a VK to intiinUlatint ; thu to n , iv party cowboyi rode through the strcc emptying their revolvers right nnd h and howling like demons. During tl tiring Chief Justice French was on tl street , and narrowly escaped being ki od , two bullota , evidently from the sail pistol , passing within a few inches of 1 ; breast and burying themselves in tl fence against which ho was sUndin This is the county where the Mormo have thickly settled , nnd of which fc John's is the capital. HAKThEV OAUPUHblVH KAU JNGH. How Ho Will Miiko $50,000 Out of t Piny. The Now York Mail says : Bartli Campbell has often been called n yirat by lens successful dramatic authors. Bi poor John Braugham envied him becaui of that length of neck wherewith natui had endowed him , rendering the elm actonstio reason that Campbell must 1 able to on joy ono glais of whisky twii us lonu as ho could. Mr , Campbell hi long hair , which ho pushes back fie his forehead as ho talks , nnd throuv which ho runs his fingers in a caressir fashion. Efo has a place on Statcn Islam but during the preparations for the iin duction of "Separation" ho has bet stopping at the Morton house. ' 'Uf course , J am very much gratific with this success , " said ho. "The moi so as this vtry work was rejected by M i'almer and by Mr. Wallack for produ turn at their theater * . After some otlu uiUmpts to place it , J put it away an Hindu no further attempt to bring it fo ward until I submitted it to Hhook Collier this winter. I shall pnrUko i the success of 'Separation' as I have < all my other plays. I hnvo not lold 01 tOfShook it Collier. The piny is sti mine. It is by retaining the ownonhi to his plays and by putting companies o the road to interpret them , or by holdin an interest when other people's compi nios interpret them , that the dramnti1 properly secures the result of his labori llcro is the point of what I say. " And Mr. Cnmpboll took n small mom orniidum book from his pocket nnd ihov cd whcro his own company in "Sibi-rin hnd played in different parts of the com try during the last few monllu tooo 1 receipts \nrying from 84,000 to S8,00 ( representing n profit that ranged froi $1,000 to SJl.OOO each week. 'This , it : manifest , indicates the profita of the sc : son of thirty weeks on this piny to bo IK less than 850,000 , n sum five timrs urea * or than Messrs , Colvillo or Brooks < Dickson nro in the habit of paying fi pronounced Engliah succcssrs , nnd tU times greater than the Mallorys of Mnd soil Sqimro piid Marsdon for the pin which they have hnd so long in their po session nnd have not produced. A DUIOADKUIi DIIIVK. Tlio IC\iiorlcnco of n Judge in tli Itucont Colorado Ull/rnril. Kew . "Thntrns n little the toughest ridn svor had , " said Judge John Coulter to tfows reporter last ovoning. The judge had jint returned from n extended trip through thu northwester : ountics on a tour of inspection. II iad viewed the rich and foitile valleys t the section when bird nnd boast cnjoyc : ho balmy air and succulent grasses. 11 md cattle ranging There , and wanted t know how they were getting along , nn also to become personally familiar wit kho climnto when the mountain pcnk were capped with snowy raiment. Hi curiosity has been satisfied. Likewip that of his son H. T. Coulter , nnd Fran L. Peck , clerk of Clear Crook count ] They were companions nnd in quest c the same object , that of discovering th nature of the weather in lloutt count ] They found it , and told about it in tli Elotol Brunswick. "Yes , it was grotty tough , and it cam pretty near proving a climax to all futu * operations in cattle , so far as three of n were concerned. Wo loft Dunvor abet .ho first of the month and went to Kin ins by rail. Wo didn't takn much exit clothing with us. It wasn't very col when wo left Hawlins , and got along vor jomfortably , stopping over night nt Ire Springs. The next day we nUrted on' ' leaded for Dixon and other points wcs Wnon wo pot to Steamboat Springs w were joined by James II , Colthrop. W iad a double seated sluigh , and it slippo over the two or three inches of sno with nn ease and lightness that w : cheering and invigorating. The sk was clear nnd the atmosphere wns o : coedinply pleasant. Up to 11 o'clock di this enjo > nblo nnd dcsirnblo weather las This was last M indai . At that hour thor'o wns a change. Imvo heard of changes , nnd suddc changes , but the change that struck i while on those sand hills was the moi extensive change in the sanm length i time that over came under my observe turn. The weather became frigidly coh and the snow came in such volume th : it was at times impossible to BOO tt honsoa. Then it began drifting friihtfu ; ly , until progress was almost nnpossibl Suddenly it dawned upon us that wo we ; lost , and tuining the heads of the horsi attempted to retrace our stops. But tin proved futile , for the snow had tilled i and obliterated every vestige of n tracl Wo gave up. Just then Billy Adair , tl mail carrier , came aloii ) ' , and when 1 said he could got through , wo turned fli horses heads nnd followed him. "Soon after Adair announced that 1 was lost. Then wo know that it was : aso of life and death , with the chanci n favor of thu latter , if the blizzard ke ; ip its lick. As wo were not propan 'or such nn oxpresbion on the part of tl weather itcaught us with but little whor with to keep warm. The outlook was i : dpcd a very discouraging one , and niht came upon us the wind increased velocity and howled and moaned as navor did before , and the party on top the sand hills with no hope for relief. "Wo had stopped nnd hold consult tion as to what had bolter bo done in ti promises As there was but one cour to pursue wo concluded to pursun th course , and that was to make a sort protector from the wind of the boxes the sleighs , wrap ourselves up in the tt blankets _ tlmt wo had , nnd run o chances , if necessary , of perishing ai forming food for thu vile coyoto. So \ fixed up the best wo could under tlio ci cumstaiices. But , to bo honest about : I yeurned for the cheerful grate of n tioniH in Georgetown. "Our chances looked very dubiou Tim p rty began scratching about in t ! BIH w nnd finally succeeded in gottii togetli-r enough sprigs of sago brush niaku an iix"uao for a fire. And as i hovered iirnnnd it and endeavored keep wiinn , J ih'.iijj'it it compared favc ably with 'Iin < ' of the illustlio Col. SelluiVt K -p. the fire warm , b bless me if the lav utpt us warm. T snow was oveiywh < re. As it covered it molted , nnd eru long our clothing w fro/en fatilF. Tlnifc | MB8ed the night awa No ono olept , and u the morning dawn the storm scorned to have increased fury. fury.4Iopo had almost loft us. There w no indication of any abatement , and o fata seemed sealed. But wo hold a co saltation of war and determined to nga battle with the drifts and the raging el monts. Attaching the horses to tl sleighs wo started out , the men flounde inj ; ahead in drifts three to nix foot doe It nearly exhausted us , and the ho re were completely fagged. Soon after no < the storm began to abate , the sky becav clear , but the wind kept up and the c became intense. I shall always belie that had we a thermometer with us would have registered 40" below , Y ( can not imagine our condition. 0 clothing frozen stiff aa boards and flou dering through mountains of snow make u paasago for the horses and sleigh "Soon nfter the breaking awuy of t ! clouds wo heralded with delight ti c own of Sugar mountain , nnd Adaii O'juntmifinco beamed with delight. The was nothing of special importonanco cauao the hilarity on his part further tin that a short distance down the draw w the remains of an old stable. There tl party would , in a measure , be secu from the biting , bitter blasts. About B miles of enow drifts were to bo overcom however , and it was dark when \ reached the remnants of a once tolorab fair stable. Hero wo ataid all night wit out fire or food , none of us daring to i asleep for fear of changing climates. "It wns ton mileu to Pixon , whore i know wo could eocuro shelter , food ni warmth , and pulled out at early da break. But it took nerve to face tl winds that whistled about the inountal | and wo feared und were prepared for tl worst. Frequently ono of the par would nnnouuco after riding a short d tanco that ho felt comfortable , but wo i knew the cause of it , and would busl him out ot the sleigh nnd pound hlmnn make him walk until ho warmed himso thoroughly. ) "Whon wo ronohnd Dixon it WM ncni ly midnight , nnd , nftor getting into tli hotel , mndu n personal examination c ourselves. So far na I wns concerned , WAB not badly damaged , Both ears wet fruron. nnd my toes were slightly bittui The otnco-drivor's feet were Bomowhr chilled. Both of Peck's feet were fro/ot nnd his fingers were in the name corn ! tion. My son's feet were frozen , and hi earn ditto , nnd his ears nnd cheeks Hk rockn. "When wo had become partial ! wnrmi d ngain wo figured that wo ha ji-cn for thirty-six hours witni food an about thirty hours btttlmg with ono t the wiiMt tnow-storms that over awe | over that region , Old sottlora nt Dixo mid it had never boon equaloil , an looked upon our deliverance as n spocir net of Providence. Our return wns mad much easier , ns the weather WAS modi rnto , nnd , although wo were compollc lo break a path the grcntor portion t the distance for our horses , got nlon comfortably well. "At Stoiunbont Springs wo Icnrnrdthr Ron Shedden , better known ns 'Boston liad froron both foot while carrying tli mail from Iron Springs to Dixon , nn would bo compelled to have them nmpu Inted. Ho K' > t lost nnd was out four dn > nnd three nights. "Tho experiences the party hud wit .ho storm king will always remain fres uul vigorous in our memories. Ilowlin winds , drifting snows nnd n cheorlci jlank of plain will loom up in our shin jors for many nights. " "Did you see the country ? " queried tli repoiter. "See the country ? Well , 1 should sa wo did. Wo saw moro country in th lame epnco of time than wo could pass ily have soon at nny other time of th , 'uar. And it is a great place for cnt tlo. " Bishop 1'icrco'n GoldiMi "VV Bishop Pierce , of Georgia , writes a follows to n religious paper in the soutli The "golden wedding" hai como MM ; ono. _ It wns n joyful occasion ration ul , religious , Cnristian in its coromonie and its impressions. It wns indeed 'amily reunion , nnd the number proseii ranks mo among the patriarchs , or n east head of the tribo. Wo had man { rootings nnd congratulations froi Honda far nnd near present nnd absen letters filled with good wishes nn Christian sentiments , from Connection : o Colorado. My daily coraospondonco I count the : ho hardest work t do. The late nvn lanoho of epistles I hnvo conoludod t answer through the prose. A month writing would not sullico if I were ti tnko them ono by ono. The notabl jvont has quickened the poetic vein , toi like the breath of spring , nnd charinin verses hove poured in upon us fro ) north nnd south. My musu has folde her wings long since and rest * voicolei in her retreat. She cannot respond t her moro youthful mates. I am shut u tu silence or to print. It is duo to nay that in my letter nt nouncing days of biith nnd marriage ouly pioposod to gratify friends , who di mnndod it of mo. My suggestion t Florida , Virginia nnd Ooorgin , as to tl oranges , oysters nnd cigars was n moi piece of pleas iiitry , which I thougl everybody would understand. Yet , I bo candid , I thought wine of these migl como. Beyond this I had no expect tions. 1 neither asked nor hinted. Bi numerous friends had other thought They have aent us oranges , oysters , ci ars , presents useful and ornamental , an monoy. The last perhaps the most in poi taut , because 1 notded it. This no inn know und never would , unices they lia nsked mo the question direct. I u sometimes empty-handed , and when bn supplied have never seen the day when could not have used profitably and rolhj ounly moro than I had. The gifts whit came in have been received with unu loyed gratification. I , wo , nccopt the thankfully , and prize thorn not only fi their intrinsic value , but as exprossioi of love and good will. Friendship , that ( Jed , is jiot all a name , the poet to tl contrary notwithstanding. Wo hm many friends , nnd hnvo hnd nil nlon who nro faithful nnd true. In nny ox goncy , if need bo , I would no to the for help with ns much confidence as childhood I wont to my parents. I have given n long life and hard lab to the church nnd my nntivo state , ni to them I devote the remainder of n days. I have simply tried to do n duty. I claim nothing , deserve nuthin and fool amply remunerated in the r spoct , confidence and love of my bret ron and fellow citirons. In thin resprc ai the late event developed , I am rich than I know. My interest in the kit wishes of the good nnd the prayers of tl faithful is nn investment from which shnll draw daily consolation. Now , to gratify curiosity in part ui to forestall rumors , lot mo say that cannot state precisely the value of thin ; received , and would not if I could , bi will ndd that wo have been very plea nntly hnlpod , though not largely ondoi od. To all concerned , witli no co plaint and thousand thanks nnd prnyc for nil , yours truly , O. F. PIIMCK. Nebraska Comic -AND- UANUPAOTlJUKIta OP GALVANIZED IRON CORNICE ! X3c.x-Md.or fATlxLcloxxcT-iM , FIN1ALS , WINDOW CAPS , TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOFM PATENT MKTAUO 8KYUQUT , Iron Fencing CroBtlmri , Ualurtradoi , VeranJis , Offlco anil Ul lulling , Window and ColltrOuardi , Eto. Wl. 0. ANOetu 8T11KB' , LINCOLN NEII , "MHKIl. lUnwtr , RED STAR LIN1 Bojul nnd U B. Mall Htoainei BAILING EVERY SATURDAY , NEW YORK AND ANTWERF Tt eKMnn < rin.tny , Idly , JMlatul ami t'ran Kt r oOutwarJ , W ; l'ro | > oJJ from Antwerp , 12 Exciirnlon , $10 , liicliulluKlf < l Jlnir.vtc , 1 1 Cabin , $5 l-.x uralou , SflOO ; Saloojroa > < iOto < 90 ; Utouuli (110 t 10u. jHJ I'ctcr AVrlglit & Bom , Otii. Ageutf. K llioa wny N. V. , Hamilton t O. , Omaha , I' , f. . Din man Oo , iu N. loth Htruot , Unutha ; U. K. Kli ball , DUFRENE f MEftVEL&OHtf , ARCHITECTS TUTTS PILLS TORPID BOWELS , DISORDERED LIVER and MALARIA. From tliuso pnurcca nrlso Uiico lourllia i > Pin ilhonsrn of Ilia luiinnu nice. Ih03 < fvtni > iom9lmlicntoUiolroxinciicoI : > * ao Amtctllr , ItnttrU uontlvo , Sink Ilcei : itrhr. fill tun * nflcrcntlnir , mcrnlou ti txeitlim f boil ) * or iitlinl , Jlmrtntlni uf fnml , Irrllnblllty of tcmprr , l.ov ' " , A frrlliiK oriiatltij } ntKltrte ; Anmntltity , JUizliiciial'liitcrlnKnttfv Hcnrt.1 > nt ( lit torn tlineyrmlilclily < inl ore a Urine , t ONRTIPATIO.V ? nml lU tnnml tlio Mso of nroiiietlythfit nets illrrfttii ontlto I.Ivor. AaaLlvorinoiUolnoTUTT'J I'll , ! . ? ) liavotroonnul. Tholr notion on tli KUIiipynnnil Skirt lanlno prompt ; Tomovhij nil linpuiUlofl UiroiiKti tlicootliroo" cn' * tntf vg or the lyatem , " proiltlClllB tfnrf tltuiiioiiml illjrMllmi , trRiilnr ntooln , n DIM TtTTT'H 1'IK.Y.i oniiflo no n.iimca or | rlptng not lnlorfcr with dully work anil nro n perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA boldovcrywlKTf.Uftc. OlllcHMiirr TBt..N.Y OIUT IlAin ou WIIISKVIW simtiRon in Hnntly to n. ULOSBY HLACIC byanliiRlu nr plication of tills Hns. fl 'lil UV nmctrlsU or Bout bv xin 011 ou receipt of ) Onicn , 4 4 Jliirmy Stront , Nn w Tt orv. 'UTTJWAHUAL nFUREFULBIRHPTR FP "Will Uio oomlnnr man nmoko I" ik t- UM by Prof , link lit 111" channlniT 1'iuu. phlct Iloiajrmcinxnc-r.UiaUho rational way to Ufo tobacco In through tlio pliw. All Bgrco that only tlio boat tobacco ulioulil bo turd.Uldi U Uio beta That to which Nature hM contributed Uio wool tiuUito flavor * . Ulickwdl'ii Hull Durham Hmoklnic Tobacco mid Uio bill completely. Nearly two third * of all tlio tobacco RTOWII on Uio del Jen Tobacco bolt of North Carolina lina KOM Into Uio manufactory of Illicit , well , at Durham. They buy Uio rick of Uio cutlm icctloii. Hence Ulackwcll'i Hull Durham Bmoklnir Tobacco U tlio l * t Of that tobacco. Dou't lMul < wl\cdvrhouyoubiiy. The Durham lluU trade , mark bj on OMT > * frenuluo A'JW pll'n Ornulno Hnll Durham U the dioloo of all Jinlpiu ot HmoXuiK lobacco. ALOXO TIir.UNEOF TUB ) Chicago , Si. . Paul , Minneapolis an OMAHA RAILWAY. The nfx extension of thla line from Waktflclil ti the BEAUTIFUL VALLEY of the GA ] through Concord and UolcrlilRO Itoarhcn t * best i nrtion of the Htatc. Special o curslnn ra nn for land nvikcru over thin Una I \ ViMiNoifolk nnd IlartlnKton , ami > ta lllalr to prlnjpikl po'iiti ' on the SIOUX OLTY it PAOIFIO RAILROAl Trilns mer tilt 0 . ht P. M. k O. Halluay to On Incton , Sioux Lltj , I'onca , HartlnKtouWno ai Norfolk , OonxJuoot rvt For Fremont , Oakdalo , Ncll b , nnd through to Yi intlne. fiTPur rato-t ami all Inf innntlon r tll on V 11 SVimNI'.V , Uonoral A frsnulldltK , Vor , 10th and rurimni KH , . . . Ko CAII naeecurixl at ucpot , totncr 111 IMPROVED COFV ELASTIC SECTIOf Iji wnmiiitcd to * cir lonijcr , Inn form ncflter , nnd frlvu bill 'fatlsfactluu ' than nnyotliHrCon In the niurkct , or vrk-u paid LU rtiiuimtd. TltolniloraLraiittii CJhlcArru'ii tint rihyBlciaim , Aittt icliCnn.ct. ; I'rliii , ilrtt Nulrru Jnin , Taelo ld , 01 ' .a A > lc vouriiiircii.iitfurtlipiii. , JOHI'.I'II A CO. , iuai lunii.'iU a ill j lUiidultili St. , CMcazo. JOHN if T ? 3E3 WITH 0 And your work is done for all tin to time to como. WE CHALLENGE The Worlt to prod u co R moro durable matorii for Htreet p iviimnnt than the Sioux Falls Grimite. OIRIDEIB'S ' | FOHANY AMOUNT on- -ORr- MACADAM filled promptly. Samples sent on estimates given upon application , WM.MoBAIN & CO. , Sioux Falls , Dakota. S , W , Cor , 15tli and Douglas , OfTer for Bale the most dc.sirablc ots on the market , and can prove t. Our list embraces property in all quaiters of the part * of the city proper , as well as ivl I additions. WHY PAY RENT ? Wo will build you , n house chenpor hnn .A ou can huy tlo mnterial and contract for the labor , nnd sell house iml lob on No more Ui an equnl lo rent. DON'T ' Prices are steadily advancing , and i small payment will secure a bar gain. AcreB Lands throughout the State. H , E , BUEKET , FUHERftL OllltCTOR AHD EMBALMER , 111 XortbiOth Street A. P. GROSS & CO. . nQ.n Utf 0 ilINCT WOHKS , SUCH AS COUNTERS , BARS , TOE BOXES , LIBRARIES , and ull Minis of olllco u.irk a up. clilt > . Cull or ad. ilrosi 1801 Jackson fit. Omaha Neb. I MCCARTHY & BURKE , I UH J4TH STREET. BET. FARNAM i ] wn Tin 1 Pioneer Drug Store ! H. E. COR. WTII AND 30X1X3 BW. DR. F. S. LEWIS , - Prop'r , AQKNT FOR Ohio Oil Co. ' Weat Viroinia , Cylinder aud other Oils , coualantly on Imnil. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Tlia annuil meetlni ; ot the itrclibalderit of the lltu I'l'BLisinsuCdKI'WV will bo hi Id at the public * * tlou iittlco on Moiidai , Much lid , 1831 , at 1:3(1 p , m v lor thu ilcctl > n uf offlcon and tn transaction ot such othoi bualnoig aa roiy coma Lelore It , fob 10-lCt E. HOdEWATBIl , rreildont. E , VOLKMEYER , THE PIONEER MEAT DEALER OV OlIAIIA. Ill ) many frlendi are tnvitai to call at hU new eut market , 013 Oumlnfr St. . where thov will flnd. f > l iore , all t' , choice cuu n Beef , Uuttou and IK nt owoftD > * rkt oil u. CANNON JONES & 00. OFFICE W KIlKNZCa BLOCK , OPP. P. O. Kent liouao * , also lurnUhed or unfurnished rooffi.1 Jbtalu boar Jin and turuiuh first clau Uoinmtlca. 'tji'.t pr wind for II kinda of rterVAiiW. NEBRASKA LAND AGENCY 0. F. DAVIS & CO. , ( SUOOK880R3 TO DAVIS * BOTDXB.I | 0 D ral Detl n lo REALESTATE ESTATE OVABJu aondon , and Butler Ccunuo * . Ta paid lo all parti ottt SUt Money loaned on improved tarau , Notanr PublicAl rt ta Utpa ,