Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 29, 1884, Page 3, Image 3

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Council Bluffs Loan and1
Trust Company.
first Mortgtgo Lo n < NcRotlntcd. Oomractclnl
riper and til Mood Securities dc U In. 89 Pearl
Itrect , and 600 First aicnuc , Council DhilTs.
NEW YORK. February 28.
Money Kasy at 1J@2 per cent ; cloyed ,
offered nt 2 per cent ,
Prlmo Paper lfit > \ per cont.
Exchange 13111s Firm atI Si ! ' , ' ; demand ,
J 30J.
( tovcrnments Steady ,
.Stocks The stock mnrkot was woik aud
lower. The result of the day's trailing wan a
decline on the wlmlo list of active stoks , the
largest losses being Northwestern preferred
Jjt , Burlln < ton 21 , Central Pacific 1 , Lacka-
wauua 2j , Illinois Central 1J , MUiotirl Pacific
11 , North wcstarn common 1J , Northern Pa
cific 11 , Kock Island 1 , St. Paul 2 , Omaha
preferred lg , Union Pacific 2 , Western
Union 1J.
3' _ _
4Vs Coupons ill
< 4 m + nn
* ' ' ' * ' ' ' ' ' '
Pacido V i Vf 'oV.V.V..V. . \ . . . . . . I' ! .
Amorluau Express
Burl. , GmUr Uaplda & Northern. . . .
Central Pacific
Chicago & Alton
do do pfd
ChL , Burl. & Quincy
do pfd
Fort Wayne k Chicago
Hannibal & St. Joseph
do do do pfd
Illinois Central
Ind. , Bloom. & Western
Kansas k Texan
Lake Shore & Michigan So
Michigan Central
Minneapolis k St. Louts. . . . . . . . . . .
do do do pfd
Missouri Pacific
Northern Pacific
do do pfd
do pfd
New York Central
Onlo & Mississippi
do do pfd
Pcorla. Dooatur & Evanavillo
Kock Inland.
St. Paul & Milwaukee
do do do pfd
St. Paul Minn. & Manitoba
St. Paulfc Omaha
do do pfd
Texas Pacific
Union Pacific
"W abash , St. L. & Pacific
do do do pfd
Western Uiiiou Telegvapn
* Askod.
CHICAGO , February 28.Flour Steady and
unchanged ; good to choice winter flour ,
5 00@5 85 ; spring 00@4 50 ; Minnesota ba
ker's. 4 oO@5 'la.
Wheat UoRiiUr , easier but comowhat un-
settl.ed ; opened firm , advanced 4@4c , declined
lie , and closed lo lower than yesterday ; 91J@
.lljc for cash ; Olgo for Fobruarv : 92Je for
April ; 972@97ic for May : for Juno ;
winter wheat , 1 01(5)1 ( ) Of , according to loca
tion ; spri s 92Jffi93c.
Corn Open-d easier ; declined ic.and finally
closed 3c lowir thin yestenUy ; Bi.if53Jc for
cash ; G'Jjc for February ; 5tc : for April ; 57 § @
C7i'c for Mav ; rejected , 4'ic.
Oats Dull ; somn options a shade lower ;
Xa \ for ca'h ; Sic for February and Match ;
5lc for May ; 3nc for the year.
llyo Firm at 58Jc.
Barley Quiet at G3c.
Flax need I 54 on track.
Timothy Prime , 1 30 ® I 32 ; choice. 1 38.
Moss Pork -Moderately active and irregu
lar ; opened 121 l5o lower , advanced lfi(5)20c. ( )
toward the clostj receded 10@l5c , and closed
steady ; 17 7o17 SO for cash : 17 77i17 80
for March ; 17 97J@18 00 for May.
Lard Kasy and irri' ; declined 10@
12 0 , nnd closed steady : 9 40'S9 42. ' . cash.Fob-
ruary and March : 9 G0@9 G2J for 5fav.
Bulk Meats Quiet ; shoulders , 7 30 ; short
ribs. 915 ; short clear , 9 GO.
Whisky-Steady at 1 17.
Butter Choice creamery , 2S@31c ; choice to
fancy diarins , 19ol2'Jc.
Chiwo Choica cream cheddars , 14c ; choice
cream II Us. 14fcl4J. (
Hides Green nalt cured bull and damaged ,
GJc ; green calf , 12@l2ic.
Tallow Stnidy an J unchanged ; No.l coun
try , 7c ; cake , 71c.
CALL HoAnu. Wheat March , April and
June , ic lower. Sulos , 1,020 000 bu.
Corn February $ c lower , March and Juno
ic lower. Sales , 3 5,000 bu.
Oats March 40 lower , April and May Jo
lower. Sub ) 3i)5,000 ) bu.
Pork Mirch May nnd Juno 5o lower.
Sales , 10,000 btO.
Lard Miruh Go lower , May 2.Jo lower.
Sales , 11,750 tierces.
KANSAS CITY. February 28. WTieat
Marketiiiiot [ at 84c bid for cash ; SI to for
March ; tH'.e aaktd for May.
C . .rnM irknt lower at 40jo for cash ; 4Cjjc
for Fobnnirv ; 4lg@ll u for May.
O.xts Dull nnd nominal at 291 j bid.
LIVKHPOOD. February 2S. Wboat Dull
winter , 8s 2d8s 5 < 1 ; RiiriK , 7n lOd@Ss 2d
Corn Dull ; now , 5 IJd ; old , Ta.
B&LTlilonc , February 28 Wheat Kasior ,
Is'o. 2 winter cash , 1 II83'S)1 ) 09
Corn Sto.idy and dull : mixed , cash and
April , O > . - bid.
Oats Kwy and quiet ; whlto , 41@loe.
Rye-Quift at G7 < &li'Jc.
KUKJ Ivusler at 18l9c.
NEW Yonc. February 28. Wheat Cwb
i'oJio dull iiud lower ; options decline 1 } @ ; jc at
tlin opening , closing weaker , and 3lo under
the figures 'f ' veUeiiUy : ungntdou red , tilc
115 No. 3 red , 1 03@1 03f ; No. 2 rod , 1074
( § 1 13J.
Corn Cash JO Jo highnr ; options g@c |
lower cloning weak ; unar.idod , 5FG.c ( ! ; No ,
2 , Gil'aGr.c.
O ta Firm ; mixed western , -ll@42c ;
white , 43@47c.
Port Duil anil weak ; now mess , 17 75 ®
1800 ,
Lard Weak ; prime Blown , 9 75.
Putter Firm and fairly active In choice
grades at 9fc3GJc ,
Kggu Western fresh , demand fair and
market firm ut 22c.
1'xoitiA rnonucB.
PKOIIIA , Fooruary 2rl. Corn Steady ; now
mixed , 4 ( ! < ; new rejected , 43i@44e.
Onta-Stoady ! No. 2 white4
Rye Stwady ; 58@58lc.
Whisky Firm at SI 17.
ST. Lonifl , February 2S. Flour Un-
Wheat Opened better , declined and ruled
slow and weak ; No. 2 rod , 1 09 o 1 09J , for
cash , 1 liroil 11 } closing ; 1 109 for May ,
1 09J@1 09i closing : 1 09i for Juno.
Corn Lower and inactive ; No , 2 mixed ,
i (2 ( l9o for cash ; 51ga fiu May ; 5.'go for
Juno , v
O its Slow ; 31J@3IJo for cash ; 3CSOio (
for May.
Hy Nominal.
Barley Dull aud unchanged.
Butter Steudj ; creamery , 30@3lc ; dairy ,
_ '
Higher ; 19JSi2no. (
Flux Sued -Lnwer ; 1 48 ,
Whl kv- Steady ; ! 10
OJ-OSINO Bo.Mii > . Wheat Ivasler at 1 10J
for Muy ; 1 U J for Junn.
Corn 1 uwar at6l4@51go for May ,
OaU Nothing done.
WLtlM , ,
TOLEDO , February Jy. Whnat- Quiet and
weak ; No. 2 red cmh , I 00@1 05.
Corn Dull ; high mixed , 05c ; No. 2 cash ,
Oats -Quiet nnd firm ; No. 'J cosh aud <
February , 37c. 1
Vobruary 28. WJifiat Goo < l I
] demand nnd firm ; N , 2 , 1 OCffil 07.
Corn- Scarce and firm ; irhod , f Oc.
Date Strongs No. 2 mixed. sS8o.
llyo - Firmer ; No. 2 , ( VVly > 8o.
Pork D'lll ; mess , 1H 00.
Lard Hosier ; prlmo sloam , 9 S0fi > 9 ! Vi.
Bulk. Meats-KaMor.
Whisky-Steady at 1 15.
NBW OnWANa. February 28 Corn ( Jood
demand and higher ; white , C > 3c ! yellow , two.
Oats - ( Julot and cantor at I < < ( al7u. )
Corn Monl Unchanged nt 3 10@S 15.
Pork In good demand and hlghor at IS 50
@ 18 ( .J.
J.MII Unchanged : tlorco refined , 0 87 ; keg ,
Bulk Mont In Rood demand ,
Wlsl kr Unchanged at 1 1(5. (
MtLWAnKKic.Fcbruary 28Whnat Stoadv ;
No. 2 , 9''io for February nnd March ; lllo for
CITII Quiet and unchanged ; No. l ! , 5lc.
Oats Scarce anil firm ; No. 2 , S2c.
Kyo Lower at fiOo.
Barley Dull and Inwuri No. 2. COJc.
MVl'J sXOOlt.
OiitcAtio Febnmry 21. The Drovon * Joui-
n l roixirts th ! uturnoon us follows :
Ki.Ks-Wonk and 10Hl ( ) ! > c lower ; 'omand
falrrou ; ' packing. 0 .Virtiti 80 ; parking nnd
shipping. ( 80@7 25 ; light , G 00@G 75 ; sklx-4 | ,
4 00@G 00.
Cattle Strong and lOo higher ; export ,
! 40@ " 00 ; good to choice nhinping. 5 83(3)
! 30 ; common to medium , 5 10@5 75 ; Inferior
0 fair cows. 2 504 00 : modiuni to good 4 10
@ 485 ; stockora , 3 60 ® I 90 ; feeders , 500 ©
1 10.
Shoei | Steady and nctivo ; Inferior to fair.
150@4 BU per owt. ; medium to good , 450 ®
5 50 ; choice to extra , G 50@0 2.1.
KANSAS CiTr , February 28. The Daily In.
dicator ropoits :
Cattle Market stovly ; natives , G20I5) )
G 45 ; stocker * nud feeders , 4 ( > 5 )5l ) 0 ; cows ,
Hogs-0 2. > @ 7 00 ,
Sheep- Steady ; natives,4 00@4 t0. !
ST. Louis , February 28. C.\ttlo Matkot
nctivo and linn : exportG 507 00 ; good
to choice , G 80@G 40 ; common to medium ,
5 OD rj 75 ; corn fed Texans , 5 01 ® . " . 7" .
Sheep Common to modiimi , 3 5' ' ) ® 150 ;
Bood to choice , 4 75@5 75 ; fant-y , tt U0@ G 25 ;
Texans , 300 350.
Hogs -Dull and lower ; light G 40@G ( ! 0 :
packing , G 40@G 70 , butchers'to extra , G 9l > @
rtoon AND ORAIN.
CHIOAOO , February 28. Uocoipts and ahlp-
monts of flour and grain for the past 24 hours
have been as follows :
Receipts. Ship'ts
' Flour , bbls 14,000 10,000
'Vheat , bushels - 23,000 1G.OOO
lorn , bushels 222,000 120,000
'ats ' , bushels 89.000 77,000
lye , bushels 5,000 500
iarloy , bushels 25,000 ' 10,000
MEW YORK , February 28. Receipts and
atbi ilpmontsof flour and grain for tbo past 21 hours
bi ave boon as follows :
biV Receipts Bhip'tn.
V fhoat , bushels 4,000 147,000
C brn , bushels G.0.0 19,000
O iota , bushels 1,700 505
CHICAGO , February 23. Receipts and ship ,
outs of live stock for the past 24 hours have
con as follows :
Receipts. Ship'ts.
tattle " 7,500
"ogs Iti.oOO
hnep 4,500
KANSAS CITV , February 28. Receipts and
hipments of live stock for the past 24 hours
lave boon as follows ;
Receipts. Ship'ts.
'attle ' 1,100
logs ' 4,400 . . . .
'heop 2,500 . . . .
ST. Loma.February 28. Receipts and ship-
ttonts of llvo stock for the past 24 hours have
eon as follows :
Receipts. Bhlp'U
tattle 2.900 850
' Jogs 5,500 1,000
'hoop 1,400 1,300
Tlu ? CUIc-nKo Ouitlo Market.
pecial Dispatch to TIIK BEE.
CmcAno , Februiry 28. Among t'w ' cattle
iales to-day assorted stockcrs of 709 to 8'5
omuls sold at S4.40/35OD ; shipping steers ,
,070 to 1,43 pouids , § 5.50@G 35 ; export
, teors , 1,420 to l,58LpoundsS j,50@G.i5 ( ; corn
odTexans , 1,154 to 1,2151 pounds , i55.25 ®
"Wliolosalo 1'rlccB.
Thuruday Evonlrifj , February 'JS. J
Tlio following prices are churned rotallorrf
iy jobbora , wlioloaalcrs anil commission mar-
csanta , witli the oxcoptlon of culn , which I.i
iiuowd at the price * furnlahod by tli j olovotorH
nd other local buyers :
( .Irani.
WHEAT Ciuih ? To. 2 , 7V't.71)i. } )
BABLEY Cmh No. 2 , 47@50c ;
UTE-Oash No. 3.IL'c. .
CoBN-No. 2 , 3'Sc.
OATS No. 2. SOc.
Ijlvo Stock.
FAT STEKIIS 1 r.'W fi ' , .
VA.T Oov/n 3 00 ® 1 tO ,
HooB-(50f ( ) < SGf.O.
SIIEEI3 00 a 4 HO.
OALVK3-0 00 0 60.
Flour mud Mlllstufla.
WINTER WHKAT Uost quality , patent , "at
SPIIINO WHEAT Tieut quality , patent.
SECOND QOAUTY 2 50@3 25.
BBAN70o per cwt
OiiorpEi ) FEF.D Per 100 Ibs. BOc ,
COHNMKAL 100(6)110 ( ) per cwt.
SCIIKKNINO - < i5@76o per o t
General 1'roduco.
BDTTEB Fancy creamery. 8336c ; cold
storage creamery , 2Q@27c ; choice dairy , 211
@ 24c ; best country , solid packed , I2@15c ;
jest country , roll , 10@18c : inferior grades.
L0@14c. Hocelpts are small and the demand
MKATS Hams , ISJo ; breakfast bacon , 12c } ;
clear Mdo bacon , short , lljjo : clear sldn bacon ,
long , lie : dry salt bhort. 10jo ( : dry salt long ,
10 c : shoulders , 8.Jc ; dried beef , 14 la ; lard , refined -
fined , lOo.
Koos- Market unsottlsd ; gales to-day at IK
@ 2ite ; receipts good
APPLES Fancy Joimtbans , S4 ftOM > 00 ;
fant.y lion Davis , $3 00(2)4 ( ) 00 ; fancy Jonot ,
S3 00@3 fiO ; fancy Wlllowtwlg , 83 2 ® 3 7ft.
Demand gix > d.
CHEESE New York State fnll cream , late
Rontmnbor make , I4o ; New York Htat * full
cream , 10 hoop lots , 13o ; do full cream , M
hoop lots , 13Jo ; Wisconsin , full cream , In box ,
14c ; Young Americas , strictly full cream , 15u ;
iull cream , V-'c ; full cream 10 hoop lots , lliu-
full cream ilata , 12ic ; full cream fiats , Hie ;
tancy brick choose , 100 Ib cases , Ifi&c & ; Llm *
burger 13Jcj genuine old Swiss , lOc.
FOTATOKH irccolpts small and prices
good , Consignments of strictly choice ,
large shed , straight potatoes are nelllnti
from 45 to 48c ; raivod cars 40 to 42o and
light demand ; peachhlnws , ffto
SWEPT T'OTATOKS Cholcn yellow , none.
ONIONS No demand ; market ovflrntockorl.
BEAKH Hand picked natives , $2 2o@2 50 ;
hand picked mediums , 8175@200. RR-
cniptfi large.
OAae-lWriochlckeni. p r doz. , 3 00 t <
R Vi ; snipe. 81 BO to 1 75 ; ducks. Mallard , p r
doz , 2 OM&2 50 ; mxoi | , 81 TO to 2 00. Be
careful tliat vour game cornea to market in I
ulofl condition.
FiMcsii OVHTKIIS Select * , 40c ; itondards ,
I35c ; medluim , 25c ;
DATKS-Black Arabian , per Ib. , 8@9c ;
quarter crates , lOo.
FIQS 25 IK kcw * , per IK , 12Jc ; 10 Ib. box ,
ivyor , i > or IK , IGc ; small oval iior IK , ISo.
OOCOANCTS Kxtrn line , per 100 , 8 00.
CtDKn Pure sweet elder , 22 gal keg , $6 00 ;
M. & P. clarified , 1C gal keg , 84 75 ; M. & P.
clarified , 32 gal keg , $8 00.
Pias FKFT , Finn ? , KTO. Pigs feet , IB Ib
kit * , $1 15 ; pigs 40 Ib qr bbl , ? 'J 25 : pigs feet ,
80 Ib half lib ) , 81 00 ; tripe , 15 Ib kits , $1 15 ;
trlpo , 40 Ib qr bbl , 82 25 ; trlpo , 60 Ib half bbl ,
$1 00 ; pigs tongues , 15 Ib kits , $2 60 ; pigs
tongues , 40 Ib qr bbl. $ G 00. Lambs' ton/nice / ,
15 Ib kits. $2 05 ; 40 ib qr bbl , $ (5 25.
MINOR MKAT Atmoro's , 181b buckets
( buckets ofc-i > c 9c ; 371b buckets ( bucket 40c ) ,
Co. : lOOlb koc * , 9c ; half barrels , SJc.
AsaonTKDilKl.LT 2-lb stone jars : 12 In case ,
per doz , $2 25 ; tumbler , per doz , 91 1 * " ' ;
sclioonor , per dozen , $310 ; 1-lb tin cans , 4
doz. in case , $1 40 ; 2-lb tin cans , 2 doz in CASO ,
? 450.
BULK JKLLIKH Currant , 30-lb wood palls ,
per Ib , "i'c ; strawberry , 30-lb wood palls per
Ib , 7Jc ; raspberry , 80-lb wootl palls nor Ib ,
"Vc ; blackberry. 30-lb wood palls per Ib , 7tfc ;
crab apjilo , 30-lu wood rrxlli t ir Ib. 7fe.
Arri.K BUTTKH 35-lb wcoilnn u Is , per Ib ,
8c ; 5-lb woodou palls , G In CH O | x > r case ,
PKACH BUTTER 2o-lb wooden palls per Ib ,
$11 00 ; 5-lb woodou pa ! ! * , G lu case , per case ,
PRESERVES ( In 20-lb wooden palls ) lUop-
berry , 15c ; strawberry , qnlnco , 14o ; poach ,
14c ; cherry , 14o ; tomatoo ? . 14c ; plum , lie ;
assorted , 5-lb wooden buckets , G In case , per
case , $4 75 ; assorted , 2-lb tin cans , 2 doz In
case , per case , ? 0 50
POULTRV Llvo chickens , per doz , 1 75 ®
200 ; full dressed chickensper Ib , 1012c ; tur
keys , per 11) . , 15@17c ; ducks , 1012 ; geese ,
ll@13c. Extra fancy bar lemons , fGOO ;
fancy Messina lemons , per box , $5 25 ; 5 box
lots , Messina lemons , $5 00 ; 10 box lots do. ,
$4 75 ; Malaga lemons , fancy , $ I 50 ; do 5 box
lots , S4 2.5.
OHAXOKS Vnlonclas , G 50 ; Moistnos , 3 75.
CRANIIKIUUKS Boll and uugloa , $12 00 ; bell
and cherry , $950@1050. Above quotations
for choice.
NEBRASKA Cosin HONEY 2-lb frames , 2Mb
cases , per Ib , 18c.
HAT Baled , 8 0010 00 per ton ; In bulk ,
I ) 00@7 00 per ten.
GrocorH List.
CANNED Goons Oysters ( Standardpor ) cos o ,
3 83@3 90 ; strawberries , 2 lo , per caso. 2 00 ®
2 10 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per COHO , 2 90 ; Bartlett
ixmrs , per case , 2 40 ; whortleberries , per case ,
4 00 ; egg plums , 2 tb , per case , 2 90 ; green
gages , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; pi no apples , 2 Ui
per caso. 4 80@5 50.
Uorr. Sisal 4 inch and larger , 9lc , | j Inch ,
9Jc : i Inch , lOtc.
CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , IGs , 15Jc ; 8s , 15Jc ;
boxes , 40 tbs , lit m. , Gs. IGJe.
MATCHES Per caddie , S.'c ; round , cosoa ,
2 55 ; 8iuaro cosos , 1 70.
SDOAKS Powdered , 9c ; cut loaf , 9c ;
granulated , 8J < i ; confectioners' A , Sc ; Stand
ard extra C , 73c ; extra C , 7ic ; medium yel
low , 7c ; dark yellow , GJo.
COKKEES Ordinary grades , 12@12Jc ; fair 13
@ 13Jc ; good , 14c ; prime , 15@154c ; choico.
lG@17c ; fancy green andyellowlG@lGicold ;
government Java , 20@20c ; Levortng'B roiwtod.
18c : Arbucklo's roasted , 18tc ; McLaughlin'f
' " ' vvi roasted , ISJc ; mltatlon Java , 1GJ
Ilici : Louisiana prune to choice , 7c ; fair
GJc : Patma , GJc.
FISH No 1 mackerel , half brls. , 8 00 ; No.
1 mackerel , .cits , 115 ; family mackerel , half
brls. , G 00 ; family mackerel , kits , 95c ; No. 1
white fish , half brls. , 7 00 ; No. 1 kits. 1 05.
STRUT Standard Com. , 32c , bnls ; Standard
do , 4J gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon
kocs 1 50 - .
SODA In Ib papers , 3 SO per case ; keg per Ib ,
PICKLES Medium , In barrels , 7 50 ; do
in half barrels , 4 25 ; small , in barrels , 8 f.O ; do
in half barrels , 4 75 ; gherkins in barrels , 9 GO ;
do in half barrels. G 25.
TEAS Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; choice GO
® 75c ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , GO@G5c ;
Young Hyson , good , 8G@50c ; choice ,
65c@l 00 ; Japan , natural loaf , aic ; Japan ,
choice ! , G0@75c ; Oolong , good , 35@40c ; Oolong ,
choice ] , 40@55c ; Souchong , good , 35@40c ;
choice ! , 3545c.
WOODENWAKE Two hoop palls , 1 85 ;
three hoop pails , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pioneer -
tlY washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ;
Wollbuckots , 3 85.
SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Kirk's
satinet , 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's
white Russian , 525 ; Kirk's outoca , 215 ;
Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes)40c ) ; Kirk's
macmolia. doz.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case , In case ,
3b 35 ; Babbitts ball 2 doz. In case , 190 ; Anchor
ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 50.
CANDT French mixed , In SO Ib. palls. 18c ;
American mixed , in 30 Ib pails , . 14c ; Brilliant
mixed , in 30 Ib pails , 13c ; Nobby mixed , in 30
Ib pails , 13c ; Competition mixed , in 30 Ib
pails , 12 c ; ExcoMor stick , 80 Ib palls , I2c ;
double refilled , 30 Ib pails , 13c ; Crystal mixed
30 Ib pails , IGc ; Old Time , mlxod , 30 Ib palls ,
14c ; T'p Top , mixed , 30 Ib pails , 13c ; Flirt
mixed , 30 Ib pails , lljc ; Flirt , stick , 30 Ib
pails , llic ; Tin Top , stick , 30 Ib pails , 12c.
VIMEOAB Now Vorltapplo IGc ; Ohio ap
ple , IHc.
SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 180 ; Ashton , hi
sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy GO , Gs , 3 30.
STAKOH Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver Gloss , 9c ; Com
Starch , 9c ; Excelsior Gloss , 7ic ; Corn , 8a
SPICES Pepper , 17c ; allspice , 15c ; cloves
5c : cassia IGc.
LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 8 40 ;
Western , 2 75 ; North Slur , 2 00 ; Lewis'Jyo
4 65 ; Jowoll lye , 2 75
Drr Goods.
DIIOWN SIIKKTI.VOH Atlantic A , 8c ; Atlan-
tie P , Co ; Atlantic LL ; 5Jc ; Hmnswick , 7Jc ;
Denver Oiunii , ( in ; Lawrence LL , ( ic ; Paci
fic II , 7'/c / : Koynl Stundird , > > o.
B 15uo\\.v \ SIIKETINIJS Argyle , 7.1c ; Pep-
pnroll It ( i.o | ; Sxlinbury U. Gc.
BI.KACIIKD CoriONrt Ballon 4-4 , GJc : Bal
lon 78'u \ ; Otlinliorland 4-4 , Sn ; D tvoll DD ,
fiVc ; Fairmount , 4tc ; Fruit of the Loom 4-4 ,
} c : Glory of the West. 8 uGo1dnn ; Gat . ic ;
Hill 7-S. 8c ; Hill ' -4 9o ; Lonsdalo. 8Jc ; Now
York Mills , Ulo : Wunisutta , lllc.
DUCKS ( ColoirdBoston ) , 8 oz. , lljc ; Bos-
tin , 10 z. , 141c ; Boston , 9 oz. , 14c ; Full
Hlver , SJc.
Dt'UKH ( Gray-Wost ) Point , 8 of. , lie ;
West Point , 11 o14c ; Boston Boar , 8 ox. ,
TICKINCW Amosknag , lljc : Continental
Fancy , 9Vc ; Cordis , 1 Jo ; P.-arl Hlvor , 1 IJc ;
York , I'-'Jc ; Hiimloton Au'nliiiiH , lUJc.
DKNIMH Amoxkoag , 14u ; IJeavnr AA. 12c ;
Heaver HU. Ho ; Heaver CO. 10 ;
8c ; .lalfroy D & T , U'Vu : Juffroy XXX. 12'/ ' i ;
P arl Hivor , 14o : Wurron AX V ( brown )
I2jc ; Warren 1HJ ( brown ) , HJc ; Warren CO
( brown ) , lOJe.
OAMIIIIICHl''lfth ' avenue glove finish , 5J > c ;
Kovotono glovn finish , / > j j ,
COIISKT JKANM Amoif , 7Joj IIa.ic > cV , Be ;
Kear ayer , 8e ] ; Hockport , ijc.
PKIMH Allans , lie ; Ameriuan , Oo ; Arnolda.
< Un ; Coclipco. Ojc ; Ilurmonv , t > } . ' Indigo , 8c ;
Inillgo 7-8. llio ; Imlteo 4-1 , 12ic.
PlilMH SllEKTl.vtiH American , 5c ; Cocljnco ,
Ho ; Gloucester , 5oSouthbrldgo ; , 5c ; Wavorlys ,
4 Jo ,
( jlNQHAMH Amoskeag rta lps , 8jo : liatea
staplox , 8ju ; Lancaster staples , 8u ; Plnnket
plaids , lOci Hudson checks , 7&o.
DJIKHS r.oopri Atlantlo ulpiicca , OJn ; Per-
( .lotio ciishinor , 2 ic ; Hamilton cnOimorn ,
lJc ( ! ; Hamloton Kanciti , lljc ; Hamloton bro.
cades , 15c ,
Wo quota lumber , lath and shingloa on oars
at Omaha at the following prices ]
JOIBT AND SOANTUNO 1(1 ( ft. and under
U2 00 ; 18 ft , 23 BO.
TlMBElta 10 foot and under , 22 00.
TlMDKB AND .ToiHT 18 ft , 23 fX ) ; 20 ft , 23 BO :
ft , 20 BO ; 24 ft , 20 BO.
FKNCIKO No. I , 4 nnd'fi In. , 24 00 ; No. 2 ,
SHKETINO No. 1 (2d ( common boards ) , 20 Oil :
Vn 2. 1800.
PIOCK lioAliiM-A , 4500 ; 11.10 00:0.3r : > 00.
FI/MIIIINIJ-NU. 1,4000 ; No. 2 , 3iOlj ) No.
SlIUKll.clonr St 00 ; No. 3. 18 00.
OHUNU I , 700i8. 2500.
HIIIMJUH. host4 00 ; etau lard , 3 50.
LIME I'or burrul , 1 25 ; bulk i > pr bushel. 3. ' * ;
-csment. bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 50 ; hair
per bu. Vp ) ; T rrod felt , 100 ttu , 8 SO ; straw
lioarJ , 300 ,
" " *
Tobanon *
PLTJO TOBAOOO Climax , Mai Uulllnn BOo ;
uonethoe , f > 0c ; Btar. Wks ; Uuddy , 45c ; Her-
ey' , lOoj Block , S3@iOc.
CUT Common , 20@30e ; good , 4f > @
GOc ; Boo I.f , 70c ; Promlnm , G5c ; Diamond
Crown , fwc ; Sweet Sixteen , 47a
SMOKINO O. S. , 2L'o ; MootTcluum , Ski Dur
ham , 8 oz. , 5 , ' > c ; Durham , 4 oz. . 57o ; Diirharr
2 on. , 55c : Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz. , o5c
Seal of North Carolina , 4 oz , , 57o ; Seal ol
North Carolina , 2 oz. , GOc ; O. K. Durham , 4
oz. , SWc ; O. K D'libam , 2 oz. , 0cs Undo
Nod , i's 25c ; Tom and .lorry , XSo.
PnlntH.OIlH ntitt V firulRtion.
OILS 110 ° carbon , i > or gallon , 13Jo ; 150 °
headlight j , , p r gallon , 14ic ; 175 * headlight ,
per gallon , ISc ; 150 ° water white , 17c ; lln
send , raw , ; pr galUvi.f > 5c ; llnsood , belled , nor
gallon , 58o Lard , winter tr'd , nor gallon , 85ci
SIS . 1 , 75cNo. ; 2 , tl5c ; castor , XXX , per gal
Ion , 1 GO : No. 3 , 1 35 : sweet , 1 > r galloi- 00
sperm 1 AV.B. , jwr gallon , 1 GO ; H h , W. B. ,
rtorgallon , G5c ; noatsfoot extra , oor gallon , 90o ;
No. 1 , 7Gc ; lubricating , roro , per gallon , SOc ;
summer , IGo ; golden machlno , No. 1 , per gal.
Ion , 35c ; No. 2 , 25c ; spo.rin , signal , per gallon ,
SOc ( ; turpentine , per gallon , 4Sc ; uaptha 74 ° ,
pot t gallon , IGc.
tf PAINTS IN OIL White load , Omiha P. P.
Ocj white load , St. Louis , pure , OlcjMorpoilltw
green 1 to 5 Hi cans , 20c ; French r.lno. green
teal , 12c ; French zlno , rod seal , lie ; French
zinc , In varnish east , 20c : French zinc. In oil
asst , 15c ; raw nnd burnt umber , 1 Ib cans , lOc ;
raw and burnt Slonna , lOc ; vandyke brown.
13c I ! ; refined lampblack , 12c ; oooch black , and
ivory black , lOc ; drop black , IGc ; Pnissian
blue , SOu ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; cliromo green
blJl . M. k D. . IGc ; blind nnd shutter green , L
JlU . k D. , ICc ; Paris green , IRc ; Indian rod ,
Jlen ; Venetian red , 9o ; Tuscan rod , 22o ; Amorl.
can Vonnlllion , I. fc P. . 18c ; chromo yellow
enRf . M. , O. &D. O. , 18c ; yellow ochre , 9c ;
golden ochre , IGc , patent dryer , So ; graining
colors , light oak , dark oak , walnut , clii * taut
and ash IGc.
llenvy Hartlwnro List.
Iron , rates , 2 50 ; plow stool special cost , Go.
crucible , 7c ; special or Gorman , ' > o ; cast too ;
do , 15@20 ; wagon spikes , sot , 2 25 < a3 00 ; hubs
tier sot , 1 25 ; felloes sawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues ,
each , 70@S5c ; talon each , 75o ; square unto i > or
Ib , 7@llc ; washers or tb , 8@18c ; rlvota , per
It ) , lie ; cell chair , per Ib , G12c ; malleable , 80
Iron wedges , Go : crowbars , Go ; harrow tooth
Ic ; spring tool , 7@8c ; Burden's horsohoos , 4 70
Bunion's muloshoos G 70.
BAUIIED Wins In car lots , 4 Jo per 100.
NAILS Bates , 10 to GO , 2 90.
SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 ; oriental
powder , kegs , G 40 ; do. , half kegs , 3 48 ; do. ,
quarter kegs , 1 83 ; blasting , kegs , 3 35 ; fuse ,
per 100 foot 50c.
LKAI > Bar , 1G5.
COAL Cumberland bhcksmith , 10 00 ; Mor
ris run Blossburg , 10 Oli ; Whltobroast lump ;
G 00 ; Whltobroast nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , G 00
Iowa nut , 5 00 ; Kock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra
clto , 11 25@il 50 ; Canon City , 7 00 , per ton
Oak dole , S8c@l2c ; hemlock sola 2Sc@35c ;
ho. , lock kip , SOo to 1 ( X ) ; runner G5o to SOc ;
hemlock calf , 85c to 1 CO ; hemlock upper , 22c
to 2lc ; oak upper , 24o ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 GO ;
calf kid , 32@35 : Groison kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak
kip , SOo to 1 00 : oak calf , 1 20 to I 30 ; French
kip , 110 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; ros-
sots , 5 50 to 7 GO ; linings , G 00 to 8 50 ; toppings -
pings , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , SOo to 35o ;
pebble O. D. Morocco , 3Jc ; Mmon,2 50 to 3 00.
HARNESS-No. * 1 stir oak , 38c ; No 2 do ,
35c : No. 1 Ohio oak , S c ; No. 2 do , 83c ; No.
I Milwaukee O > c : No 2 do 33o .
i > rv I'ulniH.
White lead , 8c ; Froucli zinc , lOc ; Paris
luting , 2c ; whiting gilders , IJc : whiting
nn'l lie ; lampblack , Gormontomi , I4c ;
mpblock , ordlimry , lOc ; Prussian blue , 55c ;
tramarino , 18c ; vandyke , bnnvn , 8c ; umber ,
trnt , 4c ; umbor. raw , 4c ; slonna , burnt , 4c ;
onna , ru'v , 4c ; Parts green , genuine , 25c ;
aris green , common , 20c ; chromo green , N.Y. ,
Ic ; chromo green , K. , 12c ; vcrmlllion , Jilng. ,
Ic ; vormilliou , American , 18c ; Indian rod ,
te ; rose pink , 1 Ic ; Venetian rod , Cokusous ,
'c ' ; Venetian red , American , IJc ; rod load ,
Jc ; lehiqli brown , 2Jc ; Spanish brown , 2Jc ;
inco'fi mineral , ! ) c.
VAHNISHES Harrol.i , per gallon : Furnl
are , extra , SI 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , $1 ; coach ,
ixtra , 81 40 ; coach , No. 1 , 51 20 ; Dnmur ,
ixtru , $175 ; Japan , 70casplialtum ; , extra , 85c ;
ihullac , $ > 3 50 ; hard oil fhiiOi , $1 CO.
all , and weak ; green butphors , 0@Gc ; green
altod 74 © 7ic ; dry filnt , 12@13c ; drv salt ,
) Ollc ; damaged hides , two-thirds price ,
TALLOW C@ > lo
SUKKP PXLTS 25c@l 00.
ALCOHOL 188 proof , 2 i(5 ! ( per wine" gallon
xtrft California fcpirits , 188 proof , 12(1 ( per
roof gallon ; triple refined spirits , 187 proof ,
25 per proof gallon ; ro-dlstlllcd whiskies
00@150 ; fine blended , 100@2 50 : Ken-
ucky bourbons , 200@700 ; Kentucky and
onnsylvania ryes , 2 00@7 00.
BRANDIEB Imported , 0 00@1C 00 ; domestic
40@4 00.
Gma Imported , 4 GO@G 00 ; domestic , 1 40
@ 300.
Buns Imported , 4 50@6 00 ; Now England ,
00 ® 1 00 ; domestic , 1 50@3 50.
CHASIPAQNES Imported nor case , 2800 ®
4 00 ; Amorican.'por case , 12 rn@10 00.
n palls lie. llairiH , Hie ; breakfast bacon
'ln5io ! ( ) ] ; smoked sides , O lOc ; ealt wiilof ,
Gitric.v FituiT AND PnonucE I'otatoos , 55 ®
5c par 100 pounds ; onions , per 100 pounds ,
81 50@2 00 ; turnips , per 10011) , C0@80o ; Col-
irado cabbngo , ne\v , per 100 , 85c@100 ;
llvo chickens , old , per doz , S4 00 ©
25Fpruirio ; chickens per doz , $3 75@100 ;
gi , fresh , per doz , SXSSS&a ; butter , fair quul-
.ty creamery , linost per Ib , 38 ® 12 ; creamery ,
good , per Ib , 28@3lc > Kansas and Nebraska
aairy , per Ib , 37@ J5c ; cooking , l'@lfie ; choose ,
full cream , per lu. 10A7c ; apples per bbl ,
eastern , S5 OOwlO 50 ; grapes , per Ib ,
7ri ( ' 10c ; California pears per Hi , 7@10c ;
M'esulna lemons , extra per ox. S7 00
@ > 8 00 ; oranges , 312 ( )0a ) ( 13 00 ; Colorftdo
* heat , per 100 Ib , 813 @ 1 38 ; flour , fair
quality , 810 00@10 CO per barrel flour.
( iraliam , per 100 Ib $2 00@2 50 ; flour ,
rye , pnr 100 Ib , f 2 50@2 70j flour , buckwheat ,
> or Lbl , § 10 0010 fiO ; corn Jmeal per
00 Ibs , $1 G5@l 85 ; com , per 100 Ibs. SI 30@
i 35 ; corn chop , i r 100 Iba , $1 30@1 33 ; now
mU , per 100 Ibs , SI 35(5)1 ( ) 4B : oats , Nebraska ,
nixed , per 100 Ib , 81 S3@l 35 ; wheat , per 100
bs , $1 35@1-15 ; barley , per 100 Ibs , 81 BO ®
( al 75 ; mixed chop , per (100 ( Ibs , SI 33 ( §
1 40 ; bran , per ton , $17 00@ll ! 00 ; hay ,
per ton 512 00@10 00 ; baled second bottom ,
81000@1200 ; baled upland , 514 00@17 00 ;
truw , per ton , 8H Ofl@9 00.
J ] t. OAMI'J K1J | 8. B.
Campbell & , Co. ,
Commission Merchants
tOJBouth I Itlt Strait , Uitn-K-n PoiitfUiand DoJt't.
OMAHA , N'L'J ) .
( U ienocVfnt Ki.tiond l ! < .nk. Ktoclo , Jolmson
4 ( Jo , , Omaha ; llink ol C' ui Uounty , rUtUmouth ,
Kt\ \ > .
, J , 7. ARMSTRONG , M. D. ,
iriloHlcemru repaired 'rnm ' result ol tire , oil
i Dr. 1'jrktr , llujiii 6 , Crcll ) > ion ll.ock , 1Mb
"IK'U ' ir oU.
tove Repair Works ,
KM ) Smith 14th St.
turnUhtnit cutlnzi and r | > tr
. . .I all ( itacripuoa , w xl Rtovoi , chtiiKoa to
tuin coil , crate * , nraLMk itinmori , to couiUctiV
' i. Try one o our itova | > "i s'pljii Jd
Railway Time Table ,
MAY * .
I'aclflo KirireM. 18M : pta AtUnlla .
( Vc t m Knproii 814 p in Wmtorn Ktproiw. 3:20 : p m
O. Inland Pam , . . .4SOp : m 0. Inland POM , lluo a m
Unooln Kx..18:30 : pm Lincoln Kx . . . .15:66 : pm
LcAve < > m\ha : 7HO , 8:00,0:00,10:00 : : : , llooa : : m.,12 m ;
ioo : , z oo , SKX ) , 4:00 : , r.oo : , flee : , 10:10 : p. m. ( > n sun-
iUyi : 7lo,0o : : 11:00 : n. m ; S.-oo , 4:00,0:00 : : , 10:10 : u ,
in. Arrlro at transfer depot 20 minutes Inter ; Ilroad'
-Aydei | tlXnmrll ninlTa. 30 minute * later.
LcMoQmndl UlufN , llrovtway depot , 8:00 : , 0:00 : ,
' ' ' ' ' ' '
10:4o'p. : m On'Sunday * : 8:00 : , lo'iOO . in. ; ia'ni ; J-OoJ
( . CO , 0:40,10:40 : : p. in. Arrlro Transfer doK | > t , to mln-
utoA later.
I < eAVe Council ninffn Trannfer ilrpot : 8:211 : , 0SB ; ,
IO:2SiiSs : : ft.m.i2 ; nil:23:2" ; : : > ,39 : , 4SS , 6:2& : , OS5 ,
7:05,10:55 : : p. in. Arrha Umahit SO minutes later.
No. S , . , ,7:55 ft m PkM. No. P. , . 7:15 : ft m
" No. 10. ,5:45 : p m No. 16..11:45 : ft m
" No. 4. . , SWpm : No 8.nsa : m
. " No. 8. . . , . .8Mnm : No. 61. . . .7:15 pm
" N . n.ei5ftrn : No. 1. . . TUpm
" No. DO..OCOftin : |
ffiJTlic aliorcis Onwlu
Stnndatil tluio U 21 inlnutca liutrr tlun loetl
Onmlift. . , . 7:30 : pm 8:40 : am fl.W | , m PM am
AMilMiil. . . D : 4 pm 11:11 : am : v'.Si'n | 7:4RIII :
Lincoln,10 : ! > 0 nm 12r : > l inn 3.00 | .iu . IID : am
Crctj lUMipm li.Mipm 2i ; ? jmi ° :40 : urn
IlAitltiKS. . 5:15 : nm 6:110 : pm ll:3i : am ln30 ; pin
llc.1 Clotlil. SUO : am QM pm 10.0 * > n 8:00 : im
McCook..lO : m 10-8 * pm : ' 0 pm 3:4) : pm
Akron. , , , 3:4spin : S : ft m 01 : Rum 11:4 : pm
IK'incr. , , . 7ifipin 33.Sam 0.23 pm 7:3.'i niu
i > r.r\RT. I Anntvr.
7:00 : ft m | ( U. ' . pm
ll dully 0:15 : in I Km % dully
ipn'M , dully I \copt ilon-
otccpt SAtur : I ilaCt fl2J ; a In
d > js ,7:45p : m I Mull , lUlly. , , . ,6:5,1pm :
0.Bt. P. M. t u SrAtfl > Al > l > TIMK.
( Depot I4ti ) ami Wolwter Ht .
No. 2 mKcil Tl'j : a m No. IniU.-d. . , . 6:30p : in
ElWpm freight lliir.nm
AtltntlnKxp. . 340jim ; All.intlo i\ii. : . . I ) : 15 m
Atlantic Mall. . .7:45 am Atlantic Mnll . . 7 : Opm
KveryiUy. ( Tintmtur l)0i | | , Council ItlulTt. )
Loa\o . 7:50 nm I Arrho. . initfiam
Ltaxu. . . 0:60 : p m | Arrlio , , 4:05pm :
0. , D &Q U. U.-8TANIAtU > TIMK
/:60 : m I KipriKM 10:00 : rn
8:60 : p m I MM1 7:2ipm :
0. , U. I & P. It. U. STANDAHD TIMK.
Ml * 7M : ra I Kxiinw. " inoOpni
< | IIOM S(0pm : | Mall * . 7'Jinm
Sunilnji ) cvcejitcil.
C' . , M. & St. I'-HTANUAUD TIMK.
Vall&Kx * . . .S:03am : I Taddo Ki 0:2 : ( > n
UlantloKi'.8:60 : p ni | Uall&Kx' 7:00 : p m
Snnlnj8C.\cc ( | > tiHl
O. ft N. W. It. It. SrANOAnil TIMK.
Mall" 7:60 : urn I Kxiirow , . , . . . . .10.00 ft m
Bxprcn 3:50pm : | Mall * 7:25pm
Sumtaxaovcoptwl ,
S. 0. k P. n. R. STANDAUU TLMB.
Mall * 0:00am : I Bxnrou 10:00 : m
xnrpm 0:00pm : | Mall * 7'J6p m
'SuuilaVB oioo toil ,
Opening and Cloalnp of Mollt > .
BOUTI. oriK. CUM1.
aui. p.m. a.m. p.m.
10 &N.\v.o.ii.i.&r.c. .
&Q. , St. Paul * Blotix Clty.lllOO 0:00 : 5:40 : 8:15 :
a.ll.&S.l'.S C , & P. Ill Iowa 0oo : 5:40 :
\Vftbi li Kxrcns | 12.30
U'a'janh ( oral 0:09 : 6:40 :
K. C. , at , Joo&O. UCO : ( > : oo 6:40 : CM
Missouri Pacific 7:30 : 6:40 :
U. , St. P. M. & 0 6.00 7:20
Union 1'aclllc , ( r , crlanc ; 8f)3
Union Paclllo , Dunror Kx. . . , ioo : 7so :
O. & llopuMlcan Valley. . . l:3o : Il:36 :
U. jiM. Kxproas 7oo : 7to :
D. & M. for Plattamouth , S.
lln'iil , Aahlaml anil Unooln. 11:00 :
I Ilico own 8inicla\R frum 12:00 : in. to 1:00 : p. in.
O K OOUTANT , I'ostnuHtor.
Western Cornice-Works ,
1111 Douglas St. , Neb.
Galvamzea Iron Cornices
oimct Windows , Flnlili. Tin , Iron and Slatt
Hooflne , Spccht'a patent Jlctalllo 8k > llcht , I'atont
wljustoa Itatcnot liar nd ilrankot Unolvlnr. I kin
lie Rcnnral niroiit lor tno anovo line 01 'oo.n. Iron
clng , Orostmgs , Ualuatrados , Voratnlas , Iron lunt
agi , Window Ultnds , Cellar Quart ) * : atnn jjcnoi *
ooraonb mil aUnt In.ldo hlln'1
lor l nuiiiiiui's iy fur
tlilTIIIV of lit rilllUMIIMItl
of the Ki'iiiTiillMt orunnfl.
1 heiv In no mlntnkK uiiout
ttil-4 InntMiiiu'iit. tlin ron-
Ilinioim fitu'uln or KI.KU *
Tit I ( MTV mrnib.tkift
Iliroiiitli tintuirt * in-i
iiitino ll 'in in lifjltlij
tutiuh l > o not conliiiita
mhcrllci'il lo rum nil fllj
( rnnilioiKlloIno Itliror
Ht.niH .nil InfornmiloiiudilrtitNClifUv r
'o. , Ill Winlilnirron "I I'l. nr. . . ft.
nv WAV r
C'tmiii'ctliitf In UnlDii Depots nt Kiiiisiml'll ) ' ,
OiiiuliiuiiKl Diinviirwllh tlmmuli lialns tor
, .n Ciiind Union loHit ) | ut Chicago
with tlnoimh tiiilim lor
Ami nil r.iiNtiirn CltliM ,
Atl'uorl'i ultli iliroimli tnilim tor Iiiiltiump-
oils , Ulneliinntl , L'oluinliiis , nnil nil ixilnts fn
tliuKoiltli.Knst , At SI. J.onU with tluoiltfli
tmliiM for nil polntH .South.
c Day ( /iiiiilicn , 1'iulor CIU-K , with Itti.
clliilni ; Olialrx ( HCIUH fit-it ) , Kinoklim C'nrri with
Ituvolviiitf Ulmli-M , J'lilliiiiiii 1'itlucu Kli-uiilnu
earn anil tliu taiiioux O. It. .VQ. Dlnlim L'aiv
rnniliilly toniul fioin clilciiuo and Uuiisii cniy ,
Olilra oanil Council JilalU ; OlilniKu anil Dt-s
Molni-a , Ulllcajjo , Ml. Josupli , Atrlilson anil
Tupolcii without uliaiiKO , ( Inly Ilirtniuli line
running tlmlr own tnilnx biawcvn
Lincoln anil Dunvur. and OlilniKO. KIIIIBIIH
Cltv ittul Ooiivur. TlnoiiKh v n liotwunn
IniUuiiiipollHiiiKlUoiiiiull Illnlli , vlii 1' < ' ' aj _
Hollil Tmlim of liliuiuit Day Cimcliux nnd
I'lillinan I'lilaciiHIcoiilnir Cain mo rijmlit'ly ' to
anil fioin St. Lonlu ; via Iliumllml ; n ni-y ,
KiioUnlt. llnilliiKton , Ci'iliu'IlaiililManil Allifit
, rani anil Mliiii iiKiiU | ; I'liilort'uiii
\vllli lli'olliilni , ' CliuliH to mill ( mm M. *
mill Pnorlii. ( iuly inuflwiiB f WiW l 'tw 'uii
" i.onlHiinil ! ) < Molina , IOMII , Lincoln , M ) .
uuliil.iinil DVIIVIT , Colorado.
U In ulHH t lie only 'J'liiuiiKli ' 'Inn but wcoii
It U kiioirn us Iliu Kifiit 'lllltOl.till OAlt
LINK ( if Ainciicii , uiul Is unlVfl-willy udiiilt.
'I lo ho I ho
Finest E . , jed Railroad In the World fo :
all classes of Travel ,
Tlir < iii li Tli'kntit vlii IhU line lor tutlo uf n\\ \
< unu Camilla.
1 T. .1. I'OTTIIK , , rKllOKVAI UWKj , ! , , |
Oimilm Real Estnto is a safe investment for both local and foreign cap-
itnl , nud tliero is no property , in or nround the city , but what will bring
pnrclmsors good returns in thenenr future. Wo liuvo property for sale
ir. r > U pr.itb f the city , nnd nlso
Surroundiiig the city , nil of winch wo' gladly show to pnrtijs who feel
Wo nro often iiskeil which is the best part oL ! 'the city for an invest
ment" ? Wo always ndviso patrons to buy what is called
Inside Property
By this is meant property not more- than one nnd a half miles from the
PostoflicR , and the nearer the center the butter the investment. While
outside property will steadily advance in price , inside property will ad-
vnnco much greater in'proportion. The new addition to the city kuowu as
isllocntoii one mile from the postoftice , west , only nine blocks from the
High School , and these lots nro beingCsold at less than half the price
i&ked I'or lots same distance in any other dnoctiou , aud
Oft JJS MT * TP '
Tfl HE Ti
As tlieso lots will , in a short time , be advanced to eorrei enl to prices
lots surrounding Hawthorne.
The contractlhas been let for grading Davenport street through this
addition. Work has been commenced and will bo finished early in the
summer. ' Purchasers of lots in Hawthorne will neb have to bear any
expense for the grading. Tins is a decided advantcgo. Prices for regu-
" " " " " "
SSSO TO 8575 ,
Wo have also some double lots in thib' addition ab from § 000 to $ ( 50.
This part of the city is being built up Avith the best class of ! residences.
Near harness , near High School , andSdesirublo in every particular.
\Vo liuve n 3o\v lots left-lin this addition , which we will sell at lowe.-
mces limn can bo had insurronndinp ; additions. The lots tire beantiful-
y located nnd larger than Hum those in adjoining additions , and will be
old oii'tornis to suit purclinsers.
IRIM : S !
In DpuglnB Comity and ivl ! purtH of t > p Stute.
A. fiuo trncfc oi ! loiidlthrco nnd oiio-lulf inilw irom Oiunliu at $ * 0 per
. Alpo u truck four miles from Hie bily fit $ Mjor ) ocro.
Lots in i his addition will bo sold on mcitnhly paym.mU . ; l ( } per cent ,
oudii and 5 per cent , per montn.
EC _ "V\T T H O "R 3SI" JE I
0 all the lots wa luivu * for sale , wo tUink fVw wtliBinr * t.Hirable
sither for a homo or torjinvestment , iw it is r''l ' iHiitis. | . -i y located
und nfc prcsont.iincm in the ohoupodt propwiav i tUoju.irl.v * , uud first
buyers havo.choice of lota.
213 South T4th Street , between Farnani aud Bauglaa