Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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"Wednesday Morning , Fob , 27 ,
Tlio Woiulior.
For the Missouri valley : Generally
ooldor and higher barometer.
" " " "
Now crop clover nnd timothy need for sale.
Shugart , Wnito & Wios , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
ThomM Nolan has boon appointed ogtnt
at Omaha , vlco W. II. Burns , taking effect
February 1st , 1884.
Invitiltons are out for the woddlng of 1
Mot * to Miss Dora Kllno. The woddlng is lo
take place March Oth at Clark' * lull.
A lamp lighter , while extinguishing the
lamps on 8t Mary's avtnits Sunday 'morning ,
had his leg brakon by his horao falling upon
Officer Smith yesterday found a dcmuto
looking colored man with n coatly robe In his
possession nnd lodged htm ( n the city jail on
C ! n. O. O. Howard delivered a lecture
at Hustings on the night of the 22d , upon the
battlo'of Gettysburg , nnd the Hastings Jour
nnl comments upon It at length.
Sheriff Spearman , of S rpy county , yes' '
terday arrested a young man by the name
of Petty , who Is thought to bo ( replicated In
the B. k M. train robbery at JJcllovuo , Neb.
Four lota adjoining the Woodnnn Llnsood
OH works wore yesterday condemned by the
Bolt railway and the daimgea to their owners
ors assessed by the commission appointed for
that purpose.
JohnS. Collins and Daniel Konnlston
were on Monday last appointed appraisers by
Connly JuJga McCulloch , to nerve on the
Rpocial commission to assess damages for right
ot way for the Belt railway.
In police court yostirdayy n disturber
of peace was fined $5 and committed In dc
fanlt of payment ; ono plain Slocumb was sent
to jail for five days , and a vagrant was ghon
four hours to leave tha city.
Tlio proposition to veto bonds to build n
court house In the Bluffs was yesterday submitted
mittod to the voters of Pottawatlamlo county.
Tlio result was very close but the latest report
indicate that the proposition was carried.
In the district court yesterday suit was
Instituted by Wendell 11 , King against War
ion Swltzlor to recover $1COO. Plaintiff al
leges that amount was collected by defendant
on a judgment of which ho was creditor and
not accounted for to him.
- Kov. John Williams , pastor of St. Barn
abas church , has just issued hU annual lenten
address to his parlahonors. It Is well worded
and full of good advlao , which , if followed ,
wdl.havo a tendency to keep the feet In the
narrow way.
A clothesline belonging to a Mr. Sinclair ,
who lives at the head of St. Mary'u avenue ,
was stolen Monday. The thief did not oven
take the precaution to leave the clothes with
which the line won lined , hut carried the
Kwholo business off.
At the Union olavators , In thin city , sixty-
one car loads of corn wcrojrcoolvod on Saturday
and sixty car loads Monday. The warm
weather of the pant few days shows up the
noft corn , and as It thaws out it is found thai
there is lots of it.
Joflslo Snoll , who was shot nt the roadhouse -
house a few weeks since , was only fourteen
years of ago when aha was driven from homo
by a brutal stop-father , and immediately entered -
terod upon a life of shame , She was ecarcoly
nixtoon when she mot her tragic death.
The room ot the district court yesterday ,
where Judge Neville WAS sitting in the trial
of tha cos3 of the state against Uoorgo , was
filled to overflowing , and the sheriffs were
called upon several ttmos to nuke passage
waya for thoao coining in or going out.
From Gunnison City , Colorado , cornea
the news that Jennie J. Pi inoroy , youngest
daughter of Hiram Pomoroy , formerly of thi
city , now of Uunnlson City , was married on
February 13th to Jamoa A. DolTulmyro ,
manager of the Colorado telephone exchange ,
Messrs. Henley , Haynes and Van Arsdol
three young business men from Indianapolis ,
hnvo embarked in the wholesale notion nnt
f urnUhing poods business in Omaha , having
located it HOG Farnam stroot. The members
of this firm are all hard-working young men
an 1 wo predict for them a good trade.
A team belonging to Charles Qelsor ran
away on loivur Farnam street yesterday
They Jiishod Into a wagon in which was i
dead porker , and throw the hog out into tin
inu'l , and smashed up the wagon. The wagoi
to wh'Ich.thoy were attached was domollshot
and strewn along the street. '
6won Connolly , allao "Whisky Jack , '
was found on Thirteenth street Monday It
Ids normal condition paralyzed. He had jus
fmltliod a thirty-days' fait in the county jail
jwd some of the boys had fixed up a drlul
which WAS altogether too strong for hit atom
nuh In its renovated condition. Ho was taken
homo in a hack ,
The articles of incorporation of the Omaha
Club were filed yea'orday. The capital stock wll
bo 81,001) , In shares ot 85 each. The pnnclp
place of business will be Omaha , and the oh
jeot will bo the renting of a suite of room
for social purposes. The Incorporate ore
Kobt. W , Patrick , John F. CUrkln , W.
Morse ! E. P. Peck , A. 0 , Wakeley , Geo. Pat
tewort , W. F. McMillan.
Heal Eatate Tranifor * ,
The following deed * were filed lo
record In the county clerk's office February
ary 25 , reported { or THK BBS by Ames
eal.esUto agency :
United States to Benjamin 0. White
receivers rodelpt , w i of sw 1 of BOO 22
1C , t ) o , $13.89. . 'nun
George W. Doano and wife to Guy R
Doano , w d , lot 4 in Oakhunt , $500.
James Q. Megeath and wife to II. A
Nolle , nod , part lot 1 , 2 , 3 , 4. 8 , 9 , 10
11 and 12 , in block 1 , in Elkhorn , $1.
Joseph Crawford and Uoo. N. Craw
, ford to H. A. Nolle , w d , part lota 1 , 2
S , 4 , 8 , 0,10,11 and 12 , block 1 in Elk
born , 1000.
Pan S. Parmeleo , widower , to Edwird
A. Faraelee , q o. e i of lot 0 , block 24
Omaha , f 100.
David N. Miller , sheriff , to Thorns
o W. T. Richards , BuerifTs deed , B of nw
i of aw i of lie iof see 4 , ID , " 13 ,
Smith 8. Caldwell to the Sperry Elec
tric Light and Motor of Nebraska. $2
per Bionth for the term of 10 years loot
' of lot 9 , blpcl PI , Omaha ,
"Mr. Q. 8 , Blodgett , of Wuhoo , Nobr.
JUM from 3.000 to 4,000 bushela aolecto
eorafro al&82 which he will sell to par
AL- < . , ,
- „ -
j , CmL ( f20-3t-
An Oriinanco Passci Regulating tbo
Stands of Expressmen ,
Inch Oilier HuRlncBH of Imiorinncc |
A regular mooting of the city council
was hold last night , President lUkor in
ho chair. Roll called. Members pros-
nt. Hodfiold , McQuckin , Kaufman ,
tlurphy , Loodor , Wjodworth , Baker ,
lajcrcll , Dunham , Anderson , Bohtn and
The reading of the journal of the preceding -
coding mooting was emitted on motion.
From the Mayor : Giving notice that
10 had approved an ordinance appropri-
ting certain private property for the or-
onsion of Nichols otroot.
From Messrs , Mount and.Griflln . :
Asking whether the ordinanco'forbidding
ho use of water hydrants for any other
, han fire purposes , applied to street
sprinklers , and if so to refer this commu
nication to a commitloo for conference ,
From Patrick Pholan : AsVing for the
ppointmont of examiners to examine
nto the condition of the alloy between
ftchols and Izard and Ifilh and Kith
troots. Referred.
From Ferdinand SlroUz : Giving no-
ice to the council that ho refused to pay
ho special tax assessed against his lot
abutting on Ouming street , lloforrod to
[ elevation from Sixth ward.
From the clerk of the district court :
fortifying to a judgment rendered
against the city in tavor of the Nebraska
Gas Light company , for S'3-121 7-1. Ap.
From B. E. B. Kennedy and others :
Asking that no contract for the present
> o lot for paving St. Mary's avenue , bo-
ween Seventeenth andlVuntiothstreets ,
[ loforrcd.
From Chris , Peterson and others : Ask-
ng for the revocation of the ordinance
'or curbing and guttering Jackson street.
3 ranted.
From H. A. Haskoll and others : Ask-
ng that Eighteenth street bo put to per
manent grade. Referred.
From the chairman of the board of
mblio works : Giving notice that Wil-
iam Mack & Co , had fully complied
with the provisions and stipulations for
laving Tenth street with Sioux Falls
granite. Filed.
A number of bills wore referred with
out reading.
From Dan 0. Iloroly , poundmastor :
living notice that ho had sold a heifer
alleged to belong to Stephen N. Maroy
ind after deducting his foes had paid the
jalanco 511,75 into the oity treasury ,
From James Oroighton : Presenting
.ho contract of 11. T. Shannon & Co. for
constructing the Farnam street storm
water sewer , lloforrod.
From Joseph Barker : Calling tbo
attention of the council to the expediency
of rolaining 20 per cent of th'o cost ot
paving with nsphaltum and the same of
sowers. _ Laid on the table. This com-
tnunic.ition was accompanied with a resolution
elution bv Kaufman ,
hat the Barber Asphalt company bo re
quired to give a bond in the sum of
350,000 additional to the 10 per cent ro
amed. Adopted.
From city engineer : Reporting the
condition of the intersections of Tenth
and Eleventh streets with Chicago , as
respects drainage , Approved.
By McGuokin : That the city marshal
toop a correct account of the arrests
made by the twelve special policemen ,
and report the same to the city council.
By Murphy : That Kaufman , Hoscall
and Baker bo appointed a committee to
> rocood to Washington and urge upon
congrosi the necessity ot paving an avenue -
nuo from Omiha to Fort Omaha.
iiiiroitTK or ooMMrrrEKS.
Olaiiiis : Recommending that the sal
ary of Goo. W. Tillson , assistant city en
gineer , bo increased to $150 per month
after May 1st next. Adopted.
Claims : Recommending the payment
of claims amounting to $48.3. Adopted.
Judiciary : Recommending that one-
lialf of the tax assessed against lots belonging -
longing to Charles Williams , in Boggs &
Ilia's addition , bo refunded. Adopted.
Judiciary : Recommending that cer
tain allowed bills bo paid out of the
proper funds. Adopted.
Communication from the mayor : Ap
pointing B. E. B Kennedy , A. J , Simp
son and D. H. Goodrich to appraise the
damage pn Farnam street resulting from
a change of grade , in place of John Mo-
Cormick , Milton Rogers and \V. J. Kennedy -
nody , who refused to torve. Confirmed.
Number 41 , of Marshall Guthrlo'u
rules , relating to beggars upon the
streets , action upon which rule was post
poned at last mooting , was struck out
from the code of rules , with all its
The report of the committees on pub-
lie improvement and gas , to which was
referred the ordinance authorizing the
Spcrry Electric Light and Motor com
pany to erect and maintain poles and wires
along the public thoroughfares of Oma
ha , recommended a change in Src. 1 of
said ordinanco. Filed.
An ordinance by Uoscall : Establish
ing the grade of Thirteenth street from
Vmton street south to the corporation.
Passed on third reading.
An ordinance by Ilascall : To provide
for submitting to the electors of the city
of Omaha , at the annual oity election on
the 1st day of April. 1881 , the question
of issuing $70,000 in bonds for the con
struction of sewers. These bonds are to
bo applied as follows : Ten thousand
dollars on the extension of the south
branch of the Jonns street sewer west
ward ; $10,000 for the extension of the
Jones street sewer eastward ; ? 1C,000 for
extending the south branch of the Jones
street sewer southward ou Fourteenth
( tree * ; $10,500 for the extension of the
south branch of the North Omaha sewer ;
918.500 for extending the north branch
of the North Omaha sowar. Passed on
third reading.
An ordinance by Bohm , designating
where licensed express wagons and other
vehicles shall stand upon the public
streets. Passed on third reading.
An ordinance establishing the grades
of certain streets in the city of Omaha.
Pasted on third reading.
An ordinance by Biker , establishing
the curb line on Twenty-third street be
tween Corning and Webster streets ,
Passed on third reading.
An ordinance providing for the exten
sion of Indiana street from the east line
of Campbell street. Passed on third
An ordinance establishing the grade of
Dodge from Jefferson to Thirty-fifth
street Passed on second reading and
An ordinance by Anderson , regulating
the erection of wires and conductors for
electric lighting purposes in the city of
Omaha. ( Road twice and referred to
committee on gas.
An ordinance appropriating S12,57C.10
in j favor of William Mack & Co. , balance-
duo i on Tenth street. Passed on third
An ordinance authorizing the Sperry
Electric Light and Motor company to
erect poles and wires and furnish lights
by means of olectricityj upon certain
condition. Passed on third reading.
The council then adjourned to Friday
evening next.
A Few "Words About the Great nnd
I'roBporonH HHRMOHH | Firm of
Wolfe , UUlmr < l cm &
Co , , Burlington ,
Vermont ,
In 1808 the wholesale nnd retail drug
house of Henry & Co. was removed from
Waterbury , Vt. , to Burlington in the
same state. In 1872 Edward Wells , A.
E. Richardson and W. J. Van Patten
succeeded to the business under the firm
name of Wells , Richardson & Co. , sub
Eloquently associating with themselves
Henry Wells and F II. Wolls. When
the present firm commenced business ,
their transactions were oven then con
eidorod largo , but since that time they
have grown to mammoth proportions.
Under the careful , energetic nnd sys
tomatio management of the present firm ,
the name of Wells , Richardson it Co. is
known , not only throughout this country
but in Europe and nlino3tovorv _ part of
the world where the English language is
spoken. The valuable preparations
which have boon given to the world by
this firm , ( Kidney Wort , Bultor Color
and Diamond Dyes ) have made tlio name
familiar in all civilized lands. Each
member of this model partnership haa
his special part in the management of
the business. Edward Wells is the finan
cial manager ; A , E. Richardson has
special charge of the wholesale trade ;
\V. J. Van Patten is a thorough practi
cal chemist , wlnlo Henry Wells and F.
H. Wells , give their attention mainly to
the busines of the oflico. It is a rare
thing to find a business firm BO evenly
balanced. Energy , enterprise and the
most scrupulous integrity , characterize
all their business movements. And the
result is that the house of Wells , Rich' '
ardson & Co. . is a striking example of
most wondoful growth and business suc
cess. They are gentlemen , every one.
To Grow Up with ( tiu Country.
Mr. W.F. Henley , Mr. Charles Haynes
and Mr. W. 0. Van Arsdol , young men
well known in ousincss circles , with rep
utations fully established for integrity ,
ability and enterprise , and who have for
years boon prominently identified with
South Meridian street , have formed n co
partnership In the notions , gouts' fur
nishing and fancy goods trade , and loft
yesterday for Omaha , where they will
open a wholesale house this tronth
Tiio Journal speaks from personal knowl
edge of each of these gentlemen in com
mending them to the warmest terms to
the conUdonco of the people of the city
nnd country to which they go. They
will provo valuable accessions to the busi
ness and social life of the thriving me
tropolis of Nebraska. Indianapolis
The Two Cases Talcon up Monday
Morning Still ou Trial.
In the district court , before Judge
Wokoloy , the case of Ballon against
Whitmoro , which \raa taken up Monday
morning , was on trial all day. All the
evidence will bo introduced to-day , and
the case probably given to the jury.
Before Judge Neville the case of The
State against Lon Qoorgo for robbery oc
cupied the attention of tlio court all day.
When court adjourned the defendant
was on the stand , undergoing cross-ox ,
amination by District Attorney Godwin.
The following is the assignment of
cases for day :
Ballou vs. Whitmoro ; on trial.
Dallou vs. Farmer.
Boraick vs. Swobodtx.
Page vs. Stoolo.
Tinn vs. Manning.
Morany vs. Borsok.
Omaha vs. Anderson ot al.
Estabrook vs. Dohlo.
Dolan ot al vs. Whitmoro.
Bragman vs. Miller.
Berry vs. Bareron ot al.
Kuhlman vs. Poycko et al.
Baswitz vs. B. it BI. II. B. Co.
Call of criminal cases.
' 'ROUau"oN HATS. "
Clears out rats , mice , roaches , flics ,
ants , bedbugs , skunks , chipmunks ,
cophers. 15c. Druggitts
WINDHEIAr In this city , Tebruary i > 0th ,
l.ona , duiifihtor of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Wind helm , aged 4 ye-trs and 0110 montli.
Funeral to-day at 2 jx. m , , from the
rojlioiicoNo ] 1131 South Ninth utroot. 1'rionds
SVKLSII-In Uil city , February 20th. at 11
a. m , , Ullou , wife of Samuel Welsh , ngud
J'J yoiira and 1 mouth.
FuiicnU to-morrow , February 23th , at 2 p.
m , , from her latu resldonco , ICIghtoouth and
Mason street ! . Interment at St. Mary's com-
otery. . 1'rlouds Invited.
A Heart UHK Discovery.
Mr. Win , Johnson , of Huron. Dnlc. writes
that his wife had boon troubled with acute
HronchltU for many yean , and th.t all reme
dies tried guve no jiermonent relief , until ho
procured u buttle of Dr , Ktny'i Now 'Discov
ery fur Consumption. Coughs , and Colds ,
which had a magical elTect , and produced a
punnmient cure. It U guaranteed to cure all
Hiao&sea of Tluoat , l uugi , or Bronchial
Trial bottlca Free at O , F , Goodman's Drug
Store. Laiyo aitu 81,00.
In anchor column will be found the au
ouncoimiuc of Meaiirs.TilOS. COUK&KON ,
ourlte Audits , UL llroudway , New York
reUtlvt ) to the \ery completu niruugoment
they hito made for toum lit Kui ; > i th ;
coiulni ; Hjirlnu' and Summer. "Cook'n Kxcur
tlouUt , " cunUlniuK muja oud lull partikUitut
will be mulled to any uddruw on receipt of II
conU ,
Gay Rcvelernt tlie Tarn Vereiii Hall
Last Night ,
( Jnmhrlnun and Terpsichore.
Some time before the hour advertised
'or the opening of the entertainment at
the Turn Voroin hall last evening , the
merry maskers thronged the streets
loading to the hall and from 8 until 10
o'clock almost a continuous stream of
carriages emptied their human freight at
the entrance on Tenth street. Promptly
at the hour named , 8 o'clock , the oven-
ing's festivities began with music by the
two orchestras engaged for the occasion.
Both the old and the now halls wore
thrown I open. The grand march took
place 1 in the now hall , from which a portion
tion I of the dancers marched to the old
hall 1 where an excellent orchestra dis
coursed music.
The programme for the evening con
sifltod of eighteen dances and wore in
terspersed with theatrical entertainment
by the homo talent so well known _ _ and
appreciated by the Gorman citizens.
The best hit of the evening whs the in
troduction of the Muscc Tinlamarcsrjuc
or comical Zwort theatricals , rendered
for the first time in Omaha. They are
representations of the original Punch and
Judy shows of England with this differ
ence : The figures arc hondloss and fast
ened against a painted background with
openings made for inserting live human
faces. The conversation and songs are
thus carried on intelligibly and in a man
ner highly entertaining. The paraphro-
nalia for this modern and improved ren
dition of Punch and Judy was prepared
by Mr. Pochtol , whoso skill as an artist
is worthy of special mention. The characters -
actors of this novel yet exceedingly at
tractive entertainment were perfectly
taken by Mr. Baurois and Madam Puls
A cabinet of wax figures , a la Mrs.
Jarloy of London fame , were unveiled to
public view between dances , and , also , a
pantomime representing a patent barber
shop , in which thrco customers , becom
ing somewhat unmanageable , were placed
in slocks that wore painfully suggestive
of "ye olden time , " in which the cru
saders placed their implements of torture
upon all of a contrary belief.
No less than four hundred maskers
thronged the halls and galleries of the
Turn Voroin building. The figures they
represented were counted by the score.
There was the Indian , cowboy , scout ,
hunter , minor , desperado , Mexican
grcaaor , poet , peasant , jockey , priest ,
dude , etc. , by the gentlemen , while the
ladies took such characters as Night ,
Morning , ballot girl , fairy , milk-maid ,
Girl of the Regiment , shepherdess , no-
gross I , Indian princess , dudino , etc.
From the ncoption of the grand Mar
cligras entertainment , at about 8 o'clock
last evening , until nearly break of day
this morning the gay revelers tripped the
light fantastic too or sought pleasure in
long and frequent concourao with that
much honored old patriarch of the Gorman
manGambrinus. . Every available space
overlooking the floors was occupied by
eager on-lookurs , who for want of masks
were forbidden entrance within the magic
lines wherein the God terpsichore held ,
us if by some subtle fascination , the vo
taries who worshiped at her shrine.
The nignt was one round cf unintor-
uptcd pleasure for all participating. The
affair was a success financially , and all ro-
yrotlod its termination oven at an hour
when night was fast fading into morn.
An End to Bono Scraping.
Edward Shepherd , of Ilarrisburg. 111. , says :
"Huving received BO much benefit from Elec
tric Bitters , I feel it my duty to lot suffering
humanity know It Have had a running sera
on my lea for eight yearn ; my doctors told mo
I would have t have the bono scraped or leg
amputated. I used , instead , throe bottles of
Kloctria Hitters nnd sovoa boxes of Bucklen'u
Arnica Halve , and my leg la now Bound and
Electric Bitters nro sold at fifty cents a bottles
tles , and Buckleii'a Arnica Halve at 25c. per
box by 0,1' , Goodman.
John Stein wont to Norfolk yesterday.
A. Gibson , of Poncn , is a guest of the
Metropolitan ,
Chas. Kitchen took the noon tra'n ' for the
v est yesterday.
0. C , Pomoroy , ofjDradahaw , in stopping at
thn Metropolitan.
] ) . 11. i-'nry , of Hastings , and W. A. SHI
lei , f Lincoln are at the Mlllard.
C W. Best and Dan Hopkins , of Central
City are B topping at the Metropolitan.
Ivigono Mooie , of Went Point , and 11. M.
Tin nor , of Lincoln , are at the Mlllard.
J. II. Sibloy , of Lincoln , and A. P. Hop-
kliiR , of Fremont , are guests of the Mlllard.
Harry Sohuldt , of KoJ Wing , and 11. P.
Boechor , of Lincoln , are stopping at the Mil
George W. West , Clarks ; W. W. Maldoon ,
B atrlee ; W. H. Cory , St. Paul , ere at the
Will L. Bailey , Nebraska City : Joseph W.
O'Nell and wife , Button , and 0. B. Bayer ,
Beatrice , are guests of the Metropolitan.
J. Kd. Smith , formerly a member of the
Douglas county bar , now of Kaglo Hock , Ida'
ho , Is In this city on a visit to old time friends
and acquaintances.
Adolph Meyer and wife have returned from
a four weeks' trip to New' York. The ontlro
Meyer family now bobs up serenely from be-
liind the sbow cases.
Mr , Pierce , a passenger conductor who has
jocn running upon tha west and of the Un'on '
L'aclfio , brought la the overland train yester
day morning , and will continue in future on
this end of the line ,
N , B. Falconer left on Saturday last for n
five weeks trip through the east , and Lo will
also visit the Bermudas before his return. He
s In search of recreation and health , and his
numerous employe * , hosts of customers and
myriads of friends sincerely hope that he may
speedily return , strengthened nnd refreshed.
The Saloons pi'This Oily Must Close
at JU O'clock.
( JEarly yesterday afternoon Mayor Chose ,
with slow and mojoatio tread , wended
his way up Farnam * treet hill to the city
hall building. Entering his don , ho flung
his ncblo form upon ft downy couch , loi-
aroly removed his hat , ( but kept on his
b so ball show ) , and sent for the city
marshal That official wr.s not in , whiph
fact evidently liled his honor. A UEE
reporter , wit/ , trembling limbs and faint ]
ing hoait , turned the knob , and stood be
Fore the greatest man on earth , ( in his
own estimation ) .
The mayor was ovidontlynot in a mood
Tor entertaining company , and his fair
face was covered with a cloud as the reporter -
porter ventured to ask him "if there
had boon a special order issued in regard
to the closing of the saloons At 12 o'clock
at , night and on Sundays. " With a ma
jestic wave of that hand , with an itchina
palm , ho said : "tho marshal will give
you full particulars. "
The reporter did not BOO the marshal ,
but it is a fact that such an ord or was is
sued Monduy evening , and that the police
ofliccn had orders to enforce it.
It seems unnecessary to issue a special
order so long as the city ordinance pro
vides for the closing of such places , but
it is plain to the close observer ( and ho
needn't ' bo very close either ) that it is tm
other game of shako down.
The twelve special policemen will in n
measure help to bring about n settlement
of the difliculty , as they will keep close
watch upon the saloons and make com
plaint when the law is violated Ono of
the special ofllcors is engaged in sitting
on the jury while the other eleven are
sitting on the street corners , or any
where else , only so they can gather in the
$90 per month.
Bucklon'a Arnica Salvo.
The greatest medical wonder of the world ,
Warranted to speedily euro Burne , Cuts , Ul
cers. Malt Hhoum , Favor Soros. Cancers , Piles ,
Ohillblnlns , Corns , Totter , Chnppod hands.
ami MI skin eruption , ' garantood to euro In
very instance , or money refunded. 25 cents
A Kccnpltulatlon ol' tlio. South
Omahn BiiNlncss.
Even since the formation of the com
panies known as The South OmahaJLand
Syndicate , the Union Stock Yards com
pany and the Ogalalla Land and CatMo
company , the citizens , and oven the press
have been moro or less mixed , nnd many
liavo and do think that the thrco com
panies are all ono thing.
Now , while a great many stockholders
are interested in all three of the com
panics , they are still throe separata and
distinct organizations and are each opcr-
ted and controlled by a different board of
directors and officers , In order to place
the matter right in the minds of the pco-
plo , wo have determined to give space for
a recapitulation of the South Omaha
The first company which was formed
was the
Instead of issuing stock this company
issued bonds. Throe series of bonds are
to bo issued , the first , of § 500,000 hav
ing boon issued and taken. Those bonds
boar five per cent interest and are payable
in five years. The interest is payable
somi-annually in gold , in New York.
The ollicera of this company are as fol
lows : A. H. Swan , president ; Thomas
Swobo , Rocrotary ; Frank Murphy , treas
urer. The affairs of the company are
managed by a board of trustees , consist
ing of A. n. Swan , W. A. Paxton ,
Thomas Swobo , Frank Murphy , Charles
W. Hamilton , P. E. Her and James M.
Woolworth. '
This company has invested in a largo
amount of land in South Omaha , and
will lay it out in town lots.
Out of the South Omaha Land Syndi
cate , grow the % 'nion Stock Yards Com
pany. This company has a paid up capi
tal of $1,000,000 , and is a consolidation
of the Council Bluffs yards and the yards
south of this city.
The officers of the company are as fol
lows : W. A. Paxton , president and
treasurer ; A. 1. Swan , vice president ;
J. H. Donnelly , secretary ; J. M. Woolworth -
worth , attorney. The directors are W.
A. Paxton , A. H. Swan , Frank Mur
phy , P. E. Her , J. A. McShano , B. F.
Smith and Thos. Swobo.
Following close upon the heels of the
Union Stock Yards Company came Tlio
Ot'alalla Land and Cattle Company , with
an authorized capital of § 5,000,000 , and
a paid up capital of § 2,500,000.
Thoincorporators of this company were :
W. A. Paxton , A. H. Swan , Geo. Shoid-
ley , P. E. Her , 0. A. Ilighter , Charles E.
Anthony , Joseph Frank , John H. Don
nelly , Xachariah Thomason and M. C.
The officers are as follows : Augusta
Richard , Now York , president ; Thomas
Swan , Cheyenne , vice president ; William
Clark , Now'York , treasu : r ; Charles E
Anthony , Washington , Ills. , seoretary ;
John H Donnelly , Omaha , assistant
secretaryZachariah ; Thomasen , Ogalalla ,
This company now own about 100,0f 0
head of stock and are constantly increas
ing their herds.
Now while the above companies are
comprised of nearly the "sumo men , yet
they are separate and distinct , and the
business transacted by each ono is of a
nature entirely different to that of the
The Union Stock Yards company has
decided upon the plans for a slaughter
house. The building will bp a largo ono
with a capacity for slaughtering live hun
dred boovcs a day , and will cost , when
completed , between fifty and sixty thou
sand dollars.
Operations will bo commenced as soon
as the weather will permit , and when
once begun it will bo speedily completed.
Absolutely Pure.
Tbl > po .Jei never T I. . A mine ! of purlt
itreugh aud wholeeomeDix * Uore nrmleafthat
the s Zluary kludt. and c nci b void In cciuiwiui > ii |
\rlt tbeffiultltud * ol lee M ; , nhort Ktilvt t alum or
v utate powder * . Sold only la e nv
> ul ) Hi > w Yuik.
i Infants and Children
Without Morplitno or Nnrcotlnn.
"What ekes our Children rtwy chwfcs ,
L Wiflt cures their fevers , make ? them
r | 'Tin CiiM orln.
VThcn Babies fret , and cry bv turni ,
'What cures their colic , kflls Ihclr worms.
lint Cnfttnrln.
What quickly wires Constipation ,
Sour Stomach , Colds , Indigestion :
\ lint rmtorlrt.
Farewell then to Morphine Syrups ,
Castor Oil and Paregoric , andHnllCnutorln.
Contnur Llnlmont. Anali-
solnto euro for Rheumatism ,
Sprains , Burns , Grills , &o. , and an
Instantaneous Pain-rollover.
GTSpeclala will Posltlvelyuot be Inserted
unless paid in advance.
TO LOAM-Monev.
MONKY TO LOAN In sumi of $500 and lipwatils
at 01 per annum , cu IXmulas county f rm . Ad
drtsD K.O. rattinon & Co. , 1221 Farnam 8' .
II fONEY TO LOAN The lowest rates ol Interest
iVI Bcmls' loan Agency. 18th ft DouglM 234-11
TO LOAN In sums ol ? 3UO , rm upward.
MONEY Davis and Co. , lloal Estate and Loan
Agents , IDOt Farnam St. 393-tf
iT\i.\NTEU-Cashlcr at the IMUon Hotel Harbor
W Shop. B8.-(7 ! ( {
\\7ANTKIi ( jlil for penem' ' house work. Jim , II.
. Smith , S. W. corner nth and Charles St , b.
Omaba , 1 block cast if ltd Imn , on loth St. ;
VVANTKD-OirlatlfllS Chicago St. MM. l.'st
W Lrook. 5333
W'ANIKU A K'rl ' Ixr illnlnir room at I'lntit-r's
homo corner Hedge and ICth.
IV , ANTED A K oil ( rlrl for general liouse-woric ,
VV 2010 St. Murj'8tt\o. 01-275
YITANTKD At SOD Park aieimc , girl forroncral (
> > liousoHork. 570275
TX7ANTED A Kood woman cook ot the Enimctt
Vl House. No an need apply. 671-5
WASTKD Dre 9maker's npprortlce. Ono who
would tsslat In houseuork for her loanl , pro
f erred. Mrs. Corliet , 1518 Howard street. 573-1'
TX7"ANTtD-Cook at corner of 17th and Douglas
ITIT ANTED A good washer at the Bo&ton Laund-
V > ry , 107 Nortu 13th street 67i-tf
) A. good , lirlght boy at tlio Central
Telephone olllco. B48-23
WANTED A girl to attend a baby 1015 liar
neyst. 645-tf
WANTKD A girl to do general homework at S.
B. Oalej'8 reildcnce. 2d house Bouth Da\on-
port , on w est eldo 22d strret. fc 2 tf
QUEEN lad } agents for this new rubbcrundergar
muut for laoles. Address with amps , Undergar
ment Co , 0 south MaySt , Uiieago. 189-lnn.
rANTHD-Onp hundred teams nnd ono hundred
labortro for llallroad work. McCOY&MOUAN ,
Cnnflcld llouso , Ninth and Farnam Sts , On aha.
LADItS OH YuUMJ MhN I n city or country to
ttko ni c , light and pleasant work at their OAII
homes ; $2 to SSadayemi ! ) and quietly made ; work
sent by mall , no cam assiiig ; no etan p fur reply.
Plcaso nddrtss Reliable Manf"gCo.Phlladclphla 1'a.
drawer Tf. 307-Imt
WANTED A German dining room kitchen girl.
Ucsso and Hoppe , 418 S. 13th St , between
Harnev and Howard. 505 tf
T\7ANTED A position by a woman to do work by
i r tbo day , wa < hlngor ironing. Call Capitol av < ,
betw cen 8th and Oth. 631105
fANTKD SltuatUnby n grocery clerk. First
class references 217 D. 10th St. C85-V8J
WANTED By rcl'abloyoung ' man wilhgoodcbar-
r.ctcr , strictly tcttiperance.wantaneituati n
In too n. Ucfortnces fuinithtd It lojulred. Address
"O. 1' . " this otflte. COO 275
A situation to do otHco cleaning or
WANTED by the day. Address Mrs "M. A. C. "
Bee ofllto. 637-275
\5fANTED-Situatlm in citj or adjoining
? f man and wife , whu can dn first claim cooking In
hotel or restaurant Address " 0. L. N. " Bco ollicc.
A reliable joung man wants a place
WANIED , board and go to school. " 3. A , W. "
Boo olllco 838-tf
) 3wo jnrds of dlit , at or n urono
bltxkwestcf the Comtnt on St Jlnry'ii UVL-
nuo. 8.11 JOHhSON ,
681 tf of Steelc , Johusoii An ,
\ \7ANTKD-To buy , Jl"t with cottage or 1 lot to
T ? i.ulld. . Adurcm "C. " lock box ! il , giving Ix-a-
tlonand prlco. 080 274
WAMKU MJU pilvyuu.t3. . fclnknaml cc ipnos :
toc'oiuwlth sanitary dinner. Satisfaction
guaranlooil. J. M. BMKIf ,
690. mo j Lock box 422 ,
' Three or four first-floor unfurnished
tit ins for I'ght ' lioiiae keeping by a sma 1 fam
lly. Address "C. " 1024 Clark ft. 647-26S
WAN rn Table boarders at 117 N. Ht street
bctuern Capitol atenuoand Dodge streets. ,
e OK UliNT UDUBBO and Lots.
IMm , lltiNT With board , a pleafant room suitable
1 for two gentlemen at 1812 Dodpo St. f > S8-28t
| , AOtl KP.NT Two unfurnlahad rooms for light
I ? home keeping 1017 Chicago St. 680 tr
TT < OIl KENT Furnished rooms at 1019 Farnam.
FOIl UKNT-Wlth board , front room , bay window
nrlck house , Ou3 north 17th street. 4521J
FOR UENT Mcely furnished rooms with or with
out board 1616 Podge St. 160 11
J1OH KENT New nine room hoube , modern con-
\cnlenc s , flnukcatlon. tl. F. LltlSCOLL.
670-75 !
I poll HENT Nicely Jurnliliod rooms , 220D DoJco
street. 67MS
Tjl OIl IIBNT Furnlshoa rooim , 103 North ISth
IpOll UEM'-Ntw Cot'aso , 5 room , . tJirfo blocks
1 from street cart. Hanscora 1'Uce , $25M ) 11 \ UK Kit
Si MA ) KK N , li. cor. 13th and Firnam. 660 tf
FOIl UKNT Nlco'y furnished roams , 1008 Fanmn
street 1,03 tf
, WENT furnished rooms , 1818 llodgu bt
'TT'OIl KENT Furnished room 1021 Capitol nvo.
FOll LKlnB 0 buii ! si lots 16th street , Utwreii
Paviiapurt and O.pltol avenue , cut tide , for a
turmof ) f i . AMES.
4SO-U 1617 street
KENT A few gentlemen can lie sccomodated
with furnished ruouu Apply ISIS Farna i St
FOK KENT titoro r > > oji with tnwme't IZu
dcci > , 1611 Farnun at. PAULbEX li CO. , 15ou
Farnarabtreet &il tf
JT'Oll KENT Sovera houice , alsi one Oroora
I1 finely furnUhvil hfUMi. John B. Edwards , 1111
Famtm ut stl ;
T7 > 0t ( KENT Furnished room with or withoiu
1 * board. Fluut location In the city. AUu lc
'ftblubourdcrd t lW W. cor. 18th and Furnain.
I. i'K HENT Large new , tuottory double huiuo
1 SMun'n addition hultabla lor two families or
boanllng homo. Inqulra Room 24 , Omaha National
IU ik U Udiug. Ug-f
I OH HUNT Furabbed tooiai on the uortbvtei
oor. IS'haoitOapltolaTUue , formurlr Crelehtoo
Into * . - IJ3-H
hoitod Itt N , 13co.
78 t }
RENT Room * In Ktbrasfca ITttlona Dank
Bulldln ? . Most deslratlc omc In tha oily
Supplied with hydraulic calor ! and h atc < l o
itoam. Apply at Dank. 6W-U
Omah . SatUfaelory rci > ni given
for selling. Address Lock 11 jx No. 807 , Omha , Ni-
brash C3J-10 1
OHSALK Fiirnltmoiora four room housj com-
I 1 pleto. Houte for rcntr cltein to smill fainlh.
Jail from 0 to 12 n , n . , 3i4 .JeflCMOn St , between
la\rnportanil Clilc.ig . No second hand dcahri
nceil apply. tOi-i'V
POP SM.K-011EVT nAHOAIfJ T'tnty acre
I 1 tract of Urn ) , gonl Improvm cutM d | lenty of
'rnUtrco ' Three in I nno qtartor irllcs from post
\Mlldl\lilaltito21orfiiicre lots , near Holt
Hailroad line and project.d street c r line. Aprly
oT. O. llruntr or L. V. MOIKO , cor. 15th nnd Capitol
au'iiuc. ( UO-1J
7IOH SAM : A froth cow and ca f. P Ice. S50.0) .
_ J H. Maglni.1 * , 14th and Dodge , or at resilience ,
wcstOmahi. 652-201
FOIl 8ATX Nice 4 room house , good barn , full
lot , south 12lh trcet , $1 Co < llasy term * .
Homo 6 rooms , largo lot , brn , etc. , north Oicnha ,
INio room hou e , qutrter ac-o ground. Burl St ,
$590. Monthly pnjmcnts. llAHKKIl & MAYNK ,
N. K. cor. 13th and'Kainain. M3 tf
tTAOH SAUBFleganl cottage on Content s'rtot. '
1 Uood barn , cto , LotfiJl5 . $3,2UO. ( ,
balance In monthly pajmcnl *
662-tf HAnKEUA..MVYNE.
ipCR R M.E-21 acres of beautiful ( round , north
1 Omaha , milglf > 00. HAItl.EU . & . MAYNK , N K.
. i3th and Farntm.
cor. f > 51-tf
null HALK-5 room cottage , half lot w ll located
near town , oicrjthlnir In gnod shapo. Trice
11.560 If sold soon. J. W. LOUhSIIUHY , 1614 Doug
las. 535 tf
I/'Oll S\LE An Atalrvcontlstlngof 170 coloples
JP cf Does. A'so ' TO hives wti t"oi < , lumber ,
and eicryiLIng nee evv for It'u kceili | > g. Owner
Intcndt run Inn cast In the spring. Inquire ol Jos.
TUIrd , HeJ oed Apalry. 3jl4 Coburn St , Omaha ,
Neb. 52S-W *
FOll SALK Frtsh milch cows. Henry Deal , cor
ner It th and DoJgo bt . 634 41
FOIl SALK A first class Voso A Ken Tlano , at a
birgiln. lniilro | Edholm ErlcksonV. 621 tf
flOll SALK Four show cascj > cry choai ) . Innulto
1 at Kdholm & Krlcksm. 603 tt
If Oil SALK One counter cheap. luqulron * . Ed-
1 helm & Erlckson. 610 24
FOll SALE Oil niADE-A irood span of mules ,
harness and wagon. Apply to Alex Q. Charlton ,
at lilcCaiiUK lli-os. DSo-tf
FOll SALE A rare bargain In a bii3lno properly
on 13th street , north of liallroad Is paving 10 *
per cent on Investment. Corner , insy terms.
T u good homes and lot inSMmis Jst addition ,
$2nn to f4on cash , balance SIS to jaj per mouth.
Cholco residences and residence lots In llaucom's
I'la o , and all other additions in the city.
WHY & MOTTEH. .Ag-nts ,
498-tf S. W. Cor. 16th nnd Farnam Sts.
FOll SALE A bargain. House of 7 rooms , 8th
and Bancroft St. gothio , Well built , barn &o ,
only $1.800 If sold within 00 dajs. S AUS & DOS-
AHDlillaiii8lilock. . IttS-t
Tj > OKSALE House of G rooms In Parker's addition
-P near the $20 000 school homo now. A cheap
place on cuy ternu.-8I.7oa bEAKS &BOSARD ,
Williams Block. 209-tf
TJ > 011 SALU A splendid house of ID rooms In
JJ t-hlnn's adc Itlon. if sold within 30 nays only
{ 3.700. HEAnS li BOSAHD , corner IDihoau Dodge <
210 tf
FT Oll SALE Farm 3 mllis from city. Inquire of
1 Mrs. Mejeroverllotdcr'e Drugstore , 10 and
Webster. R72-tf
TOR SALE Two counters anH fifty fict of good
X ? shelving , cheip , at 1503 Ilodgo St. 103 tf
F IOIl ! SALE Two largo Normanstallljnr. Address
O. D. Blrdsall , Walnut , Iowa. IM-lin * 1
TpOlt SALE A good two ktory store iropcrtyln
JL1 Wajno , Waj no county , Nob. AddrcisO , I ) . Blrd
sall , Walnut , Iowa. 155-lml
FOIt SALE Two open fCooniMi.itul bugpics and
ono doiUery wjgou , chop , at 1319 Uarncy St.
839 tf
B > 011 SALE-Colorado coal. Tills coal Is as frco from
soot and as clean as Hock bprmg.
934-tf JElf1 w. DKDFOKn.
E7M > U HALh. \uportable hollers , IU horsouowe
JC1 Apply at D. FITZl'ACniOK ,
068-tf 218 South 16th St.
F I OH SALK A email Munlcr , B..luiun &Co. , dre
proof sat. , almost now , at this ofTlco. tf
| j * OH SAl.K M > twu sturt lirick residence , ivth
Jt ? and St. Mar j'oft von UP. Largo bam , out-houao ,
water w-or8 , well arranged. Lot 60x200. 1'ilca
$7.600. Best Bargain In Omah. Call at M. Toft's
People's Bank. 277-t
lj\OKSALi ; 12 lots onu block weal ul 1'Ark ave
JL ; nuo cars. Lots COxlCO. Will Hell the whole Iran
for $7,100 , If eoJ ! before January Ut , 1831. Urolo
tate OTuers bid this bargain , if \ ou call at I'eoplu
Bank. 278-tf
IjtOtt SALE Cbolco huMneca propcity , three lot
JP cor. Sauiidcre and Charles Stroot. It will pay ycu
to Inveatlgate this offer. Call at People's Bank.
f /OK SALE Impruviu property , which will piy
JL1 the bujcr 20 per cent ou the Investment. Hents
for 41,0JO perj car. AH occupied by Brut class ten
ants. Will sell for $10,500 , If sold soon. All or one-
half catb , balance , ono to Q\o years. The above In
vestment is worth Investigation. Call at the 1'eople s
Bank. SSO-tf
Two line mocking bhd , slngcri" , at a
JP great bargain. A. J. Handel , 225 linxul a\ ,
Council Blult'e , la.
( /OllSAiK Largo sorrel horn1,1200 pounds , pen-
tlo and sound. $129 A. J , Mnndcl,3. ! . > Jlirnadftay ,
Council Bluffs , la
F IOlt SALK Ola rcvrepnpor * in larca and stroll
oflVc tf
' 'po EXCHAKQKfoctlnn fine row land fn l < en ,
JL forumal docket giuta or ciuft liuraw. Ail.
"M. C. " tills olllci. 07-271
TAKEN Ul' Ono black jionv , Wind In light ojc.
On tier ( an nato tnino liy pruvlnp piop it ) an
pajltit ; Uiaiym. A. II. lilci > en , Ciilgliton CullccQ
Omaha. Mi-art
T7IOOND A stray whlto cow. Inqulro nt farm
JJ north of r athol'c Cemetery. SU3-2CS
FAMILY Pall at H. Uuter',9 March Oth lt > SI. ftenta
tickets 1 00 , ladle * frtu. tSU-75
A KT NKUDLEWOniC-ill B Klla Gralum an ex-
XX pcricnccdnccdlc-Yioman , hai open id rooms to
Uach any work In her line , tliufas nUn a supply
of iimtcruls on hands. Ladlij arc liultcJ to call
and fee her dhplay of coinnieuccd pltees. ) onus
at 1013 Dodge Btrcet. f > K.r tf
rpAKF.N Ul1 rebruiry 14th , 1831 , at my pla o of
JL residence In ucst Omaha , known tlio HeMen
place , a red roan cow. KULSON B HICllllON.
2127 *
I 17 SPECIALTIES for those cut i f cmjiloyment to
1 I rnako money lth. Gallon M. L Smith , .208
N. 10th btrect , and euu taroplcs. 433 1m
second bond clothes , ordersliy
\J Intern or postalu promptly nttondcd to An-
r , or Mrs , IJroJericliClBbOulhlOihSt Omaha.
400-lmoJ 1
ALI3T. 803 Tenth afreet , between Farnam and liar-
ney , will , with the aid of gutrdlan iplrltn , obtaining
an ) one giaaca or CD past and prei at , and the
certain conditions In th < i future. ! " > it and * loet |
\VhenT H tuiu i ur imbinean merely to top lUtim for
tlmoand then bivo them return ftpuln , ( mctn aradl *
cal care. I htvo mud a the dliraio of FITS. KI'JLErnr
or FALLINaSICKNKdSftllfeluntJi ujy. Iw rrniny
remedy to cure tha wont caaet. Btcaoio others tuft
/ Jled U Dorea&nn for tiutnnwroceUhtfHcar . H w CA
one * for a treHtlia aiiU a 1'ree Cott Id of ray ID
iwuuKiy ( lire Bxpreit and I'oit Otnce. It
ivuilnitfur ft trial , * nt ) I wlltrura 5" .
irtrtrenf lf II O KOIIT
Imported Beer
Erlaiigor , Liuvaria.
Oulmflchor } , Bavaria.
Pilsner Boh jiniaii.
Kaiser H rumen.
Budwoiser Si , Louis.
Aiilnuiscr St. Louis.
Bos , s Milwaukee.
Schlitz-l lsner .Mihvciukce.
Kruc'a : . . . . Omaha.
Ale , Porter. D ineatic and Hhino
Wine. ED. MAUUKlt
lilt Fnrnara.
A rlctln of ImpradcoML uuiluf ncrrou d bll.
ltr.I > r iTitaj decjr. w. . uiTloj tried ID Ttla > err
kBOvn jTJUJ Jy tin Giscofwrcu & fiiiQplo Rf AUV of ftill *
txirVf which " ha will Mnd f REE to kU I jow-4ull9rvri. (
U.IU YOChjttDAxn , K wYork.