Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1884, Page 7, Image 7

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Tlio lU'Sultortho Vote so fitr as Ilenrrt
Yesterday WAS the titno got for tlio
people of this county to dooido whether
they are willing for the county board of
supervisors to nauo bonds of $200,000
for the building of a now $160,000 court
homo and $40,000 jail. In this city
there was scarcely any opposition mani
fested. It was generally felt that if the
Uow court house and jail were gained
Council Bluffc must stand pretty solid ,
nnd got out a vary full vote , in order to
olfsot the adverse votes which were sure
to bo cast in tlio ostond of the county.
At the polls in this city ( there was little
of the usual election excitement , for there
were no candidates "to sot up something
for the boy a , "no wranRHngsordisputos , no
discussions , the cmly _ thing smattering of
the usual election time being the ques
tion , "Have you voted yet ? " which was
pressed hero pretty frequently by those
anxious that a full vote bo cast. No one
was asked how ho was going to vote.
That _ secmod to bo conceded. The
Bavarian band vront from polling-place
to polling-place , trying to inspire by its
sweet music some enthusiasm , but it was
difticult to got anybody very much excited -
cited when their opponents wore so far
distant , and ell who were on the grounds
were on the same side. Some of the
business houses closed entirely. Tno
saloons kept open a few hours in the
morning , but then were closed up. The
courts wore closed , and the usual chan
nels of nowo choked up.
A count of the vote in the city is as
follows : First ward C07 votes for the
court house and 4 against ; Second irard ,
709 for and 2 against ; Third ward , 725
for and 2 against ; Fourth ward , 1,076
for and S against. The vote in the city
was nearly unanimous , there being 3,200
for and only 11 against.
The report from the country shows
that the east end of the county will go
solid against it.
The following are the returns from
townships as far as heard from : Lewis
US for and 1 against ; Garner 83 for and
46 against ; Knoz 5 for end < > C6 against ;
Valley -275 against ; Liyton ? 15 for and
302 against ; Neola 4 for ana 220 against ;
Norwalk 1C for and CO egainst.
It was estimated last night that the
county as a whole would give a majority
of from 100 to 150 in favor of the court
house , but some think the vote will bo
closer than that and possibly against it.
noisi'oril'H Acid Phosphate
As a Brain Food ,
Dn.-S. F. NKWCoMhti , GrocmiiolJ , O. , BI J-B :
'ttn oaaas of general debility and torpor of the
imindand body , it r4oes < oxcoedtngly well , "
The Omaha Glee club are expected to
be at the roller skating rink this ovonicig.
Again ! null Again !
The wheels of Tirao turn with an oracfc
regularity , nnd although this U Leap Year ,
o\ery month , on the hucuiul Tuesday thereof ,
in the city of New Orlo ins , in the State of
LouUiana , the Grind Monthly Drawing of
The Louisiana Stito Lottery takes plncoiu
duo form , with ill siuriN fur the integrity of
the act and itn mirrouudlngsthat c.m bo seour-
od by the high moral character of Oonl's O. T.
Boaurefraril of La. , and A. l rly of
* Va. Iho IGGch Dr.iwing takes place on'Tucs-
day , March lltb , 1884. when 8205,000 will bo
Bcattored broadcast , at out which M. A. Dau
phin of Now Orleans , La. , will toll ton nil
about on application.
Wheat No. 2 spring , 70e ; No. 3 , 60c ; re
jected , 50e ; good demand.
Corn l e.ilers nre paying 35o for old corn
and ! J8c for nw. .
Data In good demand at 22c.
Hay 100@G 00 ner-.ton ; 60o per bale.
Kje 10@45c.
Corn Meal 1 25 per 100 pounds.
Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , C 00@
Coal Delivered , hard , 1150 per ton ; soft ,
4i 00 per ton
Lard Fairbank's , wholesaling at lie.
Flour City Hour , 1 60@3 30.
Brooms 2 95@3 00 per doz.
Cnttlo 3 00@3 50 ; calves , 5 00@7 60.
Hofra Local packers are buying now nnd
there Is a good demand for all grades ; choice
packing , 5 35@5 55 ; mixed , 4 75@5 25.
Quotations by J. M. St. John & Co. , com
mission merchants , 14G Broaiway.
Butter Plenty and in fair demand at 15 ®
20c ; creamery , 35c.
Eggs in good demand at 20e po-do/en ,
Poultry Heady sale ; dealers are paying for
chickens , 12c ; turkeys , 15c.
Vegetable ! ) Potatoes , 40 ; onions , 40o ; cab-
lage , none in the market ; apples , ready sale
At 3 'J @ 4 00 for primn stock.
Iodide of I'otaeslum It one of the utrorRtat of the
mlncralH used In mcdlchio , and hat produced much
suffering In the worlil lukon fora Inn ; tlmo anil
in largo ( loses , it dries up the gantries Jul-os , Impairs
digestion , tlio ruufdek tuii I , ani the patient
d > dined In lioalth and weight. IVraon" with llloud
or fcUIn Discuses should bo careful how they take
these mlncrul | iolg iu , a In most Instances that licit
of them Ito almost premancntly Impair the consti
tution. To take the place of UHBO jioUonn wo i Her
3 ou a into , sure , prompt anil permanent relief from
jour troubles. Swift's Specifiers uutlnly ac ct -
Lie preparation , anil It U easy to convince ) ou of Its
I have cured permanently Blood Ttlnt in the third
g-cnetatlon by the use of Swift's tipoclflo ftir I had
tuo S tUnallj fallolwltli Moicury and I'otosh.
F , A. TOOMKR , M. D. , Perry , Oa.
A young man requests me to thank you for Ills curt )
of Blood I'olnun by the "so of your gpcclflo after all
other treatment had failed.
.Son JACOBS , DruKelit , Athens , da.
on Blood and 8kfii Mucuses moiled
Drawer 3 , Atlanta , ( Jo.
V. Offloe , If.OW.I3d SU. between Oth and 7th A
wnntuiUol to wnr l
Ufoe form ntat. , nil ir\\ \ | iojixlll
l * > S f 'Mtlifattlon ' Dm enyf.thtrcoi .
= " 111 tie market , tr prlto .rflonjj
t nfandid t lie liuluriwrocul Uoin
Chlctftruu livt vby lcluf n , IU.D ' /in
cony each rv ri et. I'riir , Jl > t Niifrtn em , 2\fbt
VTtQ4jtlJtl r > ( t- \uurinLrcliuiitfcrtliiUU
f I'll is CO.
Kuiuriu-iun.rA UiU ct 111. . bU ,
jonN rr
Hotlco Is hereby ghen th t fie rartifrehlp bore.
to'ore" > liitliig lietvre n William K Ma'inleK anil
0 o. II. llesa. under tbo flrm name ot Muming &
Ileiu , li tliU day dliiolved.
Thl la to Kl > t further notice that I ulll not In. ru-
ponilblefor ny dett coiitrictoJ by nj jwriwii IB
our Uto' rui nwne , nor wl'l ' I r y y ftttornc/n
leu or co U t carry on any litlgitloii ot any tie-
icrlptlon agaiiMt any o ( the creJit"ri ol the Ute firm
of Manning A lieu , nJ the uaa of my name lo carry
on any iui b litigation l unauUmrlzod by we. I
' *
Om h , Neb. . K U.lfl I88i. I
ffb , 1S-U , Wiuuur
David Bradley and Co. ,
n 5i . .
J JLlJ.ljLA.LJr\/J
Hearst , Dunn & Go's Peoria Advance Corn Planters and Check-Bowers.
And a Full Line of
r i o IT 1 1 "w. r a , 1 I i xi. 13 1 e 13.x o n. t
w fm
Nos. 1100 to 1116 South Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA.
Peoria Advance Corn Planter and Check Rower ,
Old Reliable Peter Schuttler Wagon.
WIS. < " - - *
Fish Bro'sldc Go's CelebratedWagon.
Wo carry a complete line of buggies and can iurnisl
my tiling from best to cheapest.
Oau on us at our Mammoth Warehouse , and fcee the
Inest display of vehicles on the Missouri river or write
Per catalogues.
Peoria Mary Drop Planter
1. Lightness of draft and ease of hand
2. Combination of hand and foot levers
is such that Planter can bo made rigid or
flexible , at will of opeerator.
3. Hand lever is in centre of machine ,
hence ono ruunei canuot go deeper than the
other n fault common to all planters with
lever on side of machine.
4. Made of A No. 1 stock and substan
tial in over particular.
5. Painted with the best Oriental Vermillion -
lion , elaborately striped and varnished ,
making it very handsome and attractive.
0. Warranted to do first chrs work in
any soil. The check rower is very simple
and warranted to do first-i-lass work if prop
erly handled.
Old Reliable
Needs neb one word oE praisa from us. It
is known nil over tlic United States , and
where the very best wagon is wanted , yon
cnn always hell a Sclmttler. A sample het
up in your Warehouse wMl convince you
that fanners will buy the Sclmttler at
Schulller prices.
Owing to the fact that we brought the
into this trade ono year ago-and sold m
twelve months # 100,000 worth of them ,
many of our competitors have been repre
senting to the trade , because of the iinanoinl
difficulties of the Fish Bros. , thatwe , would
not bo jiblolo supply thorn , hence we wish
to assure dealers that we have arranged for
the sale of this celebrated wagon , and call
flinir attention to the fact that Iho wagon
must bo nearly perfect , if that is all the
fault our competitors can find with it. Fa
vor us with an order for any number nnd
wo will convince you by a prompt shipment
that wo are able to supply the large nnd
ever iucreusiug demand.
It you want Corn Shelters , write to
" " Peoria Planters writeTo
, ! | ;
. " " Stalk Cutters , one or two rows , write to
" " Rakes and Harrows , write to
" Feed Mills , writeHto
It Fish Bro's Farm Wagon , write to
Peter Schuttlei' Wagon , write to
Barnes'tor Royal Check Rows , write to
Peoria Check Rows , write to
Brad ley's Tongueless Cultivator , write to
Fisb Bro's & Co , , Spring Wagon , write to
Cheaper Spring Wagon , write to
Buggies or Carriages , write to
II Anything in the Implement or Vehicle line
write to
The Furst & Urndlcy Plow is so favorably known to everj * fanner
vest of the Allcglmny mountains , that it is not neeessory for MS to
ecommend it.
The Bradley Iron Beam Spring Cultivator hay been well and i'tivor-
ibly known to fanuois and dealers for years , and wo are bound to main
tain its enviable reputation in the trade.
This is our second year with the Bradley Tongueless Cultivator an-l
are guarantend to bo like all implements manufactured by Fnrst & Bra/l
ey Manufacturing Co. , first-class in every particular.
The Bradley Hakes are first-class , Wo make them cither hand or
self dump , for ono or two horses.
Thin Thresher is manufactured by 0. Aultnmn & Co. , Canton , 0 , , and
with their new power or Traction engine is all that cau bo desired l > y tke
Utt threshers.