c THE DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS , > VEDNESDAY , FEBHUARY 27,1884 , tHE DAIL * BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Wednesday Morning , Fob,26 ( J8UB3CRirTtON RATES : . . cents week By Oarrlet - - - - - per By Mai . . - . . . $10.00 per Year OFFICE : No. 7 rear ! Btroot. Hoar Broadway , MINOE MENTION , Additional local on seventh page. Cheap railroad tickets at Bushnoll's , The United States court moots hero on March 24th. Remember the noonday prayer moot ing of the Y. M. 0. A. The saloons wore closed yesterday on account of the election. Spatter work was plenty yesterday and the crossings were horrible. Glonwood has the district court as its loading attraction next week. rather one-sided election Yesterday was a - tion so far as the city was concerned. The crook did not make as much of a muss yesterday as on the day before. The circuit court resumes business this morning , with Judge Lyman presiding. The republican city convention meets this afternoon at 2 o'clock at the court house. Ono man named Balin was assessed $7.00 on election morning for getting drunk the night before. A wagon with the Bavarian band and a banner "Veto for the court house , " did election duty yesterday. Officer Beswick found on the streets a little bundle of velvet , which is awaiting an owner at police headquarters. Bishop Merrill , of Chicago , is expect ed to preach in the Broadway Methodist church next Sunday morning and oven- ing. ing.Tho The ice skating rink season is over , but the roller skating rink does not depend - pond on the weather , and laughs at thaws. Informations were yesterday filed against delinquent saloon keepers , and now in addition to their regular license they will have costs added. . * Messrs George Parks and Clay Plainer have bought out F. J. Osborno & Co. Mr. F. J. Oiborno expects to go to Los Angeles , Cal , , to reside. F , R. Armstrong , who was brought be fore Judge Aylosworth yesterday morn ing on a charge of carrying concealed weapons , was discharged yesterday. Those who refuse to accept nomina tions which their party desire to give illom , should bo the last to grumble after election if affairs do not go to suit them. "Uncle" John Stone , while using an adz on the Main street bridge yesterday morning , accidentally cut his loft ankle quito badly , and was taken to his homo. . Permits to wed were yesterday given to George Doyle and Emma J. Edgar , both of Oakland ; also to Henry Fotchtol and Sarah Lye , both of Wavoland town- fillip. fillip.Tho The I. O. G. T. lodge of Crescent , is to have n festival on the 5th of March , aud Mr. Soars of this city has boon en gaged to deliver an address on the occa- nion. "Closed to vote' was the placard visi ble on the front doors of several business places yesterday. The citizens generally Doomed to realize the importance of at tending the polls. The molting ice is causing bad work ii : various parts of the city , water accumu lating and unable to run elf on account of BO miny streets being filled up and iho culverts not yet put in , H. 8. Cole , who has boon ill for abou t ten days , was yesterday in so low a con dition that his friends had given up al hope of his recovery , and were expecting .that death might come at any moment. There was sumo sort of a street row near Stella Long's house Monday night , and a pistol shot was heard , A police man hearing t orow turned and walked I off in the opposite direction without mak ing an inquiry. It It expected that the Main stroo t bridge will be completed to-day. Raymond mend & Campbell have evidently don good work , and such as is hi keeping wit ! that which has caused them to gain si excellent a reputation M bridge builders. The republican convention to-day must pick out a good man if it expects to boat Vaughan. The nominee must be ono who has enterprise , grit , aud a clean record , and ono who will not only got the support of the party but can got the voles , of the disaffected democrat * , and then ho will have to get up aud climb to get there. there.W. W. H. Fosttr , the gardener and florid on Hamson street claims to have the largest stock this side of Chicago , and doubtless no ono will dispute the claim , for he hss seven largo houses filled with plants. His catalogue shows a groit variety and ought 11 be in the hands of every one interested , It will be milled on request. ' Ex-Coroner Faul circulated a petition a short time ago for the pardon of ont Thomas Naglo , who had been sentenced 'to the Wisconsin penitentiary for ve yera for shooting the woman with in be had been living. Yesterday ho re- c lv d word that the pardon had been gMwted. It appears Out the woman had adu bftMi living a free and ouy life and about > mia d Ncgle , who wai a rtilw y ougj rjtwr. Nagle tried to persuade her tt leave this sort of a life , and marry him , after refusal ho , while drank , shot her but did not kill her. The w oman had a little girl whom Mr. Faul has caused to bo placed in good hands , The mysterious silence of the demo cratic organ of the city in regard to the action of the domocraMo city convention , proves pretty clearly what has generally been supposed , that it will not support the regular nominee , W. R. Vaughan. There might bo some curiosity felt as to what it would do , or who it would sup port , if it were not felt that it makes no difference what position it takes. Mr. O , D. Reeves , the Hosier Drill company's manager , has located his ofllco with Messrs. James , Thomas & Co. , who now do the transferring for this company. Ho is a jolly heavy-weight , and is as well-liked as ho is well known. It is the intention of the Hoosier Drill company to erect a building hero this spring , and the company evidently moans to make its interests hero permanent and prosper ous. It has placed a good man hero to accomplish that end. J. 0. Bixloy has secured the agency of the Bonnor & Cole tire escape. This is the ono that is now in use in nearly all the principal buildings in Chicago , and which was recently shown up so satis factorily in Omaha. It consists of a stand-pipe with iron ladder and platform attached , and connections for each floor and at the top of the building. There are many buildings herd and in Omaha which ought thus to bo protected , and as Mr. Bixloy is prepared to make prices within the roach of all , ho should bo in terviewed by those interested. > Mr. Richardson gave another oxhibiI tlon at the roller skating rink. Ho is certainly skillful , and the idea of a man getting around so easily on stilts takes wonderfully , especially by those who realize by various sere spots and bruises that it is no easy matter to got around on skates without the stilt attachment The ingenuity and enterprise shown by the management in securing those novel entertainments are causing the rink to bo more and moro popular as a resort for the best classes of citizens. Rov. Father MoMenomy was remem bered on the thirtieth anniversary of his ordination , not only by those of his own flock , but by many of other bolirft , and the well wishes and kindly expressions given of him and his work indicates that ho has a strong hold on the esteem of this community. In responding to the remarks of Mr. Vaughan in presenting him with.tho purse of gold , the reverend father courteously acknowledged that whatever success had attended him and his work , was duo in part to non-Catho lics as well as Catholics. The proprietor of the Chinese laundry on North Main street' desires the public to understand that Archie Sparks , who committed suicide , died nt No. 40 Main street , instead of No. 40 Main street , whore his laundry is. His neighbors vouch for the fact that ho is particular as to whom ho rents-his rooms , and that he allows no loose characters to lounge about his place , nor dons ho keep an opium don. John has boon in this country twelve years , and in his present place five years ; has his hair cut short , puts his spare money into houses and lots , and owns two hero already. Ho appears to attend strictly to the "waahoo" busi ness. 1'EHSONAIj. llr. Regan , ono of the firm of Rogan Bron. & McGorlsk , who have the contract for pay- lop ; Broadway and Main streets , arrived In the city yoatorday. Ho Bays that with favorable - vorablo Weather work will commence goon. Andy KrocU , the officiant book-koopor of Porogoy & Moore , has a now boy at his houso. II. A , Stoildard , the book-koopor of the water world ) company was yoatorday hum ming about , "Its nlco to be n daddy. " The now comer Is a boy , and a fine ono. O , J. King , of Corning , the government building superintendent , arrived here yester day and is at the Pacific. Samuel E. Miller , of Now York , was among yeitarday'n arrivals at the Pacific. Ben Marks is back from Chicago and the out. out.J. J. II. Abel , of Milwaukee , was able to roach liochtolo's hotel yesterday , Oo.rgo Kirkwood , of St. Louis , Is anOgdon house guest. N. V. Chamberlain , of Berlin , WIi. , arrived at the Ogden yesterday. B. V. Hake , of Nook , Is at the Ogdun. Ool , Hoot left last evening for homo over the Rock Island. A. J. Smith , of Wheeling , W , Va. , arrived at the Ogden yosterday. Mayor Cole , of Pacific Junction , Was in the city yesterday , and stopped at the Pacific houia , P. W. Smith and George Alllnh , ro , of Leavenworth , KanjM , arrived at the Pacific yesterday , . Boxing gloves and Indian clubs at Bushiioll & Brackott's. Estate Transfer * ) The following doodj were filed for re cord In the recorder's oftlco , February 20 , reported for THE BEE by P. J. Me. Mahon , real estate agent : Emorlek Baylor to A. L. Martin , nj nwl , 13 , 77 , 30 , 81,200. 0' , U. I. it P. R R. Co. to William H. Negloy , s # | sej , 30 , 77 , 42 , $400. A. L. Martin to Peter Witch , nit nwk 13 , 77 , 39 , $2,000 Biinuel Richardson to B , 6 , Wright , lot 1 , bl 7 , Burn's addition , 875. Henry G , Fisher to Goo. Riohart , lot 13 , block ( i , Underwood , $50. John Doniphau to Calvin 0. Chamber lain , pt lot 231 , original plat , $1,200 , Ln'i 0. Ruimuuon to the Adveutist ohurth , | > t n i nwj , 30. 77 , 43 , $50. A 0. Toiwy to Bamuol Richardson , lot ? , block 1 , Burn's add. , $76 , Win. Gates to J. A Einmort , lot 2 , bl * 12 , Gate.1 add. to Oakland , $30. 0. , R I. & P. R R Co. to 0. E. Ter- ry , nl sei , 0 , ? D 41 , $010. I Total sales , $5,720. FUENISHIN'G THE FAOTS , BtAtomcnt l y the Ilaptmt Clniroli In Itcffnnl to the Homo ol the KrlondlcHB. Thin church has decided by a unani mous veto to make public A statement in regard to the Ilomo. Wo cannot , of course , bo expected to reply to anony mous articles. But in justice to the church and the work in which wo are engaged wo desire to say : 1. The Homo of the Friendless asso ciation was organized by our pastor , Rev. J. G. Lemon , March 10 , 1883 see coun ty records , book 10 1 , page 253. , The association extends its help to all , regardless of race or creed , and thankfully acknowledges the help it has received from citizens , regardless of church connections , many giving liber ally who are members of no church. 3. The association is an organization by its constitution and by-laws , auxil- liary to the Baptist church : Still it is open to all , of qood moral character , rogardlosa of whether they belong to any church. All members of the association shall have an equal voice and vote in its counsels , save upon questions relating to title to property and the taking of the institution out from under the control of the Baptist denomination. In this vital sense it was in its founding , is now and shall over remain a Baptist Homo. 4. The property now owned by the as sociation is vested in Rev. J. G. Lemon , as manager and trustee of the associa tion , the deed expressly stipulating that if ho attempts to divert it from the pur poses contemplated in the articles of in corporation , it shall at once vest in the American Baptist Homo Mission society , of Now York , and that society shall ap point trustees to hold it for the use of I the Homo of the Friendless association , of Council Bluffs , la. [ See county rec ords. ] Thus it will bo soon that the property is vested in such a Tray that no power on earth , no change in church management , no change in sentiment of ixny man or body of men , can over divert this prop erty from the use for which it is in tended. If the property wore deeded to achurch , that church might finally , after thous ands of dollars had boon given , abandon the work and divert the property from the use intended by the donors. If it wore deeded to the association it might become tired of the work and disband. But as it is , it can never bp sold , and im provements placed upon it are guaranteed toed to the city of Council Bluffs for ever. ever.Wo fool assured that all reasonable persons will bo satisfied with the manner in which this property is vested. If they are not , however , lot them direct their attacks against this church and its offi cers , for wo assume the whole of the re sponsibility in the matter. 5. Wo have thus madp a plain and full statement All who give will give un- derstandingly. Wo desire no ono to give supposing that ho is giving to an in stitution of a certain nature , when in fact it is of an entirely different nature. The institution is in a vital sense a Baptist institution. Its finances will bo under the management of the regular officers of the Baptist church. But in every prac tical sense it is an institution for the whole city , ana all are asked to share its benefits and help in its upbuilding. To all who have aided pur pastor , and through him the church , in this work in the past , wo are thankful. Very grateful will wo bo to all who shall see tit to aid us in the future in this same work. There is no need of controversy , and wo will not allow ourselves to bo drawn into it. Rov. J. G. Lemon has our full est love and confidence as pastor and as manager of the Homo. Those who are salisQod with the Homo and its manage ment will give to it. Those who are not , vrill , of course , refrain from giving , and that ought to bo the end of the matter , and will bo with all Christian people. If thora are those who desire to start another homo , they are at liberty to do so. Wo have no dcsiro to monopolize the field. They will moot with no oppo sition from us , and all wo ask is the same consideration. If , still , there are those who desire to speak and work against this homo , wo have nothing to say in opposition to them. The matter is between them and their God. Wo will , under Christ , steadily go forward. If it bo God's will to withhold his blessing , His will bo done , but if it is Hii will to use us as moans for the saving of orphan chil dren from lives of poverty and shame , wo will fool that no grander service could bo awarded us. To this work wo consecrate - socrato ourselves , asking the prayers and co-operation of all who love human kind. WILL 0. GORMAN , G. A. PITNKY , T. R. BUOOKH , Deacons. E. J. CoDLKinu , W. H. FOBTKB , T. R. BUOOKH , Trustees. The Hardman Upright Pianos are in use on the European steamers Alaska , Arizona , Wyoming , Nevada , Spain , Wis consin , Abyssinia and Oregon1. J. Muel ler sells them. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special advertisements , neb a * Lost , Found , To loan , fat Bale , To Kent , Want * , BoardIng - Ing , etc. , will b * Inserted in this column at th low rate of TKN CENTS I'EU LINE for the first Intertlon and FIVE CENTS PEH LINK ( or aeh iubs qu cl n- oortlon. L ar advertisement * at our offlo * , No. Pearl Btnet. near Broadway WANTB. TIT ANTED Every body ID Council Bluffs to tale VV TunUii. Delivered by cnrritrat only twenty cenU a week. VfTANTED A goodhouie , lo nice location , with V V , tbrco or four roonia. AdJum box lo. 0 , B olQoe. . , ) PAVEKS-for ulo at B offlco , at 25 ceaU OII a hundred. KENT Elegantly turnlihed appartuients In Foil with private family. lUfeiences ex- changed. AdJrcsi II. W. J. U e office. BALK A first-claM set of bar flxtuits and Foil < * ble , cheap. H. GoUitcln , (40 llioadwty , Council Bluffs Iowa , - aillcs anil gentlemen can make first clans waget by Hlllnir tlio "Champion B-.soui Mncthcr aud Ironl e Uoird. " Krtalls at dec. Any lady can do uu n thlrt without a fjlnUo and iilost I as ulc iyuth : i * tlauadriescanAddrtsi , JoriwitlculariC. B.B. &I. Co. , B oHloe , lc one too'ith' - TUO . omoj * . u. it. rv T. OFFICER & PUSEY r BANKERS. Cnuootl Bluffs . . U. Estabiisnea - - 1856 Dealer * In KoftlKn toi riLcttlo Exchanr * tDd Stcurtti LADIES WE AEE RECEIVING SOME VERT FINE Shoes and Slippers. Gentlemen OUR HNE BOOTS AND SHOES For Sprin Wear are arriving daily. Please call and see our New Stock. Z. T. LINDSEY & CO. , 412 Brondwny , Council Bluffs , ) T/IWA West Side Square , Clnnndn , f 1U W A > MAYNE & PALMER , DKAIKRS IN Hard and Soft Goal , AND WOOD , BULK . 'AND BARREL LIME , LOUISVILLE AND PORTLAND CKMKNt , lUCHlaAN PLASTER. HAIR AND SKWEll PIPI NO , 039 Broadway , - . . . COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. SMITH & TOLTLEK. Spring Goods LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS , Just Received , 7 and 9 Main street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . . . . IOWA. TfiTTM W "RAT"R"n ATTORNEY AT LAW. MANAGER OF roiTAWATTAMiE COUN- UV/JLLLN VVt JJ ± LLB.JJ , TY COLLECTION AGENCY. OIHce oorour Broadway anil Main Btreet. TfiTTNT PPMfi AT nn . GENERAL MEKCIIANDISK. jDJliNU OS UU. , 18 Main Htraot ntd 17 ! ! stren MAX MOHN CHESTON OUSE. , notel. 217 and 219 Main street MT P J. WTTTTP VVJLLJ.XJ.I ) Corner Main and Fifth up-stalre. OFFICE Residence , , 609 Willow avcnae. NO n P TIP " 7 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , . OU D U J\i l , Offlco o\er American Express. SR W A ft MPT ? LIVERY AND FEED , i kJ TV JUJI.'I Jjlli ) Will contract for funerals at reasonable ratoa. M Fourth street. aP Q IW1TTTT CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , i J. t Ql'1 JLJ-J-it Comer 7th and Broadway. Plans and specifications furnished. T A MPR PT ? A "MTV MERCHANT TAILOR. U XLltiJjkJ J. JVXil'l Jj J. | Artlrtlo Work and reasonable charges. 872 Broadway , &TT A "R T ATTORNEYS AT LAW , . . JOL.n.JLliX James Block. Practice In state and federal courts. SANITARIUM pJ - " . ° ° - PTYWTNT T A "RPnTT JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , JjUVVULN U. XlJjDUll , Notary Public and General Conveyancer. 415 Broadway. "RPT7PPP TTnTTQP SMITH * NORTON , HXl V JJIVIJ JJ.U U OJJi Broadway opposite Now Opera Uouso. Refltted 91 , 1.60 per day AH kinds of/ or. 3Bf. BOOM 6 , HEW OPERA HOUSE , CODNCIL BLUFFS , WffA , etc. , etc. v All Orders by Mall Promptly Attended To. M. GALLAGHER. New Store , Fresh Goods , Low Prices and Polite Attendants. First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , } LIVE TO EAT. EAT TO LIVE. RESTAURANT AND CAFE , to Tire Ed. 0 Itson \ . 404 Broadway , f Me U at all Hours. Chef d'culilne ) Council Bluffs. ( Parties a Specialty. COAL GIVEN AWAY ! Every ono who buys n ton of the celebrated Centervil'e coal of Platte Ovrton , oflice 601 Firrit avenue , yard 804 Mnin atrt-et , Council Blufla. is entitled to a chance in the drawing for one ton of coal , to be given uwuy March 1st. You may thus pet A Ton of Coal for Nothing1. DEALER IN ALL TH ! LATEST DESIGNS OF Interior Decorations. 18 S. Pearl Street and 20 N. Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. HEATING STOVES AT COST FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY. CABPEKTER'S ' TOOLS MD HAlfAI ! Q rani to and Tinware. Latent ; Novelties in Fancy Hardware. A large line of exti aordinury Fine Carvers. DeVOL & WRIGHT,604 BiTfeSt10and CASADY , ORCUTT & FRENCH , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL And General House Furnishings ! MAIL ORDERS FILLED CAREFULLY.w 502 Brondwny , Council Bluff * . | CASADY , OHCUTT Si FRENCH ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE , ) " TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE Complete Abstracts of Title to all Lot ? < md Lunda in the Couuty. EmpkieHardwareOj Hardware ; i 109 and 111 8. Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. IBlTOSL , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HATS , CAPS BUCK GLOVES , 42 and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , uropean Hot The only Hotel in this City on the European plan of 'PAY ONLY FOR WHAT YOU GET. " New Building Ne-w Furnishings. VLL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS-CENT It ALLY LOCATED. Fine Sample Rooms Elegant Restaurant. PETER BECHTELE , PROPRIETOR , Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. Merchant Tailoring , REPAIRING NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DONE. 805 South Main Street , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. WHY DOWT YOU OETS3MEOF FITGH BROTHER'S ' CUSTOM SHIRTS ? Perfect fitting , Beat and ChcapostigFlne Unon Collars vd CuCS. No. 715 Fourth Street Council Bluffs , Iowa. GRESTON HOUSE. EVERYTIIINO FIRSTCLASS. Nos. 217 and 219 S. Main St. , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS. Railway Time Table. COUNCIL BLUFFS. The ( oilowing are the times of the arrhal and de parture of t'ains by central standard time , at the Ioc l depots. Trains leave transfer depot ten mln- earlier and arrive ten minutes later. CHICAGO , Bl'BUNOrON A1.D QCISCT. LKAVH. 6:20 p m Council Bluff ) Express , 0:30 : a m 6:40 : p m Chicago Express 9:40 : a m 9:45 : a m Mall. 7:00 p tr KAM9A.1 C1TT , 8T. JOB A > D COUNCIL BLUPrS. 10:10 : a m Hall and Express , 6:45 : p m 8:25pm : Pacific Express , 5:35pin : CU1CAOO , MIUWAOKKR AND ST. rAUI , . 6:25 : p m Express , 9:40 : a m 0ti am Express , fl:5pm : CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAKD AND FACIKIC. ' 6:30 : pm Atltntlc Express , 0:40am : 0:50 a m Day Express , 6.50 p m 7:15am : * DesMolnrs Accommodation , 4:40pm : At local depot only. WABA8II , BT. bOUIS ASD'.PACIFIC. 9:55 : am Mall , 4:45pm : 4:50pm : Cannon Ball , 11:15am : * At Transfer only. cmcAoo and KOETIIWKSTRKS. 6:30 : p m Express , 6.50 p m 0:4Som : I'aclflloExprcis , 9:15 : am 8IODX C1TT AMD rACiriC. 7:40 : p m St PdUl Express , 9:00 : a m 7:20 : a m Accommodation , 6:50 : p m ONION rAcmc. 7:50 : p m Western Express , 8:39 : a m 11:44 : a m Pacific Exprcrs , 4:54 : p u 7:49 : a m Local Express , 6:54 : a m 12H : n m Lincoln Express , At Tran for only. DDWMT TRAINS TO OM41U. Leave-84-024-10-24-ll:24 : ; : a. m. 1:24-2:24-3:81- : : : 1:24-5:24-0:24-7 : : : : ' 4 and 11:04 : p , m Sutday , 8:21- ,0:21 : a * m. l:24-34-V24-7oiand : : : 11:04 : p. m. Ar- rl\o SO minutes before leaving time. CORNER PEARL ST , AND FIFTH AYE , , Open 1" : 0 a. m. , 2 : 0 p. m and 7SO ; p. nu , Mon- ( . .ayVedncbd > and Friday erenli gi uxcluiirely for thely mplotlub."l gf Mu ic on Tucsdsy and Thnrtday etenlngs. AUUI83ION , 25 CENTS. Ko objectlonabl * characten will be admitted. CHAPMAN fc MAH7KN8 , - PUOI'RIETORS. Mrs , H , J , Hilton , M , D , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 929 Miridla Bri < lT r. Council Blufl . B , Bice M. D. ° r other tumors rtmored wlthoatth * i kulle or drawinK of blood. CHRONIC DISEASES- " * * Over thlrtr yuan practical exMiioncs , OIBo * Ho 4 1'earl strctt , OouneU Bluffi JOSEPH HARD WOOD AND COAL Corner Main street and Eighth a\tnue , Cotia Bluffs. est rates and prompt delivery SILOAM MINERAL SPRINGS. Wo trua-antee the cute of the following named dls- scases , or no pay : Khcnniatiein , Sen fula , Ulcers , Catarrh , a 1 Blood and kindisea cs , Dv pepala , Liver Complaint , Kidney odd Bladder Diseases. Gout , Neu ralgia and Asthma , Thes t Springs are the favorite resort ol the tired an.l dcbllltatod , and are the FEEBLE LADII S BEST FllIEND , Good hotel , Ihery and bathing accomodntlon both winter and summer. Locality highly picturesque and healthy Accessible by WaUsh railway , r Evona , or C. , B. & Q. , at Albany. Corrn-jjonuer.o solicited , ItEV. M. U. THOMPSON. Manager. Albany , Slloam Springs , ( Gentry Co. , Mo. ANALYSIS. Specific Gravity 1.002 Reaction Ntutra Carbonic Acid Gas ! 6 in. per gallon Carbonate Calcium 35,021 Grains Carbonate Iron 7r41 ! 'j Sulphate Magnesia , S't6 " Sulphate Calclnm 1,148 Chloride Sodium 7,260 Sllllca 1.5W1 Alumina . . . .0,010 Organloand Volatile matter and loss . . . 1,419 Total solids per gallon 07,174 WIUOIIT& MBKRIU. , Chemist * . AN APPOINTMENT ! That Must Be BVlet. It Is appointed unto man nnco to die , but alter thli uugment , and xhooccver MM nui written In tn noukaf life was ci t Into the l.ke of flre. Frlenx , If you wcra to die to-night , how would It be with you ? A. OVEUTON. W. R. VAUGH AN. Justice of the Peace. Omaha ana Council } llun > . Heal estate colleo Ion agc -lo Over savlogu bank SPECIAL NOTICE. TO Consumers of Water ! TUB COUNCIL BLUFFS City Waterworks Co , Hereby announces , that it will put hi service pipes to the curb of the etrcet on the line of Its malna , M soon ai trie front If out n ( thegiound , for all parties who dealro connections made with the street main * , and who will make application therefor lo the Com pany Before March 10 , 188 * , atlhe following price * , pajablo In adrance : Inch ecrrlce pipe $8 9 5Q 1078 1325 1500 The prices Include the cost of opening and closing the street , tapping the street water main , f ur ard Inserting corpnrailon c clt , 'urnUhiiiir and put- tint ; in extrn strong lead le vice pipe , f urnUhlng and putting In curb stop , stop box ami cover complete , and making all ncctm ry counectloni between Ihu street Matter nuln and the cuib of the st > eet u/itVA are about one half tht toil to the container ut UODK | the same work In > lew of he conteraiilat .l paving of p rUIn treet > In the city , partle * are uoommrnded to make application Immediately , nt the office of the 26 Pearl Street. In crder to sa\o tlie necessity and avoid the increas ed expense of bieaking un the trott alter ptving has been done. IIARRr BIHKINDINK , Chief Knglnecr. Council Bluff * , February SI , 1831. JAUU11 SIMS. E. p , CAOWELL 8IM3& CADWELL , Attorneys -at-Law , COUNCIL BLUfrs , IOWA Office , Ualu Street. Rooms 1 and Bhugart k Mo- Mshon'i lUonk , "WUJ pracUos la StaU and adml court *