Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1884, Page 3, Image 3

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Gounoil Bluffs Loan and
Trust Company.
First Mottentto Lo n NffrotKted. OommercUt
F p r and Ml Good Securities drnlt In. J9 Petti
ttrect , and (04 tint ttenue , Council BluflJ.
NKW YORK. February 20.
Money Easy at li@2 per cent.
Pritna Pnper l@5i per cent ,
Exchange Bills-Steady at 4 86J ; demand ,
4 89J.
Governments Sternly.
The stock market opened strong Mid hfohor ,
but the result of the day's trading was almost
A gonorixl decline. As compared with the
closing prices lost evening twenty-two out ol
thirty of the most actl\o stocks tire lower ,
though only four of them showed declines of
over 1 per cant , , \iz ! Central Pacific , 1 } ;
Northwestern , li ; Wnbuh preferred , 1J ;
Omaha preferred , 1J. All other declines were
fractional. Only five stocks were higher than
lwt night , and those were only fractional.
3' 101
4 ' Coupons. . . . 1MB
4s. . . . . . . . . . i 123 ?
Padfiofesot " 95. 120
Amerlcau Kinross
BarL , Cedar Kapldi k Northern.
Control Pacific
Chicago & Alton
do do pfd
OhL , Burl. & Qulncy
do pfd
Fort Wnyno ft , Chicago
Hannibal & St. Joseph
do do do pfd
Illinois Central
Ind. , Bloom. k Western
Kansas k Texas
Lake Shore & Michigan So
Michigan Control
Minneapolis & St. Louis
do " do do pfd. . . .
Missouri Pacific
Northern Padllo ,
do do pfd , .
N arth western
do pfd
New York Central
Onto & Mississippi
do do pfd
Poorla. Decatur k Kvanavlllo. . . .
Hock Inland
fit. Paul & Mllwaukoo
do do do pfd
St. Paul Minu. & Manitoba. . . .
St. Paul& Omaha
do do pfd
Texas Pacific
Union Pacific
"Wabash , St. L. & Pacific
do do do pfd
Western tTiiiou Telegraph
* Asked.
CHICAGO , February 20.Flour Steady and
unchanged ; good to choice winter wheat flour ,
5 00@5 85 ; spring , 4 00@4 50 ; Minnesota bo-
lerX 4 00@5 25.
Wheat Fairly active , strong and higher ;
opened easier and BO < n advanced Ij@li3
above inside , and closed | c higher than yes
terday ; ! WJc for February ; 021@92gc for
March ; 03jo for April ; 98g985c for May :
100\ \ for .Tuno ; 1 01 $ for July ; No. 2 spring 9i
@ 9o ; No. 3 pringr , 80@82c ; No. 2 rod , 93jo
@l ul
Corn Fair speculative business , unsettled ,
opened jc lower slid declined 4C additional ,
r * . advanced | c , fluctuated and closed Jo better
than yesterday ; 5 'jf/5)53c ) for cash : 52jfo for
February ; 52I@53c for March : 53jj@53jc for
April ; 58J < ® ; i3.c } for May ; 58ic for Juno ;
COf O ic for July ; rejected , 4.ijc.
Odta Qulot ; opened weaker and closed
stronger ; 32o for cash , February and March ;
32c ; } for April , Gjjo for May ; 30Jc for the
Ilye Qutot at 58o.
Barley Quiet at C3c.
Flax Seed 1 53 on track.
Timothy Firm ; poor to choice at 110@133 ;
prime , 1 z8@l i9 , fair to good , 125@127.
Mess Pork -Opened 25(5)300 ( ) lower , rallied
25@-Oc and well maintained , 18 05@18 10 for
cash and February ; 18 Oii@lB 10 for March ;
18 17i@18 20 for April ; 18 25@18 27i for
May ; 18 3.418 35 for June.
Lard Fnfrly active , but averaged lower ;
9 579 GO for cash , February and March ;
9 70@9 72J for April ; 9 82J@9 85 for May ;
9 87i@9 90 for June.
Boxed Meats Quiet and steady ; shoulders ,
740 ; short ribs. 9 35 ; short clear , 9 80.
Batter Unchanged ; creamery , 23@31c ;
dairy , 20@25c.
Eggs 21c.
Whisky 1 17.
Cheese Beat grades held firm ; stocks light ;
choice full cream cheddars , 14c ; choice full
cream flats , MfeUJ ; good part skim choddors
and fiats , 8@10c.
Hides Unchargedjgreon salt cured bull and
damaged , Gjc ; green salt , light , 8c ; salt
heavy , 7jc ; green salted calf , 12@l2Jc.
Tallow Steady and unchanged ; No.l conn-
try , 7c ; cake , 7Jc.
CAM , -Whoat-Sales.1,200,000 bu
at Jo higher tt jo lower.
Corn Sales , 745,000 bu at J@jo ; lower.
Oats Saloi , IfiO.OOO bu. at ic higher.
Pork Salea , 4,250 bbls ; unchanged to 2Jo
Lard Sales , 4,000 tea ; unchanged at 2je
PEOUIA , Feoruary 20. Corn Active and
lower ; new mixed , -10(0)4010 ( ) ; new rejected , 431
@ 44Jc.
Oats Active and lower ; No. 2 white. 35 ®
Ilye Active and steady : 57i@58c.
Whisky Firm at 51 17.
ST. Loms , February 20. Fiour Market
Wheat -Opened anhado lower , improved ,
and closed higher ; No. 2 red , 1 09j@l 10
for CMI ; 1 09 for February : 108@1 08i for
March ; 109J bid for April ; 110(8110g ( for
"May ; 1083@1 0-J for June ; 97@97jo for the
year ; No. 3 red , 031@S100.
CuHiNd BOARD. Wheat Lower and slow ;
110J@11040 for May , 1OCJ for the year.
Corn Firmer ; 49Jo for March ; MJ@51gc
for May ,
Oat * Nothing done.
MtLWAUKM. February 20. Wheat Dull
and easyNo. ; 2 , 92jo for February ; 91gc for
March ; dlfia for May.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , 53c ; rejected , 40@48c.
I : Date Inactive and scarce ; No. 2 , S2c.
Rye Lower ; No , 2 , 5jjc.
Barley Stronger ; No. 2 , 69@59 > c.
CINCINNATI , February 20. Wheat Goot
demand ; N * . 2 red , 1 OC@1 07.
Corn Quiet ; No , 2 rrlxed , 60c.
Oata-Swady ; No. 2 mixed , 30J@S7c.
IlyeDull and lower ; No. 2 , t > 6@CCc.
Pork-Quiet ; moss , 18 00@1825.
Lard Dull ; prime steam , 9 40.
Bulk Mttata Dull and unchanged.
Whisky Active and tinn at 115.
TOLEDO , r'ebruary 5. Wheat Dull am
firm : No. 2 red cash , 100@1 05.
Corn Quiet and firm ; high mixed , o5o
No. 2 cash , 53gc.
Oata Dull and nominal ; No. 2 cash anc
February , 3 % .
new roBK.
NKW YOBK. February 26. Wheat-Optlom
declined JSgo , at opening , but advnncoit d@
fie ; closing strong ; cosh lots a tnlla better
ungraded red , 92c.l 2 J No. 3 red , 1 03J@
103i ; ; No. 2 rwl , 10 J@l M | .
Corn Opened weak aud ifeSo lower , bu
reacted ISJo , closing atroug ; ungraded , 66s (
C3o : No. 2 iHaGJJc.
Oats A thadu higher : mixed western , 40
@ 42cj white , 43 ® IGc.
Kggs Western ( re li dull and weak.
Lard-Steady ? prime pteim , 9 90.
Bailey Steady.
BALTUlOa * .
RiLTlMORC , February ad. Stead
will quiet ; wettoru firm ; No. 2 winter ret
cwh , 1 08J@1 09.
Corn Dull but steady ; rntxed , cash , Cl@
Data-Dull ! whlto , 4445c ; mliod42ffl4o. (
llyo Qulot at G7G4G9C.
i : gi Steady at 18@19c.
KANSAS CITT. February 26 Wheat-
Steady ; 83Jo bid for cash ; 84i@sUo for
March ; 93c } for Mny.
Corn Stronger ; 40J@40Jo for cash ; 41o
or March ; 4h'o for May.
Oats-lllghor ; 29js bid.
IjiVKnroot. , ( February 20. Wheat Stovly
nd Ubclmnrod ; winter,82d@8s6d ; suH
s 10d@S 3-1
Corn Steady and unchanged ; now , Cs 2d ;
Id , f.3 Cd.
CniOAQO , Fobrtnry 20. Receipt * and shipments -
monts of flour and grain for tht post 24 hours
mvo boon M follows !
Receipts. Shlp'U
Flour , bbls 17,000 20,000
Vhoat , bushels 20,000 25,000
3orn , biuhola 202,000 110,000
ats , bushels 123,000 93,000
yo , bushels 3,000 Ti.OOO
Barley , bushel 19,000 13,000
NswYoiiK , February 20. KocotpU and
ilptnontiof flour and grain for the past 21 hour *
mvo boon as follows !
RocoIpU Shtp'ts.
r'liont , bushels 7,000 38,000
orn , bushels 21.0(0 0,500
at * , bushels 40,000 135
CHICAGO , February 2C. Receipts and ship-
monta of live stock for the past 24 hours havp
xwn KS follows !
Receipts. Shlp'U.
attle 0,300
logs 11,000 . . . .
beep 900 . . . .
KANSAS CITT , February 20. Receipts and
ilpmonte of live stock for the past 24 hours
mvo been as follows :
Receipts. Shlp'ts.
attlo 15,000
logs 3,000 . . . .
heop 990 . . . .
ST. LoctBFebrnary20 , Receipts and ship
ments of 11 vo stock for the past 24 hours have
> oen ns follows :
Rocolpta. Bhlp'tH.
attlo 1.000 500
Hogs 3,000 500
heep 3,000 . . . .
CHICAGO February 20. The Dnnorii1 Jour-
n ] rnoorts thio ufiernoon its follows :
lings Best steady , others weaker ; rough
acklng , 0 3V3lC ( 90 ; parking and shipping ,
00@7 CO ; light , 6 10@7 00 ; skips , 4 75(80 ( 25.
Cattle Market slow ; values staady ; export ,
50@700 ; good to choice shipping. H8HS )
! 25 ; common to medium , G 20@5 70 ; inferior
a fair cows. 2 40(5)4 ( ) 00 ; medium to good 4 00
@ 5 00 ; stockers , 3 B0@4 75 ; feeders , 4 90 ®
Sheep Active and 10@25c lower ; inferior
o fair , 3 00@4 25 per cwt. ; medium to good ,
50@5 00 ; choice to extra , 5 40@G 00.
KANSAS Cur , February 20. The Daily In-
icator reports :
Cattle Market steady ; natives , 510@020 ;
ockors and feeders. 4 G0ft)5 ( ) 15 ; cows , 3 40@
Hogs Choice heavy but steady ; others
ewer at C 30@G 90.
Sheep- Quiet and unchanged ; natives , 3 31)
@ 500.
ST. Louis , February 20. Cattle Active ,
TODg and higher ; exporter ? , G 40@7 00 ;
icavy shipping steers , 5 75@G 40 ; light do ,
25@5 75 ; common , 4 75fe5 00 ; corn fed Tex-
ns. 5 00 ® . " , 75.
Sheep Firm and acthe ; common , 350 ®
00 ; fair to peed , 4 2f > © 5 25 ; choice to fancy ,
50 ® G 25 ; Texans , 3 00@5 00.
Hogs Market lower , weak and slow ; light ,
G0@0 80 ; packing , G 50@7 00 ; butchers to
xtra , 7 00@7 30. ,
The ChlooKO Gattlo Market.
poclal Dispatch to THE BKF ,
CHICAGO , February 20. There was a fair ,
; oady demand for shipping and dressed beef
attle to-day. There is some inquiry for big
xport cattle , as advices from the British
markets quote a slight advance , and such sold
t gjod prices.
A featnro of the market is the arrival of a
ew carloads of corufed Texans , that command
oed prices. The bunch consisted of a bun-
red and throe head , averaged 819 pounds and
old for $5 45. Shipping steera , 1,105 to
,300 pounds , Bold at $5 SO'SC ' 50.
Dressed beef steers , 1,135 to 1,201 pounds ,
i5 f > " > @G 20 ; light handy steer * , 980 pounds ,
§ 5 35 ; nice handy otnnrH , 1,005 pounds , 85 35.
NKW YOIIK. February 20. The exports of
lotneatic cottons for the post week wore 2,732
mckagea ; since the 1st of January 22,389
igainst 22,053 for the same time last year ,
22,481 for the same time in 188 J and 20,777 in
881. The movement is firm and continues
n good proportions. The tone of the cotton
; oods market is very steady.
Wholesale 1'rlcon ,
Tuesday Kvening , February 26. I
The following prices are charged retailers
> y Jobbers , wholesalers and commission mer
chants , with the exception of grain , which is
quoted at tha prices furnished by the elevators
and other local buyers :
HWuiAT Cash No. 2 , 7274o.
BABUT Cash No. 2. 47@50c.
IlTB-Cash No. 3 , 42Jc.
COBN No. 2 , SPJc.
OATB No. 2. ? 0c.
Llvo Block.
ftx STUBS 4 wwas 00 ,
w Cows 3 00 4 00 ,
HOOB G 00 < 3G { > 0.
SHKKP 3 CO a,4 00.
OALVBS- 006 60.
Flour and HilUtufl * .
WINTER WHEAT Best quality , patent/a'
SpniNQ WUKAT Best quality , patent
825@3 40.
BRAN 70o per cwt
CiiorZD FEED Per 100 Iba. SOe ,
Conv MEAL 100@110 per owt.
SciiEKNiNdC5@7Co p r owt
General Produce.
BOTTKB Fancy creamery. 33@35c ; eel <
storage creamery , 25@27c ; choice dairy , ft
@ 24c ; best country , solid packed , 12@15o
ueat country , roll , 16@18c ; inferior grades
10@14c , Ilecuipts are mnall and the uomini
MEATS Hams , 13Jo ; breakfast bacon , 1
clear lda bacon , abort , lljic ; clear sldn bacnu
long , He ; dry lalt short , lOjc : dry salt long
lOjJc : thoulden , 8c ; dried beef , 14Jo ; lard , re
fined , lOc.
aos Market nntetthd ; sales to-day at 18
@ 20c ; receipts good
APPLta Fauoy Jonathans , $4 60@5 00
fanuy Bon Davis , $3 CO4 00 ; fancy Jenet
$3 00@3 50 ; fancy Wlllowtwig , ? 3 2fi@3 70
Demand good.
OliCEai New York State full cream , lati
Reotember make , 14c ; Now York btat ful
cream , 10 hoop lota , ISJc ; do full cream , &
hoop lots , 13jcvVlsoou ; < ln. full cream , Inbox
14c ; Young Americas , strictly full cream , 15c
full ueam , 12c ; full cream 10 hoop lots , lUo
full cream tlaU , 12Jo ; full cream flaU , ll\o
laacy brick cheese , 100 Ib case * , I5jc ; LIm
burger ISJc ; genuine old Swlsi , 19c. ,
PoiATO a RocolpU , mall * ndi pricei
good. Comlgnmeuta of strictly caoico
largo nizod , straight potatoes are selling
'rom 45 to 48c ; ro'tml can 40 to 42o and
light domandt poachhlow * , TiOo.
8WKITT POTATOES Cholco yellow , nono.
UNIONS No demand ; market overstocked.
BEANS-Hand picked natl\ . * , $2 2&2 W ) ;
land picked mediums , $1 76@2 00. Ito-
colpto IIXTRO.
UAMK Prairie chickens , per dot. , M 00 to
3 25 ; unit * ) , $1 50 to 1 75 ; ducks , Mallard , per
loz , 2 00@2 50 ; mixed , 81 60 to 2 00. Bo
careful that your game comoa to market in
nice condition.
FHKSII 0\8Tnns Selects , 40c ; standarila ,
! 5o ; mediums , 25c.
CSI.KKT T > 5c.
DATES Black Arabian , per Ib , , 8@9c ;
quarter crates , lOc.
Fios 25 Ib. kegs , per IK , 12Jc ; 10 Ib. box ,
ayer , per Ib. , IGc ; small ovals per Ib. , 18c.
COCOANUTS Kxtra fine , i > or 100 , 8 00.
ClDKH 1'tiro sweet elder , 22 gal keg , $6 00 ;
M. k P. clarified , 10 pal keg , $4 7Cj I. & P.
clarified , 32 gal keg , $8 00.
Pies FKFT , TuirE , KTO. Plg foot , IB Ib
kits , $1 15 ; pigs 40 Ib qr bbl. $2 25 : pigs foot ,
80 Ib half bbl" $4 00 : trlpo , 15 Ib kits , $1 15 ;
ripe , 40 Ib qr bbl , 82 2ft ; tri ! > o , 80 Ib half bbl ,
14 00 ; pigs tongues , 15 Ib kits , $2 Ml ; plga
onguos , 40 Ib qr bbl , $ G 00. Iiambs' tonjruos ,
5 Ib kits , $2 G5 ; 40 Ib qr bbl , $6 25 ,
MINCE MEAT Atmoro'fl , 181b buckets
buckets 25c ) 9c ; S71b buckets ( bucket 40o ) ,
to. : lOOlb ko s , 9c ; half barrels , SJe.
AsBonTBn JKLLT 2-lb stone jars : 12 In cane ,
xir doz , $2 25 ; tumbler , per dot , 81 95 :
chooner , per dozen , $3 10 ; 1-lb tin caus , 4
ioz. iu case , $1 40 ; 2-lb tin cans , 2 doz in case ,
BULK JELLIES Currant. SO-lb wood palls ,
> orlb , 7Jc ; strawberry , 30-1 b wood palls per
i ) , 7Jc ; nupborry. 30-lb wood palls | > or ib ,
Jc : blackberry. 30-lb wood polls per Ib , "Jc ;
crab npplo. 30-lb wood i Ml * tmr Ib , 7o.
AFPLB BUTTEB 3Wb Is , per Ib ,
8c ; 5-lb wooden palls , 6 in CMU per case ,
PKACII BOTTSR 2Mb wooden palls per Ib ,
$1100 ; 5-lb wooden pallo , C in case , per cftso ,
PUESKUVES ( In 20-lb wooden pails ) Until-
berry , 15o ; Btrawborry , quince , 14c ; poaon ,
14o ; cherry. 14o ; tomatoes , 14o [ plum , Me ;
assorted , 5-lb wooden buckets , C In case , per
case , $4 75 ; assorted , 2-lb tin cans , 2 doz in
case , per case , $0 60
POULTIXT Lho chickens , per dot , 176 ®
200 ; full dressed chlckonsporlb,10@12o ; tur
keys , per Ib. , 15@17c ; ducks , 10@12 ; geese ,
LEMONS Extra fancy bar lemons , SO 00 ;
Fancy Messina lemons , per box , $5 25 ; 5 box
lots , Messina lemons , $5 00 ; 10 box lotn do. ,
$4 75 ; Malaga lemons , fancy , $4 50 ; do 6 box
lots , $4 25.
OIIANOKS "Valonclos , G 50 ; Aloislnax , 3 75.
CBANDERKIKS Boll and ouglo * , $12 00 ; lioll
and cherry , $9 60@10 60. Above quotations
Tor choice.
NEBRASKA COSIB IfONKY 2-lb frames , 24-lb
cases , per Ib , 18c.
HAT Baled , 8 00@10 00 i > or ton ; In bulk ,
G 00@7 00 per ton.
Grocers Iilat.
OANNID GOODS Oysters ( Standordper ) case ,
3 85@3 90 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per caao. 2 00 ®
2 10 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; Bartlett
pears , per caao , 2 40 ; whortleberries , per cose ,
4 00 ; egg phrxs , 2 Ib , per cose , 2 90 ; green
gages , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; pine apples , 2 Ib
per cose. 4 805 50.
ROPE Sisal 4 inch and larger , 9jc , § Inch ,
; i inch , lO c ,
JANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , 16s , ISJc ; 8s , 15ic ;
axes 40 Ibs , 10 oz. , 6s , 16Jc.
MATCHES -Per caddie , 35c ; round , oases ,
55 ; square cases , 1 70.
SUGARS Powdered , 9c ; cut loaf , 9c ;
ranulated , 8Jn : confectioners' A , 8c ; Stand *
rd extra O , 78o ; extra C , 7ic ; medium yel-
ow , 7c ; dark yellow , GJc.
COFFEES Ordinary grades , 12@12Jc ; fair 13
@ 13Jc ; good , 14c ; '
G@l7c ; fancy green
overnmont Java , 20@2Gci _
8c ; Arbuckle's roabted , 18c ; Mcl auglJln'i'
XXXX roasted , 18c ; mitation Java , 1GJ
RICE Louisiana prims to choice , 7c ; fair
Jc ; Patina , GJc.
FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brls. , 8 00 ; No.
mackerel , < clts , 1 15 ; family mackerel , half
rls. , G 00 ; family mackerel , kits , 95c ; No. 1
white fish , half brK , 7 00 ; No. 1 kits , 1 05.
STHUP Standard Com. , 32c , boln ; Standard
o , -li gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon
kopa 1 50
SODAIn Ib papers , 3 SO per case ; keg per Ib ,
PICKLES Medium , In barrels , 7 50 ; do
n half barrels , 4 2n ; small , in barrels , 8 (0 ; do
n half barrels , 4 75 ; gherkins in barrels , 9 50 ;
do in half barrels. 5 25.
TEAS Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; choice GO
975c ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , 60@G5c ;
foung Hyson , good , SG@50c ; choice ,
j5c@100 ; Japan , natural loaf , 35c ; Japan ,
hoice , 60@75c ; Oolong , good , 85@40c ; Oolong ,
hoice , 4055c ; Souchong , good , S5@40u ;
holce , 3545o.
WOODENWARE Two hoop palls , 1 85 ;
hroe hoop nails. 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Plo-
near washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ;
Wollbuckots , 3 85.
SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Kirk's
atinot , 3 60 ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's
white Russian , 5 25 ; Kirk's outoca , 2 15 ;
Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; Kirk's
magnolia , doz. '
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 cane , in case ,
3 35 ; BabbIttB ball 2 doz. incase , 1 90 ; Anchor
lall , 2 doz. In cose , 1 50.
CANDY French mixed , In 30 Ib. polls , 18c ;
American mixed , in 30 Ib pails , 14c ; Brilliant
nixod. in 30 Ib pails , 13c ; Nobby mixed , in 80
b pails , 13c ; Competition mixed , in 30 Ib
palls , 12Jc ; Excelsior stick , 30 Ib pails , 12c ;
double retined , SO Ib pails , 13c ; Crystal mixed
80 Ib palls. 15c ; Old Time , mixed , 30 Ib pails ,
I4c ; Tip Top , mixed , 30 Ib pails , 13o ; Flirt
mixed , 30 Ib pails , HJc ; Flirt , stick , 30 Ib
pails , llic ; Tip Top , stick , 30 Ib pails. 12c.
VINEOAR New York apple IGc ; Ohio op
pie , 13c.
SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 1 80 ; Ashton , In
Racks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy GO , 5o , 3 30.
STARCH Pearl , 4c ; Silver Gloss , 9c ; Com
Starch , 9c ; Excelsior Gloss , 7c ; Corn , 8a
SPIOEB Popper , 17c ; aUsplco , 15o ; clovea
So : cassia 16c.
LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 8 40 ;
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 200 ; Lewls'Ilye
4 65 ; Jewell lye , 2 75
Drr Goods.
BHOWN SiiKBTiNfls Atlantic A , 8c ; Allan
Lie P , Go ; Atlantic LL ; 5Jc ; Bnmswick , 7ic ;
Heaver Dam LL , Co ; Lawrence LL , Co ; Paci
fic H , 7o ; Royal Standard , 8c.
peroll R. GJc ; Sallnbury R. Go.
flic ; Glory of th'aVeut , HJc ; Golden Gnte , Sic :
Hill 7-3 , 8c ; Hill < . DC ; Lonsdalo , 8jc ; Now
York Mills , llic ; Wamautta , lljc.
DUCKS ( Colored ) UoHton , 8 oz. , llu ; I5oa.
ton , 10 BZ. , 14Jc ; Boston , 'J oz. , lie ; Fall
JMver , 8Jc.
DUCKH ( Gr y-Wegt ) Point , 8 oz. , lloj
Went Point , 11 oz , , He ; Beaten Bear , 8 or. . ,
TICKINGS AmixkeaR , HJc ! Continental
Fancy , 9o ; Cordla , li jc ; Pearl Hlver , 14Jc ;
York , 12JO ; Hamloton Awnlntrs , 1'Jjc.
DENIMH Amotkeag , 14e ; Beaver AA. 12e
Beaver ; Heaver CO , 10 : Havmakera !
8cj Jaffrey D & T , 12Joj Jaffrey XXX. lUJo
Pearl Itlver , 14c : , Worren AXA ( brown )
l-JJc ; Warren 1S11 ( brown ) , lljc ; Warren CO
( brown ) , lOJo.
OAMIIIIICH Fifth avenue glove finish , CJc
Kovstone elovn finlih , rije.
Ooiwrr JKANS Amory , 71cj HuncocV , 8c
oM-duyer , 81c ; Hock | > ort , vie.
PHINTW Aliens , fie ; American , Co ; ArnoMn
file ; Cocheoo , CJc : Harmony , Bo ; Indigo , 81c
Incllgn 7-8. lljc ; IndlRo 4-4 , IZJc !
I'JUNTH UiiEifriNdH American , 5c : Cucheco
fie ; Glouceator , Co8outhljrldgo ; , fie ; Wuverlyi
UINOIIAMHAraonVeaf ( uttiplee , 8Jc ; Dates
Btanlos , Hc ; Lancanter utapleu , 80 ; Plnnkot
ulilrt , lOc ; HmUon cliDclce , 7ia
DHICHH GOODH Atlantic alpacca , OJo ; Per
tane cuhtner , 2 Jo ; Hamleton ca < hinero
IClc ; Hamleton Fancui , lljcj Hamloton bro
cade * , IDc.
We quota lumber , lath and Blilnglea' , on oan
nt Omaha at tha following priceat
JOIHT AND SCANTLING 16 it. and under
2200 ; 18 ft , 23 60.
TiuniBa 16 foot and under , 22 00.
TtUBiB AND JOIBT 18 ft , 23 60 ; 20 ft , 23 W
22 ft , 20 W ; 24 ft , 20 BO.
FCMOINO No. 1 , 4 and 6 In. ' 24 00 ; No. 2
22 00 ,
BIIKKTINO Na l(2d ( common boards ) , 20 00
No. 2 , 18 OQ ,
STOCK BOAKDS-A , 46 00 ; B.40 00 ; 0 , 35 00
- No. 1,4000 ; No. 2 , 3300 ; No.
SIIHMI , cloar-25 00 ; No. 3,18 00.
UKIMMI I , 37 00 ; 3 , 25 00.
billMiUH , boat I 00 ; standard , 3 50.
IiATii 3 i5 ! i > or M.
LIMS Per barrel , 1 25bulk ; jKsr bushel , 8-u-
Minent , bbl , 2 25 ; lown plaster , bbl , 2 50 ; hair
per bu. f > 0c ; T rrod felt , 100 Ilvs , 3 50 ; traw
boar J , 8 50.
Ptco TOBACCO--Climax , 60oj Bullion 50c ;
Horseshoe , 60c ; Star , 60c ; Kuddy , 45c ; Her *
ROV'M , 40c ; Black , 38 ® IOc.
FINS Cur Common , 20@SOc ; good , 450
COcj Itoso Loaf , "Oc : Pronilum , G5c ; Diamond
Crown , 55c } Sweet Hlxtoen , 47o.
SuoKiNO O. S. , 2-o ! ; Meerschaum , 30c ; Dur
ham , 8 oz. , 55c ; Durham , 4 ot. . 57c ; Durlmir
2 oz. , 55c : Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz , , 65c
Seal of North Carolina , 4 oz. , 67c ; Seal of
North Carolina , 2 oz. , OOc : O. 1C Durham , 4
oz , , 28c ; O. K Putnam , 2 oz. , 80c ; Undo
Nod , l' 25c ; Tom ami .lorry , Stto.
Pntnts.Olls nndarnlaliO8. .
0118 110 ° carbon , i > er gallon , llo ( 150 °
headlight , per gallon , 14c ; 175 ° headlight ,
per gallon , 18c ; 150 ° water whlto , 17c ; llti
seed , raw , ; pr gallon.55c { linseed , boiled , per
gallon , 680l.ard , winter str'd , per gallon , 85c ;
No , 1 , 75cNo. ; 2 , OT > c ; castor , XXA , per gal
Ion , 1 60 ; No. 3,1 35 ; sweet , l > r gallou. 1 00
sperm W.B. , ixsr gallon , 160 ; fish. W. B. ,
porgullon , G5o : ncatsfootextra , jwr gallon , OOc ;
No , 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , 30c ;
summer , 16o ; golden machine , No , 1 , per gal *
Ion , S5c ; No. 2 , 25c ; sperm , rignal , per gallon ,
80c ; tur | > ontlno , per gallon , 48c ; naptha 74 ° ,
pot gallon , IGc.
PAINTS IN OIL Whlto lead , Omaha P. P.
Gc ; whlto load , St. liouts. pure , Gc ; Mar oillM
green 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c ; French zinc , green
seal , 12o : I'roncli zinc , rod seal , lie ; French
zinc , In varnish asst , 20c ; Fionch zinc , in oil
oust , 16c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans , IOc ;
raw and burnt Sienna , IOc ; vandyke brown ,
IScj rohnod lampblack , 12c ; coach black , and
Ivory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian
blue , SOu ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chromo green
L. M. k D. , IGc ; blind and shutter green , L
M , k D. , IGc ; Paris rroen , 18c ; Inulau rod ,
16c ; Venetian rod , 9c ; Tuscan rod , 22c ; Amorl-
con Venntlhon , I. k P. , 18c ( chromo yellow
L. M. , O. k I ) . O. , 18o ; yellow ochre , Oc ;
golden ochre , IGc , patent dryer , 8c ; graining
colors , light oak , dark oak , walnut , cho * taut
and ash 16c.
Honvy Hnrdwnro
Iron , rntca , 2 50 ; plow stool epocial cast , Go.
crucible , 7c ; i > oclal or Gorman , r'c ; cast too ;
o , 15@l0j ! wngon spoltoa , sot , 2 25@13 00 ; hulw
> or eot , 1 25 ; felloes Rawed ( by , 1 40 ; tonguot ,
ach , 70@85c ; uctoa each , 75c ; Hquiuro Hutu jwr
> , 7@llc ; washurs or Ib , 8@18c ; rivets , per
b , lie ; cell ditto , per Ib , C@l'Jc ; malleable , 80
ron wedges , Gc : crowbars , Gc ; harrow tooth
c ; spring tool , 7@8c ; Burden's horsohoos , 4 70
lurdon's muloahooa 6 70.
BAIIDED WIRE In car lots , 4 Jo per 100.
NAILS Katos , 10 to CO , 2 00.
SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 ; oriental
xiwdor , kegs , 640 ; do. , half koga , 348 ; do. ,
uartor kegs , 1 88 ; bloating , kegs , 3 35 ; ( use ,
> er 100 foot 50c.
LRAD Bar , 1 65.
COAL Cumberland blacknmlth , 10 00 ; Mora -
a run Blossburg , 10 00 ; Whltobroaat lump ;
i 00 ; Whltehrooat nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 00
own nut , 5 00 ; Uock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthrn
Ito , 11 2f@il 60 ; Canon City , 7 00 , per ton
Oak dole , 38c@4.'o ; homliKh solo2 c@S5c ;
iuu lock kip , 80o to 1 00 ; nuiner ( > 5o to 80c ;
icmlock calf , 85c to 1 00 ; hemlock upper , 22c
o 24c ; ouk upper , 24c ; alligator , I 00 to 6 60 ;
calf kid , 3 : > @ 3V. GroUon kid , 2 60 to 2 75 ; oak
kip , 80c to 1 OOi oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French
kip , 1 10 to 1 55 ; French wdf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; ros-
ota , 6 50 to 7 60 ; linlnga , G 00 to 8 50 ; top-
inra , 0 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , 30c to 35c ;
lobblo O. D. Jlorocco , 35c ; slmon , 2 50 to 8 00.
UAUNK83 No. 1 star oak , 38c ; No 2 do ,
5c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 30c ; No. 2 do , Me ; No.
Milwaukee 35c : No 2 do 33c .
Hrv Pnlntfl.
Whlto load , 8c ; French zinc , IOc ; Paris
whiting , 2c ; whiting gilders , IJc ; whiting
m'l lie ; lamiiblack , Germantown , 14c ;
ampblack , ordinary , IOc ; Prusnian blue , 55c ;
iltrainarhiG , 18c , ; vandyke , brown , 8c ; umber ,
> urnt , 4c ; umbor. raw , 4c ; eieuna , burnt , 4c ;
louua , ru'v , 4c ; Paris green , genuine , 25c ;
'aris green , common. 20cchromo ; groan , N.Y. ,
Oc ; ciiromo greon. 1C. , It-'c ; vonnilllon , Kng. ,
Oc ; vermlllion , American , 18c ; Indian red ,
Oc ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian red , Cokusoss ,
; Venetian rod , Ameiican , Ijc ; red load ,
ic ; chromo yellow , gouulno , Oc ; chrome yel-
ow , K. , 12c : ochre , rochollo.Sc ; ocliro , French ,
? c ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winter's mineral ,
ic ; lohlirh brown , t-'lc ; Spanish brown , 2&c & ;
'rinco'a mineral , 3c.
VAIINIBHES Biurelst per gallon : Furnl
ure , extra , $1 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , $1 ; conch ,
xtra , $1 40 : coach , No. 1 , $1 20 ; Damar ,
xtra , $1 75 ; Japan , 70cnsphiutum. ; extra , 85c ;
hollac , 13 60 ; hard oil imi-h , 81 50.
) ull , and weak ; green butchers , 6@Gjo ; green
alted 74 ® 7jc ; dry Hint , 12@13c ; drjr salt ,
0(5)llc ( ) ; damaged hides , two-thirds price.
SIIEEP PZLTB 25c@l 00.
ALOOIIOL 188 proof , 2 2G per wine gallon
xtrn California spirits , 188 proof , 120 per
\I\J\Ujl. UU , 1111U UlUIlUU'l , A. UUIU U UVi , JVUU-
, ucky bourbons , 2 00@7 00 ; Kentucky and
Peunsylvunla ryes , 2 00@7 00.
BBANDIES Imported , 6 00@1C 00 ; domoatlo
1 40@4 00.
GlNa Imported , 4 50@J ( 00 ; domontlo , 1 40
@ 300.
KUSIB Imported , 4 60@6 00 ; Now England ,
" 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 50@3 50.
CHAMPAQNKH Imported | > or C.MO , 28 00@
& 1 00 ; Amorican'per COHO , 12 00@10 00.
n palls lie. Hams , 1'IJe ; brnakfaut bacon
I3@15ic ; smoked Udes , 9i@10c ; salt Bldos ,
GIIEEN Fnnit AND PiiODnoE Potatoes , 65@
55o per 100 pounds ; onions , per 100 pound * ,
? 1 50@2 00 ; turnips , per 100 Ib , G0@80o ; Col
orado cabbage , now , per 100 , 85c@100
live chickens , old , per doz , $4 00(5 (
425 ; f prairie chickens per doz , $3 75@400
oggt , fresh , per doz , 32a5c ; butter , fair qual
> ty creamery , finest per Ib , 38@42 ; creamery ,
; oed , per Ib , 28@34c ; Kansas and Nebraska
ialry , per Ib , 37@45c ; cooking , 12@15c ; choose ,
[ ull cream , per Ib. 16@17c ; npploa per bbl ,
eastern , $0 00@G 60 ; grapes. ) > or Ib ,
7ffilOo ( ; California pears per Ib , 7@10ci
Nlensina lemons , extra per ox , ? 7 00
@S 00 ; oranges , 912 00 ® 13 00 ; Colorado
jvhoat , per 100 Ib , 913 @ 1 38 ; flour , fair
nuallty , $10 00@10 M per barrel flour ,
Graham , .per 100 Ib 82 00@2 50 ; flour ,
rye. pnr 100 Ib , (2 60@2 70 ; flour , buckwheat ,
[ > or bbl , 810 00@10 60 ; corn Gmeal per
lee Ibi , $1 05@1 85 ; corn , per 100 Ibo. 81 S0@
inliwl , per 100 Ib , $1 Mttru .Kit wheat , per luu
lb , 81 35@1 45 ; barley , per 100 Ibs , 81 60@
@ 176 ; mixed chop , per 1100 Ibs , 81 33(3 ( ,
1 40 ; bran , per ton , 17 00@19 00 ; hay ,
per ton 12 00@1G 00 ; baled second bottom ,
$10 00@12 00 ; baled upland , 914 00 ® 17 00
straw , | * > r ton , 88 00@U 00.
J. Jt. OAMl'llELU | B. B. OAUl'JIEUi ,
Campbell & Co. ,
Commission Merchants
H-HODUOB , ntovisioNs , niuira , ETC.
IMBolithinhHireet , b t c u Dougluknd Dodge
Uc/Lienoot / Klrat Nutiouul Hank , Eteclo , Johnson
. , Oinilia ; H nlc o ! Oisi County , PlatUmoutb
In Aim ) , May nd June , 1MI I'ABSAOK TICKt.1
by k I ATI A MTIU HTKASIKH3. bDOclil l cllltlo 0
travel' ruin EIIIlOl'K.tiy alroutei , at reduced rtlts.
CUOK'H KXCURSIONIrtT , with m | i tnj full par
tlculin. by in ll lOotnU. AMre <
iTUOH. COOK & BON , 281 Ilrovlway , N , y ,
Railway Time Table.
U. P. 1 11 , MAIN LINK.ttkivi.
lauvK ttkivi.
Vr t rn Kinmn 8 00 pm W < ntotnK pre i. 30p : m
J. I l ndr m.,4.'Wpm O. InUnd , lllo : * m
Lincoln Ki.lJO p tn Mnocln Kx . IS.SSpm
tioavo Omnha : 7:10 : , 8:00,0:00 : : , tO.-OO , 11:00 : a : m.,12 m ;
1PO : , 2 00 , 3 00,4 00 , B 00 , fl 00,10:10 : p. m. On Sun
days : 7:10 , P.o 11:00 : a. m j s oo , 4 oo , e.-oo , 10.10 p.
m. Atrhc tit transfer depotM lulmitMlater ; llroad'
way depotCouncil lllnlTo , 30 minutes Inter.
Ix'Mo Council llluft , llroadnay depot , B'OO , 0.00 ,
10.-00,11-00 ft.m. ! 1 * m.jt:00. : S.-CO , .1-00,4 00,6:00,0:40 : : ,
10:40 : p. in On Sundays : R OO.IOfO a. m.15 mjS.-OO ,
6 00 , 0.40,10.40 i > . in. Arrh o Transfer de | < ot , to minute
utelater. .
Ix > a\o Council ntult Trannlcr depot : 8,25 , O.J5 ,
10.25,11:26 : ft.m.IS ; lnlJ5 ; : , S.2S.3 : ! ' ? , 4:25 : , 6.S6 , 0:26 : ,
7:06,10.65 : p. m. Arrli o Omaha SO mlnutn later.
No. t , . . ,7:66 : am PMS. No. D , . , 7:26 ft ni
No. lo..6-45pm " No. 16..11:45 : ft m
No. 1 350pm " No B.ilso : m
No. 8. 8.50am " No. 81 , . .7:16pm
N . a . . . l5am < No. 1. . . 785pm
No. 60. . 0.50 ft in |
JtfTho l > o\cm Omaha Tlmft.jnr
Standard time li 14 mlnutei faster than local
MtXTIK MtrRlwi.
malia. . ' : .to pm 8'40 am 0 30 pm 0.40 am
thland. 24 urn 11:11 : am 4 U pm 7:46 : am
.Incoln. 10.50 am 12 54 pm 3 oo pm 1:49 : am
Jrcto . . . 1 1 M pm I'M ) pill S.I7 pm 8:40 : am
. 5:15 : am 6 oo pm 11.30nm pm
1 Cloud , 8 00 run 0 55 jtm 10 01 am 8.00 i m
cOook . . 10 55 am 10 35 pm 6.50 pm 3.43 pm
kron , . , . 3:45 : pm ll4ipm ! (
D n\cr , . , . 7:43 pm 3 35 am 0.2'ipm 7:35 am
' . 00 ft m 18.4.1 p m
tfalldally 0 15 ft m I Ginnw , dally
Kiprcw , dally I except Mon-
otcept Satur : I das 0:25 : a m
daji 7:45p : m Mall , dally t 55p m
O. , St. 1 * . U. u U.-UTANUAKD TIMK.
( Depot Utli and Wolmttr Mn.
S'o. 2 mtx-d. . .7:45 : a m No. . . 6:30 : p m
freight . . S:60 : p m .UMIam
Atlantln Kxp 3,40 p m Atlantto Kxp . (1:16 ( : a m
AtlantlaMall 7:45am Atlantto Mall. . . 7 : Op m
! > cr } day. ( Trannfer Depot , Council Hindu. )
7 50am I Arrho 10.55 n ni
Un\o 050pm | Art ho 4:06 : pin
0. , II & O 11. IU-HTANDAHI ) TIMK
Hull * 7:50 : ft in I KxpreM 10:00 : am
8.50piu I Mall' 7.15pm
0. , U. I' & P. n. II. 8TANDAIID TIMtt.
all" . 7:50 : a in I Kiprcu . in 00pm
Express . B'60"pm | Mall * . 7,1.'Jam
Sundajg cxccptod.
0. , M. t St. P.-STANDAUD TIMK.
all&Ki * . . S.OOa m 1 1'nclflo Kx . .9SJ : a m
tlantloKx * . . .8.60pm JMall&Ki * . 7.00pm
O. & N. W. B. Il.-8rANOAlU TIME.
all * . 7:50ft : in I ExproM. . , . 1000am
tprors . 8:60 : pm | M U' . 75pm :
8. 0. & P. II. U.-STANDAUD TIME.
all * . 800am I Kxnrcas . 10 00 km
xpren . B.OOp in | Mall * . 7:25 : p ui
opening ana Closing or iaau& .
MUTI. oru * . ou i.
ft.m. p.m. a.m. p.m.
. AN. W.,0.,11.1 ftP.,0.11.
ft Q. , Ht. Paul Sioux City. 11:00 : 0:00 : 6:40 : 8:15 :
,'.S a & P. Ill Iowa 9.00 6:40 :
abaah Kxpross . 12.33 Ittft
Vabosli local . 0.00 6:40 :
. C. , St. Joe C . | ) .W 0:90 : t > M O.bO
Ismurl Paolflo . 7:30 6'40
, SL1'.M.0 . 6.00 7M :
nlon Pftclflc , o\erl n& . 8:03 :
ulon PaclHo , Deincr Kx. . . . 4:00 : 7:30 :
. & Republican Volley . . . 1 :80 : 1 1 : S5
. &M. Kxprona . 7:00 7:40 :
U.&M. for I'latUmoiith , S.
Ilenil , AnhlanJ allilLlnpolll. 11:00 : 7.3 0
C Itlco ojii n Suu Jaj B from 12 00 in. to 1 00 p. ir.
O K OOUTANT , ro6tniftntcr.
617 St. Charles St. , St , Louis , Mo.
A RKOUIiAIl QUADUATEof two mcilloal collcgei
\ _ lioa boon engaged longer In tlio treatment ol
nn other phjBlclnn In St. Louin , a city iiapora aho
nil nil old residents know. UotiBUltntlon free
mltoiL When it Islncoiuenlont to visit the city
rcatmont , modlclnca can bo sent by mall or cxprca
vorywhcra. Curable cases Kiiaroiituodwhorodou ;
xlsta it la frankly stated. Call or write.
Nenoua Prostration , Debility , Mental and Phyile *
eaknem. Mercurial and other affections ot Throat
nt | , Skip AHectloni , Old Horoa and Uloorg , liupedl
cnta to marriage , Uhemnatlam , 1'llea. Hpcclal a >
nt Ion to cases Irom o > orworkcd liraln. HUK01UAL-
recelvo attention. UUea e
om Imprudence , Kxcnmtcg , Indulgence * .
liycniiac , oonnoquouom and cure. Mailed for 2ic ;
aKo or itarapa. n 9f.Hii >
IMIS jIM.t JI Ittt'lMH I1X
tor t ntrtitt * vi > u < i < ily for
tin ruiviil iltraimriiiHll
nf tin1 uilu > ltttlvi < omHUM
lilt It1 In nil llllfttak * ' iltout
thU liiHtrununt , thn inn-
lliinouH Mrfoiii nf HK >
tlniMitih the iwnA imi c
it-xUiro them to lioaltltr
atlioti llu not fonlnmn
tint lth Ufctrio lin'ti '
uilvertlruil In euro all Ills
rrom hmdlotmi. It In for
tliaONK > | < cclila piirnam ,
' " "
, IDS Wanlilnutoii Bt. rhTm'im. Ill
In Union InKitH ) | nt KiinxnHOIty ,
UiiiiiliiinuU IlKiivurwIlh tlituiiKli tiiilim fur
And all polnta In tliu Uiunt Wont ,
Connecting in Uninil Union Iox | > t lit Chicago
with tliroiiKh tiiilim for
And all Kituturn Oltlux.
At I'corli with tliiimuli trains lor Indlnniiji-
oils , Uincliiniitl , Columbus , inul ull iKilnts fi
tlioHuutli.Kast. At St. l.oulB with tluonul
tmlna lor ull jiolnlw Hotitli.
KlfKiint Day ConclitH , I'm lor Cam , with Ito
clliiliiKUIiuli-HNiivtn ( ! lice ) , hmoltIng Curs will
Ituvolvlnti Chull-H , I'lillnmn 1'aluce Hlueiiln
CIU-H unil tlm famoiiH ( J. II , ft Q. DlnliiK Cim
run daily toand from Olilrngo und Hunstts ( Jlty
ChlciiKoanU Council llliUIiiiClilciii | > und De
MoliiuH , Uhlcauo , Ht. Josejili , Atclilson un <
Toiiulcii without cliungo. Only tluoiiKli lln
runnliiR their own tnilim between Clilcugc.
Lincoln niul Denver , nnd Uhicago , Kunuu
Ulty umt Denver. Through cui * lictweoi
Indianapolis nnd Council limits , vlu 1'voila.
Solid TrulnH of KloKunt Day Couclica an
I'ullinun I'ulacoHloopliiK Cure mo run dully t
and from Ht. Louis ; via llannlbul ; Onlncy
KookuW , IlurlliiKton , Ctdar Hunlda und Albcr
J.eatobi. 1'uul and Ulnncanolla ; 1'arlorCurt
with ItucllnliiK Olmlni to and ftom Ht. Loul
nnU I'corla. Only onochaiiKO of cars Uetwcci
St. Louis unit DenMolm * , Iowa , Lincoln , No
biuskii.niHl Denver , ( -'oloitulo.
It is also thu only Through Line between
It la known as the grout TIIUOUOII OAl
LINK of America , und Is universally udmlt
' il to t > o the
Finest Equipped Ballro&d In the World fo
oil elostes of Travel.
Through Tickets via thU line for Mle at !
R. It. coniion ticket ofllccs In thu United State
anil Canada.
Onmhn Ronl Estnto is n snfo investment for both local and foreign cnp-
tnl , nud tlioro ia no property , in or nrouud the city , but wlmt. will bring
purchasers good returns in the near future. Wo have property for sale
c ail paits f the city , and also
Surrounding the city , all of wluclilwo'glndly show to partiss who feel
We are often asked which is the best part of the city for an invost-
nentj ? Wo always advise patrons to buy what is called
Inside Property
Jy this is meant property not more than one and a half miles from the
'ostoflico , and the nearer the center the better the investment. While
utsido property will steadily advance in price , inside property will ad
vance much greater in'propor lion. The now addition to the city known as
" located one mile from the postofiice , west , only nine blocks from the
ligh School , and those lots are being sold at less than half the price
slcod Cor lots sumo distance in any other direction , and
As these lots will , in a short time , bo advanced to correspond to prices
ots surrounding Hawthorne.
The contract'has been lot for grading Davenport street through this
ddition. Work has been commenced and will be finished early in the
uinrnor. Purchasers of lots in Hawthorne will not have to bear any
xponso for the grading. This is a decided advantcge. Prices for regu-
ar si/c lots
8350 TO SSVS ,
Vo have also some double lots in this addition at from $000 to $050.
) his part of the city is being built up with the best class o residences ,
fear business , near High School , andjjdesirublo in every particular.
Wo have a ew lots loftjin this addition , which we will sell at lowe.-
priccstlmii can bo had in surrounding additions. The lots are beautiful-
y located and larger than than those in adjoining additions , and will bo
old on terms to suit purchasers.
Projerty !
In Douglas County and all parts of tb" State.
A. fine tract of land three and one-hall : miles from Omaha at $40 per
acre. Also a tract four miles from the bity at JBJO ! per acre.
Lotrt"in.this addition will bo sold on motuhlySpaymontH ; 10 per cent.
cash and 5 per cent , per monta.
SI j& . "W T 331 0 "E ! , ItsT J ± 3 1
Of all the lots we havoj.for Bale , we taiok * .his isjthe nyvnt dmirable
either for a home or torjmvestinont , us it is near.busin * i i/uwly located
and at proeont.Drices is the cheapest property in tin T ict'tt , n-id4firsb
buyorsihavo ( choice of lots.
ZlS South X4thStreet ] , between jFaraaiaJand Douglas ,