THE DAILY BJBE OMAHA , TUESDAY , FEBRUARY 26 , T881. THE DAILY BEE. . OMAHA , Tuesday Morning , Fob , 26 , LOCAL BREVITIES , New croi ) clover and timothy seed for lo. Smigart , Wntto k Wleo , Council IMuflii , Iowa. f84m. The case of the state against T < on GCOTRO , for i-obbory , WM begun before iTiulgo Notlllo yesterday morning. John Drexel , of the firm of Uroxo ! & Maul Is confined to hi * homo by a tcvoro gwollinc1 upon his right kneC. It i rojiortcd thftt a man was blown froin train No. 3 , on the Union Pacific , going went , ono day liut week. The song/orvlco at Trinity cathedral Sun day was largely attended nnd the mitsli was excellent , nnd highly planting to all , Several kegs of powder were sent to VM ley by the Union 1'aclfic folks Sunday , to bo UBOil in hronklDR up the Ice In the Halts river. The funeral of Mr * . iiaboth ; ! Cliff wll take place thii ( Tuosilay ) afternoon , at 2 o'clock , frbm her late residence , 2015 Gal J well street. Two bonutlfnl tUy , in rapid succession have boon dealt out to the clttrona of IhU city by a bountiful weather clerk. It now romalni to bo soon what will follow. tp W. G. Whitmoro , of Valley , a director o ! the Wato'loo croainpry nssBodatlon , wafl elected vico-prenldont of the Northwestern Dairymen's association , at Mnnkato , Jlinn loot week. The case of the state ixgainat ( ! oorgo Jackson , for ntcallng shoos , was called licforo Judge lionoke Saturday afternoon. The do * fonio demanded a jury trial aivl the CILXI wont over until Starch 7tb. Stops have been placed nt a number o the jumping off places In dllToront parts o the city , canned by tlio grading of last season. They ore nlco Iniprovoinonta and will avi many a headlong fall. The twelve apodal policemen were MWOHI in and put on duty Saturday night Six o thorn put In the greater portion of yoHordnj in Ranging around the Wabash corner. Illchard IlodJ , traveling salesman fo : Tootlo , Maul & Co. , was marrM on the 22d of thla month to Miss Ella Davix , of Hamll ton , Ontario. The mud and 'water upon Bomo of the street crossings IB getting terrible deep and It case the woitther continues such as yesterday , n Ufa preserver will bo needed to insure sufot ; in transit from ono nldo of the Htroot to thi other. , Low lirown , a colored man , was lost nigh arrested for stealing tha robes and oflico turn ! turo from the blue barn last fall. Ho wafl found alone by Officer Illnchoy in Mr. Itod ick's officoi ths occupants ha ring gene to thoti homes for the night. Patrick Carroll , cf Chicago , dlalnteriei the remains of James Carroll , Ills brother , wh died nt St. Joseph hospital a couple of week ago , and after identifying \tliom placed the : in an elegant coffin and ro-lmrlod them In th Holy Sephulchra cemetery. Harry Gllmoro , yard master of the Unlo ; Pacific , has had a telegraph Instrument plocci in his office , and an operator now takes a' train orders direct. It is a nlco thing , am Bsve.-i any amount of trouble in cnmmunlca ! ing with the train dispatcher by telephone. A. M. Klnnoy , brother-in-law of Ml Emma Troup , alliw Josslo Snell , the tinfortu nato young woman who was killed at thoroac houeo a couple of months ago , of Huron Dalioti , arrl\ed In the city yesterday. Hi . tme after the effecti of his Bistcr-in-law , nnc to pay the expenses of her burial. This evening , February 2Gth , th Union Catholic Llbarry nnsociittlon will gi\o a dime sociable at their rooms , Crolghton block , Their programme on this occasion will cqua any given heretofore , which will bo Ruulclen guarantee for a largo attendance. Kxorclnca will begin prcimptly at 8 o'clock * The Nebraska State Stenographer's naio -elation held a mooting last evening in th offieo of Boll k Shrivor , but owi j ? ) t ) 9 f c that the great majority of the members pros- j nt dwlro-l to attend the M'llor ' looturo , on motion tlio meeting adjourned to moot again to-ntpht at the suino pluco and hour , Valley Station , botwoan tuo Flatto and Elkhorn rlvorg , nt the woat end of Douglna county , is known among produce dealers as "tho vegetable kingdom , " bolncr known fur and near ai a great producer and shipper of potatoes , onions , sweet potatoes.equaHlioa , olo. One houdrod and thirty car loads were ship ped from tnero in October last , largely of vegetables. Jack Galllgan , C. J. Emory , JaaiM Davis , MorrU Sullivan , William Nightingale , Gap. Smith , ArcUlo Gray , George ITydo nml ilertira. Cyrus and Kelly are eleven of the twelve special policmntm appointed by Ma ) or Ch&so , with tin advlco and Cjnsontof the committee on police. Six of thuin 1m va bo n doing patrol duty , two bolng mtlgnod to boat a on the Kouth nlJo of tlio U. 1 * . tiaok. Al. Johuaon , a passenger ongiuoor on the Union Fadfio , tell * of A tramp dog which uan on his train west , a few dajs ulnco. The anl > rcil WM of the bird dog ! IK > CCH , and wm u most knowing canlno. Ho wan iirst noticed on'the platform of the first car , adjoining the engine. At each RUtlnn he would jump off upon the depot platform And would remain until the trulu would start , when bo would epring upon the car und proceed upon Journey. Ha was o > iiloutly going west to grow up with the country , as La was sllll upon the train when Julmsun left it at Oroiid Illlild , KvontM. Minnie Liltlutlold will return to her home at Ohlcopoo , Mms.f on Tuesday - day next , 20th in t. Sir. Chu. Greunifj , who has been on a vialt to Germany , reached home yester day.Tho The meeting of the Literary and Debating - bating ociety on Saturday was not BO largo as , iwual , owing to inclemency of tlw w.eaOiBr. The Htorary progrararno being carried out , wa followed by the debate , "Resolved , That the Franca. Chinese war h jiutifublo. " Mr. P , Jf ' Bailey opened the dieciiwion on the af' fismatire and Mr. Elton for the negative ido of the iM Uon. The alllrnutivo ituer\ \ ? 'rODRe , ument8 the judgo'd decision WM rendered at- cordingly. Tliero will be no regular wealing next Satuaday ; a promenade coflw and basket lunch will take its "HOUGH ON HAT3. ' ' Cl ar0 out rats , mice , roaches , flics , JWt * . b dbugs , kunk0 , chipmunks , IDc. DruggUU VIEWS OF JUROPE , As Given by Hon , George L , Miller at the Opera Honso Last Hight , \n IntcreMltifc licolitro anil nil Ap- prculnllvo Amlionco , A YO-y intellectual audience , number- rg nwrly three hundred , wore nssom .loi in the opera homo last evening to lioar Hon. Gcorgo L. Millcr'fl lecture on lits travels in Europe , given for the lonofit of the Hood sufTorors in the cast , besides the speaker there wore on the fitatjo Hon. James E. lloyd , president : ol Lho mooting , and Hon. II. T. Olnrko. The speaker was introduced by Mr. Boyd , with Bomo very npt and fitting re- narks on the virtue of charity. The speaker promised his Iccturo with an apology for not being bettor prepared for such nn occasion , stating that ho would have taken down jottings by other moans than his own mind , had ho known ho would bo called on to deliver such losturo. Mr. Miller upoko substantially as follows : An American visiting Europe for the first time , should bo possessed of gooi health and have a good constitution. My observation shall bo cnnfinoc mostly to England , although I visited many other countries. I oavr Rome Naples , Pisa , Venice , Mazzona , Sai Marino , Nice and Monte Carlo. Air one of these topics would bo n ploasan theme for an hour's talk with you. When I first saw Ireland I felt thankful that ] had boon enabled , after many Rtrugglex , to sco that beautiful isle. When I saw these perpendicular shores , when I saw thaso ancient cities , I saw thorn will such an impression as many people hon have. England was born in blood , ant it is not the only England that was bert in blood. The men under William the First were pirates , and there are many to-day who think her nothing but a lane of pirates. London has one of the mild est climates that ever blest the earth , inado so by the gulf stream which flows up from the south. England owes her national strength , the strength of her in dividuals , to the fact of climate. Tin foundation of England's greatness depends ponds upon two things religion and coal When you go over to England you sc < royalty , at the summit ot which is tin noblest of women , Quaon Victoria , noxi to whom in the prince of Wales , and prayed for them regularly , although . ' think the prince needed praying fo much more than the queen. Tho'law o class governs everything. Eight hun drcd and seventy-four land owners it England own 5,000 acres of land each , o ono-fpurth of England. In England one man in twenty owns real cstato , in Scot land ono iti twenty-five , in Ireland on in sovonty-nino. " "No ono there over hears ony railories ngainst these in power , but it an ; ono should bo found guilty ho would liavi to flee the country and como to America The cheapest market in the world i London , where everything on oartl can bo bought. Ohocsp that is inado it this country and for which 1 pay twenty five cents per pound I buy there for six teen and eighteen cents. The government of England is nomi nally n monarch but practically not so Queen Victoria has nomoro to do wit ! the government than I have. The Farnoll movement has rosultei in much good. Parnoll and Duvitt as ] that Ireland be bought bv the government mont , and sold to its people , and I bo Hove in her revolutionary right to bo an independent country. But a remedy for her wrongs I need not try to solve whoa such mon as Gladstone have failod. found in England the best class people I over mot with anywhere. The 4,000,000 people , high and low _ London , are the best governed of an ; people iu the world. There is no non sense in England about the execution o ; law. There is nothing so certain of execution ocution as the criminal law in that lane Pf lawAnd. if thvio is anything that ai Englishman is proud of it is the fact tha the English flag protects him whorove ; ho is , oven at the expense of sinking' tin island. In London , it i * siid , that there are inoro Scotchmen than in Edinburgh moro Irishmen than in Dublin , more Jews than in Palestine , and moro Roniat Catholics than in Homo. The policcmoi arn as polite and us well dressed as a French dancing-master. It. is the dutj of the police to look after the individuii safety of each man , woman and child None of thom over carry weapons anc depend for their powur upon the author ity of tliH law. Sumo of the great place of intoroit lire the parls , fie /.oo St. .litmus' p.ilaco , Buckingham plaso and the vooplo wno frojuet.t thea places uru the brightest in the world. Sf Paul's catludral , Wrstminstor Abbey the mausoleum of her bravest men , fore incut of whom are Wellington and No ! sou This country , 1,800 years ago , wa governed by the Humans , and 1 saw a Ola-slur Roman walls and the white road upon which Oiutar and his armies marched There are 1,030 charities in London. In 1878 § 2,000,000 of voluntary contribu tions were raised from the body of th people , and when an institution is out o money , all it must do is to state that fao in The Times , and ou the next evening its cotlors will bo ovt rflowed. There i much crime and poverty in England , bu nevertheless its people are moro blossw than most pooplo. Take a jaunting ca through the country , and you will so the finest country in the world. Thro hours ride will take you to Lemingtoii , watering place , ono of the finest spots it the world. Near hero is Stratford-on Avon , the burial place of Shakespeare The Memorial theater is here , for th maintenance of whicn the loading actor have pledged th msolvos. I know note the future , butldoknowthatEughmdaH America , father and son , ate tlio two im tions to which the world must look for well regulated liberty , Uuokloii'H Arnloa Salvu. The greatest medical wonder of the worli Warranted to e ] > eadlly cure Uurns , Cuts. U COM , Halt Uhouiu , Paver Sorea. Cancciu. I'lles niilllblolnn , Corn * . Tetter , Chapped hand * srvt nil ekln eruption , guranteed to cura i ery tn t nee , w money refunded. 25 cenl I'tiHiolllco'Uobbary , On the night of the 20th , the postof fico at Dakota City was robbed. Peal ofllce Inspector King , of this city , was telegraphed aud departed for that place The only oluo obtained was the handle a chisel and an old pair of glous. . The amount stolen was email , and _ the B&fe was not locked it was uu easy I matter to secure it. The robber * spent ! 10 greater part of the night in ft church , where they mode considerable litter but ook nothing. jTho chisel hnndlo was identified by a inrdwaro merchant in Sioux City , as ono 10 had sold to young man , who claimed o bo a bridge builder , on the night of the obbory. A HtnrtlliiK Discovery. Mr. Win. Johnson , of Huron , Dak. , writes Imt Ills wife had been troubled with acute Ironchltl * fur mnny yours , and th t all rcino- lies tried gave no ( Kirmancnt rollrf , until lie irocnrod n bottle of Dr. Kwtfi Now Ilcov- cry for Consumption. Cough" , nnd Corns , which had A magical effect , nnd produced n lormnnont euro. It Is guaranteed to euro nil ) tea cs of Throat , hungn , or Drondilal Tubes. Trial bottles Frco at C. F. Goodman's Drug Store. J.nrgo nlzo 81.00. POLICE COURT , An UniiRimlly Imrno Ninnlier of I.nw- JlrenkcrH Ycstcrilny Morning. There was an unusually largo number of prisoners marched into police court , -ogtorday , and the number of epocta , ors was simply enormous. It is custo mary to have a , largo attendance on Mon day morning , but this morning's crowd was astonishing. The first cases disposed of were seven disturbers of the peace. Two of them laid fines , tlireo were committed and two wcro continued. A commercial traveler was armatot Sunday night for shooting olFn revolver in front of IHifgin's saloon , on Douglas street. Ho was fined 810 and costs yes * tcsday morning , which ho paid. Ono vagrant was snnt up to the county jail for ton days. Ho was from Denver , the first ono in thrco months who has nol como from St. Paul. John Maya great big , strapping follow , was before his honor , charged with get ting drunk and abusing his family. Ho is a hard case and has been in the dock several times boforo. His little daughter was present and had a largo lump on her head , the effect of being thrown against the steve by her brutal father. Ho was sentenced to thirty days in the county jail on bread and water. JBIIICB Hiha was arrested for striking his poor old father. They had a. family quarrel and after the old man had retired tired for the night , John wont to his bed chamber and struck him upon the head. Ho wa * fined $10 and sontoncoc to ton days in jail. An End to Bono Scraping. Edward Sliopliord , of Hixrrlsbtirg. 111. , na "Having received so much benefit from Klco trie Bitters , I feel it my duty to let aulToring humanity know It. Have had a running gore on my leg fpr eight years ; my doctors told mo I would have te have the bono scraped or Icf amputated. I used , Instead , tlireo bottles o Electric Hitters and NQVOII boxes of liucklon'i Arnica Salvo , and my leg is now Round am well. well.Kloctric Kloctric Bitters nro sold at fifty cants n bet ties , nud Uiicklen's Arnica Salvo at 25c. pc : box by 0. V. Goodman. PKKSONMI , . llov. A. F. Shcrrill spout the Sabbath at Plum Creek. Will C. Bryant and John Linn , of Wahoo are guosttt of the Metropolitan. S. K. Culvert , of Lincoln , and W. Hartley of Aurora , are at the Milliard. W. L. Van'Alstyno nnd H. L. Trlckoy , o : Lincoln , are guest of the Millard. M. A. Chrlsman and daughter , of Whiti Cloud , Kansas , are at the Metropolitan. J. O. Uurd , of Klsing , and J. 0. Blackmau of Fremont , are in the city at the Millard. J. 11. Bangs , of North I'latte , and J. L , Carson , of Brownsville , are guests of the Mil lard. lard.W. W. II. Platt , of Grand .Island , and J. C , McJirldo , ol Lincoln , are guesta of the Pax ton. Hon. J. 0. Crawford , of West Point , anc It. lUaco , of Blair , are stopping at the 1'ax ton. ton.A. A. J. Dnrlnnd , of Norfolk'and A. W. Hardy , of Boitrlce , & registered at tha Pox ton. ton.J J , D. Pines , of Glcncoo , nnd John Itoed , of Harlan , Iowa , are registered at the Motropoll tan. tan.J. J. 0. Blackburn , of Arlington , and Saimio 5 , Miller , of Now York , are in the city at the Metropolitan , W. Paint and T , L.Louis , of Oakland , and Frank Sharpe , of Fremont , are guests of the Metropolitan , H. B. Durfoe , W. Thompson , J. W. Ilnlso W. J. Armstrong and Hon. T. M , Mariiuottu nro stopping at the MllUrd. Miss Gotzlan , of St. Paul , who has been th guest of M'ss Mluiilo Klchardson , in this cltj for several days past , returned to her horn lost evening. TO SPEOULATOnS. For sale two of the moat desirable lots each fronting 133 feet on Kith street , on has 810,000 and the other $15,000 per manent improvements. Euy torma Gall nt Soars & Bosard , 10th uad Dodge Williams Block. fiOtf Army Orilorn. Private David Donohuo , ro-cnlinted a Fort Omaha , Nob. , ia assigned to thi Fourth infantry. Recruit Charles Dahlon , nnlistcd a1 Fort Douglas , Utah , ia assigned to com pauy Q , Sixth infantry. Been/it / Willian Kaynor , enlisted at Fort D. A. Itussoll , Wyo. , is assigned to the Ninth infantry. Hospital Steward Phillip F. Krck , U. S , army , having reported at these head' ' quarters in compliance with paragraph 1 , special orders No. U7 , current seriesfrou tlio headquarters of the army , will proceed ceod to Fort Bridgor , Wyo. , and roper to thu commanding oflicor tboriof fo : duty. The quartermaster's department wil furnish the necessary transportation , ant the subsistence department commutation of rations for three days , it bolnt ; im practicable to carry cooked rations. Do you want to buy § 20,000oaUblisho hardware business in ono of the best lo calities in the city of Omaha ? Stocl will invoice $10,000. Easy terms to responsible sponsiblo panics. Bears & Bosard , 1511 and Dodge , Williama' block. ' < A Kalaim ilo\v , A fight occurred in Ed. O'Connor's sa loon , corner Sixteenth and Burt street ) ; . Saturday night , in which a barber by U name of Joe Paulin received six sever scalp wounds from a beer glass in th hands of Bill Knight , a moulder. Th scalp was penetrated to the bone , anc blood flowed in great profusion. Although seriously injured , Paulin i ! getting along nicely ' ' DISTRICT OOTJKT , District Attorney Godwin's Opinion or tlio KARL ( > rniil Jury nnd nnd tlio MnmicroI'llB Hclccllon. In the district court , before Judge Vakoloy , the case of Ballon against Vhittnoro was before the court all day. ? his action grows out of material fur nished for defendant's houio to Con- ractor Winscit , who fled from his crcd- tors in this city about two years ago. HID case of Wolf against Edgerton , which wan on trial for two days week , was dismissed yesterday morning on motion of defendant's counsel for plaintiff to give security for costs. Before Judge Neville the case of The 3tato against Lon George for robbery was on trial all day yesterday. When court adjourned last evening all the evidence 'or the state had boon adduced , and the testimony of ono witness for the defense liad been given. District Attorney Godwin made the Following motion to the court yesterday : To the Honorable the District Court ! Now comes Parko Godwin , as district attorney , and praying for the oinpanucl- im ? of a now grand jury , makes known to your honors : That since the discharge of the grand jury of the present term the following cases have accumulated on the criminal calendar ot the police court : The State against Simpson , charged with horsu stealing. The State against Kimball , charged with horse stealing , The SUto ngainit Williams , charged with burglary and larceny of &JOO. The State against Newell , cna'gnd with embezzlement , Of these cases the first nnd third have been examined in the police court anc the persons accused committed to jai for the Juno term ; the others are in pro cess of investigation. Persons committed to jail now for the Juno term will , if kept there , entail un necessary burden upon the county for their maintenance. All thcso cases can bo disposed ol speedily and with little expense. Under section -105 of the criminal code it shall bo lawful for the court , whenever it may bo deemed necessary , to order the calling of a now grand jury at any time after the discharge of the preceding ono. Much of _ the criminal investigation by the late jury was barren and unsatis factory. Elements of discord wcro early manifest. Persons chtitged with crime and held to await its action worn allowoc to go free. The cause is not ono of con jecture. During its session rumors were afloat of a conspiracy to defeat action against a certain person hold for a seri ous offense. That person was not in dicted. Promise has boon made by ono of its members to place mo in possession of facts which , if shown to exist , will be employed in bringing the conduct of cer tain members of that body to the public view. view.While While the jury room will never become como a sanctuary where only righteous mon assemble so long as men less right eous control it , while it will never hnvo the reputation of being a chamber of exact and oven-handed justice until ii is purified and disinfected of the odors that cling about it ; and while the moro vigorous opponents may continue to damn it as a colossal failure and an ar chitectural fraud , thcso curses would be the less deserved if the picas ot idle friends , the requests of corrupt attor neys and the mock distress of the politi cal "bummers" and "pustules" who hang about the coinmissioner'B oflico and the sheriff's desk seeking jury service , wore firmly rejected or ignored by the ofliciols whoso duty it in to manage the jury sys tem ; and until this in done public criti cism will not cease ; public sympathy will not abate , and in the future , us in the past , the public voice will pronounce its curse upon the jury room as a nest o ) rank corruption , favoritism and menace. PAUKE GODWIN , District Attorney. The judges have taken the motion under adviaomont , and will not give theii decision before to-morrow. The follwwing is the assignment of cases for day : BEFOIIE JCnaE WAKEI.EY. Ballou vs. Whitmoro ; on trial. Ballou vs. Farmer. Borsick va. Swoboda. Page vs. Stoolo. Finn vs. Manning. * " ' Merany vs. Borsok. Omaha vs. Anderson ot al. Est'ibrook vs. Dohlo. Dolan ot al vs. Whitmoro. Bragman vs. Miller. Berry vs. Bareron et al. Kuhlman vs. Poycko et al. Baswitz vs. B. & M. R. R. Co. IIEFOIIE JVVatiNEVILLE. Call of criminal cases. Foil SALE. Farm of 80 acres in the South Loup valley , near St. Paul , Neb 50 acre * iniprnved , 30 acres of good hay landJu ; > use , stables , etc ; alao largo grov * . uf trees. Will sell for ? 1,200 , or trade for city property. L. J. Purrin , core D L. Thomas , Croightou Block , Omaha. ft&.niifethura-tf DENYING IDLE HUMORS , ComnilHhlnnor Vlnlitf ; Oliilnis Tlwt No Trouble ) KxlHltt In the Trunk Oh luge New * . E. P. Vining , commissioner of the Wea'orn Trunk Line association has heard of nothing tending to sustain the rumors that any of the lines in his aeuu- ciation have become dissatisfied. Ho says it is fair to assume that the men who signed the agreement were author ized to net for their respective lines , and that holding responsible positions they were competent to decide whether or not the ollunco would be a benefit. It is hardly likely , ho said , that they jhould suddenly conclude - cludo that it was a disadvantage to belong to it , when they uiitortd it with their own free will , after mature coneideiation , and were neither beguiled nor seduced thereto. Further , the last two lines were taken in merely for the ssko of har mony , and not as a matter of right. The Union Pacific , having a right to dispense its business as it saw lit , formed the tripartite agreement , and it was only to ovoid complications that other lines wore I)0Vu'tt ' , ° f * " J ° > - 1'ho Northwestern and Wabash wanted to share in the Union Pacifio business at Omaha , and signed , while the Burlington , occupying a more independent position , elected tu stay put. Mr. Vining ridiculed the idea of rate-cutting , and doea not think any road domes to withdraw , or that onoj could it it wanted to in the limited time } jivon for the disruption of the nsiocia- ion. ion.To To consider differential rates on lumber o MiMouri river points was the object of a special mooting of a committee of gen- iral freight agents nt Commissioner Midg- ny's oflico yesterday. They foiled to agree , and will hold another meeting to day witli little prospect of doing moru : han ngrooing to refer it to Arbitrator jeorgo M. lioguo. Thu Louisville A , Now Albany in the lirst to use the bridge over tlio Ohio at Louisville since the flood , having re sumed through business yesterday. The Illinois Central has been running from two to five extra sleepers daily dur ing the vrook to accommodate the mardi ijtai travel. The NiagaraFalls _ Short line will short ly establish n ticket oflico at 07 Randolph street , and also ) < eep its tickets in the oflico of its initial line without regard to what the eastern roads may do with ro- fcronco to outside ticket offices. EXTENDED DEVOTION , Tiu ; InnuRurntloti or "Forty Hours Dmotlou" nt Holy I'ninlly Clini-cli. A largo congregation asEomblcd Sun day morning , at 10nO : , in Iloly Family church to assist at the inauguration of the "forty hours devotion. " It was commenced by a solemn high masa of ex position , Father Zealand , S. J , , being celebrant ; Father Loason , S. J. , deacon ; Mr. Gartland , S. J. , sub-deacon and Father Lambert , nmatur of ceremonies. The mass was followed by a procession of the blessed lucrament ono of the most important rites of the church , and the chanting of the litany of the saints. This devotion lasts forty hours , or un til Tuesday evening , during which time the sacred species are exposed on the al tar for the adoration of the faithful. At no hour during that period are they sup posed to bo loft without some ono to pay homage to them. The "forty hours is instituted to prepare the hearts and minds of the people for the pcnotcntial season of lent , and that they , by their prayers , may make reparation for the many insults offered the holy name of Jesus/ For it every preparation is made , that the surroundings of the God-man may bp in keeping with His holy and exalted dignity. The sanctuary presents n boau- titul scone. It ia a garden of natural plants artistically arranged. On the al tar stands u largo cross , harp and lyre of exquisite workmanship , in cut ( lowers. Among the plants are interspersed numerous burning candles in whosa light are reflected the rich gildings of the hand some altar , which forms a magnificent background to the wholo. The picture thus presented is at once pleasing and in spiring. The work of decoration is that of MISS Lizzie Murphy and Mrs. Ed. Me- Shane , to whoso skill and taste much credit is duo. It seems that no opportunity is missed by the pastor , Very llov. Father Shaflel , S. J. V. 0. , to awaken the celestial de sires and administer to the spiritual wants of his people. Since his advent into Holy Family parish ho has done many and great things for religion. Yet ho only maintains the well earned reputa tion of his devout and scholarly order , the Jesuits. Service , consisting of a sermon followed by benediction , washold last night and will bo hold to-iiight , commencing at 7:30. : 7:30.Mr. Mr. G. S. Blodgott , of Wahoo , Nebr. , has from 3,000 to 4,000 bushels selected corn from 1882 which ho will sell to par ties wishing good seed corn. f2G-ltin ! Tlio National The meeting of the Omaha branch of the Irish National League was not very largely attended last evening , owing to other entertainments in several parts of the city. Miss Lizzie Dwyer read in excellent style a poem entitled the "English Dude , " which was well received by the little audience. Moses O'Brien rend with good effect a speech of Charles Phillips delivered in eulogy of the character of General Wash ington. Charlus Taggort and Joseph llahoney inado short addresses. Hon. John Hush , who was on the pro gramme for an address , was unable to bo pretont. Only One Hundred Dollars for a choice lot ; cosy payments. f7-tf BKDFOIID & SOUER. A. Sunday between 8 and 0 o'clock p. m , the store of J. Harris , corner of Tenth and Leavonworth streets , was'entored by burglars and about § 150 worth of revolvers vers , clothing , gents' furnishing goods , etc. , were taken. The window in the rear of the building was 'broken and en trance ciTuctd thoro. Mr. Harris sloops in the store but had gone out to spend the evening. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thlnpowdor never taritl. A marvel of pnrlt itroiebauil uholcwuutiM * Hire lomomtivilthat tha Jln ry klnd , and r f oi b old In coin | tcni ] | wlt themuUttude of Ion i ; , itiirt wtlut t ilura or rh. mhato piwdcru. Bcl'l only la rana. lto\tlll < k . 104 Wallrctt New V < .rV. CANNON JONES & CO. OfXICE IN FRENCH BLOCK , oPI' . J' . O. Itent bouiu , al o lutnuliod or uufuruuhed ro Ol'Uln borJtrand luinutiUrnt CI > M douiettlc * . Ili'lJi'it pr.ourid lur ! l Viudaol fervent * for infants 'and Children. What Rlvci our Children rosy check * , What cures Uiclr fevers , makM them eli oep t ami overcomes Jb Intuloncy , Coustipa- 'Tin CnMcirliv , tlon Sour Stomach Diarrhoea and , , , When Ixildoi fret nnd cry by turns , Foverishness. It insures liunllh nnd What eures their colic , kllla their \rornn , natural sleep , without morphine. Hut Cintorln. t quickly cure * Conatlpatlon , Bour Stomach , Colds , Indigestion , " Cftrtorla U no well adapted to Children Uint Itilt CnMnrlc. I recommend It as superior to nny prescription know . " . . . . Farewell then to MorpMno Syrups , n to mo. II. A. ARCIIKK , JI. D. , and Castor Oil nud rarrRorie , 831'ortlnml Avo. , Brooklyn , N. Y. andHnll Cnntorlal CENTAUR LINIMENT nu absolute euro for KLcuma- tisin , Sprains , Burns , Gulls &c. Tlio most Powerful and I'cno- tratlng Pnin-rclloving and Ilouling Remedy known to man. SPECIAL NOTICES. will Foslttvelynot be Inserted unless paid in advance , TO LOAlf-Monov. MONEY TO LOAX In sums of ? 500 and upwards at CJ per annum , CM Douglas rounty f nr dro 8 C .11. Patterson Ii Co. , 12.M Karnim S' . TO LOAN The lowest rates of Interest MONEY Bcmln' Ixmn Agency. Uth ft Douglan 2M tf MONEY TO LOAN In sums ot ( Slfl. knu upnard. O. F. Davis and Co. , llcal Estate and Losn Agente , 1001 Faroam St. 393-tf HELP WANTKU. llTAhrku AKlrTfnrmnlnir room at 1'Iant'r s T V house cortior 1'cxli o ami Ibth. [ OI-2CJ ti ; ANTEI > A K od girl lor general houso-work , W 2010 St. JIarj'8a\c. 603278 "I'XTANTED AtSOO 1'ark a\onne , girl for general V V housework. 670 271 j WANTED A ( 'ood woman cook at the Eminctt HOUKO. No man need apply , 571-35 WANTED Girl for general homework. AppU at 101 Bouth 15Ih street 677-25 A"17"ASTKD Dressmakut'B apprentice. One who Vr would awlst In housenork for her board , pre ferred. Mr * . Corbet , 1613 HOB nrd stryot. 673-1' -Coolc at corner of 17th and Dcuglas1 2-10 VTTANTED A good washer at the lloston I.aund- 1V ry , 107 North 13th street. 67 $ tf 17S7ANTEU-A ( food , bright .bo ) at the Central Te'cphone olllco. BIS 23 WANTCD-A girl to attend a baby 1015 Hnr- noyst. 6l5tf TXTANTED-dtr ! for goceral housework at HOC Y > Jackson stitct. 5 I:26I : Iwo llrat-ola s clmmbermalds at thu Cozzcns No Doheuilans need apply. ESS 25 VST ANTED A girl to do general hou'onork at R. WB. Galcy's rctldenrc. 2d house uoutli Da\en- port , on uist side 22d etrrct. Wtf ; ANTED A girl , Uerman preferred , 1DOI tot- ram street 478 tt I'llOTECTOn-UnpreceJcntcdlnducements QUECy lady agoota for this new rubber urvlergar meTit for laalci ) . Address with Clamps , Undergar ment Co , 0 south May St. , thleago. Ib9-lu ) . - hundred teams nnd ono hundred WANTED-Onn labortis for Kallroad v ork. JIcCOY i. M011AN , Canficld House , Ninth and Farnam Sts , Oman * . 403-1 m T ADIKS OR YOONO MbNlncltyor country to jLj take nl'e , light ard ilea ant work at therr o n homes ; ? 2 to ? 5 a day easily and quietly male ; work cent by mall , no camasifng ; no stauip for reply. 1'leoso addrtES llcllable Maul 'gCo.Philadelphia 1'a , , drawer IT. 307-lmf \JTTANTED A German dining room kitchen girl. VV Ilesso and Hoppo , 418 8. 13th m. , between Ilarnev and Howard. 685 tf SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED By reliable young man n 1th good char acter , strictly temperance , wants a eltuattm In town. Itcfereiicea furnished if reiiulroJ. Address " 0. P."thi80tDce. B0027J "XITANTED A situation to do office cleaning or wash ing by the day. Address Sirs "M. A. C. " Ecoonicc. 637-2 ! } in eitj or ndjolnlng towns.hy T > man and wile , who can do first class cooking In hotel or rcbtituraut Address "U. L. N. " Iko ollico. 600 25' T\7"ANrED-A rellanlojimngmon wants a place to work , board und goto echool. "S , A. W. " Itoo ollloo SS8-tf UI&CBLLAHEODS WANTS. Ihreoorfour Qrst Hoer uufurnkhod VV rorns for light house keeping by a small fam ily. Address "C. " 1024 Clark St. 647-2fl § TAN1EU To liny a email butcher buKlncss In a VV llvutoun. Would bo willlni ? tope Into part- ' - with a good uiaii.Addrem ) "J.U. " Ilco olllco , S07-J5S \TTANTFU Table boarders at 117 N. 14t street VV bctwornCapitol a > onueand Dodge fitrooU.j 444 21) FOB KKMT Honaas and Lots. FOll KENT Nicely furnished rooma with or with out board 1016 Dodge Ht , 100-11 .1011 KENT New nlni room housu , maltrn con- 1 tenloucce , flnolie-atlon. U. F. L > U1.SCOLL. 670-.7SJ _ OR RENT Nfcelf furnlthud rooms , 209 Dodge utroet. _ 67M8 _ . OHUtSNT House on Izaid btreet , between fltth F nnd 20tli. Kent , $25.0U. Atp.'y at 1710 Cap'tol t74-27 FOR KENT Furnished room ) , 105 North lith MO iiflj HR.ST Niw C-itta/o , 0 roi > mi tlireo hi "ck * FOll Htrott cars. lUnacum PI .re , $25 0 11 VKKEll & MAVNK N. E. cor. 13th and Farnam. 5.0 tl UENT A f urulahtd room. Inquire 111 , POIl 17th. 653 ' 'ij FOR KENT Wlth'bqirtl , f rent room , bay window brick hounu. 093 north 17th utrot-t. 45zj F 'OR ' ; RENT Nlcc'y furnl hod roonnslOCti Farn'm F I OR KENT FurnUhe-d rooujj , 18IOIodge ) t 6iu-te F 1011 RKNT-Fun IsheJ rooms at 1019 Koniam. 1 0nHKNr-ruruUhvd _ room 1821 Capitol ate. f.7\OR UHi-0 : buj'n tu lots IOth street , between JL1 IMvini | < ortuudCViiiti'la > enue , tuai i-ldit , for a trrmuf jiniii. AMEfl , Kcf > 16 F rn m street , irvoil KKNT A lour Kt'ntlumon can beiccomodated L' with luriilihed ro > iuw Ap ly 181S Farnara Bt. 400-tf F I OK HKNT Htoro r > Hitu with baicmoi t lu dooii , 1611 rarium Ht. PAUUUM&CO. , Hey Farnam Street. S t tt ITiOIl RKNT B t era tf'MHl hoimcs , al i ono 9 room 1' finely fuinUheU h-uw John K. Edwards , 1111 Karnmu bt FOlt RENT Furnished room with or without board. Fluent location In the city , Aba few tublo hoarder ! wantol.N. W , cor. 18th aud I'arruuu. 183 tf fTWlR RUNT I rgsnew. two story dcuble home , JL ? Shlnn' * addition huitable tor two famlllu * or iif hoiuc. Imjuln ) Room 21 , Omaha Matlonal Bank II lldlm. _ 168 1' TjlOlt JIKNT l imuUied roonui on the northwv * 1 * oor. uthuidOaplMaTeuuu , formerly Creh/Uoo UOUM. IST-II F UltNISHED room heated ttS N. Itth. 078 tl FOR HENT-ltoouu In Nebnulcb Nttlona Bank Bulldlnr. Most ileilratlo cfficos In the city Supplied with hydraulic elo'ator aud heated b * to4ta. Apply at Uauk. 02o-tf FOK BALE. FOll SALC rurnlturo { or a.four room bniut com- plto Iluuie far rent ch iu to inull family. Call from 9 to IX . 'N Sl < ; jeaeron fc'U , Iwtvuen Cbk go. No KCoud Land de<n IM : ! 7i OP SUinAT : ! PAUOAIN T enty mvu I ' tra-t otlrnd , Kood liriro\eircnti | nil J.lciily o ! frt > Utreo . Thrto And one-ill utter miles from p < t clllco. Will riMdo Into'JJnr Bricro IMi. lieu Holt , Knllroul line nml | > rolcctul rtrcit car lino. Api'ly toT. C. Ilruncr or L. V , Moeo , cor. 15th and Capl'ol atcnuci. lt91 ! | U SAtf A whole or 4 Interest In a grocery etoro at Central City , Neb. 1'or lunlicr imitlru- I * . O. llov 31. MO 25 1.1UH .SAl.K-Mill lot on Jllh Ht , oppoi tolirld : 1 school house , eSO. DAliKlIH i MAVM : . C54-25 FOUSAl.KUtlKAI'-Hc-llcricctoUon I.carui wo , th hi. juil Park a > o. UOM.IX3' Ajtency HIO Farrum (4JiG ( I ,1011 , BALK A frcoh cow and ca f. P.ico , ? 50 Cv ' I * . M ilm.l , 14th and Dodge , ur nt rcaldtiue , wcstOiuahi. 6f.2-20 } FOR SAtjX Nice 4 roam houses good burn , full lot , Rcmh 12lli etri'ct , Sl.Cjo. Iia.vteiin . House b roonu , large lot , birn , etc. , north Uiraha , 81,000 Tu o room house , quarter ac o ( rround. Burt St. , * 300. Monthly { rajinenlt. UAUKEll A , MAVNB , H. K. cor. IHth and Farnnin. 563 tf FOR SALE-Elegant cuttajo OD Con\ent ptrcet. Rood bain , etc. Lot ftuisa. $5,2oa balance In monthly pajmcnf ? . 562 tf " 17CR \LE-2l ncre of beautiful ( found , north JP Onmhn , onl'f l,600. BAItuElt X MAVNK , N E. cor. 13th and I'anum. Ml-If " 6 room cottngc , half lot > 11 located near tunn , even tlihiir In good ghapo. Price S1.S60 If sold boon. J. W. LOUNSIiURY , 1514 llouy- Us. RS'i-tf "Ij Oll SALE All AralrvconbMtnRof 170 colorlcs JP cilices. A'so ' 1 0 httoi wtn too'n , lumber , and mcrjifclny nocc tary for Bcu-kfeplnr ) , Ouner intcnjf luoiIIIK cast In the spring. Inquire ol .Tos. lliinl , lleduood Aiiilry , 3314 Coburn St , Omaha , Neb. 6JS-V85 T71011 SALE Sov enty-ln e pairs of Ilollcr Skates and JL n barocr shi-p dolui ; a good buslnun ; . AddroM Josfjih Ford , I'lattsmouth , Neb. 627-211 F 11 SALE Fnsh milch cons. Henry IJnl , cor- ncrltth and Dodge Sts. 63441 FOR SALE A tirst-chsi Voso & Son Plan ; , at a bargain. Inquire KdHolms KricksonV. 624 tf OHSALB Four show casojerj Inquire 1 tit Edliolm&KriLl.u-n. 609-tf T7IOH SALE Ono counter cheap , luqulron * Ed- JD helm & Krlckaon. 610-21 FOR SALE OR TIIADE A good span of mules , harness and wagon. Apply to Alex O. Charton ! , at McCauus Bros. 9iW tf "T7WH SALE A rare bargain In a business property JL1 on 13th street , north of llail-oad Is paving 10 per cent on Imcstmcnt. Comer , easy terras. Two good houses and lota In Shtnn's 1st addition , $200 to $100 cash , balance $16 to $20 per mooUi. Choice ami residence lots In llanoom's Plxc , and all other additions in the city. IllEY * 1IOT1ER. Agsnts , 403-tf S. W. Cor. 15th and Furnaui 31 * . FOR SALK A bargain. House of 7 roums , Oth mid llancroft bt. gothla Well built , barn &a , only $1.800 If Bold within 00 Jnjs. SfeAUS & BOS- ARD , Wl'llams Block. 203 t T7'OR SALE House of 6 rooms In Parker's addition J ? near tbo $20 000 echool house new. A cheap place on easy terms. I1.7IXL 6EAK8 & BOSARD , Williams Block. 209-tf TpOll SALE A splendid houfo of lo rooms In JD bhlnn's adcltion. if sold within 80 da > s only $3.700. bEAuH & COSAUD , corner IDihanu Dodge < 210-tf TT\OR SALE Farm 3 miles from city. Inquire ( J JD Mrs. Moycr , over lloedcr'a Drug btore , Id and Webster. 872-tf FOR SALE Two countets and fifty feet of good ebeUlng , cboip , al 1608 Dodge St. 188 tf TTVDR 8ALK Two large Knrumiiitalllonp. Aildrem JC O. D. BlrdiaU , WalnutLlowa. l-J4-lm TT < OK SALfi A good two rtary store j roperty In JJ Wajuo , Wayne county. Neb. Address 0.1 > . Bird- Ball , Walnut , luwn. 165-lmt. FOR HALE Two opjn mfoiid-liopd liu lcj and one delivery wagon , dm p , at 1310 Ilarne } St. 339 tf I OR SALE-Colorndo coil. IhU mal Is as free tioin F eoot aud as clean an Keck Spring.w . 934-tf w UAL.K 1'wu portable hollera , 10 liotHono o Apply at D. FITZPATR1CK , eaa-u -'in twutii itih at. .0)18ALE ) A small Musltr , lUhmau t.Co. , ate F proof ; Hat' , almost new , at thli nnico. U T70R SALE My two slory brick rerldence , IBth JP and St. JIary'd avenue. Large bam , out-bouso , water wona , well arronged. Lot 60x200. Pilce 87.tOO. lies * Bargain In Omahk CaU &t if. Toft'i People' * Bank. CTT-i _ SALE 18 lots one blooK we ol Park V8 Inoit cars. Lots 60x150. Will soil the whole t n fur (7,100 , If fioHl before January 1st , 18S4. Real 9 * tate owner * bid this bargain , tf } on call at People Dank. 27-tf Tj OH BALE Choice bufcineno prt/jwrty , thrua lot JL ? oor. Maunders and Charle-s Htrtvtt. It will i < ay yea to Invontigatu this offer. Cull at People' . Bank. 27B-tf I OR. BALEvImjiroved property , which will pay JP tha buyur 20 per cent on the Investment. Ilenta for Sl.Mu pur year. All occupied by Orel class ten- ants. Will sell for 10WO , II bold eoou. All nr one- half coth , balance , one to five years The above la > estment U worth Investigation. Oil at the People 1 lUuk. IHOtt DALE Old n vfipap n In liuga uid mull quantltlM at this olice. U BIBCnLLANEOUB. EXCHANGEtoctlon One raw land In Neb , TO forsmal etuckot gi di or fraft hurse * . Ad * "M. CVttiUioltlo. . . M7-27 > _ . LORINQ Cltlrroyant and magnetic healer , PUOK. west ouiuer 10th and DouglwtU rpAKEN UJ' One black pony , blind In rllit ( eya. JL U ner can nate rome by pro\ing prop rty and pajliiK cha'gei. ' A. M , Illeccn , C ilghtou College , Omaha. WH-2/1 OIIND A itray whits cow. Inquire at farm F north of r thouc Cemetery. DOS 20 } rp J EXCIIANQB-A of general mercliandlfo JL and building at Marungo ilowu , for Nebraska laud * . Ai'drobi P.O. box SI. 611-25 Ball at II. llu-er',1 Jlarch Oth ItUI. GenU FAMILY ) 1 00 , ladle * free. (3U-7J A liberal ronard to the finder ofntch J charm , oi > mpa4imie | and globy , K. U Wit- man 1U'1Mtnp ( rt t-t. 6Jt-85t KTNl'KDLEWOItK-MI u Hla ar h m an ex- lurienetid necdlo-Koman bat opened rooms to tauhuny work In her line , him has alto a supply uf materuU on hanils. l.adlm ! are Invited to call and use h r dltplay of commenced pktt . Cooins at IDli Duilge ttreol. 655 If rpAKEN UP-February Hth , 1BSI , at my pla e of JL reildeoco In went Omaha , kuown the Hilden place , a red roan cow. hEi-BON B HhHRON. 681 ! 11 SPECIALTIES for those out f trnploj ment to 1 I iiul.o money with. Call on U. L. Hiolth , 200 N. IBth itrcct , and tee tamplrs. 433 1m / 1 ASH PAID For crond hand clotlics , onion by \J Inter * or poktaU promptly attended to Ad- r. i > r Mn , BrotlerlcheiHtoulhlOthSt Omaha. 0-lmolH EDWARD KUEHL , VfAGISTER Or PALMVSTHRY AND CONDITION , AU3T. SO } Tenth ttreel , bttwoen Faroam aad liar- oer , will , with th * alU uf guirdlan iplriU , obulclng an ] one Kiaac * ui w l > Jt and preeeni , od tbo certain coniiltloni In th * future. Uv > U an4 * > io order. Perfectlatl&lactlo