HIE DAILY BEE TUESDAY , FEBUUARY 20,1881. 1 > r. WrtKiierVJKcmovnt , Dr. Wujnerhas tcmoTcd Ml office 'from No. SI3 Larimer to No. M3 I.irlmcr , whcto ho Hill do nlonscil to sfo his f rlomH Tha Doctor Is to bo congratulated on the colnjilotf ness and clcginco ol his new ImlM Init. Itt \ one of the hen In the city. [ Dcmcr He publican , Jan. 37.h 1331. THE LEARNED 338 LARIMER STREET. Why you should try the celebrated Dr. It , tnothods of ourn : 1 , "Dr. II. Wanner Is a natural physician. " O. S. Fo LKR , ThoClreaUiiitlJtlng Phrenologist. "Few can exco you as n doctor. " DR. 3. SIMMS , The World's Greatest Physiognomist "You ore wonderfully proficient In5 our knowrl ejgo of disease aud medicines. " DR. J. MATrnnwR. 4. "Tho aHllctcd find ready relief In jour prcs cnce. " DR. J. SIMMS. .1. "Dr. H. Wagner Is A regular graduate Iron ! Bcllemo Hospital , Now York city ; has had > cry ox. teubho hospital practice , and h thoroughly ( KMtcd on All branches of his beloved sdonco , especially on chronic dlsoasos. " Das. UROWNRLL & Kwnn. t. "Dr. II. Wagner has immortalized hlinsolf b } his wonderfuldlsoo\ery of siiccillQ remedies for firl \atonnd sexuil disease * . " Vlrglnh City Chronlclo. 7. "Thousands of Inxaltds flock to see him. " San Francisco Chronlclo. 8. "Tho Doctor's long oxporlcnoo as a specialist should render him tcry successful" Rocky Mouu * tain Rows. Plain Facts Plainly Spoken , At ono llmo a dlacusslon of the secret vlco was en tirely avoided by the profoulon. and medical norka but a fc jcars ago nould hardly mention It , To-day the phjeiclanls of a different opinion ; ho It ruvare that it Is his duty rlUagrecahlo though It umybo to handle this matter ulthout RlcncaMii ! npcak plainly about It ; and IntclllKeut parents nJ ( j iardlanslll thank him for doing so. The rcsulU attending this dostructh o > 1co cro or- racrly not undcrstootl , or not properly estimated ; and no Importance being attached to a subject which bj Its nature docs not Unite close Im estimation , It war \\lIllnglyiKnorcd. 11\o habit la generally contracted by the young whllo attcnillng school ; older companions through their example , may.lnrcBpoiialbloforlt , or It maybe acquired through accident , Thq excitement once ex perienced , the practice will bo repeated again and aialn , until at last the habit becomes firm and com pletcly cnela\c3 the \lctim. Mental and ncrtous at rllctlotis are usually the primary results of self-abuse Among the Injurious cffrcta may bo mentioned lassi tude , dejection or Irrosiibllity of temper and general < lcbHitj. The bov eeeka seclusion , and rarely Jolue in the sports of his companions. If ho bo a joung man ho \ > ill bo little found in company with the other sex , ami la troubled with exceeding and annoying hashfulucss In their presence. Lascivious dreams , ( .missions and eruptions on the lice , etc.aroalsn prominent 8 } mptomi. If the practice la \ lolently persisted In , more serious disturbances take place. Great palpitation of the heart , or epileptic convulsions , are experienced , and the sufferer may fall into n complete state of Idiocy before fore , flnall } , death rclieMS him. To all these engaged in this dangerous , practice , 1 would say , first of all , stop It at once ; iniko over ) possible cdort to do so ; hut If 3 ou fill , If 5 our nerous ejbtcin Is already too much chattered , and conge quentlyour will power brnken , take some ncr\e tonic to aid 3 ou in } our effort. HaIng freed yoursell from the habit , 1 would further counsel jou to go through a regular course of treatment , for It Is a great mistake tosuniKisnthatany ono ma } , for some time , bo totcrysolm'e ghehlmscll up to this fascinating but dangerous cxUtcment w Ithout sutlering from its m II consequences at some future time. The number ul joungmcn who are incapaciated to nil the duties tnjoined by wedlock U alarmingly large , and in must ul such cases this unfortunate condition of things can be traced to the practice of self-abuse , w hlch htvd been abandoned j ears ago. Indeed , a few months' practlct of this habit is sufficient to induce Bperinatonhroa 1 liter j cars , and I have many of such cases under treat ; men nt the present day. Young Men Who may bo suffering from the cftects of youthfu , f olllea or Indiscretions u ill do w ell to avail thcmaelvet of this , the greatest boon e\cr l&Idnt the altar of eul- crlng humanity. DB. WAOMIK will puarautoo to for- elt (600 for every case of eemlnal weakness or private disease of any Kind and character which ho under , takes to and falls to cure Middle Aged Men. There are many at the age of 30 to 00 who are troubled with too frequent evacuations of the blad der , of ten accompanied by a alight smarting or burn- lug sensation , and a weakening of the system In I manner the patient cannot account for. On examin ing the urinary deposits a ropy sediment will often be found , and sometimes small particles of albumen will appear , or the color will bo nf thin milklah hue , again changing to a dark audtorp'd ' appearance. There are many , many men w ho dip of this dlflleulty.Ignorant ol the cause , hlth Is the second stage of seminal-weak , ness. Dr. W. will guarantee a perfect cure In all cases and a healthy restoration of the gcnlto-urluary or- ( fans. Consultation free. Thorough examination and ad vice , $5. All communications should bo addressed , Dr. Henrj Henry Wagner , P. O. 23S9 , Denver , Colorado. The Young lion's Pocket Companion , by Dr. n Wagner , Is worth Its weight In gold to joung men Price $1,25. Sent by nuul to any address. 12 A FRIEND TO ALL. One Who is Needed and Nobly Fills his Place. Demer Is moro fortunate than she knows la the iiosjcss'on of the talen's and energies of a man who hoaghcn hUtlmo and thought not merely to the iicrftUlon of liU skill as a practitioner of hit pro- JtsiUm of mvdldiio , but to the btudy of- those pro found things of eclenco and nature which tend to the moro complete understanding of the problem cf Ulo and of IIiu Ian s of na'.uru and the means of gaining the greatest practical goods to mankind from the In. foraatlon thus acquired In the abstract. Hucli a mail In Dr. II. Wagner , nho Is located at 313 Larimer Htroot Dr. Wagner de\otcdm > ny years to theac- ( luis-ltlon of tlio knowledge noccssary to his profot- Dion lu a number of the loadlix medical sbooN of the most eminent and profound teachers , such names a * Dr. Gross and Dr. I'an coast appearing among his preceptors Kordh his studies end here. The > con tin nod In the field of the practicing family fihlslclan nnd In the experiences of a man of cxten- ho tmcl , lie tiaiiitcil eitrj section of the Uni ted State * pa } lug studious attention to thu different characterises of thtatlou < | > ortlons ol the country , jiartlcuUrly with regard to their effect , cllmatlo and otlici\\iso upon Health and thu dlnVentformsof dls i.a c8. With the combined pou on of close study , nx tensive obicn at on and almost unlimted practice , Dr Wagner came to Demcr thrco years a o equip jx-il as few ha\o tlio right to clilui to battle the foe if mankind , the droided eii'tn } , dUea < o. In order to render the greatest good to society , Dr , Aniiiior ileci led to lay ud Jo tl/u general branches of pracllro and urlngallh 3 r pokm lcdir < ' and pnor to bear up on the foe which aimi.g the army of Inn dlo'is kath agents U the ureatcst. Ill I Hldeoxpcilence had taught hlmwhat weapons to u o and wlilch to illitcard , and alter equipping himself at hli trained judgment u > v so well unto to advUo htm ho coir- inenool boldly and confldtntly hU attack. In uftl- mating the results and success achieved , It U on I ne < ssary toknow the iloctrr'i position and standui to-da > . While located III this city , his practice U i no means conllncd to in llmlti nor this section of countrj , lllscorrcuponduice and express boohutas- tlf ) In black and lillo tn his iios CH'OM ' tit a Held of inactlco branded only by the lines uhlch bound the cngth and bTuuith of the country , and which his luedhlmnhereainaiiof hlsulillland Intellectinl uttalninentaileKrvtstolc. and ihojld to be enablu lilm to reaih the hUhcit sphtre of iisofuln i i to nut It-ring humanity the piano ol financial Indipcn iloiuu. I ) ' . Wagner has contributed of hU pru * | > or- ty to the substantial Improvement of Dcn\orInUio ore tlou of anne block on Lirhner tn.et , oppotltti his preicnt olHo' , No. Si I. U will bo ready for occu luxncy lua ew weeks , and li an evidence that the doctor U tu bo numbered iion0' the [ Kinuanunt and HOlIdrl'izent of the uictrupo.U of the plains. ( Don- > er Tribune , : ' - DR , H. WAGNER & CO , , 338 POTA Iodide of PotAWlum In ono of the strot ge t of the mineral * u ed In medicine , ixnd h4 produced much suffering In then orld Taken fora Imp tlmonud In largo do'os , it dtlc * up thi gartrlo Juices , Impairs digestion , the stomach teuhes fled , anl the pillcnt iltcllnesln health and weight. Person * with lllood or Skin l > l ci < cs slmuld lo mrcful lion- they tnko thcoo mineral poisons , M In mott Instances th effect ot them l to almmt prcmaDctitly Impair the consti tution To take tlio place of these p < > | onswo fffcr j on a f nip , sure , ptompt and iwtnianont relief from j our troulilM. S ift's Sjicclfln \ entirely xegeta * tile preparation , nnd It li f \ j to comlnco jou of 1U merit. 1 lu\e curcil ) < crmtnentU Dlcod T.lnt In the third generation h ) thotiteof Shift's Spocllk > illvr 1 had mwit clirnalh fallolwltli Moiciiry nnd Potash F. A. TUUMKR , JI , D , Perry , Oi , AjonnKmnn reiiirtsme | to thank you tor hlscuro nf Iliood Poison h ) the use if ) uur Spcilflo niter all other treatment had failed. .TIM J oin , Drugeltt , Athens , Oa. OntrcitU't nn IlKxxl and Skin Disease ! mailed M MHUIUUI . TjEJwMarncK,0 , , | , co irawcr S , Atlinla , On. V. Oniro , 161)W.2.1 < 1 St. . titwcen nth nnd 7lh > i n I. N. WAITE , M. D. Physician & Sin ( Formerly of Jfcrcy Hospital , Chicago ) 8SJp ! ! " C33La > , ll7ll 3'C For the treatment of Nci\mi < Dlsctses , Chronlo an iiurgical Diseases , and Diseases of , tne Kjo nurt Kar. Consultation nnd examination free. OFFICE-Odd Fellow s Block , N. W. for. Ulhsc * Dodge Sts , Omaha , Noli. Olllcolimirsg to 12a , m I in 4 and 7 In 8 | i. m Hum'a\8 10 to li ! a. m only John D. Peabody , M , D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. OFFICE IIOOHS , Sand 51601 FAKNAU. ) l it < l3nn l14 Donirlas 8tr t F. SCHEUEKMANN M D GKUifA Homoopatliio Physician. SPECIALIST OF WOMEN , CIHLDHKN & CHRONIO DISEASES. Hours At Ilcsldonofl , No. 14438. 10th Street , Ull 10 n. m. , and after 3 p. in. Hours At ottlce , No. 103 and 1058. 16th St. , Room 7 , f mm 10 a. rs. iSp. m. N.ll , The Tape Worm will bo romiixnd , without lanvnr In tlmo nf from 2 to n hnnr Oh Amelia toughs , OPFICK AND KESIDUNOU , 1617 St. - Omaha Dodge . , , TELEPHONE No 141. Olllco Hours From 9 to 10 a. m. and 2 to G p. m , DR. ANNA BENSON , Diseases of AND CHILDREN. Olllco 210 North IBtli Street. Residence Koutli 17 and Centre streets DR. M. EMILY PAGELSEN , OfflCB--No , 210 H , Sixtecnili Street , HOURS , 9 TO 12 A. M. Ro Bklcnco Cor. Centre mill ] 7i1 . NEB. JAS. BECKETT , M. D. Physician & Surgeon , ( LATE OF NEW YORK CITY. ) jtifOfllce and Resilience 1401 North 18th street , Cor. at Clark. Ollico Hours S to 10 a. m. , 1 to 3 p. m. and D to 7 1 > . m. E. A. KELLEY , M. D , AND C. A. WILSON M. D. . . , . . , Physicians and Surgeons ! OFFICES-BOYD'S OPKIIA lli > l"i : _ _ ( VHOISUNACQtJAINTCD WITH THI OCOCRAPHYOr THI COUN- CHICAGO , I10CK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y liy th * nufilrfli ttodltion of lt ( liuo , uonntuld the List and the Wrtt by the tl'.ortest route , and car- rloa p.vyajrger.vJlliiM ( QhatJRO of tar * , fctti f LU Chicago and Kaubnii Clly , Council Jll'itla , L a\c - wortli , AtcJnsoi , . ? Jtnnujr > nj | < i ami tit. jiaut. It lonutcta m Umou llcpsif. .vlih all the piiuclpal lucaoT road betv/ccn 1110 Atl."ntlo ard the I'ticiJlo Occanj. Its cquipmint it umlvulcd ur.U inufnlN ; ! omit , bclnjr coinpodwJ of Mcbt ConirortaLo nnd JJciutitul Day Coioic , najniflcc-nt Jlortoa 3to- ulininu Chair Cara , fnllnian'd 1'roll lost a'aluco Slo plnt ; Cart * , nnd ttia Urct Line ot UinlcK t'aro .n . tlio Vvoild ft hi oo Train * between ChicrRo and MlMoml lliver Volulr , Tv.oTrainn between Chl- p&Koand Mlancapolidi.ndBt , I'.iul.vJa th TauiJua "ALBERT I.EA ROUTC. " A New nnd Direct Line , \laBcnccrt and Kmka- ec , nutticcontly beou opened between JUcl.mpnd , NorUlk.KowportIiow3.Chattunooun.VltUntA.Au- miKta , I-fuihville. LotitBvilotl ) clnRtDnCinotunati JndlantipoUa itna Jjalaytttl1. and Oinuhti , Ufnucup * aim and tit , Paul and lutornofltato poinu. All Ubrouch raucnsera Travel on i ait 3'iproflfl Train * Uic < ct for Bile at all principal Ticket OmceaJn the United btaui * and Cinadu. UagRaco checked through And rales of fare al- wn > n an low an coinpctlioru that utter Itnj advau * tauci. For detailed information3t the Alapa&ud Fold * era of the CRCiAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTH M.t your neart-ut Ticket Otlioo or address - . -/UJLC , C. ST. JOHN , * ! iL.al'lir , eitb AGO. NEBRASKA LAND AGENW 0. F. (9UCCKS30Iia ( TO DAVIS k BNYUEH. ) Oenoral Detlornln IMS FARNAW ST , OMAHA. nnotorr.alo 200,003 icrncurelully Mlooted Und In Eliteru Nub * U , at low j.rloo and on euy tcrnu Improved larin fur tale In Doujlai. Dod * , Colfax I'litU , Hurt , Oumtnir , SarnWwhlngtoo ! Xleilok Biuuderi , and Kutler Counties. Tai pild ID Ml parti of the State , Money loaned unlni | > rou'.d farma , WnUr Vulillo AJwavi In o'Jlf , . COUNCILJH.UFF S , ADDITIONVF , DJIL NEWS. THE FLOODS BEGIN , Tlio Creole ( Jets O\rr It * Hank * nnd tlio Water Cox era Hroatlwnj. Tlicro hits boon , over aitico tlio llooJs of last yonr , n general cry for seine im provomonU in the crook to iirovont n repetition of tlio cnlamitios , but little or nothing has bcoti done to protect tlio banks except n barb-wiro funco which Alderman Eichcr had put up. Yester day about 1 o'clock the water roao over the banks of the crcok at Eighth street , and it soon spread up North Eighth slroot for aovoral blocks. On Ninth street , north nnd south of the crook , the water overflowed , nnd also nt Tenth street. On Broadway , east of .tho Chi- cngo it Northwestern depot , the street was covered with water , nnd naturally led many observers to inquire what olFuet such soaks would have on pave ment if that hnd been laid down. The yards of the Northwestern liad so much water Hint switching could not bo done , the tracks being submerged. The collars of many buildings along the banks of the crook wore filled with wa ter , such na Gouldon's buildings , nud the Tromont house. Tlio property owners ilcng the crook are naturally quite indig nant at the neglect of the city to prepare to protect the property from such calami- tics , which they know must como. The watur yesterday commenced runningover the banks about 1 o'clock , nnd for a time was quite high , but by 4 or f > o'clock had subsided but littlo. The tilling up of streets nnd the lack ) f culverts has caused water to nccunut- ate hf many places. On Sixth avenue , ) etwoon Seventh nnd Eighth streets , here id quite a body of water , and such > ends are visible rt other places in the iity. Prompt work is now reeded , or here \\ill bo more trouble. BED OAK LEAVES , Social KvontH and Political ContcHtH tlio TliemuH ol Talk. RKII OAK , Iowa , February 2.'t. The last week has boua ono of great interest to society people , The ladies' leap yonr > arty was n grand success , which came off on Wednesday night , a largo number of the bon ton of Rod Oak being in at- ondanco. The toilets of the ladies were simply superb , but from experience in ho past your * correspondent has learned .o avoid parliculaming in this line of gossip , and will only say that the ladies acquitted themselves iti the discharge of their multitudinous duties to the satiafac- ion of all. Ou Friday evening Iloao company > To. 1 , of the iiro-boys , hold a grand ball n the rooms of the Happy Hour club , which was a success from inception to its cloae , everybody having a good time , and what was bettor , the boys cleared somo- ; hing over ono hundred dollars , which 'avor they more than merited , for they are good bo } s , and always ready for the discharge of their duties. The coining municipal election is just now stirring the dirty pool of city politics from surface to bottom. The present in cumbent , his ludship , Mayor Harris , .hough he has had the oflico ihroo terms , s again a candidate and bringing to boar the intricate and subtle inlluenccs that politicians know so well how to mauipu- ato. The Record comes forward with sundry and divers charges against him , and intimates that there is a goodly amount of Twondism in his admmistm- lion. S. A. Henry will probably bo a candidate against him. He is a good man , and will probably bo elected by a iiandsomo majority. LOAIT.U. A Motley Meeting , A largo gathering of citizens of all classes was hold at the court house last night. It was thought to bo n meeting in the interest of W. R. Vaughan , but no ono seemed to know for what purpose it was called , and by the close of the i"eoting seemed to know still less. John Ahlos presided during the first part of the meeting , and Dr. Cook during the latter part. After a number of poisons lud declined curving us accrctaiy , John Cunningham was chosen. A committee on resolutions was appointed , consisting of Dr. Cook , L. Kinnch.m mid ! r. l.roolo. Iiov. Mr. Lemon nmdo an nd- dress , in which ho disclaimed all connections with any proposnd connections with nny proposed organiza tion or political plans. Ho said he did not appear in the inteiest of nny candi date , but at the rrqucst of thu working men. Ho spoke ot the relations of capi tal and labor , urged the shutting up of the gambling IIOUBOS and saloons , and spok't in favor cf the new court house and jail. The committee reported a platform denouncing the present city .government as being run by n ring ! > " listed upon the improvement of Indian Creek , that the city should do the filling and grading of directs , instead of letting it out by contract , and that the equaliza tion of taxcH should be more just.V. . U. Vaughan was endorsed for mayor , provided ho would stand by this plat form , but there WUH a strong vote against him. Ci l. Sapp spoke in favor of the now comt houuoand jail. L. Kinnohan and John Short spoke against it , and John Allies spoke in favor of it. There was , during a largo part of the meeting , much uproar aud fun-making , and the greater portion was made into a farco. Yesterday was the third anniversary of the llev. Father MoMonomy's ordination to the priesthood. High mass was held n the church and the Rev , Father was the recipient of many happy reminders of the day. Last evening a largo number bor of friends called upon him and presented sonted him with a purse of § 150 in gold The I'loniscra or 1'ottawutlaiiile. The old Bottlers of Pottawattami county held another meeting last nigh to perfect an organization. Over forty names wcro presented of those who Hvei hwo thirty yoaro or more. The committee too on constitution and by-laws reported and after some amending the report wa referred back for further consideration A committee wan appointed , connistin ' ofV. . A. Sfjnstcr , D. D. Clatk , A. J hinco , J. Do Long , nnd tt. lluntington , o nominate ofljeor * . A committee was tppointud consisting of D. 0. Bloomer , iV. A Mytmtor , Judge Larimer , Spencer Smith and Thomas Tostovin to prepare evolutions on the tloath of Captain 'rice. Adjourned for two weeks W. T. llr.-xuti , the well-known restau * ant man , has declared his intention to lecomo nti American citizen. In enter- iriao and public spirit he has already hewn himself to bo the peer of any of ho natives. The lopublicans aoom to liavo great liniculty in getting the right man to run or mayor. Thoio who want to run , the inity don't want , nnd those whom the xtrty want are loth to nccopt. That coins to bo the rub now. Mr. Otis Wihimrth died Sunday night bout 0 o'clock nl the residence of his nughtor , Mr. II , M. Slovens , No. 715 ' \mrth s trout. Ilo vraa aged 81 years , nd had resided here for about seven year. ; past. Ho was ono of the early set- lors of Kansas , and in his prime was man of strong parts , but during his csidcnco hero hns led a quiet lifo. Ho md boon ill for several days , but death .uno oven sooner than was looked for , mralysis of the heart Inking him nt last , lo loaves besides his daughter and his ; randchildron , Charles and Edward Tilch and their sister , one son , G ergo I. Wilmarth , who lives in Topeka , Kas. 'ho funeral will bo hold at Mrs. Slovens' esidciKO at 2 o'clock , and friends are Su ited without further notice. COltllUEUOlATj. COUNCIL HUm'B MAHICKT. Wheat No. 2 spring , 70o ; No. 3 , COo ; ro- cctoil , COo ; Kooil demand. Corn l/oalera nro luyhiR 3. > o for old corn nd lSc ! for n w. Onts In good domniul at J2c. U y 4 00@G 00 per ton ; OOo per bale. Uio )0@l5c. ) Corn Mcul 1 i5 ! per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; pricoa nt ynnla , 0 00 © 00. 00.Coal Coal Delivered , hard , 11 fiO per ton ; soft , > 00 per ton Iard l-'nirbank's , wlioloiiilinpr nt lie. Flour City Hour , 1 \ M&'M. \ . Brooms 2 ! ) . > @ 3 0(1 par do ? . L1VK HTOCK. Cnttlo 3 00@3 50 ; cahos , 5 00@7 f)0. Hoira Local nxckors nro buying now anil la n ( jooil iloiimiiil for all i railox ; clioito g , 5 35@5 55 ; inlxail , 4 7i > @ 5 'J5. I'liont i'K. ( Jiidtntions by J. M. St. John & Co. , com- ilHtiun inorclmntH , 14f > Ur > u4way. ISuttor 1'lontv nuil In fair ilouiaiul at 15@ ) c ; croainory , 3jc. 1'pgH Vlcnty at 20c ] > o" dozon. 1'oultry Itoiulv sale ; donlorH nro p.ijiiiK fur lickoiiR , IL'c ; turkoya , ICc. Vegetables Potatoes , -10 ; onions , lOo ; cab- IBRD , none in the innrkot ; npplcs , roaily snlo ; U ii5@-l 00 for priino ntock. IOWA NEWS. Tito JesupTimes is dead , Algona denircs the btato normal school or northwest lovra. The ancient city of Daonport yearns or a now court house. Davenport has got the cat-drawing raze , and some fuhno sketches are the osult. Chcrokoo county has no poor fnrm , nd the support of her paupers costs $7- 00 a year. A married man named Smith has loped from the virtuous city of Dubuque vith a Gorman girl. Albert Roehor , 73 years of ago , a winter of Waterloo , was found dead in icd a few days since. Congressman Holmes , of the Tenth lattice , is mourning the loss of his little Harold. vro-year-old son George 0. Smith , recently of The 3ambriilga ( Ills. ) Chronicle , is the new ditor of The Davenport Gazette. "To what base uses. " The old Baptist hurch at Burlington is to bo changed ute a skating rink aud ball hall. There are 10,000 church members who ttcnd services regularly at Dos Moines except when ' 'it's a cold day. " The Davenport News has celebrated 5 seventh birthday , and claims to bo the Idcst tempornnco paper in the stale. When the thermometer lingers around lie zuros , Lcmars journalists and their ; empur.s tire ooaring amid the nineties. Ono million dollars was recently re- uivcd by Pension Agent Rich , at DOB 'iloinea , tor the benefit of Iowa and No- bnisku pensioners. Tharonro ( i50lU ( children , of school ; 20 in thi ) state. Dubuque comes first ilh 18,7-VT , boatiuir the braggart Polk iy several thoimnd. Kmmott has the mallcat number , ! > 05. Matt Purrott , of Vfttorloo , who is orving Ilia last term as titato binder ; has ) ought out his partnvr in The Reporter nd associated his two sons , W. T. nnd j , S. , with him in the business. The bones of .Fames Warringlon hav- ng commenced to decay while confined n the Anamosa pnnitentiary , ho lion boon lardoncd by Governor Sherman , and ; oes homo to his parents to dio. The iseiiso is called necrosis. His crime vai burglary. Den Moiiies , an enorgetio town in Con- nil Iowa that sputtera and steams away it n great rate under the imprctsion that it is in poasession of uu urticlo knov/n us a boom , has half as many saloons ns Jmaha , and tecures half us much money herofrom as thu Nobraaka giant. Under Iowa's present liquor law noth- ng but ulo , wine and buor can bo li- oiiBod to be sold. So when Keoktik put m a $500 licenao n number cf saloons , hat had been soiling all kinds of liquor discontinued the uulo of the malt and vinous and sell only whisky , refusing to lay license for the privilege. E. R. Shankland , a woll-knowu nurs eryman of Dubuque , married several wives and death took them. Then , in 1870 , ho took a Dos Moines boarding- liouao keeper , and ho desires divorce to take her. Shu is now matron of the Homo for Aged Ladies in Chicago. They were married in 1870 and Shunklnnd claims elio deserted him in 1878 , FritGriitz , living near Garner , Han cock county , 1ms acquired a local reputa tion as a wife boater. His daughter , IE years of ago , was also made the 'victin of his brutality , and a neighbor rocontlj took her to her sister'n in Garner. Thi girl's joport of nflairs at homo exoite < Win. Gartz and her brother-in-law , um they went out to bring Mrs. Gam in Fritz grow violent in filing his objection and the men turned in and gave hii the thrashing the neighbors have Ion felt to bo deserved. The Signal is in formed thiU tlioy did n very thorough job. Willing to Take It In ( 'mokcm. Dotrolt Frco Pros * . A colored man with his right foot bound up with miner-oils raga ntul cloth : ycatordixy entered a grocery on Wood ward nroutio anrt naked for a cash contri bution of 2i cents toward ( ho erection of a now colored people's church odifico. "Whoro is it to bo located ? " asked the grocer , "Wall , that hasn't bin dun decided on yet. " "What is it to cost ? " "Jlaint tlggored on dat sah. " "Who is the pstorl" "Dun for it ; but 1 reckon wo kin find ono. " "Who is the head man in this enter- m-isol" "Do head man ! Wall , l/o'bout do hoatl man , I reckon. " _ "I am not satisfied \iith your o.xplann .iotu. " raid thu grocer. "Ho\v can 1 lx certain that you won't appropriate the money to your own purposes ? " "Am dat what boddora you ? " " 1 confess it is. " "Wall ; sill , wo kin git obor dat purly easy. Instead of making a cash con tribution just weigh mo out two pounds of crackers wid liistrukMums lo turn 'em ober to do buildin * committee. Izo chnor- man ob dat committee if 1 ain't nobody olao , " OP .Mlml. Detroit Krco I'rcsi She stood for n moment at the corner \Voodward and Michigan avenues , scorning undecided , nnd u podiatrinn hoard her mutler : " 1 cannot stand the tyrnnny of my father ! 1 uill pawn the diamond my lover gave mo Christmas eve , um } with the money 1 will lly to the stage nnd be come an nutrcss. " She hastened up the avenue , entered a pawn shop , und hastily thrust the ling under thu nose of tlio proprietor. _ "Glass stones worth about 931" ho said ns ho rctuincd it , She nmdo n jump for the door , nnd as she headed for homo she wildly gasped : " 1 will not tly to the stage and become an actress , and call myself Girlie Loel No ! 1 will return home , nnd if the old man continues his tyranny , lot him be ware of Paris green and rough on rat' ! " H , K , BUBKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER , ' 111 North 16th Street Omaha . A. F. GROSS & CO. . a iiixirr WOUKS , SUCH AS COUNTERS , BARS , ICE BOXES , LIBRARIES , ninl nil Umln nf nlllco uork n | Hclult ) . Cull or nil- Irtns liOl Jaolison M. Onmlm Noli. JAMES MoVi ! ? ; Practical Horse Sheer Slake * a specialty of Hoajstcis and tcndoifoot her < sex bhop , Dwlo | gticot between llth and 12th , Ittllu mo llou DREXEL & MAUL , SUCCESSORS TO JOHN 0. JACOBS ) UNDERTAKERS , at the old Bland 1417 Varnam ntrot Onlo In * M * i irat h PoUnltj tnn * * nrnmuMyjitt'nilo < ifn _ . . ri. .VIAKHUJ-k- . MANUFACTURER. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. Millard Hjtol Blpsk , OMAHA. . - n NFB. MCCARTHY & BURKE , UNDERTAKERS ! 18 14TH STREET. BET. FAUNAE HAIR ! HAIR ! HAIR ALftfiA E. KEITH'S. I'AXIO.V and Hair. Dieting Pallors i Hair ! Hair ! Hair I Cheap tirCnuntrv Oidim BilK-l * " " ! TUTT S PILLS TORPID BOWELS , Dl BORDER ED " "ourtlis of uriso tlitoo rrom ti BOUIOCS the ( Uncases of tlio huinmi nito. _ r byuinUJina Jnilloato tliolrorl. t/'ticcj ! / " Appetite , lloweU oe" i.clir.ruUiies naer ' * czeriloit of 1 > o ly of fooU , IrrltnlJ tty KlilrlU. A fcrVup " . > ' ' ' . , ' .V TffT'S HftIR DYE. " . oliniiKod Jn % . iii iiiiu on "VVinBKi.ua & sv sSSff y'lB15SSftSWfefc ' SrM5 K. rrrs ai ousErui RIOEIPTS n THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUT ii n U RKE STONE'S , One of the Best aud largest Stocks in the United States to select from , NO STAIRS TO OLIMB , ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR , PERFECTION JIN Heating and Baking In only attained by using CHARTER OAK Stoves and Ranges , Wllll VIRE GAU1E OVER DOORS Ioi sale by HILTON ROGJ3RS & SONS r.TAHA IMPORTERS OF HAVANA CIGARS ! AND JOBBERS OF DOMESTIC CIGAES.TOBAGCOS . , PIPESs SIO ARTICLES PROPRIETORS OF THE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED BRANDS : Reina Victorias , Especiales , Eoses in 7 Sizes from $6 to $120 per 1000. AND JCHE FOLLOWING LEADING FIVE CENT CIGARS : Combination , Grapes , Progress , Nebraska , Wyoming and , Brigands. WE DUPLICATE EASTERN FRIGES ' SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES. Wr ttoDoaltory onsUutly Oiled with a'idcot stock , les ! Workmanshipgtur ntn d. Office rantorv a. W. L'n"f > pn Wth anrt fnfji4" ' Avanun Qtnnba ffebt Dr.CONNAUGHTON . , 103 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Established 1878 Catarrh , Dottfnosa , Lung and Norvoua Diseases Speedily nnd Permanently Cured. Patientt Ourod at Homo. Write for "Tim MumoAL-MihSiONAitY , " for the People , Free. nonaultotion nnd Corroapondoiidu Gratis. P. O. Box 5502. Telephone No. 220 HON. ED WARD RUSSELL , Poatmaslor. Davenport , paya : "Physician o una Marked Succcsa. " CONORESSMAN MURPHY , Davenport A > i n Mfin. Kino Sunco . "vVoiulnrful CIITHH " Hniirn. W in 5 EAU YARD , "t North Eighlccnth StrocL , Omalin , on Street Car Line. JCLjIm / t/ WIIOIrH\IE AND 11KTAIT , ; Lime , Latli , Doors , 1 QnulcH und nn gam ] nnd low -m njiy * i Mm city , try mo. THE LEADING CARRIAGE FACTORY IA * ' Rnrlnn Ct i Catalogues furnliliod ) HMAUA NED uo9 14 UUUBU Ol.i t ou Amillnatlon , ! f UlYlflnfl. IltD J' O. r KKSOOT'J1 N. e OURTTOE J. 0 PRESCOTT & CO. , PIANOS & ORGANS ! Music , Musical Instruments of all Descriptions. CESAPE8T m IOST RELIABLE HOUSS Xxa. T TJVAM T F OUR STOCK OH KP.K LOUIS BRADFORD , DKALKHIN T Jl ilifi'1. ' M Mm Blin Wes L LOW PRIDES AND GOOD GRA.DKSt tjei ; my Pricaa before buv'-ip elaHwhere , YarA ,