Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1884, Page 5, Image 5

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A strictly vogolablo propnrAtion , com
posed of n choice nnd skillful combinn-
tion of Nftturo'a best romodioi. The
discoverer docs not claim it tv euro for
all the ills , but boldly warrants it curci
every form of diaoaso arising from n tor
pid liver , impure blood , disordered kid-
noya , nnd where there ia a broken down
condition of the system , requiring n
prompt and permanent tonic , it never
fails to restore the guflorar. Such is
* > * by all druggists , who are nuthomod by
the manufacturers to refund the price to
any purchaser who is not benefited by
their uso. Trice , § 1.00.
Props. , Buflalo , N. Y.
Erlanger , Bavaria
Culinbacher , Bavaria.
Pilsner Bohemian.
Kaiser Bremen.
Budvoiser St. Louis.
Anhauser St. Louis.
Bes ; s „ Milwaukee.
Schlitz-Pilsner Milwaukee.
Ivrnc's Omaha.
Ale , Iorter. DMiinstic and Rhine
Wine. ED. MAUHEll ,
1214 Fanmm.
Tlio remedy being Injected directly to tlio Beat < > l
the ( llscuse , rcqulrot ) no chance of diet or imuscoin ,
mercurial or poisonous medicine' to bo taken Inter
nally. When used 03 a pnnentho by cither teitls
Impo9 llilo tu contract any prlv&to dlscniic ; but lu the
rasa of tho'c already unfortunately aflllcttd w o guar
antee tin co boxes to cure , or wo n ill refund the mon
ey. Price by null , postage paid , $2. per box or three
hoxca for $5.
aiucd by all authorized agents.
Dr.FelixLe Bran&Co.
C. K. Goodman , Druggist , Sola Agent , for Omaha
ell. mSo-wlv
Da U. C. Wear's Ncnvn AND HnAiu.TIIEAT. . .
of alcohol or tob-icco. Wnkof alncss , MentU lo-
presBiou , Softening of tlio Ilrain resulting in in
snnity nnd loading to misery , decay anil clcntn ,
I'reranturo Old ARO , JJnrrcnnesa , Loea of powoi
in cither BOX , Involuntary Losses nnn Hpormiit.
orrhcen caused byovor-oxortion of the brain , eelc-
ftbuso or over-indulRonce. Each box contami
ono month's treatment. fl.OO a box , or BIX boxoi
for$5.UDBontbymail prepaid on receipt of prico.
Ti > cure any caso. With each order received byni
for BIX boxes , accompanied with $ .1.00 , wo TTU (
Bond tlio purchaser our written guarantee to re
fund the money if the treatment duua not effect
a euro. Guarantees inauodonb/by
C. F. GOODMAN Sole Agent , Omaha Nob.
James Meal Institute
Chartered by theStatcofllll-
nols fop theexpress purpose
of civingimmedlatc rellclln
all chronic , unnnry and pri
vate diseases. Gonorrhoea ,
QleetandSyphilis in all their
complicated forms , also all
diseases of the Skin and
Blood promptly relieved and
permanentlycured by reme
diestcstedln nForti/l'ciira
blieclall'racHrc. Seminal
Weakness , Nip in Lessen by Dreams , Pimples on
the Face. Lost Manhood , jiuittlvity cured.Tlicre
lanorjcpertinrnttnii , The appropriate remedy
i : at once used In each case. Consultations , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Mcd-
iclnea sent by Mail and Express. No marks on
package to indicate contents or sender. Address
DnJAIVlES.No. 204Waslilnglon SI.Chlcagoljj.
Will cum Nervouenotu ,
LumbagoKheii.iiatinn , 1'ur-
' ' ' M'uralKir. , hcJutlm ,
Hplno nml Lit t r
mtliin. I Mtlpilins Catnrili ,
Ue . Kpllpp y , ImpaU'iii- ) ,
Apniu. I'iolnp ii8 Utfrl.ito. only K'ltnllMuKUr
n KI 1 > > It In Aim rlcii 'lint ncN tlio Klci-trlcllv lincl mnK
nftliiu throiiKli tlnt anbonM.hurKf < lluuii In
ttantljj tliointknt.
SI 000 Would NotBu'lt. _ .
DR. HonsK I was a Ictednlth rheumitlsm anl
cured by uiing a belt To any one allUc'cd ' with
that disease , 1 would y , buy Homo's Elect rtu Dolt
Any ono can confer with me by writing CT calling
it my store , H20 Douglas street. Omaha Neb.
MAIN OFFICE Opposlti pcntolUct , room 1 Fren
zer block ,
tSTVor rale at C. F. QooJroan'j Drug ( tore , 1'IC
Farnam St. , Omaha.
0 P. _
The tua of the term " Rhoi
SHORT Lino" In connection withthi
corporate name of a tfreatroad ,
: conveys an Idea of ust what
M | f required by the traveling nub' '
I I nl ! Ho a Short Line , Quick Timi
I t and the best of accommoda
sVB tlons-all of which are ( HID
bihed by the greatest railway In America.
And St. Paul.
It owns and operates over 4.600 miles of
Northern HllnoU , Wisconsin , Minnesota , Iowa
Dakota ; and as U main lines , branches and connoo
tlons reach all the vruat business centres of tb (
Northwest and Far West , It naturally answers Ui
description of Short Line , and Boat Route between
i Chicago , , Bt Paul and Minneapolis.
RTOhlcagoMilwaukee , in Croaje and Winnna.
( Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and RllendaU
Chicago , Milwaukee , Eau Claire and Btlllwater *
KChlravRO , Milwaukee , Wauaau and Merrill.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Heaver Dam and Oshkoih.
Chicago , Mlltt aukeeVaukenha and Oconomowoe.
Ctilcavo , Mllnaukeo , MadUon and 1'ralrlwdu OhliD
Chicago , Milwaukee , Ovatnnna and Falrlbault.
Chlcigo , Ilolult Janesvlilo and Mineral I'olnl
c Chicago , Klln , llorkfnrd and Dtlhuque.
{ { Chicago , Clinton , Ilock Island and Cedar Itap'ds.
Chicago , Council Illutli and Omaha.
Chicago , Slnux City , Hloux Falls and Yanktoo
Chicaco , Milwaukee , JJItdid ! and Chamberlain.
Ilock Island , Duhuque , Kt Puul and MlnneaiiolU
Datonport , Calmar , Bt. I'aul and Minneapolis.
Pullman Sleepers and the Finest DlnlnrCara In
world are run on tha main lines of the CHICAGO
aud utery attcntlnu U paid to puaaagtn by ouuris
ou * cuiploj ea of the company ,
Qfn'A. . v , n.
Qfn' lira' ' PJ r
J. CtO U. Ilr-AfFOUC ,
Arthur a Shrewd Politician. .
ItlR Vn-sotit Attltudo on llio 1'rcsl-
lent laKJitom Ion nmll I is DopoH-
iiicnl Toward tlio Ciuull-
tinCabinet. .
S | > oclal to the ChlcflRo Dally Xe\\ * .
WASHINGTON , February 22. The
president isbogiiminir to t\lk inoro frocly
about prcnidcntinl nmttora. So far ns
can bo lonrnod , ho hns tubed no ono tn
aupporc him and has noitlior announced
nor arranged nplnn , but ho is permitting
Ilia friends to discuss the nppro < iching
convention in his ptTsonco , nnd 1ms in
pno or two cnsca eon gene so fur as to
introduce the subject himsc-lf.
Not long ngo , wlinn ho was speaking ,
as ho often coon , of tlio enjoyment ho
finds in being president , n friend nskcd
him if ho did not wmit another tonn.
' 'That is something 1 do not allow my
self to think nbout , " was the president's
The chnngo that'is coming over him is
shown by the fact that the sumo friend
has within ifow d.\\ discussed proba
bilities and possibilities with the presi
dent , and that , too , upon the assumption
that lip would bo unum' ; tlioao voted for
at Chicago. tlis attitude toward tlio
other candidates is the same , and ho is
doing nothing for himself , but that ho is
thinking on the question ii very appar
ent. There are several men here from
Now York who are supposed to liavo
como to consult him with regard to tlio
nomination of delegates in thai state
Warren of Buffalo , chairman of the Rtnto
committee , "Clint" Wheeler , ex-Con-
jrcasman Crowley , and others but if
ho president has given them any sug
gestions , or has propound any plan , they
mvo not disclosed it by act or word.
.Tesso Spnulding , of Chicago , and other
well-known Arthur adherents from that
iity , luxvo spent much time ut the white
louse lately , and the correspondent of a
stalwart paper in your state was with the
iresident two hours the othorday. Thcso
ire given as symptoms , but the results
mvo not yet developed. Thcro are ru-
uors of a conference of Arthur men at
which the wishes cf the president are to
) o disclosed , but it hasn't been held , so
'ar ' us ] can ascertain.
From a member of the cabinet who fa
vors , as they all do , the president's ro-
lomiimtion , J learn that his plan , BO far
as ho has any , is to use no pattonago to
secure delegates , to interfere with no
other aspirant , to mind his own business ,
and to take what comes to him voluntari-
y or by the efforts of his friends. In
lursuanco of this policy ho expects to
vin , but if ho loses the nomination , his
dignity will bo preserved , and the admir
able record ho has made as nn impartial ,
udicious CMicutivo will bo complete.
"Tho president is the shrewdest poli
tician there is in Washington , " said this
cabinet man. "His head is clear , his
iudgment perfect , and his far-aightod-
icsa phenomenal. lie knowa the inon
who are opposing him , and can measure
iheir jtrength and catimuto their dunces
better than anyone. Blaine is worn out ,
blaso as a candidate ; Shurm.m has no ac
tive friends ; Edmunds does not want the
otlice , and Logan's boom will die of ovor-
oxcrtion. The president knowa ho has
no dangerous antagonist , and chooses not
to bo an antagonist himself. Take the
recent appointment of Tuthill ns district
attorney at Chicago. Logan know the
oflico and the man wore neither of any
importance to him , but ho is a gor
mandizer of patronage , and de
manded the appointment , as ho usually
does. The president knew Tuthill could
not affect his prospects one way or the
other , and by nominating him prevented
Lagan from having a grievance. Justao ,
the other day ho nominated a protego of
Edmunds as juatico of the supreme court
of Dakota , although the appointment was
opposed by every Dakota man in Wash
ington , and by the delegate from that
territory in congress. Ho gives Blaino'n
friends nil they want , and it is now
charged that ho has bribed Congressman
Skinner , of the Ogdonsburg , N. Y. , dis
trict , by giving him the appointment of
\ postmaster. Skinner has been a half-
breed leader , anti-Conkling , anti-Grant ,
anti-Arthur , but ho got vrhat ho nskcd
"or. By this policy thu president is dis
organizing the opposition. "
And I ft ad that tha aboro ia a pretty
fair description of the situation. Frank
Eliscock , who has always been counted as
an anti-Arthur man , said the other day
that the president had granted every request -
quest ho had over made , and there is nol
a Now York congressman who will say
The moat active frionda of the proa !
dent in his cabinet circle iiro Teller ,
Girosham and Chandler. 'IJio two former
linvo an immense amount of patronage ,
and are ublu to influence many people.
They keep the president posted aa to
what is going on , Eayins little to out
siders , but listening a great deal am
dropping a word now am
then where it will do the most good.
Chandler ia shrewd and far sighted.
Ho ranks next to Arthur as a politician ,
and understands the significance ol
things. His former association will
Blame gives him a key to unlock tlia
gentloman'fl mvsturiea , Ho is careful
not to offend ; ho retains his intimacy
with the Blaine faction , which ia vorj
important. In this way not a movement
of the other candidates is lost , and whei
the proper time cornea the president wil
bo found in the Hold with woll-organi/ot
forces , prepared to act.
That time will como shortly before , or
perhaps not until , the convention meets ,
The Now York delegation will be euro
fully made up.
"My district will not bo for Arthur , '
aaid ft Now York congressman , "but ita
delegates to Chicago will bo reasonable
men , " and in those words lies the key tx
movements thoro. The Arthur mon wil
excite no antagonUma , wiU provoka no
animosities , and open no breaches tha
cannot bo healed. The opposition to
Arthur cannot crystallize. The mon
who roprosHtit it have no candidate
They don't like Logan , and are inditfer
ont to Blaine , who they are afraid couli
not carry the state. They would prefer
Sherman or Kdmunds , but the former
will have no backing , and the latter ia
for Arthur , They are hurtling for nn
available man to unite upon , and can
find nono. Senator Miller is very hostile
to Arthur , but has no suggestions to
makp. Ho ia at eon as much us any ono
and it ia a case of the blind leading the
Under such conditions , without having
interfered with the plans or thwarted the
purposes of any other candidate , Arthut
will go to the Chicago convention will
no enemies , but with a clean record am
the good will of all.
As the Daily Nowa has already Laid at
often , Logan ia the only man who h
making an active effort for the nominu
lion , and such candidates invariably fail
Ho is devoting his entire timu to nursim
lis little boom , is running n literary
juroau in liis committee-room at the cap-
tal , and ia forming alliances with every
whticinn who will join in tlio precision.
So matter what his reputation i , no
matter what his past may have buon ,
U > gan will take him in if ho will como.
Therefore all the political bummers , the
tacks , and heelers who nbiJo nt the cap-
tal , nro all shouting for Logan nnd dis
easing Ilia availability in the hotel lob-
> les.
les.Dorsoy was captured before ho wont
vest , auu furnished Log.m with funds ,
) f which ho wa very much in need.
.Vil Vandervoort , who was dismissed
rom the postal service for not attending
o his duties , has charge ot the Nebraska
anvass , and similar mon of odorous
reputation and doubtful character are
ho leaders on whom "Black Jack" do-
The alliance with Blaine gives Logan
nest of hi encouragement , 1ml that is
regarded ns .1 method of the plumed
knight to club Arthur , and not a genuine
support , for Logan and Blaine cannot
wvo nn intimate political friendship or a
> or oiml partiality for each other. But
Vtthur will keep out of the way f the
club , nnd when h falls it will disarm the
nun who are using it.
Booms have always Uuon dangerous
hings. If Logan's pvor gets big enough
o excite apprehension in the minds of
ho friends of other candidates it will bo
< nockcd in the head.
I have talked with ft dozen political
endora from n dorcn different statns , and
hey all answer my questions in the same
vay. "Wo will send an unpledged delegation -
gation of good men , " tlioy say , "and will
ct as ceeim for the best int jrosts of the
larty. " lu.ixomx.
iomntutiig tn the Omaha poitoffico unclaimed
or the week oncHiiR February ! 2 < l , 1881s
Alien Mrs P. J AtMiiHMuT
lidiirottor Jlisi I , Buiiov/H Mrs M 2
Buchanan Nn M Buiklioldcr Mrs jM
UutrickMUaL Book Mii > a K
Hroaku Aim U Browning Mm M
Boatrlco Jliss O Bryant MrB M
Bonner Mins M Bigelowr Mils lj
Clifton Mlns I Churtin Mrs K
S Carlson Miss A
Dahlntrom I KverettM W
Kly MrH L A Kckstrnm II
KlIisMlusA-L' Kills Minn J
Kverntt Mrs
Ford MIsaA Fnlth'MrB C
Francis Mr J 1) Fr'di'ricksou Mrs G
Graves Mr 0 H Gibson Miea L
Hoots Mrs P Hurloy M ra , T A
Jucoburt MrH K Jenkins Mrs 11
Johnxon Miss M Kfifod Miss 0
. _ igffut Mlaa M MaukMiesO
Murphy Mrs P P McArty Mrs K
Ollson Miss H IlayP
LindrwUth | Miss K Smith Mm M A
Stapleton Mimi V Stein Mra J
Squlrou Mi's 1C SinilhMrsM
Smith Mn O-2 Stephenson NTB Til
Scott MN M Smith MrH 11 B
SchnettMUaK Shorwnod L
Street Afrt , G B Todd Mm IIV
WIloox Mra A M Whltloek Miss I )
W 131 , Wage Mls L
Walker Mm A Wolsch Mlns S J
Wlllwner M rs W U Wilbur Mrs N ] 3
Wood Mrs 8 Woodworth Mrs A
Workman Mrs M A13
W. B. Casli , Bou of tlio Noted Duclml
Mortally AVonnds Tvo Bleu.
Cou'MiiiA , S. 0. , Foh. 2 ! } . A spocia
dispatch from Choraw , B. O.,8ayu : Satur
day of hut week W. B. Caah , eon of Ool
E. B , Cosh , the noted duelist , wh <
killed Ool , Shannon a few yoara iigo.cami
into town early in the day and remalnei
until dark. Just before starting for horni
ho hocamo very boiatoroiw , and was ap
poached by Town Marshal JUcharda anc
refjuested to keep quiet. A diiliculty on
Bued and they clinchod.thoinarBhal usinj
his olub frenly of Cash's head and arms
but finally the niaralial was ovorpoworci
nnd tornbjy'leatun and kicked in th
i j head and face by Cash. After the twi
! men vroro separated Cash immediate ) ;
, I left town.
J ThU nftenioon about 3 o'clock Casl
npnin cftino to town , nnd nfter remaining
nbout two lipurs wnlkcd up tn Marshnl
Uiclmrila , who wiw sitting on n dry goods
box in front of ft store. I'nssinjj by him
n few paces Cftnh suddenly wheeled round
nnd without snying n word drew n . ' 18-cnl-
ibro Smith & Wesson pistol from his hip
pocket nnd fired three shots in rapid sue-
cersion nt the marshal. The firat shot
pnssed throunh the loft lung of
Inmrs Cownrd , nn innncont bvsUwlor.
The second ball took elf ct in Uichards'
left lung , nnd - s ho fell Gush firixl nn *
other shot , which niissnd ita mark. Ho
then ran to his horao , which was hiluhcd
nt n convenient plnco , nnd in the excitement -
ment was permitted to oacipo.
Uolh men are mortally wounded.
The most intense- excitement prevails
throughout the entire county , nnd bun-
drcds of men nro in pursuit of Cash , If
L-iiught ho will undoubtedly lo lynched.
Noxv Mivlrnu Indlnnit.
Special to the Dontcr Trllumo.
i.iiuyuHHQur , February " 2. Agent
Iliotdnn , of tlio Navajo Indian nnoney ,
eamo in to-day with a party of chiefs , on
the way to Washington. They go to ask
'or iioro land , and deny the reports as to
Lhnir attacking the Mexican sheep herd
ers near their reservation , saying they
July asked them not to make pommnoiit
improvdmonts until they B.IW thu proai-
Mr. Ilubican , of Denver , arrived in the
city to-day to commence work on the
now Indian school building. I'cdro San
chez , Pueblo Indian agent , is here to
select the land , and Mr. llubican ox-
iccta to commence work Iho first of next
Host Kstnto Trnnaf era.
The following deeds were filed for
record In the county clerk's oftlco Febru
ary 211 , reported for THE BKK by Amos'
real oatato agency :
Amos S. IHllingaly nnd wife to Chicago ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omixhn railway
company , q o , pnrt sej of so | see 12-10
12 K , SUO.
Charles W. Mount and wife to Annie
Eli i Dundy , q o , part sej of sec 21 15
E , $1.
Charles W. Mount and wife to Annie
Eli/.a Dundy , w d , part lot 7 , in llees'
Plnco. § 1,800.
Charles Bankcs nndifo to Jaob
Solzo , single , lot o , block 72 , in Omaha ,
Jacob Spl/.o ( single ) to Mra. Lydia
Bnnkcs , wife ot Charles Bnnkcs , w d 1 1 > ,
b 72 , in Omaha. 85,000.
llouben llarphnm ( ndinr. ) to Peter
Gees , admr's deed sc [ of HC | of sec. 211 ,
10 , 12 , o , being 40 ncres. § 800.
Henry W. Yatoa and wife to Kent K.
Ilayden , q c w.V 1 51 , b ! ! , of sub-division
of.l. I. odiok'sadd. § 2,000.
Charles F. Goodman and wife to .Fred
Koottor , w d , nw J of aw } of sec. 20 , ID ,
13 o , § 250.
llotinan Kountzo and wife to Charles
F. Goodman , q c , pt. lot 7 and pt. no so
of ROC. 27 , 15 , 13 , § 2.
lleuben lloaa , Jr. , nnd wife to Alger
non S. Paddock , q c , block 21 in Smith's
ndk , § 2,000.
Edward IF. Pardoo , unmarricd , to Al
gernon S. Paddock , q o , pt. lots 1 , 2 , 3
nnd 4 , block 19 in Omaha , § 1,000.
Algernon S. Paddock and wife to
\ugustus Kountzo and Herman Kountzo ,
w d , part of lots 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 , block 19 ,
in Omaha , § 14,000.
Algernon S. Paddock nnd wife to Eliz-
nboth Kount/o , w d , lots 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 ,
bloock 21 , in Smith's add. § 0,000.
John II. Green and wife to August
Doll , w d , nwj of BOO 0 , 1C , 12 , § 2,000.
The trustee * of the S. W. Presbyterian
Church of Omaha to Ezra Millard , w d ,
pnrt w 115 feet of lot 22 , block 1 , Millnrd
Place , § 1,800.
John McGinnis , jv.nnd wife to Alger
non S. Paddock , q o , uj of nwj of no sec
- > 15 13. pxcepting 2A acrca , also ei ol
j of sej of sec 10-15-13 , 910,000.
Charles F. Goodman to City of Omaha ,
w d , strip 20 feet wide for alloy in 20-15-
13 , § 2.
Who wmil glossy , luxuriant
nml wavy tresses of abundant ,
hcantii'iil Hair must use
Dlogant , cheap article always
jako3 : the JlrJr grow freely
and fast , keeps it from fulliiig
ouf , arrests and cures gray-
W'ss , rcmoTCB dandruff and
i' thing , makes the Knir
fi fong , giving it a curline
adcncy anu keeping it In
niiy desired position. Beau-
< iftil , heu'UIiy llnir is the sure
r'iult of usiiig KuthoiroiL
.jooi-ioaa. t
Oil C
in n inerairtixioniliVrn lur
tlmoiiudlliKiili'ivallioinrttiirii K ln. I iuo n aradl.
en ) euro , i Intro niailo ttio cllieaio cf FJTtf. KVILUVHY
orl'AI.UmiHICKNKSSMlroloug. udy. Jw.rriitnV
rtmedr tu II. . . .
* / rura i.u wont CUM. lltcauss olben nafo
MIM i Ii no rn xm for nm now rociltln near * . Macu
for a treutlio ami u fr UuttU of ray IDUUUW
iciutnir. Hive Kipren nml rut Ufllc * . ll uui
' - "
wUiluK for u trial , n J I will rut a ir/ .
Aildreu IJr. Ii. O. HOOT. lUl'ewl BU. V
Nfitloaliborcby ( 'hcn that tlio partnenhlti lier <
toIoroe Utliig bttwonWilliam V. Mannli u an
Ile-ii , | \ IhU day dliaulyej. ' " '
ThU Ii to yltc furthti'notice ' tlut I will not lu n
II onslblfl fornny dvbU contracted by | iy person I
nur late rrm name , uor wli ) 1 pay any ittornov
fees or out * t \ tarrj n any lltlg.tlon of any J
tcrliitlon agalmt n > y of th creditor * of the late llr
% T3 J&3
Oinaba. Neb. , Keb IB 1R84
Fob. 18-11 , '
Wiuuu V Mt k > o.
MAOK im MR At . , „ „ JE MARK
unfailing cure for
Seminal Weak.
how , Impotency ,
and all IM o o8
that follow M a
wqiifnco tif Soil
AbuMj M lees of
- . , . , - , M'tuofyi Unlw
v anETAKItia.talU''ain AFTER TAKIHB ,
i tlio IlnH , Dlrmiemof Vlilon , I'ronuuuro old AKB
ml jiwiy other illwMM that lead tn Insanity or Com
jmptlnn and n rremature < ! ra\o.
ilnwARH of adtcrthcmrnU to refund money , when
ruirgi U from whom the medicine Is bought ifo not
tm < f , but rcfor jou to the inanulAdnrers , ami the
oi ) lmnant ar * uch that they atd trldom , ( f ewr.
onipllcilnlth. 8o thclrwrlttonpuarnnlce A trial
end alnile iack Ke of flriSwcino | Mllcon\lnc
te ino t krillc-M | uf Ita rcM merlin.
Ona < vountofc < iuntoiJoltor , e have adopted tb
cllow Wrapper ; the only ponulno.
IJTIMH ivutlctilara lu OUT pntuphlet , MI hlch tndo-
re toerml free by mall to r\cry one. < { TTIio Spo.
no Mrdlalno is odd by all dmgclnU at 81 | t r park-
ire , or rlx i wka cn tor ( i , or will 1 rent frro b )
all on tlio receipt of the money , by adilrwolng
> ld In Oniiha b ) U , 1" . ( ln.nlnnn. | > IPmJia
.lid your work is done for nil time
to timu to come.
o produce a more durable material
for street pavement than the
Sioux Falls Granite.
illud promptly. Samples sent and
estimates given upon application.
Sioux Falls , Dukot *
\Vlioso ( Iclillliy. v\luiii lliii > nnil tirnmnlura
clccfiy nra e.nU Hil UyCJCOWJCK. rritrHttf } until , etc .
ro pcrfootly rnsluroil to roliimt lirullli nil
vlBiirnii * iiiiiiilnioil liy THE MARSTON
nOLUS. > onlnmncli ilnipplnu. Tlnnlrcintmont
l\crvnnn MBlillU.v nnil l'h > > lriil llceiijrU
tihtfnrtnly eucceiutful IIOCAUNO unrui on imr
iniiffiifi * ! * , new nnd tllri'ct niclhodsAnd
t niiitft IIUr nuliniaa. hpr.led 'lr * tlw fren.
p-trii1 EAE
i J. Jlls
J , T. ARMSTRONG , M. D. ,
, .
Until olllccs nro Mtnlri'd lioin rtnult of llru , oinn
vith Dr. Tarkor , Hcom C , Crclghton lllock , Ifth
ami tlrcct.1 ,
1111 Omaha , Mob.
Galvanized Iron Cornices
jBTDormer Wlndowu , Flnlats , Tin , Iron and Slats
oollng , Hnnclit'a intent Metallic Hkyllrht , Patent
xljustod Katchot Uar and Urankct Hnnlvlnv. t am
10 uencral atrnnt lor tno anotolmooi ifooiir , Jron
.Ing , Creating * ) , balustrades , Vcramlai , Iron funs
'it , Window minds , Cellar Oiiardu : ain't rrnma
orl'oaraonfc Hill al ut Inside. Hll"l
The only
seed house
I have nnn ocoiniilitottoi hut uvery klrul and tn
rlotj of Krc h rurclcu HcciN , bought illroit of pro
I cell In Hulk and at Kiutern wlioliknlo prlicl , anil
iiuantltlutObult. | I lll inllinto ! | , an > price lint
the Imjirnmy prefer.
i'ruich , aciiiian , r.iin'll ti and American grown
I'lnvvtr hioisln Uulk tnrt In I'acktU , Purest 'I red
and Hi lu | Seed. Hcnii fur Catalogue , Fric.
J. KVA.NH , Htrdman ,
fcb 2J-IHO ilt-wU Nth and IJodxu , Ht. , Onuha.
Nebraska Cornice
Iron Fencing
Ore tln , Ualuntradra , Verandai , Omcoand Hap
lUxlun i , WI"Juw ami Cellar Ouarili , Kto.
con. o , ANuetu STIIKI : ' ' , LINCOLN NKU ,
A Tlctln of isrlr Imprude * . causing nerroiu dcldl.
y ! tlr , unuuto/4 dtciy , cto. . uavlng tried la Tolu ot'ri
I inonardinMx M ul 0 , " " 'J."i "linplo petal , ot Mir
turn , hlcli be will wnd I'HEK to bl < dlowiiB rcr .
A-iif js. J 'L BtaVS-i. O Cuttawft U Mew Vok
Chicago , St. . Paul , Minneapolis and
The nor exUmlon of this line front WaVeflflit up
through Concntd ami Coleridge
Upa < hrs the licit portion cf tha State. Special cx >
riuMon ri 'M for l nd looker ! mtr this Una ti
Wajns , Norfolk Mid 1 Islington , and \ \ \ lilatr to all
principal po'it ' on the
Trains OUT Hit C. . St I1. M , * O. Uallway to Cov
limton. Sioux Ut } , I'onn , llnrtliiKton , Wrtyne aiul
Nctlolk ,
Ooxxxxoot < vt 331 lx *
1'or Vrt-mont , UakiUlo , Ndlnh , and through to Val-
f tf'l'or rated ainl nil Infnnnatlon roll on
K. 11 Wlin.SKV , tlcncral Ajront ,
f ( rj IliilMIci ; , Cor , loth and Farnam H' < . ,
Xct tAii HP > cur 1 at ilcj > ot , cornrr 14th
ttr Stt it
Plattsmouth Neb
, - - - -
for date. Corrotpondonra eollolto.l.
Capital , - $100,000.00
O. W. HAMILTON , Proo't.
8. S. CALDWELL..V. Pros't.
M. T. BARLOW. Cnohlor
Accounts nollcltod and kept sub
octto sight chooU.
Cortlflcatoo of Deposit Issued pay
able In 3 , 0 and 12 months , bearing
ntoroot , or on demand without In-
Advances made to customers on
npprovodcoourltlos nt market rnto
of Interest.
'The ' Interests of Customers nro
closely guarded and every facility
compatible with principles of
sound banking freely extended.
Draw sight drafts on England , Ire
, Scotland , and all parts of Eu-
Bolt Europuan Paoaar < i Tickets
Promptly Maoe ,
CAPITAL PRIZE , $75,000.
t31.Tlckots only $5. Shores lu Proporttnn'd
Louisiana' Stale Lottery Company ,
" H'e do herttiy certify that tee tujit-oise the at
r&nycmtnti for all tht Monthly and Scrni-Annuz
Drauringi of the Louiriana State Lotttn Company
aiitinycnoit inanaqt atul control the Drauinji
heinttfvei , and that the taint are conducted uill
htmcity.Saimcii. and < n good faith , toward all pat
tea , and ue authorise tha company ( o uie thd ee *
( Acate. utthfao-timiln of our ifyna'
i& $ fol Jfl jwri by tnJ leg "
iiaonnltnbli inirnoaoo w > i > .
IUI of 61 .000,0 - towhlcUa rcwtvo fund ol 9vf >
PW.OOO has sucf ! < booii ad Jod.
IJy nn ovcrwhclmlnt ; po ul > / Vrt Its fundibfi
KM nmdo a part of tha present state conttHuUci
iiJopted Beooiubcr d , A. U. 1879 ,
The only Lottery ever voted on On < ? enl
doracd by the puoplo of n y State.
It never ncalc > or postpone * .
Ita grand uinglo ntnnbor drawing * take
place monthly.
A aploiulnl opportutiltv to win a Fortuna ,
Tlilrd t ! rand Urawinjj Olnsa 0 , In the Aoail-
oiny of Mnelo , Now OrlcniH.jTnoBilny , Jlarcli
llth , 1881 1 GO th Monthly drawing.
OAIUTAL PIUXE , $75,000.
100,000 Ticlcotd ftt Vivo Dollaro Ktuih. Fnio-
tions , in I'lftliB In proportion.
1 CAl'lTAia'UI/K. . , , . , . 176,00 ,
1 do do . S , ( Kl
1 do do . . . 10,001
t I'UIZEU OK e * > 00 , . ( . 151,001
6 do 5000. . 10,001
10 do 1000 , . 10,001
20 do tOO . 10M
100 do 200 . iO.OW
S10 do 100 . , . SO.OOc
too do 0 . M U0
1000 do 25 . . . . . . . . 'J6,000
t Approxtiaatlon prlr < of $760 0,7ot
B do do 600 , , , . , . 4,60t
i do do 260 ? , !
1687 PrlMi , amountlnir to , 2o5lO <
Amtllcatlou lor rate * to oJuUa should be mads ual >
at the olfloe cf the Company In Now Orleans.
7or further Information wrlto clearly vlvlnir ( all
addrew. Makn f. O , Money Orders payable am
addreu Hcglstc.-od r.ettora to
Now Orleans , La.
1'ontal Notes uij orJlnary letter ! by Mall or Ki
prow ( all wwo of ( fi and upward ) by Kipreua at oui
expenw ) to
or M. A. PAUPtalN , New Orleans , ta.
| ,601 Seventh St. , Washluitton , D. C.
Mutter onAi'iihcullun of jWiiothrlch liro's for
, Llcjnor '
Ndtlcn U iitriby Klunlhat Wuetlulch lira's did UIHIII
thu 13th dayufjtub. A. ] > . J881. Illo hU uppllratlui
to ttui M ) ur and ( Ity ( 'onni II of Onmlm , fur li.eiu' )
tobcll malt , bpldtoiiH amilnoiu lliuur | , at cor.
lltlnndDodgo > trt.tti. Trlrd uanl , Uiuahit K b. ,
from tlio * bth il JVb , 18S4 , t ( > th lltll ilnof April ,
If ( here bu dbjuclloii , rt'iiioiiktruuru or protunt
-il within two imL from Fib. IStli A. D , 1834 thu
wild UCCIIIMI vUlllioKrutiUxl.WUCTIUCH
AMillnint | .
Ilio Omaha Ili-i' new nxpcr will publish thu ulnivu
notlie omt ) rach wi-vk fur t o itk at tlio otpiniio
of the api > Uralit. The tlty of Onmlu U nut to U )
chanted thervwItU. J. J. 1 U , JKVVKTT
< ? 4tt I Him I _ CltvC'lufk.
MutUr u > Application ut J , 1L Cnnty for U > | uor
I J < 01111 ,
tNotl iI ngrtityu'ltii thutj It , Cunty illduixmthu
4th day ot f > \ > . A. L ) . lbd-1 , fllu Ilia up | > lleuiinn tn
the uujof ( mil i Itj council of Omolia for llcoiiku to
wil malt , > | > lrituou and \lnuim HcpiurK at
No. HIOKoulh Tenth Struct , 1'lreturd , Omaha ,
KLb.tlom the 13th day uf l'cl > . Ib3t , tothv 18th day
tit Xaich 18 ! > 4. If thoru lie no ( ibjcctlon , to-
moiiKtmnco or prutont flletlllliln tv.o oik from
I'cb. Itb , fi , U. 1881 , the uld Ilix'ii olll bu Bran -
xl. J H ( JAN IV , Apiaicam.
The bOraah * Ueu | iu\t | > uportill pilbluh thu nbata
notlco 1 ,011 , if.ich wek for two uvuki at thu exjiiime
Tba dty of Ouulu It not to bi
a JEWCTT , City Clerk.
South'UHli ' Street , below Fnmnm.
Kilby Place
, Iuat platted out in this addition nt
$ : t'2r > to 350.
Per lot. First allotment nil taken
mainly by persons who will build
desirable residences in the spring.
This Addition
runs I'rom Dodge street to Daven
port street , the most healthful ,
sightly and desirable
Near Cable , Bolt and Gntnini ? street
Sold Forty-One Lots
in this mldition in January , Call
office Will take yoii out and
back in 1ml an hour.
A Desirable Business Property ,
on Fnrnnm Street. Ilented to good
tenant. Pays ton per cent on in
vestment , net.
One of the Best
Business lots on Tenth Street ;
An Improved Farm ,
Near Douglas county , two
fjood houses aud frame bnru a lirst
uluss farm in every respect. "Will
Htill or exchange for city property. .
v *
Desirable Lands
in Boons , Madison nnd Nance conn-
tie.s , in quantities to huit purchasers ,
58.00 per acre , Will take less for
u quantity.
Forty Acres
c Jlrst-clnss land , improved , Rood
Cor gardens and small fruit , within
three miles of postofllco , 850 per/
Cull lot , IAVJ story house , metnl
of , S rooms. Musk be sold. Spo-
ciul tunna uii ollico.
Good Cottage ,
five rooms , new , ono block
street cars , $1,000. Monthly . N
Fine Residence ,
near Twentieth nnd Unss streets.
Easy pnymonta.
Residence Propertv
on 18th street. Large house , good
barn , full lot , street cars , $3,500.
Business { Property ,
on Saunders street. A Rood invest
ment. Call for particulars.
Several Good Lots
on very easy forms to those who
will build.
Property Shown
on Application ,