j _ xttBfnsffsn THE DAILY BEE OMAHA. TUESDAY , FEBRUARY 2i. ( 1884. 3 Council Bluffs Loan and Trust Company. Ftrat Mortoieo LOMIS Nftotl t l. OsmraercUl r j > et ami all Hood Scciiritlcn tlotlt In. 89 fcirl tttftt , Mid 606 lire * umic , Council r.mtTs. FINANCE AND COMMERCE , FINANCIAL Nsw YORK , February 25. M t > y In ( food supply t& H2 p-sr cent. Prhno Paper l f i per cent. El change Bills-Steady t 4801 ; demand , 4S5J. < ( luvernmcnti S toady. Stocks Tlie merkot opened firm ; prices nd vanced fractionally. .Soon after the opening iv brisk demand -sot in for 1'nolio Mall , Lack- awaiinn , Uead ! < r , Texas 1'ndfio and Kansas & Texas. Vaelfic Mall scored the prontost advance , rising from 18 lo T > 03 ; Lackawanna declined to 1313 , rose to ISO nnd dropped to 1293. 'i'lio general Ifotdeclined I to 2 per cent in sympathy , but soon milled i to if per cent. Tlie market closed firm , UUDl'OND ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " " 4 y't coupons'.I' ! ! ! . . ! ! . . ! ! ! . 114 fi ' ' ' ' ' ' * ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' padtic t4 Vf' 'Vs. . . . . . . . i' . . ! . . ! ! ! ! . . i5bfc BTOOXa AND BONDS. Amecioau Kxpress W llurL , Ocdar Kapldi & Northern 75 Central I'acino 61jf CUa&go & Alum 135 do do pfrt 143 ChL , Burl. &Qulnpy. . . . 12C.J do pfd Jxi | Kort Wayne 131 Hannibal & St. Joseph . 3Si do do do pfd . 8SJ Illinois Central . I32J Ind. , Uloom. & Western . 17l Kansas & Texas . . . l\ \ Lalco Shore k Mlulii an So. . . . : . Michigan Central . J24 Minneapolis & St. Louis . 17 do do do pfd . 34 D3J Njrthoru 1'ucilic 21 * do do pfd . 47 Northwestern 121 do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . we ; New York Central 110 : 'Onlo k Mississippi 22 do do pfd 90 Pooria. Decatur i Kvoiisvlllo 14 Ulock lolond . 122 ! St. Paul & Milwaukee do do do pfd . . . 117 St. Paul Minn. & Manitoba 95 St. Paulfc Omaha 32 do do pfd 94 } TToias Pacific i'li Union Pacific. . . . . "Wabash , St. I , . & Pacific avp do Uo do pfd 28 § " 'Western Ualou Telegraph . . , * Asked. GRAIN AM * I'lloVISfONB. CHICAGO PRODUCE. CHICAGO , February 2.Flour 'Quiet ' tvnd 'unchanged ; good to choice winter wheat'IIour , H 00@5 85 ; spring , 4 00@4 50 ; Minnesota ba > Iker's , 4oO@525. Itogular Wheat Kair oirgregato business : i prices early declined Jc , rallied slightly , and closed about gc under Saturday ; M cifor 'Feb ruary ! 9U@91gc for March ; il2Uga } ! for April ; 97if97Su for May ; 0 ! > 4 for Juno : 1 OOJ 1003 for July ; No. 2 sprinp ; 9ii@l)2i'c ) ; 'jCo. 3 spring , 79@81o ; No. Xred , 9Sc@l uOJ. Corn In fair demand ami miirkot woikcr ; prices declined Jc , fluotnated and closed about jo under yesterday's prices : B24@53crfor cash ; 52go for February ; D2 c for" March ; 53c } for April ; SSCffiSSfcc ior M.iy . ; 5 @ 5 gc for Juno ; 601fC ! ic for duly ; rejected , tWJe. Oats Fair derated for cash ; speculation dull and prices easier ; 32c for cash , February and March ; 32ic for April , JWiJc for ifay ; 30c for the year. Kyo Dullnt57J@ 8c. Barley Dull at 62@G3c. FlaxSeed-Quotata.C3 ! ; on'traok. Timothy Hanged foiipoor to choice. at 1 12i § 1 32 ; fair dark seed , 1 25@1 20 ; prime , 1 2i ( 1 VH. Mess Pork Fairly active ; opened -stronger ; closed easier ; 18 0 > @ 18'10 ' for cah , February and March ; 18 17ia(18 ( ( 20 for April ; ' 18 27i @ 18 30 for May ; 38.87.J@18 40 for June ; Lard Moderately active and shade- easier ; 9CO@9 02 J for each , SVsbruary ami March ; 9 70@9 72J for April ; 0 8. @ 9 85 for May ; 9 8"i@9 90 for Juno. Uoxod MoaU In fcir demand ; shoulders , 7 40 ; short ribs. ECMtort. clear , 0-SS. Butier Unchanged ; creamery , H3@31c ; dairy , 20@25c. Whisky 1 ir. Cheese Kinn : stoika moderate ; choice full cream Cheddars , lie ; choice full croaml'ilats , 14ttl4'i ( " ; good part skiuji < : ueddars and t Uuts , 8 @ 10c. Hides Good trade ; green salt cured bull and damaged. 64c , ; green -salt , light , 8csalt } ; , i heavy , 7 c ; green salted-calf , 12@lL'io. TaKow No. I cnmitry7c : cake , 7ic. CtAr , BoABH.-s > Vho AfSa'I CDOfldO bu ) . at Jc higher ti jc lower. ( Joi n Sales , 455,000 bu at lo lower. Onts Sales , 90,000 1m : unchanged. Pork Sales , 37rt bbls.o < v2Ju lower. Lord Sales , 2COO tss ; unchanged at 2Jc l.lowor. nxw TOHK. NEW YonK , Fobruavy 25. Wheat C'ash . lower and dull : -v-ptlons opened ti liigher , and ilocltaod market cloeing firm , with recovery of $ @f a : ungraded red , ; c@l 2No. . 3 rofl , loU ; > -No. 2 red , 1 0 } . ? © Corn Opened firm , nml declined .J@le , ijnarkot cloHinjf te dy with slight rocovtirv ; wigraded , 5fi@C3cj Ko. , ii2'SKie. ) Oats-Jo lower ; anixod ovestern , 4i@tt"c ; iwhite , 434f c. s Western fcc h actlvo and lower ,1'orlc lull and eiaior , . .no/ mow , 17 11800. Laril Heavy ; pri toe etoim.-iO 93. Bjittor Dull anil wtuk. IULI-IMOUE. BAITIMOBE , Fobruwy ifi. Wheat Lower , ikott rtlemand ; No. 2 ruuttrifcdcaih , 1 OHla ( Easier and dv i , jn1j.cU , cash , 50 ; 'Oat3-iLnwer ' and dull uiUto , 4 > ! @ : mixed at ( i7@iJc. ( Buttar-iOJ.ileti western paoked , 1020c ; croainqry , 25f30c. KuRS-iLowor at 18@19c. Wdueky ( jiiiet and slendf at 1 d < Sl ) 18J. Liceapooo. J'ebniary 2 . Wlicol Inact ive ; winter , fa 2 < @ 8 fid ; aon'iw , 7 * lCd@Brt 2' ' Guru Jj > ull.new : , 5a 2d ; old , Tit 5d. .ICAN'HAH CITV. KANRU GUY , Felmiory 25. Wtoat Steatlv8Se.Ud ; for ci h and Jtarch ; C/i bh for May. Corn Lcwrar ; 40Jo for cmh ; IOJ for March ; Jl c for Ala ) * . OaU-KuJI , uomln < , 20j bid. BE. LOUIS PIIODDCK , BT. LODIS , Kobruary 23. Flour M arico unchanged. WheacLower and slo ' ; No. 2 rod , 1 06 tor culi ; 1 OK bid for Maroli ; 1 O'M for Apnl 1L10J110 ] for \tay ; 1 0)1 for Juno. Corn Luwor ; No. 2 mind. 4l > 6 < 349jlo for cn'li ; ) ! 'i5a ' f.ir Fe'uruury ; r 5J@55Jc fo. Jlay 52lo for Juno. OttH Lower ; 3'J.$33jo : for cash ; 31c fo JI.wli ; 3-Uo for May , IlyaFjrm at Mlto. ] frlay Dull and unchanged. Kutter Unchanged. 1' KH Unchanged , Flai Head -Slow at ISO. J y Quiet ; prairie , 8 M@10 Mf timothy 11 00@15 00. Jlraii ( Juiet at SOc , Corn Meal -Firm at 2 0-5. WliUVy Steady at 11C. 1'rovlefJim Kl i m , Lurd-DulUtl > 609f)5. I'IOSINO liOAUli. Wheat Lourur at 1 03 for .Alarch ; 1 09 bid for April : 1101 for May. Corn Lower : 4rJ for February ; 494c for March ; rli ( ,51go for May. Oats Lower ant ] slowj 3 Ic for March ; SOJo for May. rsontA rnonvcB. , Foomary . " > . Corn .Vctivo and nilxod ric : now rejected , -13@44Jo. ( .ma Aclhaamtuiuy ; No. 3 white , 3 " > i ( < ? > V > } o llyo Steady ; now No. 1 Whisky-Si 17. MILWACKKK. MiLWAtncKi. Fobniary 25. Wheat Dull ; fo. 2 , 9tlo ( or February ; POJo for March ; K ) o for April ; flljo for Maj. Corn Dull nnd lower ; No. 2 , Mo , Oata Lower ; No. 2 , 32c. llyo Steady at Mo. Harley- Market higher and Irioyant ; No. 2 , 580. CINCINNATI. CINCINNATI , Valmmry 25. Wheat -Firm ; fn. 2 rod. 1 OT > @ 1 Otl\ \ , Corn ( Jiiiflt ; No. 2 mixed , M(9lKle ( } , Oats-Weaker ; No..2 mixed 3Ci@37c. llyoDull : No. 2 , OSc. Pork Kmtor ; mots , 18 00@18 2. . . Lard Dull ; prime steam , ! ) 40. Hulk MoaU-fc'Irm. Whisky Actlvo and firm nt 1 1C. TOLEDO. TOLKIK ) , rebruary 5. Wheat ( Jutet and rm : No. 2 rod cash , 9IJc@l ! OIJ. CornJtilot aud linn ; high mixed , "ijc ; s'o. 2 cash , r > 3Jc. 0 ti ljuiot and linn ; No. 2 cash nnd Fob- uary , S.'lc. Nrw ontRANS. NKW OIILKANS , Feliruary 25. Corn Steady ml in good demand ; white , I'dc ; yolloxv , Rio. Oats ( Julot and llrm ; choice , 47c. Corn Meal Knslunit 3 10. Pork In good doimtud nnd higher ; 18 50 © 8 G2J. L. : nt Stody : tierce refined , 9 23 ; keg , 0 25 Hulk Mnat In good demand and source , ' \VHsky Steftilv and unchanged At 110 , ti'JL'OCK. . 1.1VK STOCK. OmoiCO Vebruary 2. . The Dro\ora' Jour- A ! rnimrU tl.li iitturnoon us tollovvs ; Hi4 < Good , heavy and light rradei . " > @ 10a klp * . 5 5Uli 40 , Cattle Market fairly active ; values un banged ; e\i > ort grades , 0 75@7 00 ; good to lioico shipping steers. 5 Ikifi G ( H ) ; common to nodlum , 530@5 80 ; butchers' stock Btrocp ; upply moderate ; inferior to fair cows , and nixed , 3 003 80 ; medium to good , 3 90 © 4 GO ; utockors , 3 80 ® I 75 ; feeders , 4 00 © 25. Sheep Demand brisk ; values firm ; inferior fair , 375@450por cwt. ; medium to good , 75@5 1)0 ; choice to extra , 5 7d@i ( ID. KANSAS CITY LIVK 8T08K. KANSAS CITT , February 25. The Daily In- icator reports : Cattle Market fairly active and Htoady ; atives , 5 C0@fl 20 ; fee iers , 4 80 ( 5 15 ; \vs , 3 30@4 25. Hogs Heavy steady ; otiiors weak at (5 ( 00 [ 700. Sheep- Steady ; natives , 3 355 00. ST. LOUIS LIVE MOCK. ST. LOUIH , February 25. Cattle Firm and ctlo ; exporters , G 25@G 75 ; good to choice , ( iO@G 25 ; common to medium , 4 C0@5 50 ; oni fed Toxons , 5 00(5)5 ( ) 75. Slieop Steady ; good local and shipping de- nand ; common to fair , 3 00@3 75 ; medium , 00@ 1 50 : good to choice , 4 75@5 75 ; fancy , 00 ® G 25. Hogs Market active and higher ; light , G GO @ ( i 8U ; packing , 0 G0@7 15 ; butchers to extra , 20@7 50. TRAFFIC. FLOOR AND QUA IN. CHICAGO , February 25. Receipts and ship- lenta of flour and grata for the past 24 hours ave been as follows : Receipts. Shlp'tn. Flour , bblB . J3.000 9,000 Vhoat , bushels . sr,000 9,000 orn , bushels . 187,000 11G.OOO ats , bushels . G5.000 11G.OOO lye , bushels . ilO.OOO 5,000 3arloy , bushels . 80,000 11,000 February UJ5. Receipts and lipmentsof flour and grain for the past 2 1 hours ave been as follows : Receipts Ship'ts. Vheat , bushels . . . 12,000 93,000 Jorn , bushels . C9.00 ! 48,000 ) atn , bushels . ffijOQO G2.000 LIVE STOCK. OBIOAOO , February i5. Receipts and ship. ments ofliva stookforthe past 24 hours have eon as follows : Receipts. Bhlp'ts. Cattle . 0,500 Hogs . -10,000 . . . . heep . 3,800 KANSAS Cm , B'obruasy M. Receipts and hlpments of ktvj stock for the past 2J hours have been aa follows : Receiptr. Ship'ta. attle. . , . - . ' 1,000 Hogs . S.OOO Sheep . . U.700 ST. LoDlsFtW'uaryi5. ' ! Receipts and ship menta of live stack for the post 24 hours have > een as follows : Receipts. Ship' to. battle . WO 1.200 ogs . JV00 ! 2,700 Sheep . 1 , 00 700 BRITISH : GRAIN LoNlOXlVaruo7yi'5. The M ark Lane Ex. . > ross , in its revtov/.of the British grain trade 'or the past week , * ays : WJieat shows signs of active growth. The consumption of adstulfrf continues small. .Fine native wheat scarce. 7 lour dull. Foreign wheat unimproved aud receipts smalj. In cargoes oil ooast there was rather more bnninesH. Eight cargoes arrived ; seven sold , two .withdrawn , mo remained. Fur cargoes na pasrago one 'or shipment t&ere was little innulry. Th < sales of JCngli-h wheat for the weakamonnted to 59,198 quarters at 3G * lid per qimrtcrt igainst 4K'JG3 quarters at 41s 9da > or quarter 'or the corresponding week lost ycov. O01AHA MAKKETS. Wboleaale 1'rlcon , OrFion or THE OMAHA BBS. I Monday. Kveui * , Febniarj' . ( CTho following [ itiees too charged rotallors rjobbom , wholesalers and commission mor et&nta , with the exoan.Uon. ( irraln , wtioh Ii inoiod at the prices furnlohei by the elwators aad thor local buyer * : Graiu , WlKAr Cash No. 2 , 721@5"4o. BAJCJCT Cash No. 2 , * gS3c. live Caah No. 3 , 44c. CORK No. 2 , 3ic. Oiru No. 2 , ? 2c. tiivc stock , If AT STCZIIS i 5' ' 6 00. VVT Co VK-3 OOfS4 00. Buxtr S 50 4 00. OALVKS OO&O 50. Floor And WINTKB WIIEAT Boat quality , 82fi@340. SECOND QoAUtr 2 75i , 3 25 , SPIUNO WilEAt Be t quality. . patant t25@340. | HEOOMD QOAUTT 2 60@3 25. B AN 70o for cwt. OiiorrzD FKKD Per 100 Iba. 80c , Co UN MEAL I 00@1 10 per cwt. BciiEKNINO < 55@76o per owt General 1'rodaco. BOITCB Fancy urcumery. 33@86o ; col * . storage creamery , 2527c ( ; cliolce dairy , 2 @ 24c ; bast country , nollci packed , 12@15c best country , roll , 16@18c ; inferior grades 10@14c. Kecelpts are small aud the doinan good.MKATH MKATH IfAuiB , 13c ; breakfast bacon , 12c clear elilo bacon , chart , Ilia ; clear < ldn bacon long , Hot dry ailt thort. lOjc ; dry ealt long lOjo : uhouldoru , 6jo ? ; dried beef , 14JC ; ( ard , re fineJ , lOc. KflOS-Market uiuettlad ; lalev to-day it 1 @ 20c ; receipts good. Arrtrafancy Jonathans , $4 NK35 00 ; 'anty lltn Davis , S3 tt > © 4 00 ; luncy Jonet , ? 3 OiXj3 50 ; fancy Wlliowtwlg , ? 3 2H@3 75. Demand good , CHKKSE Naw York SUto full cream , late Sotitomlwr make , 14c ; Now York SUt * full cream , 10 hoop tote , 13Jo ; do full cream , 50 tioop lots , 13Jc ; Wisconsin , full cream , in box , Uc ; Young Americas , strictly full cream , 15c ; lull cream , 12c ; full cream 10 hoop lots , 1 He- full cream flat * , 12jc ; full cream data , lljc ; iincy brick cheese , 100 Ib case * , 15c ; Lim- jurgor 13Jc ; genuine old Swiss , I'Jc. POTATOKS llccclpta small and prices ; ood. Consignments of utrktly choice , largo sired , straight potatoes are selling from 45 to 48c ; itiivod cars 40 to 42o mid light demand ; poachblows , COu , SWKFT POTATOES Choice yellow , Hello UNIONS No demand ; market overstocked. ItKANs Hand picked iiativon , $2 252 f > 0 ; land picked mediums , SI 75@2 00 , Ho- coipts largo. UAUK Prairie chickens , per doz. , S3 00 to 3 25 ; snipe , $1 50 to 1 75 ; duck * , Mallard , per loz , 2 00@2 50 ; mixed , SI 50 In 2 00. Ho careful that your game comes to market in lice condition , KiiKsii OYSTKRS Selects , 40c ; standards , 35c ; mediums , 25c. CKI.KHT 55c. DATKS lllack Arabian , per Ib. , 8@9c ; qunrtor'cratos , lOc. Fins 25 Ib. kegs , per Ib. , 12Jc ; 10 Hi. box , ayer , per Ib. , ICc ; small ovnt.i per Ib. , ISc. COCOANLTS Kxtra line , per 100 , 8 00. GinKii Pure dwoot cider , 22 gal keg , $0 00 ; : . & P. clarified , 1C gal keg , Si 75 ; M. A ; P. clarified , 32 gal keg , $8 00. Pioa FKKT , rnirn , KTO. Pigs feet , 15 Ib kits , SI 15 ; pigs 40 Ib rjr bbl. S2 25 ; pigs foot , 80 Ib half bbl , SI 00 ; tripe , 15 Ib kits , SI 15 ; ripe , 40 Ib qr bbl , S225 ; tripe , 80 Ib half bbl , 14 00 ; pigs tongues , 15 Ib kits , S2 50 ; pigs onguoa , 40 Ib nr bb ] , ? (5 ( 00. Lambs' tonpiios , 5 Ib kits , 82 C5 ; 40 Ib qr bbl , SO 25. MiNcn MEAT Atnioro'n , 18lb buckets buckets 25c ) 9c ; 371b buckets ( bucket 40c ) , Jc. : lOOlb kojr , Oc : half barrels , SJe. AsaoittKi ) JKLLY 2-lb stone jars : 12 In case , ior doz , S2 25 ; tumbler , per doz , 01 95 ; choonor , per dorcn , S3 10 ; 1-lb tin cans , 4 loz. in case , SI 40 ; 2-lb tin cans , 2 doz in case , S450 , BULK JBLLIKS Currant , 80-lb wood palls , > or Ib , 7Jc ; strawberry , 80-lb wood pails per 1) , 7Jflj raspberry , 30-lb wood palls nor Ib , Jc ; blackberry. 80-lb wood pails per lu , 7Jc ; crab apple , 30-lu wood rails pnr Ib. "Jc. Arn.K BUTTKH 35-lb wondon u IB , per Ib , o ; 5-lb wooden pails , G lu ci > per cose , PEACH BOTTER 2o-lb wooden pails per Ib , 11 00 ; 5-lb wooden palU , 6 lu case , per case , $425. PRESERVES In 20-lb wooden R ( - palls ) sp- icrry , 15c ; strawberry , flulricOi 14c ; poacn , 4c ; cherry. Me ; tomatoes , He : plum , 14c ; uisortod , 5-lb wooden buckets , G In case , per jiso , S4 75 ; assorted , 2-lb tin cans , 2 doz in nso. per case , SG 50 PODLTUV Llvo chlckonJ , per doz , 1 75 ® 00 ; full dressed chickens.per Ib , 10@12c ; tur- : oys , per Ib. , 15@17c ; ducks , 10@12 ; ( reese , l@13o. LESIONS Extra fancy bar lemons , SGOO ; ancy Messina lemons , per box , ? 5 25 ; 5 box ots , Messina lemons , ? . " > 00 ; 10 box lots do. , 4 75 ; Malaga lemons , fancy , $1 CO ; do C box ots , $4 25. OHAXUE-J Valencias , G 50 ; Moisinas , It 75. BANANAS None. CnANBEiiRiES Boll and uuglo * , 312 00 ; bell nd cherry , $9 50@10 50. Above quotations or choico. NEBBASKA COMB HONKY 2-lb frames , 24-lb cases , per Ib , ISc. HAT Baled , 800@1000 per ton ; In bulk , 00@7 00 irar ton. Grocers List. CANNED Goons Oysters ( Standardpor ) case , 85@3 90 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per cose , 2 00@ 10 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; Burtlett icars , per case , 2 40 ; whortleberries , per case , 00 ; ( Kg pluiLK , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; green ages , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; pine apples , 2 Ib icr case , 4 80@6 50. ROPE Sisal i inch and larger , 9Jc , 8 Inch , Jc ; i inch , lOJc. CANDLES Bovos , 40 IDR , IGs , 15Jc ; 8s , 15Jic ; soies 40 Iba , IB oz. . 6s , ISJc. MATCHES Per cnddlo , 35c ; round , cases , 55 ; ecjuaro cases , 1 70. SUGARS Powdered , 9c ; cut loaf , 9c ; granulated , 8Jo ; confectioners' A , 8c ; Stand- ird extra C , 7fic ; extra C , 7ic ; medium yol- ow , 7c ; dark yellow , GJc. COPTEES Ordinary grades , 12@12Jc ; fair 13 3l&c ; good , 14c ; prime , 15@15ic ; choice , 6@17c ; fancy green andyellow.lj@lGlcold ( ; government Java , 20@26c ; Lo orlng's roasted. 8c : Arbuckle's roabted , 18jc ; McLauglilin'c roasted , 181c ; mitatioli Java , 1GJ HIDE Louisiana prime to choice , 7c ; fair Si Patmo , GJc. FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brls. , 8 00 ; No. . mackerel , iits , 115 ; family mackerel , half brls. , C 00 ; family. mackerel , kits , 95c ; No. 1 hite fish , half brls. , 7 00 ; No. 1 kits. 1 05. SYRUP Standard Com. , 32o , bols ; Standard do , 4 J pal Ion 'kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon fcern 1BO BODA In 1 papers , 3 SO per COBO ; kogpor Ib , BIDKLES Medium , In barrels , 7 "iO ; do n half barrels , 4 25 ; small , in barrels , 8 60 ; do n half barrels , 4,75 ; gherkins in barrels , 9 00 ; doiin half barrels. 5 25. TBAS-'Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; choice 60 @ 75cgood ; , Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , GO@G5c ; Young Hyson , good , 3G@50c ; choice , GSc l 00 ; Japan , natural leaf , 35c ; Japan , hoiao60@75c ; Oolong , good , 35@40c ; Oolong , choice , 40@55c ; Souchong , good , Su@40c ; choice , Cr > @ 45c. \VooDENWAnE-Two hoop pails , 1 85 ; throe 'hoop ' pails. 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pio- ooor waahboords , 1-85 ; Double Crown 290 ; Wellbuokets , 3 85. SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Kirk's ' utinat , 3 GO ; Kirk's otandard , 375 ; Kirk's white Russian , 525 ; Kirk's eutoca , 215 ; Ktri'-a 'Prairie ' Queen(100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; Kirk's magnolia , doz. I'OTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case , In case , 3 S5 ; Babbltts ball 2 doz. in case , 1 90 ; Anchor btll , 2 doz. in c&so , 1 CO. CAjJDY- French mixed , In 80 Ib. polls , 18c ; American mixed , in 80 Ib palls , 14o ; Brilliant miiced. in 30 Ib pails , 13c ; NobDy mixed , In 30 Ib neila , > 13c ; Comiwtition mixed , in 30 Ib naila , O c ; JixcelHior tick , 30 Ib pails , 12c ; double tufined , 30 Ib palls , 13c ; Crystal mixed. 30 lb alls15c ; Old Time , mixed , SO Ib pails , 14C4 Ttp ( Top , mixed , 1W Ib pails , 13c ; Flirt raix d , SOllb.pails , lite ; Flirt , stick , 30 Ib paiU , Ule-frip ; Top , stiok , 80 Ib palls , 12c. VIKIWAU New VorKopplo IGc ; Ohio ap ple , lie. HALT Bray loads , per bbl , 1 80 ; Aahton , It eocbi , fiQ ; > bbls dairy GO , Cs , 3 30. SrABCJI-a'oarl , 4Jc ; Salver Gloss , 9oj Con Starch , 9o ; iKxceleior Gloaa , 71c ; Corn , 80. SPICES 5eppor , 17c ; dllaplco , 16c ; clovoa 6c : cassia loc. LTE Aannrlcan. 8 40 ; .Greenwich , 8 40 Western , 275 ; North Sb r , 200 ; Lo wisely e 4 65 ; Jewell 'lye , 2 75 Dry Goocta. Atlaciiic A , 8c ; Atlan tic P , Gc ; Aclnntlo I < L ; 5Jc ; llnumwick , 7ic Beaor Uiim I/O , Gc ; Lawrenoo J L , ( ki ; Pacl fie H , 7tfc ; Koyul Standard , c. FINE JJBOWNHuKKTiKimAqgylo , 7Jc ; Pep perollK.GJojSrtlislmryU.ee. Bi.KAt'llKii Ctrnu.NH Ballon 4-4 , GJc : Bal Ion 7-8 , life ; Cumberland 4-4 , SB ; UJavolf ] ) U KVc ; Falrmount , iric ; Frnlt of tlto J ooin 1-1 { c ; Glnry of the West , 8ic ; Goldoa Gate , SJc Hill 7-1 ? . 8c ; Hill 4.4. \ > y ; Lomuiak , 8c ] ; Now Fork Mills , lite ; Tfatnuutta , II je. Pi'CKH ( Colored ) iloston , 8 oz. , MJc ; Bos ttti , 10 oz. , Ur ; lioston , 9 OE. , tlcjFal fllTKrt ( Gray ) Wct Point , K or. , He Wott Point , 11 oz. , lie ; BosUm Boar , 4 / . lie. AmtMtkeaK , 1 tic ; ContUumta - - -yj , ? " ! Oordln , IDJfc ; Pearl lliver , l c York , l'l\v \ ; Hamletou Awnlngti , I'-'Jc. UWSMH Amoiluiag , lie ; lioavnr A A. I2c lloavar lill , lie ; Heaver CO. 10 ; HavmuknrB Be ; JnSay D k T , 12So ; Jiilroy XXX. l'2fc Pe rl Ktver , 14c : Wftrru AXA ( brown ) 124cWorrcnIUJbrown ( > , JIJo ; Warren CO ( brown ) , lOjc. " ( > > Fifth a\cmie gfovo fintch , t L'lovo finish , f > Jc. JKtjit Aiiuiry , Tje ; IlaicocV , Be Ke&rnayer , 8i ; Itockpoit , i Je , 1'lilsrH Ailftna , Citij Ameriuaii , fie ; Arnoldi HAo ! Cocluco , ( lie : Harmniiy , 5a ; Zndlgo , HI Indigo 7-8. lljo ; lndl o 4-4 , llijo. PIII.VTH BIIKETI.MJHAmerican , 5 Cocheco fa ; Gloucester , DcK.'iuthbrld4 ; { , \VAverly ; 4 jo. U/NOHAMS-AinosIocaKttaplcH , files .llatci etar s , 8c ; Lancanttr Btaplen , 80 ; Il rike plaid * , lOc ; Ifudti cliutta , 7Ja Duet * Ooooa AUmitle lpaccR , OJo ; 1'er fctnuo ciubinor , 2-Jc ; ; Htuuleton caihmere Ifilc ; HaicJ ton Fauciif , Jlic ; Jfainleton bra - i5c , Iiumrjor. Wo quota Inmbor. lath Mid shingles onoftr at Omnlrn at the following prices ! JOIST ANI > SCANTI.1NO 10 It , Olid tmdot 2200 ; 18ft , 2360. TIMHERS 10 foot and under , 22 00. TIMBKU AN JOIST 18 ft , 23 W ; 20 ft , 23 50j 2211,2050 ; 21ft , 2050. FKNCINQ-NO. 1 , 4 and C In. , 2i OOj No. 2 , 22 00. SIIKKTINO y < t. 1 (2d ( common board * ) , 20 IWj No. 2 , 18 00. SUM k HoMiliH-A , 15 00 ; B.40 00 ; C , ! 00. Fuxuti.Nii-No. 1 , 1000 ; No. ' _ ' , Si 00 ; No , I , 27 ( Ht SIIIINII , clfar-25 00 ; No. 3 , 18 03. UIMI.INIII , 3700:3.251)0. : SMIMILXS , liest- t It ) ; standard , 350. LATH -3V. " ! per M. LIME Per Imrrol , 1 25 ; bulk per buihol , 35cj commit , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 50 ; hairier ior Im. 50c ; T rr0d felt , KX ) H , 8 5flj straw war.l , 8 CO. TotmncoH PLUO TOPACOOClimax , 50ct Bullion 50o , llorsoshoo , f > 0c : St r , MV ; Ruddy , 45cj Hor- ley's , 40c : Black , 3S@40o. FINE Cur Common , 20@30c : good , 4B@ Kcj ) Rose Loaf , 70o ; Prondum , G5c ; Diamond n'ro\vii ' , 55c ; Swcot Sixteen , -I7c. SMOKINQ 0. S. , 22oj Moonchamn , 30j ; Dtir- mm , 8 oz. , 55c ; Durham , 4 or . , 57cj Durhair ! oz. , 55c ; Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz. , 55c ' 'eal of North Carolina , 4 oz. . 67c ; Seal ol Corth Carolina , 2 oz. , GOc ; O. Kl Durham , 4 z. , 28c ; O. K Pniham , 2 oz. , SOc ; Uncle 'd , | 's 25o ; Tom and Jerry , iWo. niul \ nrnlslicH. OILS 110 ° carlxin , per gallon , l.ljo ; 1BO ° , oadllght , prr gallon , MJc ; 176 ° headlight , > or gallon , 18e ; 150 ° water white , 17c ; lln oed , raw , ; pr galh < i < .f > 5c ; Unseed , Inillcd , per allen , 5boLardvlnter str'd , per gallon , e. " > c : STo. 1 , 76cNo. ; 2 , G5c ; castor , iCXX , per gal on , 1 50 ; No. 3 , 1 35 : awont , jw > - gallou. 1 00 W.U. , per allen , 1 GO ; fish , W. B. , ) orgalloii , G.C ! noaUfoot extra , per gallon , 90c ; Vo. 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , SOo ; ummor , 15c ; golden machine , No , 1 , per pal- on , 35c ; No. 2 , 25c ; sponn , lgnal , per gallon , Oc ; turpentine , per gallon , 48c ; tiaptha 74 ° , > or gallon , IGc. PAINTS IN OIL Whlto load , Omaha P. P. ' > c ; white load , St. Louis , pure , Gc ( ; Marseilles jrocu 1 to C Ib cans , 20c ; French riuc , green aal , 12c ; French zinc , rod seal. He ; French luc , in varnish asst , 20c : Fionch zinc. In oil osst , 15c ; raw mid burnt umber , 1 Ib cans , lOc ; aw and burnt Sienna , lOc ; Vandyke brown. 3c ; roh'nod lampblack , 12c ; coach black , and vary black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian luo , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chromo green i. M. & D. . IGc ; blind and shutter green , L tf. & D. , IGc ; Paris green , 18o ; Indian rod , 5c ; Venetian rod , 9c ; Tuscan red , 22c ; Ameri can Vonnllllnn. I. k P. , 18c ; cliromo yellow j. M. , O. & 1) . O. , 18c ; yellow ochre , 9o ; olden ochre , IGc , patent dryer , 8c ; ( Training rolors. light oak , dark oak , walnut , cht" tnut ndosh 15r. HoiiTT HarilwAro Iilst. Iron , rates , 2 50 ; plow stool special cast , Gc. crucible , ' 7c ; special or Gorman , " > cj cast too ; o , 15@20 ; wagon spokes , sot , 2 233 ( 00 ; hubs or net , 1 25 ; felloes sawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues , ach , 70@S5c ; axles each , 75c : square nuts per > , 7@llc ; washers or Ib , 8@18o ; rivets , per b , lie ; coil clmiu , per Ib , G@12o ; malleable , 80 ron wedges , Gc : crowbars , Oc ; harrow tooth c ; spring tonl , 7@8c ; Burden's horsohco.i , 4 70 iurdon's mulesho'oa 5 70. B.uiUED WIHE In car lota , 4Jo per 100. NAILS Rates , 10 to GO , 2 90. SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 ; oriental > owdor , kegs , G 10 ; do. , half kege , 348 ; do. , morter kegs , 1 88 ; bloating , kegs , 3 35 ; fuse , ior 100 foot 50c. LEAH Bar , 1 G5. COAL Cumberland blaclwmith , 10 00 ; Mor is run BloHsburg , 1000 ; Whltobroost lump ; "i 00 ; Whitebroast nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 00 'owa nut , 5 00 ; Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra cite , 11 25@il 50 ; Canon City , 7 00 , per ton Tjoatlirr , Oak dole , S8c(5,42c ( ; homloclcRolo2dc@35c ; u lock kip , 80c to 1 00 ; runner G5o to SOc ; lemlock call , 85c to 1 00 ; hemlock upper , 22o o 24c ; oak upper , 24c ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 50 ; calf kid , 32@35 : ( Srelson kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , 80c to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kip , 1 10 to 1 65 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; ros- etn , 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , 0 00 to 8 50 ; top. lings , 9 00 to 10 60 ; B. L. Morocco , SOo to 35c ; > ebblo O. D. Morocco , itfc ; dtnon. 2 50 to 3 00. HARNESS No. 1 star oak , 38c ; Nil 2 do , 35c : No. 1 Ohio oak , SGc ; No. 2 do , 33c ; No. 1 Milwaukee S5c : No 2 do 83e . I rv Paints. Wlilbo lead , 8c ; French zinc , lOc ; Park whiting , 2jo ; whiting gilders , IJc ; whiting com'l lie ; lampblack , Gorman town , 14c ; ampblock , ordinsry , lOc ; Prussian blue , 55c ; ultrunarino , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , 8c ; umber , lurct , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; eieiuia , rvv , 4c ; Paris green , genuine. 25c ; . 'aria preen , common , 20c ; chrome preen , N.Y. , 20c ; chrome green. K. , 12c ; vornullion , KugM 'Oc ; vermillion , Amoricau , 18o ; Indian rod , .Oc ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian rod , Cokusoss , ; Venetian red , American , lc ; rod lead , ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chromo yel- ow , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochello.Sc ; ochre , French , 2c ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winter's mineral , ' ; lehigli brown , 2Jc ; Spanish brown , 'riuoe's mineral , 3c. VAKNIBHES Bun-els , per gallon : Furnl ture , extra , SI 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 51 ; coach , extra , 81 40 : coach , No. 1 , $1 20 ; Oamar , extra , $1 75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum , extra , 85c ; shellac , $3 50 ; hard oil finish , $1 60. Dull , and weak ; groou butchers , G@0c ; green salted 74 ® 7Jc ; dry Hint , 12@13o ; dry ealt , lOCiflllc ; damacod hides , two-thirds price. PELTB 25c@l 00. Zjlquora. ALCOHOL 188 proot , 2 M per wine gallon extra California spirits , 188 proof , 124 ! jior proof gallon ; triple refined spirits , 187 proof , 1 2S per proof gallon ; ro-dlttilled wluaklo.i 1 00@1 50 ; fiuo lilonded , 1 50@2 50 : Kentucky - tucky bourbons , 200@700 ; Kentucky and PennBylvwila ryes , 2 00@7 00. BBANIIIES Imported , G 00@1G 00 ; domeatio 1 < 0@4 00. GINH Imrxirtod , 4 60@0 00 ; domestic , 1 40 © 300. Rusis Imported , 4 50@G 00 ; Now England , 2 0@4 00 ; domestic , 1 50@3 50. PEACH AND APPLE BHANIJY 1 75@4 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported per case , 28 00 < 5 34 00 ; American , ' per cane , 12 PO@1G 00. HENVEIl BIA1UCCT. CURED MEATS AND IMIID In tiorros lOo lu pullu He. HaniB , 14 Jc ; breakfast bncon Liajl5ic ; unokod Bides , 9 10c ; ealt bides . GrUEKN VlORT AND PllODUOE 1'otatoes , 55 ® G5o | ior 100 pounds ; onlonu , tier 100 pounds § 1 fK2 00 ; turnliw , per 100 Ib , C0@80c ; Col or&do cabba0 , now , per 100 , 85c@lOO live clilckeiw , old , i > er doz , $ < 00ft 425 ; { [ .rairio oblckcim per duz , $3 75@400 egV. ( , frexh , per doz , 32@35c ; Imttor , fair quul ity aoairiory , iinsHt per Ib , 3H@42 ; creamery good , per Ib , 2f > © 34c ; ICanwui and Nebraska dulry , per Ib , 37@45c ; cooking , 12@lCo ; choose full crcoui , per Ib , ll@17c ( ; apples per bbl eonteru , $5 00@0 50 ; graixw. per Ib 7 ( 10c ; California pears per ft > , 7@10a JtfoKxiua lomoiiH , extra per ox , $7 0 ( @ 8 00 ; orangex , * 12 00@13 00 ; Colorado .cheat , { Mr 100 Ib , SI 3 ' © 1 38 ; ( krur , fai quality , 910 00@10 50 per bairol flour ( iraliflui , CM100 tfj $2 00@2 50 ; Hour rye , iwr 100 Jb , M 50@2 70 ; flour , buckwheat per l.bl , $10 00@10 51) ) ; corn fimoal po 100 HIM , 91 ( W@l 85 ; com , per 100 'Ibs , 81 30 ® 1 35 ; corn chop , per lOOIIw , 81 30@1 33 ; no\ oats per 100 Ihu. 81 35 ( 1 45 ; outx , Nebraska inixoif. for 100 Jb , 81 311 ® ! 35 ; wheat , jxir 10 ( HJJ , $1 S51 4.5 ; barley , [ ier 100 Ibs , 81 50(5 ( ? @ 1 75 ; mixed chop , per 1100 Iba , $1 38 ® 1 40 ; bran , | r ton , 817 00@19 00 ; hay per ton 812 00@1G 00 ; baled second bottom $1000@1200 ; baled upland , S14 00@17 00 straw. ir ton. * H MrMl \ \ \ J. 11 , OAMI'JIKUi. | 8. H. OAMl'llKlili Campbell & , Co. , i i li'ItODUC'i : , I'HOVISIOKH , F11U1T3 , KTC. 95 Koiilli lUU Biruot , IxiUfn I > jiil ) > i and Dodge OMAHA , KKR , i.ieiiuo4Vint NkUniii : ) lli-nk , htccle , Jobuson & Co. , Oiiuluj Dank ol Co6j County , i'litumoulh Neb. OONSiaNUE.VTH BOI.ICITKI ) . HCTUUNS MAD Railway Tinio Table , a P. n u , MAIN LINK. I'kClfla . \Vo \ tornKin % M 8-OOpm . . . . _ . . . . . U. InUnilI'MI . . . .4:80p : m 0. ItUml 1'ivm. 11:40 : k m Lincoln Kx.l 0m Lincoln Kx . , , . ! ' . : ; & & pm nmiuv Tiuixs-iiiui)0i : DIVISION. I.N O Oimh : 7:10,8:00,0 : : ) , 10 o , ll.-oo ; ni.t J m ; 10 , 2:00 : , 3:00 : , 4.00 , 6:00 : , e.oo , 10:10 : . m. OH sun- lUys : 7:10,0:0 : uno : . m s 2 oo , 4.a ) , o.oo , ioio : u. in. Anho kttrkn fer depot 20 minuteInto ? ; llrokd * y dcfiot , Council Itluflii , SO minutes later. l/o v Council IHufTii , HroMlttny depot , 8:00 : , BW. : 1CPO : , 11 W ) 0.111. ! 12 m.l ; : < X > . 2W : , ,1.00,4.CO , 0:00,0:40 : : , 10:40 : p. in On sumta ) * : S.oo , 10:00 : k. in. ; 12 m ; S.-O1 , 5w , 0:40,10:40 : : ] > . in. Arrho Transfer depot , lotnlu- lit 01 Ittcr. I/o \o Oounrll tlliills Trutijffr ilr | < fll : 8:25 : , OjSS , 10 : ft,11A .nvis ; iniU'JS , iiifi,3 : : ? , 4:2S : , f.s ; , % 0:2'i : , 7f : 6 , loui * p. in. Atrh o Omaha 20 minute * Inter. LxiVR OMAHA. I.HAVII inunciu Hunm , Vtn No. 3 , . . .7:55am : fiww. No. 0. . , 7W.vm : 11 No. 10 M4flpm " No. ir..11:15kin : " No , 4 Sf.OpiH : " Nn C..ilAk : in " No.8 SM : m " No. fi,7il5 | p m " NN. fll6Mn : " No. l.7K6pm X tflliu olioi o u Omiklm Tlmc.j f HIMul\ul tlino Is 21 minutes Itntvr tlun locil tlino. II. & It. UAIUUO.\tTIMnTAIU.r. OKNT. TIMI1 KKXMtR KXrRWS. t.rm- . AIIRIX r. 7.tO ; jnn 8:40 : Kin ; r.ll Atn AMihiul. . . 0t4 : i m 11:11 : nin 4tSpii : ; : .Skm .Inwin. 10.M ) m 12M : cm S N Irlll lli : ) am 2i 17 pm llu : am „ . . . . . . . ll)0aiu : : ) inisopm HcdCloiiil. 8.00 Kin 0Mpm : 10.01 H'n 8SKI fill MrOvuk. 10.5 AID KV35 pin f < : M ) pm 3:40 : pm Akron . . . : i:4\nn : 3'A : ni uiA : m ll:4iim : ( | IH'iaiT. . , 7J31'lii : .liUnm Oi'JApm 7:53 : am MIS30U1U I'AOinC-HTAXOAHI ) TIMK. I'rriKT. I UIIIUK , 7:00 : a in I 0.4.1 pm 1C. a. Mf JOK A C. B.-U.-STA.Nl Alin TIMK. vtill dally ( ) .15k m I Kiwiw , iKlly K > | irci < i , il ll.v I fVit < | MOII- except H.vtut : I iliu'i . . . , AV : am ' ' " 7:4Sp : ml Mall , lUlly C : ' . : . pm O. , St. 1' . M. A , l-HTANl > Anl > TIMfc. ( Depot IHh amiVoli tir St . Xn. Smtx'O rtrianil No. lluhoil. . . M } Knl lit . . . . SMip : in i KreUht : .rinm tUntlo i\p ; 3 , 40 ii m I.tUnllo Kvp . . UI5nm : tl.uitUi.Mnll . 7:4.1nin : | Atl.Mitlo Mull , . . 7 : Op in Ku'ry day. ( Ttnimtcr I'eput ' , Council lllurt * . ) WA11AHII AST. l.OUIS. ioa\a . 7:60 : m I Arrho . . . . . .loMin : in ta\u . 0.50pm | Arrlto . . . . 4:05 : pm o. , n * q n. IU-STANDAUD TIMK ill * . , . . . ) :60 : m | Kiprt a . 10:00 : am HircM8:60 : p in | Mall * . 7:25 : pm 'SuiiiUji vxcujitcil. 0. , R. V * V. U. 11-BTANOAUD TIMK. ! ! . 7:60am : | KxurrM. ' . lOPOpm Exprom . S:60'pm : | Mall * . . . . . 7'i ) iu duiulnjii cxi'ej'tcil. U. , M. & St. P.-HTANBAUD TIMK. l.m\K. ARK1MI. VullAKx' . . . .9.iKara ) I Pacino Ex . B : m tlnntlaKl1. , . . 8:60 : pra | Mall & Ex * . 7:00 : pm ' 'Smulajs oxci'iited 0. It N. W. It. II.-8 TANOAnil 11XIK. all * . 7:60 : tt in I Kxprnw , . 10.00 ik m Exprcfi . 8CO : p in I Mall" . 7 : & | ini 'hunilnxnoxccptuil. 8. 0. A P. II. R.-8TANDAUU TIMB. Uall * . OOOaml KsproM . 10:00 : am ' . . I Mall * ' ipri'sa 8.00pm . 7i'J5p m tod. Opening ana Closing of HaUu. Eoura. orM. oixxti. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. 0 &N. W.,0.H. I.AP.,0. 11. & t ) . , St Paul & Sioux City. 11:00 : 0:00 : 6:40 : 3:15 : C.JI.AH.1'.B C. * I' . In Iowa 0:1X1 : CIO \Vabfc8h Impress. . M. 12O : ? Wn'mcli lorat 0:04 : R:40 : K. 0. , St. JoofcU. 9.00 B:00 : 6:40 : OM Mlksrnirl Pacific 7:30 : 6:40 : U.St. 1 * . M.&O 6.00 7 : 0 Union I'aclflc , ncrlin 8M .lZTi : Union I'acino , Doincr Hx. . . . 4:00 : 7:10 : O. & Republican Vultoy. . . 1:30 : 11:35 : U.&M. Kxprcn.1 7:00 7:40 : U. & Jr. lor IMnttamoutli , 8. Bnnil , AslllmJ mill Lincoln. 11:00 : 7:3 : 0 Clllco own Hunjujiifrom 12:00 : in. to 1:00 : p in. O K , CUUTANT , I'nttniMtor DR. WHITTIE 77 St. Charles St. , St , Louis , Mo. A REQULAH QIUDUATEof two ucilloal cnlleKOi : xhaabocn oiiKOitcil longer In the treatment ot IlltONIC , NKHVOUH , SKIN AND DLOOD UlnoaaM lan otlr : phyuldan In St. Louis , as cltypapcruBhu nJ rl ! olJ roHlilonta know. ConsultBtlon I'oo nitol.Vlitn It Islncoiuctiltnt to > Ult the city rcatmcnt , moillclncs can bo iicnt l > r mall or oxprei \crywhcro. Curable cases guaranteed ; whore uou xlfta It la frankly stntoil. Uall or write. Nervous Prostration , Debility , Men tal and 1'hyilca feakuesa , Mercurial and other atfcctloui ol ThroAt iff , Bkli' Atfcctlone , OM Boroa anil Uloer , Inipcdl monts to marriage , HheumatlBtn , 1'lloa. Hpcclai at out Ion to nuws from ovorworkotl brain. SUIIQIOAL. JAHKS rccolva pcclal attontlon. Dlsctnoi rom Imptmlenoo , Bxccmica , Indulncnooa. MAERIAGE35SS marrv.whoniftynofc ihy , rnuscs , cotiscquenoca nd euro. W Uo < l for 26 c ; or eUniDB. J III111 itl tjl Ittl/l IM'llt tor in inuili * * Yiis ! < l ) for the t IIIV llf ( ! ( ! 1llUflM-lt4 | nr Ilio iniii'iiiUvitorKiiiin. llii'H'lii no inlflTitki * aliout Ihti * IllBtrilllient , tint rnn- ilniiaun .Ir'jnni < i ( KI.KC > TIIIOITY ( Tnii.UlitC Iliiotiitli UK * luirtd ini.-c llftolO Illrm In lllMltlll ( | tertlK < dln run * ni from lioad to ton It In for the ONKitwrlno p .it ilivtilam Kivln r full Information. ( uMrfrtN JU It Co. . 11C W&shln tuu Ht. . clilrn o in PRINCIPAL LIFE nv WAV or OMAHA AND LINCOLN TO DEtTVEB , Oil VIA KA1TSAB CITY AND ATOHISON to DEUVEH I IIH ' , III | In Union Dppotrt lit U'i\nsiiH C'll > Oiiiiiliuiiud Hniivurwltli tliruniili ( ruin * fur nil polntH In tluHJirnt Went. Union loM ) | > t nt C'lilc'ug' ' tiuliiH fur ir v o n K , n o , sT o x , Anil nil KiiHtiirii Clllui , AtlVorliwIth tliitiuuli tnilim lor Inillnnui ollx , Uliwlniiiill'oliiinbiiH , niul nil points [ tlKiMdilli.Kast. At St , l.uiilti with IraliiH lor nil polnlK South. Jmy ( Jonclitw , I'urlDf C'uiri , wltli Id liulrn ( M.-IIIH lieu ) , hiiiolcln Ciii'N lluvolvlutr Cliuli-w , I'nlliimn I'aliii'oNlroi ( 'IU-H nml tli < i IUIIIOIIN U. II. & ( ) , Dining L'III ruuiliilly touiKlfioiiiClik'iiKoniHl h'linaimOlt ( JlilciiKuiinil t'ouucll llliuU ; ( Jliicii 'o niul lu Molnuri , ClikMifjo , HI. .Io4uli | ) , Atrlilscm nil Tojiultu wllliout clniii | { ( ) . Duly tliiouuli Hi ninnliiK tliolr own tiuliiH lictwccit Chlnij ; Lincoln nnd Doiiver , unil Olilcn o , linnua City nml lniiv ) r. Tlnon Ii cms liclwoui Inilluniiiolliiaiiil | Council Jllnll'ii , via I'corlu , AOIITH AM ) SOUTH. Rollil Tnihm ol l.'li' ant Day Coudirn un I'nllinuu I'liluciiHIooiiliiu C.IIH uio i un ilnlly t unit from HI. J.oula ; vln llminllml ; Qiilncy Koolcuk. IliiilliiKlon , Ccilar HunlilamillMix. . ' ) l.futohi. I'.iul nml MlniicnjMilIti ; I'm lor Cm with | [ i > cllnliiK Ulmliti lo nml lioni hi. l.oul Kiid I'l'oHii. Onlyoiiuclimiiioffiunlirlwc ( Ht. l.oiilaiiuil Don Molina , Iowa , J.lnuoln , N biimkii , mid Denver , I'olonulo , It IH nlso tliu only TJuoiiHltLino between BT. LOUIS , MIN1IEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL Hln kiidWii Hi tliu Kreut TIIIIOUUII OA I.lNi ; of America , anil U imlverKilly lulint 'I'll ' 1(1 ( 110 tllU Finest Equipped Railroad in the World fo all classes of Travel. ThroiiKli Ticket * via IliU line lor tulo ut all II. U. coiivou | ticket olllccs lu tliu UnltudStutos mid Cunudii , T. J. rOTTKII , 1'KHOKVAILOWKI.L. . Vkc-J'jti. kUcn.UaiKCtr. Uia I' -V : TMENTS Oiniiliu Ucnl Eslalo is a siifoinvcstiuontfor both local nnd foreign cni > - tul , nud there is no property , in or nrouiul llio city , Ijnt wlitif. will bring Nirchusors good returns in the noiir future. Wo Imvo property for stile t r ii pr.it& f the city , nnd nlso Snrronndihg- city , nil of which .we glndly show to pnrt5s who fcul interested. Wo nro often naked which is the host part oH the city for an iuveat- neutj ? Wo nl ways advise patrons to buy what is called Inside Property Jy this is meant property not more than one nnd a hnlE miles from the 'ostoflico , niul the nearer the center the batter the investment. While utside property will steadily advance in price , inside property will ad- ' anco much greater in'proportion. The now addition to the city known as located one mile from the postoflico , west , only nine blocks from the ligh School , and these lots are being 'sold at less than half the price for lots same distance in any other direction , and 88 THE Ti IY , As these lots will , in n short titua , bu advance 1 to corrosponl to prices lots surrounding Hawthorne. 1\ \ The contract/has been lot for grading Davenport street through tlm 1e dditioii. Work has been commenced nnd will bo finished : nrly in the ummor. Purchasers of lota in Hawthorne will not have to bear any e expense for the grading. This is a decided advantego. Pricra for regu- i ursi/e lots S35O Wo have also some double lota in thin addition at from § 000 lo $050. ! " This part o the city is being built up with the Lest class 06 resiliences. * v > ! Near business , near High School , and desirable in every particular. I'V We have aJew lots leftSin this addition , which we will sell nt love.- picesfclmii can bo had in surrounding additions. The lots arc Leauliful- ly located and larger than thnn those in adjoining additions , and will bu sold ou terms to suit purchasers. T kllll,1 U1UUJLLUU UllU Ulll"1 IN ALL PARTS OFTHE CITY. TT \ In Douglas County and nil parts of tl'p State. "CJ 3BDTJ A. fiuo tract of land three and one-hall : miles from Omaha at § 40 per acre. Also a tract four miles from the hity at $30 per acre. in this addition will be sold on motnhly payment10 ; per cent. cash and 5 per cent , per mont i. IB : .A. o "E& isr . Of oil the lots wo havener sale , we think his is lw ! most either for a home or lor .investment , as it is near .business nicely located and at presenblDrico is the cheapest , property in the market , and.first | buyers'huvo-choico of lots. BEDFORD & SOTJEE. . 213 South llbh Sbreel , botwesn' ' Farnara Aand3Douglaa Vi , : (