THE DAILY BEE-OM'AHA , TUESDAY , PJEBRITARY & < , 1884. Will Iho comlntj man smoke ? " wxi ft , t- tied br fro'HA > n W charming Ham- rhlct How * , morcovcr.lhsUbo rational V r to nso tobacco In Uiroujtli tlio plpo. All urttfl that only the lx t tobacco thouM toKVhkh U thy lxtT That to which Nature has contributed Ilia most cx. nSsltonaTonu niackwoU'i Dull Durham BmoVlnir Tobacco fill * the bill completely. Nearly two-thirds of all the tobaccoBrown on the Golden Tobacco bcltot North Caro- Hnarocs Into the manufactory of Illack. well , at Durham. They buy Iho rick of Iho entire section. Hence Blackwdl'i * Hull Durham BmoUni ? Tobacco It the best of that tobacco. Don't bo deceit nl when you buy. The Durham Hull trade mark la on every Rcnulna pacluiro. Kunrui. uvilnoItiilIDnrhira Is the rhnico of all judtfoj of Smoking Tobacco. Patent Dried Fruit Lifter , AS USEFUL NO DEALER IN A IX GROCERY Groceries STORE CAN AlTOttU TO 11n AS i rxin or Without It * COl'HTEU SCALES. N.C.CLARK. SOLE PROPRIETOR' . , NEB. 'iirVurowltl'oulmc | ; < l box No. 1 III cnro any case In four days or 1cm No. 2 will euro the moat olMInoto CMO no matter if bow lane Btaudlng. Allan's Soluble Medicated Bougies No uaufoout dnfci-u ol nibon , copabla , or oil of > nn dalvnod , t.iit ftroollil to produce dsi > e la In destrojInK the coatlngsof the etomtoh. Prim 81.61 Sold by nil drugttlstji , or mailed on rocolpt of prtot For further particulars Hand for i/rraiUr. i' . o.tiox J. O. ALLAN CO. , 83 Johahtroot. Now York. 8T.LODIS PAPER WAREHOUSE , Graham Paper Co. , SIT and 210 North train St. , St. Lout ) . WIIOLKSAtiK DEAtKIW IN HOOK , wnrriNa NEWd i , } PAPERS , { WllAl'l'INC r triVK.tOi'I . ; CAnD BOARD AND POINTER'S STOCK -ifflTani , iaW ( or Ilajs ot all . mUO-VOLTAIO Jir.r.T nnditlicrKLncrnio AITI.UKCLH nro BOnt nn U ) Dayii' Trial TO JIKN ONLY. YOUNO Oil OI.T ) . who nrn Buffer- Jnij from NEHVOUS DBniurr. LOST VITIUTV. WSTI > \ViuKNE83Efl , niul nil tnoBO dl onsca of n I'EIISO.IAI , NATUBE , rosulllnB from Anumci and OlHlrt CAUbiw , Bpcody relief nnrt roinpluto restoration to HKAI.TII , Vioon nnd UAHIIOOD nuAUANTcxD. Benil at oucu for Illuitratctl Vamplilot ( rea. Addrcu Y01.TAIO IIKI.T CO. . Mnmlmll. nilcli. IMPROVED SOFT EUSTIG SECTION JODN tt F LEHMANN. 266TH EDITION , PRICE $ l.0 ( BY MAIL POSTPAID. KHOW THYSELF , , A QIIEAT MEDICAL AVOUK ON MANHOOD ! Exhausted Vitality , Norvou * anil rh > slul Dcbllllj Premature Pecllno In Man , Kironof Youth , and th untold miseries resulting from Indiscretions or es ctuet. A book for every rua-i , younif , middle aired and old. It ooutalm Us proscriptions for all unit and chronic illwawi cachpng of vhlchli Inv.iluMI Ho found by tlio Author , hoio expcrlcnco for i yean la such aaprubably ccrer before foil to Iho to of any pbrlclan SCO p iri , bound In bcautlli French outllo ora.wssi'dixmri , full ( flitguarantor tobenflucr or > nvterytonie , mtihautcal , lit erary uid profetolonal , than any other work sold Ii this country ( or 02.60 , OT tbo money \vill tie refunds to etery Instance , Price only SICO by mall , post I > ld , Illmtratlve simple 6 ctioti. Send now. Uoli medal nwardnithoftutiior by tlio NatipAal Mullen Association , to the o01c re of which ho refers. This book should be road by the j ouny for Untrue tlon , and by the afflicted for relief , Ii will buuefl all London Lancet , There Is BO member ol society to whom this boo ! will not be useful , whether ) outh , patent , guardian luttructororclcritnuau. Aivonaut. I fe Addrew the Voabody Medical Institute , or Dr. W II. I' rktr , Nu. 4 UulOnch Street , lloiton Mkss.\th may fx > consulted on aJI disuses r | Ulrlnx iklll an L ' * f , ft e i > lence. Chronic acdob tlnatedl easesthat ha\ ' battled tto ( VUI of til othcrphys-jr | | dan si.ooMty. Buch treatoil iupuoa > . | \H | : | . lull vltbout ui lusttaa ' allure , in&t&vr. jf S OMAHA Stove Repair Works * 1,09 So'i'tlv 14th St. .ttwoiutroi furulttlnv oastlun uml repa | > v ef fJl OMcrlpVicw , wood slotti , cliauKod t ' Kft , ai wk' , dwDoen. to. eonaUubj Try OM o ovt stove p"i > ttnlvos u un THE WIDOW'S MITE , Senator Van Wyck's ' Eloquent Pica for Increased Pension for Mrs , Mal lory , The Willow ol' a Soldier of U'x\o Wars In Ni'ln-askn Tlio Do- ( into In tlio HunnU * . Congressional Record Fob. 20lh. RAU.Y MALI.OHY. The considorntiun of the bill ( S. 1050) ) grouting nn increase of pension to Sally Mnllory was resumed ns in comniittco of the whole. Mr. Cockroll. Upon the paasngo of that bill 1 shall ask for the yeas and nays. Mr. Van Wjck. Mr. president , 1 desire sire to say only n few words in regard to this matter. 1 was n little surprised nt the objection made yesterday by my friend the senator from Connecticut [ Mr. Plait ] , as well ns the senator from Missouri [ Air. Cockroll ] . I could BOO nothing in this caseneither could the committee on pan- sioiiB , who have reported the bill , to make a precedent which would bo alarm ing in its nature or injurious in its drnfl upon the treasury. This m n case such as has not boon presented within my term of Rorvico , nnd probably not in that o ! many members of this body , no matter how far back the date of their service may go. The committee have reported the bil ! Jiving to Sully Mallory , the widow of lionajah Mnllory , ? DO per month , nnd tny friend desires to know why it is that it is proposed to increase * her pension. Ho desires to know the foundation of the claim , nnd that is n very proper inquiry. The report briefly states the facts ; nnd auporaddud thereto it'is uot improper for mo tc stnto Unit this is no * , nn extraordi nary cose , ono calling tor the bounty and the generosity of this government. The senator from Connecticut says that ifro incrcnso the pension of this widow there nro hundreds of other widows whoso pensions will have to bo increased. Pro ; cisoly the same nrgumont would have np- pllud with greater force when wo pro posed to pension nnd did pension the widows of presidents of the United States. It would npply with grcator force when the proposition is mndo to ponaion at $ . " > 0 nor month the widows of ollicora of high rank in the army nnd the navy. I will say to my friend from Mis souri that upon ono day last sessionwhon wo voted n pension of § 5,000 n year each to three widows of presidents of the United States , there was not n murmur of disapproval anywhere within this cham . ber ; L think there was no call for the yens and nays , nnd my impression is that not n ninglo vote was recorded or word ut tered against the passage of that measure. I Would anyto my friend further that < giving such n pension to only ono widow of a dead president , if she lives to the or dinary time allotted nho will have re ceived moro than would bo taken form HID treasury if to > day wo should pension every widow of n soldier of the revolu tionary war nt the rate hero proposed. Vet that maasura excited no comment , no displeasure , no disapprobation. There nro n few remaining of those persons , nnd every year the number is fewer still. To-day this poor woman is asking for this bounty bocnuso nho has outlived oil her natural relatives. Dur ing the last few years oho has been main ly supported by nn adopted son , who toiled day by day to obtain subsistence lor himself and widowed mother , until past seventy yearn , nearly eighty , ho nimcelf has become disabled to furnish support for her by the labor of his hands. The senator from Missouri nsks , "Why do this thing ? " What is there unusual in it ? 1 will say to my friend what there is unusual in it. ' This ngod woman to-day hn'j three patents of American nobility , if the gentlemen will oxcueo that expres sion ; ono by reason of the services of her husband in the revolutionary war , where ho servrd three years nnd six months , another by reason of his service in the wnroi 1812 The presiding olllcor ( Mr Hnrris in the chair ) . The senator from Nebraska will suspend. The ruin upon _ which the Senate u now proceeding limits the do- bnto upon n question on tlio pait of each senator to live minutes. Is tlioto objec tion to the senator proceeding [ "Go on I" | The chair hears none , The tonii- tor will proceed. Mr. Van Wyck. I say nho has n second patent by reason of the services of her luubnnd In the wiir of 1812 Mr. Cockrcll. Will the senator per mit mo to nsk him ono question ? Mr. Vnn Wyck Cortninly. Mr. Cockroll , When was she married to this noldiorT Mr. Vnn Wyck , 1 do not remember the date of her marriage. I do not know thut I have it anywherM. I did not sup- post * it important to invostlgatu that fact , because I did not drcnm for n moment thut un ngod woman , nearly n hundred years old , the widow of n revolutionary soldier , would over bo cntoch'sud as to the date of her wedding nnd where her marriage certificate was filed. I can not giyo the information on that partiou. hr point. But I was saying that eho had n second patent of nobility in the fact that she was wedded to n man who was n hero in two wars first , in the wnr of the revolution , nnd then during the whole of the war of 1812 , a bravo and ( pliant sol dier utjdor Scott at Lundy's Luno , where his lioraona shot from under him. Then she has a third patent of nobility in the fact thut she lives to day the widow - ow of a hero of t\vo \ wars. So there is something unusual in this case. If n gentleman could find in the fact that n woman is the widow of n dead picsidont reason sulliciont to pension her , wo can find in thia cose , with this history of faoU , stronger reasons why pittance enough should bo given to thia aged wo man who has to-day not a relative on earth to aid nnd sustain her , Kho has been unfortunate undoubtedly , because it is unfortunate to bo poor ; and oho has boon thrown by circumstances in the frontier state of Nebraska , and , still fuither , into ono of the frontier counties of Unit suite ; nnd nt her extreme ngo she i upon the very outer verge , where the Indian and the bull'alo roam on ono side and n rude civilisation exists on the othor. 10 ' It would aoen that there should be wo id murmur of disapprobation at granting her a pension of the amount propo odfor iv wo nto liberal in many things. We should , if posuiblo , curtail wJiero wo are too extravagant nnd not undertake to re strict where wo should bo bounteous and liberal. This precedent can certainly bavo no * clangorous result. If there bo another like tier I trust when the comes to the American congresx eho will bo re ceived aud granted at least n pittance euf- ficient to give her a support through lifo. lifo.Mr Mr , Allison How old Js ehel Mr. Van Wyck.-Nowly 100 yeara d. A year or Iwo ngo Congress bcral in the bcfctownl of thoutanda of ollars for a centennial celebration nt fowburg , in Now York , where the great rmy of the revolution was disbanded nd where probably the moat eloquent ocumcnt that over wont into American Iteraturo was circulated , wo remember , mone the t Dicers of the American army , wherein It was charged that their govern- ncnt had been unjust to them , that they were to go back to their homca , dovastat- d and bhckcnod by war , their mcro pit- Unco of pay to bo In currency which was loprociatedjand wo recognized the great orviccs of thoto men , wo cherished their nomory by loitowing thousands to cclo- ) rate their memory. Yet about or near hat time was the birth of this aged wo- nan. born almost in the shock of the evolution , and she , I trust , may not bo ixllowod now to repeat what her soldier insband could have said during the war ) f the revolution , that the Government md been unjust to them. If ho said it hen , and there was aomo truth in it , lot t not bo so id ono hundred years later ban that time that when the widow of no of those soldiers comes to the Aincri- inn Congress and looking at us with her mwcd form and lusterlcss oyis , and trotching out her famished and skinny lands , asks a pittance for her suppo't , she will bo obliged to repeat what her uisband declared ono hundred years ngo. Mr. President , thcso are all the facts and oil the circumstances attending this case. I trust that this body nnd the others will not only bo liberal in the nl- 'owancc , but will not show oven n mur- ntir af disapprobation to extending aid .o the few and fast disappearing class ol .his kind who are entitled to our be-no- 'action. Mr. Cookrcll. I move to strike oul "thirty , " in line ! ) , nnd insert "twenty1 ; unking the pension $20 per month. Mr. President , this seems to bo a very important case which has drawn forth nl , ho sympathies and energies and abilitioi and the learning of my distinguished 'riend from Nebraska. I hold in my land hero the report in thia case vrhicl wuo made to the senate by him , in whicl lie says That Sally Mallory has been for many jcura , and is now on the pension list , ro : eiving § 8 per month , aa the widow o Ilnnajah Mallory , n soldier in tha rovolu tioimry war , in wliich lie served thrc years ; that ho alao served during the wa of 1812 , and waa under Harrison at Lun dy'a Lano. I believe there is on the floor of th senate a distinguished desccndent of tli illustrious huro , Harrison ; but I had never or heard before of his being nt Lnndy' Lano. I think this matter is of auflicicn importancu Mr. Van Wyck. I beg the gentle man's pardon. I intended to say ' 'Scott , " not "liarrison. " Mr. Cockrcll Then the report ought to bo recommitted to the committee to bo made accurate in its historical allu sions. sions.Mr. Mr. Van Wyck. I ask unanimous consent that some time or other it may bo submitted to the civil-service commis sion. [ Laughter , ' ] I should like to have my history correct. Mr. Cockrall. Now , Mr. President , this is simply a question of increasing this pension because of the ago of this appli cant and from pure sympathy. .Sho claims that she is a widow of a soldier of two wars. There arc ton thousand more helpless , destitute , disabled widows to day of the soldiers ot two wara. It is nothing uncommon to find the widows of soldiers of two wara now. I say that there is no justice , there is no right , there ii no equity in thia bill. It is a dangerous .precedent. While it gives to this lady this amount , it brings pangs of improper feeling , it inspires im proper feelings in the hearts of thousands of widows who nro moro helpless , more needy nnd moro dependent , and who are without one solitary dollar over $8 per month. Tlmy think , and they think jiutly , that this is unjust , that it IB not justice on the part of thia government in making fish of ono and ilcah of another. If wo propose to increase pensions be cause of age.lut us pass a general bill and give thorn nil alike ' and not have congress hero from day 'to day and from month to month taking up its time in considering these especial bilh. This is the reason 1 am opposed to the bill in toto. If she is entitled to anything , she cannot bo en titled to over § 20. The presiding oflicor. The question is on the amendment proposed by the sena tor from Misoouri [ Mr. Cookrellj. The amendment was rejected. The bill finally passed ' _ ' ! ) to 14. 1'otroltmm V. Nnany. D. Jl. Locke , Petroleum V. Naaby ( IMltor "Toledo Illade , " } wiltm : I hud on n forufuifrer of my right hand ono of those , " . " ploaxant pots "ruii-roiiml. Tlio Ihif.'or heeamo Inflamed to n ( lo roe uuboarublo anil swollen to nearly twice ita natural alzo. A friend a\o mo HKNHY'ri CARBOLIC 3ALVK , ami In twenty mimitoa the palu had fto iiiucti Huhdlded aa to give mo u fnlr night's mat , wliich I had nut had baforo far nsouk. . Tha Inflammation left the tingor in a day. I conmdor ii a moat valuable article fur the household. Chiron tlio I'ilcs Too. IMouard Kolntnrd , of Now York , writes : It irlvos KUI ercat nleatmro to ay that n pin- glo box of HlJNttY'S CAKUOL10 HALVK alfoctcd a complete euro of I'ilcs , with which I had boon troubled for ever a year , mid which nothing clue thut I usud would euro , Tlio llu > t Ilonnuiy. I'eck'a Bun. The fuck of Mia. Hayes going into the hen trade is m > rotlyction upon her husband , uud ho is u great help to her , aa lie was when nhii WHS President. Thoao who has visited Fremont say they do not know what the lady would do without Mr. Hnyoa. Ho knows all the hens by uamo , und can toll at u glance which uro the best providers of eggs. Thorp ia , perhaps , no nmn in this country who is H moro tmccossful hunter of hens' eggs than Mr. Hnyes. A hen cannot ducoivo him. Ho seems to know iustinc lively when a hen has put up a job to geoff off somewhere to a retired spot and "steal her nest , " A3 the BAjing is , nnd lie watches the hen. Ho does not follow the hen directly , BB some leas brainy man would do , and thus orousu the suspicions of the decep tive fowl , but seems to go off the other way , though his eye ia upon that hen. U IB nnid to bo an interesting sight to see a hen wandering off down among the gooseberry bushes , clucking and digging for worms ns though she had no thought of deceiving her benefactor , and Mr. llayos walking the ether way whistling "We'll never miss the water till the well runs dry , " mid not appearing to uotico the lion , Suddenly the lion disappear ! and goes under a bush nnd lays an egg , U is then that Mr. Hayes uivoa play tc the mossivo brain that Lo has constantly concealed about his person. Ho makci no memorandum , but keopu in his head the location of every euoh nest. Soim men would go right to the lion , catch hei in the act and uccuso her oi duplicity nnil double dealing but Mr. Hayes ia not that kind of t inun , AYhen the hen comes back to tin louse ho docs not show nny signs of ihftgrin to the hon. Docs not look nt1 icr ns much ns to sny , "I nni onto your cliemo old lady , " but ttoata her just the amo na any other hon , thus disarming icr of nil suspicion that , her hellish plcft s discovered. But the next day , after ho miserable hen has laid her second egg nnd jono nwny , the ox-President goes to the nets nnd taken away ono of .ho eggs , and so on each day , the hon , who ia not good at mathematics , think- ng she ia laying up treasures where icithcr moth , nor rust , nor ox-Presidents doth corrupt. After n hen has laid a loxcii or to _ eggs thus , nnd begins to think of setting , she IpoVs nt the result of her labors , and decides that it is the vork of an incendiary and gives up the ob. The cx-ProsiJont is said to bo ono if the most export hon dotcctivcs in his country , and Mrs. Hayes would not jo without him for the world. Cnmrrii. The remarkable results in n disease BO universal nnd with suh n variety of char acteristics as Catarrah prove how effectually ; ally Hood's Sarsapanlfn acting through , ho blood , retches eve part of the sys- .cm. A mulicino like , anything else , can bo fairly judged only by its results. Wo point willi pride to the glorious rec ord of Hood'i ' Snrsaparilla has entered up- the hcarti of thousands of people it tm cured of catarrh. SOU1II2UX HKNATOHS. A Group of Them no Keen Through GUh'n SpeetiiclcB. CorrosponJerco of the Cincinnati l miuircr. COCK11E1.1. Edmunds took the scat in a few min uted , bald headed and of a peculiar cranial fornation certainly not of lofty and godlilp shape , but rather on the line of Calvin , or some of the martyr twister * tw > or three hundred yoara ago. Thus ho has been compared to St. Jerome , aanowhnt because ho looks like a certain pcturo of St. Jerome , but more because lu is of that old theological typo ant has been perverted into poltica and statesmanship , rather tluii occupying his normal plnco in polemic ) nnd hairsplitting. Houover , ho ia a cloln , experienced , accomplished man , audit is little of a reflection upoi : him that everybody calla Cockrell ol Missouri ho Edmunds of the democratic side. I hokod down at Cockroll , who seemed tnbo a substantial farmer with a , respectful countenance , but not much apparent nagniflcanco in his endowment , and , said J , "Why do you call him the Edmunds bf the senate ? "Becauo , " aaid my young tutor , "ho is always in the watch lest some job or bill should go through. " The firs man I observed was young Uiddleborgjr , from Virginia. I had ex pected to BIO for him a very tall and middle - dlo ngcd , ilab sided , swinging armed man. On ho contrary , I behold n gen teel , rnthorblushing young man , rather litho than tall , sophomonc , and some what handsimo , dressed in n neat suit of black , and rlio might have passed for the son of sane ether senator. Said I : "That is tto man who fought n duel some time ago while running for office ? " "Yes , " sail my instructor , "ho did snap a cap > r something of that kind with n political Opponent. They say ho is n fine spealcr on the stump ; but ho is going to Invo hard work hero to got in his stump tratory. They all subside after they renehtho senate , because tboro is BO fit tie of to ) contagion of genius in this body that after n time a kind of cool chill falls ever them , the result of their own mediocrity , like skimmed milk on a froeairg dny. " Thai came in Mahoner a kind of a queer ] gray weasel of a man with the suggestion of a skeleton about him andn horronod board ; some such man as the FJj inglDutchman might have mustorot in his .vizurd crow under the orders i sail on forever. His oyea wore withoul either ( njoymont ov repose , but seemec to b < on the watch , like- some of tie quadrupeds which are born old nnd seem to got gray ii their iifantry. This little rorkod witch o : a man glided to his sent ns if ho wore about to take command of the iflyin , Dutchman and steer on for another cen tury. I looked at him with a sort o shudder , and it seemed a romance o many lundred years ago , since ho hat comnmnlod a great division of the robe army and been suggested' by Gon. Lee to succeed in its command. "immimo" JIUTLEU. . Butler , who came to Washington under a cloud of dislike from the north , has , b ; ] iict intercourse , a soldod assorted men tal nnd social strength , and general willing hold on the instrumentalities he found among his opponents , bocumo ono of the most respected men. in the senate I observed him with so mo interest There is but little of the distinctive southerner in his countenance , , and H bo lit'vo that ho ia descended from Cbiunio doro Perry , of llhodo Island. Ho ia 18 years younger than Hampton , wliO'Oom ' manded him during the war. The nowa paper writers suy that they find hita ge niul , and that the only subject ) ho lia over shown nny tamper about ii private is the Hamburg negro af fray. Butler is ono of the host men in the senate. His complexion ia rathe brown , and his skin of n. soft , , ivliuos pale tint. Ho walks over to the repub lican side and sits among blio uorthert men , and presently wo see him and then laughing together. It is always- agreeable to discover in one's opponents good , nat ural anil human traits , and on such men as this the future of the south muothang My recollection is thut Mr. Butler , ovoi iindcr-tho carpet-bag nile in South Carolina lina , was n rather reciprocal num. AVull ns Kvon Lottie Howard writes from Buffalo , N , Y. "My tyetem liouatnoeroat dohllitotod , throtigl arduuim iirufetiolonal duties. Suffered fron ausea , iiuudavhea and blllovanitea. Trim lltrtlafk Illivti Jlttten with the moat beneiicia uiloct. Am \\ella8over. . " KloctrleaJ TruittinJt < hl4ui ut * Koruc. V tl Cor. LMidou Dall Nuiu. M. Maacol Deproz , the eminent olcc trician , p ave n ] cturo ivt the Sorbonne on the transmission of forca to great dis tanccs. The grand amphithoatro there was dossoly crowded , and the lecture was loudly cheered. After oxplaininj briefly the ftuidamontal principles o eloctucal eoieuco , he proceeded to shov what an enormous quantity of natura force was Jest simply Deoauso the sourcw the/e of worofnrfrom towns and railways The annual unused water-power in Franc WM equivalent to moro than four Lun dred times its annual consumption o coal , Through electricity some of tin nnjtlit bo convoyed to the largo cilies. 1 MOOth part wa used the number o ho se.powcr would yet bo doubled. 1 was hitherto thought impossible to trans nort even a small force to great dUtaucen with anything like a satinfaotory yield , as ho greater part of the force developed was wasted in overcoming the resistance > f the connecting wire. M. Marcel ) oprcz was the first to prove that to minimise thjs loss \t \ was ncce8sary to make electric machines with thin wire , or by this means the wasted energy could 10 made almost insignificant as compared nth the utilized energy , The lecturer hen gave nn account of experiments icrfonned nt JMutiich , Paris mid Orcno- ilo , and announced that next October ho vottld transport ono hundred-horto power rom Crcil to Paris , n distance of thirty- ix miles. Ho concluded by publicly IX pressing his gratitude to Baron Iloth- child , who had furnished the moans for his experiment. IlntHi'ord'H Acid I'lioaplinto /.a a Brain Food , 1)H. S. V. XKUCOUKR. Qroonfiold , 0 , , unyss 'In ' cases of general drblllty nnd torpor of the mind nnd body , it does exceedingly well , " No Moro Advertising Tor Illiu. 'hill ' dtlplila Timo. "Mr. Jones , " said the reporter , I BW nn advertisement in n morning paper for ho owner of nn umbrella left in your aal on to call and ' "That'll do. Its gene , nnd you'd bet- or go to , " ho suggestively added , glaring savagely at the reporter across the bar. " ( Jroat Jumping Josophl" will they never stop coming ) " ho asked turning to ho young man at the end of the bar. "You nro the fortieth man who has called hero to day about that miserable old cotton umbrella , " ho nddcd , address "ng the reporter. "Thero have bson men icro to day for that umbrella who were never in m place before lawyers , decors : ors , politicians , and divinity stments. I'll never advertise another umbrella ns [ onr ; ns I live , " ho said t'o the baitender. "Fire Him Oul. " This is n common remark when roughs and rowdjs insult public decency by their unnonmly ways. Dyspepsia la a horrid buro. l < 'iro U out with Jlimlock Jlltnil JIMcrs , You can do it. ESTATE AGENTS OFFEK THE FOLLOWING BARGAINS IN Iiroiefl Pronertf ! SALE. No. 49 Cotta-ro of 8 rooim on Hamilton street. Uoo-n barn , and all in goad repair. Terms \cty cisy t3UO. No. 62 Cottaifc of 6 n > ima on full lot in Parker's addition. Good will and cistern and fonth front , anil only one olock from a $20,000 school house , ,000 , Sl.OiO do nand Iho 3 cars on balance. No. 63 Good lionuo o' 6 rooms on lot D9xl32 in . Or'lit Foneler addition , ijood harn , cistern and trcc9riOOO , Sl.OuO down , and 5 jcars on balance at 8 per cent. No. r > 7 Housoaudio | l > i south Onnha , lot 03x132 , house 11 story nnd iMSetcont , 31.0W. Part cash and tlnio on balance. No. 01 House and store birildinj , ' on Nor h 10th street , on full lot iJS.OO.1. Terms \cry asy. No , 30 Nlco large house on lolh street , on mil lot ; near 0. F. Goo > inan' . < 3,600. This iitry cheap , and ouHy part cash. No. 82 $4,000 ireta that nlco l.Ulo cottage on Slier man a < cnuo , all tlio yards fixed BO complete , new barn new fence and do bio lot. fronting - ing ° " bhcrman aonue and 17th St. Terms can- . . No. ( U 1.800 tikes a house ot 10 rooms on full lot In Shlnn's llrst addltlo" , near etrcet cars. 'Jills Is a bargain from the fact wu are j'oii to uell this month , and so must take lu per cent , oil of rralalue. . No , 121 $2,200. What a I ancaln ? lor a IIOIMO of rooms and kite hoi. now barn , ct'tern , well , and on a lot 05x300 feetin I"ark l'lac-,9100. down , and $00 quarterly. Who tako. It. No. 123 iJIBO takes ahouso of 2 rooms nn full lot in Lowc'tf addition. Oo'il ( tables and trees. Cno half down und time on balance. No. 121 Hii-i'u of it rooms , fronting south ou Hurt strict , on leased lot , lease being WO per j car $350. Will sell on CMI' tuiuis. | No. 120 Nlco cottage of 7 rooms , on full lot , In Shlnn'd addition. 4'bed ' room aml 6 ilo cts , $2,700. Call at our olllra ami Bee plan ul liou-o , $760 cash ttiul Si per mouth. No. 39-Houio and lot in Thorn tit Pace , KOO > harn and \\alks and cheap , $3 , 00 , $ , r ' douiia ndloDK time on balance. No. 83 Douu.o bricH house , on full lot. in E. V. Smith's addition,000. Tldx is ver cheap and shouU bo sutn to bo appreciated. No. 6. A house of six rooms on north 20th St A bargain at 82000. C. Lot wlib 2houses on north 10th St $1.000 easy payments. No 8. One utorj homo , seven rooms only 7 blocks from U. P. Pepot. Good \nluo for 2.100. No. 14. House on Poppleton au'nuu south front , very nlctly locatid. Good view. EloKant homo , $ riOO. No 19 House and full lot on OHi raid llancrolt , Neat cottage , shade trees vines &c. Good propertv , $1,600. No. 20. Homo of ic > en rooma Gothic. ID Hod flelca Hub-division A ery homt-llko placo. Choar , J1.8CO. No. 21. House of 0 rooms corner nf Pierce and Pa clllo. Goodpaoo coinrnloni to depot and \cry dtsirablo rfslocnco property , ( H.OOO. No. 22. An iliKani little Irou.e In r.akt'B addition , S'rect car , school , church , hl' faly ro < pc ublo locality. AKoodibaritain J2 SW. No. 21 A full lot and utojobul'd'ngeouth of dejwt A vood place forhURlnuuand cheap at $1.600 No. ifl L < t with six KV.d tononxnti homes near U. P , depot , A KOoUiiiestmentattO.OM ) . No. 27 House of six rooms In I'nrttur's addition , barn , w < llandcntern&o ! , cort.tonly (1,700. Can b paid for In monthly payments. No. 31. Itosx place on Green cuu Ibu , $ JGOi. No. S J. A coruer w ith cottage In I'arkcr'a addition only 81,576. No , 62. llouio In peed pirt of the city. St. carl will pass the doom In a iJinrt tl'no. No , 91. House of 8 rooms oni full let near St. car turn table lu Siduii'a aldition. This Ia A No 1. $2.600. No. IOC. Nine rnomhoiu .npa < buttlae8o > i CapltOi ate. First das * bariraln. (3,100. No. 3J. The bsitb.ritaln ofrul unparallcd lor lo cal ion and prUo A maiitlon to ; only S15000. Call and Heo complctu oomploi a list of unimproved u "i'l ! uu impr' veil property- If Money to Loan , llcuwi tu icnt.Notiry Public , Coutoyaucuu. HHMty 4. llOiAKD , Corner ISIh au.1 Dodga rUs. , ( WUllamb' lllock. Pioneer Drug Store ! H. K. con. jant , AND JONES STS. DR. F , S. LEWIS , - Prop'i ' Ohio Oil Co. 'a West ViriMnia , Cylinder nnd othnr Oila , conataiitly on band. NOT1OB TO STOCKHOLDERS. The nnnml moetlns of tlio ntccVl > o1icr ! of ttio IlKK I'l'ii'.ltiUIMi Caii'AAY ' will be luld at tlio puUIca/ tlon olllao on Jlouttij , March til , IbSI , at l.W | > . lu K tortlia ulcctlun ot PlllctM mid tn tranuctlon U. ouch oUtar ImitlULiata luiy cuiuu heloio IV ( tb 'ii-lOt. E. ItOSEWATKIl , In Ulcnt. HVi. R. RISDON , in Vhuonli Asauriow Co. , ol tiondca , Cash > < tl , , . , . .t w itflU t iN. Y , , CapltaJ .aoUcrchanU , of Ncw.ik , N , / , CaplUJ Ix76,00o,00 Olrara tiro. i'k'Uadeluhla , C& lUl. . . . lOVOa05 'FundCapItalH . 1.S34.J15.00 KldrillJoui IB , Omuu Niticca Bank Uuild o , 8711 E , VOLKMEYEE , THE PIONEER MEAT DEALER OF OiUHA. IIll uiiny filondt are imltcd to nail athrtnew t uurkttKISCuml i St. . nhtiotliovwlllnud. o ( jorn.ul tie cholcj cuU n Beef , ilutU a iaJ Has the Largest Stock in Omaha and Makes the Lowest Prices. CHARLES SHIVERICK , Purchasers should avail themselves o the opportunity now offered lo buy at Low Prices by taking advantage o the great iaducomcnta set out by PASSENGER ELEVATOR All'isn 1200,1208 nd 1210 FarnainBt All iff lOOrS. _ OMAHA , NEB. RICHARDS & CLARKE , W. A. CLARKE , Proprietors. Suporintendue Omaha Iron Works U.P. 17TE ft 18TH STREETS MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS | EN WATER WHEELS , KOLLERlMILLSv ill and Grain [ Elevator Machinery MILL FURNISHINGS OF ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THE Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brarfd Dufour Bolting Cloth STEAM PUMPS , STEAM WATER ANDJGAS PIPE. BRASS GOODS AND PIPE FITTINGS , ARCHITECTURAL AND BRIDGE IRON. § B BO O 8 \Ve are prepared to furnish plans mid'estimates , and will contract fox the erection of Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for changing Flouring Mills , fremStone to the RollorjSyatem. B liispecial atientiou glreu to furnisning Power Plants for any pur pose , and estimates made for same. General machinery repairs attended to prcmrtiy. Ad r ss BICH&RDS & CLARKE , Omaha , Neb. . HELLMAN * & CO. , 7307 AND 1303 FARNAM'ST/E ? 1 COR. 1 UiNUFAOTOUEB OF 0V BTRICmY'nKSTLAfl8 C UJLJLXUC UIJI , JL uggi.uuj. . AND TWO WHEEL CARTS. IMS and l lUruoy Htre l.ind 4038. IJti.Btreot , > H WATT A llluttntud G ( urulabikl lice upon application. IJ1XI - * * ft m t MANUFAOTUREH OF alvanized IronCornices Window U..VI