Y THE OMAHA DAILY BEE rniHTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. TUESDAY MORNING , FEBRUARY 20 , 1884. NO. 213 , HATCH'S HATCHET. FlonrM TbrealoninBlytYerDcmoc race's ' Siii-Stiiny Pate , His Qrievanoo , Chicago's ' Oapturi of the National Convention ! 'Belford After Bismarok as to Nat uralized Gorman Americans Southerners Using tlio Prooodoir of Eoliof for Ohio Sufferers , Logan and Voorkoes After Eail- roads and Cattle Kings. \ , Several Important Pension JMonsurci Intrudnccd Ycstctxlay. FOllTY-ElGIItH HOWK. WASHINOTON , February 25. Mr. Ellii ( doui. La , ) , risine to a question of privl lego , sent to Hho clerk's doak and hac read from The Now York Sun of Satur day an extract from a document said tc bo in the possession of the postoflicj de partment , stating that George F. Bratl gave a foe of several hundred dollars tc E. John Ellis for services in seeming the atar route contract on the Donaldson route. Ellis entered his solemn and un equivocal denial of the whole story , aiid naid Bratt'a denial of it was on file in the postoflico department , but ho could not rest content with Bratt'a denial nnd hie own assertion , and asked the house tc make investigation. Mr. Gibjon ( dein. W. Va. ) introduced A joint resolution appropriating $30OOC for the distribution of seed 'among the sufferers from the Ohio/flood. Referred. By Mr.Bolford'rep. , Col. ) Callingon tlio secretary of state for information touching the alleged subjection of natu ralized German-American citizens to mil itary duty while temporarily redding in Germany. By Mr. Finerty ( ind. , 111. ) A joini resolution declaring that cougresf laments the death of Wendell Phillips at a national bereavement. By Mr. McComaa ( rep. , Md. ) Pro posing -constitutional amendment pro- v id ing that no state shall bo precludoc by grant of any character to an incorpo ration from taxing the capital stock ol such corporation. By Mr. Stevens ( dom. , N. Y. ) Tc establish an inter-state railway transpor tation bureau far the regulation of commerce - merce with foreign nations and amonj states and within tiio Indian tribes. By Mr. G. D. Wise ( ind. , VaOFoi the completion of the monuvent to the mother of Washington , at Fredericks' ' burg By Mr. Dunn ( dora. , Ark. ) For the appropriation of half.a million dollars foi the relief of persona rendered -destitute by the. overflow of the Mississippi rivei tributaries. , Tho-committee on territories reported : a bill providing for a civil government .for Alaska. Committee , of the whole. Also requiring that governoraof .territor iea > bo residents of such territories twc , -yoars before the date of appointment , Calendar. The committee on education reported a bill to aid temporarily in the enpporl of'Common schools. Mr. Hatch ( dem. , Mo. ) sufiportod the ibill , and-ridiculed the fear expressed bj Boino of the opponents of the bill. 'II would provide for a largo nutcbor of-fed' oral oiiicors to work ngainst the demo cratic party. Ho waa not afraid of a fen wore olHco holders. That was no : what the democratic party had tx Joar. What the democratic .partj wanted waa funerals funeral * in New York , funorala in Indiana , funer .als in-Ohio. [ Laughter. ] It wanted > t < bury some of cho barnacles and corpse Changing to it. It had a national committee too ait there a few daya ago and a majori , ty .of that-committeo did not even havi originality or independence enough t. .Cud a place in the United Statea wheroii to hold a convention outside the placi wliwe 'tho republican conveutten waa ti ibo hold. lie had traveled long cnougl , in the wako'of the old barnacleu of thi -democratic party following the republi .can party. Ho wanted a little nov blood in it a Jittlo independence in it A little originality in it Before hi would have followed the republic * ! ! partj to Chicago lie would have gone tx Lua Augeloa. Ho would havi gene whuri ) the thermometer reachec 400 dugreea below .zero or 300 degrcei * bovu trvo boiling rxiint rather than havi gouo to Chicago fL'kughter ] . Ho woulc have tto doniocr.itic.party for once pos tt iudepondenco f uougn to strike uu on iti VWH hook. Ho defied the intelh geuco of UHI house to iutroduo a IIUAS uro whWi } uul for iU object the promo tion of the agricultural interest wit which nought in the alighteat degree ti intorfcro with the opt rations of thus gigantic and almost monarchical corpora ttons wh'cU controlled tha trantportatioi of the country , without hearing eom democrat attacked by a .qualm of con science and jump on it quicker tlun duck on a Juno bug with constitutions objections [ Liughter ] . The bill waa then toad 1 > V Rcctions fa amendment. Mr. Hatch opposed the amendmen providing that the numbdr of .pcraou tiinployod in the bureau of animal in tlustry shall not ecood twenty at any on time. Adopted. Tlio committee , without action , nron tho. house adjourned. KEKIFK. Mr Logan ( rep. III. ) , from the cop mittea on judiciary , reported the origii al roeolutiona agtcod to relating to rai road landa , ono calling on the secretar ot the interior to inform the eonat whether any railroad companies mei tioned iu the act of May 7 , 1678 , ha failed to comply with said act , when an jn what renpoct thoV failfad , and whethc they had ul ) cquently complied ; an further , whotlior er.id companies 1m pHid dividends and to what amount ) and what atapt , if any , had been take ti enforce the provisions of raid act The second resolution calls on the attoi neys to furnish timilar information. Mr. Voorheea ( dem. Ind. ) offered resolution , which * wes referred to tl ooromiUeopn judioiB 7 , instrvicling thi committee to Inquire concerning tin leases of lamia in Indian territory foi cattle grneing , how much money hac been pnid into the treasury for aucl leases , whether the lessees had aurvoycc the land , etc. Mr. Ransom ( dom. , N. C. ) oflerod i joint resolution to approprialo $100,00 ( for the relief of the aufTerora by the re cent great wind storm in the southori states. Ho aaid over fivu hundred pee [ ) lo had been killed and many thousand ! wounded. The suffering resulting fron the storm was awful. Mcsars. Brown ( dem , Ga ) and Pugl [ dom. , Ala. ) supported the resolution. Messrs. Harris ( dom. , Tonn. ) ant Morgan ( dem. , Ala. ) opposed the rcsola tion on constitutional grounds. Noithoi liad received a request from his state foi government aid. Mr. Voorhcos ( drm. , Ind. ) though , heso auflcrera should not bo loft ontirolj ; o private charily. The resolution was referred. The senate resumed consideration ol ; hp currency bill. Mr. George ( dem. , Miss. ) spoke in opposition to it. The Vest amendment was rejected 14 to 5(5. ( The bill aa modified by Mer rill's amendment passed 111 to 12. II irovidss for the issue of notes to bank- ng associations to an amount not exceed- ng the par value of bonds deposited 01 n excess of the actual amount of capital stock paid in ; the associations issuing lotoa payable in gold shall receive notca on the bonds deposited in money , pro- icribed in the act for other national tanking nssoci itions. The presiding ollicor laid before the onato the bill to authorize the construe- ion of additional stool vessels for the lavy. After executive session the senate ad- ournod. VKXSIOXH KOH ALL THE DI.SAllI.KII. WASHINOTO.V. February 25. Senator larriaon introduced a bill in the senate o-day providing a pension for all honor ably discharged soldiers who served six months in the vrar of the rebellion in the military or naval services , provided they are now disabled. The bill proceeds upon the theory that there are many soldiers and sailors who did not contract disabilities during the war of such a well defined nature aa to enable them to make > roof thereof , but who are now broken down in health by reason of the hard- ihips and exposures of the service. The lighest rate pension granted ia § 24. Pho bill increases to § 12 the pensions of all widows whoso husbands contracted disability in and since the war and who are now drawing § 8 , also the pensions o soldiers' widowa to Jjo pensioned un- Icr the first section , and those who shall obtain pension under' the existing laws , without a widow being required to prove that death waa duo to'tho ' service. It iocs not grant a pension to all widows > ut only to those who are or become Ansiona. The bill ia the result of a demand which the government under the existing lavrs is unable to meet. The > ensionera under the act will begin at the date of filing application therefor. SIMPLIFYING rnocEDunu. Representative Cannon also introduced a bili to simplify the procedure in pen sion claws aucUtend the benefits of the icnsion laws to claimant * unable by existing laws to furnish the necessary evidence , whereby the private calendar ia encumbered with private acta to the det riment of public business. It providas hat no proof of soundness at the enliat- nent of the claimant , or of the origin of lia disability in the aervice , bo required f the record of the war or navy dopart- nont shall ahow six months' service and ipnorable discharge ; ' provided that the disease or disability therefrom exists to an extent that can bo'diacoveicd and described - scribed as pensionable by the examining surgeon , and is not duo to dissipation 01 vicious habits ; that the only proof re quired aa to the origin of the death -cause tihall bo that the ooldter received an lion orablo discharge end has suffered pen- aionablo disability , which waa sufficient cause of and which existed con tinuously to the date of death ; that ir claims of dependent parents for pensions , the fact and cauao ot death having beer ahown aa before provided , the fact of the present condition physical inability ind dependence upon "there than those bound legally therefor for support. an < ] the fact that the soldier or sailor left nc widow or minor child , ohall alone 'bo re quired to bo shown by competent testi mony to entitle the parenta to pension , and no proof of dependence and no date ol death of a soldier shall bo required ; that it-ahall not apply to oiiicors and soldiert and sailors of the regular army or navy since the 1st of July. 165. . Ileforrod tc the committee on invalid pensions. The effect will be to render it possible for the gi anting of 50,000 pensione and expedite the granting of 100,000 more. WABHINGTON TOI'ICH. Tllli I'HKSIDENTIAL TiiKM. WABUINOTON , February 25. Ilepro aontative Springer to-day Introduced fui reference in the house a proposed consti tutional amendment making the presi dential ierm aix jears , and rendering th < president ineligible to ro-elootion to ttu next succeeding term. It provides for i direct vote for president iu each state , and aboluhoa the electoral college , each atato to have a number of votes equal U the number of ita representatives anc senators in congress , to bo given eacl candidate iu proportion to the total voti cast for each. The term of representatives tives in congress ia fixed at three years andcongruea chall meet each year on thi first Wednesday in January , the fira session to convene in January succeed iug November election. NOHVI.V ftUU. EXPLAINLVO , Dr. Norvm Ureun , provident of th Western Union Telegraph company , appeared poarod before the aub-eommittoo of th senate committee on postolllcea and pea roul : to-day , and gave the committee ; largo amount of information in detail re spccting the number of oflicea , inatru incuts , miles of wire of the company , it expenses , etc. He had met with dillicul ty in securing liberty to submit the Aiso ciatcd Press contract , but in view of th misrepresentations vrliich had been mad ( he Aea.iciatcd Press had given ita con tent. 'No terms , ho uaid , wcro grante Associated Press papt rs that were no open to any ether i > t > pra. A Proc-Tlilnl.cr Freed. LONDON. February 25. Foote , th editor of The Freo.'l'hiukor , to-day con pleted a year's itnpri onment for blai nhcmy. liradUugli , with two thouean sympathizori , met him t the gatoi < the pruon. THE MIGHTY MAHDI. His SimDlc Message to Esyiil ! "I an Coiiiiiig ; Bo Ready , " Io Scouros Abyssinia's ' Noutraliti by a Pledge of New Territory. Humored Precipitate Evaouatioi of Khartoum by Gordon A Mutiny Occurs Among tin Black Troops at Sualnnii The Dead Bodies of Baker Pasha'i ' Army Breeding Postiloncoi Other VnrolRii Mot I c is - Imskor'i Itrnthcr on GKNKUAIi l OHBIGN NKWS. THI : KEiir.t. YT.LL. SUAKIM , February 25. Another rofu ; oo from Tokar' roporta that ho mot i obcl acquaintance who told him the in ontion was to put all the garrison of To car to death , except the gunners , nftoi lurrondor , notwithstanding promises hie > eon 'inado. A spy sent to a friendly ribo brings the information that tin obols had attacked the tribe and takoi it prisoners and GO grain laden camels loporta are abroad that rebels will attack Suakiin to-night. "t AM COMING , UK UBADV. " CAIRO , February 25. Great uno&i oss is felt here at the report thai the mwerfiil Bosharecn Arabs who occupj 10 territory between Khartoum anci Vady Haila , and eastward as far as torbor , have revolted. It this is true , 3on. Gordon with Khartoum and othoi arrisons are cut oil' . The Maluli om'is- arics are t-ping throughout the whole ol gypt bearing the nimplo message , "I am oming , bo ready. " rUSUINO TO TIIK KHON'T. TIUNKITAT , February 25. Biker Panho las been appointed chief of the intnlll once department with Col. Burnaj- , orrcspondont of The London Post , m saistant. The transiport Thibet has been otaiuod at quarantine owing lo the ap < loarnnco of amall-pox among the troopc n board.All e-Jldiora returning to En- ; land * on the troop ship Jumna volun < ered their services ashore , which have > eon accepted as a most woluomo addi < ion to Gon. Graham's force. Being vet' rail's they will give steadiness and con' idenco to younger soldiers. HUSSIA AND INDIA. Sr. PEXRitsiiKitn , February 25. A do icioncy of 100,000,000 roubles in the last ourteeu years lua boendiscovorcd i < \ the dministration of Turkestan It is stated Russia has voluntarily of oral England a pledge to atop at Morv rid use his influence with the Khans 01 Jokolmra ana Khiva to facilitate Englisl commerce. It is also atatod the Riisaiiu ; overnmont invited England to join it onstrur.tmg a > canal from the sea ol iral to the Indian frontier. HEl'ORTEn EVACaATION OP KHAUTOUM. NEW YOHK , February 25. An inv robable report from London ia published icro that General Gordon had spiked hie uns , destroyed his stores and deter- lined to evacuate Khartoum forthwith n account of the report that Mahdi waf marching on the town. ' PLUM KOK AllYShlNIA. February 25. It i : tositivoly umorUsd that Mahdi and King "ohn , of Abyssinia , have signed a con volition to the effect that King John ahal remain neutral , and , in return , tihall re oeivo a port on the llud sea and a large accession of territory. MAUDI MARCIIINO ON KHARTOUM. The report that El Mahdi waa march tig toward Khartoum is confirmed. E Mahdi's inaction after hia victory at E Gbeid is explained thus : Finding tha sheikha of the different tribes wished tie ; o homo with their spoils in order to at nd harvest , ho proclaimed a holy truci luring the months of Moharrcn ant Safar , ending with the date of the anni versary of the birth of the Prophet Chat time being expired , the campaigi s resumed. El Mahdi appeals to tin iloalemsaf India to support Islam. JSAKKU'H UKIIUJUKD DEAD. Admiral Hewitt has sent an order ti juakiin for-COO black troopa to go am wry the dead of Btker Paeha'a army a Teb. Many hundred bodiea are lyinj uiiburied , filling the air with uoxtou aint. An outbreak of cholera ia feared A cavalry reconnoitmnco waa made to-div oward Tab. The Arabs were found ii orco between Tub and the otrthwork lirown up by Baker Pasha. THE rllLACKH KEIIBL. SUAKIM , February 25. There waa i Quoting thu morning of the bl.icktroopH fhoy di jeraed through tlio bazaar , un < hreatoned to join the rebola , Admira lewitt will retain a number of nminui at Suakiin , aitd the blacka will bo aunt ti Cairo forthwith. A Doultlo Tragedy I" HWMIJOLDT , Kans. , Fobruiry 25. Tli coinmunicy ia horrified over a doubl tragedy that nccunod rive mtlei uoulli wst of Moran , in the uaat part of thi county , at U o'clock this moining. Jaiiu T. Ilarclerode and Itohert MoFarlHin were shot by Hugh Guilland , aasiuted b ; tiis three auns , Joseph , Iko und Andruw Uarclerodp waa ehot in the buck and in atautly killed. McFarland waa ahc three timea and hia head crushed with club. Tlio murderora escaped but wer closely puraued and rode into Humboldl wliero they surrendered to otllcurs. Til town ia excited to-night. Many arnu men are on the strcota. The sheriff i hero with a utrong posse. It waa a coli blooded murder , and trouble is fearo before morning. The diaputo was ovi land claimed by Guilland but owned b Hrs. Huwes. All the parties coiuernc are land leaguera but the organization blameless. 1J. & it , iia it Gohhlor. Pmwuuiuj , February 25. It ia repoj ed that the nalo of the PitUburg'oe ern railroad was confirmed at a late hoi to-night by Thomas II. King , one of tl now directors. Tha majority of thoatoi was taken by the Bultimoro & Oh company , which elects coven of thittoi directors. Aujoug the lobert Oiirrctt , J. K. Cowen and otho ro it Ohio stockholder ! . The Ctilo < uo I'atfli' S | > oclnl Dispatch to TllK BKE. Ciui-Aiio , February 25. Thtj stock n cattle now on sale in the Chicago atocl ards ia poor nnd rough , nnd buyers wor lot willing lo pay the prices asked While Urn tcccipta were rather light hero wna little or no demand on oxpor account , and Iho quotations on big caltl nay bo quoted nt $ ( i.7C 7 Oft. Sales o shipping slcers averaging l.llOto 110 ! In were made at $0 15 ; dressed bee steers , nvoraKing 1,021to , ; J,10 ! ) His > rought S..t)0 ( ir.70 ; miorjod feeders 800 to 1)00 ) II ) ! , S5.4-lt.f5.2ri. Tlio agitation concerning the bill t < establish a bureau of aniital industry continues at the atock yards. ) The papoi oice , and the petty , solfish.aml . short- ighted opposition of the catllo broker : and freight agents nnd the ] 'ovunura iug' should not be pormittcVl to inter ore with it. " THE IOWA Ii 'Uu IiOKlHlatiro Ijovor AJItvoly at AVoflt to Muko Kiirtl I'JIT.ntto UiiHeatCln.\iii , of 1'ott : i\vat t uilc.\ \ DBS MoihF.s , February 25J-7-lu the onato to-duy bills were intuducod to urchaso lauds for the uao oitho State igricultural society ; to ostablsh an ad- itional normal school ; to previut auro- lea on written instruments hiilloring or ulaying creditors ; to amend tlo law re- ating to evidence ; to protect Iridgea on mbho highways ; to legalize tli ) acts of 'homos ' W. Darling , notary ipublic of uckson county to regulate ti e adinia- on of attorney a to practice ; ) abolish 10 railroad commission ; to u ] iropriato or expenses incurred in oscoi.'tig the oniains of the late J. M. Ho ! jrook to ilanchestor and allow hia Vdow tlio mount of his salary aa a inombir of the louse. The last named bill pjsscd the enatu. 'L'ho following bills wejo passed : 'o exempt soldiers' pensions nnd the iroceeds and accumulations thereof from udicial sales ; to reimburse ollijera forro- liming fugitives from justice Where the lliccra acted in good taith o\jn' though onvictions do not follow , to fleet town- lip clerk and assessors and pad super- isora iu the odd numbered } vara ; to re- novo county and township oiiicors for mbitual drunkenness or for labitual or villful neglect of duty , gross mrtiality , orruption , oppression , oxtorion , Viill- ul maladministration in olliso ipon con- ietion of a felony for failure t produce r turn over and fully aecou t for all ) ublio funds and properly in 1 ia hands it any inspection or aottlemontl and au- tiorizing school boards or oth rs vested with the appointing power to oniovo a xeaaurer or ether appointee fir any of lie above causes ; to appropriau $1,500 , to reimburse the .sheriffs of JFre'mont nd Milld counties for money expended n the capture of Poka Wells and other Livcrton bank robbers. Adjourned In the house to-day but little morcithan quorum was present. The bill tojprp- iuo for the appointment of marshus in itiea of the firat class , originated by Son- tor Smith , was passed. It appliea1 only a Doe Moinoa , and does away with the iccosnity of electing a city marshal next Monday , aa the oilico is abolished. Bille were introduced to prohibit oxtortUn and iscrimination in the transiniessionof tele- ; raph diapatchea ; to provide for th erco- .ion of monuments to deceased Unior oldiora ; to enable townships and picor > orated towns to aid in the conatru'ctioi ' if railroads ; to locate and provide fir at naane asylum at Wintorsut ; to ppro > riato money to defray the expense * o lofendantain drive -well suits , Mr luEsoll , of Musatine , introduced u reso ution declaring Clayton , of Pottawatta mio , ineligible to a sottt in the hojiso because cause ho ia a trustee and the president o ho board of trustees of the Iowa institu .ion for the deaf and dumb , a luerativi ) flico , declaring the seat vacant , ant ailing on the governor to tuko ateta t < ill the vacancy. The resolution cnutcc onsidorablo excitement. It was referrei o the judiciary committee. Xho SloCntry Sr. Loom , Fobiuary 25. A privat tispatch from Denver says : A petition ignnd by & number of atato oflicor/i Diuny lawyers and leading business mo ; > f Colorado , hita beun forwarded toProt d nt Arthur , rcHiuo ting the njipoinl iiont of Judge Wagner , of this nity , t Hiiooood Judge McCrary on the Unite Stated ciicuit nench for the Eighth judi ciul circuit. This ia quite a surprise , n t waa thought here that Colorado wa .olid for Judge Hallott. LONDON , February 25. The memorit mat of Longfellow will bo unveiled i Weatiniiietor Abbey Saturday. It ia c iuro white marble , elightly larger tha ifo , and ia regarded aa a strong on it'uutiful work. It beara the inscription 'This bu t waa placed among the momu riula of the poota of England by Englia ddmirera of tlio American poet. " Glad atone has been invited to unveil th nonumont. NnlmiHku and Oilier Nomination * . WAHHINHTOW , February 25. Nomine tiona to-day : Horatio 0. Burclmrd , llli lois , director of the mint ; Commodot Win. Ci. Temple , rear admiral of th navy ; registcru of the land oilico , Alonz II. Church at North I'lotto , Neb. , an Gdward B. Butler at Noligb , Nob. ; n coiver of public moneya , William 1 Lambert at Noligh , Neb. Saved Jroni Drownln Fr. MAIIIHOK , Ja. , February 25. TH young ladles of Nauyoo , 111. , who cros ed the Mississippi river on the ice th iftornoon , to visit friends at MOD Iron broke through the ice. Warren D'jnle of Nauvoo , end T. W. Verio , of Kans City , who were crossing the river at tl jauiu time , came to their rescue and ft Innately uaved theur lives at the risk their own , The Grunt KuHiurn'ri Putc , LONIION , February 25 , The atean Oroat Kaitern has been purchased by I government for a coal hulk at Glbralti HARDSHIP'S ' HEAVY HAND Four IMorlmialfs Roasted to Dsatl * in Donycr Dcalli-Traps , A Drunken Man Perishes in Flami on a Burning Steamer , The Blizzard Strewing Dakoti Prairies With the Dead , A Minister and His Dnughto : Drowned in North Carolina , A Hoosier Lover Shoots His Sweetheart and Suioides , The Viuicil Dally 1,1st of A 1'ATAt , rillB AT DIJXVKH. pK.svr.ii , February 25. At 2 o'clock this morning a lire destroyed the Nation al and Nnshvillo hotels , two small frame building on the corner of Nineteenth and Wnzo , occupied as the lodging houses ol railroad laboiors. Four men Wlmlon , Maguire , Sullivan , and one unknown , punched. The bodies were burned tn cindoi-e. The other occupants of the building , including several women and children , barely escaped with their lives , some leaping from the second story win dows. The lireis thought to have origi nated in the kitchen of the Nashville. Loss $5,000 , insurance $3,000. HTEAMKll 1IUKNEI ) . SA.V Fit IMCISCO , February 25. The steamer "Sansalito" plying between here and San Guontin , caught lire at the litter place last evening , and in a short time burned to the water's edge. Origin of the lire ia unknown. An employee was carried aboard a short time previously in : i helpless state of intoxication. It is sup posed ho was cremated. The North Pix- iiifio Coast railroad wns the owner. It aost $150,000 , insurance small. DKATll IN A ] ! U//.AUt > . MiNNKAi'OUH , February 25. The Jour nal's Valley City rt ) . k. ) dispatch says : The body of Fred Nelaon waa found live inilea from the place where ho started in i blizzard. Hia two children have not pot been found The body of Thomald Liundcrson , who loft Clark City for his jlaim just before the bli/zard , wan also found. It waa not before known that he ivas lost. KATAI , KXri.OHlOK. LOXDON , February 25. The boiler of the Btcamor Koatai , from Hong K ng to Vlacoy , exploded , killing eight Europeans md nine natives. flAS AS A HHATTEUEK. TOUONTO , February 25. A gas oxplo- lion in the vault of the bank of commerce to-day injured Cleik Shaw , who entered ivith a lighted lamp. The shock alnit- torcd the building and shook Up the oc- tupanta. , I'ATIIEH ANn DAUOUTEU IKOWNE1 > . Ciiuu.orri : , N. 0. , February 25. The Rev. J. 0. Thuraton and daughter , the latter aged 10 , were drowned at Oxford on Saturday. Thuraton , who was a Prosbyteriun minister , waa on' the way to preach on Sunday. A I'ALKI.K linllK ! ! : , LouiHViiiLi ! , Ky. , February 25.The iron bridge over Boar Grass crook , on the Cincinnati Short line , foil to-day just after the train crossed. The abutment had boon weakened by thu Hood. The bridge is 150 foot long , and was regarded as one of the best on the road. mtOKK HIR LAST 1IIIAKE. LINCOLN , Nob. , Fobruar 25. T. Farrell roll , a Burlington & Missouri rivoi brakeman , was killed in Cedar Crook quarries to-day. A flat car broke in tw < and Farrell waa dragged under tin brakes. Ho has friends in Mondota , 111 A TIIHEATKNINO CUKVAHSK. VicKsuuuo , February 25. The ore U890 below the delta is 1,500 foot wide ud iivo foot deep nd steadily increas ing. THE FATIIElt OK A FAMILY HUIOIDKH. DUIJUO.UB , Ju. , February 25. Stopher urrin , a prominent citizen of JSaai Dubuque , III. , ogjd CO , suicided to-da ; "by cutting his throat with a razor. Dur ; ng the morning several attempts at self destruction were prevented by his wife This afternoon hU body waa found in thi aorn saturated with blood. Ho had auf 'ercd intoiiBolylfrom rheumatism for tov ? ral years past , was an employe of th Illinois Central , and leaves nine grow ) ip childron. _ NOIOH. WAHIIIMJTON , February 26. The BOC otary of atato received a cable thi morning from Miniator Foster , Madrid nnouncing the death by suicide u .lioanto , Spain , of .lamoa U. Partridge BaidiuR there , on account of ill-healtl 'artridgo waa in the United States diplc nutic aervico many years at Brazil anther thor South American oountrics , hia lac > oing at Lima. The shipping committee this mornin took up the bill to admit foreign bui ; hipa to American rcgiatry free of dutj nd voted II to 0 to report it adversel ) 'lioso voting in favor of the bill woi Slocuin , Throckmorton and Douatoi negative , Dingloy , Long , Hunt , Goorgi O'Neill and Ijoru. Dibble did not voti The ronittina of AatUant Surgeon An dor , ono of DeLon 'a comrades , wi niriod at Markluw , Virginia , ycaterdn ; n the prcaenco of a large number of Ni ml oHicers , and rcHidenlu of Faujimhi county. The caaket waa covered wit ho Union Jauk Mid IIoral wreaths , whic m-1 been accumulating all iho wuy fro Siberia. n r.irtolllrc. 8r. IxUis , Ftibrua-y 2."i. The I'os Dispatch's lliolj Hill ( Mo. ) Bjiocial uov The poitoflico wai b nglanisad last nifli end $1,000 in cash imd stamps ate The aife door was drilled ami the bol thrown back by ima-m of a wiro. Diuonuctl Oiuilu inMverpod. . LONDON , February 25 , Thirty-o : head of o-ittlo und seven Bhuop , bulon Ing to the cargo of the Btosmer Ontari at Liverpool , /rom Portland. Alo. , a diaowed. The infected aiiimuU are Oa ' adian. 1Jit'r > ia reason ti believe t' , discasp nrisinntod in Liverpool ns tl Ontario took to Portland a cargo < lloiofords which ahowrd traces of di ! case after landing , and that it is not tli pl.i ' 8 of detention or Portland that at infected. niSMAltCK'S LASKKll's IIUOTHKH OX TIIK MATTKI NKW YORK , February 25. Morri Liwkor , of O.\tvraton , Tex , who acooir panii'd the remains of his brother , Et wa'd Lu kor. to Berlin , ht a just n turned. Lnskor thinks , rcganling tli return of the rcaolntion to tlio house n representatives , that "lUsmnrck , havin diacovcrod hi giavo _ mistake in exchul ing all oDicial recognition at the f tinern services of Dr. Ltskor , aoizod upon thi resolution , whichj in contrast with hi action , had mot with a very warm sentiment ment on Iho i > srt of the Gonnan people to give it the importance of a politica document , and by returning it to woakci the inlluonco ot the fricmll ) sympathy which existed between tin two people in behalf the hluni which Dr. Laslccr lived to advocate nut support. Bismarck has mod the roaolu lion to put to ridicule its million , a ro | > resontativo body of the American people , It seems to bo the gonorul improaaion 11 America that Minister Sargent ia a mm held in no esteem in Gormnny , and voit of tact to uphold the dignity i f his poai tion , I have mot people of nil shadow o politica there. I find that while Boim close adherent * of Bismarck display bitterness torness with regard to S.irgont , [ iroilu.-oi by the Anioric.iu pork oontrjveray , yol all but the most eorvilo olliciiil press speak of him in terms of high re spoct.nml the masses nro in full nyinpa thy with his position on that question AB tx > Sargont'a tact and determination a ; miniater , from undoubted information , ] may say that aa a result of the pork controversy trovorsy , German olllcials ore inatructuc \Q approach with delicacy every question und transaction In which they nro en > gaged with Sargent. I dare prodicl nothing would suit Bismarck hotter than to havi Str ont undo the scapegoat in this matter. " * TN\lNOllHiKl > YNAMrn < : . It t'oiiRldornbly Shatters tlio Victoria lluthvny Station In London. LONDON" , February 2i. ( Shortly after 1 o'clock this morning a terrible explos ion occurred in the cloik room of thu Victoria railway station , London. The Kxnlosion was undoubtedly of dynamite A. largo portion of the roof was blown oil nnd nearly all the gloas work in the ela tion was destroyed. Seven men wore sent to the hospital with novero injuries. Hx tensive damage was done Bun-omul- iug property. Two reports accompanied the explosion , the noise being like a dia- charge from a cannon , niulj wan followed by an immediate tush of Ihincs. Tin booking otlico , cloak room and waiting room were completely shuttered , and arc [ i confuaud mass of debris. Luckily all trains had ceased running and only a fen noraona were about the station. IKAD SAMMY. The Snn > ol' Oraincrcy Park Bill lIunlcorH for the Pronltlouuy Ho T'iil ) < ) Hi > niH HlH Grlcvauco } . CiiiUAoo , February 25. The Time will to-morrow publish an interview witl John Donncaborgor. a prominent dome crat citi/.en , chairman of the Cook count ; board of commissioners , who has just re turned from Washington via Now York While in Now York Donnosborger calloi upon Samuel J. Tildon , at his Gratncro ; Park reaidonco , Saturday last. Donnei berger aaya : "Mr. Tildon received in very courteously. Ho 11 very fcoblo an impressed mo with the idea that hi health ia failing. Weak aa ho appeared ho insisted on showing mo all tbrous the house , oven to his bedchamber. II talked on politica in a general way ; tul mo , or rather gave mo to distinctly ui derstand that HE WAN DlBAI'l'OINTKI ) In not receiving tha nomination agai four years ago He felt he woo unjust' dealt with in 187llr but that for the pcai of the country ho did not insiat upc his rights. 1 believe from our convorsi tion that ho would like to receive tl nomination again ; ho foola it ia duo Iwr Ilia mind is strong ; ho is very hard i honring nnd only whispers in convors tion Ho holds your hand while talkin to you , appnrontly to atoady himself. doot not like Uondricks , mid from wht 10 told me I don't think that ho wan .lendrioka placed on the ticket ogai with him. Ho told mo ho hail bee > rotty well all the past year and tint .bout thrt-o wueka ago. Ho complainc if not fueling BO atrong but felt U 'IlKHini'.NTJAL ' NOMINATION WAS HUE 111J .lo wants to bo the candidate ngaii There ia no doubt in my mind about it , x.ntinued Donncaborger ; "ho gave n , hat impression in our half hour's con vo liition , He is mentally very strong , an dinplaycd a wonderful knowledge of pul lie atr.ur" . We had not oxchnngcd \ iuv on the tariff , nor upon the party plu form generally. Whenever any Biibjei came up ho would revert tu < the frai iracticed on him in 1870. and every tin ID apokn of that ho teemed to mo to ft cry aero and as a dltmppointed man. " \Vator-Worrl ! < l. CINCINNATI , February 25. 'I'tie mayc to-duy recp'vod ' a draft for Ji5f > 00 froi Colonel M-.jik.soii for the II i id roll fund , the procoodu of a beno'is ' petforn anco given in Chicnuo. Annthcr OoVon NEW Yoitir , Fobnmry 25. HOMO Fitzgerald , Vin- and Nnro'imo ha signed articleh fur a six dny go as-yo pluaeo. Otlmra pittmiyn to oilier. A ittaiiil-Notv Lord , LONDON , February 25. Sir Hen Brand has boon elevated i ) the poora with the titla of ' " \ Hamtidcn. Wol i > o Mcyoi- . It la now uiulloputei ] that "Wol Je ] tf ( or'H Uaiurcti ( Jure In tlm only trcatmi that will ulmoliitnlv euro Oatorj-h fresh ctnonlo. 'Very oUlcaciniu , Soml. Oou Weeping Water , Neb " Ono 1'ox ' cured i MM. Mury Kenymi , Dlmnark , Dakota. " ' roatorod in i tu thu mili.lt. Jiov. ( < u. K , Hi CublavilloN. Y. " "Unu bo < radically cm ma , Jlov , O , II T. yl ir , HO NoUo tru Ilrooklyn. " "A | i rfect euro fcftor HO ye Hitfurli'g J. 1) . McDonald , 710 lroadwi ! y , V. , &c , , ftc. Thoiumnda of tuatliuunliUt ) reualved from nil parU of the worlil. Del eroJ , $1.00. li. vVtl Uu Alajor'n Illu ti toil I rciiiUiV ulthtUteineiiU by the cu mulled ( too. 1) . 11. Dewey & Co , 182 Ful troot , NY , tues-thur&Mt-ui&e-Si " KILLING , Congressional Commitlces Investigatine How It Is Dono/ A Lively War of Words twcon Wise and Vance , " 1 " Where Republican Majorities „ are , Shot-Guns are Noedod' " JL > Startling Rtorios of the Tiines in. Oopiah County , Miss , j Kiuully Wlio Ooulil Kill an Uc Killed. ( XlNdltKSSXIAN WISI''s TESTIMONY. WAHIIINOTO.V , February 25. The firat witnesa in the Danville investigating committee waa Congressman John 1. Wise , who atnlcd the iasuo.i of various Virginia campaigns. The Fundor Darty , ho aoid , Bought to perpoluato the rnco mito. He introduced pipers to ahow that Iho whiten brought on the difliculty at Danvillp for political pupoeoa , having despaired of winning the contest othor- wiMo. Senator Sherman aaVod if the fundore were inspired by objections to persona or to nco ? ' Witness said it waa objoctiona to raco. Thqmon appointed wore unobjoctiona- blo. The witness aaid that Danville and Pittoylvania wcro the moat lawless com munities in Virginia , rittsylvania county and Iho adjoining county in North Carolina were alike in this. Sdiator Vance Th&t'a a republican county by a largo majority , air 1 Witness Yea , arid whorovorf there ia will bo. a rpublicau ) majority there JlOtmilON HHOTdtlNS. / Vance There vrill bo a largo numbin- of convections to the penitentiary. WiifieW And crowda will go down before the moutlia of Vourbon nr.otgunu. Van'co ' T don'c know M there ia any necessity for you to aasail North Carolina horo. Witness ! Mludo to thoao matters with rigrot. Duriig the cross-examination by Sen ator Vince aovoral ahiirp passage * oo- currodl Wia aaid to Vance : "WhonI 6rat know you , thirty yoara .15:0 : , you bo- longod'.lo ' . the K. N. ( know-nothing ) par ty. Now you belong to the y. K. ( NBUUU-KILUNII ) I'AIITY. " Senator Vance retorted : "Whcnl firat kno.v you , you were a aocceaion demo crat ; now you ore " Witness Hardly ; I was only nine yearo of ago , and could not have boon much of a focesiionist. Vance Oh , well , when n man pit ads the infancy act , I have nothing more to Bay. Bay.A little later Wise eaid the attitudes of ho men had changed. "You , " ( to Sena- or Vance , ) "eamo up to teach us do- iccracy and debt paying , when you had opudiatwl your 9ivn dubts andhaJ never " ; , " "boh a democrat. " _ ' Vancoi admitted having boon a _ know othing , but defended himself against the liargo of over being a ropudiator. Witnosn said the facta at D.xnvillo had ot been oxag eratedbut it * out eiopping adl It had been represented by whiten A NBOUO uriusmo , nd the whites had boon apjioaled to aa- ist their follows in danger with their otou. This led to a democratic victory. .ISP said ho did not udvooito social in- .orcoursu botwcpn races. No _ negro had roaumed to claim social privileges with lini by rcunon of political affiliation. iVIioii colored momboraof the lcialaturo [ amo to liis houao lo consult him they cxmo to the kitohon door. Ho didn't upposo TtMon admitted to hia parlor thu democratic wharf rata und rilTrall'of Now York. J. B. Ralaton , revenue collector of Danville , teaiiliod that ho had alwayaro- ; i > rdod the D-tnvillo circular aa a politi- : al canard. Ho had no hesitation in saying the mor WODIMI NOT HAVK ocouunEn > ut for the inflammatory speeches made > y the democratic candidates and the- ijiially inflammatory articles in the democratio newspapers. The prepara- ionB inado before the riot indicated to ho coalittoniata that there might be < rouble. Anna were purchosod iiVlargo < piantitiea by the whites and stored in inuaual'places. ' Ono of these was in an naur.Mico oilico near the scene ot tho. riot. J'.iU'd ' ( iolorcd ) said that every white man ho raw on the day of the riot. waa armed. White boyn between ID arid 20 yoira had p stol * and shotguns in. heirhanda. H-i didn't BOO any colored -.eoplo with aimu. Adj aimed. Ciooltoil LaKc Troubled MINHKAVOUH , February 25. The J jut- ; al'tt Winnipeg apecial naya ; Advicea rom IJof-iua , N. W , T , , say : The In diana at CrooUd LaVe still defy the nounted police nnd allow no ono to enter ho ngt < noy building at Gophorton. The oador of the File Hill Indiana ia under iirrcnt , and a auoug detachment has boon lent out to um'flt others. No further trouble In nnticipatcd there. Trouble ia feared nt Crooked Lako. SCROFULA ProbaWy no form of rtlwaM In o ccnerollr dls- trlbatttl nrnong our wliole population M Scrofula Ali o < t every InUMdual | ux tliU latent poison conro- Ine Ills % clns , Tlio tcrrllo ( niifferlnei endured 17 tboio nflllctciltllli eciotuloua orc cannot to undentood by ctlicit , uu < l Uw Ink-nslty of Uicl ; erutltuJo wb n tlicy flnil remedy Oiat cuw Uicin. MtouUliea a well pencil. Wo refer by per- it mUsloiio Win Hnnn s BaraU ° - wwtu r , IIUUU Q of Wurntr , K. H. , ured tiy 0 , uBcrofalaSore. tlio verttyof which confined Jier to the bouMfor twoyran. Blx month * prerlous to taking Hood't BanaparUU tlio could not e t about her rocmwltli- outcrutclia. Uer Wen4 wy l "lUWnot thlnkli possible for her tu lUu iiuny month * ) t ) > ire * nj- duceclton mete tkclcton. JIr cut * U hardly lew tlian K inlreclc , " Wcro woiuUrful cure * than UU na > been cflcclwl by tlut tnedldue. There l 0 ooabt that tu llooj't Sorapailll * wo b v tha mot * remiuiatlo medicine that lua ever been ptoaucwj , and a po IUvo CUM for ScrofuU la tu uumwou * fora * fitoc gl.o > , ( U f ( > r tun. 1'rcinred -i'd