Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1884, Image 7

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Dr. Wagner his removed hli ofllco liom No. 313
4 tatlmcr to No. SSS l/irlrocr , where he will bo i-lcascj
to sec hl < frlemh. The Doctor Is to bo congratulated
on the completeness and olesranco of his now bnlU
liijr. It is one o ( the I)0t In the clly.-Dctn [ cr Ho.
.publican , Jan. 37.h ISSt.
Why you should try the celebrated Dr. II. Wagner' *
methods ot euro :
1. "Dr. II. Wagner la n , natural physician. "
Tlio Greatest T.UInfr. Phrenologist.
"Fow can oxco jou 09 a doctor. "
DR. J. SIMM' ,
Tlio World's Orcatost Physiognomist.
"You arc wonderfully prollclcnllnyour koonl
oJgo o ( dlscaso and medicines. "
4. "The Mlllctod Qnd ready relict In your pres
ence. " Du. J. SIMMS.
5. "Dr. It. Wognor la a regular graduate trom
Bellevue Hospital , Now York city ; 1ms hud very ox.
tensive hospital pr.ictlco , and Is thoroughly i > osted on
all brunches ol hia beloved eclonra , especially on
chroula diseases. "
0. "Dr. II. Wagner his immortalized himself by
hia wonderful dlsan cry uf tpocirio roincdlcs for prl-
\atoand sexual diseases" Virginia City Chronicle.
. "Thousand * of Imnlida Hock to BOO him. " San
Frincheo Chronicle.
8. "The Doctor's long experience as a Bpoclallst
Bhould render him > ery successful. " ttocky Moun.
tain Nova.
Plain Facts Plainly Spoken.
At ono time a discussion ol tlio secret vlco nag en
tirely avoided by the profession , and medical Horka
but a few years ago would hirdir mention It.
To-day the phj slclan Is ot a different opinion ; ho It
aw MO that It Is his duty disagreeable though It
may ho to handle this matter without flaxes and
epcak plainly about It ; and Intelligent parents and
guardians mil thank him for doing go.
The results attending this destructive vice wcro or-
mcrly not understood , or not properly estimated : and
no Importance being attached to a subject which by
Its nature docs not imlto close Inxestimation , It was
willingly Ignored.
llio habit ia generally contracted by the young
. whllo attending school ; older companions through
their example , may bi rcsponalblo for It , or It may 1)0
acquired through accident. The excitement once ex
perienced , the practice Mill bo repeated again and
again , until at last the habit becomes flrni and com
plctely enslaves the victim , llcntal and nervous al
lllctlons are usually the primary results of self -abuse.
Among the Injurious effects may bo mentioned lassi
tude , dejection or Irrasclblllty of temper and general
debility. The boy seeks seclusion , and rarely joins
iu the sports of his companions. II ho bo a young
man ho will bo little found In company with the ether
BOX , and is troubled with exceeding and annoying
bashfulncss In their presence. Lascivious dreams ,
emissions and eruptions on the face , etc.are also
prominent symptoms.
If the practice Is t iolcntly persisted in , moro norlous
disturbances take place. Great palpitation of the
heart , or epileptic comulatons , are experienced , and
the sufferer may fall into a complete state of idiocy before
fore , finally , death reliees him.
To all these engaged in this dangerous , practice , ]
would say , first ot all , stop It at once ; make o\ cry
possible effort to do so ; but If you fall , U your nervous
system la already too much shattered , and consequently
quently , jour mil-power broken , take dome none
tonic to aid you in your effort. lla\ng ! freed yourself
from the habit , I would further counsel you to go
through a regular course of treatment , for It is a great
mistake to suppos" that any one may , for some time ,
be t e\cry olitt'c gi\o himself up to this fascinating
but dangerous ex Jtomcnt without suffering from its
m 11 consequences at some future timo. The number
of j oung men \ \ ho are incapaclatcd to fill the duties
enjoined by wedlock is alarmingly largo , and in most
ef such cases this unfortunate condition of thlnga can
bo traced to the practice of self-abuse , which hou been
abandoned J cars ago. Indeed , a few months' practice
of this habit is sumdent to Induce spermatorrhoea. J
later > carsand I have many of tuch casca under treat ;
mcu t at the present day.
Young Men
Who may bo suffering from the effects of youthful
follies or indiscretions w 111 do well to avail themselves
ot this , the greatest boon over laid at the altar of Ent
ering humanity. DR. WAONFR will guarantee to for-
eit $500 for every case of seminal w caknosa or private
disease of any kind and character .which ho under
takes to and falls to euro
Middle Aged Men.
There ara many nt the age of 30 to 00 n ho art
troubled with too frequent evacuations of the blad
der , of ton accompanied by a slight smarting or burn-
lag sensation , and a weakening of the sjstcm in a
manner the patient cannot account for. On examin
ing the urinary deposits a ropy sediment will often bo
found , and sometimes small particles of albumen will
appear , or the color will bo of thin milklsh hue , again
changing to a dark and torpid appearance. There are
many , many men who die of thfa dllllculty.lgnorant ol
the cause , which Is the second utage ot seminal-weak ,
ness. Dr. W. will guaranteoaperfoctcuroln all cases
and a healthy restoration of the genlto-urinary or
Consultation free. Thorough examination and ad
vice. $5.
All communications uhould be addressedDr. Henry
Henry Wagner , P. O. iSS9 ! , Denver , Colorado.
The Young JIan'u Poikot Companion , by Dr. H
\Vagncr , is worth Ita weight In gold to young men
Price 81,25. Sent by mall to any addrcus. 3
One Who is Needed and Nobly Fills hia
Denver IB moro fortunate than ebo knows In tbo
possess.on of the talen's and energies ot a man who
Ilia given his time and thought not merely to the
perfection of bis skill as a practitioner of his pro
fession of medicine , but to the study of those pro
found things of uclciKO and nature which tend to the
moro complete understanding of tbo problem of Ufa
and ot the laws of nature and the means of gaining
the greatest practical goods to mankind from the lu-
formation thus acquired In the abstract. Such a
man Is Dr. II.Vagner \ , who Is located at 343 Larimer
street. Dr.Yajrner devoted m my years to the ac
quisition of the knowledge no3C < ! sary to his profes
sion Iu a number of the leadhu medical schools of
tbo most eminent and profound teachers , such
names as Dr. Gross and Dr. I'siicoast-appeirlng
among his preceptors Nordlj hisntudios end hero.
They continued In the field ot the practicing family
phlslcUn and In the cipertencos ol a man r f exten
sive travel He ht > vlVltoil every section of the Unl-
ted SUtes paj Ins studious attention to the different
characteristics of thcoarinua | > ortlons of the country ,
particularly with regard to their effect , cllinatlo and
otheiuUo upon nealth and tha illlforent forms ol ( Jls-
vases. With the combined powers ol close study , ex
tensive olnervat un and nlnics ! unllm ted practice ,
Dr Wagner caiuo to I > en > cr thrco years 050 equip
I > oil as low hatu the rl lit to claim to battle the foe
o ( mankind , the dre idcd cntmy , dbeare. In order to
render thegreatest Rood to noddy , Dr. rfotner ( led
Jed to lay aside the general branches ol practlcoand
firing all has rpe kiwwledgo and power . to . . . boar . . . upon <
- - -
on liio fee which among the nrmy of
leath agcnU U the greatest. lilt wide experience
had taught him what weapon ! to use and which to
discard , and after equipping himself ai Ills trained
Judgment wjs go well able ta advleo him he com *
mencoi boldly and conlldently hl attack. In eat ) ,
matlnit the remits and success achieved , It Ii mil
nercuaary to know the ( loctrr' position and etandm
to-day. While located In thUcIty , Ills practice Isi
no means conllriej to Ms llmlti nor this section of
oouutiy , JliscorrospcriidencoanJ uzprvs ) boolmtes
tify In black and white to bin IKM-CM on ot a field of
piactlco bounded only by the linen which bound tbu
cngtli and brcouth uf the country , and which has
laced him where a imm of hlokuland
attainments deserve * to I e , Mid thoi Id to he enable
him to reach ( ho hlgheit sphere nf usefulness to sul
ferlng humanity the piano of financial lnJen |
deuce. Dr.Vegner has contributed of hit ) > ro pcrl-
tyto the nubuUntlal Improienient of Denver In tlm
r -tlun of anna block on Lulinur ( treot , opposite
( lU present oIUc > , No. Sil. It w 111 bo ready for ooui
juncy In a few week * , and II an evidence thit the
doctor la to be numbered among the per-natiunt and
eolld clflient of the miitrupollt of tha plilo * . H'6" '
ver Titbuno. : ' 7' . : :
333 [ Larimor : : St.8iAddrc5s Box 2389
The Hcsnll of LastNisM's ' Democratic
Primaries ,
Claims of iho Cixmlldntc.s.
The following delegates were elected at
lie democratic \rnrd caucuses last oven-
ng :
Pint Jnmoa Wiokham , Robert H.iin ,
ohu Lindor , O. A. Holmes , Patrick
jacoy , Cessoy Wallers , II. Schoomnkor.
Second W. L. Pulton , John Miko-
ill , W. S. PoUibono , S. Keller , E. R.
Jftles , Peter ] Jechtok > , Joseph Mithor ,
J. J. Whito.
Third Oliver B. Lower , L. Furmor-
in , M. Keating , A. 0. Graham , P. Spot-
inn , P. L. Auvrorda.
Pourlh 0. II. Mitchell , 0. Wesley ,
r.mes Mnddon , J. J. Frniuoy , J. A.
Churchill , William Galvin , Isaac Troop ,
V. II. Ware , J. I. Lutz.
In the First ward Conrad Ooisor was
lominatcd for alderman , receiving 101
otes , , T. M. Palmer 51. In the Second
vnrd W. A Mtnstor was noinimtted for
Idornun , receiving 42 votes , PoUibono
ecoiving l\7. \
' An estimate of the preferences of the
dogates gives Bowman , First ward 5 ,
Second 5 , Third 0 , Fourth 1 , total 17.
Vaughan , First ward 2 , Second ; ! , Fourth
, total 13.
Vaughan claims 21 out of the 30 dole-
atcs , divided ns follows : First ward 4 ,
iecond 0 , Third 3 , Fourth 8. Ho also
laiins that tlioro are one or two that arc
not known to bo pledged.
There was a lively time "in the Fourth
rard over charges preferred by Robert
'ercival against John Jay Frainoy , for
misappropriation of campaign funds last
all. Frainey demanded u committee to
nvoatigato. Porcival moved the appoint-
lent of a committee , and that 0. D. Wai-
era bo one. The motion vrna voted down ,
nd Frainoy waa chosen ward committee-
for llulonn.
As the time druws near for the city
lection there is manifest always n desire
or reform , the voters always looking up-
n this time as the opportunity for cor-
ecting real or fancied abuses and evils
n the cicy government , but this year
hero Booma to' bo an unusual pressure in
hat respect , and unusual good grounder
or such a pressure. The cry for reform
ught to have boon started way back in
ho past , instead of now , and kept up
the evils are corrected , instead of
) eing a mere spurt or spasm. THE BKK
ias tried during the municipal year to
loitit out those ovila , without fear or fa-
or , and without respect to the bearing
m the election of this or that man. It
ias shown from time to time that
; ambling houses and houses of prostitu-
ion , together with saloona , have been
allowed a regular go as-you-plcaoe , so
eng as the city gets its share of the
monthly profits. The city has bepn vir-
uully made a partner in these kinds of
Business , and so long as the needed
amount of cash as the city's share was
produced vrhon called for , a man could
run his place anyway to suit himself.
Gambling houses with open doors , paint
ed prostitutes canvassing boldly on the
itreets for victims , saloons run after
lours or Sundays , and loafers , thieves
and thugs allowed to hang about. Some
of those in whoso hands the interests of
; he city are placed , and on whoso shoul
ders rests the mantle of authority , have
; ho reputation of being frequenters of
Burning tables , liberal patrons of the bar ,
md not altogether free from the charms
of the sirens. City politicians base their
lopes of oucccss at the polls on being
supported by the gambling houses , an
acknowledgment of the power which has
30CH allowed to drift into their hands
Prostitutes are said to boast of their in-
luenco in wielding the city government.
This has boon common , open talk for
nonths past , and the good citizens are
Dotting utterly disgusted. It is
; o bo hoped that the disgust is
strong enough to make thorn
join together in un i-fl'nrt to put men into
* flico who have , at JiMst liijjh enough
morality and surely enough ynt to have
the city cleaned up , mid have a govern
ment clean enough and strong enough
and at least havu somu comparison with
ether cities of this &YM. Tiio chtirchcb
ave boon tiying to olloct some good by
; heir revival meetings , but what can a
a few wooka of meetings , however suc
cessful , d iu off setting the volume of
crime daily swelled by .tho free and eay
manner in which nil carts of places of
vice are allowed to run.
Tho'coming political conventions Bhould
> o rivals , not in seeing which can nomi
nate the most popular men among the
ijang , but which can nominate the clean
est , clear-hcadod , grittiest men , who will
tpp every species of jobbery , and who
will enforce the laws rather than let
hem bo violated for a consideration.
In another column will 1)0 found the on-
ouncemotit of MesHm. THUS. COOK & SON ,
ourlst Agents , 201 Broadway , Now York ,
olatlvo to the very complete arrangement ? )
hey have nmdo tor tours hi Kurcpj thj
omln Hprliif , ' and Bummer. "Cook'iJ Ktcur-
ionlut , " containing mupi and full particular * ,
will bo mulled to any addrosa on receipt of lu
" <
\VliyNot8otlIoII ?
The street filling continues and still
ho doubt exists as to who is to foot the
nils , 't acorns that this doubt ought to
mvo boon settled by a decision of the
courts before BO much wan done. Ar
rangements were made long ago for an
agreed cose covering the uoints in con-
rovorsy to Uo taken up to the supreme
court without delay , but like the agreed
case conceniing the filling of the street
car tracks the matter was allowed to
rest and the work wont on. THE Bun
has already shown by official letters re
ceived from other cities that this is the
only one iu the stata where the filling is
charged up to abutting property , and aa
there is claimed to bo clear law agains
such a procooduro , the necessity for a
supreme court decision is the more
So strong has the doubt of the liability
] of the individual property holder taker
poiseesaion of the public mind that it al
ccts every financial feature of the im-
> rovomtnta being mrulo.
In the first place , as shown by Tin :
Hr : some time ago , thoao who bid for
jntraels feel nn uncertainly as to when
mil how they are to get their pay , and in
lidding they cover tin's uncertainty by a
unrgin of from forty to sixty per cent.
This Additional percent , is to bo paid
oonor or later by somebody , and who.
ver that somebody is \ \ ill have to pay
his extra amount above what the work
onld have been done for if these iniccr-
ninitics had been removed. The extra
: est to this city , whether it. falls on the
ndividtml or the city ns : v whole , wPl
mount to thouAiinda of dollars , and is a
icrdless expenditure.
Some of the property owners are pro-
ecting themselves by buying up the cor-
ificatcs at a discount. If , for instance ,
contractor is given the work of filling
p A certain street at 32 cents a yard ,
ilr. A will make an arrangement
vith him for taking hia ccrtitic.tto
f asseasmont oil' his honda , paying him ,
; ay twenty cents a yam = tiwlj. Mr. A-
lolds the corti'ticato which boars interest.
f the court shall decide that the filling
nust bo paid for by abutting properly.
ilr. A. lias already paid for his nt twon-
y cents , but if it should bo decided that
lie city must pay for it out of the gen-
ral fund , ho will present his certificate
nd got A profit of sixty per cent besides
lie interest. Aa many think that the
ity as a whole will eventually have to
ay for this filling there are many such
ortificatos thus shaved , mid in case it
liould bo so decided , the city will have a
ig burden and will bo called on to pay
early for its loose way of proceeding in
licso matters. Too council is to bo so-
iously censured for not yetting a deci-
ion ono way or another in this mater
or before proceeding so far. The ques-
ion cannot bo dodgud , and its procrasti-
tation is costing this city , either col-
ectivoly or individually u great and
.oedlcss amount.
North I'olo KvpcilitloiiH ,
Vizo fights , lotteries , walking matclici , and
alloon luscensiona are \iauiilly humbugs of the
worst Bort. Jr. T/ioiwns' hclcctric Otl is not a
umhug. It Is a quick euro for nchus nud
[ iraiuti , and is just aa good for a I
Kcal Ealuto
The following deecu trero filed for re-
ord in the recorder's ofllco , February
! 0 , reported for the PEE by P. J. Mo-
ilahon , real estate agent :
Henry W. Lukor to Herman Knief , sH
iwj , 13 , 74 , 42 , $2,300.
Reuben Barbon to Fanny M. Manko-
on , nwj , 30 , 70 , 43 , J3,250. ?
Henry Rahbck to Hogan Ouron , nw.J ,
AV ] , pt sw | . sw , 9 , 74 , 41 , § 2,000.
Joaeph Boiler to Mary Allen , lot 3 , bl
2 , Boiler's addition to Walnut , § 75.
Total sales , S7C25.
The big elevator at Burlington is ready
or business.
DCS Moiues Episcopalians will build a
church to coat § 25,000.
Burlington is agitating tha question
if establishing a superior court.
The Irish-American club Jat Dubuque
ias a library of about 400 volumes.
Money is being subscribed in IdaGrovo
or the purpose of sinking a coal-pros-
iccting hole.
An appropriation of § 75,000 has been
nado by the Chicago , Burlington &
iumcy for the purpose of erecting ma
chine shops at Creston during the coming
John Mullott , a young man about 25
years of ago , was killed near Solon , in
Johnson county , on the 14th , by the upsetting -
setting of hia wagon , which waa loaded
with heavy timbers.
It is predicted that the attondancp at
the fireman's tournament in Dea Moinoa
next J uno will bo as largo aa at the state
'air. It will begin on the second Wed
nesday in Juno and last until Saturday.
About three weeks ago a son of Jerry
Maloney , of Lyons , wandered away and
ias not uinco been discovered. On ac
count of injuries ho received several years
ago the boy's brain is slightly affected at
Parties have made a proposition to
establish a normal school in Corning and
invest § 15,000 in the enterprise , provid-
cd the citizens will erect a college build
ing at a cost of § 25,000. An eil'ort is being -
ing made to raise the sum in shares o !
10 each.
It is now spoken of as a certainty that
the Burlington , Cedar Rapids &Northorn
railway will communco buildingthu Spirit
Lake As Western branch road Jrom L-iktj
I'nrk u.uly iu the spring , und will have it
completed to Sioux Falls , D.ikotn , by Oc
tober 1 , 1884.
Gustavus Andiuson , aged 25 , living
nine mile' from Peterson , Clay county ,
suicided H fo r mornings agu by cutting
lis throat with a dull puckot-knifo. It
a auppo.ied that ho waa buffering with
.emporary insanity , brought on by relig-
ouo excitement.
Twenty of the young men of Cedar
lupids huvo formed an anti-starvation
club. The club has rented u hnuno and
contracted for a housekeeper. The ob-
oct of the association ia to furnish its
nombors with the best boarding accom-
nodations at the lowest possible rates.
J. W. Hoed , of The Farragut News ,
vas on Thursday arrested for perjury , in
hat ho falsified his subscription bouks ,
argoly increasing the circulation of his
lapor , and made affidavit of the correct-
less of his lista before the board of super
visors , in order to wrongly influence the
distribution of the county printing.
A boy at the Garfiold'Echool in Center-
illo one day recently concluded ho would
not submit to punishment by the teacher
and accordingly presented a revolver and
ordered her to stand a little back. The
pachor a lady teacher at that- very de-
iboratoly took the revolver away from
lira and gave him a good whipping. The
revolver was loaded in all its chambers.
Subsequently the authorities caused the
urroat of the boy for carrying concealed
weapons , and ho was fined $5 and costs.
A company lias been formed in Daven
port for the purpose , as the arficloBof in
corporation state , "of erecting , owning ,
controlling and operating a bridge acrosn
the Mississippi at or near Davenport , in
Scott county , Iowa , to form , when coni'
plotod , a link in a continuous line of rail
way from the state of Illinois to thontatt
of Iowa. " The bridge , the articles state
"ahall bo a railway bridge for the passage
of railway trains , and shall bo opened tc
all railroads running to Davenport. "
They have boon taking a census of tin
Proabytoriana in Iowa , and find that ii
May , 1883 , there wore 300 adherents o
the faith in Davenport , 5-10 in Dubuque
407 in Des Moinea , 311 in liurlington
313 in Council Bluffs , 883 in Keokuk
702 in Cedar Rapids , 200 in Clinton. 1 ! )
m Ottnmwa. 200 in Muscatino , 155 i
Sioux City , L'OO in Iowa City , 100 i
Marshailtown , 130 In Waterloo , 73 in
Creston , 130 in Fort Madison , 110 in
Oak-dooM , 235 in Mt. Pleasant , and 70
in Lyons.
K\t > lnlncil ,
\\n11Streot Konn.
Onp day this winter , when a delegation
of citiaons of a smart town in Michigan
called upon the president of the last rail *
road to enter the place , they found him
ull of tlio softest courtesy.
"Mr. Smith , " began the spokesman ,
'you must remember when wo had only
PO railroad howl"
"Certainly ; certainly. "
"The freight rates were robbery , and
o decided to cncourago another line in
rdcr to secure compntition. "
"Hxaclly ; exactly. "
"You yourself encouraged us to bo bo.
ovothatif wo voted A bonus to your
no wn should have the sharpest compo-
ition and the lowest ratos. "
"True , sjr , true. "
"Well , sir , wo now have two lines , but
roight r.itus are no lower. NVhcro is the
ompotition where is our rolinf ? "
"Aly dear friends , " answered the presi-
out , as ho rose up with tears in his oyca ,
1 cannot toll you how badly 1 fool over
our just grievances , but I am not to
lame for them. Our road had either
pool with the J. it L. , on freight
rallic , or they vroro going to otlbr to
arry for nothing the only paiscngor who
vor buys n through ticket to Detroit of
3. Wo have got to carry somebody as
ompany for the conductor , or else that
Ilicial will strike for A higher salary and
ankrupt the road.
How to Shorten Iillo.
Tlio receipt h nitnplo. You have only to
iko a. violent colilnml neglect It. Ahornothy ,
10 grout I'higllnh Mireoun , nskocl n Inily who
old him slm only hud n cough : "What would
on have ? The 1'lngno ? " IJownro of " "illy
oitffh * . " Tlio worst cases canliowo\crbo cured
y Ull. WAI. HALI/d 1IALSAM for tlio
iUNC3. ! In WluiopIiiR Cough mid Croup It
mediately nllnyn Irritation , nnd is auro to
irovont n fatal termination of the dinonso.
lohl by nil druggists nnd dealers in medicine.
Ir. Honor's Vegetable "Worm SyrtirO
It Is ono of the most pleasant or palatable
roparatioiiH for worms wo have over known ,
t U thoroughly olHcacioun , nnd never requires
ny other inodiclno to carry it oil nftor using
; . Children like it , 03 though it were honoyi
Townsloy'a Toothache Auodyno euros in-
tantly. _ _ _
There ia a by no menus inconsiderable
umber of persona who find potatoes as
n article of food distasteful or ovou ob-
oxious to digestion some are unable teat
at Ilium , and in the state in which they
ro of ton eaten , noddcn rather than
oiled , they form n grave charge for any
.igcstion not of the strongest. They
ro only good when very good.
Tlio use of rico in the place of the po-
ate has various considerations to rocoin
lend it , chief of which , is its far greater
igcslibility , but if the preparation of it
s that generally given by our cooks , it
rill certainly never displace the potato ,
t is , in fact , never , in this country ,
rented with the least regard for its
terltng qualities if not boiled into in-
ipidity and sent on the tables a tasteless
uaaa , half granule and half paste , it is
loiled indeterminately , and then , the
rater being drained oil' , it is made into
oils and fried as risaolo , or treated as the
msis of n pudding , or ( excellent uao for
t ) used to thicken the soup.
Now , rico forms the chief article of
he diet of moro millions probably thane
[ o wheat and potatoes together , and of
> ooplo who , whatever may bo their
landing in the acalo of civilization , by
tvhich wo measure ourselves and find
mr number on it "A 1 , " are in many
'cspoctspur ' superiors. The mild Hindoo ,
ho patriarchs of all existing civilization ,
ho Chinese , the Anamito , the Fellaharo
lot the only representatives of the micht
f King llico , but the Turkish Empire
irobably eats rico twice a day on an
ivcrago , aud has for centuries done BO ,
going out to conquer pit the stamina of
t vith as much fanatic patriotism as if it
iad fed on fro s or roast beef , or oven
n hog and hominy. The porters of
yonstanlinoplo , who are as a class unriv-
illed for physical strength , scarcely oat
inything but rico , except at the great
'easts of the two Bairams , when , if ever ,
i Mussulman feasts on all that is not for-
> iddon. The pilaff is an indisponsiblo
dish at every Turkish dinner , and until
a man has eaten ono , properly made , ho
[ oca not know how delicious rico can bo.
L'hero are various forma of pilaff , all
omowhat resembling the Italian risotto ,
vhich is in fact as much like pilafl'as a
> oiled potatoo is to u baked ono. Tim
> t variety of it is made aa follows : Of
. , 'ood rico ( South Carolina is best ) take ,
> r ono measure , four of a good cluckon
m th , wash the rico in cold water , drain
mil [ nit into the hot broth , and lot it
> oil 15 minutes , or , if the rico is very
itrd : and r.tthcr old , 20 minutes ; then lot
t , fitnnd near tlie fire where it can
loilhcr boil nor Ijiirn , undisturbed , but
list ; below Uio boiling point , until the
iroth in all absorbed und the grains of
ice will fall from the spoon , distinctmid
rithout any tendency to adhere together ,
o that the ghoul-wife ) in the Arabian
ftgjits story Bhould luvo no difficulty in
a ting it slowly , grain by grain. The
hue it should aland at the fire unatirrod
ty ebullition or spoon will vary some
what , but ought not to bo moro than
rom fifteen to twenty minutes longer ,
'ho seasoning may bo according to
aato , nnd a spoonful of tomato uauco
concentrated and highly salted tomato ,
nuch used in the East is often added ,
jut this is not needed. This pilaff is
ometiines served with small birds boiled
vith it , and a variety may bo made with
nutton broth and collops of mutton
nixed through the rice. The poorer
lasses make it generally in the ennio
nannor , but vrith water instead of the
irotti ; and another manner still ia to fry
he rico dry in butter , until it ia of a palo
irown , when it is boiled as before , but note
o Rlong , aa cooking the butter facilijj
ates the op oration , In every caao the
obulition period is not continued beyond
ho point at which the rico moves freely
with the fluid as it boils , as it Bhould not
10 broken in the grain. To this butter
) ilafr the tomato sauce is generally
The Italian ricolto is clumsily made
pilaff , boiled much longer and in a larger
luantity of waler , and with choeao grated
ever it when dished , It is , unlike pilaff ,
pasty , and lias absorbed all the water il
will hold. It is never BO delioato aa the
pilaff in any form.
The use of rico in awoot dishes in"thi
east is generally in the form of risogola
rice-milk which ia made by boiling tin
rico in milk , awootnned and slightly thick
oncd with rico flour , BO that when cole
( and itf is always oaten cold ) it will b
atiflitth ; and whoa sulliciontly cooked it i
served out into saucers , and , cinnamoi
powder being dusted over it , it is pu
away in the cupboard until wanted. On
cup of rico to six of milk , with a lurg :
spoonful of rico flour , ought to be a goo
proportion ; but this will vary aomowhi
with the rico , and with the milk aa wel
A Baltimore " " who started a bank
at Custor Oily A > ' < " or so o o failed
within A week simpiv because ho didn't
know weatorn human oaluro. His place
had not been open an IIOV.T when a man
in buckskin slouched in aim1 pivsonlod a
note of $100 running for CO days nnd
naked to have it dieci.unted.
' I don't know you , " replied the bank
er , who was his own cashier.
"Stranger , that's my immo that at the
bottom Bill Riggs. "
" 1 see. "
"And that note is backed by Jim Mad
den. "
"I BOO , but 1 don't care to discount
The man picked up the paper nnd
walked out , and in the course of 10 min
utes A chnp with n.piatol in either hand
danced Into the bank tuid < cheerily called
"Hero's Jim Madden , nud ho wants to
set eyes on the gnlloot who wont discount
A note when ho lincka ill"
Ho popped the banker in the shoulder ,
A clerk through the hip , and then Ilred
away ut _ the fixtures until .101110 one
called him out to drink. The next
morning the banker -was mieaing , and
when ho afterwards turned up in Den
ver , ho acknowledged that the banking
business had some painful features that
no ono but a cowboy was able to wrestle
wilh >
Hormi-H ol' Mineral
I wna sulTcring with lllood Poison , nnd treat-
oil several months with Murcury niul 1'otanh ,
only to make mo worse. Tlio Potash toolc
nwivy my njipotlto nnd gave mo ( lyepop In , nud
both gave mo rhouiuulUm. I then took Sar-
tmimrllliui , ntc. AH thuio Snifniimrllln mix-
turon Imvo Potash in them. Thin miulo mo
Rtlll woifo , na it dravo the poison further into
my Rytom. A friend instated I Rhould take
Swift' * Specific , nnd It cured mo Hound nnd
well of tlio lllood Poison , drove the Murcury
niul Potash out of my Bvntom , nnd to-ilny 1
nm ns well as I ever wna.
GKO. O. WKI.I.MAN , .Tiu , Sixlcm , MIUIS.
A Vntul I''lu\v In tlio Indictment.
AiXati8A\v Trivrllcr.
A highly rospoctiblo citizen was ar
raigned before court for ( ( hooting ami
killing n friend , The evidence was direct ,
and nftor exhaustive Arguments had boon
made the judge said :
"It ia clearly proven that you are
guilty , as charged by the indictment. "
"But I protest my innocence , " replied
the prisoner. "Tho indictment reads
that 1 did shoot at < d kill the gentleman
with powder nnd n lenden bullet. This is
a mistake. 1 had no bullota at the time ,
EO 1 loaded my gun with powder and a
horsoahno nail. "
"That indeed alters the caa , " said the
judge. "The indictment said bullet , vrhen
it should h < ivo said nail. You are dis
charged , nir.1
Swllt'u Sroclflc entirely \rcctalilo iiromrntlon | ,
nml fluiiilcl not coiiMuniloil with thu vnrlom null-
Mltuton ImlUtloni , iiot.-fcciot luiinbiiff. , "Siiccus
Alluratis , " cto , , etc. , which aronovv bclni' inniiiilac-
tutcil by vnrlius ntigoim. None oJtlcc [ o contain
n ehiKlo article which enters InUi the cninpokltloii ot
H. 8. H. Tlioro honlvonoSnlfi'H Hpecillo Mul tliora
la notlin | ( ! In thuwnrM llku It. To prevent illaistur
and illsipiiolntmciit , bo kliro nml get the gcnulno.
Hwllt'n Spccllh Is n rnmplcto nntljolo to Illcoil
Tilnt ; , Hlouil 1'olajn , Jlohrml 1'olson luul Hkin Hu
mour. J. DICI.SOX SMirn , M. II , , Atlanta , Oa.
Iha\u hail remarkable fmcccTltli 8lft'a Bpo-
cllloln iho trcntmunt ol lllonil tind Kkln Dlscaies ,
ami In lYmalo Dlsuiwf. I to < k It iiOHiilf ( or Car
lmndi'8 wlthliapii.v cllect.
II. O. U. HKMIV , M. ! > . , Atlanta , On.
lusnl Sitllt'iiHpodflaiin inv llttlo daughter , \\lio
nsultlicroil w'.thnnuio lllood Poison wlilch hail ro-
stN ! nil aorta of treatment The Spccllla rcl'mctl '
her p.-rinancntly , nnd I nlmll uao It In my practice.
Our treatise on Dlooil and Hkln lllaua oa mailed
t > k' apnllcaiiU.
Drawer 3 , Atlanta , ( la.
V. Olllro. IKflW.iBi St. , hot ocn Cth anil 7tli Atn
DR. *
( I'.I-KOKK. ) ( llrfgil.1
AmuscKS nro sent on ta Days' Trial TO
MEN ONLY. VOUNO OK OLD , wlio nro suffer-
ln from Nmivoua DKniurr. LOST VITALITY ,
WASH no WKAUNESSES , nml all thoio dlspnsra of a
1'EUHONAt , NATUUE , rchultlug from AIIUKKII nml
- CAUSKS. hpcixfy rclli-f and rompleto
rcatoratlon to HEALTH , Vioou nnd lUxnoon
. Bend at ouco for Illuatrated
I'amphlct free. Address
VOLTAIC IIKI.T tin. , ninmlinll. Mlrli.
And your work is done for all time
to time to come ,
The World
to produce a moro durable material
for street puvemont than the
Sioux Falls Granite.
10 filled promptly. Samples sent and
° i estimates given upon application.
WM.MODAIN & co , ,
Sioux FallsDakota.
Quo of the Best and largest Stocks in the United States
to select from.
Propriotors. Suporiutondne
lill and Grain Elevator Silachinery
Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brand Bufour Bolting Cloth
\Vo nre prepared to furnish plnns and estimates , nnd will contract for
fcho erection o Flouring Mills nnd Grnin Elevators , or for changing
Flouring Mills , fromStono to the Roller System.
D3 ? liJrpecinl : attention given to furnisning Power Plants for any pur--
poso. nnd estimates made tor sumo. Ueneral machinery repairs attended
to prcsiytily. Address .A ' * & '
EIOH4RDS & OLABKE , Omaha , , Neb.
Mr expository flfiiro onituntly flllod with ' clootj tooV.
Uttice factory 0. ff. Cowpt * 1tith and OTJI/ / & "
At the Wholesale nnd Retail Jewbtry Store of
Holiday Goods in in great abundance and an ISloKaut line of Indies
and Gents' Gold Watches nnd beautiful etoclt of Solid Silver Ware ,
Diamonds , Jewelry nnd Spectacles. Wo would call epecial attention
o the best and most
Ever placed on the Market , namely , the celebrated Quick Train ,
bua , Ohio , Watch. It is superior to all others.
o > or . . . . .
Wo have the Agency for the above renowned Piano , whioh : s second
o none. Also the Lindeman & Sou's Pianos , and have also the famous
ITnrdinan Piano on sale. We also carry full lines of best Organs and
Sheet Music , We warrant out goods the best in the market. An inspeo-
tionwill convince tlio most skeptical.
Are located ns below :
Jewelry Store , Corner 1 5th and Dodjje , opposite Postoflice. Piano
Warurooraand Music Parlor , Crounse's Block , 10th street near Capitol
Please call > " * inspect our goods at both of our stores , Pianos and.
Organs sold 011 monthly payments.
South-east Corner Ted ) , and l' b , uenr PnoHnl Avfl'\'i