Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1884, Image 7

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Dubuque will soon hnvo seven banks in
The young mon of Carroll nro going to
try thu nmusoincnt , of a military com
The Wixpollo county agricultural society
otywill hold its annual fair at Ottuimva
August 18 to 20 , inclusive.
Dubuque responded nobly on the llltl
to thu appeal of the Ohio flood sullcrors
Riving between 8000 and § 700.
Miss Mattie Hnbison tonchus sclioo'
two and a half miles cast of Sheldon.
She boards in town and walks ,
It is said that a largo depot will bi
comtqictod in Missouri Valley the com
ing summer by the Northwestern com
The Dos Moines distillery employs 12 (
men and makes 15,000 gallons of nlcoho
cadi day , six day a in the wooV. The busi
nesi pays the government n little over
$10,000 a day.
A man was found dead drunk in fron
of Judge Hubbard's residence in Cedar
llapids the other night and removed to
the station house , lie was eloan-shavci
and woll-drcsai'd , and had $ -8 loose _ in
his pockets and a bag well-filled wit )
wearing npparol , containing four pocket
books that troro urnmmed with deeds
contracts , mortgages , and other valuable
papers , drawn to Alex. Payne , of Allo
gan , Mich. Tlio dead drunk was pro
aumably Mr. Payne. When discovoro (
ho was in a very fair way of freezing lo
llorntm-tl'H Acltl IMiospliatc.
Well Pleased.
Dr. C. Roberta , Winchester , 111. , saya
' 1 have used it with entire satisfaction
in cases of debility from ago or ovorworkv
and in inebriates and dyspeptics , and am
well pleased with ita jiHeets. "
A heap Year
( t/aU.ldo Mir. )
"My heart is broken ! "
The words came with a strange , passion
ate force from the lips of Mignon Mo
Kulty as she stood' beneath the larchas
that beautiful Juno evening and looked
tenderly up at Georeo W. Simpson , ant
in the fathomless depths of her groa
brown eyes there was a wistful , fear
haunted look that told its own sad story
of a sorrow that was almost despair.
The man made no reply to the girl , nor
did ho even look at her. His fuco vras
turned away , and , although ho could fee !
the little hand that rested ao lightly or
his shoulder tremble like an aspen , there
vraa no sign in his faca by which one
could result his thoughts. It was a hand
some face the linen perfect in their
contour , and the fair , white skin wai man
tied hero and there by just the suggcstioi
of a deeper color and yet , if one lookcc
closely , there was something unpleasan
about it all , and the clear gray eyes hold
ever a lurking expression of firmness that
might easily have become cruelty. 1
waa a face that came nearest tellim ; ita
own storv when in perfect repose. When
George W. Simpson became engaged in
conversation , wunibii called him divine.
The riant mouth , wreathed' in the sun
most of 'smiles , lost all the rigHity ot
lines that characterized it at other times ,
and the gray eyes looking into youra BI
frankly seemed but open portals to .1 sou !
within whose precincts thu gaunt , horri
ble figures of dispairand doubt had never
stalked with echoing tread.
At last ho turned to Miguon. " 1
must go now , " ho aaid , passing his wo-
manly-whito hand tcndeily over the
girl's brow and then kissing her there in
reverent fashion. "Will you not say
good-by ? "
There was no answer , and he walked
slowly down the pathway leading to the
gate , Mignon standing there like one in
a trance. In the West the sun was sink
ing to rest , and over the girl's head a
lark uttered its musical cry as it flow
swiftly by. Not far away was a horse-
car.Tho girl did not move.
The lark was lost in the far blue over
head ; the street-car sped on and on until
the last gleam of its rear platform van
ished ; the sun sank lower and lower ,
till it glowed a globe of flame upon
the edge of the horizon. Through - all
this Mignon never moved , but stood
there under the larches with her head
drooped upon her breast , her form
thrown out dark and motionless against
the gold of the western sky , and on her
face the look of one to whom death would
bo a blessing.
The'sun sank entirely , leaving only a
trail of flame across the heavens ; the wind
rose and blow back from her forehead the
masses of blue-black hair that clustered
there. She started then , as if awakened
from a dream , and walked avrittly into
the house. Her mother , hearing the
well-known footdtops , mot her at the door.
Ono glance told her nil.
"You have failed. "
"Yes , " answered Mignon , "ho says ho
ill marry no one , , and that leap-year is
nothing but a foolish tradition.He is a
heartless coquet. But lot him beware.
There is ono whom ho may yet meet
wliojo witchery ho cannot escape , even if
ho would. Prey Heaven she may come
this way. " and the girl sank weeping upon
a fauteuil.
* "Ol whom do you speak ? " asked her
mother. "Who is this peerless boa-
ty ? "
Looking steadily other mother Mignon
hissed through her now tooth the fatal
words :
"Susan B. Anthony. "
Don't bo Faint Heart eel
If you aroln trouble look up , hold ongive the
blues good by. If you are in pain , Jiuvo a
lAinenejg , Imvo an acha of any kind , go to the
druggist and ask for Tkamaf'did ic Uii. It
will do you good every timu.
An old Jady over in Uromer county ,
Mra. Mary Lynch by name , died lost
week at the ripe old ago of 103 yearsand
retained her mental faculties until her
last hour.
Kllt' 8r ' : IHc o'ltlrdy teretnli'd ' p-eo r tlon ,
and pliould i < ut oonl > nn > i-.l u Ith thu v.rloua lull-
lUtutt * ImlUtloni , no ttcrut lunilmj , ' Surcui
Altf rar , " i ic . ( .to , hicli ro no Ulnf minuter *
tnrvd l > > van mi vx-itcms , JSoim of ( tln-m contain
tlnela BrtMo uhlcti inter * In o thu & W | > o lt on of
H. 8 a. There l unlr' > iii < Ulfl' * Bjxicllla uil Ilioro
Itnouln ; ; In thowurlj lUult. To prut cut dlMktur
unJ dl i | > j'jtitmfnt | , be tun ) and got thu ( 'inulnv
fiulft'tfBixttifli It a ivinipltti antidote ti Ilnod
Taint , llloat I'aliip , MtUnal t'altui wid bkln Ilu <
inaur. J. IRKWSxitli ) , U. I ) , , Atlanta , Oa.
I Imo lu \ rcnurkalila fucrum. "Ith fUlft'n K | .
clllnin 'lie treatniuit tit II uml arcl Hkln l'i ' * e < ,
ud In 1'un ale UJH'UU * . I to k It u > ) K\l \ let Car
J ) . U , U. lUMir , M. ! > . , Atlanta , Oa
1 u t-lS Ut'Hit-clHoon ] mv little diuifliter , who
M tlllcti > d witiisouie Illool 1'oUuT which li l ro-
bUtcdull toiUol Iroxtmiuit. The Sjicclfla rtl e > ed
her ixrmam-ntly , aud I tuall u e It In my prar.tltv.
OurtreatUe on JIlixxl and Uklu UUiauen mailed
Orawer 8. Atlanta , da.
, T , , lMW,23d fit , Utncta Otli and 7tb AT .
Brad and
Hearst , Dunn & Go's 'Peoria Advance Corn Planters and Check-Rowers ,
And a Full Line of
X m. i > 1 & IML e ir t
Nos. 1100 to 1116 South Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA.
Peoria Advance Corn .Planter and Check Rower.
StJUsr , - irn iS. , iSivr - g ssssss
_ feSS f- W -
- ) j-jf rtJ < xfiJii - ' - . .i , ir- .
Old Reliable Peter Schuttler Wagon.
Fish Bro's & Go's Oe'ebratsdWagon- '
We carrv a complete line of buggies and can iurnish
inytbing from best to cheapest.
on in at nur Mammoth Wnrehotisf. und fcee the
iuest display of vehicles on the MUsomi r'ver or write
or cat tlogues.
Peoria Rotary DrojMter
1. Lightness of draft and ease , of bund
2. Combination of hand and foot lovers
is such that Planter can bo made rigid or
flexible , at will of opecrator.
3. Hand lever Is in centre of machine ,
lience ono iunucrkcannot go deeper than the
other n fault common to all planters with
lever on side of machine. _
4. Made of A No. 1 stock and substan
tial in ever particular.
5. Painted with iho best Oriental Vermillion -
lion , elaborately striped and varnished ,
making it very handsome and attractive.
C. Warranted to do first cla's work in
any soil. The check rower is very simple
and warranted to do first-class work if prop
erly handled.
DOId Reliable
Needs neb ono word o praisa from us. It
is known all over the United States , and
where the very best wagon is wanted , you
can always s-ell a Schuttler. A sample set
up in your-Warehouse will convince you
that farmers will buy tin Schuttler at
Schuttler prices.
Owing to this fact that we brought the
into this trade oin year ago , and sold MI
twelve months 100,001) worth of them ,
many of our competitors havn been repre
senting to the trade , because of the financial
difficulties o the Fish Bros. , that we would
not be able to supply them , lience we wiM
to as'iiro dealers that wo have arranged for
the sale of this celebrated wagon , and call
their attention to the fact that the wagon
must bo nearly perfect , if that is alHhe
fault our competitors can find with it Fa
vor u i with an order for any number and
we will convince you by a prompt shipment
that wo are able to supply the largo mid
over increasing demand.
li you -want CornlShollers , ' write to-
' 0
" Feoria Planters , write 'to o 0H
" Stalk Cutters , one'or two rows , write to. , O
" Bakes and Harrows , write to
Feed Mills , write to
" Fish Bro's Farm'Wagon , write to ,
Peter Schuttlei' Wagon , write to
" Barnes' or Royal Check Rows , write to H
Peoria Check Ro * rs , write to ctf O W
" Bradley's Tongueless Cultivator , write to
Fish Bro's & Co. , Spring Wagon , write to H
" Cheaper Spring Wagon , write to ? 8a 8
Buggies or Carriages , write to > -a
" Anything in the Implement or Vehicle line GfQ aa
* Q
write to
The Ftirst & Brndloy Plow ia bo favorably known to ovcrj * fanner
west of. the Allcgluuiy mountains , that it ia not ueeessnry for us to I
recommend it.
The Bradley Iron Beam Spring Cultivator has boon well and favor
ably known to fanners and dealers for years , and we are bound < o main
tain its enviable repiitirlion in the triulf. '
Tbia is our BCCOIU ! year with the Bradley Toiiguolnss Cultivator and
nro guaranteed to bo like all implements nnnufacturcd by Purst & Brad
ley Manufacturing Co. , first-class in every particular.
The Bradley RalccH are first-class. We make thorn either hand or
self dump , for ono or two horses. I
Thid Thiesher is manufactured by G , Aultumn & Co. , Canton,1 O..and
with their new power or Traction eugrfio is all that con bo desired by tke