* * * * - > * 3fcv . . . _ . _ , . . . . . * te "w " L + ( * ' - - i in. n * * ni -rWfc ? * - i\i JJar hlM"llP | THE DAILY BEE OMAHA WEDNESDAY , FEBRUARY , 20 1984. Dr. AVngncr'sJUomoval. Dr. Wagner hu lemaroJ his oflleo horn No. SIS Larimer to No. 3& I.irlmor , hcro he will bo | ' ! piv e < l to sco hit friends. The Doctor Is to bo congratuUted on the comploUnrM mil elegance of V.t new bnllJ- Inc. Ha ono of the best In the cltj.-IDcmcr lie- I ubllcan , Jaa 37.h 1SS4. THE LEARNED 3 8 LARIMER STREET. Why you should try the celebrated Dr. It. Wagnor' * methods of cure : 1. "Dr. II. Wagner la a natural physician. " 0. S. FOWMR , The Greatest IJ\tng Phrenologist. "Few can oxco jou as a doctor. " DR. ) . Sinus , < The World's Greatest Pin slognonust. "You are wonderfully proficient Iu jour know ) disease and medicines. " DR.J. MATTIUWS. 4. "Tho afflicted find ready relief In jour proa en co. ' Dn. J. SIMMS. 6. "Dr. H. Wagner Is a regular pradualo Irotu BcllcMio Hospital , New York city ; hag hail very ox- tmisUo hospital practice , and is thoroughly | K > sted oo all branches of his bclotod scion co , especially on chroulodlscaics. " DUB. UEOWT > RLL & Ewixo. 6. "Dr. II. Wagnur has Immortallzid hlmcelf In his v onderful dlsoo > ery of mieclflo remedies for prl \-alo and sexual illsfMtft. " Virginia City Chroiilclo. 7. "Tliouunds of liu-allds flock to sec him. " Sao f Francisco Chronicle. 8. "Tho Doctor's long experience as a specialist should render hliacry suocogsful. " Ilock } Moun tain News. Plain Facts Plainly Spoken. At ono time a dlscuwlon of the secret vice wu cn > llrcly ftoliktl by the profession , and medical wotka but a few jc-ara a o would hardly mention IU To-day the phjulclon is of a different opinion ; ho b aware that It is lila duty Ulsagrccahle though II may he to handle this matter without glees and ppoak plainly about It ; and Intelligent parents and guardians will thank him ( or doing co. The results attending this dcstructh o rice were or. merly not underetood , or not properly estimated ; and no Importance being attached to a subject Milch hIts \ Its nature does not hullo dose in\e8ttgatloutt wnr willingly Ignored. The habit Is generally contracted by the younu nhilo attending school ; older companions through their example , may hi responsible for It , or It may be acquired through accident. The excitement once experienced periencod , the pracUce will bo repeated again and again , until at last the habit becomes firm and com pletcly cnsla\es the victim. Mental and nervous al fllctlons are usually the primary results of self abuoe Among the Injurious effects may bo mentioned law- ! tudc , dejection or IrnwciWlity of temper and genera ) debility. The hov seeks seclusion , and rarUj joint in the sports of his companions. K ho bo a yotmx man ho will bo little ( ound In company with the other sex , and Is troubled with exceeding and annoying bashtuincRa In their presence. Lascivious dreams , emissions and eruptions on the face , etc. , are also prominent symptoms , i If the practice ia violently persisted in , moroserlout disturbances take place. Great palpitation ot the heart , or epileptic convulsions , are experienced , and the sufferer may fall Into a complete state of Idiocy before fore , finally , death relieves him. To all these engaged In thli dangerous , practice , ! would say , first of all , stop it at once ; make ever } possible effort to do so ; but if you ( all , if your nervom system is already too much shattered , and consequently quently , your will-poMcr broken , take some none tonic to aid you In your effort HaIng freed > oursell fromtho habit , I would further counsel jou to go through a regular course of treatment , for It Is a great mistake to eum > o i that any ono may , for some time , be toxcrysolltt'e ghe himself up to this fasclnathia but dangerous exuitcment without suffering from it > evil consequences at some future time. The nuniDui of > oungmcn who are Incapaci&tcd to fill thodutlct enjoined by nedluck is alarmingly large , and In must ef such cases thli unfortunate condition of things can be traced to the practice of self-abuse , which bad been abandoned J ftara ago. In'dccd , a few months' practice of this habit is sufficient to Induce spormatorrhina { later yearsand I have many of such cases under treat , mcnt at the present day. Young Men Who may be suffering from the effects of youthful follies or Indiscretions M 111 do n ell to avail themsolvo * of this , the greatest boon ever laid at the altar of uuf- orini ; humanity. DR. WAUNKR will guarantee to for- elt $500 for e\ cry case of seminal weakness or private diflease of any kind and character which he under takes to and ( alia to cure , Middle Aged Men. There are many at the ago of 30 to 60 who art troubled with too frequent evacuations ot the blad der , often accompanied by a slight smarting or burn Log sensation , and a weakening ol the ejatem In manner the patient cannot account for. On examln Ing the urinary deposits a ropy sediment will often bt found , and sometimes small particles of albumen wil appear , or the color will be of thin inllklsh hue , again changing to a dark and torpid appearance. There arc many , many men who die of this difficultyIgnorant o the cause , which [ a the second stage of seminal-uoak ness. Dr. W. will guarantee a perfect cure in all caset and a healthy restoration of the geulto-urluary or gans. Consultation free. Thorough examination and ad vice , 95. All communications should bo addressed , Dr. llcnr ; Henry Wagner , 1' . O. 2389 , Denver , Colorado. The Young Man's Pocket Companion , by Dr. n Wagner , la worth Ita wtlpht hi gold to young men Price (1.2G. Sent by mail to any addieaa. f _ ; A FEIEND TO ALL. One Who is Needed nnd Nobly Filla hia Place. Denver Is more fortunate than she knows In the sesalon of the talents and energies of a man who E3 gh en his time and thought not merely to the perfection of Ids skill al a practitioner of hl pro- icsilen ( if medicine , but to tha study of those pro found things of HCiem.0 and nature wlili h tend to the more coinpiote understanding of the problem of life and of the lawn of nature and the weans of gaining the greatest practical goods to mankind from the in foruatlnii thun acquired In the abstract. Such a man U Dr. II. Wagner , who Is located ae ! 113 Larimer stret-t Dr. Wagner devoted in > ny jears to thoao niisltlonof the knowledge nec * arv to hi * profen- slon Iu a number of tha leading medical 8 heels of the most eminent and profound toichers , such names as Dr. OMSK and Dr. I'incoast appearing among hl preceptors Nordl hlsstudlen end litre. They continuert In the field of the practicing family phttlclan aud In the experiences nf a man ( exten sile tra\el. He lunWtcJ every sectlun ol the Uni- tad Rtateii pajlng tuilloiis attention to the ulffcrent ch raoterUtica of th \ m loui jiortlons of the oountry. partloulirly with regard to thtlf eft ct , cllmatlo and otherwise upon nealth and the dlffo ent forms oldU- eased. With the combined po or < i of close study , "X tensl'o ob.crvat un and almuxi unllni ted practice , Ir Wagner came to Denier three jcars a'-otiUi | | ) ped as few hate the right to clal u 11 battle the foe of mankhd , the dre > ded em my , dlsea < o. In order to render the greatest good to society , Dr. n agner deci Jed to lay ail Jo the general branches of practice anil Drlngallhss r pu kmwledtr" and p < i er to bear up on > ho lee which am ing the army o ( | ns iilous ieath agents It the Greatest. Illi nideexperlriico had taught hi n what weapon * to usa aod wlilch to dlxcard , and liter ixiulpplui ; himself ai his tralne < l Judgnunt wiBsowell a le tu uUUe him he corr- incnoo'l ' baldly and coiiKdently hli attack. In rstl matliie the results and ucceiw achleu'd , it Ii oni nen bury tnknowtheiloct r'e p-tltion and utandln to-dav. While located In this city , hid practice In i no means confined to 118 limit ! nor this section of iwuntry , IIUoorreHponduiceand otprtm hooks tes tify In black and - hltet' ' his poj e i on of a flcld of piactlco bnun led only by the lines which bound the ength and trciuthof tne ciuntrr , aid which hai I.K cd him wtieio a man of hit "Hit and Intellectual attainmentsil < Kinc In IB , an I nhojld to bo enable him to reach tha hlgheit uphere of usefiilne to nuf ferlng bumanltr the iilano of financial in < lcpcn Jen u. I ) ' . Wngoer his contrlbuUd of hli prosptrl- < ytothe ub Uiiii4tfmpro\emcnt of llfiner In tlio ere tlon of a lint ) block on l/irlmur strc .t , opposite ld < present olllo , No. SI I. It Mil bo rcaly for occu jiancy luajew ekianilll an e\ldence that th < doctor is tu be numbered among the peru anent antl MiUlcl'izeiii of the metropolis of the pUlpt. | l > en * ter Tribune , r ' DB. H. WAGNER & CO. , futicura itf-lk fnfc * fDrf/rcr c7/vJ / r'imncf WjfTfZl utftuiJ. v2u/Y sUnkiS i Positive Cure for Every form of Skin and fllood Diseases , from Pimple * lo Scrofula. rpitousANPS OK MTTKRS : IN oim TOSSK. JL Mon repeat this story : ' hMo been Mcr 1M0 nufforcr for join witn Illood antl ! > kln Hu mors ; h \ o ticon ohllgcd to shun publlo pl ois li > inn of nivillnflgurlng humore ; have hail the host . _ * lcl ns ; lintcfiifiit nundicdsof dollars and got no cat relief until I u cd the Cutlcura ItMiMcnt , tha cw Rootl Purifier , Intvrmilv , Mid U"tl < < iua nnd Xitlotira Soap , thodtrat KMn Cures an I SKI'i Ikwn- lllcr < , extermlly , whleh hMe cured mo , and left my kin niln l a inirca.fk chtM'K. A/most Incredible , James K. ltlch'.rd in , Ciistoai Ho'irc , Ken' Orleans , inoHli , t\tl In 1S70 Scroliilom Wour broke out mm ) Iwdy until 1 was ma olco rupllon. K\ery- thine known to the medical faculty aitrlcdln xaln. " boca-na a MITC wrc-'k. At times I cnuld not lilt my lands to my head , could not turn In bed ; \valn con. tant i nln , ami looked upon llto m a cjr e. N i relief T euro In ten jcars. In ISSII hcaid ol the Cullcura lou allot , iivvtl them anil win iterfcrtlv cii'i il. Sworn to bctoro U. S. Com. J 1) . CUAWKOH1) . Stilt \More \ So Will JIcDnmld , ? 542 iiearborii Rirect , C | > | CARO , rratefully Rcknn kilK'e a ciuti ol Krzema , or Salt theum , oil head ( act ) tack , arms and lei ; * for c\en- cen } ears- not nblo to ini\ , except hand * and knees or ( .no \ ar ; not ahlo to lialp inj fell tor I'lgln yea ; rldlhundicxis of ri'medloKj doctors proniniiic l hi * a o hojteloM , peruuncntly cured by the Cutlcura tgmcdica , More Wonderful Yet , IT. K. Car ] > eiitcr , Hendcrnon , N. Y. , cured of Vttcif asls or leprosy , or twenty years' elandlng , by Cult- lira Hctncdles. Tlio most wonderful euro on record. A du'tp.in full of soiles tell from him dally. I'll ) [ 1.1113 and hU friends thought ho must die. Ctiro worn tobcforo a justice of the jicaco and Ilcndcr- on'a moat prominent cltlicns- Uont Wait Write to tii for thcso IcstlmonlaU In ( ml or < iiul llrcct to tin p.irtles. All nro nlnoluUly true niul tl en without our Ii now ICIRO ! or nollcluilon. Don t wnlt. Now Is the time to euro \cry upcclcs o ( Itch- up , Scaley , riuiilv ] , Scrntulong , Inhuiltcil , Oontn- ; loll , nnd Cipjicr cubro.l Dinuascsot the Illoixl , Skill , ulnl Scnlp with I/o 3 of il.l'r ' Solil every when ) . I'rlcc : Cutlcura , M cents. ! csol\cnt,3l. Soip,25cents. 1'omn Inuu AND 'UKMICALCO. , ItOBTOV , M H-t. r Hn'-ih , Uhaptnd and Oilj 2. svin.llln-kheailnatulSkln Blctp \ \ TITITTTTn cute without mcd- POSITIVE . mcron rax No. 1 Kilt cnro any rano In ( our clajs or lean No. ! will euro the most obstinate case no matter o ( how eng utandlni ; . Allan's Soluble Medicattd Bougies fo n&usooun ilosca ot 'lubchi , copabla , or oil o ( gan- dalMxxl , tnat aron-.uln to produce dyspepsia hy dtstrojlnc the coatings ot the atomach. I'rlco 81.60 iold by all druggists , or matted en receipt ot price For further particulars send ( or iJrrulir. . o. DISEASES OF , THE & EAR J , T. ARMSTRONG , M. D. , Un'Il ' olllces are repaired from result of tire , ofliJr with Dr , Parker , Room E , Crclghton liiook , Iftft an d I'oujjlas ' sirecU. ST , LOUIS PAPER WAREHOUSE , Graham Paper Co. , 217 and 219 North Main St , St touts. WHOLESALE DKALEH3 IN HOOK , II AQC'OGS 1 WRITI NO NEWS , f i. . JCHVKLOPESCCARD BOARD AND PRINTER'S STOCK paid ( or Rags of all Western Cornice-Works , IRON AND SLATE ROOFH70. C. SPECHT , PROP , till Douglas St. Omaha , Neb. MANUFACTOllKK OF Galvanized Iron Cornices /tarOormer Windows , Flntala , Tin , Iron and Slat ( loofing , Spccht's patent Metallic Skjllrht , Paten tdjueted Itatcnet Bar and lincket Shelvlnr. I am he general aeent tor the above line ot ifou.i * . Iron ncing , Creatlnge , Balustrades , Verandas , Iron IUQK tn'ft. Window Blinds , Cellar Oiiariln : alnt eon > t forPeornonfc Bill Unt n M Wi * DUFRENE fi MEMELWHH , ARCHITECTS i2-REUOVED 10 OMAHA NATIONAL BANK A vlrtlm of early rnpntiVrv"fc , c'liiclnni'rronml ll * Ir , i nrL-iL7r dec * JTJI i itiOK trf j in vain or CM ( noun jtL-iiy u4ivo * * il L umpla r anoof fflr urft , vhica he % M f > < * ftl'i * f > l.nMio Hiuitorcrt , I Wben 1 M * TTtru i ur im.inpnti iuoreiyt'i < LnpiTum lor ft time and ilmulri o them rt * urn n Hln , I mrHiiarudl * cal cnro. I l.aro inmH the * ! ! M H o of VlTtf. Hl'lLKl'XY or FALLlNGHtCKMLrf- life 1'iiitfMiidy. Jw rnuJia. ituncdy to cut * * tha wnr t cu ea. Ilrcuuao otlien tiara mjed u no n Mip'1 for ma nuvr i ecMfhtE a car . OHM fur A tinHtinu nti I a I i o liottlo u ( my in rutueuy. Glvo IU , " * and 1'imt Olllcc , U iirforatrl ! I * > hl I will euro j.u. IddrescUr U il , Wior. U/I'uirlEt. Iho 110 ot tha term " Hnoi SHORT Line" hi coniiuctlun with tb corxrate name of a greatroad : conveys an Idea ol ustnhat | K H" required by the traveling pub ML I'0- ' , * Short Line , Quick 1ltn. I I flli V and the host of accomraoda En I tmt Uont all of which are film Ished by the greatest railway hi America. CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE And St. Paul. It own * ami operates over 4,600 mllMof Northern IlllnoU , Wisconsin , Minnesota , low * Dakota ; and as ts main line * , branches and oonoao tions reach all the great business centres of tbi Northwest and Far West , It naturally ansuen th > description of fihort Line , and Best Itoute between Chicago , Milwaukee , Ht. Paul and Mlnneapolli. XChlcagoMll aukee , La Crosse and Wlnona Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and Ellendalt Chicago , Milwaukee , Kau Claire and HtlllHater HClilcago , Milwaukee , Wausau and Merrill. Chicago , Milwaukee , Heaver Dam and Onhkoih , Chicago , Milwaukee , Waukesha and Ocououiowoo Chicago , Ullnaukee , Madison aud Fralrlodu Chleo Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonna and Falrlbault. Chieago , Ileloit JancsvlMo aud Mineral 1'olnt. Chicago , Elgin , llockford and Uubuquo. Chicago , Clinton , Ilock Island and C dar Ilapldi Chicago , Council Bluffs and Omaha. Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Falls and Yankton Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell and ChamUrlam. Ilock Itland , Dubuque , 6t 1'aul ad Mlnneapollt Davenport , Cahnar , St. Paul and illmicapolu. Pullman Sleepers and the Kluest Dining Can In world are run on the mainlines of t lie CHICAGO MILWAUKEE ft. 8T. PAUL RAILWAY aud 01 try attention is paid to ptunu > uti by court * out employo * ol the Lo a d. MEIlUILt , A. V. IL OAIIPKNTRII , Qen'l Manager. Ocn'l V s. Agaal . ; .CI.AIIK , OHO H. IIKAH-OJ.B , Om'l Hup HupCHICAGO CHICAGO GOALH CO . MULK , IU , 10 > . 0. ,4 Ton K < Hl , Itruiii IJu Inrludrd 2401 ! ' "AHrflCR'B BOALE.80. he "Wit. . JfetvttTv , " W oz t 'jstti. U . FORGES , TOOLS. &c. touiK JHUL rtm nt.nr wt > wu l. .Si nfTiH U. i v ANOTHER CATTLE-KING DEAD , interesting Sketch of the Lifo of the Deceased Millionaire , Story of His "Western AVnwlerlliRS His Indian Iti-ldc Ills 1m. nicnso Wcnltli. ) on\er Tilbmio. The lifo of John W. Prowcrs , tlio mil- ionairo etuckmtui of West Lna Aniinas , Colorado , who died in KAUBM City a fuw iaya ngo , was mi ovcmtfulono. _ The ustory of the deceased consists of chap , orn romnutip and ovontful. _ It follows ho wliita sails of the prnirio schoonora Irifting into the homonloss west ; it is it up with lurid camp fires of the trav elers , iu n wonl it is the perilous vrftii- lerings of n PKNXll.KSS 1'IOXKKH. Mr : Prowors woa born in Woatport , n Jnnimry , 18-13. * Possessed of the un > oisy and Bohemian disposition of many n Missouri youth nt that time , ho went vest when young. In these days the locomotive > comotivo hnd not placed its iron foot iu hat now southwest and was an unknown quantity west of the Mississippi , lo formed part of n freight er's train that accomplished in weeks n journey that is novr completed n hours. Prowera was penniless , or at east almost BO , when ho sot out on the vild trip across the well beaten Santa Fo rail. Ho hnd no definite aim or object o gain , lie only know others had won ortunos and counted as thoiis the cattle ipona _ thousand hills. Ho was a man of indomitable energy , and possessed of ill the noccssury nwko-up that wont to constitute a successful candidate for wealth in the now west. Arrived in Colorado , young Prowora entered the employ of Colonel Bent , a > rominont Indian trader , who operated icar the proiont site of West Lis Animos , then nothing but prairie and forest. The > ale faces were few in the now camps , ind the Indians , though appearing "rinndly , were treacherous. But through many dangers Prowora bora A UIIAUMGI ) UKE , and after a few months' residence among 'tis now surroundings began to discover now allinitios , and grow very familiar with the chiefs of the Cheyenne and 131ackfcut Indians , who occasionally vis- ted Forl Lyon. It was during one of these Indian pow wows that the trader and the redskins wore negotiating guns and ammunition , tobacco and trinkota dear to the Indian heart for ponies , cattle and what was dourer to the heart of Jio palo face land. Young Prowora was present at the council , and when the [ ong'iicckod pipe of peace came round to him ho took a vigorous pull at it , but meanwhile was a most interested listener , though ho scarcely understood anything that was said in the Algonquin tongue. There was a language , however , with which ho was familial1 THK UNOUAOE Of LOVK. Among the visitors at the fort was Amy" daughter of the loading Choynno chief. When Prowers , 17 yoara of age at that time , saw the Indian beauty it was a case of love at first sight , and n year after that , in 1850 , they wore quietly married at the fort. In his letters to his family , then at Westport , ho spoke of his bride in the usual eloquent style of lovers. The family wcro scandalized by wlut they choose to torin a roessallianco , but became ere long reconciled to his choice , in view oftho fact that Amy had always proved herself to bo a most de voted companion and wife. By this un ion came a family of ten children , BOVGII of whom arc still alive. The "little widow , " as she is called , is but 35 years of ago now. She is now in Kansas City and has been there since last spring , when her husband returned to KanBua City for medical treatment. As the daughter of a chief she brought to the palo faced husband A MAUXiriCKNT DOWRY. She was but 10 years of ago at that time when the bravo young trader wooce and won her beside the waters of W sl Las Animas crook , and when twelve moons had molted and the little wedding group stood to receive the bonodictiot of the chaplain , it is snid there was not a more beautiful woman among the Western tribes. Still she retains a largo measure of that beauty for which she was once famous. She can talk English , but imperfectly The children are dark Itued , almost ns dark us the Wyandottes whoso old camping grounds wurit at the mouth of the Kaw. They have largo eyes and liandbomo regular features , Proworn continued amassing prnpertj after his marringe. This consists ot ul liable uropujly nt Wefct Lus Aniiim * Colorado , and Homo nmch | npomrry | f < > which ho was oll'isiul in KHIHJH City tin othur il.iy thu prmuily sum of u niillioi and a lull' < li > lnro ) , 'I'nuuiy tliouaitm Pittli > cimy Ins brund , mid uonstitiitu m < > 11 tlm Ijrbt Jiords in the west. His busUtuc interests are thorufnre uhlo. Iu view of thin fact hu lunl the vruuk previous to his douth h.uu ntAMINU A Vfll.1i , with the legal assistancnnf Attmncv fiairn of Kansas Uity. Thu will wan to hu.su been Bignul on the moiiiing bofoio hu death , the luttycr complotmg it leya verbiage the previous night. Going ear ly the next morning to the house will the last testament to uocuro the signature turo , Mr. Oayo found that death ha ( boon an earlier visitor , Mr , Prowors dy ing at a little after 5 o'clock. . llCKOllltlOIIH ol IlCSJIIiCt. Division No. 1. A. O. H. Omaha , Nebraska braska , at n regular mooting hold Pobru ary 15th , 1881 , the following resolutions were unanimously adopted : WHEIIEAB , It hao pleased Almighty Coil t. remove ( rum our mlciHt by death our bclovtt brother , ItobertKitzpatrlck. WIIEIIKAH , By his upright and manly uourso through llfelio omloartni himself to his many frlenuX arid gained the reapoct of liU follow citlzena , therefore , be It llnolrcii , That i n his death , which wo deep ly tleplojo , our floclety'haH Hiutalnod a greu IOM , tlm caufioof Irish nationality has lost cno of its most earucBt and aiiorgetlc nupportcrH anil our only consolation iu tills Bud hour I the wmnmbranco that ho lUod and died u true Irishman. Jlemlivd , That we tender our sincere niu w rm sympathy to his HorrowlnR frlendo , In thin , the hour of their sad bereavement. Jtcmlieil , That an a virtue of respect to tbo memory of our deceased brother , our ha ) shall bo draped In mourning three Huccroulvo laeotliiRB , anil that A copy of thoio rai < > liitlon be proxentod to the friend * .of tint deceased , Hct'ihnl , That a copy of tLeHo resolution * bo iitlntsil In The Wcwtorn Celt , IrUhVoili tind A. O , H , Krnorald and local prchx o Omalu. MICHAKI. MtOAiiTin , WAI.TKII WAI.I.ACK , JAMUS UONNOIA , Conimlttco on Jtesolutloui- . OMAHA , Nob. , Fob , 1C , ' 81. At a regular monthly mooting o Division No. 1 , A. O. II , of Omaha , the following preamble and resolutions was unanimously adopted : WHEIIKAN , It hw plemed Almighty (7ol ( to omovo from our midst our esteemed brotlicr , ) fttiicl llurloy , tvlm KM Iwon a faithful mom' r of onr tocioty ; thorofuro , bo It llttohtil , Tlikt in the dciUh of our late irothor , Daniel llurloy , onoof out mostrool. members , this nocloty IIM funUlnod a Rront loss , his fnmlly n fnlUiftd Ini'lund nntl i kind fntlior , Hits community A good cltlrcn , he church n devout mombcr , anil Ireland a ymp.xtliWiip noii. Jtfolit > l , That whllo wo Riibmlt with rover- incoUi his dhtnolll , who iloeth Ml thlnpn , ho members of thN society 8vmii thlfn with ho family In their ntlilctlon nnd tender our Inccro couilolcnco in tills , tliclr hour of bo- roavomcnt , Jlffiilmt , That , n a tribute of re jx'ct to the iiomury of our dlson. cd brother our boll slmll 10 nrrn > odin mourning three uriccs l\o moot- up ) . upfatofiW. . Thitt thoflo ra < iibituini bo printed n the Irish World , A. O. H. KmornUI , CM- , nRo Citizen WoAtoru Colt , and local prou , nd n copy presented to tlio family ot the ocoasod. T. I'Vinn , It. MAHRU. .T. F. 1'miK. f"immlttoo ! on DISTEIOT OOUET , iVstoiilnys PruroetlliiKs Uofoif Tlml Trtliiiniil In the district court yoatorday , before udgo Neville , the caao of Molina against lanning vras Rivon to the jury , which after being out n couple of hours brought n n verdict for defendant. No cases ould bo found ready for trial and court idjourncd early in the afternoon. Before Judge Wakoloy the caao of iaylord , nihninistrator , against the city ) f Omaha is still on trial. Judge \Vako * oy hold , on Uio question that was rought before him in this case , that as illing had been shown that there was 10 good ground for the removal of Jacobs , hat the present plaintitfhad n rigjit to iring this action. The evidence has all been adduced nnd ll go to the jury to-day after the nrgu- nont ol counsel. The following is the assignment ; of caso.s for to-day : UKl'OKE .lUDOi : WAKKI.KY. Oaylord , administrator , vs. the city of Omahn , on trial. Wolf , ot al vo. Edgurton. Thomas vs. Hitter. Brown ot al vs. Murphy ot al. Ilodick vs. O. & S. W. 11. R. Co. Foster otal vs. Dohlo ot al. IIEKOUK .lUItOE NRV1U.K. Criminal doclcol : State vs. Lon George. State vs. Georgia Sinclair. State vs. Georgia Sinclair. . State vs. Snoll. Poisoned vvltli PotiiHli and Mercury Is the tnlo of a largo pcrcontngu of Kick poole - > lo In the world ; Mich a largo number , In fact , ; hat It is hnril to tell whothnr thora are not OH many victims to tills mineral i > olfloning as io diseases of the bk.od and akin. "I took potash , " said ouo , "and whllo it partially dried up the eruption temporarily , it came near drying my > ltallty for all ttino. It drove the dlsouso In m > Hyatom , only to Dronk out again on Homo other part of my lioilv. " To such Swift's Specific is the remedy which is worth more tuna all the world bo- os. It drives out the poison of the blood taint , allmlnatOH this mineral ] > oson , ami builds up tlm general health. Bo euro to got the genuine , and send for Treaties on lilootl and rikln DinoasoH , froo. TllKSwil-'T Sl'KClKlo Co. , Drawer 3 , Atlan ta , ( ! a. Tlio llcrmcslnne. The llormosian society hold a mooting Monday , at the residence of , CJ. M. Hitchcock , it being of a memorial charac ter , in honor of Judge A. M. Chadwick , deceased. The services were of a very solemn ant impressive nature and many speeches were made. The principal speakers ol the evening were : (5. ( W. Tillson , G. M. Hitchcock ; R. S. Hall , A. 0. Troup , W. F. Gurloy , Rov. Willard Sott , Mrs. S. F. Woodbridgo and II. W. Breckenridgo. Mrs G. M. Hitchcock rendered in n very touching manner , Boothovon'n "Sonotte 1'athetique. " A committee composed of G. M. Hitch- cock. G. W. Tillson and W. F. Gurloy , was appointed to draft resolutions of ro 8 poet in regard to the death , of Judge Chadwick. How to Shorten Llto. The receipt Is ulinpla. You have only to take a violent coldaud neglect It. Abornethy the great English surgeon , nskcd n lady wh ( told htm fihu only hud a wmgli : "What wouh you have ? Tlio I'lngno ? " Jiowaro of " "nly cough' . " The worst caflwcanliowovcrlocurc ( by 1)11. WAI. HALL'S BALSAM for the LUN ( ! S. In Whooping Cough nnd Croup t immediately allayx Irritation , and Is sura to prevent a fatal termination of the dlsonno .Sold hy all drugglstH and dealers in modlclno Dr. IlDKcr's Vegetable Worm Syrup It. i < > onoof the most pleasant or palatable iirennitinii9 | for worms wo have over known It M tli ii'iiiidily oflicaolous , and never require u > y otnor mndlclno to carry it oil after imin , It. ClilMiuii like It : n though it were honey Tourii ] iyV : 'I'M nil icliti Anodyne euros in 1'osloIIic. ' In Nu braska nnd 1 "va during the wool ending' Fubruary J't ' , 1884 , furniBhod b Wm. Van Vleek , of tJio poatollico depart mcnt : NK1IHAHKA. PoRtmastors Appointed Bega , Stanto county , Andrew Johnson , Jr. { Cambridge Furnas county , Dennis L. Tallmadgo Chase , ( Jroeley county , Francis Cutler Girard , Ealino county , John W. Thomas Kooto , Ouster county , Ira 0. Ong ; Slador Fierce county , Albert L. Rhea ; Leonard ard , Uamilton county , Walter Lewis Lexington , Franklin county , Karl G. Shafer ; Pleasant Hill , Saline county , Frank T. Wornd ; Ox Bow , NuckolU county , .Jam os P. Hammond ; Kidgoloy , Dodge county , Mrs. R. P. Hnlbrook ; St. Helena , Codur county , John W. Phillips ; Troy , Groeley county , Richard 'NVnlsh , Whitewater , PJiolps county , Herbert II. Wickwira. Discontinued Hillier , Cooper county ; Integrity , Phclps county , IOWA , * . Pottmastors AjipointedCruecont , Pot- tawattamio county , W. S. SwAuon ; Dennis , Appannosu county , Jane Vanan- torp ; Hebron , Adair county , Mrs. 0 , U. Currier ; Honey Creek , Pottawattamio county , A. Frazipr ; Kingsloy , Plymouth county , M. Ltllarshall ; Fo 2la , Iowa county , S. A. Wilson ; Moorland , , Webster county ; Chnrlea A. French. WM. VANVUCUK IN A "JIOT IJOX. " 'I'lid Ilrukcmun Tells IIla Story , " 1'liiln Talk" In Chicajo Herald. "Was I in accident " over an ? echoed the brakeman , as he took off his glovoa , roadjuutod his necktie , and brushed of ] irniginnry dust after putting aomo coal in the heater. "Novor had an accident in my lifo , air , but I came mighty close 3 o it on several occasions. Closest call over had was down near Lnporte. Vo stopped to fix up a hot box , and is 1 know the liuiitol was rlnto bo lind us T skipped Kick with tnv Inntorn n n hurry. Hadn't gene moron ton or volvo rods when I hoard her a-coiuing boutamilo off , perhaiis more. There as n ourvq right there and I couldn't oo her. Iloarin' of her made mo a bit uxiona , nnd I started to run faster it was n snowy , blowy night when I slip- > id down , broke my lantern , and the vind b'u\v ' it out. 11 ere was n fix , mo a inndrrd foot from the roar of my rain , expected to stop No. 'JO , ml her n comin1 down the ; radn and round the curve , and ly lantern out1. Now I tell you I did iomo p-ctty quick thinking then. I mdn't time to get back to the train , got uothor lantern , nnd got for enough to top hor. Couldn't strike n match in lint wind , certain , and for n second or wo I didn't know what to do. Then it atno to mo like a Hash , and didn't. I mstlo. Run back to the train , pulled ho rope for our engineer lo go ahead , ollml with nil my nriqht to the wnduclor , who was ahead where ho hot box was , and grabbed ho rod bulla-oyo from the roar platform , limbed up on the broke nnd then onto ho coach , nnd when I got there hold my mllS'Oyo up high nnd waved her across lie track. It was ns I thought. 1 could co 20's headlight from up there would ho see muf Apparently not , for she amo along like mnd nnd 1 felt myself ; oiny crnvy. But as soon as she struck lie tangent of the curve the on- ; inocr looked my way , saw the cd light , nnd put her down hard , You oo if I had stayed on the track ho could lot have BOOH the lighi nt nil ; but even s it vraa , nothing saved us but the fnct liat our train started up in timn to got airly going before 20 gnvr my bulls-eyo. lot n passungnr know what n cloao call vu'd hnd. Neither did the Biiporintond- nt , you bet. Elkhartl Elkhart ! twenty minutes for dinner ! " mrrKom ics. \Vlmt Tlipy Are Fit ted For nnd What Tnoy Are Not Unofiil at lie- "Aro fomnlo detectives over regularly iinployod in the detection of crime ? asked a Now York Sun reporter. "Wo don't employ women , " a auporin ondont of detectives replied , "because it s our firm oonvictisn that women cannot > o relied on. Wo have tried thorn and ound them wonderfully quick nt divin- ng tlio source of n myatorous crime , pa- iout in testing a plan for capturing BUS- ) octod persons , nnd yes , uncommuni cative. There ia just ono reason , and inly ono reason , why they nro not to bo rusted no ono can toll who has the moat influence over them. Anyhow , wo an't nll'ord to take the risk of employing hem and being betrayed by them. " Another experienced manager of do- icctivos said ; "Sometimes persons np- ) ly for a female detective to act as nn nt- ondant to taKe care of wraps at fashionable - able rocoptUno. They nro well known n society , who have had trouble nftor receptions in getting the wraps , over shoes and umbrellas to the owners. Sometimes they got so mixed that the > wnor of an overcoat , or ahawl , or um- irella , saundora innocently oft' with a new and nioru expensive ovoncoat , shawl , or umbrella. " Winking with a wicked expression ; "Hats , you know , are no loriously successful in eluding their iwnor'a search if they nro good hata. [ f the occasion is a fitting ono for a de tective wo send for ono. It is not gen erally understood that female detectives ire employed only at these largo recep tions , nnd then only in the wait- ng room and in the room set hpart 'or the ladies' special uso. Some persons imagine that female detectives go to the reception as guests. That would bo an nsult to the genuine guests. Bcsidoa , n society hero everyone knows her noigh- aor , and the female detective would her self bo detected as a stranger. Then in troductions would necessarily follow under nu assumed name , and the subsequent quont explanations the hostess would bo compelled to make in accounting for tin disappearance of Mrs. So-and-so woulc make her lifo n burden. 1 see no goot reason , though , why female dotoctiyoi should not bo employed iu the ladies room. It is n convenience to have a skill ( id eye on the property , instead of ono liable to irako mistakes or bo out of the way when wanted. TORPID BOWKLS , DISORDERED LIVER , and MALARIA. , I'rom tlmuo sotircLd nrlr.o tliico > iourtli8 of Ibo lUneaBcs of tlio human r/ico. Tlicso Jtoxvi'l * cc ochc , fiillncim nfler rxertloii ot Itaily * 'uii of food , lrrltulv \v jlrlU , A fef' .r "t I. - . nl klllllfldlltv trt'V .IC , l'l il'ttllU Heart , IK t * , iore f ho Cl't , ll uhlycol- ored Vrl. - . CO.\NTIPATH > .V. and do- inandtlioiiaoofn i onioily tli nt ncfa directly out lid I , Ivor. AsaUvormodlolnoTUTT'b I'IM.S liuvo no oaual. Tliolr notlonon tlio KUiiuya iiml filcln iu also prompt ; removing all tmpurltlus through thesotlirco "aca-r- ciiRcr * ot the avatttn , " producing appo. tlto,8aundllobllnnreiuaretool8aoloar ) ] canso no nausea or ( jilphiK nor Intcrfero wltli cliillv work ami are a perfect ANTtDOTE TO MALARIA , BolJorerywlKTP.ano. Ulllrr. < ltMiiiTny8t.N.Y. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. OIIAX llAllt OR WIIISKKRH changed in- etantly to n. QWHBY IILACIC byntliiglo ni > . plication of this Ilru. Hold by Druggists , or sent by cxprnsii on receipt of 9' Onion , 44 Murray Btreot , Nf w York. T'JH'S MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREE. James Moalbstiiut Chartered by thcBtatcodlll noUfor theexprcsspurnoi of glvinclmmcdlato renctln all chronic , urinary nnd prl ; vato dlceatcs. Gonorrhoea i Oleet ondSy philli in all tliel complicated forms , also ul dlscacea of the Bkln oni i3lood promptly rellevcdinc permancntlycurcd byreme ' ' - , a Scmlna WeakncH , NTiTni Loktea by Dreamt , Plmplei on the Pace.Lost Manhood , ! loiltlvi ti/curetl , 'Jlirra ttiofjfi > trl ifiillnti. Trie appropriate remedy i : at once used In each c ie. ConiulUtlonB.ner- Bonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med- Iclnea sent by Mall and Exprcci. Nomarkion packace to indicate content * or ecnder , Addrciu DR.JAMES.No. 204Wa5hlnfllon Gt.ClilcagoIIL y , , Thl lll.'L'I ci flirfMi-ri , t' * J * lor ' " ' " 'I' ' ' I'U I > fOf M * M jjJSk ( iWwt rfl-'sivBi ? ! " - " , . rYOHEELft.Vibwui"iiiiisuk"ffiu1i \ / [ VAi < rl7.l\nAiV > I lllU hutliinifnt , llm , < , ii m R\cm \ f-j Viti ° " ' * " 1 . /7 roRiti " / ( 'Tv11"- ihc lurti 7m",1 . ti > t < > io ili ru lo liejitliy I ( n I Ion lu nut roiitijiiwl j ( tin with Llrctiiu IVU 11 ffiBSRPfi ! § § S ' ' " ' * ' % { ilclJkUCrlli' ( > liliiiilJlnBt.luiu/i'fu ( 9 , TIMES OUT OF 10 Dr Thoiuns' Eclcctric Oil Ithcumntistn nnd Nrtiralgin. 99 TIMES OUT OF 100 Dr.TliomiH'EcloclrieOil HMFS A Cold or n llonrsonoss. 9 TIMES OUT OF 20 Dr. Thomas' Eclcctric Oil cirnra Asthma nnd Diphtheria. 49 TIMES OUT OF 50 Dr. Thomas1 Ecli-ctrlc Oil cunta Croup nnd Atroctiona of the Throat. 3P3L-ioo , OOc nxxd l SOLD EVKUYWIIEHE. The ncoo "lty ( or promt ttnd el clout . - - . . and ol these llnntottcr'i Stomach 1H torn Ii tliochlct Inmlrltam' the most poiiulir. Irrrgulrvrlly of the stomach and bonds , muluUl linersH\cr complaint , dohUity , rhcumatldin a n il minor ailments , are thnroughly coiuiuer- cdbvthlslncompara Me faiull v rrstoratlt e and medicinal r.vfo- guard , and It Is Just ly i mauled as the purest and most OMU | irchctml\ remedy ol Its clt > fi.a | 1 For s ln hy druOgUti anil dealer * generally BITTERS. AD ifIUnl rp Uttnf&tt ! \ tf tqoUUfl ! roriimu 4eT Tti * il world , rut * ! pjtprptl * , lHrrbw * , l * * r * n < l loeJrnef ib | ) i tili 0r ( i Af " &n\ * lnijrt lctow fl f ) intiix # , kul to all luaM'r urtnki. TIJ It , tnil rottfttrtrrlti. > ik Tiuf p x-r * r tliurrln fti ttuluturf Jbr Hit. J. II. UBlLlltHT&bUNft. . j. w. vrurrEEMAini , Bl GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. LUTES VnYSICAL MIVOUB - UUIU ° -Deity a xlTAI.L088 OP MANLY VIOOIlBpormatorf hosa , etc. , when all other rcmc dies fall. A eurt guaranteed (1. M a bottle , largo bottlu , ( oui times the quantity , t ( . Uy express press to any adiiroM. Rofd b ) all druggists. KNQL1SII SIKUl OAL INSTITUTE , Troprlctori ) , 718 OIlvo Btreet , St , oul , Ho. "I have Bold Sir Astloy Cooper's Vital Restorative or > can. Hvery customer BH > ak highly of It. I nunittltatlnplyondonioU asa remedy of true merit " 0. K. GOODMAN , UruggUt. umiiha FoV 1 188S. APITAL PRIZE , $75,000. t&Tickcts only $5. Sharcu in I'roportloutKt Looisiana state Lottery Company , "Ifiitlahereby eertfy that vtsupeniit the at anytmenti for all the Monthly and Stml-Annua > Drauinyi of the Louitiana State Lottery Company niinptrion manage and eontiot the Drauinyt 'hemielvet ' , antl that the same are conducted wit ) ionestyfairneii.and in good faith touartl ailpai 'lei ' , and ue authoritt the company toue thii eei 'lllcate ' , tilth fae-iimil'i nf our tignaturti attached In iti uilmrniemtnti. " " Incorporated In 1BB ( or S6 yean by the legltbton ( or educational and charitable purposes with a oaj Ital 0(81,000,003 to which a reserve fund of ovri 1860,000 has elnoo been added. By an overwhelming popular vote Iti franohlt was made a part ot the present itat constltutloi adopted Dcocmber 2d , A. b. 1879. Tlio only Lottery over voted on and en dorsed by tlio people of nny Stuto. It never ecalcs or postjiones. Its grand single number drawlnya toki plaoo monthly. A splendid opportunity to win a Fortune. Third Grand IJrawInR Claim 0 , Iu tlio Aeni\- \ omy of luaic , Now UrlunnsJTncfiilay , March llth , 1884 KiOth Monthly drawing. CAPITAL riUZE , S7C.OOO. 100,000 Tlckota ot Vivo Dnllarn Each. Frao- tlonn , In Fiftlig In proportion. LIST OP I'IUZK.8. 1 CAPITAL I'UIZE . 175,00. 1I da do . 26,00 1j do do , . , , , . , . , 10,00 > j PHIZES oreoooo . , . . . uoa 5 do 2000 . 10,00. 10 da 1000 , . . . . . 10,001 20 da 00 , . , . , 10,001 10J da 200 , . 20,00f 10JO do 100 . 80.001 ( O ) do 10 . 2J 00) 1000 do 26 . 25,000 . 9 Approximation prlreiof | 7W ) . , . , . . fl,7W da do 500. , . , KN 9 da do 2W . S.2W 1867 Prices , amount lug to . . . tMN > ' Application ( or ratot to clubs should bv niadi oni at tut olBoe of the Company in Now Orleant. Kcj further Information writ * clearly giving full tddroas. Maka I' . O. Money Orders paabl * aoi tUdrnu Utcltterod Letters to NEW OHLEAN8 NATIONAL BANK , New Orleam , I * . Poital Note * and oriuitry letteri by Mall or E press ( all taint of $6 and upward ! by Knpreoi at oui expense ) to II A. DAUPHIN. or U. A. DAUPHIN , Now Orltani , La. CO ) flevcnth Bt , Watbinaton , n 0. DRHORNE'S ELECTRIC BELT uly.i. , .NtuiulKlo , Kldury , Hlilnu und . - - _ . , , laid ll , Kl > > ! ! , < ) u . Cntollll , . . , 'llvi. ri > lff | V , Ilillmtrlll ) , PiiinuAirtiv. I'ltilapNiit Utfrttfb1. Only mlintlilul.let iiu li-ll ! In Aim'i Uu Hint w ml * thu 1'lu ultlty and im'i- nviUiii tliinuuli iliuliuily , anil inn l > ort < haigid hi an In- rtiuilby lliuiittltnt. | CSI.OOO Would Not Buy It. IB. HOIIVK I wai Ictod with rhuumitUrn an I cured by u ing a belt. To any one altllcted with that dlii > as , I would y , buy llorne'f hlfctrlo licit Any one can confer with mo by writing or callag at my store , IIiu Douglas etruet. Omaha Well. VVIU.I AM LYONS. MAIN 01'1'ICi ; Opposite | > ostutlle , room 4 i'ren ror Moolr , ' tfif'orraloatC , F. Ooodmtn's Drug store , UIO I'urnain St. . Omaha. Crdi < r 1111 1 U O D , NOTJOB. Notice lihtrchy ghen thst tlio parturmhlp hero toforofixUtlnif het o n William i' , Mannl c and loo. If. lieu imilcr tlio Hruiuainu vl Manning A. lien * . IfthU tUy dUsoluJ 'IhUlt toxlvi furthiriioliie that I will not 1'e to- ponnlhloforany ilcbtiioutiactudbyiuy ponton In our late nil i uw , nor wlU I pav ny attorfiev's fee * or co u t rarryiniany lltlgttlon of miy do- ] it rlptlon against any of th rredifrii of the late firm ( of Uannuiu lloiu , and tha u o of my name to carry I on any uh litigation U unauthorized by me. ! Oiaal a. Kel. . , Feb. ID IfSt. Ktl ) . 18 tf. Wiuiiu r , ln > { will take place in Covingfxin , Ky. , Thursday February 28th , 1884. A Lawful Lottery A. Fair Drawings. chanereil tiy tholeKliilaliirfl of Ky. , and twlco iloolat- od | C | { 1 hy the hlnliost court In t-o State Bonil Ulien to Henry County In the mira of f 100,000 for the prompt payment nf all | rlte told. February Scliomo. 1 Prtto . . . . . . . . tar ,000 1 Prlte , . , . , . 10,000 1 Price , , . , . . . . . . , , , , . C.OOO 2 Prltes , | ir,00o eh . . . . . . 6,000 6 PritCH , l.OOOcach . 5,000 ! 0 Prltes , KOOcach . 10,000 100 I'riiet , lOOcach . 10,000 200 Prlico , W each . 10,000 600 Prltct , 20 each , . , . > . . . 10,000 1000 Prlies , 10 each. . . . . . i 10,000 9 l'rlte.9 , BOO each Approximation Priced , 2,700 B Prltes , MO " " 1,800 9 P.IKS , 100 each " " 000 I.87R Pilre * . H10 , 00 Wbola TlekotB , S3. Half Tickets , Si. 37 TlCkOtS , $00. DD T1068U. 5100. Remit monor or 1V U1 Note Dank llraft In Lttte nt ( end bj i\pren : . Orders ol 5 and npnard oxprcM , can lw icnt at oui expense , Atlircn nrden to J. J , DOUIIT.A8 , Co\inRton , Ky. d-ncd I t3ucm-\v2dw cm. " a \ \ ' 033D40J ? vULVntllC * Utttf < F \ ] / ii rr ai * * iir W ] / " 1 pttno ) in wntoB t oq nv imti otii 10 jHTim-opcji oni inoinui . UIH -uoSouoM nmuo.otniaSJOji.uoct .auilouw joj RnoiJiixni pu aim ! OH aumiOM lisoupiini Knoiauap MI in loaoos o\n n H"M , * J oi o\n on\niuiin .ciddnR j.uop 'UMOJ.I BJ ooavqot v\\n \ H3\\\i.\ \ \ | 11IIUOJB3 UIJOM JO 110(1 ( "OPIO ! ) Otl > JO Iios ou.L "ooanqo. ! tutnuna nun B.naAwi3tliI ! ui R0i\uiiu jo oaxui u XHIO BMOiis ! pmiiaur 'jCioiooy itunimapav ivxoii isimoiio uoo ' 'ft 11 'A 'JOXOIOOA 'V 'Ji Jtq Health is Wealth ! lu 11 U. Wrar'n NEBVE AND HUAIN TKEAT- SIKNT , n Kunrnnttiml ppncitio for Hydtorin , Dizzi- m sB , ConvulnlonK , 1'ito. Nprvous Kcurolein , Hommcho , Nnrvoua Prostration caused by thouno ut alcohol or tobacco , Wnkofnlnesa , SlcnttJ Uo- prcHslon , Bottonlnifuf the Drain rcBulting in Jn- onnity nnd InniiiiiR ti > iniBorj1. ilccny and death , I'roinatura Old Ann , Jin ! rcnncus , ioes of power in either oor , Involuntnry IxS8i-ii nnd Kpcrmnt. orrhorn ciuiRuil byovor-oxorti < m of thobrnm.fielf- abuse or uvor-ludulRcnce. Hach kcx contaiDH ono month's trotttmont. SLflu bos.ormx l"xus furri.XlBontbymaU ( prepaid on receipt of prico. wi : wirAitAXTr.i : six BOXES To euro uny cnno , With er.ch older received bynfl for eix hoxi'M. nrcompnnlpci with fr3.tC , wo TTIII Honil tlio i > nrp | < u L r our wntlin itunructoo to n - fund the ir.om-y if the trratinnntdooiiDotonocI a cum. OtmrnnlnVK ieoniedonlyby o P. nnnrWAN.Solo Airctit. Omaha Kcb. OK FELIX Lt BKUH'1 G PREVENTIVE AND GUM. FOR EITHER SEX. Tha remedy bclnj ; injected directly to the Beat ot the dlni'MO , rcqiiTiw n' > chanijo of diet or nauooouv , mercurial or poisonous medicine * to ho taken Intel- nally. When u-cd as n pro\rntl\oby cither MX , liia Impossible t contract .ny private disease ; hut Iu tbo caao of the < e already unfortunately atlllctid we guar antee thi eo boxes to euro , or u o will rufund the men- e > . Price hy mall , pontage pal J , 82. per hex or tbr o boxes ( or f5. WRITTEN OUARANTERS uucd by all authorized agents. Dr.Felix i.e Brun&Co. BOLK PHOP1UI.TOHB. 0 , F. Goodman , Draught , Solo Acnt , for Omuba Neb. mie-wly Patent Dried Fruit Lifter. AS USEFUIi NO DEALER IN IN GROCERY Groceries- STORE CAN TO nit A vjun ov COUNTEU Without H. SCALES. I * . C. CLARK , SOLE PROPRIETOR. NEU. HENNINQ3 IMPROVED SOFT ELASTIC SECTION CORSET I warranted to wear louetr , Irt In * forni otater , and Irtva Iwlte' atlifactlun than nr other Cork ! n Ilia market , or prlco paid will refunded. f a Waud JOHN Wj V LEHMANN , OMAHA Stove Repair Works , 109 South 14th St. and rep U- wcKxl ttovte , chni l to / iunooaJCT f1liM oJajnp , .4W , Cou Ui > y : t ou h Bd. tiy oca a out rtovo ym \ iJ-on utd I toUw.8 dryer. K I