Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1884, Page 5, Image 7

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The handsomul dollar In the world Is tViit which
t corned tiy tome Rood , honest employment ol the
heal or hind. Wealth lh t comes by chance is no
measure of the capacity of Its pomtsor , and Is never
appreciated like that which li earned , Many people
are traveling itralgtt to the poorhouto bv reason of
their undue cagcrncts to RO In the opposite direction.
They want riches atabound. . Tlicy have teen others
fill thelt chests by some lucky 8pccutatUemanau\ ,
and concluiU they can do the came thing. Accord
ingly In iron their little heap , which , ten to one ,
they never Me igaln.
The petroleum trade hag swallowed up the fortunes
n ( thousands ot Inmtort greenhorns who dqicndnl
for their their tnerra pi n thoshrondncra ol others
and got ll'cctd under Ilia thr/irs of the monopolist.
The to arc plenty ftl sfo Imcttrccnt * without iistum-
Ing th awful rUki of the K'inlilcr notably among
these Iir. Thomav Kdcctrlc Oil , which yields good
dividends c\ cry time. Specially to those differing
from nasal and throat affection * , rheumatism , ecu *
ralgla , wounds and lamonets , wo strongly rccom-
mend It , Dr. Tlioims' Eclectic. Oil will euro anyone
of th'sc troubles and li sold by ilrugglttt ctcr.\ <
where tiidir a guarantee to glvn satisfaction , Would
walk ten miles tor It : P. 3. ( ! ro\ci , Akron , N. Y.
Beats lh world : 11 , C. llobcrmann , Marlon , Ohio ,
Kccplt what it ought to l > c JuUwhr.tlt ! : 8. A.
HcAltt , Monterey , Mich. Best of nil good in nil-
fines : Alfrv 1 Carpenter , Amonla , Conn.
FOSTER , UlUirtK AGO. , Proprietor * , IliKTft'o , X.
Patent Dried Fruit Lifter ,
IN A in
GROCERY Gvocci'ics
AS A rAin or
Without It.
aaiA.iiA ,
When you como to think of It , it la not
odd that literary people prefer a pipe to a
cl < ? r. It IB handler to emoko when tlicy
arc writing , and over so much cleaner.
And then It fd\cs them the true esecnoo
and flavor of the tobacco.
The luoi t fafUdlous rmokers among all
natlona and all cleesea of men oirreo that
the tobacco grown on the Golden Tobacco
Belt of North Carolina Is the most delic
ious anil refined in the world. Lighter
thau Turkish , more fragrant than Havana ,
freer from nitrates and nicotine than any
other , It in just what the connoisseur
praises and the habitual smoker demands.
The very choicest tobacco grown
on this licit la bought by Mock ,
well's Durham Tobacco Co. , and
npiieara in their celebrated Dull
Durham Smoking Tobacco. It Is
known the world over.
Get the gcnulnewlthBulI
trade-mark , then you will
be euro of having abso
lutely pure tobacco.
V 3
The remedy being Injected directly to the seat of
the disease , requires no change of diet or nauseous ,
mercurial or poisonous medicine" to bo taken Inter
nally , When utcd as a preventho by either pex , Ills
impossible to contract toy private diseaselint In the
case of those already unfortunately afflicted we guar
antee thiuo boxes to cure , or we will refund the mon
ey , Price by mall , postage pald$2. per box or three
boxes for $5.
uucd by .U authorized agents.
Dr.FelixLe Brun&Co.
' 0 , F. Goodman , Druggltt , Hole AiX'nt , for Omaha
JfeU. m&o-wlv
tay-r , u guaranteed fpocltio for Hysteria , Dim.
ness. Convulsions , iftta. Nervous Neuralgia ,
Headache.NervousProBtmti n ujee < l by thonne
( if nlcohol or tobacco. Wiikofulnets , MonUil Uo-
preesion , Boftonim ; of the Drain resulting in inanity -
anity and lending to misery , demy and death ,
Premature Old ABO , Unrrcnncss , Loss of power
in cither sex , Involuutiiry losses nnu Bporrrnt.
orrhtEa caused byovor-oxortiim ottue bruin , BC/I.
aluiso or over-indulgence. Kncli buz ccintiune
one month's treatment. $1.00 u boxer BIX I > "XU !
for 63.00 , cent by mail prepaid on receipt of prloa.
To euro any case. With each order recolvod byu $
for six boxes , uecoinpunif-d with I&QO , wo wu
Mind the imrchiiBcrour written gunmntM to refund -
fund the munpy if the treatment dooa not oflocl
ucuru. Gunriintfoe issuedoubvur ,
a F , aOOpMAN Bole Agent , Omaha , Neb.
James Helical Institulo
\Chartered by theBtatcofllll-
Vnois fop thecxprcaspurposa
jof clvinglmmedlate relielln
Sail chror.lcurinary and prl-
J-vote diseases. Ccnorrhcea ,
{ aieetar.dSyphillsinall their
' complicated forms , also all
diseases of the Skin and
L'Jood promptly relieved and
jvcrmancntlycured by rcme-
. diestcstedlnn/Vir///reirJ /
. - . „ . . ttijieelaU'rarllre , Seminal
Weakness. NTrtit Losses by DreamB , Pimples on
the Facc.Lost Manhood ji < iilttvttltcurc < l.niera
iitiotjciicrliiientliii/ appropriate remedy
< : at once used in each case. Consultations , per-
tcnnl or by letter , oacredly confidential. Med
icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on
pcckage to indicate contents or sender. Address
DR.JAr,1ES o.204WahlnalonSI.Chcagolll. ;
Tlmnn.Tor rtcpvnrm.
tor It made mrwly for
tlif rureof lU'Miiitriiifiiti
L.VVW-OCA * 'f Ibe gt'iienitlvoortrtuii.
.VuftJ \ Tlieri'l nominal" abuut
Mnri'v I 'I1' ' * I'utruiui'iit , tiin ron-
vVoCc > 7 tiniioii * lrt m f ht.FO-
iiVXrfir Till ( MTVmu.U.v
FOR ' - f'i ' II * iuiu mii.t
I li * in ft
R . V t' A J ' " if * i' " > " Du'iioi"ruTiloiiud
fiftl. V * ttfil .flu : " "I" ' Llrttric l-'u
K.TCKllvSrUaJnt I olvrrllMd to i ur % < I lltt
tC'7\'V [ 5'1ynN I
\ ' numliwlipli * liltfor
C 2uiV NauSi' ' UI1LJ . ii
> ii. oNV : i. > c | mu n-
r "in ul.ii > Kl < liu u.i nifoniu'io'i , iKjdmit cu * < ' < < '
" --t"l3 { VU ! , " _ Ut V > rbl urto'i i > ( . I li .j i. IK
Hiss Blacten Enthusiastic Over Her
Yellowstone Play ,
Ilnslly Kinplojcil tlrcctltij tlioScenic
AVorlc on tlio ( 'oKinpnlUnn Htngo
How the KfTrctH Vim bo
N. Y. Journal.
A scene on the stage in the Cosmopoli
tan Theatre ycstordny iiftoriioon was one
formed of it confusion of daubed scenery ,
ropes , pulleys , carpenters , painters and n
Itfiiulsomo youiif , ' Inily.
"ilisa Blftokburn ? "
A pair of deep blue oycs looked away
from a huge coimti action that rcsemblud
n tiend-inill , nnd which is cupppsud to
resoinblo n wixterfnll when revolving , nnd
gnvo n chnrm to the reply , which \vns ;
"That is my name , air. Yes , I nm the
lessee of this theatre and hope to produce
on Monday evening a grand spectacular
drama entitled 'On the Yellowstone. '
Wo will endeavor to reproduce the gey
sers and canyon fnl s and represent ns
nearly aa possible the beautiful Yellowstone -
stone Valley. "
Miss Blackburn is a tall daughter of
California , with dark complexion and
red cheeks nnd the general nir of solf-pos-
session born to girls of that clime. She
wna attired in quiet cashmere dross and
sealskin sacque. On her head was a
jaunty broad-brimmed black hut trimmed
with u long ostrich plutiiu surrounding
the brim and drooping down the buck ,
nnd from beneath it obtruded n roguish
cluster of crispy brown bangs.
' 'How do you expect to produce the
geysers ? " Wufl asked of the fair lessee aa
aho chatted away lightheartedly about the
prosi.ccts of her piny.
"NVo'vo got Homo pulverized fish-scales
0 shoot out of a funnel , " broke in the
urull' voice of oneof the untidy gentlemen
vrho wielded n stick of bristles.
"Nonsense , " said Miss Blackburn ,
stamping her slender foot upon the lloor.
"Wo have n quantity of what is called
snow powder. It is pulverized mica and
will bo prurod into a funnel in the lloor
of the stage and forced Into the air by a
tank of compressed nirfrom beneath.
When the calcium lights are thrown on
this white fouutain , the oflbct will be very
real and , I think , pretty. "
"Dye sou that washing machine o\vr
thoro'i" again interrupted the grufl'voice. .
"That big thing with the crank handles ,
1 mean. That is tc > bo the great 'Old
Faithful' waterfall. "
Mr. Dovcrna , ono of the scenic artists ,
was subjected by n good-natured retort
Irom hia fair overseer , and she continued
that the fdlls would bo represented by a
revolving scene. The water olTuct will all
ba produced by the action of lights on the
wooden wheels , and the foam at the base
of the fall will bo created by an explosion
of ctoam that will shoot up through jets
in the floor.
"Tho whole stugo is a not work of rub
ber hose for conducting the steam , "
continued M s Blackburn. "Tho falls
will bo continued across the stag oand an
upper fall will bn realistically produced
at the rear of the largo ono , so that if
you had over visited the Yellowstone , I
am sure when you witness our production
of the niece of scenery you would give it
credit at least for its novelty , if not for
realism. Wo have been at great expense
for several weeks to elaborate this play ,
and the spectacle , aside- from the play ,
which is an excellent one , ill bo some
thing now to Now York. "
"How did you como to go into the the
atrical business , Miss Blackburn ! "
"Did you ever hear of Judge Black
burn , of San Francisco ? He was iny
father , and when ho died I was thrown
upon my own resources and went upon
the stage. 1 have appeared as Rosalind ,
Leah , and such characters. This play
wao written by Mr. Daggott , of The Vir
ginia City Enterprise , who was one of a
party of us on a tour through the western
scenic regions. "
"Suppose 'Oa the Yellowstone' proves
unpopular , what will you do then ? "
"Oh , I have no fear of that. When
once it has a start I think it will win
favor. Besides I have lots of money and
I shall get up another spectacular drama
which will have for its chief feature an
exhibition of the wonderful Gorman
mistfl. "
"On the Yellowstone" is founded on
fact , the character of Nancy Jane Higgins -
gins , taken by Miss Blackburn , being the
heroine. The capture by Indians of Mrs.
Kelly who now holds a lifp position in
Washington and her thrilling adven
tures are the principal events that will bo
portrayed. Tim heroine becoming infat
uated with the husband of the person
who impersonates Mra. Kelly , saves him
from death in going over the falls , tind
finally to her : irott ; Burrntv succeeds iu re
turning hh wife to him.
"This is my first iipacarnnoo in New
York , " concluded the vivacious young
lady , "and I shall endeavor to provo that
the west cnn produce something for the
ontcrtaiiiiiii-nt of the metropolis. I only
fear the critics. "
Hear Him.
"fjcclncw. 1 wan nlllictoil with
ache and general debility , but Jlinvlotf. Jlluod
JlitUrs brought about nit immediate inn.irniu-
meut in my general heal Ilu J consider thorn
the heat family medicine In the markets' . "
Adolph Lallor , JJuiTalo , X. Y.
Clara Hello on
Clara Belle writes : Out-door wraps
were never moro varied in cut or mate
rial. The general characteristic of other
than fur garmcnto is shortness behind
and length in front. Some of them comedown
down no further than the waist line at
"Who vront glossy , Inxurlanfc
nud vmyy tresses of ulmndaut ,
lieautii'ul Hair must nun
dcgnnt , clicnp urtfclo always
ranlccs tlio Hi-r EIW freely
nnd fast , keeps it from falling
out , arrests ami cnroa gray-
PCBS , removes dandruff and
i1 tiling , makes the Hair
B'long , giving it a curliug
( v adcncy and Icncpiug It in
n\y ; desired position. Beau-
t-fill , healthy Hair in the surci
result < tf usibg Matuuiroit
the back , while reaching to the very foot
with tab-liko extensions , before. They
sugcost n man's swallow tall coat put on
hind Dido in Iront , Elegant they nro as
one's purse can buy ; and at the eamo
time a considerable of n show can bo
made with a moderate expenditure if
shrewd taslo bo employed. Oddity of
shape will often help cheap stuff to a fair
degree of distinction. The now jackets
are frequently very jaunty. They are
made of heavy Indian cloth in many
shades of brown and dull red ,
trimmed with bands of Astrakixn
of a deeper hue. Jorspys of
very heavy wool are trimmed with long
haired furs , so that they have none of the
tight , night-shirt look of the originalnnd
tints metamorphosed are pretty on a good
figure. Regular stockinet Jrraoy cloth is
worn on the direct , but the cfl'ect for cold
weather is not commendable , unless the
trimming bo lavishand warm-looking.
A novel opera wrap is the Chinese cloak ,
and it may botprn by daylight for car-
ringo uao in making calls. It is made of
cream-white Chinese silk , with hand-em-
broidered hedge roses strowi all over the
soft ground. Inside , the lining is palo
pluah the shndo of the llou'OM. The
length is ample for enclosing the entire
figure , and the full Chinese sloovcs make
it easy to got into and out of. The light
ness of color is paliatnd by the afco and
softness , which combine to render the
wearer warm in appearance.
This being the titno ot wraps , it is also
ono of mucli uncertainty as to the figures
which they envolop. When a bulky wo
man is seen on the street with ancestor-
ior of irregular folds and draperies the
observer can't toll how much of it is hu
man and how much garniture. It may
bo a Blonder woman with a great deal of
garment , or a plumnono with only a thin
simulation of heavy"covering. It is now ,
moro than at any Reason of the year , pos-
Btblu to gnidimto one's outlines. By the
way , I had a letter lately asking just how
thick a woman ought to be in proportion
to her length. Of course a very young
girl may becomingly bo thinner than n
million , but T think I have been about
right in making up the following table.
Kivo in height phould weigh 100
Vivo foul ono inch ehould weigh 100
1'ivo fcot two inches ahuuhl uoigh IK )
Vivo fcot three inches should weigh Ill )
Vivo feet four iiicdcn should weigh 130
Vivo foot fho niche * should wnigli KW
Vivo feet fix inches phmild weigh 114
Vie feet hovon inches should wei h ICO
Vivo feet oicht inches should weigh Ififi
Vivo foot nine inclioi tliouhl weigh 1G3
Vivofcot ton inches should weigh 17'i *
Vivo feet cloven inches should weigh 17(1 (
Six feet should weigh ISO
If you take that for a standard consider
also your configuration. If you are
womanly in shupo that ia to say , if your
lines are distinctly curved by your frame
work of bonea as well as by ilosh , you do
not need quite so much weight for your
hoighAs though you wcro of the straight-
order. In outdoor
up-and-down selecting an
door garment you ought to cheese with
reference to what kind of a basis your
form provides for the proposed cloak or
wiup. It isn't necessary to reveal your
knowledge to anybody oho than your
maker I mean your dressmaker but it
is a fact that tlio proper study of woman
is woman , the particular subject bo-
j herself , with a view to artistic im
Charlotte Corday cloaks are piuticulaily
adaptable to traveling , and are in especial
voguu among the actressoa of combina
tions , who aim at a striking effect upon
the rural observer without delay. They
urs made of golden fawn-colored cash
mere , and lined with Venetian red silk ,
which should invariably bo displayed by
flapping open the front corners. The
outsides are trimmed , ofteii in eccentric
patterns , with bands of natural beaver ,
silver fox , or marten , and there may bo
a cap , collar , and muff to match. Thus
wrapped , the merest walking lady of a
barn-storming party is moro gorgeous
than Salvini in his remarkable ulster.
The redingote ia still popular , and it has
the advantage of comfort and simplic
"Wait till I change my wrap , " said a
friend , "and I'll walk down street with
you. "
"But I'm in a hurry , " I objected ;
"what's the matter with the ono you'vo
got on ? "
It was a beautiful affair of embossed
velvet and fur.
"I believe in dressing suitable for ev
ery occasion , " she replied ; "I am now
going to call on several poor families
who have applied to our church for help.
It is my opinion that a redingote is the
only proper garment to pay charity visits
in. "
So I had to wait for the redingote to
bo donned. Anyhow , it was u neat and
becoming thing , and I suppose alto know
it. It was long , and had a looao girdle
round the ivaist , The material was dark
brown , and n piece of velvet to match
was Baton the top , like the yoka of a ,
French pcnaant'u frock.
While youii women adhere a great
deal to thn rcdin < ; oto for unceremonious
wear , the poliseo ia in greater favor with
middle-aged poreoua. Long vixites hnvo
sleeves forming pr.rt of the back , and nro
seldom made to fit snuggly. Fur ir-
montfl present nothing new , but the
anomaly continues that , while cloth wxapa
are no short behind in many of the
styles , all fur ones are exceedingly-long"
The reason for the did'eronco is fhia :
Some women , when the fashion of very
long soaliikins came in , put ull tlio-money
they could into such au all-covering
garment , knowing that they could with
impunity wuar any cheap old rags'uudor '
it when on the promenade. This wa an
imposition which wealthy ladies didn't
like to bo suspected of , and BO they
encourage the bob-tailing of cloth wraps
BO as to show the -fuiory of their dresa-
skirK Tfco long sealskin coats of the
NowinarkwL style are mistakes , and even
in cloth they never can have more tLnn
a very limited favor. They uro ouly
united to slender figuroa , and tro decided
obstacles to the lifting of dresses fr m
behind , a nacoasity frequently in croaaiug
streets or descending steps , even when
the dregs ia walking length. They nru
tint suitable for visiting , but only far
driving , as they can not readily bo takoa
oil' or put on , And crush the loco about
the neck and oleoves. The fashionable
garment is the lotig coat , shaped liL-o ati
overcoat and made of the richest materi
als -Bilk plush , aealnkiua , and Lyons vel
vet , trimmed with fur. The fineot coats
arc of Shetland seal , lined with iguilted
satin , and ( iniilied v/ith eeul Jiutlont , and
Uiceo , which liavo inside and ouinido
pockets , the latter invisible , cost from
S300 to § 500 , _ fjouo ory houdnotno v < d-
vet cloth couU in a gray shade have Iwou
made , lined with satin and bordered with
chinchilla ; but chinchilla in not a. fur thst
is now very largely used. Distin
guished-looking coats nro mousn-
colored velveteen , lined with
with uuilted satin surah nnd trimmed
with ottwr , the collars of otter , nnd mmTa
and totjues irmdo of velveteen trimmed
to match. Some long palotota are nd-
mirably shaped. Picture quoucs h the
chief clmr.ictcrLbtJo in the season's wraps ,
and , ui a matter of course , a good many
_ women are nofc satisfied until they have
jgono to the voryo of flbsurdity in otyle of
colon. Some of the guy parmonla in
tended for opera cloaks are boldly worn
in the street. Ono young woman , nnd
perfectly respectable , too , promenades
Broadway in a brignt red envelope with
Turkoman stripes , looking like a section
from a circus procession. She has been
well brought up , the has taken many and
many a lesson in nrt , oho has all her life
boon accustomed to nice society ; and
with all these advantages she doesn't
know any better than to array herself
in a nw.nor which makes folks
turn round to giggle at the eight.
Besides the scarlet warp , the displays a
red jockey cap , pulled down boy fashion
nearly to her oars , while the small
amount of hair in view is cropped closo.
The right way to treat those caps is to
slightly feminize the oflbct by setting
thorn far back on the head , so that the
little poker of a visor , instead of shading
the eyes , curves upward , and allows a
soft Linqtry bang or Hull'of curls to
show. There is nothing more captiva
ting in the toilet of a neat , gentle girl
than something stolen from men's
fashions , and if she may taste she will in
some way unsex it , so that ouly ononah
masculinity is left for cutcnoss. Wo
may never put on trousers , but depend
upon it that if wo do wo will in noino
way render tncm captivating trim them
with lace , or something of tha' , sort.
North IVilo K\iicIIloti ( ! > ,
Prize rights , lotteries , walking mntchcx , and
balloon nsceiinioiH nro mu.tlly Imtnbugn of tlio
worst Kort. Jr. Tliomnt' keleetric Oil la not ft
humbug' . It in u 11 nick euro fur achoi ami
Bprains , and Is just as good for n 1.1111011013.
Iivo Farmer * Sl/.o Eauh Otlior Up ,
A rustic looking man sat in the smok
ing-car of the Omaha train bound for
Chicago the other night , when another
rural looking person c > uno in.
. "Is this seat taken1'asked ? the new
"No , sir ; sit right down , tit right
down , " said the other , making room next
Soon the two old farmers were in con
"Where arc you from ? "
"I Iivo near Buda. Whore do you
hail from ? "
"I'm a pretty near neighbor of yours ;
I live near Kovrancu. "
"Farming ! "
"Yes. Are you ? "
"Yes ; farming and stock. "
"Been to town with stock ? "
"Yos ; brought up : i hundred head of
steers. "
" 1 brought hoga. "
And BO the conversation ran on until
just before the train reached Mcndota ,
and the two old farmers were right ,
well acquainted. Presently another
man who looked like a merchant came in
ana was surprised to BOO ono of the old
"Well , well , well , " said the now man.
"I'm glad to see you ; maybe you can help
mo out of a littla embarrassing trouble.
I want to pay a man a little bill on the
train before I got ofl at Mcndota , and 1
haven't inonny enough. If you will lot
mo have $ ! 100 on my check I'll bo very
much obliged. "
"Certainly , I'm glad to do it , " and out
came the farmer's pockotbook. But , alas ,
ho only had $10 in small bills an J a beau
tiful crisp § 500 bill.
"You'ro perfectly welcome to the 640
if that'll help you out , or to the § 500 bill
if you can got it broke. "
"Perhaps your friend can help us out ;
the § 10 will hardly answer , " said the
merchant , and then ho apologized for
making so much trouble.
"Well , " softly said the other farmer ,
who until now had been silently looking
on , "I can't change a S500 bill , but I can
give you another ono for it , and I think it
came out of of the aamo batch , and was
printed on the 8:11110 : press. "
And turning to the other old farmer ho
added : "If your partner hadn't como just
us ho did mine would have been hers m n
minute. I've boon getting ready to work
.you on the ' same game ever since wo left
Chicago. "
At Mondota four very much disgusted
confidence men stopped oil' the tram and
stood around in the cold waiting for n
train returning to Chicago. '
Petroleum at Baku on the Caspian
W. Benjamin , U. 8. Charge at Ttlienn , In The Han-
liatUu far February.
Around the old city built by the Per
sians a now city has grown up ; the'total '
population is now upward of 40,000. Fif
teen years ago Baku point of fact ,
a Persian walled town , although under
Russian rule. To-day it la a largo and
rapidly growing European city , with a
highly important commerce. What has
done this ! The answer is , petroleum ?
From the tinio of Herodotus it has boon
( mown that Uro shores of the Caspian
abounded in naphtha , bitumen , and in-
llammablo oil. But it does not seem to
hnvo occurred to any ono to make it avail
able for commerce , until after ita possi
bilities had been tested by the develop
ment of the coal-oil trade of tlio United
States. Theui is uhvays a first time. The
time for { Saku arrived with the governor
who WISH cent there fifteen * years
ago. To him occurred the idea
that in thit vast supply of petroleum ,
Rtiaaia possessed n mine of wealth ,
ditttinod U > rival the gold fields of Cali
fornia. The chief difficulty , from the
outsat , was not in obtaining the oil but
in refining it to the degree Y-hiru it
could irival the petroleum of America ,
It contains moro naphtha than the Amer
ican oil , and great effort has -been ex-
pondud in devising iniuuis to reo the oil
from this ingredient. Although as yet
not an pure as our petroleum , that of
Baku is at least sufficiently clear io make
it evident that unless our traders take
the gBoatoat proeautiona , Uussia is on the
point of winning a large part of our
markets for this very important article
of commerce. Lait year tlio erport of
petroleum from Baku ror shod the enor
mous cum of 815XK ( > , > 000. A largo fleet
of squtro rigged vessels is engaged in
transporting the conunorcoof Baku , which
ia also a station forsovorallHteaof steamers
These floats have be > on built in sections
in England and Sweden and Jlnatod down
the Yalga. But reoontly .fine vowels of
1,000 tins have been built at lltsaan.
Tlioy cacry largo sail-nowor , as the prevailing -
vailing winds of the Caspian are two val
uable au. aid to locomotion to bo dis-
fiensc'J with. But the peculiarities of
U'IOBO rakkh little ateaoiera U the onguio ,
invented ilty a HiiBaian. Petroleum , in
stead of wood or coal , is their motive
power. A unall stoanv < ugiao iz required
toctart the ongiim ; but that ouco demo ,
the petroleum ia forced through fiao
apertures , in the form of an impalpable
spray into the furnace , whore once kin
dled , it produces enormous heat. When
I descended into the engine-room of ono
of theae Atvamera I could touch nothing
without t'lovtw , BO widely wa the heat
Tim 7anfrtry mtri foirent : JIM adopted a
thmelicet poster , at t/io / top of which h i-ra.
hlanwed the croit nud cowt-of-ariua of Albert
Kdword , jirince ofYaloi. .
A colored dr.imatlo club In Now York ha
boou christened the Irving.
Dr.s Mni.Ntii , February Ifi.In the
house to-day lion. L G. Liurmiy , the
liowly elected moinbor from Delaware ,
was sworn in and took his neat. Numer
ous petitions wore presented asking for
woman suffrage ; also petitions against
permanent location of the supreme court
at DCS Moines ; that no laws bo passed to
discriminate against magnetic healers ;
for reformatory prisons for fallen women1
for abolition of the independent school
district system. Bills wore introduced
to prt vide for the addition of ono company
panyto the Iowa National guard : for re *
lief of Dubnquo county in relation to the
school I nnd ; requiring railroads to use
belli and whisloa at crossings : to pro- for the in
sane ; li prevent injury and loss of life
by employes of railroad companies and
others ; to amend the law in relation to
transportation of passengers on railroads.
BilU wore passed to extend the close sea
son for killing prairie chickens to Sep
tember 1st ; to legalize the incorporation
of the town of Bolmond ; to legalize the
incorporation of the town of Murray ; to
amend the law in relation to bonding
county indebtedness.
In the senate the entire day was con
sumed in the consdorition of Doiinan's
temperance bill. Clark proposed n substitute -
stituto as follows :
That no person shall manufacture for
nalo or keep for sale ( or soil or keep for
oalo ) , as a beverage , alcohol , ale , wine ,
beer or any spirituous , vinous or malt
liquors , or any liquors whatever that are
intoxicating , and wherever the words
intoxicating liquor * occur in the cede or
statutes of the state the same shall be
construed to moan alcohol , ale , wino ,
beer and all spirituous , vinous or malt
liquora and all liquors whatever that nro
intoxicating , and all penalties , prohibi
tions and provisions of the law relating
to the nmnufiictura or sale or cooping
for uitle or keeping with intent to sell of
intoxicating liquors shall bo hold and
construed to apply to the manufacture ,
sale or keeping for side of alcohol , ale ,
wine , beer , all spirituous , vinous and
malt liquors and all liquors whatever
that are intoxicating.
Section 2. That section ] D.ri5 of the
cede bo and the sumo is hereby repealed.
Opponents of the measure endeavored
to have the aubstituto referred to a com
mittee. Debate on commitment
participated in by Bills , Hill , Russell
and Bloom in favor and Button , Clark ,
Eastman , Donan and Wilkin against.-
Failing in having Iho tmbstituto com
mitted the opponents of the measure
adopted dilitory tactics and adjourned
till to-morrow without reaching a votc.
Fourteen Horses llurncil to Dciuh.
Ccrrosponilouco of THE BEE.
DF.FIANOI : , Iowa , February 14 , 1884.
This town was the sccno of another
fito last night. At 12.I10 wo were start
led by the cry of Fire , and it was then
discovered thut the Libson Barn of W.
S. Groign was on [ firo. Barn was oper
ated by S. Linn who had fifteen horses
of his own in it and four boarding and
two transient , making twontyono in all.
The fire evidently started in. the Imy-
mott- and the roof was nil ablaze when
first aecn six horses were taken out
and the seventh ran out hinsolf , but was
badly burned while fourteen wcro burned
to death with all the equipments of the
livery. Losses are as bulow :
Barn , total loss , Insured for § 1000.
S. Linn , ? 2000 , insurance § 1400 ; Dr.
Watson , pair line stallinne , § 1500 insur
ance 81000 ; L. Dnnsmoro , team , $ UOO ,
insurance none ; Transients two , § 150.
( i.
DuAitwooi ) , Dak. , February ID. In
formation was received hero a few cl.iya
ago that an attempt would bo made by
cowboys to rcecUo JCSBO Pruden , arrested
for horsostealing at Miles City , Montana
and onrouto for Dcadwood. A posse loft
Spear Fish to assault the ollicor and ar
riving atStonovillo,7r > milesnorth of Deadwood -
wood , yesterday the posse was attacked
by cowboys and ono man named O'Hnra ,
killed and Fred Willard wounded. One
cowboy named Cuningham was killed ,
another , name unknown , wounded and
captured. The cowboys then fled. A
party is now organising at Spear Fish to
pursue the outlaws.
HUKTHVILLK , Ala. , February 16
Frank James' arrival is the general topic
of discussion. Many applications to see
him in the jail were refused by the
authorities. Jameu says ho will meet
every case against him , having disposed
of sovpn of tlio eleven indictments started
out with.
WOUTIUJWTON , Minn Feb. 16. The
mystery nurrouiiding the denth of Martin
Ililoy , a farmer near Adama , whose dead
body was found in a hay stack Fobruarj
1st , has been cleared by the confession ol
Hiloy's 13 year old daughter , who de <
claroa William , 1G ycfccn old , son of ' .He
deceased , committed tto crime in re-tali ,
ation Cor punishment inflicted by hit
father. Tlio boy haa fled.
KIM UK , Ia. , February 15. Trsou No
2 of the Chicago , K/tck Island and Pacifii
road was fired into -at a point batwuei
Belfast and Sundpsairio yestcrdey after
noon , while the was poshing a higl
blurl. Buckshot was ueod. Ono chargi
utruoi the baggage car and other charge
shattered three v'lndowa in tie coach
No ouo injured. The train WAS stopped
but 'tho search far the inlaa < cant wai
without result.
i i * g | - n ii
A. Had CUHO.
YorKCsxow.v , Ohio , February 16.
KiittyGilmoro , a young lady , was placet
in a vault at Warren yosiorday , bu
taken 'from the vault two hours after b ;
Ulndortakor Townaond to tko house o
I > j. Nelson. There still remained a glow
ou horithook and u natural oppression o
the eye. I'hyaiciins Bay site aid not dt <
of inllaiaaUon of the boweli , but frou
hyord | < ) nnio injuo'Jons , Tlioy are ye (
divided in opinion ca to whether she u
alive or dead ,
The body was examined at ft o'clock
this afternoon by tlituo physicians , and
pronounced dead , uni wus aguen placed
in the vault.
ItcinciuUorud i
HAW SAOINAW , Mich. , Febnury 15. . . .
The will of Col. Iluut , tlio inillionuiru
luniborumn of il'jsscoiutnoii county , din-
cloaca that liu Inia bequeathed # 500 , to
Caroline Brown , niottie > * of Artonma
\Vard , nnd aiiniliir amouuta t Eli lVr
kins and Juch Hillings. Hunt was n
lover of humor niul otynod an oxtonsivu
library made uji extensively of humoroua
The Albert I < ( ! a lloute ,
CIUOAOO , February 15. Th atatemont
is made that the Ilock laland road lias
secured full control cf the Burlington ,
Cedar lUpiils and Northern running from
Burlington to Albert Lon , Minn. , and
that at the meeting in Now York , next
Monday , the change in ownership will
then occur. The road has boon owned
conjointl\by the Chicago Burlington &
Quincy nnd it was used by the former
company as an outlet from St. Louis to
the nortwcst while the Rck Island has
used itas part iU "Albert Lea" route
from this city to Minneapolis and St , Paul.
It is understood ns soon as the Hock
Island IUB secured full control , the now
acquisition and the Minneapolis nnd St.
Louis road will bo amalgamated with
lUck Inland and cease io exist as an in
dependent lino.
Slicop Wholesale.
.Fl CITV , Montana , February 15
It is reported hero that the romnrkable
death rate amoiij * the Marquis De Mores'
sheep in the Little Missouri country ia
the result of poison. Tint Marquis has
enemies and the symptoms indicate
poison. Six thousand out of twelve
thousand have died.
The XohraRkn Wool Growers.
LiNroi.yJgFobruary 16. About fifty
delegates were presented to-day at the
State Vool Growers' nssociation and
much interest manifested. The expres
sion of fooling favored the wool tnrill'of
18C.7. .
, February 16 , ji n. m.
Hirer 70 fcot 4 inches and falling ; clear
and cold. 4 Falling all the way above
very rapidly'n hundred miles or so up
the river.
Wei ilo Mover.
It is now mulliputnd tint Wol Do
< % r'n Cut n IT ! i Ouro is the only troatmcnt
that will nWlutnlv euro Catarrh frank or
chronic. "Very olhVaclotiH , Sntnl. (5ould ,
Weeping Wntor , Nob. " Ono bov cured mo ,
rrl . Mury Kenyan , IHnmnrlc , Dakota , " "It
nwtored mt ) to the pulpit , Itov , ( ! oo. 1) ) , Keis.
CoblovllleN. Y. " "Ono txiv radically cured
iut , Ilov. 0. H. Taylor , 110 Nohlo street ,
lirooklyn. " "A t > orfoct euro nftor ItO yonrn
RiilFerii' .1.1) . MuUoimhl , 710 Broadway , K ,
Y. , fee. , iVo. Tlious.indH of tostliuutiials nro
roccivod from nil part of Urn world. Delivered -
orod , Sl.OO. Dr.Vt [ Do Mover's Illtmtrn-
tcd I'rontlsovinliBtitoiiionti by the utirod
mallod frco. D. 1) . Dewey k Co. , 182 Fulton
street , N. Y. tUM-thur&snt-m&e-Siu
l.connrd (5rovor it totirini ; Canada \\ith
' "Our Hoarding lion- . " . "
"Marion Loacaut , " MnssonotV now onora ,
lias scored an imuiciiEo Hiicceaa at the Oiera [
Comiquo , 1'nrls.
"I/Olnonu 151ou" ( The Ulna llird ) . n IIBW
ifinra-boull'o by J.ococi ] , has boon Introduced
' 1th success in 1'nria.
It U fnid that tha Union Siuaro | thontor has
.at . had Mich n success xlnro thn "Uankur'u
Jaiiphter" as found in Campbell's "Sojmra-
ion. "
Cnrolino Hill nnd I.CUVH MoiriHon nro I'lay- '
in "Tho Ace of Clnbs"
IR at the Oloho the-
itjr , 13oaton. This jilay was adapted by A.
. Cnzauraii ,
I'joniBtjcnie Djornson Is writinc n drama in
, hroo part ? , only the lirst of which has boon
nililishod , The inotivo of the pluy is the per-
ornmnc ) of u miraclo.
It is a rottlod fact that Mine. Jilodjcslcn.
vlll not play next Boauon in America. Blio is
booked to ail for 1'uropo Juno II. Ilor on-
agemcnts cover a period of two years nnd
, ako her : xa fur aa St. 1'fitornburR. She coin-
indices horfurowoll ongnpotnont in Now York ,
Monday , 1'ebrunry 11 , at the Star theatre , in
Unrrynioro'a now play "Xmljl/.dn. "
It in Bald that Sir. Ablioy liai oirerecl Mr.
.awroncu Jliirrutt , n uuiihidcrnblo Bum to can
cel his agreement to at the Lyceum
Theatre , Ijondon , thin season. Tlio reason
gi\cu for this change of attitude is that Miss
Anderson has made a nucccm which will wnr-
ant the nmnaeomcnt in Icooping her nn Htoadl-
y until Mr. Irving is ready to return , ft is
not yet known whnthor Mr. Barrett will ac
cept the odor or not.
larly ? in April Mr. Thomns begins hia
toninco \Vnirncr concerts nnd musical { PR-
Livala. A eericH of concerts are projected In
Now York , Boston , Philadelphia , IJrooiclyn
and sonio western cities , while fostiuls will
bo glvou In Hichmond , JiaUimoro , Washington -
ton , L'ittitiurg , Cincinnati , Chlogn , Momphls ,
Kansas City , Omaha , Minneapolis end JJuf-
alo. During this tour the orchestra will con-
isst of from 100 to ISO performers. Tlio volo-
Jsts engaged thus for are Mcudamca Matcrnn ,
Christine Nilseon , Kmma Jueh nud Minn
Winant , Moosrs , Wiiikclmann , Scixrin , Tocdt
anil Komvnorti. Selections from " ' 1'ai.nhaoti-
" "Tiistin" mid "Isolde " " "
Bor. , "Xibelungon"
" 1'arslfal" will bo
and probably given.
Pock's Bad Bnv has invaded the etago
Some Ingenious Yankee made au arrange-
inont with Mr. Peck by which ho eecured the
title , and there are now half a dozen compan
ies engaged in illustrating the demoralizing
youth's adventures In various parts of the
country. The proprietor sails territorial
rights to the title , but furnishes nothing lathe
way of a play. There is now ono vnrietj
company and ono melodramatic ni-gnni/.atiiu
in the field with "Pock's Bad Boy , " and tin
entertainments they give do not boar tin
remotest resemblance to each other. The ad
vantage of the Pcclt'H Bud Boy syftoin is tha
after buying the rights for certain torntnr ;
tha purchaser can perform any piece ho like
uudor that naino.
Mr. Joirorsou la DQ\V enjoying his rcgula
winter vacation , and Ills company will roniali
in Idlcnen for tha nnxt ton weeks , while Mr
, ] t > ( Temjn lilirmolf goes to engage himself li
vurloiw kinds ( f nj > or ! > tijwn his Lonlslam
plantation. Thin cubtoui ( s ligldly adhered t <
by Mr. JolTorixm voar in and year out. 111.
Bc.iBim is nlwaya divided Into two [ lartx by ai
Interval of ten wefcks , and it It l cau o of th
brevity of hbi tour that ho U obliged to pa ;
the largest salaries of any utar ( n the country
The aetora toll amusing ntnrlon of Mr , delict
pon'd mortal fear of tutchlnir cold tlnco th
time wlion ho lost bin volco ant went , T
prevent draughts In the various theatres , It i
the duty of a portion of Mr. Jolferson's ntnl
to piwtn paporii over ovo.y iuiaginablo crovlc
and if the old gentleman manages to detect
current of air the pots ami bruahca taunt b
out anil at work without dalay.
tJonilnul Wenk.
awl all DUtutca
that Jolbw M
nqucnoe ol Sell-
Abuuo ; ui loss ol
" "
70nE TASIMO.JliuiStud , ! AFTER TAR IK
( n < vbeTlu > ) . , Dlinnouiol Villon , 1'iemature 01U AI
anj jiwiy otdier dlnuwiua that loul tuluuulty or Co.
birtlon | end & I'roinituxi Gravu.
riiwARR of adTcrttnouuioU to r lut > d money , nh <
iliuf irt rrota whom the inoJlcme l bought ilo n
rtMul , liut tetor you totio mfujulncturcn , And tl
roiiulrcmoiiUaio tuch tluA they ftto ttldom , iivt
toiriullod with. Bee thtlr'.rlttuit'uarantue , Atrl
ot ori-.i KlcKla yacliogo of Oroy'i BiwoiOo will convliu
thn thOBt ikoiittcalof IU nl mwiti.
On ( cmuiit ef oountoi/a'tcun ' , w iuvo ( wlojtod tl
Yellmr Wrapper ; the onl'u < uulue.
t-fifiM ijurtbulani In nrr | miHilct , which td
clrotu.iunU Irtxi by mail toovcry otio. jUTThuHp
. I0o KLxlloluo u nlil by all virugKl'it * at 81 jxr i > tc
Ku , orilx paali' oi f or # 5 , or will bo Mint frco I
u.ill on the ioc lii ( of the money , kr ftJJrcsaliin
THR OJI AY MKPIfJIKKCO. . Buffalo , N. V ,
8ulJ1n < lnuba brO. , tie > liaui.
After Late Suppers
Tarrani's ' '
. .
Burdock Blood Bittors.
r YOURAl'PETITBIjpoor-lf your digestion I
Iccllo If your lccp la broken , and you are de *
Intntod and dnpondent , try Uunloak IllooJ nitUra
'ou will bo delighted nlth the result.
IMP MKD1CISil : ft magnificent aperient , gently
II10 moves tlio bowel ) , cloantei the blood anil
tiucs off levers , tick hc.vlAche , and Wliotn attuclis ,
I'rcvnlent during the hot monthsj and all y ncr *
tuno'j and ilelilllty at well , *
TO USR nurdock nioo.1 . nittcri ! c.T | > liln < l
cryclorly on the Ubcl acoornpinylnjo oh
ottlf. Ilio dosed tlio p&tlcnt will vary at his rr her
iod rcnio dlctatog. No harmful effect ) can potsl-
0 result from tlio t < of the medicine. Wo will
lurantco npproclablobtueflt ovcry time.
TO H3B nurdock Dlocxt rittcrj It (5 ( "n-
necr'BAry to tUtf. All unilirtUnd what
peed hMoand Mood tonic am accomplish , nmt
1 know when they need such ( anil wo might In *
ipoUto ALL need Ik at ana time or another ) . Am
caunt usptrtment and for certain relief , try Rur-
ock IV.ouJ Ilitteri. Ily Druggist * .
osmn , MII.UUHN & co. , i-ropV , nun io , N. Y.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $75,000.
ra.TickoU only $5. Shares In I'roportlouTEi
Lonisiaua state Lottery Company ,
etrtfy ( that utntpertits tht H
( oralltht Monthly and Sctni-Annvoi
mieingt of tht Lmiinana State Lottery Company ,
nd inyerton managt and control the Drateinjt
\tmttftei \ , arut that tht taint are conducted witk
onrtty , fairness , and in goodjallh rouarii all par.
Vji , dud \ffatilhoiitt the company to utt tMicer *
t/Uatt , icittifae-iitniltt cj our tiynaturet Mtachti ,
i it * a < lo'rtncminti.2
Inoarporated In 18C8 for 25 years by the lejlolalun
. r educational and oharltablo purposes with a rap.
lUlof 81.000,000 to which reeono fund ol oral
tS&O.OOO has tlnoo been added.
Ily an overwhelming popular Tote Its franohUii
. as made a part of the preaont state constitution
idoptod December 2J , A. D. 1870.
'ho only Lottery over voted on and en
dorsed by the people of any State.
It never scales or postpones.
Its grand single number drawings toke
ilaco monthly.
A splendid opportunity to win a Fortune ,
'liird Grand Drawing Claso 0 , nt Now Or-
anns , Tuesday , March 11 th , 1884 IGCth
. [ onthly drawing ,
CAPITAL PRIZE , § 75,000.
00,000 Tickotn nt FIve Dollars Each. Frac
tions , in Fifths In proportion ,
1 da do 25,000
1 do do 10,000
2 PRIZES OF ? 8000 12,000
5 do 2000 10,000
10 da 1000 10,000
20 do 600 10,000
100 do 200 20,000
800 do 100 30.000
00 da TO 2S 000
QUO do 26 25,000
ArrnoxuiATiON raiir.i.
3 Approximation prlroa of $750 0,7(0
0 do do 500 4,600
0 do do 150 2,250
567 Prizes , amounting to ! 0500
Application for ratca to duos should bo mud * only
A tha offlco of tbo Company In New Orleani.
For further Information writs cltiarly giving full
ddrees. Make P. O. Honey Orders pujabla and
Mtesi RcKl'tfrcil Tjottcra to
Now Orleans , tv.
Portal Notca and orJlnary letters by 1111 or Ex.
iron ( all sums of J5 and upwards by Kxprctt at oa
4T A. DAUPHI- ? , A. DAUPIIIN , Now Orleaun , W.
037 Eorenth St. , WasMnKtou , U. 0.
J !
Jv J
And your worlc is done for nil ti
to time to come.
The World' '
to produce a more durable material. *
for street pavement than the
Sioux Falls Granite.
filled promptly. Samples sent and
estimates given upon application.
Sioux Falls , Dakota.
VTOI KAMI * E-flLI , HO , 1TOS , ( ill.
[ IToil and , Jtriiiu Uvf. lurluUeC.
" ? ' ? ' , "rtHMER'a BOALB.fO.
11 *
T,1fe * . - ' - - - -
" "
rea ,
iii.j. tcjujiuir riu. > 4.