Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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Spine nnd I.trn
? ) dl3''i ! ! ? > lj ) l lwm , Com'l
pmlon , KntlprlM. Cnlivnli
. , Imnotwin
11lf * FrlfffT. iMllrtiK-n.
DombAtni * . VtxrtupirtH VtMl.rUOnly nHcntlfic Hf ;
trip lull in Atnrrtf ihut fcrnlnthfElrctrklty ; yil nyi
ncll ni tliroiiK th ( lodj-.nn < Ic rberrch ( rKHllnanlii
rlAtU bj the putlrnU
SI.OOO Would Not Buy It.
DR. HoMjn I a a Ictcilwlth rheumatism and
cured by xnltiR belt. To nny one afflicted ltl
that dl/iea / c , i would ) , buy llorno' Mectrio Ilelt
Any one can confer wth mo by wrltlnRor calllni
t my Itorc , 1420 DougUs street. Omaha Nob.
MAIN OFFICH Opposite postofllco , room 4 Krcn
Ooodmiin' ' * DniR store , llJi
rrnftin St. , Omsha.
Orders nilod O O D.
COOK'S OtlANl ) FACUrtSIONS leave Now Yorl
In April , May and .lunc , 1R84. 1'ASSAOi : TICIUm
by nil ATLANTIC STBAHKIIS. Special facilities fo
( ccurlnff QOOD nKRTIIS TOUUIST lICKKrs lo
trnx el' r In Kl'HOI'E. bv a'l routes , nt leiluccd rated
COOK'S KXUUnSIONIST , with maps and full par
Ucularc. by mall 10 wnU. A rtreM
fiTHOS. COOK & SON , 201 Jlroad av , K. Y.
IO.w-2 t a-w-w&p.
CO i * J
J i
' *
Ll I
' 483
- T
; * i
Stove Repair Works ,
109 South 14th St.
Ifako-Binciortvof furnishing castings and repair
mi < tur < 4 of all acsorlptlon , wood etovus , changed K
burn coal , pratoi.nrctjack , damocri. &o oonitantly ;
on hanil. Try ono o our itovo p" > ' > i lvea one
lottiiw drier. * . <
S , H , ATWOOD ,
Plattsmouth Net
, - - - -
XarTounc ttook for Halo. Correspondence tollcltod ,
Nebraska Cornice
OFj ] * * *
Iron Fencing !
Croitlniri , Haltiftrodea , VoranJas , OOlcoknd Ilavl
lUllings , Window and Collar Guardi , Etc
noit , O , ANDCtn BTnEI.r , LINCOLN NCD ,
flAIKER. Uan&cer.
Chicago , Si. . Paul , Minneapolis am
Tbo DOW extension of this line from WaKufleld 111
through Concord and Colcrldjfo
TO 3acja.3Fiiapi3xrG-1ilO3xr ,
lleacbct the beat portion of the State , Spoclil ox
cunlon ra'ra for Und looker * o > cr thl Una t' '
W yn , Norfolk and Haitln ton , anJ via IJluIr to ft !
principal po'i.ta ' on the
Trilni o vrtht 0. . tt. V. U. & O. lUllway ti Oov
Jnirton.Blouxi.ltj.J'onca , Ilartliiftou , > Vojno am
Aoitolk ,
< 3o3ta.aa.oot ot Etlf lBr
1'orFcinont , Oaktlalo , Netleb , aud Uirough to V l
firi'or rates mul all Information on
K II. WllllNKV , Ueneral Avent ,
Htrivuit'i llulldlfK , Cor. 10th and 1'nriiam Bt < ,
„ _ _ . . . . . Ointha , JSuli
fTI.Vot can be secured at depot , coiner litl
and WebsUr Btri > et .
A < DffcOT TiTTT1BIJVtew'tIloutme } ' < l
JV JrlJaji J. J. V JLll < ! lll - IWentodOc
" * m'mmm * " " " *
"toborlO , 7fl. On
bos No , 1 vrlllciiro any casoln four davg or IOM Nc
S will euro the most obstuiato case DO matter of hoi
Allan's Soluble MedicaUd Bougiei
No nauseous do s otnibebt , copabb , or oil of san
dal wood , tnit ar % ln to prouuco dymwutU b
dcatroj-tnir tbo euatlngiof the itomacb. 1'rlot SI.6
Sold by all drurcltti , or mailed cu rooetut of prlc
i'or further particulars end lor tlrniUr.
1 * . O.liox f.Ui
J , T. ARMSTRONG , M , D. ,
. ,
Tcuiponry ctltou , on aiicnunt of Ore , with Dr. I'ur
Jitr , Itoom { i , Crtiglnoalade \ , utn and Lou lai
CS-raham Paper Co. ,
KIT and 519 North Ualn L , Bt Iuli. .
MT Jub p W for Puri ol U
In Cluircli DurlnR tlio JjJfnny.
I'm clad wa got tlicro ofttly , Nell }
Wo'ro not obliged to stt to clay
UoMdo the o horrid Smith girls-well
I'm olftd they go no noon hwixy ,
How ( lees thU eontumo match my dress ?
/ think it looks qulto clmrmlnqly.
"Uowcd sweetly to the Smiths ? " Oh ! yos-
. , , . vnnyi hypocrisy ,
C3ood Lord , iHhor vs. "
I liato tlioeo hnuRhty CourtonAyat
I'm sure they noodn't fcol no fine ,
AViovo us nil for mamma snys
Their ilrcsios nron't BO nlca as inino.
And one's engaged ; so , just for fun ,
To tnnko her jealous try to win
Her lever show hnr how 'tis done
[ ItajMuI * ] , , , . "From hatred , envy , mischief
tin ,
Good I/ml , deliver us. "
To-day the rector Is to preach
In aid of missionary work ;
llo'll Bay ho lio)0i | nnd tnists that each
Will nobly gl\o , nor duty shirk.
I lidtt to glvo , btit then ono mutt ,
You know wo have a forward goat ;
People can co Ihoy ttill , I trust
[ / ? 7 > om/"l''rom wnnt of charity , deceit ,
(5ood ( J < ord , deliver tu. "
Did you know Mr. Grny had gene ?
1'lmt Imndsomo Mr , llogori , too ?
Dear mo ! Wo shall bo qulto fsrlorn
If all the inon leave and n > few !
I trust that wo with Cupld'a darts
May captitro Homo -lot them beware
[ yMwi"JlehoId ? the sorrows of our
And , Lord , with mercy hoar
our prayer. "
The wife of the llov. > Toiopn Cook has gone
to Icctn'lnR. Such Is the olloctof a husband'
awful example.
The moat exclusive and faahloimblo dressmakers -
makers of Paris announce the rot Ival of the
short waists of the first empire.
"Vol\otli pre-eminently the favorite mate
rial of the soanon , nnd pink velvet la mucli
liked for ball and reception toilets.
Swlna bodlcon and wide glrdloa of \ civet ,
pointed bark and front , nro worn with grand
mother dremcs of cashmcro or Hurnli.
Miss Kiimm Latham , the daughter of a San
Frnncluco banker , Is ono of the most Mliaiul-
lomoly drcsaed ladles on the Pacific const.
Fashionable young lady , detaching her halt
before retiring " \Vhat dreams may come
when wo have shufllcd off this mortal coill'1
A now London wrap , christened after Mary
Andornon , is a jacket of sealskin , opening
zouavo fashion over aosit of nudyod Eonlnliln ,
Miss Malito Collins , the novollst , has made
rviodjesUrV * early hfo the subject of a storj
entitled "Tho 1'rottlost Woman In Warsaw. "
Lucy Larcom's lout poem is outitloil "I Cliinl
to Host. " Lucy should marry some rch fel
low who could afford to have an oluvator In
the house.
In Franco nearly all the railroad ticket nm'
signal clerks nro women , who nro paid ni
much ns men. They are preferred bocruiao nl
their sohrioty.
The tournuro Is reaching quite p'omtnonl
proportions ; but , lot us add , the old-time hooj
is not restored to favor , nor is there a pros
poet of Its biing8o. _
Among favorite monogram decorations foi
notn paper is n sunken square of darker tint
than the paper , with the monogram in a lighter
or shndo raised upon It
A woman can Ip and tear nnd darn nm
yet bo considered sweet-tempered , but jusl
lot a man do it and people will Hay all mannoi
of hard things about him.
A society young lady told her Illiterate ) bul
wealthy lever that ulio was going to ( jive o
gcrman , and ho said that ho'cl be sure to como ,
as ho was very fond of bocr.
"I'd Hko to gh o you a piece of my mind ,
Mrs. Smlggs. " "I won dn't talk of inpogsl
hllltlos , Mr. So.iggs. The article you spoal
of i * to small to bo divided. "
Velvet dresses handsomest when made
all of ono kind of velvet and trimmed onlj
with a little lace , black or white ; or both , 01
tinted to match the color of the J.csa.
A man's brains weighs three and halj
pounds. A woman's brain is somewhat light
cr , but of finer quality. That it what enable !
her to tastn lord In her neighbor' * pastry.
As In the spring the young man's fancj
lightly turns to thoughts of love , it is not un
reasonable to expect era long to hoar of Mr
Tlldon's engagement to "n beautiful youiif
lady. "
any evening dress , either whlto/blnclc or colored
orod ,
Pokln velvet with chocolate ( pound and
rod satin stripes Is used for the gathered vest
and full skirt of elegant costumes thnt arc
completed by a long pelisse of plain browr
Boston girls never say "Ho is a gene goose.1
When a lever is observed to bo idioticallj
gweoton any particular younr lady , the othei
girls refer to him as "a dopartfld aquatic Hewer
or of the genus ansor.1
Literary bracelets are adopted by studioui
transatlantic belles. The bungle consists ol
twelve liny gold books linked together , will ;
thn name of some fa\orito author ouamoled or
the back of each book.
A report comes from nn Illinois town of i
woman falling dead at the piano. Wo liavi
no dcslro to make light of the sorrows of a'
nIHictod family , but this ought to bo a warn
ing to a great many piano-players ,
A favorite dross is the front nnd sides o !
ono material ; the waist or coinage , as It i
termed , and the train of another. The waist
may have n tiny basque skirtor , ( may curve t (
a peak , and bo edged with lace or a ruching o
the fabric.
A country gir' ' , coming from the Held , beiui
told by Jior poetic cousin that she looked ai
fresh as n daisy biased with dew , said : "Well
It wasn't nny lellow of that nnmej but it wai
Steve .Tones that Kissed mo. I told him thai
every ono in town would find it out"
It U said that pulling and draping must go
that the angular style is to pruvatl ; that long
flowing trains ( which are already worn for ful
dross ) and the doml-tralu will be the fashion
able skirt of epnng ; but lot us hope this doei
not include street wonr. for surely women o
to-duy nro too sensible to over constitute
themselves "atroot sweepers" again.
In there any ono thing Interests a womat
than the novelty of como Invention Intomlei
directly for them ? Among the latest is tin
Holf-adjustablo corset for ladies , who runulri
padding ( which wo all know is Injurlousf fein
n perfect titling dross. This bust is capabh
of being made largo or small , as a womau'i
! 70 demands. Ventilated , mid of the bout o
kteel springs it can but bo healthy. Veij
light weight , it Is made of the same inatoria
and the name non-breakable bones us the cor
B t designed for stout women. tlmtvhlcli | then
is nothing better mado. Hither of thcao corsets
sots will provo a favorto ! when once worn.
Kvery woman diould have n sealskin saoiuo
In the first place it Is rich and becoming ar
tiole of dross , and in exceedingly comfortauli
when the thermometer Is down in the neigh
borhood of zero and cold north winds prevail
vail * . It can bo worn In either sunshine 01
storm without fear of being spoiled. It look
well at the theatre or ou the faihlouabli
promenade ; in fact , It 1s on regie under nlmoa
all circumstances during at least six months o
the year. But tlicro Id another great and con
trolling reason why this delightful nrticlo o
uttlro should be in the wardrobe of even
member of the opposite BOX. So great is tin
fascination it possesses for metroixjlltan man
kind that it never fails to secure for it * woarei
n seat in either the street cars or the olovatei
roada. Black or blue \elvot will not do it
Lot a sealskin caoqua enter one of thcso con
voyancesj u dozen nenapapora will bo foldei
up ut once , a score of sleepy men will tmd
denly awakou nnd the noaltkin sacque wll
liuva Its choice of thirty seats.
Forty students of the Texas university an
women ,
A two-year-old child at Gainesville , Ou. ,
can already repeat the entire alphabet.
A petition has. been presented to the Con
necticut legislature ! , asUiii ? for the passage ol
a law prohibiting the neo of tobacco in the
public schools.
A primary teioher asked ono of her scholar *
the difference between geese am ] Reuse.
"One tcose ; i a goose , and n whole lot oi
gooses l Krone "
Twenty-rivo firmi Ju this country publish
ichool becks , but 11)0 ) of them do two-tnlrdi
of all the bnslnoos. The annual product
Kmountsto about $8,000,000.
Ah Sin , the Milwaukee Chinaman who ox <
pfctd to enter Cornell nnlvorslty , ayn ho made
.200 In twd years in the laundry bmlness ,
Milwaukee must be cleaner than it look * .
Mlsu Anna P. Sill IIM Just resigned the no
attlon of pilncipAl of the Kockford ( III. ) Fe
male Romlnary after 3" > ycnni' service. Slu
founded the school , nnd has bocn remarkably
successful In Its conduct ,
A census of a Philadelphia boarding tclioo
of forty-eight girls showed that ono couh
make broad , ono know how to fry oysters
three know how to broil heokstonk , forty-olghl
could embroider and f rty-so\cn dance.
New York Rtato expended $1,1125,071 on it
public schools during 1883 , of which nmoum
SOCi,3ll WM expended In the cities. Thougl
the returns show the number of children ol
school ngoto ho 1,085,100 , but 1,011,000 nt
Tlio Old Elm Tree.
I sat
an old elm
tree , the wind
wont whistling by.
It bent its boughs
nnd softly breathed
the following with a '
a sigh : "I have lived
hero for many ay oar nnd
Keen the summer como nnd
go. The spring tlmo with I to
flowers and rain , the autumn
with ItH fruit and ( rrnin , the
winter with its chilling blast ,
when with snow and ice the skion
nro overcast. In summer tlmo be
neath my thado have rhlldron
often played , nnd oh , how oft , beneath
my boughs hnva lovers renewed their pllghtec'
vows , nnd many tlmo the old and feeble
hnvo sought my ehado to smoke their pipes
or ply the needle ; am1 UUH it's been
with emllcs nnd tears I hav o watched
them como and go for throe-score
years , and many a tale I could
toll of what In thtt tlmo bo-
fell. But ago is creepIng -
Ing o'er my head and
I fonr my rootx
nro Rottinir
dead ;
n n d
I'll wither -
do cay
1 t ko
who Bought
my shndo each day.
[ Chlcog'i Sun.
A rooster nt Verbena , Ala. , has two toll
and three lees.
It Is said that the ducks In Chesapeake bay
California , subsists entirely upon wild celery
which , It Is reported , grow sin abundance 11
that vicinity.
A successful taxidermist of Irw Intown , Ga.
recently killed n blackbird which ho has skill
fully mounted and turned into a very unlqui
and pretty neck-scarf or cravnt.
A wild duck took n direction parallel to i
locomotive leaving Tnrrytown , nnd It was i
cloao race for two miles , but just before reaching
ing Irvington the bird forged ahead of the on
A gold wutch with a bullet in the hack o
the case , where It ledged after going througl
the time piece , belongs toV. . 11. McGunnigle
of Saglnaw , Mich. It saved his father's lifi
during the war.
Saniuol Fogely , of New Philadelphia , O.
put n heavy load of powder into a log , and
as the fuse failed to tire it , he went up and sa
astildo the log. Then the charge oxplodoi
nnd Fogoly will die.
Mrs. Louise Lyman. of Cabot , Mass. , modi
n clothes line from the combings of her hair
Shobogan the industry in 18.19 , and made 100
feet of the cord , which the family used foi
years as clothes linos.
A walking skeleton in Lille , France , cai
so contract his diaphragm nn to drive the ai :
completely > < ut of his chest , so that not mori
that ono inch of apnca remains between hi
heart and his backbone.
Archdeacon Bruges xcontlons n gentlemat
who was so thoroughly n gamsstor that hi
left In his will an Injunction that his bones hi
made into dice , and bin skin so prepared as ti
bo a covering for dlco-boxes.
Forty cents a week is all that it costs Job )
W. NlBsloy , of Mount Carmel , Pa. , who is Cl
years old , and weighs 175 pounds , to live. HI
diet is dry bread and hot water , and has beoi
so for the last seven yearn.
A flock of wild turkeys walked around thi
public square of Perryvillo , Mo. , apparently
without lear , but were gene again before tin
people recovered from their surprise am
could capture any of them.
Three months ngo a resident of Presto :
City , Conn. , part'nlly swallowed a fish bone
It ledged in the back of his mouth , botwooi
the lower jaw and cheek , nnd being unanh
to romov o It , waited for It to vv ork loose. In
stead it disappeared , and a few days ngo wai
taken out below the chin. It had traveltc
four inches , and finally produced an ulu > ;
and found its way out.
There Is n Mnltono cat In Babylon , N. Y.
that attends the Presbytorlau church regu
larly morning and evening , Tabby Is alvrayi
found by the sextan sitting on the door stepi
when ho opens the church , The cat patten
up the aisles and takes up a position near tin
stove , where ho remains throughout the ser
vice. After the benediction Tabby ioavei
the church with the congregation , and dinap
pears. The animal has bccomo to bo knowi
as the religious cat.
A cat that had in eomo way become a prls
oner on the top of n housa in Phlladelphli
seventy foot high , became frightened at thi
frantic efforts of the crowd below , and aftti
clinging to the eaves of the building for semi
tlmo suddenly dropped to the ground. 0
courne the cat wasn't killed , fur If the Phili
dolphians are to bo bellaved the tough follni
lit on all tours and immediately mido a bee
line for the backyard fence , where ho is uov
tuning himself for the coining concert.
A gentleman whllo passing nlonjr n Hurt
ford , Conn. , street recently noticed tlio slngu
lar actions of what first appeared to bo i
couple of sparrows in the fiwsn sleet of tin
gutter , tied together , neck nnd legiUnot
further examination , however , ho discovered
that ono bird was feeding the other. The boil
evolent bird started otJT when the gontlemat
cnmo too close , and attempted to carry off iti
helpless companion , but was of course unsuo
ciwuful. It was a clear case of sympathy foi
suffering helplessness ; pure blr.1 philanthropy
Wi 11am Ferplson , of Philadelphia , althougl
40 years old , Is still aflllcted with a poctdlai
and terrible birth-mark , which was the ro.uli
of his mother , shortly before his birth , wit
nesslne the contortions nnd evidences ol
ngony in n unnko which had been thrown InU
a tiro. Lvoralncotho > lctitnof that borioui
n Ilctlon was 7 j oars old he has boon Annu.
ally nttacded , and each tlmo ho suffers more
than the preceding. At exactly the snmt
Period of the jear convultions and paroxysmi
visit him , nnd at the same hour of the even
Inor. Ho is the
now undergoing tortures In i
worse form than nny before , and , althougl
scores of phvsldans have vlnltod him , noni
have been able to sungest a sulliclont remedy
A few days ago n largo mountain eagh
swooped down , gathered up the pet dog ot i
woman living near Oleudlvo , Montana , am
attempted to make off with It. The womai
was not , as homo might think because sha hai
o pet ( loir , a dudine , but n determined woman
aud she determined to have thnt dog , fahi
Winced Into the house , seized her hmbnnd'i
triwty old rltlo which had put nn end t'
many a poor Lo , nnd in u moment she hai
her trained eye along the barrel of the gut
directly against the emblem of our nutlona
liberty who wo * robbing humanity of iu al
Jovvftuco of saussaso. The ; > lucky woman ihu
her eyes , turned her head , nnd pulled tin
trigger , with the result -namely , nil cagli
freed from its load , nnd tlio remains of a yol
low poodle scattered upon the ground , ana i
woman with a dialocutul nhoulder.
In another column will bo found the an
ouncemont of Messr . THOS. COOK & SON
ourlst Agents , iiOl Broadway , New York
relitlvo to tlio very complete arrangement
they have made for tours in Kutcp * th :
coinluo' Spriug and Summer. "Cook'n Ihcur
slpnlat , " containing jnapa and full particular * ,
will be mailed to any address ou receipt of U
A Valentine ,
A valentine ! Al ) , can It bo
That eomo ono lina addroatcd to mo
These linen , no sweet and tender ?
Nnmo or Initial in not net
Upon the page , and yet and yet
I think 1 know the sender.
What though thi writing bo disguised ,
And many n llttlo trick dnvliod
To aid the fond dncoptlon ;
ht. Valentino prov Idea the key
Thnt spoils tli3 Httlo mystery
The moment of reception.
We may bo right , wo may bo wrong ;
For lack of confirmation strong
Wo gii o the r ln to fancy ,
And lot her wander at her will ,
And her bright destiny fulfill
In fields of necromancy.
And valentines would lese their charm ,
If they nt once could doubt disarm
1'ro yet the soil wan broken ;
And so the deeper the dlfgulao ,
'Iho more delightful the surprise ,
And sweeter li the token.
[ Josephine Pollard.
Mgr. Copal is no longer popular with tin
Ucllcs ol Washington , They have nwakoncil
to the fact that ho cMinot marry ,
A novel woddingglft is that of the Mar
qula of Klldnro , who has ordered vvntchoi tc
bo prepared en his gift to each of the brides
The census proves thnt the number of per <
sons In n family inthlu country Is a small Irnc
tlon over fivo. In some families the Imsbnm !
Is the small fraction over ,
"Your huHbind always appears to bo In
very high spirits. " "Yoi , " returned his wife ,
' 'if thov didn't como so hi h I should havohnd
a now fur sacquo thla winter. "
M. do Fay , the great Paris matrimonial
agent , has made nil onormoui fortune , and hai
retired to privAte lifo , refusing to part will
the good-will of his profession.
"Come , lot's bill and coo a llttlo , as wo usot
to , " said Mixey to his wife , nftcr they hai
been married u joar , "Yea. " jjho replied
"jou louk out fet the bills and I'll do the coo
ing. "
"My dear , " said a d > mc husband to hli
vvlfo , "whun I nm doid will > ou see tint 1113
" ' 'You " fcobbod tin
grave is kept grcon ? ,
heart-broken woman , "I will for a littb
while. "
"If it bo true that the h > irnof one's heat
are all numbered , " said the man after ho hai
ccaped from his wifoV clutches , "tliero will hi
ono angel nt least who will nhow up with :
big dcticit , "
\V hat thla country la yearning for is n pub
Ho school system which will toiclitho wives o
the future that light housekeeping ii Eomc
thing more than reading novels nnd starchlrif
their husband's stockings.
"i'red Douplass first mot his new wife whei
she was fix years old. She refused to kiss bin
nt that tlmo. Mrs. Douglass must have booi
n nl.v-year-old girl of coumderuble Intelligence
but bho seems to have lost it.
Capt. Paul Boynton , horoto'oro the lam
voyager , is to bo married In Chicago on thi
evening of the 14th inst. . to Mlsa Mnggii
Connolly , daughter of Mr. CornollnsCjunoliy
of Chicago , and will bring his bride to hii
home in Now York.
A barbed wire fence will bo built in the In
dlau territory ar.d Now Mexico 2oOmilea long
The modest young woman who prefers to gt
around that fence rather than climb over it
will never reach the other xldo until she is to <
old to get married.
A Vermont woman who has just had the
mumps says she hopes to gracious eho wil
iiovpr hav o to go through such an experience ,
again. For two whole weeks she hasn't beet
able to jaw her husband or to let out a singh
cclghborhood secret ; awful martyrdom !
Perhaps the reason the young ladiss do nol
tak advantage of their leap year prerogative
ia that tbo business outlook U not very oncour
aging. Of course the dear cVoatnres hositati
to add their support the expenses of a mar
with an already restricted income. But tc
hosickte la to lose.
There is a noble old oalc on the line oi
Maryland and Virginia near the little vlllagt
of Now Church , which hai been famous froir
time immemorial as a pl.ico whore eloping
couples have b en joined in vvodlock. A run
nwny Virginia couple were married under it'
spreading brancho * on Thursday of last weet
"My views on the marrlngo tic , " sa'd ' Mon
drnor Capel recently , ' 'are , brielly thai
woman was made by Hod Almighty to be
either married or to become nuns , and thai
there ia no such state as old maid recognir.ible.
My advise to all young women ia to nocepl
miirriago proposals instead of rejecting them. '
An intimate frionti of Miss Klla Wheeler
the poetess , now in Now Orleans , says thai
younc lady Is to bo married in early spring tc
Mr. Yorko. of Now York. It is reported thai
the final o of Mr. Yorko'a name is the sparfc
which caused the conflagration of love now
said to bo roaring nnd seething iu Kllla'i
It ia recorded of a rich old farmer that , ir
Riving instructions for WM will , ho directed i
legacy of 6100 to bo glvun to his wifo. Beinft
infuimed that some distinction was usually
madn in case the widow married again , he
doubled the sum , nnd when told that till ; wae
quite contrary to custom , he said , with heart
tolt sympathy for his possible Ruccesaor : "Ae ,
but him as guts her'll deserve it"
A Pennsylvania minister who is very popu
lar among the matrimonially Inclined , say !
woalihy bridegrooms do not pay belter thar
these of more moderatemeans. . Tea and twcn
ty dollara aud expenses a.o the average fig
ures , but § 100 and $2uO fees are given to big
preachers. Sometimes n generous bride heart
of the small fne pild by the groom , and at
tempts to remedy the matter by sending thi
preacher a handsome present , But this ii
Charles Jtlchards , a)0iing'ngl'shmandio ( :
lu New York of piieunioulu , und was burioc
in Kvergrcon Cemetery last Saturday. The
only mourner was Misa Wiiifrod , a governor
in a well known family iu Now York. Mis :
Wlnfrod nnd Ilichurds , woo lav ois in Kngland
but a brother of tlio young lady tried to saiia-
rate thorn. Finally Mist Winfrnd left lici
homo and came to Now York , whither nh <
was followed by Richards. They were nboul
to bo married a d received the blessing of tin
young lady's father , accompanied by a checl
for n i'100 , when Klchards became tick am
Old St. Peter' * church , Now York , has en
tctcd IU ono hundredth ) ear ,
The llov. Mr , Spurgeon , the noted Bantls' '
preacher , has fully recovered from his recon
General McClollnn may frequently bo BOOT
nt Dr. John Hall'rt church , Now York , o
whoso preaching ho Is wry fond.
Bishop fiarrett , who presides over nulls
sioimry jurisdiction ol 100,000 equaro miles
extending from Toxarkaua tj Now Mexico
lives In Dallas , Tex.
Mrs. Ajer , wife of the late Dr. A ) or , is ai
Kpiocopalian and attends Grace churck Now
York. HI'o diObsea very quietly and glvea f
great deal to charities.
, Dr. Demns , of New York , has about rccov
i rod from his IllnofS. Lout Sabbath was the
first occasion in twenty years that ho has been
absent from the pulpit on account of illucus.
Father Stephan , the famous Catholic mis
sionary who la now \Vashliu' ton , has hud o
life full of advoutuio. Fora long tlmo slttluc
Bull was under his charge. Ho i the trusted
counsellor of all the Northwestern Indians ,
nnd iasnid to h.ivo inoru iullueuco over them
thuli any other whlto man.
"Camp Meeting" John Allen , of Wilton ,
Me. , has reached the ago of xlghty-nine years.
1 hiul much tlmo tu read , " ho said the othui
day , "und have read the Bible through , and
half the Now Testament the second tlmo In
the lout four immtlu , I have re id the Bible
through muny tlmo * , but never before quite
so quickly. "
Dtllefoutalne , 0. , li now the eceno cf one ol
the greatest rehglom revivals uv or hold iu the
law. People from thirty rnihw around arc
llocung to the town , and couverbiona uro tak
ing jilaco daily , One hundred converts
hav obceu added to ouo < n tlncfi
January IU. and thu conversions iu home
cases are said to be very remarkable ,
A now religious sect In B tstou holds thnt Is ca\ued \ by the absence of Gud from
the body , und that it can bo cured by the pis-
sago of divine anluonee from the well to the
sick as they tit with their ipinea In contact. It
U said to cumber umong Hi votaries people of
Influence and prominence , and some who (
namoa are M familiar an household words.
At the lA t Mothorllst EplscopAl Gonoriv
conference , hold in 1880 , a resolution wai
passed requesting nil the churches In the Unl
ted States to pay off wi much of their debt' a ;
possible before the meeting of the next general <
oral conference , to bo held nt Philadelphia it
May , 1881 , so as to make M goo J n nhowlnp
In the centennial year of I'plscopal Motho
dlsm In the Unltod States , 1881 , as fosslblo
It Is not possible to ? ot an absolutely corrccl
statement of the total amount paid In responsi
to this advtco. Last year the "spring con
fcronccs , " which nro most the conferences situ
atcd In the o.vt , paid off 81,000,000 of church
debt nnd Improved their church property t (
the extent of 81,025,000. The "fall confer
onccs" for 188-2 paid off 8732,000 of churcl
pebts , It Is probably an underestimate to sn ]
that In four joars the churchca have paid ol
$5,200,000 of debt , and probably improvoi
church property to the extent of S3 000,000 , t
totil of $8,700,000 for the entire country
This docs not include cither the Methodls
Protestants or the Methodist J'pliicopal Churcl
South. _ _
Wendell IMillllim.
Ho stood upon the world's broad threshold
The din of battlennd slaughter rose ;
Ho snw God stand upon the weaker side ,
That sank In seeming loss before its foes ;
Many there were who made great haito am
Unto the common enemy tholr sworda ;
Ho scorned their gifts of fume nnd power am
gold ,
And , underneath their soft nnd Ilowerj
words ,
Hoard the cold ccrpont hiss , therefore ho vvciv
And humbly joined him to thn weaker part
Fnnatlc named , nnd fool , yet well content
So he could bo the nearer to God's heart
And feel It < solemn pulses sending blood
Thro' nil the widespread veins of oudici * good
[ James liussoll Lowell.
A gasman always xlng In long meter.
If cgg < keep on getting much higher in pric
millionaires will wear them as shirt studs.
Denis Kearney has found that the only wn ;
ho can reach the upper crust Is by handlin'
pies.f .
f hero la n man In the Mississippi legislatur
named Christians. Ho ia in favor of anmin
John L , Sullivan boasts that ho make
825,000 a yoir. Young man , strlito out fror
the shoulder.
Lvory cloud has a silver lining , but it is nose
so with solid silver water pitchers. They ar
Another baby left on a Plttsburg door atoi
Another Fittsburg man wonders if this make
him a step-father.
They say that dogs can't reaion , but no on
will doubt that n dog tries to roach a couchi
slon when ho chasca his tall ,
Shakespeare said : "There's good In every
thins. " William had evidently never tackloi
a railroad restaurant turnover.
When Hnmlot said , "But I have that with
ia which pasboth show , " it is belioveel that hi
had in his pocket a complimentary ticket fo :
a cltcus.
Hon. J. L. Sullivan called his San Fraucisci
audience "loafers , ' and referred to hiinael
as "a gentleman. " A Bostoumn never for
gets himself.
An exchange says that Noah was the lira
pitcher an record. Ho "pitched the ark with
in and without. " The game was finally calloi
on account of the rain.
A perfect rush of Italian artists with thoii
attendant original dudes is expected in America
ica in a few days. The organ-grinders nro tc
be banished from Paris.
"I say , Jenkins , can you tell a young , ten1
dor chicken from nn old , tough ono ? ' "Ol
course I can. " "Well , how ! " "By the tenth. '
"Chickens don't ' have teeth. " "No , but 1
have. "
The following is a cony of a bill posted or
the wall of a country vilhgo : "A lecture OE
total abstinence will bp delivered in the open
air , nnd n collection will bs made at the elooi
to defray expenses. "
"I say , Mr. Palnt r , can you do a job foi
mo to-day ? " "Certainly , certainly ; what if
it " "I want . " "All
? n sign painted. right
what kind of a sign ? ' "A sign of rain. " ( Kxit ;
dodging a paint pot ]
Tin man who discov erod the key to the an1
cient Aztec writinga was formerly employed
on The New York Tribune , ind acquired the
talent ho has used to such good advantage irj
deciphering Greeley's manuscript.
Queen Victoria's now book will be illustrat
ed from drawings by _ herself and daughter
Beatrice. It M believed that Daniel will be
easily distinguished from the British lion by
the green cotton umbrella under his arm ,
Florida strawberries have fallen to $5 a
( mart. They are quite small and decided ! ;
acid. Some people who like sour things ma >
enjoy them , but for our part we lose taste foi
them after the third plate.-Philadelphia
While scattering a few crumbs for the spar ,
rovva this severe weather don't forget to throw
out a lot of old tomato-cans , barrel-hoops and
cost off shoos for the poor goat , which has nt
much riht to live as the Imported feathei
Crushed strawberry color is not now consid'
ored the correct thing , Tlio newest color in
fashion is "the inside of a mule's ear by star
light. " The outside of a mule's heel will tar-
uish the starlight at short range when the sk >
ia cloudy.
A fat man in thla city is making quite a for
tune by a shrewd trick. Ho secretes two cat'
\mder his vest , and when visiting music hnlh
ho makes them yell by squeezing their tails ,
People not posted on the ttick imagine him tc
bo n great opera singer.
"Where shall we bury ? " nsks it scientific
writer. Did you ov or try the earth ? That if
considered a very appropriate i-lacu by m nj
people. This practice of buiying a corpse ii
an ash barrel or throwing it over the bad
fence into n neighbor's yard cannot be tot
strongly condemned.
At a theatre iu Dublin a gentleman request
ed a mm in front of him to sit down , adding
sarcastically , "I suppose thnt you are aware
sir , that you are not opaque. " "I shall sil
down when it suits mo,1' , was the response
' and if you want to handle my name , mini
its not O'Paque at all , but O'Brien. "
Petroleum V. Nasby ,
D. R. Lncko , Petroleum V. Nasby ( Udltoi
"Toledo Blade , " ) write :
I had ou a forefinger of tny tight hand oni
of those pleasant pets , a "run-round. " Tin
finger became Inflamed to n degree unboarnbli
nnd swollen to nearly tvvico its natural size. /
friend gave me HKNUV'd OAHBOLIC
SALVL , nnd in twenty minutes the pain hai
so much subsided as to give mo n fair night' ,
rest , which I had not had before for a week
The Inflammation loft the finger In a day. !
consider it a moat valuable article for tin
1 Cures the iMIes Too.
Kdouard lletntnrd , of New York , writes :
It gives mo great pleasure to nay that n sin
gle box of HKNllY'S OA1U10LIO SALV1
elfeoted n complete euro of Piles , with whicl
I had been troubled for ov er & year , and whicl
uotliing else that I usad would euro.
"When tlio World 1VII1 End.
When lawyers fall to tuko a foe
And juries never disagree ;
Wken polltlclins are content ,
And landlord * don't collect their rent ;
When partkn Hinash all the machines ,
And Beaten folks give up their beans ;
When naughty children all die young ,
And gir la are born without a tongue ;
When ladies don't take thnt ) to shop ,
Aud otlico hldera > never Hop ;
When preachers cut their sermons short ,
And all the folks to church rceort :
When I ask Bulwcribcig all have paid ,
Aud editors their fortunes made ;
Such happiness must sura portend
This world must soon come to an end.
[ PilUburg Dlspasch.
I vtronioTlroil Fooling ,
A lady tolls us "tho first bottle hai
done my daughter a great deal of good ,
her food does not distress her now , noi
does aho sudbr from that extreme tirci
feeling which she did before taking
Howl's Sarsaparilla. " A second bottli
effected a euro. No other nrojmrotioi :
contains bucli a concentration of vitalizing ,
enriching , purifying aud invigorating
properties as Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Has .the Largest StookT4n Omaha
Lowest Prices.
Purchnscrs should avail themselves of the opportunity now offered t <
buy nt Low Prices by talcing advantage of the great inducements set oul
1200 , 1208 nd 1210 FarnnmSt
To All Floors. OMAHA. NEB.
Proprietors. Superintend
* nl
ill and Grain Elevator Machinery
Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth *
i r
"We are prepared to furnish plans and estimates , and will contract for
the erection of Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for changing
Flouring Mills , fremStone to the Roller System.1 '
DSIT'Efipecial attention given to furnishing Power Plants for any pur '
pose , and estimates mudo for same. General machinery repairs attended
to promptly. Address
RICH&HDS & CLA.RKF Omaha , Neb. \
1021 North Eighteenth Street , Omaha , on Street Oar Line
' " " " "
'UTU U | f"TMG"
IT * tt- \/f m
Lite , Lime , Lath , Doors , 1
Grades nnd prices us good and low M nny in the city. Please try me.
Mr ape ltor7 onetantly filled with n'eelcct ituok. lies ! Worktumehlp gamntocil. l.i
Office onn factory S , W. Co w 1fith and f.naint Avnnn *
( Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy Railroad. )
: . . rotfr . . ? . f . . . : - > , - < l
lpcanl Dny Coaches , Parlor Cut , v/ltti ItAclin SoUd Trains of Elegant D.IT Coaches and Uufl i
ncttrs ( deals free ) , Suiokln ? Cars , with lia- man I'alaco fclccplni ; Cars are rim dally to nn < i !
tolvliigChalrc. Pullman I'alaco bleeping Cars nnj from Bt Louis , vUi Huimlbal. Qulucy. Keokuk I
thefamousO.U ftQ.UmlngCareruadaUjrtoand IturlinffUin , Cedar RapkUanil Albert tea , to St'l
from Chicago < S Kansas City , Llilcago & Council 1'uuland Minneapolis ; 1'arlor Cars with lU\-llnlr'
ililuirs , Chicago & Dts Moiies. Chicago , St. Jo- Chairs to and frotnSt Ix > ula and I'eorlaandt'
| 6fph. Atchison & Topel.a Only through line bo and from Bt Louis uwi Ottuinwa. Only our
"wi-en Chlcura , Liucoln & Denver Through cars change of cars between St Louis ana D"
Council Muffs via IVorta MoUtes Iowa , Linooin
jetnecnlndranapolla& , , Keuraska. andUenvc "
All connucllons mada In Union Oepota. 13 Cotorado. ,
known 03 Uitxrruat'niKOUattCAHUNU. It 13 unlvertaUyadmlttoJ to bo the '
Flnnst Equipped Railroad In the World for Ail CUtsove of Travel. ,
T. J. rOTi'En. M Vice-lTcs't and Oen'J Mwaeer. PKKCKYAL LflWULU Usa. Mus. Ajrt. Chic * * * J