THE DAILtf BEE MONDAY , FEBRUARY , U 1884. Dr. "Wnftncr'a Removal. Dr.Yngnor IIM icmovcd Ills ofllco from Xo. S13 Larimer to Xo. 833 Larimer , where ho nil ) he plcaied to see hi ? friends. The Doctor la to bo congratulated on the completeness and elegance of Ills new bnlM- Ing. It ] S one of the l > est In the city. ( Denver Uo- publican , Jan. 3.h , 1&5I. .a 8 if JLiHJf.S.HJLJJi. \ . tt. THE LEARNED 338 LARIMER STREET. Why ynu nhouM try Iho cilcbratod Dr. II. Wagnor'i tnothoilsof euro : 1. "Dr. II. Wntfnor Is A natural phyttcltn. " ( O. S. The Orcato'rt Mttni ; "Few can oxco you AS a doctor. " DR. J , SIMMS , Tlio World's Greatest rhyslOKiiomlst. "You Are wonderfully prondcut Inyour knowl1 cdo of illsea o nud uioalducs. " Dn. J. St-tTTiinws. 4. "Tnc aflllctcd Dnd ready rollcf In your pros cnco. " Da. J. SIMMS. 6. "Dr. n. Wa nor li a ropttlar pnuliitto trora ncllavuo Hoipltal , Now York city ; has tuul very ox- tcnsho ho iiiul practice , And Is tlioroughly posted on all br.uiehcj of his beloved eclcneo , especially on chronic discuses. " DM. HSOWXRU , & Hwivo. fl. "Dr. II. Wagner his Immortalized hlmtolf li\ Ills w onderfill discovery of pjieclllo rcmudlcs for prl \ato nnd sexual illucAscs. " Virginia City C'hronlclo. 7. "Thousands of Intallda Hock to sco him. " San Francisco Chronicle. 8. "The Doctor's long experience A3 n ppeclallsl Ehould render him tcry successful. " Rocky lloun- tain Kewa. Plain Facts Plainly Spoken. At one time a discussion of Iho secret vlco xvaa en tirely Aioldcd by the profcttslon , and medical works but a few years ago would hardly mention It. To-dav the physician Is of a different opinion ; ho li nwars that ( t la hi * duty > llsaireeablo ; though It maybe to handle thli matter without gloxe3and epcalc plainly nbout It ; and Intelligent parents uui ] Guardians "ill thank him for doing so. The results attending this destructive vice were or- morlv not understood , or mil properly estimated ; and no linporUinco being attached to A subject which by Its nature dooa not Imlto cloao Investigation , Ita Ignored. Tlio habit li generally contracted by the younz whllo attending echool ; older companlona through their cxaiuplo , may birosponalbloforlt , or It maybe ooiulrcd through accident. The excitement once pcrlcnccd , the practice will bo repeated again ami again , until at last the habit becomes llrin and com pletcly eiiblai es the % Ictim. Mental and ncn ous at ( fictions are miully the primary results of Bell-abuse. Among the Injurious eflccta tnay bo mentioned lassi tude , dejection or Irrasclbllity of temper and general debility. The boy eceks seclusion , And rarely Joins In the eporta of his companions. If ho bo a young mau ho \ \ 111 bo llttlo found In company with the other BOX , and Is troubled with exceeding and annojlng baahfulncss In their presence. I.a'chious dreams , cmUjIona and eruptions on the face , etc. , are also , prominent symptoms. If the practice la \ lolently persisted In , more scrlouii disturbances take place. Great palpitation of tha heart , or epileptic com uK.oria , are cxpericncoa , and the sufferer may fall into a complete ut-ato of Idiocy be fore , finally , death rcllcics him. To all the o engaged In this dangerous , practice , ! would siy , first of all , stop It at once ; make overj possible effort to do so ; but if you fall , If your nervous ejstcm U already lee much shattered , and consequently quently , your will-power broken , take some nerve tonic to aid you In j our effort. Having freed yourself from the habit , I would further counsel jou to go through n regular courbo of treatment , for It Is a great mistake to suppos" that any one may , for some time , bo tuicrysolitt'e gliohinwclf up to this fasclnatina but dangerous exUtcmcnt ithout suffering from Its o > II coiiooiUuncea | at some future time. The numnei of youngmen whoaro IncapacKUxl to fill the duties enjoined by wedlock Is alarmingly largo , and In most of such cases this unfortunate condition of things can be traced to the practice of belt-abuse , w hlch had been abandoned years ago. Indeed , a few mouths' practice of this habit Is sutllclent to Induce spermatorrhoea later years , and I have many of such cases under treat men t at the present day. Young Men Who may bo Buffering from the effects of youthfu ! follies or indiscretions u III do well to avail themselves of this , the greatest boon over laid at the altar of suf- erlng humanity. DR. WAOXKR will guarantee to for- elt f500 for every case of seminal weakness or private dlcease of any kind and character .which ho under' ' takoa to and falls to cure. Middle Aged Men. There are many at the ago of 30 to 60 who are troubled with too frequent evacuations of the blad > der , often Accompanied by a slight smarting or bum Ing sensation , and a weakening of the system In a manner the patient cannot account for. On examin ing the urinary deposits r. ropy sediment w III often bo found , and sometimes small particles of albumen wll appear , or the color will bo n ( thin mllUsh line , again changing to a dark and torpid appearance. There arc many , many men w ho die of this dltllculty.lgnorant of the cause , whlth la the second Btago of seminal-weak- ucss. Dr. W. w III guarantee A perfect cure In all case ; and a healthy restoration of the gculto-uriuary or caua. Consultation freo. Thorough examination and ad llco , $5. All communications should bo addressed , Dr. Ilcurj JJcnry Wagner , 1' . O. 2330 , Demer , Colorado. The Young Man's Pocket Companion , by Dr. U Wagner , is worth its wei.'ht In gold to young men I'rloo $1,15. ! Scut by mail to aay addroaj. A FJBIEND TO ALL. Ono Who is Needed and Nobly Filla his PJace. Denver Is mnro fortunito than she knows in the powcsa on of trfo talon's and energies of r. man who has given hU tlmo and thought not merely to the perfection of liU skill ai a practitioner of hit pro fession of insdiclne , bnt to the study of these pro found thlngn of uolen a and nature w hlch tend to the uioro comp.cto underfctindlng of the problem of lllo and of thi > Uw * ot nature and the meana of gaining Iho greatest practical goods to mankind from the In formation thus acquired in the abstract. Such o tnan Is Dr. II. Wagner , who in located at 343 Larimer street. Dr. Wagner devoted m ny ) oars to thoao- nimitlonof the knowledge neccossary to hla jirofes- elon Iu a number of the leading medical BdiooU of the most eminent and profound toichora , ouch names aj Dr. Grow and Dr. I'anooast oppoarini ; among his preceptors Kordli hU studies end hero. They continued In the field of the practicing family phWcUnacidlnthooJiporloncea of a man < > l exten sive travel. He hu visited every section of the Unl > ted States paying studious attention to thu different characteristics of th varloui | rtloiis of the country , particularly with regard to their euYct , cllmitlo and otherwise upon nualth and the illllo' cut forms of ills- cased. With the eorublned jwwerj of close atuily , extensive tensive obiervatlon and almos * . unlliu ted practice , Dr Wagner came to Denver throe years ago equip ped as taw lm\o the right to claim tu battle the tt-a of manUnd , tbo ilre.ucil cnmny , dlscare. In order to render the greatest Rood to society , Dr. ti agner dcci ded to lay aldo the general branches of practice and bring all has rpekmwledp'BMil power to bear up on iho foe which among thu army of ins illuus death agenU U the trcatcst. Hit wide experience had taught him what weapon ! to use and which ti discard , and after ( xiulppltirf himself a hU trained judifmeiit was so well aide tn advise him ho coir. . 'iucncu'4 boldly nnd confidently his attack. In cstl mating the results And nucccid achieved , It ! > only iiercssary to know the doctor's pitloii and standing to-dav. While located In thU city , 111 * practice Is by no meant confined to its limit ! nor thU ecttlon o country , JIUicorrojponilencoArd oxpiusabouls tlfy In black and while to hi * invest un of a Held o piactlce bouii'lcd only by the llaeo whleh bound the cngthand brcaath i > f the country , and which htu larcd him where a man of hU iklll r-nd Intoilectua aUAlnmcnUilH' rvo toiifc ndtho W tolo oiiabli him to reach the hbhent pliuro of iwoiulncu tn ul ferlug humanltv tlio piano of fliurdal Indepcn iloncc. Dr. W K er ha contributed f Mi prosperl ty to the substantial Improvement of Denver In thu -fro tlnn of amioblock on Lvrlmer street , opposite liU unt ollle .No.SU. Itwllibo ready for occu jiancy In a cw wecki andli on evldcnco that tin doctor It to bo numlwrc I amoiirf Ihu | , -ar.ent and tolldcl'lzeiit of thi metropolis ul tha j.Ulun [ Den ver Tribune , DR , H , WAGNER & C'O , , 338 [ LariraoO.St. Addroas Bos 2389 DENVER COL. COUNCIL BLUFFS. ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. SEED OOEN , Clio O. , B. & < J. IBSUO x Olrnilnr Iict- tcr ot'IntoroHl to Knrmcrs. Sir. Olmrlco Keith , the general agent f the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy , lands TUB Bun the following circular otter , which will provo of interest to griculturatists ospoc'mlly : OuiUAflo , 111. , January 21 , 1881. 'o W. T. Morrlll , Sup't Iowa Lines : Dear Sir Wo are advised ( hat much if the com wised last year (1883) ( ) along ho line of our road is unlit fur sued , nnd hat it will bo necessary to procure scud or the next crop outside of the atatn. Wo understand the reason of the fail- ro of the 1833 crop iu this respect to ho , hill the seed for the crop canio from n titndo further south than that in which t wee intended to grow , and that the ; erin of this southern corn was destroyed ly the first frost. It is not our wish to interfere iu any vay i"ith the business of others , nor to onstiluto the railroad company in any onso the agent of the community in pro- uriug a good supply of seed for this 'oar ' , but wo think it can do no harm to ill the iittontion of thoao interested to ho importance of malting early and or ganized otl'orta to got eeod in the locali- ica where it is wanted , and atibrding hem such nid as may bo proper. To this end it is suggested that you all atfontion of all division and assist- nt superintendents to the subject , and hat they bo instructed to assist , and lermit our station a ent to assist , in aid- ug local organizations to secure the locossary supply of seed corn. LOU should permit the ' mo f local facilities belonging to the com- iany , and yon nro authorized to extend o such agents as may bo employed by ocal organizations to make purchases and shipments of corn for seed , any and ill reasonable facilities for BO doing. Your division and assistant auporin- ondents , and through them , all station \gpnta , should receive copies of this ommunication , and should bo instructed o suggest that the local newspaper call Utention to the matter , it being ono ot great importance to the community , as veil as to the road. Yours truly , E. P. llirLEY , General Freight Agent. Approved , T. J. BOTIEU , General Manager. Alton's Brain Food botanical extract trongtliens tha Brain anil positively curc Nervous Debility , Nervousness , Headaches unnatural losses , and all weakness of Genera- , ivo System ; it never fails. SI pltp. ; 0 for SeAt At druggists or Allen's Pharmacy , 315 First Vvo. N. Y. Proceedings. The Oakland Aeorn cornea out now in a stirring editorial on the printing of the proceedings of the county board. It does this expecting that the cry of "aour rapes" will bo raised by those papers which are favored with official pattonago. It rightly takes the position that where ; here are real newspapers said newspapers will give the nowa as news , and right "ully portrays the usual mode in this county by sayingi "In most cases pro ceedings of the board are drawn out without any regard to brevity and econ omy , BO that a week's session of the board will fill a largo number of squares , the greater portisn of which is redundant verbiage and mal-apropos resolutions which have to bo paid for at the legal rate. The proceedings do not cotuo ouc in ofiicial form until throe or four weeks after the session of the board , and it is safe to say they are not read by one out of ton of tlio subscribers of those papers. " Some time ago the council of this city used to drag out its proceedings in like manner , costing the city about 82,000 a year. THE BEI : took the position that this . amount would bo better expanded on permanent improvements , and any Jive newspaper hero would give all the proceedings which were of general inter est as nowa. TIIK BEI : did so. The other papers had to follow suit , and the needless expenditure was cut of ] ' . The Acorn takes virtually tlio same position in regard to the proceodingsof the county board , and gives TJIE BEU credit for being - ing "tho Crat to give the substance of the board proceedings , and that , too , in con densed readable shape , " adding : "TiiE Bin ; has a circulation second to none in Pottowaltamio county. " Brother Cos. will also find some inter esting facts , doubtless , by measuring up some of tlio printed proceedings and comparing his measurement with the bills which are presented to the board. Tlio Council Bluffa Herald , as well as THE BEE , has ahovm up uomo queer figures on some bills in the past. Ono thing is certain. The proceedings of the county board are drawled out as long as possible. BOLD HIGHWAYMEN , Auliilon County 1'roiluccs a Gang of Tlium , Auilnbou County Defender. On Thursday evening of last week about 8 o'cloolc , wh'lo W , 0. Orano and Bert Poago were coming up from Atlan tic , where they liad boon with hay , they wore halted near the Ballard school- IIOUQO , Bovea milca soutii of Exira , by two men who ntoppod from the tliioh buahes , and on their refusing to obey were fired upon by the would-bo robbers. Some eight or niiio shots were fired , one of the balls cutting through Oalo'a cap. His life was saved , probablp by his lioraos being ing frightened at the appearance of the bandits , and springing into u run. Bert being behind , struck hia mules and throw himself Hot upon the hay-rack and let them run , Tlio attack on Oalo Orano must have been for pure and indi criminate > nato robbery , and that , too , for a moro trillo , as thu boys' could not hare boon expected - pocted to luvo had much moro than their loads of hay brought. Wo wonder what our outlaw Nympathizers think now. Calo Grano is a man that 1ms not an enemy in the country as wo ever hoard of , and no one would make ouch an assault on his life through personal motives. Still nt. It. The habeas corpus case bywhich "Doctors" Hooves and Thompson are Booking to got out of going to Memphis | n charge of ShurilT Cannon , occupied still mo ro of Judge Lyinau'a time Satur day , aud the in alter wai laid over Sun. ay for a final hearing to-day. The case a striking illustration of how delay a H bo caused by iho toohnicalitioi nnd illy-dallying of the law nnd the law 'ora. ' IXU.VY IjKAVISS 1MOM V Bco Corrcsiionilotit Oruhcrs Up tlio Stoat IntorcstliiK of 'i'lium , OAKLAND , la , , February 8. Coasting id sleigh-riding is the mania with our oung people now , moro to bo desired lian skates. Uol Pullen 1ms nold hia business to ohn Converse , of Avoea , who IBKOB loscssion nt onco. The firm of Poltor & DcOralF lias isolvcd by mutual consent nnd the firm ill now bo known ns DoOmtT it Co 'or ' about four years the firm of Potter b DoOrall has stood nt the head of our usincas houses , and wo predict that the ow firm will sustain the reputation of 10 old. About twenty-live of our citizens iaited Avoca Wednesday evening to hoar ' 10 lecture delivered by the Hon. Col- LX. The universal verdict was n good : ctnro nnd time well spent. A pleasant time was reported by thoao ho spent Thursday ovomng nt the rcsi- once of Postmaster Robinson. Trotter , of The Avocn Delta , was eking ever town Tuesday. Editor Cox has n brand now job press. It is a daisy. " Foreign editors please ako n unto of this. Mayor Freeman's son Chylo died this orning ( Friday ) . * llo had a foot taken ft' over n year ago nud hua not boon ell since. J. T. _ _ Tlio itcculntloii Suit , or gentlemen nt Iho roller skating rink n box coat , tight pants , nnd n scull cap ith gilt cord. Several of these suits ro now being made from the elegant now pring goods just received nt Smith it 'ollor's , the loading merchant tailors , 7 nd 0 Main street , This firm have ob- inoil the well deserved reputation of oing first class artists iu cutting and fit- iig , aud their trimmings nro the finest 10 land affords. Heal Estate The following deccidroro filed for re- ord in the recorder's ofllco , Fobrunry reported for the BEE by P. J. Me- ilahou , real estate ngont : Martin Williams to J. A. Champion , art BVV } sw | 2 , 7714. . S'-'oO. R. II. Woodmaney to Bonjaniin Bam- iow , lot 10 , block 10 , Macedonia. § 50. Flora J. Mitchell to 0. F. Craig ot al , no 18 , 74 , 40. § 2,400. Total sales , § 2,700. IOWA NEAVS. Dubuque is looking forward to a union depot. . ThoFirot National bank of DaWitt , capital $30,000 , is being organized. Cedar Rapida has packed 131,002 hoga during the season up to the 1st inst. Afton is swarming with horsobuyora * nd good animals are soiling at § 100 and § 150 each. Sanborn is going to have a choose fac- : ory. Now , why can't Portsmouth have luch an establishment. "Kcokuk has packed 40,000 hogs this loason , and would have packed more bul : or the scarcity of hogs. P. J. Cowrtn , ox-troasuror of Ilnrdin county , has waived examination and been bound ever on § 17,000 bail. Dubuque lias forty-sovon insane pa tienta at the hospital at Independenceut a cost of § 1,024 per annum. There are 2,201 gas burners in the now capitol nt Des Moino's. Of this number 1,093 may bo lighted by clec tricity. The dour and grist mill of William Fllia , at Mcnroo , was totally destroyed by fire on Thursday. Loss , § 2,500 ; no in surance. The electric light company of Burling ton is receiving orders for lamps to such an extent that their present plant is ex hausted. A vein of coal has boon discovered on ho farm south of Afcin. It is nboul , welvo foot below the surface , 27 inches thick and of good quality. A. now hotel is proposed in Fort Dodge the Sncll hotel , to bo located at the southeast corner of Market and Lump streets. Snoll nska water , as and taxes freo. for five years and § 5,000. Tlio sub scription paper is out. Michael Enwright , a brakonian , was instantly killed on the Wabash , in Albiu , by accidentally catching his foot in u guard rail , and before ho could extricate i-inaolf the train backed down on him , crushing him in a shocking manner. This was Mr. Etiwright'a first trip , ant > roved also to bo his last. The "Top 0' the Morning Comedy Troupe" was announced to appear nt Cruston on the 25th of March ; but the manager of the opera house lias rocoivet a letter canceling the date. Thn reason igned is that a few ' 'ays ago , in n Mis souri town , the advance n ont Killed the iropriotor. This loaves the company lomowhat at sea. On Tuesday last the little town of Mil Jnrsburg , lying twenty miles nouth o Marongo , in Iowa county , wns all cxcito ment over a reported double tragedy The outline of the crime is as follows A youug Gorman , who has boon employee by Mrs. Shustor on her farm near Mil lorsburg , has boon very nttontivo to Mnry Shustor , the daughter ot his employer The girl refused to regard him with favor On Ttiesd.iy ho was moro earnest thai ever , ami ivhon the girl refused to listei to his a ieal , ho deliberately shot her She fell apparently lifeless. The would bo murderer then suicided. The girl was living ut last accounts , but her wound is considered fatal. The disappearance of Mr. John Me Feal , near Scran ton , is still shrouded iu mystery , with little apparent hope of un raveling the same , A largo posse of-niei were engaged in searching liim out , bu found no trace of the missing man , bine which time no concerted action in th matter has boon taken. At present the nephew of MoNeal is lying in jail t await the action of tlio grand jury at th April term of the district court. Per haps further developments may bo un earthed bofpro that time , Ho is charged with being instrumental in making away with his uncle , and the further matter o having a considerable amount of money in his hands , of which ho could not giv an intelligent account. Antiquity of Gunned Gooiln. Krom Naples Letter. "It is a singular fact that wo are ii dobtod to Pompeii for the great industry of canning fruit. Years ago , when thn excavations were just beginning , a party of Cinciiinatiana found , in what had been a pantry of a hoinn , mcny jars of pro- erved figs. Ono wns opened nnd they were found to bo fresh nnd good. Invcs- igntion shows that that the tigs had boon mt into jnrs in n heated state , an npor- tire loft for the steam to escape nnd then oalcd with wnr. The hint was taken , nd Iho noit year canning fruit wns in- reduced into the United btatoa , the pro- : os.i being identical with that in vogtto in 'ompcii twenty centuries ago. " la Molinimnctlniilsm Pylti ; ; ? 'hllailolphln Call. Is Mohammedanism dying out ? nnd is Christianity taking its place ? The true uswor to those questions , galling ns it my bo to our western pride , startling oublooH to our religious feelings , ia Not jot ns glance nt tno matorinj of which 10 Mohammedan world is composed , Vo have for n long time regarded the 'urk ns n typical Moslem , merely bo- uiso ho stands in bur historic force ; round , but bcsido the brethren of his : reed ho sinks numerically into insignili- nn co. The following table will give t\ clear lea of the real numerical power of plain : ulijccU of Uio Ottoman I'orto , In- cluillng Syrln nud Irak , nut Arabia nor KO'it | | proper 22,000,000 KyptimiR 5,000,000 ripoli , Tunis , Algiers , Morocco. . 18,000,000 * oim > ii iJr)00OtX ) nmu rviul llntlrnmnnt 9,000,000 ojo , Asslr , Hasir -1,000,000 touVas 2,000,000 ouiliiii 10,000,000 Atuibar 1,500,000 ornians 8,000,000 Umloos , Uritish. subjects10,000,000 tivlayn HO.OOO.OOO hlnoso 22,000,000 Imntmto MmiKolo 0,000,000 ItcruuiniH , Ti rt rs , oto 5,000,000 Vffilwns nnd Uoloochls 11,000.000 Total 182,000,000 These nro , of course , round figures. Hit nt least fairly Yelinblo , nnd while nil Itissclmnns do not believe alike , yet they uito on the following questions , nnd are uicli less irreconcilable than the Chris- an denominations , unless the Arlm- ocs , may bo excepted , and they nro the ranks of the Moslem world : 1. Belief in one true Gpd. 2. Belief in future life , reward and unishmout. II. Belief in the Koran as the word of ! od interpreted by Mahomet. 4. In divine revelation to Adam , Abrn- am , Noah , Moses , Christ , Mahomet. 5. The act or expression of faith ( Kelc- not ) . Such the numbers and such the belief f Islam , a mighty force working with lean , easily handled weapons. Among the negro races the Moslem has nfinite advantage over the Christian iiisstonary. The missionary is never cally on n level with the black man. llo vill toll him that he has a soul to bo avad : that ho will bo hia brother in the lost world , buf ho will not marry the > lack man s daughter nor give his own to lim to wife. How Intelligence Progresses , 'r-m"TIio New Toryism , " by Herbert Spencer , In I'opnhr tSclenco ilonthly for Kobruary. From the lowest to , the highest creat ures , intelligence progresses by acts ol liscriminations ; and it continues so to irogrcss among men , from the most ignorant to the most cultured. To class rightly to put in the eamo group things which are of essentially the saino natures , and in other groups things of naturoo essentially difloront ia the fundamental condition to right guidance of actions. Beginning with rudimentary vision , which ; ives warning that spine largo opaque jody is passing near ( just as closed eyes turned to the window , perceiving the ohndo caused by a hand put before them , ; ell us of something moving in front ) , ; ho advance is to developed vision , which , i > y exactly-appreciated combinations ol lorms , colors , and motions , identifies objects at great distances ns prey or enemies of this or that kind , and so makes possible adjustments of conduct for scour ng food or evading death That progressing sing perception of differences and cense quout greater Correctness of classing con stitutes under ono of its chief aspects the development ot mind , is equally soon wlion wo pass from the relatively simple- physical visio to the relatively complex intellectual vision the vision through the igoncy of _ which things previously grouped jy certain external resemblances or by certain extrinsic circumstances come to 30 moro truly grouped in conformity with their intrinsic structures or natures. Undeveloped intellectual vision is just as ndhcriminating and erroneous in its clan- iuga as undeveloped physical vision. Instance the early arrangement of plants under the heads trees , shrubs , and herbs ; size , the most conspicuous tr.iit , being ; hu ground of distinction , and the assem blages formed being such as united many ) luiitn extremely unlike in their natures , ind separated others that are near akin. Or atill better , take the popular classific ation which puts together under the saina general iiamo fmh nud nholl-fish , and under the sub-namo shell-fish - , - , puts together crustaceans and mollusks ; nay , which goes further , and regards as fish the cetacean mammals. Partly because if the likeness in their modes of lifo as inhabiting the water , and partly because of some general resouiDlanco in their bastes , creatures t that are in their essen tial natures far moro widely separated than a fiah is from a bird , are grouped under the same class and under the sumo Hub-class , 13 UNFAILING x AStf INl'AT.UIir.R m cuniNO Epileptic Fits , Sjmsm , Ful 11 uc Sickliest ) , Conviil- Blons , 8t. Vltua Dance , Aleoliollsin , Opium Eating , Bcmlnul Weakness , Im- iwtency , Syphilis , Scrofula , and all " * Nervous nnd Dlood Diseases. t 'To Clergymen , Lawyrni , Literary Mcnf Jlercliants , Hankers , Laillvs and all whose Bcdcntary cmployjncnt eaiifics Nervous 1'ros- tratlon , Irrt'Kularitlca of thu blood , stomach , bowels or kldncya , or who require a nerve tonic , appetizer01 t > lliiiulcntiS'umaHfan Jfer- vine Is invaluable. CJf'ThouBanils proctalni it the most womlcrful l""Jgor- ant that ever sustaln- eil a ElnkliiK eyetcin. JLIX ) , nt Druggists. ThoDII. S.A. RICHMOND MEDICAL CO. , Solo Pro- i. St. ( oicpli. Ma. XvrvoumrH . iii1 J' r F'ft'X1 ' Nfiiraliilu , Htlollcu 'l } Kl'in'y. Bnliiu And I.ltvr uiil d'- ' ' ifiiut.A } iiiiiiiiiiii- iy5' ' " ' ? ; . , i'i > ) * * . M > \ l' U'ii. ' Krv.fiH'lui. Culanli VrCT . . ' ' . ' ' ; Kilf | | i y , liniiuttiif ) Dunili VtfUi' . I'lbUpMU VWrl , t-ic. Only wl nUtlaiiti : > uifllvltlii Aim rim lint WIHU Ilia Klnclrli-ltr ana m K iirlUin tin oiiKh Dm Iwtiy , AUU can bo ri-ihurucxl Iu all Iu ( Milt by thu imllmu SI.OOO Would Not Buy It. DR UonsB-I wan , idcd with ilieunutUm , end curtd by uilri ( { bolt. To miy ono millcttd wltt that illnoano , 1 would v , buy Unrno'a Klectrlo Uelt Any onv can cotifur with mo by wrltlnir or calllld at my itoro , H2U Huufloi ttrctt. Omaha Kvb. . . , . WILLIAM LYONH. OH'ICK-Oi > po lte pDntoltlw , rooi'n 4 cet bloclr. tff 'ot ralo at O. F. OooJinaaV .Druir dora , 111 KAnmui St. . Onialia. ' ° OriliT filled OOP. 9 The experience In Iho troitmont of Cnnttr with 8nllt' H | < oclfloS. H M. ) would tccin to warrant in In MJ In ( * th tlt will euro till * much ilrpvlnlncourKO. I'mons afflicted r * Imltcd to correfpomlitluu. . 1 lcllo\o8nltt' < iSifclfl' < li M\od my life. t livt tlrtnalllj1 lent tha u e ul the upper imtof my timly Atutinv fttnn I rum tlio pelt iiou4 cflrct * ot fthrjro oxnocr on my noek , ( rum wlilch 1 lud nultord for sM tear * . N. B. S MM relict ml moot Ml > rfiic , ami [ lie | t l in U Iwliiff forced out of my ) item , t w 111 soon l > o ttcll. \V. It. Iom ! ov , IHvlslioro , Oa. Two months tgo tny Attention WM r.xllnl to tlio to of a tt Oman nllllctcsl w Itli n canrar on her ihoul * lor at leant il\olnclir in Hrcumtctctico angry , pain- iili nnd ultliip the I'Mlcnt no rest il y or niKlit lor * K month * . I oliUlucil it mipply of Hnlft'n Sprclflo or for Iivr. She lis * taken live bottle , rim ! tdu nicer s entirely lirnloil tip , unlr n toty mmll noali rciniln- tig Mid lirr health Is KtUr tlmu for llto Jcirt pmt ; icim In lie iraifcctly curril. llnv. .Ir.tAKR UAMi'nr.t.t , , Columlnu , ( ! A. I lmt jccn ri'inntknlilo result * from line f Sulft'a iocitlo on it rmiccr , A toiiau man hero hn liccn rflllitod iluijrar * with tlio moslAnitry looking tat. hffriiicr-r * t oursaw amlna t carl ] ilotil Iho flirt mttlo irniloa womlerlnl changr , nml After fltot'Ot- Icsworo t.iU'11 , ho li nearly orqnltovell , It Is truly \omlcrtiil. M. F. Cnrtturr , M. I ) . , Oglethorpc , (1 . Our trcntl o on UlooJ Ami Skin Dlsean-s TlIRSWIVTSl'CCIKIO CO. , Drawer 3 , AtlantA llx V. Y. Onicc , IWW. 3.M St , liutwcvii Oth and 7llAt The moot the te > rm"Rhot I.lno" In connection \\lththt corjHirata name of ft tfreitroid , coin oj s an Idea of titxthit required ! > y tlio tratrlliiR pub- llo A Short Line , Quick Tlrat Mill the licit ( ) t llotia ll of which Are turn < shod by the greatest railway In America. HIOAGO , And St. Paul. It owns Mnl operates over 4FOO nillca ot Northern Illinois , Wlncoiiulu , Mlnnosotn , Io r ) akoU ! and m IK main lino" , branches r > iul connoc- Ions reach all tlio croat business control ol the Nortlmvstand TarWcat , It naturally answers thi description ot Short I.lno , nnil Host llouto Ixtwoon ChlonK" , Milwaukee , Ht , ruulnnJ Mliincapolla. ChlcnKisMllwnukco , IA t'rosso nnd Wlnonik. Uhlcn o , MlhMHil.on , Abonlocn ftnil r.lloiulalo Chlcngo , Mlluimkco , Kan Claim Anil Stillnntor' Chicago , Mllwankcv , WAIIHAU ninl Jlonlll. " " ' ' RO , Mllwaukoo , lloa > cr Dam nnil 0 hkc li. .RO , Xlllnnnkco , Waukonha and Oeonomowoo. _ 4ji > , Mll aiilico , MmllKon ami I'ralrloiluChlou Chicago , Milwaukee , Onntnnna Anil 1'alrlliault. Chlcnip , llelolt JniicmlUo and Mineral 1'olnt. Chicago , I'.lnlii , Uocktonl ami Ilulnu\uo. Chlroio , Clinton , Hock Islam ) ami Collar lUplili. ClilcaK , Council llhiltfl anil Umalin. Clilcoito , Slonx City , Hloiix Kails ami Yankton Chicago , Mlluanlico , Mltcholl and Chainhcrlaln. Hook Island , Diihuquo , SU 1'iuil and MlmiDaiiolli. la\oni > ort , Ualniar , tit. 1'anl nnd Minneapolis. Pullman Sleepers and the I'lnrst DlnlncCara In world nro rim on the inaliillnc'iottlio CHICAGO MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL. RAILWAY and ovcry nttontlon In paid to pnwcugcra uy court ; out cuiployca 1 the company. S. d. MT.KKIU , , A. V. II. CAIU'KNTKU , flcn'l Manager. lliMi'l TAHI. Aecnl J. OI.AUK , GEO 11'IIEAFFOKD , . Qcn'l Sup't. Patent Dried Fruit Lifter. AS USEFUL NO DEALER IN A IN GROCERY Groceries STORE CAN AFFOIID TOUC AS A rAin os Without li. COUNTKU SCALES. K , 9 , CLARK , SOLE PROPRIETOR , OMAIIA , KKU , I A victim of orly imprudence , causing nervous doblU r , preniaturo decay , etc. . fini'lng trictt In VAln orery nownromtdy has dlftrnv.-rf > J & flimplq rtnanitof solfi 5uro. which ho "III rand 1'RKK ( o hU inllow-fluflcrers. Addruss. ,1. If , 11EKV S. 3Ch/itnmUu. / N w Vork Chartered by thcStatcof Illi nois for thcexpiMS purpose of ijlvini ; Immediate rclielln oil chronic , urinary nnd pri vate dlseasca. Gonorrhoea , OlcetnndSypl-ullainallthcir complicated forms , also nil diseases of the Skin and Jjlood promptly rcllcvcdnnd pcrmanentlycurcd by rcme- dics.tcstedln oJi'orlu Vcnra - , ftiireliilJ'rurtlec. Seminal Weakncsa , Nlpht Lessee by Dreams , Pimples on he I'acc.I.ost Manhood , iHalUveli/enrut.Tlirro attocj(2 > fi'liiifiitliiii. The nnproprlate remedy ; at once used In each cane. Consultations , ner- onul or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med- clnea Dent by Mall nnd Express. Nomnrkaon package to Indicate contents or sender. Address DH.JAMES.No. 204Washinglon St.Chcagolll. ! ( UKUJllK. ) " ( AKTKII. ) nLKOTUO-VOLTAIC nr.LT end other KLKcrnio .I'J AITI.USCKS nro sent on 'M Days' Trial 'IU MEN ONLY. YOUNO OH OLD , who nro Buffer. IIIK from NKttvoua DeiiiLiTr. IXJST VrrAUTr , WiSTlNQ WKiiinEsscfl , nnd all tnoso dlsoasos of a I'KiLSONit. NiTUKE , ri'Siiltlnff from ADUSEH mid OTIIEH VUVSKH. niwuly relief anil rnmpletu reiioratlon to HEALTH , Viunn nna MANHOOD nuAiUNTKEn. fiend at uucu for IllustratcU ramphlet freo. Addrcei V ( ITA1 ( ) IIKI/11 CO. , Mnrnlmll , Mlcli. DISEASES OF THE J r. ARMSTRONG M D. , . , , . , ' . .MOciULYln * Jturn Street oppoglto 1'aiton Itotol , Oinitia 1 ALONG TIIK MNE OK TIIK , Chicago. . Si. . Paul , Minneapolis and OMAHA RAIUWAY. The now cxtouilon ol IbU line ( ruin Wakcfivld up tha BEAUTIFUL VALLEY of the LOGAN through Concord and Colcrldjco Huachos the bunt portion ol tlio Stats. Sueclal ox. cur lon ra' ( or Und mckoM over thin Ino ta Wayne , Norlolk and HartliiBton , and \lt > lllalr to M | > rliiclpal po'iiU ' on thu SIOUX OITY & PAOIFIO RAILROAD Tr lu over Hit 0. . fit. T. M. & O , Hallway to Cov liilttoii. Sioux city , I'onca , IlaitlnatonVayiio ami Kcrlulk , For IVouiont , Oakdal , N ll h , and through to Vtl vutlut. tiffs ! rat > > nd all Inlormatlon call nn v n. WimNKV.acneraUirort , Rtmuz'i liullJUir , Cor , 10th aud Farnam Hti , Omaha , Nob. yTic.ltoU can ) i tccurcd at depot , comer 14tb aid Wcl'iUrStrrrtt. One of the Beat and largest Stocks in the United States to select from , NO STAIRS TO CLIMB , ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR , HAS COMMENCED AT COR. 15TH Aft5D DODGE , STS , iu iho largest awl host lighted room in the city. We oiler special inducements in every line of OiS Cloths Carpetings , , m The niosb careful attention given to all work. Now goods arriving daily to inalco the most complete stock in the west o Ij JUU1UBJA UUUJUULIJ B DRAPERIES , SHADES , POLES AND CORNICES , * We invite Comparison. Williams' , Dry Goods nud Carpets , corner Fifteenth and Dodge. Our importation of Embroiderips and Insertions arriving late , are just opened , and will bo sold at One-Third Less than the Usual Price. COME EARLY FOR THE BEST SELECTIONS. Musliii Underwear at Extremely low Prices , Situated in Wodfc Oinaliu only two blocks from the proposed line of : ho Cublo ( Jurs , witli tlie B.ilt Ilnihvav Crossing one corner , aud only three luurtors o u uiilo i'roin tlio present Street-cur Liiio , at the prices we are isldng for lots. OPPKU3 8UOII INDUCEMENTS TO BUYERS KlTIIEll FOIl Lots in Thornbnrg Place are bound to double in vnlno ( luring the lomine summer. Now is the time to g < * t the nicest lots ever placed on , ho Omaha mill-hot. Price ? . § 150. to § 250. on monthly payments. a25. loS'100. each Easy terms. 50 elegant lots in ust south of the U. P. Depot ; $175. to § 300. monthly installments. Bonutifnl 2i ncro lots at S250.oacli. Eight lots in Uoyd'a addition , S175. each. 12 lota in Patrick's addition , SJ50 , to § 500. 0 lots in Plainviow , the finest ones in this addition , 817ft , to 600. Lota in 13urkor Suldivisiqn and /ollqwiiig addHioiis : Isaac ) & llunscom place , Oak Knoll , Roes' Place , &o &c. Several choice aero tracts in Qises addition , Hawes addition , South- Omaha ana Wfst Omaha. A choice 5 acre piece in Tuttles Subdivision , U acres in Okabnma , tt ono acre pieces on Sherman Avenue , near the fair grounds , also some vorp choree business lots on Dodge , Farnain , Harnoy , Jackson and other streets. Wo have the finest market garden pieces to bo had around Omaha , Four , five and ton acre tracts on IGth street , north of the fair grounds , 400 , to 81000 each on monthly payments.- A few nice aero corners in west Omaha , at less than hnlf the price asked for adjourning land. In all par Is of the city. "Wo have some great bargains in residence property , BARKER & MAYNE , H. E. COBWEB 13TH AND PABNAM.