6 THE DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS , MONDAY , FEBRUARY 11,1881. THE DAILY BEE. OOUNCIL BLUFFS. Monday Morning , Fob , 11 , SUBSCRIPTION ItATES ! By Cittlct - - - - - - - cant * per week By MM - - - - - - - - (10.00 i > cr Year OFFICE : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway. MINOK MENTION , Council mooting this evening. The circuit cmirt tncotu to-day. Additional local on seventh page. Cheap railroad tickets nt Bushnoll'a. The Council Bluffs Hunting club moots nt P. J. McMahon'a ofllco this evening. "Baby" Barnes nrrived in the city Saturday - urday , but attracted little nttontion. Ilia sensational days nro ovor. A. Purdue , arrested for disturbing the peace nnd for stealing nn nxo , is to have n hoarinc ; before Justice Schurz Wodnea- day. Matrimonial permits wore issued Sat urday to Alphonso Saxton nnd Isabella McCrao , nlso to T. L. Woodward nnd Ollio Wilcox. Last evening the Presbyterians nnd Congrogntionalists hold n union service in the Presbyterian church , nnd will hold similar services in that church during the week. Saturday was the day sot for the sell ing at auction of the old city building on Broadwny. Mnyor Bowman vrns out ef the city , arid hence it was postponed ono week. Some of the Second wnrd citizens are planning to call a meeting to talk ever city improvements nnd consult ns to what they had better do in regard to the com ing alderman. Jacob Kampf , the well-known resident of Avoca , died at that place Tuesday last , after an illness of several weeks. De ceased was aged 41 years , and had boon a resident of Avoca for nine years. 0. N. Watorhouso drops a line to THE Ben from Malvorn , saying that ho has had his pocket picked , there being in his wallet § 20 , two drafts , one for § 438 and the other for § 300 , nlso two notes. The ground between the city building nnd city jail having boon prepared for the wood vendors thoj are now compelled to occupy it instead of standing , as usual , at the corner of Bryant and Broadway. A very fleshy colored weman hailing from Omaha , slipped on the icy sidewalk in front of Baker's drugstore on Broad way yesterday afternoon , and by the fnll broke her log. She was taken to Mollie Wallace's and there cared for. The married ladies nro preparing for n grand masquerade at the Ogden house parlors at an early data , and are planning to got elegant costumes from Chicago. There are several trunks full of cos tumes already at the Ogden , they belonging - longing to the church choir company which wont to pieces hero. The Deaf Mute Hawkeye , Jr. , is the name of the now-born journal nt the in stitution. It is woo but bright , and is welcome to a place nmong THE BEK'H visitors. Its editorial favoring the re moval of the institution to oomo other city in the state is a little unkind , and docs not moot the views of Council Bluffs folks at all , but aaido from that its columns afford pleasant reading. The so-called lire alarm caused the department - partmont to turn out Saturday , the regis ter shoring / nine marks about the same length , and ono about sixteen inches long. As there is no sixteen , or cloven , or ninety-one , the boys could not make any sense out of it. No fire has boon heard of , and the alarm is surrounded with the usual mystery. How long will the city fool with such a system , or , rather , lack of system ! Some of the county papers have much to say about Council Bluffs wanting to burden the county with heavy taxes for the benefit of the city. Council Blutfs pays about one-third of the entire tax , and if the now court house and jail prop osition is carried , will have to pay more than a third of the cost , for the valuation of property hero is increasing more rap idly , and the growth is more than the county at largo. This year Couaci Bluffs will spend $300,000 on paving nlono , increasing the value of property much more than that amount , while other great public improvements are being ing made , nnd many private enterprises started. If , with all this to increase the valuation and the proportion of taxes this city is willing to stand what wil prove before the end of the ton yean more than ono-thud of the on tire cost , i seems that the country at largo had littl ground to insinuate that the city is try ing to burden the county for the sol benefit of the city. Hard man cu the Italso. NBW YOUK , January 24.1884. J. Mueller , Council Bluffs , Iowa DEAII SIK Copy of TUB BUB received Thanks. TJio letter from Mellor , Iloon & Hendricks shows the position takoi for the llardman pianos by nearly al our agents now. Messrs. Dutton & Son in Philadelphia , and White , Smith & t Oo , , In Boston have demonstrated wha could bo done in those cities , while you yourself have had no mean success witl our pianos and wo have yet to hear o any single dealer who lias not had ( h wry b < # t , success wjth them. Wo appro , oiate your efforts for the pianos and trus 'you are doing all in your power to pu It in the front rank , where it belong * and that your efforts are devoted to tha "n od. With very k indost regards , wo are ASM sir , vwty sincerely yours , , Dowu.va & PECK. SLUNG-SHOTS AND KNIVES , Two Mm Brothers-in-law Have a Row at a Dance , Ono Slabbed Six Times I > v H'O Oilier. On .Saturday night there wcs a dance t the liouao of ouo Jim Goldtm ( not the iin of inoit market nnd nldormnnic amo ) , located south of the old "Wnhash lopot. A bloody row was the exciting vent of the evening , nnd , ns aovornl rora concerned in it , the exact part rhicli each took , nnd the amount of laino nttachcd to each , it is difficult to otormino. Ono thing in certain , to tart with , nnd that is that Jim Crooks , no of the party , received six fltnbs by n tcnifo , one cut being on hia right arm , the itlior being about the left shoulder nnd ido. Dr. Bellinger cared for the wounds , , nd thinks tlroro is no grpat danger to bo pprohondcd from nny of thorn uulcaa it 10 one in the side , which is rather deep. Crooks was arrcstod yoslordny on n vnrrant sworn out before Justice Schurz , ho charge being for disturbing the pence , rooks , in turn , claims that F. M. I'hil- ps , his brother-in-law , was the ono who id the stabbing. It is chimed that lioro liad boon some bad blood between lioso two brothers-in-law , and that while ? hilips wan at the dance enjoying himself yrooka nnd ono or two otliurs came to ho house. They wore refused ndmis- ion nnd the door locked against them. ? hon ono of the outside parties kicked .own the ooor nnd the row begun. It is aid that Crooks had n slung-ahot with rhich ho began to pound up Phillips , vhen the latter pulled n knife nnd com- noncod slashing , which caused Crooks to ot up nnd got nwny as well as ho could. Another in the party drew n dirk nnd irandishod it nbont , nnd n brickbat was mong the other weapons of offense and lefonso shown up in the melee. Crooks corns to bo the onlv ono seriously in ured , however , during the row. OOL , KINSMAN'S ' REMAINS , The Old Soldiers ot Council Blufl'H "Want Tliuni lioro. A meeting of Abe Lincoln Post , G. A. . , was hold Saturday overling , nnd the olio wing action taken concerning the re- noval of the remains ; of Col. Kinsman : : IUAS : , The mortal remains of Col. V. II. Kinsman , who died on the battle old from \voundn received in battle while ravoly loading hia regiment , nro about o bo brought to this atato for final inter- nont ; and , "WiiEUKAs , Ool. Kinsman entered the rmy from this city in 181 ( ! , and this city was his homo during his entire residence n the state ; therefore , bo it Jicsolvcd , That this post , composed iTi > art of men who served with and under 3ol. Kinsman , and also of old personal fiends nnd associate ? , respectfully and arncatly ask that his remains bo brought o this city for final interment. Jicsolocd , That the post hereby tend ra a place in the soldiers' burial lot in Tairvionr cemetery in this city , for such ntormont , and will take upon itself the hargo of said remains nnd their final in- ormont on their arrival in this city. Jicsolvcd , That a copy of these rcsolu- ions bo published , nnd that a certified opy of the sumo bo forwarded to the djutant general of the state without nneccssary delay ; nlso that n copy of tioso resolutions bo forwarded to Qon. ) . M. Dodge , and also to our represent- tives in the Iowa legislature in the son- to nnd house. The following comrades woronppointod , s n committee in conjunction with the ifllcors of the post to carry out thoabovo : John Fox , N. II. Campbell , II. Gonhoi- mor , J. W. Kilgoro , W. J | llussoll , E. 't. Folsom , 11. JN.Morrinm. Attest ; WM. Ilorai , 8. V. 0. rurJ < AmiOTT , Adjutant. PERSON AI/ . D. II. Scott , editor mid publisher o ( the A-dvoc tu , Grlswold , Iowa , favored THE BBS with a call yesterday. Mrs. Wright , of Oskaloosa , Is now with her daughter , Mrs. , T , W. McCabc , wlfo of Letter Dirrlor No. U. Jlra. JtcCabo has boon very 11 indeed , but now Is Improving , and la con sidered out of danger. Ifrs. Spear , of Council IJIuffo , vlsitod her daughter , Mrs. William Marshall , this week , and Mru , Bkalth , who has boon quito aick. Tabor Union. N. O , Thompson , of Kockford , 111. , the woli tnown innuufactnror of that city , Is hero vis tin ? his son , of the largo Agricultural irmclilu ery house of VauUrunt , Thompson & Co. II. P. M. Ulrklnblno , father of Harry Dirk Inbluo , the engineer of the waterworks com [ > auy , arrived In the city yesterday morning to witness the tests of the works to-day. Mrs. Dr. Montgomery , who has boon vor ; 111 , Is now recovering rapidly , J. Tex , Now York , is at flochtolo'j ) . W. A. Mills , of Plum Crook , Nob. , was Paclfla liouso Sunday guest. J. W. Torsluger , of Chicago , Is nt Booh tolo'g. Charles Eastman , of Chicago , was ouo o Boehtele's Sunday guests , J. W. Hatton and John Welland , Carrel merchants , Sundayod at the Ogdon. II. W. Bowman anrt wlfo , of AtUntlo , wor at the Ogden ycjtorday. Stuart llogen , the famous finporsonatoi Was at the Ogden yesterday. T , L , Slocuin , an old raatdout of DesMolnei spent Sunday at the Ogdon. James Bradford , of Clove/and / , O. , arrlvot at the PaclQo house yesterday , W. B. Cuppy , of Avoca , opont Sunday In the Bluffs. George A. Bailey , of Itoiuo , Now York , I doing as the Komans do bt the Pacific house Old Bottlers. The call for an old settlors' mooting ro suited in bringing together about thirtj of the veterans. Saturday evening a torn porary organization was formed by th election of Hon. D. 0. Bloomer chairmai and Spencer Smith secretary , A committee , consisting of Judge Cas udy , D , 0. Dloomer , Goo. F. Smith , Sam uel Haas and 0. E. Stone was appointed to draft constitution and by.laws for permanent organisation of an old settlers society fur Pottawottamio county , all per H83SK oim to bo eligible to membcrsliin who oltlcd in this county during or prior to ho year 1854. A committee , consisting of V. L Kel- or , II. D. Amy , II. T. Bryant , A. J. Jump , J. 13. Lewis and G. P. Smith was tppomtod to prepare a list of names of uch persons. Adjournment was taken until Monday evening , Pobruary 25 , at ho court-house. UNOLE SAM'S ' HOUSE , llopnrt. of tlio Congressional Com- mlttco Favoring Another Ap propriation for Coun cil ItlltfTH. As has already been stated in TunBiiE , ho bill introduced by Congressman ? usoy for nandditionnl appropriation of 3100,000 for the government building to ) o erected hero has been favorably re ported on by the committee on public ) uildlngs , the report prepared by Mr. 'usoy , who is n member of that commit- ,00 , being ns follows : An appropriation of $100,000 was inndo ty the Forty-seventh congress for the mrchaao of a suitable site nnd the erec tion of a building nb this place. Lots mvo boon purchased nt n cost of § 14- 000 , nnd excavation for foundation of juilding commenced. The former super vising architect ( Mr. Hill ) has got up ilana nnd spcciflcationefor ( n brick struct- ire , baaed on n cost of § 80,000. Your committee herewith attach the communi cations of the present supervising nrchi- uot ( Mr. Boll ) , the postmaster in charge nt Council BlulFs , nnd the clerk of the Jnitod Stntcs district nnd circuit courts of the southern district of Iowa , showing , hat the proposed building , in their opin- on , would bo inadequate for oven the ircsont wants of government nt this ) lace. Council Bluffs is n growing commercial city of 25,000 people. It has more than loublod its population in the past decade. Tt is the terminus of eight great trunk trio railroads , over which pass the trans- lontinontal mails of the country. It is ho terminal points for ns many postal routes , on which are employed twenty- line postal clerks. The postuflicoat present nt Council liluir * rocclvoH nnd disburses of government funiU annually 9370,000.00 : t ( nines munoy orders and postnl notes 143,517.49 t pays munoy orilors nnd postal notes 145,250.03 hlonoy deposited by other pout- olllcos \ 41,132.01 Stamps sold 33,300 37 lox rents 1,293.50 timber of postal clerks 29 jocal'pUHtollica agents 3 tciilntored letters Issued 8,293 togistcrod letters received. , " . . . . 13,352 The supervising architect has aban- lonod the idea of erecting the proposed > uilding of brick , believing the brick nanufncturcd in that vicinity unsuitable or the purpose , lie has determined to juild of stone , which will have to bo .ransportod some distance by rail , which will materially enhance the cost nnd ( if ; hp building is constructed within the original appropriation ) curtail the capaci- ; y nnd accommodations of the structure. Now , in the incipiency of the ontorpriao , when plans can bo readily remodeled for additional room , without loss or delay , nnd in view of the business transacted at ; his point , both in the postoflico depart nent and federal courts , with the certain ncreasing business and demand for room n the near future in n government build ing nt Council Blufl's , your committee doom it n wise policy and in the interest of true economy to recommend the nddi- ; ional appropriation of § 100,000 asked 'or in this bill. Painting done to order nnd lessons Riven by S. D. Ruliso. Studio 12 North Slain street. street.ANOTHER ANOTHER TEST , Tlio Wator-AVorio til Throw Streams To-Uay. To.day is the time sot for the second ' 9 cial test of the water-works. The Jol- .owing nro the committees chosen and liydrantu selected : Alderman Win. Siodontopf , Citizens Robert Rain nnd J. L. Forman ; first test at Pacific houuo , second to&tat Union avenue nnd Broadwny , third test at Fair , view comotory. Alderman P. J. McMahon , Citizens J , M. Palmer and E. L. Shugnrt ; first test nt court house , second test nt Eighth street nnd Broadwny , third test at Fair view comotory. Alderman Alex. Wood , Citizens M. B. Brown and V. L. Keller ; first test at Methodist church , second test at South Seventh street nnd Broadway , third test at Fairview comotory. Alderman D. F. F. Etcher , CitizonsP. 0. Do Vol , J. 0. Do Ilavon nnd J. F. Brodbock ; first test nt Ilarknoos Bros' . , second test nt Sixth street and Broid- way , third test nt last hydrant on South First street. Alderman M. Keating , citizens W. A. Wood , A. 0. Graham , Charles S. Pease , first test , Empkio Hardware company second test , Scott street nnd Broadway , third teat , last hydrant on South Firs street. Alderman W. 0. James , citizens F. A , Oouover , Samuel Haas , first test , Bloomer or school building ; second , Main street nnd Broadway ; third test , hydrant on South First street. The testa nro as before six streams , to bo thrown from one-inch nozzles to a height of 100 foot and on the third tos two streams from the highest elevations in the city fifty foot into the air. i The first six streams nro from hydrants at Pacific house , court hou o , Mcthodia church , Harknoss Bros. , Empkio Hard ware company and Bloomer school build The sir hydrants of the second tea are located : Union avenue and - Broadway way , Eighth street.nnd Broadway , Sov entli street nnd Broadway , Sixth stroo and Broadway , Scott street nnd Broac way , Main street and Broadway all 01 Broadway , nnd within a-short distance o each other , The two streams from the highest ele vations nro to bo thrown from Fairview cemetery nnd the last hydrant on Soutl First street. Tramps in Marshall county take pea session of school houses and deface schoo books , nnd write obsconitj on black boards. Mrs , H , J , HilloB , M , D , PHYSICIAN & SUMEON , 222 Ulddle Bro 4Tty , Council Bluff * . Oat rfpooch ia short , but to the point. Host Chicago discounts every day in the year on ARCTICS. Goods WARRANTED as good ns ANY in the market. They nro made by the TIP'S ? CT\F d JkE&bJu JL Wo have n big line of SPECIALS nnd. an IMMENSE stock of regular nnd EXTRA WIDE Boots nnd Shoes in nil niscs , ready to ship on receipt of orders. TIBIIS ff Or second quality Boots wo nro introducing nro better than many so-called firs quality , and wo givn a largo EX.T11A discount on them. Z. T. LINDSEY & CO. , 12 Broadvav , Council Bluffs Iowa. AND WOOD , BULK ; AND BARREL LIME , LOUISVILLE AND PORTLAND CEMENT , MICHIGAN PLASTER , HAIR AN1 > SEWER I'll'E. No , B39 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFD , IOWA. SMITH & TOILER. Spring Goods LEADING MEROHAKT TAILORS , Just Received , 7 and 0 Slain street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . . . . IOWA. , ooxjirxroxxj THTTAT W SVTTOIINEY AT TAW. JIANAQEIl OF POTTAWATTAM1B COUN JUJH..1N VV. TY COLLECTION AGENCY. Office comer Broadwny undMaln street. JOHN BENO & 00 OENEHAIi MERCHANDISE. , , 18 Sfaln ntrcct and 17 1'oarl strent. MAX MOHN. CKESTON HOUSE. . Hotel , 217 nnd 219 Main etroek. U.CV ) , J , JT. W.DLJ.Jj , Corner Main and Filth up-stalrs. Hcsldcnco , 609 Willow ftvonue. soauEZ.JUSTICE OP Till ; PEACE , . . Oflleo ov r American Exprcsa. S. S. WACTER.UVEIIY AND FEED , . . . Will contract for funcralo nt ruasonablo rates. 22 Fourth street. J , M. ST. JOHN & CO..OASE BITTERS , fe urwto-ai. Draft by return mall. 140 Hrondwav. 1 A PfiTJ TTnnTT MEUOITANT TAILOH , UjQ-VJUlJ J\.UUH > Stock Comi.icta. Bulta made at reasonable prices. No. 805 Main St. ! q. F. SMITH. CONTUACTOH AND BUILDER , . . . Corner 7th and Hroadw ay. Plans and upoelflcntlonB fumlahod. JAMES FRANET JtKRCIIANT TAILOR. , Artistic Work and reasonable charges. 872 Broadway. TTATT ATTORNEYS AT LAW , IJZllAiJLn Jamoa Klook. Vractleo In Btato and federal courts. Q ! A "KITT A T ? ITT iVf Antl blltn " < " " > < > * 21 and 4M Broadway. L. Sovereign , I'rop. P. J. Mont- OcLlNXXjClJb t U ill. gomory. if. U. I'liyslclan. P'n\A/1 / "NT T A'R'RnTT JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , Jja-/VYJ-l'l Ui XVJJJJU JL JL. , Notary Publlo nnd Qonoral Convoyancer. 1S Broadway. "RPTTPPP TTnTTQT1 SMITH & NORTON , XuJLI V JLlJ.uJ-1 JJ.U U KJJU | Broadway opposite Now Opera llouuo. Refitted { 1 , { 1.60 per day A LARGE STOCK OF At VEKY LOW riGUHES. Don't forgot I pay the highest price for X3-S I As I am compelled to buy to fill contracts. S. GOLDSTEIN , 538 Broadway. W. CALLACHER. , " Now Store , Fresh OooJj , Low Prlcos and Polite Attendants. { First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , AS AN ECONOMICAL INSURANCE , THE EQUITABLE MUTUAL LIFE AND ENDOWMENT ASSOCIATION OF WATERLOO , IOWA , II cT.sIilcrcd tliolictt ? 2.COO In casool death , nnd Cl.OOO endowment at the expiration of ten yean. Aeso's- mci ti | m\ntIo accuidlni ; toage. Mr * . Ollie llllcy Iho agent will call and otplain tliu | Ion upon your re- fUc | t. Direct jour coikinuiucations to 11 Vine bt. Count'll UlulTa Jewo. LIVE TO EAT. EAT TO LIVE. On/tox-cx * to Tlio 1 . O lison Meals at all Hours. Cliof d'cuUlno 1'artlcs a Specialty. O. DEALER IN ALL THE LATEST DESIGNS OF fALL PAPER Interior Decorations. 13 S. Pearl Street nnd 20 N. Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. COMMERCIAL. COUNCIL ULUIT3 UAI1KET. \Vheat-Ko. 2 spring , C5o ; No. 3 , COc ; re jected , 45c ; good demand. Corn l/oalera are paying 33o for old corn and 2o ( ! for new. OaU In Rood demand at 22o. Hay i 00@G 00 nor ton ; 60o per bale. Rye 40@45o. Corn Meal 1 25 per 100 pounds. wood Good supply ; prices at yarda , 0 00 ® Coal Delivered , hard , 11 60 per ton ; soft , BOOporton Butler Plenty and In fair demand at 20o ; creamery , 85o. J-BK * In peed demand nt 25a per dozen. ' Lard-1'nlrbank'i , wholesaling at lie. loultry Koaaysalo ; dealers are paying for chlclcenn lie ; turkeys , 14o. Vegetables-Potatoes , 40cj onions , 40c ; cah- "fKe , none In the market j apples , ready sale at S 00@3 BO for prime tjck. ! Hour City Hour , 1 C0@4 00. Brooms 2 05@3 00 iwr dor. WVK UTOClf ' Oattlo-3 00@3 W ) ; calves , 8 00@7 60. JIoRs Local packers are buying now nnd . Rice M , D. CANCERS CHRONIC 0 SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special whcrtUemontt , such as test , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Kent , Wants , Board- Ing' , etc.111 be Inserted In this column at tbo low rate ol TEN CENTS I'KK LINK for the ant Insertion and FIVE CENTS 1'KIl LINK for each subsequent In- sortlon , Lcava crtlseraents at our office , No. 7 1'earl Street , near Broadway WANTS. I \f ANTKIJ K cry body in Council Bluffs to take YV TnilliK. DvltTcred by carrier at only twenty oenteawcek. VI/"ANTED \ toed home , In nlco location , with > > Ihrco or four rooms. Addrtu box No. : o , DEB ollloo. / LB I'APKUS For ula t Brit otfioo , at 25 cents \J ahundnxl. F t'KT Onoor tuo fu'iiulicd rooiiu , s W. corner Ninth Ht. nnd Third aunuc , FOUIl VT-KIosartlyfurnlshcd anpartrnvnti In houiowltlt rrlv to ftinily. ifolciencus tx- changwl , Addresi 11. W. J , Hoc olllcc. POH BALK -01 acres 8 uiilot from Omiha , new kiouso 10x24 ft. stable. & < ; limy uatcroud timber i 2COO. KUKItYft JONES , Heal EeUtesgenU. , 1S08 Harucy St. , Omaha. SSS-UI HAUi-lIouso No. 72i Harrison street and FOIl en lots. J3M. Half rash. KENT largo nicely furnl b l ruom ulth FOK coal fire. luqulroOijJHrtt < cuue , two blocks from I'oit OlHco. 77011 HE.NT A Urjra nicely fiirolihed room with J1 hs.d ru&l flro. Imjulw fli9 Flrit aituuo two tlocVs from poll office. Enipide Hardware Oo 109 and llliS. Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. WHOLESALE DEALKU8 IN BUCK GLO VIS ) oW ! Vj # > WtfaAiWj rii il W V fcK-JtlWj ) 342 and 344 Broadwny , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Ll The only Hotel in this City on the European plan of r "PAY ONLY FOR WHAT VOU GET. " IN ow Building IKTo-vT Furnishings. ALL MODERN IMPKOVEMENTS-CENTltALLY LOCATED : Fine Sample Rooms Elegant Restaurant , Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. ) Complete Abstracts of Title to all Lota and Lands in the County. GBOSVENOB & CHJOT , MANUFACTURERS OF 311 Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs ; Iowa. AT COST FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY. m Granite and Tinware. L'atest Novelties in Fancy Hardware. A largo line of exti nordinnry Fine Carvers. W 08 PUT 504 Broadway , and , 10 and fi ? WlliboB , 12 Main Street , A. GETS3ME OF DM Per Fitting , Best and Chcapest-Erino Linen Collars and Cults. No. 715 Fourth Street Council Bluffs , Sowa. FEOM NOW UJNTIL FEB. 1 , WE WILL GIVE § " ' 3 In all our Boots and Shoes , regardless o Quality. Don't miss this chance. S. A. PIERCE , 100 Main Street. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL And Oenera ! House Furnishins ! MAIL ORDERS FILLED CAREFULLY. 502 Broadway , Council Blufft. I CASADY , OiiCUTT & FRENCH. DR. THOMAS JEFFERIS , No. 623 Sixth avenue , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Homeopathic Physician and Mag netic Healer. TWKSTT-riVB TB1RS1 KSrFRII CT. ; THIRTY TEAKS A KK1. IIIKST or COUNCIL DhpnoMs ( dlicawil condltlors dcscrilicJ ) without questioning. There are ImndreJs of ltncs cs to the ( act that tha UlnJ are restored , tlio iloaf made to hear , aUo imralvaia anil rheumatism of inontlm and years Mainline frequently cured In 20 minuted' tlmo thiouh | luyclilo mesmeric , tplrlt or foul forcu , "These things wore not donoliia earner. " Thoouly reliable iireM-'ntathu ami euro for Jlph- tlicrla ktiowu ( keep It on hand ) . The best mtnrrh remedy In use. Small ) < ox procnUtlvc superior to Muxlnation. K\eryt-iso of Indigestion ( dosnrpbla ) cured tlmo required ono toelx weeks. Old ulcers , commonly called cancers removed without the use of the knife. In fact all acute and chronic diseases successfully treated. The records of mortality show that Tit , Jederles Is the most successful vractlcioner ot iiioJlrlno In the western country. IIU greatest succcsa lias licen In coses that has Ladled the eklll of other doctors , a ) well 03 causing despair and financial ruin In many cases. TEIIM8 KEASONABI.E. No charge for consultatloj by letter or otherwise. Inclosettamp where answer * to litters art ) required. Best kind of refernceg given. tiT Persons free from contagious disease will be re- colvcd Into bis Institute of Health for ticatmcnt. CORNER PEARL ST , AND FIFTH AVE , , CIIAI'MAK&MAIHENS , . . 1'HOl'Ull.TOIlS. Uorrllnir hours , . , , , , . , . . ,10 to 12 AlUrncou , 2:30to : < : SO E\culni , ' 7:3Jtolo. : Commutation tickets good for tncnty aduilsilont $3. W. Vf. CHAPMAN , . . . . . M iiaBCf. No objectionable Chirac tors will bj admitted , JACOB SIMS. E. J' . CADWELL. SIMS& CADWELL , Attorneys -at-Law , COUNCIL BLUl-rS , IOWA Office , Muln Street , Uoorus I and bhueatt & Mo- Uahon'i Block. Will ivactioe In Stat and cJcr.l iOlUtS AND GOAL Corner llnln etrctt and Eighth a\ei.uc , ; UTLow ait rates and prompt delivery * WINTEBBESOBT. _ _ BILOAM CURE OR NO PAY \Vo u'U.i'anti'o the euro ot the following named dig- Booeea , or no pay : Ilheumatlim , Ken fula , l/'Iccre , Catarrh , n 1 Ilfood audtklndlsca > c9 , Dvipepnla , Liter Couiplilnt , Kidney and DUddcr Diacaees , Gout , Neil- ral la and Antlima , 1t\e \ o Sprlugn are the fatorito rceort o ( the tired and dchllicatad , and are the FKKllLi : LAPltS I1KST FHIEND , Good hotel , Ihury and bathlii ) : ocroinodation bolb Inter and BUinmcr. Locality highly j'l ' aud healthy , Accctelble by Wabien railway , K\on , orC'U. & Q. , at Albany. Corrcrionaeno Bollcitcd , UEV. M. JI. TIIOU1-80N. Blloam Springs , Oara , P. O. , Gentry Co. , Mo. ANALYSIS. Spodflo Gravity 1.0053- Itoactioi Ncutra Carbonic Add Gas. . . . . 20 In. per pallor * Carbonate Calcium , . , . , 85,0.21 Grains- Carbonate Iron 7,041 1' Sulphate Magnesia 3r8 Sulphate Calcl'nn ' , , .1,140 Chloride Sodium 7.V60 Bllllc * , 1 , ,6U Alumina , . . . . .0,018 Organloand Volatile roatttr and loss , . , .1,4 3 Total solids per gallon , 67,174 WKiuirAi McuaiLL , Cheruliti. o. u , mir. < & PUSSY BANKERS. Council Dluflj . . It. Esiabnsnea - - 1358 Ucakriln Foreign ami cmtttlo change and < Justice of f&9 Poace. Omaha arm Council BluftV.