[ TEE DAILST BEE-OMAHA , MONDAY , JFEB&UARY U , 1881. O o Council Bluffs Loan and , Trust Company. Flret MottjfftRo Ixmns Negotiated. Commercial Paper and all Hood Pccutltlc ! dealt In. S3 Pearl ttrcct , and 06 First avenue , Council Bluffs. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAL NEW YOIIK , February 9. Money Kaiy nt 1J@2 per cent. Prlnvs Paper l@ i per cant , Exchange Bills Steady nt i 85. } ; demand , 4SSJ. Governments Firm. Speculation in stocks was charnetorizccl by strength , and tmyora exhibited more confi- clenco than for some tlmo pat. Tlio advance in prices waa almost unintertiptod from the opening to the close , nml extended from J tr > 2 } per cent. ISoictlous nt interval * w ere only fraetionnl. The feature1 ? of the market wcro Lackawanna , Kock Island , Northwestern , St. f Paul , Lake Shore nnd 1'nclfio malt. The nd- j vnnco In grangers , Now York Central nnd Lake Shore , wni duo to Vandorbllt purchases on an amicable adjustment of trunk line mat ters. Hock Island moved up ou talk of a coil- test for the pronidoncy. In the afternoon fc Wnbash preferred dncllnoJ to 2J ) , nml North- l cm 1'ncifio preferred toJG1 , but the decline j V was otherwise light. In final transaction * n ' fresh buying movement sot in ami many shares advanced to tlio highest point of the week. Speculation left oil strong nnd on the advanco. As compared with last nlrjht'a clo inir , prices nro to 2J par cent , higher , except for Northsrn PAcific , which was | to J per tout lower. The Mnll nnd l.xpross says : "Indications are tint pficos will continuo to move upward for some tlmo. " ho stockn which advanced have been the bcdt on the list. " Tlio Commercial Advertiser s.iys : "Tho week closnavith the bulls far in the ascend ency , with n tenacious , unrelenting grip , nnd with a determination tn hang ou to what they liavo got , and losa nothing. " OOUl'ONB 8'o 101 4 J'fl Coupons 11-13 A : Wai I2'J ST001M AMI BOND3. American Kxpre s . Ofi Itarl. , Cedar llapKta & Northern . "t Central Pauitio . ( i3J Chie.v'0 & Alton . 138 do do pfd . 150 Chi. , Hurl. & Quincy . 120J Erie . 27J do pfd . tort Wayne & CN. uo . 133J llaunibal & St. Joseph . 38 ] do do do pfd . * 88i Illinois Central . 137J Intl. , lUooui. & Western . 1.17' Kansas & Texas . 21i L ko Shore & Michigan So . 102 ; Michigan Central . 93 > Mianoauolb it St. Louis . 10' ' do do do pfd . 33 jUs ! ouri PaclSe . J3i Njrthern P.xcifio . 1 > 2 do do pfd . 47 N jrthwostcrn . 122 do pfd . 147J New York Central . 118 Ooio&jMisiisaippi. . . , . 22 do do pfd . 90 Peoriii , Dosatur & Evuuvilla . TJoeiItland . 122 ; at. Paul & Milwaukee . 93 do do do pfd . 117 St. T'aul Minn. Manitoba . 97 St. P ul& Omaha . 33j do do pfd . { V > ti Toiai Pacifiu . 22)t ) Union Pacific . 82i "W abash , St. L. & Pacific . 174 do do do pfd . , 284 ! Woatern Union Telegraph . 7C ? GRAIN AMI * I'KOVlSlONH. CHICAGO PRODUCE. C'liCAGO , .February 9. Flour Dull and unchanged ; winter wheat flour S-t 7 @ 5 CO ; fur good to choice > oft spring wheat , 4 00@ 4 50 : Minnesota bakers' , 4 COfelfi 25. AVho.it Kegular , active and feelintf stronK- er. Maricot firm and prices advanced l @lfje over opening figures , closed l@ljc higher than yeatTday : February , tiSj'c ; March , 94fjc ; April. ! ) ri c : May , 1 0 < H@1 OOJc ; June , 1 02 @ 1 02 ; Xo. 2 spriiiFr.l'JSlfflOSi'c , closed at 93gc ; No. 3 hpriug , 7fc'82c ; No. 1 ! winter 1 01 ® 103. . Corn Fairly active and stronger ; prices advanced i@Jc and closedgo better than yes terday : cash and Fobruory , 53c : March , f > . < ic ; April"lite ; May , 58jjc ; Juno 5S c ; JulyCOgc ; rejoatod , 44c. Oats Quiet , steady and a eliado highnr ; cash , 33c : February , 32Jo ; March , 32i@d2gc ; April. 3'Ue ; May , 31 c ; year. St\c. llyo-6Sc. Unilev ( > l@r,2c. Flax Seed 1 50 on track. Timothy Prime , 1 29@1 30 ; high grades , 133@135. MH H Pork Market active and stronger nud 20@2ochighor ; cush : and February , 17 45 ( Stl7 50 ; raich , 17 47\17 \ CO ; April , 17 CO ® 17 C2i ; May , 17 72i17 75 ; Juno , 17 82J ® 1785. Lard In fair demand and firmer ; ciali and robrimty. 9 55 ® 0 57J ; March , 9 G2J@9 G5 ; Apiil , 97C@9 77i Mny , 9S7A@'JOO ; Juno , 9 ' . (5(3997 ( ( * . Unlk JLoats In fair demand ; shoulders , 7 2 @ 7 35 ; short ribs , 9 15@9 20 ; fchort clear , 9 GSfe'J 70. Iiuttcr Unchanged ; choice creamery , 30 @ 33c ; fancy dairy , 25 ( < j < 27c ; rolls , common , Whl kv 1 1" . Cheese Firm nnd unchanged ! clioico full cream chodduM , We ; choice full cream flats , U@Uio : good pait skim cheddurs and flats , 8@e. ! Hides Qui't and nnchanpcd. Tallow liulot and unchanged ; No. 1 coun- fry , C c ; cake , 7c , MILWAUKEE. JiIlLWAUUSE , February 9. Wheat Firm No , 2 , yak- ; February , 93ic ; March , Ol c Mny , lonf. Corn Inactive ; No. 2 , D3'e. Oats-Quiet ; No. 2 , 32fc llye Dull but linn ; No. 2 , CCc. IJarloy Kaslor ; No. 2 , COc. TOLEDO. n TOLEDO , February 9. Wheat Steady No. 2 and cnoh , 1 02 bid. Oats Dull ; No. 2 nnd cash , G3Jc. Corn Quiet and steady ; No. 2 nndcasl 35ic. CINCINNATI. OINCIKNATI , February 9. Wheat , receipts COO : shipments , TOO. Lard AtlHOfgOCO. Whisky Steady nnd unchanged , NEW OllLKASB. NEW OBLCANS , February9. Corn Stoaih and in fair demand ; mixed and white , CO © 6bo ; yellow , pOc. Oats QuUt nnd weaker ; cholco15c. . Corn Mea ! Firmer at 2 7C@2 f > 0. Pork In good demand mid higher ; no\ 1850. Lnrtl Higher ; tierce refined , 9 COj keg 1000. Bulk Meats In good demand but scarce Whisky Steady and unchanged ut SI 1C , NEW vor.K , NEW yonic , February 9. Wheat 0 w ! higher , nnd cloied flrui v/lth a slight re action ; ungraded , 01@C2cj No. 2 , Gj@G5c ) Cata ) 4wjQ hlijliernnd firm ; mixed voatern 40 I2e ; white , 13ffi47e. Jieai Weetcrn fiudli , excited and higher a Podc Active and firm ; neivmcss , 10 3/i 50. eatH-Qulot and firm. Lird Stroiip ; | jrime eteom , 0 fiO , Btter-Dull and lower at 'J&STe. BALTIUOBE. Tebruaiy tf. 'VYlieat West- rn higher nnd Inactive ; No. 2 winter rod and cnsli , 1 07 ® I 071. i Corn Wofttorn , nilcd stnmgand higher ; ro- ctcd and closed ooaloi ; mixed , ca.Mi , G0j@ Ic. Ic.Outs Outs Scarce and firmer ; wcatoru wliito , 42 @ 43c : mixed , 40@12c. lljp-UulUtC5@CSc. Butter Western packed lower at 10@20c ; creamery steady at 2.j@3T > c. HCRS Scarce nnd higher nt 3 , " > @ 3tc. Whisky-Steady nt 1 1S118J. KANSAS C1TV. 1CAN8AS Crrv. February 9 , Wheat Mar- : ot fctoadyj ) > OSo for c.\'h ; SGJo bid for larohtSyJoforiray. Corn Weaker ; 411@41j5o for caih ; 41o for Inrch ; 44jo for Muy. Oats Lower nnd nominal at 29cbld. LtVERrOOL. Iiivcnroot , 1'obruaiy 9. Wheat Market till nnd oaeicr ; winter , 8s@Ss 8d ; upring , j O.I Corn Market easier ; now , Cs 2jdj old , IUVU SXOCIt. CHICAGO L1VJJ8TOC1C. CiiioAoo , February 9. The Drovers' Jour- al roiKirta this nflornooii as follows : Hops Active nnd f > o hiphorjrough packing , 15@ ( > GO ; packing nnd shipping , 0 707 16 : ght , 5 8 : > @ 0 GO ; skliw , 4 2SG85 6J. Cattle Strong and active ; all pold ; exports , L ri@7 00 ; good to choice shliipinir , 6 7fi ® 1C ; common to medium , 5 20C < : < 5 G5 ; inferior o fair cows , 2 7fKoJ ! 10 ; medium to good , lfi@l S3 ; Btockors , 3 7o@l 8. ; feeders , 4 90 ® > y . Sheep -Strong ; Inferior to fair , 2 504 B or owt ; inodlum to good , 4 50@5 25 ; clioico o oxtr.i , 5 ' < 0@0 00. ST. LOUI3 LIVE STOCK. ST. Louis , February 9. Cattle No ipply ; iinthlng done. Sheep Quiet and unchanged ; common , 2 50 ( SJ300 ; fair to medium , 3 25 ® I 00 ; good to ancy , 4 B0@5 CO. Hogs -Slower : light , 0 40(3'G ( 50 ; packing , f.U7 00 ; butchers to extra , 7 00@7 23. KANSAS CITY LIVE STOCK. KANSAS CITY , February 0. The Dally In- ieator ropoits : Cattle Otforh'gs light ; market firm and lOo liglior ; natives , 5 30 ® ( > Go ; feeders , 4 CO © 00 ; cows. 3 30. ® 1 10. Hogd Steady nt G 30@G 81. Sheep-Steady ; nathoi , 3 7fi@4 50. FLOCB AND UUAI.V. OHICAQO , February 9. Receipts and ship nonla of flour and grain for the past 24 hours invo boon ai follows : Rocoits. | Ship'tfl. lour , bbls 14,000 12,000 Vheat , bushels 30,000 1G.OOO orn , bushels 250,000 121,000 ata , bushals 75,000 58,000 lye , bushels 7,000 2,000 Barley , bushels 32,000 21,000 NEW YoriK , February 9. Receipts nnd lipmcntHof flonr and grain for the past 21 hours mvo been as follows : Receipts Shlp'ts. Vhoat , bushels 22,000 21,000 Corn , bushels 49.0CO 830 Oats , bushels 19,000 173 LIVE STOOff. CHICAGO , February 9. Receipts and chip- ncnts of live stock for tha past 24 houro have jeen as follows : RocelpU. Shlp't1) . 'nttlo ' 000 . . . . logs 7,000 . . . . hoop COO KANSAS CITY , February 9. Receipts and hipmeiits of live stock for the past 24 hours ave been as follows : Receipts. Shlp'ts. lattlo 340 logs 3,000 jheep 440 ST. Louis , February 9. Receipts and ship ments of live stock for the past 21 hours have joon as follows : Receipts. Bhip'ts. Jattlo 1,300 logs 3.100 300 iheop 700 3,800 OMAHA NCA.UKET3. "wliolcaalo 1'rlcos , OFFICE OP TUB OMAHA BEE. 1 Saturday Evening , February 9. J The following prices are charged retailers y Jobbers , wholesalers and commission mor- hants , with the exception of sjrain , which in uoiod at the prices furnished by tha elevators nd other local buyers : ( jrain. WHEAT Cash No. 2. 75Jc : Ko. S , 62a. BABLET Cah No. 2 , 4S@50c , BTK Cash No. 3 , 44c. COBN No. 2 , 30c. OATS No. 2. SL'ic. Ijlvo Stool : . tfi-c STEKKS Quiet at 4 005 00. VI > T CO TH 3 00ff)3 ( ) 80 , Hoofl 3 OOffiC 2ft. SIIKEP 3 2.3 76. OALVKD 5 EOioiG 60. Flour and MillBtuOa. WINTER WHEAT Beat quality , patent , nt 253 40. BBCONH QUALITI 2 TCi S 25. SFUIKO WHEAT Beat quality , patent , 3 25@3 10. SECOHD QOALITY 2 fo@S 23. BBAW O'io ' luir uwt. CuorPED FKED 1'er 100 Ibs. EOJ. Cons MFAL 100110 per cwl. SCHEKKINQC5@75o per cvv t General Produce. BDTTEB Fancy creamery. 33@3fKj ; colt storage creamery , 25@7o ; choice dairy , 20 @ 24c ; best country , solio. packed , 12ol5c ( ! , jest country , roll , lG@18c : inferior grades. L0@14c. Kocoiptu are Hinnll nnd the domnni ] ; ood. ood.MKATS MKATS Hams , 13c ; breakfast bacon , He clear side bacon , short , lOJc ; clear nldo bacon , long , 101edry ; salt short , lOjc ; dry salt long , lOc ; Bhouldera , 8Jcj dried beef , 14c ; lard , ro- fineJ , lOc. Eoaa Market firm ; sales to-day nt28@29c receipts good. APfLKS Fancy Jonathans , 54 50@5 00 fancy Ben Davis , 83 G0@l 00 ; fancy Joneti S3 00@3 60 ; fancy Wlllowtwlg , S3 25@3 75 , Demand good , CHEESE Now York State full cream , lati September make , 14c ; New York State ful cream , 10 hoop lots , 13Jc ; do full cream , CO hooplots,13c ; Wisconsinfull cream , Inbox He ; Young Americas , strictly full cream , 14c full cream , 12c ; full cream 10 hoqp lots , Hie full cream Data , ISJc ; full cream flata , ll\e fancy brick choc e , 100 Ib CUUH , ICJo ; Llm burger 13c ; genuine old Swiss , 1'Jc. POTATOK8 Rocoijta email and price good. Consignmonta of strictly choice forgo sized , straight potatoes nro uolllitf from 45 to 48c ; mlved cars 40 to 42a am light demand ; poachblows , COc. SWKKV POTATOKS Choice yellow , nono. UNIONS No demand ; maikot overstocked BEANS Hand picked natives , 82 25@2 CO hand picked mediums , $1 7C@2 00 , Ro coinU large. GAME Prairie chickoiui , ) > er doz. , ? 3 00 t 3 25 ; snipe , 81 50 to 1 75 ; dticku , Mallard , lieder dor , 2 00@2 60 ; mixed , gl CO to 2 00. B careful that jour game comes to market in nice condition , FnE8ir OVHTKIM Select * , 40c ; standard , 35 < y mediums , 25c. CKLKBY 55c. , POOLTKY Live chicken * , per doz , 1 7C ® 200 ; full drot > ted chickensper Ib , lX ( < 312c ; tur keys , per Ib. , lC@17c ; ducku , 1012 ; KOOBC ll@13c. LEUO.VS Kxtrn fancy bar lemons , ffl OX fancy Monslna lemons , pnr box , t5 2C ; 5 bo lots , Messina lemons , 5 00 ; 10 box 4ota do 61 76 ; Malaga lemony , fancy , ? l CO ; do G bo lota , SJ 23. OliASUES Aralenclas , G 10 ; Medina * , 3 75 BANANAS None. CiuKBEiiHiKi Bell nnd oudw , $12 00 ; be 'and cherry , & 'jrX10tO. ) Abovorpaotatloi ( fur choice. f DATKS Black Arabian , per Ib , , 80c | cjuarter crates , lOc. { Fioa 25 Ib. keg , per Ib. , 12ic ; 10 Ib. box nyf r , per Ib. , 10c ; umaU'nvftla per Ib. , ISc. CocoANtTfl IMra line , i > or 100 , 8 00. Cinnn 1'nro sweet elder , 22 gal hog , ? C CO ; M. A V. clarified , 10 gnl keg , ? 1 7f > j M. ft P. clarified , 82 gal kctf , $8 00. l'ios Frrr , Tinrr. I'TO.Tigs foot , 16 Ib kits , 81 15 ; lip * 40 Ib qr bbl , $2 25 ! pigs feet , 80 Ib half hill , 5100 ! trlpo , 15 Ib kits , SI 15 ; trlpo , 40 Ib qr bbl , $2 25 ; tripe , 80 11) ) half bbl , 9-i 00' pips tonguoi , 16 Ib kits , $2 Ml ; pigs tongues , -JO Ib qr bbl. $0 00. LnmbV tonpuos , 15 Ib kite , S2 tVi ; 40 ill ( | r bbl , $0 SB. Mixcn MEAT Atmorn's , ISlb buckets ( bucket ! 2'e ) tie ; n'lb buckets ( bucket 40c ) , IHs. : lOOlb ktw , 9c ; half barrels , SJo. AssoitTKn.tKLLY 2-lb stouojar * ! 12 In CA'O , per ilos , ? 2 25 ; tumbler , per tint , SI 95 ; schooner , per dozsn , 83 10 ; 1-lb tin cnni , 4 doz. in casfl , $1 40 ; 1Mb tin cane , 2 do ? ! u cixso , S4CO. BtltK .TKIUKS Currant , SO-lb wood rallc , nor Ib , 7 c ; straw berry , 30-lb wood pal IK per Ib , "Jo ; raspberry , 80-lb wood pnlln iior Ib , 7 c ; blackberry. HO-lb wood pails per Ib , 7Jc ; crab njipln , SO-lb need l nth pnr Ib , "Jc. Arrt.R I'.UTTEit 35-lb wo dou n In , per Hi , Sc ; 5-lb wooden palls , 0 In ch n per case , ? 350 PKA.CH WtJTTEn 2o-ll ; wooden pnils per Ib , $11 00 ; 5-lb woodou pal'm , 6 ( \ \ case , per caao , $4 25. PmtsunvKs ( In 20-lb wooden pnil ) I'n-w- berry , 15o ; strawberry , quince , lie ; pencil , 14e ; chnrry. lie ; tonmtod , 14c : plum , lie ; assorted , 5-lb wooden buckets , 0 in taio. per caii3 , $176 ; ns ortod , 2-lb tin cans , 2 doz in caso. jior casn , S ( > K ) NEIIIIASKA COMII HOSET 2-lb frames , 24-lb cases , per Ib , 18c. HAY Ualod , S 0010 00 per ton ; In bulk , G 007 00 per ton. Grocers Iilst. CANNED Goons Oystew ( Stnndantpor ) cad , 70@3 00 ; iitrnwbnrrlos , 2 11) , per eiuio , 2 00 ® 10 ; raspberries 2 Ib , per c.vto , 2 90 ; Bnrtlctt ) oara , per case , 2 40 ; wnortlaboriies , per ease , 00 : egg plums , 2 U > , per COTO , 2 90 ; preen r.\jos , 11 ll > , par case , 2 90 ; plno apples , 2 Ib > or casi B0@r CO. Ropn Sisal 4 inch nml larger , lOc , 8 Inch , Oic ; J ini-h , He. OANDLns Boxoi10 lli > , IGa , 15c ; Bs , ICic ; oxoa 40 Ibi , HI m. , Gs , ICJc. AlAtoilKH Per caddie , Sue ; round , cases , 55 ; Bqnr.ro eaooo , 1 70. SUOAKS Powdered , 9Jc ; cut loaf , 9ic ; prRnuInted , 8 1' : confoctiouors' A , 8c } ; Stand- ird o\tra C , 73c ; oxtrn O , 7.c } ; medium yol- ow , 7c ; dark yellow , GJc. CoFrEES Ordinary grr.doa , 12@12ic ; fair 13 )13Jc ) ; giwd , 14c ; prhno , 15@15Jc ; choice. G@17c ; fnncygroon andyollowl(91GJcola ( ] ( ; rovornment Jnvn , 20@2Gc ; Lovoiinp's roasted. ic ; Aibucklo'fl roasted , IS c : Mcl.nnglilin'f XXXX roasted , 18Jo : mltatlon Java , 1GJ @ 18 o RICE Louisiana pnma to choice , 7c ; fair GJc ; Patma , GJc. FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brls. , 8 00 ; No. mackerel , < tits , 11C ; f.xmily mackerel , half ) rla. , G 00 ; family mackerel , kits , 95c ; No. 1 hlto fish , half brls. , 7 00 ; No. 1 kits , 1 05. Svnup Standard Com. , 32o , boh ; Standard o , 4i gallon kegs 1 S5 ; Standard do , 4 gallon ops 150 SODA In lt > papers , 3 SO par case ; keg per Ib , ic. PIOKLKJ Medium , In barrels , 7 50 ; do n half barrels , 4 21 ; small , in barroli , 8 60 ; do n half batrels , 4 75 ; ghorklnsi in barrels , 9 50 ; o in half bniTolii. 5 25. TEAS Gunpowder , good , 4555c ; cholco GO } 75c ; good Imperial , 40@lc ; choice , G0j."ic ( ; foung Hyson , good , 8G@.rOc : choice , C."c@l 00.lnpau. ; natural leaf , 3r > c ; Japan , ioco , G0@75c ; Oolong , good,35@IOcOoloiif ; : , noico , 40@)5c ; Soucliong , good , 35@10c ; iioico , 354De. WooDENWAnn Two hoop pails , 1 85 ; hroo hoop pails , 210. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pio- eer washboards , 183 ; Double Crown 5J 00 ; Vollbuckots , 3 85. SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 8 45 ; Kirk's atinot , 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's hito RusMr.n , C25 ; Kirk's outoca , 215 ; Cirk's Piniilo Queen , (100 ( cakoa , ) 40c ; Kirk's magnolia , doz. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , < case , in case , 33 ; Babbitts ball 2doz. incase , 190 ; Anchor all , 2 doz. in case , 1 50. CANDY French mixed , in 30 Ib. pails , ISo ; \jneiican mixed , in 30 Ib pails , 14c ; Brilliant nixed , in 30 Ib pills , 13c ; Noboy mixed , In 30 3 pails , 13c ; Competition mixed , in 30 Ib alls , 12Jc ; Excelsior stick , 30 Ib palls , 12c ; oublo refined , 30 Ib pails , 13c ; Crystal mixed 0 Ib palls , 15c ; Old Time , mixed , 30 Ib pails , 4c ; Tip Top , mixed , 30 ib pails , 13c ; Flirt mixed , 30 Ib pails , Hie ; 1'Tirfc ' , stick , SO Ib nils , lljc ; Tip Top , stick , 30 Ib pails , 12c. VIKEQAB Wow York apple IGc ; Ohio ap- ilo. 13c. SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 180 ; Ahhton , in acks , 3 CO ; bbls dairy GO , 5s , 3 30. STAUOH Poirl , 4ic ; Silver Glose , 9c ; Com tarcb , 9c ; Kxcolsior GlosH. 7ic ; Corn , 80. SPICEH Popper , 17c ; allspice , ICc ; cloves c : cassia 15c. LYE Amorlcnn , 3 40 ; Groonwlch , 3 40 ; Vostorn , 2 7u ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lowla'.lyo 65 : Jowoll lye , 2 75 Dry Goods. BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A , 8 c ; Apple , on XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boot FF , Sic ; Buckcyo LL , 1-4 , 7n ; Cabot W , 7c ; Chitte- lange A , G4c : GreatFallnl'.8ic ; lloosior , GJc ; Iono tAViiUh 8c ; Indian Howl A , Be ; Indian Standard A 8c ; Indian Orchard , d. w. , 7 c ; jawrenca LL , Me ; Mybtio Itiver , 7ic ; I'oquot A , 8jfc ; Utlca C , G c ; Wnchupott B , 72c ; do A , 8Jo do K 48,124c. FiN-n BUOWN COTTONB Allemlalo 4-4. 7Jc , Alligator 3-1 , 3c : Argyle 4-4 , 7jfc : Atlantic Ai , 6c ; Badger State X 4-4 , G4c ; BonninRton 4-4 CVc S 4-4 ( Indian Orchard - , ; Buckeye - , ijc ; 1-8. SJc ; raconla033S4e ; Lohlgh H 4-4 , Pepperoll N 30 , 7c ; do 0 32 , 7ic ; do U ' c ; do E 39 , Sic ; Pocoa 0 4-4 , 7c ; SVnnitutla 4-4. ISc. BLEACimri COTTONB AndroBcogglu L 4-J , u-jc ; Blackstone AA imperial 8c ; do do half bleached 4-1 , 9c ; Cabot 4-4 , 8o Fidelity 4-4 ijc ; Fruit of the Loom , 9c ; do cambric i-4 .2t ; do Water Twist , lOic ; Graat Falls Q , 9o udInn Head shrunk 4-4. 12c : Lonsdalo , lOc ocambrio37 , 12c ; New Yoil : Mllln , 12io ? equot A , lOc ; Pcpporol , N G Twills , ISJo Pocahontaa 4-1 , 9Jc : 1'ocassot 5-4 , 8 ? ; Utlca lie : Watnsutta O X X , 12io DncKB ( Colored ) Albany K , brown , Re ; do C , drab. He ; do XX btrinosand plaldx , 12l-2c ; lo XXX brown and drab , fitripoo nnd plaids , .21-2c ; Arlington fancy , 19c ; Brunswick jroivn , 81-2c ; Chariot fancy , 121-2c ; do ox. ra heavy , 20c ; Fall Ulver brown , oxtrn heavy , .1 l-2c ; Indiana A brown , 13c ; Neponsot A > rown , 15o TiCKiNas Amoskoag A D A32,19c ; do XX ) luo 32 , 18 l-2c ; Arrowaima , 9 l-2o ; Glare nont BB , 1 2c ; Conestoga , oxtrn , 17 l-2o Hamilton I ) . lll-2c ; Lowl t < in A KO , 15c ; Win nehalm4-i , 20c ; Omega , super extra 4-4 , 22. ' Pearl Klvor 32 , 10 f-4c ; Putnam XX him stripe , 12ci Shatuckot S , 10 l-2e ; do SS , 12c Yooinau'u blue 29 , 9c. DENISIH Amosko.x , blue nmlbrownlGl-2c Andover 1)D blue , Ifi l-2c ; Arliiurton X blue Scotch , 18 l-2c : Concord OOO , blue and jrown , 12 l-2c ; do AAA , do do 13 1-2 ; do XX to do do , 14 l-2c ; Haymnkor'H blue am iirown , 9 l-2c ; Mystic UlvorDL ) stripe , 101.2s L'oarl ] U\or , blue nnd brown , HSc ; Uncaavlllo blue nnd brown. 14 l-2o. OAHDitica Barnard file ; liddyutono lining Clinch double face , 8JoGamer ; A glared , fjc , Afauliattau plovofinluh , OJc ; KewjHirt do.fijjC do glazed , Bjc ; Pequot do , Co ; Lockwoou ki' fitiUh , Gc , COUBET JEANS Arnory. Androscogcln sattoon , SJc : Clarendon bfc ; Conoutoggu sat teciiH , 7ic ; Hallowell , 8c ; Indian Orchard , 7Jc Narrwjunsett , improved , 8Je ; Popjiorill sat teen , 'Jjc ; llrxkprirt : , Go. I'KINTU Aliens , ( Jc : Amencan , CJcj Arnldo fi\c ; Berwick , 4jc ; Cochooo , GJ ; C'onoJtoj | ; . OJc Dunkirk , Gc ; Dunnoll , CJ@7c ; Eddyntonn , 'ijo Gloucester , GJcHarmony ; , C cKnickerlwcxLr GJc ; JMcrrlinaa I ) , 7c ; Klystio , f > ic ; Sprapie- Gc ; Soutlibrldgo , Cc ; do Gliifjhaijji , 7oj Mar ! bore , B'o ; ( Mental , 8ic. GIKOIIAHB Amcwlteaff. fljc ; Arirylo , 8c Atlantic , 8c ; Cumberland , 7io ; Highland , 71c Kenllworth , Oicj Plunkstt , SJo ; Kuiisox , 80. CoTTOXADEd Abbcrvillo , 13jc ; Agate , 20c American , lie ; Artlslan , 20c ; Cairo JJ and T 13lc ; Clarion D ami T , 17Jc ; Uocan Co. atnites 1) and T , IGc : KoyuUme IStcj Nnn" tucket , 19c ; Nonpareil , Ilia ; Ocean 1) and T. 13ic ; Itoynl , IGJc : BUKSOX , 12c ; Tloga , WnUm- sBttuhltting chocks , 12lc ; do Nankin l' c Vork , plain Nankin , 12jc ; do chocks , stripon uncl funoy , 12 c ; do 8 oz , 20c. SHEKTJNQB AndroacoKgln 104 , 27Jc ; do ! M,23 do 3-4 , 82o : Continental O42. Ho ; Fruit of the Loom 10-4 ; 274o ; Now York m 1U ! I8. 35 < i ; do 78 , 30o ; d < . 08 , ! Z > Jc ; Pombrokt Iminber , KIIOLKSALT. Wo qnoto lumber , lath and ihngle ! ' , on oar t Omaha nt the following prices : JOIST ANI > SoANTUNd 10 ( t. ftnd under " 200 ; 18ft , 2350. TiMBrna 1C foot nnd nndor , 22 00. Tisinr.it AND JOIST 18 ft , 23 60 } 20 ft , 23 BOj " 2ft , 20 BO ; 2Ht , 20 CO. Fr.sciNa No. J4 nnd Gin. , 2 100 ; No. 2 , ° 200. SlirnTi.vo No. l(2d ( common board * ) , 20 00 ; No. 2 , 18 00. LlME Per barrel , I 25 ; bulk per bunhol1 5TKJ ; cmont. bbl , 2 2" : Inwn il'iAter. bbl , 2 60 : hair or bii. Prtc ; Tnmul felt , 100 IS * , 3 SO ; utrnw ionr.1 , 3 f/i , I'.itntfl.OHs nmlnrnlsliOH. . OlLH 110 ° carbon , per gallon , ISJc ; 150 ° icadllght , pprgalltm. 14jc ; 175 ° headlight , > cr gallon , Ifce ; 1W3 watfrhito , 17c ; lln cod , raw , ; pr mJlou.C.'c ; lln'iod , boiled , tier rillon , riSoLnrd , winter str'd , per pallou , SOc : \o. 1 , "OcjNo. 2 , GOc ; castor , XXA , t > or gal m. I 50 : No. ? , 1 30 : nwcet , > > or gallon , 1 00 > crm W.H. , pcrgalltm , ICO ; full , W. B. , lergnllon , CSc : noitsfoot extra , t > or gallon , 90c ; \'o. 1 , 7i > c : lubricating , zero , per gallon , Ste ; ummf.r , ICc ; polden machine , No. 1 , per pal- on , 85c ; No. , 25c ; siwrm , ( tlgiial , l > or pallon , Oc ; turpentine , per gallon , I8c ; uaptlia 74 ° , > or gallon , IGc. PAINTS IN OnWhlto lead , Omaha P. IV Gc ; white load , St. Louis , pnro , ( HcjM.irsoillos roon 1 to 5 Ib cam , 20c : I'rcncli rlnc , Knion > al , 12c ; French tine , rod BOal , lie ; French no , In vamlflh nist , "Oc : Ftcuch xinc. in nil ist , 15c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans , lOc ; iw and burnt Sienna , lOcj vandyke brown , 3c ; rotlnod lamtiblnck , 12c ; coacli black , nml very black , lllc ; drop black , IGc ; Pruwiau luo , ru ; uitrjnnarlno blue , 18c ; chroino gnicn j. M. A. D. , llic ; blind and nlmtter grwn , L I. < fc D. , IGc ; Paris green , ISc ; Indian rod , 5cj Vonotlan rod , 9c ; Tuscan nil , 22o ; Asnorl. mi Vurmllllon , I. & P. , ISc ; chrome yellow t. Jr. , O. & , J ) . ( ) . , 18c ; yellow ochre , Da ; ) ldou ochre , IGc , patent dryer , PC ; { Training olor * . light oak , dark oak , walnut , cbi tuut nd mil ICc , Drv 1'Mlntfl. White load , 8c : Froucli zinc , lOc ; Paris vhltlng , 2Jo ; whiting gilders , IJc ; whiting om'l lie ; lampbl.vck , GormanUmn , Ik ; .mpblaol : , ordinsry , lOc ; Prussian blue , 55c ; Itramarino , 18c ; vandyke , brown , 8c ; umber , ) cj vormllllon , American , lt > c ; Indian ro < l , Ic ; rose pink , He ; Vouotiau rod , Cokuwea , ? c ; Vonotlnn rod , Ainorlcan , IJc : rod load , [ c ; rliroiuo yellow , gotiuino , SMc ; chrome yol- iw , K. , 12cocliro , rocholloSoochro ; , French , ? c ; ochre , uxmorican , 2e ; Winler's mineral , [ c ; lohigh brown , 21c ; Spaulsb brown , 2Jc ; "rlnce's mineral , He. VAHNiHiica Barrels , per gallon : Fiirnl , nro , extra , SI 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81 : coach , xtra , 81 40 ; coach , No. 1 , SI 20 ; Damar , xtra , $1 7CInan ; | , 70caaphnUuu ; ! , extra , S5c ; hollac , $3 oO ; liord ollfinisli , $1 CO. Tolmcco3 PLUG TOBACCO--Climax , COo ; Bullion COc ; [ orsoslioo , 50o : St.xr , COc ; Ruddy , 45c ; Her- oy's , 40c : Black , 38 ® lOc. FINR Cor Common , 20@30c ; Rood , 45 ® ) c ; Rose Loaf , 70c ; Premium , G5c ; Diamond 3rowii , 55c ; Sweet Sixteen , 47c. SMOKINO 0. S. , 22c ; Moorechuum , 30cDur- mm , 8 o ? . , 55c ; Durham , 4 or. , C7c ; Diirbair oz. , B5c : Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz. , C5c oal of North Carolina , 4 oz. , C7c ; Seal of 'orth Carolina , 2 oz. , COc ; 0. KJj Durham , 4 z. , 28c ; O. K Dm * . " 30c ; Uuclo * od , i's 2T > c ; To- ' ' ' We. Leather. Heavy mle , 38c ® i2c ; liomloclt solo2Sc@35c ; LU o kip , FOe to 1 00 ; riiunor G5o to 80s ; cm o calf , 85c to 120 ; hemlock upper , 23o o2Ge6ak upper , 2Ic ; alligator , 4 00 to 550 ; alt kid , 32@3.ri : Greison kid , 2 M to 2 75 ; oak ii ) , SOc to 1 0(1 ( ; oak calf , 120 lo 1 30 ; French kip , 110 lo 1 55 ; French calf , 115 ! to 2 00 ; nia- cts , 5 50 to 7 f > 0 ; liniiigs , G 00 to 10 CO ; top- inpo , 9 00 lo 10 CO ; B. L. Morocco , 30o to 35c ; obblo 0. D. Morocco , 3oo ; himnti.2 50 to 3 00. IlAnNEas No. 1 star oak , 83c ; No 2 do , 5c : No. 1 Ohio oak , 3ic ( ; No. 2 do , ? 3j ; No. Milwaukee 33c : No 2 do 32o . Honvv Hardware Llat. Iron , rates , 2 CO ; plow stool special cast , 63. rucjjlo , 7c ; special or German , c ; cast too ; 0 , 1C@20 ; wagon spokes , sot , 2 25(513 ( 00 ; buba er sot , 1 25 ; felloes siwod dry , 1 40 ; tongues , ach , 70@85c ; axles each , 7Cc ; Hquaro uuta pur 1 , 7@llc ; washers or Ib , 8@18o ; riveto , per b , lie ; coil chabv Dor Ib , C@12c ; malleable , 80 ron wedges , Gc : crowbars , Gc : harrow tooth c ; spring tool , 7@8c ; Burdou'ahoraohoes , 4 70 lurdon's tnuleahoes 5 70 , BAUBED WIHE In car lota , 4io per 100. NAILB Rates , 10 to CO , 2 80. SllOT-Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 ; oilontal owder , kegs , G 40 ; do. , half kcp-s , 348 ; do. , uartor kcps , 188 ; blasting , kegs , 3 35 ; [ use , or 100 feet COc. LEAD Bar , 1 G5. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor is run Bloasburg , 10 00 ; Whitobroast lump ; 00 ; Whitobrcast nut , C 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 00 rjwa nut , C 00 ; Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthrn ilo , 1125@il 00 ; Canon City , 7 00 , per ton Hides. Dull , nnd weak ; green butchers , GgGJo ; grnou altcd 74 © 7Jc ; dry flint , 12@13c ; dry unit , Ofnjllc ; damnirod hides , two-thirds price. TALLOW @Gjc. SHEEP PELTS 25cffll 00. Wool. Merino unwashed , light. 14lGc ; heavy , 31Cc ; medium unwRHiiod , light , 18@20c ; /arhoil , cholco , i2c ! ; fair , SOn ; tub and washed , ! 6c ; burry , black and cotlod v/ool , 2@Gc 'oss Iiiquars. ALCOHOL 1S8 proof , 2 25 per nlno gallon extra California sphlts , 188 proof , 125 per > ioof gallon ; triple refined spirits , 187 proof , . 23 per proof gallon ; re-distlllod whiskies 100@150 ; fine blended , 100@2 CO : Kon- ucky bourbonn , 2 00@7 00 ; Kentucky nnd Pennsylvania ryca , 2 00@7 00. Br.ANDiEa Ijnportixl , G 00@1G 00 ; doineatlo 1 40@4 00. Gl.sa Imported , 4 CO@G 00 ; domestic , 110 © 300. RUMS Imported , 4 C0@0 00 ; Now England , 2 00 ® 00 ; domestic , 1 C0@3 CO. PEACH AND AITLK BIIANDY 1 75 ® 100. CHAMPAGNES Imported per case , 2800 ® 84 00 ; American , per case , 12 00@10 00. DENVKIt MA1UCET. CORED MEATH AND IMUI > In tiorcea lOo 11 MOI'IH He. Hams , llic ; breakfast bacon ; smoked uidea , 9i10c ; ealt sldon . GIIEKN FIIDIT AND PRODUCE Potatoes , 55 ® G5a tier 100 pounds ; onions , per 100 pounds , $1 W@2 00 ; turnips , per 100 Ib , G0@80c ; Col. orado cabbaga , now , per 100 , 85c@100 , live chickens , old , per doz , S4 00 ® 4 25 ; Jpralrio ciiickoim per dm , 83 75@-lo6j oggt , froHh , per doz , 323.c ; butter , fair qual ity creamery , finest per Ib , 3842 : croomory , irood , per Ib , 28@ > 3lc ; Kansas and Nebraska dairy , per Ib , 37 © ICe ; cooking , 12@15c ; chooBO , full cream , per 1U lG17c ; apples per bbl , eastern , $5 00@G CO ; grapes , jw Ib , 7W10c ; California pears per Ib , 7@10o Messina lemons , Jfextra j > or' II ox , S7 01 @ 8 00 ; oranges , 112 0013 OOjI Coloradi heat per 100 Bib , 813 ® 1 88 ; flour , fa uality , S10 0010" 50 per barrel flour , raham , per 100 lib $2 00@2 CO : Hour , rye , pnr 100 Ib , $2 C0@2 70 ; flour , buckwheat , per bbl , 810 0010 CO ; corntfmcol Iiei 100 Ibs , § 1 G5@l 85 ; com , per 100 lb , 81 30(3 ( I 35 ; corn chop , per 100 Ibs , § 1 80@1 33 ; now oats , per 100 Ibs , ? l 35l 45 ; oata , Nebraska , mixed , per 100 Ib , 81 33@1 85 ; wheat , per 10 lln , 81 351 45 ; barley , pur 100 HIM , 81 CO ® ® 1 70 ; mixed chop , per { 100 Ibs , $1 33@ 1 40 ; bran , per ton. 817 00@19 00 ; Lay per ton $12 00lfS 00 ; baled Hacond bottom 81000@1200 ; baled upland , 614 00@17 00 straw , per ton , 88 009 00. J. K. OAMl'Ilpn. I S. 8 , OAMPJIEU , . Campbell & Go. , B , rnovisio.vB , niuirs , CTO , JOS Smith I Uh Street , l > i ( cen DOUJA ! naJ Dodge , OMAHA , NK luuioncuiJ'lrct K < tlorM llink , btoels , i Co. , Omatia ; J ! uk ( it Van t'cnmty , OONS10.Viie.NT3 SOLICITED. J1CTU11N3 MADK "V WITH And your work is doiio for till tiino lo liino to como. WE .CHALLENGE . to produce n moro durable material for street pavement than the Sioux Falls Granite. FOU ANY AMOUNT Ol ? OR filled promptly. Samples sent and estimates given upon application. WM.MOBAIN&CO. . Sioux Falls , Dakota. Till * niU.T rjn nuiiU * I' IT UK" Kl'IKnUlM1 tlll/lllm Then * Is no mli < tnl.H utimit Ililn hiMimiUMit , Urn run tlnnmiit MI turn if 17I.1.O Till l'IT Y | . "rii . .U5 : | tllllilll'h I III. ' IUIIM IIV.-1 V * it nine Hum t iiiMlUir ntNuli Dti lir.t rcnlotitvl HUH -Mtli Lli-ctrlc lu-Uf il\rttlMii to inrw all till limn litiiii in . i u ll H nr . tli ONI.tiHm | > pi i „ > ! . 1.1 I . 111 , Illl , I.HIlll l ilotmnitoii , tiiltliv * > Ci ' * - Itri. | | t ( n tin \ \ i 't'fCI'l * ' 'l ' "II- " ' IKON AND SLATE UOOriNO. MADK"V 1111 DoilKltuI St. MANUFACTURER OF Galvanized Iron Cornices CTDormer Windows , FInM ! , Tin. Iron and SUte tooting , Hiioclit's rntcnt .Metallic ) SlijlU'ht , 1'uteut iljustcd Katcliot liar and Ilrnckot HlicUlnI wn o general ai'dit lor tha nhovo Una at good ) . Iron nclng , CrcstlntfB , Ualuatradoa , Voramlaa , Iron lutu ' .nRt , Window llllnds , Cellar Quanlfi : also fentii * u for 1'eoruonfc Ulll t nt Inclilo Klluil 266TH EDITION , PRICE $1,00 BY JIAIL I'OSTrAID. { HOW THYSELF , , A CHEAT BIBDIOAIJ AV6llK K lmustcil Vitality , Nervous and Phj lcol Debility 'romaturo Docllno In linn , i.ror : nl Vnutli , nml the nt''lil inlfloiltiurosultlnj ; Irnm InJIrfcrotlons or ox. csics. A bci.il : lor ovcry man , younif , mlddlo agocl , ml oUl. H contalnii 1M proncrlptlniiH fur all acute nil chroiilo illnaasvs each one ol which Ij Iiunhmble 0 found by the Author , whom ) cipnilcnco for S earn U fiuch in probably novvr before full to the lo 1 any liliynlclan 800 paCD | , bound In lieaiitllii Crunch muslin onijontpdc'ovoti ) , lull ( jilt.'U.irnntcccl o bo a flncr wart n ovcry Benne , mouiailcal ) , lit- rary anil jirolcBslotial , than any other work nolil lo Mi country for 82.60 , or tlio inonoy will bo refunded n every Inetanco. I'rlco only f l.W by mall , pott- .Mil. IlHutratlvoBnmiilo tcoiilo. Hond now. ( lolJ modal Rwanlrd the author by tlio National Medical AuiiHilatioii , to tlio olllctrs ol wlilcli ho rccn ) . This book thould bo read liy the j omit ; f or Inetruo Inn , and by tha allllctod for relief. U will bimtfll all. Lomlon Lnncot. There In no member nt Doclcty to wlinm tliln hook 111 not ba lucful , whether youth , parent , fuarcll intrnctoror clurman. ( ( . Argonaut. Adilriba tlio Tcabody Jlodlral Initltuto , or Dr. W. [ , rarker , No. nulllnch fitreot , Ilosfun Mn6i.ulu uy bo eonaultod on all dlncatov r qnlrlnt ( nV.111 am e prrlonco , Ohronloamlolntlnatodl * . bunted the tUUI of all other phvs. UCAt rlan a l > ocUHy Huch treated biicx-uss-fl CWL fully without an Initano allure , TUVCtl C m&r&w. lUIOLLr RED STAR LINE lloyu ! and U.8 , Mall KtcaiuerH SAILING EVERY SA.TUIIDAY , niiTWEKN NEW YORK AND ANTWERP Tlieltlitnc , Germany , Italy , JMlawlandt'ritnc 8tutTOiuOiit ardS-0 ; Prepaid from Antwerp , 12 Kxcurelon , 10 , luoludlnir lieddlmr , c-to. 2il Cabin , I5 Kiiouriilon , 8100 : Baleen Trom Sioto (00 ; Kxcdrslo eiJOto l 0. AiTl'ctor Wright it Soin , Don. Agcnti. 65 Bioad w y N. Y , Caldwcll. Ilainlltou & Co. , Omaha. P. K. Flex man & Co. , 208 N. 16th BtrcU , fmaha ! I ) . K. Kin ball , Omaha AlCcnU. DR. WHITTISR 617 St. Charles St. , St , Louis , Mo ( IllADUATEof two medlnal ccUyt ARKOULAIl l.ts . been enwed lonittr In the truktmtut c (1IIKOW10 , NKHVOUS , BHJN AND JILOOD Dlnoaw thui othir tihifclclan In Ht. Iui , an Uty papers rho and all old ivsldonU Inow , ConiulUUoii frjo Invited. When U U Inconvenient tel It the city trcatuitiiit , nuillclnoi can b wilt I'm ! l ' " overywlitro. Ourablucakoi ( 'iiarwiWfcdiwaciiaou eilitt it i * frmkly itfitul. Ckll or urlte. NervoiwProktiatlon , DeMllty " , UtiMMtriijt\i _ o , _ i aKO , Tlln > uiu U iirilc { _ , _ b { Sl Irmiiover orkiid I ruin. HUUUICV Omaha Real Estate is a safe investment for both local and foreign cap- lul , and there is no property , in or around the city , but what will bring inrclmsors good returns in the near future. Wo have property for salon n all parts f the city , nnd nlso Surrounding the cit } ' , nil of wlnchj.vrorgliully show to parties who feel interested. Wo nro of ton nslced winch is the host part oi ! the cily C or nu Snvest- nenb ? We nhvnys ndviso patrons to buy what is called 3y this is incnnt property neb morethan ) one and n Imlf miles from the 'ostoflicp , and the nearer the center the hotter the investment. While utsido property will steadily advance in price , inside property will ad- anco much greater in proportion. The now addition lo the city known ns s located one mile from the postoftlce , west , only nine blocks from the ligh School , and these lots are being sold ab less than half the price sked for lots same distance in any other direction , and Vs tlicso lots will , in a short time , bo advanced to correspond to prices ofcs surrounding Hawthorne. The contract , has been let for grading Davenport street through this addition. Work has been commenced and will bo finished early in the ummer. Purchasers of lots in Hawthorne will not have to bear any xponse for the grading. This is & decided ndvantege. Prices for regti- ar size lots lots$35'O $35'O TO . ' $575 , Wo have also some doub'le lots in. this addition at from § 000 to § 050. Tliis part of tlio city isbeing built up Avith the best class of residences. ' Near business , near High School , arid-desirable in every particular. ' , - i We have a 3e\v \ lpt = f lefb in this addition , which wo will sell at lower i pi-ices than can bo had in surrounding additions. Thqlols are bcautiful- y located nnd larger than than those in adjoining additions , nnd will .bo sold on terms to suit purchasers. idonce aiBusiness Prop I 3N ALL PARTS OF i 3V3T T lBjU. Wl-Ji M la Douglas County and all pnrts.ofnthp State/1 " "I- I TO"jBt > 'j''C7' ' 3E"S. ; i : & j & - 3 ? r S'i . ' < ( < ' /i i A. flno tract of land three n tl > ue-hai | : milesJroni Omalia at 810 , per ncro. Also n tract four miles frmi { the bity at $ : } 0 per acre. ' Lots in this addition will be sold on raqtnhly payments ; ; . 10 per cent , cash and ojpor cent , pei\month. ' ' EC A7rT ZEE O "B apdiDougl&J4j"I 1 Of nil the lots w6 have for sale , wo thiolHiia isilliainosfc either for a homo or tor.nivos ment , a it is near biislucss u'i Yj cnted- aiid jib pretont uncos i. tlioclioapost "property/in the , market , nndfirst . > ' ! / I' buyers hnve choico.oftilo'td , J , 'i ' 213 SouthWth.Street , betwaon.iEarnaia , apdiDougl&J4j ; 1 ' i , ' i 1 Hi' ' , . ! I / 'A Vi i , > > t t l"J.i iw i. f < 1 i .u.v. 1 > i * * . ! ; in' i ii ' < w ' . , Ul . 11' ' < ' ' ' i j i * < ! i i i. >