. . , -J1. * - * " " * . . _ . . .A-XI4- * THJE DAILY JJEJB- " OMAHA , SATURDAY ; FEBRUARY 9 , 1884. Dyspepsia Is BAD. BAD in its effects en the disposition The man who cr.n't comforlnblj tlipcst his dinner is not a dcl/ghtfu / companion. HAD in its effects on the household , Itsctspeople * rtt variance \vitlicacl ; other and makes them i'rrcgula and unreasonable. SAD in its facets on the June. A dyspeptic business /nan / can'i manage hisaflhirsas prosperously as one with a healthy Stomach. Brown's Iron Bitters h GOOD. GOOD inils effects onHfic dyspeptic It qivcs him a sound digestion ana enables him locnjoy the fooc he swallows. / GOOD in its effect ! on the family It drives dyspcpaa out , and will it the whole company of little de mons that makaliomc unhappy GOOD in its effclls on fastness. With a sound cVgcstion a man cat face and overcome worries anc troubles which would wreck a dys peptic. / Try BROWNS IRON BITTERS ; Health Js Wealth Dn li. 0. VEsr'fl NEHVC AND HHAIN TRBAI MENT , n Bunmntoocl nwcilio for Hjstcrln , Uizzi ness , Convulsions , 1'ita , Nervous Nenrnliiir llondacho , nervous Prostration caused by tlm us ofnlooliol 4r tobacco , Wnlcnfulntsu , Mfnlnl lo prossion , HiftonltiK of tlio Drain ropultlnft in in wmity nnu lending to miBcrj'i decay nnd death 1'romntuiOld ABO , Harrcnnoss , Lorn of powe in oithorbor , Involuntary Jx > ssen nnd Hnormnt orrliooa clusod byovor-oxortlnn at tliohram.flolf abuse oeovor-indulRonco. Kncli box contain ono mnjth a trontmont , $1.00 a box , or BX | bnze for$5.W , eontbynmll prepaid on receipt of price GUAKAvrKi : HIX To euro nny coso. With cnoli order mcnivod byn for six boxes. accompanied with $5.00 , wo wil eondlho purchaser our written Ktinmuteo to re fund the money if the treatment duos tiotoffoc a euro. Guarantees issued untir by 0. F , GOODMAN ; Bole Agent , Omaha , Neb. DR. FELIX Lk BfiUf/'S PREVENTIVE AND CURK. FOE EITHER SEX , The remedy being Injected directly totlioBOat ol the ilUciso , requires no chance ol diet or nauseous mercurial or polnonoui medicine * to bo taltun Inter nally. When uicd 09 a pruvcntlto by cither oax , It ) : Impo8lblo to contract any prltato dfacaiic ; but In thi ca o of those already unfortunately aflllcted uo Ruar antco thico boxen to cure , or wo will refund the man ey , Prlco by mail , postage paid , $2. per box or three boxes for $5. $5.WRITTEN WRITTEN QUAUANTiE3 esucd by all authorized agents. Dr.FelixLeBnm&Co. SOLE rjioi'nicrona. " PC , F , Goodman , Drugglit , Solo Agent , for Omahi Neb. lil&Q.w ly Plpa moVlngUUior < ulU8toatobaoce. ' It li tha regal w y ot inioklmr. You get more Olrcctly it the Carer ana Jriwrince. You take tba emoko cooler , aud the toiiio clctnllcr and eater , llpo BOioUcg is unoklDir rcduooJ to a flno irt Tbo more tha queetlon of adultcnted tobacco forcca Itaoll on tha attention of cmoVen , tha tnoro deelrabla It becomes to know prcdiely what you are unoklng. In DlackwoU'ii Dull Durham BmoUog To- btcooyou h TO RKiuranteo , lw y . that it liVUuro'a otraunaaulteratedprodact. ita ( mrnnoo , ( UTor , tuj unBurputodqniUty.troda. rived from the Hollander , Try it. and you will bo oi lifltJ. Nona Renulna with oat tnde-muk of the Bull. All taoconf ul FUhermen and BporU- men unoka UUckvreU'i llull Durham BJuolOnj Tobacco , and thcr enjoy It. OMAHA Stove Repair Worka 109 South 14th Bt. of JurnUhlnK casting * anil rcpal mi > ( u < i > 4 ol Ml description , wood itovei , changed turn coil , frrato , Orebaclc , dampen , &o. couiUntl mtar.d. Try one ot our * tov < l i > rholvcs ai lothia dr ) er. er.DISEASES DISEASES OF THE EYE & EA1 J , T. ARHSTROHG , U. D. , cppoiiW ftxVOB Uotel , Omal 'llnrron" Tounj-flon'8 There was a llttlo dog Which had a tall ; The puppy wont to sen , And In a gnlo The llltlo toll blow off ; SadMghttoiow : The wild winds had their will ; The fact h true , There was a llttlo cat , Almost a kit , She ate so largo a rat She had a fit. With had digestion cursed , She kicked and to sod , And then nho up and burst , Aud so was lost. There WIN a llltlo lion Who laid nn egg. She stumbled o'er it them And broke her log. Thny took her feathers off , A previous lot , And made her into broth In an old pot. Ob , dog'and cat aud hen , Trlnno In Woo , How llko yo are to mon Who dwell bolnwl With potions nnd with pills Wo do o , 'tis true , The doctors have their wills , The sextons too. too.ll'lilladclplda Call. * lIuNEY F01lTHI3 Tills , Thomm lialloy Aldrlch U ono of tlio ino.it plcturc.souo woiiion In Boston. Miss Coflln , nf Now .Tcrsoy , Is potlttonliif the legislature for a change of name , Mixny Jewels woni at swell society ovouts it Now York nro borrowed for the occasion. Young ladles do not llko to go out sleigh riding with the mau who has nnly ono arm , Miss Chtlstlno Nllsson Is ono of the queens 3f dlnmonds , She has a royal collection o : gems. gems.Holm Helm , of Troy , was the first womnn win wanted to go to 1'aris nud leave her husbaui at homo. Girls are inoro courageous than men. They nro roaily to inako a mutch with a follow twlco tlioir filzo. \ woman has just dlod nt Belfast , Ireland , who worked as a laborer at the dockyard there for thirty years. The Vermont spruce gum crop Is a failure this softfion. Uuo notlcn of the suspension ol Vassar college will bo given. Dom or young Indies who escort the young men to leap year balls are thoinxolvos escorted by district telegraph messenger boys , A Chlnoso proverb nays : "A man thinks ho knows , but a woman knows bolter , " The Chi iioso munt go , [ Oil City Derrick. In the matter of Immodest costumes at bnlls In Now York this winter young married ladles nro said to bo the chief offenders. The most beautiful plaque that nny young lady ran make Is a big , round milieu pie , placed within o.viy roach of the upectator. The Noshvillo man , who was fmod § 800 for kissing a school teacher , nccdtnot complain. It was a good deal cheaper than marrying hor. Mlts Mamlo Dickens , daughter of the nov elist , will begin a Bcrlon of reminiscences of her father in the Youth's Companion in Feb ruary. Mrs. r.llzaboth Klchards , of Wilmington , has taught school for nearly eighty years. It taken a mighty smart scholar to fool the old lady. "Urory woman has her mission , " sayg a writer , but ho doesn't state whether that is to give employment to tha dressmakers or to wear big hata to the theater. Misa Voorheos , daughter of tlm goncrmis and brilliant senator of Indiana. Is pursuing her musical studios abroad and will not re turn to America until next summer. Itubios , cat's-oycs , topaz , bronza and all dark precious stones nro used this winter to ijivo Oriental coloring to the cold white diamonds mends of eardrops , pendants , brochos nnd bracelets. The now mutton-log iiloovoa nro full at the top and very close below the elbow ; their beauty Is increased by making them long and pushing the upper part far above the armholcs of the dross , A capote made entirely of many narrow Haltlngs of vuhct in row after row , beginning In the contru of the crown , is ono of the favor lto bonnets In Putin. A paimcho of feathers Is Its only trimming. , A strip of land nbout one inch wldo on I'lfty.fiftli ' street , west of Third avenue , was recently sold for 035. This confirms the re- fort that Sara Bcrnliardt will make Now York city her homo. A plain strip of plush , with handsnmo fringe nn ouch ond. makes a very pretty table scarf. If to this can bo added , even U on ono end inly , a epray of flowers in arasouo embroidery , it will bo an elegant scarf. Very short jaunty jackets or ribbed cloth > ra fastened tightly over the figure and worn with n vest If the basques are cut much longer they are usually continued very nearly ilown to the hem of the skirt. "Whcro Is the girl of long ngnV' sing Joa julii Miller. Wo saw liortho other day , Jooq. But she isn't a girl any more. She had grav lair and a wart nil her note , had no tooth and i\oro species , [ Salem Sunbeam. Miss 1'mlly Faithful ! writes from Colorado M a friend : "I have scon nothing but beauty ilnco I entered the territory. " Whereupon Mls ICato Field lays her hand upon her heart nd murmurs , "Oh , you nro BO kind , " Ono reason why a Detroit \vlfo doslroi n llvot co Is because her husband lied to her liuforo marriage ho said ho owned a ono-horso wagon nnd had 55200. After marrlngo ho could jtily claim the wa ou , aud one wheel was gouo at that. Looking fixedly this way , Ella Wheeler says in tones about which there can bo no mistake : "I will kiss the man whom my eoul ro\oros. " Very well , Miss Wheeler , but you needn't crowd us BO , Fall back into line with the other girls. "I don't wonder that Bomo mothers weep vhen their daughters are born , and cry : "Oh. li t it had boon a nonl" There nro KOIUO sad xpoilonco that would load n mother to pray hat ovcryono other children bo men. " [ lion- y Ward Boechor , A maiden lady at Wilmington not only ro used to toll her ago , but carefully destroyed ivcry evidence of the data of her birth. A aw dayu ago she died , aud now the Wllming. .on papers in guessing at her npo have got It up to 105 yeais. The moral is obvious. Four contu a piece was the prlco promised a sowing girl in Brooklyn for making eight dozen uhlru , and then she had to bring suit bo got the money , her employer alleging that thu noting was defective. Judgment for the "ull amount nud $5 ooets was rendered lu her a\or , If you wish t find the answer To the qucntlon that you ask , Just Interview the laborer lleturnlug from his task. lln'll tuko you to Ida Immblo homo Where hU good wlfo does her duty , And I'll wuffer llmt ho ho'll nay true lo\o Is woman's greatest beauty. Ladles who have a liking for hats worn nver the forehead will bo glad to loaru that the olt favorlto , the Kugllih walking hat , U llltoly to be rood \ this spring , The brim Is about the same an of old , rolling high and close ou each aide , but the crowns to molt of the now shapes are in the sloping Langtry style , or else are high aud tquaro. There have boon nnly two known coses o fouitla lynching In the country , The first oc curred In 1851 at UoimoUllo , a mining cami in the Bodlo district of California , and the victim was a Bpouish woman named Inez IVria , who bud murdered and robbed a man In her husband's saloon. The second aud IM case is the lynching of Mm. Uuddlnghaui lu Ouray , Colorado , a few daye ago. IClssea are worth more in Indiana than li I'onniylvonU. It cost a man three hundrci dollan for kissing a fchool teacher lu the { or mer eUto. and a jury in the latter state only allowed three hundred dollars damtgog recently contly to a woman who swore ho had klsiet hrr thirty thousand times. An Indiana man' kts < may do inoro damage , however , than t l'onniylvanlan' . ll'ock'b Suu. It U to bo perhaps ouo of the future feature * of life that women will bo permitted to pum We. Then it will bo a lint thno for faro dta ! era and the banks. Female human nature I full of the gambling propensity , and tha mos moral and respectable lady wl 11 , at a game p rord , do the most unscrupulous thlngD. Dl vou over play even Innocent kouo in a ttral w y with a lot of ladles ! It may bo boc u tliflyaieauprKxcdto bspUylnfT foriuo , but am willing to watrcr that ono out nf any ? lvei three will cheat by an impulse that the CM not help , A beautiful coituma for a young brunettn i of rod brick Ottoman silk and velvet. Th silk basque has a blouse vest of velvet Th silk drapery is mndo very short by crosswa ; wrinkles hold on each hip by velvet rosettes The lower skirt is mainly of v oh ot , but open toward the front over puffed drapery of thi etlk. The velvet bonnet to match Is von largo , with a robin rod breast perched anili many plumes. She said she wanted a ticket "to Wyandott and return , " and the pale , gentlemanly agon nlth the dork mustache asked as ho took U ] the pitoboard , "Single ? " "It nln't any n your business M I know , " she responded tart ly. " 1 might have boon married a do/oi tlmoi If IM felt llko provldln' for some poor ehlftlc's wreck nf a man. " Ho docin't asl ladies If they want "single" tickets any inoro Ho'a afraid to. Short Kutstan lockets ofg.ay plnlilod fabric In velvet , twocd , Tol'oMCcbIrclothorchovlot are very prevalent among skating costume for young girls. These coats nro very jaunti and also very comfortable , being thickly linci and finished In the back with a pointed hooc faced with a dark satin In monochrome Natural boavoror "Grecian" lynx fur , In nar row bauds , trims the cdgoi ; and with tin jacket Is worn a 1 Job Hey cap of the plaid with n tiny fur-trimmed muff and skate-bag b match. Oroat clusters of blush roses are jus' nov very fashionably worn with full dress tollotn audit was noticed ata brilliant gathering a the Metropolitan opera house the other even In ? , that those fragrant bloitsomi were nlmos without exception worn by ladies who appeared od in toilets With bodices cut dccolloto , 1'or hnpn tliCAo roses were adopted and worn an i sort of vicarious olforing to a sentiment whlcl the wearers instinctively felt , but were cour ngeous enough or careless enough to dliro gard. gard.Foalher Foalher fans have been and are the raga o ! the Hoason , Formerly the ostrich feathers Ir natural colors , or In cream or ivory white , 01 In nil black , were the most distinguished , bill this season the brilliantly glossy foathcra ol the pheasant and the yellowish tints of the oriole nnd the merle are preferred. The mounting of the small waved plumage is oxo' cutcd with extraordinary dollcncy and neat1 ness , so thnt the funs have asatln-liko smooth ness , and , In some cases , great refinement in the color ; the tone bolng preserved through' out In the ntnbcr or tortoise shell sticks an well as in the finish , or decorations. The "Portia" is the newest fan in shape ; it Is oval and forms a hand screen. Tlio prettiest arc made of cluar , palo yellow feathers , with n Imnvu starling fattened with a bow of browu latin ribbon above the handle. The latest os trich feather fans consist of three magnificent fonthors tied with ribbon and fastened in n xirvcd holder. Why Man IB Llko a Fish. A man is llko a fish Indeed , lie drinks llko ono and loves the wood ; His joys a bait when ho Is naught In scaly weighs. Ills lines are taut In schools officious wlioro they say , Both fear the rod but hook-oy ploy. Fishes nud mon both cro in solno ; Tis swimmln' makes them that is plain. Fishes spawn ova coats ; mon too ; Ami when in pools they both shako ono , Both run for ollish at the poles Then up Salt river go in shoals. Fish go to son ; mon see to go To "bars" for Vichy water , oh I Both llko to Ho on warm spring beds And wave soft billows for their heads , And neither ono will make a "rise" Until they're forced to by the "flies , " Both men and fish have scaly tales. From frying-pans sight In the Tire Tlio fishes jump and novortlro ; So Ilkowlnodooi a fishnus man Who thinks this world a frying-pan. [ Whitehall Tirana. CONNUDIALiiriKS. A young lady , aged 18 years , rosldjng at jarafroxia , Out. , married , secured a divorce , md married again within a week rocontly. Chang , the Chlnoso giant , is to bo married n live > oars to a Chinese womau nine foot ilgh. They will than open a tea Btoro in Now iTork. AMalno girl refused tn bo married till next Vpril because she liken sleighing , and says tlio oes there isn't go much sleighing after mar- lago. An English nobleman , cow traveling in the vest , Is chareed with falling in love with the louaomald of n Denver hotel and wanting to narry her. An unexpected offer of marriage to n Mich- zau girl brought on a fatal attack of heart- llsoaso. Most offers of marriage are the re nt ts of hoart-di'oaso , but they are seldom ntal. The newspaper foreman got a marriage no- Ice among a lot of Items headed "Horrors of 883 , " and whan the editor learned tliat tlm room's income wan only Hoven dollars a week 10 said it had better remain under that head. IIJU. UflU , AIWVU VUk , 4IUO Itllu | rlV41C U Ut Ulilfl * UKun ftHUIftvlt to the contrary. Nearly every mpor In the country would publish it for otlihiR. AUrooWyn lady caught a burslar In Ii3r 001 a and compelled him to marry lior. Shio ) liU torrlbla punishment there him be n n icat falling oif In tlio number of robberies In irooklyn , nnd It In iiiroposoil to cut down the mllcQ lorco olio-half. There nro more ways lian onu to mnko hnrglary odious. Under I\IlH \ l sippl Taw a woman Is liable to iidlctinont for nsHiinlt If she strike her luis- iand ; but tlia man Is not liable for assaulting ho woman If ho usoi n switch u < > lurgor than iU llttlo finger In doing HO. It U now pro- itiBod to BO amend the nUtuton at to give the rlfo tlio HUino Immunity that her liiwbnnd on- oya. oya.A young lady In Ulster oouuty called at a iwyar's olllco in Kingston the other day mid nkcdto hn\o suit bo un ngatnatx former uxor for bronch of promlso. "Ho promlaed 0 ninrry 1110 four times , " she said , "but ho lann't kept his word , and my atloctlous nro ,11 , blighted. " "How much damage do you 1 Uti to clalmt" eald the polite lawyor. "Well , was blighted four times , and I think $100 a illght Is iiiuiQ too much. " So suit was on er oil at $400 damages for four blights. Coneldorablo couimcmt was excited at n re- : ent wedding lu Boston by the extraordinary irocautlon taken to keep out pooplawho were lot Invited. The giuuits wore mot on tlio Idewalk by a policeman who demanded a Ickot , another policeman stood at the on- ranco to tlio awning doalrlng to sea the lokot , the sexton at the door took up the .Icknt , a fourth person directed the friends of : ho contracting parties , to go on ono sldo of Llio church or thu other , and lastly the ushers wore proidod with cards on which the names of ia\orod guesU were placed , and all persons who wire not down for scats were pormlttoj to sldlt for themselves. A dllTorcnco arose between two colored mon , Hut toll and Louie , of Colchester. Ktissoll pro < cured a warrant for Louie's arrest , charging htm with enticing away hU wife. The case was called before Judge Oarrlngton , but before - fore the trial was over it was agreed that the parties should eottlo the matter nt Issue byn contest conducted In accordance with tlio rules ot the prUo-rlug. This they proceeded to do. They retired to a convenient svot nnd proceeded to chokoand pummel each other until Louie throw up the Bpongo. lluuoll re turned from the field In triumph mid carried hti wife homo with her. Ono of the riuooroat cases of marriage which havncoma before the notice of the legal fra ternity ( or years Is now being Inveotlputed by the Delaware circuit court at Muacio. It U o case which , if tested , as it I ) now designed , may lead to n practical change la the marriage laws of the state. Homo tlmo last spring Mr , Seth [ . Whltton , a lawyer of Union Spring * , v > ho was a widow er at the time , met mid con. colvod a great love for Miss Maud 8. Mc- Arthur , & reputable younR lady of that city , Hoarding at ilia same houa , ho became qulu Intimate with her , so muth BO , lu fact , ILat theymo\odto the house of a priyato family , where they resided for some thus. Ono of the family became diisatUfied , and demanded k kuow the relations exlsthiK between them , when Mr. Whltton v .uced a written gro ment jnutually nlgued , but unwituwsed BKivcing to take each other as lawful husbam and wife , to have aud to hold , etc , , "uutl death or some coinpstent legal authority' nhould them pirt. Air. Whltteu was soot after rretod nud K ve ball for bu appear once , and the ctso U now on the tapis. Hi and the young lady ulalin they ro legally mar rled , aud lm\o rofuied iinuiuulty from prate cutlon , offored. If he would call a preacher ami lw wadded aooardlpg to U 8 law wad th Thocft o U exciting grcrnt Intern tlironghout the country. BucctncBi and Lovo. Conuotry m y gftln you ndinlrcrs slave ? , Vour mirth may nmuao for the hour } Your culture bo all that n learned man craven Your fortune tempt bachelors to power. You may through diplomacy win a soft fool , Machination may pot you n groom ; To cot n good husband tlioro's only ono rule. That brings Hymen's floworj to bloom , A sweet disposition not forced , for you lover- Hut n wcotne , habitually n. Which , tdn [ > crcd with love thats constant ir fervor , Will your worth to your Rwoothout door show. MUSIOAh AND lltVMTIC. . Ooilclinux l suppljlng armor for the " 1'rln cess Ida , " which will cost S3000. Laura Don has been cngncod ; to appear In Frank Mayo's now play , "Nordock. " Mrs. Charles IMmonds will remain with Mrs. Langtry for the rest of the season. Mrs. Tom Thumb has tnkou 13unnoll's Mu seum in Brooklyn , and will noon open it. A few years ago Harry Minor was a musi cian ; ho now employs four full orchestras. "In the Hanks" goes to San Francisco next summer. It will bo put ou at the Baldwin. Henrietta Vndcrs will start out as a star with Kate CInxtou's company on February 11. "For Congress , " Haymond's great SUCCORS , has boon booked at the WalnutStreotthoatio Haverly's Comedy thontro , on Broadway , Now York , is to bo named the Gaiety The atre. atre.Madame Madame Janauschok will shortly produce another play. It is an adaptation from a Polish novel. Rehearsals of "Princess Ida" are progress ing at the Doston Museum. The members of the company speak In glowing terms of the music. Itemcnv ! li at Havannn , nnd ho and his liddlo Is iiolnp jabl'ed nround the houses of the HWoll Cubans , Ho will give public con certs later. George S. Knight will produce his now comedy by Charles Gaylor , entitled ' 'Puratv kin Crook Politics , " at llavlln's Theatre , Cin cinnati , March 2. John Yi. Owens is resting for n fortnight. Ho la not In the best of health. His company is to bo strengthened for the representation o'f Ills old repertoire. A Scandinavian company Is touring Minnesota seta and the northwest , playing Swodlsln Iranian. There is a largo Norncglau and Swedish population in that country. Miss Maud Granger , having abandoned "Her Second Love , " will star during the bal ance nf the season under the manngomnt of Mr. Henderson , late of the Standard Theatre , Now York. There is some prospect of Mrs. D. P. Bow ers returning to the stage. Frank Mayo lias invited her to nssumo a loading role in "Nor- leck , " his now play , which Is to bo produced n Chicago in May. Bulfalo Bill closes his season in Chicago ) March 8 , nnd departs for his Nebraska ranch ; o prepare for another Wild West tenting soa- BOH. His season , though short , has bean very successful , especially in Now England. Joseph Jefferson hag closed his season at Nashville , and will go to his Louisiana plan tation for the remainder of the winter. Air , loltorson will start out ogaln in April. The > resent season hna been very profitable. Carl Ilosa has found and engaged for the juvont garden a now soprano named IC.ito iionsberg. She la uSt. Louis girl , the daugh ter of a wholesale liquor dealer , and lias boon stud ) ing in Kuropo lor the last four years. Dion Boucicault'rt tour In Australia will last only eight weeks. Ho will produce "Arrah tfn Poguo" and n now play of his called "Kob- ort Kinmet , " in which hu plays the tltlo role. lo will start ou April 10 uiul return in August A feature of the "Excelsior" performance vill ho the incidental music , under the direc- ; ion of Mr. W. JJlhott Hoslain. late of Ab- > oy'H Metropolitan opera honso , in Now York , and formerly professor of music at Brittanla college , Manchester. When " Excelsior " was given in Paris Americans were amuicd at a scone In which a rroup of Indians were standing at the Now fork end of the Brooklyn bridge , while in the llstanco was the capita ! building , with herds of buffaloes browsing around it. The Now York World lavishes the warmest iraiso upon Thomas W , Kcono , and halls him ts America's great aotor. It is just and fit- lilt ; that a journal which sneered at western loiiimendiition of Henry Irving should find its jeau ideal of an actor in Tom iCeeno. Colonel AVood has obtained possession of ho lease of the Olympic. Theater , Chlcaco , nnd will remodel It into a museum aud then- re , nurh as ho used to control in days gone > y. Ho wouldi like to tnke possession of the louse at once , but Manager hmniett wants a tcop premium to lot go. Goring Thomas , composer of "Esmernlda , " j at work on a Kusslnu subject ; VHliors St.in- ord , composer of "Tho Yelled Prophet , " on in old English subject ; and Mackenzie , com. > o or of "Colomba , " on n subject not made mbllc , but which is belnc ; put into libretto orm by Dr. FrancIs-IIuaCer. There was a decided , coldness between the management of Mrs. Langtry and that of the 'ifth Avenue Theatre , Maw York , during her ng.igemont there. It tttoso from a clause in ho contract that Mrs. Langtry should h.ivo a nan in the box ollice ai ell as ono at llii loor. John Stetson felt hurt that there hould bo n suspicion oE hlahonoaty , hut Mrs. jaugtry lusUtod , ju t the same , and Charles ileiulnm , her manager , found it pretty dls- groeablo. Mine. Modjoska's California ranch , which ms cost her nn outlay of about S01),000 up to late , lost ivook brought her in the first return upon the amount , invested. This was the uni of § 5,000 , profits upon the past year's lops. Tlio money was regarded by Mmo. Modjoska as lucky money , and she promptly- n\ested lu a diamond iliademanda pair of olltairo ear-rings , which ho will wear for the irat tlmo as a kind of wascotto , in the pro- iuctlou of her now play at the Star Theatre , . N'ow York , two week * houco. A popular singoo o a. former genoratlon has list died In I Khglhnd in Juno Shorlti. nado her first appearance at Covout Garden n Docembor. IWl ! , in Dr. Arno' * opera of 'Artaxerxos"and came to this country with. , ho Scgulns In 1833. She was much lllwd lore , particularly In comic opera , for aha-wjts iv siirightly uatrcbs.ps.vell as a good eingor , and romaluml hero til ) 1810. Shu retired from ho stage immediately upon her roturn.to inglanU , and sotu after married a Mr. Wol- cott. cott.Somo years ORQ Bartloy Campbell saidi.-"In , hl couutoy 1 have found the playwright ) Hv- ng in a garret and the actor living in a villa at Long Branch. The man who makflo , the ilay Is twatcd llko a poor relation by the ) l yor. When I went to Paris I found the uctor living In parrot nnd the playwright in a villa. * ' This moves Nym Crinkle to re nark"IthlnkMlut Burtley Campbell has lone more than nny other Americamdraniat- at to fctli j about tlia now condition la which MtU tutor aud playuiaker can resiib < at I < oug Brunch. " _ IMl'IKTIKS. Taa OH City Bllczoid starts & distracting ( ucitlun. It wants to know wtois going to [ > ay the ] > arEou's Ioo leap year , CoruolIuK Vunilo bllt has b on elected a di rector of the Your , ; Men's G > uiatiau associa tion. Queer taste for a VaudarbilU "Wiat is thUl-rfok'Sarah lUrnum'that I BBO so widely ndrtUedJ" "Jt b a very stiO morsel , " was tha reply , "I auk inoro particu. iarly , " said ho , "bocausa 1 IKVW a man reading it in church tliU morning" Old Job was. level head d biUbiug that Ills enemy mishtvritaa book. The critics are making ill manner of fun of the Maviuls of Lorno's 'Speeches jid Verses , " and they will not epivjro mi uuf mt mother-lu-lavjwhou hsr bookcuues rut , IttssaVl thaton of the hlghosUsalarlod presclmn lu Chicago haj a very mur l congre- gatlout cone of whom nro wealthy , How be manors to Induce hU flock to rnpeiaud scrape hard enough to juy him n big ulary la nol otattj. Peilupa heprexclies vtry thort ser- incus. To test your piety : Drop BIO In the con tribution plato. Care for the widow ant fathorludi , especially the fatherlo * * , Allow your children to "d Du * on your eye brow , ' un st'll ' ktop your temper , Listen patience to the pious exhortations of me whi.tn you know to bo deep-dyed swindlers If after theio tests your piety remains wit you , a comfort-ghlng and feml-satlsfyingprca once , delay not your "going henco'ra mgl moment longer than necc'iarr. This worl is no place for you. fllirtford Fcwl. In Boston a few days ago a reverend gentle man was convicted of systematically talcln books from libraries and store * . There wane no necessity for hla doing to. Ho wa declare a kleptomaniac nnd turned over to his friend in order that they might "minister to a mltu diseased. " In the same city n day o ? tw later a i x > r devil who had vainly tried to RO work , took a trace chiln from a InrdWhr stoio , cold it nnd nnplicd the proceeds to th purchato of broad for his starving children His necessities were groat. But ho was a vul gar thief nnd was sent to the house of corroc lion , A quctr world this. Seemed to Know Him. "Shall I mIho man that I love ? " Man ; ; l liu i , , vveot Phlllls the fair ; And tun iiiUjlu went soaring above AR If 'twero htr favorlto air. And a voice coming-out of the sky , From a plnprr ebo hoped to entrance Quito startlocl her with the ro,4y | "Sho will if she unco gets the chance. " "ShnH I marry the girl that I lore ? " Ho Rang on a subsequent day ; 3aiu Wgh In his nttic above , When ho thought the fair Phillis away. A surprise came up from below , An minitor his ardor to cool ; 'Twas a little cmphatlo "No , no ; Nut unless the girl , too , Is a fool , " ouaiiNT nnors. "Light IB gradually breaking me , * ' re marked the man when no paid a gao-bill twice us large as usual , George B. Poerlos , of California , ata a lotol nutton for dlnuor recently , nnd butted a mill- louse door down before ho got a hundred yards 'rom the dining-room An Illinois editor fiozo his cheek last week. 3old that will plcrco a substance of adnman- .Ino solidity mueibo terribly embarrassing tea a thermometer. [ Bismarck Tribuno. A man In lown has patented a hen's nest , liyand-by KOIUO man will patent the hen , and , hen wo will have to pay for cggg until a iloln omelet will'tasto ' like a § 10 bill. [ Jiur- dotto. "Husband , you'll ' have to go nnd call that > oy yourself , I can't make htm get up. Ho i-leeps as If ho were n log. " "Oh , well , Marie , ho boy can't help it. It's fato. Ho was born to bo a policeman. " ' "You have gave my wife the wrong medl- lino"exclaimed a man , entering a drug store. 'I hope no harm has- resulted , " replied tha Irupglst tremulously. "Oh , no , she's all ight. " "How do yotnkuow it was the wrong medicine ? " "W'y , because it helped her im mediately. " [ ArKansnwTraveler. In the opinion of a > genuine Ivontucklan , hero is no part of our national history so im- > ortant ns the fact that > old Pete Andersor's on Caleb married Tobo Watkin's daughter , and afterward owned "Step High , " the horse hat BouSalus rode from Lexington to Prank- ort in 1851) ) . [ Arkansaw Traveler. Dr. X. goes to a restaurant with a friend , irul orders a bottle ofnno. . Shortly after ho s called away for a moment , and the iriend Kcosts the waiter : "Fine brand of wine that a , " Waiter "Ah , yes , , but by no moansour lest. You ought to try some of the kind the doctor always orders when ho comes hero ilono. " Two young married Franch ladies were talk- ng about their husbands- . Said ono of them , 'lo you really think vour Jules wont shoot- njf yeateiday ? ' "Well , I don't think ho ned to deceive mo yesterday ; I nm inclined 0 think ho went. " "But ho didn't bring urk any game " "ThnV's what makes mo ure ho did go ! " was the wife's reply. Senator Tom Boweii , f Colorado , has what s called a poker face and Is said to bo the jeet poker plajor in the world. He always IOH a poker hand , too , or the persona playing , vith him think ha ha v and ho derives 1 largo income from the game. They soy of lim < > ut in Denver that wnen ho wanted four acis once at poker , and had but three , ho ulotly dropped his fourth-card and substitut- d liis photograph. Ho played It for a jack , oo. oo.A > colored man was hanging around the pcra house the other evening In a manner to how that ho was deeply interested in what vas colng on inside , and a gentleman finally n5tl to him : "Why don'tfyou go In ? Under bo civil rights bill you crm take a Beat in the arquet circle. " "Yes , Bah ! I knows all Mxitdataihl" was the reply. "Under cioll Igbts hill I ken take my so.tt in the house ; uimmlor do present strain in my finances I ouldn't buy two shinglts if hall opera cossi were Hollln' for 10 couts apiece , sah. " Duty and Devotion. Helping , cheering tlied mother , Loving words to sister , brother ; Doing patiently thy duty Tho.io attract tar more than beauty. Modest drosi and gsntla bearing , Kindly actions no' er sparing ; Making cloudy places sunuy Those u in trua hearts more than money. Aiding those who. ore not comely , Brightening lioinon however homely ; Striving for n noble life Crowned nt last n happy \ylfol A. C. DODGE. OtNGUIjAUlTIKS. Hartford , Ky , , has a pig with eight legs. The two headed Indyion exhibition says that w * beads are bolter than ono , or oUo slo /uuldn't be receiving 525 a. week salary. Kats patronized a Watoibury , Conn. , bird tare the other i.in'l.t , und. killed eighteen ca- orics , pulling them piecemeal through the vires of the cages. Ann Dunn , who diad ita London a few thiys igi > at the ago of : thirty-nine , was nearly nine eot high , and weighed over five hutulml ounds. She raoasured tliroa foot six laches round the shoulders. It Is said thatthoruU a girl In Diwson ounty , Ga. , who IsnJuost a second Lulu In rat. She has a magnetic touch tiut ! nt- jacts , instead of repels , all Inaulmataob- ccts. Just tho.tlp ofi the finger applid to a Jialr will HftJt from tha floor. Sir John Lubbnck.bns trained a black poo- > Io to preso-it different caids when -i dotlra A be fed or to go out. The words "food , " 'out , " ami llbono" w printed ontlcin , auJ , ho animal lias been trained to usfo'irtto theco ards with tha deslrad events of the day. William. Klcklirfitar , of Atlania , who U inly 10 yaara old , ho-s taken ou n full , \ien\\\ \ \ , iU volca lun clmnr.ad to a deep baio aud tb ro mvn beeT , other like > lrllo developments , nil ausod b .rjj illnosa from which htiiassutfarcU oreoino weeks jift , including tlApnrolyrJa of' iU rlghVeldo. A lumberman from Mchlgnu ! says a Jrieud if his in tbo plus region found Niiako in hi * locketijono day aail sowed tha Docket u-i until he saalao. wwi. nigh starved ) Then lie let dm uut and ftd'Ulm ' , and aftur that the snake vouhl do nnytlilng he told Urn to. Hn used to lunt doervjlth that snalcx , He'd lay for ho deer , and. as eon astU ovoin slnht he'd. set tha euake after It , and the cunioil wculdeo tangle itself up In the l-/it It coulilu't run. AS a couple of gentleman were tiding di > wu ilo lloanoke a. YirKlula , recently they law a hxge ( rroon coloreJ snake vxJUiiiiR and wlatlnjc at the root of beech troo. Going closer tiiey dlacoveroJ it to lo ono of the lorned ntxdps of the hoop snake. It had 'ormtJ. Itself Into a. hooji by taking Ha tail n it * mouth and rolUd down tlm hllllapur * luit of a rabbit or other smaU game. He great lad become ita v filed ty that It couldu't guide totlf , and It had ( truck tbo tree , with such 'orce as to diive its horn Into , the rolid wood to the depth of xm inch cu more , holding it , lvht and fast. There are a great many trees ,11 , thu Tlclnlty that hav been struck iuthe tame way , am\ they invariable die. Bo dead- y U tlio poliou that th * latvos on vouug oaks , 'ive been known to wither within an hour after belu struck. "Homo Sweet Homo. " ThU song U very good In its way , but la there * ny sicknets In the household ? H so l > orn cannot bo always pleasant W < \ taki especial pleaivire In recommending Jtui\toci Hitter * , toiiaf < / and certain euro fo. oud all dlceasM ot thg liver auJ Has the Largest StoolsUn Omaha , and * Lowest Prices. Purchasers should avail themselves of the opportunity now offeree ! to buy at Low Prices by taking advantage o the great inducements set out by 1200 , 1208 ml 12 To All Floors. OMAHA. NBB 13Q1 AND ? 303 FAIWAM STKEEl 'i OMAHA. "BURLINGTON I { OUT ] ( Chicago , Burlington & Qtilncy Railroad. ) . GOING EAST AND WEST. COittC NCfJTH AMD SOISTH. 5 Elepmt Day Coaches , Parlor Cars , with Rcclio Solid Trains of r.lcgant Par Coachcn tmdPuB- us Chairs ( Mjats free ) , Smolilnij Care , with Ha. man Palica Sleeping Cars are run dally * to omi'5 volvlng Chairs , Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars nnd from St Louis , tia , IhvnrJbal , Culncy , Keokulr , ! he fatuous C. n. & Q. Dining Cars run dally to and BurllngtouTCodar Kapidasnd Albert L a. to' SI * rom Chicago & Kansas City , Chicago & Council Paul and Minneapolis ; Parlor Car ? with Uocllnl ? Huffs , Chicago & DCS Molnes , Chicago , St. * Jo- Chairs to end fromSc Louis nnd FeouaamK , cph , Atchlion & Topeka. Only through line bb- and from St Louis anil Ottumwa Cnly cc f- ween Chicago , Lincoln & Denver. Through cars change of cars between St Louis r.tnl ft' I between Indianapolis & Council Bluffs via j.'corla Moines , Iowa , Lincoln , ncoroska , auilDonvc : Ml connections made In Union itepow. It U Colorado. snowaastheKrcatTHROUGIICARLONE. I It is universally admitted to be the Flnost Equipped Railroad In the World for fill drinses of Travel : r. J. POTTER.3d Vico-Prcs'tandGon'i JIanaser. PRRCKV < I , D 03 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Established 1878 Catarrh ; , Deafness , Lung and Nervous Diseases Speedily and Permanently Cured. Patients > ured at Homo. Write for "TiiE MnDicAL-MissioNAira , " for the People , Frees lousultation and Correspondence Gratia. P. 0. Box 292. Tulephono No. 22(5. ( CON. LiyWARD RUSSELL , Postmaster , Davenport , eaya : "Physician of ! teal Ability and Marked Success. " CONGRESSMAN MTURPHY , Davenport , . - ritflaAn juonurablo Fdii , Fmo Succoaa , Wonderful Cures. " Hours. S r/i 5. .UOUA.HDS & OLAltKE , j W. A. OLAIIICE. Proprietors. | Superintendne' J. p. RAILWAY 17TH & 18TH STREETS MANUFAOTtS ERS OF DBA1B11S , IN a WATBRJWSEELS , EOLLSRQMILLS , , and Srain Elwator lachinery MILL PUENISHBNQS OF ALL KTNDS > INCLUDING THE 3elebrated. 'Anchor ' Brand Dufaur Bolting Clotl $ P JT PS , STEALS WATER AND GAS PIPE. GOODS AHD PIPE FITTINGS ARCHITECTURAL AND BRIDGE IRON-B a a 8O " \Ye ure preparoil to t'uruish plans and estimates , aud v/ill contract for the erection of ! Flouring Mills aud Grain Elevators , or for changing Flouring Mills , ffoniStouo to the Roller System. [ SEr'.WpecM nttPiition jjiveu 10 furnishing Power Plants for any pur pose , and estimates made ior same. Uoneral machinery repairs nlteuded. to prcr.'Jtly , Address BIOHA.EDS & CLARKE , Omaha , Neb ,