Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1884, Image 2

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    THED1LY Bttfi-OMAHA , WEDfcTSSbAY , FEBRUARY 6 , 1884.
< BIlsolilovo\is Malaria ,
/rTo say that malaria is tnfscMcvctu
5s to put it vcr mildly. It is all that
and more. tj It is cunning , deceitful ,
treacherous , sly , and underhanded.
It docs its work in the dark , and in
such a sly way that much of the mis
chief is done before it is discovered.
It saps the foundations of a healthy
system. It robsthc blood of its vitality -
ity , demoralizes the liver , confounds
the stomach , and makes the victim
wish lie were in" his grave. _ It is sad
toscepcoplcs'it down in their misery ,
content to be the victims of mischiev
ous malaria , and thinking that noth
ing can be done for them. The power
mischiefs of malaria has been so am
ply proved that there is no reason
why anybody who can procure a
bottle ot this Prince of Tonics shall
suffer. Great is the power of malaria ,
and great are its disastrous effects.
But greater far is the beneficent in
The preparation of iron in this favor
ite family remedy "can be taken
without ruining the teeth or produc
ing constipation and headache. \
ran inn ctmn OP ALL DISEASIS OP
rnllilc Vrtrrlnnrv hpcclllcii ( m\oliofn J'fc.l In
. , MnMonml
Vnrmen , Mock Ilrrnlrm. Ilyrry
Turfmen. Homo llnllriinilii , Mnmirnrttiri-rr ,
Con } Minn Ompnniri , 'I rnv'B illnmiilniniri
nnd Mrnnurrlrpi. and oilicra lianaflng stuck' ,
wittilwrfectmiccit * . . , ,
lliimpliron' Vrlrrlnnry nlnmini , ( SM pp <
f cnt f n-o liy nmll on receipt of price. Ml cent *
CTl'aniphlct * iiciil frco ou application
10 ! ) rullun Street , New Yorli.
i 1'roi-
trntlon from over orle or
tn < II crftlon , i rndlcnllr
endpromiJtly unil by 1C
3 > cn In in "
li Ilia in ( Of,21"
lul reme . . . Wain * .
UarRQTlal ot powder for C3. pont pout frooonrn
c < -lpt ot price. ! ! iiinilirrv ' .Hnmro. Bird. < 'o.
Uliut , Catalonia ( real 1UU I'ultuu bl. . N. V.-
ripe nmoklDff la ths real toe t of a tobacco.
It l the regal way of imoUrur. You Rot
moro directly at tbeQaror andfnwranco.
Ton tike the nmata cooler , and Uio tonlo
cleanlier and ufcr. Flpo imoklng U
emoldngToduoodto a Ono art.
The moro the < quc Uon of adulterated
tobacco force * ItacU on Uio attention of
emokcrfl. the moro ( IcelrnUlo It bocomcw
to know prcclnely what you are emoUvg.
In IJlackweU's Bull Durham Bmoklng To.
biccoyou ba\oairuimuitoo ,
alway > , that It la Nature's
Ita frwsnco , flavor , and
umnuraiwcd quality , are derived -
rived from Uio toll and air.
Try It. and you will ba m.
ttftJ. None frenulnotittt -
out trade-mark of the Bull ,
All Biieconafnl TlBbcnncn and Rportt.
men Bmoko ItlaciwcU'n Dull Durham
Smoklujf Tobacco , and Uicr enjoy It.
Health is Wealth !
.UENT , n ( ruarnutcoil epnciUa for Iljfltcnn , IJUii
intw , OonvulsionB , Vita. Nervous NcurnlKia ,
lloooacho , Nervous Froftrntion canned by the ? (
.ot iilcohol or tobacco , WnknfulncBB , BIcntiil 1)3-
prcKiioii , Hoftonins of tlio Drain reuniting in in
aumity and InndinK to niiBory , ilccny and dcnth
il'romnturo Old Agn , JJarrcnnena , Loss of i > owc ;
in oil her BOX , Involuntary lioaars nnd Upormnt
lorrhcea caused byuvor-oxertinn ot tlio bruin , Bolt
mbusoor uvor-induleonco. lincli box contalni
oaamonth'n troatmont. tl.00n boxer eix b"X0i
forJ5.Xeoiitlymill ) prepaid on receipt of prlc
'To euro nny cnoo. Witli cncli onlor received by n
. for six boiou. nrcouipunlml with J5.0U , wo wll
itonti tlio pitrcliaiior our writUm irnnrantno to refund
fund the niouoy it the truutinontduoanutoffcc
iacuro. Ouurmitoos issucxloulyby
0. F. GOODMAN ; Sole Agent , Omaha , Nob.
Tbo roniody Iwlng Injected tllroctly totheaont o
< ho ilUcaao , roqulro * no change ol diet or naui ous
xaercurlal or polionout niedlclno * to bo Inttr
jially , When used M a prevrnth o by either nn , Itl
iinpo iIUo ! 1 1 contract miy private dltoaii. ; but In th
caao ol thoio already unfortunately attltcttnl c ( { U i
antcc thi to boxes to euro , or ve will refund Uioinon
ay. Price by mail , ivoaU o p&ld$2. per box or thre
boxci for (5.
lyall authorlccd aguiU.
f > < 3 , F. aoixdmiii , Druffgltt , Solo Agent ,
. , _ f
Chartered by theBtaUof Illl-
noi for theexprcuriurpoao
of rvinglmmcdlato relfelln
all chTonlcurinarynnd pri
vate < JUcacci. QoDorrbcca ,
QlcetandSyphilU In oil their
complicated forms , alio all
dlicatcu of the Bkln and
Dlood pwmptly relieved and
permanently cured by rcme-
_ _ .tftji > ectalfraftlre. Seminal
pht Losses by Drtami , 1'lmplca on
the Facc.tront ManhoodJ/oJlUttVy n < rerf. JTwra
J fiocj-ior < oi i < ( Hi/ . The appropriate remedy
UBtonce tued In each caie. Coruultatlont. per-
tonal ot by letter , aacredty confidential. Mcd.
iclnea sent by Mall ncd Exprcu. Mo mark * on
package to lodkatecontenta or aender. Address
S.JAMES.No. 204WasMnglon GI.ChIcagolll.
OOLD MEDAL , PAMS , 1870 ,
tVarrantoi ! alutlutclu fur *
Cocou , from wlileU Uio cicco >
( tut tithe itrtngth ol Cocoa mixed
with BLara , ) , Arrowroot or Su ir ,
MI J li Uierefl-ro far moro eeouonil.
ci , It J * dcUdooj , uourUblnir ,
tri'DgtUcjilnv , uully dlgntul , uu )
udmlrabiydopttd tar lavallji H
wtl ) M for } kU oni In titalUi.
BoJiJ ujr Uroifr
& TO. . , Mster. la
Tlio Immense Sums They Cost nml
tlicTtiinRB forWhich T < wp y
era navrt to 1'Ajr.
Washington Crlllo.
"Spoaking of funeral expenses , " said n
.alegman to Thft Critic this'morning "if
ou will examine Miss. Doc. , No. 2Boc-
ud session , forty-seventh congr sswhich
the lector of the noting secretory of the
onalo to the sonata , covering the oxpon-
cs of that body from November 4 , 1881 ,
_ Juno 30,1882 , you will find on pages
0 and 100 omo curious items of cxponao
. .currod by the deputy sergeant at-arr > JS
the senate while accompanying eca -
era to Gloavland to attend the of
ho .lato President James A. Oa.rfield ,
Vlao the funeral of the late A. E. IJurn-
ido. The first item that will n'aiko you
on page 08 , and has roforo'aco to the
.rip to Oloveland , It is as fo'ilows : 'Ho-
01 bills and moali on route , § 040.80. '
'ho ' noxt.on the sumo pagOjis , 'Silk scarfs ,
made in Olovoland , $150. ' Were
: ro not told how many were made , imr
, ro wo told how many persons were fed
or that $640.80. Oil page 09 you will
ind one item -of oxponno amounting to
8393.50 for 'hotel bills in Now York and
Jrovidouco and meals , $39U.50. ' Dow
many poruon * were led on this occasion
rt'o arc not told. This item was part of
.ho oxponio of the Burnsido funeral. On
.ho same page (90) ( ) , notwithstanding $150
! iad boon paid for scarfs in Cleveland , wo
hul the following as part of the expense
if the ox-prcaidunt's funeral : 'For 18
ivhito silk scarfs at ? 9 , 6102 , a total of
S303.nO.1 But take a look ot tho'follow-
ng food bill : 'For meals and luncheon
'urnished members of the army of the
Cumberland , Metropolitan police , Capitol
police and special force ou duty during
the funeral ceremonies of tholato presid
ent September 21 , 22 nnd 23 , 1881 , at
ho capital , § 755.50. Two moro items
nnd 1 will let you off , " said the atatotnaii.
On amo page (100) ( ) you will find this
item : For beef , hams , sirloin steaks ,
chopa , butter and bread , furnished hotel
car used by United States senators in ac
companying the remains of the late pres
ident to Cleveland , Ohio , 872. The
other item is for the uao and hauling of
1,313 chairs for use at the capitol during
the funeral ceremonies at the capital ,
$288.55. " Comment is unnecessary
'urthor than to say no business man In
.ho . world would for a moment tolerate
luch wanton nnd uncalled for oxtrava-
gauco , nor would any business man pay
auch bills unless they were itemized in a
more satisfactory way. "
Another statotnan who was standing
by , said : "I Imvo been looking into this
matter. Look on page 57 of the report
if the clerk of the house to the second
lossion , Forty-seventh congress , and you
will find the following :
For the funeral of Hon. Thomas Allen :
'Ivo nnd a half dozan imported Appall-
nnris water 510 CO
limns 10 00
'urkoyu ' , 10 00
andwlchon 20 00
prlng chicken 18 78
Uroad and butter 4 00
co 2 CO
tujrar. $1.25 ; choose , $1 ; Gorman inns-
taru , 75 couta ; Worcestershire sauce ,
CO conta 3 50
lardlnoB , $8 ; apples and oranges , $5. . . 13 00
J2 boxoi ktrawborriea 10 00
Uroakago. lots. &a 8 00
"For the following named oxponsca In
curred In taking the remains of the
Into Hoii. Thomas Allen to I'lttsfiohl ,
Clinch for Congressional Oomtnlttoa
on boat 0 CO
.Total bills lit ritUflold , Main 07 0" >
ToltirraphlnK 2 00
1'ald portora on car 4 00
For BorvlcnH fur two mosangora 18 00
Uno extra berth on nloopor for Air. Hob-
luaon 2 00
1'ald baggage porter. 1 00
Breakfaat at Wilmington , Del 18 00
For ono hat loot from car by messenger. 3 CO
1'alil D. 1'rlco for Borvlces rendered
oimmlttoo 10 00
Uno extra berth for Mr. Aldrlch. , 2 00
"That is only part of the oxpehao in
curred in Mr. Allen's funeral , but it is
enough to show * the disgraceful manner
* u which 'jongrcsBloiml funerals are con
ducted. Ono moro tilingand I am done , "
eaid the statesman ; , "that you may bo
able to show to your readers hovr cheap
ono can bo buried , 1 will call your atten
tion to the report of the clerk on page
75 , report to lime session , Forty-seventh
congress :
J. 11. DoUon.for funeral oxponsoH of J.
Randolph Tucker , jr.'ileceiuod , late
private xocrntary to the speaker.
uiulor resolution f December Otli.
1880 :
Metalliccaso. . . . , 8100 00
Hoarse , 5 00
ISlmcks , 45 00
UBO of cooler 1000
Crape for door 1 ( X
Una of hack previous to funeral 3 0 (
William W. Croup , preparing remains
for burlil , caao for interment , crape ,
glo\cs , &o , . . , 2500
Total , . . . , S18'J 00
An Undoubted IHcaslng.
About thirty years ngo , a prominent 1'hy
alctan by the name of lr ) William Hall > lis
covered , or produced after long experimental
roaaarch , a remedy for diseases of the throat
chest and lungH , which wa of anch wondorfn. .
olllraoy that It BOOH ( rained a wide roputatloi
In thin country. The iiumu of the Inodlduo li
LUNGS , and may bo safely relied on as a
speedy and poaltho cure lor couplm , eoldn
Bore throat , &c. Sold by all Druggists.
Durno'0 Oiitarih Hiuill' .
This wall known remedy for Catarrh otil
malntnliia lt well earned popularity. K. A
Bin ago , of ( iciiova , ICanaaa writoa March 4
1880. I lm\o ueed Durno'a Catarrh Smilf
and It IB the only thing that does mo nny good
It always alFecU a cure. " Sold by druggists
Townaly'a Toothache Anodyne curoi in
VenUs llir Onrp.
The Cah commiHsiouor of Iowa make
the following suggestions respecting the
construction of ponda.
For a still-water wintering pond , th
deeper a portion of it is the bettor. I
there bo plenty of mud on the bottom o
the ponds , in which the carp can bur ;
themselves during the period ot hybcrna
tiou or winter sleep , a depth of hvo foe
might answer and bring them safely
Hut a greater depth would please mud
better. If spring water can bo run nloadi
Jy into the ponds during the winter
depth is of much loss consequence , li
draining ponds great care should bo takei
to have it done alnwly , so that the fin ]
may not bo too much frightened to
gather in the deeper portions. They ar
quite likely to Uiry themselvo
in the mud of any part o
the bottom whoa they take
sudden alarm , and might bo loft then
to smother and die. The location OIK
form of ponds should bo euch as to ad <
to the beauty of the surroundings mi (
to the convenience and plawuro of th
owners. They may bo nuodo > l to auppl ,
let ) , or if stock bo kept they may b
useful as a reservoir to supply water
Of course these points are to bo eottlof
by ( hose who plan them , nnd the !
Keat importance should not be over
okod. Carp can be kept and fed , am
made to KTOW rapidly in reservoirs
tank * , small ppuda or other uinall bodies
of water during the m jmmcr that would
not bo safe from free jng during the win-
tor. And they are Oft0n so kept in the
old countries. S k flgh for such n purpose -
pose would have to bo procured annually
fro/n some carr , brooders.
' 'x > tn's Xnmlnntlon at Glil-
In 1HOO.
PniLAnKU'ltiA , ( Special. ) The Proas
publishes a review from advance shoots
f the aocond volume of Thurlow Wood's
nomoirs , a book which Is destined to ox *
ito much curiosity and controversy. It
i edited by Thurlow _ Wood Barnes , and
uals with the political history of the
United States between 1850 and 1805 ,
when Wood was Now York's greatest
olitical manager. Some of his letters
tow published for the first time allude to
lie nomination of Lincoln at Chicago in
800 , and the betrayal of Mr. Seward ,
'the logical , and an everybody suspected ,
! io inevitable republican candidate. "
oward'a ' defeat , nays Mr. Weed , wan
wing at least to a misunderstanding bo-
woon the candidate and Mr. Cameron ,
n a letter to Thurlow Wood a few
nontliB before the famous convention
loward wrote * n follows , speaking of
Cameron :
I promised him when ho loft Washing-
x > n to spend a day or so with him on my
way homo. Ho took mo to his house ,
old me all was right , ho was for mo , and
i'onnsylvania would bo. It might hap
ion that they would cast the first balloter
or htm , but ho wao not in , otc. Ho
irought the whole legislature of both
mrtics to BOO mo , feasted them glorious-
y , and they wcro in the main BO generous
to embarrass mo Yours faithfully ,
Another letter , written six weeks bo-
ore the convention , was even moro
lointcd :
DEAR WEED : Mr. Cameron claims all
ho delegates in Philadelphia but ono.
lo eays ho wants to BOO you , nnd will
moot you hero or at Philadelphia nt any
irno you may suggest. IIo said ho would
write you so , but it Boomed well enough
or mo to toll you. You know all about
ilr. Carl Schurz and the important and
ho responsible part ho is acting in the
opublican causo. Please giro him your
onfldonco. 1 wonder continually how
ou got through such labors and boar up
indorsuch responsibilities.
Yours faithfully ,
Continuing the story of the canvass
own to the second ballot , says the mo-
noir :
After the second ballat had boon taken ,
iut before the result was announced ,
lav. Roodor , or Pennsylvania , took the
oor aud said that while the voting was
oing on Gon. Cameron had withdrawn
is narco. Ho now formally withdrew
lie name of Simon Cameron as a candi-
ate for nomination. Forty-eight votes
rom the state ot Pennsylvania were then
lirown for Mr. Lincoln , and the clerk
nnouncod the result. Mr. Seward stood
ithin forty-eight and a half votes of the
nomination , but the sudden riao in Mr.
lincoln's vote , caused by the transfer to
im of the votes fromPonnsylvania , which
n the firat ballot had boon cast for Gon.
Cameron , suddenly brought into the Hold
formidable opposition candidate. Other
nfluoncoa were at work in the same di-
cction , but the change in the vote of
'onnsylvanla , startling the vast auditori
um like a clap of thunder , turned tlio
acalo. On the next ballot the vote in
detail stood as follows , when Mr. Carter
of Ohio , announced the change of four
votes in that delegation to the loading
candidate , thus nominating Mr. Lincoln ,
wlio received 231 & votes , Seward 180 ,
and Chase 24. After his election , in ono
of his confidential letters to Wood , Pro
aidant Lincoln said as to the matter pi
dispensing patronage : "It perhaps will
surprise you to learn that I have information
mation that you claim to have my author
ity to arrange that matter in Now York ,
[ do not believe you have so claimed ,
but still some min say so. On that
subject you know all I have said to you
Is 'Justice to all , ' and I have said nothing
more particular to any ono. I say thie
to reassure you that 1 have not changed
my position. In tlio hope , however , thai
you will not use my name in the matter ,
am yours truly ,
A moro remarkable letter from Lincoln
to Wood follows :
D. 0. , March 15 , 1805. DEAU Mn.
WEED : Every ono likes a compliment.
Thank you for yours on my little ratifica
tion speech , aiid on the recent inaugural
address. I expect the latter to wear as
well , perhaps better , than anything 1
have produced , but I believe it is not im
mediately popular. Mon are not flatter
ed by being shown that there has boon a
diiTeronco of purpose between the Al
mighty and them. To deny it , however ,
iu this case , is to deny that there is aGed
God governing the world. It is a truth
which I thought needed to bo told , and ,
-whatever of humiliation there is in it
falls most directly on myself , I thought
others might afford for mo to toll it.
Truly yours , A. LINCOLN. "
A month later Lincoln was dead. Five
years later when Gon. Lee died Thurlow
Wood was asked to preside at a public
meeting held in honor of his memory.
In a peremptory declination Weed said
to the committee that invited him : "II
the object of your mooting had boon to
honor the 1110111017 of that Gen. Lee who ,
until the year 1801 , was distinguished
alike for his high personal and military
character and for devotion to his country ,
I should esteem it a privilege to unite
with you , but the Wrongest feelings
awakened in mo by the death of Gen.
Lee are those of profound sorrow that ar
early and brilliant military record should
hare boon blotted out by a aubiequoni
inglorious career. I cannot , therefore ,
participate with those who doslro to
honor the memory of the commandor-in
chief of the rebel army an army thai
struck at the lifo of the boat govurnmon
in the world. "
| g a household word
all over the world. For over W ) years It Jhaa
odvortlaed Itaulf by tta merits. It U now m
vortlaod to want the publlo iigalnst counter
folta. The genuine artlclo la manufacture' '
by Dr. J. G. B. glci'urt & Sana ,
TJio White House Conservatory.
"Two extra ladies "
to-night , said
young man to President Arthur's heac
gardener , Henry Pfioster , in the whit
house conservatory the other day ,
"All right use camellias , " replied Mr
Pfieatcr , who formerly had charge ) of th
greenhouse aud grounds of Longvicn
asylum , near Cincinnati , and was nmioinl
ed the white house head gardener by Mr
Hayea in 1877.
"What did the young man mean bj
'two extra ladius"rinqairod ? aCinciunat
Enquirer representative.
"All the ladies in the white house ar
supplied dally with bouquets of choic
llowors , " answered the boas bouquet
Wilder. "Pre.ident Arthur's lister
ioco , nnd daughters are hero for the
inter. The 'twe oxtrn ladies' moans
tiat two extra bouquets are required to-
ight. "
"MW many plants are in the consrvn-
ory ? "
"Over 8,000 in the conservatory
roper and 12,000 in the other hot-
iou os. The number is largely increased
very yoar. Plants are hero from nearly
every country on the
"What nro they used for ? "
"Tho white house is decorated every
lay with from 250 to 300 planU flower-
ng , tropical , and foliage. For state ,
abinct , and public dinners and rocop *
ions tlio decorations are moro olaborato.
' am new preparing for the cabinet din-
ior next Wednesday ; " and the plant exert -
> ort showed The Enquirer several lingo
npunds of cut flowers , whoso fragrance
vill tickle the noses of the statesmen at
Cing Arthurs next round-table chat.
'Every room is decorated except the cast
room , and that was not until the public ,
who are admitted without restriction
rom 10 until 3 o'clock daily , began to
itoal the planta aud oven the pots for
mementoes , I suppose , " and the garduor
ookod disgusted.
"What days can the public visit the
conservatory ? "
"Any day except Sunday. When the
ardonora are not busy decorating the
vhito house , every courtesy is shown
visitors. "
"How nro the conservatory nnd llower
lousco hoatcd ? "
"By hot water , furnished from seven
loators. From 150 to 200 tons of coal
are used every winter. Some of the
' .ropical planta rcquiro artificial heat in
, ho summer. "
"How many mon nro employed ! "
"Elovon. Ono head gardunorat $1,400 ;
one assistant , at $75 u month ; four gardeners -
donors , at $ UO ; two laborers , at $45 , and
three at $1.25 a day. Wo do all the
vork of the white qrounds. "
"How much money is required annu
ally for all purposes ? ' "
"For the past four years § 5,500 have
> eon appropriated annually. Out of the
appropriation comes my salary and the
nonoy required for now plants , pots.
> askota , floods , necessary repairs , coal for
'icatingpurposen , and keeping the grounds
n ordor. The sum has boon sufficient
'or the ordinary expenses , but now _ now
stages of iron and a la to nro required to
replace the present pine ones , which are
rotten from the constant watering of the
ilants. The concrete paving in also rot-
< m and worn out , and should at once bo
oplacod with marble and terra cotta tilo.
't is now so sloppy as to bo unfit for a
ady to walk on. The water also soaks
hrough it , and there is danger of serious
oss. "
"How many buildings are used for the
"Seven. Ono is the conservatory
iropor , two are rose houses , two for ca-
iiellias , ono grapory , and ono propagat
ng house. "
"How much money will bo required
or the necessary repairs ? "
"Five thousand dollars , in addition to
.he . usual appropriation of § 5,500 , will
> rovido for everything. The buildings
and contents are worth at least § 50,000 ,
nd the government should not , from
also economy , endanger its valuable
> roporty. "
"I'loaso show The
Enquirer some of
ho rare plants. "
"There , on the top stage , " said the
> otanical gentleman , pointing to a mod-
mt-looking shrub with delicate green
eaves , "is the Holy Ghost plant ( pcria-
cria Alata ) , from Panama. The llowor ,
is you can see , is creamy white aud cup-
shaped , and contains for its petals a.dovo
with outspread wings , hovering over a
clialjco. The plant is sacred to the na-
tivns , who consider it sacrilegious to
iluck its flowers , Here is the nun plant
Jilctia Thanfcervilla ) , or , as some call
t , the Holy Ghost plant's sister. The
lower , when opened , disclosed a nun ,
dressed in her usual costume , hood and
all. It is also considered sacred by the
lativos. This [ pointing to a plant grow
ing on the bare side of a suspended shin-
; lb ] is an aerial orchid from the West
[ nclios. Orchids are hero from all coun
ties. The flowers of some of them grow
downward out of the roots. Hero are
oranges , lemons , and bananas. This
"argo plant with waxy loaves is an An-
'hurlam ' ventricosum , from Brazil , and
a the only ono in this country. It has
boon valued at $000 , but cost the gov
ernment nothing. I found the seed in
an orchid. "
What is the cause of the unnatural
color of the grapevines ? "
' 'They are painted with a paint com
posed of equal parts of whale oil , soap ,
: obucco , flower of sulphur , and clay , to
destroy insects. The treatment is very
ilFoctual. Wo supply the president's
able with black Hamburg grapes in
Juno. "
"How are the difioront plant cuttings
started ? "
"All cuttings are started in sharp river
sand. When they root they are translated -
) latod to rich manured soil , which is
changed from ono to three times a
Hornforti's Aulil '
Admirable Results In Fevers. '
Dr. J. J. RYAN , St. Louin , Mo. , says :
"I invariably proscribe it in favors ; also
n convalescence from wasting and dobil-
tating diseases , with admirable results.
[ _ nlso find it a tonic to an enfeebled con-
didon of the genital organs. "
A. Wlmlo Hunt In the Tay ,
a Gourdou fishing boat ( Win.
Coull , skipper ) was engaged fishing on
Monday forenoon , about ton miles to the
southeast of that port , those on board
saw , about five miloj further to the
< outhcast , what appeard to bo a vessel ,
bottom upwards. The crow at once
buoyed their lines , and proceeded toward
the object. On getting near it they saw
tha ( it was the carcass of the whale recent
ly pursued and wounded in the Firth of
Tay. They immediately returned and
drov their lines , and arrived in Gourdon
about 2 o'clock. Ono of the crow than
left for Mont rose to scouro the service of
a tuz. While ho was away on that errand
rand some of the others lot
out the information that they
had BOOH the whale , and three
crews ( not including the crow that saw it
" "t ) manned their boats , and wont off in
the direction where the whale had boon
Been. When the tug reached the BCOIIO
these boats had got the fUli in tow , and
refused to give it up , or to accept the
assisUnco of the tug. The animal was
J LAthe boata by meana of a Iinu
attached to too tail , and a start was made
about 2 o'clock. A southerly course AT.IS
tirst shaped , with a view of Gourdon
being mdo. The wind was ahead , however -
ever , and asit began to blow hard towards
the crows resolved to hold away
Till and take the first port.
a reached about 5 a. m. It
was not considered advisable to land
teB"i.hec I o > 14 on for Stone .
. ? ' rhu1 ? WB8 reached hprtly after 0
Stfr88 "P ° c cle drawing Urge
crowds to the ,
harbor. The whale
was reached in the South Harbor , nnd
being greatly inflated with wntor , it pre
sented the appearance of a huge
coble turned bottom up. As the tide re
ceded , however , the water escaped , nnd
it gradually assumed a moro naturally
appearance. Its dimensions were then
ascertained to bo : Length 40 foot from
Uio snout to the tail ; estimated girth at
the thickest part , 23 feet ; length of aide
fins , 3 foot ; measurement across from tip
to tip of the fins , 3G foot ; breadth of
tail from tip to tip , 17 foot 4 inches. It
is calculated that the bluddcr of the
whale is bout 8 inches thick. As the
animal lies ou its back the nature of the
injuries inflicted on it by the harpoons
and lances of the Dundee whalers can
not bo ascertained. When landed the
whale was taken possession of by the
coast guard officers on behalf of the gov
ernment , but on its being shown that
the animal had boon picked up on the
high seas it was subsequent handed back
to its captors.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is made of roots *
herbs nnd barks. It gives tone ti the
tomach nnd makes the weak strong.
Sold by druggists.
The Ijlnic-KHu Club.
Detroit Free Press.
"It am now my solemn duty , " con
tinued the president , "to announce do
unoxpecktod death of Bruddor Concen
tric Jobson , an honorary member residin'
in Quebec. Dis letter in my linn' states
that ho was in XXX health up to
11 o'clock Tuesday forenoon , at which
hour ho drappod dead on do sidewalk in
front of a cheap cash grocery. Bruddor
Jobson was an nivorngo good man. Ho
had his virtues an' his vices. His death
won't bo any great loss to do world , an'
yit ho might have lived on without bein *
in anybody's way. Do janitor will see
dat crape am hung on do knob of do alloy
donh fur do iiex' ton days , an' if any of
you doaiah to compose n poem on do de
parted bruddor you has my consent.
"I would furdor announce dad I has n
communicashun from Baltimore , sottin'
fo'tli do fnck dat Bruddor Participation
White , an honorary member rosidin' in
dat city , am now in jail on charge of
stoalin' twenty pounds of codfish. Ho
says ho am as spotless as snow. It seems
dat ho was loft in charge of a grocery , an
befo" do grocer got back do lish walked
off. Ho wants do club to tor'd $10 to
enable him to secure- lawyer. Docs anyone
ono move dat wo for'd no money ? "
No ono moved.
"Gom'lcn , " continued ho president , " !
should like an oxpreshuu of do club on
ono lectio pint. Am it do opinyun of do
club dat when a cull'd man am loft in
charge of n grocery it nm dangerous times
for codfissltf"
Groans , sighs and lamentations filled
the hall for a minute , and the Trustee
Fullback , arose- and said :
"I move dat it am. "
The motion was put to vote , and the
only voice opposed was that of the Rev.
"Lot do vote bo so recorded , nn' let
grocers conduct doirselves accordingly , "
said j ; the president ns ho took hid seat.
The secretary announced n communica
tion from Dakota , asking if women were
not admitted to the Lime-Kiln club , and
if not , why not I
"Dar am lifty reasons why not , " ans
wered the president. "Do woman who
am capable or drawin' up a by-law hasn't
do stability to live by it. Doy am flighty ;
doy am jealous-minded ; doy run to ex
travagance. If wo had a majority of
women in dis club doy would woto to di
vide up do money in < lo treasury to buy
sealskin sacquos fur deirsolvps pp matter/ /
if do mon went bar'fut. A'yyoman's place
am in her husband's homo. Do less she
meddles wid pollyticks on' clubs do mo'
harmony kin bo looked fur. Do harder
she tries to bo a woman nn' wife an' mud-
dor do mo' de mon like an' appreciate
her. Doy can't como in ! "
Express IU > bbert'X3anJiit. ;
® ST. Louis , February 4. On the 28th
of September the Pacific express car on
the Wabash railroad was entered near
[ Roann station by three masked mon , the
safe robbed of $2500 and Loomis , the
wiossengor , shot. Dennis Downer and
! J. 0. Brucloigh wore arrested at Detroit ,
acknowledged their guilt , were taken to
Wabash , and hold to await the action of
the grand jury.
' Stopped by a Strike.
FALL RIVEU , Mass. , February 4. A
strike began this morning. The mills
are running nil departments but spinning
except the Slado mill , where the weavers
struck , the Sagamoro and Tecumseh No.
1 which closed also. \Vampanoaij ,
Borden City and Chaco Mill probably
close to-morrow ; also the Union. This
will throw 3,750 hands out of employ
Moro AVnnt to Como In ,
PHILADELPHIA , February 4. A num
ber of German bondholders of Davenport
& St. Paul railway have asked leave by
petition in the United States circuit
court bo joined as complainant with
Sulzbach Bros. . Gorman bankers , in the
suit against Edgar Thompson's estate ,
Andrew Canmgio and others brought to
recover damagcn for alleged over issue of
of bonds of that road.
The ntandard restorative especially in
cases of nervousness is Samaritan
Nervine. $1.50.
"I nm perfectly cured , " said Jas. Cor-
bin , of Washburn , 111. , "thanks to Dr.
Richmond's Samaritan Ncrtrlne. " At
. Shcehun Kcli'tiscd.
CHICAGO , February 4. Thomas Sheehan -
han , suspected of murdering Amelia
Olson , the young seamstress , whoso
body was found on the prairie two weeks
ago , was released to-day a writ of habeas
corpus. There is no ono now in custody
for the murder of the girl.
_ . Phislclnim mid chemists Imvo nna
yzcd 1'ozzoul'H medicated complexion powder
aud recommend its use to their whesand ludy
InendA. Wliat better could be said of it.
"That vliiter skin of burs tlmn snow.
And smooth as inoiiumciital alabaster , "
Was 1J acquired by using 1'ozzonl'ii
Medicated complexion Powder.
A Mjstfrlous Death.
ST. Louis February 4. The dead
body of 0. 0. Carpenter , with a wound
in the head , was found in the road three
miles from Lawrence , Kansas , Saturday
night. No clue to the murderer , and
Uio affair is shrouded in great mystery.
Corroshe unbllmata Is the usual form of
cury given for blood and skin diseases , and It
U one of thb most active and \iolent poisioiu.
A case l < ou record of the death of a child
from the etfeots of corrosive lubliinata
sprinkled on an excoriated surface. Taken In
email doses for a length of time , It gradually
eottloa iu the tlssuoa and bones , producing
mercurial rheumatUm and other diseased
equally us painful. Persons who have been
poUoned In this war , or who sutfer from any
blood complaint or skin humor , should by all
meaiM take a course of .Swift' * Specific , which '
u 111 eliminate thli poison from the syiteui.
Send for a copy of Treatise on Blood and <
Skin DUewes , free.
TUB SIYJKT Hrrcmo Co. , Drawer3 , Atlan
tic , Ga.
Hag Jho Largest Stools in Omaha and Makes the
Lowest Prices.
Purchasers should nvnil themselves of the opportunity now offered to
buy at LOAV Prices by tnkiug advantage of the grent inducements set out
120G , 1208 nd 1210 FarnamSt
To All Floors.
Proprietors. Superiutcndiie
nd Orain Elevator
Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth *
'Wo are prepared to furnish plans and estimates , and will contract for
the erection of Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for changing
Flouring Mills , t'romStono to the Roller System.
EggT'EFpecjal attention giveu to furnishing Power Plants for any pur
pose , and estimates made ior same , ( ieneral machinery repairs attended
to promptly. AcMrpas f
EIGH&.RDS & CLARKE , Omaha , Neb.
J409arid 141 1 Dodge St. . { OWJ\HA. \ NEB
( Chicago , Burlington & Qulnoy Railroad. )
f ' ,
Elfrrsnt Vny CoecliM , Parlor Corn , wltb llech'n
ULGbaln ( ioats free ) , Kmotlnij Cars , vrttb Ito-
t olvlu Chture , 1'ullman I'atico bleeping Cars and
the famous U. U. K Q. Dlnlns Cars run dally to and
if rom Chicago & Kansas City , Chicago < Council
Ulullg , Chlajgo & ties Molnes. , Chicago , BU Jo-
'seph , Atclilioa TopeLa. Only through line be
tween Chicago , Uacoln & Deoer. . Through can
betu e n Indianapolis & Council Illuffa na 1'eorta
All connection * made in Union IJepou. U U
ItmounaathemvatTanOUailCAB LINK.
Solid Traina of Ulegant Par Uoachos anU Pull
man lalaco Bletplng Cars nro nm dully to and
from Bt touls , % ia Ilnnnlbnl , Oulncy , Keolnilc
Bnriiajrton. Cedar Kapldaand Albert Lea to 8t
1'aul and illnneapolis. PariirCars\rith Kccllnlt *
Chain to and fromSt laub uud Peorlaandt i
and from Bt Louli and Ottumwa. Only a : '
change of can between Bt Louis and D *
Molnfu. Iowa , Lincoln , rfcorasta , imdl > envc.
tt : h l tn lu f tin
Flnnct equipped Railroad In the World for All Clrissus of Travel. ,
T. J. VOTrJEB. 8d Vlco-Pres't and Qon'J Maixicer. PEKOBVAl. LOWKJ.T * Ufa. ttua. Agt. OnlcAfti-J *