8 THE DA.1L ? BEE-OMAHA , SATURDAY , FFBRUARY 2 , ' 884. THE DAILY BEE. OMAHA , Saturday Morning , Fob , 2. The WontUcr. For the upper MinsJBsippit Fftt and generally colder , winds Bhiftmi northwesterly and rising barometer. For the Missouri valley : Fair am colder , northerly winds and risinj barometer. LOOAL BREVITIES , Travel Is slowly but surely picking u | tkfiRO days. A now baggage car , No. 311 , wont out 01 the Lincoln train yesterday. A quantity of silver bullion wont oust b ; express yesterday afternoon. The Missouri Pacific brings In ton cars o irraln dally for shipment to Chicago iun points cast. A now ton-hoel engine , of the Taunto rnake , was received by the Union Paclfi folks yesterday. The Denver train from the weit on th Union Pacific , was two hours late In roachtn this city yesterday morning , Klovcn car loads of fat sheep posse through this city jeaterday en route to Chic : go. They were all fed In Nebraska. A stranger from Chicago claims to h v been robbed of a gold watch , ring and 874 o Tenth street , night before last , Hov. A. F. Shorrlll will n-Jdress the Un Ion Sunday school , at Saratoga , Sunday after noon at 3 o'clock. All nro Invitoil. tine disturber of the peace was fined S nud costs In police court yesterday morning am sent upon the hill to board It out. Another evidence of spring. The Pax ton hotel people have taken down their stern doors on the north side of the housr. A fine looking youth was found BI drunk by a policeman , yesterday afternoon that a wagon had to bo tuod to take htm b the city jail. it Is n great smell which comes u ] through the newer grates In various parts o tha city. Something must hare crawled InV the sewer nnd died. Martin Francis was before Juilgo Uonok yesterday charged with abusing hln wife The judge thinks Francis' brain IH dlHoasod , and his ca o wax continued until an cxamlna tion can be madfl. Contractor Kynor came In from the won on Wednesday , bringing with him his horsei and grading tools. Ills place novr roHOinbloi an emigrant cimp. ; There was every appearance of sprlnj yesterday. The fruit stands were all moved ou < upon the sidewalks , the store doors were operand and people were wandering around without their overcoati. The Denver section of No. 4 , on thi the Union Pacific , came In on time yestordaj afternoon. The Ogden section was laid up ii a sii AV bank west of Cheyenne , and was so\ oral hours late In reaching this city. There was prospects of a fire at the East ern hotel on Tenth street yesterday morning./ bed and bedding took fire but was pitched in to the street by the boarders before any scrl 0113 damage was done. No alarm was turnet Ono of the finest coaches in use In thii country ( s now run upon the Union Facllli Lincoln train , It is the old directors car , 'No , 20 , and U has been re-modeled and turnet into a passenger coach. It is a veritable daisy. daisy.Col. Col. Wolfe , the directory man , estimate ! the population of Omaha , at over 01,000 , bas ing his calculations upon the number of name * ' In his now book , which is 20,630. Three per- sonj to each name Is the recognized proper tion. An alarm of fire was sent into engine house No. 3 , last evening at about 8 o'clock , bv telephone * Tlio message.was sent In from Thirteenth and Jackson streets. The depart , monl turned out , but no fire was found , the Alaim being a false one. - Tlio roller skating rink at the Bluff * , was formally opened last evening. A party ol about GO Omahoga , accompanied by thoU. P , band , visited the sister city and showed the denizens of that metropolis how they could skate. They returned about 12 o'clock. The ladles of the Woman's Christian Tom. peranco Union gave a very pleasant sociable In the Y. M. 0 , A. rooms yesterday evening , A rery rdco programme , which consisted ol music and recitations was rendered , lo. ( freshmeuts were served lu the usual queenly stylo. stylo.Mr. Mr. and'Mrs. Joe. Ltiiikrman , of Sara toga , lost their little sou on Wednesday last , by croup. The funeral occurred oil Thursday. This is the second child which they have lost within a year , and they have the sympathy of the entire community In their ullllcUon. A wiaVago yesterday , Mr. Dan Hurley , porter at the 1'axton house , received a nevoro Injury by lifting a heavy pleco of baggage , and has been over since confined to bed , not even being able to stand a removal to his homo. Ills condition Is regarded na very critical. Bill Anderson wan arrested Thursday for tteallng s > coat and fur cap. He was only re leased from jail Thursday morning after hav ing served a twenty.fivo days' term for steal- log : silverware. If convicted of this crime he will ba sentenced to thirty days on broad and water , and very thin water , too. Tha Swedish Evangelical Mission congre gation , who bold their services at the corner of Seventh aud Curt streets , Is rapidly In creasing In number * . A gospel meeting was held Thursday , at which six young men occu- ' pled fifteen minutes each In speaking. These Mtlng are held every Thursday evening and verybody Is Invited to attend. To-dsy U the day set apart fo * tty ap pearance of the Kfouud hog , Let us all hope and pray that It may not be an bright and tinny as yesterday was , for in case it Is the knowing animal will ouco more enter the bowels of the earth , there to remain for an other six weeks. . -rThe practice of leaving horses standing -uhttolted on the streets U too common , and nwuJU In a great many runaways , as hones will net stand long in cold weather , but WMtt to got hoeie. This habit caused a lively riHMHyw Thursday , ft fanner' * team running nway MI Few tswith street ud down Doug- li , p t eftb , hpr w fell down near Thir tieth tr t , and the team was secured by -3JJM Cora Amw , who won Injured In the week HJKMJ th K spuUI M Valley road a few o w > ehi s4ftoc , and who hs slwwbwn stopping ' " * ist KM MfUwd hot l , departed for her homo In uw * ! > * * bewi" 4oj > fiii tf * t ttaJwtel with her. fuHitbdory stMemont. TJwy tee fur. i IM-UI MT to awry Vk , AIBM and THE POOR FARM. A Reporter's ' Visit to That Place an He Saw There , How It is Oonduotod and Otho Facts of Interest , Tlio MorlRajro to l o Cancelled " \VItlili Two Ycnrp. The divine word which says , "Th poor you have with you always , " is faitli fully verified in the cage of Mr , L. N Fierce , superintendent of the Dougln county poor farm. A Brn roportersigni ficd to him his desire to visit this instill tion , and was taken out by Mr. Piorc on Monday afternoon last. The pee farm , as almost every ono knows , is Ic calcd on the western boundary of thocit limiU , nearly n mile south of Fornat street extended. There are 100 acrei the ono-qimrtcr of a section , in the fant which has been used for the present pui pose since 1850. The house , which is a largo brick om was erected in 1870 in a T shape the lower story of the front bi being used by Mr. Pierce and his famil for their dwelling. The external nj pcaranccsof this charitable hostorly ai these of some sturdy old farmer who 1 ( catod upon the laud in early territorii days , and , having been favored with pro ; porous times , had arranged hii world ! affairs with a view of spending n "gren old ago. " Beautiful maples of eight o tnn years growth surround the building The house is of the most convenient kin for the purpose for winch it was buill being divided into wards and comparl monta suitable for an institution c this kind. There are now sixty persons in it , wh subsist upon public charity , abtu twenty of whom have boon returned froi the state asylum for the iiuano as bcin incurable. In the poor house propo there are four wards , which now are wol filled with beds arranged in rows alon the sides rif the rooms. These ward are well provided with ventilation and in each ono is a largo con stove bountifully supplied with coal. Th beds are all single ones , and have plont of clothing and a wire mattress. At thi present time this institution is filloi almost to overflowing. There are twenty five more people , Mr. Pierce says , win ought to bo acco nmodatod there who an now living in great wretchedness in different foront parts of 'this city , and are boinj supplied by him as best ho can at thoi : homos. After looking through the several oral wards , the store and supply roomi with their contents , the kitchen nnd din ing-room were visited. Those apartment : are all in the basomont. The store am uupply rooms were well filled with boots carrots , potatoes and all the products o : n fertile and well tilled Nebraska farm In the moat room was a supply , whicl seomcd inexhaustible , of the finest sal pork. Their beef is slaughtered whonove : wanted , none being 4aalted or pu down for future consumption. Mr Pierce intends to enlarge his accommo dationa this summer by erecting a frami building for a laundry. This will maki another ward of the room now used foi washing and ironing purposes. In thii place he will put several cells , to bo oc jupiod by the refractory insane. Thi poor hero entertained are well provided with clothing , and are kept neat am : lean. The general appearance of every DUO is that of comfort , the buildings fences and improvement indicative ol thrift and prosperity. Among th < paupers ono long acquainted in Omahi will BOO occasionally a familiar face , bul jonorally they are these of strangers , Two or thrpo faces are there which have in former times been soon * oo often 5r rum holes and places of dissipation , nrhosft pOMoisors have brought thorn solves to their present'condition by over indulgence in the cup which inebriates , [ t is a curicus fact not only of the insti tutions of this kind , but of othoi places of jrefugo , properly conducted , that the inmates when once acquainted with their surroundings seldom desire tc leave. Thoysoom to have determined ubimdou entirely their civil life. &f. Pierce saya it ia witli iifilculty that his guoata art ; onstrainod to return to their homo ! ) r friends. On the farm there arc non twenty-fivo head of cattle. Mr. Pierce > f late has boon turning his attention tc aising Aldornoys , but so fur his venture las proved a failure. Mr. Pierce has ilso ootwoun forty and fifty hogs of the Inost quality of the Bershiro breed. The york on the farm is done by two of as Ino spana of mules as can bo found in 3ouglas county , Besides the help of the nmates , only one man is necessary to do ho work of the farm. For about a year t has boon the opinion of the publia gon- irally that the decision of the su- irouio court of the United Jtntos by declaring Henry / , Chapman's claim against Douglas coun- y , A good one , and a lion on the poor arm , had created a debt ef upwards of (30,000. ( Upon inquiry of Qen , Co win , ho county attorney , it was learned that he principal and interest of this debt up 0 March 1,1884 , amount to only ? 11 , . 00. Arrangement have boon made by rhich the county lias as much time to iay it as may bo necessary by the usual lothod of the levy and collection of axes for the county , general fund , butit 1 the intention of the cominlstiouora to ancol tliis obligation within the next two uars. Taking the county farm nnd poor ouso as a whole , they are nn ornament D Douglas county and furnish A most omfortablo place where the indigontand nfortunato find a plaoo of refuge when Ssoase , misfortune or old ago renders tiorn unable to procure the necessaries f life. Buuklon'H Arnica Salvo. The greatest medical wonder of tha world. i rr nted to tpeodtly euro Uurtu , Outn. TJ1 . Halt llbeum , 1'over Boron , Qaneeni , Piles , lullblalui , Corns. Tetter , Cliamwd huida. iui ( Ul klu eruption , givranteod to euro lu * ery Instance , or money refunded. 25 cents it box. i , o , a , T , t Glvca a Hnjipor and Kntortalnmcnr. Omaha Ledge , No , 141 , of I. 0 , 0T. ivo an euUrtatrihiunt nnd tupper in icir hall , at No. 1312 Douglas street , t evening. There wore nouo preaeut it member * . A literary proiirammo of recitations , speeches and pniitomimc van especially onlcrtaining. The fog tivo board , lodon with the good things o earth , was nurroundod by these your > | people who pnrtook of the excellent nup per Tno oOicors for the ensuing quarto wcro also onstnllod. This ledge wa formed in J878 , and has now nearly 0 enrolled tnombors. This institution i worthy of help and' encouragement , ani it IB to bo hoped in the near future it membership may bo largely increase ! and success crown its efforts. AN ANBWKU WANTED. Can ny ono brlnj ? us a owe of Klilnoy r Lt > cr Complaint Hint Kloctrlc IMltorn will nc euro ] Wo uny thay cannot , M thousAnda t cftoon already i > enniinUy ciiroil and who at dully rocomcmllnK Kloctrlo bltlors. will tirovi lirlght'ii Dlsoaso , DlnlMjtlH.WenklJftck , ornn urinary complaint quickly cured. JSycry bu Uo guarantood. For nivlo at COc. n bottle by C. 1' * . Coodmn CANDLEMAS DAT , How It Opcrntr.R to ttio Itoncllt cOne Ono Merchant Only in Tills Oily. To-day is what is known among tli Roman Catholics as Candlemas day , bi among the the people of other uocta an denominations it is commonly calle "ground hog" day. To Catholics tli 5nd } of February is n festal day , which celebrated in commemoration of tli purification of the Virtjin Mary. To-da rrmsa will bo hold in all Catholic churcho : candles will bo brought for the priest t bless and bo used in their places of woi ship , Candles to bo used for the con inf ? year in the difforor families in cane of dangoi sickness , violent storms or death will b brought to the prioit for his blessing an consecration. From the important pat which these waxen tapers , or candlof play upon this day it is called Candloma day. It ia the duty of the head of ever Catholic family to provide himself wit ! these blessed materials , to bo used in CAS of extreme poril. So far aa could b learned , there wan but ono store in th city yesterday where they were sold This place of business was thronged nl day with purchasers of these articles Upon inquiry it was learned from th proprietor that ho had sold ever fivi hundred pounds of candles yesterday This article was sold for UO conta po pound , and it will all bo consecrated am blessed to-day. This day , which has emblematic reference enco to the prophesy that Jesus shouli bo "tho light to lighten the world , " ii an institution which dates back to thi reign of Justinian , A. D. B42. A curi ous notion is also connected with thit day , which is that the American mar mot , or ground hog arouses at this timi from his hibernated state and loaves hii burrow to walk under the sky. If hi should see his shadow it is claimed thai ho goes back into hia burrow and remains mains there for the next six wooka , ai that is the length of winter yet to como This day is also the middle ono of wintoi in this latitude. A lawyer's Opinion of Interest to All J. U. Towney , Esq. , a leading attorney o Wlnona , Minn. , writes : "After using it fo more than thioo yoara , I take great ploanuri In stating that I regnrd Dr. King's Now Dls covery for Consumption , us the best remedy ii the world for Coughs and Colds. It has neve failed to cure the most severe colds I havi had , and invariably relieves the pain in thi chost. " Trial Bottles for this sure euro for nil Throo' ' and Lung Viscoses may ho had Free at 0. 1 ? Goodman's Drug Store. Largo size , $1.00. PERSONAL. James Smith , 1'lne lUdge , V. A. Chapman Lincoln , Coorge II. Bennett , Crab Orchard Miss llosy Clark , Noola , Ia. , are guests of thi Metropolitan. 12. Landman , editor of The Button Fret Tress , Ia in the city , and a nuest of the Mil lard. lard.Hon. Hon. A. G * Kendall , commissioner of public lands and buildings , came up from Llncoh laut evening , and is iniutcred at the .Millard , J. llobort Williams , David City , A. Palm incut nnd W. Parrisb , Oakland , are registered at the Mtllurd. " . Mr. Archie I'owoll , paymaster of the Kan sas Pacific , c.imo In from the west over the Union Pacific yesterday afternoon , lie occu pied n special car , Mayor Chase loft for Washington , D. C. , yesterday afternoon. He will bo absent ten Jixya or two weeks. W. C. B. Alhu loft for Chlcuga last ovoa- Ing. Ing.P. P. J. Nichols returned from Ohcyolmo yes. torday afternoon. C , B. Havens returned from North Platte rostonlay f tftrwoon , A. , It. Swan , Wyoming's cattle king , cainp ft twin Chicago yesterday , and Is stopping at fi. 0. il. Sortorls. Lnatnle City , Wyoming , s registered at the 1'axton. L. 1) . llustln , of Saratoga , L. McNaughton , r.lncolnj J. T. Hilton , Blair ; A. Mlchaelson , Irand Island , and 8. W. Powers , Kearney , ire stopping at the Paxton. James Slmmlns and U. G , Adams Chicago , I. T. Mamh Lincoln , L. M. Yosug Boston ind W. A. Bush , Frisco , Oal. , are tjuesU of ha Metropolitan , Minn Ada Smith , of Saratoga , IH vloltlug rith friends lu Council Bluffs , A. IL Hwan of Cheyenne , is at the Mlllurd. fo will leave fur Kurope in a few dayu. ' C , 0 , Fluid \\lll leuvn for Bt. Joe to-day a vh.lt hb mother , who lives at that plaoo. to will ba gouo one week. ( Jlail tn Hoar It , "For several months I endured a dull pain lirough my lunyu and khoulders ; lost my iiirlts , nppotlto and color , and could with llllculty remain from my bod. My present ealtliful condition Is due to llunlock \Utttt. \ " Mrs. ] ; . A , Hull , lliughauiptou , N. > _ _ An Important Hale. There will bo a sale of a booth of npanoso guodo , consisting of Japanese idics , trayt , asaorted sizes and abupos , U'quored tea jars , china scout jars igur cases and holders , parcolain pitch * rs , ton boxes , water drop tea pots , vases , andkorchiof boxes , from 1 to 8 p. m , , i the parlors of the First Oongroga- ional church , corner .Nineteenth mid Ihfcago. All at lowest figures. Call uring this ufteruoon or early in the veiling. No admission fee. Lunch all Day. Schwelnefumo nnd Sauerkraut , alto rosenpfeiler in Ed. Kue ter's saloon , 114 i'arnam itroet. THE OMAHA SAFE \YORKS , What Energy and Entemrisc Can Ae The Safe Deposit Vault of thi Omaha National Bank Yor- diet of Exports , Tlio High Commendation Given I ) : PrcHlileut Mlllnt-cl Largest Worker or the Kind Kvcr Done "Went of Cincinnati , About ono year ago the managcmotito the Omaha National bank , after completing ploting their magnificent bank building concluded to build a flro and burgln proof vault , the same to bo of the latcs ntid moat approved design of our modon time * . In consequence the president of tli bank invited eastern aa well oawoateri manufacturers to compote for said labor in which the sum of over fifteen thousani dollars was involved. The smallest bidders of all were ou homo manufacturers , Messrs. Andreoi & Vnllion , proprietors of the Omaha Saf Works , whoso history is well known i every leading business house in thi state. The time that the contract wa awarded to the firm , the larger casten houses raised a grand kick , and circulatcc the report that such work , and at sucl price , to perform in Omaha , would bo ai impossibility ; but Androon & Valliot wore equal to the emergency , for thoj well know their own mechanical skill. Below the readers of Tun BEE will fine proof that Androon & Vallicti have : with the aid of an export , Mr. W. B , Avery , of Chicago ( who drew the plans ) , completed ono of the largest fire and burglar-proof vaults over constructed bj any firm west of Cincinnati. Mr. J. 0. Harris , the expert from Chicago , whc put in the automatic lock , gave the fol lowing verdict : "It is as fine aa any , that can bo built in the United States. Andreon & Val- lieu have done honest work , and I can't understand why Omaha business men will KO away several hundred miles for work of this kind , when they can got bettor at home. Why , this ia ono of the finest and most approved vaults con structed in our modern times , for safety and security. " A reporter of TUB BEE , who called yesterday at the Omaha Safe works , was handed the following letter , which is sufficient proof in what esteem the firm is hold by the president of the bank , Mr. J. C. Millard : OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , 1 CMAIIA , 2th ! ) January , 1883. , J Messrs. Andrccn & Vallieu have constructed - structod the safe deposit vaults for the Omaha National bank , which wo con sider ono of the best pieces of burglarproof - proof work in the United States. The entire job was done at the Omaha Safe company's shops of Androon fc Vallion , in this city , where wo had op portunities of seeing the work as it pro gressed , under the supervision of Mr. W. B. Avery , an expert from Chicago , who had many years of experience in superintending the construction of fira and burglar-proof safes and vaults , and ho unhesitatingly states to us that the material and labor vroro equal in all ro- specta to any , if not the best , ho had over seen. Ono vault is now open for the inspection of the public. Further , wo take great pleasure in commending the Omaha Safe company to all who desire fine burglar-proof work or any other work. [ Signed ] J. 0. MILI.AUU , President. The company's works , which are lo cated at the southwest corney of Four- toooth and Jackson streets , is by no moans a small concern , as they give em ployment to ever twenty-five skilled me chanics. llio construction of the bank vault was the largest job over received by the firm , ind it required over thirty tons of the Inest Chrom etool for its completion , but think of the glory for the firm who could rival the loading safe manufacturers of the country. Besides this fine job , the firm have fur- lishpd safes and vaults for nearly all the leading banks and county seats in the I'Ato ' , prominent among which are the Sjbraska National bank and the First Rational bank , of Grand Island , and the 2iy ! of Omaha vault , the latter two novr jciug in course of completion at their ihops. Beside this the firm manufactures iron ihuttors , vault doors , jail work , iron 'oncing and wire work of the latest and nest approved patterns. The firm has boon established in this sity but a few years , in which time they mvo built up a fine reputation and a argo trade at the same timo. They have nado from year to year largo additions n machinery , this year having added ver $3,000. Knowing the energy , skill and enter- iriso of Audroon and Vallion , wo can mt reoommend them to all. anna In corpora ano. ' ' "A Bound nind in ft sound body" la the trade mark ol Lllcn ; .Brain Food , and wo aware our reader * U t , if d ssatUfied with either weakness pr train or bodily powers , thin remedy will i sr iwienUy utreugthen both. * ! . At AMUSEMENTS. Inrtley Campbell's Play "Siberia" the Opcrn HOUBO lintt Seldom it is that so large an audience i gathered within the walls of Boyd's pora house as was twsomblod there last ight to witness the first production in jis city of Bartloy Campbell's great play Siberia.1' ' Before 8 o'clock every seat i the house was sold , and a largo num- or of tickets vrero sold after the an- ounooment of standing room only. The play is a work of six acts , each of Well is as plcturetque as a landscape rawing , low playwrights have shown J much versatility of conception aa Mr , ampboll , nd few fo that same reason ave so successful. II0 brings uo in lose contact with a MOW order of things iul introduces us to an unfamilar wo of creation in each of i plays and yet „ „ fr as , ° * r ° ttbl , ° t0 judge , by the light of his- > ry and tradition , each it accurate to io original. "Siberia" ia .tow of ihilism ut RUMU , which finds Us equul on the icy fields of the lands for whic the drama is named. But the scenes c intonnost interest concern the torture c the Jew * . Th play transports .us in il first Gcencs to the vicinity of Moscow whore the Jew-bailing is moving sociot to its very cnnlor. Without the slighl cst provocation these peeplo are afllicto without an opportunity for defense , an the mob , infuriated and encouraged b the officials , nro satisfied only who bloodshed hixi sapped the life from th unfortunate victims and fire hn destroyed their habitations. The pla is invested with a tale of love , s strong that ho who lores casl off the liberty which hn possessed , an follows as a prisoner his life's choice t the wilds of Siberia when she is banishc to that inhospitable land. The cast i exceedingly numerous , and the play dc mands much fine and forcible acting. Th company in whoso hands it is at preset : reposed supplies every desirable wanl The part of "Nicolai NaigofT is spier didly impersonated by Mr. Atkins Lavi ronco. Mr. Hardio Vcrnon is acceptabl as "Ivan Nordoff , " and the acting of Mi Charles B. Wnito as "Michael Sparta" i excellent. Misses Emma Vndoi nnd Adclo Bolgardo impersonat the characters of "Mario" and "Sara , respectively , two half Jewish maidens o whom much of the interest of the pla centers. Both ladies do conscicntiou nnd efficient acting , as they always dc and maintain in these , the absorbin characters of the play , an unflagging in terest. Miss Frankie McClellau play the part of "Vera , " a flower girl , wit much spirit. The performance of Mj Charles Pottis and Miss Alice Colonial ! who represent the master and daughte of the Imperial Band , on the cornet nlicitcd unbounded applause , and wor decidedly meritorious. A feature of "Siberia" great is its superb porb sconory. In each act , with the exception coption of the first and second , th scunery is changed , and especially is tin last scene , when the harbor of Odessa i presented , worthy of praise. A horse and sleigh is introduced in th fifth act , much to the amusement of thi little folks. As the curtain dropped at the close o each act , the applause was fairly deafen ing , and the audience , particularly thi gallery portion , yelled until'their throat were hoarsu. Mr. Goor/0 Dodge Speaks. This Rentleman lives In Emporium. Pa. , am snys , "One of my men , Sam Lewis , whil working In the woods sprained his ankle si bad ho could hardly hobble to the house Used Thomai' Arl < ctric Oil and was ready fo work the next morning. I have never ye seen BO good u. medicine. " DISAPPEAEED , Mr. Boyil , an OU1 Omaha Man , Has Been Missing for Nearly Tlireo "Weeks. The sudden and mysterious disappear uico of William Boyd , a former well tnown resident of Omaha , was last nighl iiado the subject of a great deal of com' nent. Mr. Boyd had been at work lasi 'all and part of the winter on a bridge : ontract in Knox count- , this state. He iomplotod his contract , paid off all hit non , and on the 10th of January started : rom Croighton , Knox county , for his lomo in Ashland. Before starting he Jxpressed considerable anxiety about his 'amily , which ho seemed very desirous oi icoing. He came to Omaha and fell in ivith some of his acquaintances , and re named in a partially inebriated sondition during the whole time 10 was seen hero. Ho had when 10 ioft the upper country nearly J100 , a gold watch and other valuables. L'he last seen of him in this city was two weeks ago last Sunday in a populardrink- ng resort on Tenth street. His wife be soming alarmed by his prolonged absence Torn home wrote to the city authorities ibout him , but ho could not bo found. Since then ho has boon seen in Lincoln , ind ho is reported to have visited Sioux 3ity , but this report has not been con- irraed. A relative of Mrs. Boyd wrote her on Thursday last tolling her not to lespair , as her husband would bo found icon. Thinking ho was in Omaha , Mrs. 3oyd came to this city. The police were irdorod to search every resort where ho night be concealed , but up tea late hour ast night no recant trace of him was ound. Sudden ClmnucH ol Weather are pro. luctlvo of Throat Diseases , CouRhs , Colds , ite. There is no more effectual relief in these lisetiKOB to be found than In the lisa of BIIO.NCJIIAL TKOCHFH. Price 25 cts. GrOI-TGAT IT , : iio Stock YartlH Gonipany rropnratlotiB i'orilio Erection Houses. The now stock yards company are Iready making preparations for building 1 slaughter houses on their land south f the city. A party of the directors wont out to lie grounds yesterday with the in- ontion of selecting the place upon which | io houses will be built , and then opera- ions will bo begun just as soon aa pos- ible. The lumber has already been ought , and largo contracts have boon lade with pastern parties to furnish icat. The ice houses have been built , ud soon a busy scene will present itsel f pen the land owned by the company. POWDER Absolutely Pure. rtt powder oorcr < aru . A martul a ! nurll cgb and. wbuloMuuneM. Uiru ecouoinlaal tha > odlnary Vlndj. aud rft' ct to told In comixitltlo : h tbemultitud * of Itw u : , ibort wclfht , aluin u K phato powders. Bo'd only lu cans , kutal ba i4wdtrXo.,10 ) W U tmt New York. CASTORIA for2 Infants and Children Without Morpldno or Narcottno. What fclTM our Children rosy checks , What curcti Uiclr fevers , mnkPi thorn sloop ; 'Tin Ouatorliv. } TTlien Bablci fret , and err by turni , I What cures their colic , kills iliclr vi omn. W Hut Cnatorln. What quickly curoi Con itlpntlon , Sour Stomach , Colds , Indigestion : f. , Itut Cmtnrlii. Farewell tlien to Morphine Syrup * . ' Castor Oil and I'arcgorlc , anil llallCmtorltu Contour Liniment. Anab solato euro for Rliomantiaxa , Sprains , Burns , Galls , &o. , and OE Instantaneous Pain-rollover. SPECIAL NOTICES firspoclala'wlll Foaltlvelynot bo Insorto unless paid in advance , TO LOAN-Monoy. ONKY TO LOAN The lowont rates of Intcro : M Bomts * Loan ARcnoy , ICth & Douglas 231-tl TO LOAN In sums of 1300. anil upward MONEY D&vla nnd Co. , Heal KeUte and Lou Agent ; , l&on fnrnam at. 303-tf \V A TlU Tttoot thrto ftcst-llass shirt V > atWilkliK Ii leans' 101-2 AJITANTKl ) Immediately , t u good netvant ( 'ltl : T T One as cook and ono nccoudIrl ( nnd help U'K care of chlldrin. Address U'20 N. 13th strett. 103--IJ WANTED A neat.'jounu ( tlrl.lor general houti work. Apply to lire. Saimtcl Ikig , cor. Lun cimorth and Boutli avenue. 105 tt YJITANTEh A second girl. Apply at 1923 Uo'trt YY 8. E. 20th street. 171 2j "VXTANTKll Immediately , a ROUI ! wotrin , betwec T T thu AKB of 25 ami 20 , to dp irtneral hausuwor eor. Mason anil l th street. BUCKEYE" MEV MARKET. 172II TX7ANTED Olrl for general homework N. W. coi W IHth and Farnam. 131 tt WANTKD Sen ant Kills o ( a'l kinds m need o cmplojment , to oil at our otHoj , opposite post olllcc , butveen 4:30 : and 0 p. m. CANNON , JONU3 & CO , Fiuirer Block. 010-lm WANTED Immediately tuo No. 1 Ilamca Makers. D. A. HOI-KINS , OH 6 [ North Bend , Nib. TTTANTED A German dlnlntf room kitchen clrl TV Ilcfso and Hoppe , 418 8. 13tli St , betncei Ilarncy and Howard. 665 tf aiTPATIOMS WAITTBD. TX/ANTHD-By a laJy , a situation as houwkeepci T * III prltato family , or ni cook la a tlrst-clasi boardlnghouse. Address N. E. Cor. 14th and Ixav cnwcrth. 16ii ] TI7 ANTED A situation to cook , wash and Iron Ir TT oprhatofamilyliy a good German girl. "A Euiplojinent Agency , 217 N. 10th St. 10MI WANTED A lady of experience would like sew. In * by the day or weeK , in familien. Call or ttd Jrcss No. 1105 South Oth street. 1SS 11 WANTED-Poeitton for light offlcc work or copy. iiifT by a ladv who has a type-writer , of her ann. Addre 9 , "X" Bee office. 115-21 WAN1ED Sltuitlons for first class domcatlca. Call at our office from 4-33 to 0 p. m. Saturduj a I to B p. m. CANNON , JONES t CO. , Opp. 1 > . O. 047-lm MISCELLANEOUS WANT& . WANTED Three unfurnished rojma with board for three adults and two children ( under four rears ) , where there are no other boarder * state lu- &tlon and terms. Address "B. B. F. " Bee office. 1702 | W'AFrED-rurnlshed house of 7 or 8 rooms In good locality. Address M. " this office. 1&3-4I IT7ANTED A few persons to instruct in book- TT keeping , as there la a demand for competent > ook kcepera I will loam a few , and wait for half of > ay until situations are lurnlshcd , J n. SMITH , Wii-Ol 1518 Douglas St , ANTED STOCK OF MEKCHANDISE- ( Dry good * preferred ) , from $3COO to $10,000 , will Ivo In exchange Kood clear fann property and sorno a h If necessary. Address "llaudolph/1 c ro BFK fflce. 16J.4 riTANTED For a customer , rtoru room on fu ll namHt. BHtiti & S1IIUVKU. 12U 8 SI'ECIAt. Wurtnt lurnUhedorunfurnlshfd rooms prccuro b.ardirg and furnbh lirnt-claKS domes ics. Oftlce houra , 4 UJ to 0 p. m. 8aturda < H 1 to B i. in. CANNON , JONES & CO.'Prtnier Block. 848-lm Parties within boarders and thoce WANTED siarch of board tn private hotiscB , with r with- ut room , to rnll at our otllcu Ircm4 8 ( ) o 0 p. m CANNON , JONES & co. , opposite Bottoruce. BJB-lm P ADIES OK YOUNO MEN m city or country to LJ takn nice , light and pleasant work at their own iomesf2 : toi. a ( lay easily and quietly made ; u oik entbyiuall , no cum aiming ; no stamp for reply , 'leaso address Ilellablo-Uanrk' Co. , 1'hliadelphla 1'a. rawer TT. TNMmni FOR REOT Honses and Lota. HENT FurnUhed room with or without FOR board. Fluent location In I ho city. Also tow able boarders wanteil.N.V. . cor. 18th and Farnam. )6D-tf ) rj OH KENT Largo new , two story ilctitilo IIOUM ) , C Slilnn'a oildltlin Suitable for Uo famlllii or carding houtu. Imiulru Uoom 24 , Omaha Nation * ! link Building. 168-tf FOR UENT Two unfurnhhed rooms , sulUWe for houeekecplni ; , 02U Nortli llth btrect , betncen Chicago unil ( jaw. 117-lt 1011 RKNT-ruit.Uhed rooms at 1619 Furuaiu. F 017-61 FOP. RENT Furnished room 1021 Capitol a\ . 1M48 _ _ _ KENT Furnished roomswlth board , Also a FOK day boarders , 1811 Davenport. 632 4 | HKNT HOUM and furnlturo for site , * bar. FOH gain , will be offered In the f.irnlture If applied or soon. Uauiu contain * 7 rooms , hall and clceet ) , ent (35. Apply N. W. corner Utli and Ilarucy. lU2t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HF.NT Farm ft about 00 acres within 4 FOIl of New Block jard audio milts from Onia. m , 01 acres under cul that Ion , balancu In crass laud , to 2i tons of best blue-Jaint hay to Le aero. Will rent reasonable. Imiulrc or addrem ' I710U BRNT Fiucbhed. 'nnt tiaa OC6 N. 18th. | J _ 701-11 IJIOU KENT Two new brick cottvgca of Bye rooms I ? e ch , all modern improvement * , cor. Oth and llckory ttrwt. _ _ _ m.l UItNISHEl ) ruoru licuttd 222 N. 10th. F . P78 tt _ _ _ POlt IlENf KnrnUI ed room for gentleman , alto twolorlUht hoiiKO keeping lieeruer's block , ) fiior Eighth and Howard Ht _ D03-tl KENT 5 rvoui house onVeltUr wet of FOR St. 8. T. Pctert.cn , real estate efent. 15th u.l UouglM. [ 7 > OU KEIiT Cumfortablc front room , south-eai L' corner Kourtuoutu and ! J ven | > ort , suitable for no Kmtlomcii. 663 tf J Olt llhHl' Kurulahol room * on thu uortltwci . oor. ISIb md Capitol venue , formerly Crelghtou QllftC. 18 t > POU KENT Booms In Nebnula NaUona Bank . ' Uulldlng. Uot > t Ueairalle otficei lu the city Applied Kith hydraulic Uator aud beatod b Apply at Bank. FOR tfALE. Olt HALF. CIIKA1' Hoire and bu y. liifiulro . of 0. J. Ilajdvo , tud of North SCth trctt. ll4 ? OH S\IK A four jtnrolJ hvrie with new bic- ' iry auU ban us , at a good bargain , fall at Stt3 . J ry' a\iuu . IflO-ll i UK BAla ; farm S lulka from city. Inquire of 1 Mr * . Meyer , tiver llovdtr'j Drue tVorc , 18th and ebolur. 872-U fitly feet of , rbe iu , at 1KW IuOre | tit , ICiJ-tl 8At.B Twn lartro Nomwn stalltont. Addrf Fen D. IllrdMll , W lniitIow | . IM-ltn * 8ALW-A ( food two utory ftore tropfrty In Foil , Wayne county , Neb. AddtcuO. D. Biru- soil , Walnut , Iowa. ISS-lm } HAU-lruit Jtore In couthem Nebraska. FOU trade , Rood town , two railroads. For Mix till Mirth 1st , 18SI , Apply at onco. bllOWN fc CU WATER , 140'U Endtrott , Neb , HAI.i-Thrco : show MPW. 10 foot tonp. In- FOIl cl .KDIIOLM&K'UUKSON , 147-5 FOIlfUI.E lloiiio 4 or S rooms , hill lot , barn&o. , 12th direct , bctuccn Porcn and Cent r. If sola at one * , ? 1.000 lll buy It , Cheap I IHFKF.Il & MAYNU.M. E. cor. 13thand Farnam. 115-tl FOIl f AMJ-Full lot on llth street , nwr Centrr , fcncc.1 ami fruit sit out. Chrap. HAUKKll & M.VYNi : , N. E ror. 13lh and Farnatn. 148 tl HAI.E , UHEAt * I'Oll CASII-Uood neroni ) iftOU ' opui bugiry , 1008 South avcimo. 130-11 poll HAI.i ; Flrnt cisei corner lot 03x13' , ! . Ilouit I 1 fi rooms , bun fruit anlMiiule tree ? . Very lic- ulrabl i location , near street CAM. Offered tico. be low vftluo. I'rice ? 1.5CO. J. W. LOfNSUUIlY , Itth nnd rarnam. 13i-tl FOH SAIi' ! 1 arm 180 tcrei adjoining Columbtii Neb. (60 ( artes under culttwtlon , Si hay laid , 70 Rood tillable tamli ) only $26. | > r aero , alto town lotfi In Cnlumlnn. and Grand la and. Special bar- III Omaha city property , n. U .DOANE&CO. , M. W , corner Uth aud Douglas hts. 117-1 OH hAlTF.-Ti lots and DDW hounp In IJ I < oac anilH'Mtii'fl addition , one block north ol Uoburn St. , and two blocks w ctt of Talk a\e. Ap ply at M , Orttron picmlst'S. 1I8-4S FOK PALE Very ilc < Ir blo lots In Coburn'4 Sub- ill\l loii and Howard phce nn nwnthly payments no city tax. BKLTi&SIIIUVKU. 127-8 FOIl HAIiE llorso bunsy nnd harncsM. For pfti- tlcuUrs Innu'ro at Human's Lit cry stable , FOIl SALE Oil TRAUK-A Rood npnn of limlec , harness and \\BROII. Inquire Alex O. Clinrlton , nt McCaxuo Bros. Bio tf - coal. This coal Is as frco from FOHSALE-Coloredo Eoot and as clean as Hock Sprln ; . 034-tf JKFF. W. BRDI'ORD. FOH SAljE Stock of general merLhandno and bulldmjralutdat about ? 5COO. Aildre < 8 Box 61 , Firth , Noli. 7BI tf. F 1011 BALK Tw o portable boilers , 10 borto power Apply at 1) . FnZl'ATlllCK , 083-tf 218 South IMh St. FOll SALE A small Jtonltr , Bihman &Co. , flro proof soft , almost now , at this offlco. U T7\OIl SALE My two story brick residence , 19th JL ami St. llarj'Bnvcmio. Large barn , out-lioupo , ater wor.s , well arranged. Lot to\200. 1'ilco J7.GOO. Bcsi Bargain In Omaha. Call at M. Toll's People's Bank. 277-t T7\OKSALE 12 lots unu block west of 1'arK fcve- J ? mio cars. Lota COxlfiO. Will sell the whole tro < it for $7,100 , It sold before January 1st , 1884. Heat es tate owners bid this bargain , U you call at People Bank. 278-tf T Oll SALE Choice business property , three lots X ? our. Haundors and Charles Strcot. It will pay ) cn to Invcatlxato this oiler. Call at 1'ooplo'a Bank. FOK SALE Improved property , which will pay the buyer 20 per cent on the investment. KenU for $1,920 per ; car. All occupied by first class ten ants. Will sell for $10,500 , If sold soon. All or one. halt cath , balance , one to fixe years. The abo\e In vestment Is worth Investigation. Call at the People's Bank. 280-tt CATTLE AND CLYDESDALE HOUSES. POLLED The uub crlbcr Is taking orders for spring Im portation of tbe above. Prices muchbolow those at auction sales. References to these supplied. John McCulloch , 111 , Trustond Sav. Bank , Chicago. 203 2mt FOR SALE A first clasa ocond baud top bngcr Call at 1818 Harnov fctrcot. 97tl FOR SALE Ola nowanapors ID largo oitd email quantities at thla office. tf MISCELLANEOUS. pUT THIS OUT AND PRESERVE Tn trade , wild \J land for Merchandise of nnv l.ind , cr town prop ' erty. Addreea CLAUK & HO'BBAHD , Ida Grow , lojUi 14363 TlAhEN UP On my premises on Dec. 10.1883 , In JLwest Omaha , ono Cream Colored Pony. Smal nhito ipot in foreheaduianu and tail a little darker than the body. JAS. E. VANDEIICOOK. 825-5tle k § aAQISTKR OF PALMYflTERY AND CONDTTION. 1LIST , 303 Tenth street , between Farnam and Hai ley , will , with the aid of guardlau cplrltn , obtaining w ) one glance of tb port and proaent. anoVthe jortaln conditions In the future. Boots and ehoos naje order. Perfect ratlsfacttim iniarantred. -WITH \iid your work is doue for all time- to time to come. WE .CHALLENGE . The o produce a more durnhlo material for street p iveiitpnt tlian the . Sioux Falls Granite. ' FOR ANY AMOUNT OR M'ACAD AM ! illeil promptly. Samples sent and. . estimates given upon application. WM.MOBAIN & co. . Sioux Falls. Dakota V tcr Ilobda will tale notice , that on the Oth day I Jatuary , IWI , Henry Kel v , a Justice p | j'e cace , of llllla.nl 1'n.dnct , Iouif'at counlj. Ne- raika levied an crder cf atta-hmtut f"r the turn it loliuutlrod anJeigoty the dol'an Kfau action by ending ufrrw him Hhircln Ji.hn JJIuoi U plaintiff id I'uUrllbhdadef > ndan , tiiat tba projtrty ecu- ktiufDCj bu hel < rfourn lu the ear , me brown lare , 8 yean old , twu bite forj fett , 2 table * , fl. lalri.X tuo tod.li.ln , 1 louuir.- biauitiiu.xufof , > to\r , plmttiid furpltuio , I looVbigglaw. 1 \v. laiVa t-te map , 1 cliurii , 1 grlndHoi e. 1 w h tub water buckrt * , * 8 | K > undii 01 bait , 4 t unbelt cf not- . Uihlrlcti' , f hoj.1 ( c op inottl , J cnru le ler , 3 lou ( u ! h y , 1 ieap r , 1 hay ruk ) . 1 loml r ablu an luuiUr wound hay yard , 1 cultlrator. 1 low , 1 garden rak , no norw liar , 1 mlrB wat. * two her. e corn planter a d h b u attaUiHl uu iruldrrd < r , aldcau ( * a c > ntuiucd to the nth y cl Ktbiimy , US * , tl ooojk . . . . , J uu Burn , I'blollU : MilAidJ a , 14 , JSSI. -