w - * * * * THE UA1LV BEE-OMAHA , THURSDAY , JANUARY 31 , (88-1. ( THEDAItY BEE , OMAHA. Thursday Morning , Jam 31. The Weather. For tlio upper Mississippi : Local rain in the Boutnorn portion , followed b clearing weather , fair weather in th northern portion , followed during th night by local snows , winds becorain variable , falling generally followed b rising barometer , and warmer weather i the northern portion and colder in th oouthorn. For the Missouri valley : General ! fair weather , northerly winds , risin preceded in the southern portion b falling barometer , and generally warnic weather. LOOAL BREVITIES. The CAT o ot vno Btato of Nobrooka n alru William Sncll has been placed upon the nj pe.ir.inco docket cf the district court by Dii trict Attorney Godwin. It was roiwrtod Tuesday night that a ma had bocn filial no&r the Occidental hotel , Q Tenth street , but no such item could bo cot firmed by InvcwUgallon. The Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy wl matnlaln nn Independent ticket olllco I Omaha , at the old ntnnd , norlho&Ht curnor < Farnam nud Fourteenth streolx , with the ol reliable Harry Dcuol in charge. Harry Douol , the veteran ticket agon will bo continued In charge of the indopcndor ticket office of the old reliable Chicago , lu ! llngton ( c Qutncy , nt the northeast corner < IVrnam and Fourteenth etroolt , Tlio funeral of the colored inan Humpl rios , who died at St. Joseph's hospital on Hui day night , took place at 2 p , m. ysntcrday. . telegram was received from his brother , nt S .Too , to give the dead man a decent burial an bo would pay the exponnoH. Interment wi at Prospect Hill , wlioro Mr. Humphries owr a lot lotTha Tha tailor who wax found , in a ha frown condition , In the alley back of Hoi man's block , on the coldest night of this wit tcr , nnd was talton to the jail to thaw ou yesterday had four Cn ern amputated froi bin loft hand nnd three from his right ham T > r. .T. II. 1'oabody and ( ion did the Burgici work. Mr L. Kubln has grown two Inchcatalli during the past two days. On Monday afto noon at 1:30 , his wlfo presented hi in with beautiful girl baby , which tipped the beam : just ten pounds. The spring styles of babli are no nloiichosa they all weigh from 9 to 1 pounds. Chris. Hortman nnd M. Hollmnn , wl are pulling up the fine four-story block o l' ' urtconth fitreot between Douglas nn Dodge ) hat e reached the second ntory floe timbers. The block Is forty-four foot trot by tiKly-slx feet deep , with a high bosomoi nnd will bo one of the bast built nCructurw i the city for wholesale business. The council chamber ban boon much It proved of lalo and made much inoro comfort bio for the HCBfloiia of the couucil and the dl trlot court. A partition has boon inam and m > ace onclos * ! which ttlmlH alt both tbo col mid the noises which have usually como u from tbo stairway. The room line bocn r painted In a warm color nnd will uow bo qull cozy. tn At the Thirteenth street crossing yatttordn ; a young man attempted to cross between tn freight cars , by stopping upon the draw head Ju.it as hit foot rested upon the link , the 01 glno , which was at ono end of the Iraln wi ulackcd back , catching hlo foot nnd giving I quite a severs squeezing. The solo was tor from his boot , und as ha limped awny ho Ir wardlyroBohod to take the safe waylnth future and crawl under. The machinery for lighting thn Millar hotel arrived yesterday. Mr. Spcrry In In th city lor the purpose of pulling In the "plant and will have the light In operation by Sntui day. There will bo Ion llghtw In nnd aroun the Millard hotel , on follows : Two In'tho o ; fico , two In the billiard hall , Iwo In tho'dlnln room , ono In the bar room , ono in the hallwn and two upon tha outside of the house. Mrs. Hltlor.tho woman who was describe In Tins BKK uomoltmo since , has "lit" out nn her husband , who arrived In this cily Tuosda la unable to find her. She skipped 01 and left Ulm nt Cedar Falls , lown , nnd nt tli same tlico carried off about Jl,100 of h inonoy. It will bo remembered that at claimed to ba from Hochestor , jNHnn. , whe she firfct made her advent ID the city , nnd nil Aat Hha claimed to hsvo bceu robbed of S50 L : v traveling , companion. iVTavrycr'a Opinion of Interest to Al ' .T. H. Tawney , Esq. , a leading attorney < Wjnonal'MInn , , wrlteai "After tuslmf Ufo jnora than -threo yean , I take great plcosut 4nJitlHg thftt I rd Dr. ' If- rcg Klne'e Now Dii I , > co\erj'for CoMuiuptlon , an the best romwly I I tbowqrld lor , Cough * and Colds. It has nove failed to cure the most iwera colds I bat had , nm } Invariably relieve * th palu In th . " ? rial ll tles for thla sure euro for nil Throa nnd LungJJUoasos may bo had 1'reo ut 0. 1' UoodmauV Drug Sloro. Largo BIO , f 1.00 , Wttbiter Snydcr , of Omaha , boa boon fo Homo time tha general mnnaRor of the SI Loulu air-Hue , has resigned 19 accept a ulm il r ponUIon pu the Gulf , Colorado k 6 nt lfa rowl. Hiiro _ 5gaRtlon takes cffact Fobrv . Qoreraor Hole , of Wyomlar , came In o No. 4 to-day , and went out to WaiUnsfto ; city ou uflloUl buiInoM , Mm. Trg B iw , yf San I'ranclnoothe M If of a Mexican rwldont And inlllloualro cf ths city , came fa on No.1 and wont test to'li oontlntu vlelt relative * . II. J , Lwo , a heavy wllou matdinnt of St I < t > ul , and W. A , Marlenerlo , a Georgia cot on I'lantar , are at the Millard , a route t < > Vi.J , Davenport , siiiwrlntendont of Ihi freight dhkloti of the C , , U , & Q. ralbroad a JJurllugton , It p < m lng a day with his ( ! ( friemU , and puts up at the Mlllurd. Jerome 0. Foiittel , clerk of thu JX.HCD court roturnwl Tuesday from a leave t Sod ; fiprliifi * , Utah. HB has gained twenty pound and h in better health than for yean. Jaman Johnson , traveling freight and pu wnger K ut o ! the St , LouU & Cairo Shor Line , with kMil < iu ter * at St. Loul * , Mo. , I fa tit ) tity and la utaylDg mt the Mlllird. 1'olson Oac. J liwl fur thirty-oight yam guttered over ] illing a ixl nuimuer willi 1'olBoq Oak. whlt-h J In butilujf when a boy , I trice ( frit , Mudlngjnany phy ldiiW ! t wy bwwIU. I took six U ttlMol riCS. ( 8. 0. ) fowvMniw.M < ! OWd to * wujid cud wwl. JlirW nuinmrif n'd I have b d n r turu of it , SJ-M ll/AJBtxr , ColuBibtu , Oa. THE DESTITUTE. What is Being Done for Them by til County Commissioners , An Interview "With Supcrlntcmlon IMoroc. A reporter of Tun BEK to-day inter viewed Mr. Picrco , superintendent of th poor fann , who has been delegated by th county commissioners to attend to th wanta of the poor in the city in rcgan to the number of pocr that are boiiv taken care of by the county , and th manner in which their wants are sup plied. Mr. Pierce says that ho is dcnlin , out n quarter of a ton of coal per montl to those applicants who nro not known I him or the commissioners , and when th cases are investigated and the applicant are found to bo destitute , an they hav represented themselves , the allowance o coal is increased to one-half ton pe month. In some cases where two fami lies live together , a quarter of a ton ha boon given to each family. The coal however , is of a very poor quality , and i furnished to the county under contract There are about ICO destitute person who are being provided in Omaha by th conuty , which is a very small numbo for a place of 50,000 people. Dos Moines a much smaller city , takes euro of COO Among the dcstituto provided for ii Omaha there are quite n number o eases of imposition , and some of then cannot bn avoided , for instance , when the parents are drunkards the chlldroi h&vo to bo taken care of , and this nocos nnrily involves the taking care of tho.par outs- outsA _ A man recently died in'Otnaha leaving eight helpless children , which are boin provided for. Throe of thorn wore foum to bo without shoes. They have bcei properly clothed , and are booing sent t school. There nro some cases of destitution tion that are equally as bad , but they or all being taken care of by Mr. Pierce n far an ho is informed of them. Ho put in his whole time in thin business , th county farm being looked after at pruson by an assistant. Iluoklcn's Arnica Salve. The prcftto.it medical wonder of the work Warranted to Hpoedily euro Burns , Cutu , U earn , tia.lt llhmitn , Paver Soros. Cancers , I'lloi Oliillblalns , Cornn. Tcttor , Chapped h.indi nud nil Bid n eruption , gnrantood to euro 1 Bvory inutanco , or money refunded. 25 cent per box. box.ENTERTAINMENT ENTERTAINMENT , To bo Given 1 > y the Snrato n Iiitcrnr nnd Dclintlng Society Saturday | . On Saturday evening , February 2nd the Saratoga Literary and Debating sc. cioty will give an entertainment of very enjoyable nature. It will bo give in the Saratoga school house , aijd th programme will bo as followu : ' I'KOUIUMSIK. Quartotto. Mows. Lreckonrldgo , Wilklna , Deuol nnd Kbtcrbrook. Reading King iTobn , Act , 1 , Sccnolnl Misa Ingorsoll. Sonjf mid Chorus Mr. Shields and Double Quartotto. Zither "Bell Waltz. .Tullus T. Fostner. Duott "Soo the Palo Moon.- . .Compan ! Misses Itoeder. Quartette. Mwwre , lirockonrldgo , Wilkins , ] 3eucl nnd Iluterlirook. lloadlnf ? "Tom's LUtlo Star. Sotig nnd Chorus. Kir. Shields and Double Quartotto. Xylophone Solo "Mocking IJIrd. Mr. Julius T. Fostnor. Air. locl { Franco , Quartette Moa rn. lirockcnridgo Wilkins , Dcuol and Katorbrook. Itoadlng ; "How Wo Hunted n lloiue.1 niMU" InB8Woll. and i ni Sontf Chorus Sir. Ooo , Shlclda nnd Saratoga Quartotto. F. Loaaontoln , uccompanlmont. F. M. Bailey , F. S. Ivanhoo and Mrs ir. IT. Moany are the committed ii charge of the affair. Admission 25 cents. AN ANSWKIl IVANTEO. Can any ono brliiff us a case of Kldnoy o Llvor Complaint that Kloctrlo Blttora will no euro ! Wo nay they cnnuot , aa thousands o oases already pcrmnnlly cured nnd who nr dally rooomondlnc Kloclrlo bitten , U prove Bright'H DlBoaso , Uiabotla , Weak Back , or an urlnnry complaint quickly cured. Every bottle tlo guaranteed. Fur lo ut COu. a botllo by 0. Y. Coodraai BUEOLAEY , A IIouso on South Twonty-Vourtl Night. Early Tuesday Mr , Miller'u house No 121 South Twonty.fourthBtrcot , wo entered by a poreon or poraonn and at overcoat , a lady'n cloak ami a diainom ring were taken. Tlio overcoat was of a light browi color ; the lady'a olonl was a light color ed 0110 , with n brown plush collar am pockotfJ. The riiiu was plain , nqiuui band with a ainsm diamond setting , Mr. Fuller oilers $ : ' . 5 reward for the return turn of the stolen property. Tuesday a man by the name of Wil Ham Lloyd wan arroated for being a BUS- piciuuti character , and yesterday morn ma wpa released by Judge Benoko or premise to clear the city by 1 o'clocl yesterday afternoon. Shortly after his release , Mra. Millo ; ijavo a description of the tuna who wai aooii hanging around her house Tuosda ] cttcrnoon , nnd from her description i was thought that Lloyd mlijht bo tin iimn , and he was ro-arrosted und lodgcc ih jail. Lloyd waa arrested in Couucil Rluili Tor being implicated in the robbery n Crescent City u few days since , but aa m evidence could bo found against him lu was discharged. Ilo is familiarly kuowi by hi pals us "Cotnancho Bill. " Mr * . Miller has not been to the jail t ( identify him as the man who was HCCI around her place yesterday. WAI ON"FENOES , Mult to 1)0 Uf im AnninHt on the 1'iiljllc Doinuln. Inatruolions have been received fron Wa hiu tou by United Status Districl Ittorney Lamborlfon to begin suit ayttinH parties who have fenced in per tioia of thu domain ( or eattlo ranches 01 other purposes. The caltlo men of th west , particularly in Wyoming , have begun gun to oncloao vast tracts of public lan < with wire fences for cattle ranches , nni the government proposes to put a stoj to it. The suit that is to bo institute ) in a few days will bo against the Brightoi ranch company , located about thirtyfivi miles from Laramie , Wyoming. Thl company has enclosed 012,000 acres o the public land. The suit will probn bly bo n test case , and the eattlo men o the west .will look for the result with con sidcrablo interest. THEY AEE AFTER HIM On n Clcnr Trail , nnil Cnnnot llcl ] IMit Catch On , About one month ago a young mat named G W. Siobonstcin , who was engaged gaged by Mr. P. A. Gavin , book am stationery dealer of this city , to take thread road for him as traveling agent , it seem firRt took in the town of Fremont am canvassed by sample. Tlio price of th books were $0 each , and § 1 was to b paid down upon first delivery of th same , and $1 per month afterward unti full payment had boon made. In Fremont mont ho received quite a number o orders , and among thorn one from Mr J. F.G ablerwho is now in Omaha. Afto the delivery of first book ho won about , and re-collected those of his doliv cry upon the required supposition thath needed them , as his samples were short Mr. J. F. Gabler paid him in full fo his subscription to the work , and refund cd to him the book when asked for i upon the reasons above stated , supposinj all would bo right. Mr. ( Jnblcr , in addition to his sub soription fee , is also out on thin motion "Canada Bill" two first-class passages b Fremont , inasmuch as the young "cuss1 was busted. The book which Mr. Gab lor bought and paid for was intondud fo a lady Iriond of hia at Fremont foraNoi Year a gift , and Mr. Gablor foela quit sore that ho was so much disappointed and in defense of himself had t purchase another gift at rpnowo < expense of coursu Mr. Gablor neve mentioned this , inasmuch as ho is an 02 tromoly modest young gentleman , unt Mr. Gavin secured the services of oflicon and then Mr. Gavin promptly rofundo to Mr. Gablor the book which ho had lot by th * treachery of his traveling agent. Ho loft 'Fremont with all the boo ! and money secured. Ho is indebted to Mr. Gavin , his en ployor , about § 100 ; to Mr. Brooks , hot < keeper nt Fremont , § 25 or more ; a lioti keeper at Blair , § 20 or moro. And , upon inquiry , since learning th above facts from a friend of ours , thpi are numerous smaller accounts abov town yet unpaid. If canght ho will probably join tli gang of the two "quack" doctors. A. I'roHpcrous Wfo Insurance Con pany. The statement of the Mutual LJfo Insu nnco company , of Now York , shows assets i 8101.148.iM8.25 nt the close of the year 188 : and during the year has paid 813' 39,3r 0.1i to polioy-holdcrfl. If the Now York stam ard of 4 J per cent , bo used , the surplus I over 812,000,000. The company lias hlthort restricted itn buslncs.1 to tha healthy portioc of the United States the north nnd woi chlolly and propoacN to ndhoro to a pollc which IIOH wrought results so BaUsfoctory. MAUH1KIJ. KKLLEIl-HOLCOM-At the First ii H. church , In this city , Wednesday , .Tammr ao , by the pastor , Nov. 0. W. Savtdgo , Mi Klllott Keller , of Couucil Bluifa , to Mia Adol Holconi , of St. 1'aul , Minn. Mr. Keller , tha groom , Is the gentleman ) ; nnd affable director ut the Union depot li Council Bluffs , while the brldo is a most eatl mablo young lady. Immediately after the ! maniago they took the afternoon train fo Chicago , whence they were followed by th Rood winhou of n host of friends , allot whou hope to BCB them speedily returned. COX-DOW-Iu this city , by the Uov. C W. HuTldpto , on \ \ odnoaday , January SO , n the residence of Itoberb Dow , on Arbor hll ! Mr. Millard Cor and Miss Cora L. Dow , MORSE'S GREAT. SALE. Our sale announced last Sunday wil only continue to-day , Wednesday , Janaary 30th , Thursday , January JJlst , When our store will bo clcwod at 4 p. m for stock taking , ro-oponing next Satut day morning , at 7:30 : a. m. As before stated this sale ia fur th purpose of closing out at any price , tin broken pieces , packages and ends of on enormous stock ; tlio benefits accruing ti us from this sale must bo apparent ti everyone ; saving us incalculable labor ii measuring and counting as wo nnticipati from the magnitude of our sales Monda' and Tuesday , ( reaching far into the thoii sands of dollars ) that will have closet uvory end by the allotted time for closi of the ealo. Thursday , at 4 o'clock. MORSE'S ' GREAT SALE. To-day wo call particular attontioi to our wash dross goods department where wo will offer the outiro balance o a heavy apron chock and 1IUK.HS ( lINtmAMH AT 4 CTH , YD. Only about 2,000 yds. at this price ; als < a largo lot of ever forty styles fast color BLAOK SILKS. Aa in well known our silk department and stock is the largest in the west ; w ( have accumulated dozens of short endi and uattorns that wo do not wish to cul and will sell them in length as they arc of from : i to 111 yds , nearly all 24-incl : ilks at $1.00 , § 1.25 , § 1,50 ; worth re speotivoly § 1.75 , § 2.00 , § 2.50 to § 2.751 yard. LIGHT AND DARK PEUOALES , 50 , Worth 10o > 12ioouiy ; about 1,500yds al this pticu.EMBROIDERIES. EMBROIDERIES. 1,200 HUM.VANTH KMIIUOIIIKltV.lO CTOYAHD Worth 20o to 25o. " 800 YDS 0-TNOH WIDE EMBROID ERY , 20 TO ! )0 ) OTS. Worth BOo to 75o. COO nn/KX : FINK I'UINTEII UNKHHDKO , lOc Worth 25o to 5o. Theto and similar reductions extent to orory department [ in our house ; we never anticipate such a salt ) again. fC3'TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT TO DAY. B. P. MOUSE it CO. O _ _ _ _ _ _ Bargain * at Win. Gontloman'n cracker ] store , lUth etroet. Give him a call. Colorado , Rich Hill , Walnut Black Iowa and Boulder aoft coala , and tht best quality of hard coal for sale by Jut : W. Bedford. j22-ti Ono car load of show-cast * , ovsl unt mansard all Uca just received at Good ' | r ujg.tf FACTS FROM FREMONT. Education , Enterprise and Law in th Ascendant. Tlio O. A , It. Executive Kuuiunpinon The Soiled DOVCH Fly Away A Now Knllrontl nnd Oilier Matters. Correspondence of the ItKR. FiiEMoxr , January ! ! 0. Our beautifu city is thronged with Grand Army boys who are hero as delegates from the vari ons posts in the state , attending the executive utivo encampment. Most of the post are represented by their full delegation of select roprosontatiuos. Over 300 dele gates responded to roll call , and the re port of Department Commander J. 0 Bonnell showed the Nebraska depart niont in a most prosperous condition Now posts are being organized in al parts of the state , and old posts are con stantly receiving now members. In th < past year over sixty now posts wore organized ganizod and over 2,000 now member were added to the roll of Nebraska' ; Grand Army boys. The couucil or encampment campmont will clone its work to-day The principal work and strife appears t < bo in selecting officers and the place fo the reunion. Fremont so far appear the destined place. THE H01LEI ) DOVES OO. For Bom time The Tribune of this cit ; lias boon making vigorous war on th sporting houses of our city. It's wort lias had tlio desired efl'cct , as ycstorda ; several of the madams were otlioially ca corted to police headquarters and re quired to put up a fine of $5 each am costs , and advised by his honor to prepare pare to depart from our city at once Our city fathers , in council last night authorized chief of polica to see that al houses rented to such women should b vacated within twenty-four hours , or th extrcmcnt penalty of our law would b administered on the owners of such prop erty. Our citizens say amen to sue ! vigorous work to purify the _ moral inllu onccs of our city. EDUCATION AND KNTISKPKISB. The Fremont normal school and bus nosa college is an assured cstablishuionl The $12,000 donation and site are si cured , and the buildings will bo orocto as noon as possible. This qivcn Frcmor another attraction , and is destined to 1 : one of our many permanent and prospoi ous institutions. NEW RAILROADS. The Salina , Lincoln , Fremont & D < catur railroad is now reported a certaii ty. The parties who wont cnsttoarranf : for raising moans to construot tlio roat have returned and rcportthat ovorythin is arranged , and that the road will I : completed to this point inside of a yea : The B. & M. is the road most wante to como hero. Our citizens would giv that road the greatest encouragement an assistance. We all expect the B. & & to como to us from Ashland , and tlu 80011. The U. P. has just completed a fir ; passenger depot , and now gives our cit first-clans conveniences for traffic an travel at this point. CHICAGO DRY GOODS STORE , 109 and 111 S.15th street,0maha , Nebraska , OUAXGK OK $25,000 in Dry Goods to bo closed on at actual coat , as our stock for our noi mitorprisu is uow on the way , the dr goods stock must bo closed at onco. A goods marked in plain figuww. Come and BOO Ud , unit be convinced I r.'nclc Silks at cost , Colored Silks at coal Plushes at cost , Volvota at cost , Dresa Goods at cost , Flannels at cost , Table Linens at cost , Lacoi at cost , Underwear at coat , Hosiery at coat Blanket ) tit coat , Notions at cost , Quilta at cost. This ta no advertising dodijo. W moan business. This will bo the greatos cost sale ever made in Omaha. GEO. P. BROWN , 109 nnd 111 S. Ifith Street. A Card. It has como to our knowledge that two 'also and scurrilous circulars above the respectivu captions of "A Few Facts" and "A Polioyholder , " have boon widely circulated in this stuto derogatory to thu ntorpats of the Nebraska and Jowa Insurance - suranco company. To those who may not bo familiar with , ho war waged on this company by iUi eastern rivals , owing to the just , liberal ind independent principles which govern ita business , wo will hero state that the jirculurs referred to are false and un funded in every particular , and cilcu- iitod to grossly mislead the public as to .ho true character of the company , and rained by slanderous falsifiers who would not dare to attach their real names to documents of such a false and libelous character. j. y , JIAUT | Hoe. and Gen , Man. A OA1U > 0 ? THANKS. In justice to * ur homo company , the Nobruska and Iowa Insurance Co , , ol ihuaha , I make the following statement : I < torn a tire which originated in my place of business on the 2&1 hist. , I sustained a serious loss on uiy ate < k , after which I callon at thu company's olliee to report flame , and was referred to Mr. Goodwin , : he usutaut secretary , who immediately left his desk atid accompanied ma to a > y pW of busineej , where ho made a just and liberal estimate of the property destroyed , invited mo back to the company's ollicoand paid mo $220.53 , the full amount of my loss , under thoii policy , which has convinced mo that the Nebraska and Iowa Insurance company gives insurance that insures. TIIEO. OI.SKX , Formerly Winthorlich & Olson , llc&l Kstnto Trnnslors. The following deeds were tiled foi record in the county clerk's ofuco Janu ory J50 , reported for THE BBE by Amos' ' real estate agency : Bamoy Hainan and wife to Satnuol K. Spaulding , w d , pt sw corner lot 3 in Horback'n first add to Omaha , § 500. Geoigo II. Boggs and wife and Low W. Hill to John Hoinowski , w d , lot 1 block 4 , in Arbor place , § 250. Henry A. Kostors and wife to Joseph W. Paddock , q c , so ] of so ] of sec. 28 , 1C , 12 , o , containing 40 acres , $1. Gunnard A. Lindquist and wife tfi Walter Walaco , W d , n. } lot IB , block 8 in Ivnuntzo and Ituth's add to Omaha , § 1,250. Sarah Foster to Charles Powell , q c , lot 4 , block 130 in Florence. $90. No moro concluntve proof of the absolute fairness of the Monthly Drnwlngi of The Louisiana State Lottery Company , can be elvon than the following cortltic.ito signed by Generals lieauroxard and Karly : "Wo da hereby certify that wo tuiporvho the nrrango < monta for all the Monthly nnd Soml-Annual Drawings of Tha Louls'mntx State Lottery Company , and In pernon manage and control thn Drawing * thmuRolvps. nnd thnt the same urn romlur.tod with honostv. fairness , and In peed faith toward all | mrtlcs. nnd wo author l e the Company to wo thin cortiHrnto.vltli fac-ximilca of our Hljuaturon nttachnd , in itt advertisement' ' ' . " Baptist Sociable. The ladies of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union will give a basket sociable this evening in the Y. M. C. A. room. All are cordially invited. Ad mission froo. The following is the pro- gramme : Instrumental unto. Song By the Colored Glee Club. Heading. Instrumental duett by the Colored ( < le ( Club. Wo have taken stock nnd arc ncv ready to oiler nomp special bargains. Or 'Wednesday morning wo place on. oui silk counter. All of our colored slika short lengths ) that wo sold'at ' § 1.25 , § 1.35 and Sl.50.Npw All of our colored satins sold $1.25 , $1.GO. Not rem nants. ForJ All of our colored surahs " sold § 1.00 , § 1.25and $1.50 \ > Now for J _ yarc A lot of brocades in colors sold § 1.35 and § 1.50. Now yart Ono lot of Colored Velvets 75c good colors hold at § 1,50 and 31.75. yard A lot of Black Silk Jicmnants 75c sold at Sl.i',5 , § 1.50 , § 1.75 , § 2.00 , § 2.25. yard A lot of Black Silks. Wet JRcm7K , , nanta , sold at ! )5c , § 1.00 , ] J& § 1.25 , § 1.35 , § 1.50. All at J yard A lot of Evening Shadosin Silks "j "TK and Satins in plain and brov I Ot. cade.Bold from § 1.25 to § 1.75 J yard Our stock of these goods are very lira itod and will be closed out in ono day. First como first choice. Slaughter of prices A.T > . B. I'ALL'ONEK'.S. EMBROIDERIES , EMBROIDERIES A lot of Embroideries left over from last season , slightly soiled , otherwise per fect. Think of the prices , 2ic , 5o and lOc. They are actually worth four times the price. price.DOMESTICS DOMESTICS , DOMESTICS. 2 cases Bleached Mualin , 4&c , worth Cic. 2 coses Unbleached Muslin , 4ic , good value at Cic. 3 cases Bleached Muslin , Gc , formerlj sold at Tie. 1 case "Cheviot Checks , 81c , sold oil ovtir at lOc. 2,000 yds. Cheviot Checks , lOc , alwayi sold at ISic. 5,000yds. Standard Gingham , 43c."V 2,000 yds. I'rints at Ic. ! None of the above nro remnant * and all perfect goods. Wo do not misrepre sent our goods. N. B. FALCONER , late A. Cnuckshunk & Co , Special for Thursday morning : 350 yards Brocade Plush in Cardinal Navy Blue , Wine , Bronze , worth § 1.75 a yard , will bo closed out for 75o. Ono piece Black Ottoman worth § 1.35 , 75o , 5,000 yards Unbleached Cotton Flan nel at 5o a yard , worth 81c. 5,000 yards Bleached Cotton Flannel at 7Jc a yard , worth lOc. N. B. FALCONER , Late A. Oruickshank & Co. The dissolution sale of O'Donahoo & Downey terminates Thursday at ! o'clock p. m. The store will close at that time for the completion of the inventory. All parties wishing to take advantage of the bargains they are olloring will do well to cell bsforo the above tune. O'Dohahoo it Downey , ICth Btreut , next door to the post-oflico. POWDER AbsolMteSy Pure. Tbh fowotr uot-r i ciii , A mirvcl o ! puilt tmaeh cU whpUsoa.cooMi. Moro eoocctoJul tht th * odl r > ' Uud , and ctnuot be sold la comptltli viltli Uito > uUli ) < iii > tltH v .t , iboit velyLt , alum n phu rtiau | > i i ! r .fr < ild ontylnrtur. liqyal U V OR 'r aer ( M.tCfl WitlBJtwtJitw Ypii. CASTORIA Infants and Children Wlthont Mornhlno OP Tfnrootino , What frlros our Children rosr cheeks , fcwliat cures their fevers , mnkcs them nlrep ; ? 'Tin < ! nMorin , When Bftble * fret , nnd cnr by turns , > Vhat cures their colic , kills their womn , f lint Cnstorln. Wliat nulcklr ciirns Constipation , Sour Btomacn , Oolds , Indigestion : ! Itnt C'imtorltt. Fftrcwcll then to Morphine Bjrrups , Ctxstor OU and raregorlc , and HnllCimlnrlfu 1 * Centaur Liniment. Annt * uolnto euro for Rhonxantiam , Sprains , Barns , Galls , &o. , and tai tnntantanoons Pnln-rollovor. SPECIAL NOTICES. wrSpeclalB'wlll Posltlvolynot bo Inserted anless paid in advance , TO LOMf-Monev. TO LOAN The low oat raUa of lutoros MONEY ' Loin Agoucy , 16th & Dougfrj S3-1-U TITONEY 1O IXAN Insuoii of 1300. piwr iVl O. F. Da\is and Co. , Heal Entifto and Los : Agenta , 1B05 FarunmSt. r 393-tf HEtl7&NT151) . ANVL'U-mmciailyatlie Metropolitan he tcl , an experienced puller. None other nee * apply. M2-30 ' . Oooil ( tlrl 'or Rcnoral housework. Wt WANTl'.D JUT w etik , ISia CASS struct 143-31 } A ( 'Irl for Kuncral housu ork. Appl nt 2003 Citllfunln Ht. ItQ-tll TTfANTED Two girls , cook an J sscon pirl. Ooo V ? waK julil to competent help. Apply bet. and 12 a. m.S. K. coiner iOth m.d California 8U. \\j ANTKO-ARlrl for general house work at 13) ) VY 1'ark avenue , on St. Jlarj'jute. cir line , llei wages paid. MM Willard Scott. 121-30 W ANTED Olrl for general housework K.V. . coi 18th ami Farnam. 131-tf WWANTHD Agenti ! to sill clock ? , | ioturen an WANTHD on weekly pmucnts. il. F. Marti 1914 CUrk St. , near corntrJOth. . - - tlrat-cUss Carriage RlacksnUH Addroba Lock Itox 176 , Creston , louo. 972 tf TlTANTKllRlx first class coatinakcHi three HP V T class pant makers ; tw o Hrst-class > ust uukcr The highest prices n-id steadr work Address . callon F. Franin. ilurclinntTnllpr. I Mars. Iowa. U7131 - all kinds in tned < employment , to call at our odlcj , opioslto pos olllco , bet * een 4.IOiuiln : p. m. CANNON , JONE3 S CO , Frcnzer Mock. OiO-lin TX7ANTED ImmedLitely two No. 1 llarnci V > Mafers. ' D. A. HOPKINS , 921-61 North Bend , Neb. WANTED A German ilinlng room kitchen glr Uesee and Hoppo , 418 B. 13th tit , betwee llarncy and If ow ard. 055 tf SITUATIONS T7ANTEU. WANTED B > n young man , slttiationas asantii Dock-keeper , clerk in olllcu nr store. Addrei F. 3. O. Lock ilex 1301 , Council DUifl" , low a. 140-3C WAN1ED A ( ilcaiaut furnUhed room , with < near day board , t > uitubla fur pcmlcnaan nn wlfo. 1'romptroy , nocblldten. Flrit clasi refcret ecu can be gitun. A < MIUM A.V. . 11. thin nlHrf. 141-31. TXT ANTED A lady of uvpcrlenca would like HOV VV ln by the day or WC-CK , III families. Call or a dress No. 1103 South Oth street. 138 11 W ANTUD Situation by n Kermin chtmUt an I'harnmcsiFt. AOdrits "W. T. " Bee ofllcu. UO-'Mj WANTUO Position for light ottlce wo-1 : or cop ) ni | { by aladv who han a tjpe-writer , < > f lit own. Address , "X. " Bee oltifo. 11B-2I WANTED a thoroughly ojmpetwt a tl e'x t > erienced buslneo tnan , a situation aa booh keeper"or salesmanand book-kc-cpci. First class rel erencca. Address "U D. " Bee cltipe. 078-3111 TX7ANlF.D-SHu tlons for flint clasj ilomtatica T T Call at our ofllcc from 4-3Jto 9p.m. Saturday 1 to 0 p. m. CANNOtf , JONES & CO. , Opp. 1 > . O. 947-lm TX'ANTKl ) lly a uuu of expsrtenoc , a altuatio. . TI aa overseer if stock or ( iraln farm Ilaa fam lly and can furuUh throe handx ( ! ) . lleferei.ce ! Nebraska preferred. Address .1. M. l > . JlHt otUc < Council Illun * . 100-31/ TJIUNTKn WANTKD-I want a good eU-udy prir JL tor. It. F. HILTON , Bla'r Neb. 133-3U. IXT'ANTED Work of mme hind b > a roung ina TT of soratbuflnssn experience. I not inrtiei larwhat. Addicsa 'VV * . I' . F."Bco ullitc. 1-J3313 For a customer , stow room rn WAN1ED naraSt. BF.LL& SHK1VKU. i 'j.s ' WANTED To buy a ( food E ; cond h nd Baf > State prlcu and make. ( J. O. William * Aurot Nob. lM-31 WANTED A few persuim vu .ustruct in bool Keeping , a there li a demand for competcn book keepers I will learn n fair , and wait for l.alf c pay until situations uru lurLUhed J [ i. HMITH , 1510 IXiugLis b < AIIM PKOIT.KTV WANTCD We will cxchang a brick etora bulldini ; and a etock < f timcie morcuandlw voluixl at loOX ) . situated in ou of the beat ton us In 8. W. Iowa , for Ii w-a or Kebros kalande. Trade viull i-etabllihed. Addrtws "H. II,1 care BCD ortlcx. ( Mi-SO ' - furnlahcdorunfurnlihed room Sl'KOIAtj-Wercnt prucuro h arden an > l fuinloh Hntt-dim domca tics. Office hcrnm , < .SO to 0 ] i. in. Sattmla' s l to ! [ > .m. CANNON , JONES a ; CO. JFretucr Block. 048-lra _ _ \\7ANTKD-rartin wishing boarders and those T T B urch of board In prltato houns , with or v.ith jut room , to < all nt our olllce from 4.80 to 0 p. nt CANNON , JONES & CO. , Omx.iite Boatodlcc. 915-lm Oil YOUNGI JIKN in aty ur country u LADIKS , light and pleasant work at their owi lomcei ito * , ' ] . aday tully and quietly madenoil ; lent by null , no cantiv iurno ; utaiup far reply I'leaaoadiirenn Kellablo Manl'g Co. , Philadelphia I'a IrawerTT. 7t3-lmo | POB BBST Houge _ ana Lots. HKNT Two untiunlshed rooms , suitable f ( i 1 houwI.eepiiiB , B1.M North llth utroct , betweti [ ; tilci(0 und Cu s. H7-U llENT-i'inuUhod rooms at 1619 Faniura. FOR 957-61 _ * HVNT A choetiui ro ni with gai , firs am IrCH 1 to a utlemaD 222 8. 16th and ITIOil BKNT McUy furuUhed fri-ut rooms 105 N I ? Idjhttrcot. _ Wioil IlKNT-TuniSshed room J021 Cni-Uvl ave. ITlOlt . ' 4t _ _ | _ irMU 1U.NI FuriiUliuluomiiMUh board , > Lu > i JL1 few day boarders , IHlt Ua/enjwrt. 3241 UENT-House acd futnllUte for le , bar gain , will U ) offered In the f unlturo If applied or oonii. Ilouia ront&ln * 7 ruoux , hall und cloteU , tut $35 , Apply N.V. . cor in r 9th and Hanicy. _ . _ mat 11KNT Farm * t about See sent within 4 FOll * of New Stock } rd uullO m'.Ks from Oma- i , Ol acica under cultivation , balancu In irrast land , lies roni V to Si tens of bmt blue.Jaliit biylc ' .e cro. Will root rtiu > onabU. luiiulre ' cr fcddien ' ' offloc. IQOtf 'B. T.'tthU _ _ > n5 n/m 6C5 N. 18U r _ 701-11 HUNT Two n w brick cottvgcu of il\e roonu PUlt , all moilcru improvement , cor. 8th and llckoryttreft. _ lff.1 _ " F"UKNIbllKU ntoui beatud tit N. 19th. P78 tt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ QlUtiST-Abawirtutol tliit-j rot ma. AK ! ) a parlor , at 1813 Uod e tre t , 0 > H 59 llr.sr l o houw * uth cf U. I1 , dm ot , _ 4. I'HHTd HOB. 1518. ItKSr rurnlj ml roumlor Uo.wdbt. KENT S rrom homo on Webster wtgt ot rOU St. 3 , T. I'cteucn , ml e tt fgont , 15th and Douglas. sa3-M RRNT- Comfortable front room , oouth-KM FOR Fourteenth and Durenport , inlUbla for OK HltNT Furnlsliml rooms on tha northwei cor. ISthMidCapltolaTfiiuo , formerly Crelxhloa Honso. tsg-tl _ _ _ _ 170R HKNT Hoonw lu Nehrtgla Nstlon * Bank J ? Bulldlne. Most dctlralle ofticts In tha dtr Supplied ltn hx-draullo elcator anil heated b Applv at lUnk. _ nin.il FOB SALE. SALII Three show oa oi . 10 foot lonit. In- FOll of liDIlOI , ! ! & K'UCKOON , 117-0 _ TTUHtHALR IIoiKe 4 or B rooms , full lot , liatn.&r. , lj lth Ktreot , l ! t ccn Dorcas nnd C'cntiT. If sold nt enc , 11.000 * IH Jiuy It Cheap I IUKKKK& JIAYNKN. K. cor. 13thand Karnain , 145-tt Valet \ \ on llth trcct , m-ir Centre , FOllfALE fruit et out. t'hiap. HAHKRll A MAV.Ni : , N. K cor. 13lh and Faniaui. UOtl 011 SALK , tJHEAl1 FOll OASII Good Kecond I 1 hMid open tiu KV. 100S Houth Avenuo. 130-1 } HALIl Flret cl ss corner lot 61x132. llotlsi IrtOll ' rooms , Imrn fruit mil rhado tri-os. Very de * nimbi flotation , near street Cil * . Offered $ MX > . tnv. low \aluo. 1'rice $1,700. J. XV.LOl'NHUUHY , IMh and Famitm. 135-tf Farm 100 acres adjoining Columbut fiat under cultivation , J5hay la'il , ml , ) only $56. p r ncru , also town " and Or ami la nnd. Special bar- ) iroportr. O U DOANK&CO. , il 1K > UI | > M Kt ? . 117-1 1 < > H anil now hou e In . ' addition , or o block north of IhlockiittCftof Path me. Ai > . [ ? p cml r * . 11S-4I e leading hiinlnefs In mm of tt > nif nnd tro iim towns In thu "Elk * " anon for sdling 111 hi nttli of ona nf A ratu rlmno" , no l > oniw aakid. ViTSiBUKMKllS , Kwlnp IIoU Co , NVb. 110.31 SAT.V.-Vcry dc.lr lilo luU In Colutrn'a Sub' FOIt nnd HoworH place on monthly pajmrnti no city tax. BKLL J : SHHIVKK. 127-3 SAIiK Horcu buptfy and harn < ? . Kor } xa- FOll iciu'ru ' at Hutmn'n U\ory titatilo. 1T > 011 SALK CIIKAl'-A lot cf fresh milk cows at JP iCthand California St. rUKKMAN&l'KXNY. U9-31I _ SALK OH rHAli-A : Rood span of niultK , FOll harness and w agon. Inquire Alex O. Charittw , at MiCaiiia Bros. DSO-tf SALK Special lUrsro'ns lu llnnfi and I.on FOll ' pattsof thocitr tnd its nddltlcmI'.Ol. . - LINS' AGKNOY. lf.OO Farnam tni.t. OU-H poll 8 VI. K At . 1 amain , elegant rusidence let I 1 tuurllanacuml'a'k. UOELINS * AOENOY , 310-tf _ ISOOFarnain Street. SALC CHlIAl' Special barRain. Ilcnuttful corntr lot , hie-h and sightly , In LoW * addition. UOli.lNS'AOKNOY , Ifif li Kan am Strett. HALi ; Two hou ai on Capitol A\o. , corne ) 3T10K o liousw on ( 'ass Street , oornrr aio-so liinuvfii & HULL. SALE-Colorailo conl. ThU coal la as free from FOll , and as clean as llock Hprintr. 031-tf JKPK. W. BKDVOWD. MALIult IlKM farm 3 mllca front citpi Inuii * of Mm JIo > cr , o\tr Kotdcr'a Druijetoni 10th nnd Webuler. S73-tf " 171011 SALE Stock of Keni-ral merchandiw ) and 1 } building , \lucdat about ? 5f.OD. Address Box 61 , Firth , Jfob. 701 tt. SALE T o iiortabla bollei-H , 10 horfo ( Hiwvjr FOK vat 1) . Frm'ATUICK , 6Cg-tf ' 21K South KithSt SALK A. small Mooler , Btfiman &Co. , Ora proof aft , almort.ncw , nt thU oHica. U F"OUSALK lly two atory brick residence , iota nnd St. Mary's avenue. Largo burn , out-houee , water worxa , well arranged. Lot COxCOO. IMi 87.BOO. Best Bargain In Oumha. Call at M. Toft' * People's Dink. 877.t TJAOKrtALl- lota one ItloCK west ut 1'aru ate- X1 nuo cars. LotsSCxlCO. Will sclltlie whole trart for 57,100 , If sold before January 1st , 1SS4. Beal ei- tate ontiora bid thU bargain , if jou call at People * Bank. 873-tf Ti Oll SAL15 Choice business projwrty , three lots _ T cnr. daundera and Charlen Strmt. It will pay ycu to Invcatlato thh oner. Call at 1'eoplo'a Bauk. S7fl-tl 'OU SALE Improvwl property , which will py the buyer 0 per cent on the ineatment. . Keiitu forlD20 pur sear. All occupied by fltat cl s.i ten ants. Will sell f or $10,500 , If Bold aoou. All or one- half cath , balance , one to fl\o yeara. The above In- \cstment ii ) worth Inrcatlgatloii. Call at the IVople't - - - - Bank. pOLLBD C\TTLE ANU CLYDESDALE HORSES. JL T > e Bub cribcr is taking order.i for spring 1m. piirtatlon of thoabo > e. Prices much below thoseat auction sales. References to those supplied. John KcCuIloch , 111. Tnutand Sav. Uank , Chicago. 203 Zmt FOIt BALK A Cret clan second hand top bninr/ Call at 1319 naraev street 87tf FOll .lALC Uln nowi .pore in largo and eou.ll quantities at thla o ! Ice. MISCELLANEOUS. /-1UTT1US OUT AND I'KESF.KVK-To trade , wild \J land for Merchandise of uny kind , cr town prop erty. Addrt-K ) CLARK & HODHAlU ) , Ida Cisme , Iowa , 1136 ; before 1 March , ono or two fur- . ulshcil or unlurii.HhtJ.rooni v.ltli beard for ell anilwlfe , romfortable , homelike. Accommodation * In prirate fonilvpreferrcd. Addrttw soon vlvlnir pir- tlcnlars , ' 'Wellington , " o iu B. i 11. 11. U. Co. Would like aho st r Keora rutll lot i f furDituru 121-ilU IJEIlb.N'OAL-Anaccompllsho't wMovr of prvpos- 1 Bmliif ; appuiiitnocand amlal > ' disposition , do- MresanltuationasKovernfHS. AneldeilyKentleman of means not ot Jcctionable ; icttronocs gl\en and re quired. Addles * Mrs. lliubanK , Beootlicu. H.3-SO ) { Soft HEU'AIID. Will tfUu above rfurd for th fHZ J. return of t ohorteststrn > ed on Jan 10th. Ono bay mull Bi7x > , ami ono Eorrd tall and slender. ! (5J-tf ( ' MOUNT i Glut FIN , OiuahaNob. rtiAtvKN UP-On my premuoa on Dec. IS , 1883 , lu .LwejC Omaha , one Cream Colored Tony , Soial fthita p t ID lorelieadmau and tail a llttli ) darker than the bed } . JA.S. K V.VNUKttCOOK. nrVLCUA COMPANY book-keeperandaccouDtantH JL KxanUne und adjust dls-arraiigcd books In a sv * tematio and accurate iiianner.gliljik' correct balances , w 111 eajieclaliy attend to jx ) ti ( ( up bsolts t-ach riav where the borvieej of a hook-kef | r are required but a foivhoura , making out Involcfs , Htatemefit * : , nnd anyoorrcBiiondence confidentially , also inako ci > IIto- tionK. OJUc at P. Buyer and Co. , 1WO Karram a . EDWARD EUEHL. UAOIBTKR OV PALMY8TERT AND CONDITION. ALIST , 803 Tenth street , between Farnun and Bar. n y , wUI , with the aid of guardian BplrlU. obtaining anon Blaaoooftb put and preteut , andtlw certain conditions ia the future. Boots and eboea ma .la order. Perfect satisfaction iruaranteed. NOTICE. The co-partnership heretofore exUtbi ; Mween H. lileeerand V. flensler hasthljday been dUoived by mutual consent. Mr. II. llleser wfll contlnuS tlw busbicus , c lltctallilues , and pay all debts. Omala , J an. K4 , USL. u. BIE3KH Jan. S3t ! v. OENSLKU. ALOXO TIIK LINE OF THKJ Chicago , Sti Paul , Minneapolis and OMAHA RAILWAY. Too now extension of ttila line from WaktaoU up BEAUTIFUL VALLEY of the LOGAN through Concojd nnd Colcridgo , neacbcsthebettiortlonof the State. Sp clo " cunlon ra ( s for l nd leektr * o > er thN IIM > jno , Norfolk and Hartlngtou , and l BUIr to M principal po'i.U ' on the SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Trains OUT tht C. , fct. I' . M , at 0 , Hallway to Cnv- nirt n. Sioux ilty , 1'ouca , Hartlngton } ne vail Oo2a.3a.oot . Forl'ji-mont , Oakdale , Nellh ( , andthrouzh u , cntlur. fiTFor rates ami all Information call on K II , WHITNEY. General AIMM ic' * Ilulldlip , Cjr. 10th nud tVrnq.ro . Hu , * ( ru.