Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1884, Page 7, Image 7

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Why you should try the celebrated Dr. II. TTaguei'i
methods of cure : <
1. "Dr. IL Wagner is a natural phyrir < M < C ! %
O. sJ.tfo < $ Xw
The Orcatcst IJflnK llrako. Ijozlsl
" > ew can exco you M a dortor.t AU wi
It InvltodW
The World's Oreitoat V.ranactloknl t ,
. "You are wonderfully proflcl i e ]
edge ol dtacaao and medicines. " < rj
. "Tha afflicted Ond r dy orall UiVpri'nT ,
enco. " " "west ratoajug
, , ; " ! > ' n. Wairner Is a rcRUlar AonUtct , ittc
JJellc > tie HosplUl , New York dtv ; has'y hx
Icnolro hospital practice , and la thorough * ! c 5n\Voi
all hmnchoa of hlj bclored clouco , cs , lr *
chronic dlaoascs. " dty | \
DRS. ItRowint.1 , & K4 IV
fl. "Dr. II. Wajrnor has Inimortallzeil hlnuolfJTI
hls ondcrfnldliioovcry ot roeclOo remedies lor prl
M to and sexual dUoosos. " VlrRlnla City Chronlclo.
7. "Thousanda ol luvallda flock to BOO him. " San
Fnnclnco Chronlclo.
8. "llio Doctor's long experience as a specialist
thould render hhn rcry eucccaitul. " llocky Moun-
Plain. Facts Plainly Spoken ,
At oao tlmo ft discussion of the secret vloo was en
tirely avoided by tha profession , and medical norka
but a ( cw years ago would hardly mention It ,
To-day the phjelciati Is ol n different opinion ; ho Ii
an are that it la hlj duty rllj rccablo though It
may bo to handle this mttter without glotosand
cpoak plainly about It ; and Intelligent parents and
guardians will think him for doing so.
Tlio results attending this destructive vloo wore or-
mcrly not understood , or not properly estimated ; and
no Importance bclnjf attached to a subject which by
Its nature docs not luvlto close Iu\cbtlgatloult was
nillingly lenorcd.
The liamt U generally contracted by the young
hilo attending school ; older companions through
their example , may hi responsible ( or It , or It may be
acquired through accident. The excitement once ex
perienced , the practice will be repeated a aln and
again , until at last the habit becomes Drra and com'
pletely enslaves the victim. Mental and ncrtoua at
motions are usually the primary results of nolf-abuse.
Among the Injurious effects may ho mentioned liftsl"
tnde , dejection or Irascibility of temper and general
debility. The hey ssclis seclusion , and rarely Joint
In tlio itporU of his companions. K ho bo n young
emissions and eruptions on the ( ace , etc. , are also
prominent symptoms.
I { tha practice b violently persisted In , more f ctlflll !
dwhirbancea talco place. Great palpitation of the
heart , or epileptic convulsions , are experienced , and
the sufTorer may fall Into a complete stale of idiooy be
fore , dually , death relieves him.
To all those engaged lu this dangerous , practice , 1
would say , Unit of all , stop It at once ; make over }
possible effort to do so ; but If you fail , If } our neryoui
tystem Is already too much shattered , and COnso-
micntly , your will-power broken , take Setae nerve
tonic to aid you lu your oftort , rta\lng freed yourself
from the habit , 1 would further counsel jou to go
through a. rcgnUr eourso of treatment , for it is a great
mlstakfl losupnos" that any ono may , ( or some tlmo ,
le t every BO iltt'c give himself up to this fascinating
but daugeroUD excitement without suffeilng from Ita
ovli consequences at some future time. The numoor
of young men who nro IncapaciuUxl to (111 the duties
t n joined by w&llocli Is alarmingly largo , and In most
of Buch cases this unfortunate condition of things can
bo traced to the practice of seU-abUBC , which had been
abandoned years ngo. Indeed , a few months' practice
o ( thU habit Is sufficient to Induce eponnatorrhcoai ]
later yearsand I have many ot such cases under treat
mental the present day.Ji |
Young Mea
Who may bo suffering ( rom the cdecti of youthful
lolllos or Indiscretions will do well to avail themselves
of this , the greatest boon ever laid at the altar ot euf-
erlni humanity. UK. WAOKXR will guaroutoo to ( or-
el t $ & 00 ( or every caao of seminal weakness or private
diseasa of any kind and character .which ho under
takes to oad ( alls to euro.
Middle Aged Men.
There era many at Iho aR6 of 30 to 80 who ore
troubled with too froquuit owicuatlous ot the blad
der , often accompanied by a slight smarting or hUTU-
Ing eensation , and a weakening of the system ml
manner tbo patient cannot account for. On examln-
lrg the urinary deposits a ropy sediment w UI often he
found , and sometimes small particles of albumen will
appear , or the color will bo of thin milklsh huu , again
changing to a dark and torpid appearance. There are
'many , many men who die of this difficulty .Ignorant ol
the cause , which Is the second stage ot wminal-noak-
noio. Dr. W. will guarnutc a perfect cure In all catot
tnd a healthy restoration ol the Kenito-urlnary or
Consultation free. Thorough examination and ad
11ce , $0.
All communion lions should bo addressed , Dr. llenr )
Henry Wagner , I" . O. 4339 , Denver , Colorado.
Tha Young Man's Pocket Companion , by Dr. H
Wagner , Is worth ltd weight hi gold to young men
Piico 31,25 , Sent by mail to any addreas.
One Who is Needed and Nobly Fills his
Denver Is more fortmuto than eho knon-3 In the
poison on of the talcn'u and encrci ( ! ot. n man whu
hasKiven hlatlmo and thought not merely to the
perfection of his uklll M a practitioner of hit pro-
( csslon o ( moiliclne , but to thj utudy ol those pro
found things of scicno and nature which tend to the
mora complete undurbtindln ; of the problem cf Ilfo
and of the law * of nature nnd the means of gaining
thu greatest practical goods to mankind from the In
formation thus otqulral in the aUtract. Such a
man b Dr. II. Wagner , who Is located at 343 Larimer
Btreet Dr. Wagner devoted m > ny ) ears to theao-
oanltlonodho knowledge neicebsary to hlH profei-
t Ion lu a number of the icadiiif medical hoola ol
the most uiulncnt and profound teacher * , sucn
namea ai In. Oruta and Dr. I'ancoast upiwariug
among hl preccp'xrs Nordl hlnmudles end here.
They contluuel in the Held of the practicing l.imily
phlsiclaii aod In the ciperlencei of a man 11 exten-
tlvo traxel. Ho hai vblted every section of the Unl-
Ud States imylngetudiouii attention to thu clffcrt-nt
clwracterlstlca of thnvarloui jortions olthe country ,
jtartlculirly with regard to their tttict , climatic and
otherwise uixiii multh and tlm ditfo cut ( ornw at dis
ease i. With thu combined power ) f close study , x
tenulteobienatiun and olmobt unlimited practice ,
Br Wagner c.nno to Denver three > cars ago equip
ped as few bare thu right to claim to battle the toe
< jf mankind , tbo dre > drd enemy , dUuoeu. In order to
render thogrvatostKOod to society , Dr. rtagner deci
ded to lay ftiliio thu general brinches of practice and
bring all has rpo kn iwledgo and peer to bear up.
on I ho foe which among tha army ol Ins'tlkjiis '
death a/cnta It tba ureatcst. lilt wide experience
had taught hlmwhat weapons to use and which to
discard , and alter equipping hirnscH at hll trained
judgment was to well abl to advise htm ho coir. '
meucvd boldly and conlldcntly his attack. In estl <
mating the results and BUOCIIW achieved , It Is only
rur i ! arv to knoivtlio doctor's position and standing
to-dai , While located in this city , 111 J practice Is by
no means confined to Us llmlti nor this section ol
country , lliiicorrcxpondvncaaml cipresi lioukH tes <
tify In black and white t' ' > hit iK > 3 e i on cf a Meld ol
pi&ctlce bounded only by the lines which bound the
eiigthandbieaathol the country , aod which h (
laced him where a man < > f hit skill and Intellectuil
attainments ileserves to bo , and ehoold to bo eibl
him to reach thu highest sphere ol usefulness to euf
fering humanity the plane ot finatjolal Indepen
dence. Dr. Wagner hisoontrlbutwl of his prosper ! '
ly to tba substantial Improvement of Denver In thi
ere tlon of a flno block on Larimer street , oppo Itt
his present offlo , No. 341. It will bo ready lor occu
nancy In n'ew wuek , and Ii an oldcnco that tin
doctor 11 to be nutnlwred among the permanent ftt-i
rolld ritlieni ol the loetroj.olU ol thu pUIni - ( l > on
DE , H. WAGNER & CO. ,
343 Larimer St. Address Boi 238D
Iodide of rolamtum Is one of th rtroncMt nf Ih
mineral * IMM ! In mallclno , and hM proJuoiM mud
tuflcrlnfr In the world. Taken for * long tlm n
In larRO doses , It tlrlM up th p trla Julfct , Impair
digestion , the stomach rcuhes food , and the pit Ion
dtcllnMIn health and weight , Person ! with lllotx
or Skin nisonscs nhould IHB carctnl heir they Ink
IhO'o mineral poisons , M In mo < t Instances the cffec
f > f theai l to MniMt prein ncntly Impair the coni > t !
tullon. Intake the phco ot thmo
you A atc , nure , prompt and | < rmanent relief from
jourtroublM. Swill's RpeclflnU entirely \tgcln
tils preparation , and It h i > v > y ta convince j ou of lt
1 ha\e C'tred permanently Bl od Tlnt In tlio thin
federation hr the line of Sniff * Rpcclflo * ftcr I h i
rncut signally IMIe lulth Mercury nd I'otMh.
I' . A. TooMHn , M. I ) . , Tarry , 0 .
A jotuiz man rcnuests mo totlmnk you for Muniro
of Illooil I'olnon by the uoo cf jour .Specific utter ft )
other treatment had fitted.
JIM JAOOIW , Drujrellt , Athonn , ( U.
Our tre.itl c on Klocxl and Skin nieeaset inMIci
frco to applicant ! .
Tilt : SWIFT RfKCIr'IO CO. ,
' Drawer 3 , AtUnU , 11 % .
( m KUKIC. )
"HUCTlto-vOLTAIO IIELT nnd oilier ULKcrnia
Jtj ArniAVCR.1 nro ent on Ul Pays' Trial TO
SIGN ONLY , YOUNG OU OLD. who arn suffer.
IHK from Nisnvora IMtnruTT. LOST VITAUTT ,
WIITNOVntKNnssKS , nnrt all thono dlMwci of a
. NATUiin. rrsultlnij from ABUSM nnd
OTHER CAVSIU. Speedy rrllef nnil romploto
restoration to IIIULTII , Viaon nntl JUsiioon
OmmANTKKD. Bend ct once for Illustrated
iMmphlrt f rep. Address
VOI/TAin J1KI.T CO. . Mnnbntl , BIlcli.
Uu 1 C. WEST'H Ncnvn AND DnAiw TnnAT.
niNT , n Runrnntecd rpoeilio for Hj&tprin , Dizzi.
ess , Convulsions , 1'its , Koroma NcilrnlRia ,
loadaolio , Norrnua Prostration rnusrd by tlio HBO
Enlcohol or tobacco , Wulci'fulticsa , Mental Do-
itoMion , Bottcning ot tlio lirniu roeultiiiff in in
anity nnd loading to misery , dcrny and tlroth ,
romiituro Old ARC , l.'nrroimce * . Ixics ot pov.-pr
n pithcr os , Involuiit.iry Jjossra ntiO Uijormut-
rrhcCA caused byovcr-oxortion of thobniin , eolf-
UISEO or nror-indnlBWioo. liich box containo
> nomontli'H troatrcrat. $1.01a box.or Rls ( joics
or$3.Vbontbymnil ) iiropuidou receipt of price.
'n cnro cny c i. With cnch cirtier rrcpivocl byus
or ( .is Dorps. urcoiniianiiHl with $ ' > J\\ \vo will
oiiil Itlio parrlmeiT unr written gupnintco to ro
und Uio inniipy it Uio trrntniont iloiu not effort
euro. ( iuu-nitoro
n V. OOOPifAN A ctn Ornnhik Noh.
remedy being Injected uiritotly to the seat
SCM'J , requires no change ol diet or imuecon ) ,
aertunul or pouonous medlciuca tobotakon Intern-
ly > VhEii isod M.I prevcntlvo hy cither BOX , It IB
tnpocatole to contract any private disease ; but In the
tea ol these already unfortunately tfniotcd wo euar-
ntee three boxes to euro , or wo will refund the
r.'tmy. Price by r.iall , iuwligo paid , $ -2 per box , or
tuco boxen ( or $6.
tacJ by til authori
0. F. Goxxlmin , DnijrglBt , { Solo Agent , ( or Omaha
i m&o wlv
\ \lcttm of carl/ imprudence , caunln nsrroua debll-
, lircinoturo decay , etc. , IUTIDC tried In vain evert
noun romfedy has discoT r d & aimpjo ino ni , of olf-
ure , which he will pend I'KKE to bio frllow-BulIenin.
Artdrnwt. J. U. KEW S. 43Rha iuun' > t _ New York
u e ol the term ' Shot
Lino" In connection with thi
corporate name of a groatroid ,
conveys an Idea of ust what
required by the traveling pub
lic a Short Line , Quick Tlmi
and tha best ( if accommodi
tlons all of which are ( urn
chod by the greatest railway In America.
. And Si Paul.
It owns and operates over 4.GOO miles of'it
forthom Illinois , Wisconsin , Minnesota , lowan
) akota ; and as U main lines , branches aud Conner ,
ions reach all the great business centred ol thi
Northwest and Far West'It naturally answers tl
description of Short Line , and nest Itouto botttcon
Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Paul and Minneapolis.
ChicagoMilwaukee , La Crosse and Winono
Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and Ulondali
Chicago , Milwaukee , Kan Clalro and Htlllwater *
Chicago , Milwaukee , Wausau and Merrill.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Heaver Dam and Oahkoah.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Waukesha and Oconomowoc.
Chicago , Milwaukee , MadUon and I'ralriodu Chltn
Chicago , Milwaukee , Onatomu and Falribault.
Chicago , liclolt JatiomiMo and Mineral Point.
Chicago , lilgtn , llocUord and Dubuquo.
Chicago , Clinton , Hock Island and Cedar Rapids.
Chicago , Council Uluffs and Omaha.
Chicago , Sioux City , Hloux Tails and Yonktou
Chicago , Mllnaukc-e , Mitchell and Chamberlain.
Ilook Island , Dubuque , tit. Paul aud Mlnneapolli
Davenport , Calinar , St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Pullman Sleepers aud the Kiucat Dining Can In
worldaru run on the mainlineofthoCHICAQQ
and enery attention In paid to pasoengora by court !
ouacmplojea of tbo company.
Oeu'l llanagei. Oen'l 1'iuw. Agent ,
J.fT. CLAltK , (1KO II.
Onn'l Hun't
Nebraska Oortnice
iron Fencing !
Creitlnini , Balititradea , Verandas , Oillroand Bat > i
Halllngs , Window and Cellar Quanta , Kta.
M OAI8KK. Uanazir.
HENDERSON A retfulur Knulait In
. medicine. Over ilxtcnr
' y ara' prctlo twtlv * In
KAN8AH City , MO Chicago ,
AuthorUod by th ttata to Irta
I "i Chronic , Ntrvou and rrlvat dlscawa ,
\ V Asthma. Kpllepsy , Itheumatluu. Pllei ,
S JjTapo Worm , Urinary and Bklu Dls
VV * oanci.emnaetneflangowes
. ' V- ' Sexual Debility ( low ulnexiul oowcr )
etc. Oures ( fittrwiteed or money refunded. Cbargei
I w , Thoueaudi ol cases cured. No Injnrloiu inodl
does lurnlnhbd nven to patlenU at ft dUtancc. Con
ultutlon free and oonlldentlal call ornltu : wte tru
ciperlenra are Important. A HOOK ( or both next *
llu > trat d aud clmiltinol other thlnx * ( tint icale ;
with v 8 oent U v.y *
od od-w
Honl Ketnto
The following doecu were filed for ro
oord in the recorder's office , Jammrj
30 , reported for the BCK by P. J. Me-
Mahnn , estate agent :
0. Guliford to.T. I ) . Kdimimlsonlotl.
l > 1ock 17 , in D.\ylisa' second addition
Elizabeth Motcnlfo to Mixlmla J.
Blame , lots 11 , block 28 , Mullen's addi
tion 8100.
P. H. Tanner to C. B. Stone , lot 2 ,
block 1 , .ludson'a first addition to Nvolix
K. M. Oallup to C. M. Crippon ct al. ,
part lot 10 , block 20 , Neola , S ( > 0.
Daniel Swonnuy to Prank Zahtior , ej
nw 1 , and part of eA no ] 2 , 77 , 44
John Eana , Jr. , to Alonso Arnoldsol
1 , 74 , 40-$3 , 00.
Total firtlcn , 7,000.
Doing u uruitt A/DU nil Oootl.
rp. il. licrry , of Portland , fc. , writes -
HKNlIY'St'AHHOl.IOSAI.VJ : U doing n
treat iloal of tlooA. SJuino of my frlonJi
m\o bocu great bcnolilUid by its UHO. I tliink
hluk It ii tlio be t nivho 1 hn\o ovot uncd.
! e\v.iro ol countorfultci. .
I'AUKKIl'S 1'AIX VANACKA cures \rn\n \
n -Mmi and llotut. For use oxtorimlly aud
internally ,
DR. ] iocnii's : viTcjKTABi.i : WOUM
SYJIUi' iiiNtnntly dcBtroyrt Woniin and ro-
iiovoa the hjecvotiomvhlcli ca\i o tlioni ,
D11.D W1TT C. Kil
MKXT Is nn infnlllnblo cftro
Sprainn , Lameucs * nnd Discn o of tlm
and of promoting Uio growth of UioJInlr.
Donton'a llalsain cures Colda , Coughs ,
thciiinatfain , Kidney trouble , etc. Can bet
t cd oxtcrnnlly n.s a planter.
Sanborn feels sure of u cheese factory.
The Clinton Electric Lifiht company
ms boon organized. Capital $20,000 ,
The now Baptist church at Greenfield
vill bo dedicated on the ltd of February.
The semi-annual commencement of
lie Burlington high school occurred last
' 'ridny ovauing. The qraduatiug class
umbered sixty-five Rlrls.
The bee-kccpcra1 convention , called to
ncot in Davenport on the " 1st , 22d And
23d of next month , promises to bo thu
argost guthcrinc ; of persons interested in
10 producing of honey over held in the
Mrs. Conrad Ockcr , of Clinton , was
cnockcd down in trout of her residence ,
iiout 7 o'clock in the evening , by n thief
'ho sought possession of her pockot-
> ock. Her screams brougttt hur hus-
mnd and scared away the robber.
John Try an , a brakomnn on the Chic-n-
; o , Milwnukoo it St. Paul railroad , was
cilird in Keith McGregor early Friday
lorning while coupling cars. IIo was
ragged about fifty feet , leaving parts of
) ono and flesh along the track , aud both
ogs and one arm were cut oft" . IIo lived
bout two hours , in an unconscious state.
lo ras about 20 years old , and made his
lome in Dubuquo.
Torn Allen was arrested in Ida Grove
or gambling , convicted , and sent to jail
o servo out his fine. lie tried to burn
bo jail down the first night ho was in ,
nd then ho was chained to his bedstead.
'lie moment his time was out ho wont
nd punched L. S. Hewitt for a financial
njury , and threatened to touch up sev-
ral others ; and for this he wa ? fined
3J ( , and m default cent to jail again.
Jut later he paid his bill , and accepted
Capt. Ferdinand Takacs , a Hungarian
xilo , wont to Dccatur county withCouut
Jjhazy in 1850 , and has lived there since
a , hermit. In all this time ho has been in
jeon but once , and then it was a place
f seven houses , lie lives on three acres
of ground , in a small log cabin , which ho
coops scrupulously clean. The captain
was , lately induced to visit Wesley How-
uosholdt , a neighbor , who had been urg
ng the visit for three years. The captain
s now seventy-seven years old , and has
) ccn troubled in his mind since 1851.
The Mason City boys arc having a good
leal of i fun at the expense of Sheriff
VIook , of Hancock county. It appears
hat when local talent was presenting the
liddon Hand in now hall at Garner ,
ho little boys behind the scones kept
hrnsling their heads out to look over tku
audience , and in a general way annoyed
ho genial Black Diamond. At last , un-
iblo to put up with iiuch unbecoming
tago conduct , our hero rushed behind
he curtains and energetically grabbed the
icarest boy by the collar and seat of the
rousers , nnd lauded him about ton feet
n the background , Judge of our indig-
mnt friend's consternation and surprint )
on learning that his supposed "bad uoy"
wai the lady hoioine of the play , Cap-
tola , in her eoutumo and character of the
4 " n
Worked \VonuorH.
"My daughter wan very bad elf on account
f a cold an J juln In liar lung * . Dr. Thoniai'
( electric Ull cwc/1 her in twenty-four hours ,
) no of the boys was cured of Bore throat. This
iii'llcino has worked wimdorn In our family. "
Alvuh I'luclcnoy , Lake Mahopac , N. Y.
Sorghum In Ohio.
Secretary Chamberlain's article on the
ioclino of the sorghum industry in Ohio
was quite a surprise to those of UB who
ivo in the western part of the state thu
nore so , as Mr. Chamberlain is widely
mown and esteemed as a wide-avrako ,
ovol-headed and thoroughly prastical
nan ; indeed , an authority on.all matters
icrtaining to the farm. But then , I
lupposo , all great men have tholf crotch
ets , and this is about as harmless as any
n which ho can indulge. Any way , this
ndustry must stand or fall simply on its
iwn merits ; for our worthy secretary can
no more write the sorghum industry ,
nthor up or down , than ho can change
) io immutable lattH of supply and do-
The chief points in the article alluded
o are that the cano crop is on the de
cline ; that it docs not pay , and that sugar
can not bo madu in paying quantities.
The MatisticH showing the decline in
production may be reliable and they may
not. The writer once asked the township
assessor if the amount manufactured or
the amount raised on the farm should bo
reported. Ho replied that ho desired the
number of gallons made of cano of my
own raising. I did not report any at all ,
as I grew no cano that year ; and na I
made all tjio molasses for this neighbor'
hood , 1 suppose the eight thousand gallons
lens made at my factory were not report
ed at all by anybody , In thja ( Miami )
county , Ohio , the cano business is in a
very healthy and growing condition , and
pays. The writer makes an average of
about 8,000 gallons of molasscif annually ,
There are besides , in the western half of
this county , not loss than seven similar
establishments or factories , each ranking
s y 5,000 more. Six of those factories
have permanent buildings and powerful
steam engines devoted exclusively to this
business. A spirited rivalry exists ,
which insures the greatest care in uinnu
facturing at the minimum cost price.
Now machinery and enlarge facilities
are added from time to time , and yet all
are crowded with work to their utmost
lloro , then , within a territory of ton by
twenty miles , are made not less than
30,000 to 40,000 gallons of molasses each
year. Nona of this largo amount is exported
ported , but the whole production is taken
for homo consumption at fair pi ices. For
the past three years molasses * has sold at
sixty cents per gallon and so brisk has
been the domain ! that it would have boon
difficult to find a single barrel for sale one
month nf tor the close of the season of
But Mr. Chamberlain says it docs no
pay. Lot us see. By reference to m.
books I find that the average yield o'
amber cano for three years post lias beoi
about one gallon per square rod , or Kit
, 'allons per aero. Orangu cane , vrlun
mature , has done much jbolter , eay 22J
gallons per acre. This is on lands tlm
will produce from fifty to sixty bushels o
corn to the aero.
The relative coat and profit of each is
about as follows :
Htity Imtlioh per cr > ' , worth Wo. pcrliii'ti . . . $30.00
llrcuklnp , pmmrliic Mid planting . , (1.00
. 3.00
; . V'.Mfl.M
Profit .
One hundred nmlMxty K&llonint60e. per K lo.CO
K poiit.o
llirtulnc ( ircpMlnp ; nnd ( Inntlng , , . . . $4 CO
C'liltUatliig nmthoon ? . , , 5.00
llanofcttnxitiiil hauling to mill . 12.11 ;
Malting 10J K ' - at iXV. pcrtral . UZC9 fS.r.O
It may bo said that good lands will pro
duce more than sixty bushels of corn per
aero. Admitted. Cano , especially the
orange variety , has produced , under favor
able conditions , as much as 350 gallons
per acre. Ono lot of 35 aqunro rods nmdo
this season .80 gallons of thick molasses ,
of extra quality. But this is exceptional
Ono hundred and sixty gallons at 50 cento
per gallon can bo raised and sold as easi
ly as sixty bushels of corn at fiO cents per
bushel. Nor is cano an exhaustive crop.
rho large yield referred to was the third
iiiccosaivo crop upon the saino plot of
ground , witluut manure. Where thu
iood is allowed to ripen , and ia afterwards
removed , it is no doubt to that extent
.ixlmustivo , but whore the seeds and
Blades 'aro loft on the ground to decay ,
ixporionco has shown that cano may bo
; rown on the samp lands year after year ,
dth little or no dimuuition in the yield
> r quality.
but little sugar is made in this part of
: ho state , at least so far as my informa
tion extends ; not because it is impossible
jr impracticable , or unprofitable ,
Dut because of the costliness
jf the machinery required , and with pro-
lent prices of sugar nnd molasses , relative
ly , the margin of profits on sugar-making
is small. When molasses goes below fifty
soutfl per gallon , sugar can bo made to
pay , tariff or no tariff.
The uniform price of twenty cents per
gallon is charged for making molasses ,
nnd an outfit costing , say 81.500 , includ
ing buildings , 'will suffice for making two
Imndrcd gallons per diem easily.
The tendency hero seems toward cen
tralization in largo establishments , as a
hotter article can bouniformally produced
tt the minimum cost by systematizing the
ivork and by the use of improved machi
nery. The small , badly provided , one-
liorso mills are now nearly all abandoned
is results with such machinery are too
uncertain , or of very inferior quality. The
cost per gallon ia also greater when ihado
in small quantities.
The greatest drawback in this business
ia the shortness of the working season , it
rarely exceeding eight weeks , and the
extreme difficulty of getting skilled opera
tives , for it takes years of practice , a quick
eye and constant vigilance to be uniformly
5JjIn the beginning of this industry the
production of a dark-colored syrup , with
a rank cancy flavor the result of a want
of suitable machinery , and a lack of skill
in boiling naturally brought tlio product
into bad repute , but experience and skill ,
with bettor machinery and methods , have
gradually recovered lost ground , ind the
superiornrticlo now produced has restored
confidence in sorghum as a practicable
syrup and sugar-producing plant.
Ono of our prominent business men
said to us the other day : "In the spring
my wife got all run down and could not
eat anything ; passing your atoro I saw n
pile of Hood's Sarsapanlla in the window ,
and I got a , bottlo. After she had taken
it a , week aho had a rousing appetite , and
did her everything. She took three bottles
tles , and it was the best three dollars I
over invested. " 0. 1. HOOD & Co. , Low
ell , Mass ,
To the IMItor of The Ico. !
In n few wooka spring will opoi : , end
with it the buoy ruah and boom that ia
clmractoriatcr of Omaha will open wit !
roodublcd energy , and the match will bo
onward and upward. An the improve
incut of our public parka , streets and
pleasure grounds , nnd the decoration and
umbollishmont of individual grounds Is a
very important part in the intimation o
all lovers of art and beauty.
The moat important point ] that shoal
bo taken into consideration this early i
the varieties of trees and plants most re
liable for our eoil and climate , where tc
Kut them , and the best time for planting
For want of proper light on these vita
points wo find after loin ; years of patient
toil and waiting , and the expenditure of
a vast amount of money , many partial and
some total failures in the ornamenting of
our pleasure ground * . Very much of this
failure ia the result of autumn planting ,
which is a success in the east , but hero it
it generally a failure , especially BO in
ovorureon tree planting. The practice
of nurserymen and tree dealers of selling
this class of stock for autumn delivery
can only bo accounted for on the grounds
of ignorance or dishonesty. Not one in
a hundred will grow , The very best
time for planting is during the month of
April and May , What should bo planted
dopcndslargoly on the size and location
of ground , For public Darks , streets and
largo grounds , wo would recommend the
following varieties of deciduous treus as
the inojit reliable : Norway muplo , sugar
or rock maple , imperial cut leaved alder ,
cataltu spociosp , liorso chestnut , Ameri
can linden or basawood , mountain anil ,
mulberry , English elm , white flowing
dogwood , weeping anil , weeping elm. and
weeping poplar.
The beat evergreoniffor the aamo pur.
ppso is Scotch 1'ino , Austmn pine , whit
jiino , Norway gpnico , red ccdor , Iris
juniper and American arborvitca. Fo
small grounds , city yards nnd comotnrit
wo would recommend a collection
hardy di\i rf ovcrureons , uch M dwar
and weeping juniper , with A variety o
dwarf arborvitcas , interspersed with
collection of hardy flowering shrubs am
roses , selected with a view of having
Micccuion of bloom as long an possible
In a collection of hardy flowering shrub
wo would name the following as tlio mo
reliable : Vcggolia , Spiroa , Uydranga
Japan Q linco , Althaea , double llmvorin
almoutl , and lilac , and in every collec
tion of topes , care should l > o taken not to
leave out La Franco and Alfred Colomb
Where to buy Wo have a number o
good , reliable nurseries , both east an <
wrat. But our soil and cliinnto is so
dilfoicmt from the cast that our people
would do well nnd succeed much uolter
to buy their trees and plantn from homo
nuraorioH and practical nurserymen , 5i
place of patronizing irresponsible trco
dealers. It should ho remembered by
our people that many trees and plants
Mint are very fine and desirable m tlio
east are wholly worthless hero.N.
N. F. M.
l'nioi | Uv and i'lutmon ,
Mnnkind titunl > nrlv < it alhiunilfl , foniniosl
nnuniK tliont nro Xnrvou noHii , Nervous Debil
ity , and iinnntiiral wo.ikncs.i of Ocnoratlvo
Organs ; Allou'rt llrnln Food ucco fiilly o\or
ronioH tliONO tniublo.1 and ronlnrri * the MilVyrto
to his fonnor virtv , 91-
at the old btand , 1117 Farnam troct , OrJiri
telegraph nollated romptly attMided
Mlllard KjtPl Blcck ,
OMAHA. - - „ NEB.
Practical Horse Sheer
MaVei a spocUlty ot VoixliUri and Uudsriooth"
t. Shop , Dodjiu > uo t Utuotu llth utl . ' T *
Ono of the Best and largest Stocks in tlio United States
to select from.
Heating and Baking
TK only attained by using
SK-wV Mv5iyrrr
& S5 STSsS | > . ? ii1S'rt'S | ' > M
sfessMLC Stoves and Ranges ,
fflTll WBE G1U1E flVEB
a BBs ' 9
Invitco the attontton of Uio public to lib '
elected Stock
Embracing a/i th . Late Patterns in ever ) thing in the
Carpet Line ,
1313 Farnam Street , Omaha ,
M with am , fe
Fbaest and ,
Most. Perfect
318-320 S , 13th St. , near Farna'm
Manufactured by the Ulcbleuu Steve Oo. , Detroit and Chloa
j *
" " "
"To. * " " " "
. . - *
Music , Musical Instruments of gjj Descriptions
CHI and Oefc my Pricea before bafiny elsewhere. Yards . '
andOonylaa. AIw 7 < h and D . . ia- ' corn " * * *