" ' - - > , * % . . , ' ' THE DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS , THURSDAY , JAiSUAR\ , )88d ) . rHE DAIL * BEE. Ja 31 Thureclay Morning , i COUHCIL BLUFFS. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : B Cankt - - - - - - - JO cnt pet Wfek ttf Si - - - - - - tw-00 i1 * * Yc OFFICE : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway. MINOR MENTION , Additional local on seventh pago. Cheap railroad tickota at Bushnoll's. Revival meetings continue with in- crowing interest at Iho Baptist church. ROI.T.BR SKATIH Vineyard , Honoly and other styles , at Brackott's , 221 and 226 Broadway. The A. 0. U. W. yesterday nont a do nation to the Homo of the Friendless , of 1 .sandwiches , etc. , which were leftover at \ . Ihoir anniversary Tuesday night. A Mrs. D. A. Benedict's store , on Broad way , is being enlarged and greatly im proved , both in appearance and convenience - nionco , ao as to accommodate the largely incroasnd stock of hair goods and fancy goods. Complaint ia made by many that in Iho opera house programme the cast in printed in too small typo. Otherwise it makes ft very respectable appearance. Wo would suggest this part bo printed in larger typo , so these wishing to read it can do so. George W. Hawley and Mias Grace Greenwood , both of. Silver City , Iowa , wore married yesterday at the PaciGc house parlors by llov. J. O. Lemon. The young couple are from prominent familioa in the farming district. Their parents and a few friends were present to wit- ncsa the ceremony. Four boys giving their names as Peter Bilgor , Jo Bonnet , William Miller and Oscar Spink , were arrested by Marshal Jackson yesterday for burglarizing the now opera house. It appears that two revolvers and flomo smaller hits of stage property were taken , entrance being gained by a basement window. Sheriff Cannon , of Memphis , Tonn. , came ever from Omaha night before last , with the two priaonorii , "doctors" Turnoi and Hooves , intending to take the morn ing train for Tonnosaco. Yestordaj morning , howovur , before ho got oft with these follows application was made for i writ of habeas corpus through Messrs. . Sapp and Fusoy , their attorneys. Tin caao will como off this afternoon , bofon Judge Aylcsworth , at 2 o'clock. Invitations to the grand opening ol the roller skating rink , on Friday eve ning last , are being distributed througl the mail. The management began send ing thorn last evening. They are a vorj neat invitation , and Were printed n Fryer's Boo job office , The committoi ou invitations are Messrs. John N Baldwin. Will A. Mauror , A. T. Elwoll 0. 0. Cook , J. A. Wheeler , W. F. Sapp Jr. , Frank Cook , J. C. Mitchell and F S. I'uBoy. Constable Fox started out yesterday tc arrest a young follow named A. Perdu , who was wanted for disturbing the peace. Ho spied the youth standing on the cor ner of Broadway and Main , but tin young follow ran and Fox after him Fox ycllod to him to stop or hovoult shoot , and a man dartnd out of the allo ; nnd ran down'Main street for dear lifo What the man was afraid of is no ii known , but at last accounts ho paaso < the K. 0. depot nearly out of breath bu atill running. The boy escaped also , The Olonwood papers are loud in thoi pralao of the recent looturo of Rev. J. G liomon at that city. The Gazette speak very highly indeed , and the Journal nays "Thoso who attended the looturo of llov J. G. Lemon , on 'Absurdities of Science , at the opera house , on Thursday evening expressed themselves as well pleased will his discussion of the subject. Mr Lemon is a brilliant orator and has provoi himself master of the subject dtscuosoc by him. On next Thursday evening i continuance of the looturo will bo given when vo hope to see this talented goutlo rain grouted with the crowded house hi deterrci. " Theao are the same lecture ; which wore s eagerly listened to hero and created BO much comment. 1'rivato lessons on china given by 8 D. llohso' . Htudio No. 13 1J. Mail atroet. ORUMBS FBOM OEAWFOBD A Crazy Swede AUcuipU Bululdc / ; Young Man Found in Jndlanu. A Swede named Lofquist , who belong ia Sao county , while viaitSug SIrEnbert ; of Stockholm township , Crawford coun < y , bocaino crazed on religion , ho havin Loan attotiding seine revival inuotiuge On returning homo from ono of then meetings ha look a large poukot-knifoan cut kiwrist badly , and then attompte to kill himself by cutting his throat , A tat reporU ho was btUI ulivo , but iu critical condition. SOIBO inoutlui a o A young nmn , an a < quainUuco of Kftm. Porrj1 , of Wathiiij , too tovToship , visited him for n day t two , aud Duddeuly disappeared. At tl MKU tiruo an ovet-coat , > vntch , tlcevi buttons , and other nrticlea belonsiuy 1 Mr : Parry disappeared. Sheriff Join bfl n on the hunt for Iho younj ; tna audla t vr ek captured 1:1 , Indiana. He hoi but b ok , and wived cixajmnalioi BO will have hie trial at the Man of Uia distriat court. - * . Bryan , draHinaker. Outtii . CO * 8. Main t.t up Btaini , Hr. A. A. PAMOIUI Mt U wa WARD WARDENS. They Decide to Hare Another Test of the Water Worts , The Offioo of Oity Jailor Created , Contracts Ixt for Street "Work. At a special mooting of the city coun cil , hold yontorday afternoon , bids were opened for laying brick aldowalk and curbing Broadway between Klgbth nnd Klorcuth ntrcota , John Ilamrnor proposed to do the work for $2.115 a foot , but not specifying the quality of stone , except that it would bo in accordance with advertisement , which makes it equal to Sagotown or Fort Collins. The bid of J. & O. T. Wickham , for doing the work , was § 2.4B a foot. Chris. Strimb proposed to do the curb ing from $1.05 to S1.1B per foot , according - ing to quality of stone , and the brick work at $1.10 a foot. The contract wan awarded to John Hammer , on condition of the work being done by Juno 1st. A proposition waa received from Kay- mend A Campbell to build the Madison street bridge , 70 feet long , the samokind of a bridge as that at Bryant street , for 51,875. Alderman Jamoa morcd that commit tee on ntroots and alloys bo authorized to entur into a contract with llnymond & Campbell to build a bridge at Madison street , and also to repair the Broadway bridge and the bridco at Eighth avenue. On motion of AJdorman Wood , the engineer and committee on streets and alleys were instructed to have the pilot on upper Broadway driven down to within four foot of the water line and the crooked ones cut off and now ones put in their place , and that they also make such othur improvements ai may be necessary to protect the banks. Alderman Keating , of the committee to whom was referred the reorganization of the fire department , reported in favoi of retiring both steamers and Bulling ono alno distributing the hose carts in differ out parts of the city ; selling whal horses are not needed , and cutting dowr the employes as far as possible ; ouo hos < curt to bo located on Upper Broad way where the present heel and ladder company is , tin latter being located in the engine hous < by the crook ; ono hose cart to bu locatec near the Crystal mills on Main street ono located by the Coy house on Broad way , and the present two horse hosi cart located in the engine house by tin crook. Aid. Siodontopf objected to the roper an to indefinite. Ho did not believe it laying both steamers off duty. Ono migh bo needed even with the water works. On the otoor hand it was olnimcc that there ought not to bo so much expense ponso for a fire department while tin water works are running. The matter was finally laid ever unti the incotingfor next Monday evening. Alddrman Keating said that there \ra a dcsiro among many citizens , and , aa h understood , also by the water works com pany , that another test bo made of th water works. Ho therefore moved tha such test bo made , in the presence of th satno committees as before , at such tim aa the water works company and th mayor shall ngreo upon. Alderman Siodontopf suggested tha before another test bo made tlicro sliouli bo Boino agreements as to heights ss ; ono stream should "bo by the Mothodis churchono by the Bloomer school build ing , etc. , so that the hoighta can b measured. Mr. George T. Wright suggested tha theodolites could bo used at other pointe Tho'following points were selected fo the toata : The Methodist church , Bloomer schoc building , court house , Harknoss Bros store , Empire Hardware company's build ing on Main street. For teats on the high elevation , th high school vras chosen for ono and th other to bo on Madison street. It wau also decided to have the test made through ouo inch nor.zloa , strict ! , iu accordance with the eontraot , iustcai of an inch and a quarter nozzles aa be fore. fore.Tho The motion of Alderman Keating amended HO as to embrace these suggest ions was then carried. Attention was called to the fact thn loads of wood obotiuotcd the streets. I was decided to use the vacant lota between twoen the two city buildings , for th standing of hay and wood wagons. Th comrnitttio on streets and alloys , was nu thorizod to ( ill up and level off the loU si as to wako them suitable. Tito ordinance providing for a cit ; jailor and fixing his salary and definin his duties , waa read for the eocon time and amended. The salary wa fixed nt $00 A month , and li is required to reside and sloop at the jail and BOO that it is kept open at all hour The jailur is to bo appointed by and wit the advice and approval of the council The rules were suspended and the ord ! nance passed. The city clerk was authorized to au vortiao for oalo at public auction , Fobri nry 9 , the old city building on Broac way. Council than adjourned. Mrs. II , 1'rloduiau will leave to-day on trip to Chicago , DosMoIuen and several othi Cltltfl ) . Mrs. John HpponeUa , who has been mi for Ing for Home ilmo ynst with iionralngla , hi had toreral tovoro attacks o ( lato. Dr. A J , Cook IUVM pouo to Nebraska ( or few daya on business , expecting to rohu Saturday , 7s' . 1) , Slumlord and wife , of Avoca , we : In the city ycutenlay. Duliurjuc , Ditto. A few days ago TUB Br.u publishc letters from the city olorks of varioi cities iu Iowa , of 10,000 inhabitants au upward , all stating that in their oitii the coat of filling stroota is paid for 01 of the general fund , instead of beit taxed up to the abutting property , as done | iuro. Not a city iu Iowa OH y heard from , is doing us Council Bluffs now doing. Yesterday another city vn heard from as follows : B-onugoK , Ta. , Jimuary 28. Tu rep to yours , I would sUtu that all gradti of streets and alloys is done at the c psuso of the city , but all other jmprov J wonts aroueewed to the aVuttlug pro * erty , such s paring , curbing , guttering and macadamising. The ordinance au- thomlntf the treasurer to sell property for special assessments for improvement of streets was passed in 1873. All such improvement must first bo ordered done by a resolution of the council which must bo adopted by a two-thirds vote. Wo have had nolitigation upon thU'qucs- tion , Yours ropoctfully , Jens W. HAIVJX , City Uocoidor. PRACTICAL PIETY. What the Home Has DODB for Woman , Another Onno HUH 1'cnrtlng , Aim ant daily some instance comes to light illustrative ot the work being done by the Homo of the Friendless in this city. An interesting one is now given as illustrating not only the need of such an institution , but the practical and success ful manner in which it is meeting thii need. need.About About six months ago there was gathered into the homo a young woman who was in a aad condition , indeed. In the face of approaching motherhood , without the title of wife , with no friends nor money , nnd the man who was the cause of her disgrace and her ruin turning coldly from her , aho had n brightness to look back to , and no hope to look foroward to. It was in this critical period of her lifo , when many a young woman has yielded and sought death , that she found shelter in the Homo. She haa been there cared for , time , money nnd comforts being bestowed - stowed upon her , until , from a financial point of view , it Boomed that the heart of the management was running away with the judgement. After nursing the young woman back to life , from a very severe and complicated illness , attention waa then paid to the task of hunting up the young man who had caused her ruin. Rev. J. G. Lemon , the manager ofthe house , kept after him and finding that ho had disposed of hie property for the purpose of evading any forcible payment of money , correspond ence was opened with his relatives.whc were well-to-do , and the situation laid before them. Aa a result of this noraiot- oncy and correspondence , the young man's relatives have forwarded to the Homo the aum cf 8200 to pay foi the expenses of caring for the gir and to provide her with care until slu waa nblo to leave the Ilomo. Thia amounl will offset the expense the Ilomo hai been to , ao that vrhilo doing a great wort for the young woman and relieving hoi distress , the affairs of the Homo are sc managed that the peed work does nol como as a heavy drain on the charitable contributions of the citizens. The poli cy is to make these pay for such care ai have been the cause of the Buffering I took persistency , pluck and tao to make these parties como to timi and pay for caring for th ( poor girl. It was not until the stronj arm of the law was invoked , and an attorney tornoy hired to son to the caao that tin chock of § 200 was forwarded to thi homo. ANOX11KU CASE which ia now being attended to is tha of another peer woman who is boini cared for at the homo. It appears tha she has still some 8400 duo her from ai oatato , but tho.administrator haa booi holding back the money which aho ni muuh needs Stops are being taken t < recover this money and with good pros poota of success. As long as this kind of work is bcitij done by the homo , there certainly can b no idea entertained that sickly sonti montoliant prevails. Practical sort o piety it is indeed , which , while lookiiij uftor the immediate wanta of the dis tressed , plans and works for their future Such instances ii/apiro confidonc among the business men especially , am hence they contribute oo freely. Thi institution is fast growing up to its idcn of not being a moro local institution , bu ono of state importance and n ofulness and runa beyond the bounds of state At Olonwood much interest has bcei stirred up among the businous men , urn there is talk of organizing a local bean thoro. The institution as thus rcachinj out is becoming of moro and moro valui to the city nnd to weatorn Iowa. COBIMEUCIAlA COUNCIL OLurru MJ.UKCT. Whont No , 2 Hprluff , 05c ; No. 3 , COo ; rejected joctodI5c ; good demand. Corn l/onlora are pnyiug 33o for old con and -Oo for ii < * w. Oata In Rood demand at 22q. Hay 100@0 00 per ton ; COo'por bale , Jlye 10@15o. Coin Meal 125 per 100 pounds. Wood Good supply ; prlcoa at yarda , C 00c ( 700. 700.Coal Delivered , hard , 11 50 per ton ; nuft 5 00 jx > r ton IJuttor Plenty nnd iu fair demand at 20c croaniory , 35c. Kgg lu peed demand at 20o per dozen. Lord I'slrbank'u , wholesaling at lie. 1'oultry Heady eoloj dealer * are paying fo chlclcona 8oj turkey * , lUo. Vegetables rotatooa , 40o ; onions , 40o ; call bage , none in the market ; nppleu , ready sal at 3 00@3 M for prlmo Ktock. Klour City Hour , 1 C0@4 00. Brooms 2 95@3 00 per doz. LIVK BTOCK. O.ttUo-3 00@3 M ; calves , fi 00@7 60. HORS Local i > * kera are biiYllr ) [ now an there U ( food demand for all Rradoa ; cholc ptokitig. n Snfflfi rr ) ; i Ucd. 4 755 ( 25. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE. 8cuil | oJ urtliioiuonU , ( Holi u Lo Found , To Loan , for Situ , To Kent , WanU , Bean Ing , etc. , will bo Incerted In thU column at the to rate ot TICK ChNTH rUll MNH for the ( lret Inwitlc l nvi : CKNTH I'KIt UNK far tuch oubjcqucut ti artIon. fjDtat > uhcrtlMUiuntt itourofflco , No , IVntl Htri'ci , netr Urondw v WAITTa. - llojHh | n > , to d < Uvr 'Jti UM. \\fANTKU Kipetlonced dining n > om Kl'l Wairi II fl ( , l > vr inoutu , Cgdcil lluuie , Council DluB 0 B. . - \ Iwty in Countil Blunn to taV WANTF.U-K\ory by carrier ut only twonl oanli KD AtfooJhouio , In ntcv Uca'lon ' , vll thnour four rooms. AdJteM box to. . vo , Hi W ANTEP-A irood IntelllBent b y , about iByta ot tue , toltaruatrade. Appl > at the llm I'oarl > tiett. U ) PAl'KlW-1'or Bala at I ) offloo , at O a humlroil. TtOlt HKNf An tli'jrantly fornl hnroomK | ( JL' iwutrol. Iteluieiuva ittiulrcd. AddrvM A , , S OK HAI-K-Houio No. Ttt lUirlion itn.tt ai F Mir ulot ) , 3.V FOU UAt.K Ono lir/o urr l hone , w.hrht 11 y yB liounJj , SjtmoU. A. J. MaiuM , 3i llrua [ 1.1 QTOVK8 I h ro a lev cook au4 beatic ; rtor l < I O on r.vhlch I ntll cloio uut at great icductln > -A | 3 J ! t.iUL . RUBBERS ! Ont speech ia short , but to the point. Uest Chicago discounts every day in the year on JULapi AND ARCTICS. Goods WARRANTED as good aa ANY in the market. They are made by the NEW JERSEY RUBBER SHOE CO. Wo have a big line of SPECIALS and an IMMENSE stock of regular and EXTRA WIDE Boots and Shoes in all sizes , ready to ship on receipt of orders. Or second quality Boots wo are introducing are better than many so-called firs quality , and wo givn a largo EXTIIA discount on them. Z , T. LINDSSY & CO. , 12 Broad-wav , Council Bluffs Iowa. MA7NE & PALMER , Et Hard and Soft Goal , AND WOOD , BULK 'AND BARREL UUC , LOUISVILLE AND PORTTAND OEUHNT , MICHIGAN PLASTEll , UAIR AND SEWKll 1'IPE. tfo , 039 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. SMITH & LEADING MERCHANT TAILOKS , 7 and 9 Main street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . . . . IOWA. Tn"P"KT TAT TATTJ"n ATTORNEY AT LAW. MANAGER OK POTTAWATTAMIK CXJUN- UUH1N VVi JjxLLItJJ , TY COLLKC110N AOf CY. OIIlco comer Broadway Bnajlalnatroot. JOHN BENO & CO. , IB GENERAL M.iln street MERCHANDISE. and 17 Pearl Btrett. CUESTON HOUSE. MAX MOEN , Hotel , 217 otid SID Main nticet. JUlX. Ut JT. WjjLLlJll ) Corner Main and FIHh up-etalre. Renil'ence ! , 603 Willow avenue. JUSTICE OF TIIE I'EACE , . SOHUEZ.JUSTICE Exprcm. LIVERY AND FEED , S . Will contract tor tuncrcU at reqaonablo rates. 22 Fourth street J. M. ST. JOHN & OO..CASH BUTEES , Draft by return moll. 140 Broadway , TTnmT MERCHANT TAILOR , IxUUIl ) Stock Complete. Bult made at roaaonable priced. No. 805 Main St.1 " Q 1W TTTT coNTUACTon AND BUILDEK , G"P > O I" ' JLJ-JJ. Corner 7th and Broadway. Tlans and epeclflcatlong fumlehod. ME11CIIAKT TAILOR. JAMES FB.ANEY , Artlftlo Work and reftaonablo charyea. 878 Broadway. ATTORNEYS AT LAW , LINDT & FAUT , Practice lu elate and federal court * . SANITARIUM \\l I KT T ATJTJn'P'T' ' ' ' JUSTICE OF TIIE PEACE , VVliN J. AJjJjUJ.1 , Notary iniblleand Ofneral ConYeRnoor. . 41BBroadway. TTnTTQ'CI ! SMITH & NORTON , HUUO l | Broad ay oppo lto New Opera House. Refltted (1 , fl.M pel day A Large Assortment of Hard and Soft Coal Doing loft ever , inuet bo Bold at your own prices. I need T > C RS [ J to fill contnicto. S. GOLDSTEIN , 538 Broadway. 3ES. 31 3ED ! New Store , Freeh Goods , Low Prlcca and PoUto AttcndauU. { First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , AS AN ECONOMICAL INSUKANOE , THE-EflOITABLE MUTUAL LIFE AND ENDOWMENT ASSOCIATION OF WATERLOO , IOWA , In oontldercd tliolimt Jf.fiOOIn rasool death ; and $1 nooendowinoutnt thu expiration of ton jeare. Acso's inonta [ mjobloaocordli.'tOHL'e. ) MtT. Olive Flllcylha agent will cull and explain the plau upon your re iue t. iJlrect jour con rauiiicrxtlona to ) t < 4 VIuo Ut. Council lihiffn Iowa. DEALER IN ALL THE LATEST DESIGNS OP I ALL PAPER AI HIM Interior Decorations. IK S. Pearl Street ami 20 N. Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS LIVE TO UAT. EAT TO LIVE. AMD CAFE , Kd. OlUan 4M llroadnay , I Meila at all Houin. Chef d'cuUlna Cuuncll ( lartliii a Specialty. GRAND OPENING OFTlir.NKW Roller Skating , Rink Corner Pearl Htroot anil Kllili Aienuc , Friday Evening Feb. Ift , Cliai > nun & Marteut , . . . Proprietors. mH. \ \ H. . Daniels , the Champion Skater > * WIUitllYK Au Exhibition on This Occasion Flit MUSIC WILL BE PROVIDED , W. VT , tlunui , Manajjir. yo obJectlonaWo cU ctcr \ \ \ \ l aamlttod , R. Rico M , D. CHRONIC' ' DisEAi& n-cim , , Go And PIK T1IK GREAT MUSEUM 01 ? Now on cxbllittlon nt Nn 317 llroaJway , ( or uivnfroinu * m tolUp in. dtily , except Frld ) from 1 to 0 | i m , which U for ladle * only-on uhlU Jay theiecturu vlUbeciven by o lady , d crlt > lm all ilU'Ktlnif | xrtd of the buuiau frauui and all dU taswidf thUJtrii. ADMISSION t S3 cent * Mrs , HJ , Hilton , M. D , , PHYSICIAN & SUE6EON 222 Kiddle Broadway , Council BluffB. Smpkie Hardware Co V 109 and 1114S. Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA. " 7 WHOLESALE DEALE113 IN HATS , CAPS BUCK GLOVES , 342 and 344 Broadway , . . . / COUNCIL BLUFFS , IQVfA. A T&nnnkC ? LAJNJJo Money Loaned , Furnished COUNCIL BLUFFS. The only only hotel run on the European plan * in this city. Now building , newly furnished nnd all modern improvements , and ia centrally located. PETER BECE TELE , PROPRIETOR , Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. STEINHARDT & FREYHAN , holesale Liquor Dealers , OP COUNCIL BLUFFS , IR : m IM : o "v IE 13 THEIR BUS'NESa ' TO Omaha , RFcTo. , January 1st , 1834 , HA VINO SECURED WEST & FRITCTER'S OLD STAND , ( OPPOSITE COUET HOUSE. ) ; i TO LOU m REAL ESTATE ! Complete Abstracts of Title to nil Lots nnd Lands in the Comity. MANUFACTURERS OF 311 Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs ; Iowa AT COST FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY. Granite and Tinware. Latest Novelties in Fancj' Hardware. A large line of extinordinarjr Fine Carvers. T 504 Broadway , and 10 and B. 12 Main Street , OCT83ME OF I'erf FUMuj ' , , Ie t and Cheapest-fet'lne Llncu Collars and Cuffs. 716 Fourth Street Council Bluffs , Iowa. FROM NOW -UNTIL FEB. 1 , W ILL-GIVE ii 1 In all our Bocts aud Shoes , regardless o Quality. Don't miss this chance. S. A. PIERCE , 100 Main Street. DR. THOMAS JEFFERIS , No. C23 Sixth a > onue , Council Bluff , Iowa. Homeopathic Physician and Mag netic Healer. ; TIIIRTT TKAKH A RHH. 1BEXT Of 0 < 3tT > CIIj ItLLIVII. condltlocs dtacrlbed ) without nuuHioDliiir. There are huDilreda of ultnctwa to the fact that the blind are riwtorou , the tleaf made to hear , aljo parali sis and rheumatiem ol months and } card > tanilnir ) frequently cured In 20 mbiutetT time th < oii'h | psjclilo mtamerio , spirit or ftoul forcv , "Tlicba thingwwere not done In u corner. " TbooDly reliable iircnetiUthe and euro for ( llph- thcrla known ( keep It on hand ) . Tha best ratarrh remedy In ueo. Huiall | x > x prcuintature superior to aocluatlon. Cverycasu ct lndl/e tlou ( di-np-pela ) cured time roijulrihl one to ix weeks. Old ulccru , oomiuouly calltiil cancvra remorcd without the use olthekuile. In fact all acute aud chronic dUeatei mirrrtufiitly truittxl , Ihe ruoordH of uorUlltv nhow that Dr. Jeffdtlea In the moot lucooetful rractldoner ot rredlrliio In the western countiy , HUgreuUit aurceoa loot bt-in In paiwa that has b ltltj the eklll of otner Jortora , aa well aa causing ileepalr aJiilllniuidAl rulu In uiany cawa. TEIU18 UEASO.VAI1LK. No charge for connotation by letter or other rl e. Ino'uaotauip ' where nntitcrs to Itttore are required. lICBt klatt of rifernocii KHi-n. tir I'enons free from couta.'lotu dUeow will be re- ceiuJ Into LUlubtltuUol Health tor t.catuient. JACOB BDI8. K. P. CADWELL. SIMS&CADWELL , Attorneys-at-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Office , Ilaln Utrcet. I'.OOIM i aad bhujut & llo- MaUon' * Block. Will practice in bUtu and wlfr.1 aourt * W. R. VAUGHAN. Justice of the Peace , Omaha nnd Council Blufij. lUal eUto and colleotloo ac ocy , a OJd Fello i JOSEPH .tl AND GOAL Corner Muln etmtaiid Eighth arcnue , GJUU Blulla. iTLowe t ratea ord prumpt delivery WINTEOESORT. BILOAM CURE OR NO PAY We uuivanteo tlie cute of the follov.in ? nainol die- poarea , or no iiayi Ilhiumatlem , Bcrofula , Uloen. Catarrh , a I Dluou and Mudkuuca , UriiwraU , Llvir OoropUInt , Kidney and Bladder IHscaMw. Oout , Kin. raUjlaand Abthmn , Tliego HprliiKH are the favorite ret > crt of the tired ftn.l deblllcatad , aud ore the FKK11LK LADUd HUf FIUENW , Good hotel , liver ) and Lathing uccomodiitlon both ulntir and nuuimer. Locality highly pltturuciuo and healthy Aoce > nlble by WatMth rallnay , KtonaorUB. U Q. , at Albaay. Ccrru onUtno solicited , KUV. il. II. TIIOMI'SON. TIIOMI'SON.g. . Biloam Hprlng > , Oara , P. 0Qtntry Co. , Ho. ANALYSIS Bpedflo Orarity . . , . , . , , . 1.002S Iluactlon . . . . . . . . 1'cuttiil CurlmiiloAcId Has . xein. iwrKallou Curbona'u IuJclum..i . . . . . . . . . M.V21 drain * Carbonate Iron . , , . 7r4l Sulphate ll ( 'timla . 3'lfl Sulphate Calcl 'm . 1H8 Chloride boJjuui . . . . 7fiO Sllllca . , . i.cca Alumina . , , , . . ,0,010 Olttaulcund VoUtllciimtUr ami Ions . . . .1 , 469 Total ecli J pir gallon . , . ( ! 7,171 TU08. orncis , u. M. rvturr , OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Council Bluff * Ia E&tabhs'nea - - J856 Doalen fa Frwlgn n d l > to SxtMozo cd