Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 24, 1884, Page 3, Image 3

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The Nebraska National Bank
It , W. TATKS , President , for many jwri Cuhlot of
h Kttst National Dunk ol Onnh * .
A , K. TOUZAtlN , Vlc < President , ol Bcxton.
W. V. MOUSE , of W. V. WOItSR k Co.
it. 4YOOLWOUTU , Counsellor ft Attorney l t w
R HKHD , ol Dyron Kc cd & Co.
This B nt opened lor business April 87 , 1883
mougtholoadlnjt tuslnoss men ol Omahfc , nd U
btulness ta conducted with cspoolol rctcrf nee to tht
be t and Incrcivslng Interests ol Its mercantile patron * .
COttEOTlONS receive rtonijit uttentlon KOI !
charges lowest obUln&Ue hero or elsewhere.
INTOREST allow oJ on time deposits upon Umr-
b1e terms and upon accounts ot banks and Unkf rs
FOHK1QN KXC1IANOK , Oorernmcnt Bondl and
Ooiintv and Cltr Bocurltlcs liouijht and sold.
Counoii Bluffs Loan and
Trust Company.
First Mortgage Loam Negotiated. Commercial
Taper anil all ( food Securities dealt In. 89 1'oarl
Itrcet , and 600 First avenue , Council Bluffs.
NKW Yonic , January 23.
Money Easy at 1J@2J per cent ; closing
offered at 2 per cont.
Prime Paper 4@5J per cont.
Exchange BUls Firm at 4.84ft demand ,
4.87. }
Governments Fraction lower for 4s coupon
at last call.
The stock market showed considerable
strength to-day. Stocks of the Missouri Pa
clfio system wore the weak points. There was
an advance in the remainder ot the list , near
the close , however , the general list declined
} @ljj per cont. The market closed steady
for some stocks , and lower for others. As com
pared with last night's closing Denver k Rio
Grande , Kansas & Texas , Omaha , AV abash ,
Texas Pacific and AVostoni Union are } @ 24
per cont. lower. Central Pacific , Northwest
ern , and St. Paul , common and preferred ,
4@1 per cent , higher. Illinois Central , Mis
souri Pacific and Union Pacific are uu
changed ,
3'a 100
4i's Coupons H-li
4 , ! 123 ?
P cibo6sof'95 128J
American Express 92
BurL , Cedar Rapids li Northern , . . 70
Central Pacific G4
Chicago k Altou 130
do do pfd 1-10
Chi. , Burl. &Quincy. . . . ll'JJ
do pfd
Port Wayne k Chicago 131 }
Hannibal & St. Joseph
do do do pfd
Illinois Central
Ind. , Bloom. & AVcstern
Kansas k Texas
Lake Shore & Michigan So
Michigan Central
Minneapolis & St. Louis
do do do pfd
Missouri Pacific
N jrthorn Pacific
do do pfd
do pfd
Now York Central
Oaio & Mississippi
do do pfd
Peorla , Decatnr JcEvansvillo
Rock Island
St. I'.iul & Milwaukee
( it , do do pfd
St. Paul Minn. & Manitoba
St. Paul& Omaha
do do pfd
Texas Pacific
Union Pacific
W abash , St. L. & Pacific
do do do pfd
Wnstorn Union Telegraph
* Asked.
CHICAGO , January 23. Flour Market dull
and neglected \vintorwhoat flour ; good to
choice. 4 75@5 GO ; foft eprinff wheat , 4 00 ®
4 fiO : Minnesota bakers' , 4 B05 25.
Wheat Regular wheat , fairly active but
mibottleil ; prices early advanced 2@3 ° t but
latnr eased off nnd docllnod Ijc thou lluctu-
ated and closed So lower than yesterday ; Jan
uary , closed at 8'Jjc ; February , OOie ; Mnrcli ,
Die ; M ay , 07@97jc ; June , 08c ; winter wheat
firm at 03c@l 00 ; spring wheat easy at 8'Ji
© S'J'c.
Corn Unsettled ; pricoi early advanced So
above yesterday's clopo but later declined Ic
then fluctuated and closed io lower for Janu-
nry and May ; cash cloied at 5'2c ; February ,
03@C3Jc ; Man-h , CSgc ; M ay , 5 4c ; Juno , 68
@ 58ic ; rejected , 44Jc.
Oats ( inlet ; ruleii a little bettor than yes
terday ; cash nnd January , 32Je ; , March 323c ;
April. 32tfc ; May , SCJc.
Kyo- Market easy at57c.
Barley Market steady at COc.
Timothy High grndej , 1 32i@l 31 ; com
mon , 1 20@1 30.
Flax Sood-1 17@Mi.
Moss 1'ork Stronger durinc the only part
of the day and prices gradually advanced 30
@ 35c on the whole range , but later the
market weakened and receded 12J@15c ;
closed , cash , 15 SOffllfi 25 ; February , 16 20 ©
1C 221 ; March. 15 374@15 40 ; April , 15 O''i ®
15 5 : > ; May , 1C 72Jii15 ( | 7.\
T , ri\ Market finner ; advanced 10@15c on
the whole ranee during the early part of the
session , hut settled back 10@lL'c and closed
steady ; cash , 8 85@8 87J ; January and Feb
ruary game as caahj March , 8 97i@9 00 ; May ,
9174S,920 ( ; Juno , 927i@930.
Bulk Moats Shoulders , 0 50 ; long clear ,
8 05 ; short ribs , 8 15 ; short clear , 8 40.
Butter Choice grades find ready sale ; best
creamery sold at 35@30c ; sales of common
slow ; former quotations unchanged : fancy
dairy , 25@27c ; rolls , common , ll@10c.
Choeio Onl v moderate business ; fair supply
and prices unchanged ; cholco full cream choil-
dars,13@13Jc ; choicn full croanf Hats , 13J ®
13jc ; good part skim Cheddars and flats , 8@
Kfrpa-Dull ; frobh , 28@30o
Hides Firm and unchanged ; green Bait
cured bull and damaged , lie ; green talt cured ,
light and heavy , 8c ; green dry salt rulf , He ;
dry salt calf , lie ,
Tallow Unchanged.
vVWakv Unchanged at 1 10.
OALI , BoAitn Itegular wheat , Jo lower foi
February ; ( ] ° lower for March and May ; May
closed at Otijjc. Hales , -,550,000 buaholu.
Corn o lower for February ; Jo lower for
March ; jo lower fnr May , the latter closing
at f > 83 , Sales , 450,000 bushels.
Oat ? o lower for February ; Jo lower foi
March : Jo lower for May ; May closed at 301o ,
Hale * , 2SO.OOO bushels.
1'ork 5c lower for February ; 7jo lower foi
March ; 20e lower for May ; the Utter closed
at 15 72J. Sales , 20,600 barrels.
Lard 2Jo higher for February ; 2Ja lowoi
lor March and May ; the latter CIMOU at 0 15 ,
{ Salei , 0,250 tierces.
NKW YoiiK , January 23. Wheat Cash
without any quotable change ; options opened
% @Vc higher , declined J@lJc ! , and closed
dull id lioivy ; ungraded rod , 89c@l 03 ; No ,
3 ret ) a@D7i1c ; No. 2 red , 1 01031 07j.
Cr Options opened J@io [ higher , de >
cllnc1 , and closed weak ; ungraded , 5U@
C2o : t , < 51J@G2Jo.
Oa rjhado higher ; mixed western ,
lie ; ta. 42@47c.
. .eiVc4tern freah , demand fair and mar
Iwt fi
Pur'-- ' Stronger and ( julot ; now most , 1171
Steady ; prime steam , 9 20 ,
11 Market rjulot and unchanged at 10
CITT. January 23. Wheat-Mar-
kotstoudy ; SOJc for cash ; 81o bid forlobni-
arys SHe for May.
Corn -Market firmer at 393@39Jo for cash ;
396c hid for February ; 45iobid for May.
Oats-Higher at 29c.
IdVKnrooL , Jamiiry 23 Whont Market
dull ; winter , 8 < @ 8 < Od ; KpriiiR , 3@Ss 4d.
Corn A better tone ; niw , fis ' 'id ; old , GJ
llAT.TiMont , January 21. Wheat AVostern
Inactlvo stud higher ; No. 2 winter red cash ,
1031@1V ( > ? .
Corn AVcstorn nominally higher ; mtxod ,
'oats 'Dull ; western white , 43@45c ; mixed ,
Rye Market lower and quiet nt CS@70c.
Butter Steady ; AVostorn packed , 10@25c ;
creiunory. 25@3Cc.
Kern Scarce and higher : fresh , 3 , > c.
AVlilsky Steady at 118118J.
PEOIUA , January 23. Corn Acth o and
strong , now mixed , 40J@17c ; now , rejected ,
Oata Finn nnd act\o ! ; No. 2 white , 33 ®
Whisky Steady at 1 10.
ST. LOOIS rnonccE.
ST. Louis , January 23. Flour Market
AVhoat Opened higher , then declined and
closed a fraction above yesterday ; No. 2 rod ,
1 011 00 , c oMug at 1 03J bid for cash ; 1 03
bid for January ; 1 03J@1 03 | , closed at 1 03 }
for February ; 1 OIJ < ai 048 for March ; 1 OGJ ®
1 073 , closing at 1 00 for May ; No. 3 rod. O'Jo.
Oorn Opened higher , declined but closed
aboxoyeatordny ; 47i@48o for cash ; 47j@47ge
for January ; 18J48e for February ; Wc for
March ; 5102Jc , closing at olgc asked for
Oats Dull ; 32J@33o for cash ; 361o for
May.Ryo Firm at 5ll < 3i53Jo bid.
Barley Dull at CO@SOc.
L'egi HigliPr at 27c.
Floxseod Firm at 1 45.
Hay Unchanged ; timothy , 900@1300.
Bran Lower at 72c-
Corn Meal Firm at 2 33.
Whisky-Steady at 115.
Provisions Firm and higher.
Pork Old , 15 00 ; now , 15 50.
Lard Strong at 8 S0@8 83.
ULOSINO BoAltn AVhcat Lower ; 1 03i for
February ; 1 03J bid for March ; 1 051 for
Corn Lower ; 47.c } for February ; 48c for
March ; 51Jo for May.
Oats Lower ; 35ge for May.
CINCINNATI , January 23. AVhoat Steady ;
cash , 1 Of > @l 02 } .
Corn Finn ; No. 2. 51 Jc.
Oats Steady at 3GJ@37c.
Rye Slow at G14@02c.
Pork Quiet and firm at 15 2515 50.
Lard Firm nt 8 80.
Bulk Meats Stronger.
AVhlsky-Firm at 114.
MILWAUKEE , January 23. AVheat Market
weaker : No. 2 , 89Jc ; January , SO c ; Febru
ary , 89Jc ; May , 90Jc.
Corn Higher and scarce ; No. 2 , 54@51 c.
Oats Higher ; No. 2 32jc.
Rye Higher at CiOe.
Barley Dull and lower ; No. 2 , SSJc.
TOLEDO , January 23. AVhoat Opened
higher ; No. 2 rod , cash , 9GJc@l 03.
Corn Dull and lower ; No. 2 cosh and Jan
uary , 5 le asked.
Oats Quiet ; No. 2 cash and January , 35e.
NEW OBLEANS , January 23. Corn Good
demand ; mixed and white , Glc ; yellow , G3c.
Oats Steady and in fair demand at 48 ® 19c.
Corn Meal Scarce and firm at 3 00.
Pork Higher ; demand fair ; now , 10 00.
Lard Firmer ; tieri-o , refined , 8 75@S 87i ;
keg , 9 37J.
Bulk Meats Higher nnd scarce.
AVhisky Steady and unchanged ; western
rectified , 105@120.
CHICAGO , January ' 23. The Drovers' Jour ,
nal reports this afternoon as follows :
Hogs Market strong and prices lOc
higher ; packing , 5 40@5 95 ; packing and
shipping. 5 900 50 ; light , 5 35@G 00 ; skips ,
4 005 25.
Cattle Market strong ; export , C 20@0 75 ;
good to choice shipping , 5 G5@G 10 ; com
mon to medium , 5 00@5 f > 0 ; inferior to fair
cows , 2 C0@4 00 ; medium to good , 4 00
@ 4 63 : stockers. 3 75@4 25 ; feeders , 4 40 ®
4'JO.Sheep Market steady ; inferior to fair ,
300@4 00 per cwt ; medium to good , 400
@ 5 00 ; choice to extra , 5 00@G 00.
ST. Louis , January 22. Cattle Supply
more liberal ; exports , G 20@G50 ; good to
choice shipping , 5 50@G 10 ; common to fair ,
4 50@5 10 ; butthor stetrs , 4 00@5 25 ; cows nnd
heifers , 3 50@4 50 ; corn fed ' oxans , 5 00 ®
540.Sheep Good grades scarce.firm and wanted ;
low qualities dull ; common to fair , 3 00 ® 1 00 ;
good to choice , 4 50@5 40 ; fancy , G 00.
Hogs-Market slow ; light , 5 70@5 85 ;
packing , 5 80@0 10 ; butchers' to extra , G 00
@ 050.
KANSAS CITV , January 23. The Daily In
dlcator reports :
Cattle Good grades active and firm ; others
steady ; natives , 5 25@C 15 ; cows , 3 50@ 1 25.
Hogs Market firmer and lOc higher at
5 70@G 25.
Sheep Market steady ; natives , 3 75@4 G3.
CHICAGO , January 23. Receipts and ship
ments of flour and grain for the past 21 hours
have boon as follows :
Receipts. Shlp'ts
Flour , bbls 22,000 17,000
AVheat , bushels 41,000 40,000
Corn , bushels 295,000 158,000
Oats , bushels 113,000 85,000
Rye , bushels 0,000 5,000
Barley , bushels 35,000 23,000
NEW YOBK , January 23 , Receipts am
shlpmentsof flour and gram for the past 24 hour ,
have boon as follows :
Rocolpta Bhlp'ts
AVhoat , bushels R3.000 8,000 ,
Corn , bushels 92,000 1,300
Oat , bushola 28,000 GL
CHICAGO , January 23. Rocelpta and ship
menU of live stock for the past 24 hours havi
been aa follows ;
Rocolpts. Shlp'ts
Cattle 7,000
ogs ' ' ' ' ' * ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 23,000
Sheep' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "s'.OOO
KANSAS Cm , January 23. Receipts an
shipments of 11 vo stock for the paat 24 hour
have boon aa follows ;
Receipts. Shtp'U
Cattle 1,000
Hogs 0,000
Sheep 893
ST. Lonia , January 23. Receipts and shipments
monts of live stock for the past 21 hours bav
boon aa follows ;
Receipts. Shlp'ta
Cattle 2,000- 40
Hogs 0,300 50
Sheep 1,900 1.80C
Wlioloaalo I'rlces ,
Wednesday Evening , January 23. J
The following prices are charged retailer ,
by jobbers , wholesalers and commission inor
chants , with the exception of trraln , which I
quoted at the prices furnlibod by the elevator
and other local buyers :
WHEAT Cash No. 2. 72c ; No. 3 , 62o.
BABLEr Oa h No. 2,40c.
RTE Owh No. 3,40c.
COBN .Vo. 2,31c.
OATB No. 2.25o.
Live Htook.
VAT BTEEBS-Qulot at 4 00@5 00 ,
FAT Cowu-3 25@3 85 ,
! OWA3 73.
CALVES fi 00@0 PO
AVlNTEn AVHEAT Best quality , patent , nt
3 Sr.3 05.
SECOND DUALITY 2 7Gi < ? 3 25.
Srni.vo WHKAT Best quality , patout ,
3 25@3 GO.
BHAN ft5o jwr cwt.
CllorrEl ) FEKI > Per 100 Ibs. 85o.
ConN MEAL 100(3110 ( per cwt , .
POUKKNINO G5@"r > o per cw l rxultico.
BUTTKH Fancy creamery. 33@S'ic ; cold
storage creamery , 2527c ; chelco dairy , 20
@ 2lc ; best country , solid packed , 1215c ;
best country , roll , ! C@18ci inferior grades.
10@14c. Receipts are small , and the domain !
good ,
Kooa Market firm ; sales to-day at20@22c ;
receipts light.
MKAIH Hams , 13Jc ; hroakfa t bacon , 1040 ;
clear nldo bacon , short , ' . 'Jo ; clear nldn bacon ,
long , tile ; dry salt Miort , 8Jc ; dry salt long ,
8c ; shoulders , 7c ; dried beef , 12Jc ; lard , re-
finol , It Jo.
ArrLKs Fancy Jonathans , 84 50@5 00 ;
fancy Bon Davis , S3 G0(3)4 ( ) 00 ; fancy Jonot ,
53 00@3 50 ; fancy AVillowtwlg , S3 253 75.
Demand good , '
CHKESE Now York State full cream , late
September make , 14c ; Now York State full
cream , 10 hoop lots , 13Jo ; do full cream , 50
hoop lots , 131c ; Wisconsin , full cream , In box ,
lie ; Young Americas , strictly full cream , 1 to ;
full cream , 12c ; full cream 10 hoop lots , Hie-
full cream flats , 12&c ; full cream flats , lljc ;
fancy brick cheese , 100 lb cases , 15Jc ; Llm-
burger 13&c & ; genuine old Swiss , IPc.
POTATOES Receipts small and prices
good. Consignments of strictly cholco ,
largo sized , straight potatoes are Belling
from 40 to I5c ; mixed cars 35 to 3So and
light demand ; poachblows , 50c.
SWRKT POTATOES Choice yellow , none.
ONIONS No demand ; market overstocked.
BEANS-HSntr-pIckod natives , S225@250 ;
hand picked mediums , $1 75@2 00. Re
ceipts largo.
GAME Prairie chickens , per doz. , 53 00 to
3 25 : quail. 51 25 to 150 ; snlpo , 81 50 to 1 75 ;
ducks , Mallard , per doz , 2 002 60 ; mixed ,
§ 1 50 to 2 00. Bo careful that your
game comes to market in nice condition.
FitESii OVSTKHS Selects , 40c ; standards ,
35cj mediums , 25c.
POULTUT Live chickens , per dor , 1 75 ®
200 ; full dressed chickens , porlb,810c ; tur
keys , per lb. , 15@17c ; ducks , 10@12 ; ROOBO ,
LEMONS Extra fancy bar lemons , ? C 00 ;
fancy Messina lemons , per box , ? 5 25 ; 5 box
lots , Messina lemons , $5 00 ; 10 box lota do. ,
54 75 ; Malaga lemons , fancy , S1 50 ; do 5 box
lots , $4 25.
OIIANGKS Valonclas , 8 00 ; Mossiuas , 4 25.
CBANBKIUIIKS Boll and ouglos ; $10 00 ®
12 00 ; bell and cherry , 89 60@10 50. Above
quotations for choice.
DATES Black Arabian , per lb. , 8@9c ;
quarter crates , lOc.
FIGS 231b. kegs , porlb. , 12Jc ; 10 lb. box ,
ayer , per lb. , Kic ; smair vals per lb. , 18o.
COCOANUTS Extra fine , per 100 , 8 00.
CIDKII Pure sweet cider , 22 gal keg , SO 00 ;
M. & P. clarified , 10 gal keg , 54 75 ; M. & P.
clarified , 32 gal keg , S3 00.
PIGS FKFT , rnipc , ETC. Pigs feet , 15 lb
kits , SI 15 : pigs 40 lb qr bbl , ? 2 25 : pigs feet ,
80 lb half obi , 54 00 ; tripe , 15 lb kits , SI 15 ;
tripe , 40 lb qr bbl , § 2 25 ; tripe , 80 lb half bbl ,
54 00 ; JSjn tongues , 15 lb kits , S2 50 ; pigs
tonguos75d lb qr bbl , § G 00. Lambs' tonjraos ,
5 lb kits , S2 05 ; 40 lb qr bbl , SO 25.
MINCK MEAT Atmoro's , 181b buckets
buckets 25e ) 9c ; 371b buckets ( bucket 40c ) ,
c. ; lOOlb kegs , 9c : half barrels , SJc.
ASSORTED JELLY 2-lb stone jars ; 12 incase ,
or doz , 52 23 ; tumbler , per doz , SI 95 ;
chooncr , per dozen , S3 10 ; 1-lb tin cans , 4
07. . in case , SI 40 ; 2-lb tin cans , 2 doz in cose ,
BULK JELLIES Currant , 30-lb wood palls ,
or lb , 8Jc ; strawberry , 30-lU wood pails per
> , 8 c ; raspberry , 30-lb wood pails per lb ,
Jc ; blajkberry , 30-lb wood paiN per lb , 8Jc ;
rab apple , 30-lb wood rails pnr lb. Sic.
( U'PLC BUTTEB 35-lb wcwlau p Is , per lb ,
c ; 5-lb wooden palls , 6 in ci n per case ,
? 350
PEACH BUTTEB 2o-lb wooden pails per lb ,
11 00 ; 5-lb wooden pai , C in case , per case ,
SERVES ( In 20-lb wooden palls ) Rasp-
orry , 15c ; strawberry , quince , lie ; poach ,
4c ; cherry , lie ; tomatoes , 14c : plum , 14c ;
assorted , 6-lb wooden buckets , C in case , per
case , S4 75 ; assorted , 2-lb tin cans , 2 doz In
ase. per case , SO 50
NEBBASKA COMB HONEY 2-lb frames , 2Mb
asos , per Ib , 18c.
HAY Baled , 8 00@10 00 per ton ; In bulk ,
00@0 CO per ton.
OrocorH List.
CANNED GOODS Oysters ( Standardpor ) cose ,
70@3 90 ; strawberries , 2 lb , per case. 2 00 ®
10 ; raspberries , 2 lb , per case , 2 90 ; Bartlett
wars , per cose , 2 40 ; wnortleborrios , per case ,
10 ; egg pluooR , 2 lb , per casd , 2 90 ; green
ages , 2 lb , per cose , 2 90 ; pine apples , 2 It )
ior case , -180@5 50.
ROPE Sisal J inch and larger , lOc , jj Inch ,
He ; J Inch , lie.
CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , IGs , 15c ; 8s , 15c ;
30x03 10 Ibs , 10 ot. , 63 , loo.
MATCHES Per caddie , 35c ; round , cases ,
2 55 ; square cases , 1 70.
SUOABS Powdered , 9Jo ; cut loaf , 9Jo
granulated , 8Jr ; confectioners' A , 8jc ; Stand-
rd extra 0 , 72c ; extra C , 7c ; medium yol-
ow , 7c ; dark yellow , Ci'c. '
COJTEES Ordinary grades , 1212Jc ; fair 13
5)13ic ) ; good , lie ; prime , 15@15c ; cholco ,
G@17c ; fancy green andyollow,10@lGJoolc ; ]
rovornmont Java , 20@2Cc ; Lovering's roasted
8c ; Arbucklo's roattod , lS\e \ ; McLauglilln'c
XXXX roasted , 181c ; mitatlon Java , ' "
RICE Louisiana pnmo to cholco , 7c ; fair
3Jc ; Patma , Gf c.
FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brls. , 8 00 ; No ,
. mackerel , itita , 115 ; family mackerel , hal ;
brls. , G 00 ; family mackerel , kits , 95c ; No. 1
white fish , half brls. , 7 00 ; No. 1 kits , 105.
SYRUP Standard Com. , 32c , buls ; Standart
lo , 4i gallon kegs 185 ; Standard do , 4 gallon
JCH 1 50
SODAIn It ) papers , 3 30 per case ; keg per lb
PICKLES Medium , In barrels , 7 00 ; do
n half barrels , 4 00 ; small , lu barrels , 8 00 ; do
n half barrels , 4 50 ; ghorklnsf in barrels , U 00
do in half barrels. 5 00.
TEAS Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; cholco Gl
| 75c ; good Imperial , 40@13c ; choice , CO@G5c
_ 'oung Hyson , good , 3G@50c ; cholco
> 5c@l 00 ; Japan , natural leaf , 35c ; Japan
choice , G0@75c ; Oolong , good , 35@40c ; Oolong
choice , 40@55c ; Souchong , good , 85@40c
choice , 35@15c.
AVooDENWABE Two hoop palls , 185
three hoop pails , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Plo
noor washboards , 185 ; Double Crown 2 ! X
AVellbuckets , 3 85.
SOAPS Klrk' Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Kirk1
satinet , 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , 3 70 ; Kirk'
white Russian , 525 ; Kirk's outoca , 215
Kirk's Pralrio Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40o ; Kirk'
agnolia , doz.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 cose , in cose
135 ; Babbitt.B ball 2doz. incase , 190 ; Ancho
ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 CO ,
OANDT French mixed , In 80 lb , palls , 18c
American mixed , in 30 lb palU , llo ; Brllllau
inixod. in 30 lb pails , 13c ; Nobliy mixed , In 3
lb palls , 13o : Competition mixed , in 30 1
pails , 12Jo ; Excelsior stick , 30 lb palls , 12o
double refined , 30 lb palls , 13c ; Crystal mlxet
30 llJlialls , 15c ; Old Time , mixed , 80 lb palls
14e ; Tip Top , mixed , 30 lb pails , 13o ; Flirt
mixed , 30 lb nails , llc ; Flirt , stick , SO 1
palls , Hie ; Tip Ton , stick , 30 lb palls. 12o.
VJHEOAH Now Voricapplo ICe ; Ohio nn
pie. 18c.
SALT Dray loads , per bbl. 180 ; Aiihton , hi
sacks , 3 50 ; bbla dairy GO , Cs , 3 30.
BTABOH Pearl , 4ic ; Silver Gloss , 9c ; Com
Starch , Oc ; Excelsior Glut * . 71c ; Com , 80.
SPICES Pepper , 17c ; allsptco , ICc ; cloves
Co : cassia 15c.
LYE American. 3 40 ; Groonv/Icli , B 40 ;
Western , 2 76 ; North Star , 2 00 ; LowU'.Iyo
4 65 ; Jowoll lye , 2 76.
Drr CooclB.
BBOWN ConoNs Atlantic A , 80 ; Apple !
ton XX , 7o ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boot FF. fijc ,
Buckeye LL , 4 , 7c ; Cabot AV , 7Jc ; cldtte-
naugo A , ( ijc : Great Falls E. 8ie ; Iloosier , CJcj
UoneatAVidth 80 ; Indian Head A , 805 Indian
Standard A 8c ; Indian Orchard , d , w. , 7 c ;
Lawrence LL , Gio ; Mystlo River , 7Jc ; Poquot
A , 8o ; Utica d , 6o ; Wachiwott B 7Jo ; do
A ! 8jo do E 48,12Jo.
FIKB BBOWN COTTONS Allendalo 4-4. 7io ,
Alligator 3-1 , 8c : Atwyle 4-4 , 7Io : Atlaclio
LL , 61o ; Badger State X 4 , OJoj Bennlngton
G 44 , OJc ; Buckeye S 4-4,6Jc : Indian Orchard
AA 0-8,8io ; Laconla 0 89 , Sjc ) Lehlgh E 4-4 ,
9Jc ; Popiwroll N 80 , 7c ; do O S2 , 71 c ; do U
! W , 7fc ; do K 89 , SJoj POOM 0 4-4 , 7 c ;
Wamsuttft4. . 15ki
tnACJiKP COTTONS AndrodcogRln Ij 4-4.
9Jc ; Hlaokdtono AA Imperial 8c ; do do liall
bleached 4.1. PC ; Cabot 4-4 , 89o Fldollty 4-4
Hie ; Fniit of ths I < oem , Ole ; to c.imbrio 41 1
12 } ; do Water Twint , lOlc : Great Falli Q , Oo
Indian Head nhnink 4-4. 12ot I/ontilalo , lOo
o cambric 7 , 12Jc ; Now York MI1N , 12J o
Pcquot A , lOc ; Peiipcrol , N G Twills , 124o
] \ > calumtas4OSo ( ; PocnMot M , 8 ? ) Utico
lie ; AVmnnutta O X X , 12Jo
DUCKS ( Colored ) Albany E. brown , 8c ; do
C , drab , lie ; do XXnlri | > osaiHlpl ! > ld < ,121-2c ;
do XXX brown mul drab , stripes and plaids ,
12 l-2c ; Arlington fancy , 19c ; Bnuuiwlck
brown , 8 l-2c ; Chariot fancy , 12 1-L'c ; do ex
tra heavy , 20o ; Fall River brown , extra heavy ,
11 l-2o ; Indiana A brown , 13o ; Noponsot A
brown , 15o
TICKINGS Anwknag A 0 AS2 , 19c ; do XX
blno 32. 18 l-2o ; Arrowaima , 9 l-2c ; Clare
mont BH , t 2o ; Conoatoga , extra , 17 l-2o
Hamilton I ) , lll-2c ; Lovrintnn A 30 , 15cu ; ;
nplinlm ! I , 20c ; Omoca , aiiiwr oxtra4. | , 2i > ' ;
Pearl Rlvor 32 , 1C We : Putnam XX blue
triiio , 12cj ShoUtckot 8 , 10 l-2c ; do S3 , 12c ;
Yooman's blito 29 , Po.
DKNIMR Amonkong , blun and brflwn,10 l-2o ;
AndovcrDD blue , 10 l-2c ; Arlington X blue
Scotch , 18 1.2c : Concord OOO , blue and
bniwn , 12 l-2c ; do AuV V , do do 13 1-2 ; do
XX to do do , 1 1 l2o ; Haymaker's blue and
brown , ! > l-2c ; Mystlo River DDBtrlim , IGl.L'e ;
Pearl Khor , blue and brown , IGc ; UncaAVillo ,
blue nnd brown. 14 l-2c.
OAMBIUCI Bi\nianl 5Jo ; Kddystono lining ,
24 inch double face , 81cG.irnor ; A glazed , f Jc ;
Manhattan glovoflnisli , 5Jc ; Newport do.,6 Jo ;
do glazed , 5jc ; Potniot do , 6c ; 1/ockwwd Idd
finiih , Oc.
Coiisnr JKANS Amory , Androsccggln
sattooii. 8Jc : Clarendon njc ; Concwtogga sat-
teens , 7c ; Hallowoll , 8c ; Indian Orchard , 7Jc ;
Norragansott , improved , BJc ; Popporlll eat-
teen , 9ic ; Rockport , Go.
PHINTS Aliens , Gc : Amonoan , CJc ; Arnldo ,
Gtc ; Berwick , 4Jc ; Cociiooo , GJ ; ConosU > ga , OJo ;
Dunkirk , Gc ; Dunnoll , GJ@7c ; Eddystono , Gjc ;
Gloucester , OJc ; llnnnony , 5 c ; Knickerbocker ,
Gjc ; Mcrrimao D , 7c ; Mystic , 5ic ; Spragiion ,
Gc ; Southbrldgo , Gc ; do GlughaiiiH , 7c ; Marl *
bore , CJc ; Oriental , 8Jc ,
GINQHAMS Ainoskoag. 9Jc ; Argj-lo , 8c ;
Atlantic , Sc ; Cumbcrlauil , 7Jc ; Highland , 7ic ;
Konllworth , 9Jc ; Pluukstt , 9Jc ; Sussex , 8c.
CoTTONADEa Abbor\lllo , ISJc ; Agate , 20c ;
American , He ; Arttslan , 20c ; Cairo D and T
13lc ; Clarion D and T , 17ic ; Docan Co.
stripes D and T , IGcj Keystone l.tjic ; Nan1
tucket , 19c ; Nonpareil , IGc ; Ocean D and T ,
ISic ; Royal , IGJc ; Sussex , 12c ; Tioga , Wachu-
sett shirting checks , 12Jc ; do Nankin 12Jcs
York , plain Nankin , l"ic ; do chocks , strlpuH
nd fancj12Jcs do 8 or , 20c.
SIIUKHNOS Andrisci > ggin 10-4 , 27ic ; do
0-4 , 28cj do 3-1 , Si : Continental 042. lie ;
Fruit of tbo Loom 10-1 ; 27jc ; Now York m lla
98. 35c ; do 78 , 30c ; do 58 , 22Jc ; Pembroke
10-1 , 25c ; Ponuot 10-1 , 2SJc : do 71 , 19c ; do 19 ,
IGc ; Poppoaoll 90 , 29c ; do 07 , 21c ; do y , 18c ;
Utica 90 , SGc ; do 58 , 22ic ; do 48 , 17c.
Wo quote lumber , lath and shingles' , on oars
at Omaha at the following prices :
JOIST AND SOANTLINO 16 ft. and under
22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 50.
TIMBERS 16 foot and under , 22 00.
TIMBEB AND JOIST 18 ft , 23 50 ; 20 ft , 23 50 ;
22ft , 2G 50 ; 21ft , 2050.
FENCING No. 1 , 4 and G In. , 2100 ; No. 2 ,
SllEETlNO No. l(2d ( common boards ) , 20 00 ;
No. 2 , 18 00.
Linn Per barrel , 1 23 ; bulk per Innhol' 35c ;
cement , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 50 ; hair
per 1m. 50e ; Tarred felt , 100 Ibs , 3 50 ; utiaw
Lard , 3 50.
Paints.Oils and \ nrnlsliro.
OILS 110 ° carbon , per gallon , 13c ; 150 °
headlight , per gallon , 14c ; 175 ° headlight ,
per gallon , 18c ; 150 ° water white , 17c ; lin
seed , raw , ; pr gallon,65c ; linseed , boiled , per
gallon , 5BcLnru , winter str'd , per gallon , 80c :
No. 1 , 70cNo. ; 2 , COc ; castor , XXX , per gal
lon , 1 50 ; No. 3 , 1 30 ; sweet , per gallon , 1 00
sperm AV.1J. , per gallon , 1 GO ; fish. AV. B. ,
porgallon , Clc ; uoatsfoot extra , per gallon , 90o ;
No. 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , 30c ;
summer , 15c ; golden machine , No. 1 , per galen -
on , 35c ; No. 2 , 25c ; sperm , signal , per gallon ,
Oc ; turpentine , per gallon , 48o ; naptha 71 ° ,
cr gallon , IGc.
PAINTS IN OIL AVhlto load , Omaha P. P. '
c ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , Clc ; Marseilles
preen 1 to 5 lb cans , 20c ; French zinc , green
ial , 12c ; French zinc , rod seal , He ; French
nc , in varnish osst , "Oc : French zinc , in oil
acst , 15c ; raw and bumt umber , 1 lb cans , lOc ;
aw and burnt Sienna , lOc ; vandyke brown ,
3c ; rohnod lampblack , 12o ; coach black , and
vary black , ICc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian
luo , 30c ; ultrimarlno blue , 18c ; chromo green
i , M. k D. . IGc ; blind and shutter green , L
I. & D. , IGc ; Paris green , 18c ; Indian red ,
5c ; Venetian red , Oc ; Tuscan rod , 22c ; Ameri
can Vonnilliou , I. & P. , 18c ; cliromo yellow
j. M. , O. & D. O. , 18o ; yellow ochre , 9c ;
olden ochre , Ific , patent dryer , 8c ; graining
olors. light oak , dark oak , walnut , ' '
ud asli ICc.
Urv Pulnta.
AVhlto load , 8c ; French zinc , lOo ; Paris
vlutlng , 2Jc ; whiting gilders , Ifc ; whiting
x > m'l lie ; lampblack , Germantown , lie ]
ampblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , 55c ;
illramnrlno , 18c ; vandyke , brown , 8c ; umber ,
unit , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; Hicnna , burnt , 4c ;
lonna , ru'v , 4c ; Paris green , genuine , 25c ]
"orii preen , common , 20c ; chrome green , N.Y. ,
Oc ; chromo green , K. , 12c ; vormilllon , Eng. ,
Oc ; vermlllion , American , 18c ; Indian red ,
Oc ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian red , Cokusora ,
life ; Venetian rod , American , lc ; red load ,
'Jo ' ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chromo yol-
ow , K. , 12c : ochre , rochollo.Sc ; ochre , French ,
j'c ; ochre , American , 2c ; AVinter's mineral ,
Jo ; lohigh brown , 2 c ; Spaui/ih / brown , 2Jcj
'rinco's mineral , 3c.
VABNIBIIKS Barrels , per gallon : Furnl
tire , extra , $110 ; furniture , No. 1 , SI ; coach ,
jxtra , SI 40 ; coach , No. 1 , 51 20 ; Damar ,
jxtru , SI 75 ; Japan , 70casphaltum ; , extra , 85c ]
hollac , C'3 50 ; hard oil finish , SI 60.
Ptuo TOBACCO -Climax , SOc : Bullion 50cj
lorsoshoo , fiOc ; Star , 50c ; Ruddy , 45a ; Her
oy's , 48c ; Mack , 38@10c.
FINK Cor Common , 20@30c ; good , 45(5 (
Oc ; lloco Leaf , 70c ; Premium , G5c ; DIamom
"Vown , 55c ; Sweet Sixteen , 47c.
SJIOKINU 0 , S. , Ulc ; Mocrhchauin , 28c ; Dur
lam , 8 07. , 55c ; Durham , 4 oz. . 57c ; Darhair
! oz. , 55c ; Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz. , 55c
Joal of North Carolina , 4 oz. . 57o ; Seal o
North Carolina , 2 oz. , UOc ; O. KX Durham , 4
07. , 28c ; O. K Din" . ' 80c ; Unclr
Nod , i's 25c ; To' ' ' [ 90a.
Iiontlirr ,
solo , 38o to 2c ; hemlock tv.c 8o to 35e
nuiii o kin , 80c to 1 00 ; runner G5o to BOc
icm o calf , 85c to 1 20 ; hemlock upper , 23
, o 2Gr ; oak upper , 24c ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 5C
calf kid , 32@3ri ; Groison kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oar
kip , bOo to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; Fronc'
kip , 110 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; russet
sot * , 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , 0 00 to 10 60 ; top
pings , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , 80o to 85e
[ lobhlo O. D , Morocco , 35o ; slmoii , 2 60 to 3 00
HABHEBS No. 1 star oak , 42o ; No 2 do
39c : No. 1 Ohio oak , 38c ; No. 2 do , 85o ; No
I Milwaukee S7c : No 2 do 31e
Dull , and weak ; gronn butchnrs , f@Clc ; groc
galtod 74 ( ? )7Jc ) ( dry Hint , 12@13o ; dry nail ,
; damaged hldoj , two-thirds price ,
PKLTU 2Ccl 00.
lloaw Hardware lt\at. \
Iron , rates , 2 60 ; plow stool special cant , 7c.
crucible , 8c ; 8uclalir ] Gonnan , Gc ; cant too ;
do , 15(3(20 ( ( ; wagon spokes , set , 2 25 < a3 00 ; hubs
per net , 1 25 ; felloes nuwod dry , 1 40 ; tonguoti ,
each , 70@85c ; wle each , 7Co : nquaro nuU i > er
lb , 7@llc ; wushera or lb. 8@18o ; rivotH , per
It , He ; coil cliaii- , per tb , G@12o ; malleable , 80
Iron wedges , Gc ; crowbars , Co ; harrow tooth
4c ; spring tool , 7@8c ; Burdon'shornohooj.O 00
Burden a inuloshoon G 00 ,
BAUBEII WIUE In J.COT lots , 4a iwrllOO.
NAILS Rates , 10 to GO , 8 00.
BiiOT-Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 ; oriental
powder , kegs , 0 40 ; do. , half kegs , 3 48 ; do. ,
quarter kegs , 188 ; blasting , kegs , 885 ; fuse ,
per 100 foot 60c.
LEAD Bar , 1C5.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith. 10 00 ; Mor-
rl8Iunriloasbur ? ? ' 1000' ' Whltebreost lump ,
6 00 ; WJiltebreast nut , 6 00 ; Iowa lump , B 00 ;
Iowa nut , 6 00 ; Rock Birinif ) , 7 00 ; Anthra-
clto , 1125@11 60j Canon City , 7 00 , per ton
lilquom ,
AtooHOi-188 proof , a 25 pet wine gallon
extra CnlifornU splrllf , 188 proof , 125 per
proof gallon ; triple refined utilril * , 187 iroof ,
123 jwr proof gallon ; ro-dlstlllpd whhklos
1 00@1 60 ; fine blended , 1 ) ® 50 ; Kentucky -
tucky bourlxinK , 200fi ? > 700 ; Kentucky nnd
Pcntnylvwila rj-oi , 2 007 00.
BnANDiEs Imported,000@1000 ; dommtla
140 ® I 00.
GINH Imiwrlod , 4 50@0 00 ; domestic , 1 40
@ 300.
ROMS Imported , 4 60(3l ( ( ! 00 ; Now England ,
2 00@4 00 ; domftsllc , 1 60(513 ( 60.
CHAMPAONKS Imported per CIWP , 2800 ®
3-1 00 ; American , per cwo , 12 IX > @ 1G 00.
CTOKD MKATH AND JAnn In l\ncai \ lOc ,
in palls lie. Hams , lljo ; breakfast bacon ,
13Mir > ic ; smoked nides , 9i@10c ; call eidos ,
GHKKN FnuiT AND PHODUCK Potntoon , 6.1 ®
0 > 5o per 100 pounds ; onion * , jmr 100 lx > nnd ,
$1 fiO@2 no : turnlM | , per 100 lb , 00@80c ; Colorado -
orado ijiibbngo , now , per 100 , 8'cC l 00 :
IIvo chickens , nld , per doz , St ? 00 (
4 25 ; Ipralrio chlckoin jmr dor , S3 7r > @ 10l ) ;
oggi , fresh , | > cr doz , S'23So ; bnttor , fair qual
ity creamery , finest per lb , 8S42 : creamery ,
good , per lb , 2 $ ( 3Jc : Kansas and Nebraska
dairy , per lb , 37i945c ( ; cooking , 12(3)15c ( ) ; cheese ,
full cream , per lb , IGffWc ; apples per bbl ,
eastern , 85 OOOJ1G 60 ; grapes , per lb ,
7 < S > 10c ; California pears , per lb , 7@10c ;
Mossinit lomoni , extra , per box , 87 00
@ 8 00 ; orangoi , 812 ( HKnllS 00 ; Colorado
wheat , per 100 lb , SI 301 38 ; flour , fnlr
quality , 810 OpffilO ( 60 per barrel ; Hour.
Graliam , per 100 lb , Si 00@2 60 ; flour ,
rye , pnr 100 Ib i , 82 60@2 70 ; flour , buckwheat ,
per bbl , 810 00@10 60 ; corn' meal , tier
100 Ibi , 81 05 ® 1 85 ; corn , per 100 Ibs. 8180 ®
1 35 ; corn chop , i > or 100 Ibs. $1 30@1.13 ; now
twts , ] ) or 100 ll . 81 3T ® 1 45 ; oat , Nebraska ,
mixed , per 100 lb , 81 33 ® 1 35 ; heat , per 100
Ibi , 81 351 45 ; barley , i > crl001b8 , 81 50(3) ( )
® 1 75 ; mixed chop , per 100 Ibs , 81 33 ®
1 40 ; bran , per ton. 817 00@19 00 ; hay ,
per toil. 812 001G 00 ; baled second bottom ,
S10001200 ; baled upland , 814 00@17 00 ;
straw , per ton , $8 00H)0 ( ) 00.
Railway Time Table.
C'aclflo Rxpross.12.05 p In Atlmitlo
Wcntprn KsnrnM 8:00 : pin WesternK iiroM. 8:20 : | > m
0 , ItlamU'aea . . . .J:30)i : m Q. Isl.iml Vasa. 11:40 : a m
Unoolu Kx 12.30 ] > m | Lincoln Kx li:65pm ! :
I > J o Onmlia : 7:10 : , 8.00OtfO , 10.00,11:00 : n : m.,12ni : , 3 00,400 , B'OO , 6 00,10:10 : p. in. On Sun-
< l ys : 7:10,0.o : 1loo : n. m ; 2:00,4 w ) , O-oo , 10:10 : 11.
in. Arrli o t transfer depot 20 mlnutei later ; llroail-
\\ny ( ldHit | , Council lUufTe , SO nilinitca later.
I a > o Council UlufTn , Hroailvvny depot , 800 , 0.00 ,
10.00 , lloo : a m. ; 12 m.loo ; : , 2.00,8.00,1.00,6:00,0.40 : ,
10:40 : ii.iu On SmiilojB : 8:00,10.00 : a , m. ; 12 in ; 8 00 ,
B 00,6:10,10:40 : : \ . in. Artho Transler depot , lu min
utes later.
Ia\o Council IlluHs Transfer depot : 8:25,0,26 : , : : ; ml:2l ; : , 2:25,3:95,4:2B : : : , 6:25,0:25 : : ,
7:00,10:65 : : p. in. Atrh o Ounln 20 minutes later ,
1M No. 2 , , . .7:55am : Pans. No. B. . . 7:56 : a m
" No. 10 . . . .5:411 : piu " No. 15..11:45am :
" No. 4 8:50pm : " No S..ll : 0ain
i" No. 8 8M : ) m " No. lit..7:15 : pm
N , fl , . "No. 1. . . . 7S5um
" No. CO. . . . 0.50 am |
0. , N. & St. 1 * . K. It. U. P' DKPOT.
U\XK. : Anui\K.
UI ntlnKx'.8GOpm : IPnclfloKx , 0Nam : )
Uall & Ex 7COnm : | JfatlAKx * 7:50 : pro
( 'Sinnlns I'Acontod. )
Dniaha 7:10 : a m I Omaha ' .11:20 : ntu
" 8SOpm : | " K:20pm :
0. , B & Q II. ltU P. DEPOT.
ifall * 7:50am : I Express 0:45 : am
BUproga 3:50 : p in | Uall * . . . . . 7:10 : pm
0. , U. I & P. 11. It U. P. DKPOT.
Express 7:50 : nm I Mall 9:40 : nm
Ifall 0:60 : n m | Express 7:10 ] im
O. & N. V. U. K. U. 1 TEPOT.
Uall * 7:50nm : I Esnrcw 6:46am :
Exprcra 3:50pm : | Mall * 7:10pm :
3. C. & P. H. H. U. P. DKPOr.
Hall * (1:11) ( : ) am I Kinross 0.45 am
Kxpreiu 0.00pm | Mnll * 7:10 p in
KiproM . . .7:00n : m I Hxpri'K 0:45nm :
0. , ST. PAUL , St. tt O. K. K.-DKPOT N. 15111 8T
No. I" 7:80am I No. 1 * 6:80pra :
No.4' lOOpmNo | B * 11:45am :
J10UX CITY & PACino-DEPOT N. IBth Street.
Usavo Omaha ( or ValcatluoIa St. Paul Line
Io llUIr 7:30am :
tnl\ from Valentino 5:30 : p m
Corner Express..8:15am : I Atlantic 0SOpm :
Pttclflc Eipreaa".C:3D : p m , | Don\or Kxiros9'S:40 ) : it m
K. o. , ax , JOE & c. B. H n. n. t DEPOT.
Uall 8:26 : am I Kinross 8:00 : a in
Express 7:20pm I Mall t , fl:5Upm :
Suuclavs executed.
Opening and Closing of Mallu.
auum. orxN , CLOSI.
m. p.m. * 'm. p.m.
&N.V., .ftP.C. H.
k Q , , tit. Paul & Hloux City.11:00 0:00 : 6:10 : 8:16 :
, M.&S.P.B C. & P. lu Iowa 0 00 6:40 :
'abash Kxprcsd 12:30 : 8:15 :
/abash local 0.00 6:40 :
.0. , Bt. Joo&O 000 0,00 6do : 8:50 :
laeourl Pacific 7:30 : 6:40 :
, StP. M. & 0 5:00 : 7:20 :
nlon I'aclllc , oiorlaml 8:00 : 11:35 :
'nlon ' Pacific , Denver Kx. . . 4:00 : 7:30 :
. & Republican Valloy. . . 1:3011:85 : :
, &M. Exprcns 7:00 7:40
[ i. ft if. for Plattmnnutb , H.
Ueiid , Aahlaml and Lincoln.11:00 :
OHloo open t > un > lays trom 12 00 ra. to 1:00 : p. m.
O. K. OOUTANT Postmast' *
Wem Cornice-
C .
1111 Douglaa St. Oinalm , Neb.
Galvanized Iron Cornices
otmct Windows , Kintals. Tin , Iron and Slati
Uoollnj. Hjiccliffl patent Metullla HkjIlRht , 1'aton.
adustcu ] llatchet VAT and Bracket Shelving. I am
' oKont for tlio aliovo line ol KOUUS. Iron
, ( ! rostliiii | llalustradou , Verandas , Iron Hank
lunK * , Window Illlnils , Collar Quardi ; also gouera
nt lor I'ccrtfonlf HIM ntont Inslilo Illlnil.
years' | iractlo twelve I ;
UANHAH CITY , MO , Chicago.
AuthorUoil by the eUt to trea
Chronic , Nervous and Private dlteacoo
Attlima , Kpllcpny , llhcumatlBui. Pllei
.Tape Worm , urinary ami Hkin lli )
UJ _ , . coBosHemlnalWoakmHMnlBhtloii ( i
_ _ _ Jv as'Boxual DebUltylo ( s nlwxuol power
eta. Cure * guaranteed or moimy refunded. Charcii
ow , Tlmutanda ol roiea cured. No Injurious mod
Uneg furnished even to patlenU at n dletance. 0 u
ultatlon free and confidential call or rlto : ago an
experience are Important. A HOOK for both BOXIW-
lUBtrated and olrculan of other thlnw lent icale
with w SoentlUDirj. FUEEUUBUUlf
ed Od.w
Tvii'u'Ju < iclilliiy ! t'xliiiu ll
tlecuy i\rocaainllixcu \ oB1 r
r lutullii > f iiulinr ii. Hmli l 'Iruntlwi fro" .
MAIISTON REMEPYC0..40VV.I41liSt , NewYorlt.
A t Ictlrn of urly Imprndencu. c u lnj' ' nenoui ilobll.
.ty. . premitur * decay , fto. . u W trlud In fain nun
now ii ivmtdy h rtlicovrml 1 1 Implo l/jeon. of tclt
rp. ihlcn he will < -nd WH5K to lil
. .1. U. I11.XV PS. 4. CUato H. . New Ywc !
S , H , ATWOOO ,
PJnttsmouth , - - - -
t < vk tnr nTorre \ nnnil m - Bollclt . , )
DR , ,
This now nnd beautiful addition isyooatod X3twoon'Davonport"andOasa"atreot ) '
only ton blocks from the nigh School.
Lots "Will "be Sold at $350 to $650.
Tliia ia by all f-dda the most desirable property placed ou'tho market this year.
Situated na it is , in the heart of the city , and nt prices no higher than is asked for
lota two and three miles distant.
Davenport Street is Now being Graded Through this
The finest roaidoncoa in Omaha are being built within seven blocks of this ad
IB addition nnd thoao lots will double in value in Icaa than six montlia.
Lota in Hawthorne will quadruple in price before lota two and three roilea dia-
ant will doublo.
lall and See Prices and Plat , and Drive with us to
Hawthorne ,
Partiea wishing desirable roaidonco property will2fi.nd'"it ' to their advantage ] _
all nnd BOO us.
a ornamented with a beautiful | rowth ofgforest trees oonaisting of0ak _ , H cko
VahnndElm. Ilonco the ahado and ornumonta trooo-aro a roauy planted and u
grown.Vo have property in all parts of the city , both roaidoncoaiMl ) | buslnoaa pu | '
Wo have an Eighty aero tract nnd 100 aero traoi on Hno of Boli Ilailrosd ' J
213 South 14th Street , befrwisemFaroam and Bouglas-
l . . A. t , < J'V. , :
. , , fjML
, , V.1 ' /
, i ' ijH ( - ' J
' * ' '
i >
v >
H , , < *
* # ' *
. - . , : V
* * . - ' , ' $ ' ;
' ' "
. < i
, , / * , -I iI
' \ " f