Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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Wodnosiay Morning , Jan , 16i
The Wentlicr.
For 4ho Missouri valley : tfnlr ;
xroneraUy warmer wcnthor ; southerly
winds chitting westerly and fulling ba
A party of men , "rondo i > " In 'Cii es
triftlomos , were serenading ft number of a
loons Monday. At each pl co they vSmtod
they were furnUhed with drinks , prodded
they would not attempt to ring again.
The night k dffore nt ktlio city j all are not
so numerous since the moderation in the
weather. Tlioy wo informed that thcso nro
not bad nlghti to do the long wntch on tlio
There will bo prayer nnd praise meetings
nt the Baptist church , on Tuesday nnd Thnrs
day evenings ; also prayer and huainoas moot
ing on Wednesday cvanlng , at 7-i30. A cor <
dial invitation ovtendod to all ,
There will bo revival meetings In the Ocr
man Methodist church this week every night ,
corner Twelfth and .Tackson Btroots. A cordial -
dial invitation is given to German friends of
Omaha. Strangers are welcome.
A very pleasant party was given by the
Metropolitan club lost night , at Masonic hall
About forty coup'cs participated in the festivities
tivities and had n very enjoyable time , A
programme of sixteen numbers were danced ,
Supper was served. The Muscat Union or
chestra furnished the mimic. The club will
soon give a largo party.
Tlioro will bo special oervioes every evening
ing of this week at the Eighteenth Street M.
K. church , corner California and Eighteenth
trcets. The 1'lrst M. Ii church pastor and
people will unite. The object of thcuo moot'
ings is the quickening of believers and conver
sion of sinnora. An iavitation t come ii extended
tended to all to work nnd do good. Ilovs.
Savogo and Leodom , pastors ,
The preliminary examination of Via and
John McCarty , Qrro and Win. Petty , and
Win. Hyko , charged with burglarizing n B. &
M. freight train in December last , hold bofora
W. F. Martin , J. P. , of Bellevue , wa con
eluded Saturday night , and resulted in the
holding of Vie McCarthy and Ozro Petty to
awdit the action of the grand jury , ball being
fixed at $1,000. Wra. Ilyko turned state's
evidence , nnd was hold as a witness , his ball
being fixed at the same amount. It. W.
I Breckonrldgo , for complaining witnesses
and Clias. B. Kodick , acting district attorney ,
represented the state , and Col. K. V. Smytho ,
the defendants.
Tha board of trade is going 11 work ii
earnest in the matter of the erection of n mar
ket house and a building for their own occu
pancy. The latter they would like to locate
on the vacant lot on the southeast cor
ner of Sixteenth and Fnrnoin "and the
former they nro disposed to pu
up on Capitol nvonuo somewhere between
twoon Ninth and Sixteenth streets. The com
inittoo has been offered § 1,000 bonus by tin
osidents on one block and they will go where
hey can got the most money. The location
' is quite Important and it is to be hoped will b
pretty well up town. The now president , Mr ,
Falconer , will infuse some of his energy'into
the other members of the board and it is confidently
fidontly expected that some splendid work
will be done this year.
In our report of the financial condition of
the Western Steam Mon
day , wo made quite a serious mistake. The
figures should have nead : Assets , 820,000 ; lia
bilities , 822,000 , mainly in book accounts.
The company yesterday made satisfactory ar
rangements nnd will continue in business as
heretofore. Several skilled workmen from the
works of the Ilaxton Steam Heating com
pany , Kowanoo , 111 , , have been employed , and
the company are now in bettor shape to do
work than they over have bcon before. Their
temporary embarrassment was duo to the fact
that they had put in healing apparatus for
several largo concern ] in this city and through
out the state , and the money duo the com-
pxny for sold work was not forthcoming at the
time when promised. In justice to the com
pany it should bo said that they are nolvont
And no further trouble will follow.
HKOUINO'H Russia Salvo is unequalled for
chilblains , chapped hands , front bites , etc'
Try it.
A Crazy Girl Before Ills Honor ,
Charged Will * nibturbnneo of
tlio I'cnfio.
Monday evening as ofllcora Mntza nnd
TTumbull were standing on the corner of
Eleventh nnd Douglas streets , a girl by
the name of Mena Robinson approached.
Just before reaching the officers ahc
stooped down and picked up n rock from
the ground , and while Matza was stand'
ing with his back to her , she attempted
to etrikohim with the rock , but was prevented
vented by T.urnbull , whe caught her arm ,
The two ofllcors then arrested her nnd
started for the jail. On the way she
made a terrible noise , and was foflowoc
byalarge crowd of people.yesterday morn
ing she was arraigned in police court
charged with disturbing the peace. Thi
judge was satisfied that she was insani
and released her. She is half negro.
Another racket occurred at the theatr
Oomiquo Monday night. The row was between
tweon Ted Huth and Jack Nugent's boy
Will. Huth ia the stage carpenter , am
after having had some words , ho slappo
young Nugent. A ehower of bee
glasses then folio wo i , ono of whic
struck liuth upon the head , cuttin
quite a gash. Ilia eyes were also blacl
ened , and his hitherto fair features , coi
aiderably scarred , ire was then nrreste
and young Nugent filed a complnii
azainat him for assault and battery. I
police court this morning the judj.
fined him $5 and costs
Keys-Van Orman.
Mr. Goprjjo Koyea , train agent on U
U , Pf railway , between Omaha nnd Com
cil Bluffi ) , and Mini Annie Van Orma
were married Monday at four o'cloc
l y Ror. P. S. Blayney , at the roaidem
of the bride's parents.
The many friends of the groom in rai
way ranks and of the bride in social an
rauMcal circle * will unite in congratula
jug them upon the stop they have taker
, Freeh Lettuce , Pie Plant , lUdhlu
and Celery , iuefc received at Wiemera1.
Regnlar Mooling of the City Conn *
cil Last NigW ,
A.HJ\ort BesBlon Rtxl no HtiBlnc iH ol
Oront Importance Transacted.
At n regular mooting of the city coun
cil last evening , there were prenont coun-
oilmen Anderson , Bohtn , llosc-.ll , Kauf
man , Lewler , Murphy , llodficld , Thrnne ,
Wood worth nnd President Baker.
After the council WUH called to order ;
the journal of several preceding meetings
was rend by the clork.
After an hour or moro had boon spent
in this business the reports of the vari
ous meetings was adopted.
From the mayor : approving certain
ordinances. Filed.
From the mayor : oubmitting papers
from dnmes W. Newton , Governor Pat
terson nnd Mayor King , of Philadelphia ,
concerning Indian affairs.
It was moved and seconded that it bo
referred to the committee on gas. Car
ried.From city clerk : That Captnin MaiMi
had boon furnished with copies of certain
ordinances. Filed.
From city treasurer : In regard to
protest of Nora Clark against the payment -
mont ot excessive taxes. Referred to
committee on judiciary.
From city treasurer : Concerning the
bill of the city for Sl.UOO against the
county. Referred.
From same : Concerning payment of
taxes by Charles Williams under protest.
From Jos. Oarnau : Stating that ho
had laid a sidewalk of cinders , nnd ask
that it take the place of plank ordered by
the city council. Referred.
From Joseph Redman : Asking for
laying of sidewalk time extended until
spring. Referred with power to net.
From W. J. Mount : Calling attention
to the error made in the assessed valua
tion of blocks 13 and 14 , in Boggs &
Hill's addition , for 1883. Referred.
From Charles Turner : Calling atten
tion to nn error in the assessment of the
special guttering nnd curbing tax on lot
3 , block 153 , on Hnrnoy street. Re
A number of bills were received and
referred without rending. -
From property owners on Dodge street :
Asking that action in regard to the pav
ing ot that stroat bo deferred for the
present to allow further consideration of
the respective merits of granite and
Anderson , Rodfiold , Bohm nnd Loader
had quite a spirited discussion in regard
to the muttcrj nnd it was claimed that
some of the signatures were forged.
On motion it was laid on the table.
tFrom the chairman of the board of
public works , transmitting estimates and
bills. Approved.
From G. W. Horaan : Asking permis
sion to put hay scales in the nlloy in the
roar of nis stables. * Referred.
Potions for paving Ninth street , Cum-
ings street : , South Thirteenth street ,
North Thirteenth street and districts
numbers 21 , 24 , 25 , 19 , 20,14 , 15,10 ,
18 nnd 20.
Moved and seconded that when this
council adjourn , it adjourn until Thurs
day evening at 7 o'clock. Carried.
The petitions were nil deferred until
that time.
Jtcaolvcd , That the board of public
works make the necessary repairs on the
North Omaha sewer at onco. By An
derson { adopted.
JJcsolvcd , That the street commis
sioner bo and is hereby directed to re
move the stone from in front of Thomas
O'Connor's residence on Twelfth street ,
between Farnam and Howard. It is by
Guckin ; ndoptod.
Jlcaolvcd , That the city engineer be
directed to report to this council the
amount of money required to pnvo the
streets and alloys in nnd about tlio United
States custom house and postoflico , giv
ing the number of yards , price , etc. Bj
Rodfiold ; adopted.
The judiciary committee reported thai
the judgment in favor of F. 0 , Fostnoi
was correct , and recommended payment ,
From judiciary committee relative tc
the cost of paving certain streets , and
recommending tnat petition of Cnpt ,
Marah in regard to tlio paving botwooi
street railway tracks , Adopted.
Ordering the curbing nnd guttering o :
certain streets in the c'ty of Omaha wm
An Kntl to Bono Scraping.
Edward Shepherd , of Ilnrrlsbxru , 111 , , Raya
"Having received so much benefit from Kloc
trio lilttcre , 1 feel It my duty to lot uufTerltij
humanity know It , Havo. had a runnlncr nor
on my lep ; for eight years ; my doctors told m
I would have tu have the bone scraped or le
amputated. I u od , Instead , thrco bottle * u
Kloctrlo Bittern and seven boxes of liucklon'
Arnica Halve , and my leg is now sound an
Kloctrio Bitten are sold nt fifty couta a hoi
tics , and Ducklon'a .Arulca Halve at 25c. IK
box by 0. Goodman ,
Get your timber trees , such as cotalpt
oottonwood , white ash and many other
of fine variety from the Bloomingto
Nursery Co. , Bloomington , 111. For pai
ticulars and prices nddress E. II. Elliotl
Omaha , Neb. N. B. Edmund , Paulson
ia authorized ngt. 2t
To the Editor ot The Dee.
Some time since J. I
Baldwin , the house mover , circi
reo latod a petition among the proporl
oS owners of Thirteenth street , asking ihi
Thirteenth street bo pared with grnnit
id Ho represented that all
were in favor i
it , etc. , etc. 80 , without giving the sul
If. joct any eousideratiou , many though
. lowly signed the petition , nuppo'sing th !
Mr. Baldwin wns a property
lied owner , ai
therefor interested. It
nt now trnnspir
In that Mr. Baldwin was acting in the ii
torest of the granite company.
Some of the property owners have tin
had their names otrickon from the pel
tion and others express themselves th
ho Mr. Baldwin's notion was an impositic
in securing from them a enup dociiic
an before they had had the opportunity
ok decide a to the real merits of granite i
asphalt. Now Bohm & Co , charge th
CO the asphalt have a ring. I should s/ /
that the granite has a ring , also a cheol
Und net of brass , but a etill harder ono i
nd granite.
it- The underground passages under tl
n. streets of Paria , built with asphalt I
napoleon I. , are sound and intact to-da' '
Asphalt pavement in Paris has stood tf
teit for tnirty.tww yeare. AH now pavi
meat in London u being built wit
nsphftlt. If aaphnlt hns stood the test in
Kuropo why nhould it not hero ?
The cost of nsphaltnt the end ot five
Tours is nearly ono half the cost of grnn-
Ho , considering the cost of repairs of the
granite ; besides it is cleaner.
Before deciding what paving material
is to bo used the property owners should
call n mooting nnd discuss the question
in nil its bearings.
Wo think Thirteenth street is capable
of deciding what paving material nho
wants without the outside help of in
terested outsiders. E. D. T.
lliicktcn'H Amlcn Snlvo.
The Rrofttnst medical wonder of the world.
Warranted to upoodlly euro Ihirns , Cutfl , Ul
cers , Salt Ilheiim , Fetor Sorcn , Cancers. Piles ,
Chlliulalnn , Cornn. Tetter , Chnnpod hands ,
nnd all kln eruption , KRrantocd to euro In
every inntanco , or money refunded , 25 cents
per box.
A Pretty nnd Popular I'lixttsmontli
Ulrl Gobbled l > y an
Flattsinrmth Herald , ICth.
A quiet wedding occurred nt 5 o'clock
yesterday afternoon nt the residence of
Dr. W. H. Schildknocht , the contracting
parties being Miss Lizzie Schildknecht
nnd Frank T. Davis , formerly of this
city , but now with L. B. Williams &
Co. , at Omaha. The ceremony was per
formed by Rev. F. M. Eiterbrook , of
the M , E. church , in the presence of n
number of friends of the bride and groom.
Notwithstanding the fact that the event
was known to butfowin this city , n num
ber ef handsome presents were received.
The happpy couple loft for Omaha last
evening , after joining in a richly pre
pared wedding feast. Frank 1ms thrift
nnd economy to back him in making him
a pleasant nnd comfortable homo for his
bride , and wo hope with their mnny
friends , that their brightest hopes maybe
bo realized. Though it waa understood
there would bo no presents , they received
the following :
Sot of solid gold jewelry for the bride
from her brother ,
Silver butter knife , from Ettio Schild
knocht , sister of bride.
Silver butter dish , Mrs. Waybright.
Silver pickle stand , Mr. Merges.
Silver sugar shell and butter knife in
cnso , Misses Frnnkio nnd Eva Knapp.
Majolica fruit not"dish and n half
dozen plates , Air. nnd Mrs. Spurlock.
Fine statuary nnd vase containing n
handsome bouquet of fragrant ilowers ,
Dr. and Mrs. Hall.
Majolica cream pitcher , from the
bride s mother.
P.iir silver goblets , Mr. nnd Mrs. Pho-
bus , of Crete , the Inttor n sister of the
Pair silver napkin rings , Mrs. Living
ston and Willie Adams
Buy your fruit trocsraspberrics , black
berries , grapes nnd nursery stock of nny
kind from the Bloomington Nursery Co.
It contains GOO acres of fine and good
cultivated stock. For particulars address
E.H. | Elliott , Omaha. N. B. Edinond ,
Paulson , is authorized agt. 2t
Thos. Swobo , of tlio Millard hotel , wont to
Lincoln yesterday morning ,
Charles U. Brown , Esq. , is going on n
three weeks visit to Now York for his health ,
Rev. E. I" . Graham goes to Tnrkla,1' ( Mo. )
collage to deliver an address on Wednesday
General Ticket Agent Stobblus returned
Monday from attending the pool meeting in
Fred Boohner , of The Arnpahoo Pioneer ,
came in from the west Monday morning and
spent the day in the metropolis.
Mr. J. R. Sutherland , of the firm of Wil-
Bon & Sutherland , prominent merchants of
Tcknmah , wiis in town Monday.
Miss Emma. Clark , of Waterloo , Neb. ,
died In Trinidad , Col , , yesterday. Funeral
at Fort Calhoun , Nob. , on Wednesday.
D. A. 1'icrcy , of the firm of Brand toril ct
1'Iercy , loft for Prescott , Canada , yesterday
for his health. Ills daughter accompanied him.
Andy Borden , the pleasant and affable
ticket agent of the B. & Til.Is a widower. His
wife left for Denver on the noon train yester
N. C. Treat , agent of the Union Pacific
company , at Quincy , Illinois , U in the city.
Mr. Treat is nn old Omaha man , and has been
buny all day shaking hands with old acquain
tances , who are rejoiced tu nee him again.
D. Laiulon , of Geneva , Is at the Metro
J. W. Cook , of Fremont , Is nt the Metro
politan ,
M , B. Canes , of Arlington , is a Metro
polltaa guest.
K. M. Hovoy , of Columbus , is at the Metro
politan ,
F. M. Patton , of Frlond , Is nt the Metro
0. P , Grlgga and wife , of Council Bluffs ,
nro at the Metropolitan ,
J. R. Payson , Jr. , of Chicago , is at tin
R. 8 , Proudfit , of G our da Rock , is at tbi
D , U. Sunblln and wife , of Arnpahoo , ari
nt the Millard.
J. J. Trompon , of HIckman , is at the Mil
Bird Crltchfield , ol Weeping Water , is A
tlio Metropolitan ,
j O. H. Edmuudaon , of Fullerton , Is at th
Metropolitan ,
A. M. Edmundson ami K , G. Dlxon , c
Fullerton , nro at the Metropolitan ,
D , Nordlengto , of Fairbury , Is at the Ml
E. V. Clark , of Geneva , Is t the Millort
John fitenn , of Wnlioo , is a Millard guotl
Otto F , Steen , of Wohoo , is at the Millan
nd Geo. W. Post , of York , h a Millard gues
es M. B. Lindsay , of Kullorton , Is a Millar
in- guest.
John Baraby , of Fairmont , in ut the Ml
ti- W. II. Ktlp trlck and J. J * Hoglott , <
tat Beatrice , nro at the Ptuton.
on G. L. Thorp , ti David City , la at the Pn :
on ton ,
Qr J. A * Lowta , of Blair , la M Paxton guest
int K. H. Miller , of Nebraska City , ia ut tt
ay Pnxton ,
k , K J. Martin , of Lincoln , Ia ut the Paxton
For ornamental trees , rotfes , ahrulu
ho cleinatea , Ac. , buy from the Blooming
by tonNuMcry Co. of III , which contain
y. COO nnros of fine stock. For spring plan !
lie ing of nursoryatook.addroas U H , Elliotl
oOmaha. . N. B , Edmund , Paulson , is au
Ui thorizcd agt. 2t
Mlm Hope Glenn , Gave
Very Flensing Concert
announcement , n few weeks ago ,
t\int the Omaha Oleo club were intend
ing soon to give another of their popular
concerts was sufficient to incite n desire ,
within all lovers of music in Omaha nnd
vicinity , to bo present nt the recital. The
club always endeavor to make their con
certs as fcnjoynhle ns possible nnd , engngo
some noted voccvlist to vary their pro
gramme and serve as an extra induce
ment to the critical public. The first
concert of the series of 1883-84 , at which
time Mrs. Amy Sherwin won the merited
praise and admiration of nil who were
fortunate enough to hoar her , proved n
pleasing success , nnd convinced the gen
tlemen that they must secure the ser
vices of another sweet singer , nnd offer
the public another musical treat. This
time it was to bo Miss Hope Glenn , the
Indy with the beautiful contralto voice ,
who hns boon gaining much honor and
moro than pleasing her hearers wherever
she has appeared.
Letters and tolegrnms have bcon re
ceived daily by the Opera house man
agers , asking that seats bo reserved for
pooplp out of town , nnd the sale of seats
to citizens was also quite largo.
Shortly after eight o'clock last evening
the gas was turned on , the largo chnnd/j-
lior was lighted , nnd the eyes of
the observer looked upon n sea of fash
ion , beauty and wealth. The largo audi
ence , nssomblod to enjoy the programme
that had bcon prepared , presented , n
beautiful nnd vnriud nppunrnnco. Bright
nnd sombre colors blended in beautiful
harmony , diamonds flushed and beauty
smiled. Taken ns a whole the scone was
ono not soon to bo forgotten by nny who
gazed thereon. Though the andienco
wns kept waiting a short time for the
curtain to rise , no ono scorned impatient
at the delay , and when the bell rung and
it slowly rose from the iloor , all eyes
were turned upoiv the stage. The active
.members of the club , twonty-sovon in
number , wore seated on the stage , all in
the inevitable black dross suits , each
with n tiny boquot on his coat nnd very
was the nppparnnco they made.
In a moment the director , Franklin S.
Smith , and the accompanist , Mr. Martin
Cahn , walked to their respective places ,
the chorus rose and took their position
on the front of the stage nnd began n
programme which , though short , was a
most enjoyable ono and pleased all hear
ers. Miss Glenn wns very warmly re
ceived nnd nil departed thorougcly
plonsed with the evening's entertainment.
A StartlltiR Jlscoviry.
Mr. Wtn. .Tohneon , of Huron. Dak. , writes
that his wtfo had boon troubled with acute
Bronchitis for many yearn , and ttat all reme
dies tried gnvo no permanent relief , until ho
procured u bottle of Dr. Kmifa New Discov
ery for Consumption. Coughs , and Colds ,
which had a magical effect , und produced n
permanent euro. It in guaranteed to euro nil
Discuses of Throat , Lungs , or Bronchial
Trial bottles Free at C. F. Goodman's Drug
Store. Largo size $1.00.
A I'Jensrtnt Party Given by Planet
Ltodfio No 4 , Monday Nlglit.
A very pleasant and highly enjoyable
party was given Monday night at Kossler's
hall , it being a ball and Biiopor given by
the Plunot Ledge No. 4 , Knights of Py-
thius , for the benefit of a sick mombor.
There wore about sovonty-tivo couples
in attendance , and they poased the evening -
ing in a social dauco.
Holfman'a orchestra the
furnished mu
sic , which , as usual , was first-class.
About midnight a suaiptuous supper
was served , and after the ezurciso atten
dant upon a good dance , all wcro thor
oughly prepared to enjoy it.
All thinga considered , itrtia one of
the most pleasant parties which this lodge
has ever given , and all who wore fortu
nate enough to bo present , hope that it
may BOOH bu repeated.
In Nebraska and Iowa during the week
ending' January 12 , 1884 , furnished by
NVm. Van Vlock , of the postoflico depart
ment :
PnpihnastorB appointed , Aspinwa'li
Tew ha county , Jeremiah Mixrlott ; In-
19 Crook , York county , Emmett D.
1 tM IB ; Iviowa , Thayer couuty , ller-
i ( ft Jloaken.
> ontinued. Cline , Knox county ;
C tw e , Fillmore county.
\ office changes in Iowa during week
g Jan 12.
Established : Berlin , Tnma county ,
Gordon W. Perry , postmaster ; Eras ! in ,
Quthrio county , Samuel Smith , , post
master ; Luther , Boon county , Jus. F.
Jenkins , post-mnster.
Discontinued. Flint , Mnhnskn coun
Postmasters appointed , Blnino , Buena -
na Vista county ; 0. W. McCord , Cory-
don county , H. H. Luther ; Morton Mills ,
Montgomery county , Lard Kimel ; Upton ,
YanBuren county , L. M. MoDance.
A Quick Recovery.
It given us great pleasure tu ntuto that the
merchant who was repot ted being at the i > oiut
of death from an attack of Pneumonia , has on.
11 rely recovered by the uba of DR. WM.
Naturally he feels grateful for the benefits de
of rived from using this remedy , for the lungs
and throat ; and in Riving publicity to this
statement we are actuated by motives of pub-
II. Ho benefaction , trusting tlu.t otbors may bo
bonnfitted In a similar manner. On sale by
all Druggtetn.
Mott'u Liver I'll la
Are purely vegetable , act effectually on the
Liver , clnansa Uie stomach , aid Digestion
euro BIllIouBtietis , Dysptmula , Kick-headache
fttui nil disorders of the Stomach. They urt
the bent Stomach and Liver Pills made.
Dump's Catarrh Snuff euros Catarrh and al
affections of thn iiiiicmm menbrane.
of A FrtlU-ful Kmploye.
The following tribute to Harry 01
lUom , the brnkoman on the train whicl
was wrecked the other day on the O. &
R. V. road , has been prepared and signed
lie by the passengers on the wrecked train ,
and will bo forwarded to headquarters ,
It is one of which ho may bo well proud \
The undersigned patrons of the Union
I aoifio nulroad company , wish to show
our appreciation of the faithfulness of
IB all the emplnyca on train No , 10 , on
January 7 , 1883 , which was wrecked ;
and to particularly express our heartfelt
thanks for the many favors extended nt
all times to paweiigun by Mr. Harry Ol-
stroin , brnkomftn , nnd especially to
express our appreciation of his manly
nd bravo deportment nt the * time of
ho accident , not only in saving , as wo
oliovo , the life of a little child , but [ in
lis consideration , care , attention ,
houghtfulnees nnd good judgment in
ooking after nnd caring for the injured ,
md of persistent , untiring nnd continued
( Torts in that direction until nil wore
ared for , while himself euflcring from
ho pain of n broken finger nnd. nn in
ured thigh , showing him to bo of a kind ,
tusclfish nnd romnrknblo humane dispo-
ition , nnd having nn unusual regard for
ho interest of his employers and human
ly And wo sincerely hope that the
company may show n due nppreciation of
'iis faithfulness , good judgment and
nlunblo service.
V Small Wooden liulldhiKon Tuolllh
Street Partially Postroyccl by
KIro l.nut
About ten last night ( ho
harp , clear tones of the lire Loll rang
ut upon the crisp nir , proclaiming to the
coplo of this city that the demon of fire
ad once more broken loosu in our
The alarm vras turned in from bos 42 ,
ornur of thirteenth and Douglas streets ,
nd was occasioned by a blnzo in a little
ooden building adjoining thu cornice
ivorks , on Twelfth street , bntwoen Far-
am and Hnraoy streets. The building
as a small , one-story structure , and was
ccupiod as a sort of a tailoring and re-
air shop.
The fire department all responded
romptly , but on arriving at the box
'rom ' which the alarm was turned in ,
bund some little dilliculty in nscorrnin-
ng the exact locality of the lire. In n
ory few minutes , however , No. 3 got on
stream , and in a very _ short space of
mo the fire was extinguished. The
; ontleman occupying the building was
orhmato enough to get all ojE his goods
iut before any water was thrown. The
oss was very small , and $50 will proba-
ily repair the building
Chief Butler has been working for n
month to got the occupant of the build-
"ng to build a brick chimney. The stove
lipo formerly ran directly through the
oof. A few days ago the brick chimney
was builtbut then the tailor wont to work
, nd hung a lamp so close to the coiling
hat it burned a hole up through and
lommunicntcd with the rafters and roof.
iVhat gross carelessness.
It seemed as if the fire department was
nero than usually prompt last night ,
[ "ho " boys had all gone to bed , and yet
! io bell had hardly sounded before they
ore on their way to the firo.
It is certain that there are not yet a
luflicient number of boxes. There cor-
ainly should be a fire somewhere in the
ocality of last night's fire , built up as it
s with old wooden rookeries a conllagra-
ion may bo expected at any time.
Goupha , Cold ? , anil Sore-Throat yield readily to B.
I. Dcuglaafc Sons Capsicum Cough Drops.
In connection with our great embroi
dery and muslin underwear sale this
week , we will offer to-morrow morning
500 dozens wide and narrow" )
linen and cotton , real tor75 cents
chen , Swiss , valcncienne J- per
and other laces at a uniI I doz. yards.
form price. }
These are usually sold at 15 to 35 cts a
Another case of remnants of best qual
ity , bleached muslins in lengths of 7 to
23 yards at 7A cts a yard , -worth lOc.
GO pieces more of the sheer white In
dia Lm ns for ladies' or children's white
dresses at 15c a yard , worth 25c.
Our stock of Embroideries is conceded
by all our lady patrons to be the finest
iver shown west , and wo call special at-
cntion to the matched patterns we are
ihowing from 25o to § 10.00 a yard , width
'rom ' two to thirty-six inches , maertinga
; o match.
Now Check Nainsook , beautiful pat-
trns at 15c , 20c. 25c.
300KS , 20c , 25c , 32Jo. A quality and
: nako never shown hero before.
Pride of West Mualin , 12ic.
Iloal Estate Tranmora.
The following deeds were filed for
record in the county | lork'a office Janu
ary 15roportod $ [ for THIS BEE by Ames'
real oatato agency :
George L. Miller and wife to Francis
M. Briggs , w d. lot 10 block 1" in w end
add to Omaha , $760.
Lucinda Monoll , et al , to Henry Liv-
eaoy , w d , nit and o i , a , bloc * 73 in
Omaha , § 817735
Francis S. Blayney , ( unmarried ) to
Francis. B. Brnytnn and George W.
Buck , w d , lot 1 nnd 2 block "F" in
Shinn's 2nd add to Omaha , § 1,500.
George L. Miller and wife to Alonzo
B. Hunt , w d , lot C , block 19 , in West
End addition to Onialia , $750.
William D. Pruyro to Helen P. Pruyro ,
w d , part n sw 1 sec 10-15-13 E , § 2,000.
David N. Millur to Omaha National
Bank , sheriffs deed , the undivided i lot
22 , in sec. 22-15-13 E , 8109.25.
Absolutely Pure.
Toll powder never rarUm A martvl bt purl
itrongb and wholmomeucM. More economical tb
the odlnary klndi , and cannot be told la compctltlo
wlththe multitude 01 low teit.ihort wiijht , alum o
photphatu powders Bold only In can * . Kojtl 1 > V
BK Powder Co. , 100 W ll 8tr t New York.
Vor Infants and Children.
CastorlaproinotcqPliToatiou ildren rosy clio 1t ,
Vhat cures tltelr fevers , mates them sleep ;
mt overcomes Flatulency , 'Tin
Jon , Sour Stomach Dinrrhuun and
, ,
When Tjnliles fret nnd cry by turns ,
Foverishncss. It insures health nnd Whiit cures tliclr colic , kills their worms ,
natural sleep , without morphine. Utit Omtorln.
What quickly cures Constipation ,
Bour Stomach , Cold * , Indigestion ,
" CMtorl.1 In KO well adapted to Children Hint Hut Cftntorlo.
. recommend Has superior to any prwicripUon
know n to me. " II. A. ARCIIKII , JI. D. , Farewell Ilien to . Storphlno Syrups ,
Castor Oil and r.aretforlc , and
SaVortland Avc. , Brooklyn , N. Y. andHull CMtorlal
CENTAUR LINIMENT an absolute euro for Ithonma-
Llnin , Sprains , Burns , Galls , &c. The must PowcrAil and Pono-
truting Pnln-rcliovlngr nnd Healing Koim-.dy known to man *
< TSpcclalB will Posltlvclynot bo inserted
unless paid in advance.
TO LOAN-Monov.
TO LOAN The low eat ratoj of Interest
MONEY ' Ix > ui ARonoy , lEth & Douclaa 231-tf
\.f . ONKV TO LOAN In sums of J300. &na upward.
iVl 0. P. Uaris and Co. , Heal Kstato and Loan
Agents , IMS Fsrnum St. 303-tf
D A alfrfor K'encfnl fiouseVdrVaf sniitli
west corner ul Ho .ird ana FourtcoDth S n
'Xl/ANTED Imrtcdlatuly a ( food girl f"r general
housework , at the 3d door v , cat of 20th St.ton ;
oulhsldeot Harncy. 81MCI
TTIT'ANTED Firsttlass coat uiakurs , hlRhest pilccs
TT paid and \\orkguaranteed at Appel ft.
Co'g , Denver Ciloiada. 33-17
TJ17ANTED A night watchman InalmslncBS house.
TT Address with references and salary expected ,
X. Y. " Bco office. 810-10
Coloted woman to cook and wash.
WANTED . Apply at 1810 Farnam street.
WANTED A good izttl forKcncial housework at
uouthwest corner 14th and Howai d St. 815 15
WANTED Olrl for general housework , USeouth
.7th street. 816 103
TX/'ANTED / A good competent girl to do general
TT housework. Liberal nagcs paid. Apply at
1S15 Douglas street. 817-10J
WANTED Good steady Rirl for general house
work at C Id south 10th sjrcct. 621-161
WANTED A competent girl to cook , w ash and
Iron , Extra wages paid to competent help.
Apply to Mrs ) . Qcortrc K. I'nchctt , 203 south 13th St.
\A7ANTED-A girl to ilo Rcneral homework. Ap-
TT ply Immediately at 20CB California street
1\7ANT D A girl for gcceralhousowork 1116 Chi-
> V cagoSt , S08-180
WANTED Dishwasher at the Omaha House ,
llarncy street , bet. mil and 18th. S13 15 § _
TX7ANTED A good girl at. white cottage 24th and
TV Mason , 2J blocks rauth of .St. Mmy's a\enue.
Good wages paid. Tbree In family. 804 if
W ANTED BliicVsmlth at Florence Cut-oft. Ap
ply to J C. Murphy , at the works. 700-lCt
YI7 ANTED Faur or flxo gentlemen boarders at
VV No. 1311 Webster street , bet ISth tnd 14th.
WANTED A good baker Immediately , at F , F.
Goodman & Bios. , PlatUmouth , Neb. 770-101
WANTED Four persona to learn hook keeping
Situation furnbhed. J. B. SMITH , 1618IJong.
as : t- 701-191
WANTED A German dining nora kitchen girl.
Hesse an d Hoppe , 418 S. 13th St , between
Ilarney and Howard. 685 tf
W ANTED A good washer and Ironer at 2400
Dodge street. 606-U
A Young man dcs'rci a situation ix's a slsttnt
book-keeper or work In any kind ot otflco. here
ifiteadymar ISM anted. WatC9ii tso much an ob-
ect as a position. Address "C. T. 1' . , Bes ottlce.
843 278
A situation to do Imiwjwork ii a
email family by a good German girl. Inquire
ntSlSnoith Hthst , 841-175
WANTKD A situation by a nan who ID aperfect
( Mnucrcook. Addicsa Cnaa Ueckor , City part
lr nstauiant , 21 atd 2J Brlnd St. , CCULC 1 BlufTa.
WANTED Situation an house keeper , nurse or
cock , I hoi ouL-hly coini et < nt and good refer
ence "V. Z-Bjeoina ) . 813 17J
TTfANTKO A situation as waiter by a joung Oer-
11 man. Can give beat ot referenced Address
"C. K. " Bee ofllce. 830-loi
WANTED By an experienced farmer anil stock
breeder , a iitmtliin aa farm manager and su
perintendent of a stock and grain farm. Twenty
j cars' experience In the feeding of cattle Mid sheep
for riurkit , toother with the Ktowlng and feu-line
, l jooU. Addrvis " 0. " Dee uUlcu. b'20 19 |
book-keeper ot o\et 12 joirs experience
perience , and at prfcKcnt connected with one of
the leading rlrnis of tlili city , Is open for fiigogc.
rucnt-ctAUdrees " .lluite , " Bco otllcc. 7e9 Ii S
To Invtst clgh ) or ten hunJteJdolhrs
WANTKD as book-keeper , or In some oth
er elerical capacity. Would loan the money to em
ployer. Address "C. " Bee ofllce. 818-20S
\TrANTEl ) I'aitner In laud butlnoii . iOO will
V > buy a I all Inteleit In a well e > > Ubllbed , Hnely
ad\crt fed and | * j ing re > l estate and loan badness
In town having , two rallroodii , In southern Nebraska
Fine countrv vnd excellent cluncu for an enenie Ic
and riMwiirlble man of exx.rlenci > . Address "Heal
Estate,1' Bioottlce. 818-611
' lo tradt a tine single horse and a
WANl'KH carriage or buggy tcumfor real estate.
BAllKait & MAyNE , N. K. corner 13th andKarnam.
T ADinsOHYOUNOMEN m city or country teL
_ Ltaknrilco , light and pleasant work at their own
homes : f 2 to (5. a day easily and quietly made ; work
entbruull , no camasslup ; no stamp for reply.
I'lcasoaddress HelUblo Man'l'g Co. , rhllidelphlal'a.
drawer TT. 763-lmoJ
Voung couple with excellent reference ! , wtnt
A to rd ind roeui Ith unaef piano , in private fam
ily. Address "N. L , " BKB oUlco. BiZ-18.
FOR RENT Houses and Lota.
OK HUNT Twenty hounea , Inquire McCofrne
Droa , opposlto Post uttlcc , 848-tl
TtOltliENT A cottage ol ( our rooin Hth and Chi-
_ 1 cago. Inquire of llioa. Bwllt , Uth and Chicago
? HKNT S room lioute near U. V. depot , ftUo
' large lurnltruil loom. Inquire ut 16 Dain-
, , oitHlf Ml-101
[ 7\r > H lli.ST : Nf w nlno room dwo'lintf with attorn
J ? heat , git , city and cUUm watur , bath water
clonet , hoc mul cell water , good ovlliur , barn and
\ery convenience lu a flut-clam cllyrfiiUIcnc * .
8:6-13 C. V , 1WISCOLU
1TM1H KK.Nr Furntuhrtl room with board , /l o a
J ? fcday bo rdtr , 18H Davenport. 83MOJ'
T70H UENT FuroUhcd Iront loom W5 N. 18th ,
JL' 70M8I
TtOll JtKNT A Urge na-wmunt , aluo tntlru teoonl
1 ? llcor. Inquire 111S llftiney at.
\ Itr.NT A ill lurnlshed r om onJStti utrtct ,
17\0lt from the uxra houwi. Inquire at 817
louto Uth rtreet. 78T-17I
IlKNT KurnUhtd roomu , 1316 UaJeg etreeU
T 161
HIiWT I'urnlshcd room at No. 8C9 outh
FOH reet. 7C5-16J
HKNT Nice rurnlnlied trent room Ith bo rJ
ITIOU twoiwrvouiltlU Davinportdt. 760-1
HUN T Au c'eianUy lurnUhed aoo > room ,
InOll 1 cxpoturr , all moJtrn oontuilcncti , tntet
location lu OroaJu. N. W. C r. 18th nd Fariuua
FOll REhT Comfortable front room , south-east ,
corner Fourteenth anil la\cnport ) , suitable for
two gentlemen. 663 tf V
HKNT 2 new 6 room houses for rent , inquire
quire on loth St. not door to Pacltlc Hotel or at
1611 Cais Strict. P.J. Crccdon. t)78-tt )
HKNT A new store room. Also ono flat
with all modoin Improvement * . Hout reanonablo
to good parties. Lorenzcn'a llleck , cor. 13th uid
Howard Struct 612-tf
I OR IlENT Furnished rooms on the northwest
03r. 13th and Capitolatonuo , formerly Crulghton
OH HKNT Rooms In NebrasLa Natlona Bank
Building. Most desirable olllres In the city
Supplied with hjdraullc elevator and heated b
steam. Apply at Bank. - " t 020 tf
_ _
, SALE House and acre lot near Hanscom
Park. House 6 rooms and til first clasa Improve
ment * . Must be sold nithln a few dojs.
833-15 . II. B. IREY&CO.
FOR SALE Pure je How canary ringer anH pure
green at 218 N. 9th St. 780 171
" 171011 BALK Qiccn house , hot bed , taahand other
Jf market garden flxturos. North end of ISth Kt
77616' II. W. BAIL.
T7I011 SALE General store , with brick building in
JC a flourishing Nebraska town , fit' ro doing a bus
iness of $10.000 per year. BAllKEIt & 1IAYNE , N.
E , corner 13th and Farnam. 768-tf
FOR SALE Stock of general merchandise and
building , valued at about $5,600. Address Box
61 , Firth , Neb. 761 tf.
FOR SALE Leading hotel In a ll\cly Nebraska
town. For particulars addrras or call at the
office of BARKEK& MA YNE.N.E. corner Farnara
ano 13th Sts , _ 767-tf
17\OUSALE \ A email Moslor , Bihman &Co. , fire
J ? praof sift , almost new , at this office. tf
FOR SALE Farm 18 acrea , now houee , barn and
outVuildlngs , shade and fru't trcca , tmall fruits
in abundance ; excellent loratir.n . , 1 miles from post-
oIHcc , } mile from tchnol. Just the thing for "tiuck"
farm or dairy. Price S2bOO. Will raito in SO days.
O. It. Doanu & Co , Heal Estate Agents , 15th and
Douglas streets. 071-tf
fTIOIl SALE Only first class hotel In a live town o
JL1 two railroads , Whitney House , Grlawold , la.
iiim ALh II j two story tirick residence19th
JP and St. Mary's avenue. Large barn , out-home ,
water \\or.8 , well arranged. Lot EOxZCO. Piico
47.600. Best Bargain in Omaha. Call at M. Toft's
People's Bink. 277-t
12 lota one block west of Park a\o-
FOKSALE Lots 60x150. Will cell the whole tract
for $7,100 , If sold before January Ibt , 18S4. Real es
tate owners bid thlj bargain , If you call at People s
Bank. 27S-tf
FOR SALE Choice business property , three loti
cor. Samidera and Charles Strcot. It will pay yen
to Ini cjttgate this offer. Call at People's Bank.
TjVHl SALE Improved property , which will pay
JD the buj cr 20 per cent on the investment. HentJ
for $1,920 per } enr. All occupied by first class ten- V
antx. Will sell for $10,500 , if sold soon. All or ono- | \
half cath , balance , one to flie j earn Thu abo\ In
vestment Is worth Investigation. Call at the i coplo'i
Bank. EbO-tf
TI e subscriber la taUns orders for spring Im
portation of the above. Prices much below those at
auction sales. References to those supplied. John
McCulloch , III Trustand Sav. Bank , Chicago.
20J 2mt
FOR SALE A first clans second hand top nugiry
Call nt 1810 Harney street e7tf
FOR SALE Two portaoie , lO.iorso power
B63-tt _ 218 South 15th Street.
FOR SALE Ola newspapera m Urge and otnoQ
quantities at this office. tf
STOLEN From stab'c between Bart nnd Webster ,
one large black mare pony , with no shoes on ,
plain halter n.ailn , property of Geo. McKcnile.
l.caat Atwood i Fox's bill : , on 16th and Donglaa
and lo rewarded. 842-17 (
FOUND rureewl'h ' money on the road to Mil-
lard. Owner call on Boggx * ' "U82114
rpAhEN UP-Cn my premljei cm De * . 15.1883 , Jn
JLwcsi Omaha , one Cream Colored Pony. Small
white ( pot In foreheadmane and tall a little darker
than the hodj. JA8 K VAMlL'KCOOK.
825-.1t IcukS
rpyLKRfc COMI'ANY tjoott-kcrpcrandacxjoutitants.
J. Eximlnn and oiljiift dlii urrangcd books in a eye-
tcmatlo and atcu rate UiUnucr.gMngcomctlu'auica ,
will especially attend to postii g up biol.s rach da )
where the ten leva of a book-keeper are rxjuind but
a fen hours , making out Iinoktd , Hatumnts , and
any corrceprndi ncu confldenlUllyasu ) aakecvllec-
tloua. Otlluo at P. Buyer and Co. , 10201'arram St.
ALIST , 803 Tenth street , between Farnam and II I-
ney , will , with the aid of guardian uplrlti , oliUlnlnj
an } one gUnco of tb past and , and the
certain conditions In the future. Boot * ) and shoe )
nu te order , Perfect natlsfactlon Guaranteed.
uie of the term " Rhor
Line" In conni-ctlon with thi
corporate name of a greatioid ,
com u ) an Idea of ust what
IttHF * required by the traveling pub-
I I M la l ; ° - Bhort Line , Quick Tlmt
I I f and the best of accommod * .
fcai IV tloni-oll of which are turn-
Uhod by the greatest railway In America ,
And St. Paul.
It owns and operatn over 4,600 mlleiot'oa
Northern Illinois , Wisconsin , llmnosota , lowaaa
Dakota ; and u U main linen , br&ncho * and connec
tions reach all the great business centre ! of tbc
Northwest ami Far West , It naturally antwen the
description of Short Line , and Ilut Route between
Chicago , Milwaukee , St , 1'auland MlnneapoJla.
Chicago , Jlllwaukeu , La Onwse and Wlnona.
CblcAgo , Milwaukee , Absrduin and HlondAl *
Chicago , Milwaukee , Kau Claire and btillwater1
Chicago , Milwaukee , WaUHUii and Merrill.
Chicago , Mlwukee , Bca > er Dam and Oahkooh.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Waukctha anil OcouotnnwoO.
Chicago , Mllvt&ulee , Madbon and I'utrlodii Chlen.
Clilcago , Milwaukcct Onatonna and FAlrlbault.
Chicago , Ilelolt Jani vl'lo ' and Mineral Point.
Chicago , Elgin , Uockford arid Uubuque ,
Chicago , Clinton , Hock Island and Cedar Rapid * ,
Chicago , Council Illuffd and Omaha.
Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Falli and Yanktoa
Chicago , Ullnaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain.
Rock Island , Dubuque , St. Paul and Mlnucapotlt ,
Datenport , Calmar , St. Paul and Minncipolls.
Pullman Sletpen and the Flnwi Dining Gam In
world are run on the malulbiea olthu CHICAGO.
and every attuitiou I * | iald to pMseagtriby court *
out emploj va of the company.
ueul Mauazcr. ( len'l 104. t
3. T. CLAHK , QEO IL U&nSSb ,
Uf.u I Sup t
[ ; lc.\iIsJS5" \ ! ; ! : d7fSif * "o 'J ' wi-