sr * * , V. . , MWClY/JAlOJAftY 14 < 1884. THE DAILY BEE. OMAHA. Tuesday Morning , Jau , 16 , Thn Woather. For the Missouri vnlloy : Partlv cloudy weather , light local snows , north to east winds , rising barometer , followed in the northern part Tuesday night by n slight fall , colder in the southern portions and slightly warmer in the northern. LOO AL BREVITIES , The I'ftxton hotel opened a brand now roaster yesterday morning , Tha Metropolitan club will give a locla hop at Masonic hall this , Tttonday evening January 15th. A woman -of the town died at the corner of Ktavonth and llarnoy streets Sunday nigh from a too free use of opium and beer. Ono of the paid firemen of the city was suspended , Sunday night , for two weeks , for a too free-use of the "flowing bowl. " A free fight took place at the rullroai crosslnK on Tenth street Sunday night , in whlcl ono man received an ugly wound in his cheek. ICe arrests were made. The installation of officers of tlio Od < Follow lodge Saturday night was a very pleas not affair. The grand master was present am porfonnod the ceremonies. Isaac Kothholz , a c'othior on Toutl ftroet , made an assignment to Sheriff Miller yesterday , In favor of his creditors. Tlio papers were filed in the oflico of the county clerk at ii O. There will bo revival meetings in the Ger man Methodist church this week every night corner Twelfth and Jackson Btreotx. A cor dial invitation is given to Gorman friends o Omaha. Strangers are welcome. I In police court yesterday morning there uor six cases for disturbance of the peace. Two I wcrj fined $3 each and costs , ami the otho four received $5 each nnd costs. Ono COK for J discharging fire-anna within Uio dt limits , woe fined $5 and costs. A very pleasant little party ws given n Mr. Foloy's on Saturday evening. Dancin was Indulged in until a late hour. The must was furnished by the Italian band. Durln , the evening the inner man was refreshed wit ! good cake and wine. Everybody present ha < an elegant tlmo. A young woman from ono of Nebraska's interior towns writes to THE BEE nnd dosiroH an advertisement for a husband inserted , but at the same time failed to send the cash with the order. If a husband Is not worth paying for ho is certainly not worth having , hence th advertisement will bo hold until the cash i forthcoming , A man who claims to know , stated yes torduy that the right name of the girl wh was shot at Croft's , Saturday night , is Jossi Troup. That her parents are respectable people - plo and live near Columbus. That she ran away from homo with a caloon keeper by th name of Wright and wont to live with him u Hastings , and she thus came by the name o Wright. There were two spirited runaways Satur day afternoon. One occurred on Capitol nve nuo hill and the other on Cans street hill , am both teams wore street car horsoa attached t < cars. The team on Capitol avenue hill dashoc down the street , throwing the car from th track and dragging It for some distance upon the ground. The whifflo-treos were broken and the team , released from the car , dashoc on madly down the street. The runaway on Cass street hill was not BO serious , and nobody was hurt In either ruinpup. On Thursday last a gentleman called a the office of the county treasurer and gave his .chock for $00 in payment for taxes and ro leiyod a receipt for the same. On Saturday theliapk n which the chock w drawn re turned the aff0 p log that tlu > drawer bat no { und in too bank sml h 4 rntdo no de posits f6r several days. Mr. W' ' * ' > > 9 * WV urer , at onca swore out a Warrant for the jlrawer 9f the choc.k for obtaining a tax receipt under false pretenses. The drawer explained that ho had some difficult with that bank and had changed his deposits to another institu tion , and that by mistake ho had gotten hold of the wrong blank chock. The explanation was satisfactory and the man was ruloasod. They can't "monkey" with John Rush , for ho vcn't have it. EruptioUB and malignant'fevers ' are conquered and cured by Samaritan Nervine. § L50. "Dr. Richmond's Samaritan Jfcrvlno permanently cured mo of epileptic fits. J. 8. Sale , Madison , Florida. Got at your Druggists. SHOOTING"SOEAPES , Two ol * Them Reported to Have Talcoa 1'laue in TliU Cltv Sunday Two shooting matinees are reported as having taken place in this city Sunday Between 5 and C o'clock Sunday evening - ing a man came running into the under taking establishment of D rex el & Maul , and all out of breath , asked tor the core nor. Ho stated that a Jew , Hying ni Capitol avenue , had shot at his wife , and " that the woman was badly wounded. Wo have endeavored to look the niattei up but have boon unable to find anybod ; that knows anything of the inatinoo , ant wo are inclined to believe that the in formant mus * " have boon troubled witl wind on his stomach. TENTH BTIIKKT RACKET , At a late hour Sunday night a man wa "tared out" ot a dive at tlio corner o Tenth and Harnoy streets , and his ango was aroused. Ho drew his 'Texas Jack' cun and let two bullets fly into the house uo then ran into the alloy and wuitnd ( few minutes. Everything was quiet ant ho returned and emptied tlio romiunini loads into the door , after which hi "eloped. " ANOTHER BUOOTER. A young German who had bought a gui of a party Sunday , stopped into ai alley at night to try it. Ho wliangc < away at the airbut shortly canto to grief for he was "collared" by a "cop" and rui into jail. Yestesday morning the judg taxed him $5 and costs. An End to JJono Edward Shepherd , of HurrUlmn ; , 111. , save "Having reucivedco much benefit from Klec trio Bitten , I feel Itiujr duty to lot sulTertu humanity know It Hav e had a running bur u iny leg for eight years ; my doctori told in I would Have te liave the bone temped or le Amputated. I ui > e < J , instead , throe bottles c Electric Ultter * and BOVCO boxei of liucldou * Amlca Salve , and my leg It now sound aoi -well. well.Electric Electric Bitten Are told at fifty ceuU a Lot tlaa , and Kuckleu' * Amlcft Halve at 25c. ye IK X l > y 0. F , Goodman. BOARD OF TRADE. Meeting at tlie Board HOOIDJ Last Night , \ Tlio Meeting or tlic BoAitl of Direct ors Appointing ot Committees A Communication from GeorRO Francis Train. A special , meeting of the board of trade was held last evening , President Falconer in the chair. After roll call the proceedings of the directors' mooting in luc "ftornoon wcro read , being in substance as follows : The board of directors mot at 3 p. m Present , 0. F. Goodmnn , chairman John Kvans , 0. Spocht , G. 0. Amos , 0. F. Driscoll , , T. A. Wakcgeld , and W. W. Bingham. On motion , the following members wore elected as commit/icemen for the en suing year : Transportation W. J. Broatch , W. H. McCord , S. 11. Johnson , n. G. Clark and Max Meyer. Manufactures Clark Woodman , F. E Daily , 0. Spocht , W. W. Marshall , and R. JN. Withnoll. Live Stock Joseph F. Sheoly , Jno , A McShano , W. A. Paxton , John L. Hill and G. W. Zloinan. Douglas County Lands George 0. Amos , Gcorqo P. Bcmis , Thos. Gibson George II. Hoggs and 0. F. Davis. Memorials John C. Cowon , Champion S. Ghaso , E. Rosewater , Goo. L. Miller and Fred Nyo. Arbitration Milton Rogers , P. Wind hoiin , G. W. Lininger , N. Morriaiu , J 13. French. Meteorology Thos , G ibson , 0. F. Good man , G.W. Amos. Elections C. F. Driscoll , Jno. Evan and J. A. WakoGold. A communication from Mayor CIuiso asking the board to call on him at hi residence ( ho being confined by sicknosa in regard to appointing delegates to at tend convention of improvements of the Mississippi river and its navigable tributaries tarios to bo hold in Washington , Fob. C 1884 , was read. 0. II. Schallor , through Thos. Gibson asked to bo authorized to issue a circula ; describing the live stock , railroad , rca cstato and manufacturing interests o being compiled by 0. R. Schal lor , under the direction of the Omaha board of trade , circular for distribution abroad , nnd in consideration of this being granted would allow the board to have printed as many of the circulars ai they wished at § 10 per 1000 for use o the board. This proposition , after discussion , wa referred to a committee consisting o Thomas Gibson , J. A. Wakcfiold , and J C. Adonis , with power to act. The petition of J , A. UaNc.ill for membership borship , was acted on favorably ant elected. It was moved and carried by Mr. C Spocht that a committee of throe , in eluding the chairman of this board , b appointed to confer with the count ; commissioners to try and got thorn to release lease any right or claim that Dougla connty has or claims iu the proport ; now occupied by thorn for county oflicos etc. , to the city. C. F. Goodman , 0 Spocht and Thomaa Gibson wore ap pointed. The minutes of the board of director were approved. The proceedings of the last raootin and annual election were road and ap proved. The secretary road a communication from the chairman of the convention fo the improvement of the Mississipp river nnd its navigable tributaries , to b held in Washington City. February 5th 1884. 1884.Ai Ai this ofticial call entitled the bean to five delegates , the president , on mo tlon , was instvuptod to appoint that num or ot uilflgatesr911 " 10 bocrd Adopted , Tno following gontloiiion were ug- ostod : Max Meyer , Wm. A. Paxton , r. H. McShauo , C. S. Chase Mid Gen. fatidorsoii ; but the appointments were oft discretionary with the president and will bo kept open for a few days. A communication was read from Geo. Trancis Train , M follows : Jitl/ons of the Board oE Trade ; Two decades ago you invited me to an > vation , banquet. ( I did not accept. ) I iavo mailed Bemis ( in reply to Rose- water's telegram ) Hutoiy of Omalm , Credit Mobihor , Union Pacific. Omaha should subscribe for 100,000 copies to send through Cosmos. GEO. FKANOIH TIUIN. The subject of sending a delegate to attend the mooting of the state board of agriculture , to bo holfl at Lincoln to-day , was taken up and discussed , and Mr. 0 , F. Dri&eoll and Thomaa Gibson wore appointed 60 attend 'said mooting. Gen. Estabrodk 'Was ' also added to the committee. There was'ageneral ' and informal dis cussion of iho matter of a site for the * now board of trade building , and the board adjourned without any definite ac tion. A Startling Discovery. * Mr , Wm. Johnson , of Huron. Dak. , write ) that his wlfo had boon troubled with ftcuti llronchltla for many yean , anil that all roino dies tried ( { two no permanent relief , until hi procured n Uottlo of Dr. Ktny'i Now Dlncov err for Consumption. Coughu , and Oolite which had a magical effect , and produced i permanent cure. It ii guaranteed to euro al Unloosen of Throat , Lungs , or Bronchia Tube * Trial bottlcH Free at 0. F. Goodman's Dr [ Store. Largo ulzo $1.00 , SHELL'S ' PKEDIOAMENT , Tlio Coroner's Jury Hold Him to tin Grand Jury in the Hutu of $ L'noo. The coroner's jury in the case of Jos i < Snail , continued their investigation yesterday torday afternoon at 2 o'clock in thi council chamber. Throe or four witncs sos were examined , and the evidence ad duced was about the same as that of Sun day. Ghanou's testimony dill'urct Bomowhat from the rest , but as near ai could bo ascertained ho was so drunk or the night of the shooting that ho cannel toll what occurred at all. Altar the evidence had been heard tin room won cleared and the jury procoodec to make up their verdict. After duo do liberation they concluded to hold Sncl to the grand jury for manalaughter. and the bail was iixed at $2,500. Knoll die not give bail and ho was taken back tc jail.Ilia Ilia preliminary examination will b < icld before Justioo Anderson , Wcdncs- y morning , at 0 o'clock. Counsel for Snoll attempted to ox- ilain to the jury that the girl had pulled ho trigger of the revolver herself , but hero was no evidence that could bo made to look that way. As was stated before , the death of Tcsslo Snoll was caused by an accident and while the deceased and Snoll were engaged in a drunken scufllo. Mr. lied- dick , state's attorney , stated to the jury that if they found that the deceased came to her death by the pistol shot wound , and that Snell was committing an unlawful act at the time , it was their duty to hold him. Ho then explained that Snoll was committing an unlawful act in carrying a pistol , and it was upon those grounds that ho was hold. Ducklcn'H Arnica Salve. The greatest moJIcnl wonder of the world. Warranted to i > oo < lly ! euro I5urnn , Cutn , Ul cers , Salt Hhomn , l-'over Soroj. Cancers , Piles , Cliillblfilnn , Corni. Totter , Clmpped hands , and all pkln eruption , garanteod to euro In every InsUnco , or money refunded. 25 cents per box. THE NEW"GLIMMER. The Stocaliolte of the Sccrry Electric Light and Motor Cofflpany Held a Meeting Lust NlKlit and Klcct od a Hoard of Sovcn Directors A Few Minor 1'olntB DH- ! CIlBHCll. All adjourned mooting of the stock holders of the Sperry Electric Light an < Motor company was hold last evening a Amos' real estate oflico on Farnam street The mooting was called to order b ; Mr. Gibbon in the chair. The object o the mooting was the election of a bean of directors , which was proceeded to a once. once.All All of the stock was represented except copt nine shares , and the question ares as to whether a majority of the fill amount of the stock was necessary fo the election of an ollicor , or whotho simply a majority of the stock represented od at the mooting at which the votin took place would bo sufficient. It wa decided that the majority of the stocl present , provided moro than onu-half o the entire stock represented , was sufli ciont to elect an ollicor or transact any business. Quito a number of the stockholders were absent and their votes were cast b ; proxy. After the ballots had boon cast ant counted it was found that six of the seven directors had boon elected , viz J. E. Boyd , J. H. McShano , Thomas Swobo , A J. Simpson , Guy 0. Bartoi and Churchill Parker. Motion was then made by Mr. Hal that the chair bo instructed to cast the ballot of the stockholders for the election of the ramaimng candidate who had ro coivcd the highest number of votes After considerable argument the motion was finally passed , and as C. Y. Gallagher ghor was the gentleman answering tha description , ho was declared unanimous ! ; elected as director. A motion was then made that th directors , with the exception of the secretary rotary , treasurer and general manager render their services without mono ; compensation for the first year. Anotho argument then followed , but the motioi was finally carried. A proposition was then received from the gentlemen who own the franchise o the Sperry patent for the state of Nebraska braska , to dispose of said franchise t ( the company for $330,000. They atprood to take $315,000 of the purchase mono ; in stock of the company at par and th remaining $15,000 to bo in cash. Lon < explanations were then in order , ant some of the stockholders were unable even then , to comprehend the meaning of the proposition. A motion was made that the proposi tioil bo accepted and the same was car ried. ried.Unoh Inotitm tlio 'mooling ikon ai. journed , subject , to a chll fK m the board of directors. The Sperry ftloctric Light mid Motor company is now thoroughly organized , and wo were informed by ono of the stockholders that they would have a "plant" in working order inside of sixty days. _ _ ThcBO Are tiolld Facts. The best blood purifier and system regulator over placed within the rench of eiiHorlng humanity , truly U Kloctrlo Hitters. Inactiv ity of the ) Liver , Biliousness , Jaundice , Coil- HUimtlon , Weak KidnovH , or any disease of the mtnury organs , or whoever roquiies an ap petizer , tonic or mild ntlmulant , will nlwaye lind iKIoctric Bitters the beat and only certain euro known. They act surely nnd quickly , every bottle punranteod to give ontlro satin- faction or money refunded. Sold at fiftj cents a bottle by O. F. Goodmnn. in NOWH , Ilov. J. E. Hull , of the Southwest Presbyterian church , addressed the Union Sunday school Sunday. . The meeting of the literary and debat ing 'society Saturday was quite inter- citing. The society paper by Mr. Bullet was an able production and well received. The debate was the most interesting of f the season , participated in by Hon. John I. and 0. H. Redick of your city. The Fair of our Sunday school opens Wednesday evening to continue throe evenings. A gold headed cano donated by Edholm & Erickson , will bo voted tc U the most popular gentlemen in Saratoga rs to the most popu lar lady. GUUKOO. ANOTHER FAILURE , The "Western Btoatu Heating Com- puny In lcp Financial Trouble. The Western Steam Heating company , of this city , have virtually foiled. They are HOW trying to oll'ect a satisfactory set tlement with their creditors. An attempt iu being made to hare the Huxton Steam Heating Company , of Kowanee , Illinois , ta o hold of the busi ness and run it for the benefit of the creditors. The liabilities of the Western Steam Heating company are § 20,000. Assets , 922,000 , mainly in book accounts. "Whether a satisfactory settlement will bo effected ia not yet known. Grins. Fleaiant , healthy grlna are eon only ou the laces of healthy persons , Tbo dyipeptlo and debilitated can eiullo only In a half-hearted way. 1'urlf v the blood , tone the stomach , and strengthen the tissues with UurJoct : MooJ Hit. ttrt , if you \ \ \ < Ate laugh well and often. IOWA ELOPERS , An Iowa Banter and a Milliner Skips Ont Toother Without Consulting the Banker's ' Wife , The Old Lady "Tumbles to the Ilnck- ct" and Follows thorn to tills City The Party AH Kc- tum Homo To- KCllior. JIowa ? is a great state for sensations of all kinds and ) the latest one which has oomo to light occurred the latter part of last week. In a lively little town in that state lived n banker , who is ono of the most prominent citizens of the place. Ho has boon favored by fortune and has amassed n snug little sum of this world's ' goods. Ho is a man who has reached the shady aide of lifo , as may bo socn by the gray hairs which cover his head. Ho has a wife and several children , all of whom have attained the years of matur ity. His homo is a most pleasant ono in every respect. All that money could buy or loving hands prepare , has been done to make his life pleasant and happy. Yet. notwithstanding all this , the old sinner deserted all to cast his lot with a millionaire of the place. ' The milliner had beautiful brown eyes , her nut brown hair hung in beautiful ringlets , and her sylph like form was most entrancing to the eye , particularly so to the banker's oyo. To add to all this she was a widow , and ono of those winning , dashing , handsome widows , and she succeeded in completely fascinat ing the old "money bags. " The pair finally determined to clopo , so ono day , the latter part of last week , they skipped and came to this city and registered at ono of our principal hotels as man and wife. Now a certain travelling man , whoso former homo was in this Iowa town from which those lovers came , had boon ad vised of their sudden departure. Qn Saturday last ho happened to be in this city and dropped into the hotel where the eloping pair were registered. The first man ho mot in the ollico was the banker and approaching him ho extend ed his hand , but the banker feigned ig norance , but the traveling man wouldn't have it , and finally convinced the banker that ho know him. Ho also saw the milliner in the dining room. He determined to lay low and watch proceedings. On Saturday evening thcro arrived in this city the banker's wife and daughter , and they were slow to discover where the happy but guilty pair were staying. They repaired to the place , and when they both appeared before the old man , to say that ho wilted would bo putting it exceedingly mild. There wore angry words ; there were tears ; there were threats , but in a very short time a reconciliation was effected , and on Sunday the whole party loft in company for homo. The old man will devote his time to shaving notes in the future , while the milliner will attend strictly to trimming hats. It is quite evident that there is some thing in the atmosphere in Iowa which breeds this kind of deviltry , for certain it is that thcro is lots of it going on there. Then another thing about the business is that nearly all of them fly to Omaha , where they are nearly always caught. Will It Really Cure llhcumatisiti ? Wo answer , honor bright , it will euro rheu matism , nnd the severest cases too. Dr. Thomas' ichctric Oil was specially prepared for the rheumatic and lame. Notice lotto from the people relative to its merits in nearly every paper m the country. RAILKOAD NEWS , The St. Joseph & Western Passes From the Hands of the Itccolvor and Becomes an Inde pendent liinv. . llorulJ , IStll. Thomas L. kimball , general manager of the Union Pacific railroad company , and A. J. Popploton , attorney for that road , ariivod in the city Friday night from Omaha in a special car and were engaged all day yesterday arranging end settling the affairs of the St. Joseph & Western railroad with the receiver. The receiver , Goo. B. Smyth , was removed by agreement of all the parties inter ested in the , matter nnd ho and his bontrifcnen were released. The order of JudgtrMcOrary for his removal was uindo some days ago , and filed in the United States court at Topeka on the 10th iuat , The plaintiffs in the suit were represented yesterday by Judson & Mat ter , the Fanners' Loan and Trust com pany , and the interests of the St. Joseph - soph & Western by Doniphan & Tteod , and the receiver by Ex-Governor Silas Woodson. The papers wore all signed , agreed to , and forwarded to Judga Me- Cranr for his final approval. The St. Joseph & Western railroad company was fully organized on the 10th inst. , in Boston , with Sidney Dillon , president , with thirteen directors , live of whom are in the interests of the plain * tills of the suit Winslow Judsonof this city , is ono of the directors , and a member - ber of the executive committee. The road now passes into the management of L. D. Tuthill , who has power to make any COG tracts for passenger and freight transportation on such terms as ho may think proper , unless the same should bo rejected by the board of directors. Col. A. M. Saxton , it is understood , will bo appointed treasurer. Sir. Hotter con- suiting attorney , and Messrs. Doniphan & Reed , who have had the management of the legal affairs of the road for ton or twelve years , will bo the attorneys. Old employes will probable bo retained , Mr. Tuthill having power to appoint. The road is expected to bo run in the interest of St. Joseph. It is understood that the receiver received § 5,000 for Jus services and that Woodson , Green ift Burnoswero allowed § 1,000 as attorneys. The Combination ol Ingredients mod In making Huowji'a BUOSCHUL TIIOCIIEH is Kiichastoeho the best jxmlblo effect with safety. Ihey are the best remedy iu use for Coughs , Coldn , and Tliroat Diseaaea. The Truth. To the Editor cl The Her : In Saturday's issue of THE BKK I am represented in an editorial as a libeler and bribo-giver. The following plain statement of facts will , I hope , show that neither of the charges is a just one. On afternoon I called at the private pflico of the editor of THE BEE , and handing him a hurriedly written article , asked him if he would please cwrect it and insert it in that evening's BhK. The following is the squib : "Would it not bo well for the property owners thnt xnoct to have paving done to wait a while before tignlng for acpbalt , an the late cold weather has demonntratcd that It is not the right material for this climate. " CITI/K.V. I wont directly to Mr. Ilosowator because - cause I was told that THK BUB being lately very cold on the paving question , anything in any way favoring granite would not bo kindly received. For that * reason I stated that I would pay adver tising rates for a communication leally a news Horn. Mr. Ilosowator road the item , s id ho was very busy , that a simi lar article was in typo , that its repetition would bo useless , and that I had better call in n day or two. The sum of two hundred dollars was nU mentioned by mo at that or any other time. J. II. BALDWIN. Phosphate. InlHorvous Diseases. Dr. HENIIY , Now York , says : "In nervous vous diseases , I know of no propaiation to equal it. " PKKHOMA.L. . Mrs. Kltto Hull returned yesterday from the west , after an absence of about cloven months , much improved iu health. Mlsn Hope Glenn , the charming contralto who assists nt the Glco club concert tonight - night , arrived In this city yesterday morning and is staying at the Millard. Mr. A. B. Da\cni > ort , the popular room clerk of the Millard , loft yesterday , -with his family , for n visit to St. .Too nnd Kansas City. They will bo pone several days. II I ) . W. Campbell , member of the Su preme council of the ] toynl Arcanum of ilos ton , is at the 1'axton. Ho is hero to exemplify now work of the order to-morrow ovcninp. Delegates from the various councils through out the state \\111 bo present , J. C . Goodman , of Tekamah , is a Metro politan guest. Wm. Ilarrhiui , of Wnkolleld , is a guest at the Metropolitan. Frank Sharp , of Fremont , is at the Metro- politnn. Eugene Grary , of Central City , 13 at the Metropolitan. John M. llyan , of Columbus , is at the Met ropolitan. O. Ronalds and wife , of Arlington , nro at the Metropolitan. IE. Jegor , of Craig , ia stopping at the Met ropolitan. George A. Smith , of York , Is at the Pax- ton. John D. MacMnrphy , of Sclmylor , is at the Vaxton. W. H. B. Stout , of Lincoln , is at the Mil lard. Harry Kichards , agent for Mlnnio Castle , is at the Millard. J. O. West , of Grand Island , is at the Mil- lard. lard.Goo. Goo. Yule and F. Sourbaugh , of Lincoln , are at the Millard. E. II. Chambard , of Niobrara , are at the Millard. J. HPungato , E. S. Gaylord and Jesse S. Davis , all ol Blair , are at the Millard. L. P. Young , of Lincoln , ii at the Mil lard. lard.H. H. A. Greenwood , of Wymore , is a Millard guest Capt. W. II. Ashby and wife , of Wymoro , are at the Millar d. BE. Landmann , of Sutton , is at the Millard. A. F. liott , of Hooper , is at the Metropol itan. II. C , Aaron , of Ogalalla , ia at the Metro politan. G. P. Aolson , of Lincoln , is at the Metro politan , J. D. Seamou and S. W. Powers , of Kear ney , are at the Paxton. , Ed. Griffin , of North Platte , is a guest at the Paxton. W. D. Hallor and L. C. Kinne , of Blair , are at the Paxton. J. II. Smith , of Valentino , is at the Paxton. Frank Harrison , of Plattsmouth , la at the Paxton. E. Spooks , of Valentino , is at the Paxton. All Adiniro a Handsome Face. A pure , clear skin will make any face hand- some. Manifestly anything which sti engthons and onrichcH tuo blood \\ill directly allect the whole person. AH eruptions of the skin dis appear when liitnlocl Mood Hitters are em ployed. They are a vegetable remedy of in estimable value. DIED. WALTON-r-Iii this city , Jonutry 13th , at 11 p. m.r nt her residence , southeast corner Eleentn nnd Harney streets , Josie Wultcn , aKed 21 years. Notice of funeral hereafter. 11EGAN. In this city , yoetirday , at 7 a. in. , Hanorainfant daughter of John Hcgan , aged tuo weeks. Funeral took place yesterday afternoon , nt3 p. iu , , from the residence , Twelfth and Pierce streets. NELSON. Mary , daughter of Johanna and Peter Nelson , January 1-Hh , ugcd 7 years. Funeral will take place from Parkwllde ave nue , between Seventh and Eighth streets , Jan uary 15th , at 1:30 : p. in. Friend are all in vited. Ono car load of show-cases , oval and mansard , all sizes just received at Good man's. nl2-tf. POWDER Absolutely Pure. ThU powder Dover t rle . A roirvel ol purlt otreuah tail wholesomenoit. Ilore eoonoiulcal tha the odiniry kludi , and cannot be tola In cotopetitia vvltbtha multitude of low teit , ihort weight , alum o phoiphatt povtden. Bold only In cane. Hoyal liak UK fowiinrUo.,100 Wall Street New York. CASTORIA .Infants and Children Without Morpliino or Tfarcotino. What Rlvri our Children rosy checks , What cure * their fevers , innko * tlicm Bleep ; "fit Cnntorln. When Babies fret , nnd cry by turns , What cures their colic , kflls their worm * . > Hut Cuitorl f What quickly cure1 ? Constlpatl Ion , > Sour Stomach , Colds , Indlgcst Ion : Faro well then to Morphine Syrups , Castor Oil and Paregoric , and Contour Lfnlmont. Annn- noluto euro for Ruonmatimn , Sprains , Barns , Galls , &o. , and aa Instantaneous Pain-rollover. SPECIAL NOTICES. jMTSpoclaln will Poaltlvolynot bo inserted unless paid in advance , TO LOAN-Monov. TO LOAN The lowest rates ol Interest MONEY Bomls' Loan Agency , 16th & Douglas 134-tt TO LOAN Iti sums ot 1500. anil upward. MONEY 0. F. I.i\l8 and Co. , llcal Estate and Loan Agents , 1E05 Farnnm St. 303-tf MONEY TO LOAN-J. T. Bcatty cans on chattel jiroportv. tl South 14th St. dec'.fl IIELV WANT1SU. TWANTKD Colotcil oman to cook and wash. t > Small family. Apply at 1S1D Farnam street. 83MB A food girl for housework at southwest corner Hlh aim Ho aid St. 81616 W 'ANTED Girl for general housework , 113 south 7th street. 819 10 ] "IX ANTED A good competent girl to do general Vl hoasew ork. Liberal w gea raid. ly at 1815 Dodga etrett. 817-15 ) WANTUD-rour girls to iiack frutt. 622 14 f PEYCKE 1H103. WANTED Good steady girl for general house work at f tO south loth street , 821-101 WANTED A competent girl to cook , wash and Iron. Extra wages paid to competent help. Apply to MM. George E. I'richUt , 203 south I8th St. S2U-15I TTfANTKO At the Metropo'ltan ' Hotel , good II man or strong.boy. A German or Scdc pre ferred. Inquire lor etcwatd. 823-16 WANTED A girl to do general housiw ork. Ap ply Immediately at 2000 Ca'Konila street. 8JO-178 TTITANTEO Flrst-claa * Jnimdrj woman nt "Tho Ti Arcade" Restaurant , 121&lougl ! St. 809-149 \T7ANTfiD-A girl for go.erahousework ! 1S15 Chicago - cage St. 800-181 TTTANTED Dishwasher nt tlio Omaha House , V Harnej street , hot. 12th and I3th. TX7ANTED-A good girl at white cottage 24th nnd ) Mason , 2 ! blocks south ot St. Ha j's aiemiu. Good wages paid. Three in family. bOl-tf rpHE SCIIOFIELD MANUFACTURING CO , of JL Chicago , III. , want agents to canvass Omaha nnd \lcinity for their new spullaHies. They claim their best agents clwr (7 per day. Circulars free. WANTED Two weeks copjlng done. Address "S. B , " lJe otllce. 792 14 } "IITA TED Bltcksmith at Florence Cut-on . Ap- VV pi ) toJ C. Murphy , at thowoiks. 7DO-15t " \T7ANTED--Fatir or the pentlemen boarders at T V No. 1311 Webster street , bet. 13th and 14tli. 709-15 ] WANTK1J ibwcedo or Danish girl lor genera houscw ork. Call south Ma Charles street , bet. Irene and James the only house 785-14 WANTED-A first class cracker baker to take charge of a bakery. For particulars address Tajlor & Co. , W. cping Water Neb. 783-1411 -TIT-ANTED A good baker Immediately , at F , P. t > Goodman & Ilros. , Plattsmouth. Neb. 776-101 WANTED Four persons to Icaru book keeping Situation furnished. J. B. tiMlTil , IMGDoug : las it 701-181 TS/ANTEU A girl for general housework at 8. W. T cor. ZWh and Harnty streets , 7J8-145 JAMES NEVILLE. WANTED A German dining room kitchen girl. Ucsse an d Hoppe , 418 S. 13th SI , between Harncv and Howard. 065 tf WANTED A good washer nnd Ironcr nt 2406 Dodge street. COS-tf WANTED A German lady cook at America , ] house , 820 Douglas street. 61S 14 J SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED By on experienced farrrer and stock breeder , a eituatlun aa farm manager ami su perintendent of a ttock and grain farm. Twenty Scars' experience in thn feeding of cattle ; and theep for market , togithcrltli the growing and fcuiliiir of roots. Address "C. " Bee ofllcc. 820 19J WANTED A dilution ns nurse by a lady n'cus- toiued to nursing , would take chai o of an In- tahd Address "II. H. " Iko olllce. 07-145 A O ENTL KUA N be k kccpor of ocr 12 j ears o ] > erlencc , and at present conne'Cted with ono ot the leading firms of this city , Is open for engage inent.ikAndrees "limes , " Sie olticc. 7oO 17 § By a joung mnrrled man from the east , a situation as book-keeper , talesman , or anv position w he ro ho can make himself useful. lie- fcrenco ghen. Addr "S. I1. " Bee oKlte. 707-141 MIGCXLLANEOUB WANTS. To Invest elghj or ten hundreldollars WANTED \ us book-keeper , or In some oth er clerical capacity. Would loan the money to em- ylojcr. Address "C. " Vet otllco. 810-208 - ' In land builnesa. GOO will WANTED-I'artncr buy at nil Interest In n well eiitabllfhed , finely advert Ecdand p > ) log reil tetate and loan builness In town having two rullroadd , In southern Nebraska Fine countrvund excellent chance for an energo Ic and rc pen > lble man of experience. Addrma "Heal Eetate/BtO otllce. SIS-HI ) WASTED-To purehane for cash , a stock of gro ceries or tome other good business. Address "P. A. " care Bee otllco. 798-14 } WANTED To trade a ftuo ingle horao and a splendid carrlatre or buggy team for real estate. BAIIKEU & I1AVNE , N. K. corner 13th and Farnam. 766t T ADIES OK YOUNG HEN in city or country to \J take nice , light and pleasant work at their own hume8$2 : to $5. a day easily and quietly made ; work jcntbymtil , no canvas-ting ; no stamp for reply. I'loaneaddress llellable Man'l'g Co. , Philadelphial'a. drawer IT , 763-lmoI FOR KENT nouses and lots. T710H KENT New nine rsomdwe'llng ' with steam _ T heat , gas , city and clttsrn water , bath water closet , hot and eold water , good cellir , barn and mery convenience In a Unit-clou city rcs-Wenc * . 828-10 C. F. DHISCOLL. KENT Furnished room with board , Aha a FOH few day boarders , 1814 Davenport. 83M9 ] - . . front loom 6JS N. I8th. 701-18) ) FOR KENT A large nasement , also entire seconi floor. Inquire 1113 Hamey St tUMS TO EXCHANflK A $10,005 jtock of Clothing Hals , Cupd , Boots , Shoes and turn ahlng Good * , for lands in low a or Jebr ka. TliU I * grand oppor tunity to go Into luilm.'U. F. O. CIIESNKV. 7fcS 14 ! AMngdou , 111. 17011 IIENT A wtll lurnUhcd room onlStn street , J ? 8 blocl > from the iper house. Inquire at HIT touts 15th ttrcct. 787-171 FOU KENT Fcrobhwl roomi , 1810 Dodge street. 768161 11ENT FurnbheJ room at No. Oou iouth FOU llthitrcet. 765-16) ) FOK KENT-Neatly furalshed frant room , with large bay window , couth front. Apply ht 1414 T7IOK KKNT-NIw furnUheU ( rout room with bo.rd JD for two prsuin 1811 Daviujicrt fatv RENT Ao dcjantly fumUhcd alcove room , FOR etposurc , all tnodrrn conveniences , ftnrtt. locallon In Om h . N. W. Cor. 18lh and Farnam struts. 737-tl RENT Cotnfort Uo front room , outht FOR Fourteenth and Davenjiort , ult blo for two gentlemen. OM tf [ 7011 UKNT 2 new 6"toom houScilor rent , in J.1 unlre on 10th St. ne t door to Pacific Hotel or at 1811 Ifcis Street. I1. J , Crcedon. 678-tl RENT A now etoro room. Also one flat FOH nil modern Improvement llt'Lt rca enable ti K ° od parties. Lorcnitn'i Illcck , cor , 13th and Howard Street. M2-II RENT Fumlnhrd room * on ( ho norlhwetfc FOR . IS'.huidCapltolarcnuc , fonuorly Crclghtoni House. poll RKNT Itooma Iu Nebraska Natloni Bank ; I 1 Building. Slost dcdrablo offices In the city Supplied with hjelraullc elevator nd heated b steam. Apply at Bank. 620 tt FOR BALK. 170U SALE House nnd aero lot near JUnwom JL ? Park. House 0 rooms and ill first cbs * Improve * menti. Must be sold whhln n frw di > .vi ) . 833-15 It. U. IHr.Y/CO. SAT K K printing offtoo , valued at $450. For FOR particulars , addioss Olios. T llunco , 818 N. 10th stiect , Omaha. 78M3 FOR SAUC-l'mo vtllow canary singer an 1 pure green at 218 N 9th St. 780-171 FOR SALE 0 con house , hot bed , eashantl other n I rket g rde.11 fixtures. North end of 18th St. 77BI6- H.W.BAIL. T7AOR SALE doiiural store , with brick building In L a tlourlMitng Nehiatika town , st'ro doing a bus- Incps of ? 1 .000 per v car. BARKER k MAYNE , N. E. corner 13th and F.rnam. 768-tt I poll SALE Stock of general merchandise and1 1 building , valued at about $5,100. Addrcts Box 61 , Firth , Neb. 761-tf. Oil SALE- Leading hotel in a lively Nebraska town. For particular ) ) addrrsd or call nt the onico of BARKEII& MAYNE , N. corner Farnam aiiel 13th St& 767-tf 17\OR \ BALK CHEAP Two good stoves , ono a cook JH fttovu and the other a heater. Call at A. Pohck's , 1810 Farnam St. 7ll-tl ( FOR SALE A small Monlcr , Bihman A.Co. , flro proof safe , almost new , at this oflico. tf FOR SALE Farm 10 acres , new house , barn and outbuildings , shade and fni't trees , mnull fmita In abundance ; excellent location , 4 miles from post- office , } mlle from school. Just the thing for "t lick" farm or dairy. Prlco $2,800. Will raise Iu SO da } s. G. I.Doane& Co , Real Egtato Agents , 16th and Douglas strtcts. 071-tf FOR SALE-Fevv lotf on Idle Wilde. Call and see abstract ot title. Johu 0. Willis' 1411 Dodge St 409-1 mo TTlOIl SALE Only first class hotel In a live town o JL ? two railroads , Whitney House , Grlswold , la. 447-1 mot I OR SALE A business mans residences rooms 4 F blocks north west of Post Office , $3-260. 83xlS2 vacant 6 blocks N. W. of P. O. 1.800. 897-tf . McCAOUE. oppoplte P. O. TT Oll SALE Three lots In Hanncom place. SOO JD each , monthly payments. McCAQUE , opuoelto P. 0. 89S-tf FOR SALE My two story brick residence , 19tli and St. Mary'savenuc. Largo bam , out-house , water worts , well arranged. Lot 60x200. Pileo $7.500. Best Bargain ID Omaha. Call at M. Toft's People's Bank. 277-t SALE 12 lots ono block west of 1'ark avenue FOR nue cars. Lots 60x160. 111 sell the whole trart for $7,100 , If sold before January 1st , 1884. Real cs tate owners bid tills bargain , If jou call at People s Bank. 278-tf FOR SALE Choice business property , three lots cor. Saunders and Charles Stroot. It will pay jcu to Investigate this offer. Call at People's Bank. 279-tf TTAOR SALE Improved property , which will pay JL1 the huj cr 20 per cent on the inv estment. Rcnta for $1,920 per year. AH occupied by first class ten ants. Will sell for $10,500 , If sold soon. All or one- half each , balance , ono to five J ears. The above In vestment Is worth Investigation. Call at the People's Bank. "SO-tf TJOLLED CATTLE AND CLYDESDALE HORSES. JL Ti e subscriber Is taUng orders for spring im portation of the abovo. Prices much below those at auction siles. References to these supplied. John McCulloch , 111. 1 rust and Sav. Bank , Chicago. 203 2uif F I OR SALE A flrat ci 3 * second hand top buggy Call at 1S1D Hamtv street. 07tf T7WR SALE Two portaoie ool.ers , 10ioroe power JP Apply at D. FITZPATRICK , g68-tt 21B South 15th btreet. T71011 SALE Old newspapers In largo and Bmall JC qcnntltlcs at this office. tf MISCELLANEOUS. T OST On Dcuzla ? street , between 13th nnd 14th , JLj a hunch of kcjs , an Saturelay UK * . Are of no Utoexccpt to owner. Findir will be nuardeelhy re turning ttame ( o Rlley & Dellonr , 1309 Douglas St. IT OUND Purse with money on the road to Mil lard. Owner call on Boggs & Hill. 824-10 riAAKEN UP A large white snw. Owner can liave J. same bv calling on F. Paulsen , south aide Jones street , be7th and 8th. -20-1 4 1 ' "pAbEN UP-Cn my premltca tin De , Ifi , 1SS3 , In JLwest Omaha , one Cream Colored Pen > . Small white f pot In forehead , mane and tall a little darker than the Iwdy. JAS. E VANUEIICOOK. 8 25-5 1 levvk ; rpYLERi COMPANY book.keeperand accountants. JL Examine and adjust die-arranged bookx In a syt- tcnmtlc and accurate niarmer , giving correct Ija'ances ' , will especially attend to posting up books eaeh day whcie the services of a book-kerper are required but a few hours , making out Invoices , statements , and any correspondence confidentially , also make collec tions. Oflico at P. Bayer nnd Co. , 1020 Farpam Si. EDWARD KUEHL , MA.GISTEH OF PALMTSTERT AND CONDITION. ALIST , 303 Tenth street , between Farnam and Hai. ncy , will , with the aid of guardian spirits , obtablng net one glnnce of tb past and present , and the certain conditions In the future. Boota arid shoea mala ord r. Perfect satisfaction truarantefld. "B11 The nia of the term " Kho U Line" Iu connection vlththn H corjiorato name ofagrcatroad , u coin ej s an idea of mtwhat rtxjuired by the traveling pub * lie n Short Line , Quick Time mid the best of aecotainodt , . B tlona all of which are turn' Ishcd by the groateet railway Iu America , gHIOAGOHflLWAUKEE , | And St. Paul. It owns and operates over 4,600 mlleu ot o * Northern Illinois , WlucouBln , Mmnosota , Io t > * i Dakota ; and aa ta main lines , branches andctmner. tlona reach all the great business ceiitrcn of the Northwest and Far West , It naturally answers the description of Short Line , and licet Route between Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Paul and Minneapolis. Chicago , Milwaukee , Id Ctuaa and Wlnona. Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and Ellendala Chicago , Milwaukee , Eau Claire and Btlllwatcr Chicago , Milwaukee , Waunau and Merrill. Clilcago , Milwaukee , Beaver Dam and Oahkosh. Chicago , Milwaukee , Waukesha and Oconomowoo. Chicago , Milwaukee , MadUon and Prairie du Chlen. Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonna and Chicago , Belolt JanesvPle and Mineral Pout. Chicago , Elgin , Rockford and Dubuque. Chicago , Clinton , Rock Island and Cedar Rapid * . Chicago , Council Bluffs and Omaha. Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Falls and Yonkton Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain. Rock Inland , Dubuque , St Paul and Mlnncapollt. Davenport , Calmar , St. Paul and Minneapolis. Pullman Sleepers and the Finest Dining Care In world are run on the mainlines of the CHICAGO MILWAUKEE ft. ST. PAUL RAILWAY and every attention ia paid to passengers by court * ous employes of the company , & A. MERRILL , A. V. H. CARPENTER , Qen'l Manager , Oen'l I'asa. Agent , J. T. CLARK , EO H. HEAFFORD , Oeu'I Sup't. BE. WHITTIEE 617 St. Charles St. St Louis . . , , , Mo. A REGULAR ORADUATKoJ two moellcal collect .IA. has been enzufcd loneer In the treatment of CHRONIC , NEHVOU3 , SKIN AND BLOOD Disease * than other phjeldan In St. Louu.cscltypiiKrotbow and all old residents know. Consultation ( roc When It ia Inconvenient to visit the city treatment , moellelne * can Iw lent by mill or exurei everywhere. Curablocaaejfu rantocdwher ; ijou cxleU it Is frankly ntate-el. Cell or rite. Nervous Prostration , Debility. Mental and I'hya'.ca Wenkneag , Murcurial anil other > gectloii ot lag , tiklr AlTectlom , Old Beret tnd OTcera , mtnU to marriage , llheuiuAlliiio , I'llcn. Untlou to lromoverworted brain. CAbE3 receive epoelal attention. Pujasei afUiliiir ( rom Imprudence , K\oe at , - . - marrywho may not oit Ko i , con cquence and mire. Ma" - -