Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 14, 1884, Image 8

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Monday Morning , Jam 14.
The \Vcrtt1icr.
For the Missouri vatloy : , Partly
cloudy weather , local snows , northerly
winds , rising barometer nnd colder
The board of trade moots this ovouisfl nt
7:30 : , A full attendance of tlw board fa do
On account of the very ptensant-flftathcr
the churches ( n all parts of the oity wore
largely attended yesterday , both morning ant
The streota woto nomawhat "Juicy " yesterday -
day , bnt that did not prevent a ( ariro number -
bor of our citizens from enjoying 4ho Gno al-
imoBphoro'in a promonaco.
A number of gen tkmon'from IMattsmoutii
. were In the city Saturday , proving up their
'tree-claims. They stale that tuoy are obliged
to como hero as PUttsmuuth IB not InUw
The fire department wns-cnlled out nbeut
l:30.p. m. Saturday , by afire In a cottage on
'Sixteenth street between Webster andCaUfor-
. .nta , occupied by Mrs. Brown. The flames
were subdued without onuch trouble , and
the damage was slight.
The polo contest mt the roller skating
'tlnk Saturday nfeht brought out a very large
crowd , the spaces allotted to spectators "being
crswded. The game was well played and at
times very exciting. Polo will certainly become -
como ono of tha popular features of UJs fash
ionable Institution. '
Yesterday , uliartly after noon , a drunken
follow was raging ariU swearing Harnoy
Btroet , between Twelfth and Thirteenth.
For full twenty minutes ho shouted and swore
and used the most filthy and obf cone Ian-
.guago. Ho nliould have boon run In end
heavily fined.
The annual election of officers of the
' Omaha Nail Works resulted on follows : W.
A. Paxton , president ; Jnmes Crol iton , vice
.president ; Min W. Lauor , secretory and
treasurer. Directors W. A. Parton , John
A. Crelghton , Joinos Crolphton , J bn A. Me-
SbanoJohn W. Laner.
A very enjoyable hop wan ginm by the
anny officers ot Fort Omaha 1'ndayovcnlnir. A
largo number of .young people were In attend-
nnoo. Tlioso are very agreeable prtloi , and
they servo to combine the fort and city so-
doty , and are looked forward to by the city
people with pleasure.
About 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon there
wan another Incipient blaze In the barbershop
on the corner of Fourteenth and i'arnain
atreots , which * tortod In the smoke-stack ,
which Is connected with the furnace In the
basement. Thin , however , wiw put out with
out any alarm , nnd but few person * were
aware of thn conflagration ,
Mr. Arthur S. Wolcott , fof UioU. P.
transfer express office , telegraphed the sad
news of the death of his father , Mr. CHtus
Wolcott , on Sunday la t nt Wakoficld , Now' '
York. Mr. Wolcott wai the brothor-In-law
of Mr. S. D. Bangs , of this city. Ho was a
prominent and highly respected citizen of
uone-soo county and his loss will bo generally
The commissioners appointed to assca
damages on the line of the "Bolt railroad'
appraised the value of loin 0 , 7 and 8 in block
S Saturday , the total amount of the said val
ue * of the same being assessed at $21,805 , nnd
a lease upon 33 feet by 67 at a value of 9250
The papers are on file In the office ol tha coun
ty judge. This indicates a determination on
the part of the company to build the said
-Tho nuny friends of Mr. A. Louis rad-
ley will ba pulnod to hear of his auddcn death
yesterday , at No. 1G21 Capitol avenue . Mr.
Bradley c\mo to this city from Chicago In
st , and accepted a position as traveling
nan with Messrs. Mlllard & Pock. Lnt-
r he bos been In the employ of the eamo
I as shipping clerk. In both positions hole
( lo fast friends of all with whom ho was
ufjht In contact by the uniform mildness of
J manners and unassutnod friendship for all.
Ho was piofictont and precise In , all of his
butlnois tnnsactlous , and exemplary in his
habits. Mr , Bradley was 20 years of ago.
Xh'a remains will learo for Connecticut to-day
/or interment ,
/ Mr. Ilalllday , fireman on the B. & M.
pay car , had a narrow escape for his lifo a
few ovonlngs since , if his story Is to bo rolloi
upon , and wo have no reason for dlsbelleVing
It. Ho says that whllo on his way from the
' old B. & . M , passenger depot to the round
house he observed Bomotklng following him ,
and , taking a fair look at the animal , became
convinced that it was a Nebraska panther.
Ho quickened his puce from a brisk walk to a
trot , and from trot to a gallop , with the
panther at his hochr. Just M ho reached the
round house and closed the door the man-
eater was ot his hoelu , ready to "chaw him
up. " { Lincoln Journal. 1'oor man. . We
ouppojod h had quit drinking. When did
ho commence again.
II. O. Cl&rkloft for Washington yostordaj
afternoon , to attend a meeting of the natlona
board of trajo on Jauuuy 10 , in that city.
O , II. Gordon left Saturday afternoon fo
New York.
JaincH Agard , of Kockfortl , Illinois
Dlea from a Broken Leg.
On Sunday night lost ( the Gth ) a gentleman
tloman named James Agard , a well
known grain dealer of Ilockford , 111 ,
wont to the evening aorvi : os of the Con
gregatioual church in company vrith Hon
G. H. Daniols , commissioner otlie Col
oaado pool , After the eervico was ovci
the two started back to the Paxton hotel
where both were stopping : When tlioj
reached Sixteenth street and Capital nv
enne Mr. Agard received a fall , caused b )
a hole in the sidewalk , end his thinh wai
.broken , Bo was taken to the Puxtor
hotel and a physician summoned , whc
r did all that was possible under the cir
.curastaneoa. The injured , ) man wet
MMtrly sixty years of ago , and it eeonu
th t hia Bystem waa unable to boar the
. hock. His family was aummuned and
wimo at cnce. He lingered until Eutur
i day Might , when lie died from the effcctt
-of hu injuries. The body was laid oul
ia tha room where he died , and after
, AbortiMrvioeye tMrUy afternoon his re
MMiiu were ' jbinjwl to I oakford for in.
Jessie Sncll Fatally Shot at the Rtiaft
HonseSatnrflay Night ,
A Vftlontlno Snloon T fc vor the
Shooter , Which , It In Claimed ,
Again the prises of Omaha's history
have boon , blurred and Wnckonod by the
blot of critno. Another lifo has bocn
taken , * n < l rvnothor soul , witbout n
moment's warning , called from this lifo
into the great unknown world beyond.
About 11 o'clock Saturday nigSit
driver in the employ of Jntnos Stephen
oncttno down 'to ' the city nnd reported
thai woman kad boon shot nt the
"Rwid ITouBO , " and Hint she was dead.
Th ? coroner WAS at once notified and
want out to the ucono of the trouble ,
where nil the parties prevent nt the tinio
of the ( mooting still ruuinincd.
On Thursday evening , Win. Snoll a
saloon keeper nt Valentino , Nebraska ,
came down to Omaha on n business trip.
On the ovouing of his Arrival ho called
upon a woman of the town , known as
Jessie Snoll , alias Jcsnio Wright , lie
spent Friday evening in her company ,
and again visited her Saturday night ,
mooting her about 5 { 30 o'clock , on
Ninth street , and some two hours later
again calling upon her , when the two ,
in company with Liteio Howard , alias
"English Liz , " and a man named John
Qhanor , from Rosebud agency , took a
hack aud drove out to Major Croft's ,
where they arrived about 8 o'clock.
From the stories told by those who
were present at the time of the shooting ,
Jcuio and Snoll were on the best ol
terms , and this was proven by the jewel
ry and ether articles found on her per
son , which had boon pro son ted to her
by Snoll only the day before the
The party hod boon drinking botlj before
fore nnd after their arrival at the road
houaoand all were pretty full. About
on hour after their arrival they were
standing about the bar , and the drinks
were called for. Snoll drew a largo , self-
acting "Colt's frontier" revolver , and was
flourishing it about , when Jessie at
tempted to tnko it away from him to avoid
accident or trouble. She was standing atone
ono end of the bar , and right by the door
loading to an nnto-room. After getting
; ho revolver in her hands it wont off.
The ball entered her breast at a point
near the third rib. She made no outcry
whatever , but stopped into the room at
the right , fell on the floor and expired
iniido of two minutes' time.
The driver who had taken the party
out was sent for the coroner , and on his
arrival everything waa found as it had
boon at the time of the shooting , and two
soldiers from the fort were watching
Snoll , who had already consented to
como to the city and give himself up.
The unfortunate woman was lying where
she foil , her face up , and her appearance
that of ono who had fallen asleep. She
was of medium height , well built , and
her features were by no moans unattrac
tive. Her hair , which * was light brown ,
had fallen about her head and shoulders ,
and her face were an expression as of ono
who had died at peace with all the
Only the ghastly scar made by the
bullet in her besom indicated the dread
ful manner in which she had mot her
death. A gold watch , gold brooch , with
ruby setting , and a silk embroidered
handkerchief , the gifts of her lover , were
all the articles of value found on her per
son.Mr. . Snoll came down to the city with
the coroner and voluntarily gave himself
up to the authorities , to await the ver
dict of the coroner's jury. Ho acted
very much the man , nnd said , no doubt
truthfully , that ho thought more of the
dead woman than of any ether parson
on earth , and that there had never boon
any trouble whatever between them ,
There was the usual number of rumours
flying about , and the sheriff and Captain
Donohuo were both on the alert to cap-
> uro a supposed murderer , but fortu-
mtoly their services were not needed.
t is said that Jessie formerly lived at
? ort ITiobrara and is well-known by the
loldiors and others who lived in the lo
cality. Mr. Snoll stated that ho hac
"own her only about four months , am
, appears that she has boon living ii
Omaha for about a year.
The body of the dead woman wai
brought into the city nnd taken to Vroxo
& Maul's under taking rooms , where an
"nquost was hold yesterday.
At about eleven o'clock the coroner
empanelled n jury and examined sovora
witnesses , after which the inquest was
adjournod-until , afternoon , when it waa
again opened in the district court room
The room was crowded with eager spectators
tors , all anxious to catch every word o
testimony which was taken.
Major Croft , the keeper of this notori
ous "dow-drop in" dive , was the firs
witness examined. Ho testified that the
party arrived at his house between so voi
and eight o'clock in the evening , andtha
the shooting occurred about half-pas
nine. Prior to the shooting ho state <
that Snoll and "English Liz'p had an al
torcatiou , and that Snoll drew his revolver
ver and struck the woman upon
the head with the butt o
it. The deceased then appeared upon
the scene and throw her arms arounc
Snail's neck and bogged of him to pa ;
no attention to Liz , as iho was drunk
Sncll and Liz then forgave each ether
took a drink and were happy. At tin
time of the shooting witness slated tha
ho was up stain , but wont down quick ! '
and told Snoll that ho must not shoot in
the house. His boy then told him tha
the woman was hurt and together witl
'Snoll ho entered the , room where deceased
ceased had fallen , Snoll approached her
head and attempted to raise lur to lie
foot but she was dead. They then won
out and Snoll exclaimed : "My God ,
had rather have boon shot through the
heart ton times than to have shot her
She waa the only woman I over loved. '
Ho then wont back into the room an <
lay down upon the iloor beside the corps o
and put his arm around the dead wo
man a nock.
John Croft , a lad fourteen years o
age , was then put upon the stand , nn <
his testimony was about the same as hi
father , except that ho saw the shooting
Ho stated that Snoll was flourishing hi
revolver in the air whou deceased cam
out and took hold of the gun , and almos
immediately it wai discharged. Th
woman turned , after being shot , am
adjoining room before
walked into an
'iflio Hoimtd was then > }
with Snoll
testified that ho had a quarrel
Saturday night , and that ho struck her
the head with the butt o f hi. revolver -
vor Shodidnotscothoshwoting. She
had known deceased for ft year nnd a
' , nlf. That deceased told her since re
turning to thia city that Snoll was a bad
man with a rovolvcrnnd at Valentino homed
mod to shoot through the windows and
wftshstand. and that housed to shoot the
heels off her shoes. Ho * l oshot two
holes in her cloak , which ATO. till thoro.
Pond , the hack driver , who ttook the
parly out to the place was then exam-
incd. His testimony VTM the same as
the foregoing , except in rcsard to the
position ol the revolver. Ho claimed
that Snoll was holding the revolver in
his left hand , with the muzzle pointing
back and the but forward , or , wrong end
to. That the deceased approached Snoll
from behind and took hold of the revolver
while it was yet in that position and that
it wa almost immediately discharged.
Now it seems very strange to us that
the deceased was shot in the chest when
the revolver was hold according to the
testimony of Pond.
Doctor Hyde , aflor making a post
mortem examination , stated that the
bullet had passed through the right
oracle of the heart and had _ lodged be
tween the third and fourth ribs , near the
spine. A very largo lump of clotted
blood was disclosed just inside the
After hearing the testimony of Dr
Hyde the jury adjourned until 2 o'clock
to-day ,
Snoll , the man now in jail awaiting
the investigation of the coroner's jury
for shooting the deceased , is not a bad
lowldng young man. Ho is , apparently ,
20 years of ago , of medium height nnd
build , with dark hair and eyes , and does
not look like ono who would willfully
commit tnurdor. Ho is very hopeful and
ii > certain that ho will not bo hold by the
coroner's jury , and claims that the affair
was purely accidental.
The evidence tends to show that Jes.
sil Wriplit came to her death by careless
no6s.\but auch carelessness should bo severely
voroly punished. It is becoming alto
Bother too popular for men to whin ou
their guns and flourish thorn around anc
announce themselves as bad men. It ii
time that something waa done to teacl
-ihis class of persons that human lifo i
) y far too precious and sacred to bo thu
The pit co where this tragedy occurroi
s ono of the hardest ranches in the coun
ry , and ia a burning disgrace to an ;
community. It is a shame that the citi
: ens of this place allow such a hellhole
o exist so near the limits of our city
such places it is that broods crime am
awlossness. It is a hangout for prosti
utcs and their followers , and almas
nightly there are scones there whicl
roulcl shock the public greatly did thoj
> ut know of thorn.
It is understood that the deceased ha
mronts living in Hastings , and they wile
> o telegraphed by the coroner to-day.
All Iowa Girl Leaves Her Home an
Enters a Bagnio in this City ,
She Is Followed by Her Father \Vh
Ferrets Her Out and Carries
Her Back to Her Rural ,
This is indeed a queer world , and thi
a great ago. Day after day comes th
tory of children , brought up by respocl
able and pious parents , who have foi
oaken the paths of duty , virtue and righl
, o tread the downward road of miaorj
degradation and death. It seems all th
moro strange when n young woman , BUI
rounded by all the comforts ol this life
; oed homo , kind and indulgent parenl
md affectionate friends , will cast thot
johind her , and voluntarily seek a lifo c
ihaino and wickedness. Why thcs
Jiings are so wo cannot say. Wo enl
( now they nro so , for very often is ou
attention called to just such cases.
The latest case of this kind comea t
ight in the entry in this city on Thun
day morning , of an Iowa farmer by th
name of Ohas. Dubois , who resides non
Cedar Rapida , and who was hero for th
purpose of ascertaining the whereabout
} f his daughter.
Mr. Dubois , immediately upon hi
arrival , sought an olliccr nnd explained t
liim the object of his visit. Ho state
that on Now Year's day his daughtc
Nellie had left homo , taking with he
the best portion of her wardrobe , andlm
not boon soon sinco. Ho was led to he
liovo that she had como to Omaha , an
that she had boon induced to enter n coi
tain house of ill-fame hero.
The old gentleman had a photographc
hia daughter , and also ono of a nor
commissioned ollicer , and thia man , i
soorns , had boon corresponding with No !
Ho for some time and made her a visi
during the holidays. The girl waa dei
poratoly in love with him , but the ol
folks objected , as they saw certain ind
cations which did not augur well for tii
young man's character or the future ha [
tancss of his wife. While they did tu
actually forbid him coming to the housi
they tried in every way to break up tli
intimacy , and supposed they had BUI
coodod when ho finally loft the placo.
% On Now Year's day Nellie disappears
and when her letters , left behind , woi
examined , they showed that the fears (
the parents were not without foundatloi
Accompanied by an olllcor the fatlu
began to visit the various bagnios of th
city in search of his erring child , wli
was at last discovered in ono of thet
At fmtsho obstinately refused to loavi
and it was not until she was threatono
with arrest that she assented to go , A
the party were leaving the house th
girl's lover put in an appearance , an
it appears , according to the story , thu
it was his first visit there , and when h
mot the father of the woman ho woul
have ruined ho waa struck dumb. Th
old man made a break for him , an
would uudoubteoly have killed him bi
for the interference of the ofticor , wh
got him and his daughter away as quid
ly as possible , and allowed the feller
who was baulked of his intended pro
The young woman was taken to a hole
and remained there until Friday aftoi
noon , whou she loft with her tathar fo
her homo , where it is to bo hoped sh
will realize her narrow escupo and behav
horaolf in the future.
She is a pretty blonde , with ploasari
features , vivacious ways and channin
manners. Her father , happy beyon
expression , at saving the misguided gir
ijavo the otlicor who had assisted him i
the search a golden eagle , and all coi
w e.d P"e < f satUQed , except Ihe ma
who had lured the girl from home.
Driftwood Which Has Been Thrown
UDon the Beach During the
An UmiHtmlly llrllllnnt. Week Cloaca
To-NlKht-ComlnR Kvontfl WhlcU
Cnst Their Shadows licforc.
The pant week has boon ono ot moro
than usual excitement to nil interested in
the social circles of Omaha. The nil *
important event nnd ono which interested -
ostod everybody wns the
which was solemnized nt Trinity cntho
drill , Wednesday , January 9th , at 8:51 : (
in the ovoning. This affair had boon
looked forward to for some time past as
the most brilliant social occurrence that
Omaha has over witnessed. In this no
ono wns disappointed. For several
months preparations had boon in progress
nnd the only wonder was that every detail -
tail was so complete. The bride was a
universal favorite not only in this city
where she has lived from childhood and
where her friends and admirers are num
berless , but in Washington , D. 0. , where
she spout much of her time for six years ,
in Philadelphia , Now York , and ether
cities the hearts of many unite in wishing
her all joy and happiness in her now
career. Mr. Harrison , who is a young
man of moro than ordinary energy and
sagacity , is to bo congratulated upon his
last venture and his choice certainly
speaks well for his judgment.
The trousseau of the bride was "just
too lovely for any uso"wo hoard ono lady
remark , but , though it certainly is rich ,
beautiful nnd charming , wo do not doubt
that it will bo used.
The Pnxton parlors , where the recep
tion was hold , were beautiful in the ex
treme. The dining-room was a wonder ,
and everything was done that good taste
could suggest and money procuretomako
the whole n flair a most charming and
happy ono. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison , ac
companied by his parents , left for the
east in a special car Thursday afternoon.
They will spend about six weeks among
friends and relatives and then go to He
lena , Montana , whora a lovely homo is
awaiting them.
There is an old saying which tolls ns
that "It never rains but it pours. " At
about .the same hour on the evening fol
lowing this brilliant affair , a moro
ceremony wns performed in South Omaha ,
the bride being Miss Ida Stewart , daugh
ter of Ilov. J. B. Stewart , of the South
Omaha M. E. church. The groom , Mr.
J. H. Boll , of Aurora , Nob. , is a well
known and influential citizen of that en
terprising city. Ho is vice-president of
the First National bank , and is also en
gaged in the lumber business. The cere
mony waa performed by the brido's father
at the parsonage , the room buing beauti
fully decorated with ilowors. Though
the expense and grandourof this wedding
was not nearly so great as that of the
preceding evening , wo doubt very much
if the happiness and contentment which
was observable in all the parties could
bo exceeded in any instance.
There have been several attractions
this wcook at
among which was the exhibition given by
the graceful little couple who have been
so well taught by Mr , Daniels. The
skating of Miss Nellie Fuller and Master
Bertie Bliss is indeed a credit to any in
structor and n source of much pleasure to
all spectators. After their performance
on Tuesday evening they were each pre
sented with a gold modal by the man
agers of the rink. Thursday night a
grand fancy dress carnival drew & largo
crowd of spectators and proved n com
plete success. There WAS an unusual
numbor.of skaters upon the floor all in
fancy costumes and the evening was a
most enjoyable ono to both skaters and
has afforded much enjoyment to the
theatre going people this week. Tuesday
evening Joe Murphy and company pre
sented that well known "Kerry fow" !
and w most excellent "Kerry Gow" Joe
Murphy is. "Hearts of Oak" draws
crowded houses wherever it is given and
the Boonio effects are indeed beautiful and
charming. .
Prominent among the events of the
week was the ball given by the
These present spent a most enjoyable
evening , and decided that thu next ono
must como soon.
THE u.
gave a masquerade ball in Crounso's
hall , Friday evening , proceeded by a
parade in the afternoon , which proved
quito an attractive one. The ball was
well attended and enjoyed by all.
promise to bo most enjoyable ones. First
among those is the concert by the "Gjeo
club , " next Tuesday evening , at which
time Miss IIopo Glenn will appear. All
lovers of musio will avail themselves of
this opportunity of hearing the charming
contralto , who is doing herself so much
credit wherever she appears.
The 125th anniversary of the birth of
* l will bo celebrated on Friday evening
o January 25th , by n banquet nnd ball a
) f Orounso's hall , under the auspices of the Bums' club. This will bo a grand oven
sr among our Scottish citizens and is auro to
bo a success under the management o
lO Messrs. Thomas Falconer , Thomas Mel
drum , Wm. Fleming , David Jvnox , John
McDonald , A. 0. Troup aud Jame
' Muir.
On Monday evening , January 28th , the
Omaha telegraphers will exert themselves
to make successful and enjoyable ono o
the grandest affairs in the way of a bal
that that fraternity has over gotten up
A powerful orchestra has boon engagoi
for the occasion and everything possible
will bo done to make this the affair o
the season.
A Cawl Prom Mr , JJehin.
To tha Editor ol The Ben
In answer to an article which appearec
in the editorial columns of the Saturday
morning's ' BKK , wherein it is said Urn
Mr. Behm had charged that TUB BKK
was purchased by the Barber Asphal
it company , and that said paper had refused
fused to publish a legitimate advertisement
mont on the merits of the granite pave
ment , Mr. Bohm desires to say that sue !
was not the exact statement , the sum ant
substance of which was simply this ; Mr
Behm beinp of the opinion tbat granite
s the best material for paving , in certain
parts of the city at least , such as Thir-
oonth street and St. Mary's ovonuo , and
mooting Mr. Ilosowator on the
troot , ho asked that gentle
man if ho would not , in his paper ,
advocate the paving of those streets
with granite , and in fact on all streets
where on account of the heavy grade of
ravel , that material would obviously bo
ho best. Mr. Kosowatcr answctod that
10 would consider and look up the mnt-
or and lot him know , since which time
no conversation has boon had between
hem on that subject.
The published statement that $200 , or
my ether sum , wai ever offered Mr.
[ losowator for the publication of any ar-
Mclo concerning granite pavement , is
'also so far as I am concerned. I never
made any such statement , and _ kno\v
nothing about it until it was published ,
Mrs. Mary A. Umloy , of Tunkhnnnook , Pa. ,
won afflicted for six years with Asthmn nnd
[ iroticliltln. during which time the beat physi
cians could gtvo no relief. Her Ufa wns do-
spalrcd of , until In last October she procured
t Bottle of Dr. Klncr's Now Discovery , when
mineilinto relief wni felt , anil by continuing
Is USB for1 n short time she was completely
cured , gaining In llcsli HO pounds , in a few
Krco Trial Bottlrs of this cort.iln euro of all
Throat and Lung Disposes at C. V. Good-
nan's Drui ? Store. Larro Bottles 31.00.
The County ConimlfmlnncrN Order
Him'to Walk up uncl Turn Over
the Money of the County.
There seems to have been some little
trouble between the county commis
sioners and ex-County Clerk Baumcr and
seine difficulty has been experienced in
settling up the affairs of the county
clerk's oflice.
On Friday the county commission
ers filed the following report , which ex
plains itself :
This day the county board having un
der consideration the settlement with
the county clerk for the year ending Jan
uary 3 , 1884 , in regard to allowances for
expenses in running the oflico of county
clerk , the following action was taken :
Jlcsolvcd , That the following sums bo
allowed for expenses in running the office
of county clerk for year ending , Janua
ry a , 1884 :
For salary of county clerk 52,500
" pay of deputy 1,000
" 4 assistants at S700 ench 2,800
" extra help making tax lists and as
sessment books 7CC
Total S7.0M
The clerk is directed to turn over to
the county treasurer $500,30 found in
footing of the foe book , in excess of the
abova allowance. Adopted January 10th ,
These Are Solid Facts.
The best blood purifier and system regulatoi
over placed within the reach of Biilfcrlnp
humanity , truly Is Electric Bitters. Inactiv
ity of the T.iver , Biliousness , Jauudico , Con.
stipatlon , Weak Kidneys , or any dlaeaso ol
the urinary organs , or whoever requires an ap >
petlzer , tonic or mild stimulant , will alwayc
lind Electric Bitters the beat and only certain
cure known. They act surely nnd quickly ,
every bottle nmranteod to give entire satis ,
faction or money refunded. Sold at lift )
cants a bottle by C. F. Goodman.
Want to Wed.
A. Baxter and Carolina Potorso n.
James H. Boll and Ida M. Stewart ,
Samuel P. Gorby and Abbio _ M.
Russell B. Harrison and Mary A.
John I. Gaard and Anna Kliah.
Johu C. llobbina and Elizabeth Yount ,
Icnar ; Miciutus and Katie Norvick.
Willard Pond and Orfa Bunkes.
John Husa and Anna Huda.
Henry Truolsen and Mrs. Margarol
George Mitchell and Mary Guszik.
William Anderson and Christina An-
Buckleu's Arnica Salvo.
The greatest medical wonder of the world
Warranted to speedily euro Burns , Cuts , Ul
ccrs , Salt Rheum , 1'ovor Sores , Cancers , Files
Chillblains , Corns , Tetter , Chapped hands
and all ekin eruption , garantoed to cure it
every Instance , or inonoy refunded. 25 conti
per box.
Rlchtcr's Financial Condition.
Following is a list of the creditors oi
Henry G. Richter , who lately made an
assignment :
J. 1' Argensinger & Co $ 39 11
T. Kicher 170 OC
KoishBres 310 00
Huneen's Kmpire Fur Co CO ( K
Trice , Sherman & Co 83 21
K. Murris&Co -HOIK
Woodruff , Morris & Co 121 0
Hlssnhhorg& Ctf 180 U
D. W. Nortlmip&Co 50 OC
Day&Stull 22 OC
Charles Glauz 1,100 OC
Charles Glauz . ' 411 13
John Rlazits 100 Ofl
Sontagfc Beyer 1,000 OC
Hontair& Beyer 2,30 ! ) OC
Otto Ilagner 8'J OC
II. llothsteins Sons 439 OC
Brandt & Shipmnn % W OC
May& Blumolo 825 07
F. W. Gray 525 C7
M. Hollmann 125 OC
Several bills iMO OC
Total 87,078 02
The Omaha Savings bank holds a
mortgage on homestead property.
Assets are estimated at $5,074.04.
Absolutely Pure.
. 'This powder Dover rarlei. A marvel ol purl
jtreugh and wholesomtoen , Uore economical tbi
the odlu&ry Llndi , nd cannot be sold in competlUi
wlththemuUltudt of low teit , short weight , alum i
phosphate powders. Bold only lo cans. Royal Bal
Hit l'owdcrOo.,100 WkUBUeetKtw York.
for Infants and Children.
Cnstorlttproinot 03 Digestion VTlmt glvci our CliIMron rosy cliN * ,
' What cures tlictr fcvcre , matci them nlcop I
nnd overcomes l < 'lntuloncy , ( Joustipa- 'Tin Cantorlru
tion Sour Stomach Dinrrhocn nnd "
, , , When babies fret nml cry by tunw ,
FcvcriehucBS. It insures health nnd What cures their colic , kills Uiclr worms ,
natural sleep , without morphine. , Hut CaMorln.
% Vlmt quickly cuns Conatlpntlon ,
Bour StoumcJi , Colda , Indigestion ,
" Cfistort/x / Is so well mlnptoil to Children Umt
I recommend llnHpuporlor to any prescription
Farewell then fo Jloninlno Byrups ,
known to inc. " II. A. AitciiKii , 21. V. , ami aud
Castor Oil rarrgoric ,
BJ rortland Avo. , Brooklyn , K. Y. audHull Cnstorlal
CENTAUR LINVlEi\lT-nu | [ \ nlisoluto euro for Khouma-
tisin , Sprains , Burns , Galls , &c. The most PowcrflilnndPono-
trating Pnln-rcHovtng nnd Ilcnlini ; Itomcily kiiown to man.
will Posltlvolynot bo Inserted
unless paid in advance.
TO LOAK-Monov.
TO LOAN The lowest r to ot Intcreot
MONEY ' Loan Agency , 16th & Douglas 3i-t (
TITONKY TO LOAN In sums of 1600. ntl miwurd.
lYl O. F. IMvls and Co. , Heal Eetato ami Loin
Agents , 1605 Ftmam St. 393-tf
MONEY TO LOAN J. T. Boatty oans on chattel
property. 218 South Uth Bt. ilcclB
ANTKD First-claw Laundry woman at "Tho
Arcade" IleaUurant , 1215 Douglas St. 800-141
WANTiU : A bny to take care of here * and cow ,
and work In ( tore. Apply at318 Farnam St.
YX/ANTKD A girl for general housework IMS Chi-
V > cage St. SOfl-101
W ANTED Girl to do general house-work at 1110
Farnam St. 805-12
WANTED Dishwasher at the Omaha House ,
Ilarney street , bet. 12th and 13th. 8C3-155
TX7ANTED-A good girl at white cottage 24th and
TV Uason , 2 } blocks south ol St. llaij'e avenue.
Good wages paid. Three In family. 804-tf
X ChicagoIII. , want agents to canvass Omaha and
\lclnlty for their new spellaltlcs. They claim their
best agents clear S7 per day. Circulars free.
\TTANTED-Two weeks copying don . Address
W "S. B , " Bc office. 702-145
WA1 * TED Blfccksmlth at Florence Cut-off. Ap
ply to J. C. Murphy , at the works. 700-lfit
WANTED'-Faur or lUo gentlemen boarders at
No. 1311 Webster btrect , bet. 13th and 14th.
WANTFI ) ASwecdo or Daulih girl for genera
housework. Call south aide Charles street , bet.
Irene and James the only house. 785-14
TT ANT D A first class cracker baker to take
T charge of a bakery. For particulars address
Tajlor & Co. , W.cping Water Neb. 783-141
WANTED A good girl for general homework.
Apply at 220 north 13th street , bet. Capitol ave.
and Etuenport. 771-12)
WANTED Ooog first-class Cigir salesman on
commission for this territory. Only man of ex
perience need apply. State amount can cell and ref
erences. Also can act for a manufacturing Tobacco
House. RUDD BHOS. , 04 Warren strcot , New York
City. 770-12
TVTANTED A good baker Immediately'at K , F.
VV Goodman & Bros. , I'latUmouth , Neb. 770-101
WANTED Four persons to learn book keeping
Situation furnished. J. B. SillTII , 1516 Doug.
las bt 761-141
WANTED Girl for general house work wci > t side
22d St. , flrtt houeo south -Davenport 8. B.
QALEY. 754 tf
"IT/ANTED A frlrl for general housework at S. W.
T ! cor. 20th and Ilarney streets ,
ANTED A girl to do general bouse work at
2110 California SL 720-12
WANTED A German dining room Kitchen girl.
Hesse and Hoppo , 418 S. 13th St , between
Ilarney aud IIonardL 565 tf
WANTED A good washer and Ironer at 2400
Dodge street. 505-tf
Wi ANTED A German lady cook at America.i
house , 820 Douglas street. 618il4 {
WANTED A altiutlcn as nurse by a lady accus
tomed to nurulng , would take charge of an iu-
valid. Address "II. H. " lice office. [ SOT-HI
A GENTLEMAN book-keepor of o er 12 years' ex
perience , and at prusent connected with one of
the leading Urms of this city , is open Tor engage *
incnt RJAddress "limes , " Bte office. 7oO-17J
WANTED By a young married man from the
easl , a tttuation as book-keeper , salesman , or
any position where he can make himself useful. Re.
ferenco ghen. Address "S. P. " Beoolllce. 797-14) )
ALadycf some accomplishment v > lnhcs to do
some coming or otilco workof eomo kind. Ad *
dre > a4A ! M.'rthla olllce. 770-121
WANTEE A position as o'crk by a ladj of exper
ience. Address "L. T. " cor. 18th and Farn in
StreeU. 716-18 }
"ITl/ANTED-Topurchase forcosh , a stock of groT -
T > cerles or lome other good business. Addrcsx
"t. A. " tare Boo office. 703-14J
TTfANTHD Day board between 15th and 18th
i ' streets , and from Jackson street touth , by a
young man. References. Addrees "II. V. " Hoom 5.
CrclgTiton Block. 777-12 }
\T7"ANTED To trade a One single horse and n
V T splendid carriage orbnggy tcamfor roileetate.
DARKKll & MAVNE , N. K. corner 13th and Karnam.
766- (
T ADIES OR YOUNG MEN in city or country to
JLtakn nice , light and pleasant work at their own
homes : ft ! to f 5. a day eontly and quietly made ; wor k
tent by mall , no canvuKalug ; no stamp for reply ,
I'leaseaddress Reliable MauTg Co. , I'hlladclphlara.
drawer TT , 753-lrnol
- ol Merchandise , ( Dry Good-
preferred ) , or some business. Will give In ex
change Improved farms , anil some cash. Address
Randolph Brown , care line ofllc * . 740-12
FOB REHT-nonses and Lots.
RENT Furnished fronfroom 005 N. 18th.
FOU 701-181
RENT A large Dasement , also entire second
FOR . Inquire HIS ilainoy Ht. 802-18
rpo EXCIIANflE A tlO.OOO itock of Clothing.
X Hata , Cap ) , Boots , Shoes and Furnishing Good * ,
forlaudtin lowaor hebraiko. Tlili Ii grand onpor-
mlty to go Into buclntss. F. O. CIIESNKY.
788-14 } Ablngdon. 111. <
RENT Handsomely furnished room , heated
FOR furnace , 021 Capitol a > enue. 783-121
\ ItKNT A well furnished loom onlJtn street ,
1 s blocks from the upcra boiue. Inquire at 017
loutd Uth street.0 787-171
RENT FuroUhed rooms , 1816 Dodge street.
T7W > R KENT Kurulkhttl room at No. 000 south
J ? Jlth itreet. 765-161
REST Neatly furnished ( rant room , with
FOR bay ivludowf wuth front. Apply at 1414
Chicago struct. 767-tf
HKNT Nice furukh d front room with bo.rd
IilOR 1 t o perrons 1811 Dm t nport St. 769-1
RF-NT-An eloiantly furnUhfd alcove room ,
FOR expoture , all modern com cnlences , tlneat
locution In Ouiahi. N. W. Cor. 18th and Farnam
streets. 737-tf
Tj\Qn KEJiT Comfortable front room , south-east
JP corner Fourteenth and Davenport , suitable fur
two gentlemen. fl&S "
RENT 2 new 6 room homes for rent. In.
FOR on 10th St. next door tol'Aclflo llotel or at
1611 Cus StrtvU I'.J. Crvedon. 678-tf
TTiOR RKNT-A uew store room. AUo one flat
with all tnodmn Improvement ; . Rent reasonable
to good partle * . Lorvuwn's BJeck , cor. Uth aavl
Howwd bTrtJt. 6ll'u
RENT Furnished rooms on the northwott
FOR . Uth and Capitol avenue , formerly Crelghton
House. 133-tf
OR RENT Rooms In Nebraska Natlona Bank
F Building. Most desirable olQcos In the city
Supplied nlth hydraullo elevator raid heated b
steam. Apply at Bank. 628-tf
8AIE A fresh cow , KOOI ! milker. Inquire
8 10th Bt. 3rd house S.ot Saratoga houso. Hen
ry Clay. 818-121
FOIl 8AT.E-A prlntlnK offloe. valued at $450. For
particulars , aihlrcwi Uhas. T , Dunce , 813 N. 10th
street , Omaha. 781-1I1
FOR SALE Vureyi How canary singer an I pure
green at 218 N. Oth St. 7SC-17I
T OIl SALE CHEAl'-A Reixl hotel property In a
JL1 new anil croulnt ; town , present terminus ol a
railroad. Satisfactory reasons | rl\cn ( or on tint' to
Bell. Address Box 77 , North Ioup , Noli. 763-12
17(011 ( SALK-Oteea house , hot bed , * anhaml other
_ I ? market cudeu fixtures. North cud of 18th St.
776-1B" II. W.BAIL.
TjAOIt SALE Ocnoral store.with brick building In
J ? a flourishing Nebraska town , ft' ro dolnr a bus
iness ot S10.000 per year. BAtlKKU & UAYNB , N.
E. corner 13th and Karnam. 768-tf
TT'On ' SALE Stock of general merchandise and
JL1 liulldlntr , valued at about $5,600. Address Box
61 , Firth , Neb. 781 tf.
TTtOU SALK-Leadlng hotel In a lively Nebraska
I ? town. For particulars address or call at the
office ol BA11KEU & 1IAYNE , N. E. corner Farnam
ana 13th Sts. 767-U
" 17IOR SALE CHEAP Two good stores , one a cook
JL * to\o and the other a heater. Call at A. Polack's ,
1310 Farnam St. 704-tt
FOR SALE A small MoMer , Bihman &Co. , flro
) > ref salt , almost now , at this olllcc. tl
FOR SALE Farm 16 acres , now houeo , barn and
outbuildings , ehado and fruit trees , small fruits
In abundance ; excellent location , 4 miles from post-
office , } mile from tchool. Just the thing for "tiuck"
farm or dairy. Price S2.SOO. Will ralso in SO days.
O. It. Doane & Co. , Real Estate Agents , 15th and
Douglas streets. 071-tf
SALE-Fcw lot * ou Idle Wilde. Call and
aee abstract of title. John O. Willis' 1411
Dodge St 409-1 mo
T7MDK SALE Only first dans hotel In a lite town o
? two railroads , Whitney House , Griswold , la.
447-1 moj
10R SALE A business mans rebitlenccS rooms i
F blocks north west of Post Oflice , $3.250.
83x132 vacant 6 blocks N. IV. of P. O. 81.800.
397-tf McCAOUE. opposite P. O.
FOlt SALE Thrco lots in Hanscora place. S600
each , monthly payments. McCAdUE , opooslte
P. O. 209-U
IWRSAJ.K My two story brick residence , 19th
and St. Mary's avenue. Large bam , out-house ,
water wor n , will arranged. Lot 60x200. Pilco
$7.600. Best Bargain in Omaha. Call at M. Toft's
People's Bank. 277-t
"Ij OHSALE 12 lots one block west of I'ark ave-
Jj nue cars. Lots 50x150. Will sell the whole tract
for $7,100 , If sold before January 1st , 1884. Real es
tate owners bid this bargain , U you call at People e <
Bank. . 27n-tf
'TT'OR SALE Choice business property , three loti
JL1 cor. Saunders and Charles Strcot. It nil ! pay ycu
to Int estlcato this oUcr. Call at People's Bank.
'It ' SALE Improved property , which will pay
the buyer 20 per cent on the Investment. Renti
for $1,920 per year. All occupied by flrst class ten
ants. Will sell for $10,500 , if sold soon. All or one-
half catb , balance , one to five years. The above In
vestment Is worth Investigation. Call at the People's
Bank. 280-U
JL Tr e subscriber Is taking orders for spring Im
portation ol the above. Prices much below those at
auction sales. References to those supplied. John
McCulIocli , III Trust and Sav. Bank , Chicago.
203 2mt
F > OH BALK A first clans second hand top buggy
Call at 1810 Hartley street. 87tl
FOR SALE Two portaoio ooLcre , lo joreo powei
668-tf 218 South Uth Street.
F 10R SALE Ola newspapers in Urge and small
quantities at this office , u
rr-YLERA COMPANY book-keepcrandaccouotant * .
JL Examine and adjust dis arranged books in a sys
tematic and accurate manner , giUngcorrcctba'anccs ' ,
will especially attend to posting up bioks each da ;
where the fcnlce of a hook-kci-pcr are required l > ut
a few hours , making out ImoIceB , statements , and
any corrcxpoudrnco confidentially , also make collec
tions. Otilco at 1 * . Boyur aud Cu. , 1/JO ( 1'jrruni St.
ALIST. 803 Tenth btreot , between Faruam and Barney -
ney , will , with the aid of guardian Jplrltfl , obtaining
anj one glance of tb paot and preecnt , nnd the
certain conditions In the future. Boots and shoes
mvlo order. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed.
AlTlliXTKH. Wa will tend on Thirty Dan *
Trial , TO MEN , YOUNCJ OU OLD. who iraVuffertS
from NKBVOUS BiBiuir , LOST VITALITY , and Uio
dl CAJK' of a 1'EESOKIL NiTFBI rCfulUjlK from
Ancsu and OTiun Cicais. Bjwdr relief and com
plete restoration to ItKAMir , VIOOH and MiHnoor > -
OtURlSTKiD. BendatouceforUliutratodrampulef
iree. AdOrc * * *
a . LOSS
OP MANLY VIUOR , Spermatorr
hoea , etc. , when all other reme
dies fall. A cure guarantied.
91.60 a bottle , large bottle , tour-
tuuta the quantity , f . 117 express -
press to any adJrob * . Sold by
alldruggUts. ENGLISH MEDl-
CAI. INSTITUTE , Proprietors , 718 Ollte Street , Bt.
Louis , Mo.
' 'I have sold Sir Astley Cooper's ViUl Restorative
or years. Every cuatoincr sjwaks hlKhly of It I
nnhckltatlnglycudor * It as a remedy of true merit.
" 0. F. GoODMiN , DrufKist.
Omaha F t. 1 1SSS. vlB-m&e-oodly
, of VHOE ! '
8. W. corner ISth aod HowuNlt.Omaha , Neb. , tare
] u > t opened s > fllae stock of dnus , taidlclnos ,
tutus. U r KautvuUaeolloUeU , OK.