\SJLJLJ JAJNUAttY 14,1881. THE DAILV BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Monday Morning , Jani 14i RATES : By terrier -20 eonta for week By Hal - - 110.00 ptr Year OFFICE : No. 7 Foarl Btroot , Near Broadway. MINOR MENTION , Additional local on seventh pngo. Cheap railroad tickets at BushnoH's. The city council moota this afternoon. Bryant street bridge ia being painted , Permit to wed has been given W. H. Copson nnd Belle Bums. Mr. Hellos is preparing special scenery for the "Bollos of Oornovillo. " The bsard of supervisors are to re sume their deliberations to-morrow. The lot-up of the cold weather Ima caused a resumption of work on build ings.Tho The boys in the jail are inproving in their singing of gospel hymns for the Sunday services. The funeral of Mrs. Nancy Cook waa hold at the Catholic church Saturday , and was largely attended. William Ovorton , who stole a colored woman's clothing at the Broadway hotel , has boon sent to jail for thirty days. The Amateur Dramatic club are to give n comedy in Shugart'a hall this evening , the proceeds to bo for the Epis copalian Sunday school. About twonty-fivo couples indulged in a surprise party nt Win. Stoinkopf B res idence Saturday evening and took the Bavarian band with them to furnish music. Airs. Davenport , the city librarian , ? hoa suffered by sngak thiovoa , who ran sacked her house during her absence , t and got n small sum of money , a gold chain and bracelet. N i Sneak thieves visited the residence of . li * Mrs. Woirick Saturday night , and stele three overcoats. Quo of them was found in a second-hand stoo soon after , it hav ing boon sold for a moro song. Regular monthly buxinoal molting of the Y. M. 0. A. at their rooms , No. 12 north Main street , Monday evening at 7:30. A full attendance of members is requested. O. O. FITCH , Secretary. A raid was made Saturday night by the police , by which Kick Webber and Matilda Howard were run in on com plaint of not having the needful marriage - riago certificate to warrant their inti macy. J. M. Phillips , who always has a warm aide for the veterans , has guaranteed that the money needed for freight charges on the cannon to bo placed on the sol diers' cemetery lot , will bo provided by the time the cannon reach horo. A fanner's team broke and ran from the court house Saturday. They came to a standstill up against Jainos & Ilav- erstock's brick building , corner of Pearl and Willow avenue , ono of the horses thrusting his hood right through a largo plato of glass. The board of trade is to moot this evening to elect oilicors and transact other business pertaining to the annual meeting. All the members who can should bo present. The board can do much for the benefit of the city if the members take hold enthusiastically. Henry Dust , the dusky youth arrested for robbing a man named Drake , with whom ho was out on a spree , waa tried Saturday and acquitted. Dust was ar rested the day before Christmas , but was forgotten and laid in jail some time before fore any information was filed. , Abe Lincoln post , G. A. It , , is ono of the strongest and most wide \\ako \ or ganisations of veterans in the whole land , and is now planning to secure a hall for their own exclusive use. They have an eye on the ono in Shugart'a block , and about $300 lias already boon subscribed for this enterprise. The Shenandoah Reporter uses up a whole column in urging the town coun cil to buy the roller skating rink and run it , the profit to form a sinking fund for the liquidation of the town debt. If the roller skating rink was not bettor man aged than Boino that have started here , it would bo all sinking fund and no pay ing fund. The police force waa changed about yesterday. Ofilcora Clough and Cuaick go on day duty , and the night force was arranged as , follows : Hayes , central Broadway ; Mullen , middle Broadway ; Leonard , South Main street ; Brooks , First ward ; Beswick , lower Broadway , and Barhyto , Sixth , Seventh and Eighth streets. There ia a question whether the present ent hose of the fire department will stand the pressure of the water works , The hose ia four or five years old , or even older , and three years is considered about tbo average time of service. The chief boa time and again recommended the purchaao of now hoeo , but no action lias boon taken. There waa a alight street fight on Broadway late Saturday night , and when Officers Beawick and Leonard started for ike eceno the fellowa skipped out. They gave chajse , but Bosvrick slipped and foil , while Leonard , finding himself winded , jGred hii revolver , which brought ono of ike fellows to a standstill , and bo was brought in. Ho gave hU jiamo aa Leonard , * o that the ohaso wa Leonard v . Leonard. He will have Allowing ik moraia 4 BAD BOOKS , Re ? , Mr , Macfcay Gircs Ms Hearers Plain talk SeiiRfUlonnl Novels nncl Ooody-Goody Memoirs both to bo Avoided , Hov. T. J. Mnckny , the rector of St. I'nul's church , is not nt all backward in tolling his people just what ho boliovos. Yesterday morning , in his usual frank manner , ho pulled off his glovoa and handled the subject of literature for youth and children. Ho chose as his starting point the incident in the lifo of Mnnoah , when an nngol appeared unto her and informed her that she was to bring forth a child , Samson. Ho panted to remark that in American homoB such an announcement would bring sadness and gloom , rather than joy mid gladness. Ho had already , in ft previous discourse , handled that subject , and so only paused long enough to point to the contrast between - twoon Manoah and most of the women of to-day. His text proper was the question which Manoah naked , "How shall wo order the child , and how shall wo do unto him f t This question ho pressed homo , espe cially aa to what kind of reading shall bo put in the hands of the children. Ho spoke of the great amount of vile trash which was being scattered like the wind , only to reap the whirlwind. Ho cited facts and figures gathered by Anthony Comstock nnd others , showing that this evil was far more extensive and alarming than even intelligent , well-road people had any idea. The result wna also ap parent in the largo number of boys and youth arrested for crime , and ho gave startling figures , showing the number arrested in Now York alone during seven months. Youthful criminals and other oyil results wore but the fruitage of this yilo literature. Ho spoke of the sport ing papers whoso horrible pict ures lay exposed upon the counters of the news-dealers , before the eyes of young and old , a shame to a civilization which -would produce such literature. Ho also picked up a list of a "nickel"library , the prospectus of which stated that all the books wore free from slang and vulgarity , and showed the un healthy moral tone of even this alleged collection of chaste reading. "A Hun dred Scalps , " "Tho Minor's Ghost , " and other titles were given us as samples. For live cents a boy was able to buy poi son which might ruin mind , body and soul forever. Besides The Police Gazette and other paporn ho gave Peek's Sun a slap in the tftco and cued the instance of a gang of boyish robbora and incendiaries being organized , with n care for headquarters , in the whore "That " very city Bad Boy" was written and most circulated. In urging his hearers to make a strong fight against the distribution of vile and trashy literature , among the young , ho warned thorn not to bo too confident that their own sons and daugh ters were not already caught in the whirlpool. Many vile books and papers were road on the sly , without the knowl I- edge of parents. The children should not bo wjiippcd , and the trashy books dcstroyod , and the matter end there ) This would not stop it. It would sim ply load the children to still further de ceit , and a greater anxiety to got at the prohibited reading. The childrons' minds must bo given something bettor in its place. Ho thought that the church people were much to blame. They placed loy lon the Sunday school library goody-goody kind of books which the adults thorn- aolvos would not road. Memoirs of this and that and the ether good saint , arc all right enough in their place , but no sort III of books to interest the young. The boy would take such a book homo , stick I under the sofa , or in some nook , and lot ) it ntay there unopened until another Sunday brought him the bare chance of getting Bomo other book moro interesting. Ho , himself , thanked God for the good woman who parly in his life placed Scott's novels in his hands , and got him interested in those , so that his mind , being - ing kept engaged and interested , tliero was developed in it a love for good liter ature. Ho urged parents to got their children started on Bomo such reading' give thorn "Leather Stocking , " or some of Maine Reid's stories. Toll thorn something about the book. Awaken their curiosity. Head to them. In this way much could bo done to got thorn started right. Ho strongly criticised the namby- pamby , goody-goody oort of Sunday school paper. They gave the children an idea that religion was sentimental , and with nothing in it for a boy or girl who are full of lifo , merriment - mont and activity. It was only by a struggle that ho could road one of those papers himself. Ho wished the church would give him money enough sj that ho could furnish every scholar in the Sunday school , who was not other wise provided , Harper's Young People , or the Youths' Companion , or aomo paper or journal of that sort. The sickly , sentimental stuff dealt out by the church only drove the children to road some thing vile and hurtful. A healthy , inter esting , invigorating reading should bo given. Broken hearts , doctor bills and funeral expenses can bo avoided in every case by using Dr. Tclleris' ( Council Bluffs , la. ) provontatiyo and euro for diphtheria. Cures all kinds of sere throat. Best remedy for cataarh known. Send for it. Full printed directions foi use. THE NEW ENGINEEB , The Bonn ! of Trade Hears what Ho [ 11ns to Hay , and AulCH the Ooirn oil to Hire Him. Mr. Williams , the engineer from Chicago cage , whom the council got to como here for his expenses , has boon looking over the city for a few days , and the other evening presented some of his views to a mooting of the board of trado. His the ory seems to bo to widen and deepen the bed of the crook so as to secure a strong enough llovr of water to wash out-small obstacles and prevent its filling up. Ho also proposes to drain the storm water immediately into the creek , without it passing through the sowora in connection with the different houses. The board of trade passed resolutions asking the city council to have nn imme diate survey of the grounds mode , and also to soouro Mr , Williams' services iu drawing up a'plan of city soworago. It mny bo that Mr. Williams can In a fair days investigation bo able to reach a successful solution of the crook problem. It is to bo hoped so , but those who have watched its ficklcssncss and tro chory for years , and sco it widen and deepen itself until valuable adjacent property has boon undermined , cannot but look with fear and trembling upon n sugges tion to widen and deepen it still moro. Indian crook is a puzzle indeed , and whatever is done with it should only bo attempted after getting the opinion of moro than ono engineer , and that after moro than n few days studyof the prob- lornt Mrs. A. Bryan , dressmaker. Cutting a'specialty , C04 S. Main st. , up stairs. SciiHfxtlon In Muslcixl Clrclcf * . Pirranuiitt , Pa. , Jan. 7,1881. J. Mueller , Esq. , Council Bluffs , Iowa , Dear Sir : Wo mail you some of our list of customers and little book of Hardman Jeanos. If you got up any thing of the sort please mail us copies. Wo are handling the Ilnrdmnn aa our bcstjitanoa and put it squarely in com petition with the Steinway , Chickoring , Knabo , Jeanos , and with the greatest success. Within a month wo have traded Hardman Jpanos for thrco Steinways , ono Chickering and two Knabos , and our Hardman grand is now used by nearly all our resident players at their concerts , it has taken a good deal of work to overcome the prejudice fn favor of the old standards , but wo have done it hero , and if a number of Hardman agents in the larger cities would handle the piano on the aamo _ basis it would soon occupy a first position then they would sell easier and wo would got prices nearer their value. Hope you are having a good sale for them. Yours , AlELIAIl , HOENB it HlINDUICKH. THE DRIVING PARK , riio Old oniccrsllocloctcd with Good Pronpecw Tor thin Season. The annual mooting of the stockhold ers of the driving park and fair associa tion waa hold yeaterdoy evening. The reports of the secretary and treasurer wore * , read and approved. They allowed up very aotiafactorily in many respects , and the balance in the treasury waa $4.12. The following were chosen diroctora : J. W. Porogoy , J. T. Hart , G. T. Wright , H. Eiaoman , P. Lacy , AV. T. Sapp , D. T. Erchor , W. S. Pottibono and Thomas Bowman. The directors elected the following ofii cors : President J. W. Poroizoy. Vice President J. T. Hart. Treasurer H. Eiacman. Solicitor W. F. Sapp. Secretary Thos. Bowman. The action of the committee in arrang ing to make this point ono in the Iowa circuit was ratified. The condition and prospects of the association are deemed very encouraging , and with the same en terprise shown by the management last year , the meetings will doubtless bo more successful than over boforo. SPECIAL MEETING , The Aldermen to Gather This After- noon to Consider A special meeting of the city council is called for this afternoon at 2 o'clock , the main purpose being to give Mr. Barber a chance to explain his asphalt pavement , and as the paving question is ono -which concerns all , many citizens will gladly take this opportunity of learning some of the facts , by attending the mooting and hearing Mr. Barber. The young ladies vrho gave a leap-year dance found that after paying expenses they had about $7 in the general fund. They very wisely concluded to purchase groceries with this for the Homo of the Friendless , and accordingly sent down Hour , oat mdal , sugar , etc. , amounting to this sum. Some good came out of "tho giddy measures of the dance , " boaides all who participated had a good timo. Bill Lloyd , better known as "Comancho Bill , " was arrested Saturday night by Ofliconf Ousick and Brooks. Comanche Bill is a well-known character , and it is said that ho was in Macedonia the day before the safe-blowing there , and mtspi < cion has pointed toward him as being connected with other plundering done in this vicinity. All that was found in his pockets was a few faro checks. TUB Bui : is in receipt of a copy of shoot music just published in the inter est of the Chicago & Rock Island rail way. The words and music are composed by J. A. Rolf , who is in the company's ollloo here , and who has written aomo excellent musio before. In fact , ho is rather a genius in the line arts , and this last song shows that ho is gaining rather than losing , it being an even bettor ono than that which ho composed for the road last year. This now ono is entitled r"A famous railway lino. " DR. THOMAS JEFFEEIS , No. t23 Sixth atenue , Council Bluffs , low * . Homeopathic Physician and Mag- netic Healer. -rnB TEiRs1 jsxmusxo ; tuiurv tuna A IIKS- IDKXT or COUXCIL Bivm. Dlapnoili ( dlieased conditions dencrlbod ) without ciK ilonljjir , Thuro are hundreds o ( witnesses to the ( act that the Mind arc restored , the deal mode to hear , alia parali sis and rheuuutum of wombs and Scars ( tamllnp frequently cured In to minute * ' time Ihiough luyihlo mcuuerio , spirit or soul force , "lluwo things were not done In a corner , " Thoonly reliable | > re\cntatl\e and cure ( or diph theria known ( Uop U on hart'l ) . The bent jttUrrh rcuu-ily In uw. Small | wx prcnenUUve uipcdor to tacclnatlon. Eterycase of Indigestion ( dcirw ruia ) cured tiue required one to six weeks. Old ulcers , commonly called cancer * removed without the u o olthukmio. I n fact all acute and chroula dUeaic * ucctuufully treated 'I ha reconlu nf mnrttllty show that Or. JctTatlo Is the most succekkful irattitloner ol mo Urine In the wcsUrii country. HU greatest uccc 8 las kern Iu caies that hxs bttllcd the skill of ottier doctors , ai w ell as causing despair and financial rum. In many case * . TKIliia REASONABLE. No charge ( or coniultatlon by letter or other * lie. Inclosettamp where answers to letters are required. Ikstklnd olrctcrnccs git en. tfT Persons free from contagious disease will bo re ceded Into blslustltutsul Health ( or treatment R. Rice M. D. HAUPPRI or other tumors removed without th uaflUunu , kullo or drawing o ( Wood. " " DISEASES olktod" nad-lly , 0fflcoN ° ' ] MTOoniulUllou ( rev , ? JUsaM > ? l 3e ' Wo have the following goods in quantities to suit purchasers : Sheep Skin Slippers , Kid Sock Protectors , Magnetic Insoles , Cork and Imitation Cork Soles. Shoe Dressing , "T. M. 70" Blacking , Heaton Button Fastners , Shoe Laces. Shoe Brushes , Shoe Hooks. Etc. , Etc , As we buy above goods of Manufacturers in Idrge quantities for Spot ash , we arc enablcu to sell them low enough to suit competition. Ordeis promptly attended to. Z. T. LINDSEY & CO , * tl2 Broadway. Council Bluffs. Town. CASADY & OECUTT , M2 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Carpets and Curtains Also many no > cltlcs In HOUSE FURNHISINO GOODS. Call and sco us , CASADY & ORCUTT. MAYNE & PALMER , DEALKU3 IN Hard and Soft Coal , BULK 'AND BARREL LU1E , LOUISVILLE AND PORTLAND CEMENT , MICHIGAN PLASTER , HAIR AND SEWER PIPE. No , 039 Broadway , . . . . . COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. SMITH & TOliTjER. LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS , 7 and 9 Main strcot , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . . . . IOWA. , OOTTHXTOXXJ W 13 A TTJTI ATTORNEY AT LAW. MANAOKU OF POTTAWATTAIIIE COUN VVi n M I n. I J . } TYCOLLECTION AGENCY. Office corner Broadway Ad llaln street TfiTT'M UPTttn A. r n GENERAL MERCHANDISE. OUH1M DJIllXU 05 UU.i 18 Main street and 17 Pearl street. T\/T / A V TW1 nTTTkT CHESTON HOUSE. 1VI.AA MUJllMi Hotel , 217 and 210 Main street. JJlli J. JT. WJjJ..LJj > Corner Main and riuliup-etalrs. Residence , 009 Willow avenue. P Q PITTTT5 n JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , l OUI1UJ.I J. Offlco o\er American Eipress. w A f LIVEHY AND , MTT3 FEED So , O. VVja.lJlN.Dn > Will contract tor tuneralut reasonable ratea. 82 Fourth atreet. J. M , ST. JOHN & OO..OASH BUYERS. Draft by return mall. 146 Broadway. 1 A POR TTHPTr MERCHANT TAILOR , UJJVJUJJ JXUUHt Stock Compieta. Bulta made at reasonable prices. No. BOB Main Btl * o n/rTrpTr CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , &TI JL i O'VIXJLX1 ' > Corner 7th and Broadway. Plans and speclflcatlons furnished. / ! "CTJA'MT'V MERCHANT TAiLoit IAn/rrQ IWiiN JIl 11 Artlatlo Work and reasonable charKca. 872 Broadway. TTfYWP AT QlTW FURNITURE BTOVE3. HUVVJIl OS OU1N and Hou ehold Bupplloa. 8o3 Broadway. TTNTTYT XT TTAPT1 ATTORNEYS AT LAW. JJ J.J.1 U JLJi > II nluJLt James Block. Practice in state and ( ederal courts. Q A "MTT1 A T ? 1 TTM Anl1 batn house , < 21 and 423 Broadway. L. Sovereign , Prop. P. J , Mont AIM 1 JLAlt 1 U 1VL O gomorr. M. D. Phislclan. _ _ _ _ P'nTATT'Wr T A'P'RHTT JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , JjUVVJ.li U jCXjjgJUJL J. | Notary PuMlo and General Conveyancer. 415 Broadway , 13'P'V7T"PP TinTTQP SMITH & NORTON , IVJj V J-lJXJj HUUO.D ) Broadway opposite Now Opera House. Rentted 11,81.60 per da ; A'Large Assortment of Hard and Soft Goal TOVES ! STOVES ! STOVES ! Being loft over , must ho sold at your own prices. I need IIXIIED to fill coutracte. S. GOLDSTEIN , 538 Broadway. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special adtertlucinento , Hch aa Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Kent , Wants , Hoard ing , etc. , will bo Inserted In thla column at the low rate ol TEN CENTS PER LINK ( or the first Insertion and FIVE CKNTH PER LINK ( or each subsequent In- Bortlon. LCMO ad > ertUotncnts at ouroQIco , No. 7 Pearl Street , near Broadwav WANTS. TyANTKIBoy , n ith ponj , to dilh er TUB DUB. TIT ANTED K\tiiy boclym Council Bluffs to Uke VV TUB I ) KB. Delivered by carrier at only twenty cents . a week. T\TANTED A girl to do houne ork at 705 , Elith IT avenue. Mn. A. B. Walker. A ClENT8WANTED-Ine > ery town In Nebraska . Ito present the bo t mutual LenedcUry | lo Insur ance ooinianj | now Incorporated. Actho men can make laiK'e ialarlef. Good rcfermce lequlred. Address J. W. BEKoffice , Council Dluffs , Iowa. OLD PAPERS-For sale at Urn olllee. at ZKccnU a hundred. T0ll SALK-Tho whole era iair intertst In a K < A1 era ) merchandise toio. doliiB Rood uuslness. flood and sulHoltnt reasons ( or scUliiir. Address J. . W.S. , IlMoltlce , Council uludi , Iowa. or , cor. 3rd. ayenue. JAcousuia K.I..CADWKLL. 8IMS& CADWELL , Attorneys-at-Law , court * W. R. VAUCHAN. Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Bluffs. Mrs , HJ , Hilton ML , PHYSICIAN & I&R& 323 Kiudlo Broadway , Council Bluff * . JOSEPH GAGHEGAN. HABD WOOD AND -COAL Corner.Main street and Eighth aunue , C oun BluHa. BluHa.f f Lowest rates and prompt ilijjhcry WINTER RESORT. .SILOAM MINERAL . SPRINCS. . . . We vua'antce the rmo of the following1 named dis- scosua , or no pay : Itheuiuatlmn , Scrofula , Ulcers Catarrh , a I Blood andtklndUeaics , Uvipepala , Uie Complaint , Kidney and Bladder Dlncases. Gout , Neil ralfia and Asthma , Tbesj Springs are the favorite resort of the tired au.1 dcbllltaUd , and are the FEEBLE LAWKS BEST FRIEND , Oood hotel , Ihery and bathing acoomodition both winter and summer. Localllj hk-lily plcturcaqu and healthy , Accessible by Wttbahh railway , a EvonaorUU. & Q , at Albany. Oorrcspoudenco solicited , REV. M.M. THOMPSON. Manager. 8 lloam Springs , Cora , P. 'O. , Gentry Co. , Mo. ANALYSIS. Speclflo OraUty , . . , , , . , . 1,002 Reaction , . , . , . Neutra Carbonic Acid Oas . , , . 26 In , per galloi Carbonate Calcium . , . , . , 35.0J1 Uraln Carbonate Iron . 7i/41 Sulphate Magnesia. . . , , , . , . , , S,1tO Sulphate Calcium. . . . . . . . . i.ua Chloride Sodium . . . 7sao siiiica . ; . i KB Alumina . . . . , , .0,016 Organ lo and Volatile matter and lost . . , .1,450 Total solldi | * r gallon . 87,174 ' WBIUIIT & M KRUI.L , t'lieiulsts. rues , omcu , u. x. rusir. OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Council Bluffs . . U. Establishea - - 1856 Dealer * In Foreign and Domestic Exchange and Home SecuntlM Empkie Hardware Co 109 and 111S. [ Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. WHOLESALE DEALKHS IN J 342 nnd 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , LANDS ri.at3.cl J3olcl. Money Loaned , Abstracts Furnished * " ' * " * * * * * No. 4 Pearl Street , ? ? ? COUNCIL BLUFFS. BECHTELE'S V. uropean The only only hotel run on the European plan 'in thia city. Now building , newly furnished and all modem improvements , nnd is centrally located. PETER BECB TELE , PROPRIETOR , Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. STEINHARDT & FREYHAN , Wholesale Liquor Dealers , OP COUNCIL BLUFFS , IR HU 3VC O "V IE D THEIR BUSINESS TO Omaha , Ne"b. , January 1st , 1884 , HAYING SECURED WEST & FRITCIIER'3 OU > STAND , ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. ) I ! TO LOM.HEAL ESTATE ! Complete Abstracts of Title to all Lots and Lands in the County. Our line of Stoves is the mos. , complete in no city and includes all the most Desirable Patterns and Latest Improvements ! Wo have haminereu the prices down as thin aa they will stand without breaking , and you are invited to call and sea how thick the stoves are in comparison. PECIAL DRIVE ON A LOT OF HARD COAL STOVES , Nickel , alightly tarnished , at a reduction of $5.00 each. 504 Broaaway-and JO and 12 Mam St. , Council Bluffs. WHY DON'T YOU OETS3ME OF FITGH BROTHER'S ' CUSTOM SHIRTS ? Perfect Fitting , Best and CheapestKFine jjncn Collars and Cuffn. No. 715 Fourth Street , Council Bluff's , Iowa- . M. GALLAGHER. Now Store , Fresh Goods , Low Prices and Pollto Attendants. First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , } PETEE C. MILLER , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Wail-Paper and Window Shadesand Painling in all its Branches , FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLE. SJt. GROSVENOR & GUNN , MANUFACTURERS OF 311 Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs ; Iowa. FROM NOW UNTIL FEB. 1 , WE WILL GIVE XTRA BA In nil our Boots nnd Shoes , regnrdless o Qunlity. Don'fc miss this. clmnce. S A. PIERCE , 100 Main Street. RUBBERS ! Oar upooch is short , but to the poin . Best Ohicago ( discounts every day in the year on Rubber Boots , Shoes , AND ARCTICS. Goods WARRANTED aa good aa ANY in the market. They are made by the NEW JERSEY RUBBER SHOE CO , Wo have n big line of SPECIALS and an IMMENSE stock of regular and. . EXTRA WIDE Boots and Shoes in all sizes , ready to ship on receipt of orders. Or second quality Boots ! vro _ are introducing are better than many so-called fire. quality , and wo give a largo EXTRA discount on them. Z , T. LINDSEY & CO. , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. .