THE DAILY < BBICOUNCIL BLUFFS , FRIDAY , JANUARY 4 , 1881. fHE DAILY BEE. COUNOIL BLUFFS. Fuidav Morning , Jan , 4 , By Carrier 20 cents per ByMl - - $10.00 j jr ornoE : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway. MINOR MENTION , Additional local on seventh page. Cheap Railroad Tickets at Bushnoll's , The Catholic fair closes this evening , Conrad Qoiso has already laid in ovoi COO tons of ico. The Round Table mot last evening al Mr. Otis' residence. The Baptist ladies gave a social al Mrs. Maynard's last evening. The street car faro has now been re duccd to five cents on all linos. H. Van DoBogert , who is connected with S. T. Walker it Co. , has a now boj nt his house. TJjo geM watch for the most populai assistant , yardmaster * H bo awarded a the fair this ovoning. W. Wallaoo 1ms be&n arrested on t charge of stealing1 some shingles from i man named Jeffries. The case has beet continued until next Monday. Dr. Jefforis now wears a fine silk tile it having boon awarded to him at tin Catholic fair , ho receiving the largos number of votes of any of the physician of the city. A full attendance of directors am members of the Y. M. 0. A. is re quested this evening at 7:30 : o'clock a the rooms , No. 12 North Main street for the purpose of calling a general sec rotary. The tickets for the piano recital o Miss Noally Slovens , to take place nox Tuesday evening , are mooting with ready sale , and there will doubtless bo largo audience to hoar the wondorfu young artist. The only news offered nt fire depart raont headquarters yesterday was tha the Crq alarm was tried in the mornin and would not work. _ As n news itor that ia very stale. If it could only b made to work just once , that would b the foundation for a sensation. Justice Abbott has before him a glar dorod horse cose. Ho ordered the hors shot first , and will try the case aftoi ward. A very safe course to take , t protect other stock , especially in view c the long-drawn-outness of the law. Patching up is still being done on th "now" city building. A railing was pu up in the city clerk's office yesterday , c a gingerbread pattern , and ot course run ning diagonally , no it wouldn't do to hav anything on the square or ac right an glos about the city building. John Eponotor , as special deputy , in stalled the following ofllcors of Humbold lodge , No. 175 , I. O. O. F. . Wodnosda ; % evening , the work being in the Gorma : language : Wm. Marquardt , N. G. ; Chris Schwinger , V. G. ; JohnGootz , aocrotar , and F. Bornhardt , treasurer. * The voting for the gold watch for Ih most popular assistant yardmaster , premises isos to bo very lively at the Catholic fai to-night. Pat Cody , of the Union Pacific v k cific , stands a good ohanco of getting it Bo has scores of friends , and they soon determined that ho shall have it. Not a case for the police court yostoi day. Rather dreary business for a cout with a $2,000 judge and § 000 clork. I business doesn't revive people will BOO ; bo willing to got back to the old way o having a simple police magistrate , with out any of the superior court trapping Alton Forbes , a wall known coloroi man and saloon-keeper in this city dioi yesterday at noon. Ho had boon ill fo Borne timo. Frank Hall , another colore man , lias boon transacting some businos for him and it is claimed that though h made a'settlement with Mrs. Forbes 01 Wednesday , and turned over to her coi tain moneys cdlloolod by him , yet he W yesterday morning and took30ofhe money with him. So that while Forbc jo lying dead his "next friend , " who ha boon doing business for him , is no wher to b , o found , Call , gond or telephone for samples c fine commercial job printing from Pryor' ' job oQlce , on Pearl street. SEEKING A SEOEETAKY , Harry Curtis , of Now York , to Tali Charge of thn V.M. O. A. In Council BlutlW. Per Borao tirao the Young Men's Chrii tian association hero has felt the necei sity of having a general secretary to tali the load in the -work , an experience man to manage affairs and give his ontii attention , to thorn. Mr. Weidonsall has boon looking f < just tlio right man for Council Bluils an is confident ho baa found ono in the po son of Harry Curtiw , who , it is undo teed , will accept the position. Ho is young man who has been in the heart J the work in Now York city , ho belr .assistant secretary of tlio Harlan brand ' the secretary of which is a cousin of 0 , 'J .Officer , of thi city. Mr. Curtis has bet placed where ho will come in close contai with the best workers in the Y. M. 0. J and is practically familliar with all tl latest methods of work , so that comii here ho will bring experience , ability.ei terpriee , and BO far as human judgmei can descorn he will reap success for hin self arid the association. Council Blut is looked upon aa aua-xccllent field , tl oity being largo and a grc t railway cei t r , while many transients are hero wli hayo few moral helps. - Mrs. A. Bryan , dressmaker. Cuttin ji , , peoialty. 604 8. Main at. , up stairs. 16 is the exception rather than the nil puA promises in reference to the deliver of jou printing are kept. But at Pryor job ofllce , 7 Pearl street , all proa will be fulfilled. THE MALVERN MURDER , The Fnll Particulars of the Bloody Killing of on Man Shelley , The Murderer and Ills Motive Sllll n Mystery. Tin : BKB has already given tlio outline fuels of the murder of J. M. Shelley , which occurred on Silver Crook town < ship about four miles north of Mnlvcrn , Some further particulars are learned from The Malvorn Loader. The victiir of the murder was a fcoblo old man agci 77 years , who sometime in November got permission of Joseph Bannister to put t little shanty on his land , and only abou twenty-five yards from Mr. Bannistor'i residence. Thin shanty was an old port able picture gallery made of light boards and the sections fastened together bj honks and staples. In this little build ing the old man kept a small stock o tobacco , candies , canned goods , etc. , anc lived there entirely alone , ho having n < family ; and only ono relative , a daughter Airs. Barnard , who lives in this county 4 bout 10 o'clock last Sunday morrnnf r , Bannister called at the old gentle man's house , and receiving no response t < S Iwcfcingi entered , and discovert .o . his horror that the old man had boot ) rutally murdered. The body was lyinf RCO downward on the lloor , the head it ft po jl of blood. There wore two woundi m the head , each from two to throe nchcs long , and the skull smashed in A bloody axe found standing by the dooi was evidently the weapon used , am there was blood also on the old man'i bedstead. No clue was gained as to wh < committed the crime , or for what pur pose.A . coroner's inquest was hold , but n < fresh facts were brought out by that , ant there only remained the sad duty of lay ing the remains away. A service wai hold Monday afternoon at the Liberty ihurch , the daughter and horhusbam being in Attendance as mourners , The citir.ons are much puzzled as ti what possible motivothorocouldhavobooi for committing the foul deed , and who wa thb murderer. It is not liloly that robbery bory was thn motive , as the old man' all told would not amount ti 100 , and oven if it hud been , murde was not necessary , as the old man was n < feeble and palsied as to bo defenceless Some think it was for some old grudge or fancied offence , but this has no fact to substantiate it more than the other. The citizens have hold a mooting am appointed a committee to draw up a petition tion to Governor Sherman and obtnii signatures thereto , asking him to offer reward of § 500 for the capture and con viction of the murderer. A committo was also appointed to solicit money ii the county for the same purpose. Tlv petition to the governor jias secured 10 signatures , and the committee to solici funds in the county expect to bo able t soouro enough to bo able to offer 81,00 reward in half the county. Another invoice of now typo receive at Pryor's Boo job ojlico. A SAD NEW YEAR , win'n A. MlnncoJa Citizen Shot TliroiiKli tli Ilond by a Ramrod. Hinnoola was thrown into n state < unusual excitement on Now Year's daj by the sad shooting of a young ma named Chris. Windoman. A number c men were in a saloon , and loaded thoi guns for'tho purpose of shooting at a tai jot. Ono of the party neglected to dnv liis ramrod from the gun , it being a niu ; zlo-loudor , and as ho stopped out of th saloon ho said , "Look out , boys , 1't going to shoot , " and p'ulling up his gu iirod. Young Woidoman , who had pasae out shortly before , was struck by th ramrod in the eye , it passing through hi head , killing him instantly. A coroner jury was impannollcdj and the vordic ns to the effect that it was an accidon wholly. The CI B Bills. To THE HONOHAHLK MAYOU AND ClT COUMUIL OF TUP. OlTV OF COUNCIL BLUFF ) IOWA Gentlemen : I herewith submi the following report of city warranl issued during the month of Docomboi 188,1 , no well aa the total amount iauc by order of ihe present council , vlis. : oneral fund for December . 8 fi.fidi ( Also the report of bills audited and al lowed during the same time on the fol lowing accounts , viz. : .for DetTotal. . Bryant street bridge. .Sit2 ! ! 7 ? S 1,012 7 Now building , ground and furniture , . .t. . . 1M10 11,023 ] 1'ollco aocouut..v.\ 10 8.1&I t QM . ' . . . . , A- . . 47617 4-U8f 1'tintlng . , . , . , , . . . las 05 020 ( Tark . . . - 247 t Judgment . 7000 1,101 ; City engineer . 13208 1.114 ] Fire department . . . 80 1 IB 0G39 , ( Streets uuU nlloya . 2.1C5 3'J 11,4071 Sidewalks . , (10 ( 50 1,815 < SoworaRo . - 4,0(50 ( f General fund iirojier. . , Oil C'J 6,180 I Condemnation . ' - 1,005 ; Total . . . $8,828 70 901,407 I Respectfully submitted , F. A. DUKKK , City Auditor. Iloal Estate Tr'anifbrB. The following doodj were filed for n cord in the recorder's oflico , Januai 2 , reported for the BEB by P. J. M Blahon , real estate agent : James 8. Star to David A. Hood , lo 7 and 8 , block HI , Baylies it Palmot add , 8160. 0. , II. I. , fc P. R. Ivoi Thomas , sw ] se17 , 77 , 41 , ? 440. A. W. Peterson to J. W. Davis ot o ne > sol , 32 , 77 , 'M , 81,000. Wm Triplett to Jcsso awl , 31 , 70 , 43 , 8UiOO. A. E. Huff to Peter Marten , pait sv no ] , 12 , 75. 40 , $75. KILLED IN A WELL , Turk HniiKcn MeetB Illii Death I u Mattock FullliiKton Him , Yesterday morning a man named Tui Hanson , while at work digging a well c T , W. VanSclover's farm , about six mil south of this city , was instantly killo < The well was an old ono which was beir deepened. Hanson had been using mattock , and had climbed up and left on top of ( he wall. A little later , win' n bucket was being hauled up , the rope struck the mattock and it foil upon hirr.t the sharp edge striking him on the back of the head nnd splitting the skull for several inches , causing instant death. The time of life is short ; to spend it painfully is to bo without St. Jacobs Oil , _ PKIlSONAIj , II , A. Sonrles , ofDca Mosncn , woa At the Ogdcn yostcrJny. George L. Tracy arrived at tlio Ogdcn yes terday from Salt l.ako. 1) ) . A. Dory , of Helens , Montana , booked htmsolf at the Ogdcn yesterday. 8. U. Bryant , the retiring Insurnncn man , of Atlantic , wan in the city yesterday. K. .T. Clmpln , of Hantlngs , waa In the city yoatorday , and dlnod at Bochtolo'fl. 1' . Motz , of Malvcrn , was at Bcclitolo's yes terday , Mr0. C. M. T. Logan and Miss May Her bert , of Logan , were hero yesterday shopping and made their hoadrpmrtorn at the Pacific. Mrs. lllloy Itcod , of Montana , Is in the city , and meeting old friends at the Pacific. Mr. and Mrs , Samnol Barnca have ono moro in the family. A boy. L. W. St. John , of the firm of J. M. St. John & Co. , who has been confined to his bed by cancerous tronblcs , Is now improving and n able now to bo up and around. A. W , Slme1 , of Portsmouth , Iowa , was looking ovci1 the Bhlifa yoslorJay. C. ' . Marlowof Maqtmkota , Iowa , was in the city yesterday. I ) . L , Hoinshoimor , of Ulonwood , ono of the trustees of the Institution for the deaf and dumb , was here yesterday. Superintendent F. M. Powell , of the Insti tution for the fcoblo minded , waa In the city yesterday and ir.ndo his headquarters at the Pacific. Senator McDcaough and lion. W.H. Halo , of Oscoola , were here yesterday and visited the Institution for the deaf and dumb. Hon. E. W. Davis and wife , of Avocaworo at the Pacific yesterday. B. F. Armstrong , of Philadelphia , was amongyobtcrday'g Pacific liouio arrivals. . C. T. Bowanof Now York , president of the electric light company , Is at the Pacific , looking after the interest of the company hero , and planning for still greater things. li" , H. Whitney , [ Atlantic's banker , , was at the Pacific yesterday. K. Smiley , of' ' Guthrlo Center , Iowa , a promlnont cattle man , was In the city yes terday , nnd stopped at the Pacific. Miss Carrlo Atkins has returned to Ale- Comb college , Illinois , where she has the position of instructor In Instrumental music. F. A. Sackott has boon .called to Clarku , Nob. , by the sudden death of his brother-in- law , T. II , Barnes , a merchant o [ that place , who had many acquaintances among the bus iness circle of tbia city , ho often buying goods horo. Hood's Sarsap.irilla is an extract of the beat remedies of the vegetable kingdom known us Alteratives , and Blood-Puri fiers. fiers.LEAVES LEAVES FBOM- BED OAK , Some of tlio News ItomB Gathered There In the Now Vcar. HEI > OAK , la. , January 2. The holi days havo.como and gone , and Red Oak like most of her sister towns , felt , t < some extent , the tightness of th < times , though two of the heaviest dealon in holiday goods told the writer thai their holiday trade was but little lest than lost year , and ono of , our jewelers , on the day before Christmas , sold Sl.OOC worth of goods this was a fair day'i trade for "hard times. " The friends and admirers of Jaclt King , the telegraph operator , conspired together and made Jack a present of t nice gold watch and a $10 golden eagle. Jack is popular because ho in accommo dating , and accords to the public sonic rights that corporations ought to respect , No. 2 , of tlio fire laddies , made a grand success of their holiday ball , enjoying a good time and clearing something more than 880. Rod Oak is now equipped with a board of trado. Seine call it'a' " , " but , whatever it may bo properly called , there is an olilco where quotations from the board of trade of Chicago are received ovcry fifteen minutes. The citizen can nOM' b , gt liis bottom dollar on the cor- LltamlyovuucerlallUy -f t'l9 ' Huctuations vmucH ftt the "test central gambling liouso at Chicago , and "blow in" what surplus shokala ho may bo posausscd of. haac Dryaon , ono of the prominent men of Red Oak , was seriously injured by the kick of a vicious cow , dislocating his knee and initiating n very painful wound. Com is nearly all gathered , and pane out about thirty bushels per aero fifteen per cent , of it utterly worthless , twenty1 live per cent , non-markotablo , but will do to feed , leaving sixty par cent , ot fail to middling , though none of it is firs ) class. Many comnotiw for tlio complexion has from time to time bucn put upon tha inurkot lint uoiio luxvo Htnml the tout as lion 1'ozzonl'i medicated comploxlon jvnvilcr. Itianu alto title curatitt lor blotched , iliacolonitlons , frcclc lc , etc. For niilo by dniggUta. COMMERCIAL. OOCNCIL BLCrrS MAUKKT. Wheat No , 2 spring , 70oj No. S , COo ; reJected Jectod , 60oj good demand. Corn 1/ealen are laying 38o for old con ud 20o for u w. Data In good demon J at 22c. Hay 4 00(5)0 ( ) 00 per ton ; COo per bale. Hyo 40o ; light aupply. Com Meal 1 ' . ' 5 per 100 pound ) , \VooU Good supply ; prices at yards , B 00(5 ( 600. 600.Coal Delivered , hard. 11 CO per ton ; oft 000 per ton ! ' Butter 1'lenty and lu fair demand nt' 20c creamery , 35c. Kgga Plenty ; slow sole at 23o ] > or dozen Lord I'alrlinuk'gvholoaallng at lie. Poultry Firm ; dealers are paying fo chlclceru lOc ; turkey * , 15c. Vegetable ) 1'otatooa , 60c ; onions , 40o ; call bagea , 1.00 i > er dozen ; apiilea , ready gal at 3 003 M for prime utock. Flour City Hour , 1 C0@3 40. Uroouia a 003 00 per doz. UVK UTOCK. Cattle-S 00@3 CO ; calves , 6 00@7 CO. HORS Local nickeru are buving now nu therein a good demand for all Rrndos ; cholc packing , 6 00@C 10 ; mixed , 4 (15@5 00. JACOB SIMS. E. 1 > , CADWCLI siMSA , OADWELL ; Attorneys -at-Law COUNCIL 11LUFFB , IOWA Ofllce , Utln Btrtwt , iloomi 1 and tihugut t Ui Utbou' * BJotk. WUlwwUMln 8Ut aod di B Wo Imvc tlio following goods in quantities to suit purchasers : Sheep Skin Slippers , Kid Sock Protectors , Magnetic Insoles , Cork and Imitation Cork Soles , Shoe Dressing , "T. M. 70" Blacking , Heaton Button Fastners , Shoe Laces , Shoe Brushes , Shoe Hooks , Etc. , Etc , As we buy above goods of Manufacturers in large quantities for Spot Cash , WP arc enabled to sell them low enough to suit competition. Ordcts promptly attended to. Z. T. INDSEY & CO , 4-12 Broadway. Council Bluffe. Iowa OASADY & OBCUTT , C62 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Carpets and Curtains Also many no\cltlcs in HOUSE HJHNIIiSINa GOODS. Call and scous , QASADY & ORGUTT. MAYNE & PALMER , ' ' " " ' P . ' - DEAT.KKS IN Hard and Soft Coal , BULK AND BAUIIEL LIME , LOUISVILLE AJJD PORTLAND CEMENT , UICHlOAM PLA8TEB , HAIR AND 8KWKR PIl'K. No , 039 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. THE FINEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT of the Season is One of Those Elegant Overcoats Made to Order Toy Teller MERCHANT TAILOES. XTo. 7 and 9 Main Street , Council Bluffs , , OOTJIXrOXXj TAT "RATPTl ATTORNEY AT LAW. MANAGER OF POTTAWATTAMIE COUN- VV < Dxi-LIUJj TY COLLECTION AGENCY. Offlco corner Broadway and Main street. TniTM" 13'P'Wn Xinr \ GENERAL MERCHANDISE. UUILIN JDJD1NU OC UUM 18 Main street and 17 1'eatl street. ' / ' CRE3TON HOUSE. TV/TA'V TV/inTTM IVI n A. llLUHl > i , IJotc ] , 217 and 210 Main street. JJ it , J. h . W Jj-L 1Ll ) Corner Main and Fifth up-etMra. Iteald'enco , 809 Willow avenue. " JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , "NT QnUTTTR1 ? J.N . OVJ O. U XV J , Office over American Express. ! \KT A P ATPTJ LIVERY AND FEED , SO . O VY jOLVTlNJIini , Will contract tor funerals at reasonable rates. 22 Fourth street. J , M , Si JOHN & CO..OASH BUYERS , Draft by return mail. 148 Broadway. 1 A riHTJ TrnntT MEHCUANT TAILOU , U.UUD JXUUJ1) Stock Complot * . Sulta made at reasonable prices. Ko. 805 Main Btl Q M TTTT CONTUACTOK AND BUILDER , GP O'vl JLJ.J1 Corner 7th and Broadway. Plans and gpeclflcatlona furnlalicd. " MEIIOHANT TAILOH. PPATG"PV HJ3.1N l J. , ArtUHo Work and reasonable cliargca. 872 Broadway. TTfYWT1 XT QOIVT FUKNITUKE STOVES , J3.UVV.U OS OU1N and ITouwhold Hiippllca. 8o3 Broadway. TTMT T XT "P APT ATTOIINEYS AT LAW , JjiiNl/1 OS 0210)1 , Jamegnioek. Fractlce la state and federal courts. O A "MTT1 A T3 ITTIV/T . And batn IIOUBU , 21 and 423 Broadway. L. Sovereign , Prop. P. J. Mont- O iLlN 11 Alt' U IVI gomoiy. M. T ) . I'liyslclan. T AUPHTT1 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , U.JJDJjUJ 1 , Notary I'ubllo and General Conveyancer. 115 Broadway. SMITH & NORTON , RPT7PPP P/HTTQP l l V JjHJJ HU U OJj | Broadway opposite New Opera House. Reflttcd 31 , 81.0 per day FROM NOW UNTIL FEB. 1 , WE WILL ( HVE EXTRA In all our Boots iwd Shoes , regardless o Quniitj' . Don't miss tins chance. S. A. PIERCE , 100 Main Street. Having a LAUQE CONTKACT to 11111 am obliged to offer tto Very Highest Market Prices rou S. Goldstein. 538 Broadway , Counoil Bluffs , Iowa. TUOB. omen , n. M. rcsar , OFFICER & PU8EY BANKERS. Council BluDs . la. Established - - 1856 Dealers In Foreign andDomettlo Exchange and Home Securities W.R.VAUCHAN. Justice of the Peace , Omaha and Council Blurts. Hcil estate and collection atcouoy. n Odd Fellons lock , over Savings Bank. . I n8i < SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special advertisements , such at Lost , KoumlTo Loan , For Sale , To Kent , Wants , Hoard ing , etc. , will bo Inserted In this column at the low rate ol TEH CBNTS 1'EK LINK for the first Insertion and FIVE CENTS 1'EU LINK for each subsequent In sertion , Leave advertisements at our ullloo , No. 7 Fearl Street , near liroidwav WANTS. -yyANTED-Uoy , with pony , todIlvcrTliE llut , l ym Council - - - - - - - - - - Uluffs to tale . TiuIUi. Dclhvred ty carrlerat only twenty . ' ' cents a wick. WANTED-To trsdr tar city property , a stock vt Ixwks , blank books , wtnjow curtalni and a funrril line l stationer's coodn. A uood bariralu otfutd. . t-alloraddrrMllAl TalmerlTe - oSJra llOUkd UlOCk , C'OUtlcll IllUts. | kl.ll 1'AfKIlS-Vur sale at Dec ottlce at " a hundred , R. Rice M. D. or other tumors removed without the knlfa or drawinrf oj Wood. CHRONIC DISEASES * * * . Over thirty j ean proctlcnl cxpcrleuce. Office No. 6 IVarl street , Council UluUa X TConaultatlon Irce JOSEPH HARD WOOD AND COAL Corner Malu street and Eighth aven ve , Cout mum. ut rates and prompt delivery Mrs , HJ , HiltOD.M . , D , , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 833 Middle Broadway , Council BluUs. WINTERRESORT. _ SILOAM MINERAL SPRINGS. O xi i-o . .ox3NTo , . Wo L'iu anted the 11110 ol the following nouied uls scaees , omo i y : ItheumatUui , Kcrclula , Ulcers Catarrh , a I llluoU and kludlwaics , Uv | > 9iula , I.lvci Complaint , Kidney and llladdcr DUeskrs. Oout , Hen ralfila and Asthma , Tbesi 8'rlif ] ai'e the \orlti retort of the tlreJ auJ Ueblllutail , and are tha FKE1ILK LAUUH BEST FllIE.VD , Oood hotel , Ihf ry aud bathing ; aooomodatlfln boll winter and suuiuirr. Locality highly idcturesqui and healthy Accessible by Wabitn rolltvar , a Evonaor U , B. & Q. , at Aliiany. Corrcsiiouueuo solicited , KEV. M. M. TllOMl'SON. Manager. SUoatu Springs , Qora , 1 * . O.tcutry ! Co. , Uo , Empkie Hardware Co. Hardware 109 and 111 S. Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. WHOLESALE DEALEHS IN 342 and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. ( JjUJL LANDS , Money Loaned , Abstracts Furnished * * ' * ' J aJMxff No. 4 Pearl Street , xffCOUNCIL BLUFFS. BECHTELE' uropean The only only hotel run on the European plan'in this city. Now building , newly furnished nnd all modern improvements , and is centrally located. PETER BEGS TELE , PROPRIETOR , Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. STEINHARDT & FREYHAN , Wholesale Liquor Dealers5 J OF COUNCIL BLUFFS , IE IM : o "v is THEIR BUSINESS TO Omaha , Nob. , January 1st , 1884 , HAVING SECURED WEST Si FRITCHER'S OLD STAND , ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. ) TO LOU 1 SEAL ESTATE ! Complete Abstracts of Title to all Lots nnd Lands in the County. Our line of Stovea ia the mos. , complete in no city and includes all the moat Desirable Patterns and Latest Improvements ! Wo have harnmereu the prices down as thin aa they will stand without breaking , and you are invited to call and BOO how thick the stores are in comparison. PECIAL DRIVE ON A LOT OF HARD COAL STOVES , Nickel , slightly tarnished , at a reduction of § 5.00 each. 504 Broaowafand 10 and 12 Main St. , Council Bluffs. WHY DON'T YOU GET S > ME OF FITCH BROTHER'S CUSTOM SHIRTS ? Perfect Fitting , Best and Cheapest BiFlno Linen Collars and Cuffs. No. 715 Fourth Street , Counoil Bluffs , Iowa. M. GALLAGHER. Kun- Store , Fresh Goods , Low Prices and Tollto Attendants. First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel On City and Farm Property. S. 39 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs Iowa. PETEE C. MILLER , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Wail-Paper and Window Stiadssand Painting in all its Branches , FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLE. JSotxtla. J3t. - Ooi.xaa.oil Diamonds ! Diamonds ! Diamonds ! A two-carat stone In reversible setting , suitable ( ur ring or stud. A large aMortmontcf elegantly set diamond rings , studs , ear rings and breast plus , and a lull 1 no ol Ladles' and Gents' solid gold watches and chains. Also In sliver. A good assortment ot solid gold plain and set rings. Honey loaned on all kinds of personal property by ID. S21) ) BnOADWAY ( DPI1. CITVBUILDIXO ) COUNC1I. BLUr'FS RUBBERS ! Oar speech is shojt , but to the point. Host Chicago discounts every day in the year on Rubber Boots , Shoes , AND ARCTICS. Goods WARRANTED as good as ANY in the market. They are made by the NEW JERSEY RUBBER SHOE CO. . Wo have a big line of SPECIALS and an IMMENSE stock of regular and EXTRA WIDE Boots and Shoes in all SIZCB , ready to ship on receipt of orders. "IBIMIIPIDRIE ! . Or second quality Boots wo ore inlrcduciru ore better than many so-called firs quality , and wo give a largo EXTRA discount on them. Z. T. LINDSEY & CO. , Broad-way , Counoil 'Bluffs , Iowa.